#Andy Warhol fifteen minutes
notforthebin · 11 months
Andy Warhol's Fifteen Minutes
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"If anyone knows anything about Warhol, besides his connection to Campbell’s soup, it’s his obsession with an obsession. So a talk show aired on television, one can imagine, served as the ideal canvas for the artist to parade the collections he’d amassed throughout his life. The result is a television experience that is widely eclectic, electric, and erratic. Andy Warhol’s Fifteen Minutes is a show that lands somewhere in between a daily vlog fused with Wendy Williams’s Hot Topics and Sesame Street. The show is an homage to the glamorous world the artist built, where he engaged in exhilarating discourse on fashion, politics, and nightlife with his closest friends and favorite downtown weirdos—Grace Jones, Debbie Harry, Keith Haring, and many of the hunks the artist crushed on." "Warhol was always ahead of his time, from the use of repetition in his art to his seemingly vapid obsession with celebrity, and his unabashed need to create utopias for the people running from something, anything really, in search of themselves. That this show appeared in my life during a time when the world is falling apart and the search for creative bursts is at an all-time high does not escape me. It is a well-known fact, and common belief among creators, that when life gets rough, it’s time to create. Watching Warhol’s briefly lived talk show—it only aired from 1985 to 1987, because good things don’t last—has sparked in me a sense of hope and defiance that hasn’t been present in my soul or physical body ever since New York stopped feeling like New York. So come along, “take a ride to the wild side,” and enter the world of Andy Warhol’s Fifteen Minutes."
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the-cricket-chirps · 1 year
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Frederick Eberstadt
Edie Sedgwick
[photos for Life Magazine]
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randomfoggytiger · 7 days
Fail Better Premium: David's Thoughts (Part IV, 3/3)
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Creating a breadcrumb trail with David Duchovny's personal growth.
"These podcasts, these interviews are like tennis matches.... And as you're having these rallies-- I mean, the difference is you're not trying to win, you're just trying to have the best, longest rally in the world. So you're trying to put the ball right where he wants it. But you're also trying to make him run a little bit, and stretch, and go for shots that he might not have gone for at other times." [Tongue click sounds.] "Not bad-- it continues to be appropriate, this analogy.
"The success of any individual podcast is the sense that, 'I have gotten my guest to speak about the ups and downs of life, the wins and the losses, in a way that they haven't spoken of before, or maybe haven't thought of before. Um, because we're all kinda podcasted out at this point. It's, it's like the new Andy Warhol thing: 'in the future, everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes.' In the future, there will be noone who hasn't appeared on a podcast.
"So, we're all, in a way-- you look at old photographs and you see before people were inured to the idea of having their photograph taken. They didn't know how to pose, they didn't create a 'face.' They just kind of looked... I don't know, blankly ahead. Just got their photograph taken, didn't attack the photograph. Didn't like, give their 'photograph face.' And now I think we have 'podcast thought', 'podcast presentation'; because everybody's kind of telling their stories everywhere. And they become rehearsed. Not that they're bad-- and people got great angles, and great stories to tell; and they can tell them ten, fifteen times and they can still sound fresh, but.
"I guess what I'd like-- and what I'd like to happen to me during the conversation-- is for me to start thinking about things a different way; and talking about them in a different way. Discovering them as if for the first time." [Sighs.] "Good luck...."
(Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV: 1/3, Part IV: 2/3)
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macwantspeace · 4 months
"Fifteen Minutes" - Andy Warhol Or maybe a bit longer. Be a butthead, sell plush toys. Yay. S Peter Davis goes down a list of current wonkaholics. They all got more than fifteen minutes. When folks tracked down identities for those screaming anonymous accounts....pish. They got promoted.
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blueiscoool · 2 years
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Lonesome Cowboys Andy Warhol, 1968
A set of original 16mm presentation reels of the film that sparked the “Stonewall of the South.” Six 35mm film reels housed in 2 metal flight cases. Movielab, New York, pritned ca. 1969.
On the evening of 5 August 1969, a small crowd of seventy settled in to view Andy Warhol’s Lonesome Cowboys at the recently opened art cinema at the Ansley Mall in Atlanta. About fifteen minutes into the homoerotic underground spoof on westerns featuring Warhol stars Viva, Joe Dallesandro, Eric Emerson, Meade, and Tom Hompertz, the film suddenly stopped, and the house lights went up. The police, some in uniform, others in plainclothes, were everywhere, some with cameras taking photographs of the startled movie-goers still in their seats. Those who attempted to depart quickly were blocked at the door and they too were photographed and questioned by Atlanta police officers. Other officers headed upstairs to the projection room to seize the film reels and arrest James Russ, the manager of the Ansley Mini-Cinema. The police mounted the raid not only to enforce local obscenity laws but identify “known homosexuals,” part of a pattern of harassment that members of Atlanta’s gay Midtown neighborhood routinely endured. Abby Drue, a noted LBGTQ activist, was in the audience that night. “They had everybody get up and line up,” she recalled. “We had popcorn in our mouths. I think I had a submarine sandwich I was in the middle of eating. That’s how absurd it was.”
