#Anne-Marie Jung
llovelymoonn · 2 years
hi, i love your webweaving posts! could you do one about wanting to be anyone but yourself? x
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richard siken war of the foxes: "portrait of fryderyk in shifting light" (via @metamorphesque) \\ frederic belaubre gestuality \\ marie howe magdalene: poems: "magdalene afterwards" \\ goyona jung 우아한 따분함 (2022) \\ anne sexton a self-portrait \\ @mrs-indica \\ eraclis aristidou covid naked girl in gold box isolated 621 \\ hu kun pull
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vogelmeister · 8 months
i saw a widm hint and it seems super far fetched and also ive seen many wordplay hints to different kandidaten (molik = mol ik and meloen = een mol) but i saw one saying analoog was a hint to anna bc it could be read as anna ligt
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k-star-holic · 1 year
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Ahn Jung-hwan won first place in the Trumpet tournament. "Father is against, heart is open"
Source: k-star-holic.blogspot.com
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poemaseletras · 1 year
Envie sugestões. Leia uma citação no modo aleatório.
Autores Desconhecidos
Adélia Prado
Adrian Tchaikovsky
Affonso Romano de Sant’anna
Alain de Botton
Albert Einstein
Aldous Huxley
Alexander Pushkin
Amanda Gorman
Anaïs Nin
Andy Warhol
Andy Wootea
Anna Quindlen
Anne Frank
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Arnaldo Jabor
Arthur Schopenhauer
Augusto Cury
Ben Howard
Benjamin Alire Sáenz
Benjamin Rush
Bill Keane
Bob Dylan
Brigitte Nicole
C. JoyBell C.
C.S. Lewis
Carl Jung
Carlos Drummond de Andrade
Carlos Fuentes
Carol Ann Duffy
Carol Rifka Brunt
Carolina Maria de Jesus
Caroline Kennedy
Cassandra Clare
Cecelia Ahern
Cecília Meireles
Cesare Pavese
Charles Baudelaire
Charles Chaplin
Charlotte Nsingi
Cheryl Strayed
Clarice Lispector
Claude Debussy
Coco Chanel
Connor Franta
Coolleen Hoover
Cora Coralina
Czesław Miłosz
Dale Carnegie
David Hume
Deborah Levy
Djuna Barnes
Dmitri Shostakovich
Douglas Coupland
Dream Hampton
E. E. Cummings
E. Grin
E. Lockhart
EA Bucchianeri
Edith Wharton
Ekta Somera
Elbert Hubbard
Elizabeth Acevedo
Elizabeth Strout
Emile Coue
Emily Brontë
Ernest Hemingway
Esther Hicks
Faraaz Kazi
Farah Gabdon
Fernando Pessoa
Fiódor Dostoiévski
Florbela Espanca
Franz Kafka
Frédéric Chopin
Fredrik Backman
Friedrich Nietzsche
Galileu Galilei
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
George Orwell  
Hanif Abdurraqib
Helen Oyeyemi
Henry Miller
Henry Rollins
Hilda Hilst
Iain Thomas
Immanuel Kant
Jacki Joyner-Kersee
James Baldwin
James Patterson
Jane Austen
Jean Jacques Rousseau
Jean Rhys
Jean-Paul Sartre
Jeremy Hammond
JK Rowling
João Guimarães Rosa
Joe Brock
Johannes Brahms
John Banville
John C. Maxwell
John Green
John Wooden
Jojo Moyes
Jorge Amado
José Leite Lopes
Joy Harjo
Juan Ramón Jiménez
Juansen Dizon
Katrina Mayer
Kurt Cobain
L.J. Smith
L.M. Montgomery
Leo Tolstoy
Lisa Kleypas
Lord Byron
Lord Huron
Louise Glück
Lucille Clifton
Ludwig van Beethoven
Lya Luft
Machado de Assis
Maggi Myers
Mahmoud Darwish
Manila Luzon
Manuel Bandeira
Marcel Proust
Margaret Mead
Marina Abramović
Mario Quintana
Mark Yakich
Marla de Queiroz
Martha Medeiros
Martin Luther King
Mary Oliver
Maya Angelou
Mehdi Akhavan-Sales
Melissa Cox
Michaela Chung
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
Mitch Albom
N.K. Jemisin
Neal Shusterman
Neil Gaiman
Nicholas Sparks
Nikita Gill
Nora Roberts
Ocean Vuong
Pablo Neruda
Patrick Rothfuss
Patti Smith
Paulo Coelho
Paulo Leminski
Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky
Phil Good
Pierre Ronsard
R.M. Drake
Rabindranath Tagore
Rachel de Queiroz
Ralph Emerson
Raymond Chandler
René Descartes
Reyna Biddy
Richard Kadrey
Richard Wagner
Ritu Ghatourey
Roald Dahl
Robert Schumann
Roy T. Bennett
Ruth Rendell
Sage Francis
Sérgio Vaz
Shirley Jackson
Sigmund Freud
Simone de Beauvoir
Spike Jonze
Stars Go Dim
Steve Jobs
Stephen Chbosky
Stevie Nicks
Susan Gale
Sydney J. Harris
Sylvester McNutt
Sylvia Plath
Sysanna Kaysen  
Ted Chiang
Thomas Keneally
Thomas Mann
Truman Capote
Tyler Knott Gregson
Veronica Roth
Victor Hugo
Vincent van Gogh
Virgílio Ferreira
Virginia Woolf
Vladimir Nabokov
Wale Ayinla
Warsan Shire
William C. Hannan
William Shakespeare
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Yasmin Mogahed
Yoke Lore
Yoko Ogawa
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macabresymphonies · 4 months
Some more alchemy thoughts
I'll wait to post like a master theory post probably for the end of season 1 of TMAGP, since I want to read a bit more on 19th century spiritual alchemy and Jung's "Psychology and Alchemy" (which Basira reads in TMA, so we know Jonny is familiar with it), but I want to give my two cents now while it's fresh.
First thing is how alchemists believed that in a way they were torrmenting metals with all the transformations in attempt to make them into gold (chrysopoeia). This belief shows even today, word "crucible" means "little place of torment".
The second thing is, as I mentioned, creation of "spiritual alchemy" by Mary Anne Atwood and later reinterpretation of the idea by other people (Jung included). It's mostly massive misintepretation of already existing historical records, but the blunt of it was that Atwood believed alchemists were preforming experiments as a sort of symbolic ritual and that true goal was betterment and transmutation of oneself and others (believing matter can be altered by one's mind and conviction, subject of later ideas for parapsychology). Arthur Waite who criticized Atwood still propagaded similar values by stating that alchemy was a practice of selfbetterment of humanity and such into a new age through transmutation.
There is still a lot of concepts I would like to explore (like animal magnetism, mesmerism, Jung's collective consciousness) after we get the imminent seasonal break, so I'll wait for something larger just so I don't get disproven literally next week, but seeing what we saw so far I believe the main plot of the story will relate to "betterment" of humans, creation of superior race through transmutative experiments. Basically bunch of agents (Externals or not) using Dread Powers from TMA universe to run experiments that even previous Avatars didn't think about, using humans, places and paranormal objects as distillators or crucibles for this "aether" (another alchemical concept, fifth element of quintessence) to usher this "new age" whatever that might be.
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god-blog · 1 month
Ok, idea that I'm really excited about
Everyone is always talking abt an in-person temple for pagans but what if instead of a temple-temple, there was a museum-temple?
Hear me out bc I think this would be really cool.
Things the temple-museum would have:
Permanent exhibits including:
Outside land art similar to Sun Tunnels by Nancy Holt that line up with the solstices/constellations
Inside sky art for meditating similar to Skyspace by James Turrell (PLS look this one up, it's so pretty. The picture in the article doesn't do it justice)
A wall of prayers/manifestations/affirmations. Visitors write them on a post it or note card and pin it to the wall to make a collaborative exhibition like Post Secret at the Museum of Us
A small gallery with general overviews of popular pagan pantheons: Hellenic, Celtic, etc. This will include artifacts from those time periods either depicting the deities or how people worshiped them
A small gallery with historical witchcraft artifacts. This will include medieval European poppets, Copic love spell manuscripts, Chinese oracle bones, etc.
