#Anesthetic Assistant
jobsnotices · 2 months
Rasuwa Hospital Vacancy 2081 Various Positions
Rasuwa Hospital Vacancy 2081 Various Positions: AHW, ANM, HA, Staff Nurse, Radiographer, Medical Recorder Supervisor, Health Assistant, Anesthetic Assistant, Pharmacy Assistant, Medical Officer, Lab Technician, Dental Surgeon, Biomedical Technician. Bagmati Provincial Government, Ministry of Health, Directorate of Health, Rasuwa Hospital’s service contract notification regarding staff…
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hystericfae · 9 months
oh noooo i have this strong feeling i had a question to ask you and i FORGOT wHAT IT WAS 😭
(not an important one..like a for funsies question...but i have no idea what it was even related to)
not sure why i'm telling you this at all since it's net zero information but oh well now you can..imagine a questiosn and answer it yourself if you please😍
SCREAMING 🥰😍 well since I just got done at the dentist I'm going to pretend you asked me what an underrated form of torture is 🥰😍 having 2 fillings and a crown and sitting with your mouth wide open for 2 straight hours
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transcript from my best of understanding: kanji -> もと死神の俺が 二人聞でも三人聞でも戦うぜ romanji -> moto shinigami no ore ga, futari bun demo san nin bun demo tatakauze the gist of what i get -> i used to be a god of death(in the context of the game "a reaper"). even if there's two people or three people, i'll fight.
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ms-demeanor · 1 year
So I go to the dentist and the appointment I had was not the appointment that I thought I was going to have (normal maintenance vs deep clean) so i warned the dentist "hey heads up I burn through dental anesthetics super quick and also I'd like to use as little as possible because putting the dental anesthetics in my body is the most painful part of the process unless I'm having a root canal or something" and she's like "Hmm. Okay. Is it just the injection site?" and I was like "no, it will feel like burning on the opposite side of my face and in my nose and eyes and stuff." And she was like "Hmm. Do you turn really red when this happens?" And I was like "I don't know, I can't really see myself when it happens." And she was like "are you willing to experiment with this a little?" And I was like "sure, no worries" and she injected me with one anesthetic and it hurt like a motherfucker and she and the assistant both went "OOOH" and she was like "Yeah you got really red right away let's try the other," and it was the same thing and then she was like "okay I think this is the one that will work" and it hurt a little bit but it was fucking NOTHING compared to the comprehensive full stabbing burning facial pain from the others and long story short the dentist was like "You're reacting to the epinephrine in these other anesthetics," which I guess is fairly common for people who have autoimmune disorders.
So I guess this is to say: If you get spreading, burning, stabbing pain when you are being injected with local anesthetics it's not supposed to do that and you should say something.
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4x18hawkeye · 2 months
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It was well after midnight when we got the call. Picked up in military jeeps and flanked by stone-faced, machine gun—bearing soldiers, we were taken to a hospital somewhere in the city. It was an eerie ride, everything about it implying a potential attack at any moment. We entered the hospital through the back entrance and, still under guard, were brought by freight elevator to where a surgery had been set up. The patient was on a gurney, with lights and the necessary equipment around her. Having delivered us, the soldiers left, and we were suddenly confronted with a problem. Dr. S. had assumed there would be surgical nurses to assist him, but the moment we arrived, all the Salvadorans who had prepared her simply walked out. His wife, there to administer and monitor the anesthetic, would be completely occupied and unable to provide any other assistance during surgery.
At that point, Dr. S turned to me and said, “Go scrub up and put on a gown and gloves.”
Fearing that I had heard him correctly, I panicked and said, “Doc, you’ve got to be kidding.” He wasn’t. “But I’m not a real doctor,” I protested. “All that stuff we did on the show was fake: fake blood, fake wounds, fake everything.”
He smiled, and said, “You understand the process; you know sterile procedure. Without another pair of hands, I can’t do this, so get scrubbed.”
So I went into the scrub room and did all the things I’d done hundreds of times before for what felt like the first time, all the while telling myself not to pass out or vomit when the cutting started. Mrs. S. helped me with the gown, cap, and gloves, and soon everyone was ready. Sort of. But the doc never hesitated. He told me to listen carefully and to mirror his actions. If he moved tissue aside in one direction, he wanted me to do that same in the other. Otherwise, I should simply do as I was told.
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Where Will All The Martyrs Go [Chapter 5: Heads Or Tails, Fairy Tales In My Mind]
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Series summary: In the midst of the zombie apocalypse, both you and Aemond (and your respective travel companions) find yourselves headed for the West Coast. It’s the 2024 version of the Oregon Trail, but with less dysentery and more undead antagonists. Watch out for snakes! 😉🐍
Series warnings: Language, sexual content (18+ readers only), violence, bodily injury, med school Aemond, character deaths, nature, drinking, smoking, drugs, Adventures With Aegon™️, pregnancy and childbirth, the U.S. Navy, road trip vibes, RIP Jace.
Series title is a lyric from: “Letterbomb” by Green Day.
Chapter title is a lyric from: “Are We The Waiting” by Green Day.
Word count: 5.8k
💜 All my writing can be found HERE! 💜
Let me know if you’d like to be added to the taglist 🥰
“I know he has a scalpel in his bag,” Baela says, meaning Aemond. You are sitting with her on the front steps of a two-story house—1970s construction, split foyer, pale blue siding and rust-red bricks—on Trux Street in Plymouth, Ohio. This town was named for the place where the pilgrims stepped off the Mayflower over four hundred years ago, pioneers who crossed through the doorway of an unfathomably changing world to die of disease, cold, accidents, starvation, violence. You wonder if you are so unlike them. “He’s assisted with c-sections before, if it comes to that. And he has needles and surgical thread. But he doesn’t have any way to anesthetize me.”
Luke and Rhaena are on the roof of the silver Chrysler Pacifica parked at the end of the driveway and surveilling the road. Everyone else is inside tearing the house apart as they try to find the keys. You don’t know what to say to Baela. There is no way to console her except by lying, and she’s too smart for that. “How far along are you?”
“I don’t even know.” She laughs like she’s on the verge of losing her mind. You don’t blame her. “The doctors calculate it based on the date of your last period, but mine was all over the place. I had tried a few different birth control pills and had all these side effects, weird spotting and cramping, no sex drive, feeling depressed, so I just figured I’d go all natural for six months and give my body a chance to reset. And we all know how that turned out.” She skims her palms over the globe of her belly, hidden beneath the flowing periwinkle cotton of a maternity dress she found at the Walmart back in Shenandoah. “I’m officially due in four weeks.”
“But it could happen at any time.”
Baela nods miserably. “My mum had me and Rhaena the…you know…the natural way, and it was smooth sailing. But she needed an emergency c-section with my little brother. What happens if that’s how it goes for me? Do you ever think about all the ways people can die now? It’s not just the zombies. I could get murdered, or fall and crack my skull open, or get a cut that turns septic, or rupture my appendix, or get frostbite or heatstroke, or get bitten by a snake. It never ends. We’ll be balancing on the knife’s edge for the rest of our lives.”
You wish you were better with words; you wish you were someone who spoke effortlessly like Rio or Aegon. You reply with the only thing you can think of. “Humans have survived for hundreds of thousands of years, and for the vast majority of that time with no modern medicine. It was dangerous, and it was painful. But there have always been people who made it. We wouldn’t exist otherwise.”
Remarkably, this seems to help. “I know Aemond will do everything he can for me,” Baela says, more steadily now. “He’s always been the most dependable one. So serious, so protective. Daeron was visiting us in Boston when everything shut down, and Aemond wouldn’t let the kid out of his sight for weeks…then Aemond almost died when he lost his eye and Daeron proved he could take care of himself with his compound bow.” Baela unwraps a Twizzler and takes a bite out of it, gazing vacantly at the sky, calm and overcast now that the storm has passed, breezy, mid-80s. She doesn’t even like them, but she’s been eating through a pack of Twizzlers Luke had been carrying in his backpack for Jace, slow mindless chewing like a cow’s. “Aemond feels responsible for you now. And that’s difficult when there’s so little control he actually has over what ends up happening.”
“Baela…I’m so sorry about Jace.”
“Drowning isn’t so bad, I guess. I hope he drowned. I hope he was dead before he washed ashore and they ate him.” Baela turns to you, eyes glazed. “Do you think we should have shot him before we left the river? To make sure he didn’t die in pain? You could have done it if you wanted to. Your aim is good enough.”
“No,” you say, horrified but trying to soften it. “I think that would have been…immoral.”
“I don’t even have a picture of Jace to show the baby, everything was online or on my phone, and now that’s all…gone. Just gone. Like he never even existed. How am I going to explain to my child what Boston was, or law school, or aerospace engineering, or grocery stores or shopping malls or Instagram, or anything else about our lives before this whole fucking disaster? All they’ll ever know is running from monsters, scrounging for shelter and supplies from the ruins of civilization.”
“The world is going to come back, Baela. Maybe not for five or ten years, and maybe looking a lot different than it did before, but humanity will recover. The Black Death wasn’t the end, and neither were the World Wars or the Mongol invasions or the colonization of the Americas, or famines or floods or volcanic eruptions. The zombies won’t end us either.”
“Do you really believe that?”
I want to. “Yeah, I do. We just have to hold on until the tide turns. We can’t give up.”
“In that case, I’ll try not to go completely insane in the immediate future. Thank God Rhaena and Luke are still here. Do you have any siblings?”
You smile vaguely. “Four.”
“Wow,” Baela says. “Do you know where they are now?”
There is an interruption before you have to decide how to answer: a roaring high above in the sky, a remote mechanical growling. You and Baela both look up to see a jet zooming by, just below the steel grey cloud cover and leaving a trail of condensation behind it like a comet’s tail of eons-old cosmic dust. From where he is perched atop the Pacifica, Luke is pointing at the jet to show Rhaena. Aemond, Rio, Aegon, and Daeron come rocketing out of the house to find the source of the noise. After a moment, Helaena moseys onto the front porch as well, tucking flashlights and napkins into her burlap messenger bag. Meanwhile, Aegon is filling his pockets with packs of Marlboro Golds and orange prescription bottles labelled Percocet.
“Is that an airplane?!” Aegon gasps. “People are flying again?! Oh, we are back, baby! We are so back! I’m catching the next flight to SFO, peace out bitches, no more Oregon Trail for me!”
“It’s a jet,” Aemond says flatly. “Not a passenger carrier. Probably military.”
“Doesn’t look like one of ours.” Rio turns to you for confirmation.
“No, I don’t recognize it.”
“Then who the fuck is up there?” Aegon says. “Canada? The U.K.?”
Rio sighs, ruffling Aegon’s already quite disheveled blonde hair. “Who knows, Honey Bun. Maybe it’s China or Russia swinging by to drop nukes on any survivors.”
“Fortunately, nobody’s going to waste a nuclear bomb on freaking Plymouth, Ohio,” Baela says, watching the jet vanish into the west, the droning of its engines replaced by the breeze through the sugar maples and sycamores, the screeching of cicadas and chirps of robins. “No luck finding the keys?”
Aemond frowns as he shakes his head, tapping his chin anxiously. He knows she can’t walk much farther.
“How do none of us know how to hotwire a car?” Aegon demands, exasperated.
Rio replies cheerfully: “Well, Chips and I have been diligently serving this glorious nation since we were eighteen years old, and you’re all clueless rich kids. So…I think that just about sums it up.”
“I need more arrows,” Daeron says, clutching his compound bow. All the ones he had are now speared through zombies along the river where Jace died. When you snuck away from the farm at dawn, Luke used his binoculars to check the shores; they were still swamped with zombies, even more than the night before. They are pack animals; alone, they are aimless and easily confounded, their memories calamitously short. As part of a group—if they were crows they’d be a murder, if they were camels they’d be a caravan—zombies attract and guide each other, moving symbiotically like planets and moons locked in orbit.
“I think you’re going to have to start making them the old fashioned way, kid,” Rio tells Daeron, accompanied by a rough pat of encouragement on the back.
“What, like with sticks?!”
“Yeah. Use a knife to carve one end to make it pointy and you’re good to go.”
“Love it. Very pioneer.” Aegon holds up a Sony Walkman, pink and covered with Disney stickers, Ava spelled out across the top in glittering rhinestones. “At least I found this. Helaena, do we have any more AA batteries?” She fishes around in her bag and hands him a pair.
Baela gapes at him, but she’s smiling. It’s horrible, it’s absurd, it’s something you can’t help but find a macabre humor in. “Aegon, you cannot use that poor eaten kid’s CD player. You know it’s haunted.”
Aegon sings like a jingle from a commercial: “Little Ava died, RIP. Now I get to listen to my CDs.”
“Oh, that is so fucked up!” Rio cackles.
You say, grinning: “Aegon, I’m really going to miss you when we’re all in heaven at the bowling alley made of clouds and you’re downstairs in the fiery version of the afterlife.”
“Don’t feel bad for me, Chipmunk. You’re the one who’s going to die without ever having an orgasm.”
“You don’t need a man for that, Aegon,” Baela says.
