backroombuzz · 5 years
Lawyer Claims He Has 2nd Whistleblower... So Who Cares?
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We've already seen the transcript of President Trump's phone call to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, so what's this 2nd whistleblower gonna say?
Trump sounded a little congested on the phone.
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RT @MarkSZaidEsq: @RobbieGramer @emptywheel This op-ed by @AndrewBakaj, @wbaidlaw & me from a month ago is just as relevant now. When will Members of Congress, particularly @GOP, do something to stop the bleeding? https://t.co/CRXvozkV3a
RT @MarkSZaidEsq: @RobbieGramer @emptywheel This op-ed by @AndrewBakaj, @wbaidlaw & me from a month ago is just as relevant now. When will Members of Congress, particularly @GOP, do something to stop the bleeding? https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/04/14/trump-is-waging-war-our-inspectors-general-congress-needs-choose-side/ from FB Mashes https://twitter.com/GuerinGreen/status/1261687648973799426 https://ift.tt/eA8V8J
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mrhenryharrell · 4 years
RT @MarkSZaidEsq: @RobbieGramer @emptywheel This op-ed by @AndrewBakaj, @wbaidlaw & me from a month ago is just as relevant now. When will Members of Congress, particularly @GOP, do something to stop the bleeding? https://t.co/CRXvozkV3a
RT @MarkSZaidEsq: @RobbieGramer @emptywheel This op-ed by @AndrewBakaj, @wbaidlaw & me from a month ago is just as relevant now. When will Members of Congress, particularly @GOP, do something to stop the bleeding? https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/04/14/trump-is-waging-war-our-inspectors-general-congress-needs-choose-side/ from @gueringreen - twitter https://twitter.com/GuerinGreen/status/1261687648973799426
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lovebigbadmee · 5 years
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willpollock · 5 years
Whistleblower's lawyer just told mobbed-up Trump to STFU—and yes it's glorious
Whistleblower’s lawyer just told mobbed-up Trump to STFU—and yes it’s glorious
Many cretins around Trump are trying to “out” the Ukraine whistle-blower. Some of these dolts have been moderately successful: Donald-spawn Junior posted to twitter like a baller, naming-names and snatching wigs (I redacted the names in my tweet).
This is a 5-alarm…
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stratosphere53 · 5 years
Mark S. Zaid@MarkSZaidEsqMy co-counsel @AndrewBakaj & I have authored a @washingtonpost op-ed on why #whistleblower identity is not relevant & needs to be protected, especially to ensure future #WBers come forward in subsequent administrations - whether DEM or GOP.
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