The police raid in Atlanta occurred a little more than a month after the Stonewall riots in New York, and for many members of the city’s burgeoning LGBTQ community, the raid on the Ansley Mini-Cinema was the final straw. Several days after the raid, a group of protesters were pepper-sprayed and some arrested. These events compelled Atlanta’s LGBTQ community to form the Georgia Gay Liberation Front. That organization would mount Atlanta’s first Pride march in 1971 — an unsanctioned march in which many of participants wore paper bags over their heads to protect their identities — starkly demonstrating the risk of physical harm that was an ever-present threat. Despite local hostility, the marches continued, and Atlanta’s LBGTQ community began flourishing over the ensuing decades becoming strong and vibrant. Today, the raid has been dubbed, “The Stonewall of the South.”
Yet the Atlanta police were not the only law enforcement agency to take interest in Lonesome Cowboys. The FBI had been monitoring the film soon after it was filmed in a single day a dude ranch near Tucson, Arizona on 28 January 1968. A Special Agent was dispatched to Arizona to interview witnesses to support a potential charge of “interstate transportation of obscene matter.” The investigation had been prompted by a complaint received at the Pinal County Sherriff, that “some guests at the Rancho Linda Vista Guest Ranch were making an obscene film.” Sherriff’s deputies arrived at the ranch on the afternoon of the 28th and ordered that the filming be halted immediately. The FBI kept a copiously detailed dossier on the film’s production based on eyewitness accounts that offer a window into the chaos of the film’s production covering all aspects from various “unnatural sexual acts” to details on the license plate numbers (redacted) of those on set. One eyewitness recalled that “The movie seemed to have no plot and the actors just said anything that came into their minds.” (Vincent Canby and other critics would take a similar view.) The FBI continued to monitor the film’s production and distribution, noting that Warhol had intended it to be premiered at the Hudson Theatre in New York in late April 1968, but editing was taking longer than planned. Then in early June, Warhol fell victim to an assassination attempt, further delaying production. It finally premiered at the San Francicso International Film Festival on 1 November 1968, and FBI agents were there collecting further evidence.
Meanwhile in Atlanta, the question of whether the film could be considered obscene landed in the courts. Ultimately, Lewis Slayton, the Fulton County District Attorney, allowed the film to be shown after Cradock Films, who held the rights to distribute the film in Georgia, agreed to edit out what the county considered objectionable. By early January 1970, the Ansley Mini-Cinema was once again presenting Lonesome Cowboys. As far as the FBI’s investigation into Warhol’s activities was concerned, federal prosecutors in Arizona, San Francisco and New York ultimately declined to pursue the charges in court, as the film was not considered “obscene within the definition of that word as defined by the Supreme Court of the United States.”
The present copy is believed to have been printed as early as 1969, but no earlier. According to the FBI report on the film’s screening in San Francisco in November 1968, the film opened with “the woman [Viva] and her male nurse [Taylor Meade] on a street in the town,” but the present copy, opens with a sex scene between Viva and Tom Hompert which appears to be consistent with the currently-known copies. The markings found on the paper sleeves include a red stamp for “INTERNATIONAL AMUSEMENT CORP,” a short-lived distribution and production company based in North Carolina established in 1974. This would suggest this film was in circulation in various art houses up until at least the mid to late 1970s.
The current number of original copies used during the film’s showings in 1969 and 1970 is unclear, but the present set of reels is marked as “Print No. 10” on each of the surviving paper sleeves. Original reels of the film are known to have survived including a master print at the Andy Warhol museum and copies at the Museum of Modern Art, and the Art Institute of Chicago. It is not clear if other copies survive in any private collections.
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falsebooles123 · 1 year
An Incredible Long Couple of Weeks. Diary of a Big Ole Gay.
Hey Whores, this is going to be a really long post because I may not have the energy to finish this this week.
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So I guess I haven't done one of these in about two weeks and a lot of that is me being very busy. Last week of March I was working on like fifteen million different articles and videos and other content creation thingies and the first week of April literally started with my co-worker HAVING A MENTAL BREAK AND LEAVING TO THE OTHER SIDE OF THE LITERAL COUNTRY.
