#Anna Pignataro
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osteneroshark · 4 months ago
Luciano Pignataro: Meunier Champagne e Pizza: la migliore pizzeria umbra, carta dei vini inclusa
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meredithpcloset · 1 year ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 3/$12 The Heart of A Whale Hardcover Book.
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booksandwords · 2 years ago
Kit and Caboodle by Anna Pignataro
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Age Recommendation: Early Primary Art Style: Cute in red and black tones Topic/ Theme: Friendship Setting: Nondescript Gothic House
Rating: 4/5
Sadly I, a childless grown adult, find myself in a reading slump and the only thing staving it off is picture story books. Honestly, I like picture story books they are just so pretty, diverse and send good messages. Kit and Caboodle is one I had seen on and off for a while. The art caught my attention, okay and Kit is a humanoid cat. I'm a sucker for cats. This book is just adorable I really like the colour choices. While set at Halloween Pignataro has chosen to avoid all signs of orange, instead focusing on reds for Kit and greyscale everything else. Pignataro avoids most of the symbols of Halloween in a way. Yes, there is that rather obvious bat but even Caboodle is the cute and huggable kinda bat. Not the kinda bat you think is going to give you rabies or suck your blood. And yes there is a rather haunted-looking house in play but Kit is a witch, that doesn't feel like Halloween tropes that feels like witch tropes. It really is the art that makes this. That aesthetic is just really pretty. The story is pleasing. Friendship, kindness and determination.
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bluemarblebooks · 5 years ago
Holly’s Recommendations and Other Notable Books August 2020
Holly’s Recommendations
Picture Books
The Heart of a Whale—Anna Pignataro
Penguin Random House: Hardcover: 17.99
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Whale's song is full of happiness, hope, magic and wonder. All of the other sea creatures love the whale's song—it fills their hearts. But the whale's heart is empty. The whale sighs, and his sigh is carried through the ocean until it reaches someone who understands, and she follows the sound of the whale's sigh until it leads her to him. A beautiful watercolor ocean world, full of soft-edged flora and fish, make this book especially endearing
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The Favorite Book—Bethanie Deeney Murguia
Candlewick Press: Hardcover: 16.99
There are so many things in the world to love, but how do you choose your favorites? Do you use a logical approach—like measuring—or do you go with your heart? What if you don't want to choose anything, or what if you can't narrow it down to one, and want two or three? With lyrical rhymes and bright illustrations, Murguia shows a busy, happy world-full of possibilities. 
Middle Grade Novels
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Here in the Real World—Sara Pennypacker
Harpercollins: Hardcover: 17.99
Ware's grandmother has to go to the hospital, so Ware's plan to spend the summer off in his own world, thanks to his grandmother's lax idea of supervision, is suddenly cut short. His parents are working two jobs each for the summer, in an all-out attempt to buy the house they're renting, and they won't let Ware stay home alone. They insist on signing him up at the recreation center, which Ware hates, because every minute is structured with “meaningful social interaction”. What normal kids are supposed to be able to do. But on one of their around-the-block hikes, Ware finds a tree he can climb, and he drops down on the other side of the wall. There, Ware sees the crumbling remains of a half-demolished church as a great castle, but a girl named Jolene has already claimed the property, and she isn't at all sure she wants to share her space.Jolene wants the lot for planting and planning, and Ware wants the lot for dreaming, so Jolene often scolds him for not living in the “real world”. But when they find out that their safe space is scheduled for demolition, Jolene and Ware decide they can combine their talents to save it. A wonderful story that shows how the children with the fewest social skills are often the ones most worth knowing.
Other Notable Books
Picture Books
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Summer Song—Kevin Henkes, illustrated by Laura Dronzek
Greenwillow/Harpercollins: Hardcover: 18.99
"Henkes and Dronzek make the sounds of summer--the lawn mowers, the sprinklers, the birds and the crickets--so vibrant we almost hear colors. Summer has never hummed so brightly. . . . Follow four diverse friends as they lie in meadows, chase fireflies, walk their dogs and look for frogs."-- New York Times Book Review.
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After Squidnight—Jonathan Fenske
Penguin: Hardcover: 12.99
When the clock strikes midnight, a squad of squids creeps out of the ocean--and over to your house! Their mission? To leave their inky mark by drawing on walls, the floor, and even your toys. This rhyming tale showcases a crew of creative creatures as they make art (or maybe just a mess) and leave you to deal with the consequences!
Middle Grade Novels
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Wink—Rob Harrell
Dial/Penguin: Hardcover: 16.99
After being diagnosed with a rare eye cancer, twelve-year-old Ross discovers how music, art, and true friends can help him survive both treatment and middle school.
Rob Harrell created the Life of Zarf series, the graphic novel Monster on the Hill, and also writes and draws the long-running daily comic strip Adam@Home, which appears in more than 140 papers worldwide. He created and drew the internationally syndicated comic strip Big Top until 2007. He lives with his wife in Indiana.
