#Anne with an E x Fem oc
Broken-Hearted Girl (Gilbert Blythe) One-Shot
↠ Gilbert x OC One-Shot ↞
⚠️This one-shot does not follow the storyline of the books or the show.⚠️
⚠️TRIGGER WARNING: this one shot includes depression, death of a family member, mourning, and some other dark themes that I don't know how to really describe. It may be a heavy thing to read. Viewer discretion is advised ⚠️
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Violetta sat inside her dark bedroom, away from the outside and other people. She was silent with her hands firmly pressed against the mattress as she stared down at the floor with no emotion on her face. She was drained mentally and emotionally. She had just gotten home after the funeral of her parents.
Usually her home would be swarming with everyone from Avonlea like they had done a year ago with the Blythe residence. Although to the town's dismay, Violetta begged for respect and privacy to keep her home closed off from the town. She knew how curious people could get and she didn't want to worry about any missing items or out of place items when she needed the time to mourn.
Sighing softly to herself she just rubbed her eyes then lay back in bed. She lost both her parents when they were visiting some friends in The Bog. Some hoodlum thought they were wealthy enough to steal from when they had nothing of value with them. He took their lives and left the country. Violetta just couldn't fathom how anyone could be so cruel.
That person had taken her whole life away from her. At this point she was grateful her parents accelerated her education. She had finished high school two years prior to her peers in Avonlea. Which opened up her time to work. Although with the news, the shop where she worked in Charlottetown understood why she would not be present for the time being.
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A knock at her front door took her out of her thoughts. Slowly she looked at her bedroom door and forced herself to get up. Shuffling her feet as she exited her room and made her way down to the first floor. It was as if she was a hollowed out walking corpse. She was so pale and skinny from not eating for a few days. Very unusual from her usual bubbly self. Her appetite easily competed with a man's appetite. To her dismay there was someone still waiting for her to answer the door. She could see their shadow through her window on the front porch.
Shuffling her feet again, she made it to the door and opened it only to be greeted by her neighbor Gilbert Blythe. He looked at her concerned. They had never spoken a word to each other before. Although she was too depressed to even care why he was here. "What do you want Blythe?"She asked. He was slightly shocked by her forwardness although understood this may be her way of mourning.
"I just wanted to come by and make sure that you're okay."he started saying. She rolled her eyes uninterested in what he had to say and just stood to the side as if she was inviting him inside. He cautiously took a step forward inside and she walked away from the door slightly. "Close the door behind you Blythe, I don't want to catch a cold from the winter breeze"She said as she shuffled slowly to the kitchen. He sighed in defeat as he entered her home and closed the door behind him. Locking it to ensure their safety in case anyone else decided to show up.
He was still pondering why she was so unladylike. Yes she lost her parents. Although some people would try to stay strong and cordial with others when they check in on the person mourning. Sighing softly he followed her into the kitchen and gave her a look of sympathy as he saw her just sitting at the small dining table by the window. "Look, I know what it's like to lose your parents. I know how hard it is to be on your own" He said.
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She glanced at him then laid her head down on the table. "Blythe, why is this about you?"She asked curiously. He suddenly was thrown into a flashback when he said similar words to Anne during the time he lost his father. "I- just wanted to let you know that I'm here for you if you ever needed anyone. It's hard to be on your own. Now that I have Bash and Mary it's been easier. But I've noticed you never really have had anyone else around besides your parents. And you work so far in Charlottetown."He answered sadly.
Sitting up properly for once since the loss of her parents she looked at him and folded her arms across her chest. "Blythe, you barely know me. And frankly speaking I barely know you. We are strangers. I appreciate your concern for me and I appreciate the offer you are making here. Offering me companionship and a shoulder to lean on. But I just prefer to be alone." She spat, her words soft and light but filled with venom at the same time. With that, she stood up from her seat and made her way to the stairs. "When you exit there's a spare key under the door mat. Lock the door on your way out" She said as she descended to her bedroom.
Gilbert closed his eyes and took a deep breath to calm his emotions he was feeling. Never in his day did he think he would be faced with another challenging girl in Avonlea. Violetta was mourning it's understandable that she would want to be alone and push people away. That wasn't enough for Gilbert to give up on her. He would do whatever it takes to make sure she would never be alone. With that thought fresh in his mind, his eyes fluttered open and he started to look in her food supply to see what he could prepare for her. She didn't think he didn't notice how unwell she looked did she? Well, it doesn't matter now. Mr. Gilbert Blythe was about to make a feast for his young neighbor and take care of her even when she pushes him away.
💞Hey guys, thanks for taking the time to read this One-Shot if you did. Sorry for the dark themes and that it's not as happy as the other things I've written. I was wondering if you guys would want a part two to this. If so comment down below and maybe we'll be able to turn this sadness into happiness. Haha comment down below your thoughts and what you thought of their interaction.💞
✍🏻 P.S, I've thought of this story for a long time and have been waiting to write it for a while.
Word Count: 1144
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opask-directory · 6 years
Genderbend Characters
Looking for a character? Just use the keys Ctrl+F for Windows or Command+F for Macs to search a character’s name.
Up to date as of 01/27/2020
📝does some lit RPing  💀dead blog  ⏰inactive 5+months  📅inactive 1+year  ⭐OCs involved  ⌚Hiatus  🔞18+ content  📁archived blog  ✨au blogs
Marko the Phoenix    @ask-female-marco 
Monkey D. Luffy    @ask-fem-luffy 📅
Portgas D. Anne    @ask-portgasdanne ⏰
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itisme-rosie · 2 years
🌑 blog rules :
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i. since this will primarily be a sfw + mostly comfort writing account, descriptive + explicit nsfw content is not allowed. neither are violent + descriptive themes.
ii. do not interact if you are racist, homophobic, sexist, or hateful towards specific groups of people. do not interact if you send hate to content creators for no or any reason. insert other basic dni criteria for sfw blogs.
iii. asks are encouraged. the ask box will be open always unless i say it is closed.
iv. about requests :
• i can and will delete or refuse any request that makes me uncomfy.
× no nsfw or violent themes in your request, thank you.
✓ fluff, angst, platonic, romantic, gn, fem x fem, fem x male.
✓ please include : character / s (depending on your request, no character limit), prompt / summary of the scenario, and preferred pronouns to be used. otherwise i will use gn terms.
• for harry potter : i love almost everyone. right now, i'm in my marauders era (remus lupin girly) excitedly awaiting troto. not really familiar with the marauder era girlies or the popular OCs from popular fanfics, not a dumbledore, peter pettigrew, or snape stan sorrynotsorry.
• for dc comics : i tend to use characters from the dcau (animated) movies and shows, specifically from the justice league, teen titans, and young justice, i watched titans but paused at before i could start s3. special mention : the batfam :)) is one of my specific faves.
• for yellowjackets: almost everyone, any timeline! partial to nat, shauna, and tai. won't write for travis, javi, or coach ben, soz 😔
• for warrior nun: the main gang!! beatrice, ava, lilith, camila, mary (🥹). platonic only for mama superion and jillian salvius pls, thank yew.
• for gen v: jordan. cate. still considering other characters, i've only finished ep 1 and 2 ngl.
• i have a lot of other fandoms like pjo, the maze runner, star wars, ouat, anne with an e, etc. i just am not sure as to what i want to write for yet other than the mentioned above. i'll update this if i decide on more.
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Different (Ruby x Fem OC) P.T. 1
Disclaimer: This is a LGBTQ+ Short Story, although the actual character may not be LGBTQ+ it is just a story and I know I'm not the only person that is open to this side of this character. We all write fanfictions that change characteristics of a character so I hope you all keep that in mind and do not attack me in the comments for the content that I have written.