Rotating temporary exhibits including:
Witch trials from around the world (1400-present, bc they do still happen)
Paleolithic cultures: Venus of Wellendorf, Stonehenge, Cave paintings/music, the Lion-man ivory, etc
Did Christianity Steal From Paganism: yes… no… it’s complicated (basically the overlap between early Christianity and Roman paganism) This will include villa mosaics, sarcophaguses, layouts of early churches, etc
The Rise of Modern Occultism: Hilma af Klint, Carl Jung, surrealism, spiritualism, Wicca, etc
A series of exhibits celebrating closed practices: different indigenous religions, Voodoo, Hoodoo, etc (Very important: these will not be teaching those crafts, just giving them the same public platform/attention as open practices. Key word here is "celebrating." People who practice in those closed communities will be consulted)
How paganism is incorporated into Abrahamic religions: Judaism and paganism, Catholicism and paganism, etc (People who practice in those communities will be consulted)
Modern witchcraft, good or bad? So that would be New Age, the rise of consumerism, witchtok, etc
More in-depth focuses on different pantheons: Celtic, Slavic, Mesopotamian, Hellenic, etc
Historical witchcraft accusations and race: Mary Lewis, the New York City Panic of 1741, Ann Glover, etc
Regular people's (like you!) devotional art. The public will be encouraged to donate/create devotional art pieces. Be that visual media, performance art, video art, music, sculpture, photography, writing, etc. It'll really highlight all the different ways people are worshiping, the diversity in deities being worshiped, and how big our community is
An auditorium. This would be for concerts, festivals/ceremonies that are done inside, and guest speakers. Guest speakers would include academics like Malcolm Gaskill (English historian and author), Katherine Howe (American author), etc. as well as big name practicing witches/pagans.
A garden. I haven’t decided yet what kind but I’m debating between a rooftop garden like the MET, one behind the building but open to visitors, or an atrium like medieval European cloisters/monasteries (bc I love those). The garden would be for meditating, connecting to nature/the gods, feeding pollinators, protecting "creepy" insects like spiders or burrowing bugs (bug hotel?), and potentially -depending on what type of garden it is- housing wild birds in bird houses or bats in bat boxes. Also, it could be a good place for festivals/ceremonies that are done outside, concerts, or general get-togethers like altar piece swaps!
And an altar/worship space. Obviously. It wouldn't be a temple without it. I'm thinking it would be mostly a big empty room with chairs and rugs scattered about and an alcove in one wall for the altar. Inside the alcove will mostly be nonspecific religious objects like candles, nice fabrics, flowers, incense, etc . Visitors will be encouraged to bring their own small personal devotional tools (except candles/incense for fire safety reasons). That way they can pray to, appreciate, and connect to their own gods and the main altar doesn't leave anybody out; the main altar is more for ambience than specific worship.
Giftshop? I'm not sure about this one yet bc it feels wrong to have a gift shop in a temple, but most museums, even small ones, have gift shops. It could have fresh herbs from the garden, candles, and local artists' art like prints, stickers, jewelry, etc. All at a reasonable price ofc (I hate overpriced museum giftshops more than anything else in the world... except overpriced museum tickets)
In terms of funding, museums get more government funding than churches, but they do have to pay taxes churches don't. I was thinking of generally modeling it after the Museum of Us in San Deigo; they let their employees pick the holidays they take off so they can each adhere to their personal religious practice, start paying them at $22 an hour with built in raises each year, and good insurance. They have done an amazing job, way better than any big museum, at collaborating with communities from all over the world to either give back artifacts in their collections or closely work with them to reframe how the artifact is presented/stored. They also don't charge for tickets, memberships, school trips, or basically anything except the giftshop. But that means they rely heavily on donations which may not work as well for a museum that's just starting out. Idk, this is all hypothetical rn.
The pillars the museum-temple would stand on are worship, education, and community.
I feel like teaching people about the history of these practices is super important and isn't smth that everybody bothers to learn or has correct information about. (And I'm a huge history/museum nerd if you can't tell lol)
I'm actually really excited about this lol
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jornalmagico · 2 months
A quarta etapa da task: ACABOU A MAMATA!
Confira a lista de vagas de emprego abaixo.
OOC: Alguns perdidos acabaram sendo colocados em dois empregos por serem trabalhos mais flexíveis; sendo assim, caberá ao player decidir se irá manter ambos os empregos para o seu personagem ou escolher apenas um E CONTATAR A CENTRAL SOBRE A DECISÃO CASO SEJA ABDICAR DE UM! Quem não contatar a central, será considerado que ficou com os dois.
Vocês já podem começar a aplicar as contratações nas interações de vocês. Em breve será postado aqui no blog do Jornal como funcionará a nova rotina de aulas do Centro de Contenção de Crise levando em consideração as contratações dos perdidos. E lá na central falaremos sobre como ficarão as vagas que sobraram e como elas poderão servir para futuras aplicações de perdidos, mas vou deixar vocês absorverem as contratações primeiro e me contatarem caso tenha erros para podermos organizar!
(!) Lembrando que foram MUITAS vagas, uma média de 5 vagas por perdido, então eu tive que cortar algumas e dei preferência para vagas mais "fáceis" de disponibilizar duas contratações para cada perdido (ex: dançarino, músico, etc que também podem trabalhar como assistentes em outros horários).
(!!) Personagens canon, não apaguem os links que vocês me enviaram com as vagas. As que sobraram serão disponibilizadas para perdidos que entraram depois da task no RP.
Academia da Magia
Assistente de desejos (Fada Madrinha): Darcy Coleman @pegueinopulo
Pesquisador auxiliar (Feiticeiro): Damla Ataman @investigctor
Biblioteca principal
Bibliotecário: Robert Jones @navegadorsolitario
Bibliotecário auxiliar: Julien Waybright @generclcorvo
Bombom Boon Chocolate Latte Boon
Atendente e vendedor: Nittha Kittivat @gataquepinta
Casa da Ópera
Cantores: Lee Teoh @taeohact / Bae Kayn @eitacarvalho / Valerie Williams @sapatinho34
Músicos: Coralie Wong @corclie / Julien Waybright @generclcorvo
Assistente de palco: Gwendolyn Aster Hepburn @swampdolyn
Roteirista: Reyna Andersen @feracinefila
Especialista em perdidos: Consuela Cortez @sucks4me
Chez Remy
Auxiliar do chef: Fiamma Armellini @thelavagirl
Atendente/recepcionista: Carter Knight @mestrecarter
Delícias da Vovó
Atendente: Bae Kayn @eitacarvalho
Confeiteiro auxiliar: Allison Jung @alllreturns
Endlos Motel
Recepcionista: Reagan Maria Brown @garotadapintura
Auxiliar de dentista: Devon Saunders @devsndrs
Floricultura Blooming Affairs
Artista Floral: Chloe Waldron @chloewcldron
Contadora: Cassandra Santiago @notchapeleira
Guarda Real
Guarda pessoal da Rainha Legítima: Damla Ataman @investigctor
House of Devil
Maquiadora e cabeleireira: Flávia Rakelly Oliveira @outlxw
Modelos: Lee Taeoh @taeohact / Ginevra Liao @princesaginny / Asli Kuvanci @thcunknown / Flávia Rakelly Oliveira @outlxw
Instituto de Ciência Mágica
Segurança do Prédio: Darcy Coleman @pegueinopulo
Técnico de manutenção de Equipamentos: Mary Anne Evans @perdidadragon
Joalheira Bejewelions
Auxiliar administrativo: Fiamma Armellini @thelavagirl
Linha de Pesquisa de Jane Porter
Assistente de Laboratório: Robert Jones @navegadorsolitario
Assistente de Pesquisa: Victoria de Leon @allburnin
Assistente de Divulgação Científica: Consuela Cortez @sucks4me
Marmoreal Produtos Artesanais
Atendente/faz-tudo: Thomas Olsson @tomclsson
Mystic Mirror SPA
Massoterapeuta: Olimpia Liao @sbagliatos
Consultor de vendas: Asli Kuvanci @thcunknown
O Grandioso Cinema Mágico
Atendentes: Loren Hawkins @hiloren / Reyna Andersen @feracinefila
Raiders Sports Arena
Professores/técnicos esportistas: Thomas Olsson (futebol) @tomclsson / Loren Hawkins (esgrima) @hiloren
Mestres/senseis de artes marciais: Valentina Santiago (muay thai)
Sinister Mirage
Dançarinos: Sofia Bourbon @svfiawitch
Instrumentistas: Coralie Wong @corclie
Pessoa tecnológica/mágica: Mary Anne Evans @perdidadragon
Teatime Tea Shop
Atendente/barista: Gwendolyn Aster Hepburn @swampdolyn
Sommelier de chá: Devon Saunders @devsndrs
The Terpischore
Anfitrião: Ginevra Liao @princesaginny
Toca do Coelho: Jardim Botânico
Biólogo: Olimpia Liao @sbagliatos
Guia turístico: Chloe Waldron @chloewcldron
Assistente/faz-tudo (Mushu): Yeongsu Han-Winstanley @copostanley
Assistente pessoal (Cinderela): Valerie Williams @sapatinho34
Assistente pessoal (Jasmine): Sofia Bourbon @svfiawitch
Assistente pessoal e aprendiz de magia (Rainha Má): Victoria de Leon @allburnin
Comediante da Corte (Rainha Branca): Allison Jung @alllreturns
Companheira para chá da tarde (Rainha Branca): Amelia Kwon @amelunar
Cuidador de Rajah (Jasmine): Saskia Nähr @theunwantcd
Dama de companhia (Rainha Branca): Saskia Nähr @theunwantcd
Escritor que escreva sobre a Rainha Branca (Rainha Branca): Julieta Magnolia Chesapeake @causethatsiconic
Musa (Coelhão): Amelia Kwon @amelunar
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taruusmoon · 1 year
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OC: Juliana Choi
Summary: After ending her secret relationship with Taeyoung, Juliana attends the Giselle ballet in which her ex stars, without knowing that it is possibly the last time she will see her.
