#Annabeth is walking into the graveyard as they’re finally pulling the coffin up
somnas-writes · 5 months
Au where Annabeth doesn’t know Magnus died, she never went to Boston, and never went to his funeral.
She finds out months later when she’s contacted by Randolph’s lawyers about his inheritance. (So post hammer of Thor and in my mind after ship of the dead too)
She goes to visit her aunt and cousins graves and mourn, Only to find Magnus and the empty cup family digging up his grave.
they’re literally caught redhanded. Halfborn has a huge shovel, Alex is in the form of a bear, Mallory and TJ are digging. Sam, Hearth, Blitz and Magnus are standing off to the sides. (Everyone refused to let Magnus help)
(“Why can’t Magnus help! This is his grave!” - tj
“You can’t have Magnus dig up his own grave! It’s like bad luck or something” - Halfborn
“Shut up and keep digging! Alex stop slacking off” - Mallory
“Guys I can help, it’s my grave” -Magnus
“Give it up kid they’re too determined” - Blitz)
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