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A Home for Goddesses and Dogs—Leslie Conno
Katherine Tegen/Harpercollins: Hardcover: 16.99
A unique masterpiece about loss, love, and the world's best bad dog, from award winner Leslie Connor, author of the National Book Award finalist The Truth as Told by Mason Buttle. This novel sings about loss and love and finding joy in new friendships and a loving family, along with the world's best bad dog. An uplifting middle grade novel about recovery featuring strong female characters, an adorable dog, and the girl who comes to love him.
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Yes No Maybe So—Becky Albertalli
Balzer and Bray/Harpercollins: Hardcover: 19.99
YES: Jamie Goldberg is cool with volunteering for his local state senate candidate--as long as he's behind the scenes. When it comes to speaking to strangers (or, let's face it, speaking at all to almost anyone) Jamie's a choke artist. There's no way he'd ever knock on doors to ask people for their votes...until he meets Maya.
NO: Maya Rehman's having the worst Ramadan ever. Her best friend is too busy to hang out, her summer trip is canceled, and now her parents are separating. Why her mother thinks the solution to her problems is political canvassing--with some awkward dude she hardly knows--is beyond her. 
MAYBE SO: Going door to door isn't exactly glamorous, but maybe it's not the worst thing in the world. After all, the polls are getting closer--and so are Maya and Jamie. Mastering local activism is one thing. Navigating the cross-cultural crush of the century is another thing entirely.
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Bloom—Kenneth Oppel
Penguin: Hardcover: 16.99
The invasion begins--but not as you'd expect. It begins with rain. Rain that carries seeds. Seeds that sprout--overnight, everywhere. These new plants take over crop fields, twine up houses, and burrow below streets. They bloom--and release toxic pollens. They bloom--and form Venus flytrap-like pods that swallow animals and people. They bloom--everywhere, unstoppable.Or are they? Three kids on a remote island seem immune to the toxic plants. Anaya, Petra, Seth. They each have strange allergies--and yet not to these plants. What's their secret? Can they somehow be the key to beating back this invasion? They'd better figure it out fast, because it's starting to rain again.
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thebookishaustin · 5 years ago
Picture Book Update!
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Images from my Goodreads shelf
Have you read any interesting picture books lately? I’d love to hear about them. Message me here on Tumblr, on my Instagram, or on Goodreads! Hope to hear from you soon. <3
It’s time for a picture book update my friends! I’m steadily inching toward my average of two picture books a day and I’m still encountering so many wonderful children’s books. Here are a few of my favorites from the past few weeks: 
Fred’s Big Feelings: The Life and Legacy of Mister Rogers by Laura Renauld (author) & Brigette Barrager: Do you love Mister Rogers as much as I? This is the book for you! This is a little biography of Mister Rogers from childhood to adulthood. This is such a great asset for teaching love, perseverance, and kindness.  
Sonia Sotomayor: A Judge Grows in the Bronx/La juez que creció en el bronx by Jonah Winter (author) & Edel Rodriguez (illustrator): This is such a well-done, bilingual (English & Spanish) biography of Sonia Sotomayor. Definitely a new go-to recommendation for positive role models for children (plus I learned a few things!). 
Ravi’s Roar by Tom Percival: A few weeks ago I posted about Ruby Finds a Worry by Percival. I’m following up with this title because it’s such a wonderful explanation of emotions. In Ravi’s Roar, Ravi explores the dark recesses of anger and what it can do to those around oneself. I think this is so important for children’s social-emotional literacy.
The Heart of a Whale by Anna Pignataro: I picked this title up on a whim and the artwork blew me away! The watercolor illustrations of sea life and this whale’s journey was remarkable to follow. Definitely check this one out.  
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maxgreeters · 2 years ago
Vie di San Rocco
Le targhe toponomastiche della “vie di San Rocco" sono 11 e sono state realizzate nel 2021, per rappresentare le caratteristiche più riconoscibili di borgo San Rocco, appena fuori porta.
La parte del protagonista è riservata naturalmente a San Rocco, il santo pellegrino protettore degli appestati ed anche uno dei santi più raffigurati. Tutti lo hanno dipinto o scolpito nello stesso modo, a ricordare la sua storia di pellegrino che, nonostante una piaga sulla gamba. cammina in compagnia di un cane, suo unico amico. con bastone, bisaccia, sandali. 
Completa l’iconografia del santo una conchiglia, utilizzata per attingere l'acqua che simboleggia il pellegrinaggio a Santiago di Compostela.
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In questa targa, posta a lato della chiesa di San Rocco, è raffigurata anche la torre campanaria con orologio.
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Tormentato da un dolorosissimo bubbone all’inguine, Rocco non solo non trovò nessuno disposto a curarlo, ma addirittura si ritrovò cacciato dagli altri ammalati, stanchi dei suoi lamenti. Trascinatosi fino fuori dalla città, Rocco si riparò in una grotta ad aspettare la morte. Fu un cane a salvarlo. La bestiola, accortasi della sua presenza e della sua sofferenza, gli portò ogni giorno un pezzo di pane, fino alla sua guarigione. 
Ad Andreana ‘Adriana’ Tavelli, nata a Ravenna nel 1546 e fondatrice di una congregazione francescana (le ‘tavelle’), è dedicata anche una seconda targa, che rappresenta la grata della sua finestra nel suo istituto, appena entro porta.