Warning: angst, bad English, exes to…
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Juliana Velez grew up as a child who lost everything. At the young age of five, her father died, and the following year, her mother remarried a man who took them to live on the other side of the world, far from home. She lost her home, her family, and her last name when her mother's new husband legally adopted her at the age of six, becoming Juliana Choi. There was nothing that really belonged to her, not even her life or her decisions. She grew up studying what her mother wanted, what she commanded, and what she thought was best.
Juliana was barely six years old when her mother decided that she would take ballet lessons. Even though the girl had no interest in dancing, Victoria insisted. Much to her dismay, Juliana traded her afternoons of writing with Professor Park for long, boring ballet classes.
The first day at the ballet academy was chaotic; her teacher was quite old and strict and did not hesitate to whipped her students legs with a ruler that she always carried in her hands. She hated it. Juliana was always sure that she detested ballet; however, when four years later an eight-year-old girl with beautiful eyes appeared in her classes, she began to like it a little.
Kim Taeyoung was a child prodigy in ballet; every time teacher Jung asked her a question or addressed her, the girl raised her head proudly and obeyed her orders. Juliana loved it because she had never met before someone as disciplined and consistent as she was in writing. The girl showed an innate talent for ballet, and in a short time she became the favorite of Mrs. Jung and also of the parents, including Juliana's. At every recital, the girl would get at least one solo, and every time she went on stage, Juliana felt that she hated to dance ballet but loved to watch Taeyoung dance, even though she didn't say so.
But they were not close at first, and it was not until Juliana turned fifteen that things changed, and the two teenagers became inseparable after playing the black swan and the white swan in a play that made them quite popular among the students of the National Ballet Academy. However, their separation was imminent when, two years later, Victoria finally made the decision that Juliana should start focusing on her real studies as heiress to half of her husband's emporium. They remained friends, though the closest of friends.
But one night, on Juliana's twenty-first birthday, things changed.
“Is it weird that I feel like kissing you right now? ” Taeyoung's voice came out in a whisper and was barely understandable to Juliana. The two of them are on Jul's bed, quite dizzy because, in the middle of the party that Juliana's mother organized, they sneaked into the wine room of the older girl's stepfather. “I don't think I should have drunk so much wine.”
“I don't think it's weird because I want to do it  too." Juliana took a long breath because, finally, after many years, she could finally express what she felt. “But I don't know if it's the right thing to do, Tata. I don't even think it was right to let you drink alcohol without being of legal age to do it in the first place.”
“Is there ever a time when you stop thinking about doing the right thing?” Tatter reached out and grabbed Juliana's hand and pulled it to her chest, where the girl could feel Taeyoung's heart beating excitedly. “Sometimes you should follow what your heart is trying to explain to you.”
“And what is yours trying to explain?”
“That I like you," the words came out of Taeyoung's mouth without shyness, and Juliana felt her heart start to beat much faster than before. “Bada said that if your heart beats fast when you are with someone, then it means something.”
“So you think you like me because Bada said so? ”She tried to question the girl. “Your heart beats fast every time you dance.”
“And I love to dance. Then that only confirms my theory.”
Juliana sketched a soft smile, not knowing exactly what she should do next. Taeyoung stared at her with a peculiar gleam in her eyes, still holding Juls' hand against her chest, while thinking that it's time for the older one to take the next step because she already did enough that night. For a long time, they have carried that rare relationship between friends and something more, where there were more than friendly frictions, furtive glances that meant something more, and hidden feelings.
“I hate you, Tata" Juliana said softly, leaning back on her elbow quickly and then pressing her lips against Taeyoung's without hesitation.
At first, neither of them moved; both were anxious and a little shy. Although it wasn't the first kiss for either of them, it was the first time they felt so many emotions with a simple kiss. Taeyoung parted her lips and was the first to move her mouth, catching Juliana's lower lip, who is still a little uncomfortable, not knowing what to do. Juliana's hand on Taeyoung's chest is no longer just there; it is now squeezing her pajama shirt tightly. In an attempt to tell her that everything was okay, Taeyoung gently stroked her knuckles. Then Juliana managed to let go, and the kiss became mutual, soft, and intoxicating.
They both know they have a lot to lose because Juliana has a life grounded in her family's customs and her mother already has her life planned, and Taeyoung doesn't even appear as a friend. But still, once they let the feelings come out, they decided that it might be worth a try and that they were going to enjoy it for as long as it lasted.
“Tell me you're not going to forget this tomorrow when we wake up." Taeyoung mumbled against Juliana's mouth “I don't want to forget it.”
“I won't, Tata.”
˗ ˏ ˋ ♡ ˎˊ ˗
Three years later, Taeyoung and Juliana are in the same place, but the situation is totally different. They are not on the older girl's bed sharing their first kiss and with emotions running high; instead, Juliana is standing in front of the window of her room with her arms crossed and her chin trembling from the tears she is trying to hold back. Taeyoung is sitting in the middle of the bed, confused by Juliana's elusive attitude towards her since a week ago.
“Why did you call me so suddenly?” Taeyoung asked after a long silence that made her very nervous. “My practice for Giselle starts in two hours, and the academy is not close…”
“There's something we should talk about, Tatter" Juliana interrupted ignoring the fact that Taeyoung tensed up when she heard her say the nickname she never used with her unless a fight was about to break out.
“You never call me Tatter” the girl stood up and walked slowly towards Juliana. “You can tell me whatever you want, Juls. I don't know what happened these days, but it doesn't matter. If there's something that's bothering you, then we can talk about it, and we'll work it out.”
Taeyoung's words hit deep inside Juliana; unintentionally, her eyes started to fill up with tears that she tried to hold back but couldn't. She wished they could actually talk and solve what was bothering her, but it was impossible because that discomfort had a name, and that was Victoria Choi. Her mother. The person who had discovered them a week ago among the rose bushes in the garden while they were sharing a moment alone had nothing wrong with it, but in the woman's eyes, it had been enough to understand the unlabeled relationship her daughter had with her best friend.
That same night, Victoria decided to confront her eldest daughter about the affair, and even if Juliana tried to deny it at first, she ended up confessing everything to her mother, with the slightest hope that she would understand. But it was quite the opposite, because the woman simply warned her that she would end Taeyoung's career if she did not stay away. And even though her mother didn't have a single piece in her favor to ruin Taeyoung, Eunwon, her stepfather, did.
“Juls…” she tried to speak again, but Juliana turned away with a wet face before she could say anything. “Why are you crying?”
“My mother knows, Tata” she finally muttered with a frown and shining eyes. ”It's over, Taeyoung, I'm sorry.”
“What do you mean it's over?” Tatter felt her hands shaking, and her heart began to pound harder against her chest. “Did you talk to her? You have to explain to her; maybe if I talk to her, then she'll understand" she mumbled, waving his hands under Juliana's bright gaze.
“There's nothing you can tell her to change her mind" Juliana denied, lifting her shoulders. “I've tried everything, and there's nothing we can do.”
“No, there must be something Juliana" she insisted. "This is yours and mine; no one can decide about our feelings or even less about the relationship we have." Suddenly, Taeyoung's eyes started to fill with tears too, but she struggled to hold them back as she tried to find a solution. "Juliana, why don't you say anything? Don't you want to do anything about this?”
“I don't know Taeyoung.”
“What do you mean you don't know?” Taeyoung became desperate when she sees the calm in Juliana's eyes, the girl doesn't answer her question, and then fury invades her body. “Are you telling me that you're going to let your mother define the future of our relationship?” She mutters in disbelief and turns around to turn her back to Juliana in an attempt to prevent her from seeing how disappointed she is.
“It's my mother Taeyoung" Juliana's voice sounds so calm that Tatter's skin crawls. But in reality in her heart she always knew that her relationship with Juliana was not going to last, because at any moment her mother would tell her what to do and Juliana would follow her without hesitation. “You think it's easy Tata, but it's not just my mom, what will we do when everyone ends up realizing it? Your career would be over along with my family, and I can't ruin us for this.”
