#Angeles Pequeños
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groriatrevi10xx · 2 years ago
G: ¡Los últimos!... Bueno casi, como dije... No dibujaré a todos los Ángeles.../The last ones!... Well almost, as I said... I won't draw all the Angels...
Bueno, bueno... Aquí dejo a estos niños.../Well, well... Here I leave these children...
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{Angel of the moon}  
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{Angel of the sun}  
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cuando-fingi-quererte · 1 year ago
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Eres un ángel con mirada de demonio.
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Por la cual vendería mi alma.
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Con tal de robar un beso tuyo.
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Pasar mi lengua por tu cuello.
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Y chuparte tus senos de ensueño.
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bluexskin · 2 years ago
Nunca quise compartir mi vida con nadie, muchas decepciones ya había tenido en el pasado... Pero ahora, no imagino mi vida sin su presencia a mi lado.
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phoibos-querella · 2 years ago
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he looks just like his father 🥲
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bluexskin · 2 years ago
Tu voz calma el desorden que mis pensamientos ocasionan
- Bluexskin
Al diablo con las nudes, envíame un audio de voz.
— Seguen | Bobo, pirobob
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pondysselth · 11 months ago
Así de caluroso || Enzo Vogrincic
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El sol del mediodía caía a plomo sobre las calles de Montevideo, convirtiendo el asfalto en un espejismo humeante. El miércoles transcurría como cualquier otro día de verano, sofocante e implacable. A pesar del calor agobiante, una chica caminaba con paso ligero por 18 de Julio, alejándose de la facultad. El pelo se le pegaba a la frente, sudaba a chorros y el agua de su botella se había convertido en un caldo tibio. La libertad después de un largo examen era la recompensa que la impulsaba.
Cada paso era una lucha contra el calor. La chica apresuraba el ritmo buscando la sombra esquiva, deseando escapar de las fauces de la ciudad que tanto amaba.
De pronto, un leve malestar se apoderó de ella. El sudor se intensificó, la respiración se volvió dificultosa y un mareo familiar la amenazó. Se detuvo, tambaleándose, con la vista nublada y puntos negros danzando en su campo visual. Ignorando las señales de alarma, bebió un trago de la repugnante agua tibia y reanudó la marcha. Su única meta: salir de 18 de Julio. A duras penas, avanzó unas cuadras más, luchando contra un nuevo malestar que se instalaba en su cuerpo.
Allí mostrándose casi burlona detrás de esa inmensa puerta de concreto que se alzaba sobre la calle Juncal se encontraba uno de sus deleites visuales favoritos, Sarandí. Ella no sabía por qué, pero esa calle siempre la llamaba a explorarla. Aunque ya la había recorrido tantas veces, siempre encontraba algún tesoro nuevo. Se debatió si debía pasar por lo que ya era el desolado calderón a fuego ardiente de la Plaza Independencia para llegar a ese oasis visual que le abría paso a Ciudad Vieja o simplemente ignorarlo e irse a casa.
La exuberante calidez de la tarde le gritaba a la chica que debía ignorar el llamado a la exploración. Sin embargo, una fuerza interior, una mezcla de aventura y algo más que no podía nombrar, la incitaba a seguir adelante. Como diablillos en el infernal ambiente, sus deseos la empujaban por ese camino que solo le estaba trayendo malestares. Ignorando las señales de su cuerpo, que no estaba preparado para resistir más tiempo en esas condiciones, se decantó por seguir la incitación diabólica y entrar en el paraíso que era la calle Sarandí.
Arrastrando los pies como si una cadena de acero los uniera al suelo, se adentró en ese rincón de alegría que tanto la llamaba. Caminó unas pocas cuadras, disfrutando del pequeño oasis que se abría paso en el desierto de calor que se había apoderado de Montevideo. De repente, un golpe seco: su corazón aceleró a un ritmo desbocado, su respiración se volvió jadeante, su visión se nubló y su cabeza comenzó a dar vueltas. La conciencia se le escapaba de entre los dedos. Así se sentía: una bajada de presión producto de su insensato deseo de continuar un camino que no debería haber tomado, en un día en el que el mismísimo señor de los infiernos parecía haberse apoderado de las calles de la ciudad. Su destino: caer desmayada por su imprudencia.
—Tranquila, que te tengo.
Esa voz no era producto de su imaginación. Los brazos que la rodeaban eran demasiado cálidos y sudorosos, evidenciando que el desconocido también sufría las consecuencias del avasallante calor que emitía el asfalto. A pesar de que la conciencia se le escapaba, de que sus ojos se cerraban y dejaban de transmitir luz, la sensación de estar en los brazos de un extraño la obligaba a volver a la realidad, alerta ante un posible infortunio. Cuando el instinto de supervivencia se apoderó de su cuerpo y abrió los ojos con miedo, se topó con un ángel. El calor se disipó de su cuerpo al contemplar sus ojos color avellana, la sensación de sudor se olvidó con solo una mirada a sus labios, el mareo se ignoró por completo al observar su rostro como un todo. Enzo Vogrincic, en todo su angelical ser, la sostenía para evitar que cayera en la fogosa calle Sarandí.
—No te preocupes que te ayudo a sentarte.
Su voz me sacó de mis pensamientos, esta vez infinitamente menos agónicos. Me tomó con delicadeza y me llevó unos metros hacia atrás, hacia unas sillas de plástico rojas, no muy cómodas, con el logotipo de una conocida marca de bebidas. Estaban fuera de un local llamado Zabala. Solo allí me di cuenta de la distancia que mis pies, que ya se podían haber fundido con el asfalto, me habían llevado. Estábamos cerca del Registro Civil y a unos pocos metros del Implosivo Artes Escénicas, la escuela de actuación. He ahí esclarecida la aparición de mi inesperado ángel salvador. Con mi mente retornando de su estado de inactividad coherente lo primero que atiné a decirle a mi salvador fue.
Una simple palabra, tan tonta que parecía fuera de lugar. Sin embargo, así me sentía: avergonzada de haberlo desviado de su camino. Posiblemente le molestaba ayudar a una desconocida que caminaba imprudentemente bajo el sol abrasador, con la única compañía de una cartera que contenía sus documentos para el examen, una tarjeta de transporte y su fiel botella de agua, que ahora parecía más una sopa por lo caliente que estaba.
La risa de mi nuevo acompañante me confirmó lo tonta que había sido mi respuesta. Doblemente avergonzada, lo miré a los ojos. Solo vi diversión por mis palabras y preocupación por mi extrema palidez y mi inminente desmayo.
—¿Cómo me vas a pedir perdón? ¿Te sentís mejor ahora sentada? Te voy a comprar un refresco y un agua fría, porque estoy seguro que te bajó la presión.
