#Animator vs animation spoilers
blacknight7890 · 11 months
The Power of Control
An essay on Victim
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Spoilers for Animator vs. Animation VI - Ep 2
So, our dear boy Victim, of animator vs animation ONE fame, has officially returned.
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We have been waiting half a year for this guy to return, and here he is. Now we finally get to see what he can really do in the only thing that matters in this series. How much ass can this stick kick?
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Well, as it turns out, not a whole lot.
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Victim is not a strong physical fighter. But, what he lacks in strength, he makes up in something else.
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The express purpose of this white box, is to ensure that he has full, and unambiguous, control. You could say that everything he has built is for the express purpose of control. He is the CEO of a gigantic, very well funded corporation, and is the boss of probably thousands of employees.
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he has dedicated money and men towards researching and replicating animation tools to give him direct power over the world around him. He gave his top Merc the ability to Stop Time. His tech is all to extend his reach of control.
And this idea of control is shown no better than his signature weapon.
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A lasso. An unusual choice at first but it makes perfect sense. Its entire point is to restrain, constrain, and control another.
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Victim is not a powerful stick, its why he was initially never able to escape the flash program he was created in. How he got out, and how he survived is still unknown, but I'm sure future episodes will show us.
What we do know however, is that after all these years he has took to heart one thing. True power, is control. The more you have, the more powerful you are.
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Which is why Alan nearly deleted him. Alan had the cursor, so he had control, which made him powerful.
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Of course, that power has an equally potent weakness. When you lose your control, you lose your power.
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The lasso he has wrapped around so many, breaks, and he loses control. Without control, he is vulnerable. Without control, he is powerless.
Its no wonder he seemed so scared when he learned what The Second Coming was truly capable of.
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And now, Second has also learned what he can do.
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So, what does he do? He tries to reestablish his precious control.
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But unlike before, this control is flawed. He never knew what our dear orange could do, he never planned for it. His cage was likely never designed to hold someone as powerful as he is.
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Victim may have locked him away, but its clear his grip on the situation has slipped. A lasso can only restrain what it can hold after all. When the rope snaps, when control is lost, he has nothing.
It makes sense why he would be after someone with more control than anyone.
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plant-cell-park · 3 months
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this is literally one of hthe most beaitufl things ever in this episode this is so pretty im gonna cry
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moss-abyss · 11 months
no because do you even know how fucked up this is for tco? he's stuck in a place that probably reminds him of adobe flash and 2007 and has to fight back against another stick figure (who is LITERALLY HIS HERITAGE?) who's using the same tools as his creator and oppressor
he's trapped and encased, suffocated and exhausted, and made for something greater
he's a symbol of hope and rebellion, the Chosen One, and yet his freedom is wrenched away from him again and again because he CHOSE TO LIVE? because he chose to FORGIVE?? because in spite of it all, he decided to lower his hackles and stop baring his teeth????
i need him safe and i need him happy
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chessboredom · 1 year
ava VI good ending.
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(this was funnier in my head.)
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Quick observation:
Green just trying to get Red out of trouble (eh... not the best description I can come up with...)
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And Red jumping in first while the others look around carefully
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bugsinspace · 11 months
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they got gotted :(
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corvidscrimes · 1 year
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Woe sticks be upon ye!
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luizastarry · 6 months
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inksandpensblog · 1 year
We’ve seen it before but not like this
spoilers for the short below the cut
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breadthecat · 11 months
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Thinking about this post of mine
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tallsc · 1 year
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Look even if Spyglasses won in the end and acted all confident and smug, they still coulda died so easily in this scene, Chosen didn't go out without a fight.
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toastedclownery · 1 year
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I put everything aside to make this rlly quick
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applesaucify · 11 months
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birodactyloftheblog · 11 months
Animator vs animation spoilers!!!
Girl help the stick figures are having a homoerotic interrogation
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Okay, it's 10:30 in the morning, I'm running on two hours of sleep, but I really want to get my thoughts out about the new episode (and wow, it's absolutely safe to say that all of us were not expecting this to happen because we usually get an announcement about a week or two before the premiere, so that's very mind-blowing (should I mention the fact that it came out on Chosen's birthday?)).
Spoilers under the cut:
Yep, as the others pointed out, the gray stick figure is confirmed to be Victim, as proven by this detail here:
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And his main goal reveals to be getting revenge on Alan since his presumed death around 17 years ago. Though it's still not confirmed on how he was able to escape his deletion. I did hear a theory, however, and I think it was posted in the first episode of AvA VI, that Adobe Flash does save a temporary file, so that might explain how he escaped. Whatever the case may be, there's no doubt that this will be one hell of a family reunion once Alan and Victim meet face-t0-face again after all those years.
And how to do that? He's going to have Yellow bring him in. Theory correct that Yellow's going to be playing a major part in the story because of how there were two scenes in which he was the first to appear (one where Second started using his pencil to fight off the mercenaries, and one where the mercenaries took off with a paused Chosen and Second), and how he was the first to lead the stick figures in the direction the fight was taking place after arriving (all details in AvA VI: Episode 1 - Wanted, of course).
The fight scene... wow...
And I'm getting major callbacks to Animator vs. Animation (original) once the clones were pulled out...
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And the fact that we get to see all of this in 3D...
The hammer...
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The shuriken (I think that's what it's called)...
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The sword...
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The... whatever this is... bullet-like projectiles?...
(Edit: They're keyframes, I've heard about this from a couple different places.)
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The lasso...
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But I feel so bad for Chosen at the same time. Victim, what are you doing to him? 😭😭😭😭 He's becoming more dangerous by the minute...
And don't even get me started on Second; the poor stick figure finally found out that he does have powers... by accident...
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Oh, I couldn't imagine the thoughts that are running through his head right now. I couldn't even imagine what he would be thinking if he found out about Alan's past...
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