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tebbiiii006 · 1 year ago
Undertale AU: AndroidTale Ideas
I...write fanfiction and whole ass worlds in my mind when I daydream/ before I fall asleep. Except, I can't write...so heres a drawing of what I thought up for the past 3 nights.
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I like the idea of MIND vs SOUL, since its so painfully human.
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Monsters are made of magic right? so they generally operate based on their soul. Hence Mettaton is still who they were before they are moved into their android form. However, humans have a soul...but our minds seem to have a large say in our actions and behavior as well. I may have liked the color blue since I was young, but say my ex likes blue as well, then my opinion might change due to this experience.
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FR1-SK is dropped into a world where they constantly has to battle with programming and feelings. Their SOUL rejects the notion of LoVE but their MIND tells them its the right thing to do.
Since the donor of the soul is a child, their solution to this problem is rather...childish but effective. They figured if their cameras are blocked, the kill script would not activate. However, on activation the script is brutal and almost unstoppable. They WILL and have massacre every monster in sight.
Well...unless...This definitely would be a more permanent solution.
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Some comic sketches...
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Additional dumps under the cut...
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1. Some people mentioned that Alphys could become the savior of this AU. And also I think Alphys cant pass up the chance of cosplaying when an android waifu dropped into underground.
2. Its hilarious that FR1-SK, might have issues identifying monsters using their CV.
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hakunakii · 1 year ago
What are your 2024 art goals?
Here's mine:
1. Practice more on poses, specifically dynamic poses
2. Study how to create interesting compositions
3. Update AndroidTale monthly (hefty goal... I'll do my best)
4. Draw more!
GOOD LUCK TEBBI I BELIEVE IN YOU!!! You're super skilled, you can for sure achieve those goals! :D
Hm mine aree
1. Try new stuff like perspective, backgrounds, etc
2. Make more art for friends
3. Learn my art fundamentals,,, 💔
4. And drawing more as well!! :D
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genius11rare · 2 years ago
'Androidtale or whatever'
I was listening Detroit Become Human’s OST and I ended up thinking about an Undertale x DBH thing THAT I CAN’T DRAW RN BUT I want to share it. I don’t know if someone did an AU or whatever already but I just love DBH and this thing just came up.
MARKUS: Undyne, because she’s cool.
CARL: Gerson.
NORTH: Greater Dog?
SIMON: Lesser Dog?
JOSH: Monster Kid.
LUCY: Muffet.
KARA: Sans, look at this he’s always running away with his kid.
ALICE: Little Papyrus of course.
TODD: Chara???
THE JERRYS: OF COURSE A LOT OF JERRYS. This is creepy. Don’t trust them.
RALPH: The dog Amalgamate?
ROSE: Frisk.
CONNOR: Mettaton. He was created to find the deviants but he ended becoming deviant because he wants to be a star (???).
AMANDA: Alphys.
CLOE: Napstablook.
GAVIN: How ironic will be if Gavin were Burgerpants?
And there I leave you a hypothetical Detroit AU if no one has made it yet. Androidtale or whatever.  (´;ω;`)
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qwen-essence · 7 years ago
Mondroidtale/Androidtale Sans A.K.A“Skully”
Before I get into this I just wanna say that you all should check out my post on Mondroidtale/Androidtale just so that you guys will have more knowledge about this AU.
So yay I finished digitalizing the sans character design I mentioned. And I still havent decided on the AU name because no one has answered yet ;-;
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I have bad handwriting. I also realized that I could have made sans into more like “hank” from DBH. But I only thought of it after I finished this. So yea, I will probably make another version of him so stay tuned!
I was going to just name him sans, but in my science class while I was walking out, I passed by a poster that contained the “Skully” thing I put in there. So I was like yep this is the one, sans was too generic of a name now anyway.
Sans is a SK-700 model, same with Papyrus. I also thought about how Papyrus is always tall so I decided to make him a little shorter so you guys can expect that if I draw him next. (Tell me if you guys like Papyrus better if he is tall or short)
Feel free to ask questions, tell me your suggestions on how I can make sans and my AU better, and also share your opinions on it too! I will try to respond asap but if I dont reply quick then Im probably sleeping, or busy with school.
Which character should I draw next in my AU?
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teutonicfanfics · 5 years ago
Should I post my unpublished work on here??? Eh, here is the first draft of ‘Androids and Detectives’!
All rights reserve to me, ‘Detroit: become human’ isn’t.. I think there is a ‘AndroidTale’? This is different - AH
(Phone upload)
The police department of Ebott was bustling with life. Paperwork messily scattered on desks, cubicles stacked with written reports, and the distant smell of cheap instant coffee.
