#And then Katee said “Don't go” and kept on saying it ❤️
mandohusbandooo · 11 months
Not to be dramatic, but Taylor's "Say Don't Go" is word by word how I felt about Dinbo after the finale.
I mean:
"Why'd you have to lead me on?
Why'd you have to twist the knife?
Walk away and leave me bleedin', bleedin'?
Why'd you whisper in the dark
Just to leave me in the night?
Now your silence has me screamin', screamin"
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sea-owl · 3 months
I read your post about Penelope and Colin leaving at Featherington house and it makes sense that they want to keep this house but do you think it means Portia is here with them??? I mean, it was nice to have her see Penelope at last and that they understand each other but I'd like them to be on their own in the house and I liked the idea that they had a new home, a house where Penelope did not have bad memories.
Also, as with the Mondrichs it's confusing to me that their first son does not have their name anymore 😅
I loved this season, it was the best one for me ❤️ and I think we'll see them happy (and in bed 😏🥰) in future seasons!
They might keep Portia there with them, or she might move to a dowager house off screen like how Prudence and Philippa moved to their married homes off screen. Violet, at the beginning of the season, made note of looking for a dowager house to move to, as did Anthony when he was talking to Kate about it. Society wise, it seems that when the new lord takes over or gets married, the dowager usually ends up moving. Anthony actually likes and cares for his family, and from what Kate said it seemed in India, Violet would be expected to stay with all the other unmarried siblings. So that's why Violet hasn't moved yet, and probably the real reason why is they don't want to get a new set.
We only ever saw one or two rooms of polin's married home so I am leaning in that they are more than likely going to have them at the Featherington House and maybe their other home will be for kept as their nest egg for when their son is grown a fully realized lord. Nothing wrong with that, and I find it somewhat healing that Penelope is probably moving past the hurt and bad memories to make new and good ones with her husband and son and possibly future children. Another reason why I think they'll keep them there is how often Colin was over there for the first two seasons. I mean, with how often he was there, Portia should have charged him rent.
As for the Mondrich boy, he still has his family name. When people say his title, it's the name of the estate. Like with John. His name is John Stirling, but his title is Earl of Kilmartin or Lord Kilmartin. Same thing with Simon. He's the Duke of Hastings, but his last name is Basset. I'm not sure how the peerage system works, but I'm guessing it kind of depends on how long it's been in the family, what their rank is, and when it's passed along. Because as we seen in the show titles, pass to the closest living male relative and say that's your sister's son than yeah, he's gonna have a different last name, but we also still need to know which estate he's the lord of.
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imtheband28 · 1 year
Foolish Ones
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Hello guys, so i've been listening a lot to Foolish one by Taylor Swift and this came out. Hope you like it, i don't think it's my best but i think it's cute. Love you guys, hope you're doing well ❤️
With a racing heart and rapid breathing you locked  your car and started running to your first class of the day which you were already twenty minutes late for, you said the night before that it wouldn't affect you to stay up late making a new mixtape with the songs you recently discovered but clearly you were wrong when you turned off the alarm and turned over to continue sleeping.
Reaching out to grab the door handle of the classroom door someone appeared next to you saying "I thought being late was just a me thing".
Turning your head in fright you saw him with his long dark hair, leather jacket, and thick rings on his fingers, the person who had the worst reputation in all of Hawkins. Eddie Munson in all his glory. 
"Sorry to startle you," he said as he grabbed the door handle and opened the door, waving you in "ladies first".
A very quiet "Thank you" came out of your mouth and you hurried to take your place in the middle of the class. The teacher didn't seem to notice your late arrival because he was busier looking at Eddie and deciding what to say to him today in what would turn into yet another lecture on how he'll never graduate if he continues to be this irresponsible. 
Taking his seat in the back and looking out the window your eyes burned with the need to turn around every now and then to look at him.
How long you had been attracted to him was hard to say, just a day passed and being attracted was an understatement. You were completely in love with him. You didn't know what it was exactly, whether it was his self-confidence, his defiant manner in the face of all sorts of rules, his originality in comparison to the rest, well there were plenty of people who didn't dress according to what was considered "acceptable" to the popular crowd but Eddie was never intimidated to change and he just seemed to outshine the rest of the world in your eyes.
