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donbianconero · 6 years ago
🥳 Happy birthday!!! I hope you have a wonderful day and a great belated gift on Tuesday!
Thank you Lef! I’m sure we will suffer until Juve savior come to save us the one and only Kean.
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milleniumfussball · 3 years ago
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Die Community hat sich entschieden! Kein Iron Maik, kein Kevin Hofland, kein Facundo Quiroga, NEIN! Der schöne Weltmeister hat das Rennen gemacht. Andrea Barzagli steht bei der Community hoch im Kurs und ist nun Teil des Dekadenkaders des VfL Wolfsburg. Der Weltmeister von 2006 brachte es 3 Jahre später fertig mit den Wolfsburgern deutscher Meister zu werden. Fabelhaft! Nach seinem Engagement in Niedersachsen ging es zu Juventus Turin wo er noch 8 Jahre lang Stammkraft war. Catenaccio Wolfsburgo. Bilanz: 2008-2011, 75 Spiele, 1 Tore #vflwolfsburg #wob #vfl #wolfsburg #immernurdu #arbeitfussballleidenschaft #immer_hungrig #wölfe #bundesliga #milleniumwoelfe #dekadenteams #milleniumBL #andreabarzagli Wie erinnert du dich an Andrea Barzagli? (hier: Volkswagen Arena) https://www.instagram.com/milleniumfussball/p/CVBPAhbrMCK/?utm_medium=tumblr
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trossards · 7 years ago
andreabarzagli replied to your post: andreabarzagli replied to your post: ...
I’m glad it worked out for you! I think I’ll give the show another try. I couldn’t continue after the 3rd episode of s1 ��
ohh really?? it took me two episodes to fully commit to the show lmao. i think it gets better each episode, especially the second part is really good. so yeah, give it another try!! :D
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futboldunyasi · 4 years ago
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👉🏻@futboool_dunyasi👈🏻 səhifəsini izləməyi unutmayın👍🏻 📱'Nokia' telefonlarının dəbdə olduğu zamanlar😎🏆Dünya Çempionluğunu qeyd edən Grosso və Barzagli 🇮🇹🥇 . . . . . #grosso #fabiogrosso #barzagli #andreabarzagli #italy #italychampions #italyworldchampion #wc2006 #worldcup2006 #nokia #nokiamobile #footballmoments #footballworld #futboldünyası #futboldunyasi (at Olympiastadion Berlin) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEq2gdcn4uV/?igshid=zdk66xx99zzk
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gilagoalofficial-blog · 5 years ago
Barzagli meninggalkan Juventus karena alasan pribadi
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Gilagoal – Mantan bek tengah Juventus yang menjadi pelatih, Andrea Barzagli meninggalkan Juventus setelah kurang dari setahun bekerja karena alasan pribadi. Dia telah membuat keputusan mengejutkan untuk mengakhiri hubungannya dengan juara Serie A. Mantan pemain internasional Italia itu mengatakan di Instagram bahwa ia telah meninggalkan posisi itu karena alasan pribadi dan saat ini tidak mencari pekerjaan lain di sepakbola. Alasan Barzagli meninggalkan klub Barzagli meninggalkan Juventus dengan kondisi baik-baik dan tidak ada karena perihal lainnya. Dia mengatakan bahwa dia ingin menghabiskan lebih banyak waktu bersama keluarganya setelah bertahun-tahun sebagai pemain sepak bola profesional sebelum pindah ke pelatihan. Dia menulis, "Saya telah memutuskan untuk membuat pilihan hidup. Itu adalah pilihan hati! Saya merasa perlu untuk hidup lebih dengan keluargaku yang diam-diam selama bertahun-tahun telah mendukung dan menemani pilihan profesionalku". "Saya memutuskan untuk fokus pada mereka hari ini, di samping keluarga lain, Juventus, kepada siapa saya akan selalu dikaitkan dan bersyukur selamanya - tetapi itu benar untuk memilih. "Pikiranku ditujukan kepada mereka yang selalu menunjukkan penghargaan tertinggi dan total kedekatan profesional serta manusia. Presiden, pelatih, Fabio dan Pavel . Figur yang telah berkontribusi untuk pertumbuhan saya telah berjalan bersama saya dengan kebijaksanaan serta persahabatan. "Terima kasih banyak. Para penggemar, para profesional yang bekerja setiap hari untuk menjadikan Juventus seperti apa ini! Saya merangkum semuanya dengan besar dan raksasa 'Ayo Juventus!'" Pengganti pelatihan klub Juventus Manajer Juventus Maurizio Sarri mengambil