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demidevildiva · 1 year ago
Closed Starter:@islandmumublog
"Well, hello there Miss Buttercup." Asya said with a smile on her face. It had been only a couple months since she's last seen Iris, specially with how busy a work schedule she kept, but it was good to see her out and about from time to time. It never ceased to amaze Asya how fun of a time the two usually had whenever they met up for drinks. "I think the professor might have put a little too much spice, again."
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hcrrifying · 2 years ago
( @dancewithiris )
They weren't avoiding their sister, per say - their days lately just-so-conveniently involving late night studio sessions, the comfort of the concrete floor more welcoming than the bed just upstairs. Heading to Medusa's was the only time Viktor'd actually left their building in Low Point that week; their crooked, too tall and too pale form occupying a seat at the bar. "You know," Viktor began, stirring their drink, "You'd make a great fucking - dancer at Sirens. You should consider a career shift."
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jaehyunxlee · 2 years ago
closed for @dancewithiris
location: medusa
Thankfully that bull is gone by the next time he finds himself at Medusa, preferring to Deadlights considering one placed harbored one of his ex-girlfriends. "I'll have a…" he pauses for a moment, thinking about what he'd prefer right now. "A kamikaze, but with Grey Goose instead of whatever you have on house," Jae finishes, sliding his card across the bar to start a tab and leaning back in the stool before shooting a look in the bartender's direction, thinking she didn't look super familiar.
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oculiaperticlausi · 1 year ago
hazal's place w/ @islandmumublog — iris anev
Hazal leans towards her mirror, holding her lipstick up. She twists the bottom then moves the tip to her lips, brushing it across her lips as she glances at the mirror to see Iris standing behind her. She slowly turns her head to look over her shoulder at her. "You plannin' on running into someone tonight, Iris?"
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azranadir · 2 years ago
closed for @dancewithiris
location: grigg's general
"The security is way too tight in this place these days. You'd think they would've done this before the murderers were caught and that vile bitch was 6 feet under," Azra lets out, walking into Iris's room. She didn't know the new girl very well, just that she worked at her favorite club, one she hadn't gone to for valid reasons in the past month. But there was nothing like a bonding moment between two people who'd been stabbed and pushed down the stairs by the same girl, prompting her to take out the bottle of tequila and mixer she'd been hiding in her jacket. "When do you get out here?" she asked, setting the bottles on the table beside Iris.
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jcsters · 2 years ago
( @dancewithiris )
"You know - it's kinda, like, scary -" Her voice dropped into a yell-whisper against the club's music, inflection on the whinier side - telltale sign that Myria was absolutely blasted, "- Like - I don't wanna get stabbed, that sounds like - so unfun that it's literally sickening. I don't want you to get stabbed again either! That was also like - so unfun. The unfunnest," She blinked against the lights before her gaze found Iris again, hands soft against her hips - a sudden dazed smile on her face, "I could sew you up if you did, though - I'm like, really good with my hands."
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the-acid-pear · 2 years ago
good news after my rant yesterday i woke up crying today an im struggling to stop
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bearbricks20 · 1 year ago
Bearbrick Anever 100% & 400% Set
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"Dive into collectible art with the Bearbrick Anever 100% & 400% Set. 🐻 This exclusive set showcases the distinctive design of Anever, making a bold statement in the world of Bearbricks. Elevate your collection with this unique set that captures the essence of Anever's creativity.
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stigmvtas · 1 year ago
( @islandmumublog )
"Oh - Christ, it's you again -" Somehow, Kiran would recognize Iris anywhere - maybe it'd been the trauma of getting his nose near - broken against the Pink Palace's back door. " - We're not in the vicinity of anything heavy and swinging, are we?" They took a glance around, hand instinctively coming to their nose; a beak now, with their mask.
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demidevildiva · 1 year ago
Closed Starter: @islandmumublog
"I don't think I can do that." Asya said and laughed as she watched Iris completely dominate the makeshift dance floor in her living room. It wasn't that she couldn't dance or move her hips, just that whatever passion Iris was putting into her body Asya was still clueless about. Her moves were confident and demanded attention. "Did you always know you wanted to be a dancer?"
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oculiaperticlausi · 1 year ago
Damien chuckles breathlessly. "One whole thing," he smirks as he picks up his glass, taking a sip of it. He notices how she tosses it back in one swift motions so he does the same thing. "I'm sure we can find more things we have in common," his gaze lifts up to her, mainly seeing the back of her head than her actual face since she was sitting on his lap with her back facing him. "Much appreciated. You wouldn't be the first one trying to bash it in this week, probably won't be the last." He tries to make a little joke about about what had happened to him.
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This felt like a game and Iris loved to play. This energy about Damien was really low-key, an adjective that could never be used to describe her. "Neither do I, look at that... We have one whole thing in common," she teased, before reaching back to grab her own shot. She didn't need to turn around to do so, practically having a 6th sense for available liquor. "The drinks are on the house, by the way. Consider it an apology for almost breaking your face earlier," Iris added, before tossing the shot back with as much reaction as if it were water.
