#Anon Fic
cokoweee · 2 days
Writing action is so hard :(
Obligation sat heavy in his chest, chaining him to the roof. He hated city sweeps with a passion. Sure it was fun to kick around bad guys, but he’d so much rather be in his bed. Sometimes you run just to feel your lungs burn he supposed.
So here he was. On top of a building. Staring at an empty alleyway.
He pressed his face against the wall, his goggles leaving painful imprints in his skull. He grounded himself in the way they cut into his skin. They were doing their job, reminding him of his cruel existence here on this roof.
Wind whipped through his hair as he watched from his perch on the building. He could move of course, find somewhere else where he could be useful. But his limbs refused to listen. He felt like he was made of stone. Just like a gargoyle he thought, amused. Perched atop a building. In theory protecting, in practice, just a decoration.
That’s all he was. A decorative piece of stone, crafted to defend, but nothing more than a hunk of muscle.
A hooded figure ripped him from his thoughts as they wandered into the empty alleyway. Maybe the night wouldn’t be a bust after all. He shifted his weight to pounce as he watched the figure move. They headed deep into the alley, shrouded by the darkness, poorly hiding a package under their shirt. He rolled his eyes and waited patiently for another figure to arrive.
His joints creaked slightly as he leapt, stiff from standing still for so long. Landing silently, he melded to the shadows creeping close enough to hear their conversation.
“-one followed.” The voice said, hushed. “Yes. I made sure no one saw.”
The other voice grunted something unintelligible as they held out their hand. He took notice of the small knife secured in the figure's belt pocket and placed a hand around his bō. He didn’t think the girl would be able to do much damage with it, but it was better to err on the edge of caution.
“I saw.” He sing-songed, stepping into their line of view.
He was already here. Why not have a little fun?
The hooded figures spun around, one brandishing their knife, the other a blunt stick. He stared, unimpressed as they swung their weapons wildly. Until finally- finally, the male figure squared his shoulders and threw himself at Donatello.
He grinned.That’s what he was waiting for.
He held up his bō to deflect the blow and quickly stuck it under the baton and pulled. The figure immediately fell forward, thrown off balance. He repressed a small smile as the figure looked up from the concrete bewildered. Poor guy had probably never fought a day in his life.
Blood rushed through his veins as he brought his bō down swiftly to his head. He pushed away the twinge of guilt as he saw the terror in the man’s eyes. He didn’t like it when they looked like that. He took a deep breath as he set his gaze to the second figure.
Flinching as the staff came flying at her face, she stumbled to the ground, barely dodging and cursing wildly. “What the- Dude!”
He didn’t say a word letting the girl get back up. May as well give her a chance.The hooded girl rushed toward him, a knife held tightly in her hand.
He let it happen.
Her fist collided with his face. His lip split, blood bubbling from his mouth as he looked down stupefied.
He hadn’t expected that. The hit, yes, but for it to break skin?
She raced forward again, twisting as she stopped in front of him, using the top of her foot to land a blow squarely to the middle of his chest. He didn’t move.
He hasn’t been in a fight since the invasion. Little squabbles here and there, sure. But nothing where he was required to use any sort of his past training. She was clearly amateur, but it was the first time in a long time he’d had to consider going back to the dojo.
He watched her move. She had lacked any true power in her kick. Probably better for her to stick to punches he thought dimly as she launched herself at him again.
She punched him again, knife in hand. He balked as she sliced just above his eye. Blinking away the red flowing freely into his eye, he shook his head to clear the funk, and readied himself for another blow.
He was getting tired of this.
She ran at him again, her knife tucked away in her jacket. He waited for her to get within fingertips touch before reaching out and grabbing her arm. Twisting her arm until the heel of her hand pointed toward the ceiling, he pushed her to the ground, placing his right shoulder in between her shoulder blades to force her against the ground.
She struggled against his grip, sticking her arm out in a vain attempt to free herself. She thrashed wildly, throwing pebbles and whatever else she could grab into his face as he pressed her down further. Her knife clattered against the pavement as she whipped around.
He knew, rationally, that he should stop. Leave an anonymous tip to the police that two idiots were selling drugs in the alleyway. But he didn’t. His blood seemed to hum as he moved. This is what he was made for. Destruction. Pain.
The girl had apparently noticed his hesitation and used her freed hand to grab her knife and punch his side.
He hissed, tightening his grip around her as she screeched. Something warm trickled down his side as he stood slowly. He brought his bō over her head, knocking her out effectively and grabbing her companion.
He placed them at the entrance of the alleyway, making sure to keep himself in the shadows. He tapped his wrist tech to send an alert to the police force before slinking back into the darkest corner he could find.
Something was wrong.
Asphalt crunched beneath his back as he sank to the ground. He took shallow breaths, clamping his hand against his side. Blood seeped out faster than he could staunch it. He gritted his teeth as he watched it trickle down his torso.
When had that happened?
His hand shook as he tore it from his stomach to inspect the damage. He was hot. So, so hot. It was the middle of September. Why was he so hot?
He stared at his torso reluctantly. There was a small wound right in the middle of his ribs. The actual stabbing had missed any vital organs thankfully, but it looked like it had been twisted at some point. Probably when she had yanked it out he assumed.
With all his mutations he was relatively protected from particularly life threatening symptoms. He could probably make it home if he tried. Probably.
He clasped a hand over the exposed scales of his side and stood up shakily. His legs screamed in protest as he moved, somehow still stiff from hours of perching on the rooftop. His free hand flew to the wall, supporting his weight as he stood.
His fingers filled with warmth as more thick blood oozed from his side. He ignored the way it slipped from his hand and into the ground, filling his ears with a steady drip. He tapped a message to Sheldon, his vision swirling in and out of focus.
He just needed to get ho-
Ooga booga 👹
-writing anon
I’ll send the last part ( the fun stuff) tmmr
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Part 2
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mitchellnman · 15 days
I wrote this for you based on the Michael and Martin thing you posted in the tags. It's yours to repost or do whatever you want, you can change it a bit too if you want. Post it in the tags so more people can read it (of course if you want) I hope you like it ❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰
Sharing is loving
Initially Y/n feels a little sorry for Michael when the private lessons start. He's all awkward and embarrassed barely looking her in the eyes when he speaks.
But then she starts to find it interesting, mainly because he clearly has no experience with women. Little by little, she starts to clench her thighs whenever she hears him explain the material to her, and she can no longer even concentrate on what she should be doing.
Y/n then decides to talk about it with her boyfriend, Martin. He just laughs as the two fuck the night away. And when they are exhausted under the sheets he tells her that if she wants to ruin the little virgin nerd he won't be the one to stand in her way.
From the moment Martin gives Y/n carte blanche, she begins to provoke Michael more and more, wearing short skirts and revealing necklines. Feeling her own pussy getting wet whenever she notices the lustful looks he gives her.