pelatihan hari ini untuk pertama kalinya sejak klub kembali beraksi setelah pandemi coronavirus, namun ia melakukannya tanpa Barzagli dalam bantuan. Ini diharapkan, karena mantan bek tersebut telah memberi tahu klub sebelumnya bahwa ia ingin mengundurkan diri. Pemain berusia 39 tahun, bagian dari tim Italia yang menang di Piala Dunia 2006, melangkah ke peran pelatih di klub Turin pada September 2019, setelah pensiun dari bermain musim panas sebelumnya setelah 20 tahun berkarir di mantra dengan Chievo, Palermo dan Wolfsburg, antara lain. Barzagli bergabung dengan Juve dari klub Bundesliga pada Januari 2011 lalu memenangkan gelar Serie A bersama mereka di setiap musim yang ia mainkan untuk raksasa Italia. Dia juga mendapatkan empat gelar Coppa Italia, dan enam Supercoppa Italianas. Read the full article
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WhatsApp:+86 159 1882 9809 Can you see 4 Juventus logo? New patch ,new Juventus,new shield #juventus #ronaldo #cr7 #dybala #seriea #cristianoronaldo#perin #giorgiochiellini #andreabarzagli #calcio #maglie #onlineshopping #dropshipping #wholesale #bestjerseys #topclub #uefa #champion #ucl #ebay #dhgate #aliexpress https://www.instagram.com/p/BxxQyDEHU_n/?igshid=1fqrjjheweqbv
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bendj · 8 years ago
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#bendj #djdelmoento my best #night with #juventus #team #finale #cardiff #championsleague #juve #football #fisica #juventusmonaco #juventusstadium #fcjuventus #mandzukic #uefa #titel #trophy #final #roadtocardiff #ItsTime #UCL #FinoAllaFine #InstaJuve #pjanic #MarioMandžukic #AndreaBarzagli #LeonardoBonucci #RobertaSinopoli #GiorgioChiellini #ClaudioMarchisio (presso Legami - sushi and more)
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juventus-design · 8 years ago
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Happy Birthday @andreabarzagli15! ⚪️⚫️🎉🎉 36 🎂 #BuonCompleanno . . . . . . . . . . #andreabarzagli #barzagli #instajuve #forzajuve #finoallafine #tilltheend #adidas #jeep #footballplayer #seriea #ucl #instalike #jstadium #italy #football #Juventus
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simp4buffon · 4 years ago
Rules: Tag nine people you want to get to know better!
Tagged by: @tifosiazzurri
Favourite colour: Royal Blue or Black. Probably cause I look best in dark colors tbh
Currently reading: A whole lot a of fan fiction at the moment lol.
Last song: Calabria. That song makes me hype af. Thats the one of the two songs that if it comes on at a party I’m immediately going to the dance floor.
Last movie: Black Widow. Besides Gigi, David Harbour I is the other man I simp hardcore for
Last series: Just finished Loki with my friends. Was so crazy omg.
Sweet, Savoury or Spicy?:  Probably savory tbh
Craving: ooooohhh. Right now sushi. If I don’t have it for a while i get a craving for it
Tea or coffee?: coffeeeeeee 100%. I’m a caffeine addict 
Currently working on: Planning a trip to Cali in december to surprise a friend and getting a tattoo 
This was super fun!! Thanks for tagging me bestie!! 
@capitanogiorgio @miralempjanic @mdeligt4 @dybalastuff @andreabarzagli @andreeapirlo @paudybala21 @ildirigente @yougottalovefootball @theangryjuveblog
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alamanyar · 7 years ago
Happy New Year to you, too! Hope you have a great year 🍀💕
🌺 Send this to ten other bloggers you think are wonderful. Keep the game going. 🌺 bacio x
Thank you so much! Happy New Year 💕 
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capitanogiorgio · 6 years ago
wish granted! recommend me some football blogs, please!
omg thank you so much anon :D !!!
So, in no particular order:
@jmenfoot (Barça/France NT) : amazing humor, always down for serious and important talk about football and its current issues. Great posts !!!
@houssemaouar (Olympique Lyonnais/Gareth Southgate FC) : iconic, came back after a one year suspension from tumblr staff on an unjust basis. Very funny, comedy gold, I love her
@mrhugolloris (France NT/Spurs/BVB) : n°1 Hugo Lloris fan, better France NT fan than most actual french people. Kind and compassionate, deserves the world !