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(i'm posting a funny GIF but I'm actually kinda pissed)
so instead of having a lot of great help to ease into running a full ass kitchen by myself doing 70 heads a day. I was doing this with exactly one other person doing the bare minimum to help me. It was a lot of hard work, and of course it went great. But I was extremly exhausted.
I also didn't watch that many queer films because of it.
but lets get into it.
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Reflections in a Golden Eye (1967) dir. John Huston
OK so I don't remember a lot about any of these films because I watched this one in particular, *checks notes* the 27th of last month. Yeah theres a reason why theres no date on this one.
So this one I think is based on a book or something and features Marlon Brando being a CLOSET HOMOSEXUAL. oh also he stays right in that closet.
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(god this gif is something else. so creepy)
Hes like yeah I'm going to spend this entire movie staring at this naked guys ass, (yeah I'm not going to explain the plot your'll either love this movie or hate it but you can't say it doesn't have a plot), but I ain't going to act on it. I'm just going to fight with my beautiful neglected wife who beats my ass for beating her horse.
See the relationship is super toxic but its liz taylor and Marlon Brando so its also the hottest thing ever.
anyway lot of repressed homos in the background of the entire rest of the plot. One of the more fun dramas I watched cause it was MESSY!
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Flesh (1968) dir. Paul Morrissey
ok so Flesh is one of those weird cineme verite movies that Morrissey made and it is very artsy and very gay but there isn't actually any guy on guy stuff. The main actor spends most of his time naked, and some of that is like eroticized but also its kinda meant to desexualize nudity. Or rather the film is using casual nudity as a way to lampshade the way we objectify people because after we see this long scene were hes just laying in bed with his dick out (relatable), we get a 5 minutes scene of him starting his day buck ass naked feeding his 1 year old real daughter a muffin. they actually use that as one of the posters
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so like yeah hes naked but hes clearly not erotised in that moment in fact even though the main character is a hustler he never actually has gay sex on screen. His only client is a man who wants to draw him for like classical sculpture. Hes someone whose literally objectified scene for his body and not as a living person.
OMFG am I a film critic or something.
anyway this is another pretty cool film and especially something gay people should watch even through there isn't that much PDA.
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Funeral Parade of Roses (1969) dir. Toshio Matsumoto
ok first look at this iconic photo.
Pretty this follows a bunch of transwoman in like Tokyo just honestly vibing and being faggot punks. We love, we stan, we support.
theres a lot to enjoy about this film and honestly just iconic trans woman you need to watch this. oh also all these ladies are straight so theres no gay kissing.
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My Hustler (1966) dir. Andy Warhol, Chuck Wein
NOTE: This is a clip from the 1961 SPORTS THRILLER "The Hustler" but also this is pretty good dupe to the experience of My Hustler
Yeah so My Hustler is the story of a rich gay bringing a gay whore for his vacation and then having his fag hag friend and then the hustler friend show up and they all get in to this contest about whos going to fuck him. So I guess more objectification of men through the queer lens. Noone actually fucks him and its a lot of naturalistic dialogue. Its warhol you get it.
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The Children's Hour (1961) dir. William Wyler
Ok so Childrens Hour is about Audrey Hepburn and her GAL PAL Shirley McClaine who run a school together. They are in fact just roommates but doesn't stop snot nose little brats from spreading rumors that like she totally saw Mrs. Hepburn drowning in pussy. So yeah they have there lives ruined and there not even dykes da fuck. Its very Tea and Sympathy in that regard about how homophobia hurts those that arn't even faggots. Y'know the innocent. /s
except it turns out that Shirley McClaine is in fact like a totally LESBIAN HAROLD. and this was the push she needed to admit how fucking gay she is for audrey hepburn, (which like we get it girl it audrey), oh and then she fucking kills herself. Thanks I hate it.
The movie up to that points pretty good.
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The Leather Boys (1964) dir. Sidney J. Furie
ok so this is another British New Wave movie and it manly follows this newly married couple. And like the wife Dot, is literally the worst fucking person. She spends all her money on her hair which 1. He doens't like and 2. Doesn't even look good on her. She doesn't have a job and she doesn't keep the house. And then she won't move into his mom's house after his dad fucking dies and his mom literally can't take care of herself which like sorry girl I get if you don't like your mother-in-law but um kinda a consequence of marrying someone at some point you kinda have to deal with there parents getting old and dying. Oh also shes cheating on him. SPOILERS.
