#Anita Velez-Mitchell
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auditionsuggestions · 2 years ago
Latine/Hispanic Plays and Musicals
As if I'm not loud enough about being Latina already, but IT'S HERITAGE MONTH, FRIENDS!!!!
Here are some plays and musicals I recommend in honor of Latine/Hispanic Heritage Month. (Please, note I'm not including things set in Spain). Most of these I have seen, read, or been in (or auditioned for). Obviously there are more than I list here, but here's a starting point! Feel free to reblog with your favorites :)
Ghosts of Bogotá by Diana Burbano--Three Colombian-American siblings return to their family home in Bogotá after the death of their abusive grandfather and must face the literal and metaphorical ghosts of their generational trauma. (stage rights, buy the play)
Welcome to Arroyo's by Kristoffer Diaz--"Alejandro Arroyo owns the newest (and cleanest) lounge in New York City’s Lower East Side. His sister, Molly, has a nasty habit of writing graffiti on the back wall of the local police precinct. Officer Derek is a recent NYC transplant with something to prove. Lelly Santiago is a socially awkward college student who may have discovered that the Arroyo siblings’ late mother was one of the founders of hip-hop music" (From the synopsis on the Dramatists Play Service website).
La Gringa by Carmen Rivera-Tirado--"Mari­a Elena Garcia goes to visit her family in Puerto Rico during the Christmas holidays and arrives with plans to connect with her homeland. Although this is her first trip to Puerto Rico, she has had an intense love for the island, and even majored in Puerto Rican Studies in college. Once Maria is in Puerto Rico, she realizes that Puerto Rico does not welcome her with open arms. The majority of the Puerto Ricans on the island consider her an American – a gringa – and Mari­a considers this a betrayal. If she’s a Puerto Rican in the United States and an American in Puerto Rico, Maria concludes that she is nobody everywhere. Her uncle, Manolo, spiritually teaches her that identity isn’t based on superficial and external definitions, but rather is an essence that she has had all along in her heart." (From the synopsis on Concord Theatricals).
In the Time of the Butterflies by Caridad Svich--An adaptation of the novel of the same name by Julia Álvarez. A fictionalized version of the lives of the Mirabal-Reyes sisters. "The sisters inspired resistance cells throughout the country against the dictatorial regime of Gen. Rafael Leónidas Trujillo. The ‘butterflies’, their secret code name, were brutally murdered by the regime in 1960. With immersive video and animation dispersed across the stage, this epic production paints a visual dreamscape of the interior lives of the activist sisters, the beauty and ferocity of the natural world, and the music heard on the radio of the time." (From the show page on the Teatro Vista website).
Anna in the Tropics b Nilo Cruz--"In Florida in 1929 in a Cuban–American cigar factory, where cigars are still rolled by hand and “lectors” are employed to educate and entertain the workers. The arrival of a new lector is a cause for celebration, but when he begins to read aloud from Anna Karenina, he unwittingly becomes a catalyst in the lives of his avid listeners, for whom Tolstoy, the tropics, and the American dream prove a volatile combination." (From the synopsis on DPS)
In The Heights by Lin-Manuel Miranda and Quiara Algeria Hudes--Set in the Washington Heights neighborhood of New York, In the Heights follows a few days of one summer in the neighborhood. The show explores themes of family, purpose, legacy, and what it means to be Latine in the US.
Temple of the Souls by Dean Landon and Anika Paris, Anita Velez-Mitchell, and Lorca Peress. (A note, this show as far as I know has only been performed at the New York Musical Festival) Set just after the Spanish conquest of Puerto Rico, Temple of the Souls follows the story of a young Taino man and the daughter of a conquistador as they become entangled in an ill-fated romance.
On Your Feet by Alexander Dinelaris Jr, Emilio Estefan, and Gloria Estefan. This is a jukebox musical about the life of Gloria Estefan following her from her childhood to the accident that nearly cost her her life and career.
West Side Story by Leonard Bernstein, Stephen Sondheim, and Arthur Laurents. I'm a bit loathe to include shows not by Latine creators, but it feels like there are so few musicals about us. WSS is a retelling of Romeo and Juliet. The noble houses of Verona have now been recast as warring street gangs of New York's West Side, the two star-crossed lovers now a best friend of one side's leader and the sister of the other.
Evita by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice. A biographic musical about the spiritual leader of Argentina, Eva Peron. Following her life from a driven and ambitious teenager to one of the most powerful women in the Western Hemisphere. Narrated by Che (imagined as revolutionary Che Guevara in the original production, though really intended to simply be a stand-in for the everyday Argentinian), the show follows Eva's rise and subsequent illness and her impact on her people.
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kathleengage696 · 4 years ago
New Post has been published on Power Up for Profits
New Post has been published on https://www.powerupforprofits.com/janeunchained/
Treatment of Animals: Legally Right Does Not Mean Morally Right with Jane Velez-Mitchell
Have you ever wondered how people justify the pain and suffering animals are subjected to? Pain and suffering that is a direct result of insatiable appetites for unhealthy food choices… food choices that are not only selfish, but absolutely unnecessary.
Whether it be the hotdog on a stick at a county fair, meat on the end of a fork for breakfast, lunch and dinner, or the cheeseburger at a summer barbecue, animals needlessly suffer… and continue to do so with no end in sight.
One woman who knows, to her core, that enough is enough is long time vegan, Jane Velez-Mitchell.
Arguably one of the most visible vegan activists, Jane grew up in a relatively meat-free home. Identifying early on as a vegetarian, she saw animals as other than her next meal.
Yet, it was 40 years ago, when PETA was getting started, that Jane had a life-changing epiphany. She saw a video about animals who were used in testing. This opened her eyes to the horrors most people had no knowledge or understanding of.
It was then that she committed to do whatever possible to raise awareness about the atrocities sentient beings are subjected to.
Although she didn’t consume meat, chicken, and seafood, it wasn’t until she discovered dairy was “liquid meat” that she become 100% vegan. That was 25 years ago.
A Strong Platform to Raise Awareness
With a stellar track record in media, her skill as an anchor, coupled with her passion and advocacy for animal rights, Jane is an unstoppable voice for the voiceless.
Jane is the host and founder of #JaneUnChained, a digital news network with a focus on animal rights and the vegan lifestyle. With over 80 billion animals tortured and killed every year, Jane sees no end in sight to her activism. She encourages others to get involved in advocacy in whatever way possible. Whether it be working directly with the animals, blogging, social media, demonstrations, volunteering, or anything that allows you to be a voice for the voiceless, do whatever you can for the animals.
A great many people believe there is no consequence for the way animals are treated. Many justify their food choices by virtue of the fact they are not the one to slaughter the animals they eat. But Jane sees it differently. She describes the acts that take place in factory farms as pure evil. She is incredibly frustrated that people justify the killings of innocent animals because they are not the one directly killing the animals.
“The essence of all evil is that some suffering doesn’t count. A truism is that the only thing that’s required for evil to triumph is for otherwise good people to do nothing and look the other way,” Jane states firmly.
Simply put, when someone considers themselves compassionate but looks the other way when it comes to the slaughter of animals, they are participating by virtue of the fact animals are sacrificed for their pleasure.
This may seem harsh, yet the harsh reality is animals are being tortured, abused, and slaughtered at an alarming rate. Animals know when they are on the way to slaughter. They are filled with fear, anxiety, stress, and grief. For anyone to pretend otherwise is to continue the abuse.
In the time it takes you to read this full post, thousands of animals have been slaughtered. Ready to see real time numbers? Go to https://animalclock.org/
We have to stop burying our heads in the ground.
Save Movement to the Rescue
One way activists are raising awareness is with the Save Movement.
The Save Movement is a global organization which holds peaceful vigils outside slaughterhouses.
The movement was started in Toronto with the formation of the Toronto Pig Save. This group was founded by an activist named Anita Krajnc, who made headlines last year when criminal charges were brought against her for offering water to thirsty pigs at one of the Save vigils outside an abattoir. She made headlines again when the case against her was dismissed, in what was seen as a great victory for animal activism. (Read full post about The Save Movement at https://www.livekindly.co/save-movement-slaughterhouse-vigil/ )
Jane has been to several Save Movements. “You see these cows, pigs and chickens arriving to the slaughterhouse. They know what’s going on. Sometimes they’re suffering from rotting in an open-air truck from either extreme cold or extreme heat. They’re frothing at the mouth. They’ve got sores on their bodies. Their limbs are broken. Someone would have to be a complete sociopath not to see that this is suffering; intense and terrible suffering.”
These are the animals that end up as someone’s breakfast, lunch, dinner, or snack. Meals that people say are their “right” to consume.
You Won’t Find the Truth in the Media
Sadly, people will not learn about what is going in slaughterhouses on in the news media. The media is pretty much owned by the meat, dairy, and pharmaceutical industry advertisers. It doesn’t matter whether it’s the liberal or conservative media, the stories are not covered. We only see what they want us to see.
Additionally, the media can’t use the word slaughterhouse when they run a story. They call the animal death chambers processing facilities.
It’s not just the animals who suffer. The workers are subjected to horrendous working conditions that impact them physically and emotionally.
During the time slaughterhouse workers were dying from COVID, the stories quickly got buried and the public was distracted with the next sensational headline, soon ignoring the truth of what was happening in slaughterhouses.
Your Health is at Risk
Consuming animals goes beyond the torture to the animals. It also effects your health. According to the World Health Organization, processed meat absolutely causes cancer. Besides cancer, animal and dairy consumption also cause heart disease, diabetes, hypertension and other preventable diseases.
Consider this, heart disease causes nearly 700,000 deaths per year in the United States and can potentially be reduced by eliminating animal products in one’s diet. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/leading-causes-of-death.htm
There’s no denying it, consuming animal and dairy contribute to poor health.
Climate Change Also Part of the Devastation
Although many people want to deny what’s going on, we can no longer continue on this path. Another reason to change food choices is climate change.
In large part climate change is caused by animal agriculture due to deforesting of the planet.
The disaster is at our front door with the wildfires, floods, pandemic, droughts and repeatedly experiencing shortages in your local grocery store.
The first step is to recognize there is a problem and admit what our contribution to the problem is. Many feel that giving up animal and dairy is too much of a sacrifice.
Yet, as Jane points out, when people recognize that letting go of their desire for animal and dairy is not a sacrifice, but rather an adventure, it becomes something they want to do.
What is actually being sacrificed when you give up animal and dairy is ill health, negative impacts on the environment, the end of pain and suffering for animals, lethargy that countless individuals have come to accept as normal and the chaos that has been normalized.
Now those are sacrifices worth making!
About Jane Velez-Mitchell
Jane Velez-Mitchell is a television and social media journalist and author, who specializes in vegan lifestyles, animal rights, addiction and social justice. A highly recognized and awarded journalist/activist, in July 2009, Farm Animal Rights Movement awarded Velez-Mitchell the Celebrity Animal Activist Award at the Animal Rights 2009 National Conference held in Los Angeles, California. While working at Celebrity Justice, Velez-Mitchell’s reporting on animal cruelty earned that show two Genesis Awards from the Humane Society of the United States.
She earned an additional Genesis Award for her show “Issues” in 2010 and the same year the VegNews magazine named her Media Maven of the Year. In 2013, Mercy for Animals awarded her their Compassionate Leadership Award. In 2014, she was honored for fighting animal abuse by the Animal Legal Defense Fund. In 2015, she received the Nanci Alexander Award at PETA’s 35th anniversary celebration.
In January 2010, she was awarded the Ruby Award by Soroptimist International for her “War on Women” coverage on her television show. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jane_Velez-Mitchell
Jane is the author of Addict Nation: An Intervention for America. https://amzn.to/2Vap8ed and iWant: My Journey from Addiction and Overconsumption to a Simpler, Honest Life https://amzn.to/3ypQATm
Visit https://janeunchained.com/ to learn more about Jane Velez-Mitchell.
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newlettersradio · 5 years ago
We begin our "Classics Series" with our program celebrating our 2013 Clarion Award for Best Radio Talk/Interview Program from the Association for Women in Communications, which features audio excerpts from our award-winning interviews. Jamaica Kincaid reads from her novel Mr. Potter, based loosely on her life and relationship with her father, while Luis Alberto Urrea discusses how his family history shaped his novel, The Hummingbird's Daughter. Jim Shepard talks at the Kansas City Public Library about using satire to write about tragedy and reads from his book of short stories, You Think That's Bad. British author Alex George discusses writing his generational novel, A Good American, about German immigrants who settled in Missouri in the late 1800s, and what he learned from it. Finally, mother/daughter poets, Gloria Vando and Anika Paris, read from their collection, Woven Voices: Three Generations of Puertorriquena Poets Look at Their American Lives that also includes work by the grandmother, Anita Velez-Mitchell, which influenced the award-winning musical, Temple of the Souls. Find us on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, or listen on our website.
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easyfoodnetwork · 5 years ago
Here Are the 2020 James Beard Awards Restaurant, Chef, and Media Finalists
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Getty/Victor Spinelli/WireImage | Getty/Victor Spinelli/WireImage
The full list of nominees
Today, on what would have been the 30th annual James Beard Awards ceremony, the James Beard Foundation announced the finalists for the 2020 James Beard Awards, which honors the year’s outstanding restaurants and chefs, as well as food journalism, books, and broadcast media. The announcement was originally scheduled for March 25, but the coronavirus pandemic forced the Foundation to cancel the planned Philadelphia event and postpone both the finalists reveal and the awards themselves.
COVID-19 has left the restaurant industry in a precarious position, to put it mildly. Restaurants are pivoting their operations to stay in business, closing temporarily, and in some cases, closing for good. When the Foundation opted to postpone the finalist announcement, it acknowledged that it did so in part to focus on rebuilding the restaurant industry, awards being the last thing on anyone’s mind. And so it came as a bit of a surprise when on April 27 the Foundation announced plans to move forward with a virtual finalist announcement and, eventually, the 2020 James Beard Awards. Today, the Foundation revealed the Restaurant and Chef Awards Gala will take place in late September, and the Media Awards will take place in late May.