“You definitely don’t,” you agree. Aemond glances over at you, intrigued. You stare dauntlessly back. What? You said you weren’t interested. The corners of his lips curl up in a reticent smile; he looks down to try to hide it. He’s touching his chin again. His cheeks flush pink as his mind wanders.
Rio chuckles. “Oh yeah, I remember your little experimenting phase. Lots of trips to the Spencer’s in the Tysons Corner mall when we were stationed at Anacostia.”
You raise your eyebrows, though you’re not annoyed. “I thought you were never going to tell anybody about that.”
“It’s the end of the world, baby. No time to be shy.” Then Rio asks Aemond: “Since we’re here and it’s quiet, you want to go ahead and check every house that has a car with the fuel cap still closed? There are some minivans and SUVs down at the other end of the street. Even a few gallons of gas will take us farther than days on foot.”
Aegon adds, checking his map: “A half tank would get us all the way to Decatur, Indiana.”
“Yeah, let’s do it,” Aemond says. He offers Baela a hand and helps lift her to her feet. “You guys go ahead, I’ll meet you down at the driveway with the black…what is that, a Honda Odyssey? You know the one, the van in front of the yellow house. Don’t go inside until I get there.”
“Yup!” Aegon agrees as he speeds off, racing Daeron to the house. Rio—not one for sprinting—jogs after them with his Remington in hand, ready to bash rotting skulls in at a moment’s notice. Baela toddles down to the Pacifica to tell Luke and Rhaena the plan, her periwinkle dress billowing in the wind; then they climb down to walk with her. Helaena floats across the sidewalk like a ghost, pausing to pick buttercups that grow up between the cracks in the cement.
Aemond has been waiting until the two of you are alone. “Can I ask you something?”
“Yeah, sure.” A few houses down, a female zombie—early-twenties, white bikini top, red Ohio State shorts—staggers across the yard and in her attempt to snag Aegon falls and impales herself on the white picket fence. She is suspended there, clawing and yowling, her blackening intestines and dark clotted blood staining the wood. Aegon takes his time getting into a stance and swings his golf club like he’s at a driving range. He hits her dead-on, caves the front of her face in, takes a few more shots just to be sure.
“I get what’s in Oregon for Rio,” Aemond says. “Sophie, the baby, his parents. But why are you going there?”
“Rio’s my best friend. He might be my only friend who’s still alive. And when we left Saratoga Springs, he made me promise that I wouldn’t let him die alone. So before anything else, I have to make sure he gets to Odessa and finds his family. And then I can figure out what’s next for me. But if it really is safe there, I don’t see why I’d leave. I’ve never wanted to be on my own. Maybe I can end up having a family in Oregon too.”
Aemond rests his elbows on the porch railing. He’s teasing you. “We’re friends, aren’t we? I’m still alive.”
You tease him back. He deserves it. “I’m not sure about you and me.”
“I’d like for us to be friends.”
“Would you?”
“Maybe I’ll give it a try.”
He considers you. “You know, Kentucky might have been a good place for you to hide out. And it would be a lot closer than Oregon.”
You stand up, throwing on your backpack full of bullets for your Beretta M9s, beef jerky and peanut butter crackers and granola bars, lip balm, bottles of water, Kleenex tissues, Juicy Fruit, miscellaneous treasures from the road, practically worthless trinkets made so impossibly valuable. “We’re done here, right?”
Aemond is disappointed, though not with you. He has committed an error he cannot understand. “Yeah, we’re done.” He walks with you to the yellow house, your sneakers pounding in tandem on the sidewalk, squirrels and rabbits darting through the overgrown lawns, eastern tiger swallowtails swooping between blossoms.
Aegon says when you and Aemond arrive in the driveway, nodding to the once-attractive blonde zombie pawing and licking at the glass of the living room window: “Who wants to take care of Ryan Seacrest?”
“Got it,” Rio replies immediately. He kicks down the front door, macerates the zombie’s skull with the butt of his Remington, then sweeps through the kitchen and dining room searching for any other monsters in need of hasty euthanasia. He doesn’t find any. He drags the corpse outside to lessen the stench of decomposition and opens all the downstairs windows.
“Commence Operation Find The Minivan Keys,” Aegon says as he rummages through drawers and cabinets. Helaena joins him, seeking so delicately she is almost soundless, her large blue eyes flicking from place to place. Luke, Rhaena, and Daeron stay outside to keep watch. Baela collapses into a recliner in one corner of the living room and is dozing within seconds.
“I’ll clear the upstairs,” Aemond volunteers, then asks you: “Watch my blind side?”
You can’t help but smile; it is a generous invitation. It is an honor. You shadow him up the staircase of olive green carpet, through the hallway, into each of the three bedrooms and one full bath. When you are certain it is safe—exploring the back of every closet, under every bed—you and Aemond begin searching for weapons and car keys. The main bedroom is like a forest: blankets pattered with trees and deer, wood furniture, paintings of the Battle of the Wilderness during the Civil War. You investigate every drawer of the nightstand and dresser, then go to leave.
“Wait.” Aemond peeks out into the hallway to make sure no one else is around, then closes the bedroom door. Your eyes track him quizzically, shy skittish optimism, your head tilted, your fingers finding the dresser behind you, cool rust-hued oak, a color like dried blood. You slip off your backpack. Then Aemond comes to you like a returning comet—once in a lifetime, once in an eon—and holds your face in his hands as he kisses you, soft, careful, unhurried, then turning famished, sweltering incurable hunger. You lift yourself up onto the dresser; your thighs have parted, and Aemond is between them, still fully clothed and leaving yours in place too, so innocent, so spotless, and yet in your mind you are imagining what it would feel like to lie beneath him as he opens and fills you, to be so irredeemably close to another person, to watch and listen as he teaches you what to do.
Right here? Right now?
It suddenly strikes you as too soon; you want this but you aren’t ready. Your heart races, you can’t catch your breath. “I am obligated to make you aware that according to your own calculations, I am likely dangerously fertile at the moment.”
Aemond grins as he bites playfully at your lower lip. “Relax. We’re not rounding all the bases this time.”
His voice evaporates your panic, lulls your rushing blood. Your muscles turn to seamless rippling water. Your bones crave the weight of his. “Yeah, totally, good, that’s good. Just making sure.”
“I want to touch you. Can I touch you?”
In reply, you unbutton your denim shorts and pull down the zipper, slowly, very slowly, your gaze linked with his like torn flesh stitched together. He’s close enough to kiss you again, but he doesn’t; he takes your chin gently and turns your face to the side, admiring the curve of your jaw. Then his lips are on your throat and his right hand is skimming down the front of your shirt, over your belly, under your shorts. You gasp—the foreignness of another’s hand here, the disorienting vulnerability—and Aemond stops.
“No, I’m okay,” you assure him, smiling. You kiss him deeply, your fingertips tracing his scar, the work of his careful, gifted hands. Aemond does not flinch away. He presses his face into your palm, offering himself fully, taking shelter in you. And everything other than him—this house, this world, this age, this westward journey, this apocalypse—goes quiet, quiet, quiet, like when you are shooting, like when you are hammering nails under the sun. Aemond makes everything horrifying disappear. It is the greatest sort of magic you can imagine.
“So,” he says. “What did you buy at Spencer’s?”
“Green Day t-shirts.”
“And some, uh, battery-powered companionship.”
“Hm.” Aemond’s fingers are moving against you; it is increasingly difficult to respond to his questions. “Internal or external? Or both?”
“Oh, definitely…um…I stayed on the outside, mostly. I tried…oh wow, okay…inside a few times, but I didn’t get much out of it. It was mostly just uncomfortable.”
“No problem. We’ll work up to that.”
“Will we?” You hope you don’t sound too desperate. The warm coiling pleasure is swelling, strengthening, begging to be released, loosed like an arrow or fired like a bullet. Aemond’s fingers slip through your wetness, circling and pressing down harder, insistently, masterfully. It feels different than using toys: it is more gradual, less sharp, helplessly overpowering.
“That’s my plan. If you’ll allow it.”
You exhale a threadbare ghost of a whimper against his throat and then reach for his shorts, fumbling blindly for the button and zipper.
“No, don’t do anything,” Aemond murmurs, soft and pleading, almost like a prayer. “Let me take care of you. Please let me feel like I’m doing something right.”
“You’re doing a lot right at the moment.” You’re close now, your breaths quick and panting. You throw your arms around the back of Aemond’s neck and fold into him, feeling the thudding pulse of his carotid artery beneath your fingertips, the softness of his lips and unscarred cheek as he nuzzles the side of your face. It’s so quiet, but there’s no need to fill the silence, no words, no uneasiness. You’ve always wondered what you would have to do to please a man, what premeditated motions and praises you would offer him, niceties, perhaps even lies. But this is effortless. The shimmering golden glow like sunlight is here, and he is the one drawing it out of you, water from a well, blood from a tapped vein. The only sound you make is a shuddering inhale, but Aemond knows immediately. He closes his eyes, relieved, proud, beaming, resting his forehead against yours.
He asks: “Can I try…?”
“Yes, do it, please, I want you to.”
Aemond’s hand shifts between your thighs, moves lower, and there is a sudden jolt of pain like a pinch, like a bite. You wince before you can think to disguise it. Immediately, Aemond retreats, kissing your lips and your cheeks. “It’s okay, it’s okay. You were incredible.”
You reach for his shorts again and unbutton them. “Show me what to do.”
“You don’t have to—”
“I know I don’t have to. I want to.”
He takes a shaky breath, drags his tongue over the fingers he touched you with, moans so quietly you can barely hear him. He frees himself from his clothes: long and thick, harder than you believed flesh could be. Aemond grasps your hand and places it, demonstrates how to move and how much pressure to apply. Then his own hands drop to grip the edge of the dresser as you stroke him. You nip at his throat, his jaw, the shell of his ear; you coax euphoric sighs from him, feel a high in your bloodstream like something illicit and lethal.
“I’ll be honest,” you say. “I have no idea how that’s ever going to fit inside me.”
Aemond chuckles, distracted. “Women stretch, just like men do. It might take time, but it will happen. And I’ll make sure it’s as good as it can be.”
“I want it to be you, Aemond,” you whisper, and you can feel him throbbing in your hand. “You and no one else. Teach me how to do everything.” Make the world go away.
He gasps as he finishes, a thunderous trembling all over, a gush of white heat that flows over your hand. Curious, you lift it to your mouth. “Don’t—!”
But he’s too late; you lick him from your palm and then recoil at the taste, pungent, bitter, salty.
Aemond laughs hysterically, kissing your mouth and then your forehead. “Oh God, I’m sorry, I should have warned you.”
“I hope I taste better than that.”
“You definitely do.”
You peer up at him, dazed, dreamy. “I really like you, Aemond.”
“You can’t fall in love with me.” It is a taunt; it is a warning.
“If I do, I won’t let you know,” you promise. “You’re on first watch tonight, aren’t you?”
“I am.”
“Then I’ll stay up too.”
“Rio already volunteered to do it.”
“Really, I don’t mind.”
“No,” Aemond purrs, brushing your hair back from your face, marveling at you. “I can’t have you sleep deprived. You’re our best shot.”
“I can handle it.”
“You want to be honest with each other, you want to communicate? I like knowing you’re rested. I like knowing you’re safe.”
The door flies open with a bang; Aegon stands in the threshold. “We’ve got three-quarters of a tank of gas!” he announces ecstatically, jangling car keys in the air. Then he registers what he’s looking at. “Come outside when you’re done fucking.” Aegon slams the door shut; you hear his Sperry Bahama sneakers drumming on the staircase.
“I guess we should go,” you say reluctantly, untangling yourself from Aemond and sliding down from the dresser.
“Wait.” He gets a water bottle out of your backpack, soaks a handful of Kleenex tissues, and gives them to you to clean yourself off. When you’re done, he wipes himself down too. “Make sure you always take a piss after any…activities. We don’t have antibiotics if you get a kidney infection.”
“I know, doctor. I’ve read Reddit threads.”
“Not a doctor. Just a lowly intern.”
“You seem like an anatomy expert to me,” you say, then head downstairs.
The black Honda Odyssey is idling as the last of the supplies are loaded, the windows down, Baela adjusting the driver’s seat so she can accommodate her belly. Everyone piles inside and she steers the minivan out of the driveway and onto Trux Street. Aegon pops one of his mixtapes into the CD player. The song that pipes through the speakers is Prayer In C:
“Yeah, you never said a word
You didn’t send me no letter
Don’t think I could forgive you…”
“So,” Baela says casually, grinning at you in the rearview mirror. “How was the sex?”
“Stop,” Aemond begs, his face going red, smiling involuntarily.
You say placidly: “I appreciate your interest, but that’s not what we were doing.”
Rio turns to Aegon. “Do you know what sex looks like or not, dumbass?”
“They were doing something, okay! Those were not virginal activities!”
“See, our world is slowly dying
I’m not wasting no more time
Don’t think I could believe you…”
You rest your head on Aemond’s shoulder and watch the abandoned houses pass by in a blur.
