#Ann Rull
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Как вы поняли с названия – это книга, основанная на реальных событиях, рассказывающая про американскую убийцу Тед Банди (его казнили в 1989 году, а арестовали в 1977 году (если не ошибаюсь)).
В прошлом году покупала книгу и, в связи с учебой, не могла заставлять себя дочитывать книгу. Поэтому отложила чтение надолго :)
Конечно, начну с внешних данных книги – обложка твердая, качество печати – не очень хорошая. Потому что, читая книгу, на другой странице остаются следы от предыдущей страницы. В этой книге, примерно, 635 страниц.
Меня даже удивило то, что в 1970-х годах в США происходили множество событий: бунт женщин (скажем так, первые шаги феминизма), разные байкоты и тому подобное. Даже в такое тяжёлое время не существовало ещё термина "серийный убийца". И только после "загадочных убийствах" от некого "Теда" начали все понимать, что что-то здесь не чисто.
Конечно, Тед Банди - очень гениальный преступник/маньяк/убийца. Даже полицейские не подозревали в том, что парень, получающий высшее юридическое образование, активист в партии - станет убийцей.
Тед Банди, как по мне, если бы он учился дальше в юридических университетах, то он мог стать лучшим адвокатом/юристом или даже известной личностью. Но.. Но меня разочаровало то, что он выбрал иной путь. Мне становилось тошно, что он признавался в своих 30 преступлениях, которые в первых и других судах – не признавал.
Мне жаль было Мег (настоящее имя – Элизабет Кендалл). Ведь она хотела быть счастливой с Тедом, выйти за него замуж, но он просто наотрез отказывался от этого. И она первая, фактически, девушка, которая видела его перепады настроения и терпела его перепалки. Хотя в первые дни отношения все было хорошо и замечательно...
Сама книга, как по мне, была интересной. Рекомендую прочитать книгу, если вам нравится читать что-то криминальное, про убийц, маньяков и тому подобное. Хочу прочитать как-нибудь «Алтарь смерти», «Нянька» и «Не говори никому».
Если же кто-то смотрит фильмы/сериалы, то рекомендую смотреть документальные сериалы, как «Беседы с убийцей: Записи Теда Банди» и «Тед Банди: влюбиться в убийцу».
#книги#books & libraries#booksbooksbooks#literature#book blog#Ted Bundy#The Killer Next to Me#Ann Rull#Энн Рул#Убийца рядом со мной#Тед Банди
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Let's talk about Richard unexpected and unwanted Pregnancy and his relationship father and son with his son Edward
Episodes 19-22
Not always a pregnancy means happiness nor a dream since a main goal can be in jeopardy like for a example a career or profession sadly this is the case with our beloved Richard Plantagenet who after many passionate encounters with Buckingham became unexpectedly pregnant.
Richard viewed such pregnancy as nightmarish, mass of lump the end of everything, a crime, absurd and deeply hate the idea of becoming a mother due to his supposed demon body and because according to him men can not be pregnant, his attitude was so different from that of his other half who seemed quite happy about the news of the baby since to him was a symbol and fruit of their love .This force Buckingham to drugged chained and put Richard in a dress in a desperate attempt to keep and force Richard to have their child.
Something he was so against since he was raised as a man not a woman .Sadly this lead to Buckingham's betrayal although Richard tried to let him escaped only to be executed by him and what is worse is that as it was expected Richard made the abortion through Jane's abortive remedy while saying with only one dose everything will be over I just wanted to be king I didn't want this to which Jane only hugs him and says there is not such thing as a life without regrets such attitude is sadly a mirror of teenage girls who stupidly and willingly give themselves to the boys that they love just as Richard stupidly and naively gave himself for the crown without even thinking of the consequences of unexpected and unwanted pregnancy.
How different it would have been if the pregnant one was Anne instead of him since one of the must important duties of a king beside rulling a kingdom was to farther potential heirs to the throne. At same time everything would have been different if our little Edward was the biological son of Richard and he was a full and normal man there would not have be room for horrible gossips from the servants and Richmond
This would have saved the poor boy for such horrible rumors that made him suffered due to not ressembling his father physically and that he didn't deserve to be Richard's heir since didn't have his blood although what truly mattered at the end was the special and great bond they created not through blood but through love to the point of protecting the boy from Buckingham and his enemies by dishering him and sending him away with Jane.
What I find interesting and ironic in requiem of the rose king is that blood tights not always mean love and to be wanted and adoptive ones can become unconditional love
I say this since there are panels from the manga where our little Ned warmly hugs Richard or in the dream in the manga where he hugs Edward while the little boy is holding a rose. This shows that in the dream appeared the people that he loved so deeply and the people who loved him in return.
The opposite can be said about his unborn child in his womb who he aborted and firmly didn't want and didn't appeared in the dream that appeared his beloved other half holding a rose proving that the baby was going to be unloved by him but unfortunately and ironically was from his other half and such child would have been his true heir and his comfort when Henry Stafford was executed and what makes everything a lot worse is that the death of Buckingham left him only sadness and emptiness
Part of me would have loved to see Richard and Buckingham running away and keeping their baby naming him Richie or Rose if it was a girl . Unfortunately that was not what Richard truly wanted since his main goal was that infernal cursed crown and having a child of his own was unlikely and absurd due to his mother and his childhood traumas
Maybe if Richard would have been raised as a woman or been a full woman nor pursuing the crown he could have keep the baby
I believe that whole thing about the unexpected and unwanted pregnancy and finally the abortion even though was to be expected and it helped with the plot atlas it was just to tell a pro choice propaganda of my body my choice and pro abortion. In conclusion Richard's main goal was the crown that only gave him emptiness and unhappiness
There is a scene where Anne is very ill and tells him that he still young to have a heir with the person he loves without realizing that persons is his other half Buckingham that is now have been executed by him and the heir is the baby that Richard aborted to which Richard just clutched sheets .
The whole thing of this was so controversial depressing and cruel that I would have wish for the matter that the author would have stayed truth to the play or the real events since the deaths battles and gore were more than enough
That been said I will truly appreciate to know what you think of this and reblog
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18 juli Upp 06
Det var bara vi och ett par från Slovenien i ett rum för 30 pers
Verkade som alla gick upp samtidigt idag. Ingen verkade ta hänsyn till tidsomställningen. En i taget försvann de.
Hittade ett solstick 50 på gräset där Christine o Anne packade, så jag tog med det.
Lite värk i det bortskurna och kraftig stigning första 3 km gjorde att vi valde bilvägen upp till första stopp, Café Castro.
Ett skönt stopp för foten, nu blir det att gå på Caminoleden igen.
Christine o Anne kom förbi, de hade fikat tidigare. Det visade sig att det var Anne som hade tappat sitt solstick. Hon blev glad.
Efter att de gått, kom Anke, hon hade sovit ut lite. Hon gick lite fortare men stannade också mer, så vi gick om vartannat ett tag. Hon hittade några fina ställen att vila på.
Nåt kändes fel med foten så jag stannade i Tuido och mycket riktigt, all nedför hade gnuggat bort compeed mot tårna så hålet var frigjort och allt var under tårna som en rulle.
Passade på att ta en stor kall sista Bock, skulle det visa sig. För i Spanien är det annan öl. I TUI är det 1906 som gäller.
Stor superbock på tapp. 3€ på restaurang. Passerade ett samhälle innan och där var det nog fest ikväll, de hade redan börjat med att köra musik i plåt-högtalare.
Kanske var soppfest här också. Ha ha. Som första kvällen skönt att inte sova här.
Ett jävla skrålande.
Inte långt kvar till gränsen nu...
Folk med miniryggsäckar blir allt fler...Så det kan bli trångt på boenden. Bäst att gå tidigt...o vara framme tidigt, då flaskbärarna sover längre.
Passade på att kolla drivmedelspriserna innan vi går över. Inte såå billigt ändå..
Gick genom små byar med trånga gränder.
O bara nedför...så foten fick jobba ordentligt.
Sen var det dags att gå över i Spanien.
Först fortet där jag kunde se Spanien, köpte ett badlakan, som ersättare till sovsäck, för o kanske lösa 1kg. Stor skillnad i vikt...
sen blev det bron. Ca mitten på bron gick gränsen..
Tyckte det blev varmare i Spanien.. tempen visade 31 på en temp o 32 på en annan.
Sen blev det lite letande efter boende, då det var fullt på några ställen eller väldigt dyrt. Men fick till slut receptionisten på Jacob att ringa runt o hittade sängar åt oss på Convento Del Camino | Albergue Tui. På Jacob träffade jag små danskorna, de hade förbokat...
Katerina dök upp efter oss, annars är ingen av de "gamla" synliga här.
Festen i Santiago den 25e drar nog hos vissa..får se hur jag gör. Känns sådär..kul med fyrverkerier iofs.
Ett ombyggt kloster eller liknande. Bra utrustat, trevlig personal.
Hamnade i ett rum med 4 nya danskar. I 20 årsåldern. De snakker hela tiden...inte tyst en minut.
Riktiga lakan o täcken, dubbla kuddar..härlig madrass..lyxigt. lite dyrare, 17 pengar.
Det kom 2 tyskar och en rumänska som hade bedbugbite på armar o ben... Inte kul att bli påmind om dess existens. Kanske dags att kika på vart man bor... Hmm
Fick lite hjälp av receptionen att boka en Mozilla transport till o Porriño i morgon, så får hålet i foten vila lite mer...bara bära främre mozillan på bröstet... Mmm
Hoppas det fungerar med transporten..
Blir nog en tidig kväll idag...om jag ska lyssna på kroppen..o det är ju hela grejen med resan.
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Rodopis. Ye Xan. Cenerentola. Cendrillon. Aschenputtel. Aschenbrödel. Zolushka. Cenicienta. Gata Borralheira. Cinderella. The heroine has several names around the world, but all of them experience the same tale: young ladies who are opressed and marginalized by father and stepfamily, but, thanks to their kindness and bravery, receive assistance to rise from the ashes more strong and beautifull, learning to love themselves and eventually finding the love of a prince that will make them happy. The tale is very old, its first writen version dating back to Ancient Egypt, and has been told, retold, writen and rewriten in several different versions, and has been adapted into a variety of media like cartoons, films, radio shows, and comics from around the Globe, wich possibilated anyone to choose their favorite versions. And today, i will share with my favorite portrayal of one of the most iconic fairy tale heroines of all time.
12º Daphne Zuniga in Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales for Every Child (1995)
This animated fairy tale anthology series produced by HBO camed with the twist of transporting well known european versions of fairy tales to different cultures, like China, Cuba and the Caribbean. In this episode, they adapted Cinderella by setting the story in a Kingdom that had culture and population inspired by Mexico, making it one of the first portrayals of the character as a mexican, wich turns it a very significative work. Cinderella herself could show a bit more range of emotions, because in this portrayal she is at her most passive, her voice is always very sweet and low and she rarely her smile facial expression, but the character design and how she interacts with the colorfull and creative world and characters in the episode still makes it wort checking it out.
