#Andrew Pozza
andyfliz · 4 years
The Walking Deceased
THE WALKING DECEASED is the Scary Movie of the zombie genre, ripping on the biggest and best of zombie pop-culture, arguably the most crazed genre in the world. The story follows a group of survivors from all walks of the apocalypse – an idiotic Sheriff with definite coma-induced brain damage, his hardass son and a hobo with only a crossbow to stave off the walking dead, four squabbling friends…
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a-naf · 7 years
I'm a big fan of your art man, you are really skilled. I respect and admire that. Can you tell me what you used to learn (like books, video courses, tutorials, etc), especially anatomy and drapery? Thanks in advance!
Thanks my dude! That’s really flattering, I still have a lotto work on haha.
For anatomy, I would start out with a basic understanding ofperspective and how to represent 3-d forms. Then we learn about proportions andgestures. This is where we try to build our figures out of boxes, tubes,spheres, beanbags and potatoes, or whatever you fancy.  The point here is to make our figures at leasthave the dimensions of humans and they look like they can exist in 3-d space. Alsotry to make them look symmetrical and balance, at this stage that’s probablymore perspective than anatomy.
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Books: probably any beginneranatomy books would do.
               Figure Drawing forAll It’s Worth by Andrew Loomis
               Figure drawing:Design and Intervention by Michael Hampton
               Figure Drawing forArtists: Making Every Mark Count by Steve Huston    
After this, I would learn about the forms of the human body.This is where we learn about important bones, muscles, landmarks, and majorforms of the human body. We’re slapping some meat on our box men. Again, anymaterial from Loomis, Hogarth, Vilppu, Bridgman, SteveHuston, Michael Hampton, (did I forget anyone?) etc, would do. Just pick theone that you find easiest to understand.
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Alright, now we’re getting wild.Next step is to build on your knowledge of the human body by learning about theorigins and insertions of the muscles and tendons and ligaments; more stuffabout the skeletons; the range of motion of the bodies and how the muscleschange form in difference situation. The resources here are tough, technicaland are more about understanding than drawing.
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                               Anatomy Courses by Scott Eaton
                               Anatomyfor Sculptors and Anatomy of Facial Expression by Uldis Zarins with Sandis Kondrats
                               ArtisticAnatomy and New Artistic anatomy by Dr. Paul Richer
                               StrutturaUomo by Neri Pozza
More recommendations from ScottEaton: http://www.scott-eaton.com/anatomy-book-reviews-and-recommendations
During any part of your learningprocess, do studies and live drawing and really try to apply your understanding.Reinforce your knowledge by asking yourselves how the forms you are seeing relateto the anatomy that you’ve been studying.
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Once you feel like you have a decentunderstanding of anatomy, it’s time for stylization. Try to see how otherartists simplify and exaggerate the human body. Do your own experiments.
Studies of:
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Alright, drapery. I’m not thatconfident in my drapery skills. Regardless, here are a couple of books:
Famous artist course: Fold part one
Drawingthe Clothed Figure by Michael Massen
Keep in mind that learning anatomy is not a linear process, we don’t just finish one stage and move on to another. We are never going to get a complete mastery of anatomy. We have to keep going back and forth in order to fill the gaps in our understanding. Finally, this is just what I would do/am doing andis absolutely not the only way to learn. I wouldn’t be comfortable taking myown advice so you shouldn’t either. Everyone learns differently. The onlyuniversal advice I have is to work hard and work smart.
And don’t forget to have fun!
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tempi-dispari · 7 years
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New Post has been published on http://www.tempi-dispari.it/2017/06/12/andrea-pozza-quattro-date-londra-suo-album-siciliana-registrato-italia-uk/
Andrea Pozza quattro date a Londra con il suo album “Siciliana” registrato tra Italia e UK
Arriva una nuova tournée (la quinta in tre anni) per uno dei migliori e più apprezzati pianisti della scena jazz nazionale ed internazionale, Andrea Pozza che ritorna in Inghilterra per quattro concerti nella capitale londinese. Andrea Pozza, presenterà il suo ultimo album “Siciliana” – un omaggio ai grandi pianisti compositori che hanno segnato in maniera indelebile la storia della musica, da Bach a Chick Corea, dal Seicento ai giorni nostri – realizzato in trio con Andrew Cleyndert (cb) e Mark Taylor (dr) per l’etichetta inglese Trio Records. Il tour che prenderà il via il prossimo lunedì 12 giugno al Ronnie Scott’s Jazz Club, proseguirà fino a giovedì 15 giugno e farà tappa in alcuni tra i più prestigiosi jazz club di Londra.  Per questa occasione Andrea Pozza sarà accompagnato da alcuni tra i più conosciuti ed apprezzati jazzisti della scena musicale inglese: Dave Green al basso, Steve Brown e Shane Forbes alla batteria.