In a post on the James Beard Foundation website, chief strategy officer Mitchell Davis explained that the Foundation consulted with chefs, restaurateurs, and others in the industry and determined that the James Beard Awards finalists, like the list of semifinalists announced in late February, deserved recognition for their work in 2019. “Those we consulted felt the Awards could also offer a glimmer of hope to an industry looking for light in a very dark time,” he writes. Davis acknowledged that it is also a particularly dark time for the media, which will be recognized for the first time in the 2020 James Beard Awards cycle with the finalists announcement.
Given the ongoing restrictions related to COVID-19, the format for the 2020 James Beard Awards is still undecided — but they will go on, and “take place” in Chicago at some date later this year. “We want every James Beard Award winner to have a chance to have their moment in the spotlight,” Mitchell writes. “We have partners who support this industry, who support the Foundation, who are willing to work with us to figure out what’s best for all.”
Visit Philadelphia, which stands to lose millions due to the coronavirus pandemic, is still sponsoring the virtual event. Last year, Houston hosted the finalist announcement and although there was plenty of Texas representation on the semifinalists list, including 11 chefs and restaurants from Houston, the city’s restaurants and chefs were completely shut out of the whittled down finalists list. Philadelphia didn’t see the same fate.
Below, the 2020 James Beard Awards finalists.
James Beard Foundation Restaurant and Chef Awards Finalists
Best New Restaurant
Automatic Seafood & Oysters, Birmingham, AL
Demi, Minneapolis
Eem, Portland, OR
Fox & the Knife, Boston
Gado Gado, Portland, OR
Gianna, New Orleans
Kalaya, Philadelphia
Nightshade, Los Angeles
Pasjoli, Santa Monica, CA
Verjus, San Francisco
Outstanding Baker
Graison Gill, Bellegarde Bakery, New Orleans
Zachary Golper, Bien Cuit, NYC
Lisa Ludwinski, Sister Pie, Detroit
Avery Ruzicka, Manresa Bread, Los Gatos, CA
Maura Kilpatrick, Sofra Bakery, Cambridge, MA i
Outstanding Bar Program
Anvil Bar & Refuge, Houston
Expatriate, Portland, OR
Kimball House, Decatur, GA
Lost Lake, Chicago
Trick Dog, San Francisco
Outstanding Chef
David Kinch, Manresa, Los Gatos, CA
Corey Lee, Benu, San Francisco
Donald Link, Herbsaint, New Orleans
Missy Robbins, Lilia, NYC
Ana Sortun, Oleana, Cambridge, MA
Marc Vetri, Vetri Cucina, Philadelphia
Outstanding Hospitality
Brigtsen’s, New Orleans
Canlis, Seattle
Saison, San Francisco
Swan Oyster Depot, San Francisco
Zingerman’s Roadhouse, Ann Arbor, MI
Outstanding Pastry Chef
Lincoln Carson, Bon Temps, Los Angeles
Juan Contreras, Atelier Crenn, San Francisco
Margarita Manzke, République, Los Angeles
Diane Moua, Spoon and Stable, Minneapolis
Natasha Pickowicz, Flora Bar, NYC
Miro Uskokovic, Gramercy Tavern, NYC
Outstanding Restaurant
FIG, Charleston, SC
Frasca Food and Wine, Boulder, CO
Jaleo, Washington, D.C.
Pizzeria Bianco, Phoenix
Quince, San Francisco
Outstanding Restaurateur
Paul Bartolotta, The Bartolotta Restaurants, Milwaukee (Ristorante Bartolotta, Harbor House, Lake Park Bistro, and others)
Jamie Bissonnette and Ken Oringer, JK Food Group, Boston (Little Donkey, Toro, Coppa)
JoAnn Clevenger, Upperline Restaurant, New Orleans
Alex Raij and Eder Montero, NYC (La Vara, Saint Julivert Fisherie, Txikito)
Jason Wang, Xi’an Famous Foods, NYC
Outstanding Wine Program
Bacchanal, New Orleans
Canard, Portland, OR
Miller Union, Atlanta
Night + Market Sahm, Venice, CA
Spiaggia, Chicago
Outstanding Wine, Beer or Spirits Producer
Scott Blackwell and Ann Marshall, High Wire Distilling Co., Charleston, SC
Cathy Corison, Corison Winery, St. Helena, CA
Drew Kulsveen, Willett Distillery, Bardstown, KY
Todd Leopold and Scott Leopold, Leopold Bros., Denver
Rising Star Chef of the Year
Will Aghajanian and Liz Johnson, The Catbird Seat, Nashville
Irene Li, Mei Mei, Boston
Gaby Maeda, State Bird Provisions, San Francisco
Ashleigh Shanti, Benne on Eagle, Asheville, NC
Paola Velez, Kith/Kin, Washington, D.C.
Jon Yao, Kato, Los Angeles
Best Chef: California
Jeremy Fox, Birdie G’s, Santa Monica, CA
Brandon Jew, Mister Jiu’s, San Francisco
Jessica Koslow, Sqirl, Los Angeles
Mourad Lahlou, Mourad, San Francisco
Joshua Skenes, Angler, San Francisco
Pim Techamuanvivit, Kin Khao, San Francisco
Best Chef: Great Lakes (IL, IN, MI, OH)
Gene Kato, Momotaro, Chicago
Jason Hammel, Lula Cafe, Chicago
Noah Sandoval, Oriole, Chicago
John Shields and Karen Urie Shields, Smyth, Chicago
Erick Williams, Virtue, Chicago
Lee Wolen, Boka, Chicago
Best Chef: Mid-Atlantic (D.C., DE, MD, NJ, PA, VA)
Amy Brandwein, Centrolina, Washington, D.C.
Nicholas Elmi, Laurel, Philadelphia
Rich Landau, Vedge, Philadelphia
Cristina Martinez, South Philly Barbacoa, Philadelphia
Jon Sybert, Tail Up Goat, Washington, D.C.
Cindy Wolf, Charleston, Baltimore
Best Chef: Midwest (IA, KS, MN, MO, NE, ND, SD, WI)
Steven Brown, Tilia, Minneapolis
Michael Corvino, Corvino Supper Club & Tasting Room, Kansas City, MO
Michael Gallina, Vicia, St. Louis
Jamie Malone, Grand Café, Minneapolis
Christina Nguyen, Hai Hai, Minneapolis
Best Chef: Mountain (CO, ID, MT, UT, WY)
Carrie Baird, Bar Dough, Denver
Jen Castle and Blake Spalding, Hell’s Backbone Grill & Farm, Boulder, UT
Jeff Drew, Snake River Grill, Jackson, WY
Caroline Glover, Annette, Aurora, CO
Dana Rodriguez, Super Mega Bien, Denver
Kelly Whitaker, The Wolf’s Tailor, Denver
Best Chef: New York State
Sean Gray, Momofuku Ko, NYC
Brooks Headley, Superiority Burger, NYC
Junghyun Park, Atomix, NYC
Daniela Soto-Innes, ATLA, NYC
Alex Stupak, Empellón, NYC
Best Chef: Northeast (CT, MA, ME, NH, RI, VT)
Vien Dobui, CÔNG TỬ BỘT, Portland, ME
Ben Jackson, Drifters Wife, Portland, ME
Tiffani Faison, Orfano, Boston
Krista Kern Desjarlais, The Purple House, North Yarmouth, ME
Greg Mitchell and Chad Conley, Palace Diner, Biddeford, ME
Cassie Piuma, Sarma, Somerville, MA
Best Chef: Northwest & Pacific (AK, HI, OR, WA)
Peter Cho, Han Oak, Portland, OR
Gregory Gourdet, Departure, Portland, OR
Chris Kajioka and Anthony Rush, Senia, Honolulu
Katy Millard, Coquine, Portland, OR
Kristen Murray, MÅURICE, Portland, OR
Rachel Yang and Seif Chirchi, Joule, Seattle
Best Chef: South (AL, AR, Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, FL, LA, MS)
Jose Enrique, Jose Enrique, San Juan, PR
Kristen Essig and Michael Stoltzfus, Coquette, New Orleans
Michael Gulotta, Maypop, New Orleans
Mason Hereford, Turkey and the Wolf, New Orleans
Isaac Toups, Toups’ Meatery, New Orleans
Best Chef: Southeast (GA, KY, NC, SC, TN, WV)
Katie Button, Cúrate, Asheville, NC
Cassidee Dabney, The Barn at Blackberry Farm, Walland, TN
Cheetie Kumar, Garland, Raleigh, NC
Andy Ticer and Michael Hudman, Andrew Michael Italian Kitchen, Memphis, TN
Julia Sullivan, Henrietta Red, Nashville
Best Chef: Southwest (AZ, NM, NV, OK)
Dan Krohmer, Other Mama, Las Vegas
Jonathan Perno, Campo at Los Poblanos Historic Inn & Organic Farm, Los Ranchos de Albuquerque, NM
Chrysa Robertson, Rancho Pinot, Scottsdale, AZ
Silvana Salcido Esparza, Barrio Café Gran Reserva, Phoenix
Jeff Smedstad, Elote Cafe, Sedona, AZ
James Trees, Esther’s Kitchen, Las Vegas
Best Chef: Texas
Kevin Fink, Emmer & Rye, Austin
Michael Fojtasek, Olamaie, Austin
Anita Jaisinghani, Pondicheri, Houston
Steve McHugh, Cured, San Antonio
Trong Nguyen, Crawfish & Noodles, Houston
America’s Classics Awards
Previously announced
El Taco de Mexico, Denver, Colorado
Lassis Inn, Little Rock, Arkansas
Oriental Mart, Seattle, Washington
Puritan Backroom, Manchester, New Hampshire
Vera’s Backyard Bar-B-Que, Brownsville, Texas
Zehnder’s of Frankenmuth, Frankenmouth, Michigan
Humanitarian of the Year:
Jessica B. Harris
Leadership Awards:
Phillip and Dorathy E. Barker, Operations Spring Plant
Rosalinda Guillen, Community to Community Development (C2C)
Abiodun Henderson, The Come Up Project
Mark and Kerry Marhefka of Abundant Seafood
Caleb Zigas, La Cocina
James Beard Restaurant Design Awards
Design Icon
Chez Panisse
Outstanding Restaurant Design, 75 Seats and Under:
SIMPLICITY for HALL by o.d.o
Heliotrope Architects for Rupee
Vermillion Architects, LLC for Spoonbill Watering Hole and Restaurant
Outstanding Restaurant Design, 76 Seats and Over:
Hacin + Associates for Shore Leave;
Ken Fulk, Inc for Swan & Bar Bevy
Klein Agency and ORA for Auburn
2020 James Beard Foundation Book Awards
For cookbooks and other non-fiction food- or beverage-related books that were published in the U.S. in 2019. Winners, including the Book of the Year Award and the Cookbook Hall of Fame inductee will be announced on Wednesday, May 27, 2020.
American Books with recipes focused on the cooking or foodways of regions or communities in the United States.
Cook Like a Local: Flavors That Can Change How You Cook and See the World; Chris Shepherd and Kaitlyn Goalen, (Clarkson Potter)
Jubilee: Recipes from Two Centuries of African American Cooking; Toni Tipton-Martin, (Clarkson Potter)
South: Essential Recipes and New Explorations; Sean Brock, (Artisan Books)
Baking and Desserts Books with recipes focused on breads, pastries, desserts, and other treats.
Dappled: Baking Recipes for Fruit Lovers; Nicole Rucker, (Avery)
Living Bread: Tradition and Innovation in Artisan Bread Making; Daniel Leader and Lauren Chattman, (Avery)
Pastry Love: A Baker’s Journal of Favorite Recipes; Joanne Chang, (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)
Beverage with Recipes Books focused on recipes for how to make beverages.
Last Call: Bartenders on Their Final Drink and the Wisdom and Rituals of Closing Time; Brad Thomas Parsons, (Ten Speed Press)
The Martini Cocktail: A Meditation on the World’s Greatest Drink, with Recipes; Robert Simonson, (Ten Speed Press)
The NoMad Cocktail Book; Leo Robitschek, (Ten Speed Press)
Beverage without Recipes Beverage-focused books and guides that either don’t contain recipes or that may have minimal recipes but aren’t recipe-centric.
The Complete Guide to Japanese Drinks: Sake, Shochu, Japanese Whisky, Beer, Wine, Cocktails and Other Beverages; Stephen Lyman and Chris Bunting, (Tuttle Publishing)
Red & White: An Unquenchable Thirst for Wine; Oz Clarke, (Little, Brown Book Group)
World Atlas of Wine 8th Edition; Hugh Johnson and Jancis Robinson, (Mitchell Beazley)
General Books with recipes that address a broad scope of cooking, not just a single topic, technique or region.
All About Dinner: Simple Meals, Expert Advice; Molly Stevens, (W. W. Norton & Company)
Milk Street: The New Rules: Recipes That Will Change the Way You Cook; Christopher Kimball, (Voracious)
Where Cooking Begins: Uncomplicated Recipes to Make You a Great Cook; Carla Lalli Music, (Clarkson Potter)
Health and Special Diets Books with recipes related to health and nutrition, or that address specific health issues, such as allergies or diabetes.
The Beauty Chef Gut Guide: With 90+ Delicious Recipes and Weekly Meal Plans; Carla Oates, (Hardie Grant Books)
Cannelle et Vanille: Nourishing, Gluten-Free Recipes for Every Meal and Mood; Aran Goyoaga, (Sasquatch Books)
Gluten-Free Baking at Home: 102 Foolproof Recipes for Delicious Breads, Cakes, Cookies, and More; Jeffrey Larsen, (Ten Speed Press)
Books with recipes focused on food and cooking traditions of countries or regions outside of the United States.