11º Aylin Tezel in Sechs auf einen Streich (2011)
Grimm’s Finest Fairy Tales (Sechs auf einen Streich in Germany and Holland) is a live action TV Movie anthology series from Germany made between 2008 and 2019. In 2011, they released their adaptation of Cinderella (Grimm’s Aschenputtel) staring german-turkish actress Aylin Tezel. Tezel brings a sense of playfullness to the role, as well as a sense of altruism in helping the servants in her Stepmother’s house and a wild free spirit that she fights to keep despite the opressive rulling of her Stepmother over her life. She is basically borrowing some elements of the humanity that other actresses before her brought to the role, while making this version of the character her own, wich is not easy feet, and deserves all the praises in the world.
10º Mitsuko Horie/Lara Cody in Grimm’s Fairy Tale Classics (1989)
Another fairy tale anthology series, this time made as a japanese anime that, despite the title, didn’t necessarily limited itself to the tales written by the Grimm Brothers. But in the case of this Cinderella episode, the Grimm’s version is the one they choosed to adapt, excluding the gory element of the sisters cutting their feet. This encarnation of Cinderella is probably the one with the most highlighted innocence, wich could both bring people to love and help her, but also be turned against her by the villains. The moment where this is most explicit is when after returning from the ball, she casually comments with the birds about the tree that gaved her the ball gown to wear, without knowing that the Stepmother is listening, and later her Stepmother not only locks her in the attic, but calls a woodcutter to cut down the tree, leaving poor Cinderella to suffer in deep guilt. It’s not often that a Cinderella adaptation explores the character’s innocence having negative consequences for her, and that is what makes this portrayal of one the most refreshing.
09º Maria Kawamura in Cinderella Monogatari (1996)
The Story of Cinderella (Cinderella Monogatari) is an Italian-Japanese anime television series of 26 episodes, wich were later edited into a two part feature lenght movie. This Cinderella is the 16 year old daughter of a rich Duke who dreams of someday going to live in a castle, having her own horse and many friends. But those dreams start to become remote for her when her father has to make a long travel and her Stepmother and Stepsisters reveal their true faces: Cinderella is taken out of her room, turned into their servant, often receiving hard tasks in short spans of time, and several times is exposed to situations of danger and harm by her Stepmother, like when she is unfairly framed for stealing grapes from the royal vines. Her situation is one of the most vulnerable, and troughout the series we get nervous to see if she will keep being a hopefull teenager, or if the hardships will crush her spirit despite the support that she has from her friends.
08º Ilene Woods in Disney’s Cinderella (1950)
Going from a teenager who has just recently started to experience adversity, to a grown adult who has experienced adversity since childhood. Having lost both of her parents as a child, it becamed more easy for Lady Tremaine to lock Cinderella away from the world and educate her to be an apparently perfect servant who does every domestic shore well, fast and without any sign of complaints. But, when she is alone with her animal friends, is the moment that Cinderella voices her fealings of fear, longing, anger, sadness and tiredness, dreaming of someday becoming free. She also gives them food and handmade clothes, showing how thankfull she is for their friendship, and this inspires the animals, as well as the Fairy Godmother who sees everything, to want to help her. And in her night out at the ball, she shows a natural grace and sweetness that charms people like the Prince to instantly fall in love with her. Basically, an inspirational role model.
07º Gemma Craven in The Slipper and The Rose (1976)
An intersting bridge between Disney’s Cinderella and Cinderella Monogatari. Like Disney’s Cinderella, she is a grown adult orphaned of both parents. Like Cinderella Monogatari, since her father died when she is an adult, her entrapment into servitude is more recent, wich makes clear that she has difficulty with domestic shores and also gives her a more intense will to rebel, to the point that this is one of the few portrayals of Cinderella that says “I hate you” in her Stepmother’s face. And the rebeliousness is well mixed with a very romantic personality that specially shines after she falls in love with the Prince, who is also an idealistic rebel that matches perfectly well with our relatable heroine.
06º Drew Barrymore as Danielle de Barbarac in Ever After: A Cinderella Story (1998)
In american cinema during the 90s, it was growing in popularity the fantasy heroine who was a warrior rebel and an intelectual bookworm. Capitaling in this fenomenon, Ever After: A Cinderella Story, was made, eschewing the magical elements in favour of Pseudo-Historical Fiction retelling.
The story begins when The Brothers Grimm are invited to the home of a French noblewoman who tells them how much she enjoyed their story of Cinderella, but that they got some details wrong. She then proceeds to tell them this story: Danielle de Barbarac is the beloved only child of the widowed Auguste de Barbarac and his late wife, Nicole de Lancret. When she is eight years old, he remarries the Baroness Rodmilla de Ghent (Anjelica Huston), and brings her home along with her two daughters, spoiled and cruel Marguerite and gentle but weak-willed Jacqueline. Shortly thereafter, he dies, leaving Danielle to the care of her stepmother, who already resents the love that he displays to his daughter (especially as he calls for her over his wife in his final moments), and the estate's three devoted servants - the housemaids, Paulette and Louise, and the retainer, Louise's husband Maurice. The movie skips ahead ten years, to when Danielle is eighteen. Their estate has fallen onto hard times and things keep "disappearing," to the anger of the Baroness. Danielle has, of course, become a virtual house slave to the family, but takes comfort in the familial love she shares with the servants and the kindness she receives from Jacqueline. One morning, she is gathering apples in the estate's orchard when she spies someone stealing the horse of her late father. Enraged, she chucks apples at him, ultimately causing him to fall. It turns out to be the Crown Prince of France, running away from a father who wants to marry him off. To buy her silence, he gives her a great amount of gold. Danielle and the Prince meet again when Danielle, disguised as a courtier and using her mother's name, goes to the castle to rescue Maurice, whom the Baroness had sold into slavery to pay off some of her debt. The Prince is intrigued by "Nicole's" beliefs and courage, and asks to meet her again. A courtship ensues, in which Danielle keeps trying to tell Henry that she is really not a countess and the Baroness gets increasingly suspicious of Danielle's odd appearances and disappearances. The King and Queen, desperate to marry their son off, are delighted that he has found a girl... but are keen to meet her, something Danielle wishes to avoid. Meanwhile, Leonardo da Vinci, who has been invited to court, befriends both Danielle and Henry and everything seems to be going along well, save for Danielle's growing anxiety about maintaining the masquerade.
Barrymore’s Danielle channels the idealism and dreaminess of the Cinderella character trough her love of books, specially Thomas Moore’s Utopia, and also expands the rebeliousness brought by her predecessours by being writen as skillfull in swordfight, making her able to save herself and the ones she loves in more than one ocasion, wich was a very new take. At least for american audiences in the 90s, anyway, but we will get there later...
05º Brandy Norwood in Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella (1997)
When i was kid i watched mainly three film versions of Cinderella: the 1950 Disney animated film, Ever After: A Cinderella Story, and this TV Movie production of the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical released by the Disney Channel. It was one the first examples of a diverse, colorblind period fairy tale production i remember seeing, and it was an important mark for me ever since.
As played by pop singer and actress Brandy Norwood, this encarnation of Cinderella is a courteous, gentle young woman who is nevertheless unafraid to speak her mind, ocasionally making snarky comments as a way to cope with her stepfamily’s abuse. But she is still shown to need some boosting in confidence by her Fairy Godmother, who teaches Cinderella to see the valour and beauty in herself, and never stoping asking for the impossible.
04º Lesley Ann Warren in Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella (1965)
Whereas Brandy Norwood’s Cinderella would more easily find a way to confront others who mistreated her and become a confident person, Lesley Ann Warren’s Cinderella was a more shy and frightened person, who had to take a more slow path into becoming confident and take her chance of happiness. Because of that, the viewer has the more intense feeling that when she goes to the ball in the beautifull magic gown, she is a more glamorous and happy person, different from the meek and sad lady who usually hides around the fireplace. This was Warren’s first starring role, and we must commend her for portraying two faces of the same character in her debut as a leading lady.
03º Jennifer Beals in Fairy Tale Theater (1985)
The most simple, straightforward adaptation of Charles Perrault’s Cinderella ever made, and the simplicity is its greatest strenght. That strenght is personified in Jennifer Beals’s performance as the title character. This Cinderella is the quintessential no nonsense girl next door, who even tough finding herself in a situation of unimpowerment, always refuses to accept the absurd injustice of her exploitation as a servant, speaking her mind clearly to her stepfamily. This make all the more satisfatory when she receives the visit of her Fairy Godmother, and is reward with the deserved rich and happy life that she was loosing hope of ever receiving.
02º Libuše Šafránková in Three Wishes for Cinderella (1973)
This czech film is one of the first cinematic portrayals of Cinderella as a wild, adventurous, free spirited trickster character, who with the help of three wish granting magic nuts, can go outside and woo her beloved Prince. She enjoys horse riding, trowing snow balls, and hunting, as well as wearing pretty dresses to dance at balls. A highlight is when she cleverly hides her face with a veil to avoid being recognized by her stepfamily, and teases the Prince with riddles about who she is. You can see that she oppened the door for portrayals like Barrymore’s and Tenzel’s.
And my number one is the version that opened the door for her and many others...
01º Leslie Caron in The Glass Slipper (1955)
In this ballet-movie, french-american ballerina and actress Leslie Caron portrays Ella, a girl who not only is abused by her stepfamily, but also ostracized by the people in her village due to constantly apearing covered in ashes and not being traditionally beautifull with her short hair and big teeth. Because of that, Ella grows into a lonely, awkward and agressive person, whose only refuge is the prophecy of a fortune teller who told that someday she would live in the beautifull Palace of the Duke, and the daydreams in wich she imagine herself as a gracious ballerina. One day, Ella meets two people: Mrs Toquet, an old lady who everyone calls crazy, and a young man who presents himself as son of the Palace’s Cook, but is secretly the Duke’s son, Prince Charles. Those two are the first people who treat Ella with kindness, and because of that, she slowly blooms into a more merry person, who learns to love herself and accept the love of others.
This adaptation is very influential, being one of the first where the heroine’s birth name is Ella (wich would be later used in Ella Enchanted and Disney’s Cinderella 2015), one of the first that makes the supernatural elements more subtle (paving the way for Ever After’s complet schewing of them), one of the first that portrays a more angry and rebellious Cinderella (paving the way for Three Wishes for Cinderella, The Slipper and The Rose, Fairy Tale Theater, Ever After and Aylin Tezel’s 2011 Cinderella) and one of the first to make her meet and fall in love with the Prince before the ball, without knowing his true identity (paving the way for Three Wishes for Cinderella, Ever After , Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella 1997 production and Aylin Tezel’s 2011 Cinderella).
And because of how awkward and agressive Ella acts in her everyday life, her ballet daydreams and the transformation in the mysteryous “belle of the ball” feels more radical, like two different faces of the same coin, thanks to Leslie Caron’s full of range performance. For being the version that brought the raw humanity to Cinderella, influencing several portrayals ever since, is the reason that Leslie Caron is my number one favorite portrayal of Cinderella.
Honorable Mentions: Kim Crosby in Into the Woods (1987), The Triplets (1998).
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Amphibia Reviewcaps: The Dinner/Battle of the Bands “It’s You”
Hello all you happy people! And i’m almost to the finish line. 6 months (subtracting the ones where there were no new episodes) worth of weekly coverage and with next week i’ll have completed my second full season of reivews of a show as they came out, and my first full season of amphibia. If you’d like to see season 1 it’s up high on my stretch goals at 45 with reviews of Disney movies based on shows (The Proud Family, Recess and Kim Possible), Gravity Falls and more along the way if your curious. Check it out HERE. I’m also doing exclusive reviews eveyr month now with the coasional one thrown in randomly so check that out. New period starts in a week so please join before then.