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Anche in via Castel San Pietro vi è una seconda targa, appena prima del Portonaccio.
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Tre targhe mettono in luce qualcosa di particolare delle tre porte monumentali che racchiudono fisicamente il borgo, molto vicine tra loro: Porta Sisi, il Portonaccio e Porta San Mama.
A ridosso di Porta Sisi è via Bassa del Pignataro, nella cui targa è stilizzato il profilo di San Vitale a cavallo. Si tratta della stessa immagine posta nella lunetta a raggiera che adorna la sommità del portone.
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Appena prima del Portonaccio, che segna il passaggio dal Borgo a Via Ravegnana, è via Castello, nella cui targa appaiono le due pigne che ancora adornano il portunaz.
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Via Bastione unisce via San Mama a via Baccarini, attraverso la porta di San Mama. La targa rappresenta i due leoni marmorei che guardano l’osservatore dall’alto della porta.
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Due sono le targhe in mosaico poste in via Romolo Ricci.
La prima rappresenta il volto di Anna Magnani, di misconosciute origini ravennati. I suoi nonni materni hanno infatti abitato a lungo nel Borgo, in via Lametta, Anna è vissuta a lungo con i nonni a Ravenna, con cui parlava in dialetto romagnolo. 
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La seconda, all’angolo con via Bastione, dove fino ai primi del ‘900 vi era un lavatoio pubblico, alla confluenza di due fiumi, raffigura simbolicamente due ponti.
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In via Romolo Ricci, al numero civico 31, compare una terza targa in mosaico, con il simbolo di Ravenna, che non fa parte della serie ‘ufficiale’. Infatti è stata richiesta e finanziata da un privato cittadino, per ricordare la casa di Guido Ortolani, che il privato cittadino ha ricevuto in eredità.
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max-targhediravenna · 2 years ago
Vie di San Rocco
La serie “vie di San Rocco”, composta da 11 targhe realizzate nel 2021, rappresenta le caratteristiche più riconoscibili del borgo, appena fuori porta.
La parte del protagonista è riservata naturalmente a San Rocco, il santo pellegrino protettore degli appestati ed anche uno dei santi più raffigurati. Tutti lo hanno dipinto o scolpito nello stesso modo, a ricordare la sua storia di pellegrino che, nonostante una piaga sulla gamba. cammina in compagnia di un cane, suo unico amico. con bastone, bisaccia, sandali. 
Completa l’iconografia del santo una conchiglia, utilizzata per attingere l'acqua che simboleggia il pellegrinaggio a Santiago di Compostela.
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In questa targa, posta a lato della chiesa di San Rocco, è raffigurata anche la torre campanaria con orologio.
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Tormentato da un dolorosissimo bubbone all’inguine, Rocco non solo non trovò nessuno disposto a curarlo, ma addirittura si ritrovò cacciato dagli altri ammalati, stanchi dei suoi lamenti. Trascinatosi fino fuori dalla città, Rocco si riparò in una grotta ad aspettare la morte. Fu un cane a salvarlo. La bestiola, accortasi della sua presenza e della sua sofferenza, gli portò ogni giorno un pezzo di pane, fino alla sua guarigione. 
A Andreana ‘Adriana’ Tavelli, nata a Ravenna nel 1546 e fondatrice di una congregazione francescana (le ‘tavelle’), è dedicata anche una seconda targa, che rappresenta la grata della sua finestra nel suo istituto, appena entro porta.
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Anche in via Castel San Pietro vi è una seconda targa, appena prima del Portonaccio.
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Tre targhe mettono in luce qualcosa di particolare delle tre porte monumentali che racchiudono fisicamente il borgo, molto vicine tra loro: Porta Sisi, il Portonaccio e Porta San Mama.
A ridosso di Porta Sisi è via Bassa del Pignataro, nella cui targa è stilizzato il profilo di San Vitale a cavallo. Si tratta della stessa immagine posta nella lunetta a raggiera che adorna la sommità del portone.
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Appena prima del Portonaccio, che segna il passaggio dal Borgo a Via Ravegnana, è via Castello, nella cui targa appaiono le due pigne che ancora adornano il portunaz.
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Via Bastione unisce via San Mama a via Baccarini, attraverso la porta di San Mama. La targa rappresenta i due leoni marmorei che guardano l’osservatore dall’alto della porta.
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Due sono le targhe in mosaico poste in via Romolo Ricci.
La prima rappresenta il volto di Anna Magnani, di misconosciute origini ravennati. I suoi nonni materni hanno infatti abitato a lungo nel Borgo, in via Lametta, Anna è vissuta a lungo con i nonni a Ravenna, con cui parlava in dialetto romagnolo. 
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La seconda, all’angolo con via Bastione, dove fino ai primi del ‘900 vi era un lavatoio pubblico, alla confluenza di due fiumi, raffigura simbolicamente due ponti.
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 In via Romolo Ricci, al numero civico 31, compare una terza targa in mosaico, con il simbolo di Ravenna, che non fa parte della serie ‘ufficiale’. Infatti è stata richiesta e finanziata da un privato cittadino, per ricordare la ‘casa di Guido Ortolani. 