Black Sea: Dispatches and Recipes – Through Darkness and Light; Caroline Eden, (Quadrille Publishing)
Ethiopia: Recipes and Traditions from the Horn of Africa; Yohanis Gebreyesus, (Interlink Publishing)
The Food of Sichuan; Fuchsia Dunlop, (W. W. Norton & Company)
American Sfoglino: A Master Class in Handmade Pasta; Eric Wolfinger, (Chronicle Books)
Le Corbuffet: Edible Art and Design Classics; Esther Choi, (Prestel)
Oaxaca: Home Cooking from the Heart of Mexico; Quentin Bacon, (Abrams Books)
Reference, History, and Scholarship Includes manuals, guides, encyclopedias, and books that present research related to food or foodways.
Gandhi’s Search for the Perfect Diet: Eating with the World in Mind; Nico Slate, (University of Washington Press)
A South You Never Ate: Savoring Flavors and Stories from the Eastern Shore of Virginia; Bernard L. Herman, (The University of North Carolina Press)
The Whole Okra: A Seed to Stem Celebration; Chris Smith, (Chelsea Green Publishing)
Restaurant and Professional Books written by a culinary professional or restaurant chef with recipes that may include advanced cooking techniques, use specialty ingredients, and require professional equipment. This includes culinary arts textbooks.
Dishoom: From Bombay with Love; Shamil Thakrar, Kavi Thakrar, and Naved Nasir, (Bloomsbury Publishing)
Eleven Madison Park: The Next Chapter, Revised and Unlimited Edition; Daniel Humm, (Ten Speed Press)
The Whole Fish Cookbook: New Ways to Cook, Eat and Think; Josh Niland, (Hardie Grant Books)
Single Subject Books with recipes focused on a single or category of ingredients, a dish, or a method of cooking – such as lobster, seafood, grains, pasta, burgers, or canning. Exceptions: baking and desserts books, vegetable-focused books, health and special diets books, restaurant and professional books, and beverage books should be entered in those respective categories.
From the Oven to the Table: Simple Dishes That Look After Themselves; Diana Henry, (Mitchell Beazley)
Pasta Grannies: The Official Cookbook: The Secrets of Italy’s Best Home Cooks; Vicky Bennison, (Hardie Grant Books)
Sour: The Magical Element That Will Transform Your Cooking; Mark Diacono, (Quadrille Publishing)
Vegetable-Focused Cooking Books that feature recipes for how to prepare and serve vegetables and plant-based ingredients. Books may be vegetarian, vegan, or vegetable-focused with minimal reference to meats.
Ruffage: A Practical Guide to Vegetables; Abra Berens, (Chronicle Books)
Vegetables Illustrated: An Inspiring Guide with 700+ Kitchen-Tested Recipes; Editors at America’s Test Kitchen, (America’s Test Kitchen)
Whole Food Cooking Every Day: Transform the Way You Eat with 250 Vegetarian Recipes Free of Gluten, Dairy, and Refined Sugar; Amy Chaplin, (Artisan Books)
Writing Narrative nonfiction books, including memoirs, culinary tourism, investigative journalism, food advocacy, and critical analysis of food and foodways for a general audience.
Eat Like a Fish: My Adventures as a Fisherman Turned Restorative Ocean Farmer; Bren Smith, (Knopf)
Notes from a Young Black Chef: A Memoir; Kwame Onwuachi with Joshua David Stein, (Knopf)
Women on Food: Charlotte Druckman and 115 Writers, Chefs, Critics, Television Stars, and Eaters; Charlotte Druckman, (Abrams Press)
2020 James Beard Foundation Broadcast Media Awards
For radio, television broadcasts, podcasts, webcasts, and documentaries appearing in 2019. Winners will be announced on Wednesday, May 27, 2020.
Audio Program
The Food Programme – The Search for Esiah’s Seeds; Airs on: BBC Radio 4 and BBC Sounds
It Burns: The Scandal-Plagued Race to Breed the World’s Hottest Chili; Airs on: Audible
The Sporkful – When White People Say Plantation; Airs on: iTunes, Sporkful, Spotify, and Stitcher
Audio Reporting
California Foodways – The Curious Second Life of a Prather Ranch Cow: Biomedical Research; Trans Man Finds – and Creates – Refuge in His Family’s Small-Town Cafe; Legalizing Cannabis Impacts Food, Farming in Humboldt; Reporter: Lisa Morehouse; Airs on: KQED, California Foodways, iTunes, Google Play, Radio Public, SoundCloud, and Stitcher
Food Actually – Junk Food Actually; Reporter: Tamar Adler; Airs on: Luminary
Gravy – Mahalia Jackson’s Glori-Fried Chicken; Reporter: Betsy Shepherd; Airs on: southernfoodways.org and iTunes
Harvest Season; Airs on: PBS
Nothing Fancy: Diana Kennedy; Airs on: Premiered at SXSW in March 2019
That’s My Jazz; Airs on: Vimeo
Online Video, Fixed Location and/or Instructional
Chef Studio: The Crumby Bits – Cricket Macarons; Airs on: YouTube
Grace Young – Wok Therapist; Airs on: GraceYoung.com and YouTube
Ready Jet Cook - How to Make Pad Thai with Jet Tila; Airs on: FoodNetwork.com and YouTube
Online Video, on Location
Eat, Drink, Share, Puerto Rico Food – El Burén de Lula; Airs on: YouTube
Handmade – How Knives Are Made for New York’s Best Restaurants; How a Ceramics Master Makes Plates for Michelin-Starred Restaurants; Airs on: Eater and YouTube
In Real Life – Why Eating This Fish Could Save Coral Reefs; Airs on: YouTube and AJ+
Outstanding Personality/Host
Alton Brown, Good Eats: The Return; Airs on: Food Network
David Chang, Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner; Airs on: Netflix
Roy Choi; Broken Bread with Roy Choi; Airs on: Tastemade and KCET
Television Program, in Studio or Fixed Location
Good Eats: The Return – American Classic: Chicken Parm; Airs on: Food Network
Lidia’s Kitchen – Trattoria Favorites; Airs on: PBS
Pati’s Mexican Table – A Local’s Tour of Culiacán; Airs on: WETA; distributed nationally by American Public Television
Television Program, on Location
Chef’s Table – Asma Khan; Airs on: Netflix
Las Crónicas del Taco (Taco Chronicles) – Canasta; Airs on: Netflix
Street Food – Bangkok, Thailand; Airs on: Netflix
Visual and Audio Technical Excellence
Chef’s Table; Adam Bricker, Chloe Weaver, and Will Basanta; Airs on: Netflix
Street Food; Alexander D. Paul, Matthew Chavez, and Shane Reed; Airs on: Netflix
The Taste of Place – Wild Rice; Jesse Roesler and Kevin Russell; Airs on: Vimeo
Visual Reporting (on TV or Online)
Fork the System – Moro Food of Muslim Mindanao: This is Filipino, Too; Reporters: Joi Lee and HyoJin Park; Airs on: Al Jazeera English Digital, YouTube, and Facebook
In Real Life– Why This $300 Clam Is so Important to Native Americans and China; Reporters: AJ+ Staff; Airs on: YouTube and AJ+
Rotten – The Avocado War; Reporters: Christine Haughney, Erin Cauchi, and Gretchen Goetz; Airs on: Netflix
2020 James Beard Foundation Journalism Awards Finalists
For articles published in English in 2019. Winners, including the Emerging Voice Award, will be announced on Wednesday, May 27, 2020.
What She’s Having: “Popeyes’ Fried Chicken Sandwich: A Delicious Distraction, a Cultural Lesson”; “Every Season Is Soup Season”; “Why a Somali Nook in East Boston Is One of the Country’s Best New Restaurants” — Devra First, The Boston Globe
Power Rankings: “The Official Fast Food French Fry Power Rankings”; “The Official Spicy Snack Power Rankings”; “The Official Domestic Beer Power Rankings” — Lucas Kwan Peterson, Los Angeles Times
Rooted in Place: “In Service”; “Hair, Food, and Hustle”; “The Best That We’ve Got” — Rosalind Bentley, Gravy
Craig Claiborne Distinguished Restaurant Review Award
“Le Colonial Is an Orientalist Specter”; “The Ultimate Chaat Truck Crawl”; “The Fantasy — and Reality — of Dining at Chez Panisse” — Soleil Ho, San Francisco Chronicle
“NYC’s Buzziest New Sushi Parlors Are Transcendent, If You Can Handle the Bros”; “Wall Street’s Underground Russian Spa Is a Dining Destination for the Soul”; “Estiatorio Milos Is One of the Last Big Restaurant Scams in New York” —Ryan Sutton
Eater New York
“Peter Luger Used to Sizzle. Now It Sputters.”; “The 20 Most Delicious Things at Mercado Little Spain”; “Benno, Proudly Out of Step With the Age”
Pete Wells
The New York Times
Dining and Travel
“In Pursuit of the Perfect Pizza”
Matt Goulding
Airbnb Magazine
“Interview With the Vampiro”
Dylan James Ho
“These Are the World’s Best Restaurants: North America, South America, Africa and Middle East”
Besha Rodell
Travel + Leisure and Food & Wine
Feature Reporting
America’s farmers in crisis during Trump’s trade wars: “Left Behind: Farmers Fight to Save Their Land in Rural Minnesota as Trade War Intensifies”; “’I’m Gonna Lose Everything’: A Farm Family Struggles to Recover after Rising Debt Pushes a Husband to Suicide”; “In Trump Country, a Season of Need on Family Farms”
Annie Gowen
The Washington Post
“The Great Land Robbery”
Vann R. Newkirk II
The Atlantic
“Value Meal”
Tad Friend
The New Yorker
Food Coverage in a General Interest Publication
The Bitter Southerner
Gastro Obscura
The New Yorker
“An Indigenous Community in Mexico Finds Its Voice — and Strength — in Wild Mushrooms”
Michael Snyder
Los Angeles Times
“On Hawaii, the Fight for Taro’s Revival”
Ligaya Mishan
T: The New York Times Style Magazine
“A Real Hot Mess: How Grits Got Weaponized Against Cheating Men”
Cynthia R. Greenlee
Health and Wellness
“The AGEs Puzzle: How We Cook Food Is Killing Us. Scientists in SC Know Why.”; “9 Easy Ways to Eat Fewer AGEs: A Stress-Free Guide”
Tony Bartelme
The Post and Courier (Charleston, SC)
“How Washington Keeps America Sick and Fat”; “Meet the Silicon Valley Investor Who Wants Washington to Figure Out What You Should Eat”
Catherine Boudreau and Helena Bottemiller Evich
“Protein Nation”
Shaun Dreisbach
Home Cooking
“6 Holiday Cookies That Will Win You the Cookie Swap”
Hilary Cadigan and Rick Martinez
Bon Appétit
“Fry Time”
Nancy Singleton Hachisu
“In Praise of Schmaltz”
Rachel Handler
Grub Street
Innovative Storytelling
“Best New Restaurants 2019”
Kevin Alexander, Nicole A. Taylor, and Adriana Velez
“Food and Loathing on the Campaign Trail”
Gary He, Matt Buchanan, and Meghan McCarron
“Made in America”
Tim Carman and Shelly Tan
The Washington Post
Investigative Reporting
“How USDA Distorted Data to Conceal Decades of Discrimination Against Black Farmers”
Nathan Rosenberg and Bryce Wilson Stucki
The Counter
“‘The Man Who Attacked Me Works in Your Kitchen’: Victim of Serial Groper Took Justice into Her Own Hands”
Amy Brittain and Maura Judkis
The Washington Post
“The Young Hands That Feed Us”
Karen Coates and Valeria Fernández
Pacific Standard
Jonathan Gold Local Voice Award
“Forget Democratic Votes. Which Presidential Hopeful Will Eat 16 Iconic SC Foods First?”; “A James Island Meat-and-Two Secretly Switched to Carolina Gold Rice. Here’s What Happened.”; “In Prisons Across South Carolina, It’s Not a Birthday Without Cake Made by a Fellow Inmate”
Hanna Raskin
The Post and Courier (Charleston, SC)
“In Search of Hot Beef”; “Chef Jack Riebel Is in the Fight of His Life”; “Harry Singh on the Perfect Roti, Trinidad, and Life in the Kitchen”
Dara Moskowitz Grumdahl
Mpls.St.Paul Magazine
“In a Wheelchair and Hungry”; “Where to Eat Regionally Inspired Mexican Food in New York City”; “How Sichuan Became NYC’s Dominant Chinese Cuisine”
Robert Sietsema
Eater New York
M.F.K. Fisher Distinguished Writing Award
“A Mind to Stay Here”
Rosalind Bentley
“My Mother’s Catfish Stew”
John T. Edge
Oxford American
“An Undeserved Gift”
Shane Mitchell
The Bitter Southerner
Personal Essay, Long Form
“The Dysfunction of Food”
Kim Foster
“Love, Peace, and Taco Grease: How I Left My Abusive Husband and Found Guy Fieri”
Rax King
“Seeking Jewish Identity at the Sabra Hummus Factory”
Orr Shtuhl
The Forward
Personal Essay, Short Form
“For 20 Years, happy hour has seen us through work — and life”
M. Carrie Allan
The Washington Post
“How the Starbucks Macchiato Ruined My Indie Coffee Shop Experiences”
Nicole A. Taylor
“In Memoriam of Hominy Grill, the Restaurant That Defined Charleston”
Ali Rosen
“First Course”
Zoe Tennant
“The Fruit Saver”
Tejal Rao
Women on Food
(Abrams Press)
“The Provocations of Chef Tunde Wey”
Brett Martin
GQ Magazine
Wine, Spirits, and Other Beverages
“How Climate Change Impacts Wine”
Eric Asimov
The New York Times
“May I Help You With That Wine List?”
Ray Isle
Food & Wine
“Seltzer Is Over. Mineral Water Is Forever.”
Jordan Michelman
Disclosure: Some Vox Media staff members are part of the voting body for the James Beard Foundation Awards.