So naturally with the big finale and all the tensions in amphibia close to reaching a boil next week, this week’s a bit more low key. Still not unimportant, with some massively good character work and in fact The Dinner is easily one of my faviorites of the season, but still nothing to move the plot too far forward. Just some nice character stuff to help inch us towards the climax next week. The calm before my heart is stillbeatingly ripped out of my chest. Which I will grant the show, having my heart ripped out Mola Ram style by some combination of Brenda Song and Keith David is how I wanted to go, i’m just not ready yet. So while I steel myself for the utter heartbreak of next week, I have my throughts on this weeks episodes under the cut!
The Dinner:
I did tip my hand a bit by saying this was one of my faviorties of the season.. and I stand by that. This one was excellent. It was rife with tension while still somehow being a fun breather episode before hell arrives.
As the title suggest the Plantars are having Grime and Sasha over for a fancy dinner, followed by games and such. Only Annearcy are happy about this though, Marcy still not getting quite how bad Sasha has gotten during her stay here and Anne hoping she has changed. The Plantars, Sprig in paticular, still resent them for the whole toad tower fiasco, which is fair. You don’t forget someone trying to murder you over night, let alone your whole town. Hop Pop is using Frobo as the Grill by the way which is just visually fucktacular I gotta admit. He does get some more use these episodes, being used as a Grill here and as the fog machine and Polly’ sminon next episode. Good work boy. That’s my robot frog soldier builder whatever you are.
Sasha and Grime are likewise not enthused. Sasha isn’t because her friends expect her to “Ugh” change and grow and stuff and isn’t happy about it and is confident she can return to rulling over them once her plan is done. Dude.. that’s not how a healthy throuple works. Or a healthy anything. Grime is more worried about her blowing it with her anger and control issues, but feels. this is VITAL to convincing the plantars to trust them long enough for their plan to go off. He even demands she remove her sword and all her knives... and she has a lot of them. Evne in her boot “How do you even walk?” Good question grime.
My answer?
So what follows is about 8 minutes of the most hilariously awkward dinner since that time Micheal Scott decided to have a dinner party even though his relationship was horribly crumbling, as everyone but Anne and Marcy shoves their foot in their mouth at some point or makes some sort of screw up. Oh and Polly I guess she’s more content to just watch the show. Seriously i’m not usually a fan of cringe comedy.. but the series makes it work here as our heroes attempt to interact with thier old eneimeis and vice versa.
For starters we have our guests arrvial, where Grime and Sasha both look objectively terrifying before things cool down. Then we have dinner itself where both Hop Pop and Grime prove to be the racist kind of grandpa as Grime asks what frogs they subjigated to get these turnips and Hop Pop makes an awkward lightbulb joke about Toads that Grime finds hilarious but everyone else was rightfully afraid would get the old man gutted by the other more violent old man. I imagine this happened a lot on the Lost Light once Megatron took over co captiancy. You just don’t fight a guy for a good hundered years without being nervous he’s going to blast you to fucking pieces.
Sprig dosen’t help before all this by taking a seat next to anne and marcy specifically to piss her off, and out of all of them is the most openly hostile to her. Given Anne’s his best friend and Sasha did a LOT of emotional damage to her.. yeah fair enough.
Things only esclate when it comes to frog pictionary. Suprisingly Hop Pop gets Grime’s Drawins and Sasha gets his, with both her and sprig trading escalating barbs and her barely containing her rage when Anne calls her on it since unlike her, Sprig has a reason to still be upset with her. This reaches a breaking point when Sasha attempts things, trying to desperatly win her friends back with the old times now they have their ownt imes apart.. only for Sprig to accidnetlay mock Sasha’s near sucicide,s aying she “slipped”.. granted I do think he geninely just can’t forgive her.. but it’s very clear she did not.. she let herself go to save them, and he’s just as in denial about it as Sasha and just as much a dick about it.
Sasha flips out at him, and gets penalized for talking which only pisses her off MORE and understandably so. Anne leaps to the plantar’s defense but honestly.. both sides are understandabliy angry here. The Plantars are right to still not trust her after everything especially since she hasn’t outright apologized to them and her and Grime’s general response to the incident is “One Time!”... which works for say, taking the last slice of pizza without asking or slamming their face in a car door, but not so much “Trying to murder all of you for personal and stupid reasons.”. But at the same time Sprig DID cross the line really bad when she saved his fucking life. It dosen’t automaitcally erase the bad things she did but it dosen’t give him lisence to mock her. WHile I get he’s 10 and dosen’t get it was part suicide, he still is blantaly ignoring her trying to do something selfless because he can’t admit there’s any good in Sasha. Sasha is not a GREAT person.. but there IS good in her. She just has to WANT to seek that out instead of her inherent seflishness and need for control and Anne and Marcy are absolutely right for trying to help her instead of just slamming the door in her face.
But soon eveyroen gets distracted by the cake which floods the room with molten lava. Hop Pop assumes it was some sort of trick.. but hilariously turns out no, Grime really was trying to be nice. That’s just how this works and it’s delcious once it hardens.. assuming you survivie the hornets, with fighting them being the best part of it. And yes hornets shoot out of the cake. Are you suprised at this point? They also paralize grime leaving our heroes without the one person among them who knows what their doing.
SO our heroines are forced to fight some hornets, with Sasha trying to take lead.. only for Anne to do so and succeed at it, figuring out that while weapons can’t pierce them their own stingers might and having Marcy use her crossbow to launch the stinger in grime at them, and then has Sasha distract the rest to take them out.
So our heroines reconcile with Sasha admitting she might not want to change and Anne admitting that’s okay.. she just has to accept things have changed with THEM and that her friends HAVE. And genuinely or not Sasha agrees to that, while Grime is bummed he missed the party and the lava hardens into chocolate, with eveyrone enjoying some cake and dead insects. As you do
Final Thoughts on The Dinner: As I said, this is one of the best episodes of the season> The tension is paltable, and it dosen’t fully resolve it, rightly as we still have one final season to go for that. More than that.. it’s hilarious. All the jokes land, and there were far too many to get into here.
Battle of the Bands:
Now this is a classic breather episode, our last chance to rest and get all slice of lifey before things go up in flames next week.
With the town all nervous because of Sasha and Grime’s presence, Mayor Toadstool decides to spin the wheel of fun to decide on an activity. I can’t remember if this is a new thing or not but I loves it. It lands on Battle of the Bands so the girls decide to get their old band Sasha and the Sharks back together. As for the rest of the cast, Hop Pop and Sprig join a Jug band and Grime has his own musical domination to plot out, so that just leaves us with the thropule, Poly and Frobo for an episode.
The group have fun... until Anne unveils her heartfelt song based on her time here. Well okay only Sasha isn’t having fun and quickly tries to take over, as you’d expect and Anne pushes back as you’d expect. Sasha takes her ball and goes home as.. you get it by now> The plot here is not very complex or unique.
But as with all the Sasha episodes this season including the last one, we get a deeper sense of her character. Here she outright admits she dosen’t know what to do when she’s not in control. She needs to be in charge of the situation. It also explains why unlike Marcy and Anne she didn’t change for the better: Her need for control shuts out any possiblity of self reflection and thus self improvment. Self Improvment, and I know this from experince, requires you to admit your flaws and face them. It’s something I can admit to struggling with as I fall back into old patterns often. Admitting flaws would be admitting a loss of Control and Sasha.. can’t. She honestly can’t.
Of all people i’ts TOADIE who convinces her sometimes i’ts better to let someone else take the lead and that it’s better to support the ones you love than subjugate them. Granted Toadie himself is too far in the opposite direction, but he makes a valid point.. something I never thought i’d say. Sometimes you just have to let someone do what they want.. and watching her two girlfriends perform up on stage.
I also will say I love a good talent show, battle of the bands what have you episode. One of my faviorite movies, True Stories, climaxes in one.
And yes that was John Goodman and yes he does indeed sing...
Seriously watch this movie. It’s fucking amazing. And yes that was the Talking Heads David Byrne, he wrote this movie and there’s two talking heads songs in it. Watch it.
Point is we get a great one, paticuarlly chuck.
He grows SINGIN tulips just a fun one.. but i’ts that finale with the girls that really makes it with Sasha realizing that them being HAPPY is better than her being in control..and they didn’t grow PAST HER or leave her behind just because they grew.. they simply should be free to be themselves. And that maybe trying to conquer a country just to do that ain’t right. IT’s really sweet
So she runs in to do the guitar solo, and its aweosme and they only don’t win because it turns out Grime is fucking MAJESTIC on a harp. But Sasha finally grows a bit admitting that having fun is what mattered...
And it’s abotu to burst as Mayor Toadstool, in a show of how far he’s come, points out Anne is leaving soon and Anne gives a heartfelt goodbye to everyone.. that said.... someone clearly has other plans.. and for once i’ts NOT Sasha.
There’s nothing but foreshadowing in that face. That’s a face that says “Uh.. about that”. And again SASHA is showing emotinal vunerablity and hapiness.. but it’s Marcy, whose pretty open emotiionally whose visably worried and clearly knows Andrias has other plans.. other plans he talked her into. Gratned he probably didn’t tell her said plans involve The Watcher with a Thousand Eyes, but she still KNOWS she’s plottingthings.. and know’s she’s about to betray the people closest to her.
Before we move on though those outfits ar esharp. Just damn. Especially Sasha’s punk look. The songs this episode are also both excellent and I had no idea Brenda Song and Anna Akana could sking like that. God damn.
So with Anne leaving for home she gets one last group photo. It’s majestic and we’re out.
Final Thoughts: This one is pretty good. Not a lot to talk about outside of Sasha but a really fun episode that both moves her foward and moves us toward the finale. ANd it’s nice to see the three just happy together... before the hell that’s about to arrive.
Next Week: War Were Declared, our heroes prepare to fight bravely against the hoard of toads... and both Sasha and Marcy come to the crossroads of destiny Tommorow ON This Blog:
So it’s up to Jean Grey and Emma Frost to go in and sort it out.. and then fight off the full might of an alien empire. No pressure.
Until the next rainbow it’s been a pleasure
#amphibia#the dinner#battle of the bands#anne bonchuy#sasha waybright#marcy wu#sprig plantar#polly plantar#hopidiah plantar#frobo#grimothy#mayor toadstool#toadie#chuck#he grows tulips#true stories#before the storm
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~Winds of the North: when Queen Anne Neville meets Lady Sansa~
The year was set in someday close to the winter of 1484. The queen was ill and she was more than aware of the whispers that circulated court by then. The thought of it could not slip out of her mind even if she wanted to: through the looking glass she watched her beautiful and joyful niece, Lady Elizabeth, brush over her auburn locks patiently.
Anne admittedly resented the youth that releted her body, giving space to a mortality she did not expect to feel so soon. Right before her there was someone who could replace her on the throne if rumours were taken to be true. She watched the precision with which the golden locks of Elyzabeth Plantagenet were tied accordingly the recent fashion which was imported from Bugundy (Anne was also aware how Italian States were responsible for this new way of braiding hair), a pair of esmerald earrings garnishing her pale skin, matching the necklace of same jewel in the younger woman’s neck. Elizabeth’s oval face reminded Anne of her father, Anne’s cousin and late king, Edward the fourth.She could tell there was no trace of illegitimacy in the princess’ features and the close resemblance was ever so present that turned difficult for her to look at the woman who was supposed to be queen and not her lady-in-waiting.