Other Content Tags: Fluff, Cuteness, Heart Squeezing or Cringey Scenes, Slightly Out Of Character Dominance Ruby
Part Two
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Ruby sighed in a dreamlike state as she watched her neighbor tend to her laundry outside. A hand on her cheek as she leaned against the side of her home. Watching as the smaller girl in front of her was showing qualities of an ideal bride. Her eyes suddenly changing course and taking in the physique of the neighbor girl. Ruby had quite admired how fit the girl was. Although you couldn't see her frame much in the clothing she wore, her waistline being as small as it was told Ruby all she needed to know about how healthy her crush is.
Lily had been living near the Gillis Residence since she was a baby. Ruby and Lily had never had a true conversation that initiated any sort of relationship between the two. Only a few greetings and neighborly conversations. That didn't stop Ruby from fantasizing about being the girl's knight in shining armor. As sensitive as Ruby made herself out to be whenever someone had shown some interest in Gilbert Blythe, she had only done that to cover up the taboo truth of who she truly has feelings for.
Lily had noticed that Ruby was staring at her from afar and a blush rose to her cheeks. She had always found Ruby attractive but knew nothing would come of it. It was completely inappropriate to feel that way about the same gender and Ruby had already made it clear she had feelings for the Blythe boy. Lily shook her head to get rid of the thoughts that started to cycle through her mind and continued to do her chores.
Once she was finished with her laundry she looked up to see if Ruby was still there. To her heart's delight Ruby was still there in a daydream state as she looked at the girl. Lily had never really had friends in the years she's lived in Avonlea so she took a breath and walked over towards the young blonde girl.
"Ruby, I know we haven't truly met each other's acquaintance yet but, I was wondering since I have finished my chores if you would like to accompany me on a walk?" Lily asked slightly nervous. Ruby had snapped out of her thoughts when she realized Lily was in front of her. Once she registered what Lily had asked, a huge grin spread across her face.
"I'd love to darling" She answered. Lily blushed and started walking towards the route that the girls both took to school everyday. Ruby followed closely behind and smiled as she noticed how truly small the girl was compared to her. It made her feel confident if she ever needed to protect her for any reason.
"So, how old are you exactly?" Lily asked attempting to make some sort of small talk. Ruby just chuckled softly at how nervous the smaller girl was. "I'm sixteen now. How about yourself?" She asked in return. Lily looked up at Ruby for a second before turning her attention to what was in front of her so she wouldn't bump into a tree. "I had just turned sixteen myself the other day" She answered.
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Ruby looked at the girl and grabbed her hand so she would stop walking. Lily did indeed stop and looked at Ruby slightly confused. "Your birthday was on Friday and you didn't celebrate?" She asked. Lily shrugged slightly as she looked up at Ruby. "My parents work in Charlottetown and haven't been able to return home yet. So I hadn't really thought of how to celebrate by myself." Lily said.
Ruby pouted slightly and continued walking with Lily. "That's quite sad isn't it?" She asked. Lily shrugged and looked down at her feet as they crunched the leaves beneath her. "It doesn't bother me Ruby. It isn't the first year this has happened. Besides I don't even have any companions to spend my time with." She said.
Ruby noticed that Lily never let go of her hand and she intertwined their fingers together. "Well, from now on to forever. You'll have me to spend your time with while you're parents are away" She whispered very closely to Lily's ear.
Lily shivered from the sensation and blushed like crazy. "Thank you Ruby. That is very kind of you". Ruby smiled brightly and nodded. "Of course. I would hate to be alone for my birthday too" She said.
760 Word Count Originally Written and Published on Wattpad April 14th 2020
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Meet OC (link coming soon) Meet OC's Family (link coming soon) Part One Prologue (link coming soon) Part Two Chapter One (link coming soon) Part Three Chapter Two (link coming soon) Part Four Chapter Three (link coming soon) Final Part Chapter Five the Finale (link coming soon)
pairing: Billy Andrews x Fem OC (East Asian FC | Southeast Asian Fem OC)
warnings/notes: fluff, implied romance, best friends to lovers possible trope, unspecified relationship, possible one sided feelings, historical inaccuracies
Also the entire story was written while listening to the song You Don't Know by Katelyn Tarver.
↠ C h a p t e r F o u r ↞
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Genevieve sighed softly as she laid in her bed thinking of the events that had unfolded yesterday, she never thought that she would she this side of Billy before. Groaning softly she just buried her head in her hands as she thought about the conversation Jane had with her last night.
• Flashback •
Genevieve was sitting cross-legged on her bed as she looked over at Jane who walked over to her home stating that she had urgent news about Billy. Jane sighed softly knowing that this may hurt Genevieve. Although she knew Genevieve and Billy weren't admitting their feelings about each other to themselves. "Gen, Billy walked home with Josie later after the game ended. Our father had arranged for him to marry Josie." Jane started. Genevieve felt her chest tighten and she closed her eyes taking a deep breath before looking at Jane with a small smile. "Oh, that's great for him. Billy should learn how to actually court a woman that he's about to marry" She said with slight venom in every word.
Jane sighed to herself and looked at Genevieve who was clearly hurt. "Look, I know you and Billy have feelings for each other but you both are just too stubborn to admit that to even yourselves. For years I thought that you would end up being part of my family" Jane said. Genevieve lowered her head and started playing with her hands, having a debate with herself in her mind. "Jane I am truly happy for your brother. Whatever I may be feeling now could just be some sort of affection due to being friends with him for so long and not really having any other men in my life that aren't considered family. I also told my mother that I would try and get to know Thomas." Genevieve said. Jane looked at Genevieve with a look of defeat. "Look Gen, if you want me to be honest. I don't want Josie as my sister in law." She admitted.
"I want you to be the one to walk down the aisle to meet my brother at the alter." She said softly. Genevieve just shook her head and got off of her bed. "Thanks for coming and letting me know Jane, but I don't even know if that will change his ways of acting like a bastard." She said in such a hurt tone. "I just cannot fathom that even with the years he had acted with me, that he just turned into a completely different person and changed into someone who is so despicable and disrespectful so quickly." She added before leaving Jane in her room to get some air in the backyard. Jane groaned softly and rubbed her face before walking out of Genevieve's room and making her way home.
• End of Flashback •
Someone had knocked on the door and Genevieve took a breath. "Come in" She said reluctantly. Thomas stuck his head in the door first and walked over to her after closing the door behind him. "How are you doing darling?" He asked as he sat at the foot of her bed. She sniffled and shook her head with her hands still covering her face. He sighed and reached over pulling her hands away slowly. "I overheard your conversation and I can tell you really love this boy. Although he doesn't seem like he is the most intelligent option for you as it sounds he's deciding things solely on what his parents want." Thomas explained. Genevieve looked over at him sadly and nodded her head.
He sighed and helped her sit up making her look at him. "You know what Genevieve. I have a plan. Since the fair is coming up, show him what he is missing out on. A beautiful, wonderful, incredibly amazing and intelligent woman. You're not a girl anymore Genevieve. Your parents have spoken to me about that. Which is why they have called for me as a potential suitor" He said. Genevieve smiled softly as she listened to him and she bit her lip. "Alright Thomas. What is your plan exactly?" She asked intrigued. He chuckled at how her attitude had completely changed and shook his head with a smile that would make most women swoon.
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Finally the day of the fair had come around. The Brown family and Thomas were very much ready for the fair. They checked with each other and their staff that everyone was on par with their appearances before heading out. In the carriage, Thomas held Genevieve's hand. They had grown very close over the passed few weeks.