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The full list of nominees
Today, on what would have been the 30th annual James Beard Awards ceremony, the James Beard Foundation announced the finalists for the 2020 James Beard Awards, which honors the year’s outstanding restaurants and chefs, as well as food journalism, books, and broadcast media. The announcement was originally scheduled for March 25, but the coronavirus pandemic forced the Foundation to cancel the planned Philadelphia event and postpone both the finalists reveal and the awards themselves.
COVID-19 has left the restaurant industry in a precarious position, to put it mildly. Restaurants are pivoting their operations to stay in business, closing temporarily, and in some cases, closing for good. When the Foundation opted to postpone the finalist announcement, it acknowledged that it did so in part to focus on rebuilding the restaurant industry, awards being the last thing on anyone’s mind. And so it came as a bit of a surprise when on April 27 the Foundation announced plans to move forward with a virtual finalist announcement and, eventually, the 2020 James Beard Awards. Today, the Foundation revealed the Restaurant and Chef Awards Gala will take place in late September, and the Media Awards will take place in late May.
In a post on the James Beard Foundation website, chief strategy officer Mitchell Davis explained that the Foundation consulted with chefs, restaurateurs, and others in the industry and determined that the James Beard Awards finalists, like the list of semifinalists announced in late February, deserved recognition for their work in 2019. “Those we consulted felt the Awards could also offer a glimmer of hope to an industry looking for light in a very dark time,” he writes. Davis acknowledged that it is also a particularly dark time for the media, which will be recognized for the first time in the 2020 James Beard Awards cycle with the finalists announcement.
Given the ongoing restrictions related to COVID-19, the format for the 2020 James Beard Awards is still undecided — but they will go on, and “take place” in Chicago at some date later this year. “We want every James Beard Award winner to have a chance to have their moment in the spotlight,” Mitchell writes. “We have partners who support this industry, who support the Foundation, who are willing to work with us to figure out what’s best for all.”
Visit Philadelphia, which stands to lose millions due to the coronavirus pandemic, is still sponsoring the virtual event. Last year, Houston hosted the finalist announcement and although there was plenty of Texas representation on the semifinalists list, including 11 chefs and restaurants from Houston, the city’s restaurants and chefs were completely shut out of the whittled down finalists list. Philadelphia didn’t see the same fate.
Below, the 2020 James Beard Awards finalists.
James Beard Foundation Restaurant and Chef Awards Finalists
Best New Restaurant
Automatic Seafood & Oysters, Birmingham, AL
Demi, Minneapolis
Eem, Portland, OR
Fox & the Knife, Boston
Gado Gado, Portland, OR
Gianna, New Orleans
Kalaya, Philadelphia
Nightshade, Los Angeles
Pasjoli, Santa Monica, CA
Verjus, San Francisco
Outstanding Baker
Graison Gill, Bellegarde Bakery, New Orleans
Zachary Golper, Bien Cuit, NYC
Lisa Ludwinski, Sister Pie, Detroit
Avery Ruzicka, Manresa Bread, Los Gatos, CA
Maura Kilpatrick, Sofra Bakery, Cambridge, MA i
Outstanding Bar Program
Anvil Bar & Refuge, Houston
Expatriate, Portland, OR
Kimball House, Decatur, GA
Lost Lake, Chicago
Trick Dog, San Francisco
Outstanding Chef
David Kinch, Manresa, Los Gatos, CA
Corey Lee, Benu, San Francisco
Donald Link, Herbsaint, New Orleans
Missy Robbins, Lilia, NYC
Ana Sortun, Oleana, Cambridge, MA
Marc Vetri, Vetri Cucina, Philadelphia
Outstanding Hospitality
Brigtsen’s, New Orleans
Canlis, Seattle
Saison, San Francisco
Swan Oyster Depot, San Francisco
Zingerman’s Roadhouse, Ann Arbor, MI
Outstanding Pastry Chef
Lincoln Carson, Bon Temps, Los Angeles
Juan Contreras, Atelier Crenn, San Francisco
Margarita Manzke, République, Los Angeles
Diane Moua, Spoon and Stable, Minneapolis
Natasha Pickowicz, Flora Bar, NYC
Miro Uskokovic, Gramercy Tavern, NYC
Outstanding Restaurant
FIG, Charleston, SC
Frasca Food and Wine, Boulder, CO
Jaleo, Washington, D.C.
Pizzeria Bianco, Phoenix
Quince, San Francisco
Outstanding Restaurateur
Paul Bartolotta, The Bartolotta Restaurants, Milwaukee (Ristorante Bartolotta, Harbor House, Lake Park Bistro, and others)
Jamie Bissonnette and Ken Oringer, JK Food Group, Boston (Little Donkey, Toro, Coppa)
JoAnn Clevenger, Upperline Restaurant, New Orleans
Alex Raij and Eder Montero, NYC (La Vara, Saint Julivert Fisherie, Txikito)
Jason Wang, Xi’an Famous Foods, NYC
Outstanding Wine Program
Bacchanal, New Orleans
Canard, Portland, OR
Miller Union, Atlanta
Night + Market Sahm, Venice, CA
Spiaggia, Chicago
Outstanding Wine, Beer or Spirits Producer
Scott Blackwell and Ann Marshall, High Wire Distilling Co., Charleston, SC
Cathy Corison, Corison Winery, St. Helena, CA
Drew Kulsveen, Willett Distillery, Bardstown, KY
Todd Leopold and Scott Leopold, Leopold Bros., Denver
Rising Star Chef of the Year
Will Aghajanian and Liz Johnson, The Catbird Seat, Nashville
Irene Li, Mei Mei, Boston
Gaby Maeda, State Bird Provisions, San Francisco
Ashleigh Shanti, Benne on Eagle, Asheville, NC
Paola Velez, Kith/Kin, Washington, D.C.
Jon Yao, Kato, Los Angeles
Best Chef: California
Jeremy Fox, Birdie G’s, Santa Monica, CA
Brandon Jew, Mister Jiu’s, San Francisco
Jessica Koslow, Sqirl, Los Angeles
Mourad Lahlou, Mourad, San Francisco
Joshua Skenes, Angler, San Francisco
Pim Techamuanvivit, Kin Khao, San Francisco
Best Chef: Great Lakes (IL, IN, MI, OH)
Gene Kato, Momotaro, Chicago
Jason Hammel, Lula Cafe, Chicago
Noah Sandoval, Oriole, Chicago
John Shields and Karen Urie Shields, Smyth, Chicago
Erick Williams, Virtue, Chicago
Lee Wolen, Boka, Chicago
Best Chef: Mid-Atlantic (D.C., DE, MD, NJ, PA, VA)
Amy Brandwein, Centrolina, Washington, D.C.
Nicholas Elmi, Laurel, Philadelphia
Rich Landau, Vedge, Philadelphia
Cristina Martinez, South Philly Barbacoa, Philadelphia
Jon Sybert, Tail Up Goat, Washington, D.C.
Cindy Wolf, Charleston, Baltimore
Best Chef: Midwest (IA, KS, MN, MO, NE, ND, SD, WI)
Steven Brown, Tilia, Minneapolis
Michael Corvino, Corvino Supper Club & Tasting Room, Kansas City, MO
Michael Gallina, Vicia, St. Louis
Jamie Malone, Grand Café, Minneapolis
Christina Nguyen, Hai Hai, Minneapolis
Best Chef: Mountain (CO, ID, MT, UT, WY)
Carrie Baird, Bar Dough, Denver
Jen Castle and Blake Spalding, Hell’s Backbone Grill & Farm, Boulder, UT
Jeff Drew, Snake River Grill, Jackson, WY
Caroline Glover, Annette, Aurora, CO
Dana Rodriguez, Super Mega Bien, Denver
Kelly Whitaker, The Wolf’s Tailor, Denver
Best Chef: New York State
Sean Gray, Momofuku Ko, NYC
Brooks Headley, Superiority Burger, NYC
Junghyun Park, Atomix, NYC
Daniela Soto-Innes, ATLA, NYC
Alex Stupak, Empellón, NYC
Best Chef: Northeast (CT, MA, ME, NH, RI, VT)
Vien Dobui, CÔNG TỬ BỘT, Portland, ME
Ben Jackson, Drifters Wife, Portland, ME
Tiffani Faison, Orfano, Boston
Krista Kern Desjarlais, The Purple House, North Yarmouth, ME
Greg Mitchell and Chad Conley, Palace Diner, Biddeford, ME
Cassie Piuma, Sarma, Somerville, MA
Best Chef: Northwest & Pacific (AK, HI, OR, WA)
Peter Cho, Han Oak, Portland, OR
Gregory Gourdet, Departure, Portland, OR
Chris Kajioka and Anthony Rush, Senia, Honolulu
Katy Millard, Coquine, Portland, OR
Kristen Murray, MÅURICE, Portland, OR
Rachel Yang and Seif Chirchi, Joule, Seattle
Best Chef: South (AL, AR, Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, FL, LA, MS)
Jose Enrique, Jose Enrique, San Juan, PR
Kristen Essig and Michael Stoltzfus, Coquette, New Orleans
Michael Gulotta, Maypop, New Orleans
Mason Hereford, Turkey and the Wolf, New Orleans
Isaac Toups, Toups’ Meatery, New Orleans
Best Chef: Southeast (GA, KY, NC, SC, TN, WV)
Katie Button, Cúrate, Asheville, NC
Cassidee Dabney, The Barn at Blackberry Farm, Walland, TN
Cheetie Kumar, Garland, Raleigh, NC
Andy Ticer and Michael Hudman, Andrew Michael Italian Kitchen, Memphis, TN
Julia Sullivan, Henrietta Red, Nashville
Best Chef: Southwest (AZ, NM, NV, OK)
Dan Krohmer, Other Mama, Las Vegas
Jonathan Perno, Campo at Los Poblanos Historic Inn & Organic Farm, Los Ranchos de Albuquerque, NM
Chrysa Robertson, Rancho Pinot, Scottsdale, AZ
Silvana Salcido Esparza, Barrio Café Gran Reserva, Phoenix
Jeff Smedstad, Elote Cafe, Sedona, AZ
James Trees, Esther’s Kitchen, Las Vegas
Best Chef: Texas
Kevin Fink, Emmer & Rye, Austin
Michael Fojtasek, Olamaie, Austin
Anita Jaisinghani, Pondicheri, Houston
Steve McHugh, Cured, San Antonio
Trong Nguyen, Crawfish & Noodles, Houston
America’s Classics Awards
Previously announced
El Taco de Mexico, Denver, Colorado
Lassis Inn, Little Rock, Arkansas
Oriental Mart, Seattle, Washington
Puritan Backroom, Manchester, New Hampshire
Vera’s Backyard Bar-B-Que, Brownsville, Texas
Zehnder’s of Frankenmuth, Frankenmouth, Michigan
Humanitarian of the Year:
Jessica B. Harris
Leadership Awards:
Phillip and Dorathy E. Barker, Operations Spring Plant
Rosalinda Guillen, Community to Community Development (C2C)
Abiodun Henderson, The Come Up Project
Mark and Kerry Marhefka of Abundant Seafood
Caleb Zigas, La Cocina
James Beard Restaurant Design Awards
Design Icon
Chez Panisse
Outstanding Restaurant Design, 75 Seats and Under:
SIMPLICITY for HALL by o.d.o
Heliotrope Architects for Rupee
Vermillion Architects, LLC for Spoonbill Watering Hole and Restaurant
Outstanding Restaurant Design, 76 Seats and Over:
Hacin + Associates for Shore Leave;
Ken Fulk, Inc for Swan & Bar Bevy
Klein Agency and ORA for Auburn
2020 James Beard Foundation Book Awards
For cookbooks and other non-fiction food- or beverage-related books that were published in the U.S. in 2019. Winners, including the Book of the Year Award and the Cookbook Hall of Fame inductee will be announced on Wednesday, May 27, 2020.
American Books with recipes focused on the cooking or foodways of regions or communities in the United States.
Cook Like a Local: Flavors That Can Change How You Cook and See the World; Chris Shepherd and Kaitlyn Goalen, (Clarkson Potter)
Jubilee: Recipes from Two Centuries of African American Cooking; Toni Tipton-Martin, (Clarkson Potter)
South: Essential Recipes and New Explorations; Sean Brock, (Artisan Books)
Baking and Desserts Books with recipes focused on breads, pastries, desserts, and other treats.
Dappled: Baking Recipes for Fruit Lovers; Nicole Rucker, (Avery)
Living Bread: Tradition and Innovation in Artisan Bread Making; Daniel Leader and Lauren Chattman, (Avery)
Pastry Love: A Baker’s Journal of Favorite Recipes; Joanne Chang, (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)
Beverage with Recipes Books focused on recipes for how to make beverages.
Last Call: Bartenders on Their Final Drink and the Wisdom and Rituals of Closing Time; Brad Thomas Parsons, (Ten Speed Press)
The Martini Cocktail: A Meditation on the World’s Greatest Drink, with Recipes; Robert Simonson, (Ten Speed Press)
The NoMad Cocktail Book; Leo Robitschek, (Ten Speed Press)
Beverage without Recipes Beverage-focused books and guides that either don’t contain recipes or that may have minimal recipes but aren’t recipe-centric.
The Complete Guide to Japanese Drinks: Sake, Shochu, Japanese Whisky, Beer, Wine, Cocktails and Other Beverages; Stephen Lyman and Chris Bunting, (Tuttle Publishing)
Red & White: An Unquenchable Thirst for Wine; Oz Clarke, (Little, Brown Book Group)
World Atlas of Wine 8th Edition; Hugh Johnson and Jancis Robinson, (Mitchell Beazley)
General Books with recipes that address a broad scope of cooking, not just a single topic, technique or region.
All About Dinner: Simple Meals, Expert Advice; Molly Stevens, (W. W. Norton & Company)
Milk Street: The New Rules: Recipes That Will Change the Way You Cook; Christopher Kimball, (Voracious)
Where Cooking Begins: Uncomplicated Recipes to Make You a Great Cook; Carla Lalli Music, (Clarkson Potter)
Health and Special Diets Books with recipes related to health and nutrition, or that address specific health issues, such as allergies or diabetes.