He never does anything about it, and Martin just laughs and fucks her when she tells him about what happened that day, unable to understand how the poor guy has the ability to not jump on such a beautiful girl offering herself to him on a silver platter. He would have already spread her legs and eaten that pussy until she cried, which was exactly what he was doing now since that idiot had no ability.
Weeks passed and Michael took no action. Martin lost his patience. He went to the nerd's dorm.
-I don't know what part of the fact that my girlfriend wants you to fuck her you didn't understand. - He said as soon as Michael opened the door and entered the dorm without being invited.
Michael's eyes widened in shock as he walked in behind him as the door slammed shut behind them both.
-W-What do you mean by that? - Michael stammered in bewilderment.
-She wants you to fuck that pussy. - Martin rolled his eyes as he looked at Michael's wall. - Got it? Fuck her until she screams.
-Dude, I'm not going to fuck your girlfriend. - Michael said, blushing, looking at the floor, trying to hide the erection that was forming in his pants just at the thought of fucking Y/n.
-Damn, you're hard just from hearing me talk about her, aren't you? - Martin bit his lips in a mischievous smile making Michael blush even more.
-N-No. - Michael's eyes widened. - I swear I've never looked at your girlfriend like that.
-I know you looked man. - Martin laughed looking at the ceiling. - And it's okay.. no problem at all, I don't mind sharing that hot pussy.
-You shouldn't talk about her like that. - Michael blushed, starting to get irritated by the crazy and disrespectful stranger in his room.
-She doesn't mind. In fact, she likes it. - Martin rolled his eyes. - We both share it, and she also doesn't mind if I eat another girl every now and then.
Suddenly a light knock sounded on the door followed by Y/n's sweet voice calling Michael's name, making his eyes widen and Martin smile widely.
-It's her! - Martin ran towards the closet leaving Michael stunned. - Don't tell her I'm here, or that I came here... just... just eat her pussy already!
Michael stood there without moving for a few moments before he walked mechanically to the door and opened it, his face red and still slightly shocked.
-Is everything okay Michael? - Y/n sounded worried and he just nodded positively letting her in while his eyes fixed on her thighs exposed by the very short skirt.
Michael could barely teach Y/n that session, his gaze wandering from Y/n's tits to Y/n's thighs and then to the closed closet door. He could barely hide his own erection anymore and when Y/n looked him in the eye and asked with those beautiful red lipstick lips if everything was okay, he practically begged.
-Can I fuck you? - The smile that appeared on Y/n's face made his cock tingle.
-Of course you can. - She nodded, already taking off her thin blouse and leaving her breasts bare before his hungry eyes.
-Have you ever seen tits before Michael? - She asked very sweetly and he denied it with his eyes glazed over at her.
Y/n then took off her skirt and panties, slowly opening her legs for his animalistic gaze.
-And a wet pussy just for you? - She sighed, running her fingers through the slit and pulling the moisture to her clitoris. - Have you seen it before?
Michael just shook his head once more, completely enchanted by the sight before him, momentarily even forgetting about Y/n's freak boyfriend hiding in the closet.
-You can touch me Michael. - She moaned, looking at him as she slowly masturbated for him. -I want you to touch me.
And Michael did what he had been wanting to do for a long time. He lay between her legs and sucked a pussy for the first time in his life. It was incredible. Her taste was divine and he wanted to suck her until he died while she pulled him by the hair and moaned his name, begging for more.
He was clumsy and had no technique, but Y/n was loving it anyway since his desire to suck her off overcame everything else.
-Oh Michael, more, more. - She pulled him closer and closer. - Fuck me. Put your cock inside me.
Michael almost came in his pants after that, it took all his strength of mind not to let it happen.
And afraid that he wouldn't be able to do it a second time, he quickly undressed and without thinking about anything else he penetrated her, moaning with contentment as he felt her pussy pressing against him.
Y/n moaned and whimpered as she scratched his bare back. And unable to contain herself any longer with her wet and tight heat around him, Michael came inside Y/n, almost crying with pleasure at the overwhelming sensation never felt before, not being able to be compared to cumming in one's own hand not even in a million years.
And when he fell next to Y/n's trembling body, the closet door opened and Martin came out, his eyes dark with desire as he massaged his own cock. Michael felt his whole body burn with shame as he pulled the bed sheet to cover some of his nakedness. Y/n barely seemed to care, still lying on the carpet, panting.
-What are you doing here baby? - He asked still panting.
-I came to make sure you got what you deserve, but now I need a round too. - He said lying on top of her still dressed only with his pants open and fucking his own cock into Y/n's sensitive pussy that was still leaking with Michael's cum.
-So fucking wet and hot. - He growled, fucking her roughly. - What a delicious pussy you have, my love.
And seeing Martin fuck her in that shameless way before his eyes while Y/n moaned and asked for more, Michael felt himself harden once more and squeezed his own cock under the blanket.
-Let me return the favor. - When Y/n realized she just smiled mischievously and pulling the scarf brought her mouth to his dick. And Michael thought he would die right there.
As Martin fucked her Y/n moaned against Michael's cock, and with the waves of pleasure growing bigger he came a second time in Y/n's mouth who swallowed it all with a smile, then arched her back and rolled her eyes as she came on Martin's cock, who biting her neck tightly came in Y/n's pussy.
The three of them lay panting on the carpet, and Martin turned to Michael with a lazy smile on his face.
-I told you to fuck her, idiot.
Good morning to me, hot damn! 10/10, no notes anon. Thank you for the gift, and for allowing me to share it! I'm glad my late night tired ramblings inspire some folks /gen
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v3nusxsky · 2 years
Hiya! Can I ask for a smutty lady lesso x reader w r being a brat and lady lesso punishing them in her office maybe with spanking/edging/denial and then making them kneel beside her desk w a vibrator in them while she works and they're not allowed to move/make noises? The idea's been making my brain go brrr
Hey anon! I had so much fun with this one :) I hope you enjoy
Pretty pet 18+
*Authors note| I feel like this was just such a joy to write, words just flew together instantly. I hope you all enjoy it*
Trigger warning~ brat r dom l spanking, edging, orgasm denial, degradation overstimulation praise mistress kink
Prompt~see ask
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It was obvious in your relationship who was the dominant one of your relationship. After all, she alluded dominance in every aspect of her life. You were on the shyer side of the scale, but with her? Well that's when the inner brat came out to play. The confidence you had in these moments was truly an adrenaline rush, and you knew that Lesso absolutely adored putting you back in her place. As her submissive you had rules, not overly strict but easily breakable if you truly desired it. As her girlfriend, you were doted on and showered with affection at any opportunity. The perfect balance in both of your opinions.