Once the whole family had arrived at the fair they had gotten some looks. Although they just kept their heads held high. Arthur and Judith had given everyone a few cents each so they could enjoy some of the attractions at the fair. Thomas took it upon himself to separate from the family along with Genevieve by his side. She smiled at him as he walked around the fair grounds with her. They conversed and laughed together. A quick turn of her head, she had seen Diana and Anne's farm boy hiding and they had shared a kiss. This shocked the girl and she just turned her attention back towards Thomas.
He walked over to the strong man booth greeting the attendant who handed him the mallet he needed to participate. Genevieve looked at him with an eyebrow raised as she crossed her arms over her chest. "This better be good Tommy" She called out to him in a joking manner. He smirked and gave her a little wink before slamming the mallet down on the target. The sweet sound of the bell ringing shocked the attendant who reluctantly gave Thomas the only stuffed toy prize that they had. 
Genevieve grinned from ear to ear, shaking her head as Thomas walked over towards her with the stuffed monkey toy. "Here you go my love, a prize that has been fairly one by such a handsome man" He said. She giggled softly and hooked her arm with his. "You are such a flirt. Do you know that?" She asked as she looked up at him. He simply leaned down placing a gentle kiss against her forehead. Once she felt him pull away her eyes fluttered open meeting his deep brown orbs. "I care about you dearly Genevieve. Any man that will not make time to spend with such a wonderful woman is a damn fool" He whispered. A blush rose to her cheeks making him smile. 
As the pair walked away from the booth they hadn't realized that a certain young man had seen their interaction. Fists tightly wound by his sides as he watched them walk away together. "Billy are you alright?" someone asked as a hand was placed on his shoulder. He recognized the voice as his soon to be fiancé Josie Pye. Her presence never had the same effect on him as Genevieve's, it was as if Genevieve was the one he let get away.
Calming down with a deep breath, he turned his attention to Josie with a small smile. "Yeah, I'm okay Josie." He reassured the girl. She returned the smile and their families had walked over to the strong man game that Genevieve had just been at. The thoughts still swarmed his mind but he shook it off and put on his usual Billy Andrews facade. The cocky arrogant attitude had returned as he was trying to impress Josie with his strength on the game. Unfortunately, that didn't work out. Since his mind was all jumbled with how he feels about Genevieve and seeing her with another man, he couldn't quite get the target hard enough to make the bell ring.
Josie watched by supporting him all the way, but sighed to herself as she noticed his struggle. She was disappointed that he couldn't seem to calm down enough to get it. Shaking off any negative thoughts she kept voicing her support for him to get it. Suddenly Diana Barry had come over with the Cuthbert's farm boy Jerry Bernard who had asked for a go. The Andrews boy scoffed and handed the mallet over reluctantly. He joined Josie at the sidelines and rolled his eyes not believing that Jerry could do any better than him. Only to be frustrated once hearing the ring of the bell as Jerry hit the target once. 
His attempt to distract himself away from any thoughts of Genevieve had not worked. But the Andrews boy will not give up so easily. If Genevieve wants to play a game like that then he'll join her little game. Josie may have to unknowingly be involved but he will regain Genevieve back into his life. He just needs to make her a little jealous.
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Written originally October 5th 2019.
Continued writing April 12th, 2020
Word Count: 1,500
Author's Note: What do you guys think should happen? How should we get Billy and Genevieve back together?
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Meet OC (link coming soon) Meet OC's Family (link coming soon) Part One Prologue (link coming soon) Part Two Chapter One (link coming soon) Part Three Chapter Two (link coming soon) Part Five Chapter Four (link coming soon) Final Part Chapter Five the Finale (link coming soon)
pairing: Billy Andrews x Fem OC (East Asian FC | Southeast Asian Fem OC)
warnings/notes: fluff, implied romance, best friends to lovers possible trope, unspecified relationship, possible one sided feelings, historical inaccuracies, slight angst idk how else to describe it, new character introduction, possible oc x oc
Also the entire story was written while listening to the song You Don't Know by Katelyn Tarver.
↠ C h a p t e r T h r e e ↞
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Genevieve sighed and closed her eyes as she slid down lower into the bathtub. The water covering the lower half of her face so she had to hold her breath as she thought of the events that had unfolded before her weeks ago. During the picnic she had with Billy she was completely silent as she just kept looking at him concerned. He was now cold and distant. As more time went by he sighed and grabbed her hand then told her everything she missed. How he had been bullying his classmates and even the new girl in Avonlea who was an orphan at some point. He even told her about how he destroyed their club house and fought with Cole ending up with his ear getting burnt against the furnace.
She was now just processing everything as she bathed. She can't believe he told her everything in detail. She can't believe how cruel he had become. Although she knew he must've acted different when he wasn't with her. From her conversations with Jane and Prissy in the past she was surprised that they kept complimenting her for being able to put up with their horrid brother. As much as they love him they didn't really approve of his behavior either.
She shook her head slowly and softly. Her eyes fluttered open gently and she slowly got out of the tub and got ready for her day. It had been at least a week since she had seen or heard from her best friend. She didn't push him away, but was understanding when he told her everything. Although she noticed as he got more cold and distant towards her throughout the weeks they spent together after he had come clean during their reunion day.
Genevieve could never hold anything against Billy, it wasn't in her nature. She knew he had troubles at home with his parents which is why he may have been acting out towards others. His mother had never been as supportive of him in anything he did, as she was more supportive of her daughters becoming independent women and paid more attention to them than Billy. His father on the other hand had always looked down on Billy for his grades and how he spoke. Mr.Andrews was not the ideal man of education either although he was still a great businessman. What Genevieve noticed over the years when she helped Billy with his studies is that he really was a bright mind. He suppressed that a lot whenever they were around his family. No one outside of the Andrews or Brown residence really knew that the Andrews boy had befriended the disgrace of the Brown family. Lord knows how Avonlea would react and retaliate with the two families if anyone knew of their friendship.
⚠️ WARNING: SPOILER ALERT FROM EPISODE ONE OF SEASON THREE. If you haven't watched the show yet and make a big deal of not knowing any details I suggest not reading the rest of this chapter! ⚠️
Today was the day that Billy and Jane told Genevieve that there would be a hockey game for the students in Avonlea. They invited her to attend. Genevieve looked at her reflection in the mirror and smiled with her appearance before walking downstairs.
There was a strange knock at the door and no one else had seemed to hear it. Whoever it was knocked louder this time and Genevieve sighed softly. She walked over to the door and opened it revealing a very handsome man.
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He was looking around and almost walked away until he noticed that Genevieve had opened the door for him. She looked up at him to observe him and analyze his features.
'He has a strong jawline, very pigmented and plump lips, and his nose was just cute. I don't know how else to describe it but damn. He's an attractive man. I wonder what he's here for.' Genevieve thought.
She was snapped out of her thoughts when the man smiled at her and handed her the bouquet she failed to realize he was holding. "These are for you as I assume you're Genevieve." She nodded and accepted the bouquet making the man smile even more. Then she realized he was still standing outside. "Oh um, where are my manners. Would you please come inside?" She said as she stepped aside to give him room to walk in.
He smiled at her as she closed the door and locked it behind him. This is when she noticed that he had luggage with him. "Ah, my name is Thomas. Thomas Nilsson" He introduced. She smiled softly and offered to shake his hand which he accepted. "Genevieve Brown."
Arthur and Judith walked out of their study and smiled as they noticed that Roman and Genevieve have been acquainted. "Gen, may I talk to you?"Judith asked. Genevieve nodded and pulled her hand away from Roman as she followed her mother into the study. Arthur took this opportunity to go and show Thomas to his room which was directly across from Genevieve's and around their home.
"Genevieve, you're sixteen years old. You've finished your studies at the age of fourteen. With your sister being different and our family openly accepting who she is. We have decided to arrange a marriage for you. Though we do respect if you do not choose to do so. We invited Thomas here as a suitor for you and we just want you to get to know him before we confirm any information with his parents."Judith explained.
