#And the kids are not allowed to TOUCH the Impala
katblaze · 4 months
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Gravity falls and Supernatural crossover where Stanley is Dean and Stanford is Sam !
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"First Period"
↠Pairing: Dean and Sam Winchester x little sibling!reader (afab)
↠Summary: Dean and Sam help their little sister out as she experiences her first period (FLUFF)
↠Notes: reader is around 14, really late first period lol
Dean and Sam had raised you, their half-sibling, since they were twelve and seven. John had dropped you off to them one day, explaining that you were from a hook-up he had and your mother wanted nothing to do with you. So from that day forward, Dean and Sam took care of you. It was rough but they managed. 
Dean had known something was off since lunch, he just didn’t know what. After devouring your meal as you always do, you started complaining of your stomach hurting. Like the supportive brothers they were, they stopped at the gas station and grabbed you some medication but nothing seemed to be helping. You guys were still a good ways away from where you needed to go, nearly four hours. So you just suffered in the back of the Impala, holding your stomach while listening to Dean’s rock music. 
You shifted uncomfortably in your seat after a bit and felt something wet. You raised an eyebrow and looked down, moving over to see what you had sat on. Although it wasn’t visible on the black seats, you felt the wetness and lifted your finger up, discovering it was blood. Your eyes widened and you quickly looked at your body. Your jeans were absolutely soaked in blood, right on the crotch.
Being raised by two brothers with minimal education, didn’t really allow much time for “the talk”. Sam had minorly explained what a period was a few years back, but he didn’t get specific details, as he had been interrupted. It was then forgot about, why would they even remember something like that? Due to your limited social interaction with other kids, you had barely heard any talk of periods, pads, tampons, etc. You were a little panicked, looking at the blood and at your jeans.
“Umm,” you mumbled, and Sam glanced back.
“Y/n? Why’re you out of your seat? You should have your seatbelt on.” He turned back and his eyes widened at the giant stain on your jeans.
“S-Sam, I think I'm bleeding…” You mumbled. 
“You’re ble- what!?” Dean exclaimed, looking back. Dean slowed to a stop, pulling over. He then looked back to and his eyes also widened, “Aw fuck.”
Sam picked up on your panicked expression and quickly gained his composure, “You’re alright, Y/n. It’s just your period.”
“My- my period?” You asked, taking a minute to process.
“You didn’t give her the talk?” Dean questioned.
“No he did I just-” You defended the younger brother, “I just didn’t realize it would be like- this. Ummm..what do I do?”
Sam had briefly explained not what it was, but not what to do about it. Your face burned in embarrassment. Sam reached out and gently touched your knee while Dean pulled back out onto the road, “You’re okay, Y/n. We need to stop for some supplies okay?”
You slowly nodded, unsure of what he meant. You waited patiently, anxiously as Dean pulled into the next convenience store. Sam and Dean both went to get out, “Wait-! Can one of you stay?”
Sam smiled gently, “Of course. Dean, why don’t you head in?” Dean’s eyes widened, he didn’t know shit about periods. But he didn’t want to stress you out more, so he nodded and headed in. 
That’s how Dean ended up standing next to a random twelve year old in a convenience store. Dean stood there, hands in pockets, looking at what they had. The twelve year old, embarrassed, and too afraid to grab her pads in front of a random grown ass man, stood there as well. The two stood there for an embarrassingly long amount of time, waiting each other out. Eventually the girl’s mother retrieved her and grabbed the pads. Dean watched what she grabbed and grabbed the same exact ones. He then looked at the tampons. He ended up deciding on a variety pack of those. He played it cool at the register, pretending he wasn’t embarrassed to be buying feminine hygiene products. 
He eventually went back out to the Impala, getting back in and handing them to you, “There you go.” Sam glanced at him, silently wondering what took so long but Dean just shrugged. You looked at the boxes.
“Don’t worry about the tampons for now, just go into the bathroom and put a pad on your underwear, the sticky part goes in the middle, and the wings will fold onto the outside,” Sam explained, knowing his fair share of information from dating Jess. You nodded and went to do so, coming back later, “All set? Don’t worry we’ll get you new clothes as soon as we get to a motel and can find a store.”
You nod and set the bag to the side. Dean pulls out onto the road, glad this whole situation was over. Eventually you piped up from the back, “Hey, how do the tampons work?” Sam went to answer and glanced at Dean, smiling a little at what he was about to do.
“Don’t worry, Dean will explain that one to you later.”
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horror130 · 1 year
dating Vance Hopper as Dean Winchester's son would include
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(the reader has no defined gender)
(fun facts you might not mind but I'll share anyway: these two cute boys not only have anger issues in common they also have the same MBTI ESTP)
° my friend you have a serious problem on your hands.
° the point is that these two guys absolutely hate each other they only put up with each other because of you.
° when you told dean you wanted to introduce your boyfriend he thought it could be any other boy boy but Vance Hopper the boy who is always getting into trouble
° "Vance Hopper [Y/N]?! Vance Hopper!!! of all the boys in this town you decided to date that delinquent!!"
° As much as Vance won't admit it he feels a little intimidated by Dean but he will never let it show.
° you can be sure that Dean already threatened Vance.
° in dean vance's honest opinion he's not worthy of you he thinks vance is just going to use you and then throw you away and dean winchester won't let an idiot who is obsessed with pinball break his beautiful baby's heart.
° "Listen here kid if you make my baby shed a tear I'll just shoot you!!"
"I'm not afraid of you old man and by the way your baby is mine now!".
° if you're not careful these two will kill each other.