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tuxedoparklibrary · 3 years ago
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If you can't escape the heat by going to Tuxedo Park Library to cool down, you can escape through some new eBooks and eAudiobooks recently added to the library's digital collection in Libby. Check them out below! https://www.overdrive.com/apps/libby/ Adult eBooks: - The 6:20 Man by David Baldacci - The Bodyguard by Katherine Center - The Dead Romantics by Ashley Poston - Everybody Thought We Were Crazy: Dennis Hopper, Brooke Hayward, and 1960s Los Angeles by Mark Rozzo - The Girl in His Shadow by Audrey Blake - The Last to Vanish by Megan Miranda - Making History: The Storytellers Who - Shaped the Past by Richard Cohen - Mr. Malcolm's List by Suzanne Allain - Portrait of an Unknown Woman: Gabriel Allon Series, Book 2 by Daniel Silva Adult eAudiobooks: - Everybody Thought We Were Crazy: Dennis Hopper, Brooke Hayward, and 1960s Los Angeles by Mark Rozzo - Making History: The Storytellers Who Shaped the Past by Richard Cohen - Upgrade by Blake Crouch YA eBooks: - Lightlark by Alex Aster (available 8/23) - We'll Always Have Summer by Jenny Han - Court by Tracy Wolff YA eAudiobook: - Violet Made of Thorns by Gina Chen Juvenile eBooks: - Leila, The Perfect Witch by Flavia Z. Drago - Hummingbird by Natalie Lloyd - Paola Santiago and the Sanctuary of Shadows by Tehlor Kay Mejia - The Heart of a Whale by Anna Pignataro Juvenile eAudiobook: - Northwind by Gary Paulsen https://www.instagram.com/p/ChATeZEs_hA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sciscianonotizie · 3 years ago
Riecco il Party del sorriso a Villa Domi la sesta edizione
A Villa Domi riecco il “Party Del Sorriso” di Angelo Iannelli, dedicato alle persone meno fortunate. Una parata di stelle e Premio Cuore D’oro a  Elena Presti e Cosimo  Alberti. Dopo il successo delle scorse cinque edizioni, ritorna il “Party del Sorriso”, serata di solidarietà dedicata alle persone meno fortunate . Si svolgerà Sabato 14 Maggio  alle ore 20:00 nell’incantevole dimora settecentesca di Villa Domi la sesta edizione. L’evento è ideato e curato da Angelo Iannelli “ Ambasciatore del sorriso”, organizzato dall’ Associazione Vesuvius A.P.S. in collaborazione con Villa Domi Event  di Domenico Contessa . Il sociale diventa luce ,il sorriso terapia e  Napoli capitale dei grandi eventi .   Lo slogan  di questa edizione è “ Per donare un sorriso basta poco, avere un cuore grande”. Si preannuncia una serata ricca di emozioni, comprendente : Il Sociale ,la Moda, l’Arte, la Musica, i Balli , la valorizzazione del territorio attraverso le Eccellenze Enogastronomiche  , tutto  glorificato dalla solidarietà. Aprirà la serata il Gruppo Musicale di Acerra,  a seguire  la moda con l’ Accademia Maria Mauro  , le modelle di   “The Quiero Mucho “  e la sposa di Nunzia Di Bernardo , seguiranno momenti musicali  con  i cantanti : Luis Navarro , Michele Selillo e Mario Conte  .L’atmosfera in villa diventerà magica con il percussionista Rosario  Scotti Di Carlo  e  i giochi di luce di Aiguil Duisheeva  . Alla serata saranno presenti tantissime personalità : blogger, vip, musicisti, pittori, istituzioni, imprenditori ,  ragazzi speciali e mass media  .Includere, valorizzare e socializzare, sono i tre obbiettivi  del produttore di emozioni Iannelli , C.t della nazionale del sociale che richiama tutti al grande evento per il suo Birtday.