Genevieve sat down in a lounge chair in the study, she slowly digested the information her mother had bluntly laid out for her and sighed. Billy hadn't even been attempting to spend time with her aside from inviting her to the hockey game today. She doesn't even know how to decipher whatever butterflies she got around him anyways. So she looked up at her mother and smiled softly. "Of course mother. I'll do my best and I'll spend time with Thomas. With time I'll give you my answer." She said. Her mother smiled and walked over to her, pulling her into a tight embrace. "Thank you my darling. I promise we won't do anything without your consent." She said.
Genevieve wrapped her arms around her mother tightly and nodded in response. Once they pulled away from their embrace she looked up at her mother. "I have to get going to a hockey game that the Andrews invited me to, May I go?" She asked. Her mother sighed and thought for a bit. "Yes of course, I'm sure it'll take a bit of time for your father to go over the whole house tour with Thomas. Just make sure you're home before supper" She answered. Genevieve squealed and hugged her mother before racing out the door with her jumper and scarf.
As Genevieve got closer to the location that Jane and Billy has informed her of she noticed a bunch of kids from the school. Due to the town's dismay of her pure existence, she was never allowed to interact with the other kids. The Andrews took years to accept her for her appearance and origin. After getting to truly know the girl they all fell in love with her in secret from the town.
Jane heard the crunching of snow behind her and looked back seeing Genevieve. In Jane's eyes it was like slow motion. The world was just slowed down around the young ethnic girl and the sunshine just created a beautiful glowing silhouette around her. This caused air to hitch in Jane's throat causing Tillie to give her a look of concern which she just waved off. Slowly she looked around then made her way over to Genevieve. "I'm glad you could make it. I know the other kids may say something so you don't have to stand with us" Jane stated. Genevieve looked over at the small crowd and sat on a log. "I'm fine over here Jane. I'll see you after the game. I'll just observe from here" She said.
Jane sighed softly and nodded before returning to her spot beside Tillie. Genevieve smiled softly observing the game and how the other kids interact with each other. She saw Billy which made her smile grow. He noticed her and almost slipped which made her giggle softly. This sudden noise caught the attention of a certain red-head. Anne looked back towards the tree-line and smiled seeing Genevieve and slowly walked towards her. Genevieve looked up at Anne slightly concerned about how this girl was going to approach her. "Hello, my name is Anne Shirley-Cuthbert." She said as she offered her hand to shake. Genevieve giggled and stood up from the tree trunk and shook Anne's hand. "Genevieve Brown, it's nice to meet you Anne." She said softly.
Of course everyone in Avonlea had heard of the Browns but they only ever saw Genevieve's parents and the hired men that care for the land. Occasionally seeing Jennifer and Mrs. Yoon who still stayed with the Brown's even though the girls are all grown. There was nothing that could stop her from teaching something to the girls.
Anne was still smiling as she looked at Genevieve. "I have heard stories in town about your family, although I would just like to say that you truly are a gorgeous girl and I would love to be your friend. Only if you accept that" Anne stated. Genevieve was in shock, she had never been friends with anyone besides her family and the Andrews family before. This made her heart skip a beat and she nodded excitedly. Anne smiled and took a hold of Genevieve's hand leading her over towards where she was standing with Ruby and Josie. Josie looked over at Genevie with pure disgust in her eyes and Ruby only looked with curiosity. "Oh what a surprise, the orphan that the Cuthbert's had taken in is now going to take in the ethnic orphan that made a terrible name for the Brown's estate" Josie exclaimed. Genevieve looked down, hurt by the accusation she knew was not true.
Upon hearing this Jane did not care about her family's reputation, as she only cared for her friend. Billy had been concentrating on the game so he hadn't heard a thing of what Josie had said. Jane walked over towards Genevieve and held her hand and close to her. "Josie, if you had any decency at all. You would just be able to see how gorgeous of a woman that Genevieve is. She has been with the Brown family since she was an infant and she is my friend and has been for years since they first moved to Avonlea. Now I do not care that you are infatuated with my brother and if he may be infatuated with you but, you will not talk to or about Genevieve Brown like that again. You hear me?"Jane asked. At this point all the girls that were around were purely shocked. Genevieve felt her heart break slightly hearing the infatuation that the pair may have.
The girls being so tense caused the boys to stop playing for a bit and look over. Some of the boys noticing Genevieve started to drool slightly and Genevieve just stood there awkwardly with her head down. "I, I'm sorry for causing trouble" She whispered. Diana overheard Genevieve and walked over taking her out of Jane's grip causing Jane to look up at Diana surprised. "You don't have to be sorry Genevieve, Josie is just not used to different. Honestly, a lot of us are not used to different. Nothing is your fault" She explained. Genevieve smiled slightly and thanked Diana with just looking up into her eyes. Diana and Anne walked with Genevieve over to another spot farther away from Josie and Ruby and the boys had continued their game, a bit confused on what had just taken place.
The girls talked for a while and the tension had finally calmed down between everyone. Moody had skated towards Diana and tried to be smooth and tip his hat towards her, only to stumble and attempted to regain his composure as he skated back into the game with one of the boys making a comment for him to not fall. Genevieve giggled slightly and looked over Diana who looked like she was dealing with a dilemma. "Going to take pity on poor Moody?" Josie asked teasingly. "You know my family won't allow it" Diana responded slightly disappointed. "Too rich to be a minister's wife" Josie stated before turning back towards the game. Diana seemed slightly unsettled and gave Genevieve a small smile of reassurance before returning her focus back towards the game.
A taller boy with dark hair skated over towards us and smiled slightly at Anne as she was writing in a notebook. "Isn't Ruby covering the game?" He asked curiously with a slight look of amusement on his face. Now Diana and Genevieve looked at Anne with knowing looks on their faces. "Ruby is pretty preoccupied. With a certain someone" Tillie had commented catching the boy's attention. All the girls giggled including Genevieve as the boy looked over at Ruby who was trying to give him a flirty smile that only turned out awkward. Slightly discomforted he skated away with a nod acknowledging what Tillie had said.
"He noticed me. He looked right at me and smiled" Ruby said as she looked over towards Anne and Josie. Genevieve rolled her eyes playfully and Diana whispered to her filling in information that she knew Genevieve was missing. "You're delusional" Josie said to Ruby playfully. "Ruby, Blythe." Ruby said excitedly in a dreamy state. Genevieve just giggled along with the other girls and then walked over to Jane and Tillie. "Tillie this is Genevieve, Genevieve this is Tillie" Jane introduced. The two girls exchanged very happy smiles towards each other and then the boy talk started. Billy had heard Genevieve giggle as she was talking to the girls and he turned his head looking at her with a slight smile. Josie had took slight notice but shook off the feeling of jealousy she had in her heart, knowing if she threatened Genevieve in any way that Jane would have her head. Genevieve noticed some figures walk from the other side of the forest and saw that Moody had paid some 'Indians' for a longer hockey stick. She observed as Gilbert had made an order for one and how Anne walked over to the people making some conversation, she couldn't hear the conversation but her curiosity still took the best of her focus ability.
She then noticed that Billy skated over to them and tried to order a stick but his approach was very inappropriate and disrespectful. Instead of trying to pay for it he threw a piece of fabric at them probably trying to say he would trade that for a stick. This made Genevieve's heart drop with the sight of his behavior firsthand. He was truly like a different person. She shook her head and bit her lip in disbelief as she heard that he called them savages. She looked down at her skin that had a slightly similar tone to theirs before looking at Billy with pure disgust in her eyes. He had been too preoccupied with the game to even notice. Jane did notice though and she held Genevieve's hand which made the girl look over at her. Jane gave her a look saying 'I tried to tell you who he was outside of the world he goes into when he's with you'. "I think I'm going to head home, I suddenly feel dizzy" Genevieve said to Jane. "Would you like us to accompany you on your walk home?" Tillie and Jane offered. Genevieve just shook her head and gave the girls a look of reassurance that she would be okay before she said her goodbyes to the other girls and walked home.
