#Andrea DST
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Is anyone else disappointed that Vrock and K-DST aren't real radio stations? I'd listen to them!
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Buku part 2
Haaaaaaaaa. Sudah selesai weekend minggu ini sodara-sodara dan sekarang sudah 22 (23 sekarang, itu draft semalam) September?? Wtf. Ku masih ada hutang mau ngelanjutin tulisan ya tentang buku ini.
Berhubungan dengan itu adalah: aku baru saja menyelesaikan 2 buku di beberapa hari belakang: Dallergut Dream Department Store by Miye Lee dan Poison for Breakfast-nya Lemony Snicket yang keluar 2021! Both were delights to read. Dua-duanya genrenya fiksi tapi yang satu fiksi totok betul-betul penuh hiburan dan penuh imajinasi, while satunya sangat… filosofis dan BANYAK banget bikin belajar tentang literature.
Ku pernah cerita di sini: https://www.tumblr.com/asrisgratitudejournal/758711603506135040/library?source=share pas ku beli si Miye Lee itu dan beneran emang lambat banget bacanya karena ku gak nemu waktu yang tepat untuk duduk dan focus baca aja sih. Terus yang Lemony Snicket terpicu dari recent twitter trend: ku menemukan foto bookshelf orang dengan buku-buku Snicket jadi kepo “dia gak ngeluarin buku baru kah recently?”. Ternyata ada! Di 2021! Awalnya tentu saja search di library dulu biar gak usah beli kan, tapi ternyata gaada di library. Search di google ternyata ada di Blackwell’s Westgate, dan cuma £7 pulak, jadi yaudah sikat deh habis pulang dari lab ke situ dulu.
Jujur kalau mau digali lagi waktu minggu lalu teh mau nulis apa tentang buku juga ga inget sekarang. OH! Bahas siapa aja yang kubaca dulu dan gimana awal mulanya ku senang baca. Pas lagi bahas sama Puspa dan Oliv tentang betapa bersyukurnya kita sekarang hidup di jaman kita bisa baca buku tulisan cewek, ku langsung mencoba nginget-nginget aku teh dulu baca siapa aja ya… kayanya standar anak kelahiran 90-an:
Esti Kinasih (Fairish WKWKW itu keluaran 2004, terus ada juga CEWEK!!! keluaran 2005); Dealova by Dian Nuranindya, terus dari situ kayanya langsung ke Tere Liye(?). SEMUA novel dia tuh ku beli dari Daun yang Jatuh, Hapalan solat Delisa, dst. Mulai berhenti kayanya pas kuliah. Terus juga sempat ada periode Andrea Hirata. Kayanya yang orang Indo udah sih itu doang.
Yang terjemahan tentu saja: Harry Potter (mama yang pertama kali beliin bawa dari kantor karena fomo ceunah wkwk), terus Hunger Games, Twilight, Divergent (semuanya penulis cewek). Oh! Sama tentu saja Lemony Snicket. Dulu hype banget asli dah. Semua orang di sekolah keknya baca atau kalau ada orang yang pas istirahat baca itu tuh kek keren banget gitu dan ku jadi mau pinjem. Sempat ada periode ku suka minjem buku random juga deh kayanya di perpus SMP, cerita-cerita rakyat gitu. Ku inget banget sampe pernah ada fase ku nabung sehari 3ribu apa ya, buat ngumpulin duit pre-order Harry Potter 7. Keluar Januari 2008. Itu aku kelas 12 SMA, mau UN malah baca Harry Potter.... Untuk anak SMA buku 270ribu tu mahal banget (sekarang pun masih terasa mahal). Itu dulu mahal karena hard-cover kayanya. Ku betulan yang dateng ke Gramedia matraman ngangkot beres sekolah sore2 terus jalan ke counter: “mbak, saya mau pre-order buku Harry Potter ini ya…”. Ku lupa bayarnya kayanya pas ngambil bukunya deh.
Baca Pulang-nya Leila S. Chudori boleh minjem punya mantanku dulu pas kuliah dan dia juga yang ngerekomendasiin. Terus pas kuliah udah deh tu ilang aja hobi bacanya. Masih baca tipis-tipis sih tapi tipis banget dibandingkan pas SMA, waktu itu lagi eranya YA (Young Adult) yang sangat sarat dengan mental health awareness, youth identity (LGBTQ+ and race being people of color etc), police brutality, social justice: John Green, Nicola Yoon, Jennifer Niven, Rainbow Rowell, David Levithan, Angie Thomas. Kayanya itu periode ku mulai transisi ke baca novel Bahasa inggris juga. Di Bandung untungnya ada Periplus Setiabudi, jadi ku suka banget ke sana. Itu juga jaman-jaman udah punya uang lebih dari ngajar olim, jadi kadang kalau lagi pulang ke Jakarta bakal ke Kinokuniya, Aksara kemang, sama ke Periplus juga. Harga buku Bahasa inggris YA ini dulu mungkin di range 150-250ribu kali ya.
