#Angst War
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gahellhimself-blog · 1 year ago
Reddit Angst War !!
My contribution today.
Inspired by the french version of the title of "The Thorn Birds" => "Les oiseaux se cachent pour mourir" litteraly "Birds hide to die"
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daneecastle · 1 year ago
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Angst War Page 8 and 9
@goodomensafterdark @vavoom-sorted-art @gahellhimself-blog @gleafer @kotias @lauramoon1987
A little fluff with the angst I did and plan on doing. I’m not done yet! There is more to come. Next week will be three pages. Good luuuuuck!
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vavoom-sorted-art · 1 year ago
Angst War: Part 5
You thought I was going to let them go... but the war rages on over on the @goodomensafterdark subreddit.
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Part 1 | Previous | Next
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goodomensafterdark · 1 year ago
Critical hit in the opening volley of the official artist declaration of war!
@gleafer wiped out the entire team of moderators. The sub is counting and stacking their dead. No time to mourn.
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bea-n-art · 1 year ago
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A comic I made for the subreddit
r/GoodOmensAfterDark community challenge: The Angst War.
It was a challenge where artists and writers of the community tried to out-angst each other in story and comic form. I did two pages, but there are graphic novel-length and beautifully drawn stories by other artists.
I suggest checking out @daneecastle @gahellhimself-blog @vavoom-sorted-art @kotias @gleafer @lauramoon1987
All incredible artists that I admire who took part!
Support me as an artist here: https://ko-fi.com/beanart
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lauramoon1987 · 1 year ago
The discovery Pg5/PG 6
TW: Blood/ death/eyes injuries/ bad things.
HAHAHAHA I will destroy everything you love.
Say "hello" to Muriel
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@gleafer @gahellhimself-blog @vavoom-sorted-art @daneecastle @kotias @goodomensafterdark
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hakunahistata · 1 year ago
The End of All Things
An entry for the incredibly fun angst war happening on the @goodomensafterdark subreddit
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The ground moved under them, asphalt splintered down the line of the street, cracked earth creating branches off its deepest, gaping wound, creeping up homes and tearing them in twos and threes. The church, St. John’s, split down the middle, its spire crumbling down into the earth and fire below in an ironic twist of fate—toppled by Heaven and eaten by Hell.
Aziraphale gripped Crowley’s elbow and tried to keep them steady as the ground shook and gasped around them.
“We need to get out of here, Crowley. Somewhere safe.”
Crowley laughed mirthlessly, watching as the last few remaining families piled into their cars and sped off, still bothering to shut and lock their doors, never stopping, never still. He admired that, even now, there were still some tendrils of hope. He sent off a final miracle towards the back of a blue hatchback with the last reserves of his energy, securing those inside with a safe journey to their destination, wherever that may be.
It left his fingertips and the last of his power was officially and entirely drained, leaving him bereft, the two of them literally out of their finite miracles since being cut off from their respective sides. It was a worthy cause though, for there was no miracle, not now, grand enough to keep the Earth from collapsing into itself. What was he now, a demon without any infernal manifestations? What did that make him?
He turned to face Aziraphale—steadfast, bullish Aziraphale with dirt on his cheeks, bowtie askew but still clinging on. Crowley smiled softly and, feeling brave and almost human, took his hand and interlaced their fingers.
“We can’t leave,” he said quietly, voice tight and choking around the words. “Aziraphale,” his voice broke. “We can’t leave them.”
The world they fell in love with, the world that had become their home. While Crowley didn’t exactly remember it, he knew he’d been there when the Earth was first built out of spacestuff and stardust, that he’d watched her, freshly born, take her first spin. He’d been in the Garden, a slithering, slinking thing, to meet the first humans, whisper in their ear, and watch them take their first bite. He had been the thing to feed them first. Little bites now, don’t choke.
It had been here where Crowley had slithered up on cold stone and took form to stand beside an angel, the same angel whose hand was currently clutched in his. Hands that had once held a flaming sword—given away to two humans for protection—those hands now held Crowley’s, trading one flame for another.
Crowley watched as Aziraphale’s ruinous eyes filled with understanding, shining and weighted with tears. He nodded, the movement knocking a few of them loose, spilling over and running down his cheeks.
He inhaled deeply and nodded once more. He swallowed, throat bobbing and voice thick. “I know,” he said, and he sounded frightened.
Continue reading on AO3.
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crowleysgirl56 · 5 months ago
I’m beginning to think the reason why nothing further has been said about the state of season 3 is because Prime started another angst war and just forget to tell everyone. So far they’re winning.
