stairnaheireann · 1 year
#OTD in 1981 – Death of Kieran Doherty, TD for Monaghan-Cavan, on the 73rd day of his hunger strike in Long Kesh prison.
Fuair siad bás ar son Saoirse na hÉireann. Kieran went on hunger-strike on Friday, 22nd May, having put his name forward for it long ago, as undaunted and full of fighting spirit as when he roamed free on the streets of Andersonstown. In June 1981, in the Free State general election, Kieran was elected a member of the Leinster House parliament for the Cavan/Monaghan constituency with 9,121 first…
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thekeypa · 2 years
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"Proud to fly the Palestine flag over my constituency office in Andersonstown, West Belfast on this International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People."-
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uniqueeval · 7 days
Anthony Joshua v Daniel Dubois: Anthony Cacace ready for Josh Warrington in 'fight of my life'
Cacace also feels as though he will be representing the entire Irish boxing community when he steps out in front of a 96,000-strong crowd at one of the world’s most iconic stadiums. “Andersonstown, west Belfast, the whole of Belfast, wherever you’re from – south, east – I know they’re behind me, I’m getting the messages from everyone,” he said. “I’m representing the whole of Belfast, Northern…
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relationaltherapist · 8 months
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The stomach-churning yet strangely inspirational picture of Fr Alec Reid's compassionate humanity will live long after the rest of the people who remember the heartless inhumanity of that barbaric day in Belfast have died.
For it's a photograph that juxtaposes the good of one man who had tried to be a lifesaver with the evil of merciless killers. And for as long as historians need to illustrate the Northern Ireland tragedy they'll reprint that image of Fr Reid kneeling over the bloodied and near naked body of murdered soldier David Howes in Andersonstown, giving him the last rites.
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petnews2day · 2 years
The mean cul-de-sacs of Bangor hold a lot of engaging tales
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/XWvP
The mean cul-de-sacs of Bangor hold a lot of engaging tales
RENOWNED as one of Ireland’s best living writers (and there are a lot of them still kicking about), Colin Bateman sat down with the Andersonstown News this week to speak about his hilarious and touching memoir about growing up on the mean streets of North Down. ‘Thunder and Lightning: A Memoir of Life on the Tough […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/XWvP #SmallPetsNews
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baeddel · 2 years
The BLGʼs [Belfast Libertarian Group] first venture was a series of silk-screened posters – five altogether, commonly headed ʻKnow Your Enemyʼ. The five targeted ʻenemiesʼ were: (1) the Army, (2) the Courts, (3) Big Business, (4) Sectarianism, and (5) the Churches. When posters 1, 2 and 3 were ready for distribution the BLG was approached by members of the Official Republican movement who expressed approval and offered to put up hundreds in Catholic/Nationalist areas.
Here was the groupʼs first dilemma. Should they accept assistance from a group which was listed among those they were meant to be criticising? However, whatever they thought of cooperation with Republicans, one fact was clear – they couldnʼt possibly put up that amount of posters, especially in IRA-dominated areas. So they warily accepted the offer. Then a problem soon arose. Seemingly, some Provisional IRA supporters were going around Andersonstown ripping down the posters, possibly because they didnʼt want the Stickies (Officials) to gain any local advantage in the propaganda field. The BLGʼs contact in the Officials commented:
Give us more of the posters! The Provies are ripping them down so weʼre going to put them up again – and stand guard beside them if we have to!
It was bad enough to be cooperating with Republicans, but to be caught up in part of their incessant feuding!
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thefivedemands · 5 years
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STRISCIONE CONTRO ANDERSONSTOWN NEWS: ‘BRITISH STATE MEDIA’ Gerry Kelly, MLA del Sinn Féin, ha definito uno striscione destinato a Andersonstown News come "sinistro tentativo" di mettere a tacere la stampa…
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seachranaidhe · 6 years
IRSP deny INLA shot Donegan
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MURDERED: Jim Donegan
  THE Irish Republican Socialist Party have denied that the INLA shot Jim Donegan dead on the Glen Road on December 4 last year.
Mr Donegan was shot dead as he waited to collect his teenage son from St Mary’s Christian Brothers’ Grammar School. Police have now linked the murder to the INLA.
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Police also believe the gunman who killed Mr Donegan was at the scene five days…
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cavalierpostcards · 7 years
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#postcard An armed IRA militant moves through the backyards at the... http://dlvr.it/QH18TS
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stairnaheireann · 2 years
#OTD in 1981 – Death of Kieran Doherty, TD for Monaghan-Cavan, on the 73rd day of his hunger strike in Long Kesh prison.