Anyway so they spend most of the time seperated while this guy sleeps with his best friend.... in like the same bed. hahaha not like in a gay way that would be ..... gay.
Also I'm totally sure his best friend isn't like a faggot or something.
Yeah, basically this guy was sleeping next to a gay guy the whole time and everytime his friend was like "omg babe lets ditch your looser wife, (can confirm she sucks), and move to america together" that he meant it in like a gay way.
and so the dude just fucking leaves. Honestly I would try sucking dick just once if I was him. You guys have a great relationship and your wifes a bitch.
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Advise & Consent (1962) dir. Otto Preminger
The Best Man (1964) dir. Franklin J. Schaffner
just going to throw these together. Basically there both about some future were the president wants to nominate some dude and people are like ew no. also some random other person is getting blackmailed for being a faggot in the war. Yeah both of these movies have like the same exact plot.
I like The Best Man a little bit more but there both kinda awful. Also Betty White is in the first one and SHES A SENATOR. yaaaas girl.
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Manji (1964) dir. Yasuzo Masumura
Like don't get me wrong they kiss, they suck, they fuck. Lot of Women absolutely just being the most, this is the most lesbian thing I've seen.
Oh also eventually they start a death cult it goes to some really weird places. Also theres like three remakes.
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anyway whores, sorry that its taking so long for me to post this diary update. I'm going to draft the next post and try to get it out by the end of the month. Thanks love you.
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bllsbailey · 11 days
Pure Fire: Gov. Sarah Sanders Hits the Big Issue With the Cheneys, Other 'Republicans' Endorsing Harris
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Liz Cheney's fifteen minutes were up several years ago, to borrow the famous phrase from the late, pop artist/filmmaking genius Andy Warhol. Yet she persists, seemingly only fixated on one goal in life: Demonizing former President Donald Trump and doing whatever she possibly can to prevent voters from returning him to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in November.
RedState has written many stories on her and her family's (among others') recent endorsement of the radical leftist Dem nominee, Kamala Harris (find more here).
Read related:
With This Presidential Endorsement, Liz Cheney Places the Final Nail in Her Political Coffin
Democrats React to Dick Cheney Endorsing Kamala Harris and Expose Themselves in the Process
The Republican Party Is Dead, Long Live the Republican Party - VIP
In loving support of that group's efforts, loyal Democrat soldiers in arms ABC News featured the disgraced, former Wyoming Republican congresswoman as its opening guest on the "This Week" program Sunday. I'm not going to give a full run-down on all of the dishonest statements Cheney made during her sit-down with host Jon Karl, but one detail really stuck out to me. 
The way this segment of the questioning started, with Karl asking her whether she still considers herself a Republican, because she said she would leave the GOP if Trump were the nominee, says so much. 
She flatly stated that she's "a conservative...[I've] been a lifelong Republican....I’m certainly not a Trump Republican."
Take a listen to this, though, something so conniving, I wouldn't have believed she said it unless I saw it with my own eyes. It was in reply to the host asking Cheney to react to Republicans "who are absolutely adamant they're not supporting Donald Trump but they're not taking the next step, they're going to write somebody in."
He name-checks Mitt Romney, former vice president, Mike Pence, and former Gov. Larry Hogan (R-MD).
Well, I would say, you know, given the closeness of this election, particularly if you're going to find yourself voting in a swing state, you've got to take the extra step. If you really do recognize the threat that Donald Trump poses, then -- then it's not enough to simply say, I’m not going to vote for him. So I would prefer to have as many people as possible out publicly making the case. But at the end of the day, you just have to wrestle with your own conscience when you're there in the voting booth. ... But this November, casting a vote for Donald Trump or writing someone in means that you've made the decision in too many instances that so many elected Republicans have made which is -- is to abandon the Constitution, to tell yourself that this is just simply, you know, a partisan choice. (emphasis mine)
Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders (R-AR), who was press secretary during the Trump administration, then had the unenviable task of reacting to Cheney. She didn't just give a perfunctory response, which would have been good enough. More on that in a minute.
Sanders let viewers in on an insider analysis/preview for the debate Tuesday, and why she thinks we aren't really hearing about Trump but pages and pages of stories on Harris' debate prep:
I think that's why you're hearing so much about the preparation for Vice President Harris because this isn't something she does very often, and I think she has a lot to get ready for, and I don't think that she's up to the challenge, in large part not just because I don't know that she's a great debater, but she's so wrong on the issues that Americans care about, and she has a terrible track record to talk about.
She said the contrast couldn't be clearer: "Donald Trump has a good story to tell. He shows up at this debate from a position of strength."