El hombre se irguió, enderezando su espalda, y se dirigió al restaurante con paso firme. Su objetivo era claro: conseguir las bebidas que me ayudarían a reponerme. Al cabo de unos minutos, regresó con un refresco y un agua fría. Se agachó de nuevo junto a mí, ofreciéndome el elixir que mi cuerpo, agradecido, absorbió con avidez.
—Muchísimas gracias, y te pido perdón por las molestias. Seguro tenías otras cosas que hacer más que asistir a una pelotuda que se desmayó.
Dije con pena, mirándolo a sus ojos marrones. Sentía cómo me ardían las mejillas. Solo entonces, al contemplar mi alrededor, me percaté de la bicicleta olvidada en el piso. Probablemente se había bajado de ella al verme en mi estado.
—No me agradezcas, solo hice algo que cualquiera haría.
Expresó mientras se giraba para buscar la bicicleta. Al levantarla, se regresó hacia mí y me dijo:
—Me llamo Enzo. ¿Y vos?
Le dije mi nombre con más confianza al ver que no parecía molesto ni apurado por irse. Le señalé el refresco, aún sin abrir, ofreciéndoselo.
—Eso es tuyo, no me lo tenés que devolver. Si yo fuera vos, también tomaría de ese. El azúcar te va a ayudar a recuperarte, todavía estás muy pálida. Si me permitís.
Con esa simple petición de consentimiento, acercó su mano a mi rostro apartando algunos cabellos que se me habían pegado por el sudor, aquellos que mi peinado no había podido contener y ahora se posaban rebeldes por donde ellos deseaban. Luego de poner mis cabellos en orden, su mano se quedó allí, posada en mi cuello. La sensación de tener aquel pesado miembro cerca de donde se medía mi pulso me inquietaba. ¿Y si podía sentir el acelerado ritmo al que iba mi corazón? Su rostro tan perfecto no era lo único que me embobaba; su amabilidad y sencillez con la que estaba allí delante de mí me estaba dejando el cerebro aún más atrofiado que cualquier síntoma debido al infernal clima.
Tomando otro largo trago de agua para disipar los efectos que él estaba teniendo en mí, tomé valor, lo miré a los ojos y le dije:
—Muchísimas gracias otra vez. Siento que te lo estoy diciendo ya muchas veces, pero de verdad estoy agradecida con tu gesto. Pudiste haberme ignorado y dejarme tirada en la calle, y no lo hiciste.
—No tenés nada que agradecerme. Decime, ¿vivís por acá? Así te acompaño y me quedo tranquilo de que llegaste bien.
Me respondió aún con su mano posada delicadamente sobre mi cuello, dejándole leves caricias y sus ojos mirándome fijamente, entre preocupados y con algo parecido a ternura.
—No vivo por acá, ni cerca. Solo vine porque acabo de dar un examen y quería recorrer. Iba super bien hasta hace unos momentos.
Ya dejando un poco de lado la vergüenza, le respondí un poco más animada y sin tanta timidez. Tanta, ya que tener a alguien tan bonito enfrente de ella solo hacia que se pusiera nerviosa.
—Ok, sin ser muy invasivo, ¿dónde vivís? Tal vez te puedo llevar o algo. Me preocupa que te vayas sola después de que casi te desmayas. Si querés, llamamos a alguna amiga o alguien que te venga a buscar.
—Vivo en Manga, así que un poco lejos de acá. Y mis amigas en estos momentos...
Dije entre risas, diciendo donde vivía y luego chequeando la hora: 16:04. Para saber dónde podrían estar alguna de mis amigas para contestarle.
—Mis amigas están todas trabajando, así que no queda de otra que irme sola. Quedate tranquilo que no me va a pasar nada.
Le contesté intentando calmarlo y asegurarle de que todo estaría bien y no me volvería a pasar nada.
—Te invitaría a mi casa, pero siento que para un primer encuentro es mucho. Me conformo por ahora acompañándote a tomar el bondi.
Volviendo por la calle Sarandí, por la tan calurosa Ciudad Vieja. Ese tipo de calor que hacía que el asfalto derritiera el calzado y definitivamente el tipo de calor que hace que se te baje la presión y encuentres a Enzo, quien ahora te tiene montada en su bicicleta mientras ambos ríen y disfrutan el pequeño aire que les llega por la velocidad con la que conduce el antes mencionado. Ese era el tipo de día caluroso que hacía aquel día en Montevideo.
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storm-angel989 · 8 months ago
Fix it, Vox. (Valentino x Daughter)
SHOUT OUT TO absolut3lyn0t  for all the help with the Spanish and for being a FANTASTIC human in general. You are AMAZING!
The weight of her body jolted him awake. A tiny head against his chest, and muffled tears. The bright red clock flashed on his nightstand. Three thirty. He had literally gotten to bed less than a half hour ago. He tried to ignore the aching in his head as he struggled to talk to the sobbing child. 
“Beibita, what’s the matter?” He mumbled as he wrapped his arms around the crying toddler. “Shush. Papi is here, niñita. Vuelve a dormir.”
“Papi, will the angels come and get me?” She choked out. “Daddy, I’m scared. I don’t wanna get ex..er…”
Now he had her full attention. ¿De que ella habla? What was she talking about?
“Princessa, no one is going to take you away. Who told you that?” He asked, trying to mask the fury in his voice. “Papi is here, bebita. Shush.” He rocked her as gently as he could as he tried to bite back his exhaustion.
Of all the weekends for her mother to go out of town. 
“The tv said so, I heard it! I…I…” She sobbed. 
God fucking damn it. He told that son of a bitch. He told him his daughter wasn’t asleep. He warned him not to change the channel for another half hour until they could be sure she was safe and sound in bed and not about to try to sneak out to curl up with them or try to con him into letting her watch just one more episode. After all, she did it every single night. But no, Vox  insisted he put on the news right away. He insisted it would be fine. And now here Valentino was, paying the goddamn price. 
“Shush. Papi won’t let anything happen to you, okay?” He said softly as he sat up. “Come on, bebita. Papi will make you a warm bottle and you can sleep with me, okay, pequeño amor?.”
She cuddled closer into his chest and he lifted her up effortlessly. He carried her cradled against him to the kitchen. With one arm supporting the weight of his daughter, the other carefully warmed up a bottle of milk and flicked it on his wrist before trying to hand it to the toddler. 
“Drink up, mi amore.” 
She refused to take it. “I want Mommy! “And Uncie and Auntie! The angels are gonna get them! Papi, we have to do something!” She burst into another round of tears.
God fucking damn it, Vox. He silently cursed as he set the bottle off to the side and tried to sooth the hysterical toddler. “Mommy will be back tomorrow night, shush,” he replied softly as he bounced her soothing
He looked at the clock. Four am. There was a good chance Vox was up and in his office. A twinge of anger made its way through Valentino. If Vox was awake, it was only fair that he helped clean up the mess he made. 