Sneaking glances at him in the classes you had together and your gazes meeting causing a small smile on your lips became a routine over the last few months. Glances, glances and more glances as he strolled the halls, in the parking lot as he waited for his friends, in the cafeteria with his group, the glances were safe according to you. 
He pretended not to realize the few times he did notice your stares but at the end of the day he always had stares on him and not for the reasons he wanted. Most of the time the looks were of curiosity, disdain, anger and some even brought looks of disgust. 
He thought that maybe your looks were due to that and only that. 
Some days when you woke up braver than others you thought it wouldn't do any harm to approach him and try to have a conversation. Several times you exchanged greetings, you lent him pencils when he touched your shoulder in class and asked only you.
 One day you almost did it, you stood up from the cafeteria table while your friends were still talking when your bravery ironically decided to run away. As a sort of defense mechanism you remembered the times you saw him talking to other people outside of his group of friends and how he seemed bored or even uncomfortable talking to those people and it made you feel bad to think that he might look at you like that. The excited part of you still wanted to say that it might be different with you, you didn't want anything from him, you just wanted to finally meet him for real not just from afar but the reasoning part of you said it was better not to.
You are not the exception.
The bell rang saving you from thinking further and doing something. 
"What was that?" your friend Kate took your arm to lead you out of the cafeteria.
"I don't know" lies "I forgot what I was going to do".
You learned that being in love with someone like Eddie was best kept close to your heart and not let anyone else see it. You couldn't bear to hear negative comments about him which was what usually came after someone uttered his name.
One rainy Friday after school your car wouldn't start. With the hood open trying to figure out what was wrong with the car, you were getting soaked. It seemed to be raining more and more every second and the vast majority of the students had already left and those who still had their cars parked were at their respective clubs. 
Eddie walked out of the school to his van to pick up some stuff for Hellfire when he saw you talking to yourself and touching parts around the engine without stopping. He was about to continue on his way but with a sigh he walked towards you. If there was one thing about the so-called Hawkins High freak, it was that he couldn't see damsels in distress. Especially so pretty ones.
"Mind if I take a look around?" his voice made you jump and almost hit your head against the open hood but his hand was quick to come over your head to avoid the blow. "Do you always scare easily?" he smiled.
"I didn't hear you coming" your heart was pounding and you weren't sure if it was because of the scare or because of who had come to your aid.
"So, can I?" he said pointing to your open car.
"Yes, please" you stepped back to give him space.
Before he could see what he could do to fix your vehicle he took one look at you and determinedly took off his leather jacket and placed it over your head.
"I will do this as fast as I can," he promised.
You just nodded and offered him a small smile that you couldn't contain. That was the thing about him, you couldn't help but smile at the sight of him and now being so close to him it was almost impossible not to.
You weren't really listening when he was telling you what might be wrong with your car because all you could think about was the warmth his jacket was giving your head and part of your shoulders and his smell. You didn't know that the combination of leather, cigarettes and soap was something you wanted to smell forever.
"That could be it but you'd better take it to the mechanic" with that he closed the hood "Why don't you turn it on?" 
You were about to start the car when you saw him now getting soaked too and with much disappointment you handed him back his jacket. He took it and watched you successfully start the car. He came up to your window and smiled with all his teeth when he saw your happy expression.
"Problem solved, princess".
Your heart didn't know whether to stop or speed up even more.
"Thank you for everything Eddie" you smiled gratefully at him
"It's the least I could do, I couldn't leave you alone in the rain sweetheart".
Sweetheart, with that your heart made its decision and ran like crazy and a deep blush coloured your cheeks. He was looking at you, he was really looking at you as if gallons of water were not pouring down on him. The rain was the perfect excuse to run away and get him to stop looking at you without you saying something you might regret later.
"I have to go." 
"Yes, me too. You don't happen to have a towel lying around, do you?" You laughed and shook your head. "Okay, Mike's jacket it is." 
"Bye Eddie" you both smiled.