“So that's it? You're so afraid of facing your family and the world that you find it easier to throw away everything we are” Taeyoung says with a lump in her throat. “We could leave here, get away from what your mother expects you to be, and I could make my career somewhere else. We can rewrite our history, but you're such a coward, you won't do it. You prefer to lose me”
“I’d lose you either way Tata. Everything you say feels impossible.”
Taeyoung bites his tongue and clenches her jaw as hard as she can. She wants to keep talking, to repeat again to Juliana that other people and her family don't matter, but she knows that for the girl, there is no one more important than her mother. Even though the woman won't even appreciate her. Without saying anything, Tatter closes her eyes, taking a long breath. Juliana knows that this is the end of everything, even though she doesn't want to admit it.
“Do you even care about this, Juliana?” The question takes the girl by surprise, and then she hesitates. “Because I'm sure that if you cared, you would try to find a way to solve this. But then you come and talk to me about my career and what people will think when they find out. Shouldn't you have thought about that three years ago? But of course, it's because you never thought this was serious, you knew from the beginning that as soon as your family found out, you were just going to leave me with some stupid excuse. I was such an idiot to think that Juliana Choi with her perfect life, was going to ruin her future for me.”
“It's not like that, Taeyoung, I really tried to fix it, but it's not that simple” Juliana tries to say, but Tatter's hurt look leaves her speechless. She remains silent for a few seconds, not knowing what to say, while tears begin to fall down her cheeks. “We can be friends; after all, before this, we were friends for a long time. I don't want us to stop talking; you are an important part of my life Taeyoung and you know it," she said as she tried to get closer, but Taeyoung denied taking a step back.
“I just don't want to be your friend; I'm sorry, Juliana” she whispered with a shrug, and with nothing more to say, she turned to grab her backpack.
If Juliana had been braver, she would have had stopped Taeyoung when she left her room; she would have told her that she didn't want to be her friend either, but “what if” doesn't exist, and she knows it. With an intense pain in her chest, she lay down on her bed, her hand on her neck, clenching the necklace Taeyoung had given her for her birthday. After a few minutes, Eunbyul walked through the door without knocking, encountering a scene she had expected.
“You look terrible, sis" she said in a soft voice, and then Juliana let out all the sobs she had been holding back.
And so the following week passed. Juliana stayed in her room every day alone with Eunbyul by her side, attending the university in the mornings and coming to her room every noon. She felt nothing; it was as if her body was anesthetized, but every night she cried because her mother again ruined something she wanted, and she had done nothing to stop it. Every day she tried to call Taeyoung but the girl never answered her calls or her texts; it was as if she had disappeared from the face of the earth.
She only saw her again when Taeyoung's face appeared on the banners advertising the Giselle ballet to be performed at the National Theater of Korea. A show her stepfather insisted on attending as a birthday present for Victoria who, even if she hated Juliana's relationship with Taeyoung, still considered the ballerina one of her favorites.
When the night of the show finally arrived, Juliana managed to sneak into the show's dressing room after convincing her old dance teacher, Ms. Jung. Luckily for her the place was a bit empty since most of the dancers were near the stage, except for Taeyoung whom Juliana knew liked to stay alone until the last minute before performing.
“Do you need help with that?” she said as she opened the door and watched Taeyoung try to put Giselle's headdress in her hair.
“What are you doing here?” The girl asked with a frown as she saw Juliana through the dressing table mirror. “I thought you didn't want to see me anymore.”
“I never said I didn't want to see you” she replied taking the headdress from Tatter's hands to place it in the tight bun she was wearing. “Unlike you, who haven't answered any of my calls or messages”
“Bold of you to asume that I wanted to talk to you after everything that happened." Taeyoung stood up and walked to the back to start stretching a bit since Juliana's appearance made her tense up a bit. “I think you said enough that night, Juliana.”
“I think there are still things we can talk about.”
“No Juliana” she spat a little rudely. "There's nothing to talk about anymore, but I'll give you some advice you didn't ask for; I don't think this is the way you should live your life, so take charge of it before you regret it. But I am not the one to decide how you should live. Goodbye Juliana.”
Without another word, Taeyoung walked past Juliana and out of the dressing room, leaving her alone. The former dancer felt as if the girl's words were a farewell and inevitably felt afraid of losing her, even though in reality she didn't even have her anymore. She took a long breath, smoothed the skirt of the long red dress her mother had recommended her to wear, and then left the place with a firm step. She made it as far as the balcony when Giselle's first act began.
“Where were you?” Eunbyul asked her in a whisper to avoid getting dirty looks from her parents. “Bada and Lusher are downstairs with Jessica, they asked me how you were”
“I'll look for them later to say hello” she answered, ignoring the question. Eunbyul understood instantly and decided not to insist any more.
The Giselle ballet was a tragic love story, and it was also Juliana's favorite work. It was the one leading role she always wished to have when she was still dancing, but she never got it because Taeyoung always beat her. But that didn't make her feel bad because, as much as she wanted to be the lead, she also enjoyed seeing the girl as Giselle. Taeyoung had beautiful eyes that managed to express all the pain of a broken heart, like Giselle.
When the second act started, Juliana sat upright on her chair, expectantly watching the Wilis dance which was her favorite part. Minah one of Taeyoung's close friends was in charge of playing Myrtha the ruthless leader of the spirits of the maidens abandoned by their lovers. She couldn't take her eyes off Taeyoung at all times, who danced with energy, giving her the air of youth that Giselle had.
“Taeyoung really has a bright future as a dancer" Juliana heard her mother say as she stood up to applaud when the play finally ended.
Everyone who attended the play stood up and applauded loudly when the dancers came out to bow their thanks. Juliana could not feel anything but proud of Taeyoung who had given an amazing lead role to everyone there. As the curtain closed, people slowly began to file out. Juliana sat back down on her chair as her stepfather was talking to an associate of his company. She didn't know how long she stayed there, but all the time she kept her eyes on the stage in an attempt to relive Taeyoung's performance. Deep down she felt that it was the last time she would see her. 
“Your phone is ringing Juliana," her mother's gruff voice interrupted her, making her quickly pull out her phone from the handbag she was carrying. She had five messages from Bada Lee; Taeyoung's best friend.
Tatter was offered a place at the Royal Opera House in London.      
I didn't want to get involved, but this is your last chance.     
Juliana answer the phone   
Her flight leaves at 9:30 pm   
The messages came one after the other twenty minutes ago. Without another second's thought, she stood up, walked past her stepfather and the man she was talking to, and ran down the stairs to the balcony as fast as she could, ignoring the voice of Eunbyul and her mother calling her name. There were still a lot of people among the aisles of the theater, She stopped for a moment among the people to grab the skirt of the long dress and pull it up to her legs so she could run with a little more ease, although the heels she was wearing made it a little difficult for her still.
Once she reached the outside of the venue, she felt anxious as there were a lot of people outside the theater. She tried to locate Taeyoung among the many women walking back and forth; even though the girl had long red hair it seemed impossible to find her. Se walked back and forth in circles hoping to see her but she couldn't find her, possibly Taeyoung had already left home.
”Juls!” she heard at the bottom of the stairs and when she turned her gaze she found Bada calling out to her with an effusive hand.
“Where is Taeyoung?” she asked as soon as she arrived with Bada, Lusher and Jessica.
“She's gone, she took a cab home about ten minutes ago to pick up her bags” Lusher took her hand and pulled her along the sidewalk. ”That's our cab, you take it and leave right now. But don't screw it up Juliana because this is really the only chance you have”
Not knowing what to say, Juliana just nodded and got into the cab. Lusher closed the door to indicate the direction to the driver, who started as soon as he sensed the importance of the matter. During the whole trip, Juliana's chest was rising and falling rapidly. She felt anxious to finally arrive at Taeyoung's apartment, but she felt the minutes passing too slowly. Every now and then, the driver would look at her and repeat that they would be at their destination soon and not to worry since there was not much traffic on the streets. He managed to calm her down a bit and used the remaining fifteen minutes of the trip to think about everything he had to say to Taeyoung. She wanted to apologize for putting her mother's wishes above what they had, to tell her that she loved her, and that she was sorry she hadn't tried a little harder to save their relationship. 
Once she was clear on what she wanted to say, she tried to calm down, but the driver's voice telling her that they had arrived at their destination made her nervous again. She paid the man, and without waiting for the change, she got out of the cab and rushed to the apartment building where Taeyoung lived. When she entered, the doorman greeted her as usual and let her in without asking her any questions. Juliana had spent so many days in the apartment that the apartment workers and Taeyoung's neighbors already knew her.