Today you were feeling rather frustrated and being her good girl just wouldn't cut it today. You started your plan with a teasing outfit, showing just enough to cause a reaction but not completely inappropriate for the lessons you were teaching today. The next was the flirty words you'd whisper in her ear as you moved past her. When it came to meals, you sat next to her trailing a teasing hand up and down her thigh discreetly of course. But you decided that you needed to go further. So when you had a free lesson you snuck away to your chambers to record yourself with the intention of sending it to her.
Lesso had been looking for you in your class room but being unsuccessful she made her way to your chambers. She heard then most deliciously familiar noises that were for her ears only, a smirk gracing her lips as she slammed the door open startling you. "Just what do you think your doing pet?"she purred coming closer observing the way she had found you, clothed but clearly your hands were busy working on your chest and trailing your thighs. Mind made up she took you by the hand and led you to her office. This was unusual, not a word was spoken between you both and you could feel your arousal grow at what was to come.
Your body slammed into the door, effectively shutting it with the loud slamming noise echoing off the walls. Her lips instantly found yours in a rough and dominating kiss, the kind of kiss that makes your brain fuzzy and your toes curl. With a nip to your bottom lip she growled against the shell of your ear, "you're such a whore that you couldn't even ask for what you wanted. No, you had to go and be a brat. You know what I do to brats don't you pretty one?" Before tracing your ear with her tongue and nipping at your lobe. Your nod in response seemed to add to the frustration the older women felt,  her hand found yours pulling you over to her desk and leaning you over it. "Safe word?" She commanded watching as you squeezed your thighs together in anticipation. "Dove" you confirmed and gasped as your dress was hiked up above your hips, exposing your perfectly round globes to her.
Without a warning, she brought her hand down against your ass in quick succession. "Count dirty girl" was purred against your ear as more hits found their way to your ass. By the time she had finished it was a nice shade of rosy pink. Your arousal now soaked your underwear. "Colour?" She whispered to you in which you moaned out as she stroked your abused flesh, "green mistress!"
It didn't take long for Leonora to settle on her chair and spin you to come straddle her thigh. When your centre made contact with her tensed thigh you let out an uncontrollable whine.  A tap on your hips signalled you could now start to rock your hips against her. She captured your lips with hers and allowed her hands to fondle your chest without removing the barrier. You were driven by the need you felt as you continued to rut against her. She allowed you to bring yourself to the edge on her thigh. Only when you were ready to call she removed her thigh from you, a desperate whine in protest escaped you before you could stop it. A sharp slap to your thigh was your reminder along with the words "naughty girls don't get to complain, take what you're given." In her stern dominant voice.
You were desperate for her to touch you. This is torture and she knew it. So when she began to strip you of your clothing, you couldn't help by sign in relief until you were now bare and at her mercy. When you saw the slender fingers of your lover reaching in her draw of her desk, searching for a very specific item. When she found it a smirk found it's way back on her lips. Her eyes devouring you as if you were prey. A shiver ran down your body as though someone was walking over your grave due to her intense gaze.
Lesso expertly inserted the vibrator between your legs. She revealed in the gasp you let free as she turned it on. "Be a good slut and kneel" she commanded pointing to the spot next to her chair. The vibrations were ruthless and continuous, bringing you closer and closer to the edge every time before she would shut it off and continue with her work. Only when she could tell you'd calmed enough would she pressed the button starting the toy back up again. You lost count how many times she did this, but it didn't stop till her stack of paper work was completed. Desperate pleas and whines were tumbling freely now, and she knew you were beginning to reach that limit, you just need a little more. She was more than happy to provide it for you.
The toy was removed and you once again found yourself bent over the desk, fingers clawing at the wood in an attempt to keep still. Her long slender fingers entered your cunt that was leaking with need. Her moan at the feeling only spurring on your need to cum. Her fingers worked tirelessly thrusting fast and hard even adding a simple curl of the fingers to hit that spot that drove you wild. "Please god mistress please I'm gonna" you mewled out, powerless to stop the assault on your sensitive core. "Cum for me pretty" was all you needed to hear followed by a deliciously painful bite to your collarbone. You tumbled over the edge screaming for your lover as she continued her quest. You were unsure if you were coming down still or building to the next orgasm but you didn't care. It felt good and all you could do is whimper and whine for the older women to keep going.
Suddenly her fingers were removed leaving you feeling empty and shaking against the desk. She sunk to her knees and you felt her talented tongue exploring your cunt. You whined too sensitive for another but she didn't stop she continued, you lay powerless and out of breath allowing her to do as she pleased with you. She brought you over the edge and back down and even gently cleaned you up before coming to gather your spent body in her arms.
"You did so good for me pretty one" she murmured with kisses being pressed to the crown of your head. You snuggled up against her body absorbing her natural body heat. There in that moment sleep claimed you. Once you had completely sparked out Lesso stood with you in her arms and carried you to the her bedroom allowing you to rest in comfort.
Word count~ 1379
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
Alright, so basically the idea was for a The Arcana AU with Shisui as the MC
The Arcana is a mobile otome game where the MC (who is the player, with customizable pronouns and name) is the apprentice of a famous magician, and the story is about MC getting contacted by the countess of the city where they live to help her shed light over her husband's death and, long story short, during the whole game we as the MC will come to find out lots of stuff (and eventually end up with one of the 6 dateable characters, but that's secondary to the story) and the game's called The Arcana because throughout the story we'll have to work either with or against the Major Arcana from a Tarot deck (and there's an upright and a reversed ending for each of the 6 dateable characters, for a total of 12 endings, depending on which dialog and action options you choose)
I will get more detailed, but I will warn you (and your followers) that there will be some spoilers about the story, so if you don't want to publish the spoilers or don't want to read them it's alright and I apologize if that's the case (and, of course, if that's the case then stop reading here)
Basically I would put Shisui as the MC for a few reasons, one of which being that throughout the story we find out that the MC died and the famous magician brought them back to life with the help of a ritual, and I think that fits with Shisui a lot (and also the MC doesn't remember that so the angst of Shisui finding out he should be dead?? Priceless)
The magician could either be someone like Itachi (losing his only friend would be devastating and finding out that he could bring Shisui back? ... I could see Itachi doing that) or maybe someone like Inoichi who wants his son student back, or maybe someone like Obito if we put him as Shisui's big brother
Right now I'm mostly basing myself off of the og characters in the game but without the romance part (so that I can put whoever I want in place of everyone without worrying lol), however since this is an AU it can be changed and tweaked as much as we want so- lmao
Anyway. There's also other characters ofc, for examples the magician has a friend who lives in the woods and wants to be left alone, he used to be a gladiator forced to fight by the late count but hated it and now has even had a magical spell put on him so that people forget about him shortly after meeting him unless he wants them to remember, and honestly I think that could be perfect for someone like Kakashi? Just off living in the forest and doing his own thing with his pack of dogs
The count (who while is dateable in his own route is a complete asshole in every other route) is definitely someone like Danzō in my mind, since throughout the story we find out that the ritual the magician used to bring MC back to life was initially made to give a new and healthy body to the sick count who is terrible at his count job, cares only about himself and the riches he can get his hands on and doesn't care if anyone around him dies as long as he stays healthy, rich and in power (and maybe Danzō wouldn't care about the rich part, but staying strong and in power and able to command people? I could see it...)