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Originally Written October 4th 2019, finished writing on October 6th 2019. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and stay tuned for the next one.
Word Count: 2663
0 notes
Meet OC Meet OC's Family Part One Prologue Part Two Chapter One Part Four Chapter Three (link coming soon) Part Five Chapter Four (link coming soon) Final Part Chapter Five the Finale (link coming soon)
pairing: Billy Andrews x Fem OC (East Asian FC | Southeast Asian Fem OC)
warnings/notes: fluff, implied romance, best friends to lovers possible trope, unspecified relationship, possible one sided feelings, historical inaccuracies
Also the entire story was written while listening to the song You Don't Know by Katelyn Tarver.
↠ C h a p t e r T w o ↞
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Genevieve looked up at the figure standing in front of her and she was just frozen in place. The figure smiled down at her and reached his hand out to help her up. She took a quick glance at his hand, then returned to look into his eyes. Slowly she lifted her smooth, soft, hand and placed it in his. The male figure didn't hesitate to pull her to her feet.
When she was on her feet, she lunged herself towards the figure into a tight embrace as tears of joy streamed down her rosy cheeks. "Dear sweet mother of pearl, I've missed you terribly" She cried out. He chuckled softly and returned the embrace. "I was wondering after your letter when you would return home Evie." He said.
She looked up at him with tears still pooling in her eyes and he pulled one hand away to wipe away her tears. "It's okay Genevieve. You're back and we have so much to catch up on. Let's dry those tears and we will return to our special space after getting some snacks from your palace" He teased her.
She rolled her eyes at the slight jab comment he made towards her, due to her family's estate. Genevieve was used to these comments from Billy since they were children. "Of course Bill-Bill. I'm also sure my family would be delighted to see you after these passed few years" She said. A smile grew on his face and he escorted Genevieve back towards her home.
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Billy opened the door for Genevieve once they made it to her home and she smiled at him appreciatively as she walked inside. Her sister Jennifer walked downstairs slowly and smiled seeing the once familiar male in the foyer of their home. "Billy, my word you've grown into yourself. How have you been?" She asked. Billy smiled and kindly kissed the back of Jennifer's hand. "I've been well. Father has taken me out of school to train me on how to take care of his enterprise." He said. Jennifer glanced over at Genevieve with a slightly impressed look as if he would be a good suitor for her sister. Genevieve only rolled her eyes and gave Jennifer a stern look as if to say 'we are just friends. He's not my romantic partner'. Jennifer rolled her eyes playfully and then turned her attention back to Billy.
"Well it was nice seeing you Billy. I have to go on my way into town to fetch a few things. I know I'll see you soon sir. Stay out of trouble" She said jokingly before exiting through the front door that the pair had just entered through. Billy had a slightly disappointed look on his face once hearing Jennifer telling him to stay out of trouble. Genevieve noticed this and she raised an eyebrow at him. He just coughed slightly and gave her a smile of reassurance before walking with her to the oh so familiar kitchen they used to be in all the time together.
Genevieve grabbed their designated picnic basket and Billy started to fix some simple sandwiches for the two. She flashed a smile in his direction which he returned as he helped her pack their basket full of the delicious goodies. Once finished, he took the basket and the pair started on their way back to their special spot in the woods.
As they were nearing the front gate entrance to the Brown property, Genevieve looked over at her companion. "Billy, why did you look so sullen when Jennifer spoke to you before she left?" She asked. He sighed softly as they finally exited her property and made their way towards the woods. "While you've been gone, I may or may not have been making the best decisions while at school." He answered. This slightly shocked Genevieve, but she also thought how she had only ever seen Billy's behavior when he's at home or with her. She knew he was just the annoying brother at home to his sisters and that he wasn't really living with the best circumstances with his mother looking down upon him for his attitude and his father looking down upon him for his studies. So this news didn't shock her too much. Although she was curious for details.
She opened her mouth as she looked at Billy again but quickly closed it, seeing that Billy didn't seem to be in the bright mood he was in earlier. So she thought it was best to give it a rest at the moment before finding another time to speak with him about it again.
Originally Written October 2nd 2019.
Word Count: 777
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You Don't Know (Part Two)
Meet OC Meet OC's Family Part One Prologue Part Three Chapter Two Part Four Chapter Three (link coming soon) Part Five Chapter Four (link coming soon) Final Part Chapter Five the Finale (link coming soon)
pairing: Billy Andrews x Fem OC (East Asian FC | Southeast Asian Fem OC)
warnings/notes: fluff, implied romance, best friends to lovers possible trope, unspecified relationship, possible one sided feelings, historical inaccuracies
Also the entire story was written while listening to the song You Don't Know by Katelyn Tarver.
↠ C h a p t e r O n e ↞
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Genevieve sighed to herself softly as she started unpacking her suitcases, that were full of her belongings. Her parents were in their study discussing business, her sister was respectfully in her bedroom writing poetry, and everyone else was doing their daily duties at the Brown Estate.
The Brown's purchased the most wealthy land in Avonlea. A huge plot of farmland and could easily fit two more homes if they chose to do so.
Genevieve finished with her unpacking and set away her suitcases in the hallway. Walter and Stephen usually put the suitcases away in a certain compartment in the home that kept them out of the way and organized.
After some time of contemplating to herself, she decided to get out of the house for once. When they were in Florida, all she did was stay inside their temporary home. Avoiding a lot of interaction with others.
She nodded to herself proud of her decision and slowly walked down the first flight of stairs. Her hand hovering slightly over the glossy, dark brown, wood banister just in case she missteps and is able to catch herself before she tumbles.
Smiling softly as she looked around her familiar childhood home, she graciously made her way down the last flight of stairs. She knew she needed to let her parents know of her whereabouts before leaving the home so she looked all around the first floor for them. They were not in the study like they were before she had unpacked her belongings.
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Sighing in slight defeat she walked outside and found Stephen. He was working on repairing the wooden fencing that surrounded the perimeter of the property. Once he noticed her presence, he stopped his work and turned towards Genevieve. "Miss Brown, good afternoon. What can I assist you with?"He asked.
She sighed softly and looked around making sure that her parents weren't just somewhere about to make sure she could relay the message to Stephen. "Hello Stephen, I was not able to locate my parents. But I just wanted to relay the message to you since you're on the property. I'll be heading out into town to explore and to clear my mind. Just getting a bit of fresh air. If they are wondering about my whereabouts please let them know I alerted you first before I left."She explained.
Stephen looked at the young girl and he smiles reassuringly. "The moment I spot your parents I'll alert them of your adventure. I know your parents well darling. We both know they'll want you home safe before sun down"He said. She smiled and nodded as a thank you. He nodded in return with a smile as well.
She turns on her heels and walks towards the main gate. Quite an adventure in itself. It was about a mile walk from the back of the estate towards the front. 'So much for living below our means' she thought to herself as she started to breathe a little heavier due to the distance of her walk.
The fresh air and the scenery of Avonlea still amazed her. A genuine smile grew on her lips and she just ran through the first gate and into the forest where she had her first ever adventure and met her best friend Billy Andrews.
Leaves were crunching beneath her feet as she ran and ran deeper into the woods. She kept running until she saw the creek she used to spend most of her days while studying silently on her own.
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Spinning slowly, she absorbed the images of her surroundings. Her heart beating fast with her love for her childhood home. Oh how she missed this place within the few years she was gone.
Her focus slowly making its way back to the creek, she smiled and walked slowly over to her favorite boulder that she would sit and study on for days.