“Do you appreciate this, lady Elyzabeth?” Anne inquired, all of the suddenly. They were in the queen’s personal chambers and as the day was one very invitive to those who appreciated the outdoors, she dismissed the others who were meant to stay there, but only her niece refused it and gladly stayed by her side.
Elyzabeth rose those piece grey eyes that reminded Anne of storm seas, and the queen could not help wonder if there was ever one beneath the quiet personality of that young woman. In fact, considering all the recent events, Anne was rather surprised for seeing such resilience in the girl’s presence. She’s far stronger than I’d ever be.
“Pardon, Your Grace?” Oh, she did not understand.
With tiring eyes, Anne fixed the gaze upon the reflection of her niece on the mirror. Lady Elyzabeth’s clothing shared the same material the one on the queen’s body, they were even of the same colour. Blue.
“People talk.” She sighed and saw the alert behind her niece’s eyes. “I know it, Elyzabeth.”
“I vow it to your ladyship that I have...” Elyzabeth panicked... to the queen’s relief.
“I know.” But even though I did know, I had to be sure. “It’s difficult to be at the centre of a place where people whisper behind your back and long for your death. I lived a difficult life, I suppose the end should have not been any easier.”
“Your Grace!” Elyzabeth protested, but the protest would not last longer as a knock on the door interrupted the small thread between the noble ladies.
Anne, with the dignity that left of her, dismissed her niece’s services with a wave of hand and rose. She looked at herself through the looking glass and saw the blue velvet gown falling over her curves, the silk touching her skin, even though it felt as if it touched her bones. She felt exposed, but she had to be strong.
Her auburn hair shone long, dropping loose behind her back. If only she could let it that way...! But Anne had her pride in her doings and so she tied it herself, following the new costumes. In the back of her mind, the flashback of her youth reminding her of her strenght: even now, she could hear Queen Marguerite’s snorts due to her fear of the sea. The teachings of the French red rose could not be swept away even now.
“See the wheel of fortune, madame Anne?” Marguerite d’Anjou spoke in the queen’s memories. “One day it might take you so high there’ll be no time to enjoy the view for in the next moment, it will take you just as low.”
Even now, Anne Neville remembered Marguerite d’Anjou’s smirk.
“What’s with that face, lass? There is no time to mourn for the past. You are your father’s daughter. Act like it. In this world we live in, dominated by men who know nothing but power and will not rest easy until they have it for themselves, there is no space for naivety or sweetness. You be that and the wolves will eat you.”
“Please come inside.” Anne recovered her voice. It was Cecily Plantagenet, lady Elyzabeth’s sister. The Queen smiled to the younger woman, so vivid like her father and beautiful like her mother. The Plantagenet temper is very evident in this one. “Greetings well beloved, I trust you are well?”
Cecily had the same shades of blonde hair that her sister did, but her face was softened and her eyes, blue also, was so full of life. She was a natural charmer and, like their father, this one was fond of talking, gossip and flirting. Nonetheless, she respected the king and the queen’s authority and Queen Anne appreciated that.
“You do, Your Grace, thank you.” She curtsied. “I bring you delightful news from His Grace, the king. We ought to receive an important guest at your court! It appears that an old ally of your lord husband named Petyr Baelish is scorting a northern lady of a noble house of Westeros. Her name is Sansa Stark, and she is coming to stay.”
Queen Anne blinked, but suddenly these news were giving a new blow of life. Lady Cecily slowed down, once excitement gave space to be reasonable in speaking.
“Westeros is in Civil War, Your Grace. Although the Queen Regent is in friendly terms with your sire husband, the king, there lies suspicious of her intentions towards our house. The Starks, however, were once aided by King Richard, as I was once told, so their king in the north, Robb Stark, is sending his sister over here until the situation is resolved. It seems that a man to them known, this who is named Petyr Baelish, is the responsible for taking the poor lady out of that court of wolves.”
The familiarity was too much for the Queen to bear. Exile, civil war... wounds the time did not seem to heal. They bleeded continuously and the Queen feared for herself. How long before this ends? How long before I can leave all of this suffering behind?
She remembered the tensions, the fear in her mother’s eyes, the bravery in Isabel’s... The fierce in her father, once the glorious kingmaker became the traitor. These days, however, few would remember him even if his daughter was on the throne. However, there was no point in dwelling over the past, even her former mother by law, the red queen, would say so. Therefore she glanced upon Cecily and smiled a convincing smile.
For lately, I scarely found a reason to live anymore.
“Of course”. The Queen nodded her head. “When will she arrive?”
“She has already sailed in Devon”, lady Cecily gladly informed. “So she is expected to arrive in a day or two.”
The Queen could behold in the back of her mind the shadow of anxiety in Richard’s features. A man as himself is not one prompted to festivities, the display of vanity; on that aspect, he was much more comfortable amongst the men on battle. Anne, on the other hand, was the perfect hostess. She was a survivor herself, and lived in three different courts, dancing accordingly each song. She knew well what her husband would tell her this late evening and a smile graced her lips.
This part he knows I’ll play perfectly well.
This somehow brought new sense of duty to the queen, who instantly was seen as if live was instantly gained. When the king came to visit her that afternoon, he was surprised to see how... alive she looked to be.
“I do not expect you to settle easily at the thought of me dead.” Her voice is sweet, but her words were not. Richard looked hurt. At least he bears some sense in appearing so.
“To arm yourself by sharpening your tongue is unlike yourself.” And wasn’t he perceptive enough? “I pray you tell me you have not been giving ears to those poisonous beings who do nothing but to whisper ill of ourselves?”
He looks displeased and I, ashamed.
“My dearest loving wife”, he took Anne’s face by his hands and for a moment that is what they were: man and wife, with no titles to weigh upon their shoulders. “After all I’ve been through at your side, may this not be broken by people’s foolishness.”
And so she wept. Richard sighed, but unlike any other husband in his position, would not tear her away from him.
“I’m sorry. This is all too much to bear.” He relented. “Nonetheless, do not push me away. You are too kind to this world”.
Anne blinked away the memories of the past, but she could still hear the red queen’s voice.
“What happens now?” She inquired, and felt stupid by opening her mouth when she met the red queen’s fierce gaze. Marguerite d’Anjou was beautiful, but cold and, some might say, evil. Her red locks were braided and there was no sympathy upon her face. Those blue eyes more looked like the warning of storm, than welcoming sea.
“War is not for sweet creatures as yourself”, it was the retort she heard. “You either endure and learn or fall to be misguided.”
“I would not like that, Your Grace”. Even then, her voice sounded cheap and...stupid...for her ears. But she was frightened, and the queen saw it.
“Do you think I would? I lost a husband who loved me, who cherished me the world.” She said bitterly. “My only sin was to be born a french and his, to be uncapable of rulling with a strong will. One day, you will have to do that for yourself at my sons’s side. Otherwise, they will break you and a victim you shall be.”
“There is no space for love in wars”, she comprehended then.
The queen’s cold laughter was a sound difficult to hear. A loved woman, brokenhearted by life... the wheel of fortune was cruel.
“There could always be”, the red queen pondered, casting a meaningless glance to her new daughter by law, “if you know how to play the game, if you know how to survive.”
As Queen Anne embraced her king, she was ever certain and reassured that, whatever were the thoughts regarding Richard’s actions as the new Yorkist monarch of England, she survived. A survivor she was and would ever be one.
There /is/ space for love in the midst of wars after all, she contemplated. I won the game of thrones. I’m standing here and Richard holds my love and support as I hold his.
It was all the matter to remember Anne Neville that she was still alive.
* * *
The redhaired younger woman with porcelain skin and blue eyes finally arrived at this new court, prompted to receive her into their arms. For a long while, throughout this journey, Sansa became Alayne, but now she was safe enough to become herself again.
She was careful, of course. She learned enough from Petyr ever the days spent in the Vale. At times, Sansa would even miss it. But enough was enough and there were little space other than to think of her survival. Nonetheless... she remembered. The sparks of civil war that led to Joffrey’s death, a failed attemptive on the part of prince Oberyn to avenge the murder of his sister, than there was her brother hoping to save her but dying in the midst of the red wedding.... Such were the events that gave her little peace, if not none, in her sleep.
For a moment, she was distracted as her carriage finally arrives in London. The capital of this new, different kingdom under whose ruler she was expected to be protected. She was not entirely certain about that, a bad feeling daunting her, but Sansa knew better than that.She rose her head high and it was finally time to behave like the lady her mother raised to be.
So there was Sansa Stark, dressed in white-and-green silk with long sleeves according the Westerosi fashion. Her long red locks were braided perfectly and suddenly, as the court welcomed her, the northern lady felt the eyes over her. There was little space to think or far less to capture the details of this new land which it was expected to be her temporary home for the queen, richly dressed in white and purple, came to greet her personally.
“Welcome to St James Palace, Lady Sansa. I’m Queen Anne. My husband, King Richard, awaits indoors.”
Sansa found herself shy at first, but gladly took the companionship of Queen Anne of England. For a moment, it was as if she was regained contact with her former self, the dreamer and silly one whose mind was filled with hopes of marrying for love and being acquainted with knights and bards.
As for the queen of England, she saw in Sansa the young girl whom she used to be, merry of soul and full of dreams of a happy and stable life. The two took immediately liking for each other and King Richard’s court proved a delight to Sansa.
“Do you dance, Your Grace?” lady Sansa inquired after they all feasted and chatted as if there were no threats of rebellions outside, there were no quarellings to dwell upon. It was a merry scenario, one of the kind that pleased King Richard very much when seeing the best effect it had not only to his wife but also to this protegée of his.
“I used to, but...” Queen Anne hesitated. For the last days, she felt alive again and even more so now that Lady Stark was there at court, but could she risk her health? She quickly glanced at her husband, which did not go unnoticed by Sansa, who feared to have disapproved them both but one nod of Richard and Anne promptly accepted the girl’s invitation.
It all went well for these akin souls. Anne revived and Sansa found comfort again. This blissful scenario occurred for days, weeks, before they turned to months. Sansa reminded Anne of the innocence left behind and the queen taught her protegée how shield herself and sharp her mind before the cruelties of the world.
“You will see there is space for love in the midst of war”, said Anne. “But you must be prepared to fight for it and defend it with all that you have.”
Sansa pondered her words. “Is it possible?”
“Aye. I married the king, haven’t I?” She smiled and the redheaded northern girl aquiesced.
Even when the winter came, Sansa was provided for. She would miss Anne terribly, as were the Queen to miss her company. But in the end, Anne had peace even if at the cust of her life. She filled with her mission and such was the great lesson that Sansa Stark finally learned...
#Sansa Stark#Anne Neville#Sansa StarkxAnneNeville#House Stark#Plantagenet Dynasty#Plantagenet#CrossOver#game of thrones#margaret of anjou#alternative universe#Richard III
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I watched the Lucifer TV show and here are my thoughts...
Originally I started watching it, when the first episodes came out a few years back. Got to episode 4 or 5 and then quit because it didn’t really have much to do with the Sandman or Lucifer comics. I still think that it was a waste getting the rights for the comics, when they were just gonna do their own thing anyway (except for some similar names). They certainly don’t need the small comic book fan crowd. A show about the devil is gonna draw in viewers anyway. So I recently decided watching the whole show again, but ignoring that it was related to the comics and just judging it on it’s own. It was surpridingly easy, since there isn’t much that reminds me of the comics anyway. They pulled a “death of the author” with Mike Carey, so they clearly don’t want to be closely related.