She entered the elevator with shaky legs and gasping for breath as she prayed that Taeyoung was still in the apartment. Once she reached floor three, she stepped out into the hallway and walked as fast as she could, her eyes on the floor, as it was very difficult for her to walk fast. Taeyoung's apartment was just around the corner, and when she finally stood in front of the door, she stood there, her heart pounding anxiously. She put in the code, and seconds later, the lock opened. She grabbed the knob, turning it to open the door.
“Taeyoung” she shouted in the darkness of the room, but no one answered. "Kim Taeyoung!” she shouted again, her voice shaking, but again there was only silence.
She ran to the main room of the apartment, and when she entered, she found nothing. The white sheets were perfectly laid out on the bed; on the dresser, there was no trace of Taeyoung's personal belongings, and when she opened the closet door, she found only the hangers. It was too late; Taeyoung was gone, and she could do nothing to stop her.
Her legs faltered and she slowly fell to her knees, she brought her hand to her chest as she felt an intense pain spread from her throat. At first it was only tears but soon her body shook from the uncontrolled sobs coming from her throat. She laid her head on the bed mattress and berated herself countless times for doing things wrong. She didn't know how long she lay there, but she was so deep in thought that she didn't hear when the door opened. But suddenly, a girl's arms wrapped around her body. 
 “It’s gonna be okay Juls" Lusher's voice came out in a soft tone lulling her into her arms.
“It hurts Lush"
“I know”
˗ ˏ ˋ ♡ ˎˊ ˗
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dearorpheus · 2 years
hello, your blog's vibes are absolutely impeccable! I was wondering if you could recommend me some nonfiction reading on eroticism, religion or fear? I'd love to read about any of these topics, but I never really know where to start looking for good theory books or essays, so I usually end up reading fiction instead. any nonfiction recs would be deeply appreciated (and on other topics too if you have particular favorites). have a nice day!
hello! thank you for the kind words♡
hm! some reading might be: - Erotism: Death and Sensuality + Visions of Excess, Bataille - Masochism: Coldness and Cruelty & Venus in Furs, Deleuze - The Sadeian Woman: And the Ideology of Pornography, Angela Carter - Hurts So Good: The Science and Culture of Pain on Purpose, Leigh Cowart - Eros the Bittersweet, Anne Carson - A Lover's Discourse, Roland Barthes - Uses of the Erotic, Audre Lorde - A Literate Passion: Letters of Anaïs Nin and Henry Miller, 1932-1953 - Foucault's Histor[ies] of Sexuality - Being and Nothingness, Sartre - The Argonauts, Maggie Nelson - Aesthetic Sexuality: A Literary History of Sadomasochism, Romana Byrne - Pleasure Principles: An Interview with Carmen Maria Machado - "The Aesthetics of Fear", Joyce Carol Oates - Recreational Terror: Women and the Pleasures of Horror Film Viewing, Isabel Cristina Pinedo - "On Fear", Mary Ruefle - "In Search of Fear", Philippe Petit - Female Masochism in Film: Sexuality, Ethics and Aesthetics, Ruth Mcphee - Powers of Horror, Julia Kristeva - Hélène Cixous' Stigmata (i am thinking esp of "Love of the Wolf") - Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis - anything from Caroline Walker Bynum.... Wonderful Blood, Fragmentation and Redemption, Holy Feast and Holy Fast - excerpts of Letter From a Region in my Mind, James Baldwin - Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Nietzsche (re: Christian morality, death of God) - Waiting for God, Simone Weil - The Myth of Sisyphus, Albert Camus - Modern Man in Search of a Soul, Carl Jung - "The Genesis of Blame", Anne Enright
do know as well that Lapham's Quarterly has issues dedicated entirely to these subjects you've mentioned: eros, religion, fear ! there's also this wonderful ask from @rotgospels on biblical horror theory
other non-fic i will always rec: - "On Self-Respect", Joan Didion - Illness as Metaphor + Regarding the Pain of Others, Susan Sontag - The Art of Cruelty: A Reckoning, Maggie Nelson - "The Laugh of the Medusa", Hélène Cixous - Ways of Seeing, John Berger - The Faraway Nearby, Rebecca Solnit - The Body in Pain, Elaine Scarry some non-fic things i've read lately: - "Mary Shelley's Obsession with the Cemetery", Bess Lovejoy - "Horror Lives in the Body", Megan Pillow - "The Cruel Myth of the Suffering Artist", Patrick Nathan - "The Rub of Rough Sex", Chelsea G. Summers - "The Lost Art of Memorizing Poetry", Nina Kang - "The problem with English", Mario Saraceni
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finleyforevermore · 7 months
Bryce Charles (top), Emilie Kouatchou (middle), or Kanisha Feliciano (bottom) as Natalya "Natasha/Natalie" Rostova
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Denée Benton as Natasha in the picture. (2016 Broadway production)
Michael Arden (left), Josh Young (middle), or Shafiq Hicks (right) as Pyotr "Pierre/Peter" Bezukhov
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Josh Groban as Pierre in the picture. (2016 Broadway production)
Emilie du Leslay (top) or Lucy St Louis (bottom) as Sofya "Sonya" Alexandrovna Rostova
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Ingrid Michaelson as Sonya in the picture. (2016 Broadway production)
Nathan Salstone (1st pic), Daniel Tracht (2nd pic), Henry Thrasher (3rd pic), or Gavin Creel (4th pic) as Prince Anatole Vasilyevich Kuragin
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Park Kang Hyun as Anatole in the picture. (2021 South Korean production)
Kimberly Marable as Countess Hélène Vasilyevna Bezukhova
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Amber Gray as Hélène in the picture. (2016 Broadway production)
Willemijn Verkaik (1st pic), Micaela Diamond (2nd pic), Saycon Sengbloh (3rd pic), Brandi Chavonne Massey (4th pic), or Eden Espinosa (5th pic) as Marya Dmitrievna Akhrosimova
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Lulu Fall as Marya in the picture. (2016 Broadway production)
Jason Tam as Fyodor "Fedya" Ivanovich Dolokhov
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Choi Ho Jung as Dolokhov in the picture. (2021 South Korean production)
Emily Rohm as Princess Mary Bolkonskaya
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Gelsey Bell as Mary in the picture. (2016 Broadway production)
Nick Rashad Burroughs as Balaga
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Vitor Moresco as Balaga in the picture. (2018 São Paulo production)
Ben Crawford as Prince Andrey Nikolayevich Bolkonsky (top) and Prince Nikolay Andreevitch Bolkonsky (bottom)
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Nicholas Belton as Andrey in the top picture, Blake DeLong as Prince Bolkonsky in the bottom picture. (2016 Broadway production and 2013 Off-Broadway production respectively)
Andrew Samonsky as Prince Andrey Nikolayevich Bolkonsky (if Andrey and Bolkonsky isn't double casted; Ben Crawford would just play Bolkonsky)
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Nicholas Belton as Andrey in the picture. (2016 Broadway production)
Theatre credits under the cut.