The Odyssey arrives in Decatur, Indiana just a few hours before sunset, gas to spare and plenty of time to find a safe place to spend the night. You break into a house on the outskirts of the west side of the city: a rancher with a screened-in porch, beach décor, bowls of seashells on tables and spray-painted aluminum dolphins on the wall. Baela plummets into sleep immediately, sharing the largest bed with Rhaena and Luke. Helaena writes in her spider notebook for a while before curling up on the living room couch, Daeron sprawled on the floor beside her with a couch cushion for a pillow. Aegon is in what was once a child’s bedroom; you have the bedroom of a teenage girl, perhaps spirited away to friends or relatives in some other part of the country, perhaps dead, perhaps lurching around out in the night somewhere, mad and murderous. Everything is purple, the walls, the blankets, the stuffed animals that form a mountain on the other half of the bed.
You are exhausted, but you can’t sleep. Your thoughts won’t stop racing, stop craving. Aemond and Rio are in rocking chairs out on the porch, keeping watch and working their way through the case of Sunny D they found in the kitchen pantry. You go out to join them, then stop at the screen door that separates the linoleum-floored dining room from the porch. They are discussing you. You sit, legs crossed, listening in the dim silvery light, stars and moon and nothing else.
Aemond is saying: “She doesn’t talk much about where she came from.”
Rio chuckles, a low baritone rumble. “She doesn’t talk much in general. But yeah, don’t expect any juicy revelations. That’s not how she does things.”
“Do you know what her life was like before?”
“I know some of it. I don’t know a lot.” Rio pauses; you can envision him shrugging and running his fingers through his dark curly hair, weighing what you would be okay with him sharing. “I know that when I met her, her mother was calling all the time telling her to send money home. And she’d do it, because she felt like she didn’t have a choice. Then she never had cash for drinks or anything, I was always paying her way, and one day I was finally like ‘Chips, how much do you actually have in your account right now?’ because I figured she must be down real low. Jesus Christ, I couldn’t believe it when she showed me the balance, she had like three bucks left until her next paycheck, and of course then her mother would be calling again. She sent tens of thousands of dollars home that disappeared, poof, gone, without a trace.”
Aemond sounds stunned. “What did they spend it on?”
“Who the fuck knows with those people. Lottery tickets and cigs, probably. Trips to Virginia Beach. Benny Hinn Bibles. And when she tried to hit the brakes, her mother and siblings got nasty, calling constantly and telling her how awful she was and that they were going to starve. I convinced her to stop picking up the phone, but it took forever. I think she knew by then she was going to have to cut them off if she didn’t want to end up back there, but she needed somebody to give her permission. That was my job. As far as I know, she hasn’t spoken to anyone from home in years. Hell, Sophie was her AOP.”
“Oh, sorry, Arrears of Pay. It’s the person you designate to get all your benefits if you die in the service. I guess she figured that if our base got bombed or our plane went down or something, at least it would end up with my family.”
Aemond is quiet, thirty seconds, a minute, maybe two. “Obviously my circumstances were a lot different. But I understand having to choose between other people’s expectations and yourself.”
“Why are you asking me all this?”
Another pause; silent thoughts under glimmering stars and the shrieks of short-lived summer cicadas. “She takes me out of this world for a while. She makes the guilt and the fear go quiet. I want to know everything about her.”
When Rio speaks, he is gentle, compassionate. “The hard truth is, the details aren’t my business. They aren’t yours either. When people enlist, they’re starting over. It’s a Get Out Of Jail Free card. It gets them away from home, but it also gets them away from whoever they were before.”
“She said something like that once. Back at Fort Indiantown Gap.”
“It’s a polite way of telling you to shut up.” You know from his voice that Rio is smiling. “If she wants to forget her old life, you have to let her. If you care about her, you’ll want her to be able to move on.”
“I care.”
“She likes you,” Rio says. “But you could still fuck it up. She’s good at finding reasons not to trust people.”
“It’s a bad way to live.”
“Yeah. I know. I’m the same way.”
There is quiet now, only the sounds of Sunny D being slurped and cicadas screaming through the darkness. You have intruded enough. You stand and walk back down the hallway, then remember something Aegon said outside a Burger King in Pennsylvania. You go to his bedroom, illuminated by a flashlight pointed towards the ceiling, casting long deformed shadows.
Aegon is lying on his back with his head hanging upside down over the side of the bed—dinosaur blankets, bright red and blue pillows—puffing on a cigarette and listening to his new CD player, previously Ava’s, with both earbuds in. Then he spots you. Still upside down, Aegon hits the pause button on his CD player and says: “Hey, Microchip.”
“What did you mean about people pretending to love you?”
He smirks, shrugs, takes a lazy drag off his Marlboro Gold. “Every friend I’ve ever had has used me for money, mansions, yachts. Every girl I’ve ever fucked has wanted something in return. Mother prefers Daeron, Grandfather prefers Helaena, Criston prefers Aemond, and Father prefers his real estate empire and his model ships. Can you imagine loving a miniature replica of the Titanic more than your own children?”
“No,” you say, honestly and with heavy, gore-red pity. “You shouldn’t have to go back to people who make you feel that way. I wouldn’t.”
Aegon takes another drag as he watches you. “Aemond mentioned you’re from Kentucky.”
“I am.”
“But you won’t be returning.”
Aegon nods, like you’ve answered an important question. “Aemond talks about you a lot. It’s cute. It doesn’t make me sick like when he was with Alys. Playing her games, breaking himself in half to follow her rules.”
You peer down at your fingernails, short and functional and unglamorous. You don’t want to hear about the older woman who was his lover, his obsession, his cure, his venom. She was poisonous to him, surely, and yet she was experienced where you are uninitiated and unversed, she had a PhD to compare with your high school diploma. Surely in those seven years he shared moments with her that were divine. Surely even a curse is woven from magic.
“Anyway.” Aegon rolls over, props himself up on his elbows, and extinguishes his cigarette in an empty plastic Sunny D bottle. “I have no particular affinity for my old life or the beach house in California, but that’s where Aemond is going. And I have to be where he is. I have to make sure he’s alright, you know?”
Yes, you do know; that’s how you feel about Rio. “What’s it like? That house up on a cliff all by itself?”
Aegon grins, like he’s caught you in a mouthwateringly compromising position. “Why? You thinking about visiting someday?”
“Just wondering.”
He squirms over to one side of the bed to make room for you, popping in an earbud. “Come listen with me.”
“What is it?”
“Just come over here!”
You cross the room and kick off your sneakers, climb onto the bed, lie down and take the other earbud that Aegon offers you. What you hear when you listen is Don McLean’s American Pie. “Oh, this is ancient.”
“It’s a classic. I wish I’d gotten to live through the 70s.”
“We’ll reinvent them when the world starts up again. Disco and lava lamps and shag carpets. We’ll shoot heroin and listen to vinyl records. Jimmy Carter can be president if he’s still alive.”
Aegon snickers, and then he sings along, hushed but surprisingly melodic, solemn, tender. He’s looking at you expectantly, eyebrows raised, nodding, beckoning for you to join him. You adamantly refuse. You don’t sing in front of anybody, not even Rio.
“I met a girl who sang the blues
And I asked her for some happy news
But she just smiled and turned away
I went down to the sacred store
Where I’d heard the music years before
But the man there said the music wouldn’t play…”
Aegon shoves your shoulder. “I could be dead tomorrow. Don’t ignore me.”
Self-consciously, but smiling a little bit, you begin to sing with him, so softly you can barely hear yourself. Aegon is beaming, small even white teeth beneath sparkling eyes, a murky cool blue like storm clouds, like the ocean, waves lapping at the shores of Diego Garcia, the Gulf of Tadjoura off the east coast of Djibouti, Corpus Christi Bay, places you once never knew existed.
“And in the streets, the children screamed
The lovers cried and the poets dreamed
But not a word was spoken
The church bells all were broken
And the three men I admire most
The Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost
They caught the last train for the coast
The day the music died.”
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applesauce42069 · 21 days
With people like Candace Owens spreading misinformation about medical experiments at Auschwitz, it is important to be literate in this aspect of Holocaust history.
TW below the cut for: medical experimentation and malpractice, forced sterilization, antisemitism, anti-roma and sinti racism, discussion of concentration camps and the Holocaust. I will not include any photos. My source for everything is this book, published by the Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum.
There were more Nazi "doctors" at Auschwitz than I will be able to cover in this post. It is important to note that these "doctors" did not just perform experiments, but they also played a direct role in the genocide of the Jews at Auschwitz by participating in "selections." During these "selections," prisoners or prospective prisoners were chosen to be sent to the gas chambers. I say prospective prisoners because a selection usually took place at arrival upon the camp, with most children, the elderly, and anyone unfit for work, or for some people,just because, were sent immediately to the gas chambers without even being registered in the camp. This is a process that is unique to Auschwitz-Birkenau.
Josef Mengele is by far the most famous SS "doctor" at Auschwitz. He was the head physician of the sector of Auschwitz II - Birkenau which held Roma and Sinti families, before the camp was "liquidated" which mean that every man, woman and child in it were sent to the gas chambers. Mengele performed experiments related to twins, people with dwarfism, and a disease called noma (don't look it up its gross).
Lorenc Andreas Menasche and his twin sister were experimented on by Josef Mengele. Menasche testified about undergoing experimentation with his sister:
"They also gave us injections all over our bodies. As a result of these injections, my sister fell ill. Her neck swelled up as a result of a severe infection. They sent her to the hospital and operated on her without anesthetic in primitive conditions"
Elzbieta Piekut-Warszawska, an Auschwitz prisoner forced to assist with Mengele's experiments, describes experiments on Jewish twins:
"Drops were also put into their eyes. I did not see the procedure itself, since they took the children into the next room. Some pairs of children received drops in both eyes, and others only in one. I was ordered to observed the reactions, and not to intervene in any way in case of any changes... The results of these practices were very painful for the victims. They suffered from severe swelling of the eyelids, a burning sensation, and intense watering of hte eyes"
Dr. Miklos Nyiszli, a Hungarian Jew, was also forced to assist Dr. Mengele. He describes being forced to perform autopsies on a pair of "small twins" who:
"... died [were killed] simultaneously... Their death makes it possible to carry out autopsies on them, intended to solve the mystery of reproduction."
Nyiszli says that Mengele was interested in twins with the aim of "increas[ing] the birth rate of the 'higher race'"
At the same time, two separate "doctors," Carl Clauberg and Horst Schumann, were performing sterilization experiments on Jewish prisoners in order to find an effective method of mass sterilization.
Clauberg's experiments involved introducing chemicals into the reproductive organs of Jewish women. Alina Białostocka, an Auschwitz prisoner who was forced to assist Clauberg testified that
"[the] procedure was carried out brutally, and often caused complications"
When it "worked," the procedure left women forcibly sterilized for life.
Horst Schumann's experiments involved the use of x-ray on male and female genitalia. According to Felicja Pleszowska, an Auschwitz prisoner forced to assist with experiments, Schumann's experiments were
"very painful and dangerous to life. There were frequent cases of men dying immediately after such procedures"
From the combined victims of these two men, only very few individuals survived.
Eduard Wirths, Friedrich Entress, Helmuth Vetter, Fritz Klein, Werner Rhode, Hans Wilhem Konig, Victor Capesius and Bruno Weber all tested pharmaceuticals on Auschwitz prisoners on behalf of companies like Bayer (which still exist and operate).
I cannot stress enough the mortality rate of all the medical experiments that took place in Auschwitz. I cannot stress enough the harm done to those who survived. I cannot stress enough the fact that the information I have provided here is just the tip of the iceberg, and that these experiments were VERY well documented BY THE NAZIS THEMSELVES.
This is horrifying. This is real. And we cannot let people insult the memory of these horrors by manipulating historical fact for selfish gain.
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thefandomlesbian · 10 months
Thinking about House's infarction and recovery and based on the scar, I think he would have had a wound vac for a significant period of time.
(Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, this is conjecture for the sake of fandom, any misconceptions are my own.)
So this is House's scar, per the screen grab I can get off of Google.
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In my opinion, the scar seems like it wasn't well-approximated at the time of closure, which makes sense; it's consistent with the idea that his leg was opened and necrotic tissue was debrided, leaving wide margins that couldn't be secured with sutures. (This is a guess; muscular infarctions are incredibly rare and I haven't found any information online on standard procedure for clearing necrotic muscle tissue surgically.) Combine with the fact that an infarction is a clotting issue that can interfere with circulation and perfusion, I think House may have been discharged with a wound vac.
A wound vac is an electronic negative pressure device that assists with wound closure for open wounds, ie the outermost layer of skin isn't sutured/stapled and underlying tissue is exposed. These devices are usually in place for a few weeks.
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(This is a stock image I swiped from Google associated with a study on the efficacy of wound vac closures.)
Basically, the tubing hooks to a machine that provides suction for any drainage and helps everything remain clean, among other things. The dressing is generally changed every 48-72 hours and is pretty painful, the adhesives involved are strong to provide total suction (the machine will flag if there is any leak and start beeping, so it must be completely airtight). I've had it described to me as, "It feels like they're peeling your skin off and digging around in your wound."