Di seguito le date del tour:
Lunedì 12 giugno Ronnie Scott’s Jazz Club
Martedì 13 giugno Spike’s Place Jazz Club
Mercoledì 14 Boisdale Belgravia
Giovedì 15 Saffron Walden
Andrea Pozza vanta una solida carriera nazionale ed internazionale che lo ha visto protagonista in Estremo Oriente, in America ed in Europa. Musicista eclettico capace di affrontare con grande disinvoltura qualsiasi repertorio, è sia leader carismatico sia partner ideale per grandi artisti che trovano in lui empatia e innato interplay. Andrea Pozza ha debuttato a soli 13 anni e da allora si è esibito al fianco di alcuni “mostri sacri” della storia del jazz: Harry “Sweet” Edison, Bobby Durham, Chet Baker, Al Grey, George Coleman, Charlie Mariano, Lee Konitz, Sal Nistico, Massimo Urbani, Luciano Milanese e molti altri ancora. Andrea Pozza ha fatto parte del Quintetto di Enrico Rava (insieme a Roberto Gatto, Rosario Bonaccorso e Gianluca Petrella, andando a sostituire Stefano Bollani) dal 2004 al 2008 col quale ha inciso per la ECM “The Words And The Days” (uscito nel 2007). Collaborazioni importanti anche quelle con Sal Nistico e Gianni Basso, con il quale ha collaborato stabilmente per più di 25 anni ed inciso numerosi cd, tra i quali particolarmente significativo quello interamente dedicato alla musica di Billy Strayhorn. Intensa la sua attività concertistica che lo porta costantemente in tour in Italia e in Europa, dalla Gran Bretagna alla Svizzera, dalla Germania al Portogallo, alla guida delle formazioni a suo nome. Pozza collabora stabilmente, tra gli altri, con Enrico Rava, Fabrizio Bosso, Scott Hamilton, Steve Grossman, Tullio DePiscopo, Dado Moroni, Ferenc Nemeth, Bob Sheppard, Antony Pinciotti, Furio Di Castri e tanti altri. Andrea Pozza è inoltre protagonista di numerosi progetti discografici a suo nome. L’album più recente si intitola “Siciliana” realizzato in trio con Andrew Cleyndert e Mark Taylor (Trio Records, Inghilterra, 2016). In precedenza ha pubblicato “I Could Write a Book” (gennaio 2014) e “Who cares?” (dicembre 2014) in super audio cd e vinile, in duo con Scott Hamilton; e “A Jellyfish From The Bosphorus” (ABEAT REC, 2013) in trio, inciso tra l’Italia ed il Regno Unito. Del 2011 è invece il suo esordio discografico con l’Andrea Pozza European Quintet, intitolato “Gull’s Flight” (ABEAT REC, 2011) e che coinvolge i musicisti inglesi e olandesi.
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hmuncut · 10 years
‘The Walking Deceased’ hits DVD this April
‘The Walking Deceased’ hits DVD this April
The comedy zombie THE WALKING DECEASED is finally heading home after it’s limited release and VOD run. ARC Entertainment will bring the DVD to the shelves on April 21st so get ready to see a parody of your favorite undead television show. Filled with laughs and the gore you would expect from a zombie flick don’t be fooled by the look THE WALKING DECEASED is a treat for fans of the popular AMC…
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moviesandmania · 10 years
The Walking Deceased
The Walking Deceased is a 2015 American comedy horror spoof of zombie films directed by Scott Dow from a screenplay by Tim Ogletree. It stars Ogletree, Joey Oglesby, Dave Sheridan, Troy Ogletree, Sophie Taylor Ali, Danielle Garcia, Andrew Pozza, and Mason Dakota Galyon.
Plot teaser:
After waking from a coma, Sheriff Lincoln realizes that he is in the midst of a zombie apocalypse. He reunites…
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jotaeme7 · 12 years
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