#And then gaslighting them threatening them extorting them and abusing them to stay silent
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consult-sherlockholmes · 9 months ago
Bestie, are you upset with me? Was it the skin?
Why should I be upset? It takes a lot more to upset me than to ask for 144 square feet of skin.
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djlaceylove · 7 years ago
New FB coming this is the reason why stay tuned for more of a glimpse of what my books about ! Silent abuse
Messager is still available for some reason, Wtf I get hacked on both my email and my Facebook account immediately almost after finding this direct threat made to anyone who helps me find my son, so I can give him the truth not just the lies he’s been fed.
Eli knows he has no one if I have Seth, all he wanted was money he even called me back after my no contact was over cause this 500 lb man feared for his life because of my gang associations, I was raised around these people they are my family even more then my blood family, never turned their backs on me.
You called snitch I have the paperwork with your signature, since then I have found u foraged my signature on some paper that meant nothing in order to gain full custody, which I never signed because you would have to be outta your mind to think I don’t love my son. Your dirty ass mother and her whore social worker buddy apparently witnessed this in turn because Eli’s mom is a social worker and is involved in every outreach program for abused women out there I was in turn gang stalked, by RCMP in training ground facilities and was not once but 9 times now have filed for police complaints I can do this with very good reason because I have had to practice law practically because of lack of help in the wrong places.
Since moving to Edmonton I have undergone psychological assessments and have been diagnosed with PTSD as well as severe depression caused by the abuse of a narcissistic asshole. This makes it hard to think anyone good is out there.
I have done my internet research and have screenshots of things no longer existing, on not one but 3 relationships, and they have all had contact with one another which is weird right different cities no where anyone’s name from previous should come up. Well my ex husband has had full contact and fb friended these men I dated, this is called gaslighting. Making it impossible to have a healthy relationship. My one so called bf had about 6 other girls on the go I didn’t know. Until the one that loved him enough told me and took him back on 3 more occasions, I do hope she got help and I do feel bad how I treated her, she had no clue he emptied my bank accounts and drugged me in front of my kid when I had him last, last time I saw my son and him. I know I was drugged cause I don’t remember what happened after only 1 bottle of wine, at the restaurant with some friends then we went to my friends house where we were staying the night because we were celebrating my son didn’t like this man and wanted nothing to do with him, and I thought that it was nerves from first meeting each other.
Or how about the loser that had me deal drugs because his niece was being recruited and yeah I did it for my son to, to give him the life I wanted him to have.
Small towns talk and nothing stays secret for long, big mouths in these towns I learned! When Eli found out this he was in his glory because now he could extort me for money and drugs!
Yes there were many fights over this me quitting for a normal life in Edmonton, a place I thought I could get ahead, instead paid for a wanna be banger again while he took his corrections exams this guy has no friends now, and why to be a snitch!
My ex husband can be associated with we will call them the desired! But I’m the only one with the black and white puzzle many couldn’t crack! Call me a hacker I’m just a researcher! I like to have my ducks in a row so I don’t look stupid like he tries to make me look.
1+1 is always gonna be 2, you just need to know how to look for it.... so I taught myself.
I will never be as healthy as I need to be if I have to worry about my sons girlfriends because this sick fuck liked little girls and that’s why I left him! So here it is the truth be told ! I didn’t find out he was a paid informer and paid gang stalker. Because he didn’t let me go anywhere do anything not even see my family that he made me estranged from now because I believed the lies and he was my sons father... yeah more like he was my rapist who chased me out of Abbotsford by threatening everyone with a 9mm police issue firearm. He had lots of police and rcmp issue gear and guns and ammo.
I didn’t realize I was being abused because there were no scars from him he knew I would do it myself. After several trips to the psych ward in the hospital I stared to like going there I felt safe and when I would talk about issues with him those professionals were wrong so he would purposely not show up or leave me stranded at home.
This shit is the facts! This is why I worry about my kid cause we don’t need anymore victims or abusers!!!!
That man yes got me off drugs for 13 years just so he could do them, but nothing made me more happy then waking up to that gorgeous face every morning even if I was raped to be a seroget to him and his mother.
And I only hope to make things right by telling the truth about Eli and his dad and the girls that Jeanie a lady that is supposed to have kept these girls safe instead her holidays were more important and she would leave them with us and Eli would get high with them I’m guessing cause when they got home they were and the girl who made the complaint about Eli touching her inappropriately at the movies and I was only in the next seat. Or the last time we went out and he put his face in some crack head strippers tits in front of me and embarrassing me in front of friends.
Or the time the hydro was getting shut off and I had to win a wet t shirt contest to pay the bill and all his buddy’s made sure I won, too bad he was undercover then eh!
More to come soon! Stay tuned lots more to spill now the gloves are off!
I won’t stay silent anymore I won’t be a victim and I won’t let him turn my son into one either!
Threatening good people because they know what your doing is wrong, I’m done!! Take my FB I hope this still posts and I will have a new one shortly !
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