On the way home your hands were shaking, you don't care that you got the seats wet and that your car might smell bad for the next few days. Nothing mattered when his smell was still warm and permeated your nose.
You were looking forward to Monday as it meant that you would see him and have at least five days of opportunity to talk to him again and maybe spend more time together. Maybe now you will and you won't chicken out and with you it will be different and the looks of discomfort will never be given to you. 
You didn't get many hours of sleep over the weekend just thinking about how he looked at you in the rain with those chocolate brown eyes of his.He looked at you with tremendous intensity, as if wanting to see something, to know something. And you were dying for him to do it again and to know what was going through his mind. Maybe you'll find out, you said to yourself.
Maybe, maybe, maybe.
All week you barely crossed paths with him and when you did he just gave you little greetings with his head and a smile.
I told you that that could be the beginning of something, of more familiarity, more rapprochement, conversations, and friendship. Even with that you were happy, you just wanted to meet him.
The weeks passed and your glances towards him were always present and he pretended not to notice. A few times you tried to get close to him but whenever you were about to talk to him suddenly he had something to do, someone else came to talk to him or even just went somewhere else. You tried to take it lightly, he probably wouldn't see you coming or didn't know you were approaching him, because every now and then he came to say hello even if it was for a minute.
Valentine's Day arrived and with it the excitement of everyone, even of those who decided not to care at all about that day and everything that it brought with it. But the truth was that everyone was waiting for a card, a letter or even a flower stuck in their lockers. 
So far this morning you haven't received anything apart from some little notes written with colored pens by your friends who had received some flowers or anonymous notes from shy guys confessing their love through paper.
"Go to your locker now" said Kate who came running to the cafeteria.
"What? Why?"
"Linda told me that she saw a few guys stop in front of your locker and I went to look and saw a few guys really close," your friend explained.
With a little hope inside you got up and while you were going to your locker a thousand questions came to your mind when you saw him from afar, standing near your locker and your heart was filled with illusions. Eddie saw you coming, he smiled at you with that beautiful smile and he left.
With more excitement than ever you opened your locker but there was nothing, absolutely nothing. You looked at the lockers around and they had flowers taken out of the yard stuck, you noticed one even had some mixtapes stuck. Linda was wrong. The guys around your locker weren't there for you. You were wrong, Eddie wasn't there for you.
When you were going to learn that he didn't want to get involved with you, that he only helps you because deep down he's a good person, that he only talks to you for being nice. When you were going to learn not to misread things.
But the most important thing was what you weren't telling yourself: when you were going to realize that Eddie did notice every one of your looks even if he pretended not to, your looks that burned his skin and made him feel so good. When you were going to realize that when you weren't looking, when you were concentrating in class, talking to your friends, walking to the car Eddie was in the distance watching with his heart aching for wanting to get closer, for wanting to talk to you, for wanting to be useful to you in some way again. Say something other than "Do you have another pencil?". Eddie kept reminding himself of all the nice things that came into his life and ended up not lasting or leaving before he could do something about it. I didn't want that to happen with someone so cute, so sweet, so he decides to have you from afar and to know nothing else except that from that distance you are fine, happy, that you greet him and make his day and that you will never leave because he doesn't have you.
They both think the same thing: You are not the exception. You'll never learn your lesson.
Oh poor foolish ones.
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
OMG MOLLY, can we see more of the au of the au???? Pretty please?! 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺Also, loved the chapter 14 so so much, I've read it three times already! ❤️🙈
Anonymous asked:
The ACUPOP AU was just amazing but I need more pleasee! They are miscommunication from about the letter (because Alistair also wrote a letter pretending to be Kate here right?) and Anthony has just found out about Edmund… we need more pleaseee!!!! And Happy New Year as well thank you for all your writing it really does make my day!!
Anonymous asked:
Don't leave us hanging, tell us what happens then!
Okay, Let's do this AU one more time!
Anthony couldn't breathe as he stumbled backwards, crouching on the floor, away from Kate and this little boy, her son, who looked so much like his brother. His breath was coming in shuddering gasps, his hands clutching at his hair, tugging at his tie.