A tall male walked through the doors, sporting black waist coat with a white button up and a long coat barely reaching his calves.
His pale face was slender, a semi-permanent scowl on his mouth, two jagged scars lined his right eye, slitting his brow tail. Deep brown eyes narrowed at the wandering looks that dared to stare, feeling satisfied that they turned almost immediately after eye contact. Standing near the entrance with his arms crossed over his chest, he squinted slightly.
Examining the desks that lined the floor underneath the chief’s office. The blinds where shut — not that Edge cared, of course. He only (slightly) cared that he couldn’t find nor see his coworker and insolent brother.
He ignored the androids standing at attention near the wall, underneath a charging pod, and walked towards the kitchen area. His badge clipped on his belt as he passed security.
Pushing the door open, he scoffed at his brother. “Where is she?”
The smaller male shrugged his shoulders, slipping off his police uniform with the words ‘Aster’ on both the sleeves. “she didn’t come home last night.”
“Where did she go, then.” He huffed, crossing his arms over his chest — chocolate brown eyes wandering towards the android janitor in the corner, mopping up the floor with a far away look in his glassy eyes.
The Android didn’t spare him a glance as he continued to work - as he was programmed to do.
He scoffed. Edge didn’t really like Androids. They were just trinkets used by people who were too damn lazy to do things themselves. Edge is a man of expertise, he liked doing things on his own (with the help of his partner, of course.) and not rely on a hunk of garbage.
“dunno. maybe at a bar? she’s been visiting those lately.”
Edge narrowed his eyes at his brother. Glowering silently as Red nervously fiddled with his fingers. A deep sigh coming from the eldest brother as he ran a hand through his messy white hair.
“look, bro.” Red hissed. Edge rolled his eyes. “she aint wanta talk. maybe lay low, let her hav’ her peace and - i dunno, leave her the fuck alone?”
Edge’s shoulders trembled, fighting back from lashing out at his brother in the middle of the kitchen. Face flushing red in anger as he continued to glare at Red. He, in turn, rolled his eyes, taking a large bite out of a hotdog with waayy too much mustard splattered over.
“Need I fucking remind you: if chief finds her missing today, he’ll have her fucking head. So let’s go and look for the stupid wench.”
“No need.” A female said, walking into the room with a stack of folders in her arms. Carelessly placing them on the table and sat down, a long sigh coming from her.
Red grinned widely at his brother, showing the genetic fangs - Edge mockingly mimicked him and followed to sit next to the female.
“ya look like shit, doll.” Red said, eyeing her oversized sweater, large pants and the lack of one shoe - striped socks and the heavy bags underneath her eyes. (Colour) hair basically a rats nest.
Breathlessly laughing, she punched Red in the arm - although it was terrible to say the least, he still pretended to act as if it hurt. “You were always the charmer.”
“what can I say? ladies love it.” He winked, placing a cup of coffee in front of her.
Y/n rolled her eyes, staring into the coffee cup and tipped it into her mouth without hesitation. Red and Edge flinched slightly - knowing how hot the coffee was.
“L/N!” A voice shouted behind the closed door. The female in question rose her head, her eye bags seemingly heavier upon hearing the chief’s shout. Edge glanced over towards the door, a low grumble coming from him as he slowly inside his crossed arms.
“I’ll go speak with the chief.” He pointed at her. “Chew on some fucking ice or something, that was unhealthy!” And then turned to leave.
(Colour) eye’s trailing after the tall man, Y/n shook her head. Stood up with the chair screeching loudly and grabbed the pile of files. Red quickly got to his feet, easily towering over her as he took the files.
Looking at him gratefully, the two walked out of the kitchen and into the vast room filled with desks - another room sectioned off from the rest by glass; over looking the workers below. Inside the room was the Chief: Asgore, and her Partner: Edge.
Y/nducked her head, pulling Red along towards her desk before plopping down with a loud, exaggerated sigh. Red chuckled throatily, placing the files on his desk and swiped half.
“ya look like yer in need some help. sorry fer bein’ a shit roommate.” He said, sitting a cross from him where his desk was pushed against hers. His (and her’s) computer blocking his head as he hunched over, reading over the file.
Y/n shook her head, taking the top file and flipped it open. “You’re fine. It’s my fault for not asking when I need it.”
“L/N!” The Chief sounded pissed off. The glass door was wide open, arms arms crossed over his chest. A scowling Edge walking down the small flight of stairs, face burning with rage - luckily, he kept himself in check.
Red winced. “o’fuck. if boss ain’t able to soothe ol’fluffy beard, then that means yer in it fer good.”