Karena mahal, jadinya tidak bisa sering-sering beli bukunya. Sehingga di periode kuliah, ku jadi lebih suka nonton, dan emang dulu itu jamannya ngopi-ngopian film/series dari hard-disk gitu loh inget gak. Sama piratebay wkwkwk. Betul-betul 0 rupiah. Oh sama ada juga FTP ITB yang semua orang bisa download filem atau mp3 di situ. Dulu series yang ditonton ada: Heroes, Game of Thrones jelas, Revenge, Pretty Little Liars (OMG), House of Cards, Veep, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Teen Wolf(!!!), Sherlock, The Flash (awal-awal season doang nontonnya), Glee!!!, Empire, Gossip Girl, Mr. Robot, Master of None, Korra, Brooklyn 99, Orange Is The New Black, Westworld, mencoba nonton Breaking Bad tapi nggak nyangkut.
Tapi ku emang berprivilege seprivilege-privilegednya sih dalam hal baca (dan buku)… yang dari dulu tiap hari Kamis pulang kantor pasti mama beliin Bobo. Dari belom bisa baca pun di kasur dibacain cerita. Terus pas udah agak gedean, mama papaku langganan Kompas setiap hari dan di hari Minggu tuh ada Kompas anak. Di rumah juga papaku suka banget beli buku-buku Islam, ngelihat itu aku pun tumbuh besar menjadi anak yang “Oh membaca itu penting yah”. Pas mudik ke rumah mama di Klaten, di rak buku ada novel-novel Mira W. buanyaaak banget. Kayanya dulu ada 1 atau 2 yang kuhabisin pas lagi di periode lebaran itu. Jadi, ya memang budaya aja sih. Dan baca-baca reply twitter kemarin ya kesadar aja, oh belum semua orang seberuntung aku yah dalam hal ini. Bahkan punya teman-teman yang suka baca juga penting banget! Ada pulak yang cerita kalau dia malah dikata-katain kalau suka baca. Buset.
Aku dari dulu mimpinya cuma satu: punya rumah baca sendiri. Bisa bikin buat anak-anak/orang dewasa pun, bisa baca, senang baca. Dulu tuh masih ada rental buku gitu, di belakang stasiun Duren Kalibata, sama seberang pombensin volvo PasMing. Sekarang modelan gini masih ada kah? Dulu harganya se-buku 3000/minggu apaya buat minjem, murah banget kok. Dan bisa baca di tempat juga kalau mau. Kalau perpus-perpus yang hype di Jakarta kaya di Cikini dan Perpusnas medan merdeka gitu koleksinya ok kah? Ku pernah sih sekali ke perpusnas tapi jatohnya cuma buat liat-liat aja bukan baca. Sebetulnya di tempat kerja di UI juga ok sih perpusat tapi ak malah gak pernah masuk ke perpusatnya. Nanti deh ngecek kalau udah pulang.
Sejak tinggal di Oxford apa yah, tapi library tuh betul-betul tempat favoritku banget sih. Dulu pas di ITB masalahnya library tu lebih ke “tempat nongkrong TPB” dan agak bikin PTSD karena belajar ujian TPB semua di situ kan, jadi setelah Tingkat 2 udah boro-boro masuk ke perpus lagi. Kalo pas S2, bibliothèque-nya di basement jadi gaada sinar matahari masuk terus jadinya moodnya suram gitu, jadi malas deh.
Udah kayanya mau sampai situ dulu aja reminiscent tentang baca bukunya. Kalau sekarang, ku lagi suka banget eksplor penulis-penulis cewek tapi yang non-american/british dan non-white (karena sekarang ceritanya dah bisa Bahasa inggris jadi lebih gede options pool-nya). Gaktau kenapa sih, gaada alasan khusus, tapi kayanya di reading scene (di barat) pun, emang lagi banyak dinaikin penulis-penulis People of Colour/BAME ini? Ku terakhir baca Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie yang Americanah (bagus banget ku sangat merekomendasi). Dia Nigerian, jadi fresh banget diction/vocab yang dibawa. Terus ku bisa relate juga dalam hal privilege, economy background, culture-nya si characters karena Nigeria dan Indonesia mirip-mirip lah ya negara berkembangnya. Terus ada RF Kuang yang super hits 2 tahun belakangan, walaupun ku belum baca Babel sih… tapi Yellowface udah. Bernardine Evaristo. Penulis-penulis Jepang/Korea (translated dari Bahasa mereka ke English). Udah sih. Dolly Alderton palingan. Sisanya ku juga baca non-fiction tapi gak semenarik itu jadi malas kubahas. Komik juga dulu ku baca sampai di rumah ada koleksi Detective Conan, Doraemon, dan hai Miiko yang lumayan komplit.
Paling aneh dari ini semua, setelah ku-scroll lagi ke atas adalah: aku sekarang into kpop… jujur aneh banget.
Dah sekian dulu nge-rant-nya mau kembali bekerja. Buh-bye!