#OTD in 1981 – Death of Kieran Doherty, TD for Monaghan-Cavan, on the 73rd day of his hunger strike in Long Kesh prison.
Fuair siad bás ar son Saoirse na hÉireann. Kieran went on hunger-strike on Friday, 22nd May, having put his name forward for it long ago, as undaunted and full of fighting spirit as when he roamed free on the streets of Andersonstown. In June 1981, in the Free State general election, Kieran was elected a member of the Leinster House parliament for the Cavan/Monaghan constituency with 9,121 first…
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zombiebunnyink · 3 years
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*MISSING CAT** My little guy Jiji has been missing since Monday 5th July. Belfast BT11 Andersonstown area He is all black, chipped, quite skittish, only takes pets on his terms, no collar (scamp keeps slipping it) He is on a special dry diet without it he will be in pain. If anyone in the Andersonstown area could keep a look out & check any garages/storage areas for him I would really appreciate it as I am very worried. (at Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRSHaaCBTt_/?utm_medium=tumblr
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aiiaiiiyo · 7 years
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An armed IRA militant moves through the backyards at the neighborhood of Andersonstown, Belfast, the day after Bloody Sunday. Belfast, Northern Ireland, 31 January 1972.[1280x844] Check this blog!
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fionaharnett · 5 years
In 1994, Graham returned to Northern Ireland to make a series called Cease Fire, which is a contender – alongside his later book, American Night – for his most ambiguous body of work. It comprises photographs of the sky over some of the province's best-known trouble spots: Andersonstown, Ballymurphy, the Bogside and the Shankill Road. It is another measure of Graham's ongoing journey from the obvious to the nebulous. Likewise American Night, in which several of the images were so over-exposed and bleached out that some critics returned the book to the publishers, thinking there had been a problem in the printing process. Graham had, as he puts it, "whitened out" the images in the darkroom to emulate "the sense of disorientation and drama" he felt when he came out of a cinema in Tennessee into the bright, blinding sunlight of the American south.
"It was a shock to the critics," he says, chuckling, "but it was a shock to me, too. I always feel like I am the first member of the audience to see the work, and, in that instance, I did have to ask myself, 'Can I take this seriously?' It was a tough question, but I hope the work answered it." My own view is that the jury is still out on that one.
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naomheannaclg · 5 years
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We’ve been nominated for the prestigious “Exceptional Achievement in Sport” award at the Aisling Awards. #AislingSports19 AISLING AWARDS 2019 SPORTS ANNOUNCEMENT Its an honour and a massive achievement to have made the @SPGBetting #AislingSports19 shortlist. Voting link is available at:- http://belfastmediagroup.com/aisling-sports-nominees-2019/ You can also vote through all the printed papers from this week. Voting forms will be printed inside the Andersonstown News, South Belfast News and North Belfast News. Voting ends 22nd November at 12.30pm. Winners announced at Gala Awards Night, Europa Hotel on Friday 29th November. ✅Online Votes will count as 1 vote ✅✅✅Newspaper Votes will count as 3 votes #pobal #clann #gaeilge #sult #spraoi #clg #gaa #né #NÉA #peil #peilnamban #Iománaíocht #camogaíochta #oneclub #attitude #hardwork #respect #commitment #fun #teamwork #teamworkmakesthedreamwork 🖤 💛 #CommunityChampions #BelfastOscars https://www.instagram.com/p/B4kcC9FB7n4/?igshid=1a8j1ixw4p6gs
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grugq · 7 years
As funny as it gets
Some amusing annecdotes from The Troubles. I'm gonna try to track down a copy of the book. These are pretty funny.
Last Orders, Please!
Story one:
Back in the hard times again, about 1973, boys and girls, there were two young Irish patriots, called Hector and Ginty. They lived in Andersonstown. In those days, children, believe it or not, there were a lot of bad men around who carried guns, walked backwards down the streets and said and did rude things to all the local people. Amazingly, some of the local people even associated with these uncouth creatures and gave them cups of tea and information about their neighbours. Accordingly, one would see, just like Nebuchadnezzar did in even older olden times, ‘the writing on the wall’. The writing usually said ‘touts will be shot’. Hector & Ginty were young, and fired with young mens’ dreams and they vowed to do their patriotic bit for Grainne Uaile and get the ould green field back from the Sassenach. And so, one morning the natives of Bignian Drive awoke to see proudly written up on the wall ‘Trouts Beware!’ Alas, this occasioned some amusement amidst the would be sophisticates of upper A’town – indeed, next morning some ill intended person had painted ‘Up the Aquarian revolution’ underneath this community message – and so those to whom young Hector and Ginty subscribed allegiance (JC – RIP) summoned the young graffitologists to a convivial meeting in the PDF, there to partake of some refreshments and remedial spelling lessons. Hector at first denied any knowledge of the previous nocturnal emissions but when confronted with the mounting body of evidence, which included eye witness testimony, trails of paint to his back door and an abandoned paint pot and brush, broke down and confessed that he had, indeed been the scribe, asserting, however, in his defense that ‘Ginty spelt it for me’.