Bryce Charles - Wendy Darling in Lythgoe Panto's Peter Pan
Emilie Kouatchou - Christine Daaé in The Phantom of The Opera
Kanisha Feliciano - Ann in Flying Over Sunset, Maria in West Side Story, Christine Daaé in The Phantom of The Opera
Michael Arden - Quasimodo in The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Josh Young - Judas Iscariot in Jesus Christ Superstar
Shafiq Hicks - Tom Collins in Rent
Emilie du Leslay - Pearl in Starlight Express
Lucy St Louis - Christine Daaé in The Phantom of The Opera, Glinda in Wicked
Nathan Salstone - Chorus/Orpheus understudy in Hadestown
Daniel Tracht - Chorus/Orpheus understudy in Hadestown
Henry Thrasher - Pierre in Natasha, Pierre, & The Great Comet of 1812 (Carnegie Mellon University)
Gavin Creel - The Wolf / Cinderella's Prince in Into the Woods
Kimberly Marable - Persephone in Hadestown
Willemijn Verkaik - Elphaba in Wicked
Micaela Diamond - Lucille Frank in Parade
Saycon Sengbloh - Elphaba in Wicked
Brandi Chavonne Massey - Elphaba in Wicked
Eden Espinosa - Elphaba in Wicked
Jason Tam - The SQUIP in Be More Chill (Broadway), Peter in Jesus Christ Superstar Live in Concert
Emily Rohm - Jane Doe in Ride the Cyclone
Nick Rashad Burroughs - Lola in Kinky Boots
Ben Crawford - Erik in The Phantom of The Opera
Andrew Samonsky - Phoebus in The Hunchback of Notre Dame
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mortemhq · 5 months
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OF COURSE, ANON! sorry that this took so long. i just wanted to make sure i had a lot of suggestions for you! buckle up for a big list! i'd love to see: emma d'arcy, quintessa swindell, dua saleh, poppy liu, asia kate dillon, lizeth selene, emma corrin, janelle monae, yaya dacosta, liv hewson, celeste o'connor, zion moreno, aj clementine, jessie mei li, serena motola, mimi keene, nana komatsu, davika hoorne, chase sui wonders, maia reficco, chandler kinney, zaria simone, ayo edebiri, lola tung, anya chalotra, maggie q, benjamin bratt, jaz sinclair, laura harrier, zendaya, courtney eaton, hunter schafer, jessica henwick, medalion rahimi, simone ashley, khadijha red thunder, zion moreno, amita suman, olivia cooke, ella purnell, sophie thatcher, yasmin finney, rachel zegler, bruna marquezine, taylor russell, alisha boe, antonia gentry, ashley moore, naomi scott, natasha liu bordizzo, melis sezen, hande ercel, aslihan malbora, havana rose liu, amy adams, jessica alexander, grace van dien, danielle rose russell, sarah snook, adria arjona, ayo edebiri, bahar sahin, jasmin savoy brown, anne hathaway, michelle yeoh, anya taylor-joy, lucy liu, viola davis, ming na wen, sandra oh, gemma chan, maddie phillips, park sooyoung, jamie chung, tati gabrielle, sydney park, hoyeon jung, brittany o'grady, lily gladstone, savannah lee smith, nicola coughlan, greta onieogou, kylie verzosa, moon gayoung, madeleine madden, ni ni, alba flores, gugu mbatha raw, adeline rudolph, cierra ramirez, kiki layne, ryan destiny, zoey luna, lovie simone, blu hunt, park sooyoung, im jinah, samantha logan, tessa thompson, mint ranchwaree, yara shahidi, zorzo natharuetai, sobhita dhulipala, mookda narinrak, namtan tipnaree, nychaa nuttanicha, pat chayanit, nadine lustre, wawwa nicha, maris racal, ayca aysin turan, may calamawy, megan suri, banita sandhu, priscilla quintana, brianne tju, melis pamuk, camila mendes, demet ozdemir, sophia ali, bree kish, maddison bailey, jeremy allen white, tamino amir, mena massoud, archie renaux, evan mock, dev patel, taylor zakhar perez, tommy martinez, maxence danet fauvel, rege jean page, kiowa gordon, d'pharaoh woon-a-tai, derek luh, apo nattawin, tom blyth, freddy carter, deniz can aktas, emre bey, ilhan sen, josh o'connor, mike faist, joseph quinn, manny jacinto, callum turner, alex landi, barry keoughan, paul mescal, rami malek, simone baldasseroni, woo dohwan, yahya abdul mateen ii, mason gooding, cody christian, michael evans behling, jordan gonzalez, drew ray tanner, ito hideaki, peter gadiot, gong yoo, michael b jordan, hugh dancy, ben whishaw, swann arlaud, froy gutierrez, alex meraz, emilio sakraya, rahul kohli, oscar isaac, peter gadiot, jonathan daviss, danny ramirez, kento yamazaki, omar sy, cillian murphy, oliver jackson-cohen, brian michael smith, idris elba, william jackson harper, and lewis tan.
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glowing-disciple · 9 months
Reading List - 2024
Currently Reading:
The Book of Dragons by Edith Nesbit
Peter and Wendy by J. M. Barrie
Sweet Sweet Revenge LTD by Jonas Jonasson
Books Read:
101 Famous Poems by Various Authors
A History of Chess by Jerzy Gizycki
The Abraham Lincoln Joke Book by Beatrice Schenk De Regniers
An Introduction to Linguistics by Loreto Todd
The Art of Computer Designing by Osamu Sato
The Broken Dice, and Other Mathematical Tales of Chance by Ivar Ekeland
The Cairngorms by Patrick Baker
The Codebreaker's Handbook by Herbie Brennan
The Color Kittens by Margaret Wise Brown
The Complete Book of Kitchen Collecting by Barbera E. Mauzy
Dinosaurs, Beware! A Safety Guide by Marc Brown
Dracula by Bram Stoker
Dreaming the Biosphere by Rebecca Reider
Farmer Boy by Laura Ingalls Wilder
Frog and Toad are Friends by Arnold Lobel
Funny Number Tricks by Rose Wyler
Gender Queer: A Memoir by Maia Kobabe
Giant Sea Creatures, Real and Fantastic by John Frederick Waters
Hammer of the Gods by Stephen Davis
Hiram's Red Shirt by Mabel Watts
I don't care by JoAnn Nelson
Jaws by Peter Benchley
Jungian Archetypes: Jung, Gödel, and the History of Archetypes by Robin Robertson
Keeper of the Bees by Gene Stratton-Porter
The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood of Great Renown in Nottinghamshire by Howard Pyle
Out of the Silent Planet by C. S. Lewis
Precious Remedies Against Satan’s Devices by Thomas Brooks
Reflections on Evolution by Fredrick Sproull
Roadie: My Life on the Road with Coldplay by Matt McGinn
Strange Creatures of the Ice and Snow by Edward F. Dolan
Time for Bed, Sleepyheads by Normand Chartier
Weird Islands by Jean de Boschère
Future Reading:
A Girl of the Limberlost by Gene Stratton-Porter
Adventures in Cryptozoology Vol. 1 by Richard Freeman
All the King's Men by Robert Penn Warren
Always Running by Luis J. Rodriguez
Ancient Mysteries, Modern Visions by Philip S. Callahan
The Anti-Mary Exposed by Carrie Gress
The Arm of the Starfish by Madeleine L'Engle
The Art Nouveau Style by Stephan Tschudi Madsen
As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner
Black Beauty by Anna Sewell
Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
The Call of the Wild by Jack London
The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger
Champions of the Rosary by Donald H. Calloway
The Color Purple by Alice Walker
The Complete Works of H. P. Lovecraft
Cubism by Guillaume Apollinaire
Dear Mr. Henshaw by Beverly Cleary
Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
Equal Rites by Terry Pratchett
Evolution by Nowell Stebbing
Expressionism by Ashley Bassie
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
Fearsome Creatures of the Lumberwoods by Hal Johnson
Found in a Bookshop by Stephanie Butland
Frankenstein by Mary Shelly
Freaks on the Fells by R. M. Ballantyne
Freckles by Gene Stratton-Porter
Fundamentals of Character Design by Various Authors
Graceling by Kristin Cashore
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
The History of Don Quixote de la Mancha by Miquel de Cervantes Saavedra
Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones
Humorous Ghost Stories by Various Authors
I, Robot by Isaac Asimov
Illuminated Manuscripts by Tamara Woronowa
The Island of Doctor Moreau by H. G. Wells
Joan Miro by Joan Miro
The Jungle by Upton Sinclair
Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton
Light of the Western Stars by Zane Grey
Living by the Sword by Eric Demski
The Longest Cocktail Party by Richard DiLello
Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis
North and South by Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell
Otis Spofford by Beverly Clearly
The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster
The Shining by Stephen King
The Silmarillion by J R R Tolkien
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson
Strange Love by Ann Aguirre
The River by Gary Paulsen
Things My Son Needs to Know About the World by Fredrik Backman
The Third Man Factor by John Geiger
The Time Machine by H. G. Wells
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson
The War of the Worlds by H. G. Wells
We Are Where the Nightmares Go and Other Stories by C. Robert Cargill
The Weiser Field Guide to Cryptozoology by Deena West Budd
The White Mountains by John Christopher
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wlwcatalogue · 2 years
A Gay Girl's Guide to Korean Musicals (with English subtitles!)
People often associate musicals with male gayness (both onstage and off) but there's stuff out there for female-oriented queers too! It's just harder to find, which is why I put this video together despite not knowing Korean.
This list isn't comprehensive and I deliberately chose musicals with either queer female characters or gender-free casting (i.e. female actors playing male roles), except for Bernarda Alba, which is special as it’s by far the largest-scale all-female production with 10 characters. Obviously there are many Korean musicals out there which don't meet these criteria and are still of interest to the queers, but I wanted to highlight these in particular as they are, apart from Rebecca, not as well-known. I highly recommend checking out @koreanmusicals for more information on Korean musicals generally!
Note: Again, I don’t understand Korean and relied heavily on machine translation and the original lyrics for licenced productions, so any errors in the subtitles or explanations are mine. Corrections are very welcome!
At-a-glance list:
1. Lizze (리지)
2. Midnight (미드나잇)
3. Rebecca (레베카)
4. Pirate (해적)
5. V Ever After (V 에버 애프터)
6. Frida (프리다)
7. Red Cliff (적벽)
8. Bernarda Alba (베르나르다 알바)
More details, including links to the sources, under the cut!