@ikercasiillas (Juventus/Romania NT) : I LOVE HER !!! Loves Max Allegri and his big truck, Rino Gattuso and his screams. Always there to point out and discuss serious issues in football and that’s! so! important! especially on here when it’s rare. Will make you love the younglings of Romania NT, you will root for them tooth and nail, I promise you. Also, will let your soft spot for Torino players emerge. A GIFT
@andreabarzagli (Juventus) : always informed, mostly chilled out fan, stands by the club no matter what but not blindly. Very great memes and humor. Mistaken for Andrea Barzagli himself
@donbianconero (Juventus) : I love him. Not only has he been my faithful Moise Kean supporter with me since day one but he also loves Captain Tsubasa and he’s one of the most kindest, sweetest soul I’ve ever met. Great memes too.
@gonzaloromagnoli (Juventus/BVB) : A BABY !! A very angry one who fights tooth and nail for her club, her country, her faves and her beliefs. Pops up onto your dash one night and then strikes again two weeks later, you’re never prepared.
@gingervivilou (LFC/Juventus/Croatia NT) : we’re the same age but she’s my mom
@gendryabaratheonn​ (Juventus/LFC) :
@vecchiasignoras (Juventus/Manchester United) : Gigi and Alex lover, what more can I say ? Super sweet and always excited for games, ready to support !
@gigidalligna (Juventus) : UGH THEIR MIND. #GiorgioChielliniForBallondOr partner in crime. Will take no nonsense from our shitty board.
@montosmadman (Milan) :
@cuterone (LFC/Milan/Serie A) : Patrick Cutrone’s mom, loves Serie A and most of its teams very much. Loves a bus, part of the #FreeMonto team. A literal ray of sunshine
@jordanshenderson (LFC/England NT) : what can I say ? People can only DREAM about having the same dedication and love towards the club and one Jordan Henderson. A real gem who also have a lot of feelings on Go The Distance x Sports (mostly Go The Distance x Jordan Henderson). Loves her good James Milner’s arms and abs and I love her even more for it ! Such a sweet sweet sweet person who deserves the world
@sadiiomane10 (LFC/Bayern) : ABSOLUTE TOP QUALITY MEMES ! Really entertaining. Best provider of content for Emre Can, that’s her brand. Always supports other fans and keep them believing when it seems we won’t again, despite pessimist posts stating otherwise
@andyrobertsonz (LFC/Celtic/SCOTLAND) : My favourite scottish fan on here !! Actual president of Andy Robertson’s fan club and will defend Scotland (and lfc) to death. Always great and funny stories to tell. Was at Liverpool Bus Parade with @jordanshenderson so, ergo, literally a legend !
@mcmanamans (LFC/Neville Siblings FC) : SAM
@thesecretdetectivecollection (LFC) : Also onto the Carra-has-a-great-ass agenda !! So easy to talk to and fun and passionate :D !!!! LOVES JUAN MARTIN DEL POTRO
@georginiwijnaldum (LFC) : Did you say Virgil Van Dijk ? loves lfc with all her heart, protect our kiddos fiercly !! Also loves tennis and never says no to a fair share of drama !!!
@diegoalvesisgod (LFC/Ostrava) : MAKES GREAT FOOTBALL-THEMED BRACELET GO CHECK !!! Always chill and will tell you great and movig tales about Ostrava and I love it !!!
@garance-bayernitude (Bayern/France NT) : another baby ! Another angry one !!! Be ware. Loves Niko Kovac to death and will fight you if you wish ill on him.
And many others I forgot and to whom I apolosgise. All the blogs above are favourite and gems
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trossards · 7 years ago
andreabarzagli replied to your post: just as i struggled finding the second part of la...
How did you end up finding it?