"He is your Daddy, Edmund." Kate's voice sounded like it was underwater, muffled in his ears.
She'd had his child. Kate had realised she was pregnant and realised that he could never focus on her on them the way she deserved, just like she'd said in her letter, so she'd left. She'd left with the dream they'd had, in those months, a tiny little family to love. And she'd named him Edmund. Exactly what he would have wanted his son to be called, and he didn't understand.
Anthony could feel a tiny hand on his forehead, a pair of dark eyes staring down at him, a tiny little crease between his eyebrows.
"Are you okay, Daddy?"
And something about that pulled him out of his spiral. About his tiny son offering him comfort. But still Anthony couldn't say anything, staring at his tiny son, his foot tapping in his little boots, a dinosaur on his shirt, handmade by someone, Kate probably Neddysaurus-Rex underneath, in loopy handwriting. His jeans and coat looked a little worse for wear, as though he hadn't been their first owner, but he looked so desperately loved right down to the tiny triceratops stitched onto the strap of his backpack.
Edmund was humming, his hands in Anthony's hair, singing a song a little tunelessly. One someone obviously sung to him when he was upset. "Everything's gonna be okay Daddy. Everything's gonna be alright. Everything's gonna be okay Daddy. Three deep breaths and we'll be okay."
Finally Anthony started breathing, his shoulders heaving,
"Better, Daddy?"
Anthony felt his hand shaking as he reached out, touching his son's hair for the first time, his heart hammering in his chest. "Much better."
Edmund grinned, a gap between his front teeth making him look so cheeky as he looked back at his Mum. "I told you he'd come. It's what I asked Santa for."
Kate's face, already so guarded, fell, her arms wrapped tightly around herself, wincing back from them. "Neddy, honey we talked about this, he's- I don't-"
"Kate, please-"
"Edmund, sweetheart, why don't you come with me for a minute? I have some candy back here and you can draw me one of your special dinosaurs." The gallerist's eyes were still flicking between them, sensing a conversation that Edmund shouldn't be present for, her hand held out towards him.
Edmund's foot still tapped, his hand clinging to the front of Anthony's shirt. "But my Daddy's here."
Anthony's chest felt so tight, staring at the tiny boy, so beautiful, so much like Kate in his bold defiance, his jaw set determinedly.
"Neddy, can you go with Rose, please?" Kate's voice was still shaking, her hands clenched in fists.
"My Daddy's here, and I've never seen him before."
"Neddy, please, I need to talk to your Daddy."
"I'll still be here." It had left him before he knew it was going to. A promise he wasn't sure he could keep, but he couldn't look away. Rooted to the spot where his son was. "When you get back I'll still be here."
Edmund sighed, tugging on Anthony's shirt, pulling him around easily, already wrapped around that pudgy little hand. Edmund kept pulling until his free arm was wrapped tightly around Anthony's chest. "Okay. Bye Daddy."
Anthony couldn't help but watch him walk away, his steps bouncing as he followed Rose into the back room, a small smile on his face despite the confusion swirling around him, his chest aching.
Silence bounced off the walls. Finally alone with the woman who'd left him, when he'd been trying to cling desperately to her, trying to hold her so tightly, and failing so miserably. Failing at the only thing he'd ever really wanted: a family. And he had to have failed, because if he hadn't failed, she wouldn't have left. And he hates himself for it, in his weaker moments, when he thinks of Kate, shame settles against his chest, because he didn't just hate himself then, he resented his father. Because if he hadn't have died, maybe Kate wouldn't have left.
"So... I have a son." It wasn't what he wanted to say, but he didn't know what else to do. Watching the woman he was still in love with flinch away from him.
"Yep." She wasn't even looking at him, her eyes stuck to the gallery floor between them, her voice tinier than he'd ever heard it. "He's a boy."
Shame was welling in his chest, pressing down on him, making it difficult to breathe again, "Kate, I'm really sorry, if I made you think I wouldn't want to know, or that I wouldn't be there for you, even if we weren't together."