The Beauty Chef Gut Guide: With 90+ Delicious Recipes and Weekly Meal Plans; Carla Oates, (Hardie Grant Books)
Cannelle et Vanille: Nourishing, Gluten-Free Recipes for Every Meal and Mood; Aran Goyoaga, (Sasquatch Books)
Gluten-Free Baking at Home: 102 Foolproof Recipes for Delicious Breads, Cakes, Cookies, and More; Jeffrey Larsen, (Ten Speed Press)
Books with recipes focused on food and cooking traditions of countries or regions outside of the United States.
Black Sea: Dispatches and Recipes – Through Darkness and Light; Caroline Eden, (Quadrille Publishing)
Ethiopia: Recipes and Traditions from the Horn of Africa; Yohanis Gebreyesus, (Interlink Publishing)
The Food of Sichuan; Fuchsia Dunlop, (W. W. Norton & Company)
American Sfoglino: A Master Class in Handmade Pasta; Eric Wolfinger, (Chronicle Books)
Le Corbuffet: Edible Art and Design Classics; Esther Choi, (Prestel)
Oaxaca: Home Cooking from the Heart of Mexico; Quentin Bacon, (Abrams Books)
Reference, History, and Scholarship Includes manuals, guides, encyclopedias, and books that present research related to food or foodways.
Gandhi’s Search for the Perfect Diet: Eating with the World in Mind; Nico Slate, (University of Washington Press)
A South You Never Ate: Savoring Flavors and Stories from the Eastern Shore of Virginia; Bernard L. Herman, (The University of North Carolina Press)
The Whole Okra: A Seed to Stem Celebration; Chris Smith, (Chelsea Green Publishing)
Restaurant and Professional Books written by a culinary professional or restaurant chef with recipes that may include advanced cooking techniques, use specialty ingredients, and require professional equipment. This includes culinary arts textbooks.
Dishoom: From Bombay with Love; Shamil Thakrar, Kavi Thakrar, and Naved Nasir, (Bloomsbury Publishing)
Eleven Madison Park: The Next Chapter, Revised and Unlimited Edition; Daniel Humm, (Ten Speed Press)
The Whole Fish Cookbook: New Ways to Cook, Eat and Think; Josh Niland, (Hardie Grant Books)
Single Subject Books with recipes focused on a single or category of ingredients, a dish, or a method of cooking – such as lobster, seafood, grains, pasta, burgers, or canning. Exceptions: baking and desserts books, vegetable-focused books, health and special diets books, restaurant and professional books, and beverage books should be entered in those respective categories.
From the Oven to the Table: Simple Dishes That Look After Themselves; Diana Henry, (Mitchell Beazley)
Pasta Grannies: The Official Cookbook: The Secrets of Italy’s Best Home Cooks; Vicky Bennison, (Hardie Grant Books)
Sour: The Magical Element That Will Transform Your Cooking; Mark Diacono, (Quadrille Publishing)
Vegetable-Focused Cooking Books that feature recipes for how to prepare and serve vegetables and plant-based ingredients. Books may be vegetarian, vegan, or vegetable-focused with minimal reference to meats.
Ruffage: A Practical Guide to Vegetables; Abra Berens, (Chronicle Books)
Vegetables Illustrated: An Inspiring Guide with 700+ Kitchen-Tested Recipes; Editors at America’s Test Kitchen, (America’s Test Kitchen)
Whole Food Cooking Every Day: Transform the Way You Eat with 250 Vegetarian Recipes Free of Gluten, Dairy, and Refined Sugar; Amy Chaplin, (Artisan Books)
Writing Narrative nonfiction books, including memoirs, culinary tourism, investigative journalism, food advocacy, and critical analysis of food and foodways for a general audience.
Eat Like a Fish: My Adventures as a Fisherman Turned Restorative Ocean Farmer; Bren Smith, (Knopf)
Notes from a Young Black Chef: A Memoir; Kwame Onwuachi with Joshua David Stein, (Knopf)
Women on Food: Charlotte Druckman and 115 Writers, Chefs, Critics, Television Stars, and Eaters; Charlotte Druckman, (Abrams Press)
2020 James Beard Foundation Broadcast Media Awards
For radio, television broadcasts, podcasts, webcasts, and documentaries appearing in 2019. Winners will be announced on Wednesday, May 27, 2020.
Audio Program
The Food Programme – The Search for Esiah’s Seeds; Airs on: BBC Radio 4 and BBC Sounds
It Burns: The Scandal-Plagued Race to Breed the World’s Hottest Chili; Airs on: Audible
The Sporkful – When White People Say Plantation; Airs on: iTunes, Sporkful, Spotify, and Stitcher
Audio Reporting
California Foodways – The Curious Second Life of a Prather Ranch Cow: Biomedical Research; Trans Man Finds – and Creates – Refuge in His Family’s Small-Town Cafe; Legalizing Cannabis Impacts Food, Farming in Humboldt; Reporter: Lisa Morehouse; Airs on: KQED, California Foodways, iTunes, Google Play, Radio Public, SoundCloud, and Stitcher
Food Actually – Junk Food Actually; Reporter: Tamar Adler; Airs on: Luminary
Gravy – Mahalia Jackson’s Glori-Fried Chicken; Reporter: Betsy Shepherd; Airs on: southernfoodways.org and iTunes
Harvest Season; Airs on: PBS
Nothing Fancy: Diana Kennedy; Airs on: Premiered at SXSW in March 2019
That’s My Jazz; Airs on: Vimeo
Online Video, Fixed Location and/or Instructional
Chef Studio: The Crumby Bits – Cricket Macarons; Airs on: YouTube
Grace Young – Wok Therapist; Airs on: GraceYoung.com and YouTube
Ready Jet Cook - How to Make Pad Thai with Jet Tila; Airs on: FoodNetwork.com and YouTube
Online Video, on Location
Eat, Drink, Share, Puerto Rico Food – El Burén de Lula; Airs on: YouTube
Handmade – How Knives Are Made for New York’s Best Restaurants; How a Ceramics Master Makes Plates for Michelin-Starred Restaurants; Airs on: Eater and YouTube
In Real Life – Why Eating This Fish Could Save Coral Reefs; Airs on: YouTube and AJ+
Outstanding Personality/Host
Alton Brown, Good Eats: The Return; Airs on: Food Network
David Chang, Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner; Airs on: Netflix
Roy Choi; Broken Bread with Roy Choi; Airs on: Tastemade and KCET
Television Program, in Studio or Fixed Location
Good Eats: The Return – American Classic: Chicken Parm; Airs on: Food Network
Lidia’s Kitchen – Trattoria Favorites; Airs on: PBS
Pati’s Mexican Table – A Local’s Tour of Culiacán; Airs on: WETA; distributed nationally by American Public Television
Television Program, on Location
Chef’s Table – Asma Khan; Airs on: Netflix
Las Crónicas del Taco (Taco Chronicles) – Canasta; Airs on: Netflix
Street Food – Bangkok, Thailand; Airs on: Netflix
Visual and Audio Technical Excellence
Chef’s Table; Adam Bricker, Chloe Weaver, and Will Basanta; Airs on: Netflix
Street Food; Alexander D. Paul, Matthew Chavez, and Shane Reed; Airs on: Netflix
The Taste of Place – Wild Rice; Jesse Roesler and Kevin Russell; Airs on: Vimeo
Visual Reporting (on TV or Online)
Fork the System – Moro Food of Muslim Mindanao: This is Filipino, Too; Reporters: Joi Lee and HyoJin Park; Airs on: Al Jazeera English Digital, YouTube, and Facebook
In Real Life– Why This $300 Clam Is so Important to Native Americans and China; Reporters: AJ+ Staff; Airs on: YouTube and AJ+
Rotten – The Avocado War; Reporters: Christine Haughney, Erin Cauchi, and Gretchen Goetz; Airs on: Netflix
2020 James Beard Foundation Journalism Awards Finalists
For articles published in English in 2019. Winners, including the Emerging Voice Award, will be announced on Wednesday, May 27, 2020.
What She’s Having: “Popeyes’ Fried Chicken Sandwich: A Delicious Distraction, a Cultural Lesson”; “Every Season Is Soup Season”; “Why a Somali Nook in East Boston Is One of the Country’s Best New Restaurants” — Devra First, The Boston Globe
Power Rankings: “The Official Fast Food French Fry Power Rankings”; “The Official Spicy Snack Power Rankings”; “The Official Domestic Beer Power Rankings” — Lucas Kwan Peterson, Los Angeles Times
Rooted in Place: “In Service”; “Hair, Food, and Hustle”; “The Best That We’ve Got” — Rosalind Bentley, Gravy
Craig Claiborne Distinguished Restaurant Review Award
“Le Colonial Is an Orientalist Specter”; “The Ultimate Chaat Truck Crawl”; “The Fantasy — and Reality — of Dining at Chez Panisse” — Soleil Ho, San Francisco Chronicle
“NYC’s Buzziest New Sushi Parlors Are Transcendent, If You Can Handle the Bros”; “Wall Street’s Underground Russian Spa Is a Dining Destination for the Soul”; “Estiatorio Milos Is One of the Last Big Restaurant Scams in New York” —Ryan Sutton
Eater New York
“Peter Luger Used to Sizzle. Now It Sputters.”; “The 20 Most Delicious Things at Mercado Little Spain”; “Benno, Proudly Out of Step With the Age”
Pete Wells
The New York Times
Dining and Travel
“In Pursuit of the Perfect Pizza”
Matt Goulding
Airbnb Magazine
“Interview With the Vampiro”
Dylan James Ho
“These Are the World’s Best Restaurants: North America, South America, Africa and Middle East”
Besha Rodell
Travel + Leisure and Food & Wine
Feature Reporting
America’s farmers in crisis during Trump’s trade wars: “Left Behind: Farmers Fight to Save Their Land in Rural Minnesota as Trade War Intensifies”; “’I’m Gonna Lose Everything’: A Farm Family Struggles to Recover after Rising Debt Pushes a Husband to Suicide”; “In Trump Country, a Season of Need on Family Farms”
Annie Gowen
The Washington Post
“The Great Land Robbery”
Vann R. Newkirk II
The Atlantic
“Value Meal”
Tad Friend
The New Yorker
Food Coverage in a General Interest Publication
The Bitter Southerner
Gastro Obscura
The New Yorker
“An Indigenous Community in Mexico Finds Its Voice — and Strength — in Wild Mushrooms”
Michael Snyder
Los Angeles Times
“On Hawaii, the Fight for Taro’s Revival”
Ligaya Mishan
T: The New York Times Style Magazine
“A Real Hot Mess: How Grits Got Weaponized Against Cheating Men”
Cynthia R. Greenlee
Health and Wellness
“The AGEs Puzzle: How We Cook Food Is Killing Us. Scientists in SC Know Why.”; “9 Easy Ways to Eat Fewer AGEs: A Stress-Free Guide”
Tony Bartelme
The Post and Courier (Charleston, SC)
“How Washington Keeps America Sick and Fat”; “Meet the Silicon Valley Investor Who Wants Washington to Figure Out What You Should Eat”
Catherine Boudreau and Helena Bottemiller Evich
“Protein Nation”
Shaun Dreisbach
Home Cooking
“6 Holiday Cookies That Will Win You the Cookie Swap”
Hilary Cadigan and Rick Martinez
Bon Appétit
“Fry Time”
Nancy Singleton Hachisu
“In Praise of Schmaltz”
Rachel Handler
Grub Street
Innovative Storytelling
“Best New Restaurants 2019”
Kevin Alexander, Nicole A. Taylor, and Adriana Velez
“Food and Loathing on the Campaign Trail”
Gary He, Matt Buchanan, and Meghan McCarron
“Made in America”
Tim Carman and Shelly Tan
The Washington Post
Investigative Reporting
“How USDA Distorted Data to Conceal Decades of Discrimination Against Black Farmers”
Nathan Rosenberg and Bryce Wilson Stucki
The Counter
“‘The Man Who Attacked Me Works in Your Kitchen’: Victim of Serial Groper Took Justice into Her Own Hands”
Amy Brittain and Maura Judkis
The Washington Post
“The Young Hands That Feed Us”
Karen Coates and Valeria Fernández
Pacific Standard
Jonathan Gold Local Voice Award
“Forget Democratic Votes. Which Presidential Hopeful Will Eat 16 Iconic SC Foods First?”; “A James Island Meat-and-Two Secretly Switched to Carolina Gold Rice. Here’s What Happened.”; “In Prisons Across South Carolina, It’s Not a Birthday Without Cake Made by a Fellow Inmate”
Hanna Raskin
The Post and Courier (Charleston, SC)
“In Search of Hot Beef”; “Chef Jack Riebel Is in the Fight of His Life”; “Harry Singh on the Perfect Roti, Trinidad, and Life in the Kitchen”
Dara Moskowitz Grumdahl
Mpls.St.Paul Magazine
“In a Wheelchair and Hungry”; “Where to Eat Regionally Inspired Mexican Food in New York City”; “How Sichuan Became NYC’s Dominant Chinese Cuisine”
Robert Sietsema
Eater New York
M.F.K. Fisher Distinguished Writing Award
“A Mind to Stay Here”
Rosalind Bentley
“My Mother’s Catfish Stew”
John T. Edge
Oxford American
“An Undeserved Gift”
Shane Mitchell
The Bitter Southerner
Personal Essay, Long Form
“The Dysfunction of Food”
Kim Foster
“Love, Peace, and Taco Grease: How I Left My Abusive Husband and Found Guy Fieri”
Rax King
“Seeking Jewish Identity at the Sabra Hummus Factory”
Orr Shtuhl
The Forward
Personal Essay, Short Form
“For 20 Years, happy hour has seen us through work — and life”
M. Carrie Allan
The Washington Post
“How the Starbucks Macchiato Ruined My Indie Coffee Shop Experiences”
Nicole A. Taylor
“In Memoriam of Hominy Grill, the Restaurant That Defined Charleston”
Ali Rosen
“First Course”
Zoe Tennant
“The Fruit Saver”
Tejal Rao
Women on Food
(Abrams Press)
“The Provocations of Chef Tunde Wey”
Brett Martin
GQ Magazine
Wine, Spirits, and Other Beverages
“How Climate Change Impacts Wine”
Eric Asimov
The New York Times
“May I Help You With That Wine List?”