Here was the best part. She spoke for so many of us in the conservative movement, on exactly what these endorsements of a progressive Democrat say about Cheney and other Never Trump "Republicans."
I do think she actually is significantly in the minority. Here, you look across the board, prominent Republicans are supporting President Trump, but ultimately, I think she’s a nonfactor. I’m not trying to be rude, but you don’t get to call yourself a conservative or Republican when you support the most radical nominee that the Democrats have ever put up. That doesn’t make you a conservative, it certainly doesn’t make you a Republican. I think it makes you somebody who wants to protect the establishment.
She continued, saying it isn't a "shock" or "news" that Cheney doesn't support Trump, "[b]ut what should come as a shock is that she is trying to call herself a conservative Republican or either one of those two words while supporting somebody who so clearly does not represent conservative principles."
Did that line about the establishment give you goosebumps? Because it did for me. This--right here--is exactly the way it should be done. We need more on our side speaking about all of the opposing forces we must fight to get the country turned around.
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tenaciouspostfun · 5 months
 "Suffs" at The Music Box Theatre is a history piece set to music. Based on the suffragettes in the early 1900s, the musical first opened at The Public, and it is written and starred by Shaina Taub as Alice Paul. In first seeing Taub on stage she remained me of Lila Taylor as Valerie Solanas in "I Shot Andy Warhol" Gruff, and ruff around the edges, she spares no prisoners in trying to get woman to vote. Going against the grain of the older, more genteel ladies, Paul is bare knuckles to the point where she ends up in jail.
 The musical for the most part is enjoyable with a few exceptions... the show is a bit preachy, condescending at times. The staging is a whole lot better than when it played at The Public; cheap steps are replaced by mahogany paneling. Riccardo Hernandez did a brilliant job staging this big musical. Paul Tazewell's costumes are first rate and Lap Chi Chu supported the show with some deft glam lighting. Director Leigh Silverman has some good moments and some that are not so good. The plot goes from sensational to slow all throughout the two hours and fifteen minutes. The all woman cast goes at a sprinters pace from start to finish, leaving the audience wondering when it will level off. Taub never has us happy for the woman, rather she has them off starting the ERA right after they have been granted the right to vote. This part of the show is confusing because why not end the performance after the 19th Amendment has been passed? It weakens the plot by having the woman not satisfied with this huge victory, it comes off as thankless.
 As some songs are really resonant... "Let Mother Vote", "The March" (really strong), "Show Them Who You Are", "The Young Are At The Gates", and "Finish The Fight", others are weak and fall flat. The choreography (Mayte Natalio) is never that noticeable; more bland than anything, we never are awed by the dancing here.
 As an all woman cast both Grace McLean as Woodrow Wilson and Tsilala Brock as Dudley Malone are never believable as men. As a period piece (Hamilton comes to mind), Shaina Taub cannot handle the lead. Unlike Manuel who wrote and starred in Hamilton, Taub never overwhelms us with her acting, singing nor dancing. The book, music and lyrics were all written by her but she should have yielded the lead to someone who could have carried this musical to the finish line. Like "Funny Girl", this show will be much stronger when she exits the show as the lead. Whereas Feldstein was awful, Lea Michele brought the show to new heights.
 "Suffs" for the most part is enjoyable, it does have some holes in it and they are very noticeable. It is much improved from its days at The Public, yet it is not as of yet completely tight as a Broadway show.
No Bull With Raging Robert, Broadway Bob, www.nimbusmagazine.org, www.broadwayworld.com.