1. LIZZIE (리지)
Photo source: NewsCulture
A. “If You Knew” (네가 안다면)
Actor: J-Min/제이민 (Alice) Video source:  Oh! J-Min 오! 제이민
B. “Will You Stay?” (있어줄래?)
Actors: J-Min/제이민 (Alice – main vocal), Yuria/유리아 (Lizzie) Video sources:  서울문화투데이TV, OSEN TV, 톱데일리 Top Daily, 더인터 (clip 1, clip 2), PlayDB, TongTongCulture
C. “Sweet Little Sister” (소중한 내 동생)
Actors: Kim Ryeowon/김려원 (Emma – main vocal), Jeon Sung-min/전성민 (Lizzie), Lee Youngmi/이영미 (Bridget), Kim Suyeon/김수연 (Alice) Video sources:  PlayDB, TongTongCulture
2. MIDNIGHT (미드나잇)
Photo source: 666PICTURE
A. “The Future Comes A-Knocking” (그날이 찾아왔어)
Actor: Yuria/유리아 (Visitor) Video source: 정숲
B. “Everyone’s A Devil, Now and Then” (누구나 악마죠 때로는)
Actors: Jang Bo-ram/장보람 (Visitor), Ju Da-on/주다온 (Woman), Jang Yoo-sang/장유상 (Man), Park Seon-young/박선영 (Player 1), Jina Esther Baek/백지나에스더 (Player 2), Kang Daewoon/강대운 (Player 3), Hwang Ji-sung/황지성 (Player 4) Video sources: 빚, 라디우스, 탄수화물 섭취량과 행복도의 상관관계
3. REBECCA (레베카)
Photo source: EMK Musical’s official Facebook page
“Rebecca” (레베카)
Actors: Ock Joo Hyun/옥주현 (Mrs. Danvers - main vocal), Lee Ji Hye/이지혜(Protagonist) Video source: EMK MUSICAL
4. PIRATE (해적)
Photo source: comet7423_PIC
A. “I Won't Let You Go” (가만 안 둬)
Actors: Kim Ee-hoo/김이후 (Anne Bonny), Kim Ryeowon/김려원 (Mary Read) Video source: KONTENTZ PLANNING
B. “All of us and the dreams we don’t remember” (우리 모두의, 기억나지 않는 꿈)
Actors: Kim Ee-hoo/김이후 (Anne Bonny), Kim Ryeowon/김려원 (Mary Read) Video source: MN CAM
5. V EVER AFTER (V 에버 애프터)
Photo source: Amor_pic
“Hunt” (사냥)
Actors: Kim Ee-hoo/김이후 (Lehwig – main vocal), Hwang Hannah/황한나 (Frantzschez) Video source: 컷콜 찍는 먼지
6. FRIDA (프리다)
Photo source: NewsCulture
“Hummingbird” (허밍버드)
Actors: Jeon Su-mi/전수미  (Diego/Reflejar), Kim So-hyang/김소향 (Frida) Video source: PlayDB
7. RED CLIFF (적벽)
Photo source: L0VE_pearl
“Southeastern Wind” (동남풍)
Actors: Lim Ji-soo (Kong Ming, aka. Zhuge Liang), Lee Geum-mi/이금미 (Zhou Yu), Kim Su-in 김수인 (Lu Su), Choi Ha-neul/최하늘 (Xu Sheng), Lee Yongjeong/이용전 (Zhao Yun, aka. Zhao Zilong), others Video source: KBS 11’s 국악 한마당, episode 1256 (aired 27 Apr 2019)
8. BERNARDA ALBA (베르나르다 알바)
Photo source: Screencap from livestream
“Prologue” (프롤로그)
Actors: Jung Young-joo/정영주 (Bernarda Alba), Lee Youngmi/이영미 (Foncia – main vocal), Hwang Seok-jeong/황석정 (Maria Josefa), Jung In-ji/정인지 (Angustias), Kim Hwan-Hee/김국희 (Amelia), Oh So-yeon/오소연 (Adela), Baek Eun-hye/백은혜 (Magdalena), Jeong Sung-min/전성민 (Martirio), Kim Hieora/김히어라 (Young Handmaid), Kim Koo-hee/김환희 (Handmaid, Prudence) Video source: THE MUSICAL
Amadeus (아마데우스)
El crítico (비평가)
Unchain (언체인)
Jane (제인)
Orphans (오펀스)
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brittanishqs · 1 month
mw fcs
get  ready  because  the  list  is  long:  emma  d'arcy,  quintessa  swindell,  dua  saleh,  poppy  liu,  asia  kate  dillon,  lizeth  selene,  emma  corrin,  janelle  monae,  yaya  dacosta,  liv  hewson,  celeste  o'connor,  zion  moreno,  aj  clementine,  jessie  mei  li,  serena  motola,  mimi  keene,  nana  komatsu,  davika  hoorne,  chase  sui  wonders,  maia  reficco,  chandler  kinney,  zaria  simone,  ayo  edebiri,  lola  tung,  anya  chalotra,  maggie  q,  benjamin  bratt,  jaz  sinclair,  laura  harrier,  zendaya,  courtney  eaton,  hunter  schafer,  jessica  henwick,  medalion  rahimi,  simone  ashley,  khadijha  red  thunder,  zion  moreno,  amita  suman,  olivia  cooke,  ella  purnell,  sophie  thatcher,  yasmin  finney,  rachel  zegler,  bruna  marquezine,  taylor  russell,  alisha  boe,  antonia  gentry,  ashley  moore,  naomi  scott,  natasha  liu  bordizzo,  melis  sezen,  hande  ercel,  aslihan  malbora,  havana  rose  liu,  amy  adams,  jessica  alexander,  grace  van  dien,  danielle  rose  russell,  sarah  snook,  adria  arjona,  ayo  edebiri,  bahar  sahin,  jasmin  savoy  brown,  anne  hathaway,  michelle  yeoh,  anya  taylor-joy,  lucy  liu,  viola  davis,  ming  na  wen,  sandra  oh,  gemma  chan,  maddie  phillips,  park  sooyoung,  jamie  chung,  tati  gabrielle,  sydney  park,  hoyeon  jung,  brittany  o'grady,  lily  gladstone,  savannah  lee  smith,  nicola  coughlan,  greta  onieogou,  kylie  verzosa,  moon  gayoung,  madeleine  madden,  ni  ni,  alba  flores,  gugu  mbatha  raw,  adeline  rudolph,  cierra  ramirez,  kiki  layne,  ryan  destiny,  zoey  luna,  lovie  simone,  blu  hunt,  park  sooyoung,  im  jinah,  samantha  logan,  tessa  thompson,  mint  ranchwaree,  yara  shahidi,  zorzo  natharuetai,  sobhita  dhulipala,  mookda  narinrak,  namtan  tipnaree,  nychaa  nuttanicha,  pat  chayanit,  nadine  lustre,  wawwa  nicha,  maris  racal,  ayca  aysin  turan,  may  calamawy,  megan  suri,  banita  sandhu,  priscilla  quintana,  brianne  tju,  melis  pamuk,  camila  mendes,  demet  ozdemir,  sophia  ali,  bree  kish,  maddison  bailey,  jeremy  allen  white,  tamino  amir,  mena  massoud,  archie  renaux,  evan  mock,  dev  patel,  taylor  zakhar  perez,  tommy  martinez,  maxence  danet  fauvel,  rege  jean  page,  kiowa  gordon,  d'pharaoh  woon-a-tai,  derek  luh,  apo  nattawin,  tom  blyth,  freddy  carter,  deniz  can  aktas,  emre  bey,  ilhan  sen,  josh  o'connor,  mike  faist,  joseph  quinn,  manny  jacinto,  callum  turner,  alex  landi,  barry  keoughan,  paul  mescal,  rami  malek,  simone  baldasseroni,  woo  do  hwan,  yahya  abdul  mateen  ii,  mason  gooding,  cody  christian,  michael  evans  behling,  jordan  gonzalez,  drew  ray  tanner,  ito  hideaki,  peter  gadiot,  gong  yoo,  michael  b  jordan,  hugh  dancy,  ben  whishaw,  swann  arlaud,  froy  gutierrez,  alex  meraz,  emilio  sakraya,  rahul  kohli,  oscar  isaac,  peter  gadiot,  jonathan  daviss,  danny  ramirez,  kento  yamazaki,  omar  sy,  cillian  murphy,  oliver  jackson-cohen,  brian  michael  smith,  idris  elba,  william  jackson  harper,  lewis  tan.