Ray Isle
Food & Wine
“Seltzer Is Over. Mineral Water Is Forever.”
Jordan Michelman
Disclosure: Some Vox Media staff members are part of the voting body for the James Beard Foundation Awards.
from Eater - All https://ift.tt/2YFiewV via Blogger https://ift.tt/3djsA9s
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vegannewsnow · 5 years ago
Vegan Artist Creates Stunning Portraits Of Celebrity Activists
Vegan Artist Creates Stunning Portraits Of Celebrity Activists
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Vegan artist Paweł Zawiślakhas created vegan portraits in a stained glass style. The collection of portraits feature Wayne Hsiung from Direct Action Everywhere, Jane-Velez Mitchell from Jane Unchained News, Joey Carbstrong, Earthling Ed, Captain Paul Watson from Sea Shepherd, Shaun Monson, Erin Janus, Anita Krajnc, Joshua Entis, Miley Cyrus, Joaquin Phoenix, Angela Banovic, Kip Andersen &…
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atlaswasapuertorican · 8 years ago
The Taíno's of Puerto Rico Are the Subject of a New Musical
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MULTISTAGES is pleased to announce the new musical by award-winning Anita Velez-Mitchell, platinum-winning composers Dean Landon and Anika Paris, TEMPLE OF THE SOULS, with musical direction by Bruce Baumer, Enrique Brown, choreographer, and directed by Artistic Director Lorca Peress.
 TEMPLE OF THE SOULS will play a limited engagement as part of the New York Musical Festival at Off-Broadway's The Acorn Theatre at Theatre Row (410 W. 42nd St., NY, NY 10036). Performances begin Wednesday, July 19 and continue until Sunday, July 23.
TEMPLE OF THE SOULS is a time-traveling love story set in the mystical El Yunque rain forest, caves, and valleys of Puerto Rico. We open on a present-day tour through an ancient cave known to be inhabited by Taíno Souls, the indigenous people who once ruled the island. Two tourists become entranced by a Taíno cave drawing of legendary lovers, and are magically transported back in time to the 16th Century as the lovers, Guario, a young Taíno runaway, and Amada, the daughter of a Conquistador. They meet by chance during the raucous San Juan Bautista Fiesta, but their union is thwarted by the intolerant world around them. To escape, they run to the Temple of the Souls where nightmares and dreams come true. With a forbidden love that is stronger than death and the blending of two worlds, they change the face of Puerto Rico forever.
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thesoggychef-blog · 6 years ago
VEGAN 2017 - The Film
New Post has been published on https://simpleeasycooking.com/vegan-2017-the-film/
VEGAN 2017 - The Film
Plant Based News’ end of year film Vegan 2017 is here. ★ ENJOY THE FILM? PLEASE SUPPORT US SO WE CAN MAKE MORE OF THEM: https://www.plantbasednews.org/support ★
Watch Vegan 2016: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scsfO9BcB-w
Watch Vegan 2015: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYzlfPdpAeY
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LEARN ABOUT VEGANISM ★ Cowspiracy ➞ https://youtu.be/nV04zyfLyN4 ★ NutritionFacts.Org ➞ https://goo.gl/BdNbiU ★ Veganuary ➞ http://www.veganuary.com/
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puicpat-blog · 13 years ago
Download The Movie Stock Shock online
Stock Shock movie download
Martine Rothblatt Richard Keane Anita Velez-Mitchell
Download Stock Shock
"STOCK SHOCK" is the movie sending shock-waves through America's financial centers, exposing the dark underbelly of America's worst stock market sharks. Guests line up may be subject to cancellation due to circumstances beyond our control such as acting. Actors: Richard Keane: Narrator Martine Rothblatt: Herself Anita Velez-Mitchell: Herself STOCK SHOCK The Movie! - SiriusBuzz - Sirius XM Satellite. tells the American people about the Short Selling of the American Dream on Wall Street. Stock Shock The Movie Released - SiriusBuzz As regular SiriusBuzz readers know, Stock Shock is a documentary about Sirius XM, market manipulation, and the overall story of satellite radio. Stock shock | DailyFT - Be Empowered CSE cancels full day trading on technical glitch but regains position as Asias best; Irate brokers fault bourse; Trading to resume today; In an eventful day, the Colombo. . Stock Shock | The Rise of Sirius XM and Collapse of Wall Street. STOCK SHOCK - Sirius News, Access to News Instantly Stock Shock narrator Richard Keane Jr. . Stock Shock uses the example of the demise of Sirius XM Stock (SIRI) to expose the underhanded trading practices of manipulative short-sellers and unethical market. Amazon.com: Stock Shock: Richard Keane, Sandra Mohr: Movies & TV Shocking and eye-opening! --Jane Velez-Mitchell, Host of Issues on CNN Headline News Buckle up and hold on to your wallet as we follow the wild ups and downs of the. I was interviewed for SHOCK STOCK -- LONDON ONTARIO CANADA -- APRIL 13th - 15th 2012 All guests are CONFIRMED as of August 28 2011. Several weeks ago, I wrote that Sirius XM had avoided bankruptcy in a turn of events worthy of a Hollywood movie script. Stock Shock - Rotten Tomatoes Review: Take a wild roller-coaster ride on Wall Street while discovering how Sirius/XM shareholders got the short end of the stick when the company's stock... I had no idea "Stock Shock" Just Released -- Blockbuster Movie About Sirius XM
download In a Dream Clash of Empires: Battle for Asia film A Fish Called Wanda movie
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easyfoodnetwork · 5 years ago
Getty/Victor Spinelli/WireImage | Getty/Victor Spinelli/WireImage The full list of nominees Today, on what would have been the 30th annual James Beard Awards ceremony, the James Beard Foundation announced the finalists for the 2020 James Beard Awards, which honors the year’s outstanding restaurants and chefs, as well as food journalism, books, and broadcast media. The announcement was originally scheduled for March 25, but the coronavirus pandemic forced the Foundation to cancel the planned Philadelphia event and postpone both the finalists reveal and the awards themselves. COVID-19 has left the restaurant industry in a precarious position, to put it mildly. Restaurants are pivoting their operations to stay in business, closing temporarily, and in some cases, closing for good. When the Foundation opted to postpone the finalist announcement, it acknowledged that it did so in part to focus on rebuilding the restaurant industry, awards being the last thing on anyone’s mind. And so it came as a bit of a surprise when on April 27 the Foundation announced plans to move forward with a virtual finalist announcement and, eventually, the 2020 James Beard Awards. Today, the Foundation revealed the Restaurant and Chef Awards Gala will take place in late September, and the Media Awards will take place in late May. In a post on the James Beard Foundation website, chief strategy officer Mitchell Davis explained that the Foundation consulted with chefs, restaurateurs, and others in the industry and determined that the James Beard Awards finalists, like the list of semifinalists announced in late February, deserved recognition for their work in 2019. “Those we consulted felt the Awards could also offer a glimmer of hope to an industry looking for light in a very dark time,” he writes. Davis acknowledged that it is also a particularly dark time for the media, which will be recognized for the first time in the 2020 James Beard Awards cycle with the finalists announcement. Given the ongoing restrictions related to COVID-19, the format for the 2020 James Beard Awards is still undecided — but they will go on, and “take place” in Chicago at some date later this year. “We want every James Beard Award winner to have a chance to have their moment in the spotlight,” Mitchell writes. “We have partners who support this industry, who support the Foundation, who are willing to work with us to figure out what’s best for all.” Visit Philadelphia, which stands to lose millions due to the coronavirus pandemic, is still sponsoring the virtual event. Last year, Houston hosted the finalist announcement and although there was plenty of Texas representation on the semifinalists list, including 11 chefs and restaurants from Houston, the city’s restaurants and chefs were completely shut out of the whittled down finalists list. Philadelphia didn’t see the same fate. Below, the 2020 James Beard Awards finalists. James Beard Foundation Restaurant and Chef Awards Finalists Best New Restaurant Automatic Seafood & Oysters, Birmingham, AL Demi, Minneapolis Eem, Portland, OR Fox & the Knife, Boston Gado Gado, Portland, OR Gianna, New Orleans Kalaya, Philadelphia Nightshade, Los Angeles Pasjoli, Santa Monica, CA Verjus, San Francisco Outstanding Baker Graison Gill, Bellegarde Bakery, New Orleans Zachary Golper, Bien Cuit, NYC Lisa Ludwinski, Sister Pie, Detroit Avery Ruzicka, Manresa Bread, Los Gatos, CA Maura Kilpatrick, Sofra Bakery, Cambridge, MA i Outstanding Bar Program Anvil Bar & Refuge, Houston Expatriate, Portland, OR Kimball House, Decatur, GA Lost Lake, Chicago Trick Dog, San Francisco Outstanding Chef David Kinch, Manresa, Los Gatos, CA Corey Lee, Benu, San Francisco Donald Link, Herbsaint, New Orleans Missy Robbins, Lilia, NYC Ana Sortun, Oleana, Cambridge, MA Marc Vetri, Vetri Cucina, Philadelphia Outstanding Hospitality Brigtsen’s, New Orleans Canlis, Seattle Saison, San Francisco Swan Oyster Depot, San Francisco Zingerman’s Roadhouse, Ann Arbor, MI Outstanding Pastry Chef Lincoln Carson, Bon Temps, Los Angeles Juan Contreras, Atelier Crenn, San Francisco Margarita Manzke, République, Los Angeles Diane Moua, Spoon and Stable, Minneapolis Natasha Pickowicz, Flora Bar, NYC Miro Uskokovic, Gramercy Tavern, NYC Outstanding Restaurant FIG, Charleston, SC Frasca Food and Wine, Boulder, CO Jaleo, Washington, D.C. Pizzeria Bianco, Phoenix Quince, San Francisco Outstanding Restaurateur Paul Bartolotta, The Bartolotta Restaurants, Milwaukee (Ristorante Bartolotta, Harbor House, Lake Park Bistro, and others) Jamie Bissonnette and Ken Oringer, JK Food Group, Boston (Little Donkey, Toro, Coppa) JoAnn Clevenger, Upperline Restaurant, New Orleans Alex Raij and Eder Montero, NYC (La Vara, Saint Julivert Fisherie, Txikito) Jason Wang, Xi’an Famous Foods, NYC Outstanding Wine Program Bacchanal, New Orleans Canard, Portland, OR COTE, NYC Miller Union, Atlanta Night + Market Sahm, Venice, CA Spiaggia, Chicago Outstanding Wine, Beer or Spirits Producer Scott Blackwell and Ann Marshall, High Wire Distilling Co., Charleston, SC Cathy Corison, Corison Winery, St. Helena, CA Drew Kulsveen, Willett Distillery, Bardstown, KY Todd Leopold and Scott Leopold, Leopold Bros., Denver Rising Star Chef of the Year Will Aghajanian and Liz Johnson, The Catbird Seat, Nashville Irene Li, Mei Mei, Boston Gaby Maeda, State Bird Provisions, San Francisco Ashleigh Shanti, Benne on Eagle, Asheville, NC Paola Velez, Kith/Kin, Washington, D.C. Jon Yao, Kato, Los Angeles Best Chef: California Jeremy Fox, Birdie G’s, Santa Monica, CA Brandon Jew, Mister Jiu’s, San Francisco Jessica Koslow, Sqirl, Los Angeles Mourad Lahlou, Mourad, San Francisco Joshua Skenes, Angler, San Francisco Pim Techamuanvivit, Kin Khao, San Francisco Best Chef: Great Lakes (IL, IN, MI, OH) Gene Kato, Momotaro, Chicago Jason Hammel, Lula Cafe, Chicago Noah Sandoval, Oriole, Chicago John Shields and Karen Urie Shields, Smyth, Chicago Erick Williams, Virtue, Chicago Lee Wolen, Boka, Chicago Best Chef: Mid-Atlantic (D.C., DE, MD, NJ, PA, VA) Amy Brandwein, Centrolina, Washington, D.C. Nicholas Elmi, Laurel, Philadelphia Rich Landau, Vedge, Philadelphia Cristina Martinez, South Philly Barbacoa, Philadelphia Jon Sybert, Tail Up Goat, Washington, D.C. Cindy Wolf, Charleston, Baltimore Best Chef: Midwest (IA, KS, MN, MO, NE, ND, SD, WI) Steven Brown, Tilia, Minneapolis Michael Corvino, Corvino Supper Club & Tasting Room, Kansas City, MO Michael Gallina, Vicia, St. Louis Jamie Malone, Grand Café, Minneapolis Christina Nguyen, Hai Hai, Minneapolis Best Chef: Mountain (CO, ID, MT, UT, WY) Carrie Baird, Bar Dough, Denver Jen Castle and Blake Spalding, Hell’s Backbone Grill & Farm, Boulder, UT Jeff Drew, Snake River Grill, Jackson, WY Caroline Glover, Annette, Aurora, CO Dana Rodriguez, Super Mega Bien, Denver Kelly Whitaker, The Wolf’s Tailor, Denver Best Chef: New York State Sean Gray, Momofuku Ko, NYC Brooks Headley, Superiority Burger, NYC Junghyun Park, Atomix, NYC Daniela Soto-Innes, ATLA, NYC Alex Stupak, Empellón, NYC Best Chef: Northeast (CT, MA, ME, NH, RI, VT) Vien Dobui, CÔNG TỬ BỘT, Portland, ME Ben Jackson, Drifters Wife, Portland, ME Tiffani Faison, Orfano, Boston Krista Kern Desjarlais, The Purple House, North Yarmouth, ME Greg Mitchell and Chad Conley, Palace Diner, Biddeford, ME Cassie Piuma, Sarma, Somerville, MA Best Chef: Northwest & Pacific (AK, HI, OR, WA) Peter Cho, Han Oak, Portland, OR Gregory Gourdet, Departure, Portland, OR