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servantofthefates · 1 year ago
The Spell to Make Your Wish Come True
“Yadas scolyah Sacul snuycale ynocaj aiahisah oniniey, pes, satitca enrab dul ynenod aye ubei eur, ahav, ailaiv, eye. Eiv ayhah oyah ayas anlas iahah, icuc ayay. Lehenele, an anev; autes.”
1) Memorize the orison.
Ancient orisons are powerful not simply because they are in Latin or in another old language. They draw their power from all the witches throughout the centuries who have used them.
Memorize this letter for letter, punctuation per punctuation. Note which words are capitalized and which are not. You are not allowed to copy it. You have to know it by heart.
2) Acquire a new journal.
The smallest you can find. Make sure its materials are natural and that its pages are not lined.
Using a pencil, write your wish on the very first page. Make it succinct but specific. Erasures and corrections are not allowed. They show weakness of intention. If you make a mistake, obtain another journal.
3) Write down the orison.
The next day, when you wake up, the first thing you must do – before peeing, drinking water, brushing your teeth or praying – is write down the orison on the second page. Again, no mistakes.
Do the same the next day, and the one after that. Always write on a new page. Do it for as many days as the number of words you used in your wish. If your wish is, “I wish to get married before my 21st birthday”, then you must do it for nine days.
4) Burn the journal.
Once you are finished, wait for a night when the moon is a waxing crescent, and burn the journal in your front yard. Not in your backyard. You want it in your future, not to leave it in the past.
Collect the ashes in a jar.
5) Cook your favorite meal.
Immediately after, cook your favorite meal. Add all the ashes in. Serve the meal on a silver platter and place it in your front yard, exactly where you burned your journal. This is your payment to whoever old one read your wish as you burned it.
If by sunrise, the platter has ants, worms or other insects in it, as well as signs of having been touched, then your payment was accepted and your wish will be granted. If not… if it looks just as you left it… it means greater powers interfered. Your wish is simply not destined.
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hey-i-am-trying · 1 year ago
Okay, now with Pac being being kidnapped to Purgatory 2 Bagi said she will go after Tubbo
Forever is dying
Cellbit is still missing
Mike is on a coma
Felps is in anever around
Roier is god knows where, probably kidnapped too
Quackity is in hell And I can just think about this conversation between Bagi and Richas "Bagi: I know you like to be crazy and a dreamer. But it has been a long time since you started to play with your own life. And it has been a short time since we met, it has been too much for this small amount of time
Richas: Mom, you only live once. Imagine I go missing again? Or you all? We try to enjoy (life).
Bagi: Here it is. I found the source of the problem. Richarlyson, we are not going anywhere. You are afraid of losing the ones you love. You need to talk about your feelings.
Richas: I was also not going anywhere. But last time, we did(ended up missing) anyway kkkk
Bagi: I know you want to live all days like they are your last ones. But the problem is that they are actually going to be the last ones if you keep acting this way. But we can talk later, in a more private way, about this delicate topic.
Richas(about the last days' comment): And everything is alright, isn't it?"
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revenant-coining · 11 months ago
[pt: Mechatelum /end pt]
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[ids: 2 rectangular flags with 6 equally-sized horizontal lines. colors in this order from top to bottom: dark green, greyish-green, light green, pale blue, grey, dark blue. the top and bottom lines, on the ends, are extending over the 2nd and 5th lines. in the center of the first flag is a dark green-to-dark blue gear with a skull and crossbones symbol overlapping it. the symbols are outlined and filled with light green-to-pale blue. /end ids]
Mechatelum/Mortaneve; a term that is both Mechaneve (link) & Mortelum (link), mechaneve-in-nature (MECHIN) & mortelum-in-nature, mechic (mechaneve-aligned) & mortelum-aligned, or any other combination between the two terms.
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[ids: 3 images; a transparent image, a dark grey gear with a skull and crossbones symbol overlapping it, outlined and filled with pale grey, a transparent image. /end ids]
etymology; mecha(neve), (mor)telum/mort(elum), (mech)aneve
tagging; @radiomogai, @thecoffeecrew404
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[id: a blue-to-light blue-to blue rounded line divider with a break in the center, with a "blue raindrop" magikarp from magikarp jump in said break. /end id]
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jacoboh · 2 years ago
"What do you recommend?" Jake asked, offering the woman in front of him a light smile. After the past few days, he wanted a drink or at least a moment of space between it all. Every day had felt a constant reminder that people were gone, the people he cared for hurt as a result of it, and it continued to weigh heavy on him. His drink of choice wasn't really the kind for clubs, always told that he should opt for a clear liquor like vodka instead of his preferred whiskey. "I'm not very picky," he added.
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OPEN @nightreststarters​ LOCATION: Medusa’s 
Tonight only marks a month since Iris got into town and she is already wondering if she made the right call. There seems to be something bumping in the night and people going missing every thirty seconds. Of course this was the one time she didn’t get a month by month lease, so she needed to at least hold out for a little while. “What can I get you?” Iris asked the unfamiliar face, as they sat down. 
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oscconfessions · 10 months ago
i lovelovelove 8golf soo much i love lesbians who hate eachother its my favorite ship dynamic ever forever anever and i wish people talked about them more
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