#Angina Advanced Cardio Vascularcare Center
advancedcardiodr ยท 7 years
Angina is usually caused by coronary heart disease. When the arteries that supply your heart muscle with blood and oxygen become narrowed, the blood supply to your heart muscle is restricted. This can cause the symptoms of angina.
Contact Advanced Cardio Vascularcare Center to meet the cardiologists who can cure Angina.
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advancedcardiodr ยท 6 years
Coronary Artery Disease - Advanced Cardiovascular Care Center
Coronary Artery Disease
Coronary Artery Disease is the narrowing or blockage of the coronary arteries, more often than not brought about by atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis (now and again called "hardening" or "clogging" of the arteries) is the development of cholesterol and fatty stores (called plaques) on the internal walls of the arteries. These plaques can confine blood flow to the heart muscle by physically causing so as to clog the artery or irregular artery tone and capacity.
Without a sufficient blood supply, the heart gets to be famished of oxygen and the basic nutrients it needs to work appropriately. This can bring about chest pain called angina. On the off chance that blood supply to a segment of the heart muscle is cut off totally, or if the energy requests of the heart turn out to be much more prominent than its blood supply, a heart attack (harm to the heart muscle) may happen.
See the Video of Dr. Annie Varughese our specialist and Juliana Hurgoiu on The Coronary Artery Disease and describing the symptoms of the Coronary Artery Disease in Men and Women.
Side effects of Coronary Artery Disease:
The most well-known side effect of coronary artery disease is angina (additionally called angina pectoris). Angina is regularly alluded to as chest pain. It is likewise depicted as chest distress, largeness, snugness, pressure, hurting, smoldering, deadness, completion, or crushing. It can be mixed up for acid reflux or heartburn. Angina is generally felt in the chest, yet might likewise be felt in the left shoulder, arms, neck, back or jaw.
Different Symptoms Include:
A quicker heartbeat
Extreme shortcoming
Shortness of breath
Palpitations (sporadic heartbeats, skipped thumps or a "flip-failure" feeling in your chest)
Determination of Coronary Artery Disease:
Symptomatic tests, including blood tests, an electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG), activity anxiety tests or cardiovascular catheterization may be required to suitably analyze and treat coronary artery disease. These tests doctor assess the degree of your coronary heart disease, its impact on the capacity of your heart, and the best type of treatment for you.
Research on new testing systems, for example, coronary Computed Tomography Angiogram (CTA), may change the way coronary artery disease is analyzed later on.
Risk Factors for Coronary Artery Disease:
Physical latency
Drinking an excessive amount of alcohol
Uncontrolled stretch or outrage
Uncontrolled diabetes (HbA1c >7.0)
Diet high in immersed fat and cholesterol
High blood pressure (140/90 mmHg or higher)
Cigarette smoking and introduction to tobacco smoke
Being overweight (body mass record [BMI] 25โ€“29 kg/m2) or being hefty (BMI higher than 30 kg/m2)
The more risk factors you have, the more prominent your risk of creating coronary artery disease.
Treatment of Coronary Artery Disease:
Treatment of coronary artery disease includes diminishing your risk factors, taking meds as endorsed, perhaps experiencing intrusive and/or surgical methodology, and seeing your doctor for standard visits. Treating coronary artery disease is essential to diminish your risk of a heart attack or stroke. Diminishing your risk factors includes rolling out way of life improvements. Your doctor will work with you to offer you some assistance with making these progressions.
On the off chance that you smoke, you ought to stop. Roll out improvements in your eating regimen to diminish your cholesterol, control your blood pressure, and oversee blood sugar in the event that you have diabetes. Low-fat, low-sodium and low-cholesterol foods are suggested. Constraining alcohol to close to one drink a day is additionally vital. An enrolled dietitian can offer you some assistance with making the right dietary changes.
Build your activity/movement level to accomplish and keep up a solid weight and lessen stress. Be that as it may, check with your doctor before beginning an activity program. Get some information about taking part in a cardiovascular restoration program.
Prescribed Procedures to Treat Coronary Artery Disease:-
Interventional Procedures
Coronary Artery Bypasses Graft (CABG) Surgery
Enhanced External Counter Pulsation (EECP)
Look for advice from our Best Cardiologists in Houston if you suspect you are suffering from Coronary Artery Disease for the best treatment options for you.
Logon to www,advancedcardiodr.com for more details and services provided by Advanced Cardio Vascularcare Center
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