#And we're telling our besties just get whatever we will figure ourselves out and it's just making everyone stressed!!! Like
atomicc · 1 year
Not me having symptoms and making people uncomfortable nuh uh
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seouledbysisi · 6 years
A Time Like No Other
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Chapter 8
The Meeting
Misun outfit: 
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Nori Outfit: 
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The girls walked through the huge reception area of the large building. They could feel their body reacting in nervousness. Misun's palms became a bit moist. Nori knew she was on edge so she needed to calm her down somehow. She stopped her for a moment, with her hands on her shoulders. “Misun, we got this okay? The worst thing that can happen is that we don't like his plan for us.”
Misun inhaled deeply. “I know. I just need a minute before we walk into that meeting. Can we pray? I think that might help.” She was becoming anxious.
Nori nodded. “Of course!” They grabbed one another hands and began to pray asking God to be with them in this meeting and to help them make the right decisions for their career and to guide them always.
“I feel better. You ready for this?” Misun asked in a bit more excitement than she had before.
Nori pulled her to the elevator and they embarked to the seventh floor where his office was. Miranda was already there waiting for them. As they walked in there were a few people waiting for them. Nori and Misun bowed a little and took their seats.
The president welcomed them in with a smile. “Some of my talent scouts came across your YouTube channel and I must say you have a lot people that seem to like what you're doing. Tell me why you started it?”
Misun nodded to Nori so she could answer.
“We really love music and we love the people that create beautiful music that touches others hearts. We wanted fans of these artists to be able to get a better feel of who they truly are as well as us being able to connect with the artists.” Nori explained.
“Music is not just something that you do or that you listen to. It's more about how you feel when you hear it or how it moves you. It's about the passion that these artists put into their artistry. We wanted to be able to get closer to that. We love entertainment period. We want to expand in so many ways.” Misun added.
The president nodded. “I like you. You're driven and anyone can work with a person that's passionate and not afraid of learning new things and new ways. So I propose that we draw up a contract that will link you exclusively to Ktown Entertainment. What do you think?”
Misun took a deep breath. “I know you have your own staff but this contract has to include our personal consultant, Miranda, as well. We wouldn't be where we are without her and there's no way we're leaving her behind.”
“That's not a problem. You just tell me what role she plays in your career and we can draw up a contract for her as well.” The president answered with a smile.
Miranda smiled big at the girls. She had so much faith in them and she was about ready to let them fly on their own, no she wasn't ready to let them go but she wasn't sure where her place would be at this point but she felt so much love and respect from them since they weren't ready to let her go as well. “Thank you.” She nodded in Misun and Nori's direction.
They talked more business and then the contracts were in their faces. A physical copy of the thing that was changing their lives for the better.
“So living arrangements?” Misun directed her question to the president.
His grin got bigger. “Oh yes, that apartment you're staying in. . .it's yours as long as you're signed with us. I need you two living here within the next month. I have a lot of work for you girls to get started with as well as media training and so forth.”
“A month? What about our lease? That's not up until November!” Nori directed to Misun.
The president placed his hand on both of their shoulders. “No need to worry. Whatever fee you have to pay to release you from your lease I will take care of. Don't worry. It's smooth sailing from here.”
Misun nodded. “Does Miranda have to move here?”
“If she wants to but we won't need her here all the time like we need you two. She can simply travel when necessary.” He replied.
Miranda shook her head. “I don't think my husband would like moving here right now so I'll just travel here when I'm needed.”
They got everything sorted out and they left.
Back at the apartment
Nori is throwing clothes everywhere while Misun is sipping on some red wine. “What are you looking for?” Misun asked her.
“Something to wear!” She plops down on the floor with the rest of her clothes.
Misun cocked an eyebrow up. “Where are you going?”
“You mean where are WE going!” Nori answered with a sly grin.
Misun shook her head. “Nope, I'm not going anywhere especially when you have that sneaky grin on your face!”
“You are going, so go find something sexy to wear because we owe ourselves to celebrate tonight!”
Misun lifted her glass of wine. “This is me celebrating, duh!”
Nori pulled her off the bed. “Get your booty in that room and find something sexy! If you don't I will for you!”
Misun pouted as she walked into the room. “Okay okay! Gosh!”
Misun finally found something that was suitable for a club setting. She didn't go to clubs back home except for when Nori would drag her there so this was totally out of her element but she may as well live a little. She began to curl her long black hair. She loosened the curls so that they would look more like beach waves. She fixed her makeup and finally exited her room where her best friend was awaiting her.
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Nori's eyes widened. She was stunned. “Whoa mama! You look hot! Every Korean guy is going to want a piece of Misun, tonight!” She couldn't take her eyes off of her bestie.
Misun began to blush and waved her off. “Stop! I feel very uncomfortable. Is this too much?”
“It's just enough. Let loose please. Even if it's just for tonight, please have some real fun. We deserve this!” Nori told her with a grin.
Misun nodded. “Okay, I won't be so in my head tonight. You look beautiful by the way, every man is that building is going to want YOU!”
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Nori winked at her. “I know. That's the point of this whole outfit. Give them a taste of what they can't have. Now let's go because Miranda is waiting on us downstairs.”
“She's coming with us? Her husband is going to kill her!” Misun acknowledged.
Nori shrugged. “She's still young, she needs a life outside of him. Plus what he doesn't know can't hurt him. Let's go!”
They jumped into the vehicle with Miranda. “Dang, Miranda! You clean up really nice!” Misun told her.
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“If I could dress like this all the time I would but Michael hates me showing any type of skin.” She said as she rolled her eyes and drove away from the apartment building.