The countess could definitely be Tsunade. Maybe instead of being countess by marriage (because if the count is Danzō then eugh) she could have been able to take the place after Danzō's death? And also the countess in the game has a servant/right-hand woman who would be perfect as Shizune ngl, but also maybe Orochimaru as the count and Tsunade married him in the hopes of changing the city for the better... Both ideas sound good ngl
The last of the main 6 (7 with MC) is an ex plague doctor who used to work a lot during a big plague that basically decimated the city (during which the MC dies, something like 4 years before the start of the game and the MC has been brought back like 3 years before the start, so around a year after they died) and I could see either Kabuto as the doctor (but like, pre-Shippuden Kabuto lmao) or maybe even better Sakura
There's also various "villains" (some are actively trying to kill MC during the story and some are just... In the wrong place at the wrong time and don't want to cause us any harm) like for example an inhuman being who disguises themselves as a doctor who loves to experiment on humans and watch them die who I honestly think would be perfect for Orochimaru or fourth war Kabuto (when he's all ugly and snake-y and an asshole), but other than them (the doctor character uses they/them pronouns) all the others are way less important and we could put, like, the entirety of the Akatsuki if we want to
And maybe instead of the Major Arcana there could be the nine (maybe ten if we count the Ten-Tails) Tailed Beasts? Throughout the story in the game the MC has to get help from the Major Arcana because the count is trying to either release the Devil onto the mortal world (in some routes) or become the Devil himself (in other routes) and every character we meet in the story is tied to one of the 22 Major Arcana and only with the help of the actual Arcana, not the human character tied to them, can the MC stop them before it's too late
Anyway. The idea is pretty much in general? Like, yes, I could see certain Naruto characters in place of the game characters but I wouldn't know where to start for an actual plot (or at least one that isn't just a step-by-step re-telling of the og game's plot) and Idk if you'll find the idea interesting (obv knowing the game might help bc my explanation alone might be confusing and/or lacking more informations) but I'm sending this to you anyway
And also I'm so so sorry for how long this is
This is a feat of an ask! Honestly playing around and assigning characters and imagining a story is often just as, if not more, satisfying than actually writing, this is such a colourful idea and I am so on board for the Narutoverse characters you've assigned across the board, especially Kakashi sounds so cool! Even if this story goes 'nowhere', it sounds really interesting and dynamic so big kudos to your imagination, Anon! If you ever get around to writing it, please do let us all know ✨😉
Have a good one, Anon! Thanks for sharing~
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12romy · 1 year
I feel like my writersblock is gone at the moment and I'm so full of productivity that I pop up with two fics in one week.
This is actually kind of like the brocedes one I told you about but not quite it either but it was so much fun to write it.
OH THIS IS THE BEST!!! I just loved it anon, incredible work!!! I just love this fic format x)
Another fic you guys should check out, it's amazing!!!
Thanks anon for sending me the link, I can't wait for your next work ❤️❤️❤️
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mxbbadperson · 1 year
"Neon-chan, why do I have to be naked under my DGP jacket?" Keiwa questioned as he stripped naked in front of the youtuber.
"Because its hot?" Neon offered with a grin.
"How is me being tied up, nude under my jacket, hot?" Keiwa adjusted his jacket in a way that he's comfortable while wearing it.
"Trust me, it's hot." Neon grinned as she climbed on top of the bed and beckoned for Keiwa to lie on the bed.
"Fine, I'll take your word for it."
Keiwa lied on the bed as Neon worked on fastening Keiwa's limbs to the restraints on the bed's headboard and foot rest. She then placed a blindfold on him before she started attacking his mouth with her's.
A few moments passed, Keiwa's jacket has been undone exposing his toned torso as Neon played with his nipples.
Ace then walked inside the Desire Salon and went straight to the bed where Neon was playing with Keiwa and the undefeated champion began caressing the still-clothed sex organ under Keiwa's trousers.
"A-aaah, i-is that Ace?" Keiwa managed to moan.
"Nuh-uh, no talking."
Neon stopped Keiwa from talking any further by blocking his mouth with hers.
Ace gave a smirk as he began to feel the member harden under his touch.
"I don't want to have to gag you." Neon grinned as she flicked his nipple garnerning a whimpered moan from the restrained man.
More time passed and Keiwa's trousers were on his ankles with his jacket fully open exposing his entire body.
Without as much of a warning, Ace rode Keiwa's Rider Mashin then began moving his hips in any direction.
Keiwa's only response was to moan, moan, and moan. He frankly did not care who was riding him but it just felt good.
"Keiwa-kun, please lick me down there."
After that simple request, Neon mounted Keiwa's head as she grinded her hips against Keiwa's tongue and mouth.
A few moments passed, and Sara went inside the Desire Salon, naked save for the strap-on she's wearing. She immediately stood between Ace and Neon and gestured for them to suck her potruding dildo, which the both of them obliged.
After some time, Sara went behind Ace, and began prepping her dildo with her own saliva before she primed Keiwa's entrance with her saliva-coated fingers.
"Wha- what's going on? Nee-chan?"
"Keiwa-kun, stop talking and continue licking." Neon huffed from the interrupted pleasure.
As soon as Keiwa's backside has been properly lubed, she easily inserted her dildo inside Keiwa's entrance and began to thrust her hips, illiiciting a moan from her brother.
Sara wasn't done, from behind Ace, who was riding Keiwa like a Rider Mashin, she grabbed hold of Ace's own Rider Mashin, and stroked it.
Ace tried his best not to moan but the pleasure was too much that started moaning.
To silence the star, Sara locked lips with Ace but she continued stroking his already hard organ.
Neon got a great idea before she bent over and placed Ace's hardened Mashin inside her mouth bobbing her head.
Sara's hands found a new location in Ace's nipples and played with them.
After a lot of moments.
"I'm g-gonna-!" Keiwa yelled.
"M-me too!" Ace confirmed.
Sara and Neon immediately dismounted themselves from Keiwa and helped Ace dislodge himself from Keiwa's Rider Mashin just in time for the both of them to release their bodily fluids from their respective Mashins all over Keiwa's body.
Neon removed Keiwa's blindfold.
"That was wild." Keiwa commented.
"No kidding" Ace nodded.
Everyone smiled at each other as they all panted for breath.