Chris Kajioka and Anthony Rush, Senia, Honolulu Katy Millard, Coquine, Portland, OR Kristen Murray, MÅURICE, Portland, OR Rachel Yang and Seif Chirchi, Joule, Seattle Best Chef: South (AL, AR, Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, FL, LA, MS) Jose Enrique, Jose Enrique, San Juan, PR Kristen Essig and Michael Stoltzfus, Coquette, New Orleans Michael Gulotta, Maypop, New Orleans Mason Hereford, Turkey and the Wolf, New Orleans Isaac Toups, Toups’ Meatery, New Orleans Best Chef: Southeast (GA, KY, NC, SC, TN, WV) Katie Button, Cúrate, Asheville, NC Cassidee Dabney, The Barn at Blackberry Farm, Walland, TN Cheetie Kumar, Garland, Raleigh, NC Andy Ticer and Michael Hudman, Andrew Michael Italian Kitchen, Memphis, TN Julia Sullivan, Henrietta Red, Nashville Best Chef: Southwest (AZ, NM, NV, OK) Dan Krohmer, Other Mama, Las Vegas Jonathan Perno, Campo at Los Poblanos Historic Inn & Organic Farm, Los Ranchos de Albuquerque, NM Chrysa Robertson, Rancho Pinot, Scottsdale, AZ Silvana Salcido Esparza, Barrio Café Gran Reserva, Phoenix Jeff Smedstad, Elote Cafe, Sedona, AZ James Trees, Esther’s Kitchen, Las Vegas Best Chef: Texas Kevin Fink, Emmer & Rye, Austin Michael Fojtasek, Olamaie, Austin Anita Jaisinghani, Pondicheri, Houston Steve McHugh, Cured, San Antonio Trong Nguyen, Crawfish & Noodles, Houston America’s Classics Awards Previously announced El Taco de Mexico, Denver, Colorado Lassis Inn, Little Rock, Arkansas Oriental Mart, Seattle, Washington Puritan Backroom, Manchester, New Hampshire Vera’s Backyard Bar-B-Que, Brownsville, Texas Zehnder’s of Frankenmuth, Frankenmouth, Michigan Humanitarian of the Year: Jessica B. Harris Leadership Awards: Phillip and Dorathy E. Barker, Operations Spring Plant Rosalinda Guillen, Community to Community Development (C2C) Abiodun Henderson, The Come Up Project Mark and Kerry Marhefka of Abundant Seafood Caleb Zigas, La Cocina James Beard Restaurant Design Awards Design Icon Chez Panisse Outstanding Restaurant Design, 75 Seats and Under: SIMPLICITY for HALL by o.d.o Heliotrope Architects for Rupee Vermillion Architects, LLC for Spoonbill Watering Hole and Restaurant Outstanding Restaurant Design, 76 Seats and Over: Hacin + Associates for Shore Leave; Ken Fulk, Inc for Swan & Bar Bevy Klein Agency and ORA for Auburn 2020 James Beard Foundation Book Awards For cookbooks and other non-fiction food- or beverage-related books that were published in the U.S. in 2019. Winners, including the Book of the Year Award and the Cookbook Hall of Fame inductee will be announced on Wednesday, May 27, 2020. American Books with recipes focused on the cooking or foodways of regions or communities in the United States. Cook Like a Local: Flavors That Can Change How You Cook and See the World; Chris Shepherd and Kaitlyn Goalen, (Clarkson Potter) Jubilee: Recipes from Two Centuries of African American Cooking; Toni Tipton-Martin, (Clarkson Potter) South: Essential Recipes and New Explorations; Sean Brock, (Artisan Books) Baking and Desserts Books with recipes focused on breads, pastries, desserts, and other treats. Dappled: Baking Recipes for Fruit Lovers; Nicole Rucker, (Avery) Living Bread: Tradition and Innovation in Artisan Bread Making; Daniel Leader and Lauren Chattman, (Avery) Pastry Love: A Baker’s Journal of Favorite Recipes; Joanne Chang, (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt) Beverage with Recipes Books focused on recipes for how to make beverages. Last Call: Bartenders on Their Final Drink and the Wisdom and Rituals of Closing Time; Brad Thomas Parsons, (Ten Speed Press) The Martini Cocktail: A Meditation on the World’s Greatest Drink, with Recipes; Robert Simonson, (Ten Speed Press) The NoMad Cocktail Book; Leo Robitschek, (Ten Speed Press) Beverage without Recipes Beverage-focused books and guides that either don’t contain recipes or that may have minimal recipes but aren’t recipe-centric. The Complete Guide to Japanese Drinks: Sake, Shochu, Japanese Whisky, Beer, Wine, Cocktails and Other Beverages; Stephen Lyman and Chris Bunting, (Tuttle Publishing) Red & White: An Unquenchable Thirst for Wine; Oz Clarke, (Little, Brown Book Group) World Atlas of Wine 8th Edition; Hugh Johnson and Jancis Robinson, (Mitchell Beazley) General Books with recipes that address a broad scope of cooking, not just a single topic, technique or region. All About Dinner: Simple Meals, Expert Advice; Molly Stevens, (W. W. Norton & Company) Milk Street: The New Rules: Recipes That Will Change the Way You Cook; Christopher Kimball, (Voracious) Where Cooking Begins: Uncomplicated Recipes to Make You a Great Cook; Carla Lalli Music, (Clarkson Potter) Health and Special Diets Books with recipes related to health and nutrition, or that address specific health issues, such as allergies or diabetes. The Beauty Chef Gut Guide: With 90+ Delicious Recipes and Weekly Meal Plans; Carla Oates, (Hardie Grant Books) Cannelle et Vanille: Nourishing, Gluten-Free Recipes for Every Meal and Mood; Aran Goyoaga, (Sasquatch Books) Gluten-Free Baking at Home: 102 Foolproof Recipes for Delicious Breads, Cakes, Cookies, and More; Jeffrey Larsen, (Ten Speed Press) International Books with recipes focused on food and cooking traditions of countries or regions outside of the United States. Black Sea: Dispatches and Recipes – Through Darkness and Light; Caroline Eden, (Quadrille Publishing) Ethiopia: Recipes and Traditions from the Horn of Africa; Yohanis Gebreyesus, (Interlink Publishing) The Food of Sichuan; Fuchsia Dunlop, (W. W. Norton & Company) Photography American Sfoglino: A Master Class in Handmade Pasta; Eric Wolfinger, (Chronicle Books) Le Corbuffet: Edible Art and Design Classics; Esther Choi, (Prestel) Oaxaca: Home Cooking from the Heart of Mexico; Quentin Bacon, (Abrams Books) Reference, History, and Scholarship Includes manuals, guides, encyclopedias, and books that present research related to food or foodways. Gandhi’s Search for the Perfect Diet: Eating with the World in Mind; Nico Slate, (University of Washington Press) A South You Never Ate: Savoring Flavors and Stories from the Eastern Shore of Virginia; Bernard L. Herman, (The University of North Carolina Press) The Whole Okra: A Seed to Stem Celebration; Chris Smith, (Chelsea Green Publishing) Restaurant and Professional Books written by a culinary professional or restaurant chef with recipes that may include advanced cooking techniques, use specialty ingredients, and require professional equipment. This includes culinary arts textbooks. Dishoom: From Bombay with Love; Shamil Thakrar, Kavi Thakrar, and Naved Nasir, (Bloomsbury Publishing) Eleven Madison Park: The Next Chapter, Revised and Unlimited Edition; Daniel Humm, (Ten Speed Press) The Whole Fish Cookbook: New Ways to Cook, Eat and Think; Josh Niland, (Hardie Grant Books) Single Subject Books with recipes focused on a single or category of ingredients, a dish, or a method of cooking – such as lobster, seafood, grains, pasta, burgers, or canning. Exceptions: baking and desserts books, vegetable-focused books, health and special diets books, restaurant and professional books, and beverage books should be entered in those respective categories. From the Oven to the Table: Simple Dishes That Look After Themselves; Diana Henry, (Mitchell Beazley) Pasta Grannies: The Official Cookbook: The Secrets of Italy’s Best Home Cooks; Vicky Bennison, (Hardie Grant Books) Sour: The Magical Element That Will Transform Your Cooking; Mark Diacono, (Quadrille Publishing) Vegetable-Focused Cooking Books that feature recipes for how to prepare and serve vegetables and plant-based ingredients. Books may be vegetarian, vegan, or vegetable-focused with minimal reference to meats. Ruffage: A Practical Guide to Vegetables; Abra Berens, (Chronicle Books) Vegetables Illustrated: An Inspiring Guide with 700+ Kitchen-Tested Recipes; Editors at America’s Test Kitchen, (America’s Test Kitchen) Whole Food Cooking Every Day: Transform the Way You Eat with 250 Vegetarian Recipes Free of Gluten, Dairy, and Refined Sugar; Amy Chaplin, (Artisan Books) Writing Narrative nonfiction books, including memoirs, culinary tourism, investigative journalism, food advocacy, and critical analysis of food and foodways for a general audience. Eat Like a Fish: My Adventures as a Fisherman Turned Restorative Ocean Farmer; Bren Smith, (Knopf) Notes from a Young Black Chef: A Memoir; Kwame Onwuachi with Joshua David Stein, (Knopf) Women on Food: Charlotte Druckman and 115 Writers, Chefs, Critics, Television Stars, and Eaters; Charlotte Druckman, (Abrams Press) 2020 James Beard Foundation Broadcast Media Awards For radio, television broadcasts, podcasts, webcasts, and documentaries appearing in 2019. Winners will be announced on Wednesday, May 27, 2020. Audio Program The Food Programme – The Search for Esiah’s Seeds; Airs on: BBC Radio 4 and BBC Sounds It Burns: The Scandal-Plagued Race to Breed the World’s Hottest Chili; Airs on: Audible The Sporkful – When White People Say Plantation; Airs on: iTunes, Sporkful, Spotify, and Stitcher Audio Reporting California Foodways – The Curious Second Life of a Prather Ranch Cow: Biomedical Research; Trans Man Finds – and Creates – Refuge in His Family’s Small-Town Cafe; Legalizing Cannabis Impacts Food, Farming in Humboldt; Reporter: Lisa Morehouse; Airs on: KQED, California Foodways, iTunes, Google Play, Radio Public, SoundCloud, and Stitcher Food Actually – Junk Food Actually; Reporter: Tamar Adler; Airs on: Luminary Gravy – Mahalia Jackson’s Glori-Fried Chicken; Reporter: Betsy Shepherd; Airs on: southernfoodways.org and iTunes Documentary Harvest Season; Airs on: PBS Nothing Fancy: Diana Kennedy; Airs on: Premiered at SXSW in March 2019 That’s My Jazz; Airs on: Vimeo Online Video, Fixed Location and/or Instructional Chef Studio: The Crumby Bits – Cricket Macarons; Airs on: YouTube Grace Young – Wok Therapist; Airs on: GraceYoung.com and YouTube Ready Jet Cook - How to Make Pad Thai with Jet Tila; Airs on: FoodNetwork.com and YouTube Online Video, on Location Eat, Drink, Share, Puerto Rico Food – El Burén de Lula; Airs on: YouTube Handmade – How Knives Are Made for New York’s Best Restaurants; How a Ceramics Master Makes Plates for Michelin-Starred Restaurants; Airs on: Eater and YouTube In Real Life – Why Eating This Fish Could Save Coral Reefs; Airs on: YouTube and AJ+ Outstanding Personality/Host Alton Brown, Good Eats: The Return; Airs on: Food Network David Chang, Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner; Airs on: Netflix Roy Choi; Broken Bread with Roy Choi; Airs on: Tastemade and KCET Television Program, in Studio or Fixed Location Good Eats: The Return – American Classic: Chicken Parm; Airs on: Food Network Lidia’s Kitchen – Trattoria Favorites; Airs on: PBS Pati’s Mexican Table – A Local’s Tour of Culiacán; Airs on: WETA; distributed nationally by American Public Television Television Program, on Location Chef’s Table – Asma Khan; Airs on: Netflix Las Crónicas del Taco (Taco Chronicles) – Canasta; Airs on: Netflix Street Food – Bangkok, Thailand; Airs on: Netflix Visual and Audio Technical Excellence Chef’s Table; Adam Bricker, Chloe Weaver, and Will Basanta; Airs on: Netflix Street Food; Alexander D. Paul, Matthew Chavez, and Shane Reed; Airs on: Netflix The Taste of Place – Wild Rice; Jesse Roesler and Kevin Russell; Airs on: Vimeo Visual Reporting (on TV or Online) Fork the System – Moro Food of Muslim Mindanao: This is Filipino, Too; Reporters: Joi Lee and HyoJin Park; Airs on: Al Jazeera English Digital, YouTube, and Facebook In Real Life– Why This $300 Clam Is so Important to Native Americans and China; Reporters: AJ+ Staff; Airs on: YouTube and AJ+ Rotten – The Avocado War; Reporters: Christine Haughney, Erin Cauchi, and Gretchen Goetz; Airs on: Netflix 2020 James Beard Foundation Journalism Awards Finalists For articles published in English in 2019. Winners, including the Emerging Voice Award, will be announced on Wednesday, May 27, 2020. Columns What She’s Having: “Popeyes’ Fried Chicken Sandwich: A Delicious Distraction, a Cultural Lesson”; “Every Season Is Soup Season”; “Why a Somali Nook in East Boston Is One of the Country’s Best New Restaurants” — Devra First, The Boston Globe Power Rankings: “The Official Fast Food French Fry Power Rankings”; “The Official Spicy Snack Power Rankings”; “The Official Domestic Beer Power Rankings” — Lucas Kwan Peterson, Los Angeles Times Rooted in Place: “In Service”; “Hair, Food, and Hustle”; “The Best That We’ve Got” — Rosalind Bentley, Gravy Craig Claiborne Distinguished Restaurant Review Award “Le Colonial Is an Orientalist Specter”; “The Ultimate Chaat Truck Crawl”; “The Fantasy — and Reality — of Dining at Chez Panisse” — Soleil Ho, San Francisco Chronicle “NYC’s Buzziest New Sushi Parlors Are Transcendent, If You Can Handle the Bros”; “Wall Street’s Underground Russian Spa Is a Dining Destination for the Soul”; “Estiatorio Milos Is One of the Last Big Restaurant Scams in New York” —Ryan Sutton Eater New