A shiver crawled up her spine at Red’s words. A sinking feeling weighted in her stomach - yet she looked unbothered as Edge stomped towards his desk, the one on her left side, and revived his computer tower.
Flipping the file closed, she stood up and pushed her hair in. Shoving her hands into her hoody pockets and sauntered towards the opened door. Asgore keeping it wide open for her to walk through.
Good ol’daddy bara.
She thought, the corners of her mouth twitching in amusement. Although she knew Asgore would not appreciate a smile, she kept her face as straight as possible. Lips pursing into a line before she sighed. Watching the large man walk around her like a vulture, eyeing her choice of clothing with a scrutinizing nose wrinkle.
“Where have you been?” His voice was deep and raspy. Rumbling like thunder on a rainy night. His hands neatly folding behind him as he stopped circling her, walking to his desk instead.
“Paperwork at a bar, at home, in my car.” She said sarcastically, a soft sigh coming from her. “No offence, sir. But what is the reason for—”
“Have you heard of TaleLife?” He cut her off, leaning over to grab a file in his desk. A large red ‘classified’ stamped in the front of a brown folder. Eyebrows softly knitting together, she nodded.
Asgore hummed. “It seems they have created a new android. A highly advanced robot — it’s a prototype and will be sent here.” He said rather shortly. Eyeing the folder for a second before slowly sliding it to you.
Furrowing your eyebrows, you looked up at Asgore for a second before grabbing it. The paper feeling aged, more ‘life’ like than the simple ‘tabloid’ people use nowadays.
“It is called a ‘Sans’. An RK800.” He said as you opened and flipped through it.
Sans was human-like, pages showing the insides of the androids. A ‘heart’ that pumped blue blood into their systems, keeping them functional for primary tasks.
“Supposedly, this thing is designed to assist human detectives on cases. You, however, will be in charge of this android until its mission is complete - I am moving you from Homicide department to Deviant cases per TaleLife’s requests.”
You instantly bristled, slamming the folder down and stood up so fast that the chair tipped over. (Colour) eye’s heatedly flaring into honey brown ones that always held malice within.
“What the shit!? I don’t want to work with some stupid tin can!” You shouted, face colouring with rage at Asgore’s annoyingly calm features, as if he knew you were going to act out. The façade you had on melted away almost instantly, eyes snapping downward to the desktop and at the photos of this ‘Sans’ android.
“You weren’t my first choice, Lieutenant. It was either you or Mr. Harrison.” He said, gathering up the papers and slipping them back into the classified folder. Tightening the small sting before putting it back into his desk, locking the drawer.
“Always Mr. Harrison!” You say, slamming your hand on the table each word.
“I do not trust Harrison like I trust you,” Asgore snapped silently. Honey brown eyes scanning over to the desks in front of his office. Narrowing them into glares when a unfortunate person caught his gaze.
“I need a fucking drink.” You muttered, running your hand through your hair - ignoring the pointed look Asgore shot you.
“Expect the ‘Sans’ Android to be arriving within fortnight. That is all, Lieutenant.”
Sarcastically saluting the Chief, you turned on your heel and stormed out of the office, grumbling underneath your breath just as you plopped down to your chair. A low hiss coming from the person in front of you.
“Burn in hell, Red.”
It was blandly obviously that you were displeased to your two partners in crime when you returned to the partners, carelessly throwing your back onto the couch and immediately raided the refrigerator for a bottle of water
Edge shook his head, snatching it from your grasp.
You pouted softly - although instantly perked up when he twisted the cap and handed it right back.
Your ‘job’ persona melting away when you sunk into the couch, not caring that you still had your jacket on and sighed deeply.
“Stupid paperwork.” You say into the silence.
When Edge or Red hadn’t said anything, you frowned and sat up, looking over to their direction. Identical honey brown eyes searching your own (colour) ones as if you were a difficult puzzle they couldn’t solve. The unspoken question lingered in the air, the brothers watching and waiting for you to elaborate on your recent foul attitude, only to come around in a full circle and act as if you didn’t slam a donut into some poor maintenance person’s mouth.
You rose your eyebrow challengingly.
Red huffed, taking off his jacket and fell next to you - Edge did the same but more mannered than his brother -
“so, why’d chief need ya?” Red asked the unspoken question.
Knowing that you had no way around this, you capped the bottle and placed it in between your thighs, leaning back with a soft grumble at the mere thought of your boss.
Interwining your fingers with Edge’s longer ones, you lightly pinched his nails. “I’ve been reassigned to the ‘deviancy’ cases.”
“What?” Edge hissed, not bothering to take his hand from yours - a sense of amusement blooming in his chest that he quickly shoved away.
“Yep.” You muttered, dropping his hand and leaned your head back, staring at the ceiling. “Fan-Fucking-tastic.”