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theart2rock · 8 months
Mike Tramp mit dem zweiten dänischen Album im März
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MIKE TRAMP ist wahrscheinlich der einzige Mensch, der jemals auf einem Album über Jolly Cola, die Beatles, Sauerkraut und Karate gesungen hat. So geschehen auf "For første gang", das 2022 erschien und Mike Tramps allererstes Album in dänischer Sprache war. Mit "Mand af en tid" tut er es wieder. Diesmal geht es in den Liedern um alles Mögliche, von Andy Warhols Fifteen Minutes of Fame bis zu Ingrid & Lillebror, Muhammad Ali, Ole Olsen und Entenbraten. Und wieder geschieht das alles auf Dänisch. So zeigt Mike Tramp, dass es kein Spaß war, als er zur Überraschung der meisten eine Platte in seiner Muttersprache veröffentlichte, nachdem er mehr als 45 Jahre lang auf Englisch gesungen hatte. Die dänischen Lieder sind eine Möglichkeit, einige der Geschichten zu erzählen und die Erfahrungen zu teilen, die sich im Laufe seines Lebens angesammelt haben. "Viele von denen, die ich bei meinen Konzerten treffe, sind mir immer gefolgt, und wir sind fast zusammen aufgewachsen. Ich spüre, dass es für sie etwas ganz Besonderes ist, wenn ich plötzlich auf Dänisch singe. Sie können sich in den Geschichten und Liedern wiedererkennen, weil ich über etwas singe, das mir selbst etwas bedeutet. Ich bin ein erwachsener Mann, der von allem ein bisschen was probiert hat, aber ich bin immer noch da und muss nicht dem neuesten Trend hinterherlaufen. Ich weiß, wer ich bin und stehe dazu. Deshalb konnte die Platte auch nicht anders heißen als "Man of a time"". Die Karriere von Mike Tramp ist länger und bunter als die der meisten anderen. Er war das größte Teenager-Idol des Landes, machte Platten in Deutschland und war ein MTV-Star in den USA. Mit "Mand af en tid" holt er das nach, und wie er in einem der Tracks des Albums sagt: "Ich habe meinen Weg gewählt und der Weg gab mir Antworten / Ich kam, wie ich war". Oder wie er sich selbst in einem anderen Lied beschreibt: "Starrköpfig, stur und retro, aber eigentlich ganz okay". "In der Vergangenheit habe ich immer Songs geschrieben, die zu einer Band passen sollten. Daher gab es viele Dinge, die ich einfach nicht machen konnte, weil ich einem bestimmten Image oder einem bestimmten Sound gerecht werden musste. Bei den dänischen Songs gehe ich dahin, wo die Songs es verlangen. Wenn es ein großes Chaos ist, dann eben mit Streichern. Wenn es ein Lied über die alten Nachtclubs in Vesterbro ist, dann sollte es natürlich auch so klingen. Ich bin mit Alben aufgewachsen, auf denen die Lieder unterschiedlich klingen konnten. "Mand af en tid" ist so ein Album." Das bedeutet, dass auf "Mand af en tid" Platz ist für die reinen Rocknummern wie den Titelsong des Albums und "Storm og stille", das großartige Trennungslied "Indeni", die Rockhymne "Altid farvel" und nicht zuletzt die Blicke in die Erinnerung in "Ham vi vil være" und in "Nat på Libelle", einem Lied über Mike Tramps verstorbene Mutter. Wie bei "For første gang" wurden alle Songs auf "Mand af en tid" zusammen mit Lars Daneskov geschrieben, und die Platte wurde von Mike Tramp selbst zusammen mit Søren Andersen produziert. Auf dem Album sind außerdem Søren Skov, Claus Langeskov, Kenni Andy, Emily Garriock Langeskov und Jørgen Thorup zu hören. "Mand af en tid" wird am 15. März 2024 auf LP (schwarzes Vinyl, limitiert auf 500 Stück), CD im Digipack und in digitalen Formaten über Target Records veröffentlicht. Alle Vorbestellungen im Targetshop.dk werden von Mike Tramp signiert. Recording lineup: Mike Tramp - vocals, guitar Claus Langeskov - bass Soren Andersen - guitar Kenni Andy - drums Søren Skov - piano, B-3, keyboards Emily Garriock Langeskov - harmonies Jørgen Thorup - harmonies Webshop: https://bit.ly/tramp-tar Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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biblenewsprophecy · 8 months
WWIII or 2nd Horseman of the Apocalypse?
With the conflicts in the Middle East, Russia-Ukraine, and tensions between China and Taiwan, are we on the eve of destruction? Michael Snyder believes that World War Three has began. Has it? What are the beginning of sorrows that Jesus spoke of in Matthew 24:4-8? Should they trouble Christians? What about what happens afterwards according to Jesus in Matthew 24:9-14? Will the Philadelphian Christians be instructing "many" per Daniel 11:33 while being subject to persecution? Will the faithful getting their "fifteen minutes of fame," as the late Andy Warhol put it, succeed in fulfilling Matthew 24:14 related to proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom of God to the world as a witness? Did the late Herbert W. Armstrong teach that the Great Tribulation was the start of what could be called WWIII? Did he also teach that may involve nuclear weapons hitting cities in the UK, USA, and Canada? Will the Philadelphian Christians flee before the start of WWIII? What about terrorism and the predominantly Islamic nations of the Middle East and North Africa? Biblically, do we expect Armageddon, and a WWIV or WWV? Will there be a confederation including Russia, China, and others that will attack the coming European King of the North Beast power? How can we know the timing of what could be called WWIII, WWIV, and WWV? Is any of this related to a temporary peace deal as mentioned in Daniel 9:26-27? What does the Bible say about the ride of the second horseman of the Apocalypse? What should a Christian do according to Jesus? Steve Dupuie and Dr. Thiel address these matters.