All in all it’s an okay show, I think. Not a fan of police procedure setting, but over the course of the show the cases got progressively better. Still like the times they actually connected crimes and supernatural happenings most. I appreciate the normalization of therapy, that is something I have to commend the show for. They also included LGBT characters, mainly the B and G, kudos for that, but I’m sad to see, that they got rid of the T or Q by making the angels binary gendered and with matching genitals. Casting Lesley-Ann Brandt as Mazikeen was a good choice. I remember seeing her in Gotham and thinking that she would be a good fit for Mazikeen. A few weeks later it got announced that she would appear on Lucifer. If she came to the upcoming Sandman Netflix series, I wouldn’t be too mad.
My favourite character ended up being Amenadiel. Went from being one of the characters in the comics that I disliked the most and now being my favourite on the show. I like how he ended up really caring for humanity and balancing a human side, as well as his angel powers. Charlotte is a close second in terms of favourite characters. The actual Charlotte. Mum was fun as well, but Charlotte learning to care about people, doing good and dealing with her trauma from hell was an interesting character arc to watch. (Rip)
As for the people I liked less, that would be probably be Lucifer and Chloe. Chloe, I personally just don’t find that interesting and Lucifer is just really annoying me. You’d think what with being aeons old, he’d be act a little less like a 12 year old. At least have a little more experience. He got better though in the last few seasons. I guess you have to start somewhere. As devil depictions go, he’s also pretty weak. Understandable though because you can’t make him too overpowered, which can easily happen in a normal police department setting.
I really wish we’d find out more how their universe works. Like for example, why did it take so long for demons to come to earth in the bodies of the recently deceased? Even if they couldn’t before, when Lucifer still rulled hell, why did it take them more than an earth year to come to earth and check up on Luci and Maze? Another thing about hell is, they always talk about how hot it is there, but every time they show it, it looks pretty cold and dark, ergo without fire.
They still have one or possibly two seasons to explore that. We’ll see how it goes. While I’m not a fan of the show, I’ll still watch the upcoming season(s). Have to see what happens to Amenadiel and Maze.
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Milles nye ven, af Anne Hjernøe
Noget om venner og katte
Mille på 6 år er bedste veninder med Sofie. Lige nu er Sofie syg, så det er dødkedeligt at gå i skole og SFO. Så kedeligt at Mille laver skoldkopper med mors læbestift, så hun også kan blive hjemme. Det virker desværre ikke. Men så starter Mikkel i klassen. I SFO´en skal Mille og Mikkel bage pizza sammen. Pludseligt er det ikke så kedeligt længere.
Milles nye ven er en charmerende hverdagsfortælling om venskaber. Det er TV-kok og forfatter Anne Hjernøe, der står bag bogen, og hun skriver i øjenhøjde med børnene. Mange vil helt sikkert kunne genkende situationen. Hun stiller det store spørgsmål: Kan man have flere bedste venner?
I bedste Anne Hjernøe-stil indeholder bogen en opskrift på pizzadej som del af fortællingen. Lige til at ælte sammen, rulle ud og putte sit yndlingsfyld på.
Zarah Juul har illustreret. Jeg er vild med pædagog-Brittas blå hår.
Bogen er velegnet til højtlæsning for de yngste og selvstændig læsning for de 6-9 årige
Milles nye ven, skrevet af Anne Hjernøe. Illustreret af Zarah Juul. Straarup & Co. 2019. 40 sider
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Hi! If it's not too much trouble, could you recommend some danish-language songs or music groups?
I’ve found some songs from the different artists too, because some of them also make English songs too :)
Music groups:
Magtens Korridorer - “Pandora” | “Lorteparforhold” | “Kom Og Mærk”Johnny Deluxe - “Drenge Som Mig” | “Drømmer Jeg”Bamses venner - “I En Lille Båd Der Gynger” | “Vimmersvej”De Nattergale - “Uha Da Da” | “Det Går Slet Æt” | “Han Ska’ Bare Lige Ha’ Det Regnet Ud”Gasolin’ - “Rabalderstræde” | “Kvinde Min” | “Refrainet Er Frit” | “Sjagge”Nik og Jay - “Lækker” | “Boing” | “Hot”Venter På Far - “Der Er Garanteret Ikke Nogen Der Gider Høre Denne Sang”Gnags - “De Vilde Kaniner” | “Slingrer Ned Ad Vestergade” | “Mr. Swing King”Danser med Drenge - “Hvor længe vil du ydmyge dig?”Tøsedrengene - “Indianer” | “Sig Du Ka Li’ Mig”Halberg Larsen - “Magi i Luften”Brixx - “Video Video”Rollo & King - “Ved Du Hvad Hun Sagde” | “Der Står Et Billede Af Dig På Mit Bord”Brødrene Olsen - “Smuk Som Et Stjerneskud” (English Version)Laban - “Hvor skal Vi Sove I Nat?”Tv-2 - “De Første Kærester På Månen”Nephew - “Hjertestarter” | “Gå Med Dig”Shu Bi Dua - “Danmark” | “Sexchikane” | “Den Røde Tråd” | “Hvalen Hvalborg”Tørfisk - “Æ Hund Uden Bagben” | “VLTJ” | “Lugter Lidt Af Fisk”Djämes Braun -“Farlig Tiger” | “Kom Og Giv Mig Alle Dine Penge” | “Traktor” | “Fugle”Tommy Seebach - “Hip Hurra Det’ Min Fødselsdag“ | “Disco Tango”
Medina - “Vi To”Topgunn - “Tilbud” | “Dejlig” | “Længe Siden” | “Ingen Andre” | “Veninder”Rasmus Seebach - “Olivia” | “Der’ Noget I December” | “Millionær” | “Lidt I Fem”Thomas Holm - “Nitten”Natasja - “Gi’ Mig Danmark Tilbage“Celina Ree - “Når Du Rør Ved Mig”Cisilia - “Vi To Datid Nu”Joey Moe - “Million” | “Smukkest På En Søndag”Anne Linnet - “Barndommens Gade” | “Tusind Stykker” | “Forårsdag”Thomas Helmig - “Malaga” | “Det Er Mig Der Står Herude Og Banker På”Trine dyrholm - “Danse I Måneskin”Lars Lilholt - “Kald Det Kærlighed”Anna David - “Fuck dig”Sarah - “Okay” | “Når Du Rør Mig”Teddy Edelmann - “Himmelhunden”Niarn - “Bare Sig Til” | “Antihelt“KATO - “Dumt På Dig” | “Hey Shorty”Pharfar - “La´ Mig Rulle Dig”Wafande - “Gi’ Mig Et Smil” | “Uartig”Shaka Loveless - “Tomgang” | “Ikke Mere Tid“ | “2 Mod Verden”
If you’d like some Danish satire and campagne songs - here you go!
Nik & Ras - “Fugt I Fundamentet”Talbot, Clemens og Nøhr - “Stjerner & Hvidt Lys”CO3 feat. Josefine Frida Pettersen - “POLEN SMELTER”Nederen Forældre - “Filips far”Rasmus Bjerg Sangen (Fraværskampagnen) - “Klokken Var Lidt I 10″Sofie Linde & Martin Brygma - “Du smadrede min telefon”Linda P og Anna David synger duetVelgørenhedssangen “Afrika”
Here’s some old classics from older Danish movies!
“Knalde Kalde”“Jeg Har Så Mange, Mange”“Når En Sailor Går I land”“Susanne, Birgitte Og Hanne”“Piger”“Er Du Dus Med Himlens Fugle?”“Buster”“Krummes Sang”“Tryllesangen”“Blops Godnatsang”“Julebal I Nisseland”“1-2-3-4″
I hope you can use this!
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Republic v. De Gracia, 726 Phil. 502 (2014)
FACTS: Rodolfo and Natividad were married on February 15, 1969 at the Parish of St. Vincent Ferrer in Salug, Zamboanga del Norte.They lived in Dapaon, Sindangan, Zamboanga del Norte and have two (2) children, namely, Ma. Reynilda R. De Gracia (Ma. Reynilda) and Ma. Rizza R. De Gracia (Ma. Rizza), who were born on August 20, 1969 and January 15, 1972, respectively.
Rodolfo filed a verified complaint for declaration of nullity of marriage (complaint) before the RTC, alleging that Natividad was psychologically incapacitated to comply with her essential marital obligations.
In support of his complaint, Rodolfo testified, among others, that he first met Natividad when they were students and he was forced to marry her barely three (3) months into their courtship in light of her accidental pregnancy.At the time of their marriage, he was 21 years old, while Natividad was 18 years of age. He had no stable job and merely worked in the gambling cockpits as "kristo" and "bangkero sa hantak." When he decided to join and train with the army,Natividad left their conjugal home and sold their house without his consent. Thereafter, Natividad moved to Dipolog City where she lived with a certain Engineer Terez (Terez), and bore him a child named Julie Ann Terez. After cohabiting with Terez, Natividad contracted a second marriage with another man named Antonio Mondarez and has lived since then with the latter in Cagayan de Oro City.From the time Natividad abandoned them in 1972, Rodolfo was left to take care of Ma. Reynilda and Ma. Rizzaand he exerted earnest efforts to save their marriage which, however, proved futile because of Natividads psychological incapacity that appeared to be incurable.
Both parties underwent psychological examination. Dr. Zalsos stated that both Rodolfo and Natividad were psychologically incapacitated to comply with the essential marital obligations, finding that both parties suffered from "utter emotional immaturity which is unusual and unacceptable behavior considered as deviant from persons who abide by established norms of conduct.
The OSG, representing petitioner Republic of the Philippines (Republic), filed an oppositionto the complaint, contending that the acts committed by Natividad did not demonstrate psychological incapacity as contemplated by law, but are mere grounds for legal separation under the Family Code.
The RTC declared the marriage between Rodolfo and Natividad void on the ground of psychological incapacity. Accordingly, it concluded that Natividad could not have known, much more comprehend the marital obligations she was assuming, or, knowing them, could not have given a valid assumption thereof.
The Republic appealed to the CA, averring that there was no showing that Natividads personality traits constituted psychological incapacity as envisaged under Article 36 of the Family Code, and that the testimony of the expert witness was not conclusive upon the court.
The CA affirmed the ruling of the RTC, finding that while Natividads emotional immaturity, irresponsibility and promiscuity by themselves do not necessarily equate to psychological incapacity, "their degree or severity, as duly testified to by Dr. Zalsos, has sufficiently established a case of psychological disorder so profound as to render Natividad incapacitated to perform her essential marital obligations."
The Republic moved for reconsideration which was, however, denied hence, the instant petition for review on certiorari.
The Supreme Court ruled that the complaint for declaration of nullity of marriage filed under Article 36 of the Family Code is DISMISSED.
ISSUE: Whether or not the CA erred in sustaining the RTC’s finding of psychological incapacity.
RULLING: yes, the CA erred in sustaining the RTC’s finding of psychological incapacity. Based on the evidence presented, there exists insufficient factual or legal basis to conclude that Natividads emotional immaturity, irresponsibility, or even sexual promiscuity, can be equated with psychological incapacity.