23 September 2024 18:01 flat 39 hujan seharian jadi di rumah aja
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Storm Snippets: “Adjustments”
Robert wasn't sure how he felt morally of ransacking abandoned camps. Camps that had clearly had someone living in them at some point, but long since deserted.
Technically he shouldn't have needed half the things he did. But he didn't want to trouble anyone in Andrea's former village and he also didn't want to keep asking things of Laika. The young huntress still had plenty of her own chores to attend to for her tribe. She didn't need him asking to help him with supply runs.
This was also one of the few times he emerged from the darkness into the light of the day.
It had started because he noted there had been at least one attempt made by someone long ago in the caves to survive. Not much had been there. A fishing rod near a pond that was still in good condition, a tent that aside from a spider he had to bludgeon to death inside, was still perfectly usable and the fabric, while needing a good washing, seemed to be salvageable.
It escalated into a theory if there was one like this in the caves, then was it possible there was more on the surface. As grim of a theory as it was, it had bothered him.
So, with a warning to stay safe from his wife, he set out. Traveling through a snow covered land, bundled up in a cloak made of beefalo fur found from one of the camps he had raided.
He spent a few days on the surface, mapping out the trail leading from the cave entrance to where he was now.
The camp before him had clearly seen better days. There was a tent with claw marks through it and a large fire pire that hadn't been lit in quite some time.
Robert took a deep breath before using his wrench to part the tent flap to be sure no one else was inside.
Like he had suspected, once more, it was empty. Part of him was relieved he wasn't taking from someone who might've needed it… but he also felt a bit guilty ransacking it.
It looked worse on the inside. He could see an abandoned bed roll with dark stains on it. There was a chest off to the side too.
Robert took a glance outside to once more be sure he truly was salone before digging through it.
"Hm…" He pulled out what seemed to be medical supplies. Honey poultice, a container of healing salve… He pulled out a small box, opening it to find a set of scalpels gleaming up at him.
This camp must've been home to a psychician.
Judging from how torn up this place is, I don't think he'd mind if I took these.
I may not be a doctor but I can handle basics. I can't rely on the Thulecitans to suddenly be human anatomy experts.
He gathered up the tools, taking a mental note of what else he found. He sighed a bit, shivering as the wind picked up.
Tomorrow… He decided, I'm going home to my wife.
"Alright, I think that's the last one." Andrea sighed in relief, counting the jars in front of her.
Living down in the caves, she had gotten quite adept at canning and preserving the things that grew in her garden.
Sebastian leaned over one jar, scrunching his face up as best as he could.
"Beanssss. Yaaaaay." He hissed.
Andrea shoved him off the counter as he gave a shriek, flailing as if injured.
"Oh don't be such a terror-chick." Andrea crossed her arms, giving him a grin. Sebastian went limp, throwing his head back, letting his tongue hang out.
"Gooodbyyeee cruuueeel world. Remember meee!" He hissed. "Rose…. Bud."
Andrea clapped slowly as he jumped up, taking a bow.
"Thaaank you, thank you I'll be here all weeeek!" He scurried back up onto the table. "Screee!"
Andrea slid him the jar of beans as he looked at it as if offended. He turned his nose up at it, diving under the table into a dark corner.
"You big baby." She dropped a tea towel on top of him as he poked his nose out.
"It'ssss keeping your mind off the hubby." He replied, his tongue hanging out a little.
Andrea sighed a bit as she brought her arms around herself. She was still worried, her stomach twisting in knots sometimes when she thought of the possible dangers.
Sebastian nuzzled her ankle before scurrying back into his hiding place.
The door opened as a chill came through the house.
"Andrea?" Robert called as she perked up, hurrying to meet him halfway. He was shrugging off his cloak, sighing in relief at being inside their home. He looked at her with an ecstatic look. "I'm home!"
She squealed, throwing her arms around him as he spun her around, laughing before they shared a brief kiss.
"Mm… Well, that's quite the welcome." Robert chuckled, pressing his forehead against hers. He still had a chill to his skin as she shivered a bit, bringing her arms around him.
"Oh, Robbie, you're freezing! Sit, sit, by the fire!" She said before shoving him towards it as he let himself be moved.
"Yaaayyy brother in law isssss home!" Sebastian chirped, scurrying to another dark area.
"I am. Good to see you too Sebastian. Take care of Andrea while I was out?"
"Terror Beak Theater."
Robert chuckled, rubbing his hands together in front of the crackling fireplace, sighing in relief as warmth came back to them. He looked behind him to Andrea as she laid a blanket around his shoulders before sitting nearby with his bag.
"You can look through it, just be careful. I need to clean quite a bit."
Andrea peered inside. She pulled out the box of scalpels, taking a look before putting them away quickly.
"Well then."
Robert shrugged.
"While I'm not a doctor, I can pick up first aid quickly and I'd rather be able to help if something were to happen. I thought it'd be good just in case." He grinned sheepishly. "Call me overprotective but… I wanna make sure I can take care of you." He looked to Sebastian. "And you, if you ever get changed back."