And a link to the second story: Stevie (Mirror)
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thefivedemands · 4 years
Si sono tenuti a West Belfast i funerali di ‘Big’ Bobby Storey. Presenti, oltre ai vertici del partito repubblicano a cui apparteneva, centinaia di persone assiepate a bordo strada in violazione alle restrizioni imposte per contenere la pandemia da covid-19
Una folta folla si è riversata in strada lungo il tragitto del corteo funebre, per tributare l’ultimo saluto a Bobby Storey.
Il corteo si è snodato lungo Andersonstown Road e Falls Road, tra scrosci di applausi in tributo a Bobby Storey, morto il 21 giugno scorso per complicanze collegate ad un trapianto polmonare.
Centinaia di persone in camicia bianca e cravatta nera in piedi, sul ciglio della strada per tutto il percorso. La bara era avvolta nel tricolore irlandese.
La cerimonia si è tenuta presso St Agnes’ Chapel, dove l’ex provos è stato ricordato come “soldato, leader e visionario”.
Giunti al cimitero di Milltown, l’orazione principale è stata affidata a Gerry Adams che, ricordando ‘Big’ Bobby, ha esordito con un ringraziamento alle autorità sanitarie, meritevoli di aver fatto il possibile per cercare di salvargli la vita.
Il discorso di Gerry Adams
L’ex leader del Sinn Fein ha parlato del “umorismo contagioso” di Bobby. Un uomo che piaceva quasi a tutti, tranne “all’MI5, all’esercito britannico e ai governatori delle prigioni.”
Adams ha rammentato il ruolo fondamentale giocato dall’amico, nella storica evasione dal Maze del 1983: “sperava di rovinare la vita a Margaret Thatcher”.
Lo ha definito uomo simbolo del Sinn Fein, così come è considerato Michael Collins per il Fine Gael ed Eamon de Valera per il Fianna Fail.
Concludendo il suo discorso, Adams ha dichiarato: “L’Inghilterra ci governa solo nell’interesse britannico. E arriverà il momento in cui il dominio inglese finirà e lo sostituiremo con il governo della gente di quest’isola, per la gente di quest’isola.” Ha deriso Boris Johnson definendolo come una “non entità”: “Non possono governarci. Non hanno il nostro consenso a governarci. Questo è ciò che Bobby credeva. Grazie Bob…”. “E per il resto di noi che siamo già attivisti, è tempo di essere più attivi. E se non siamo attivisti, questo è il giorno in cui dovremmo iniziare ad esserlo”.
Michelle O’Neill ha letto una poesia di Robert Frost intitolata La strada non presa, che termina così: “due strade divergevano in un bosco ed io – io presi la meno battuta, e questo ha fatto tutta la differenza.” La vice primo ministro nordirlandese ha concluso dicendo: “Grazie Bobby per aver imboccato la strada meno percorsa. Continueremo sul tuo cammino.”
A margine della cerimonia, sono state molte le critiche piovute all’indirizzo del Sinn Fein da parte dei rivali politici, per la violazione delle restrizioni imposte per contenere il contagio da covid-19. Si è fatto leva soprattutto sulle recenti dichiarazioni di Michelle O’Neill in tema di cerimonie funebri in epoca coronavirus.
Anche Conor Murphy, Gerry Kelly, Martina Anderson e Pearse Doherty, erano tra le altre figure di alto profilo che hanno reso l’ultimo omaggio a Bobby Storey.
Bobby Storey
Mary-Lou McDonald Gerry Adams Michelle O’Neill
Mary-Lou McDonald Gerry Adams Michelle O’Neill
Gerry Kelly Gerry Adams
Black flags
Martina Anderson
Gerry Kelly speech
Immagini tratte da Belfast Telegraph, Irish Mirror, Sky News, NewsLetter, Sinn Fein Belfast Facebook, Twitter
Bobby Storey: “L’uomo dell’IRA che ha aiutato il Sinn Fein a diventare il partito che è oggi” Si sono tenuti a West Belfast i funerali di 'Big' Bobby Storey. Presenti, oltre ai vertici del partito repubblicano a cui apparteneva, centinaia di persone assiepate a bordo strada in violazione alle restrizioni imposte per contenere la pandemia da covid-19…
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