The law defined "Psychological incapacity," as a ground to nullify a marriage under Article 36of the Family Code, should refer to no less than a mental not merely physical incapacity that causes a party to be truly incognitive of the basic marital covenants that concomitantly must be assumed and discharged by the parties to the marriage which, as so expressed in Article 68of the Family Code, among others include their mutual obligations to live together, observe love, respect and fidelity and render help and support. There is hardly any doubt that the intendment of the law has been to confine the meaning of "psychological incapacity" to the most serious cases of personality disorders clearly demonstrative of an utter insensitivity or inability to give meaning and significance to the marriage.
To the Court's mind, Natividad's refusal to live with Rodolfo and to assume her duties as wife and mother as well as her emotional immaturity, irresponsibility and infidelity do not rise to the level of psychological incapacity that would justify the nullification of the parties' marriage. Indeed, to be declared clinically or medically incurable is one thing; to refuse or be reluctant to perform one's duties is another. Psychological incapacity refers only to the most serious cases of personality disorders clearly demonstrative of an utter insensitivity or inability to give meaning and significance to the marriage. In the final analysis, the Court does not perceive a disorder of this nature to exist in the present case. Thus, for these reasons, coupled too with the recognition that marriage is an inviolable social institution and the foundation of the family.
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20 mei, Caminha-Vila Praia de Ancora, 20 km.
Het was een klein hostel waar we sliepen, goede bedden en aangenaam. Adinda en ik hebben goed geslapen, was wel vroeg wakker. Ben blijven liggen tot de anderen wakker waren. Een beetje ontbeten en om 9:00 uur vertrokken. Het was zonnig en droog. Voor we de stad verlieten nog over de markt gelopen. De route liep grotendeels langs het strand en af en toe langs smalle paadjes tussen struiken door, over dikke stenen en boomwortels. We hebben ons 2x verlopen, 1x moesten we een duin met braamstruiken en distels opklauteren om weer op de goede weg te komen. Een paar kleine schrammetjes op de benen overgehouden. Later stonden we voor een niet doorwaadbaar water. Volgens een Duitse Braziliaan konden we er omheen lopen over het strand. Dus dat gedaan. Rul zand loopt niet makkelijk en toen we een doorwaadbare plek vonden de schoenen uit en op blote voeten door het koele water. Overal langs de boulevard zijn douches dus konden we onze voeten ontdoen van het zand. De wind was aangetrokken en we werden gezandstraald. Aan het van de flonders was niet goed aangegeven hoe we de stad in moesten lopen. Langs een water gelopen. Toen het talud opgeklommen om op de brug te komen. Bij een hoge stap in het rulle zand viel ik op mijn knieën. Gelukkig viel ik in het zachte zand en hield er geen schade aan over. Over de brug aan de strandweg is ons hostel. Bij aankomst de rugzak af en lekker douchen. Door het stadje gewandeld en wat boodschappen gedaan. Op een terras met Christel en Ann uit België wat gedronken en gegeten. Nu uitbuiken.
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Triste sanger kan være en fin start på dagen
Triste sanger kan være en fin start på dagen
Dato: 03-07-2017 07:15 CEST Opprinnelig tittel på pressemeldingen: Triste sanger kan være en fin start på dagen Kategori: , Motor Kunst, kultur, underholdning Motor, biler, motorsykler Arbeidsliv Livsstil, mote, fritid Vitenskap, teknikk Data, telekom, IT Industri, produksjon Transport Biltrafikk Triste eller melankolske sanger som «Sorry» med Justin Bieber eller «The Winner Takes it All» med Abba kan gi deg en bra start på dagen og ha positiv effekt i hele to timer etterpå.
Triste eller melankolske sanger som «Sorry» med Justin Bieber eller «The Winner Takes it All» med Abba kan gi deg en bra start på dagen og ha positiv effekt i hele to timer etterpå.
Det viser en studie Ford har utført sammen med strømmetjenesten Spotify og New York University.
Andre eksempler på triste sanger i studiet er «Back to Black» med Amy Winehouse og «Everybody Changing» med Keane. Fellesnevneren er at rytmen og den melankolske følelsen er noe mange bilpendlere setter spesielt stor pris på når de kjører til og fra jobb.
– Når vi nå introduserer det eksklusive og spesialtilpassede lydanlegget B&O Play i nye Ford Fiesta, ønsker vi å lære mer om hvordan musikkvalg kan påvirke humøret – ikke bare under bilturen, men også i timene etterpå, sier Marcel Breker – ingeniør i Ford Europa.
Eksklusivt samarbeid skal gi enda bedre premium-lyd i alle Fords modeller
Samarbeidet som ble inngått mellom eieren av Bang & Olufsen, den amerikanske lydspesialisten Harman, og Ford i fjor, skal revolusjonere lydopplevelsen i bilen. B&O Play Sound System spesialtilpasses – og skal etter hvert rulles ut i flere Ford-modeller. Først ute er altså nye Ford Fiesta som blir lansert i Norge i sommer. Her skal 10 høyttalere som leverer til sammen 675 Watt sørge for en perfekt lydopplevelse.
Forskerne har identifisert to nøkkelegenskaper ved musikk som sammen skaper humør. Energien driver sangen fremover, mens rytmen og tempoet beskriver dybden og følelsene i sangen. Tilsammen kan disse gjøre selv den kjedeligste biltur til en god opplevelse.
Målt humørreaksjon på en rekke sanger
I studiet har sjåfører i Frankrike, Tyskland, Italia, Spania og Storbritannia hørt på de nøye sammensatte spillelistene med ulike kombinasjoner av energi, rytme og tempo. Sjåførenes humør ble målt både før, rett etter og hver time etter avsluttet tur gjennom svar på et spørreskjema. Sanger med en drivende rytme virket best, men triste sanger med roligere rytme og tempo var faktisk like populære blant sjåførene.
– Nesten alle følte at musikk med mye energi nærmest tappet dem for krefter foran en lang dag på jobben. Spesielt interessant var det at de mer melankolske sangene hadde en like oppbyggende effekt på sjåførene som de åpenbart glade sangene. Triste sanger kan altså også gi oss en god følelse. De kan for eksempel minne oss om en erfaring som var vanskelig, men som vi kom oss igjennom, sier hjerneforsker og ekspert på musikkens effekt på hjernen ved New York University, Amy Belfi.
– Musikken vi lytter til kan utgjøre en fundamental forskjell for hvordan vi føler oss akkurat der og da og gjennom dagen. Kunnskapen om hvordan både triste sanger og glade sanger kan gi oss en positiv følelse vil hjelpe oss til å bli enda bedre til å skreddersy musikk tilpasset våre brukeres humør, sier rådgiver i prosjektet fra Spotify, Koppel Verma.
Dette er noen av sangene i forsøket:
Back to Black – Amy Winehouse
Beggin’ – Madcon
Black Hole Sun – Soundgarden
Buck Rogers – Feeder
Chained To The Rhythm – Katy Perry, Skip Marley
Ciao Adios – Anne Marie
Don’t You Worry Child – Swedish House Mafia, John Martin
Everybody’s Changing – Keane
The Final Countdown – Europe
Green Light – Lorde
Hometown Glory (High Contrast Remix) – Adele
Lean On – Major Lazer, Mo
Mr Brightside – The Killers
Power – Little Mix, Stormzy
Run – Foo Fighters
Shake It Out – Florence and the Machine
Sorry – Justin Bieber
Summertime Sadness (Cedric Gervais Remix) – Lana Del Ray
This Is What You Came For – Calvin Harris, Rihanna
Titanium – David Guetta, Sia
Wake Me Up When September Ends – Green Day
What Went Down – Foals
The Winner Takes It All – Abba
Kilde: Pressekontor Ford Motor Norge AS – PRESSEMELDING –
Om Ford Motor Company
Ford Motor Company er en global bilindustrileder basert i Dearborn, Michigan, USA, som produserer eller distribuerer biler på over seks kontinenter. Med ca. 166.000 ansatte og 70 fabrikker på verdensbasis inkluderer konsernet bilmerkene Ford og Lincoln. Konsernet leverer finansielle tjenester gjennom Ford Motor Credit Company. For mer informasjon vedrørende Fords produkter, vennligst besøk www.ford.no
Ford Europa er ansvarlig for å produsere, selge og vedlikeholde Ford-merkede kjøretøyer i 51 individuelle markeder og har ca. 66.000 ansatte. I tillegg til Ford Motor Credit Company inkluderer Ford Europas virksomheter Ford Customer Service Division og 22 produksjonsenheter, inklusive samarbeidsprosjekter. Den første Ford-bilen ble sendt til Europa i 1903 – samme år som Ford Motor Company ble etablert. Produksjon i Europa startet i 1911.
Hashtags: # #Motor Kunst, kultur, underholdning Motor, biler, motorsykler Arbeidsliv Livsstil, mote, fritid Vitenskap, teknikk Data, telekom, IT Industri, produksjon Transport Biltrafikk Motor Kunst, kultur, underholdning Motor, biler, motorsykler Arbeidsliv Livsstil, mote, fritid Vitenskap, teknikk Data, telekom, IT Industri, produksjon Transport Biltrafikk
#biler#Ford Motor Norge AS#fritid Vitenskap#IT Industri#kultur#mote#Motor Kunst#motorsykler Arbeidsliv Livsstil#produksjon Transport Biltrafikk#teknikk Data#telekom#underholdning Motor#Pressemeldinger
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@superkingofpriderock @princesssarisa @sunlit-music @mademoiselle-princesse @amalthea9 @anne-white-star @lioness--hart @theancientvaleofsoulmaking @astrangechoiceoffavourites @parxsisburnixg @metropolitan-mutant-of-ark @filmcityworld1
I made a ranking for Cinderella. Is fair that i make one for her greatest love. What is interesting about Cinderella’s Prince is that, in contrast to Cinderella, who is more of a character defined by her resilient hard work, kindness, romanticism and dreams of a better life, he is more of a simbolic reward for her to win, with makes him a blank slate that gives total freedom to screenwriters, directors and animators imaginations, but over the years adaptations have shown some comonalities: sometimes he is a classical brave hero, sometimes he is a lovely bumbling dork, sometimes he is just a hedonist concerned with his own fun, but at the end of the day, they all fall in love with the honest and good hearted heroine. And tonight, i will share my favorite takes on the man who catchet Cinderella’s and, by extension, our hearts.
12º Tony Oliver as the Prince in Grimm’s Fairy Tale Classics (1989)
There is a Prince who just wants his Dad to stop meddling with his personal life. Specially when it comes to making a ball despite the fact that he doesn’t know how to dance. But thankfully for him, while trying to escape trough the gardens he literary stepped over onto a napping Cinderella, who promptly teached him how to dance, and how to love.
11º Florian Bartholomäi as Prince Viktor in Sechs Auf Einen Streich (2011)
This Prince can’t hit a target with his arrows to save his life, and isn’t particularly excited to have the responsabilities of a King. But he is kind and humble to help Cinderella to catch back some lost piglets in the woods, even if it means getting dirt in the mud, and for her and the audience, sometimes that is enough.
10º Jimmy Smits as Prince Felipe in Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child (1995)
A Prince who admits that he isn’t fit for battlefield and would rather spend time chilling in the Palace’s dance floor. What it’s not to love about him?