"I vill NOT be your guinea pig!" Sebastian hissed.
"Guess I'll just fill in your little hidey hole."
Sebastian gasped sharply before scurrying out of the room.
Robert chuckled, offering an arm to Andrea as she huddled close, curling up beside him. He brought an arm around her, stroking her shoulder as she slumped a bit against him.
"How've you been?" He asked, running a hand through her hair. Andrea curled up more until she was almost a ball and sharing the blanket fully with him. He adjusted it to keep it close around her.
"Cold." She retorted. "And busy. I was preserving food or making sure it stayed preserved. Laika stopped by with Sanare and helped out. It was fun." She yawned a little "Wish I wasn't so stressed though."
Robert frowned, feeling a pang of guilt.
"Oh, Andrea…"
"I worry… and my stomach was all up in knots."
"Well, I'm home now. No more knots." He ran his hand through her hair before stroking one of her ears as she let out a small purr.
"M'supposed to be taking care of you. How'd you turn this around?" She asked, her eyes closing as she nuzzled his hand.
"Because I love you." He chuckled, kissing her head before shrugging off the blanket, wrapping her up in it.
"H-hey, I still have to make dinner-EEP!" She squeaked a little when he stood and lifted her up into his arms. "Robert!"
"I'm tired too. Let's go take a nap." He yawned a bit, carrying her to their room. Andrea wasn't going to argue with that as she kissed his cheek.
He set her down before heading out of the room. She sat up, tilting her head, wondering where he was going off to. He soon appeared, munching on a piece of jerky, offering her one.
".. No thanks."
"Suit yourself." He finished his snack before laying beside her, bringing her close.
Robert was the last to drift off, unable to help but watch his wife fall asleep. He still felt like he was in a dream that he feared he might awaken from.
Over the next month or so, life went on as normal for them in the caves. Visiting the tribe or hosting young Thulecitians in their abode for meals, Sebastian and Andrea bantering as always…
Until something felt off.
Andrea usually was up first. She would dust her crystals and meditated in the glow of her candles or scry in her crystal ball. She had a whole routine dedicated to her craft for when she first rose with the sun.
He was used to hearing her whisper or softly sing spells as she did so. But one morning… It didn't come.
Robert yawned, sitting up slowly, fumbling for his glasses. He slid them on, staring blearily at the clock he had made for them.
Andrea was beside him still, curled up on her side away from him. He shook his head, figuring maybe she had stayed up too late casting once more. Too much use of her abilities and she was exhausted.
He ran his hand through her hair, humming softly. Andrea's ear twitched before she looked up at him, exhausted. She blinked slowly at him.
"Hey you… Morning." He leaned over to kiss her head before she shook her head, pushing him away.
"No. You'll catch it." Andrea murmured, burying her face into her pillow, her response partially muffled by the action.
While she had tried to keep quiet - and her husband slept like a rock when he worked too long which he had, she had been sick all night, battling bouts of nausea between trying to get any form of sleep.
"Andrea, please tell me what's wrong." He pleaded gently. "What's going on?"
Andrea sighed into her pillow, her hair splayed across it like a curtain before rolling over to face him.
"I think I caught something. I don't want you sick either."
Robert gave her a gentle look, feeling her cheeks and head. He noted she did feel a bit warm.
"Anything else?"
"Nausea… Really, really bad nausea. Like, ate a raw green cap piece by accident levels."
Robert winced. He had been witness to that when they had been younger. He stroked her hair before getting up.
"Wait here." He said over his shoulder.
Andrea sighed, trying to make herself comfortable.
"Can you make me some tea, please?" She called.
"When I'm done."
"With what-No."
He leaned back in, a few of his new tools in hand.
"I cleaned them and I have been studying I can't very well drag a healer down here." He gave her a gentle look. "I'll be fast, promise."
Andrea sighed, nodding.
"Besides your stomach Love, anything else going on?"
"My clothes were fitting a bit weird. More snug in some places." Andrea added.
Robert nodded before listening to her abdomen, focusing on what he was hearing. Andrea watched him, concerned.
Alright, so far so good-Huh?
He blinked in confusion as he heard a new sound in particular. He closed his eyes, focusing on the sound.
It was tiny but it was so strong at the same time. A heartbeat.
"Andrea… I… I think I know what's wrong." He threw the stethoscope around his neck, a look of surprise on his face. Andrea sat up a little, giving him a worried look. "N-No, it's not bad."
"Robbie, tell me."
He rubbed the back of his neck, a grin coming to his face.
"Andrea… I heard a heartbeat." He laughed a little. "A very tiny heartbeat."
Andrea's eyes grew wide as her hands came to her mouth.
"Y-You're not kidding?"
"No! I know what that sounds like. We're… We're actually…" He brought her into his arms, peppering her head with kisses. "Oh my stars Andrea we're having a baby!"
Andrea laughed, hugging him tightly, kissing his cheek in return.