York “Peter Luger Used to Sizzle. Now It Sputters.”; “The 20 Most Delicious Things at Mercado Little Spain”; “Benno, Proudly Out of Step With the Age” Pete Wells The New York Times Dining and Travel “In Pursuit of the Perfect Pizza” Matt Goulding Airbnb Magazine “Interview With the Vampiro” Dylan James Ho Taste “These Are the World’s Best Restaurants: North America, South America, Africa and Middle East” Besha Rodell Travel + Leisure and Food & Wine Feature Reporting America’s farmers in crisis during Trump’s trade wars: “Left Behind: Farmers Fight to Save Their Land in Rural Minnesota as Trade War Intensifies”; “’I’m Gonna Lose Everything’: A Farm Family Struggles to Recover after Rising Debt Pushes a Husband to Suicide”; “In Trump Country, a Season of Need on Family Farms” Annie Gowen The Washington Post “The Great Land Robbery” Vann R. Newkirk II The Atlantic “Value Meal” Tad Friend The New Yorker Food Coverage in a General Interest Publication The Bitter Southerner Gastro Obscura The New Yorker Foodways “An Indigenous Community in Mexico Finds Its Voice — and Strength — in Wild Mushrooms” Michael Snyder Los Angeles Times “On Hawaii, the Fight for Taro’s Revival” Ligaya Mishan T: The New York Times Style Magazine “A Real Hot Mess: How Grits Got Weaponized Against Cheating Men” Cynthia R. Greenlee MUNCHIES | Food by VICE Health and Wellness “The AGEs Puzzle: How We Cook Food Is Killing Us. Scientists in SC Know Why.”; “9 Easy Ways to Eat Fewer AGEs: A Stress-Free Guide” Tony Bartelme The Post and Courier (Charleston, SC) “How Washington Keeps America Sick and Fat”; “Meet the Silicon Valley Investor Who Wants Washington to Figure Out What You Should Eat” Catherine Boudreau and Helena Bottemiller Evich Politico “Protein Nation” Shaun Dreisbach EatingWell Home Cooking “6 Holiday Cookies That Will Win You the Cookie Swap” Hilary Cadigan and Rick Martinez Bon Appétit “Fry Time” Nancy Singleton Hachisu Saveur “In Praise of Schmaltz” Rachel Handler Grub Street Innovative Storytelling “Best New Restaurants 2019” Kevin Alexander, Nicole A. Taylor, and Adriana Velez Thrillist “Food and Loathing on the Campaign Trail” Gary He, Matt Buchanan, and Meghan McCarron Eater “Made in America” Tim Carman and Shelly Tan The Washington Post Investigative Reporting “How USDA Distorted Data to Conceal Decades of Discrimination Against Black Farmers” Nathan Rosenberg and Bryce Wilson Stucki The Counter “‘The Man Who Attacked Me Works in Your Kitchen’: Victim of Serial Groper Took Justice into Her Own Hands” Amy Brittain and Maura Judkis The Washington Post “The Young Hands That Feed Us” Karen Coates and Valeria Fernández Pacific Standard Jonathan Gold Local Voice Award “Forget Democratic Votes. Which Presidential Hopeful Will Eat 16 Iconic SC Foods First?”; “A James Island Meat-and-Two Secretly Switched to Carolina Gold Rice. Here’s What Happened.”; “In Prisons Across South Carolina, It’s Not a Birthday Without Cake Made by a Fellow Inmate” Hanna Raskin The Post and Courier (Charleston, SC) “In Search of Hot Beef”; “Chef Jack Riebel Is in the Fight of His Life”; “Harry Singh on the Perfect Roti, Trinidad, and Life in the Kitchen” Dara Moskowitz Grumdahl Mpls.St.Paul Magazine “In a Wheelchair and Hungry”; “Where to Eat Regionally Inspired Mexican Food in New York City”; “How Sichuan Became NYC’s Dominant Chinese Cuisine” Robert Sietsema Eater New York M.F.K. Fisher Distinguished Writing Award “A Mind to Stay Here” Rosalind Bentley Gravy “My Mother’s Catfish Stew” John T. Edge Oxford American “An Undeserved Gift” Shane Mitchell The Bitter Southerner Personal Essay, Long Form “The Dysfunction of Food” Kim Foster Kim-Foster.com “Love, Peace, and Taco Grease: How I Left My Abusive Husband and Found Guy Fieri” Rax King Catapult “Seeking Jewish Identity at the Sabra Hummus Factory” Orr Shtuhl The Forward Personal Essay, Short Form “For 20 Years, happy hour has seen us through work — and life” M. Carrie Allan The Washington Post “How the Starbucks Macchiato Ruined My Indie Coffee Shop Experiences” Nicole A. Taylor Thrillist “In Memoriam of Hominy Grill, the Restaurant That Defined Charleston” Ali Rosen Plate Profile “First Course” Zoe Tennant Granta “The Fruit Saver” Tejal Rao Women on Food (Abrams Press) “The Provocations of Chef Tunde Wey” Brett Martin GQ Magazine Wine, Spirits, and Other Beverages “How Climate Change Impacts Wine” Eric Asimov The New York Times “May I Help You With That Wine List?” Ray Isle Food & Wine “Seltzer Is Over. Mineral Water Is Forever.” Jordan Michelman PUNCH Disclosure: Some Vox Media staff members are part of the voting body for the James Beard Foundation Awards. from Eater - All https://ift.tt/2YFiewV
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STOCK SHOCK The Movie! - SiriusBuzz - Sirius XM Satellite. Evans, Hans Gunawan and Anders L. Apple stock recovers from shock of Jobs resigning Read 'Apple stock recovers from shock of Jobs resigning' on Yahoo! News. Amazon.com: Stock Shock: Richard Keane, Sandra Mohr: Movies & TV Shocking and eye-opening! --Jane Velez-Mitchell, Host of Issues on CNN Headline News Buckle up and hold on to your wallet as we follow the wild ups and downs of the. Futures on the Nasdaq. It is a must see for anyone who has ever lost money in stocks. . Apple stock recovers from shock of Jobs resigning Apple stock recovers from shock of Jobs resigning Apple investors recover from shock of Jobs resignation; loss is pared in premarket trading Apple stock recovers from shock of Jobs resigning - Houston Chronicle Analyst tried to soothe investors with a reminder that Jobs' departure was expected due to his health problems, even if the timing was not certain. Stock Shock uses the example of the demise of Sirius XM Stock (SIRI) to expose the underhanded trading practices of manipulative short-sellers and unethical market. Apple shareholders on Thursday appeared to be getting over the sudden resignation of Steve Jobs. Several weeks ago, I wrote that Sirius XM had avoided bankruptcy in a turn of events worthy of a Hollywood movie script. Shock Absorbers 101 - Racing Shock Tech - Stock Car Racing Magazine We explain how shock absorbers work and take a look at the various types available on the marketplace as well as how to adjust and maintain your shock for racing success. Amazon.com: Stock Shock The Global Economic System: How Liquidity Shocks Affect Financial Institutions and Lead to Economic Crises by George Chacko, Carolyn L. Stock Shock (Video 2009) - IMDb Exposes the down and dirty schemes and calculated market manipulation behind the glitter of Wall Street. I had no idea Apple stock recovers from shock of Jobs resigning Investors in Apple on Thursday morning appeared to be getting over the worst of the shock of Steve Jobs resignation from the CEO post. Stock Shock | The Rise of Sirius XM and Collapse of Wall Street
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tells the American people about the Short Selling of the American Dream on Wall Street.. The encapsulated solid state electronics system has no moving parts to wear out or replace. "Stock Shock" Just Released -- Blockbuster Movie About Sirius XM. Stock Shock uses the example of the demise of Sirius XM Stock (SIRI) to expose the underhanded trading practices of manipulative short-sellers and unethical market. Netflix - Watch Stock Shock An inside look at how greedy Wall Street insiders scammed average investors through calculated market manipulation, this documentary charts the needless decline of. STOCK SHOCK - Sirius News, Access to News Instantly Stock Shock narrator Richard Keane Jr. It is a must see for anyone who has ever lost money in stocks. Free Shipping. Stock Shock | The Rise of Sirius XM and Collapse of Wall Street. The. Great Low Price. Amazon.com: Stock Shock: Richard Keane, Sandra Mohr: Movies & TV Shocking and eye-opening! --Jane Velez-Mitchell, Host of Issues on CNN Headline News Buckle up and hold on to your wallet as we follow the wild ups and downs of the. I had no idea What Monday's Stock Shock Means For Average WNYers NEW YORK (AP) - Stocks plummeted at the close Monday after anxiety overtook investors on the first trading day since Standard & Poor's downgraded American debt. Stock Shock (Video 2009) - IMDb Exposes the down and dirty schemes and calculated market manipulation behind the glitter of Wall Street. I was interviewed for Stock Shock (Farm Supplies - Equipment Supplies - Livestock. "STOCK SHOCK" is the movie sending shock-waves through America's financial centers, exposing the dark underbelly of America's worst stock market sharks
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thesoggychef-blog · 6 years ago
VEGAN 2017 - The Film
New Post has been published on https://simpleeasycooking.com/vegan-2017-the-film/
VEGAN 2017 - The Film
Plant Based News’ end of year film Vegan 2017 is here. ★ ENJOY THE FILM? PLEASE SUPPORT US SO WE CAN MAKE MORE OF THEM: https://www.plantbasednews.org/support ★
Watch Vegan 2016: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scsfO9BcB-w
Watch Vegan 2015: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYzlfPdpAeY
— ★ SUPPORT OUR WORK BY MAKING A DONATION: https://www.plantbasednews.org/support ★ HELP TRANSLATE OUR VIDEOS: http://bit.ly/translatePBN ★ SIGN UP TO RECEIVE OUR WEEKLY HEADLINES IN YOUR INBOX: http://www.plantbasednews.org/signup
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LEARN ABOUT VEGANISM ★ Cowspiracy ➞ https://youtu.be/nV04zyfLyN4 ★ NutritionFacts.Org ➞ https://goo.gl/BdNbiU ★ Veganuary ➞ http://www.veganuary.com/
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aonayoi-blog · 14 years ago
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Stock market shock - The Washington Post Just as many of us were feeling the worst was over, the Dow Jones industrial average plunged again and again in the past week.. tells the American people about the Short Selling of the American Dream on Wall Street. STOCK SHOCK The Movie! - SiriusBuzz - Sirius XM Satellite. Stock Shock | The Rise of Sirius XM and Collapse of Wall Street. What Monday's Stock Shock Means For Average WNYers NEW YORK (AP) - Stocks plummeted at the close Monday after anxiety overtook investors on the first trading day since Standard & Poor's downgraded American debt. Stock Shock uses the example of the demise of Sirius XM Stock (SIRI) to expose the underhanded trading practices of manipulative short-sellers and unethical market. Several weeks ago, I wrote that Sirius XM had avoided bankruptcy in a turn of events worthy of a Hollywood movie script. It is a must see for anyone who has ever lost money in stocks. Stock Car Shocks - Tuning With a Racing Shock In the second installment of our multi-part series on track tuning with racing shocks we examine basic stock car suspension setups for high-banked and low-banked short. Synopsis: Buckle up and hold on to your wallet as we follow the wild ups and downs of the American Stock market as seen through the eyes of Sirius XM investors. The. STOCK SHOCK - Sirius News, Access to News Instantly Stock Shock narrator Richard Keane Jr. Stock Shock (Video 2009) - IMDb Exposes the down and dirty schemes and calculated market manipulation behind the glitter of Wall Street. Amazon.com: Stock Shock: Richard Keane, Sandra Mohr: Movies & TV Shocking and eye-opening! --Jane Velez-Mitchell, Host of Issues on CNN Headline News Buckle up and hold on to your wallet as we follow the wild ups and downs of the. Netflix - Watch Stock Shock An inside look at how greedy Wall Street insiders scammed average investors through calculated market manipulation, this documentary charts the needless decline of. I had no idea Amazon.com: Stock Shock-The Short Selling of the American Dream
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thesoggychef-blog · 7 years ago
VEGAN 2017 - The Film
New Post has been published on https://simpleeasycooking.com/vegan-2017-the-film/
VEGAN 2017 - The Film
Plant Based News’ end of year film Vegan 2017 is here. ★ ENJOY THE FILM? PLEASE SUPPORT US SO WE CAN MAKE MORE OF THEM: https://www.plantbasednews.org/support ★
Watch Vegan 2016: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scsfO9BcB-w
Watch Vegan 2015: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYzlfPdpAeY
— ★ SUPPORT OUR WORK BY MAKING A DONATION: https://www.plantbasednews.org/support ★ HELP TRANSLATE OUR VIDEOS: http://bit.ly/translatePBN ★ SIGN UP TO RECEIVE OUR WEEKLY HEADLINES IN YOUR INBOX: http://www.plantbasednews.org/signup
★ GOT A NEWS STORY WE SHOULD KNOW ABOUT? Please email [email protected] or leave a message on our hotline UK landline: +44 207 0960 175, US landline: +1 818 963 5411
★ CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE: http://www.plantbasednews.org/
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LEARN ABOUT VEGANISM ★ Cowspiracy ➞ https://youtu.be/nV04zyfLyN4 ★ NutritionFacts.Org ➞ https://goo.gl/BdNbiU ★ Veganuary ➞ http://www.veganuary.com/
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