“Let’s go see if Uncie Voxxy is awake, alright mi amore? Your mommy will be home tomorrow and Auntie Velvette is sleeping.” He shifted her weight and pressed the bottle to her lips, willing her to take it. A full tummy was the key to getting her to sleep- he learned that when she was first born. “Come on, bebita.”
She refused and he sighed in frustration. He nabbed a blanket from the back of the couch and walked towards the elevator, hoping that by the time they got to Vox’s office she would have at least settled down. 
No such luck. 
The sound of a crying, screaming baby tested every single bit of Valentino's last nerve. Even if it was his daughter, and he loved her with every single beat of his heart, he was absolutely at his wits end.  There was no reason for her to be this afraid; it was absolutely uncalled for. Vox should have listened and then maybe, just maybe he would still be asleep. By the time he walked into Vox’s office, every single part of him struggled to maintain control. He stormed from the elevator and stomped over the shark tanks. 
“You broke it, you fix it,” he growled as he tried to hand reader over to Vox. “I told you not to put on the news. I told you she wasn’t asleep yet, and now look!” 
The anger in her fathers voice only triggered more tears. Desperately she clung to Valentino’s neck and dug her hands into his shirt. “Daddy!” 
Valentino put a protective hand on her back and glared at Vox. 
Vox was up on his feet in a matter of moments. “Woah. Alright, take a breath Val. What happened?” His eye began to swirl. “Babygirl, why are we crying? Come here, Val. Take my spot. Sit down. Breathe. You relax. She’ll relax.” He took the bottle from Valentino’s hand and set it off to the side. 
“The angels are gonna get us,” Reader sobbed into Valentino’s shoulder. “I saw it on TV!”
Valentino shot Vox a look and guilt spread across Vox’s features. 
“Shit. I mean, fuck. Sweetie. Baby. It wasn’t real, I promise. It was a story. Like..” he struggled for a moment and then his expression lit up. “Like a bedtime story your Daddy tells you. It was just a scary story, it’s not real. I promise. Now come to Uncle Voxxy, let me hold you sweetie.” 
She reached up to him and Vox wrapped her in his hold as he rocked her. She heaved a hiccup and Vox gently tilted her head up to meet his eye. “Who controls the television, my sweet baby girl?”
 “Uncle Voxxy….” she answered tearily. 
“Right, sweetheart. So wouldn’t I know best?” He asked as he stroked her hair. “Uncle Voxxy, and Daddy and Mommy and Auntie Vel won’t let anything happen. I promise babydoll.” He picked up the still warm bottle and guided it to her mouth. 
She sucked on it gently as he continued to rock her. Carefully, Vox handed her back to Valentino. Valentino carefully laid her head over his heart as Vox wrapped her in the blanket. 
“Duerme bebe niña papá está aquí,”  he said softly. “You’re safe, we’re safe, it's okay.”
To both their relief, she fell asleep almost instantly, soothed by the beating of Valentino’s heart, a full tummy, and the feeling of security. Vox caught the bottle as it fell out of her hands and set it on the desk.
“Are you okay Val?” Vox asked softly. “You look like shit.” 
“I’m exhausted, Vox. I went to bed like thirty minutes before this all began,” he replied tiredly. “I need you or Vel to watch her this morning- I’m begging you.”
“Just call me when she wakes up,” Vox replied quickly. “Or you can give her to me now. I can work with her in my arms.” 
“No, I can take her for a few hours…”
“Nonsense. Give me the baby. Take a breath. And get some sleep.” Carefully, Vox lifted the bundle to his own chest and laid her head carefully against his heart. “She won’t wake up now that she’s out. Go get some rest, Val. When you wake up you can take her back.”
Grateful, and with one last kiss on his sleeping daughter's forehead, Valentino made his way back upstairs. In his control room, Vox adjusted the little girl against his body as little as he possibly could. Guilt washed over him as he worked. Valentino had warned him she wasn’t asleep. It was his own fault for scaring her so badly, and for his friend to be pushed beyond the point of exhaustion. 
“I’m so sorry I scared you. It won’t happen again,” he said quietly to the sleeping toddler. He kissed her on the forehead. “And I promise we will always keep you safe.”
Against him, she snuggled closer and he leaned back in his chair as he held the sleeping toddler. He closed his eyes for a moment and let out an exhale. To his surprise, she did the same. He felt something stir deep in his chest. Love. Protectiveness. The desire to never let this sweet little girl feel afraid again. 
“You’re safe, babygirl,” he whispered as he held her carefully. “I promise.”
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rapunzelbro · 10 months ago
A Sacrifice For a Friend Angel Dust x Reader 3
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Sorry for the long delay. I had a new cowriter help me with this. Enjoy! Tysm Cresent!
Masterlist Taglist
1 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 5 6 Statement
Darkness, followed by light, before darkness again. It all happened so fast.
When a demon dies, they're not supposed to come back, so why did you go from being drawn in by the light, back down to where you started? Darkness. All the memories that once filled you with joy, or even sorrow, disappeared without a second thought when you saw that light.
When you arose from darkness, a moth-like man sat in the room you were in, a lit cigarette that blew red smoke in one hand, a phone in another.
He had an amused look on his face when he noticed your arrival. Standing up he slowly walked towards you. A translucent colored chain appeared in the man's empty hand, you realized it was connected to a collar around your neck. “You thought you’d be magically saved by heaven after sacrificing yourself? For fuck sakes you’re naive aren’t you?” Sharply pulling the chain you struggle as you’re jerked towards him, losing your balance, you land on your knees in front of him.
He just smirks as he looks down at your pathetic state, as you look up at him, a confused look in your eyes. “You and I made a deal, Y/n. Your ass is stuck, you got that right? You sold your soul to me!” He yelled before narrowing his eyes at you “We might as well put that pretty little face of yours to work, since your ass got rid of my money maker.” He crouched down to get a good look at you.
You had no clue who he was, or what the hell he was talking about. How did you even end up here? Who was Y/n? Your arms were covered by small, glowing pink cracks that seemed to link together with the chains that surrounded your neck. “W-Who.. who are you? Who is Y/n?” your voice wavered, as you hesitated in front of that taller man.
You tense up, thinking he would be annoyed, mad, or shocked if anything, but he just stood silent for a moment as if he was trying to figure out what to say, before giving a smile observing your features “Oh Pequeño, I’m just someone who is trying to help.” He stood up again, allowing you to finally get to your feet before taking your hand, kissing your knuckles. “My name is Valentino, Vixie my Estimado~”
That was your name, according to Valentino, but why did Y/n sound…right?
“But who is Y/n?” You repeat yourself, desperate for an answer to that question.
Valentino rolled his eyes clearly annoyed by your desperate pleas, as he took a drag of his still lit cigarette, narrowing his eyes as he blew a heart shaped smoke towards you “Just someone who will no longer be a problem for you and I. Now how about you forget about that name?” You cough as you inhale the smoke, your mind once again going blank as the sweet but sharply acidic scented smoke fills your senses.