i went on reddit to find links to download the episodes and then later on add the subtitles (like you told me), but then i stumbled across a page where someone uploaded the entire season with english subs online (so i didn’t have to download anything)
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sadiiomane10 · 6 years ago
Which football blogs do we have to follow in your opinion? :)
ok omg all my mutuals are banging and worth it 
@thomas-mvller@thesecretdetectivecollection@iamarthemis  @valbottas@germanynts @salahszn @ben-woodburn @doubleohbehave@dangerouslyaddictivethings @daniel-munthe-agger @kayhavertz @thilokherer @eafay70@tkehrer @buyerns@elishamanning @xlightning-disasterx@adelightfulandsarcasticmess @andrewryanandme @gerraaard@cametobuyplums @alabaeforever@kylianfc @todibos @lsane19  @saucylacazette@leroyasane @leroysanei @lerroysane @roberto-firminos @trentsalah@andyrobertsonz @rafaelalcantra @gingervivilou @sara-bastian@capitanogiorgio @amsys @withhopeinourheart @kingpique@trentalexanders @soyax-x@lionsandreds @euro2016changedme @trentthelittleduckling @virgilvandijks @zirkzees @valbottas @cuterone @berndlenhoe @chaostrick @sallahs @rowan-fcb @andreabarzagli  @philipcoutinho@thomasmxller@davidalabafc  @football-obsession @scarletswtch @draxlerr @ialinite @mo-salah @virgilvandijks  @brazilianasf @iguessfutball @casillasgutierrez
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sportsleague365 · 5 years ago
Juventus are the most successful club in the history of Italian football. With 35 Serie A titles – 37 according to Bianconeri fans – and 13 Coppa Italia victories, their dominance of the domestic game is evident, and they also became the first club to win all three major European competitions; the European Cup, European Cup Winners’ Cup, and the UEFA Cup. Unfortunately, there have been some dark moments in the club’s history to go with the triumphs. Thirty-nine people, predominantly Juventus fans, lost their lives at the Heysel Stadium in Brussels, Belgium before the Bianconeri won the European Cup in 1985 and they were relegated to Serie B in 2006 for their involvement in the Calciopoli scandal. On their return from the cadetti, La Vecchia Signora had to endure watching Inter dominate Serie A, but the Torinese club climbed back to the top of the league in the 2010s, establishing a domestic hegemony never seen before in the Italian game. Changing of the Colours When Juventus were formed by a group of high school students on November 1, 1897, the team wore pink jerseys and black trousers. That all changed in 1903 when Notts County football kits were brought over from the United Kingdom by former Juve player Gordon Thomas Savage and the Bianconeri jerseys have remained synonymous with the club since. A Football Family Dynasty Begins July 24, 1923 is one of the most important days in Juventus’ history as Edoardo Agnelli, the son of FIAT founder Giovanni, is elected president of the club. Before Agnelli’s arrival, the Bianconeri had won just one domestic title in 1905, but his election signalled the beginning of undoubtedly the greatest football dynasty in Italy. Tragically, his life was cut short in a plane crash in July 1935 at the age of 43. Five Golden Years The first season of professional league football in Italy commenced in 1929/30 and Inter, known at the time as Ambrosiana due to Fascist laws, won the first Serie A title. For the five following seasons, Juventus experienced one of the greatest periods in their history, known as “Il Quinquennio d’oro” or the Five-Year Golden Period. Not only did the Bianconeri win five consecutive league titles in that period, nine players from the Torinese club were in the Italy squad for the 1934 World Cup including left-winger Raimundo Orsi, who scored the equaliser in the final, and goalkeeper Giampiero Combi, who captained the victorious Azzurri side on home soil. A Club Legend Begins a Legacy Italian football in the 1940s was dominated by Juventus’ city rivals Torino but La Vecchia Signora witnessed the meteoric emergence of a future club icon. Giampiero Boniperti made his debut in March 1947 and the forward from Novara went on to play 444 Serie A matches for Juve and scored 178 times, both of them were records when he retired in 1961. He also went on to become Juventus president from 1971 until 1990, in a period when the club also established themselves as a force in Europe, and he is responsible for the club motto, “Winning is not the most important thing, it is the only thing that counts.” The Magic Trio In the summer of 1957, Juventus purchased Welsh centre-forward John Charles from English club Leeds United and Italo-Argentinian forward Omar Sivori from River Plate, and they formed an attacking trio with local star Giampiero Boniperti known as “Il Trio Magico” or “The Magic Trio”. They played together for four seasons and won the Serie A title three times as well as the Coppa Italia twice. Juventus earned the first of their gold stars when they won the scudetto for the 10th time in 1957/58 and Sivori also won the Ballon d’Or in 1961. Heriberto Herrera and Movimiento Franco-Argentine tactician Helenio Herrera is one of the most famous coaches ever but his Paraguayan namesake Heriberto Herrera or HH2 had a respectable career coaching Juventus in the same decade. HH2 had a strenuous relationship with star attacker Omar Sivori and forced the oriundo to transfer to Napoli at the end of the 1964/65 campaign. It was also the same season when the Bianconeri