Kate's brow was furrowed, her mouth opening and closing as though she was searching for something, and then she finally said, "Sorry, when I wrote you a letter telling you I was pregnant with your child, and that I was keeping it; What did you think that meant?"
And for the second time in an hour, Anthony felt like the rug had been pulled out from under him.
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No because if I were Heeseung I wouldn't go check on y/n no matter how much Jake begs or even PAYS me help y/n is so toxic
“Don’t look at me like that.”
“Like what?”
In that moment, life glitched and it was no longer Heeseung’s sleeve you were holding onto so tightly. It was Jake’s.  -- THE WAY I COULD PICTURE THIS SCENE IN A MOVIE it's like the Bridgerton S2 scene of Anthony seeing Kate instead of Edwina as his bride OMG CHILLSSSSSSSSS
His heart was slowly melting into the way it was when he first met you. When he had feelings for you. -- OKAY HEESEUNG??? I NEED AN EXPLANATION
oh the explanation is right there my bad
It seemed everything Heeseung did made you feel loved again, and you loved it. -- Y/N STOP IT THIS IS DANGEROUS DON'T BE DUMB DON'T BE SELFISH
‘Oh dear God, say no, say no.’
He shook his head as he started the engine but as his hands touched the steering wheel, it slowly melted into the feeling of his hands grasping your waist, feeling the soft skin as- --- STOP THIS IS SO GOOD
As much as Heeseung didn't want to go, he just wanted to sort of ease Jake’s conscience since he's bad at lying to him
But since Heeseung had hidden feelings he kept aside for like two years, he was weak for her especially when he sees her in her literal worst state. And like when he just runs his mouth and yells at her and she brushes it off, she knows she's toxic and just sort of ostracized?? herself from society because she knows how bad she is and that they're too good to her. With Heeseung showing her the slightest amount of 'love' she's practically broken and clings onto any sort of warmth she could find
Definitely neither deserve her toxicity, and somehow neither does she. It's pretty much something that just happens, especially Heeseung’s side where he spewed his heart out, and got to feel the heaven he thought he wanted until it was too late and now he's filled with guilt because of what he did. She has absolutely no defense whatsoever, she definitely loves Jake, even now.
The real complication is her addiction that sort of 'got in the way' so Jake doesn't know and blames it on just her being her whereas Heeseung now knows what's going on with her and doesn't know how to feel since he loved her and managed to get her in the worst way where they're both at their weakest
But just know, I said it gets worse in part 3, like it's pretty dark. If this is sad, you might not make it since it makes me sad to write lmao
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oldandkinky · 3 years
1/5 I’m so sorry you came across the infamous Scott McCall apologism squad trolls. @princeescaluswords @liliaeth @scintalla are well known harassers and rabid Scott/Posey stans Stiles/Derek haters who will harass and gaslight anyone who doesn’t worship the ground their toxic fav Scott walks on or dares to hold Scott accountable for his canon flaws and abusive actions and behavior on any level.
2/5 PrinceEscalusWords in particular is a middle aged Republican white man who obsessively hates on Stiles and Derek on a daily basis just to prop Scott up, painting Stiles and Derek as violent abusive monsters and rapists while painting Scott as a martyr and their poor oppressed victim. PrinceEsclusWords is also the same hypocritical troll who claims Scott had a reason to use, violate and dehumanize Derek because “Scott’s a victim of Gerard’s blackmail!”,
3/5 but then goes out of his ableist way to victim blame Stiles for being a victim of assault and of Theo’s blackmail and for refusing to share his own trauma with Scott like Scott wanted and demanded in Season 5. According to them it’s never Scott’s faults: it’s always someone else’s. He also called Derek a rapist and said that Derek helped Kate burn his family alive, which says a lot about what kind of vile, disgusting person he is in real life.
4/5 I’m not at all surprised he blocked you; he does it every single time someone calls him out on his toxic behavior and he doesn’t know how to argue against canon facts. He was also kicked out of the Teen Wolf legacy discord sever because he kept harassing Stiles and Derek fans and told a real life rape victim that she shouldn’t identify with Derek but stan Scott instead. His so called Scott McCall defense squad posts are really just anti Stiles and Derek hateful, delusional trash.