A few weeks went by after your first meeting with Valentino, within those weeks, he wasn’t lying about ‘putting your pretty face to use’. You quickly had to get used to the smell of strawberry lube, cigarettes and sex, that lingered in the studio. Your film was scheduled to be released in a couple hours, to say you were anxious was an understatement. You were terrified. You never had any experience with anything of the sorts, and even if you did, you wouldn’t have remembered anyways. You were sitting in your dressing room, face flushed from your previous shoot you had just a few minutes ago, when your phone, given to you by Valentino, buzzed. ‘New video from Porn Studios: VixieStick’s First Time’ “The fuck? It dropped early?” You muttered, clicking on the video curiously.
The video was roaring in views almost instantly, as well as the prude comments from the videos. It was going viral. After reading a few you had to stop yourself, it was becoming all too much. A knock comes from your door soon after placing your phone down. “Come in” you responded, too tired from the shoot to stand up on your own. The door practically swung open at your response as Valentino stood in the door frame walking inside towards you, with a smirk on his face
“How does it feel to be a Star, Pequeño?”
Pequeño= Little one
Estimado= Dear
Angel Dust tag list: @vendetta-ari @brithedemonspawn @satansmanager @storydays @saturnhas82moons @zamadness @fizziepopangel @saitisfied @the--rebel--fae @mcueveryday @rainbowbunny15
Series tag @apollobean @kaoyamamegami
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radioisntdead · 14 days ago
Can I request Child Reader in Hazbin Hotel, during Christmas because Charlie loves to give.
Alastor gifts a new knife set to Reader and Reader gifts everyone a dead Valentino that was shoved in a box :)
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T'was Christmas
[the poem I'm parodying]
Warnings: DEATH TO THE PIMP, lowkey morbid
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’Twas the night before Christmas,
when all through the hotel, only one creature was stirring, not Charlie, nor Alastor, or little fat nuggets, it was the youngest resident in the hotel, you.
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care and you snuck past them with such delight,
Alastor had given you a set of pretty knives for an early Christmas delight, small enough to hold comfortably in your small Chucky-like hands.
you tiptoed out of the hotel, trying not to awaken anyone from their slumber.
The Vee's were nestled all snug in their beds, While visions of their utmost desires danced in their sleeping heads, thankfully you couldn't see dreams or else Vox's dream with Alastor would've given you nightmares.
With Velvette in her bonnet, and Vox powered off in his cap, Valentino was left unprotected.
He had just settled his stupid brain for a long winter’s nap, when out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, small little footsteps pattered.
He sprang up from his bed to see what was the matter, away to the window he flew like a flash, tore open the shutters, ripping away the curtains.
Hanging from the window like a little lemur, eyes bright with a grin so wide.
The pimp stepped back from the window arms recoiled as little hands pulled up the window, sneaking in like a shadow.
You landed on the ground with such cheer, skipping over to the purple man in the corner, his blank eyes filled with such fright.
He pushed past you so lively and quick, trying to open the door, only for it to be jammed like a cheesy low budget horror movie.
You waved your knife at him scoldingly, like an angry grandmother.
he screamed and shouted, calling for his friends by name,
“Voxy! Velvette! There's a Pequeño demonio aquí!!!"
"Help me! Help me! Quickly!!"
But to no avail his friends were fast asleep warm and snug in their beds, fast asleep, not even a peep from him could be heard.
No one was coming to save Valentino this Christmas night, no Christmas miracle would save him from your wrath.
Dry leaves crunched beneath your little winter boots as you dragged your Santa bag back to the hotel, it was heavier then when you left, filled with one of your gifts.
When daylight approached and Charlie gleefully slipped into your room waking you to open up your gifts.
You ran down the stairs, holding on to the rail so tight as everyone else gathered around the tree, holding mugs of coffee, spiked coffee or hot chocolate, also possibly spiked.
The bottom of the tree was full of gifts, some for you and some for everyone else, as you sat in your corner, gleefully unwrapping your presents,
A new pajama set, many toys from your favorite kid appropriate shows, a radio, and many other things that you would spend the day playing with, you were distracted as the other began opening their gifts.
A moth fur coat for Al, nice and fuzzy, warm for the colder months of hell.
A striped feather pen for Charlie to draw with.
A pink sewed bow that you handmade for Vaggie.
A sharp golden tooth shaped pin for husk.
A big chunk of soft moth fluff for Niffy.
And last but not least for Angel, a familiar pair of heart shaped glasses and a ripped up contract.
He stared at you for a moment, how could a kid like you kill an overlord? He didn't know and didn't want to find out, with a flick of his wrist he put the glasses on and watched you merrily play with your toys, like you didn't take down an overlord the night before.
It was a very merry Christmas for the hotel, warm, cozy, filled with joy and laughter, unlike the vee tower, cold and fearful, filled with anger and grief.
A very merry Christmas indeed!
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Psst!! Join our discord
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 1 year ago
Estoy un poco nervioso por esta solicitud.
¿Qué tal un hombre lobo obsesivo yandere que se enamora de la enfermera en el típico pueblo pequeño donde todos se conocen a todos? Desafortunadamente para él, ella ya está casada.
Yandere! Werewolf x fem! Nurse! Married! Reader
Okay, so I only went with what google translate said, so do forgive me if there's a detail that's wrong in what you really meant. Sorry that it took long!
There's a lot of werewolf tropes and origins out there, but I'm going with what I grew up on, and that's the werewolf tropes of wattpad. Eugh HAHAHAHA
Yandere! Werewolf name: Lyall
TW: Blood, violence, forced marking
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In the village of Mooncreak, everyone knew everyone. Small, undisturbed...
Lyall, living in a compound overlooking the village, spent his nights and days looking down on it and wondering what it must feel like to be there. In his hands, a worn down book about mythological creatures was tightly clutched.
He was drawn to Mooncreak. He doesn't know why, but he yearns to be a part of the place, where people outside of his large family reside. He wanted to know the culture, the practices...
And possibly, explore the village where werewolves apparently once owned.
It's an absurd tale, that the Mooncreak village was once filled with a pack of werewolves. They weren't true, right?
Well, that's what Lyall thought.
Not until the night of his 16th birthday, in which he was brought by his family to the forest clearing.
He remembers the beautiful moon singing to his ears, whispering secrets of old times and his ancestry.
Then and there, his bones crunched, crushed, elongated, morphed.
It was a painful ordeal, feeling fur sprout all over his body as he howled to the moon, cursing it of making him what he is.
A monster.
His family silenced him, saying that the village people mustn't know of their bloodline. Even if they lived on the outskirts of the village and only the adults went inside the village, they cannot risk anything happening to them.
Lest they want an uproar on the whole Lycan world to happen.
So, Lyall had to keep it to himself, the painful realization that he will be alone in this endeavor.