...i'm sorry, nony, but at this point you can say dick. it's ok!
addition: and while i do like the phrase rider mashin, i'm not sure if you intend it to be funny??
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bunnis-monsters · 23 days
thinking bout a needy little fairy who's the size of your palm.. He wants to be able to please you so bad, to fuck you on his cock but he's just way too small to do so, it almost beings him to tears.... poor baby
And he’s just so frustrated! He wants to satisfy you, but usually all he’s can do is lick and suck on your clit and nipples…
If only he could stretch you out on his cock, push his tip against your cervix and make you scream his name…
But for now he’s only able to shove his arm into your cunt, trying his best to make you feel good!
He gets so overstimulated when you hold him in your palm, your tongue wrapped around his little cock as he cries and begs for you to give him a break. He’s been cumming every few minutes for an hour now, and his tip was red from abuse.
But to you, it was only a few drops on your tongue worth of cum, and you promised to milk him dry.
He flutters his wings, sniffling shyly as he watches you play with his cock and tease him. You’re just so mean, making him cum until he passes out!
That’s why when he does end up getting a growth potion he gets his revenge and fucks you until you can’t think straight. At least, that’s what he wants to do…
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frownyalfred · 3 months
Green arrow, getting into a fight with batman because he insulted bruce
“No, I want to hear you say it again,” Ollie said, leaning over the conference table and past Dinah to jab a finger in Batman’s face. “Insult him again, I dare you.”
Batman, for his part, looked entirely unperturbed by Ollie’s chest puffing. “I said, Bruce Wayne isn’t exactly known for being intelligent. That’s common knowledge, Green—”
“Do you know what he’s been through?” Ollie exploded, “Do you know how fucked up his childhood was? It’s a miracle he’s functioning as an adult. I knew him in school — do you know what he was? Sad. And you have the nerve to sit in your stupid little angst suit and lecture me about Bruce Wayne?”
Dinah swallowed, giving up on holding Ollie back. She glanced at Batman out of the corner of her eye, prepared to size up an opponent, but the other man’s posture was still relaxed.
He seemed…taken aback, if such a thing was possible for the Batman.
“I…apologize,” Batman said quietly. “I hadn’t realized the extent of your feelings toward him.”
“Pick on someone your own size next time,” Ollie grumbled, as close to an apology as he would get. “Bruce does so much for Gotham. More than you’ll ever do. So yeah, if he’s a little air-headed sometimes — that’s fine with me.”
With that, Ollie turned on his heel, exiting the conference room with a huff. Batman stared after him for a long moment, steeped in stillness.
“He cares about his friends,” Dinah offered, breaking the awkward silence. Batman gave her an odd look, jaw tensing.
“I know.”
“Now you do,” Dinah said, putting enough emphasis on the first word for him to look up at her, acknowledging the hint. “I’d better go check on him.”
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cokoweee · 23 hours
Holy cannoli this read so much better at midnight
Fire was burning beneath his skin, stabbing at his veins and scorching away his insides. He curled into himself involuntarily. All he wanted was sleep. But someone was holding him up, keeping him from his blessed sleep.
“I don’t know how to do that!” A hushed voice came. “Why can’t you just do that mystic stuff?”
He shifted his head to hear the conversation better.
“No we can’t- I.” A long sigh, “ I don’t think it would be good for him to be exposed to that. The uh… process may remind him of his family and push him beyond what he is capable of. I need to get this set up, and it's best that we get that cleaned sooner than later. I think it’s best if we just- oh he’s up.”
The faint smell of lavender and smoke filled his nose as someone rushed by. He liked that smell. It was familiar. Safe.
He opened his eyes groggily to find his father behind him, holding him up. The fur tickled his back, the warmth seeping into his body. He melted into the heat as his father flashed a beam at his eye. He blinked against the blinding glare of the flashlight, eyes smarting against his will as he glanced around the room.
He was in the med bay? How-
He turned his head as someone moved to his side. Kendra stood next to the cot he was on, her hands full of gauze and rubbing alcohol. There was a small pile of asphalt on a tray nearby, coated in a thick red liquid. He watched stupidly as his dad snapped red stained gloves off.
Had all that come from him?
Kendra shot him an annoyed look as she placed her items on the little bedside table. His mind twisted in confusion and he lowered his head to look at his middle.
“Ah ah ah.” She snapped. “Eyes on me. Don’t look at that.”
He complied, watching as she moved in front of him, lips pursed as she looked at the wound. Then without warning, she pressed an alcohol soaked piece of gauze to his skin.
He gasped as cold fire burned through his side, like she was stabbing a thousand tiny needles into his stomach. He hissed, clicking in the back of his throat, and scooted away. She shot another unimpressed glare and he reluctantly inched back.
He hissed again, wrapping his tail around his ankle as she pressed down harder. She paid no mind to his protests as she cleaned the area, placing a hand against the small of his back to hold him steady as worked when Draxum left to attend to whatever it was he was doing.
She moved away, just barely twisting her torso to gather the dirtied gauze and place it in a tray. He watched warily as his father trotted forward with a needle and thread.
Ah. So that’s what he was getting.
He shook his head and shifted backward again, only to be forced forward by Kendra. He whined faintly as his side stretched, resulting in her promptly flicking his head. He turned to swat her hand away when something pinched his middle.
He spun around to see his creator threading the needle through his skin. Shuddering, he felt his scales tug back together, the thread moving in and out of his body. He would have much rather been asleep for this whole fiasco. Kendra sat beside him the whole time, a morbid fascination as she observed.
He let himself fall backwards onto the cot when his father finished, the stitches tugging at his scales as he sank into the mattress.
He rolled over to lay on his stomach, suppressing another whine as his side was strained, and let his legs dangle off the bed. He pressed his forehead into the mattress as Kendra put a blanket over his limp body. He didn’t make a sound as the same hands gently untangled his hair.
The mattress shifted as she slowly sank down beside him, running her hands through his hair as she collected bits of asphalt and remnants of New York from his nest of hair. He shivered as she pushed hair from his forehead, her fingers soft and gentle as she inspected the side of his head.
“Sit up.” She barked. “You’ll get blood all over the sheets laying like that.”
He sat up slowly, his side sending shooting pains through his body. He breathed heavily, curling his tail around his wrist as the pain crescendoed. Then, as quickly as it came, it faded away. He let his tail unfurl and moved his legs into a criss-cross applesauce position as he raised his gaze to Kendra.
Her eyes flicked over her face taking in the mild scratches. “Stay here.” She muttered. “Don’t move.”
He obeyed silently, his tail twittering against the cold bars of the medical cot. He watched as she hurried around the room, gathering bandages and ointment. He was fine really. The stab wound was taken care of, so he could go to sleep.