5/5 They’ll never forgive Stiles and Derek for being everyone’s favorite (including the whole Teen Wolf cast’s and their precious Posey’s) and for eclipsing Scott’s bland ass from day one without even trying. You didn’t say anything wrong, and the fact that these trolls attacked and blocked you for pointing out canon facts proves it. Ignore those bullies and keep enjoying the things you love and share your Teen Wolf metas and opinione with us please! Hope you are having a wonderful day ❤️
Yeah, I figured as much. I just dipped my toes into TW a while ago and barely have opinions on most of it, not even on motivations or whatever in this scene (which I think I made pretty clear), it's just the fundamental inability to understand tropes that rubbed me the wrong way.
I get having a favourite character. Hell, I have a lot that are super problematic (coughHannibalcough), but Jesus Christ on a pogo stick. Enjoy your corner of the fandom and stop inserting yourself into things.
Maybe I'm too old for this shit but I just don't understand this constant need in many people nowadays to go out of their way to defend their faves and put down other characters (looking at you, Witcher fandom with the rampant Jaskier vs Yennefer bullshit). If someone tells me they hate Jaskier, I say "Good for you, bye" and don't interact with them any more. Is that such a controversial, weird behaviour? Because it certainly feels like it has become that.
Anyway. Stan what you want but don't be a dick, folks. It's not hard.
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
Ahh Molly you’re the gift that keeps on giving to the Kathony fandom, we’re so lucky to have you! 😭❤️❤️ (Also, this is really cheeky but if you’re updating ACUPOP, can we get some Good Girls 🌶 for Spicy Sunday 🌶 pretty please? Thank you! 😘) 💛
Since it’s gonna be A CUPOP can we at least get any form of Good Girls Spicy Sunday 🥺🥺
I guess I owe you guys this much. I hardly consider myself a gift though, mostly I'm just out here causing you guys angst.
But anyway, Here we go, Anthony giving Kate a um... helping hand?
"I don't think we should have phone sex while I'm away this week." Anthony had said on Friday morning as she rode his thigh, his teeth nipping at her collarbone, humming against her. And Kate had stilled.
Anthony had looked up at her, his eyes a little clouded, his hands still grabbing at her.
"We usually have phone sex a couple times when one of us goes to Kent and the other can't. I don't think we should this time."
Kate scoffed, "We don't always have phone sex."
Anthony's eyebrows raised, "Princess, last time you called me 3 hours after the train got in and-"
Kate flushed, "That was an isolated incident! You were wearing a muscle tee when you dropped me off. You can't just throw those arms around and expect me not to react. I'm not a robot Anthony."
Anthony chuckled, a smug smile on his face when he dipped his head again to nip at her neck. "Compliments are always appreciated. I'm just saying, think how good it will be when we see each other again."
Kate raised her eyebrow, "You think you can go a week without me getting you off?"
Anthony rolled his eyes, "Of course I can."
Kate didn't believe it for a second. "Okay." She pushed against his chest until he fell back against the mattress with a whine. "We're not doing this then. You'll be late for the train."
"But Kate!"
"Nope! I have to get to class, say hi to your Mum for me." She kissed him on the cheek and disappeared into the bathroom, more than a little frustrated herself.
Three days into his trip to Kent, Kate had decided that Anthony Bridgerton was a complete dick. At first she'd thought it was a fun little challenge, and Anthony would cave far quicker than she would. For God's sake, he sometimes woke up humping her leg in the middle of the night. But he was infuriating. He'd still called her every day, his voice low and rich, laying on his childhood bed with his shirt off, grinning up at her.
"You look a little frustrated Babe, is everything alright?"
God he was Insufferable. She cleared her throat, "I'm fine, thanks Honey. How are you?"
"I'm great! I took Hy and Greg to the park and-" His voice choked off as she tugged her shirt over her head. "What are you doing?"
Kate hummed, "Oh we're not having phone sex, because you don't want to, but if you're shirtless, I'm shirtless."