"A little baby." She wiped away a tear that threatened to fall, her eyes a bit misty. "We're… We're having a baby."
Robert nodded, his own eyes glassy.
They had wanted a family of their own, they just didn't expect it to happen quite like this.
"This is really our life… Are we ready?" She asked softly.
"I… I have no idea. But we will be." He assured her as she brought both hands over her abdomen. "And I'll make sure you both are safe."
She smiled giving a nod.
"Heh… A baby… What do you think Sebastian's gonna think of this?"
"Heh, we'll find out." He chuckled, kissing her head again. "Now, you want that tea?"
"Mm-hm. More sleep and cuddling. Food later."
Robert laid down with her, his arms around her, his hands resting over hers.
We're really gonna do this. We're going to be bringing a baby into this crazy world.
I can't wait.
#robert wagstaff#Robert Wagstaff DST#DST Robert Wagstaff#Robert#Shadow Snippets#Storm Snippets#Andrea#Andrea DST#Andrea Don't Starve#RobertXAndrea#fanfiction#don't starve fanfiction
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The epitome of 2004 for me was putting this game in, beginning to play, and getting my entire crew killed during one of the missions because the radio was on K-DST and I realized the voice of the DJ was WAY too familiar. Good times.
#also i can never hear barracuda anymore without hearing him interject with 'jesus did someone screw their mother?' towards the end#axl rose#gta: san andreas#k-dst#a to the x to the l#my perfectly flawed king dick#audio#(i needed this on my blog)
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Miglior stazione radio K-DST!
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K-DST from San Andreas is one of the best pieces of pro-dadrock propaganda ever created
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If yes, go for it
A : kapan lu nulis lagi?
B : nanti lah, ada sih topiknya, tapi lagi males
A : nulis lah, nanti gue baca
*ternyata ada yang nungguin tulisanku, ya temen, bukan fans atau apa. akhirnya dengan segala ke-unproductive-an di hari raya qurban ini, aku menulis lagi.
Aku bukan feminist atau SJW (social justice warrior) kesetaraan gender, tapi aku senang dengan Ci andrea (yang lebih terkenal sebagai Catwomanizer). Banyak materinya yang ngena dan inspiring. Topik ig live nya kemarin dengan Jenny Jusuf (Penulis) tentang “uncertainty in relationship”. Menarik kan? apalagi buat cewek-cewek yang kejebak friendzone, atau temen cowoknya emang baik banget ke siapapun atau ya emang kamunya kebanyakan ngarep. Oke santai, hahaha.
Jadi salah satu viewers ig live nanya:
Ka, aku udah deket sama dia lama, tapi dia gak ngasih kepastian apa-apa. Gimana ya kak?
Kemudian Jenny Jusuf bilang,
Are you ok with that?
Do you really know what you want and what you need?
If yes, go for it.
SERATUS PERSEN SETUJU. Kalimat ini bisa jadi quotes yang akan selalu ku ingat tiap overthinking. Karna sejatinya, kita tuh ketika nanya APAPUN ke orang lain, itu cuma buat validasi doang, nyari jawaban orang lain padahal udah tau apa yang kita pilih. Ketika jawaban orang lain beda, emang mau langsung setuju? pasti DENIAL. Hayo ngaku, hahahah. Please girls, aku pun sering gitu. Santai.
Untuk semua jenis pertanyaan, misal:
1. Bagaimana pandangan kakak terhadap perempuan S2 yang calonnya D3/S1?
2. Calon suami saya soleh, tapi belum punya pekerjaan tetap, bagaimana ya?
3. Calon istri saya PNS, sementara saya freelancer, orangtua calon belum sepenuhnya merestui, bagaimana ya?
4. Aku udah lama suka sama temenku, meski aku tau dia suka sama yang lain, menurut kakak gimana?
Jawaban pertanyaan-pertanyaan diatas ya satu,
Are you ok with that?
Do you really know what you want and what you need?
If yes, go for it.
31 Juli 2020
Besok Agustus, ingat komitmen :)
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Todos sabemos dos perigos que as DSTs trazem, quase sempre doenças terminais que atacam o sistema imunológico levando a tristes fins. A Aids teve seu BOOM nos anos 80 quando era comum o uso de drogas injetáveis e o sexo protegido não era incentivado, a doença atingiu várias figuras publicas como Cazuza, Eazy E, Freddie Mercury, Renato Russo entre outros, é fato que estamos todos expostos a qualquer DST então o uso de preservativos e exames clínicos são sempre bem vindos. Sexo é bom mas sexo com proteção é responsável! No post de hoje temos três casos onde as pessoas descobriram ter contraído o vírus HIV por conta do sexo sem proteção, primeiro Cazuza, ícone nacional da luta contra o vírus, depois Andrea Fernandes, que luta contra a doença há 20 anos, e por último a cena do filme “Straight outta Compton” onde Eazy E, líder do grupo, descobre ter contraído HIV.