09º Pavel Trávnícek as the Prince in Three Wishes for Cinderella (1973)
The original Slacker Prince, who is constantly running away from studying with his tutor to go hunting in the forest. He looks chill enough to accept handing over the actual role of ruller to a wise Prime Minister.
08º Masami Kikuchi as Prince Charles in Cinderella Monogatari (1996)
A Slacker who has to learn about dealing with the consequences of his actions! Charles prefers a hundred times to go out fencing than to studying Power and Politics, and wears his best friend’s Alex clothes to pretend that he is page and go out stealing the grapes of his own family vines. But when Cinderella is unfairly framed by the grape robbery, Charles has to slowly understand that not everything is fun and games, and that he has to think in doing something for the well being of others, providing a good character arc about maturity and responsability.
07º Dougray Scott as Prince Henry in Ever After: A Cinderella Story (1998)
Another Prince who has to go trough a character arc, this time about letting go of his prejudices. Henry first runs in the heroine Danielle while running away from an arranged marriage that his parents are trying to push over him. He falls in love with her when she presents herself as the noble lady Nicole and the two share heroic adventures, but eventually the masquerade will have to be broken, and Henry must decide: will his class prejudices win over him, or will he accept Danielle for who she trully is and assume the love he has for her to the world?
06º Matthew Broderick as Prince Henry in Fairy Tale Theater (1985)
The adorkable Prince who gaved a second ball to see his mysteryous beloved lady again and conquered her hearth with melon balls. Three word describe him: Himbo! Himbo! Himbo!
05º Stuart Damon as Prince Chistopher in Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella (1965)
The veteran warrior hero who after having many adventures rescuing damsels and slaying dragons and evil sorcerours, is getting ready to settle down in a calm, domestic family life. When i watch Damon’s Prince Christopher, i feel that his shoulder will be a strong source of support and comfort to Cinderella after all she went trough, and that’s what makes me to want so much for him to get together with her.
04º Paolo Montalbán as Prince Christopher in Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella (1997)
While Stuart Damon was a strong Prince with lots of world experience and confidence, Paolo Montalbán was a young man that, instead of being known as a travelling dragon slayer and damsel rescuer,had the feeling of falling in love itself be his greatest adventure. Because of that, i felt that as a romantic partner, he was in a more equal footing with his version of Cinderella, portrayed as another young lady that was about to discover the world, and the two found the perfect companion in each other for their emotional journey. Plus, it helps the higher ranking that after this 1997 TV Movie production, Montalbán retook the role of Prince Christopher in the 2000 stage production known as The Enchanted Edition. Is he or not the definitive face for this musical version of the character at this point?
03º Richard Chamberlain as Prince Edward in The Slipper and The Rose (1976)
He can sing, he can dance, he has a happy musical number about pondering his mortality in his family’s mausoleum, he helps his best friend getting together with the girl he likes, he fights with his father for the right to marry whoever he wants for love. Chamberlain gaved a very energetic an fun performance to the one of the most idealistic and romantic encarnations of Cinderella’s Prince, and for this he earns the number three spot in this ranking.
02º Michael Wilding as Prince Charles in The Glass Slipper (1955)
After spending years studying in London, Paris and Rome, Prince Charles returns to his father’s small principality to reconect with his people and prepare to become the next rulling Duke. One day, walking in the woods, he remembers that he didn’t knew what sorrow was until one day when he was eight years old and saw a poor five year old girl of sad rebellious eyes crying and running in despair for the loss of her mother. By the force of destiny, he finds that same girl as a grown woman and despite her initial rejection of his polytiness as mockery, he insists in being her friend, presenting himself as Son of the Cook at the Palace of the Duke and teaching her to dance. One day, Charles that he is falling for the sad girl and kisses her, but she runs away, afrayed of being loved. And he melancholicaly sits at the piano to sing, reflecting about how her sad eyes and explosive rebellious temper, instead of repelling, atract him to her, and he asks himself how to make her thrust him.
For being this kind, perfect friend, this version was originally going to be my number one. Until he got surpassed by...
01º Aleksey Anatolyevich Konsovsky as the Prince in Zolushka (1947)
This is a colorfull russian feature film adaptation of the Charles Perrault version of the fairy tale. One of the highlights of this adaptation is how it combines its visuals with good dialogues, where the characters talk honestly about their feelings. Thanks to that, it is one of the first adaptations to explore the Prince as human being, instead of treating him as a simple trophy. We first see him sitted at the ball, looking bored, trowing a paper plane onto the Stepmother to amuse himself. And then, he is called by his father to receive the new guest of unknown identity, and smiling in awe he says to his father that he cannot speak at her vision. A magician makes a spell for the guests to spent time in their dream lands, and the Prince gets alone with the unknown lady in a beautifull garden, asking what counsel would she give to a friend of his who likes a lady but doesn’t know how to tell her. He gets to sing to her. Back at the ball room, during their dance he guesses that she would like some ice cream, and he goes far as to select fourty different flavours, but when he arrives, the lady says goodbye and that she must go away, but he begs her to stay, declaring his love for her. When she is gone, leaving a glass slipper behind, he admits to have felt ofended with her running from him, but still wants to get reunited with her, going in the next morning to a search in the woods, where he hears a beautifull singing voice: the voice of his mysteryous beloved from the ball, to whom he promisses going in the most difficult quests, if they mean he will earn her love.
Prankster, wish guesser, shy, proud, and, above all, romantic, Aleksey Anatolyevich Konsovsky’s performance is historically significant in reaching the right balance of making the Prince the perfect man of Cinderella’s dreams, while also being palpably human, and that is why he is my number one portrayal of Cinderella’s Prince.
Honorable Mention: Robert Westenberg in Into the Woods (1987), The Triplets version (1998).
This list is dedicated to the memory of Libuše Šafránková (7 June 1953 – 9 June 2021)
#cinderella#moodboard#wallpapers#fairy tales#fairytales#fairy tale#fantasy#mithology#folklore#brothers grimm#charles perrault#genre fiction#pop culture#my rankings
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this is making me think SO hard tysm I love reading people's own thoughts about THIS!!
honestly I had no idea how to go about this au I only thought about it on the fly but I am with you on thinking that it's the same in canon in terms of like... everything that happens happens but it's changed due to the three girls being plopped right into their universe
but u also got me thinking abt the trio dynamics w each other and that I didn't get into talking abt it on the ask post nearly as much as I wanted to for the sake of not clogging the dashboard so... I hope no one minds me wanting to drop my two cents as Well
ANYTHING W AUDREY REDEMPTION IS A PLUS FOR ME HONESTLY. I like two characters being on an unwilling truce and then somewhere along the way it turns genuine and someone gets adopted <3 super agree on the thing about audrey and sash hating each other, eyala works on some kind of middle ground between them. Perfectly recognizing those mentioned similarities and even commenting about it. The two would definitely argue a lot but like with what you said, they'd eventually admit to themselves that they ARE similar, and maybe that will give them enough reflection to work to better themselves. Somewhere along the way I'm wondering if they'll resent eyala.
I see u on kiwi having to be responsible for marcy's clumsy sake but I raise you; both of them being handled like excitable dogs on leashes by one agonized miriam. kiwi has never seen anyone so enthusiastic abt their world before, someone who has so many questions! that. sometimes. it gets harder. and harder to answer. bc they have no idea how to. But I like to think kiwi tries their best to match her excitement w their own!! And that whenever marcy asks for them to sing they will always comply gladly and merrily, to miriams disdain LOL. somewhere along the way, during the queen of winds... incapacitation, maybe, when marcy sees kiwi being depressed, maybe she starts to have thoughts about how her actions have consequences here, and seeing how much it's affected someone so bright, well. it's getting harder and harder to ignore the truth
miriam and anne are sooooo. they're so near and dear to me :))) out of all the trios they have the least amount of similarities towards each other. Miriam is more closed off and grouchy and anne is more sociable and outgoing, they're like night and day to a sense. They don't instantly click, and they have no reason to act like they get along like w sasha and audrey. I really like the idea of miriam recognizing sashas behaviour and telling it to anne, who in turn rejects her words bc sashas her friend! no way there's anything wrong! but at some point I like to think that, on the case of rulle, when people begin to be mean towards miriam, anne stands up for her and defends her. maybe seeing that sort of animosity felt familiar, maybe she doesn't realize it, but something spurs her to do so that night, and maybe miriam finds it in herself to be a little less annoyed w the kid. I honestly don't know if the kids would still have powers in this, I was sort of leaning on no? but anne going apeshit for miriams sake is doing things to my BRAIN. maybe she was w her when they were trying to rescue the fairies and tried to take the hit for miriam but to no avail?
Audrey trying to end the word is def still staying hehe. idk how much is affected when sasha ever finds out or not, since... it sounds mean to say it out loud but idk how to gauge how much he'd care about this world 😭 LMAO.
AND OHH the earth song being the thing to open the box and giving reason for the girls to tag along is GENIUS. Marcy doing the quest for adventures sake and along the way she grows so desperate to get the earthsong so that they can get home safely that she'd throw herself in harm's way T_T I'm not sure when she'll admit to it to her friends (maybe she confesses to kiwi first?) But at the very least I don't THINK someone's gonna get stabbed to the extent in true colors
I'm still not even sure if the girls would have powers AAAAA but. What if maybe they sorta have the power to control their surroundings through music too??? Honestly anything could work if put enough thought into it...
Actually wait no I want you to go insane. If Anne gets transported to wandersong where would she end up where would the other girls end up what part would they play in the main story does amphibia still exist?? Anyways. Here’s some more Anne wandersongs for motivation (she’s always sitting down when I take screenshots)
but anyways
the idea i had when u sent that earlier ask was anne accidentally getting to wandersong at like. the s3b point??? instead of getting to amphibia she gets stuck to another world. how awesome is that lol. (im just kidding i dont think i have the mental capacity to think about that kinda au. think of the emotional turmoil. im a bully but even mental bullying gets exhausting sometimes besides i think physical comedy is underrated ANYWAY)
so a setting where the girls end up in wandersong instead of amphibia would be fun :]]]
because. i dont have any other idea on what to do. ill just *shrugs* and put the main three of each together. so like, marcy w kiwi, anne w miriam, and sasha w audrey
i think itd be super fucking funny to see wandersong trio fumble around w these kids that they had to adopt for some reason. idk.
marcy, still on that sort of escapism mentality, decides to help kiwi, and kiwi. lets her do it and promises to help her get home, bc of course they do. (i do not know how to do the reveal of marcy having the intention of wanting to go here, too early to be thinking complicated thoughts abt this) i like to think that like… she eventually realizes how real this is thanks to kiwi being so genuine all the time.
anne ends up landing face first on a pile of leaves near delphi
NOW. SASHA. SASHA W AUDREY. SASHA W AUDREY. idk if this duo would be a ticking time bomb or the funniest duo in hell but like. its. complicated. i dont know how the FUCK it would work when all three of them eventually cross paths. but the only reason why audrey lets sasha stay is thanks to eyala saying that so long as the three of them are here they cant let the end of the world happen. some sort of paradoxical time thing??? idk im making this up. it would be really nice. if. these two see similar things to each other, and maybe, they grow close. but also like. the possibility of it blowing up on their faces is just as likely so im crying now
GOD. wandersong makes me go insane how can you do this to me.
hope ur happy
#doesnt have to be just one idea for anything thats why aus are fun hehe#TYSM AGAIN FOR THE THOUGHTS I LOVE READING THEM SM AAAAA#ws au
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Here’s a quick rundown of nine of the women who have dedicated their time, power and political capital to upholding the democratic principles on which the United States was founded ― even under Trump:
Former Acting Attorney General Sally Q. Yates
Sent a letter to top attorneys at the Department of Justice instructing them not to defend President Trump’s executive order banning immigration from the Muslim-majority countries
U.S. District Judge Ann Donnelly
The first judge to rule on a lawsuit filed in opposition to President Trump’s executive order
U.S. District Judge Leonie Brinkema
Within an hour of Donnelly’s rulling, Judge Brinkema issued a temporary restraining order, blocking the deportation of green card holders who were being detained at Dulles International Airport. She also ruled that lawyers must be allowed access to the Dulles detainees.