Tantissimi i personaggi che hanno dato conferma al re del sorriso , che vuole rilanciare Napoli capitale degli eventi sociali nel mondo e stupirci in questa edizione :Corrado Ferlaino, Giulio Tarro, Gigi Savoia, Gigi Attrice, Lucia Cassini, Angelo Di Gennaro, Francesca Maresca  ,  Diego Moreno,Antoine, Teresa Moccia, Marco Cristi, Massimiliano Cimino Crescenzo De Gennaro, ,Lino Blandizzi, Enzo Guariglia,  Nicola Mora,Gino Accardo ,Francesco Iannelli, Lorenzo Crea, Cristian Musella, Antonio Riscetti, Fortuna Autiero, , Franco Melidoni , Alessia Fusaro ,  Zara De Felice,Chiara Aliberti,  Diletta’ Bone’ Acanfora,  Magda Mancuso , Stefania Pagano, Maria Grazia Verace, Morena De Rosa, Lina La Mura, Carmen La Bruna, Monica Pignataro,  Alessia Caputo. Eduardo Angeloni, Daniela Sabella, Delia Pacilio, Andrea Iovino  ,  Anna Semenkova, Miriam Rigione, Giulia Accardo, Susy Silvestri, Annabella Prisco ,Maria Grazia Liguori, Maria Guerriero, Roberto Minini (sosia Bono Vox), Natascia Ummaro, Ida Piccolo, Enza Guadagni, Miry D’amico,Maria Pirozzi, Vania Scarpato, Marianna Fortuna, Susy Fiorillo, Rosanna Romano, Ciro Marra, Alfredo Mariani, Massimo Sparnelli, Franco Capasso, Gigione Maresca, Raffaele Carlino, Franco Buononato, Teresa Lucianelli, Gianfranco Bellissimo, Vincenzo Assanti, Dora Chiariello, Pasquale Spera,Davide Guida, Giuseppe De Carlo,  Rosita Arpaia, Gianni Testa, Vincenzo Maio, Davide Ponticiello  e tanti altri ospiti a sorpresa .Per le istituzioni Invitato anche il Sindaco di Napoli  Gaetano Manfredi , i consoli: Gerry Danesi e Giuseppe Gambardella, Il Presidente Confesercenti Campania  Vincenzo Schiavo, il  sindaco di Camposano Francesco Barbato ,  il sindaco di Somma Vesuviana , Salvatore Di Somma  , il sindaco di Casola di Napoli Costantino Peccerella e tanti altri ospiti a sorpresa  . Durante la serata ci saranno i” Percorsi D’arte in tour “ con l’esposizioni degli artisti: Marino Di Lorenzo, Nadia Basso, Marcello Eraldi, Giovanni Cardiero, Claudio Torino, Francesco Sellone e  Tiziana Corvino. Momento clou della serata   l’esibizione di “Ragazzi Speciali . Un vero festival delle eccellenze enogastronomiche campane ; I fiocchi di neve di Ciro Poppella, le   pizze  di Luciano Sorbillo , Azienda Agricola Luigi Turboli, Acqua Service, Latteria Sorrentina, I Sapori di Napoli, Sabatini Jamonita , Antonio  Arfè  e le sue primizie , l’angolo Nestle’,  Pasta Gemme del Vesuvio, pelati La Torrente ,  Iazzetta,  Cantine Mediterranee,Antonio Tiramisù,  Mille Dolcezze di Nicola Obliato, confetti  Rastiello, Rogante vino e spumante ,Terre Pompeiane con il liquore Baba Re’. Tanti i partner ; Miky Makeup artist Accademy , Angelo De Falco Gioielli, Go Away Donna,  La Floricoltura di Michelangelo Griffo ,  Beaty System di Enzo Nocerino e Claudio Di  Martino , Carlo Di Giacomo  consolle e audio. Sistema Casa Immobiliare, Futura Service, Associazione Giaguaro “Accendi Un sogno “ Durante il Party  “sarà consegnato il prestigioso premio “Cuore D’oro” realizzato dallo scultore Michele Buonincontri all’attrice e cantante Elena Presti e all’attore del soap” Un posto al Sole “Cosimo Alberti . La kermesse sarà condotta da Erennio De Vita , Edda Cioffi, Angelo Iannelli ed  Emanuela Gambardella  con le miss . Mara Mollo e Lucia Schettino .  La manifestazione sarà ripresa  e documentata dai più importanti mass media regionali e locali .
source https://www.ilmonito.it/riecco-il-party-del-sorriso-a-villa-domi-la-sesta-edizione/
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manda-inrandom · 5 years ago
The Heart of a Whale by Anna Pignataro
The Heart of a Whale by Anna Pignataro
~I received a sample for the purpose of reviewing. Opinions and stories are my own.~
In The Heart of a Whale by Anna Pignataro you see beautiful watercolor illustrations alongside text that teaches children about the importance of empathy.
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In this beautiful story of kindness and empathy, loneliness and love, one creature finds that the help he needs is just a song and a sigh away. Whale’s…
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winningthesweepstakes · 5 years ago
The Heart of a Whale - Anna Pignataro
The Heart of a Whale – Anna Pignataro
   The Heart of a Whale – Anna Pignataro, Philomel Books, an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC, 9781984836274, 2020
Format: Hardcover
Rating:  1-5 (5 is an excellent or a Starred review) 5
Genre: Picture book
 What did you like about the book? This book is one whale of a love story! In this story we meet a kind-hearted whale who enjoys sharing his special song with those in the ocean. “It sang…
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tmnotizie · 8 years ago
SAN BENEDETTO – Ieri 7 agosto alle ore 11.00, presso la sala consiliare del Comune di S. Benedetto del Tronto, il consigliere comunale Brunilde Crescenzi, in rappresentanza del Comune, nel corso di una emozionante cerimonia di premiazione, ha consegnato due pergamene di ringraziamento a due famiglie (Clemente e Ines Pignataro – Giuseppe e Anna Capotorto) e di turisti originari di Cerignola (FG) che hanno mostrato la loro fedeltà alla città da più di 50 anni.
La Crescenzi ha sottolineato che si tratta davvero di una bella e lunga storia familiare, unica ed esemplare per l’affetto, la coesione, la buona armonia che lega due famiglie, le cui mamme sono sorelle gemelle, arrivate per la prima stagione balneare nel 1967 con undici componenti della famiglia al seguito, tra cui sette bambini. La scelta avvenne su proposta di uno dei due papà, che ricordava e decantava le bellezze e i pregi della città per averla frequentata durante gli anni dell’infanzia e dell’adolescenza.