Fontes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aY6ZwMZqaBk
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Mactrack plugin cacti
Mactrack plugin cacti install#
Mactrack plugin cacti update#
If you find any potential issues, please use GitHub Issues Feature RequestsĪt first it's recommend to discuss your feature request with the Cacticommunity. If you need additional help, please visit ourforums Possible Bugs Recent upgrades seen other contributors helpingout including Jimmy Connor (cigamit), Mark Brugnoli-Vinten (netniV) andCarlimeunier. ReportIt was created and written by Andreas Braun (browniebraun) with numerouscontributors over the years. At least change tothe Cacti Webinterface and check the settings under'Console->Settings->Reports'. Same has to be ensured for the export folder. ReportIt does not require that your webserver has write access to any folder.But if the history function should be in use, you will have to ensure that theuser, who executes the calculation of your scheduled reports via Crontab oranother scheduler, will have write access to the folders called 'tmp' and'archive'. Go to the plugin management console and click on 'install'.The upgrade process will start automatically! After it has finished you canenable ReportIt with a click on 'enable'. It's strongly recommended to make a backup of your cactidatabase and your ReportIt folder before! If you're using the default archivefolder of 0.6.x save it first!!!Īfter that replace your existing ReportIt folder with the new one stored in thisdownload archive. To upgrade an existing version of ReportIt please ensure that its release numberis v0.4.0 or above. Update ReportIt's settings under 'Configuration/Settings/Reports'.
Mactrack plugin cacti update#
Start Cacti and update your realm permissions under 'Utilities/UserManagement'. Go to the Plugin Management Console and click on 'Install'. Unpack the tar-file into the plugins folder. The Installation of ReportIt is similar to other plugins:
Fast report generation: PHP extension 'php_rrdtool'.
Optional: To use the full set of ReportIt's functionalities additionalextensions are required To upgrade 'ReportIt' release 0.4.0 or higher is required.Ī prior version (0.1, 0.2, 0.3.0, 0.3.1, 0.3.2 or 0.4.0a) has to be completelyuninstalled (mysql tables as well)!
Mactrack plugin cacti install#
Working in localtime supports change to DST and vice versaĪutomatic dispatch of scheduled reports via emailīefore you install 'ReportIt', check the following requirements: Provides rounding with binary or decimal SI-Prefixes Scheduled reporting with sliding time frames Individual configuration of working days, working time, timezone and subheadsper data item Featuresĭefinition of individual report templates by using measurands and variables ina mathematical wayĭefinition of report configurations depending on report templates and withdifferent data items This plugin creates tabular reports which can be exported to CSV, SML and XML aswell.
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About ''Eminence Front - The Who''
What can i say about this song? Only one thing ¡Its really amezing! I remember listening this song for the first time when i was playing GTA San Andreas, i was driving a car in the game and i had tunned the Radio called ''K-DST''. The Bassline are wonderful and the lyrics are very catchy. Well, i think that all the soundtrack of K-DST are as amazing as others Radio stations like ''Radio X'' or ''K-rose'' but it is a theme for another post!
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I'm doing a thing!!! 🥰🥰🥰 #DSTWoods #BakersWife #MysteriousMansWife #HairAndMakeupByBrendaG #KenGTheMD CONGRATULATIONS to the cast of DST’s 2021 Mainstage production of INTO THE WOODS! Cast: Role /Actor Narrator Elliot Noah Thompson Cinderella Sarah E. Smith Jack Bennett Allen Wood Jack’s Mother Laura Soldan The Baker Matthew Ryan Harris The Baker’s Wife Brenda Goodenberger Cinderella’s Stepmother Andrea Hough Step Sister (Florinda) Drew MacCallum Step Sister (Lucinda) DJ Coon Little Red Riding Hood Ellie Kunnari The Witch Alexandra Utpadel Cinderella’s Mother/Giant’s Voice Leah Klein Wolf/Cinderella’s Prince Jeremy Yampolsky Rapunzel Grace Feliciano Rapunzel’s Prince Rudy Bogojevich Mysterious Man Ken Goodenberger Little Red’s Granny Kelly Swope The Steward Nathanael Coe Cinderella’s Father Joshua Hengst Milky White Blue Madison-Cedillo Dancers Carley Meier, Lily Whipple, Bella Swope, Nikki di Giorgio, Allison Martinez, Emily Anderson, Electric Whitzel INTO THE WOODS, directed by Kandyce Hughes and music-directed by Ken Goodenberger, opens at Desert Stages Theatre on Friday, September 10, and runs through Sunday, September 19. Tickets are $25 per person, on sale NOW at https://bit.ly/DSTWoods https://www.instagram.com/p/CRP1Er2HH-U/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Storm Snippets: “Little Shadow”
Little Shadow
The last few days had been a long one. 9 months of preparing, trying to make their home “safe” for a young child. 9 months of worrying and in Robert’s case, sometimes being a bit too protective when it came to his wife.