U.S. District Judge Allison Burroughs and Magistrate Judge Judith Dein
Issued a seven-day restraining order from Massachusetts blocking the executive order, which not only prevents the deportation of detainees, but also the detention of approved refugees, as well as visa and green card holders from the seven countries specified in President Trump’s executive order.
Tamika Mallory, Linda Sarsour, Bob Bland and Carmen Perez
Co-chairs of the Women’s March on Washington
#who run the world#women in government#women in law#immigration#immigrants rights#immigration law#donald trump#u.s. news#politics#feminism#feminist#women's march on washington#women's march#resist#Take Action#rise up#huffington post
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Mitt i det politiska vakuumets tid...
Tänkte skriva nåt om valet nu.
Det har ju då varit val i Sverige då. Idag var det tre veckor sen. Själv jobbade jag då. Som röstmottagare. Men skit i det. Orkar inte skriva så mycket om hur det var. Det blev sent innan rösträkningen var klar i vart fall. Klockan var närmare två på natten innan vi lämnade röstlokalen. Annars tycker jag väl att det gick bra. Det rullade stadigt på med röstande under dagen. Det var full rulle, och man fick lösa diverse situationer som uppstod, folk som gått till fel vallokal, eller inte visste vilket valdistrikt de tillhörde eller folk som inte visste hur det gick till att rösta. Det vanliga.
Men sen då valresultatet. Tja, Sverige befinner sig just nu i nåt slags limbo vad gäller vilken regering som ska styra. Rösträkningen visade att varken det borgerliga eller det vänstra blocket fick mandat nog att styra landet. Det ena blocket fick 144 mandat och det andra 143. Och sen har vi då SD som fick 62 mandat. SD gick framåt i valet, vilket i och för sig var väntat. De ökade till 17,5 procent. Dock hade det ju snackats innan valet bland anhängare och bland partirepresentanter att de skulle få 25-30 procent. Så jag tror inte de var odelat glada över siffrorna, trots att de ökat.
Såväl S som M backade. C och V gick det relativt bra för, de gick lite framåt har jag för mig. Och KD, som under lång tid legat under 4 procent-spärren fick över 6 procent av rösterna. Hur f-n gick det till. Enligt mig den största överraskningen. Och så har vi då MP. Det var på håret att de inte kom in i riksdagen överhuvudtaget. Jag tror de fick 4,4 eller nåt i slutligt valresultat. Att sitta i regering har kostat det partiet åtskilligt.
Och så vid en historisk omröstning i riksdagen i tisdags (25 sept) så blev regeringen med Löfvén i spetsen nedröstad av en majoritet av riksdagens ledamöter. Men den ”gamla” regeringen sitter ändå kvar på sin post i en övergångsregering tills den nya regeringen kommit på plats. Innan dess hade under måndagen en moderat röstats fram som riksdagens talman. Och Björn Söder röstades bort från posten som riksdagens andre vice talman. Ibland undrar jag inte om det var just det resultat som SD ville ha. I och med att han blev bortröstad så fick partiet en möjlighet att trä på sig offerkoftan en gång till. Att de dessutom nominerade honom som tredje vice talman trots att han just förlorat posten som andre vice talman talar för min teori. Särskilt som det stod rätt klart innan den omröstningen att BS skulle förlora mot den andra kandidaten.
Annars då, tja det politiska läget inför en bildning av den nya regeringen är för närvarande tämligen låst. C och L vägrar att ingå i en alliansregering där SD får inflytande. Och SD själva kräver inflytande för att stödja en alliansregering. KD har börjat antyda att de kan tänka sig samarbeta/samtala/stödja sig av SD. Något som orsakar småsprickor i allianssamarbetet. Mm, får se vad som händer på den fronten. Intressant.
Alliansen är också öppna för ett samarbete med S. S är dock inte intresserad av att utgöra ett passivt stödhjul till Alliansen, vilket jag kan förstå i och med att S fick flest röster av alla partier. Och S vill helst ha en blocköverskridande regering tillsammans med C, L och MP. Men C och L är svårflörtade. Särskilt Annie Lööf har haft hög svansföring och har vid ett flertal tillfällen sagt att hon inte sätter sig i en regering som leds av Löfvèn. Hon ska till och med sagt att hon kommer äta upp sin sko om så sker. Sooo, så ser läget ut nu. Även fast talmannen hade sin talmansrunda med partiledarna i måndags så verkar positionerna vara tämligen låsta. På tisdag blir det ny talmansrunda.
Och sen har ju jag då gått med i en ny fb-grupp. Igen. En grupp som startades några veckor innan valet. En anti-SDgrupp. Syftet med gruppen var att mobilisera folk så att SD skulle få så låga siffror som möjligt vid valet. Nu efter valet råder ett slags vakkum i gruppen. Lite oklart nu vad syftet med gruppen är. Men diskussionerna fortsätter därinne. Om än inte med samma intensitet som innan valet. Och jag har skrivit en hel del. För mycket tycker jag så här i retrospektiv. Men jag börjar tröttna. Det är för många därinne med för dålig koll på olika saker. Saker som vad demokrati innebär, hur regeringsbildning går till etcetera.
Ibland pallar jag inte att ge mig in i några diskussioner eller förklaringar hur saker och ting ligger till. ORKA lägga ner tid på att förklara saker som är lättgooglade. Tyvärr händer det att skrivklådan sätter in och jag ger mig in på att skriva nån kommentar. Och sen sitter jag fast och personen som ställde en viss fråga vill fortsätta diskutera och ställer följdfrågor till en. Suck.
En dialog som ligger färskt i minnet är personen som ville veta om det är skattemedel som bekostar partistöd. Hur kan man inte begripa att det är våra skatter som bekostar sånt? Är inte det nåt man får lära sig i grundskolan, att det är skattemedel som bekostar vårt demokratiska system? Man blir ju mörkrädd över okunskapen som blottar sig. Efter jag informerat om hur det ligger till, var pengarna till partistöd kommer ifrån så framkastade personen som ställt frågan att hen nu skulle försöka dra av pengarna till partistöd på sin deklaration. Lycka till med det säger jag…. Skatteverket lär ju garva läppen av sig när de ser att nån försöker dra av pengar i sin deklaration för att staten ger ut partistöd. Att personen ej vill vara med och betala skatt för sånt. Ja, det går nog fint att få igenom ett sånt avdrag hörrö…
Och sen var det nån annan som inte tyckte det var värdigt en demokrati att politiker kompromissar. Själva definitionen av demokrati innebär ju kompromisser. Sen väljer ju partierna själva vilka de vill kompromissa med. Och vill de inte kompromissa eller ens tala med nåt annat parti i riksdagen så är det helt ok. Finns ingen lag som säger att ett parti måste samarbeta med nåt annat parti. Eller ens behöva diskutera ett eventuellt samarbete med. Den enda gången ett parti inte behöver kompromissa är om de får över 50 procent. Då behöver man ju ej kompromissa. Så klart.
Och sen har vi ju då alla inne i gruppen som är okunniga om hur en regeringsbildning går till. Inte nog med att sd:are är dock. Även personer inne i anti-sd-gruppen är okunniga. Trots att det finns hur mycket information på nätet om vad som sker efter ett val. Jag läste en artikel där en sd-väljare ställde sig frågan varför det är ”så viktigt att vi röstar när rösterna sedan inte är någonting värda?”
Komplett okunskap. Dessvärre har jag sett exakt samma frågeställning inne i fb-gruppen som jag är med i. Personer som frågar varför inte det parti som fått flest röster i valet får styra valet. Förstår mig inte på såna personer. Det finns hur mycket info om hur detta fungerar. Det har aldrig varit så enkelt som idag, i och med internet, att hitta fakta om olika saker. Hur kan de ha missat detta? Plus att detta får man väl lära sig redan i grundskolan
Och en sak som är jätteunderlig. I modern tid har S alltid fått flest röster vid ett riksdagsval. Men S har inte alltid suttit vid makten. Vid vissa tillfällen de senaste 40 åren har borgerliga partier suttit i regeringsposition. I mitten av 70-talet, början av 90-talet och mitten av 00-talet. Tycker de inte det är en smula märkligt med tanke på att de tror att det är det största partiet som ska styra? Eggheads som inte tänker längre än vad näsan räcker.
Just denna artikel handlar just om detta jag talat om. Okunskapen om hur demokrati fungerar och hur regeringsbildning går till är fundamental hos de SD-väljare som citeras i denna artikel. https://www.expressen.se/nyheter/val-2018/sd-valjarnas-ilska-sluta-frys-ut-oss/
”De som sitter i riksdagen måste kunna samarbeta och prata med alla, annars är det ingen demokrati”, säger till exempel en SD-sympatisörer. Och det finns andra som säger ungefär samma sak. Att eftersom SD fått så många röster så borde andra partier samarbeta med de. “Fel, fel, fel” som Brasse sa. Hur många gånger ska det behövas förklaras för folk att det inte är så demokrati fungerar. Hur tröga kan folk bli?
”Att det skulle vara ett demokratiskt problem att SD hålls utanför makten håller jag inte med om. Det finns inget som säger att andra partier måste samarbeta med dem”, säger också Widar Andersson, tidigare riksdagsledamot för S i artikeln. Även statsvetare uttrycker liknande tankegångar i texten.
Sen håller jag kanske inte med om allt Widar Andersson säger i artikeln. Sånt som att S borde överväga att förhandla med SD. Ge de inte ens en lillfinger säger jag. Men även inne i den fb-grupp som jag är med i florerar sånt tankegods. Orkar inte ens ta diskussionen längre med en del varför det är en sån dålig idé.
Som alltid blir det liksom en bubbla man går in i om man är mycket aktiv i en grupp. Men utanför den då. Well, jag håller fast vid att inte lägga ut nån på min sida. Och många av mina fb-vänner står under ”sluta följ” så jag ser inte ens deras inlägg i mitt flöde. Gick dock in på profilsidan hos en kille jag pluggat med en gång i tiden. Samt varit lite förtjust i med. Whoop, whoop…
Men jag vet inte…, jag har märkt det förr liksom hos en annan kille som också gick i min klass, att deras åsikter förflyttats till det brunblå hållet. När folk delar inlägg från såna som Hanif Bali, Tino Sanandaji, Alice Teodorescu, Jens Ganman och Anne Heberlein blir jag lite konfunderad. Även andra människor som jag har som fb-vänner som delar, vad jag anser, ”shady” åsikter. Tack gode gud för funktionen sluta följ. Men grattis till giftermålet.
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