A written article of related interest is available titled 'MS: What Do You Call A War With China Plus A War With Russia Plus A Colossal War In The Middle East? WWIII. No according to Jesus: This would be part of ‘the beginning of sorrows’
Youtube video link: WWIII or 2nd Horseman of the Apocalypse?
Related Items:
MS: What Do You Call A War With China Plus A War With Russia Plus A Colossal War In The Middle East? WWIII. No according to Jesus: This would be part of ‘the beginning of sorrows
War III: Steps in Progress Are there surprising actions going on now that are leading to WWIII? Might a nuclear attack be expected? Does the Bible promise protection to all or only some Christians? How can you be part of those that will be protected? A related video would be Is World War III About to Begin? Can You Escape?
There is a Place of Safety for the Philadelphians. Why it May Be Near Petra This article discusses a biblical ‘place of safety,’ Zephaniah 2 to ‘gather together,’ and includes quotes from the Bible and Herbert W. Armstrong on fleeing to a place–thus, there is a biblically supported alternative to the rapture theory. Two sermon-length videos of related interest are available Physical Protection During the Great Tribulation and Might Petra be the Place of Safety?  Here are two related items in the Spanish language: Hay un lugar de seguridad para los Filadelfinos. ¿Puede ser Petra? and Existe un Lugar de Seguridad.
Preparing for the ‘Short Work’ and The Famine of the Word What is the ‘short work’ of Romans 9:28? Who is preparing for it? Will Philadelphian Christians instruct many in the end times? Here is a link to a related video sermon titled: The Short Work. Here is a link to another: Preparing to Instruct Many.
The Final Phase of the Work What is the final phase of the work? Who will lead it? Do you have the courage to support it? Here are two related YouTube videos titled Final Phase of the Work: Need and Background and The Final Phase of the Work. The written article has been translated into Spanish La Fase Final de la Obra. And here is a link to a related Spanish language sermon: La obra corta y el Hambre de la Palabra de Dios.
Persecutions by Church and State This article documents some that have occurred against those associated with the COGs and some prophesied to occur. Will those with the cross be the persecutors or the persecuted–this article has the shocking answer. There are also three video sermons you can watch: Cancel Culture and Christian Persecution, The Coming Persecution of the Church, and Christian Persecution from the Beast. Here is information in the Spanish language: Persecuciones de la Iglesia y el Estado.
Europa, the Beast, and Revelation Where did Europe get its name? What might Europe have to do with the Book of Revelation? What about “the Beast”? Is an emerging European power “the daughter of Babylon”? What is ahead for Europe? Here is are links to related videos: European history and the Bible, Europe In Prophecy, The End of European Babylon, and Can You Prove that the Beast to Come is European? Here is a link to a related sermon in the Spanish language: El Fin de la Babilonia Europea.
Satan’s Plan Does Satan have a plan? What is it? Has it already been successful? Will it be successful in the future? Here are links to a two-part sermon series: What are Some of the Parts of Satan’s Plan? and Satan’s Plan is More Dramatic than Many Realize.
Who is the King of the North? Is there one? Do biblical and Roman Catholic prophecies for the Great Monarch point to the same leader? Should he be followed? Who will be the King of the North discussed in Daniel 11? Is a nuclear attack prophesied to happen to the English-speaking peoples of the United States, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand? When do the 1335 days, 1290 days, and 1260 days (the time, times, and half a time) of Daniel 12 begin? When does the Bible show that economic collapse will affect the United States? In the Spanish language check out ¿Quién es el Rey del Norte? Here are links to two related videos: The King of the North is Alive: What to Look Out For and The Future King of the North. The Gospel of the Kingdom of God This free online pdf booklet has answers many questions people have about the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and explains why it is the solution to the issues the world is facing. Here are links to four related sermons:  The Fantastic Gospel of the Kingdom of God!, The World’s False Gospel, The Gospel of the Kingdom: From the New and Old Testaments, and The Kingdom of God is the Solution.