Successivamente i figli sono cresciuti, sono diventati adulti, hanno formato le loro famiglie, stabilendosi in varie regioni d’Italia soprattutto nel nord e anche all’estero, tranne una che qui risiede da oltre 36 anni. Tutti normalmente, ormai trentacinque tra adulti e bambini, sono sempre tornati a San Benedetto del Tronto, divenuta meta prediletta di ogni estate, per la gioia di rivedersi, di stare insieme e godere dell’affascinante scenario dell’incantevole e accogliente perla della Riviera delle Palme.
Le famiglie, visibilmente commosse, hanno sentitamente ringraziato il sindaco Pasqualino Piunti per la sensibilità e l’accoglienza dimostrata nei confronti dei turisti che ormai da decenni scelgono la nostra bella città per le vacanze estive.
The post 50 anni in vacanza a San Benedetto, l’amministrazione comunale premia i coniugi Pignataro e Capotorto appeared first on TM notizie - ultime notizie di OGGI, cronaca, sport.
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ears-awake-eyes-opened · 9 years ago
Journals, part 4
(This one’s beyond PG-15. Each part of this series can stand alone, but you can also read Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. …I’m intrigued by the awkwardness of Owen and Amelia’s conversations. I love the idea of them writing the things they can’t say out loud - either because they don’t want to - or are afraid to - or even wish to but just aren’t ready. So this is set at the end of Adrenaline. Owen seeks therapy after his tour of duty to help prevent PTSD, and Amelia realizes she needs more help after scoring Oxy from the junkie doctor. Their therapist asks each of them to keep a journal.)
When your soul is tortured, write. Write as long as the screams pour out through your fingertips. Then write more in the silence that’s left - after you’re broken.
“Mama, How Long Will You Love Me?”
In a brambly forest, Sammy asked,
“How long will you be my mother?”
“Always,” said Mama”
Today was 38 days since my last period.
That’s a long time. I’m late - very late - and I can’t ignore it any longer. I should take a pregnancy test.
But then I will have to face that minute. That minute of waiting for a sign to appear. A sign that will determine my future. I don’t know which is worse, the infinity in that minute – or this infinity now in not knowing.
What was I thinking? ‘Don’t wait,’ I said. ‘I want the risk,’ I said. ‘You’re delicious without a condom,’ I said.
And he is. God, I want him again like that right now.
So, what if I’m pregnant? Then he could fuck me every day for the next nine months without having to worry about pregnancy. Only not exactly – because then I would be pregnant.
Damn it. Am I actually hoping to be pregnant so I can have all the sex with Owen without having to think about birth control?
God. Yes. What is wrong with me?
And he would love it. He would love every bit of it. The sex of course. And the pregnancy most of all. Watching him with the kids on that trampoline, I saw him in heaven with Bailey’s little arms around his neck. Geez. He would love it like nothing else.
And what about the baby? If there is one. I keep touching my stomach, thinking. Wondering if there might be. I don’t know how to feel about this possibility. My first thought was, ‘Oh hell no. I’m not ready. I don’t know if I’ll ever be ready. I don’t know if I can go through that again. Ever.’
And now I wonder, what if I can?
“Underneath a big old elm, Sammy asked,
“Mama, how long will you love me?”
“Always.” Mama smiled.
“How long is always?” Sammy asked.
“Miles and miles forever,” said Mama.”
“As high as a giant tree…
As magical as a starry night…”
Amelia has been distant for two days. She has been avoiding me at work, and she’s ignoring my texts. Why is she doing this? What’s going on with her? Something is wrong, and not knowing is killing me. I hate it.
It’s only been a couple of days, and I miss her like hell. I can’t stand the feeling of missing her. I can’t stand the feeling of myself without her inside me. I want to crawl out of my skin.
I’m so agitated with no communication. I can’t stop thinking about her and checking my phone. Even when I’m occupied with other tasks, she’s still there in the front of my mind.
It’s like I’m this hole. And I’m not exactly empty, just not filled – like a body that’s hungry. I’m hungry for her. I could survive without eating for a while, but it hurts not to, and I feel slightly nauseous. I can’t stop thinking about the next meal. I try to distract myself. Then I give in and think about it - because my body is screaming at me. And I hope that dwelling in the details will be enough to tide me over until I can actually eat.
But then my thoughts become irrational. What if it’s not just this one meal? What if it’s the next one too – and then the next that I have to skip? What if the worst has happened, and I will never eat again? What if I starve for her forever? What will become of me? I feel lost.
Why does she tug so much on my heart without even trying? She feels like a rope around my chest, and if I’m not careful, I’m going to hang myself with her.
“As wild as a windy day…
As wondrous as a winter snow…
As tricky as an autumn mist…”
“As soft as a cloudy sky…
As slow as a sleepy noon…”
Today was 39 days since my last period.