So from pain alone, this is not something House would've been able to do well by himself. He also eschews nurses, so I find it most likely Wilson provided this care for him. As a surgeon, Wilson is well-acquainted with wound closure techniques and with stages of healing, this is his area of expertise. This is something that needs to be done every 2-3 days, for 3-4 weeks, maybe longer depending on how the wound healed.
Again, based on scarring, it looks like there may have been healing complications. Which, granted, it's House. We see him perform bathtub surgery with no sterile technique or gloves (he also might have had a wound vac for that, too). House attempting to perform his own dressing changes, or worse, foregoing them altogether because it's too painful, except now the suctioned drainage is green and the periwound is hot and bright red and his leg is starting to swell. He needs help, he can't do this himself.
Wilson wants to take him to the hospital to sedate him for debridement and provide IV antibiotics, but House won't go, he's afraid of losing his leg if he's anesthetized again, he'll sooner die of sepsis. Wilson, against his better judgment, does what he must. Clears the dead tissue, cleans the wound, replaces the wound vac dressing, new tubing and canister, all while House is biting a towel like a civil war soldier because he won't be anesthetized again. Wilson fills oral antibiotics to control the infection. Going forward, he religiously changes the dressing, because if the wound becomes gangrenous he knows House will die before he consents to an amputation.
We all discuss House relying on Wilson for mobility after the infarction, which I also think is true and deserves a spotlight. But wound care is such a personal act with regards to House's profession and personality that the notion of Wilson providing for House in this way has me salivating.
406 notes · View notes
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Paring: seungcheol x fem!reader
Requested: no
Release date: 24-04-24
Genre: mafia au, reverse of getting kidnaped by the mafia boss, fluff, e2l, crack, assistant au
Warning(s): mention of abduction, guns?, cheol is a menace, brief mentions of drugs (do tell me if i missed anything)
summary: It was not supposed to be like this, it was a meticulous plan perfectly curated by you, Jun and Seokmin. You were supposed to go get the man who was the future heir of the Kim Corps named Mingyu, you ever had a pic of his. Most importantly it was definitely not supposed to be the man who now sits in your basement claiming that he is the leader of the mafia organisation you three work for.
Word count: 5.8k
Other works
Beta reader(s): @wonuwrites-main and @anonmonty (sweet sweet angles helped me with proof reading, or else im fucking incompetent)
disclaimer: this is not the exact representation of the subjects in real life. I just use them for my inspiration.
a/n: I request each and every one of you to comment on this fic don't be a silent reader it helps me as an author to understand my readers and i would love to communicate with all of you. Constructive criticism is always welcomed by me so do talk about this fic or send me an ask.
[permanent taglist] [only for those interested, don’t fill the form otherwise]
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It is a beautiful day, and like they always say: beautiful things happen on beautiful days, and you were damn ready for the said beautiful thing to happen!
The plan is simple—you and Jun have gone over it at least fifty times, and Seokmin has been standing there listening to you both intently throughout the whole ordeal. 
“So, let’s go over it once again,” you say, pointing at the white board with the picture of a man, Mingyu to be exact, the heir to the Kim Corp. and your target. 
“He leaves his office to have coffee every afternoon exactly at 3pm at the nearest café named ‘Carvery’, am I right?” Jun and Seokmin nod with a concentrated look on their faces. 
“Next he goes to the park, sits there for fifteen minutes, on most days, and then takes the path that leads them straight back to the building, correct?” The two men again nod, and then Jun takes over the talking. 
“More often than not, he hates company during his afternoon runs, so the best chance we have of abducting the man is when he is between the café and the park. This will give us at least a twenty-minute head start before the police and his family start looking for him.” 
Now you and Seokmin nod at the man, and Seokmin takes the podium to present the next part. 
“Jun and I will be on the streets while y/n waits in the car, and from the background check we ran last month, we know the man is well trained in martial arts, so we will try and attack him with the anesthetic as soon as possible.” 
“And after the guy is unconscious, we will flee with his ass~,” adds Jun. 
“Sounds like a solid plan,” you laugh as you high five the two men. 
Indeed, it was a solid plan. You three had considered every possibility and chosen this day to execute your plan. It’s perfect and thorough, so what can go wrong? 
A lot apparently. 
You reached the destination ten minutes early to give Seokmin and Jun ample amount of time to prepare for the attack. 
As you parked your car near the pavement where the abduction would take place, you see a man walk past the car wearing a beige trench coat with some sort of concoction from the coffee shop. 
Now if you were a seasoned abductor, you would have known not to mess with the person as the timing was not right. But that was not the case, and seeing a person who vaguely matched the physical descriptions of the man you were actually supposed to abduct gave you enough reason to jump the gun and take this man hostage. 
Before you could process anything, Seokmin jumped on the guy, trying to tackle him while Jun tried to find a way to inject the drug into his system. After another minute of struggle, taking at least five punches in their abdomen and faces, both the men were successful in sedating the man.  
They hurriedly carried him to the car and you three sped off to the base to ask his family for ransom. 
You have been back at the base for three hours now. As you look at the unconscious man tied to the chair in front, you realize the grave mistake you made by not seeing his face the minute you were actually kidnapping him. 
“I mean if you look at his eyes, they look very similar to the real target, you know. Maybe he ate too much last night and is a bit swollen now,” Jun says in a wise tone. Now if you were stupid like Seokmin, you would have accepted this analogy of his just like the hundred others he had spewed in the past two hours, but you are not. So, you hit the guy’s head while calmly saying. 
“Will you keep quiet for a minute? You know as well as I that this is the wrong man. We don’t even know who he actually is. So, we wait for him to gain consciousness and then interrogate him.”  
You have figured that screaming and crying will get you nowhere. All it will do is trigger Seokmin’s panic attack, and you do not think he can manage another one after the one hour long one he just resurfaced from.  
“Our best bet is that we abducted a pretty important dude, or else we know the boss will have our meat served to his dogs for their nightly feasts,” you continued. 
“I can see he is wearing pretty costly brands all over. My guts say he is rich,” Seokmin pipes up. 
“Seok, your gut told you to scream for the past hour. I don’t trust it a lot now,” you complain. 
“I think it’s your fault, too. You should have stopped us from abducting the guy instead of just staring from the car, you know,” Jun says. 
Now, you will consider yourself to be a level-headed person, but one thing that gets to you more than anything else is a false accusation. On top of that, the bitch has the gal to accuse you of being careless when they were the ones showing literally no care about their work, owing to the fact you were not even supposed to abduct the untouchable Kim Mingyu in the first place. The leader of your clan, although you three had never seen him, mostly operated through Jeonghan, his right-hand man. The guy you agreed to kidnap was apparently remarkably close to your boss. But when faced with the tough choice of loyalty towards one gang and the lump sum of three million, you three had to face the situation and betray your gang. You know you should not, but the small jobs with the gang were not enough to even pay your rent!  
So, who does Jun think he is to shift the blame towards you when you have done nothing but try to make a secure living for all three of you. Therefore, you do the thing that your sane brain advises you to. 
Go off at Jun. 
“So, if I fail to babysit two grown men while on an extremely important mission that included them, the blame is shifted towards me?!” 
“You were both supposed to wait for my instructions before confronting the poor bloke. Now, if things go wrong, it will be your faults, and I will be dragged into it because I was the main brain behind the planning.”  
“Guys, I think we should focus on the guy more; I think he is stirring.” 
This statement from Seokmin caught both of your attention, causing you to cease the argument immediately to take a look at the man in front of you. 
Without hesitation, you put your gun on his head and ask, “who are you, tell us about yourself.” 
The man albeit good looking with his doe eyes and plump lips, gave you three a mean stare before speaking sassily. 
“Shouldn’t you know the identity of the person you kidnap?” 
“If we knew, I don’t think I would have asked about you,” you reply. 
The man scoffs before informing you the most gut-wrenching piece of information you have ever heard. 
“I’m Choi Seungcheol leader of Choi Clan.” 
When Seungcheol met Mingyu today, he was feeling particularly drained and sought the comfort of a familiar face, longing for a brief respite from the relentless demands of his job. Mingyu, sensing his friend's exhaustion, proposed they take a detour to unwind, considering Seungcheol's grueling schedule. Gratefully accepting the suggestion, Seungcheol had embarked on what he thought would be a much-needed moment of relaxation. 
Oh, how wrong he was. 
As he leisurely sipped his coffee, enjoying a fleeting moment of calm, the tranquility was shattered by the sudden onslaught of a group of thugs. Seungcheol had braced himself for a possible mugging, but the idea of being abducted never crossed his mind. He curses himself for sending Soonyoung away earlier, now regretting not having company in this unforeseen predicament. 
To make matters worse, Seungcheol felt a wave of embarrassment wash over him. A mafia boss getting abducted! 
How humiliating.  
Now, do not get him wrong, he was, in reality, as far from incompetent as the Sahara was from water, as Seungkwan was from being calm, as Jihoon was from showing affection—you get the point. 
In fact, he had been the first in three generations to successfully reclaim the southeastern part of the city for his clan from the Yoon family, a testament to his capabilities. 
Now bound and surrounded by three hapless captors whose incompetence was glaringly evident, judging by the one who he suspects was crying prior to their conversation with him. He suspected they had targeted Mingyu, but mistakenly seized him instead. Seungcheol could not help but shake his head at their sheer incompetence. 
Now, again, he is not that scared. He knows he has a trusted pack of workers who would join heaven and earth in search of him. No, he is least bothered about himself. 
What he is actually bothered about is who planned to abduct Mingyu, because he is strictly off limits for his clan members. He knows this as much as anyone that they respect the young heir a lot, not only due to his kind nature, but also because of the relationship he has with their leader. 
So, when he informs his three kidnappers his name, he gets the weirdest of responses ever—a chorus of ‘shits’ and ‘fucks.’ Moreover, he sees all three of his kidnappers suddenly fall down at his feet and grumbling out the most nonsensical bullshit ever. The only words he vaguely captures are ‘it was supposed to be someone else’ and ‘sirs’. 
This confuses the man even more. But then he suddenly sees all three of them take their masks off, revealing two men and, dare he say, a very gorgeous woman. Now in any other situation,
Seungcheol would have laughed, but now that he is in it himself, the only reaction he can provide is a confused head nod as the woman immediately goes to untie his hands. 
“So, you are telling me that you were paid to abduct my friend who you know is off limits, but still went ahead with the idea, even though you are the members of my gang?!”  
He says as he looks at your group standing in front of him with their heads bowed down looking like kids getting scolded.  
“But sir, we barely make any money from doing the jobs assigned to us. The only way for us to pay our rent was for taking up jobs from outside, and this one paid us a huge sum. We never wanted you to be the one getting abducted instead, we swear!” you suddenly exclaim with the extreme need to explain yourself. 
Your two partners beside you do their dutiful job by nodding their heads with your rant. 
“You three fucked up really bad, didn’t you?” He says, looking a tad bit amused. 
“We are really sorry!” Seokmin chokes out, visibly scared by the whole ordeal. 
“Well, it’s time I go back, so take me back to the office.” 
Right after that statement comes out of his mouth, you three are escorting him out of the door to the car parked outside to take him back. 
“So, you are telling me these three, these newbies who literally didn’t have any good job for them to gain experience, drugged your ass and took you to god knows where, and you couldn’t even put up a good fight?!” 
Jeonghan exclaims, looking at the seated, nervous, and scared faces of the three of you from Seungcheol’s office’s glass. 
“Apparently not,” the older man sighs. 
“My friend, are you sure you are a real mafia? Because in light of the current happenings, I am starting to question your integrity a lot.” Jeonghan says as he barks out a laugh, taking immense pleasure at his friend’s humiliation. 
“Or maybe you were too caught up staring at the pretty lady to notice that you were getting kidnapped.” 
The bitch continues to make fun of the older man. 
“I just thought I was getting mugged, so I didn’t fight hard enough. Who knew I would be kidnapped instead.” Seungcheol grumbles, pouting a bit. 
“Which is even worse, because you are telling me you would have let people just mug you for no reason when you are one of the most influential people underground!” Jeonghan said while looking pretty concerned about the statement his superior just spewed, and he does indeed have a hard time accepting it. 
“Ahh! Just get over with it and let me go. Plus make sure the three of them face the appropriate consequences for not only abducting me, but also trying to abduct my friend,” Seungcheol barks out while walking out, thoroughly humiliated, and annoyed that his junior was having fun at his expense. 
So Jeonghan does the very thing at which he is extremely good. 
Create chaos. 
 Right after his superior leaves, he strides towards the group and says, “so because the boss has instructed me to do something with you three which will stop you guys from going off the hook, I’m going to assign you some jobs in the organization because I can.” 
Now, anyone even vaguely familiar with Jeonghan would recognize the expression he wore just before chaos ensued, but contrary to popular belief, Jeonghan is actually quite amiable—at least, that is what he believes, and that is what matters, right? 