Slowly, his family moved away from the outskirts and into a Lycan friendly civilization, where they can freely be werewolves all they want.
But Lyall wanted none of it. He actually liked the quiet streams and the soft breeze of Mooncreak. So, when he was given the chance to enter the civilization, he decided to enter Mooncreak.
By the time he was 23, he was allowed to move to the village. Then and there, a strong yet comforting floral smell entered his sinuses. It enveloped his whole body, cradling it gently and whispered sweetly to his heart.
Then and there, he knew he found his mate.
He calmed himself down and after putting his boxes to his house, he went to the village center and introduced himself. His eyes and nose searching for the mate he desired.
He saw you, beautiful, gentle, an aura of a healer around your wonderful form. Lyall swore that you looked like an angel to him.
He was about to approach you when he saw a man come up to your side and kiss your lips that was supposed to be only his.
He felt his wolf howl in pain,
and so does his heart.
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On a particularly bad stormy night, you woke up to the sounds of a banging of a door. Your husband stirred, yet didn't wake up.
Grabbing your phone, you turned on the flashlight and went down from your room and opened the door.
It's your new neighbor, Lyall, with a huge bite wound on his thigh.
"OH GOOD LORD!" You screamed, ushering the sopping wet and limping man to your office. "What happened to you?!"
Lyall seethed, limping towards the bed and sitting down. The pain throbbing up his hips and into his stomach.
"Uh, a wolf bit me while I was out hunting." He smoothly said, closing his eyes and biting back a shiver when he felt your soothing touch on his knee. Sparks were felt, and he was sure to melt if it wasn't for your inquisitive hum.
"Hunting in this weather?" You asked, filled with suspicion as you wore your gloves.
"Uh, yeah. There are certain animals that only comes out in rainy days. Like frogs." Lyall pressed his tongue on the roof of his mouth. Lying to you didn't feel good. He can feel his wolf inside stirring and complaining.
In reality, he was confronted by his family when they visited him. It was a mistake, telling them he found you already. They were adamant on moving him to the Lycan civilization after rejecting you to the moon.
But he doesn't want that.
He wants you.
So they had a little... Altercation.
And that ended with Lyall loosing an uncle, a sister, and a cousin.
Well, they were in the way of his love, so why should he care?
He didn't notice it, but the pull he feels to you made him irrational and cold hearted to people outside of both of you.
"Honey? Are you there?" The voice of your husband stopped you from disinfecting his wounds.
"Ah, yes! I'll be right there. Don't worry, love." You replied.
Lyall gritted his teeth, the veins in his neck popping.
Why were you calling another man "love" in front of him?
That's fucking cheating!
And that man... That man has laid his filthy hands on you, touching you, maybe even fucking you--
The thought is making Lyall sick to his stomach. He can't believe somebody dared taint you.
Maybe, that man forced you?
Yes! Maybe that's it!
Lyall will take you away from that man. He will save you and bring you to his strong and loving arms.
You could feel the foreboding coldness from him, so you looked up and froze. HIs face, looking at the door, was cold, yet filled with bloodlust. The veins were creeping up his neck and hands that gripped the bed, making it creak a bit. But one thing is for sure that doesn't seem human like.
It's his amber eyes glowing red.
Somehow, you knew that this night will be the last night you will see the day.
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"Did you hear what happened to the L/N household?"
"Yes. Poor H/N. Apparently, he's found torn in half in his home."
"How gruesome!"
"Truly! When the investigation happened, it was deduced that the claw marks and the way that H/N died was from a wolf!"
"But wasn't the 'wolf' really large? Like abnormally large?"
"Yes, larger than your average wolf, at least."
"... Do you think it's actually a werewolf?"
"SHH! Don't say this huh, but apparently, Y/N is a werewolf, and she killed her husband!"
"But weren't they loving? Maybe it's Lyall. He's also gone!"
"Or maybe it's the both of them. I mean, both of them are missing. You think they eloped?"
A large shadow from the trees retraced from it's hiding spot and trudged towards a direction. The dried blood on its coat casted an eerie image to whoever will see the wolf.
But fortunately, none of the villagers saw the wolf.
As it passed by the creak and into the cliff that oversaw the village, and into the newly revitalized compound which was abandoned not just long ago, the wolf's bone creaked, sounding a sickening crack as it transformed into a human.
Lyall entered his home and wore his outfit, smiling.
"Love, i'm home!" Lyall said, his eyes curving into crescents as he saw you on the couch.
You looked up at him, a forced smile on your lips as you trembled.
"W-welcome home, love." Tears threatened to fall from your eyes but you forced yourself to not cry. Your heart yearning for your dead husband whom Lyall killed that fateful night.
Lyall's eyes fell on your exposed neck and shoulder, where he forced a mark on your lovely skin in front of your torn and shredded husband, your tears falling on his body.
He grinned, approaching you and giving you a kiss which you almost recoiled at, but the damn mark and the mate's pull made the kiss almost comforting, joyful even.
Lyall chuckled and patted your head.
Sooner or later, you will realize that fighting your fate is a fight that you cannot win.
You will be his.
Heart and soul.
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baki-tiene-un-simp · 2 years ago
Hey, it's me again, really liked your last hc about mumon and musashi, sorry if it's too much for these characters, they are my favorite along side others but thas not the case.
Could you please write retsu, mumon, musashi, baki and sukune(if you don't know who he is he is basically a sumo fighter from baki)with a very shy and small realder that is a belly dancer and perfoms for big crouds and audiences.
Thank you for writhing these headcanons, they allwyas surpass my expectations :)
A kiss on the cheek
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I still don't write for Sukune, just because I don't know how to write about him yet 💕 Thank u so much for reading.
Situation: Shy and small reader that is a belly dancer / Lector timido y pequeño que es bailarín de vientre
Characters: Baki Hanma, Jun Guevara, Mumon Katsuragi, Musashi Miyamoto and Retsu Kaioh.
Baki Hanma.
His jaw dropped for the first time, was everyone seeing the same angel he was seeing? It was something new, a halftime show at a competition he attended, so he was in the front row.
The movements of the S/O stole his breath, he was a little embarrassed to pay so much attention to the movement of their hips, but he simply couldn't take his eyes off them. The sequins that shone with colored lights, the ruffles tied around their waist that floated with every movement, and the elegance with which their hands danced along with their figure, was something he had never seen before.
He came up to the end of the halftime event, when the S/O had already left to freshen up and take a break. Baki didn't know what else to say besides that he really liked the presentation, the S/O nodded silently without looking directly into his eyes with a slightly heated face.
You imagine two embarrassed teenagers trying to talk to each other when everyone notices that they like each other, yes, that's what the scene looked like from the outside.
The S/O was probably the first to escape, while Baki was still trying to make his brain work again. He smacked his face in regretting not having said more, something better.
He is preoccupied with thinking about the S/O the rest of the event, if he's lucky and fast enough he might look for them again to talk to them, maybe ask for their number too.