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knockyasocksoff2022 · 10 months
My Fukumori Playlist
34 songs - 2 hours
16 Shots - Steflon Don
Bad Romance - Lady Gaga
Bones - Imagine Dragons
Centuries - Fall Out Boy
Dynasty - Miia
Enemy - Tommee Profit, Beacon Light, Sam Tinnesz
Everybody Wants To Rule The World - Lorde
FRIENDS - Marshmallow & Anne-Marie
GOSSIP (feat. Tom Morello) - Maneskin
Heathens - twenty one pilots
Holding Out For a Hero - Adam Lambert
I See Red - Everybody Loves an Outlaw
Irresistible (feat. demi Lavato) - Fall Out Boy
Legends Never Die - League of Legends & Against the Current
Look What You Made Me Do - Taylor Swift
Memories - Maroon 5
Monster Made of Memories - Citizen Soldier
My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark - Fall Out Boy
Only One King - Jung Youth & Tommee Proft
Poker Face - Lady Gaga
Riot - Hollywood Undead
Run This Town (feat. Rihanna & Kanye West) - JAY-Z
Seven Nation Army - The White Stripes
Sexy Back - Justin Timberlake & Timbaland
Sorry Not Sorry - Demi Lavato
Sucker for Pain (with Logic, Ty Dolla $ign & X Ambassadors) - Lil Wayne, Wiz Khalifa & Imagine Dragons
Teeth - 5 Seconds of Summer
The Law - Reach
This Is It - Oh The Larceny
Toxic - Britney Spears
Way Down We Go - KALEO
Wolf in Sheep's Clothing (feat. William Beckett) - Set It Off
Young and Menace - Fall Out Boy
you should see me in a crown - Bille Eilish
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rye-in-a-coat · 3 months
List of the people who happen to be the youngest one (at the bottom) listed in the "Births" list for the English Wikipedia article of each day of the year and who are also NOT sportspeople. As of 05/07/2024
January 3 2003 – Greta Thunberg, Swedish environmental activist January 7 2004 – Sofia Wylie, American actress, singer, and dancer January 8 2000 – Noah Cyrus, American singer, songwriter, and actress January 9 2004 – Souhardya De, Indian author and columnist January 11 2000 – Chaeyeon, South Korean singer-songwriter January 15 2004 – Grace VanderWaal, American singer-songwriter January 18 2010 - Sophia Reid-Gantzert, Canadian actress and dancer January 24 2012 – Princess Athena of Denmark January 25 2002 – Lil Mosey, American rapper January 26 2009 – The Suleman octuplets January 27 1998 – Devin Druid, American actor January 30 2005 – Prince Hashem, second son of King Abdullah II of Jordan
February 5 2016 – Jigme Namgyel Wangchuck, Bhutanese prince February 10 2000 – Yara Shahidi, American actress and model February 13 2002 – Sophia Lillis, American actress February 19 2004 – Millie Bobby Brown, English actress, model and producer February 20 2003 – Olivia Rodrigo, American actress and singer February 21 1999 – Metawin Opas-iamkajorn, Thai actor and singer February 23 2002 – Emilia Jones, English actress February 25 2005 – Noah Jupe, English actor
March 1 2001 – Sapnap, American YouTuber March 2 2016 – Prince Oscar, Duke of Skåne March 3 2001 – Jvke, American singer-songwriter March 4 2007 – Miya Cech, American actress March 5 2007 – Roman Griffin Davis, English actor March 6 2003 – Millicent Simmonds, American actres March 8 2004 – Kit Connor, English actor March 12 2008 – Emma Kok, Dutch singer March 14 2008 – Abby Ryder Fortson, American actress March 20 2003 – Cooper Hoffman, American actor March 26 2005 – Ella Anderson, American actress
April 6 2009 – Valentina Tronel, French child singer April 9 2004 – TommyInnit, British YouTuber and Twitch streamer April 10 2001 – Noa Kirel, Israeli singer April 17 2001 – Shin Ryujin, South Korean rapper, singer and dancer April 18 2001 – PinkPantheress, English singer, songwriter, and record producer April 19 2002 – Loren Gray, American singer and internet personality April 21 2007 – Princess Isabella of Denmark, daughter of King Frederik X and Queen Mary of Denmark April 22 2011 – Violet McGraw, American actress April 23 2018 – Prince Louis of Wales April 29 2007 – Infanta Sofía of Spain, Spanish princess April 30 2003 – Jung Yun-seok, South Korean actor
May 2 2015 – Princess Charlotte of Wales, British royal, and third in line to the British throne May 4 1998 – Alexander O'Connor, English musician May 6 2019 – Prince Archie of Sussex May 8 2003 – Moulay Hassan, Crown Prince of Morocco May 15 2002 – Chase Hudson, American internet celebrity, singer, actor May 17 1994 – Julie Anne San Jose, Filipina singer-songwriter May 18 2009 – Hala Finley, American actress May 19 2003 – Jojo Siwa, American dancer, singer, actress, and YouTube personality May 21 2002 – Elena Huelva, Spanish cancer activist and influencer May 22 2004 – Peyton Elizabeth Lee, American actress May 24 2001 – Emily Austin, journalist and social media influencer May 30 2000 – Jared S. Gilmore, American actor
June 1 1999 – Technoblade, American YouTuber and streamer June 4 2021 – Princess Lilibet of Sussex June 10 1999 – Blanche, Belgian singer June 12 1999 – CarryMinati, Indian YouTuber June 16 2003 – Anna Cathcart, Canadian actress June 18 1999 – Trippie Redd, American rapper June 19 2004 – Millie Gibson, English actress June 21 2011 – Lil Bub, American celebrity cat June 22 1999 – Sam Retford, Australian-English actor June 23 2008 – Lilliana Ketchman, American dancer and YouTuber June 26 2005 – Princess Alexia of the Netherlands June 29 2006 – Sam Lavagnino, American child voice actor
July 1 2003 – Storm Reid, American actress July 4 2003 – Polina Bogusevich, Russian singer July 15 2008 – Iain Armitage, American child actor July 16 1996 – Daniel Pearson, English actor and presenter July 20 1999 – Pop Smoke, American rapper and singer July 22 2013 – Prince George of Wales July 24 1998 – Bindi Irwin, Australian conservationist, zookeeper, and actress July 30 1999 – Joey King, American actress
August 12 2001 – Dixie D'Amelio, American social media personality and singer August 13 2000 – Na Jaemin, South Korean rapper, singer, dancer and actor August 14 2004 – Marsai Martin, American actress and producer August 20 2003 – Prince Gabriel of Belgium August 28 2003 – Quvenzhané Wallis, American actress August 31 2004 – Jang Won-young, South Korean singer and model
September 1 2003 – An Yu-jin, South Korean singer and actress September 2 1998 – Choi Ye-bin, South Korean actress September 4 2001 – Talitha Bateman, American actress September 7 2006 – Ian Chen, American actor September 10 2004 – Gabriel Bateman, American actor September 13 1996 – Lili Reinhart, American actress September 14 1999 – Emma Kenney, American actress September 19 2001 – Ghina Raihanah, Indonesian advocate, model, and influencer September 23 1999 – Song Yu-qi, Chinese singer September 24 2003 – Joe Locke, Manx actor September 25 2009 – Leah Jeffries, American actress September 28 2000 – Frankie Jonas, American actor, singer, and songwriter September 30 2002 – Maddie Ziegler, American dancer and actress
October 1 2006 – Priah Ferguson, American actress October 3 2004 – Noah Schnapp, American actor October 4 1997 – Yuju, South Korean singer October 5 2006 – Jacob Tremblay, Canadian actor October 7 2001 – Princess Senate Seeiso, Princess of Lesotho October 4 2001 – Rowan Blanchard, American actress October 15 2005 – Christian, Crown Prince of Denmark October 19 1999 – Carlotta Truman, German singer-songwriter October 20 1999 – Chuu, South Korean singer and television personality October 23 1999 – Yui Kobayashi, Japanese idol October 25 2001 – Princess Elisabeth, Duchess of Brabant October 26 2002 – Lee Eunsang, South Korean singer October 27 1999 – Haruka Kudo, Japanese singer and actress October 29 1996 – Astrid S, Norwegian singer and songwriter October 31 2005 – Leonor, Princess of Asturias
November 3 2007 – Ever Anderson, American actress November 7 1997 – Nana Okada, Japanese singer November 8 2000 – Jasmine Thompson, English singer November 10 2009 – Christian Convery, Canadian actor November 20 2002 – Madisyn Shipman, American actress November 21 2000 – Isabel May, American actress November 27 2001 – Zoe Colletti, American actress November 28 2000 – Jackson Yee, Chinese singer, dancer and actor
December 4 1999 – Kim Do-yeon, South Korean singer and actress December 5 1998 – Conan Gray, American singer-songwriter December 14 2001 – Joshua Rush, American actor and activist December 17 1999 – Mirei Sasaki, Japanese singer, model, and actress December 19 1998 – King Princess, American singer-songwriter and musician December 23 2002 – Finn Wolfhard, Canadian actor and musician December 25 1999 – Adut Akech, South Sudanese-Australian fashion model December 30 1995 – V, South Korean singer
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