He continues, “Junhui, you will be overseeing the artillery division. Our deputy head Chan will ensure you are well informed about your job. You will meet him tomorrow. As for Seokmin,” he paused, a sly smile crossing his face, which made Seokmin visibly nervous, “You, my friend, will be our esteemed boss's driver. Lastly, y/n, you will be his assistant. You shall be meeting Chan tomorrow, too; he will explain the workings of your new role.” 
Normally, in any ordinary conversation, you would not dare ask inappropriate questions, but the circumstances were far from normal, so you proceeded with the most audacious question you could muster: “Why did Chan leave his previous post?” 
Jeonghan politely responded, “He left because the job didn’t suit him, so we shifted him to the artillery department as a deputy head.” 
Unspoken was the fact that Chan had been worn down by the boss's relentless bullying, quietly requesting a transfer for at least three years before Jeonghan finally relented. Since then, the turnover of assistants had been alarmingly high. Jeonghan desperately hoped you would stick around. Moreover, if either you or Seungcheol objected to this arrangement, he had enough leverage to ensure you both comply. Enough dirt to keep both of you in line. 
Your meeting with Chan the next day went well. He explained to you the workings, gave you tips and tricks on how to make sure all the work gets done. Overall, a 10/10 experience, except the small hiccup at the end where he cryptically said something along the lines of “Best of all fucking luck with this job because you will need it.” 
Now a small best of luck is never a bad gesture, but that statement! 
That shit was a bit too hostile, even for you. But you are fine, happy even. Anything that saves you from getting your life cut short by a mafia leader is always welcomed. 
“What are you doing here?”  
“Where is Jeonghan?” 
The first two sentences to ever leave The Choi Seungcheol’s mouth the minute he sees your face when he comes into his office that afternoon. Indeed, so delightful! 
"Sir, I've been assigned as your work assistant for the time being," you reply, your eyes downcast. It is a surreal turn of events considering just yesterday this man was tied up in your basement. After that ordeal, everything seemed to take on a different hue, almost as if you were hearing the bells of heaven. So, that reaction seems pretty appropriate to you given the circumstances. 
Now you see our oh so beloved Mr. Choi was not just an underground mob because what is the fun in that, right! He mostly did international business under the guise of his company named The ChoiTech, solely based on providing technological change using sustainable means. Pretty cleaver tactic, although overused, but still gets the job done, so who are you to judge. 
The man looking extremely shocked at your statement immediately rushed inside his office, you presume, to call Jeonghan. And sure enough, within five minutes of him disappearing from your sight, you could hear him loudly complaining to his secretary on the phone. “But Jeonghan I can’t be collaborating with her, after what she did to me yesterday!” 
The man whined and then suddenly you could hear hushed whispers, so being the curious cat you were, slowly crept near the door to hear the conversation better. 
“But man, it’s humiliating. She kidnapped me for fucks sake”, the oh so powerful man, who people assumed will one day rule the underworld, whined like a kid who has been denied to go on a playdate with their best friend. 
By this time, you were almost pressed onto the door when suddenly the sound of someone clearing their throat made you jump away from it and look about for the person who stopped you from consuming you daily dose of gossip. 
The culprit, Joshua, stood right in front of your desk with an amused look on his face. 
Now Joshua is someone you were extremely familiar with, being the man who took care of assigning roles to the lower members of the group, you have had a lot of angry conversations with him. 
“I would ask you if Seungcheol is busy, but the way you were trying so hard to eavesdrop, makes me think otherwise,” he says, making you roll your eyes. 
“Just give me a minute to tell him you are here, then you can go in.” 
The man nodded still looking thoroughly amused at how sad you looked due to missing out on whatever conversation you were listening to. 
After a minute, the man was inside, now looking even happier that he has seen his next victim to torment. 
“So Jeonghan was indeed right,” he said, looking like he was having a tough time controlling his laugh. 
“Not you, too,” the pouty man whined from behind the desk. “But really, can you tell him to not put that woman as my assistant? I get war flashbacks every time I see her face,” he continued whining. 
“I mean, I could do that, but where is the fun there, right!” Joshua, thoroughly enjoying his boss’s misery, replied. “But in all seriousness, you could just treat her like Chan. The boy is still traumatized by the amount of work you made him do,” he thoughtfully added. 
The older replies, “I liked Chan, he was nice, would do anything you ask him to!” 
“And so will she. Her life is at stake here, give her some benefit of the doubt.” 
This statement made the older think like never before. Plans of tormenting you to quit your job rushing past his brain at high speed. Suddenly everything made sense. 
“I can take my revenge! That is exactly why Jeonghan made her my assistant. Oh, my friend is such a genius!” Seungcheol said, looking a bit too enthusiastic. 
“Ok, I am sure it was done to decrease his workload, but whatever you say, man,” the younger said skeptically after seeing the diabolical look on the elder’s face. 
It has already been three weeks and suddenly you understand what Chan meant all those days back when he wished you good luck. To put it quite plainly, your boss is crazy. 
The man was a combination of workaholic and perfectionist, which resulted in him getting swamped by work and by default the same fate befalls you every day, too. For the past three weeks, you have had a challenging time at the office to even take a break to eat food. 
The men you called your enemies once, aka Jeonghan and Joshua, are the ones now saving you from dying out of malnutrition. You are eternally thankful to them. But more than anything now, you regret trying to kidnap Kim Mingyu—the name makes you want to cry in a corner and throw rocks at people, if you had any time to do so. 
“Sir, you scheduled two appointments at the same time: the new project for the Orin Community Park and another one with Mr. Xu for the narcotic deal.” 
You informed the man who had his face shoved in some papers, reading something diligently.  
“Why did you not stop me from doing so then, you were right beside me when I was going through the plan.” 
Now, it is your job to curate the perfect schedule for the man to follow, but Seungcheol being the guy born only to cause you inconvenience made his schedule for the week himself this time. 
Why you might ask?
Purely because the man is a chronic insomniac and whenever he has trouble sleeping, instead of taking measures to have a peaceful sleep, he tries his hands in different works because he can, and this time his victim was the poor, poor schedule of his. 
“Because you had already sent them both emails, sir,” you say, thoroughly exasperated. 
“Ok maybe I did, so now I obviously can’t cancel on both so you figure out something so that I can attend both the meetings, because I ain’t missing any.” 
The man just turns his chair around and keeps reading whatever he was reading in the first place.
With an extremely calm voice, you say, “sir I need you to stop trying to do something to pass time when you can’t sleep. I need you to actually go to a doctor.”  “Can’t,” comes his response, making you sigh more. 
Sometimes it feels like you are working as a babysitter to a grown man instead of an assistant to a CEO. 
Seeing the conversation would be going nowhere if you keep talking to him, you go out and do the second-best thing in your books. 
Call Chan. 
“Lemme guess, the boss is giving you a hard time!” The first sentence he says right after picking up the phone. 
Sighing, you tell him all of Seungcheol’s various administrative behaviors throughout this week. When you got to the part where he had so bravely and meticulously made the perfect schedule, Chan started laughing. The gall of that boy! 
“Wait, he still does that!” He exclaimed between his laughs, making you feel even more annoyed. 
After calming down he says, “just make Jeonghan or Jihoon go for the community meeting and let him manage the narc. I know you are thankful, so do not mention it, but maybe buy me a meal when you are free, as a repayment.” 
Chuckling at the younger boy, you agreed to get him whatever he asks for purely because he is a literal angel, and he deserves the world. Ok, maybe it is a bit too dramatic, but the boy was indeed your angel in disguise. 
Planning on following through with the advice Chan gave you, you called both Jeonghan and Jihoon simultaneously. As Jeonghan was busy, Jihoon accepted the work of going to the community welfare meeting instead of Seungcheol. 
After that, the whole day was smooth sailing. But the main root of all your problems was happy, maybe not healthy, but the look of pure happiness and the twinkling eyes when he passed by your desk was hard to miss.  
This man was slowly but surely making sure to strip you of your patience bit by bit. 
The last straw to eradicating your already depleting patience came when Seungcheol in all his glory, during one of his nightly ‘Imma take away other’s jobs because sleep refuses to befriend me’ escapades, deleted all your assistant notes for the server by mistake. 
You still are baffled as to how he did that. Truth be told so is he. He was scrolling away on his phone when he saw this reel about ‘how to increase your Wi-Fi speed.’ Extremely intrigued by it, he had actually tried to increase the internet speed in his house, and he swears on every god on planet earth it worked. So, he tried doing so with the one in his office, which weirdly enough resulted in removal of all the information that you had stored in your laptop. 
Now if this would have happened to his computer, too, you would not have gotten as angry as you were, but the motherfucker’s computer was all well and good and if you actually pay attention, it seems that his internet speed has increased, too! 
How this man become a CEO is beyond you. What is not so beyond is your pure hatred for him and his technologically challenged ass. 
So that night when Seungcheol, stayed back as usual to do work, you took your chances, entered his office, and slammed a ball of yarn and two knitting needles on his table while scaring the life out of the, not so, poor man. 
“Start knitting!” you calmly said. 
“But I don’t know how to though!” he replies, thoroughly confused. 
“Then learn, Seungcheol! I don’t care what you want to do, I need you to learn and pick up a hobby, start gaming, try knitting anything! Just make sure you are not trying to turn the office upside down.” 
Anyone who knows Seungcheol also knows never to question his nightly routines, but more than that, they also know the pride of the man is too high to ever accept his mistake. So, when you commit the grave crime of pointing out his mishap with the Wi-Fi router that morning, you hit the nail on the head and pissed him to the fucking moon. 
“So, you think I’m bad at what I do?!” 
“No, I think you are technically inept. And you should leave it to people who are good at it.” 
This pisses off Seungcheol more than anything, but you don’t let him intervene as you keep speaking. 
“On top of that you are constantly making changes in your schedule without informing me. You’re your assistant. Maybe have you ever considered the fact that your schedule was made so that your day is smooth sailing, and no two activities overlap!” 
“Just because you refuse to go to a doctor and try and find a way to manage your stress does not mean you make the workplace hell for us.” 
By the end of your rant, you were fuming and Seungcheol was stunned. 
Clearing his throat, he says awkwardly, “I’m sorry you feel so, I will try and fix my schedule.” 
Now, although this statement made you feel better, it also confused you, as you were fully prepared to have a full-blown fight with the man. Him backing down was never an option. But now that it has happened, you muttered a small, “I shall be going then”, to which your boss meekly nodded. 
After you were outside, you ended up feeling better due to unloading all your anger on the man. It was refreshing. Now you just needed to see what changes tomorrow will bring for Seungcheol. 
It had been two months since you had the argument with Seungcheol, more like your single woman shouting spree. But things have been better. He has tried to keep his need for new experiences down and this has made your life exponentially easier.  
Did you now have time to eat. Absolutely not! 
But the office was not a nightmare anymore.  
If someone would have told you five months ago that this is what your future held for you, you would have straight up laughed at their face and told them to get themselves checked. But life has weird ways of throwing you in situations you don’t expect yourself to be in, and you have no other ways of getting out but learn to go with the flow. 
You sometimes talk to Jun and Seokmin, and you have realized you got the hardest of all the jobs.
You asked Jeonghan about it once and his answer was, “because I can and its fun!” 
So here you are sitting on the couch with Seokmin while enjoying your sandwich when you see Seungcheol come outside carrying a bag, Jeonghan trailing behind him sporting this devilish look on his face. 
The big man walks towards you and hands you the bag. Opening it you notice a green scarf sitting at the bottom. 
“Seungcheol’s first knitting creation, and he says thank you for forcing him to learn knitting. It helps him sleep now.” Jeonghan says while pointing at the bag even before the older man could open his mouth. 
Seokmin tries to make himself as invisible as possible while looking extremely interested in the whole situation unfolding in front of him. 
Seungcheol waves his hands at Jeonghan trying to hush him down and whines, “let me speak!” 
“I made this cause you told me it would help me sleep! I didn’t think it could actually help me, but it looks like it did, so I’m extremely thankful for your suggestion.”
“Good job!” Jeonghan says, patting Seungcheol’s head like he was a child, making you laugh a bit. 
“Thank you for listening to me, sir!” 
“Oh, no, call him by his name, or else he will become weird with you again!” Jeonghan says, making you laugh again. Seungcheol pouts at both of you and storms back to his office, with Jeonghan at his tail making fun of him yet again. 
After that, you kept the bag in your desk and went to bid your friend goodbye. 
“He looked like he was confessing to his crush, you know”, Seokmin muses. 
“Maybe he has a crush on you!” He exclaimed after pausing for a moment. 
“I don’t, he is a weird person,” you had replied thoughtfully. 
Realizing he has been chatting with you for a long time, Seokmin quickly rushes outside while loudly screaming a ‘goodbye’ for the whole building to hear. 
When you came back to your desk, Jeonghan was waiting for you there. The man just looked at you with a smirk and said, “see you later y/n, and make sure to wear the scarf!” 
Jeonghan is a weird person. You more often than not don’t listen to what he tells you to do. He forces you to do them anyways. 
“Seriously, lady, do wear the scarf. Plus, it’s cold outside—you won’t get a heatstroke if you do so.” 