“but that isn’t near yer profession. th’fuck are ya going to do with rogue robots?”
Tightly shutting your eyes, you waved with your free hand at your bag. “The file has the information and implications about the cases i’ll be taking along with an Android.”
“no fucking way.” Red’s eye’s were wide, looking at you for a second then to your bag. “and yer ok with it?”
You scoffed loudly, rolling your eyes as you slipped from Edge’s hand and stood up, tossing the bottle into the air and caught it. “I have no choice but to listen to the Chief.”
Red got up from the couch and ransacked your bag for the file - he grabbed it and tossed your back carelessly back on the couch and pulled the papers. Honey brown eyes scanning the contents - features turning darker and angrier the more he redid.
“I’ll ask for a transfer.” Edge suddenly said, intertwining his fingers together (trying to act as if you still held his hands). “The fucking crud should’ve known better than to assign you to these cases.”
Red shook his head, returning to his seat and slammed the papers on the coffee table. A low, throaty growl coming from him as he crossed his arms. “no can do, bro. it says that talelife had asked for baby girl specifically.”
“Are you fucking serious?” Edge hissed, leaning forward and displayed the five papers out on the table. Honey brown eyes checking the content at mark speed before scowling deeply. A low, almost like Red’s, growl coming from his chest.
You wondered how they did that —
“yep. Might as well kill myself, yeah?” You laughed humourlessly. Glaring at the bottled water and placed it onto the table. Ignoring the concerned looks Red and Edge shot you for a split second.
”c’mon, you guys know I’m not serious.” You frowned before sighing.
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iv4ndotnet-blog · 8 years ago
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Well, this is my Androidtale(My AU) Chara goes by the name Ch4r4 or Malware. They are a virus which will take over Frisk if they go on the genocide route. They can Corrupt or Delete a soul.Their weapon is called a Knife Sabre(haven't thought of the abilities of it yet)
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tebbiiii006 · 1 year ago
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Gee, Chara you can't just call people robots...Its rude
Edit: Just finished the sketch for pg 3. Will probably have it done...sometime in Jan
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tebbiiii006 · 1 year ago
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Next up, FIGHT ?
Frisk just can't catch a break huh. Rude ghost and cringe flowers, just what awaits them in the underground...
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tebbiiii006 · 1 year ago
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Finally finished page 1 of my new AU: AndroidTale.
First MasterPost Next
I have the general plotline written out, this is going to be a short story that I want to tell. Its my first time penning down an AU and writing out a plot so please forgive any inconsistencies or errors. Also I have never drawn a comic before so let me know if the format is tough to read or smth, I'll change it up as I go.
Thanks for reading!
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tebbiiii006 · 11 months ago
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Sorry this took a little longer than usual, caught covid...AGAIN :') But hey I stuck to my promise, there will be at least one page every month.
See you guys in the next month.
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tebbiiii006 · 1 year ago
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Haha, get fucked.
I finally finished planning out the whole storyline, up to the ending. I did remove some parts from my initial vision but its to keep the plot line more focused and ensure that I can feasibly finish telling the story.
Also, I'll be posting a page every month!
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tebbiiii006 · 1 year ago
Quick one for today!
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FR1-SK and their sibs <333
Timekeeper!Frisk is by me
Core!Frisk is by @dokudoki
FR1-SK is a baby 🥺...I wanted protective sibs for them.
They maybe a war machine bred to kill but they just a lil cutie and if you cross them, be prepared to face their OP sibs.
Also FR1 is technically 1 years old...they were created and fine-tuned for basically a year and instantly tossed down the hole to commit genocide :/
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tebbiiii006 · 1 year ago
You know, since Flowey is still his usual self, it is likely that loading and saving still exist. The thing is though, like him, Frisk is an experiment fueled by lots of determination. But I like to think their methods of reloading are a lot more noticeable to the monsters.
Ah yes they exist and FR1-SK now holds it, but they aren’t aware of that ability as far as the story is concerned. They will have to deal with the consequences of their actions like a real person :D
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Sorry for the late reply, got a little busy lately
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tebbiiii006 · 1 year ago
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Merry Christmas my dear mutual!! <3
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Yes, after my friends pointed it out...I realise I modelled Frisk's design after myself (or how I draw myself that is)...woops
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tebbiiii006 · 1 month ago
Is Androidtale still in the works? Its a great concept for an AU
I might get back into it when I feel the inspiration to draw UT again! But thank you for your support for the series (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
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tebbiiii006 · 1 year ago
in the spirit of the holidays can you do a "sprite cranberry meme" skit whith FR1-SK?
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Tis the season...I mean...I would too
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