Andrea had taken less time outside of their home and wandering, opting instead to focus on ensuring she had everything ready for herself.
Visitors had been quite interesting. Namely their favorite visitor.
“And there’s no egg?”
“Nope. Just the baby and I’ll have to keep a close eye on them too. They’ll need me and Robert for just about everything.”
Laika gave Andrea a worried look when the woman winced, feeling a kick from her unborn child.
“Are you okay?”
“... You wanna know what it’s like to feel a baby kick?”
Laika nodded quickly, letting Andrea guide her hand to her stomach, eyes going wide as she felt a sharp kick.
“Wow….” She giggled. “Hi hooman-ling.”
“I think they’re going to love meeting you.”
That was a week ago. Now… they could hardly believe the change that happened overnight… Even if they weren’t quite used to it yet.
Andrea winced as she sat up, reaching into the bassinet beside the bed.
“Oh, oh oh, shhh…” She murmured bringing a bundle of blankets into her arms, bouncing it a little as she did so. “Shh, Mommy’s here Ciel, Mommy’s here.”
Her child was only three days old but already she couldn’t imagine her life without him in it. She kissed his head as he squirmed ,looking up at her with teary eyes. His elongated ears twitched as he wailed.
Andrea hummed softly, rocking him, keeping him close as she went through the motions with getting him settled. Ciel was still so new to her. Being a mother was still so new to her.
“I got you my darling, I’m here.”
Ciel hiccuped before settling down as he grasped one of her fingers in his hands. Andrea leaned against the headboard, cradling him.
So, that wasn’t hungry. He’s dry… so that’s… “Hold me”. Got it.
Robert peered in, still having been awake, tending to a project.
“You okay?”
“We’re both fine.” Andrea yawned a little as her son mimicked the action, a little squeak escaping him. “Just very… very tired.” Her eyes closed for a moment, her head bobbing a little.
Robert sat on the edge of the bed, laying a hand on her arm, getting her attention.
“You want me to…?”
Andrea looked down at Ciel before looking up at him.
“Maybe for a few minutes.”
“Just a few. You need a rest.” Robert gave her a gentle look as she transferred their child over. Ciel whined a little before settling down as he realized where he was.
Robert hummed softly, rocking him as he joined Andrea’s side.
Andrea closed her eyes, laying her head on his shoulder, listening to his voice.
They were figuring it out. It wasn’t going to be an easy path but it was going to be worth it.
We already got through bringing him into this world. And now he’s here… He’s really here.
“You know, I’m really glad I married you.” She murmured softly. Robert chuckled, nuzzling her.
“I’m glad I married you too. It’s all been amazing and now look at us.” He smiled warmly.
Ciel hiccuped, grasping onto part of Robert’s shirt, whining a little.
Robert and Andrea chuckled a bit before Robert brought him close, stroking his back.
“There we are… Shh… It’s okay Ciel. It’s okay.”
The boy yawned, nuzzling, letting out a small noise… A very familiar noise as Robert tried not to laugh.
“Don’t you dare say it.” Andrea giggled, nudging him a bit.
“He… purrs. Andrea, he purrs.” He chuckled, kissing Ciel’s head, his curly black hair being brushed aside by the action.
He definitely had inherited most of his appearance from his mother. The most he had gotten from Robert were his eyes and his hair to some extent.
The baby yawned once more before curling up against him, his green eyes sliding shut in the motion.
“There we go.” He hummed softly, rocking him in his arms.
He felt Andrea slump against him along with their son doing the same.
Robert chuckled, nuzzling his wife before sighing in contentment, leaning back against the headboard.
He was alright being their pillow for the night.
Once more I ask, how did I get so lucky?
Heh… Even though Maxwell has done things I don’t agree with… I would like to thank him someday for giving me this chance.
Robert kissed Ciel’s head before leaning his head back.
Moar snippets incoming, since I got stuff to share and fun stuff ahead!
Oh this was just fun to write. Got to have Laika cameo being her precious bug child self, Andrea and Robert have a lil bab of their own. >w< And he’s smol. Little Ciel Wagstaff.
#Don't Starve Fanfiction#Don't Starve#Survive the Shadows#Shadow Snippets#Andrea#DST Andrea#DST Ciel#Ciel Wagstaff#Robert Wagstaff#Don't Starve Sebastian#Don't Starve Laika
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Utcnow Python
Question or problem about Python programming:
Python Datetime Formatting
Datetime.utcnow() Python
Python Utcnow Timestamp
Python Utcnow With Timezone
Utcnow() Python
Python Utcnow Add Hours
Why does this datetime not have any timezone info given that it is explicitly a UTC datetime?
I would expect that this would contain tzinfo.