With that he was outside of the office, too. Slowly work caught up with you and you forgot about the scarf altogether. 
That evening, as you were finishing up at work and preparing to leave, you grabbed the scarf that had been gifted to you and wrapped it around your neck before stepping out of the office. 
Unbeknownst to you, the man who had given you the scarf felt a rush of joy upon seeing you wear it. Concealing his flushed cheeks, he quietly followed you out and spontaneously invited you to join him for dinner, explaining that he had given Seokmin the night off and now was in extreme need of a dinner companion, as Seokmin would fill in that position on most nights. It was unusual for him to make such a request, but you were both hungry and couldn't resist the offer of a free meal, even if it was from someone as harmless as him. 
"So, what do you think?" Seungcheol asked as the two of you sat at the ramen shop waiting for your orders. 
"About what?" You replied, genuinely puzzled by his question. 
"Didn't you read the letter?" He asked, his face turning even redder as he mentioned it. 
"What letter?" You responded, glancing around until Seungcheol nodded towards the bag in which he gave you the scarf, looking inside you noticed an envelope that matched the interior perfectly sitting at the bottom. 
"Oh! I can read it now," you exclaimed. 
"Don't worry about it right now," he interjected as the waiter arrived with your bowls of ramen. 
Despite his reluctance to discuss the letter further, your curiosity only grew stronger after he dropped you off at your doorstep. Once inside your home, you wasted no time in retrieving the letter from your bag. Its contents filled you with excitement like never before. 
The following day at the office, you placed another letter on Seungcheol's desk before getting on with your usual tasks, eager to see his reaction. 
"So, let me get this straight—you've been dating our boss for the past month?" Exclaimed Jun, eyes wide with disbelief. 
"Why didn't you tell us sooner? How did this even happen?!" Chimed in Seokmin, equally stunned by the news. 
As soon as you revealed your relationship with Seungcheol, you found yourself bombarded with a flurry of questions from your friends. It was amusing to witness their sheer astonishment, and yet, deep down, it felt incredibly rewarding to share this surprising news with them.
What started as a casual hangout quickly transformed into a lively interrogation session, with your friends firing off all sorts of curious inquiries. Most pressing among them was the question: 
“How and when did all of this happen?!” 
You couldn't blame them for their curiosity. It seemed like just yesterday that you had kidnapped Seungcheol off the street instead of his friend Mingyu, which resulted in Jeonghan gaining the perfect opportunity to bully you both half to death. And let's not forget the hell and back experience you were subjected to from Seungcheol himself, the man who had once resorted to extreme tactics to get you to quit as he was reminded of the oh so humiliating experience he went through every time he saw your face. But somehow, it all worked out in the end, and you couldn't be happier about how it turned out. 
Near the end of your gathering, you couldn't resist the urge to pull out your phone and reveal the most treasured image in your gallery: a photograph capturing two pieces of paper resting on a desk. One paper bore a lengthy paragraph, while the other simply displayed a single, bold sentence: 
"Take me out on a proper date first!" 
The photo encapsulated perfectly how you both worked so well with each other. It was a sweet reminder of how unexpectedly love can bloom in the most unconventional of circumstances. 
As your friends marveled at the photo, you couldn't help but reflect on how far you and Seungcheol had come in such a short time. Despite the initial hurdles and challenges you faced with the man, you were grateful for the bond you now shared—a relationship built on laughter, friendship, and, of course, a bit of unexpected romance. 
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The end hope you like it !!
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ram-bam-writes · 4 months
Wisdom Teeth [Jake Seresin x NB Reader]
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A/N: Per my parents recounting, when I got my wisdom teeth removed a few days ago, I cried in my bed because they couldn’t get paramount to play on my tv in my room. I wanted to see Glen Powell so badly that my parents had to dig around to find a charger for my computer so they could put it on… Twenty minutes later I have my laptop flat on my face while humming along to the soundtrack as the TGM plays… Ehehe :>
Summary: Jake’s partner gets all four wisdom teeth removed… Chaos ensues…  Based on personal experiences and made up ones. You guess which are which :>
CW: Wisdom teeth extraction, mentions of medical fears, mentions of blood, reader is suffering, Jake is being a little shit, hurt/comfort, no beta we die like goose, etc [The first part is the actual incident, which goes over fears and hinted past medical trauma, but the rest is lovely (irritating) banter between Jake and his lover. Blue will be everything to do with the angst if you wanna skip past it]
Word Count: 3206
“Honey…” Jake purrs, gently patting your arm in the middle of the waiting room. “Take a breath.”
It’d been several grueling minutes of staring at the clock on the pale wall of the oral surgeon’s office, foot tapping impatiently on the floor as you wait in fear for the extraction. You didn’t want your wisdom teeth out — you’d heard horror stories online. But they caused plenty of migraines and ear pain, and you absolutely needed them out when the bottom teeth grew in with cavities.
That, you decided, wasn’t fair to you at all.
But, alas, it pushed you to get them out. And the dentists advised to get all four out at once, since the top ones were also impacted. So it only made sense to get it all done in one fast sweep.
“Honey.” Jake says a little more firmly, gently grasping your hands. You blink up at him, eyes widened. “Sorry…” “Talk to me, hun. What’s up? They’ve done this a thousand times.” He points at the office wall. “And this is where I got my teeth out. You’re gonna be okay. They’re amazing.” As you tap your feet on the floor, you try not to think of the story your older brother had told you. He’d gotten his ripped out in the Navy, and they had him on not enough local anesthetics and, unfortunately, felt them ripping out his teeth one by one. Your biggest fear became feeling the pain or waking up in the middle of the surgery. 
“I know, I know…” Your hand squeezes his. You didn’t want to be afraid, but you’d woken up before, and your brother certainly didn’t help. He’d tried to — that’s why he told you his story. He was trying to express that he only went through that because, well, Navy. You wouldn’t deal with it. But that didn’t help.
“I’ll be right here every step of the way…” He promises, offering a reassuring smile.
The door besides the office opens, a blond haired dental assistant leaning out of it. “Seresin?”
You inhale shakily, standing up. Your partner quickly follows you, ushering you inside. They both get you situated into the white room, a set of crazy equipment set up in the middle of the room. The dental assistant sits you in a chair, then proceeds to hook you up to an EKG.
“Mmm…” Jake lets out a low purr as your shirt is lifted to attach the stickers. “You look good…”
As much as you want to glare or blush, your nerves take over. The EKG begins to read your heart beat, following the pulses and patterns effortlessly. But that sound…
Warmth blooms on your thigh as Jake runs a hand across your skin. His green eyes swirl with concern, smiling weakly at you. “Breathe.”
After signing a few too many agreements to acknowledge that you’re aware that tons of shit can go wrong in the healing process and that it won’t be the dental office’s fault, you’re situated more comfortably in the chair.
More comfortably? Maybe less so, given they escort your partner out all too quickly. Jake gives you one last kiss to the forehead, just between your brows, and slips out of the room reluctantly. 
The actual oral surgeon walks into the room, his smile friendly. He begins to talk to you about what you do. School, work, both? As you answer each question, he sets up the IV, admittedly a little rough on your right arm. He apologizes, unable to get the IV set up properly, resulting in him going to the left arm. 
As you attempt to keep your wits about yourself, the room swirls around you. “It’s… fine… I’ve had it in my-my hand once…”
When you attempt to explain the story of your hand IV incident, several pairs of hands begin touching your body. One around your neck, two around your legs, and two on each arm. Something is pressed against your nose, something choking your throat. The EKG is loud as it beeps, signaling your tachycardic state.
So you thrash. You thrash and thrash — they wanted to hurt you. With wild eyes, you frantically search around the room for anyone you can recognize, but it’s just several masked medical personnel. It isn’t until the oral surgeon pulls down his blue mask that you see a slightly familiar face, finally easing your breathing.
“That’s it…” The oral surgeon praises. “You passed out on us for a second… but it’s okay… you’re doing fine… you’re okay now…”
“I’m-I’m sor-so-sorry…” Tears slip down your cheeks as the oral surgeon rubs your arm to ease your mind. You can feel the soft hands of a sweet, younger dental assistant running through your hair, smiling gently down at you behind her mask.
“Don’t be… you’re doing just fine. We’re gonna give you the anesthetics, and it’ll be over before you know it…”
A sob shakes your body. “Please don’t let me wake up.”
“I won’t let you. It’ll be the best nap of your life…”
“The denshist was sho cute…”
A soft laugh resonates around you, but you can’t quite make out where you’re at or who you’re with.
“Yeash... the denshist was shuper cute…”
“Okay, hun..."
"Sho cute."
“Javy, can you help me bring them in the house?”
You knew that name. You knew that voice! People!
“That’s my boyfrieeeend!” You suddenly shout, leaning against Javy, incapable of standing on your own. You beam a bloody smile at the blond pilot standing across you, his arms held out in case you tumble. “That’s myyyyy boyfriend!”
“Jayyyy thasss my boyfrienddd!”
“I know.”
“My boyfrieeeend!”
“Y-yes!” Javy holds you tight, attempting to not drop you while he cackles.
You blink up at your boyfriend in a daze, Jake’s sweet smile staring down at you. He hands you a black table bell, one you had gotten him a few months prior. It reads: “If you hear this bell, bring me a beer.”
“Here, hun. Ring this when you need something from Javy, okay?” He pats your head lovingly. “I need to pick up your meds from the Pharmacy.”
He should have known better. Objectively, he should have known. You’re drugged! How can you not ring the bell seventy-million times in a row the moment you’re handed it?
“Hun.” A bright grin spreads across his face, his laugh warm as it swirls around you. “Don’t make me take it away, darlin’.”
The ringing stops. 
“Thank you.” He kisses your forehead as you set the bell next to your bed, eyes glimmering as you stare at the oh-so-tempting piece of metal. 
There’s a warm glow from the curtains as the sun slowly lowers behind the horizon line. Wind blows from the open window, the breeze comforting against your cold, sore body. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think it was a normal morning after a good night with your partner.
And then the pain strikes. A thin set of lines in the four corners of your jaw are stinging. Jake, always a master of knowing your pain, rounds the corner to the open bedroom door.
“Ow…” You groan out, gauze stuffed in your cheeks. “Why…”
His calloused hands reach out and caress your neck. He doesn’t dare to touch your jaw, not in your current state. That’s a recipe for disaster he isn’t keen on making, actually. “Take it easy… you’re still pretty high on narcotics…”
“Ugh…” For some reason, your whole body aches something bad. It’s like you got hit by a truck. “Drugs…”
“Yes,” he laughs sweetly at you as he helps you sit up properly. “Yes, drugs. Good ones, too. Red caps, orange bottles. Good stuff.”
“Don’t talk much… the clots are still healing.” Jake gently wipes at the corner of your mouth with a wet cloth, removing the excess blood from your skin.
Is that why there’s so much gauze in your mouth?
“Let’s get you some new gauze, okay?” His strong arms help you stand upright as you lean most of your weight against him. An arm snakes around your waist, his lips pressing against the side of your head. “I’ve got ya…”
He leads you to the roomy kitchen, setting you onto the countertop. You instinctively spit out the gauze, something he laughs at. 
“Hun… unsanitary.” He earns himself a glare from you as he wanders to the sink. “I’ve got new gauze right here. Throw these ones in the trash, copy?”
“Floo-“He decides to interrupt you by pressing a rolled pad of gauze against your lips. Not hard, not at all. But enough to shut your drug-addled self up.
“Now bite down and quit bein’ a brat.”
You do as you’re told, mostly because your jaw is actually beginning to hurt from speaking so much. And when he hands you the good pills, the ones you know are gonna help fix most of those pains, you eagerly attempt to swallow them down with water.
“Babe-“ Jake inhales, immediately bursting out into laughter when the pill dissolves on your tongue, your mouth not quite working properly.
When your face twists in disgust as you try to swallow the dissolving pill, your partner’s fingers quickly grab the pill. He holds it in his palm, saving you from the horrendous taste. Down the length of your chin and neck is a long stream of wetness, none of the water that you had taken a sip of making it down the inside of your throat. 
“Alright, messy little thing, let’s try that again, hm?” He hands you a fresh pill this time, hand manually tilting your head back. “Once more, baby…”
You crave food.
A soft knock echos on the door to your shared bedroom, Jake stepping inside with a paper bag. “I’ve got food!”
The speed at which you sit up is concurrent with the pure hunger your body feels. Jake can only laugh when your eyes, large and focused, stare at the bag of food, your nose working to figure out what food he has for you. Jake sits down on the bed next to you, gently pulling out small round containers of food. One large one, one small one.
“Doc says you can have mashed potatoes and gr-“ Maybe he should have expected you to snatch the container eagerly, drool slipping past your lips.
You were finally allowed to take out the bloody gauze pads, the clots beginning to heal. Not enough to eat normal foods again, but fuck if these potatoes didn’t smell like heaven.
“Just go slow, darlin’.” Jake helps pour the gravy into the mashed potato container and hands you a spoon. “Don’t want you poppin’ a stitch just yet.”
As you eagerly scoop up the first bite of savory mashed potatoes, you run into your first problem. 