Her delicate hands brushed over the boulder and she smiled to herself, feeling every little crack and crater. A little scribble caught her eye and she lowered her body into a squatting position. Giggling softly to herself she smiled seeing initials that she had engraved into the boulder. 'G.B & B.A'
Not only was this boulder the area where she spent her days studying. Billy and Genevieve would also have picnics here when he needed extra help with his studies. Genevieve being so far ahead in her studies, had promised his family that she would help him excel in his school work. Instead of being cooped up in their bedrooms, they chose to come to this spot with a picnic basket full of food. Knowing that they'd stay out for hours and get peckish. She couldn't understand how such a bright mind like Billy could be so behind in his studies but she never minded spending more time with her best friend.
• Flashback •
Billy was laying down across the boulders with his head on Genevieve's lap. She was stroking his hair softly and smiled down at him. His eyes were closed but he had a smile resting on his face.
"Billy, I don't understand how you could be so far behind in your studies you know. When we are studying together you have never failed in answering any of the questions I ask you correctly."Genevieve said. One of his eyes popped open to peak at her to see if she was still looking at him before closing again seeing that she was now looking at the water.
He took a breath and held Genevieve's hand (the one that was stroking his hair), bringing it close to his chest since her other hand was supporting his head on her lap. "Evie, I focus more when I'm with you. At school I absorb the knowledge but the teacher is a fool. I mean he is crude and doesn't know how to properly deal with children."Billy said softly hoping she wouldn't push for more information.
Genevieve hummed softly accepting his response and turned to look down at him again. "Alright, I guess I could understand. Not everyone gets the privilege to be taught by someone who truly cares about your education"She said understandingly.
Billy's eyes fluttered open and he looked into her eyes smiling softly. "You know what I'm capable of as well. Sometimes I don't feel that it is necessary to have to prove that to others that aren't as worthy of that information."He said.
She rolled her eyes playfully and pulled her hand out of his grasp so she could grab an apple out of their basket. "Billy, I thought I spoke to you about this flirting business. It's not appropriate for our relationship."She said. He chuckled and then sat up facing her. "Our relationship?"He asked teasingly as his face got closer to hers. She gasped in shock and shoved him away from her gently. Earning a chuckle from the boy.
"I'm just joking around Evie. Come on, when the time comes and we are older. I want to know how to talk to women. And what better way to learn that is through practicing with my best friend?"He asked rhetorically. A blush rose upon her cheeks and she turned away from the boy. Slowly taking a bit from her apple, not sure what emotions she was feeling in the moment.
• End Of Flashback •
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Genevieve smiled softly at the memory. Her fingers grazed over the initials slowly in a loving manner. Slowly she rose from her squatting position and walked slowly along the creek. She noticed another spot that sparked memories. Only a few trees down from where she currently positioned.
A small field covered by thick oak trees. Her heart skipped a beat thinking back to all the memories she had here. When she would come to just get away and read her novels that her father would purchase for her. Or when she would just want to relax with her best friend.
She laid down into the familiar patch of grass and closed her eyes. "Ah, it's good to be back home"She said to herself.
Unknowingly to her, there was someone watching from afar. Hiding behind the trees. Admiring her beauty and how she laid so still in the patch of grass.
This person slowly walked over to the small field hidden away by trees. Careful not to disturb her, they made sure not to step on any twigs or leaf filled spots on the ground.
Even with the person's intent not to disturb the girl and walk as quiet as they possibly could. Her deep brown eyes fluttered open and her heart stopped as her eyes focused on the figure that was now in front of her.
💕 I hope you guys enjoyed that chapter. Please leave any comments you have down below. And if you have any ideas feel free to leave those down below as well! Thanks for reading! 💕
Word Count: 1504
Originally Written On, Wednesday, October 2nd, 2019.
0 notes
You Don't Know
(Meet OC's Family)
Meet OC Part One Prologue Part Two Chapter One Part Three Chapter Two Part Four Chapter Three (link coming soon) Part Five Chapter Four (link coming soon) Final Part Chapter Five the Finale (link coming soon)
pairing: Billy Andrews x Fem OC (East Asian FC | Southeast Asian Fem OC)
warnings/notes: fluff, implied romance, best friends to lovers possible trope, unspecified relationship, possible one sided feelings, historical inaccuracies
Also the entire story was written while listening to the song You Don't Know by Katelyn Tarver.
↬ Family:
↬ Genevieve was fortunate enough to be adopted by a young couple that were beyond their times while visiting and traveling to Thailand for business.
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Arthur and Judith Brown. They were one of the wealthiest investors internationally. Building their success on taking risks to invest into a small business, helping with promotion and bringing in clients and building their wealth off of getting a percentage on the profits of each business they helped get to a successful stand point. They've helped build huge well-known companies in Europe, Asia, and America.
They live beneath their means which keeps up with their wealth. The less money they spend, the more they'll have to put into the will for their family god-forbid anything happens to them. The couple married at the age of 16, right out of high school. They had their first born girl, Jennifer Brown at the age of 18.
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Jennifer is amazing, bright-minded, she wanted to be a writer. She's only 3 years older than her sister Genevieve who she adored with all of her heart. Jennifer was always looked down upon throughout schooling since her parents are so young compared to the other kids. So her parents brought it onto themselves to hire her a tutor. To homeschool her, and homeschool Genevieve as well.
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Mrs. Yoon, a woman they met on their travels in Korea. She is like family to Arthur and Judith. And has been there for them since they were 20 years old. Helping them along with how to manage their business and how to plan things properly. After they knew how they would handle things, they hired her to live with their family and homeschool their children as well as watch over them when they go abroad for work.
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Walter is a farmhand that the Brown's met also during their travels in Korea. He was young and an orphan so they took him in and he works their estate and helps keep their home clean in Avonlea while they're away.
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Stephen, is also a farmhand. He was hired during the same travels in Korea. He does the same thing as Walter, being slightly bigger and older he also does some of the more heavy duty chores around the Estate.
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G e n e v i e v e
You Don't Know (Meet OC)
Meet OC's Family Part One Prologue Part Two Chapter One Part Three Chapter Two Part Four Chapter Three (link coming soon) Part Five Chapter Four (link coming soon) Final Part Chapter Five the Finale (link coming soon)
pairing: Billy Andrews x Fem OC (East Asian FC | Southeast Asian Fem OC)
warnings/notes: fluff, implied romance, best friends to lovers possible trope, unspecified relationship, possible one sided feelings, historical inaccuracies
Also the entire story was written while listening to the song You Don't Know by Katelyn Tarver.
┌────────── ・・・・✦
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↬ Full Name:
↬ Genevieve Brown
↬ Nicknames:
↬ Gen, Gen-Gen, Gennie, Evie, Eve, Nevie (Nee-Vee), Vie, Vivi, Vi, G, Gigi
↬ Date Of Birth:
↬ December 1st
↬ Current Age:
↬Depends on the part of the story but the same age as Billy Andrews, maybe a little older
↬ Zodiac:
↬ Sagittarius
↬ 150 cm
↬ 45 kg
↬Blood Type:
↬ A
↬ Place Of Birth:
↬ Bangkok, Thailand
↬ Nationality:
↬ Thai
↬ Thai
↬ Pronouns:
↬ She, Her, Hers
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↬ Sexuality:
↬ Heterosexual
↬ Sexual/Romantic Preference:
↬ Men
↬Ideal Type:
↬ A man who is chivalrous but still respects a lady even though she is independent. Someone who doesn't expect a woman to do all the work, someone that would share out the work and know boundaries and will truly listen and speak to his lover. Also a man who would do anything to protect his lover. Whether it's training her to also use a gun or simple self-defense techniques or even beating someone up for her.