Edit to tag @goodomensafterdark
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novagale · 1 year ago
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I think i will (unofficially officially?) submit this ongoing comic to the Angst wars at @goodomensafterdark but perhaps.. less rawr content hehe @gleafer who broke everyone <3
This is page 5/7, only two left 💫 (angel crawley, demon Az AU)
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gahellhimself-blog · 1 year ago
I'm really excited!!
This Angst war is unbelievable.. I have this comic on my head for weeks and I thought I wouldn't be able to draw it and now here we are, 16 pages and Almost all the script for a second chapter.
Thank you @goodomensafterdark and my gorgeous rivals @daneecastle @vavoom-sorted-art and @gleafer
Trouble in Heaven
previously - Next
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daneecastle · 1 year ago
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Angst Comic War - The Fury of an Angel (version 1)
@vavoom-sorted-art @gahellhimself-blog @gleafer
6 page unloaded. From here I have two separate versions. This one will have three more pages and it’s done. The other, the formate will change and be longer but both will have happy endings.
Here is the different frame for the alternate.
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vavoom-sorted-art · 1 year ago
Angels don't dance
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As an (almost) final strike in the Angst War on the @goodomensafterdark subreddit, have this 1941 scene inspired by @acheemient's post! (don't worry, part 5 of my comic is going up today as well!!)
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gleafer · 1 year ago
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Who wants ANGST??? I got nice fresh ANGST RIGHT OUTTA THE OVEN!
Hokay. Last ANGSTAGEDDON: Crowley Falls Again before I wrap this bad boy up at the end of the @goodomensafterdark angst war.
Once again, not tagging because there are a lot of you brawlers!
Enjoy some BAMF Aziraferal as he once again tries to fix every gahdahm thing.
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goodomensafterdark · 1 year ago
so to recap on the r/GoodOmensAfterDark Angst War, we have
Crowley following Azi into hell and using occult holograms of his ass to lure away a hellhound
Crowley straight up getting stabbed
Crowley pulling out his feathers and preparing to save Azi
Inappropriately hot, chained-up Crowley who may or may not be hallucinating the cruelest Azi ever
You’re killing us, @gleafer, @gahellhimself-blog, @daneecastle, @vavoom-sorted-art
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mrscakeishere · 1 year ago
I joined the @goodomensafterdark Angst War with an angst mullet (fluff in the front, angst in the back). I also met a ton of awesome people along the way! You can find the story here (Rated T). Excerpt below:
Summary: Crowley had never realized how much he longed to touch Aziraphale’s skin, or how it would feel when he finally did.
Crowley was standing in the bookshop feeling impressed with himself. This was nothing particularly new, but tonight he had taken impressive to a whole new level. He had tickets to a musical that Aziraphale would adore—and that he would hate—and had procured a few bottles of red, a vintage he knew the angel particularly liked. In addition, he had ensured that the West End would remain bomb-free for the evening. To top it all off, Crowley had manifested his best double-breasted suit and red tie and had convinced himself that he looked even more dashing and fashionable than usual.
The demon waited by Aziraphale’s desk while the angel fussed over some last minute book organization. He glanced down at the slightly ajar desk drawer and saw the photo that Furfur had taken months before. It was carefully tucked away with all the other small things that the angel held dear. Only a fraction of the image was visible, but it was there nonetheless. Crowley smiled.
So much had changed since the incident with Furfur. At first it had been dreadful. The requisitions demon may not have had proof, but he did stir up gossip. Then there was the uptick in work requests from Heaven and Hell, a sign that their respective bosses were keeping an eye on them. However, after some time had passed, the gossip died down and things returned to what passed for normal for an angel and a demon living in England during the Blitz.
Even better, the entire incident had led Aziraphale to question his binary thinking, recognizing from time to time that life wasn’t black and white—it was grayscale. Aziraphale had begun to consider that maybe Crowley wasn’t a demon who still had the kindness of heaven within, despite his fall. Perhaps he was simply a demon who, like all God's creatures, was full of complexity and contradictions.
Moreover—and more importantly—the angel had started to spend more time with him.
Continue at https://archiveofourown.org/works/52167940.
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lauramoon1987 · 1 year ago
ANGST WAR-THE BEGINNING -BONUS PAGE (4) @goodomensafterdark
strike back to writers.
@gleafer @vavoom-sorted-art @gahellhimself-blog @daneecastle @kotias
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Oh oh ooooh!!
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