Baki really liked S/O, he thinks they're so talented and cute, he's a little sorry that they're so shy, but that won't discourage him at all.
Jun Guevara.
He saw the S/O during one of those big presentations and he was simply enchanted, the way they moved, the hypnotic eyes that focused on no one in particular and that outfit that seemed to make them glow in the light. Just captivating.
Movements so well-groomed and elegant that they only called him to look, just gorgeous.
He approached as the show came to a close, he braced himself to receive a flirtatious or even arrogant personality, the S/O was a beauty he was willing to put up with a lousy personality for.
Big was his surprise when the S/O looked at him shyly as he mentioned how dazzling they looked on and off stage. They thanked with a small voice and tried to escape Jun's gaze.
"Is that a timid little thing we have here, hm?" he chuckled when the S/O shrugged without looking back at him, they seemed smaller than they already were.
He let the S/O go before overwhelming them too much, but not before introducing himself in a nicer way, he would try to attend their next performance to have a better chance.
Jun thinks they're cute, just that shyness and dazzling performance of them is refreshing. He wants to see them more.
Mumon Katsuragi.
He's a bit cheeky in his look, the S/O will definitely notice him in the audience. He just thinks they're awesome, it sure took a lot of effort and their practices being able to do those kinds of moves.
His favorite part is the dress, the sequins and ruffles make the outfit sparkle under the artificial lights magnificently. The S/O seems to be covered in gold.
He's probably the one to start the standing ovation, no one was slow to follow because it was definitely a great show.
He sneaked to the back so he could see the S/O, waiting for them in the hallway with a small bouquet of flowers as a gift. He perked up as soon as he saw them come out of the staff room in a different outfit, second show, he guessed.
"You were amazing out there," he says with an easy smile, offering the gift. The S/O embarrassedly accepts the flowers and thanks for the compliment, Mumon watches as he cringes in on themselves in pity.
Mumon is calm and nice to create a good atmosphere with which the S/O would be comfortable, he makes them laugh and tries to make them enjoy his company.
Mumon thinks that S/O is just beautiful, their shy personality gives them a different air, he tries hard to be friendly and not bother them so they can connect with each other.
Musashi Miyamoto.
The S/O can DEFINITELY feel Musashi's gaze on themselves, and who can't?
Musashi watches almost engrossed in the dance they do, all the glitter, music and colors spinning to give S/O a fantastic atmosphere that makes their performance hard to ignore.
He walks through event security like it's nothing, just because he wants to get a closer look at this flashy person after he's disappeared backstage.
The movements replayed in Musashi's mind like a lucid movie, every twist and turn he witnessed etched into his brain.
The S/O shifted uncomfortably under the samurai's watchful eye, the man having cornered them as they stepped out of the staff area, stuttering when they asked if there was anything they could do for him.
Musashi cocks his head and watches them closely, making the S/O more nervous, only to let go of the comment "you're cuter up close".
Musashi probably doesn't understand why they are so nervous after his words, he was being sincere, what's wrong with that?
Retsu Kaioh.
Katsumi and the dojo students took him to see the show, he wouldn't have gone on his own. He watches over the entire show, especially when the S/O comes on the scene.
He gapes throughout the dance, the lights glowing in bright colors bouncing off the S/O's body and attire throughout the dance. The students of the dojo note how his eyes do not stray from the S / O.
S/O's movements were so hypnotic and well-cared for that he couldn't help but wonder how long it took them to achieve such impeccable movements.
He ignores the teasing of his companions at the end of the show when they imitated his expression, Retsu would be a little more focused on getting flowers.
He went to see the S/O with flowers in his hands, the others also accompanied him, and he praised the act of the S/O as soon as he saw them. He saw them laugh nervously as they accepted the detail, "I want to congratulate all the effort you surely put into your dance, it was incredible"
S/O stuttered with gratitude at Retsu's words, and the complicit looks of the karate fighters, before saying goodbye to him to return to their duties.
Retsu was captivated by the impressive presentation of the S/O and by the cute embarrassed expression they made when he praised them, he really hopes that their paths will cross again soon.
Versión en español.
Baki Hanma.
Se quedó con la boca abierta la primera vez, ¿acaso todos estaban viendo al mismo ángel que él veía? Era algo nuevo, un espectáculo de medio tiempo en una competencia a la que asistió, por lo que estaba en primera fila.
Los movimientos del S/O le robaban el aliento, le avergonzaba un poco el prestar tanta atención al movimiento de sus caderas, pero simplemente no podía apartar la mirada. Las lentejuelas que brillaban con las luces de colores, los volantes amarrados a su cintura que flotaban con cada movimiento y la elegancia con la que sus manos danzaban junto con su figura, era algo que jamás había visto antes.
Se acercó al final del evento del medio tiempo, cuando el S/O ya se había marchado para refrescarse y tomarse un descanso. Baki no supo que más decir además de que le gusto mucho la presentación, el S/O asintió en silencio sin mirarlo directamente a los ojos con el rostro un poco acalorado.
Imagina a dos adolescentes avergonzados tratando de hablarse mutuamente cuando todo mundo nota que se gustan, sí, así era como se veía la escena desde afuera.
Probablemente el S/O fue el primero en escapar, mientras que Baki todavía trataba de hacer que su cerebro funcionara otra vez. Se golpeó la cara al lamentarse por no haber dicho más, algo mejor.
Está ensimismado pensando en el S/O el resto del evento, si tiene suerte y es lo suficientemente rápido podría buscarle otra vez para hablarle, quizá pedirle su número también.
A Baki le gusto mucho el S/O, cree que son tan talentosos y lindos, se lamenta un poco que sean tan tímidos, pero eso no lo desalentara para nada.
Jun Guevara.
Vio al S/O durante una de esas grandes presentaciones y él simplemente quedo encantado, la forma en que se movía, los ojos hipnóticos que se concentraban en nadie en particular y esa vestimenta que parecía hacerle brillar bajo la luz. Simplemente cautivador.
Movimientos tan bien cuidados y elegantes que solo lo llamaban para que mirara, simplemente precioso.
Se acercó cuando el espectáculo llego a su fin, se preparó para recibir una personalidad coqueta o hasta arrogante, el S/O era una belleza por la que estaba dispuesto a soportar una pésima personalidad.
Grande fue su sorpresa cuando el S/O lo miro con timidez mientras él mencionaba lo deslumbrante que se veía dentro y fuera del escenario. Agradecieron con una voz pequeña y trataron de escapar de la mirada de Jun.
"¿Es una cosita tímida lo que tenemos aquí, hm?" se rio cuando el S/O se encogió de hombros sin devolverle la mirada, parecía más pequeño de lo que ya era.
Dejo ir al S/O antes de agobiarlo demasiado, no sin antes presentarse de una forma más amable, procuraría asistir a su siguiente actuación para tener una mejor oportunidad.