↬ Ideal Date:
↬ Snuggling up on the couch under a shared blanket in front of the fireplace with her lover as they talk to each other reminiscing on past memories and drinking some hot cocoa together. Occasionally talking about their feelings together then falling asleep against each other on the couch.
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↬ Likes:
↬ Being Warm, Cooking, Writing, Reading, Playing Outside, Climbing Trees, Sitting by the River
↬ Dislikes:
↬ Being Cold, Cleaning, Waking Up Early, School, Ignorance, Being scared for someone's entertainment
↬ Pet Peeves:
↬ Loud Chewing, Being Poked
↬ Personality:
↬ Genevieve is a very calm and collected woman. Very intelligent and smart. Also independent and strong minded such as Anne. But she has such a heart and keeps an open mind on anyone. No matter how foul a person may seem she always seems to think of why they're that way and sometimes tries to speak to certain people on why they act the way they do. Sometimes that simple talk turns people around.
She loves spending time with others and is pure of heart. Her laughter is like the sound of angelic bells that would make anyone smile from a mile away. She is such a strong, brave, kind-hearted individual. Not afraid to speak her mind and stand up for what she believes in but also knows her boundaries and how to come about in a conversation if someone she's speaking to has opposing views on a topic. She'll wait for the right moment and speak so that the person with opposing views can understand things from her perspective as well.
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↬ Background:
↬ Genevieve was just a newborn baby when the Brown's found her in a bag, in a pile of trash in Thailand on their way to a business meeting. It broke Judith's heart and she looked over at her husband Arthur with tears in her eyes. His jaw was clenched and he grabbed the baby out of the bag and calmed her down from her crying.
From then, the Brown's found themselves in a building, officially adopting the young baby girl they had found. The Thai authorities at the time knew that if they found the girl in the trash that her biological parents had not wanted her so it didn't take as long for the Brown's to be deemed her official parents under adoption. When they traveled back to America, they had explained everything to their young three year old Jennifer who looked at the baby with so much love and curiosity since she had never seen a baby that looked the way Genevieve does before. As the girls grew older. Around the age of six and nine, the Brown's had purchased another estate in Avonlea.
In Avonlea, the word spread like wildfire that there was a young couple who were very wealthy moving in and that they had two daughters. Once arriving to Avonlea the townspeople had looked down upon the family. As they had children older than expected from the townspeople. Also the fact that one of the girls was obviously adopted due to her more "exotic", "ethnic" appearance it made some of the townsfolk think differently of the business mogul family. Though it made them happy that the girls hadn't gone to school along with the rest of the children of Avonlea.
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Although, that didn't stop one of the children in Avonlea to be curious and take notice in the young ethnic girl. When she was in the woods playing around in the snow, a snowball was thrown at her making her squeal and giggle. Which was not the reaction the young boy behind the tree was expecting. He was expecting her to be furious that her dress was a little damp and cold.
She turned around and smiles at the boy that was failing to hide behind a tree so she wouldn't notice him. She just waved and then threw a snowball back at him which only made him grin. They had a snowball fight and started talking afterwards. From then, he learned that even if she used to be an orphan and that she's different. She wasn't so bad as the townsfolk had assumed. Then as they got older, the pair only became closer as friends.
↬ Faceclaim:
↬ Jeon Heejin (Heejin from Loona)
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0 notes
You Don't Know
(Part One)
Meet OC Meet OC's Family Part Two Chapter One Part Three Chapter Two Part Four Chapter Three (link coming soon) Part Five Chapter Four (link coming soon) Final Part Chapter Five the Finale (link coming soon)
pairing: Billy Andrews x Fem OC (East Asian FC | Southeast Asian Fem OC)
warnings/notes: fluff, implied romance, best friends to lovers possible trope, unspecified relationship, possible one sided feelings, historical inaccuracies
Also the entire story was written while listening to the song You Don't Know by Katelyn Tarver.
↠ P r o l o g u e ↞
A/N: this chapter may sound really romantic but it's really not heh. Just an introduction to the type of relationship the characters have with each other.
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Dear Billy, It has been a while old friend. I wonder if you still remember me. If you do then I write to bring you great news. My family is coming back to Avonlea! I look forward to seeing you again. I wonder how life has treated you since my absence. Hopefully you have grown into a wonderful young man. I hope so anyways. You have always been so respectful and polite when we were children. I know we are still young, although I am sure you understand what I mean. Back in America it really hasn't changed me much. I'm still the same girl you know and love. Although there's so many amazing things I cannot wait to share with you. I hope this letter finds you well. Anyways, I'll see you soon. Love, Genevieve
Smiling softly, Billy had put the letter down and carefully put it back in the envelope he received it in.
Genevieve was his childhood best friend. They did everything together growing up. Although she wasn't born in Canada. She was American and beautiful.
Someone you couldn't imagine Billy Andrews to be seen with. She was different. Dark hair, dark eyes, very ethnic and exotic appearance. As different as she is, she was the only girl in the world who had truly seen a much kinder side to Billy. More so than his own family. A side to Billy no one had ever seen before.
Billy laid in his bed with the letter on his chest and he smiled at the ceiling as he reminisced on the memories from his childhood.
• Flashback •
"Come On Billy! It's snowing!"the smaller girl stated excitedly as she tugged on the blonde boy's arm.
He chuckled softly and kept his stance. "Give me a second Evie, I need to get my gloves on"He said with a smile. The young girl let go of him reluctantly with a pout as she waited for him to put on his gloves. He let out a laugh seeing a pout form on her lips and purposefully slid his gloves on slowly. Observing her as her patience shortened he finally pulled his gloves on quickly and picked up the girl bridal style and ran into the open field.
Squeals and giggles could be heard for miles around from the young girl. A sound that would only bring a smile upon one's face. He spun her around and she threw her head back laughing slightly. Once he stopped, he slowly set her down so she was standing properly.
"It's so beautiful out here Bill-Bill"Genevieve said softly as she watched the snow flakes flutter down around them. Billy looked at her and he smiled softly. "Not as beautiful as you"He said softly.
A blush rose upon her cheeks and she punched his shoulder lightly. "You flirt"She groaned. "We've been best friends since we were six years old. Are you really trying to flirt with me?"She asked. He chuckled and hugged the girl from behind which was normal for the two. "Just warming up for when we get older and when I find a woman who is worthy enough to capture my heart. But for now my heart is yours."He said while tightening his grip on her waist.
The brunette simply rolled her eyes and leaned back against her best friend. "One day when we're older. Probably around our thirties. If we haven't found a worthy partner in life. Promise me that when that time comes, we will marry each other."She said.
Billy set his chin on her shoulder and held her close. "I promise, but who knows. Maybe when you go back to America you'll find a man that's fit enough to court with. Maybe even to marry."He said. She sighed and looked out at the forest tree-line. "I don't know. I feel like I probably won't be in America that long. Maybe I'll come back home before we grow into adults."She said.
"I hope so, I don't know what I'd do without my best friend. You tend to keep me out of trouble."He said. She laughed softly and nodded. "Yeah I do, like the time you had managed to break your window while playing in the yard with the boys. I helped you get out of the lecture and harsh punishment you would've gotten from your parents."She said.
"I would've been in deep trouble if you weren't there."He chuckled remembering how mad his parents were until Genevieve had stepped into the conversation and had planned a punishment that suited his parents well but also went easy on him.
"I'm gonna miss you when I'm gone"She said suddenly. Billy pulled away from the girl knowing she was gonna get lost in her thoughts and he threw a snowball at her which made her scream in surprise. She then glared playfully at him before throwing one back and hitting his chest. He gave her a warning look and she screamed as she ran around the yard as he chased her, continuously throwing snowballs as well to get her back. And that day ended with a great snowball fight.