Lost Tribes and Prophecies: What will happen to Australia, the British Isles, Canada, Europe, New Zealand and the United States of America? Where did those people come from? Can you totally rely on DNA? Do you really know what will happen to Europe and the English-speaking peoples? What about the peoples of Africa, Asia, South America, and the islands? This free online book provides scriptural, scientific, historical references, and commentary to address those matters. Here are links to related sermons: Lost tribes, the Bible, and DNA; Lost tribes, prophecies, and identifications; 11 Tribes, 144,000, and Multitudes; Israel, Jeremiah, Tea Tephi, and British Royalty; Gentile European Beast; Royal Succession, Samaria, and Prophecies; Asia, Islands, Latin America, Africa, and Armageddon;  When Will the End of the Age Come?;  Rise of the Prophesied King of the North; Christian Persecution from the Beast; WWIII and the Coming New World Order; and Woes, WWIV, and the Good News of the Kingdom of God.
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qof-diamonds · 9 months
This part of the lore Is inspired by the song "Ulisse" (Ulysses) by LowLow
CHAPTER 0.5 side story (BORDERLANDS, 5TH DAY,PHASE ONE) "Ulysses"
After playing in the 7 of Diamonds (which was pretty traumatic but setting that aside) Karma found herself to be quite angry. Well that's what she thought at least,She didn't know why she was angry or if it really was anger but she knew she had to take it out on someone — She didn't care who or when.
Soon enough she found herself grabbing a revolver from a counter in one of the previous venues where the bodies of the deceased still rested on the ground,She didn't mind them at all. What game was It? A ♡︎ game surely, probably having to do with Russian roulette.
She didn't know how she managed to end up near @diamond-attorney-keiichi in the first place,let alone how She was pointing a gun at his head.
"You are my slave now, obey or I will shoot. If you reply again Your head will fly off and I'll do the fucking Van Basten overhead kick."
The mask covering her face couldn't hide the pure thrill in her voice, She didn't seem hesitant or scared — she knew how to shoot and she knew how to manage a gun (I chose evil because good was trivial God gave me a gun that was easy to handle now what I'll Say May sound indelicate: Maybe some people have to pay for it or Maybe I'm Just not afraid to shoot? And it probably won't do any good I understand it I consider myself intelligent).
She spoke as the gun basically rested on Kuzuryū's forehead, her hands completely firm. — She wasn't shaking as previously specified. She said:
"Do you want to know why people don't have more ideas? It's because they want it that way And you know what's funny? It's just that I'm talking about them, the question is "who is 'them'? Why am I here? To experience violence on your skin,and this is just an act of intellectual freedom. 'Freedom' is telling people what they don't want to hear."
She laughed out loud — a humorless and forced laugh, she didn't really understand what laughing meant but it sounded fitting to the situation — but quickly stopped as a girl spoke up "What are you even doing?". Karma turned around facing her,
"I am the last person you will see in your life Unless you get face down like a good doggy,And it will all be as quick and painless as a quickie— if someone thinks he is a hero or jedi knight I'll make him crawl all his life like a centipede,alright?! Be good little dogs, and nothing'll happen. You are obedient now you damn bastards huh? You are so lucky,they dont pay me to do this"
She shot her leg making her fall to her knees once again,then looked at keiichi, and in all honesty gave him a Pat on the shoulder,
"And before entering, I called the guards I have to do everything myself, even a shooting? And you know that Andy Warhol? Fifteen minutes and we'll pass on to history!"
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(Credit to nocturnalcarmen for the gif)
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the-cricket-chirps · 1 year
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Andy Warhol
Campbell's Soup Can
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lightdancer1 · 1 year
Valerie Solanas is another logical conclusion of where radical feminism was capable of going:
Valerie Solanas is another case of radical feminism getting a little too up its own asshole. Her definition of feminism became the closest thing to misandry as a concept as has ever actually existed in the world and if taken at its logical conclusion is a blueprint for all men, everywhere, to be killed. In practical reality she was a kook who expressed this view by shooting and murdering Andy Warhol and gaining her fifteen minutes of fame over the corpse of the man who coined the phrase.
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glowbabyglow · 2 years
*Andy Warhol said,
in the future
everybody will be famous
~ no he said
everybody will be world
famous ~
for fifteen minutes*
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morffyne · 3 years
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tartagliaarte · 3 years
Andy Warhol’s Fifteen Minutes: il programma televisivo del re del Pop su MTV
Andy Warhol’s Fifteen Minutes: il programma televisivo del re del Pop su MTV
Andy Warhol non smette di stupire e riscopriamo così cammei preziosi del re del Pop. Tra questi il programma televisivo da lui realizzato e andato in onda su MTV fino alla sua morte nel 1987. Il titolo? Andy Warhol’s Fifteen Minutes … “In the future everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes”: ha profetizzato il celebre artista Andy Warhol e da questa sua mitica frase prendeva il titolo anche…
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