Jun cree que son lindos, simplemente esa timidez y lo deslumbrante de su presentación son refrescantes. Él quiere verles más.
Mumon Katsuragi.
Es un poco descarado en su mirada, definitivamente el S/O lo notará entre el público. Simplemente cree que son impresionantes, seguro que les tomo mucho esfuerzo y practica el ser capaces de hacer esa clase de movimientos.
Su parte favorita es la vestimenta, las lentejuelas y los volantes hace que el traje brille bajo las luces artificiales magníficamente. El S/O parece estar cubierto de oro.
Probablemente es él quien inicia la ovación de pie, nadie tardo en seguirlo porque definitivamente fue un gran espectáculo.
Se coló a la parte trasera para poder ver al S/O, le espero en el pasillo con un pequeño ramo de flores como obsequio. Se animó tan pronto como les vio salir de la habitación del personal con un vestuario diferente, segundo espectáculo, supuso.
"Estuviste increíble allí afuera", él dice con una sonrisa tranquila, ofreciendo el regalo. El S/O acepta las flores con vergüenza y agradece por el cumplido, Mumon ve como se encoge sobre sí mismo por pena.
Mumon es calmado y simpático para crear una buena atmosfera con la que el S/O estuviera a gusto, le hace reír y procura hacer que disfrute de su compañía.
Mumon cree que el S/O es simplemente hermoso, la personalidad tímida que tiene le da un aire diferente, se esfuerza por ser amistoso y no molestarle para que puedan conectar entre los dos.
Musashi Miyamoto.
El S/O DEFINITIVAMENTE puede sentir la mirada de Musashi sobre sí mismo, y ¿Quién no?
Musashi observa casi ensimismado el baile que hace, todo el brillo, la música y los colores que giran para darle al S/O una atmosfera fantástica que hace que su actuación sea difícil de ignorar.
Él atraviesa la seguridad del evento como si no fuera nada, solo porque quiere ver de cerca a esta llamativa persona después de que desapareció tras bambalinas.
Los movimientos se repetían en la mente de Musashi como una película lucida, cada movimiento y giro que presencio se grabaron en su cerebro.
El S/O se movió incómodo bajo la atenta mirada del samurái, el hombre le había acorralado cuando salió del área del personal, tartamudeando cuando le pregunto si podía hacer algo por él.
Musashi ladea la cabeza y le observa de cerca, poniendo más nervioso al S/O, solo para dejar ir el comentario "también eres lindo de cerca".
Probablemente Musashi no entienda por qué están tan nerviosos después de sus palabras, estaba siendo sincero, ¿Qué hay de malo en eso?
Retsu Kaioh.
Katsumi y los alumnos del dojo lo llevaron a ver el espectáculo, él no hubiera ido por su propio pie. Está atento a todo el show, en especial cuando el S/O entra en escena.
Se queda con la boca abierta durante todo el baile, las luces brillan en colores llamativos rebotando en el cuerpo y la vestimenta del S/O durante todo el baile. Los alumnos del dojo nota como sus ojos no se apartan del S/O.
Los movimientos del S/O eran tan hipnóticos y bien cuidados que no pudo evitar preguntarse cuanto tiempo le tomo conseguir movimientos tan impecables.
Ignora las burlas de sus acompañantes al finalizar el espectáculo cuando imitaban su expresión, Retsu estaría un poco más concentrado en conseguir flores.
Fue a ver al S/O con flores en manos, los demás también lo acompañaron, y elogio el acto del S/O en cuanto le vio. Le vio reírse nerviosamente mientras aceptaba el detalle, "quiero felicitar todo el esfuerzo que seguramente pusiste en tu baile, fue increíble"
S/O tartamudeo con agradecimiento ante las palabras de Retsu, y las miradas cómplices de los karatecas, antes de despedirse para regresar a sus obligaciones.
Retsu estuvo cautivado por la impresionante presentación del S/O y por la linda expresión avergonzada que hizo cuando lo elogio, realmente espera que sus caminos se vuelvan a cruzar pronto.
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lizveroworlds-blog · 1 year ago
Usted siempre será el sentimiento que se esconde tras mis letras,
pudo ser solo un instante en la vida pero es el recuerdo más bonito grabado en mi memoria.
No importa que no lo entienda sino fue a su manera,
pago el precio por amarlo en el silencio,
perdiendo toda oportunidad, admirándolo desde lejos.
Ahora solo mis líneas son el constante recordatorio de lo que fue y de lo que aún significa,
no espero nada solo la satisfacción de llevarlo en mis pensamientos
y hacerlo blanco de mis emociones al escribirlo.
Tampoco espero que me lea al encontrarse tan distante de mi,
solo me queda desahogar en el frio papel este pequeño dolor que aún siento por no tener valor.
Le dejé al tiempo la tarea cruel del olvido que no llego,
es más fuerte lo que dejó que aún sigue respirando atraves de mí,
resignada estoy que me habite
siempre es un privilegio guardarlo en el corazón.
Pd. Mi siempre ...
Angel Liz
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bluexskin · 2 years ago
Amo amarte, amo cuando me amas
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ultravioletqueen · 26 days ago
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In the survey, those who wanted to see Record of Ragnarok content on my account won, and I give the public what they want😤
I present to you Aradia from the Pagan/Wiccan pantheon!
Aradia is a figure from the pagan/Wiccan pantheon, daughter of Lucifer and the goddess Diana, although in this universe she will be the daughter of Lucifer with some angel, she is also the first witch of humanity and their queen.
Aradia is an altruistic and messianic figure among the women and men under her wing, since she taught them to use magic to defend themselves from the ignorant people who attacked them for being different or who had deprived them of their freedom (her title of liberator of slaves speaks for itself), so Aradia has a very large entourage of witches and warlocks who follow her like a savior.
Aradia is a wise woman, somewhat carefree and quite protective of her people, coming to be on the side of the gods to protect her community (if she didn't have to protect the witches/warlocks she would be on the side of humanity).
Aradia prefers to maintain a façade of security so as not to show fear before the other gods, she tries to stay out of the affairs of other pantheons since her priority is her people and she does not like unnecessary conflict, she usually prefers to maintain relationships on terms good or neutral with other gods that are not from their pantheon.
Aradia, being the first user of magic, has great mastery over it and has unique abilities such as transformation (she can turn from something as small as a mouse to A FUCKING CHIMERA), the invocation of magical creatures, handling elements such as water and fire (the witches can only use these elements in mythology) and the ability to fly (a broom is not necessary).
As a weapon, Aradia uses a sword, which is usually her wand transformed into a weapon to fight. She knows how to use sharp weapons but she is not good with actuality weapons.
I say that her perfect opponent would be Nikola Tesla, just imagine an epic duel between magic and science! (Besides, I want Tesla to win and not die like in the canon:() it would be like Odysseus and Circe fight in done for from epic the musical!