He wasn’t about to tell her no though. He leaned against the wall as he watched her. She ambled back to his bed, arms full of even more gauze and alcohol, as well as a large brown bottle of peroxide. She sat to the side of him, her thigh pressed against his, the other, hanging off the bed.
His breath hitched as he stared at the way they sat so close. And then she moved. Her thigh swung off the bed as she wandered away, leaving his own leg exposed to this chill of the med bay.
She returned frowning, inspecting his face again. She pulled herself onto the cot, propping herself on her knees so she was level with him. Grabbing at his face, she tilted it down so he couldn’t escape and reached to her pile. She didn’t dab any alcohol on his cuts, instead opting for the large bottle of hydrogen peroxide.
He winced despite himself as it bubbled, curling what was left of his fingers around the sheet. She didn’t seem to notice, wiping at the cut with another piece of gauze and plastering a purple band aid against his skin. She brought her gaze to his lips and he pulled away.
“M’ fine.” He mumbled.
“I’m fine.” She repeated mockingly, yanking his face back down.
He drew his eyes up to meet hers and shivered again. There was something there. A touch of purple reflected from her sweater in the soft brown.
She held his gaze for a second and he let himself look. Really look.
God, they were gorgeous. Full of a depth and warmth he could never fathom. Like water in a stream drifting over a rock. Or like hot chocolate on a cold winter day, there to warm him up.
The light of the medbay reflected in her eyes as she turned slightly. The brown melted into a warm honey. Or was it gold? A treasure so precious he would never be worthy of it.
He groaned internally. This wasn’t supposed to happen. He was supposed to keep her far away. He couldn’t get close. He needed her in a box on the highest shelf. Away from danger. Away from him.
And yet here she was. Willingly helping him. Uncalled for and unprompted. Even his own creator wasn’t by his side.
It was Kendra.
Kendra who seemed to never care that he wasn’t enough for himself.
For his family.
Kendra who forced her way closer to him despite his efforts to push her away.
It was Kendra who smelled like home.
Kendra who was so soft and gentle. Well, when she wanted to be, he supposed.
He nodded slowly and let her hold his face as she dabbed at his lip. Her fingertips brushed across his mouth as she worked. He sat frozen. Lightning struck through him, leaving him paralyzed, rooted to the earth.
He tried to keep his mind on anything other than her. She was helping. This didn’t mean anything. She didn’t need to be bogged down by him. His heart should not be beating that fast. He needed out.
She placed another small purple bandage against his lip before frowning again. She hesitated slightly, her hands hovering over his head before she gently moved him closer. His shoulder found a place to rest against hers as she maneuvered him, mindful of his side. His breath hitched for what felt like the millionth time as he felt her warm breath against his skin.
Sparks flew through his body as he sat paralyzed. She was like a prayer for which there were no words. Something about her had taken root in his heart. Twisting its way through his veins, and refusing to let go.
He hadn’t felt peace in a long time. But it was beginning to feel like Kendra.
“How on earth did you manage to do that?”
He assumed she was referring to what was probably a perfectly round bruised and scabbed scrape on the side of his head. “Goggles.” He managed, yanking himself backward.
He couldn’t be this close to her.
“Mmm. Can’t do much about that.”
She pulled away, gathering her things, leaving and quickly as she came. His throat tightened as he watched her, suffocated by the implication that she would never feel the way he did now.
A part of him wanted to ask her to stay. To let her get close. But she didn’t need him like he needed her.
So instead, he watched her leave. Leaving him alone in the cold of the med bay.
-writing anon
(Brown eyes are the bestest thing ever btw go tell someone with brown eyes they’re gorgeous. Or look in the mirror and tell urself ur gorgeous coz brown eyes are pretty beyond description and I’m not jealous of them at all)
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Part 1
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nottsangel · 6 months
cockwarming w rafe but he gives in before reader does?
“just sit still, a’ight? don’t wanna get you all needy f’me right away.“ rafe winks at you, holding your hips firmly to prevent you from moving, seeing who can stay still the longest. you feel so fucking tight around him— the way you’re squeezing him could make him cum instantly, but his ego forces him to put on his best poker face while his blue eyes stare at you intensely.
“you talking to yourself, pretty boy?” you taunt, making him chuckle at your confidence, accepting the challenge as he sits relaxed with you on his lap, knowing he’s going to win regardless. his hands move from your hips to behind his head as he leans backwards with the cockiest smile on his face, gazing up at you.
“i can feel you dripping down my legs, princess, making a fucking mess everywhere, shit.” rafe chuckles before slapping your ass, determined to get you to move first.
“yeah? imagine how good it would feel to thrust up into me right now, im so fucking wet for you.” you whisper the last part as you move your head closer to his ear, causing goosebumps to form all over his body as he feels your hot breath on his skin. he groans as you place soft kisses all over his neck, lightly sucking on his skin, knowing exactly where his sensitive spots are.
“i can feel you so fucking deep inside of me, rafe.” you murmur as you slowly lick from his collarbone to his ear while letting out breathy moans. “don’t… don’t say shit like that.”
he’s so close— so close to pounding into you right there and then. he gradually starts to lose control, his hands moving back to your hips, gripping the skin so firmly that it’s going to leave bruises for days. you continue teasing him, leaving love bites all over his neck and collarbone before gripping his jaw and kissing him passionately, tongues fighting for dominance as he moans into your mouth.
“fuck it.” rafe snaps, forcefully pulling you from his lap and bending you over on the couch, your head pushed into the cushions as he slips back inside of you in one quick thrust and sets an unrelenting pace right away. “i… i win.” you manage to say in between thrusts as he pounds into you, the tip of his cock continuously hitting your cervix. “yeah? we’ll see who’s winning when you can’t fucking walk tomorrow.”
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imyourbratzdoll · 5 months
Breeding Kink Steve/Bucky eventho you already have a couple of kids 🫣
hi baby! I'm so sorry for taking so long, I hope you like what I wrote.
summary - breeding kink gone wild, your husbands take it to the next level by forever wanting you to carry their child.
warning - smut, breeding kink, sorta dubcon but not really, mentions of pregnancy, creampie, threesome.
18+ only please, the gif I use isn't mine, divider by @newlips
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“C’mon, Doll. Let us pump you full, want you to have our babies.” Bucky groans in your ear, pressed against your back where you can feel his bulge. You whine, letting out a breathy whimper as Steve grips your hips, pressing soft kisses to your neck, occasionally marking it as well.
“What do you say, Sweetheart? Wanna be full of our cum?”
You squirm, vision becoming hazy as lust clouds your mind. “B–but, we already have two…” Your head falls back, moaning loudly as their cocks slide inside of you without much warning. You didn’t even see them take their cocks out. Your cunt clenches around them, arousal dripping down their thick members, making it easier for them to thrust into you.