reached their first European final, losing 1-0 to Hungarian side Ferencvaros in the Fairs Cup Final, one of the forerunners of the Europa League. Juve won the scudetto in 1966/67 under Herrera with a strict tactical system known as “movimiento” or movement in Spanish and it is considered to be one of the precursors to the Total Football of the Dutch sides of the 1970s. The Golden Decade Giovanni Trapattoni arrived from AC Milan in 1976 with some experience in diverse coaching roles and Juventus had just lost the Serie A title to city rivals Torino. With “Trap” as coach, the Bianconeri won the lot in a period known as “Il Decennio d’oro” or The Golden Decade. Domestically, they won six Serie A titles and two Coppa Italia trophies. Internationally, they won the 1977 UEFA Cup, 1984 European Cup Winners’ Cup, 1984 European Super Cup, 1985 European Cup, and 1985 Intercontinental Cup. The Italian contingent of Trapattoni’s Juventus with the likes of Dino Zoff, Gaetano Scirea, Marco Tardelli, Claudio Gentile, Antonio Cabrini and Paolo Rossi also formed the core of Enzo Bearzot’s Italy, which won the 1982 World Cup. Foreign stars Michel Platini of France and Zbigniew Boniek of Poland joined Juve after the tournament and became Bianconeri heroes. Platini also won his three Ballon d’Or trophies while he was playing for La Vecchia Signora. The Triad After Trapattoni left at the end of the 1985/86 campaign, Juventus went eight seasons without a Serie A title, and he was not able to halt the dominance of AC Milan in his second spell from 1991 to 1994. Not even the presence of Roberto Baggio and Gianluca Vialli, who were purchased for record transfer fees from Fiorentina in 1990 and Sampdoria in 1992 respectively, could turn their fortunes around. In the summer of 1994, Bianconeri president Umberto Agnelli appointed 1970s star Roberto Bettega as vice-president, Antonio Giraudo as CEO, and Luciano Moggi as general director, forming a trio infamously known as “The Triad”. There were plenty of positives from that era. Under coach Marcello Lippi in two stints, Juventus won five Serie A titles, the 1994/95 Coppa Italia, the 1995/96 Champions League, the 1996 European Super Cup, and the 1996 Intercontinental Cup. Baggio was sold to AC Milan but it was the beginning of a great career at Juve for Alessandro Del Piero, who is now the club’s all-time leading goalscorer. Their successes were seen with suspicion from those outside the club and there were accusations of doping and match-fixing being circulated. Calciopoli Prior to the 2006 World Cup, Italian football was shocked to the core due to the Calciopoli match-fixing scandal. Juventus directors Moggi and Giraudo were seen as the instigators and they were accused of influencing refereeing appointments. Giraudo was banned from football for five years while Moggi was banned for life. Juventus were stripped of the 2004/05 and 2005/06 Serie A titles, demoted to Serie B, and started the 2006/07 season with a nine-point penalty. This prompted stars like Zlatan Ibrahimovic, Fabio Cannavaro, Gianluca Zambrotta, and Lilian Thuram to leave the club but the likes of Gianluigi Buffon, Pavel Nedved, Del Piero, and David Trezeguet decided to help La Vecchia Signora regain their Serie A status. Andrea Agnelli and Domestic Dominance Juventus returned to Serie A in the 2007/08 season but the late 2000s was a lean period for the club. Andrea Agnelli, the son of Umberto and nephew of Gianni, became the Bianconeri chairman in May 2010 and went about rebuilding the club. Former hero Antonio Conte was appointed coach in 2011 and they club won three consecutive Serie A titles. Between 2011 and 2012, they also went 49 league games without defeat. Iconic goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon had joined the club in 2001, but now he had a formidable defence of Andrea Barzagli, Leonardo Bonucci, and Giorgio Chiellini in front of him, and the trio became known as the BBC. Conte was replaced by Massimiliano Allegri in the summer of 2014 and Juventus won four consecutive domestic doubles but European success evaded them. The arrival of Portuguese superstar Cristiano Ronaldo was not enough to turn things around in the Champions League and Allegri departed at the end of the 2018/19 season. #AndreaBarzagli #ZbigniewBoniek #AntonioConte
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enisports-blog · 6 years ago
Barzagli insists Juve will become greater with Ronaldo
Barzagli insists Juve will become greater with Ronaldo ##andreabarzagli ##ChampionsLeague ##Cristianoronaldo
Cristiano Ronaldo is yet to open his goals account for Juventus this season
Juventus midfielder, Andrea Barzagli has allegedly insisted that his side will become much greater with new talisman, Cristiano Ronaldo around.
The Italian international has warned ‘this is the best in years’ for the Italian Serie A giants.
He has also stated in very clear terms that ‘when Cristiano Ronaldo starts…
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danyvigofotografo · 7 years ago
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Ph. #danilovigofotografo #npsitalia #nikon #nikoneurope #nikonitalia #nikon4sport #nikonofficials #picoftheday #pictureoftheday #photography #photographer #photooftheday #photojournalism #photojournalist #instagram #calcio #campioniditalia #juventus #soccer #seriea #scudetto #andreabarzagli #gigibuffon #football #finoallafine (presso Allianz Stadium)
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