Monsta X
The music was banging in their ears as they sipped on their beer in the V.I.P. section that was highly secured. There were so many fans trying to get an invite to join them but the guys just weren't feeling it tonight. They simply waved to the fans and threw hearts in their direction. They just were trying to relax and enjoy their time there.
“Times like this I kind of wish I wasn't famous.” Wonho admitted.
The guys all looked at him stunned. “What do you mean?” Shownu asked him.
“I love our fans of course but we're stuck in this section until we leave because they're swarming this area. Don't you ever just want to get on the dance floor and grab a pretty girl and dance the night away?” Wonho explained.
Minhyuk nodded. “I understand. Just be treated like a normal person because we are just normal people who just happen to perform too. I get you.”
“Go grab a pretty girl and dance with her then. We have security. Have fun!” Kihyun urged.
Shownu shook his head. “Monbebe may not like that very much.”
“What are you talking about? Whoever he dances with is a monbebe. They will be happy that we're giving them real attention.” Kihyun argued. “Go Wonho!”
Wonho chuckled. “I don't know, maybe Shownu is right.”
Shownu smirked. “No, maybe I'm not. You gotta live your life. Go dance! Or invite one of them in to dance with you.” Shownu didn't want to ruin everyone else night simply because he wasn't really into it.
Wonho nodded and patted Shownu's shoulder. He told one of their security guys to invite a few of the fans in. The ladies came in and sat next to the guys.
The girl who sat next to Shownu kept talking to him expecting better responses than he was giving. “What's wrong with you?” She asked him playfully. “Am I not pretty enough?”
Shownu snapped out of it for a moment. He felt bad that he was being rude. “Oh no, you're gorgeous. I'm just in a weird mood tonight.” He replied with a smile.
The girl moved some of her hair behind her ear. “It's okay. Maybe I can help you feel better. Dance with me?”
“No you don't have to.” He replied with a small smile and looked away.
She stood up and grabbed his hand. “I insist that you dance with me. You love to dance and I love to have a good time so give me a chance to help you feel better!”
He stood up. He couldn't allow her to keep begging for his attention so he obliged. Maybe this would open him up a bit. He had been closed off for a few weeks and he needed to get himself out of whatever funk this was. He grabbed her hips softly as she swayed them from side to side.
She placed her arms around his neck. “Is it working yet?” She asked with a flirtatious smile.
He nodded. He couldn't lie, dancing was like therapy for him so it was helping and he couldn't deny this woman's beauty.
The other guys began dancing with the other females that were up there with them until something caught Changkyun's eye. He let go of the girl he was dancing with and moved closer to the safety railing so he could get a closer view of the dance floor which was downstairs.
Hyungwon followed his gaze and moved closer too. “Is that who I think it is?”
Changkyun jumped a little from the realization that Hyungwon was now standing next to him. “Boy, you scared me! So if they're here at this club that means Shownu could've possibly seen them at the mall too, right?”
“Maybe he's not going crazy. What are the odds though? We keep ending up in weird situations with them.” Hyungwon couldn't figure out how this kept happening.
“Should we tell Shownu though?” Changkyun asked.
“Tell me what?” Shownu asked in confusion.
Changkyun jumped again from shock. “Y'all have got to stop sneaking up on me like this!”
Shownu laughed. “Why are you so jumpy tonight? Lay off the beer.”
“It's not the beer, trust me!” He responded as he hit Shownu's arm.
Shownu scanned the dance floor to try and see if he could figure out why they were near the rail just watching especially when they had beautiful women in VIP with them. “So you guys would rather stand over here by yourselves watching everyone else have a good time than dance with pretty girls? That's strange.”
“I just don't feel good right now. That's all.” Changkyun lied.
Shownu simply nodded. The other guys gathered with them.
“What's wrong? Everyone just disappeared out of nowhere.” Jooheon asked as he held the hand of one of the girls.
“Changkyun doesn't feel good.” Shownu answered.
Kihyun scrunched his face up. “You were literally just fine like two minutes ago!”
“Well now I'm not. It may be something I ate. I just needed to get away for a second that's all.”He replied in a snarky way.
Wonho's eyes widened. “I think I see Misun and Nori.”
Shownu and Jooheon both snatched their heads in his direction. “WHAT?”
Wonho pointed at the two women who were dancing in a group with guys and girls surrounding them. “I could spot them from a mile away. They stand out.”
Jooheon dropped the fan's hand quickly and started walking towards the exit of the VIP section.
Shownu grabbed his arm to stop him. “What are you doing!?”
“What do you mean? I'm going down there!” Jooheon answered him quickly with a bit of an attitude.
“Weren't you the one telling me to basically move on?” Shownu inquired.
Jooheon sighed. “Yeah but they're here and so are we. When destiny calls, you come running now let's go down there and see what's up!”
Shownu licked his lips a little. “You know we shouldn't do that. They both have our numbers and neither of them have reached out to us. That means they don't care and we shouldn't push it.”
“That's bull! You're scared of rejection. You can continue this night in fear but you'll be doing it alone!” Jooheon snatched his arm away.
“I'm not scared of rejection. We've already been rejected, Jooheon! I'm not putting myself out there anymore just to keep getting the same reaction. They're here in Seoul and we still haven't heard a peep from them so what does that tell you? It tells me that Misun just isn't that into me! Do yourself a favor and take my advice.” Shownu's voice escalated a little as he talked to Jooheon. He was frustrated. He walked away and sat back down on the couch.
Jooheon glanced back downstairs to try and find Nori and Misun. He noticed Nori looking up towards where they were. For a second he thought she may have seen them but he shook the thought away and drank the rest of his beer up. “I'm ready to go right now.” He told the guys.
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