• End Of Flashback •
He smiled at the memory and looked over at his dresser. There laid a beautiful hair clip that Genevieve had left for him so he wouldn't forget her.
• Flashback •
Tears filled her eyes threatening to spill and Billy wiped them away gently with his thumbs. "Hey, you'll be okay Evie. We'll just write to each other so that we both know everything is okay."He said softly.
She nodded and looked into his eyes. "I just can't imagine being away from you. Who am I supposed to go to when I've made a fool of myself. Or when I'm feeling down."She asked sadly.
He pulled her into a tight embrace and kissed the top of her head before pulling away and looking into her eyes. "You are a strong and amazing woman okay? I know you'll figure things out in Florida. And you can always write your troubles to me. Just to let it out. Things may be different but you'll always have me. In your heart. Now I'll give you something so you won't forget that."He said as he handed her one of his many sweaters. She giggled softly as more tears fell, knowing that her parents may think that they plan to elope when they're older. "Thank you Bill-Bill. And I'll give you something too so you won't forget me."She said softly as she reached to the back of her hair at took out the sapphire filled hair clip.
He looked at her knowing that it was her favorite hair clip and he knew how hard her parents worked to purchase that for her. She smiled sadly at him knowing her family was waiting in the carriage for her. "You'll always be my number one hunting buddy"He told her. She nodded and hugged him tightly. They both closed their eyes tightly as they held onto each other. Both parties making an immense impact on the others life.
"GENEVIEVE"Her father had called out. The two had pulled away from their embrace and they looked at each other one last time. "I'm not going to say goodbye, because this isn't going to be forever. But I'll see you later."He said to her. She smiled sadly understanding what he meant and held his sweater close to her. "I'll see you later."She said as she nodded before turning to the carriage and slowly getting in.
As the carriage took off she looked out the window and waved to her only friend. Her best friend. And he waved back until the very sight of the carriage turned into nothing and he couldn't see them again.
• End Of Flashback •
She was the only person his family had ever seen that brought out the good in him. Other than that, when she wasn't around he was the Billy that we all seemed to know and loathe.
Written originally on September 20th, 2019.
Hope you guys enjoyed this part.
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Different (Ruby x Fem OC) P.T.2
Disclaimer: This is a LGBTQ+ Short Story, although the actual character may not be LGBTQ+ it is just a story and I know I'm not the only person that is open to this side of this character. We all write fanfictions that change characteristics of a character so I hope you all keep that in mind and do not attack me in the comments for the content that I have written.
Other Content Tags: Fluff, Cuteness, Heart Squeezing or Cringey Scenes, Slightly Out Of Character Dominance Ruby
Part One
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Lily smiled to herself as she laid on her bed reading a romance novel. The way the characters interacted with each other. Strangers that seemed like lovers, it made her think of the scenario that had happened between Ruby and herself. Ruby had taken her to the river and picked flowers for her. The mere thought of it made her heart flutter. She looked over at her nightstand and bit her lip as her eyes roamed over the sight of the beautiful flowers Ruby had picked out for her.
"Lily darling!" Rosetta called from downstairs. Lily snapped out of her thoughts and sat up from her bed quickly. "Yes mother!" She called back. "Your little blonde friend is here to walk with you to school!"
Lily bit her lip again and smiled. She quickly grabbed her school bag and put on her coat as she rushed downstairs. Being the clumsy bucket she is, she missed the last step and yelped as she felt herself getting sucked down by gravity.
Her eyes snapped shut waiting for the impact that never came. After a few moments of confusion her eyes fluttered open, only to meet the wondrous ocean blue eyes of a certain blonde girl. "Are you alright Lily?" She asked. Lily was blushing like crazy. "Y-Yeah I'm fine. Thank you for catching me although I must be quite heavy" She said quickly as she stood up in a slight panic.
Ruby noticed her nervousness and smirked. "You're actually as light as a feather my darling. Now we must make our way to school" She said as she offered Lily her arm. Lily gladly linked her arm with Ruby's and bit her lip as they made their way to the path that lead them to their school.
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During the walk Ruby kept finding more and more ways to tease Lily. Which only confused the poor girl and flustered her completely. Once they arrived to school no one had questioned their behavior. The boys just assumed it was what females did and the girls had no idea about Ruby so they just assumed she grew close to Lily.
Ruby lead Lily inside and helped her with her coat which Lily thanked her for. Ruby grabbed Lily's hand and pulled her to their seats while the other kids just waited outside for their teacher. Lily took this time to continue her novel and Ruby just admired how the light caressed Lily's silhouette. "You're so beautiful" She whispered aloud.
Lily had overheard Ruby and gasped softly. Ruby wasn't aware that she had said that aloud and assumed Lily was reacting to a scene in the novel she was reading. Since no one was in class she moved a strand of hair gently behind Lily's ear. "Beautiful" She whispered again.
Lily gulped and tried to ignore the comments so she wouldn't startle Ruby who was obviously in a dreamlike state. All of a sudden the class had filed into the schoolhouse like a herd of horses. The sudden action had made both girls jump and Ruby went back into pretending that she was so into Gilbert Blythe. Meanwhile Lily had a hard time wrapping her mind around what had just happened. Like Ruby was just losing control of herself and her emotions the more they spent time together. Lily couldn't fathom the idea of Ruby having feelings for her in return. They're both women for crying out loud. It is forbidden.
Miss Stacy walked inside to begin class and Ruby was completely over trying to keep up her facade of being overly in love with Gilbert. At first she truly felt that way. Then she laid eyes on Lily and her heart had never loosened it's grip on the gorgeous exotic girl.
During class Lily could not concentrate one bit. Luckily today was the day that the whole class was working on a newsletter. Miss Stacy knew that Lily did better work alone so she was allowed to do whatever she please as long as it was productive and stimulated her mind. Ruby was sad as she sat with Josie Pye. Josie was concerned since the only time she had ever seen Ruby like this was when Anne came in with Gilbert.
Ruby was staring off at someone and Josie knew it wasn't at Gilbert since he was on the other side of the room. She followed Ruby's gaze and silently gasped as she noticed that Ruby was staring in a wanting manner over at Lily Adams. Ruby placed a hand on her cheek as she watched the girl flip through the pages of her novel. "Ruby are you alright?" Josie asked.
Ruby sighed and shook her head then laid her head down. "I'll be fine Josie, just a bit tired is all" She responded. Josie was in utter shock of what she had just put together. She did notice that recently Ruby's attempts to fan over Gilbert seemed more forced nowadays but she would've never thought that it was because that Ruby wasn't attracted to him anymore.
She clicked her tongue and planned in her mind on how to confirm her suspicions. Once everything had been slightly thought out Josie Pye got up from her seat and walked over towards Lily. "Oh wow Lillian, you're reading a novel for the time we're supposed to be working on the newsletter as a class. Are you some sort of teachers pet to be able to gain this sort of privilege?" She asked.
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Lily had flinched at the sound of her full first name. "Now now Ms.Pye that is enough" Miss Stacy started. Josie glanced over at Ruby who had clenched fists by her side then turned her attention back to Lily. "Well bookworm, I hope you don't intend to sabotage this class by not participating in any class activity. Oh, who knows if you ever brought any value to this class anyways. Carry on." Josie snickered as she returned to her seat.
Miss Stacy was not too happy about the events that unfolded and looked over at Lily who only smiled sadly in attempt to reassure her that she was okay. "Josie, we will have a talk when class is dismissed. Now get back to work." Miss Stacy said. Lily returned to her individual activity as the class silently gossiped about what had just happened once Miss Stacy turned her attention back to her previous task grading their assignments from earlier.
Word Count: 1121 Originally Written and Published on Wattpad April 14th 2020
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