I’ve been avoiding Owen. I don’t want to tell him the truth of this, but I don’t want to conceal it from him either. It’s too hard to think about seeing hope in his eyes or hearing it in his voice. And I know it would be there. It would be everywhere.
I stopped by a bookstore after work to look for a gift for Zola. There was this book on the shelf titled, Mama, How Long Will You Love Me? I started flipping through and found myself lost in another world – one of possibility. I was drawn all the way through its watercolor pages, and I imagined that the color was imparted with ink and tears. And the tears were my own.
And I realized in that moment that she’s possible. My worry is turning into wonder. She’s just a thought still, but she’s becoming something more. And here I am calling her “she” and wondering if her eyes would be the same blue as Owen’s.
So I bought the book. I bought it for a baby of undetermined existence. And nobody knows that I did. Because how could I tell anyone such a thing? Who even does that kind of thing? Not a sane person surely. Why did I?
I went straight to the drug store after that to buy a pregnancy test - because I sure as hell can’t face a blood draw at work. And I have to know, before wonder gets the better of me – if it hasn’t already.
“As light as a pink balloon…
As fresh as a summer shower…
As gentle as a springtime wing…”
“As secret as a birthday wish…
As far as the milky moon…”
The past few days have been overwhelming. It had been three days of Amelia avoiding me and ignoring my texts. I had decided to give her space, but then I couldn’t handle not knowing what was going on. So I went to see her at home last night.
Maggie answered the door, which felt awkward because we really don’t know each other all that well outside of work. It was a moment that held a magnifying glass over the newness of my relationship with Amelia, and I could see clearly just how new we actually are. It reminded me that we have no commitment. She owes me nothing – not even an explanation of her three days of silence.
Standing there facing that reality, I wished that I could just walk away and pretend I hadn’t come. But then it was too late. Walking away then would have only made me feel emptier.
Maggie’s face showed surprise. “Hi, Dr. Hunt,” she greeted me formally, which made me feel even more conspicuous.
“Owen,” I said, hoping that might help me ease into being there.
“Of course. Come in. I think Amelia’s in her room… assuming you’re here to see her?” she continued.
“Yeah, thanks.” I stepped inside and glanced around. The house was oddly quiet.
“Meredith’s putting the kids to bed,” Maggie said.
I imagined they must be reading a story or sharing any one of the other mysteries of whatever bedtime routine is unique to their family. I listened for a moment but couldn’t hear their voices. Maybe Bailey would tell me about it another day.
“You know the way?” Maggie asked a bit awkwardly.
“Yeah, thanks,” I said again, nodding in appreciation for her not making small talk, as much as anything else. Then I headed toward Amelia’s room.
Her door was ajar, and it opened when I knocked softly. She was lying on her bed on top of the covers. Her shoes were on the floor, and her feet were bare, but otherwise she was dressed in her clothes from the day. Her eyes were shut, and I watched her chest rise and fall gently in sleep.
As I closed the door behind me, I lamented yet again my haste in going there. To have fallen asleep like that in her clothes, she’d obviously had a busy day – maybe a busy few days. I questioned my worries and wondered if maybe she wasn’t avoiding me at all. I thought for a moment that I was being paranoid. Maybe she was just swamped and exhausted – and then there I was disturbing her.
I was considering leaving to let her sleep, when I noticed a box sitting beside her on the bed. My heart sank to my stomach in recognition. It was a pregnancy test, and the box was still unopened.
Adrenaline crept into my arms and legs so hard that they practically stung from tingling. I sank slowly to my knees beside the bed. I could hardly breathe as the possibilities of my life flashed before me.
I looked at Amelia’s stomach. She appeared to me in that moment as she always had. I remembered the feel of her waist in my hands when I held her just a few days ago. She’s tiny, and it’s difficult to imagine a baby growing inside her. But suddenly I was picturing just that. I couldn’t help it. She may appear delicate, but she’s fierce. And in pregnancy she would be fierce too. I know she had been the first time.
My eyes moved up her body to her face. Her expression was peaceful, and I wanted to touch her. Especially now. I wanted to kiss her eyelashes where they rested on her cheeks. I wanted to run my fingers through her hair and feel the warmth at the nape of her neck. I wanted these things right then and was about to take them.
Then in that instant I felt like a voyeur. Hell, she didn’t even know I was there. And yet there I was stealing her secrets as she slept and making them my own. I sat back on my heels and just breathed there in the quiet of her room. My eyes stayed on her because I couldn’t look at anything else.
She stirred a while later when a cry from baby Ellis swept down the hallway. I watched Amelia’s eyes open and register my presence. She smiled at me for a moment before consciousness reminded her that I didn’t belong there. Or maybe it just felt that way to me. Her smile faded as she shifted her gaze to the box on the bed and then back to me.
“I’m sorry,” I told her. For being there when I wasn’t invited. For seeing things I wasn’t supposed to see. For causing her the worry that she was surely feeling.
She lay there in silence just watching me, and then she responded, “I’m sorry too.” What she meant exactly I didn’t know.
“Lie down with me,” she said next. She moved the box to the nightstand to make space for me next to her on the bed.
All I wanted to do was scoop her up. But I made an effort to be cautious as I moved to lie beside her. I was so desperate to touch her and so afraid she would ask me to leave, but her invitation gave me courage.