Python datetime.datetime.utcnow Examples The following are 30 code examples for showing how to use datetime.datetime.utcnow. These examples are extracted from open source projects. An alternative to using UtcNow is DateTimeOffset.UtcNow. While the former indicates that a date and time value is Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) by assigning DateTimeKind.Utc to its Kind property, the latter assigns the date and time value the UTC time's offset (equal to TimeSpan.Zero ). “get utcnow in python” Code Answer. Python - oordinated universal time. Python by Andrea Perlato on Aug 13 2020 Donate. So, using code from my answer: 1. You will use utils.getutcnow in your real code, not in the tests. In the tests you'll use fixture, that mocks utils.getutcnow. After you call mocking function, every call of utils.getutcnow in your real code will return fake datetime. $ endgroup $ – S. Zobov Mar 7 '19 at 9:43.
How to solve the problem:
Solution 1:
That means it is timezone naive, so you can’t use it with datetime.astimezone
you can give it a timezone like this
now you can change timezones
To get the current time in a given timezone, you could pass tzinfo to datetime.now() directly:
It works for any timezone including those that observe daylight saving time (DST) i.e., it works for timezones that may have different utc offsets at different times (non-fixed utc offset). Don’t use tz.localize(datetime.now()) — it may fail during end-of-DST transition when the local time is ambiguous.
Solution 2:
Note that for Python 3.2 onwards, the datetime module contains datetime.timezone. The documentation for datetime.utcnow() says:
An aware current UTC datetime can be obtained by calling datetime.now(timezone.utc).
So, datetime.utcnow() doesn’t set tzinfo to indicate that it is UTC, but datetime.now(datetime.timezone.utc) does return UTC time withtzinfo set.
So you can do:
Python Datetime Formatting
Solution 3:
The standard Python libraries don’t include any tzinfo classes (but see pep 431). I can only guess at the reasons. Personally I think it was a mistake not to include a tzinfo class for UTC, because that one is uncontroversial enough to have a standard implementation.
Edit: Although there’s no implementation in the library, there is one given as an example in the tzinfo documentation.
To use it, to get the current time as an aware datetime object:
Datetime.utcnow() Python
There is datetime.timezone.utc in Python 3.2+:
Solution 4:
Python Utcnow Timestamp
2pm utc to gmt. The pytz module is one option, and there is another python-dateutil, which although is also third party package, may already be available depending on your other dependencies and operating system.
I just wanted to include this methodology for reference- if you’ve already installed python-dateutil for other purposes, you can use its tzinfo instead of duplicating with pytz
I tend to agree that calls to utcnow should include the UTC timezone information. I suspect that this is not included because the native datetime library defaults to naive datetimes for cross compatibility.
Solution 5:
Python Utcnow With Timezone
To add timezone information in Python 3.2+
UTC = Coordinated Universal Time, or Zulu PST = Pacific Standard Time (UTC - 8 hours) ALDT = Alaskan Daylight Time (UTC - 8 hours) PDT = Pacific Daylight Time (UTC - 7 hours) MST = Mountain Standard Time (UTC - 7 hours) MDT = Mountain Daylight Time (UTC - 6 hours) CST = Central Standard Time (UTC - 6 hours) CDT = Central Daylight Time (UTC - 5 hours) EST = Eastern Standard Time (UTC - 5 hours). Universal Time and Central Standard Time Converter Calculator, UTC and CST Conversion Table. Time Difference. Universal Time Coordinated is 5 hours ahead of Central Daylight Time 8:30 pm 20:30 in UTC is 3:30 pm 15:30 in CDT. UTC to CST call time Best time for a conference call or a meeting is between 2pm-6pm in UTC which corresponds to 8am-12pm in CST. Standard Time Conversion Chart. CET – Amsterdam / Paris / Frankfurt / Madrid. EST, CST, MST, PST – use from first Sunday in November to the second Sunday in March. 22 00 utc to cst. Converting UTC to CST. This time zone converter lets you visually and very quickly convert UTC to CST and vice-versa. Simply mouse over the colored hour-tiles and glance at the hours selected by the column. UTC stands for Universal Time. CST is known as Central Standard Time. CST is 5 hours behind UTC.
Hope this helps!
Coordinated Universal Time(UTC):
It is the primary time standard by which the world regulates clocks and time. To get current UTC time in Python, we can use datetime module.
Unix time / POSIX time / Epoch time:
It is a system for describing instants in time, defined as the number of seconds that have elapsed since 00:00:00 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), Thursday, 1 January 1970, not counting leap seconds. To get Unix timestamp, we can use time module.
With Pyhon 3.4, we can directly get timestamp from UTC.
To convert Unix timestamp to UTC we can use utcfromtimestamp function.
Utcnow() Python
To convert UTC time object to Unix time, we can use strftime function.
Python Utcnow Add Hours
Alternatively, we can use calendar.timegen Xampp mysql phpmyadmin. function.
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this might be nostalgia talking
but the K-Rose radio station in San Andreas is soooo good
K-DST as well
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Click on the link in the Bio @therealstuffpodcast to view today's podcast with Joan Andrea Hutchinson #podcasts #podcaster #hairstyles #hair #haircolor #hairstylist Showtime 11:15 am (DST) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNU-RIhBXX2/?igshid=z6md9ehohwma
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