“Doesn’t matter, Doll. We wanna breed you forever and watch you grow with our child.” Bucky thrusts in and out, hands sliding up your body until they grasp your breasts. His moans so close to your ear that it causes tingles to spread throughout your body, your cunt clenching around your men. 
Steve groans, biting down on his bottom lip hard as he looks down at you with dark eyes. Your own cloudy ones connect with his, lips parting as you feel them pulse inside of you, gripping them tightly when they hit your sweet spot. Steve’s eyes roll to the back of his head and groans slip past his lips as he pounds into you hard and fast, feeling your little cunt clench around him from his brutal thrusts. 
They continue to have their way with you, fucking you so hard that you see stars. Your juices squirt out of you, causing their cocks to twitch and pump you full of their cum once again. Filling you with large amounts that will likely be the cause of your next pregnancy. Steve and Bucky take turns kissing your lips before cleaning you up. They lay you down on your large bed and grin as they caress your stomach, waiting for the moment you pop this one out for them to start all over again. 
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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shellxrls · 7 months
asking to feel JJ while he’s soft and he’s like: “wtf? but yea.” and as soon as you touch him he’s hard.
“it kinda looks like a gummy worm,” you muse, twisting his limp dick slightly and attempting to admire it from an angle.
“babe i do not know what fucked up gummy worms you’ve been eating, but junior ain’t a gummy worm,” he states simply, growing restless from your constant touching.
you giggle, continuing your inspection for only a couple of seconds before, much to your amiss, you notice jj getting hard once again.
“jeez man it’s only been — what, a minute?” you chuckle, beginning to stroke your fist as you finish the question, causing him to choke and stumble over his answer and instead let out an embarrassing loud groan.
“‘m sensitive,” he mumbles, followed by a string of curses and a “ohh, yeah keep doing that mama.”
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elentarial · 1 year
I’d be happy to write that pairing for you! Would really love it, actually. ❤️ Send another ask with a few more specifics or DNWs and I’ll get right on it.
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girlkisser13 · 19 days
Imagine Logan with that pheromone perfume stuff- he would go FERAL over it. (PLEASE- I NEED THIS 😭💕)
a/n: i imagine he’d go a little feral, but not like… immediately? it would start with him planting himself by your side, hands on your waist or hips as you work or go about your day. after a while, he starts pressing his nose to your throat or hair more frequently, his arms constricting further around you as he inhales your scent. the longer he’s around your scent, the less concerned he is about the fact that the two of you are in public as he gets bolder and bolder with his touch.
logan’s tongue is rough against the folds of your pussy. he laps at you like a deprived man, a depraved one. you’ve already lost count of the amount of times you’ve cum under his skillful tongue; all you know is that it’s starting to hurt, painful pleasure spreading through your entire body. he has you up against the wall of a public restroom.
"logan," you whimper out. he doesn’t even pause to pull back, only flicks his eyes up so you’re forced to stare down at the way he lewdly forces your legs wider, pushes his tongue in deeper to draw out more of your slick. "logan, please."
his answer is a deep growl. the vibrations from his voice make you throw your head back, body seizing up and almost cumming once again. "i can’t anymore," you whisper. he gives a harsh nip to your inner thigh that makes you flinch. "please. i can’t- i really-"
"yes you can," it’s the first you’ve heard him speak for a while, voice roughened and deep. he pulls you down and pins you to the wall. the coldnesses a rough contrast to the heat that is radiating off of your skin. he smothers his nose into your neck, nipping and licking once again as saliva dripps from his teeth. "fuck, darlin, you smell so fucking delicious."
"it's the perfume," you admit shamefully as he stares you down with his lazy yet sharp gaze. your voice shrinks, coming out meekly, "i can’t take anymore. p-please?"
he lets out a slight laugh, mocking almost. but it’s the most sympathy you’ve garnered from him all night. "no way in hell. you think it was the perfume that did this to me?", he grinds his hard cock against you. a moan is drawn out from your lips; it makes his eyes flash, feral. "it’s your scent. your scent is the one driving me up the wall. so unless you get it under control right now, shut up and spread your legs."
his head dips once again as his tongue swirls around your clit, lapping up all the slick that's there. you throw your head back as you shrieking his name as he takes and takes and takes.
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flwrstqr · 14 days
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﹙NOTES. ﹚꒰˵ˊᯅˋ˵꒱ 𖥔 ݁ fluff. gn!reader. requested 𓈃 ๋. ARCHiVE 759 wc.
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"i can’t believe you’re acting like this!" you shout, your voice rising as the tension between you and heeseung escalates. it’s been one of those days, where everything little thing he’s done has rubbed you the wrong way. you cross your arms, staring him down, but he doesn’t back away.
"acting like what?" he snaps back, "like you don’t even care!" you throw your hands up, turning on your heel to storm off. you’ve had enough, and the last thing you want is to continue arguing.
before you can take a single step, heeseung’s hand wraps around your wrist, tugging you back gently but firmly. "of course, i care!" you turn to face him, startled by the sudden change in his tone. his eyes search yours, and for a moment, neither of you say anything.
then, almost like he’s forcing the words out, he blurts, "i love you, okay? that’s why i care so much."
your heart stops. his words hang in the air like a heavy secret finally released, both of you frozen in place. your mind races, trying to process what he just said. "wait… what did you just say?" your voice comes out in a whisper, barely above the sound of your own heartbeat.
heeseung swallows hard, his hand still gripping your wrist. "yeah," he sighs, running a shaky hand through his hair. "i said it. i love you."
rest of the members below !!
"i can’t believe you're serious right now," you huff, crossing your arms as you glare at jay. he stands across from you, frustration clear in his eyes. "what? you act like everything's always my fault!" he fires back, his tone sharper than usual.
"because you never listen! it's like you don’t even care!" you snap. you turn away, not wanting to deal with him anymore, but before you can take another step, jay grabs your arm, spinning you back around.
"don’t say that! of course, i care!" his voice cracks slightly, catching you off guard. "if i didn’t care, i wouldn’t be this frustrated all the time!" his grip tightens just a little, but not enough to hurt.
"you’re frustrated? imagine how i feel!" you bite back, pulling your arm away. "you act like nothing i say matters!"
"it does matter!" he yells, his voice suddenly desperate. "everything you do matters! i love you, okay?" the words slip out in a rush, and the second they do, his eyes widen, realizing what he just said. there’s a moment of silence.
"wait, what?" you blink at him, your anger quickly replaced by confusion. "you… love me?"
jay curses under his breath, running a hand through his hair. "yeah… i do. i wasn’t supposed to say it like that, but yeah, i love you." he looks down, his face turning red as he finally admits it.
"why are you always hanging out with him?" jake snaps, his eyes flashing with jealousy as he crosses his arms. you roll your eyes, not in the mood for this argument again. "he’s just a friend, jake! you’re overreacting," you reply, shaking your head. but he’s not backing down.