I lifted my thumb to the spot on her neck between her collarbone and her pulse - the place she loves to be kissed. I touched her there and wrapped my fingers around the back of her neck, massaging gently. Her eyelids closed, and she breathed deeply.
“Owen…” she started, but the words that would have followed were lost in the movement of my fingers and thumb.
“God, I’ve missed you,” I told her.
In an instant, she closed the space between us and kissed me with the hunger of three days without contact – the same hunger I was feeling. And for a moment, she made me forget everything, except for the places where our bodies touched. But then those places reminded me of the box on the nightstand.
“We - should - talk,” I uttered the words between kisses because I couldn’t take my mouth off of her long enough to say them all at once.
“Later,” she murmured into me as she unhooked a button on my shirt.
The rest of the buttons followed quickly along with all of our clothes. I made love to her then in that space between us, in our piece of infinity. I poured into her all my feeling so she would know it wasn’t just sex. It was everything to me. It was love - even though I didn’t say the word.
She cried out when pleasure consumed her, and I kissed her hard then so we wouldn’t wake up the kids. I wanted to make it last but the feeling of her coming around me was too intense, and all I could do was follow her into everything.
We lay tangled afterward. “I might be pregnant,” she said, just like that, with me naked inside her.
I kissed her then. “I know,” I told her, and then kissed her again. “Are you okay?”
She kissed me too, and everything was soft and warm. “Yeah,” she nodded, “Yeah…. I am.” Then she kissed me again. “We’ll know more when the sun comes up,” she said.
I held her close, and we drifted into dreams. I dreamed the thing I wished for. And for a moment, it felt real.
“As deep as the deep blue sea…
As quiet as a falling star…
As warm as a bedtime snuggle…”
“As sweet as a honey kiss…
As precious as you and me.””
Today was 40 days since my last period.
Sunlight filtered through the curtains, soft and golden as I woke. Just for a moment, I forgot the significance of this morning. Owen was awake already - or perhaps still. I could feel his eyes on me before I even looked at him. I don’t know whether or not he had managed to sleep. I didn’t ask him. It would be too hard to know that he hadn’t.
I looked at him then, and the lines on his forehead were deep. I ran my fingers over each one, in a vain attempt to smooth away his concern. I knew my touch would not be as effective at easing his worry as what lay inside the box on my nightstand. But I wasn’t ready yet. I needed a few more moments of not knowing.
He touched the hair that fell in my face and tucked it behind my ear in that way that he does. In the way that makes me know he’s going to kiss me. And then he kissed me - four times. Once on my forehead, once on each of my eyelids, and then on my lips. Each kiss was more tender than the last. And I felt him loving me without saying the words.
“Good morning,” he whispered after that, as if it was a day like any other.
“Hey.” I managed a smile before closing my eyes again. It hurt to look at the hope in his eyes. It was too bright. I lay there a little longer, just waiting. And he waited with me. His hand rested on the sheets between us – close enough for me to know he was there and far enough away so I wouldn’t feel obligated to take it.
I took it anyway. I covered his hand with mine. He needed it, and so did I. We waited there like that for as long as I could stand the end of not knowing. Then at last I got up to go exchange this minute of infinity for the next.
I carried the pregnancy test into the bathroom. But before I even took it, the answer was revealed to me in a spot of my own blood. I felt relief. And sadness. I don’t know if there was more sadness in the relief or relief in the sadness. But I felt them both all at once. I knew this could be a late period or an early miscarriage, and it didn’t really matter which it was because either outcome was the same. There would be no baby.
I sat there for a while, thinking about the fact that I’m not going to be anyone’s mama after all. Not this time. I’m the same person I was when I woke up today. So why do I feel different? Why do I feel like I lost something?
I remembered that Owen was waiting. I’d get one last glimpse of his hope. And I wondered if it would feel like more of a curse to have to destroy it or to have ever put it there to begin with.
When I came back in the room, he was sitting on the edge of the bed waiting for me. I didn’t say anything at first - because what words are there for the start of the end of a thing so big? I just shook my head once back and forth. If he had blinked he might have missed it. But he didn’t blink. He saw the truth in my eyes. I moved toward him and sat beside him on the bed.
“I didn’t even take the test,” I told him, “I started my period.”
“Okay,” he sighed, “Well. Now we know.”
“You were hoping,” I said, already knowing it was true.
“I know it’s only been a few weeks with us this time. I know it’s too soon. But I’ve imagined you pregnant, and at first it was a thought. And the longer I pictured it, the more it became a wish. And then suddenly last night it was a dream. So, yeah, I was hoping.”
His hand rested between us on the bed as it had before. I reached down and laced my fingers with his. He raised his eyes to mine and in that moment, in the safety of the space between us, I told him the rest of my truth. 
“I was hoping too,” I said.
““Will there always be you and me?” asked Sammy.
“Miles and miles forever,”
whispered Mama.”
And now we’ll never know if I was pregnant. We’ll never know whether or not it would have been always. And maybe it’s better this way. Not knowing.
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zannilouise · 9 years ago
Children's books we love :: September
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