I will share more ocs from the pagan/wicca pantheon soon! I will also redesign some characters from the series(even if i love this universe i don't like some designs).
en la encuesta ganaron los que querian ver contenido de record of ragnarok en mi cuenta, y yo le doy al publico lo que quiere😤
¡les presento a aradia del panteon pagano/wicca!
aradia es una figura del panteon pagano/wicca hija de lucifer y la diosa diana, aunque en este universo sera hija de Lucifer con algun angel, ella tambien es la primera bruja de la humanidad y la reina de estas mismas.
aradia es una figura altruista y mesianica entre las mujeres y hombres bajo su ala, ya que les enseño a usar la magia para defenderse de la gente ignorante que los atacaba al ser diferentes o que les habia privado de su libertad(su titulo de liberadora de esclavos habla por si solo), por lo que aradia tiene un sequito muy grande de brujas y brujos que la siguen como una salvadora.
aradia es una mujer sabia, algo despreocupada y bastante protectora con su gente, llegando a estar del lado de los dioses para proteger a su comunidad(si no tuviera que proteger a las brujas/brujos ella estaria del lado de la humanidad).
aradia prefiere mantener una fachada de seguridad para no mostrar miedo ante los otros dioses, ella trata de mantenerse al margen de los asuntos de otros panteones ya que su priodidad es su gente y no le gusta el conflicto innecesario, ella suele preferir mantener relaciones en terminos buenos o neutrales con otros dioses que no sean de su panteon.
aradia al ser la primera usaria de magia tiene un gran dominio sobre esta y posee habilidades unicas como transformación(puede convertirse desde algo tan pequeño como un ratón hasta UNA PUTA QUIMERA), la invocacion de criaturas magicas, manejar elementos como agua y fuego(las brujas solo pueden utilizar estos elementos en la mitologia) y la capacidad de volar(no es necesaria una escoba).
como arma aradia usa una espada, que suele ser su varita transformada en un arma para pelear, ella sabe como usar armas punzo cortantes pero no es buena con las armas actuales.
yo digo que su oponente perfecto seria nikola tesla, ¡solo imaginen un duelo epico entre magia y ciencia!(aparte quiero que tesla gane y no muera como en el canon:() ¡sería como la pelea de odiseo y circe en epic the musical!
¡compartiré más ocs del panteon pagano/wicca pronto! También planeo rediseñar algunos personajes de la serie(aún si amo este universo hay diseños que odio).
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cas-azul · 3 months ago
Finally finished with the story of "Blue Butterfly," I can't thank enough everyone who followed and supported it. Thank you very much to this fandom that took the time to read and enjoy the story. 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
By the way, I wanted to make a small announcement, and that is that in what will be October and November, I will probably upload another two Willford stories (because there isn't much of the ship and what there is is mostly incomplete, so let's keep adding...). But they won't be long stories, just possibly short ones of a chapter or two. Both will be angst, I already used up my quota of happy endings in the previous story haha.
One of it, I've already mentioned it, it will be of a more cosmic horror style (I'm not very familiar with doing much of this so let's see what comes out) I briefly commented on the plot in the previously. I'm still thinking about the name.
The other will also be more angst and psychological horror. For the moment, it is titled "All (Good) Children Go to Heaven." It's an AU with the angelic version of Will, maybe here he does take on human form most of the time. This version of Will is responsible for taking care of the children and communicating with them through dreams to advise them; usually, they forget about him as they grow up. However, one does not do it, and once he is an adult (and due to things that happen in the plot), he will seek to bring this angelic entity into his world, but not with good intentions.
So, that's great! Those will be the next stories to contribute to the ship. We'll see how it turns out...
Finalmente terminada la historia de “Mariposa azul” no puedo más qué agradecer a todos los qué la siguieron y apoyaron. Muchas gracias a este sector fandom qué se tomó el tiempo de leer y disfrutó la historia. 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
De paso quería hacer un pequeño aviso y es qué en lo qué irá de octubre y noviembre subiré otras dos historias Willford seguramente (porque hay poco del ship y lo qué hay mucho está incompleto, así que a ir sumando…). Pero no serán historias largas sino posiblemente cortos de un capítulo o dos. Ambas serán angst, ya gasté mi cuota de finales felices en la historia anterior jajaja.
Uno ya lo he mencionado será de un estilo terror más cósmico (no estoy familiarizada con hacer mucho de esto así qué a ver qué sale) un poco comenté la trama en el anterior aviso. El nombre sigo pensándolo.
El otro será también más angst y terror psicológico. Por el momento se titula “Todos los niños (buenos) van al cielo” Es un AU con la versión de Will angelical, quizá aquí sí tenga la forma humana cada tanto. Esta versión de Will se encarga de cuidar a los niños y comunicarse con ellos a través de los sueños para aconsejarlos, normalmente ellos lo olvidan al crecer. Sin embargo uno no lo hace y una vez ya adulto (y por cosas qué pasan en la trama) buscará traer a está entidad angelical a su mundo, pero no con buenas intenciones.
Así qué bueno esas serán las próximas historias para aportar al ship. Veremos cómo sale...
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grandesrecuerdos · 10 months ago
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LAS MOMIAS DE SAN ANGEL (San Angel, Ciudad de México)
Fray Andrés de San Miguel, fue el arquitecto, hidrógrafo y horticultor del ex convento y se inspiró para su construcción en los modelos clásicos y del renacimiento italiano. Combinó la austeridad de la regla y la obediencia a lo impuesto por la orden Carmelita en la materia. Las criptas, están ubicadas bajo la nave de la iglesia se destacan por el uso de azulejos de Talavera poblana del siglo XVII, con decoraciones murales y altares, un pequeño retablo dorado y pilas de agua bendita hechas de alabastro. Fue hace 300 años que el capitán Juan de Ortega y Baldivia, adquirió una cripta para él y su familia, en uno de los monasterios arquitectónicamente más originales en la ciudad de México, el ex convento y colegio de El Carmen, en San Angel. Es en este espacio donde 12 cuerpos momificados fueron encontrados en las Criptas del lugar en tiempos de la Revolución Mexicana, por un pequeño destacamento del ejército zapatista. Se cuenta que, lo que los armados buscaban era oro, pero en su lugar encontraron éstos cuerpos, los cuales, se creyó, pertenecían a los monjes que habitaron el lugar, pero años después, se descubrió que se trataba de benefactores del convento. Actualmente, se encuentran expuestas en cajas de madera forradas de terciopelo negro, decoradas por murales y su antigüedad es de aproximadamente 300 años. Como dato adicional, se puede decir que, éstas momias de San Ángel, aparecieron en 3 películas mexicanas: “Las Momias de San Angel” con Mil Mascaras en 1975, “La Tía Alejandra”, de Arturo Ripstein, en 1979 y “Veneno para las Hadas” de Carlos Enrique Taboada, en 1984.
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