"just a friend? it doesn’t seem that way when you’re always laughing at his jokes or sitting so close to him!" his voice raises, frustration building. "i’m right here, and you’re acting like i don’t even exist when he’s around."
"it’s not like you even like me," you mutter under your breath.
"what did you just say?" jake asks, his voice tight with disbelief.
"you heard me," you snap, feeling your chest tighten. "you’re acting like this over nothing. it’s not like you even like me, jake!"
his grip on your arm tightens just a little, his eyes locked on yours. "are you serious? of course, i like you! i—" he pauses, his expression softening for the first time in the entire argument. "god, i don’t just like you. i love you, okay? i don't why you didn't even get the signs."
"seriously? you're mad at me over this?" sunghoon snaps, his voice dripping with disbelief as he paces back and forth. "you’re the one who keeps canceling plans last minute, and now you’re upset because i didn’t tell you i was going out?"
you fold your arms, trying to hold back the sting of hurt and frustration. "it’s not about that, sunghoon! it’s about the fact that you didn’t even bother to text me. i had to find out from someone else. do you know how embarrassing that is?"
he stops pacing, turning to face you with a mix of anger and confusion. "embarrassing? for what? it’s not like i’m hiding anything from you!"
"then why didn’t you just tell me?" you demand, your voice shaking slightly. "if you don’t care enough to communicate, maybe i’m just wasting my time—"
"because i didn’t know how to tell you!" he suddenly shouts, cutting you off. his fists clench at his sides, and for a moment, there’s a flicker of something in his eyes you hadn’t seen before. "you think i don’t care? you think it’s that easy? i’ve been trying to figure out how to say this for weeks!"
your heart skips a beat, confused by the sudden shift in his tone. "say what?"
"that i love you!" he blurts out, his face flushed with a mix of frustration and embarrassment. "i didn’t know how to tell you because i didn’t want to mess things up. i didn’t know how to say it without making everything weird, but… here it is."
"why do you always have to make such a big deal out of everything?" sunoo snaps, his voice sharp as he glares at you, frustration etched across his face. the argument had started over something small—he forgot to invite you to hang out with his friends—and now it’s spiraled into a full-blown fight.
"a big deal?" you scoff, crossing your arms. "i’m sorry for wanting to spend time with you! but clearly, i��m just a second thought to you."
sunoo’s eyes widen, his expression twisting with anger. "that’s not true, and you know it! you act like i don’t care, but you have no idea how much you mean to me!"
"then why didn’t you invite me? why do i always have to find out about things last?" you fire back, feeling the sting of being left out. "if you cared, you’d actually want me around."
"i didn’t invite you because i didn’t want things to get awkward!" he yells, stepping closer, his fists clenched at his sides. "but you know what? maybe i should’ve just said it! maybe i should’ve told you that i love you so you’d understand why i’m so afraid of screwing this up!"
"why do you always have to make everything so difficult?" jungwon snaps, frustration clear in his voice as he paces back and forth. the argument had started over something minor but had quickly escalated.
"difficult?" you retort, feeling your anger rise. "it’s not difficult. it’s just that you never seem to care about how I feel."
jungwon’s eyes narrow as he turns to face you. "you think I don’t care? you have no idea what it’s like for me!"
"then show me!" you shout, throwing your hands up in exasperation. "stop talking in circles and actually do something!"
before you can say anything more, jungwon closes the distance between you in an instant. he grabs your face gently but his lips crashing onto yours in a quick kiss.
when he finally pulls away, he looks at you. "i love you," he breathes, his voice barely above a whisper.
you blink, stunned into silence as you process what just happened. "wait, what?"
"yeah, I love you," jungwon repeats, his cheeks flushed. "and I didn’t know how else to tell you."
"why do you always act like this?" riki snaps, his frustration evident as he stands with his arms crossed. the argument had started over a minor mix-up but had escalated into something bigger.
"act like what?" you retort, feeling your frustration rise. "I’m just trying to understand why you keep blowing me off."
"blowing you off?" riki’s eyes flash with annoyance. "I’ve been trying to show you how much you mean to me, but it’s like you don’t even see it."
"show me how?" you ask, your confusion growing. "I haven’t seen anything that makes me feel like you care."
riki’s frustration shifts to desperation. "did you not see the note I left in your locker? I wrote that I love you, yn!"
your eyes widen. "a note? I didn’t see any note."
riki’s face goes pale as he realizes what might have happened. "wait, did I put it in the wrong locker? oh no..."
"yeah, that might be it," you say, trying to hide a smile. "I didn’t get a note."
riki’s expression softens, and he steps closer. "well, now you’ve heard it. I love you, yn. I get these butterflies in my stomach whenever you walk in or when you smile. I really do care for you."
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bunnis-monsters · 3 months
You’d done it now, you’ve pushed your wolf!hybrid boyfriend too far. It was just a little playful behavior, at least… that’s what you were intending, but you ended up chewing on and humping one of his favorite tshirts while he was away, not knowing how much he adored it.
As he approached, you quickly rolled onto your back, showing your belly in a submissive display and tucking your tail between your legs.
He snarled, quickly pouncing on you, pinning your wrists above you with one of his massive hands.
“Stupid little pup, didn’t I tell you to stop messing up my things? Can’t leave you alone for more an hour before you start humping and tearing up my shit.”
You let out a whine, your puppy ears pinning back as you nuzzled against his neck apologetically. “Sorry… sorry… j-just a puppy, don’t be mad… I miss you when you’re gone… miss my mate…”
He sighed, pressing his bulge into your needy cunt. “Sorry, sweetheart. That’s not gonna work this time.”
Hours went by, the only thing you could concentrate on being his cock pounding into you so hard you saw stars. He had already knotted you once, and now he was fucking his cum back into you after it began to spill down your thighs.
“What’s the matter, pup? Can’t make anymore excuses now? Can’t even talk because you’re too fucked out?”
You drooled on your pillow, groaning as he finally pulled out. He was quick to flip you back on your back, settling his face between your thighs and lapping at your cunt.
“T-too much… can’t…” you complained, pawing at his head. With one glare from him, you pulled your hands away and only writhed as he continued.
“If you can be a bad pup, you can face the consequences.”
By the next day, you were being carried around and pampered by your boyfriend, who always took good care of his pup after fucking your brains out~
NSFW TAGLIST: @sunset-214 @screaming-crying-screamingagain @strawberrypoundtown @avalordream @icommitwarcrimes @bazpire @im-eating-rn @anglingforlevels @kinshenewa @pasteldaze @j3llyphisching @unforgettablewhvre @yoongiigolden @peachesdabunny @murder-hobo @leiselotte @misswonderfrojustice @dij-ology @i8kaeya @lollboogurl @h3110-dar1in9
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