And Damn him, it completely backfired when he sat up a revealed himself to be wearing absolutely nothing, only holding a throw cushion to cover himself. He grinned, "Well if we're playing tit for tat... take it off Princess."
And that was just when they spoke on the phone. He kept sending her messages, all day everyday. Pictures of him being caring, and nurturing with his younger siblings.
Him with Hyacinth on his shoulders, Swimming with Gregory, Francesca and Eloise braiding his hair.
It was a little much, honestly. So come Friday, Kate was stressed, Everything seemed to set her off. It seemed ridiculous, given that it had only been a week, but her entire body seemed to ache for him. To feel him warm under her hands, the weight of him against her, the feel of his tongue against her. It was maddening, but thankfully, he would be back this afternoon by the time she got back from class.
She waited, all day. Heat already settled into the pit of her stomach, her cheeks flushed all day, and by the time the professor dismissed them, she was practically ready to beg for it. She brushed off her friends trying to get her to go for a Friday afternoon drink with a shake of the head and a
"No, Anthony just got home so-"
"You're going to strip down and climb him like a tree. He's hot we get it, go." Stacey rolled her eyes, and Kate definitely wasn't proud of the way she practically ran all the way home, threw the door open, and Anthony wasn't home.
Kate let out a frustrated noise in the back of her throat, dropping her backpack in the kitchen, listening to the voicemail she hadn't realised Anthony had left Hey, Princess, I'm gonna be a little late, train got delayed, something on the tracks, I'll be home late, Love you!
She flopped against the bed, trying not to think about the fact the sheets still smelled like him, as she slipped off her clothes pulling Anthony's Sabbath shirt over her head. And really she should have known that was a mistake. As soon as it was against her skin the heat that had been simmering in her all week, roared into an inferno, and she just couldn't help herself.
Her hands were ghosting over herself, skin erupting in goosebumps, imagining a different set of hands, rough from work, calloused but still soft, imagining that way his arms always held her so tightly, his cologne engulfing her, rolling to her stomach as her hand slipped into her underwear, trapping it between her body and the mattress as her hips started to grind desperately against it, moaning against the sheets at the relief.
And still it wasn't enough, not enough friction, not enough weight, the angle just not right, the end just out of reach, another frustrated groan.
"Well, Well, Well, what a welcome home." Anthony's deep voice rumbled through the room and Kate stilled, a little too far gone to be truly embarrassed, but feeling a slight sting. Anthony tutted. the sounds of his clothes hitting the floor.
"Don't stop for me, Princess." His weight dipping the bed, and finally she could feel his body behind her, his arm snaking around her chest, tugging her against his bare chest, his voice hot in her ear. "Show me."
Kate whined, "I can't- It's not enough- I need-" Her shoulders were heaving, her cheeks burning, Anthony hummed.
"Let me help you, Princess. Let Daddy help you." His voice was so soft, commanding as he nudged her thighs further apart with one of his, forcing her to straddle it, his right hand slipping into her underwear to cover hers the other snaking up her shirt, his arms firm, and warm, and safe around her and finally there it was as he guided her own hand, pressure just a little firmer, slipping his own fingers inside a groan rising from his chest as they did, mingling with hers, his hips encouraging her against their hands pushing her higher and higher, dangling over the edge far too quickly his voice hot in her ear again.
"That's right, baby, you're doing so well, just a little further."
She was so close, her entire body was on fire, dangling over the edge, her chest aching, thighs shaking her voice not even sounding like her own, Oh my god, Anthony, Anthony, I'm so close, Please Daddy, Please.
"Cum for me, Princess."
A soft scream broke through the desperate noises, her head falling back against his shoulder, her shoulders heaving, gasping for breath as Anthony chuckled, tilting her chin to brush their lips together, his tongue slipping a little filthily against hers.
"I knew you couldn't last a week without me!" Anthony Chuckled smugly when he pulled back, his eyes shining at her.
Kate scoffed, "Honestly I can't believe you did."
Anthony winced, his hips twitching, "Please, every time we spoke I had to hang up the phone and watch that video of us and wank off desperately. I had to wash my sheets every day it was a nightmare. I'm never going anywhere without you again."
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