You can’t open your mouth wide enough. To fit. The spoon.
The spoon clatters against your teeth, and Jake silently thanks the gods it was just a plastic spoon. And when you pout, letting out a strangled whine, he laughs so sweetly as he cups your jaw. 
“Struggling to fit that, darlin’?” He teases, eyes twinkling with mischief. “Here, let’s get you somethin’… smaller.”
He digs around the paper bag, this time pulling out a plastic fork. After scooping up some room-temperature mashed potatoes, he gently feeds it through the small gap between your jaws that you can manage. 
“Fuck…” You groan, the taste on your tongue pure bliss. Had mashed potatoes always tasted this good?
Jake laughs at your sounds. The way your eyes flutter and weakened smile forms has his heart thrumming right out of his chest. You’re his baby, and he loves every second of it.
“That’s it, hun. There’s plenty more where that came from.” He feeds you another spoonful. “Nice and easy. Swallow all of it, darlin’. No spitting.”
… Did he really just…?
You deadpan your lover, a bit of mashed taters still coating your lips which slightly dulls the intended effect.
Oh, the laugh he lets out is a boisterous one. Grabbing you a tissue and gently wiping your lips, he offers a cheeky smile. “Can’t help it darlin’. This is who you chose.”
“You’re so lucky you’re spoon feeding me.”
“Fork feeding.”
Day two of the recovery period goes a bit better. Since the mashed potatoes yesterday, you’ve been able to have really really mashed egg salad, cold ramen with cut up noodles, more mashed potatoes, and even room-temperature tofu. With the opioids you’re on, you can’t quite get the average hunger cues, which is probably in your best interest given the nutrients you’ve been living off of consist only of mashed potatoes, yogurt, and chicken broth.
Javy has come to visit, since Jake had a few errands to run and was never gonna let you stay by yourself. You’d known Javy probably longer than you knew Jake. He’s a close friend of yours, especially given that he’s the reason you and Jake got together. 
“Javy…” You whine out, leaning dramatically on his lap. “Will you please get me more food…? Jake’s killing me!”
The man in question pats your head, his eyes never leaving the TV in front of him. “Nope. Jake has you on the diet you need to be on.”
If it weren’t for him being your friend, you’d have smacked him a lot harder. But maybe, just maybe, you could complain long enough and get some pancakes out of him. The sweetness of syrup and carbs sounds so damn appealing that your stomach growls in need.
“I can’t take it anymore! Please! I just want pancakes!”
“Sorry, love.” Javy points over to the bowl of yogurt on the coffee table. “Not yet. You can have pancakes on day four.”
“Did he leave you a list?” “Of course he left me a list.” Javy offers you his phone, seeing the frantic, detailed texts from your partner. “Several.”
As mad as you want to be, your heart warms with how much your boyfriend does to keep you healthy and well. Without him, you’d probably have already popped several stitches.
“Oh, and, out of curiosity.” Javy tilts his head to look down at you, gently placing the bag of frozen corn on your cheek once more. “Do you remember anything about the oral surgeon?”
You blink.
Javy grins. “The dentist that took out your teeth. Do you remember anything about him?”
“Um… he calmed me down when I freaked out.” You wrack your brain trying to think of anything else. “But… not really.”
“How cute is he?”
“WHAT?” You wince from the sudden shout, your stitches not very happy with you. “How-how what is he?”
Javy’s smirk turns into a full blown grin, his laugh echoing in the small living room. “You don’t remember? You wouldn’t shut up on the drive home how cute the dentist was! I think you told Jake like, eight times in ten minutes!”
Your cheeks burn, eyes wide as you swallow thickly. Had you really? 
“Jake was having a blast. You were so head over heels for the dentist you actually cried when we left. And then, as if the dentist never existed, the moment I pulled you out of Jake’s truck, you refused to shut up about him being your boyfriend.”
He pats your head affectionately. “You were hanging off of me and makin’ grabby hands at him. I’d never seen Jake so in love.”
Javy laughs when you hide your face with your hands, whining with embarrassment at the story.
“And that’s before the photo incident.”
“The w h a t?”
Maybe you shouldn’t ask.
“The photo incident, darlin’.” Jake’s voice carries across the room, shutting the screen door behind him with several bags in his hand. “I came back from the Pharmacy that day to find you layin’ flat on yer back with a photo of me n’ rooster stuck on yer face. Javy say’s you cried when I left, but a photo sufficed.”
He sets down the bags in the kitchen, leaning against the door to the living room with a lazy grin. “You okay there, sugartits?”
“No!” You hide your face once again. 
“Oh, don’t be that way.” Javy waves his hands. “Jakey here cried himself sick when he got his teeth out because his cat walked away to go eat.”
It’s your partner’s turn to becomes flustered, his golden cheeks tinting red. Jake points at his best friend, eyes narrowed. “To the grave. That was. To the grave.”
Your hands quickly fly up to press against your mouth, less to suppress you hysterical giggles and more to keep your mouth from stretching too much. Javy stands and gently moves you aside on the couch, grinning all to mischievously. 
“That’s my cue to leave-“ Javy gives the two of you finger guns, walking towards the door. “I’ll have the missus bring some shakes over later tonight, ‘kay?”
You sight, flopping back down onto the couch.
Jake’s lips press right up against your forehead, his tone loving and affectionate. “No, little chipmunk.”
“I’m not that swollen!”
With day three rolling around all too slowly, Jake takes the time to cuddle you endlessly on the couch. He did his morning run, workout, and shower routine early, wanting to give you as much attention for the day as he can. 
While you pain is bearable, every few words you’d speak would be met with a sudden jolt of pain to your gums, right where the stitches had been. 
Thankfully, you had Jake to nuzzle into, his breathing light and easy as random movies play on the TV. His hands stroke your scalp, lovingly giving your waist squeezes every now and again. He’d gotten pretty good at recognizing your pain cues, especially the sudden sharp ones.
“Need some ice cream, hun?” Jake begins to sit up, but you tug him down.
“Mac. And. Cheese.”
He blinks. “W-what?”
“Macaroni. And cheese.”
“It’s… It’s not even ten…” 
Instead of responding, you let your eyes bore into his, the intensity and need for Mac and cheese shining through. 
“You’re like pregnant lady…” Jake shakes his head with a laugh, standing up and walking to the pantry. “You want the weirdest things…”
You flop against the couch once more when you hear the box of dried macaroni rattle in his hands, happy hums slipping past your lips. 
And then you hear it.
Your body immediately perks up, eyes narrowing in on the culprit and the crime. “What are you eating?”
“Chips.” Jake makes a show of shoving a large tortilla chip in his mouth, crunching on it loudly. “Wan’ some?”
You could punch the motherfucker for that.
He smirks as you stand up and round the kitchen counter. “Aw, wait, I just ‘membered…”
“You asshat!” You shout, giving him a good shove as you take the box of pasta out of his hands. “Go eat your chips in the garage.”
“Nope! You’re being exiled! Exiled.” Jake laughs as you swat at him, raising his arms in mock defense. “Go! Get!”
This is gonna be one hell of a long, annoying, irritating recovery.
And you’re gonna hate love every second of it.
A/N pt2: Lemme know if you want another part as time goes along with my healing and how I imagine Jakey would deal with it as time goes on :>
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jobsnotices · 2 months
Hetauda Hospital Vacancy 2081 for Various Health Positions
Hetauda Hospital Vacancy 2081 for Various Health Positions. Bagmati Province Government, Ministry of Health, Directorate of Health, Hetaunda Hospital are going to fill up the posts on contract according to “Procedures for Management of Doctors and Health Personnel Service 2078”. And notice has been invited to apply for the following positions within fifteen (15) days. CAREER…
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stars-obsession-pit · 5 months
Danny Phantom AU where Jack and Maddie find out about Danny’s ghost powers basically immediately after the accident.
And they’re fully supportive, of course! He’s their son!
But also… think of all the data! They’ve never seen anything like this before, and it opens up entirely new opportunities for research! It could upend whole swaths of the current understanding of ectobiology!
So they rope Danny into being their lab assistant / test subject. But like, following more standard medical procedure stuff. Medical scans, blood tests, and so on. There could maybe be some exploratory surgery but it’d involve like, using anesthetic, trying to minimize harm, and supporting his recovery.
They’re still definitely not perfect at lab safety, but they’re not gonna do anything to intentionally harm or endanger their son.
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milkzoro · 11 months
warnings: MDNI, gore, sadism, dark content, surgery, blood, organs, fucking open wounds, non-con?
minors do not read. please look at warnings.
summary: a doctor does unnecessary surgery on you.
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“where am i.” your heart shook with each second passing by.
it’s so cold and the room smells thick, like mildew and cleaner, you were almost suffocating. endless hallways formulate as you’re running faster. was there really no end?
someone’s here though. you heard it, a voice calling out a number, “238,, 238?……… shit.” it echoed over and over again, what are these numbers?
the white walls and tiles didn’t seem bright at all, the lighting in the atmosphere was dim, lights flickering the deeper you went.
footsteps… rubber soles squeaked against the ground.
“238? now why are you out here by yourself, let’s get you back to your table.” he handled you with care, effortlessly moving you with him. you wanted to retaliate but was unable too.
the man, or… doctor?, towered over you. his presence scared you but something allowed you to make eye contact with him. his eyes glowed yellow. he was not smiling, there wasn’t any sort of emotion lingering in his face.
you felt tightness suffocating you,, moments’s like this were fabricating out of thin air. these tattered and dirty restraints, the doctor did not put these on you. buckles tucked your arms tightly behind your back, you were choking on your words, unable to speak.
why am i in restraints? what is he doing?
“a-are you my doctor?”
“no.” he continued to lead you towards ‘your room’.
you walked in front of him, feeling his presence guiding you to the correct room. his eyes were glued to you and you dared not to look back. your eyes squinted tightly as panic starts to set in.
the empty walls felt like an additional restraint weight on you, not one aspect of this place was comforting. there was a door though, it appeared after, what it seemed like, hours of aimlessly walking.
“we’re back, let’s get you on the table.” he assisted you and you settled on the cold surface, unsure of what to do next. hinges and rummaging sounds filled the room, hearing a final ‘snap’ of his gloves as he turned back to you. he briefly looked at a document before turning his attention back to you.
“hmm, y/n-ya? i have a lot planned today, there’s something i’ve been wanting. and you’re my lucky guest.”
with your arms still tied behind your back he reaches his gloved hand up to your lips.
terror consumed your face. “please! what are you gonna to do me?”
he looked so evil standing before you. his lips curled into a smirk before answering. “hmm i’m gonna cut you up, play with ya a little bit.”
you froze.
“open up, it would be beneficial if you would swallow this for me. say ahh-”
you didn’t trust this man but there was no way you could make it out of here on your own, maybe there was a light at the end of the tunnel if you just comply.
without a word, you open your mouth for the doctor.
“can i ask what that was?”
“it’s like an anesthetic, keep you calm, the pain will be pleasant okay y/n-ya, don’t worry darling. i’ll fix you up after.”
you laid still on the table, the effects of the drug taking over your body.
you could barely move, your finger tips traced along the edge of the table to make sure you could still move. not much but there was still a little bit of feeling there, and you noticed your restraints were off as well.
the room now had a glow to it, it felt dream-like. ahh yes this is just only a dream. a soft smile came to your lips while your mind chilled out.
“you’re being so obedient, y/n-ya, thank you. gonna get started okay.”
he heard soft whines from you as his blade sliced effortlessly through the first layer of your skin, seeing the scarlet liquid made his eyes sparkle. he cut two deep cuts to test the waters. one placed on top of your right thigh and one smaller on your abdomen, right below your belly button. you were hardly moving. maybe he had given you too much.
“can you speak y/n-ya?” there was a tinge of concern in his voice.
you were unresponsive.
he sighed, he wanted to hear you. but the sight before him made his cock twitch. your parted lips, red liquid pooling around your body, you looked so beautiful.
he couldn’t wait, his cuts were astonishing, like he was proud of his work. they weren’t deep enough though, he had to do some removing..
the scalpel shined under the dim light as his prepared his section. his blade making a fine line of a cut around the width of your thigh. small beads of crimson gathered before he wiped them away, he cut deeper.
it felt never ending, going through layers of skin, fat, muscle and eventually bone. he was finished, eyes filled with desire as he hurried to clean up his workspace. he properly conserved your severed limb. now for the hole.
there was a perfectly snug pocket that was already naturally within the thigh. it rested between the biceps femoris and the intermuscular septum, those were two main muscles and they connected with a soft, fatty tissue that easily broke away with light pressure.
he wiped his hands clean before removing a condom from his lab coat pocket. his hands were trembling with excitement.
the doctor was too impatient, his cock hardened with every sight of you. he took one last look at you before lining himself up with your sciatic nerve. he sighed heavily as he pushed all the way in. feeling your nerves and tendons pop against his shaft made his eyes roll back. “f-fuck.”
he began to slowly fuck himself into your thigh once he felt the tension of tissue melt away. pumping in and out as red liquid squirted onto the operating table. loud groans filled the space, he was so close, but he needed something from you.
he continued his deep thrusts as he shoved two of his fingers into another open hole in your thigh. it was another nerve, this one controlled your movements. he needed to see you writhe in pain.
his long fingers scissored and curled inside your tissues, pushing up and swirling trying to get you to move.
“c‘mon y/n-ya…” his breaths were shallow, he was near his high.
your right leg started to spasm and squirm under the doctors touch. he even stole some groans from you. the pain must be unbearable.
his head fell back as he heard those sweet whines from you. your severed thigh jolted against him causing him to fuck your hole deeper.
“fuckk just like that haah-“ his moans grew more and more sporadic as the heat in his lower abdomen grew stronger.
the blood and fluids made it so so slippery, it was hard to manage his thrusts but fuckk he was enjoying every second of it.
his eyes tightened as he felt his orgasm taking over. one last look at your emotionless face had him there, rutting recklessly into your broken down tissues. he whined and panted, one last pump sent him over the edge.
“shit! fuck. fuck—. fuuuck.” his words were drawn out as he came down from his high, lazily pulling himself out and removing his gloves and ruined condom.
only one limb down and he gets to play with you for hours. how lucky is he.
‘please just wake up soon.’ he wanted to feel your cunt while your were conscious.
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ms-demeanor · 1 year
I just saw your posts about dentistry and finally managed to see a dentist for the first time today since 2008 due to major health and financial issues, and they told me that I'm likely going to need a root canal on one of my teeth. I've never had one done, but my mom has ages ago, and I'm terrified of the idea of them. What are they like? How many people are involved? How long does it take? Etc. TY in advance!
So it's going to depend on the dentist!
The dentist I went to who placed my gold crowns worked solo in his office and didn't even have a hygienist; he usually took between one and two hours with a return visit to seat the crown.
The last root canals I had took quite a bit longer and I'm now seeing a dentist who calls in a visiting endodontist for root canals; in that office it's 2-3 people involved, but usually two, the dentist doing the drilling and filling and an assistant who helps with suction and cleanup during the procedure.
The process is basically:
Dentist drills out the center of the tooth and around the outside of the tooth, making it into a smaller shape than before and making it hollow
Dentist drills/files out the nerves (the roots) and removes infected tissue
Dentist cleans and fills the nerves with an inert material
Dentist seals the hole in the tooth with epoxy and seats a crown (may be permanent but more likely is a temporary)
If it's a temporary, it's in your mouth for a few weeks while the dentist waits for your permanent crown to arrive; then you go back and they remove the temporary crown and there is some minor filing/drilling/testing as they seat the crown and adjust the bite, then they will cement the crown in place with an epoxy that binds it to the tooth stump
They will use a lot of anesthetic for this because it's a procedure that is extremely painful without anesthetic. If they start drilling and it is painful, let them know right away. If it starts hurting after they have been drilling, let them know right away.
If everything goes well I generally don't find root canals to be as horrifying as a lot of people do. There are a few ways they can go wrong, most of which involve the roots being more complicated than expected or having adverse reactions to anesthetic. If the roots are complicated it's usually just going to take longer than anticipated. Sometimes it also means the roots are deeper than where a typical anesthetic shot will be helpful, but as discussed in the other post your dentist should have multiple levels of anesthetic to help you get through it.
But since you are worried about it you should definitely call your dentist's office ahead of time! Let them know that this is your first root canal and you want to know about the procedure before you're actually in the chair and ask them what the process will look like at their office.
If you are working with your dentist and they are managing your pain during the procedure it may be a *long* process but it shouldn't be a horrible process.
Good luck!
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staarboyyy · 1 year
I was wondering if you could maybe write something where we're comforting Amanda during the events of saw 3 like when after John was having that like stroke I think it was?? The whole time I watched that scene all I wanted was to comfort her 😭😭
If not it's completely fine!! I hope you have a great and amazing day!! (Ps, I'm sorrying if by requests you ment drawings or something, if you did, just ignore this!!)
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amanda x gender neutral reader
18+ characters / scenarios - minors dni
tags / warnings ; stroke mentions/slight descriptions, surgery mentions, panic attacks, grounding, hand holding, fluff, "i hate everyone but you" trope
summary ; after john has a stroke, you find yourself slightly split between two sides of the same coin.
word count ; 696
a/n; my first request!! and its such a sweet one 😭💞  i feel the same whenever i rewatch saw 3, i hope this is sufficient!! <3
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"Anesthetic! what else!?"
Amanda's voice rocketed around the large workshop, your hand on John's trembling hand squeezing slightly. He had just spasmed a few minutes prior, bleeding from his mouth as Amanda stood in horror, like a deer in the headlights. You assisted Lynn in restraining John, agreeing to look after him while the others spoke about how to move on from this. Yet hearing Amanda shout in a warbling demand, you could nearly feel yourself force to your feet - You understood Lynn, felt for her panic and desperation to escape; But upon moving the plastic from the doorframe to John's pseudo hospital room, there she was. Stood in the same way she had been while watching John seize helplessly. Fearful? It had to be atleast close to it, the way her chest swelled and spilled shuddered gasps forward, hands grasping at the table behind her to alleviate some of the tension in her arms. Her jaw was clenched tightly, eyes glued to the cement floor as Lynn's words blurred past Amanda's dead-set decision. The surgery would happen here, it had to.
"I'll start a list."
You make your voice known through the shaking breathes of Lynn and Amanda, both women's eyes turning to face you. Both with an odd amount of relief; On one hand, Amanda could trust in the fact you would understand her. Despite it being forced upon you, bound to your wrists and ankles in thick chains, you had always been the person to extend a hand to her, even now. And on the other, Lynn - Innocent, to a degree. Afraid, just like you had been so long ago. At your words, Amanda gave an unsteady nod. In any other world, she would have brushed it off or even stiffly chuckle. But her breathing wavered, and even though her mind fought to collect the right things to say, none moved to push past her ajar lips. She kept pulling in practiced breaths, eyes on you, flickering over your expression. It felt good to focus on something familar, even as your brows furrowed as your gaze closed in on hers. Lynn's eyes nervously darted between you both as you treaded closer toward the sensitive woman leaning against the table, her fingers roaming the space behind her. She strummed the rusty knives with her pale long fingers, black polish chipped on her nails, scratching them lightly against the metal. Her eyes were raw with frantic rubbing, bottom lashes stinging as tears slid helplessly over her cheeks - She tried to hide them as soon as they fell, wiping the back of her palm against her flushed cheek.
Amanda was sensitive like this, it was no secret to anyone in the building, becoming more apparent as Lynn treaded quickly back towards John's room. She was smart to disappear, you thought, your attention on Amamda's fist balled tightly around a thick rusty dagger. Her grasp shook, the weapon trembling as she tried to bite back the sobs harboring angrily in her chest.
"I - I am so,"
It came out mumbled, the woman's head shaking slowly, her long hair curtaining over her tear stained cheeks and eyes. She wanted so badly to speak, to not feel like a clock was ticking down on her well being, as if she was not white-knuckling something built strictly to kill. Her eyes wavered, perhaps too nervous to keep her gaze on you; She looked like a dejected animal, isolating herself as far into a corner as possible, biting when anybody got too close.
"I know. Me too; But she told us what we need, right?"
bBut that's the thing with wild animals, isn't it? There's always someone. A hand extended slow enough, palm facing up in an offer; A choice. No force, no swaying her decision with a ticking timer or blade to her throat. She did not consciously release the blade, it did not cross her fractured mind. It faded, the panic and blood rushing in her ears had slowed - And there you were. Just you, and how her cold fingers felt against yours - Another nod, more affirmed than before as she sniffled quietly.
She'd always choose you.
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girlwithsharpt33th · 8 months
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𝐚/𝐧 . this is my first noncon fic, I am nervous! It will be obvious I am not a medical professional, I did very little research. tagging @ofallthingsnasty. this is @t3arlikeglass ‘s writing blog 🩷
𝐭𝐰 . 𝐍𝐎𝐍𝐂𝐎𝐍, 𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐩𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐞, 𝐩𝐬𝐲𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞, 𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐚, ’𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐚 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬’, 𝐍𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐘 𝐝𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐲
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Anesthesiologist Doflamingo is a sexy mess and he knows it. He owns it. And he’s on top of the world because his practice always seems to indirectly attract the prettiest, most delicate little things such as yourself.
He is often called out for patients undergoing dental surgeries, namely wisdom teeth removals, and this is the case with you. He isn’t expecting anything special. However, upon entering the operating room he is struck by your appearance; your slumping figure, shaky hands, tortured bloodshot eyes . You look at him nervously, your lips forming an awkward half smile. Your face is bare, hair a little frazzled. You must’ve been up all night worrying about this; your first surgery, the oral surgeon says. How amusing.
As soon as the surgeon leaves and it’s his turn to prepare you to receive your anesthetic, Doflamingo slinks to your side, stooping eye level with you as you shift uncomfortably in the reclined dental chair. He doesn’t bother dragging over the stool in the corner of the stuffy room, preferring to watch you squirm at his predatory stooped form.
He takes a minute to just admire you before he says anything, letting the anticipation eat you alive.
“Never been put under before?” he asks, grinning eerily when you hurriedly nod your head, words lost on you.. Tragic little thing. He can’t resist touching you anymore, long fingers gliding down your arm, stretching it out for you, hand palm up. He drags one thick finger up your forearm before resting on the inside of your elbow, flicking it - a touch too hard for your taste - to resurface a vein suitable for injection. Nothing.
He sits up slowly, grabbing a tourniquet from a tray off to the side and ties you off, squeezing the fat of your arm harshly. You look away as he smiles, finally locating a distinct cephalic vein. “There we go.” he purrs.
He retrieves an alcohol wipe, a pleasurable chill running down his spine as he watches you flinch at the cold wetness of it dragging across your skin. “Scared of needles, sweetheart?’ he asks, hot breath fanning across the shell of your ear. The alarm in your eyes amuses him.“Just look away.” he says, a silent and ominous command. Somehow seductive. He grins at the blush creeping across your cheeks before you hurriedly look at the blindingly white wall beside you. He takes an excited, shuddering breath as he inserts the needle into your vein, watching the clear fluid rush through the tube into the puncture site.
He stares at you as you drift off a few minutes later, your eyes fluttering closed, a placid look painting your pretty face. Closed eyes signaling he finally has free reign of your body.
To ensure that he has in fact secured his treasure, he bullshits to the dental/surgeon’s assistants that you’re not responding well to the anesthesia, that your heart rate is too high, or whatever else he can pull out of his ass that will buy him enough time to have his fill.
He re-enters the operating room, finding you still dead to the world, and looms over you, practically panting and salivating. He takes his latex gloves off, and drags his hand down your supple body.Your eyes suddenly flutter open. Ah. ‘anesthesia awareness’
He refrains from letting out a maniacal laugh, licking his lips. He drags his digits up your throat and props your bottom lip open, pressing two fingers into your mouth. He moans as you circle your tongue around them and roughly shoves them down your throat until you gag. “Look at you.” he coos hoarsely letting his other hand travel south, tracing your arousal through your tight pants.
Of course, he has done this before with other patients, but he rarely gets the pleasure of toying with them while they're conscious. He knows you won’t tell, with your meek demeanor and faltering gaze. Hell, you probably won’t even be able to differentiate if what’s happening to you is reality or drug-induced psychosis.
He slips his fingers underneath the waistband of your pants, sliding them down and humming at the sight of your bare cunt. So pretty, a little smattering of hair covering the delicate mound. He straddles the dental chair and raises your legs over his shoulders, leaning down and delicately ghosting his breath over your sex, spreading your lips.
His breath hitches at the slickness of your arousal and he puts his fingers in your mouth. His other hand sneaks down, slipping into your cunt.
His fingers pump in and out of you roughly, exploring your slick, spongy walls. You make a garbled noise, a weak protest, but he roughly grabs your chin, peering up into your eyes with a dark hunger you have never seen before reflected in anyone else’s.
More like shut the fuck up
He curls his fingers, hitting your g-spot over and over again, nails digging into your sensitive canal. He can’t handle his own desire any longer, and loosens his cock from his pants, stroking his leaking phallus roughly with his free hand. A maniacal grin spreads across his face and his eyes roll to the back of his skull.
He praises you for being such a good girl, guiding one of your limp hands to his cock. He shudders at the coldness of your touch. He engulfs your face with one of his hands and chokes you with the other, cutting off your air supply. He watches in rapt attention as your eyes roll to the back of your head. Tears spill down your cheeks. Your movements on his cock stutter as you attempt to push him away sloppily with your free hand. He doesn’t let up until your eyes finally flutter closed, the vein in the middle of his forehead popping out as he spills into your hand.
Finally having gotten off, he grabs your limp hand that had been pumping his cock and licks it clean, savoring the flavor of his own spunk. He shoves your pants back on and tidies everything up. It is rather unusual for a patient to be ‘aware’ while being put under and he’s thankful for the new jackoff material. The possibility that future patients could also be awake, helpless to his touch, makes his dick twitch in his pants.
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