° but apart from all the fighting between these two you now have two watchdogs that will kill anyone who tries to do shit to you.
° literally i imagine these two behind you looking with a killer glare at anyone they think might be a threat to you.
° Vance loves to piss Dean off, Vance always kisses you in front of Dean because he knows it pisses him off.
° and if Vance can't kiss you he makes a point of having his hand touch somewhere whether it's your thigh or your waist, Vance loves watching Dean kill him with his eyes as he rubs his hand on your thigh.
° Dean has lost count of how many times you've had to beg him to post Vance's bail and it's happened so many times that Dean has started scolding Vance every time he's arrested and just imagine you and Vance in the impala's backseat. and Dean directing the baby while asking Vance what his fucking problem is (and you better not get arrested along with Vance or Dean will freak out).
° the only thing that makes these two stop fighting and you and classic rock Dean and Vance are rock fans so in rare moments they stop fighting and go talk about rock music or just sit around listening to rock music.
° if you and Vance are at your house maybe watching horror movies or Scooby doo or studying Dean will insist that your bedroom door is open so he can watch you two, which doesn't do much good as Vance always finds a way to have a make out session with you but sometimes Dean ends up catching you in the act and let's say the neighbors hear gunshots in your house.
°As much as Vance hates Dean he admits that Dean is a good father Vance may or may not be a little envious of the good and healthy relationship you have with your dad he sometimes wishes he had a nice dad like yours.
° Dean definitely hates Vance but unfortunately for Dean Vance makes you happy so Dean will allow your relationship for now.
°well in short: these two idiots hate each other but love you these two would either sell their souls to the devil for you or are they willing to put up with each other for you.
(well i hope you liked it i really tried to make this good i really love these two characters♥️)
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deanstead · 2 years
There Will Be Peace (4): Kids Are Horrible
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Chapter 4: Kids Are Horrible
Chapter Summary: With no further clues on Corson, Sam finds another case to keep the three of them occupied.
Word Count: 2.6K+
Warnings: mentions of suicide, bullying, implied sexism
A/N: Okay, I know I am the absolute worst but I didn't give up on this fic, I promise! Things have just been a little crazy and writer's block is the worst thing ever. Hope you guys will like this though!
Chapter 3 || Chapter 5
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You looked out the window at the greenery that was shooting past you as Dean drove the Impala into town.
In a bid to get three of you out of the bunker and out of the crushing feeling of impossibility of tracking Corson down, Sam had found a case. Dean had glanced at you but nodded.
You weren’t really in the position to argue to be really honest. You’d barely felt like you started to belong with Dean and Sam, barely felt like they’d accepted you, so even if you were reluctant to put down the research, you did.
Kids had been dropping like flies at a high school, which normally wouldn’t have set off the ‘supernatural alarm’. Except Sam had noticed this time - the police couldn’t find anything, most of the deaths had happened behind closed doors with no signs of forced entry.
Dean pulled up at the first diner, glancing into the mirror, back at you. “Let’s go.”
You nodded, climbing out of the Impala, pushing open the door of the diner and sliding into a booth seat. Dean was right behind you sliding in next to you as Sam took the seat opposite.
“Alright, look. Three kids from the same school, all dead in the past week. There’s something going on here.”
Dean nodded, waving at the waitress to bring you all coffee. “We let you drag our asses down here, we get it.”
You smiled. The word ‘we’ had a nice ring to it. It wasn’t the first time Dean or Sam had used it to describe you and them but it was mostly in the context of a hunt, while they were speaking to others, so you liked that Dean had grouped you with him while talking to Sam today.
Sam handed you the papers and you nodded. “They’re looking at this as suicides, aren’t they?”
Sam raised his eyebrow. “How did you guess?”
Dean smiled, flashing you a smile and winking. “She’s a freaking genius, that’s how. You’re not the only genius anymore, Sammy.” He lightly teased his younger brother.
You laughed. “It’s this thing they taught us in the academy.” You paused. Thinking about the academy still gave your heart a twist sometimes, it felt like a lifetime away, but you could still remember the shout of glee Leah had let out when you’d told her, the proud smiles of your parents.
You cleared your throat, realising you’d let the pause hang on too long. Sam just gave you a smile, Dean took a sip of his coffee, as if the pause hadn’t even happened.
“We had a whole class on trying to differentiate crimes made to look like suicides, and actual suicides. It drove me crazy. So three kids? Same cause of death?”
Sam shook his head. “First one, Charlie Moore, was found hanging from a tree, above the soccer field. Then Kate Morgan drowned in the toilet bowl.”
Dean made a face. “For real?”
You glanced at the clippings in front of you. “Seriously? They think the head cheerleader’s gonna drown herself in the toilet bowl? There are more graceful ways for her to die.”
“Third kid, Daniel Hill, apparently suffocated in his locker.” You commented, pushing the paper towards Dean.
“What the hell.” Dean exhaled.
“Alright, we’ll hit the school first.” Dean said, draining his cup of coffee.
You looked up at him. “All of us?”
Dean smiled. “Ready, Agent?”
You grinned back at him.
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You slowed as you reached the main doors of the high school.
“You okay?” Dean touched your elbow gently.
You smiled and nodded. “Yeah, I just... thought of Leah.”
Dean gave you a small smile and patted you on the back. You shook your head. “My head’s in the game, I got this.”
“I know.” Dean responded, squeezing your shoulder and allowing you to take the lead into the school and into the main office at the front of the school.
You pulled out your badge. “I’m Agent Day, these are my colleagues Agent Rogers and Fletcher.” You pointed to Dean and Sam. “We’re here to see Principal Jones.”
She nodded, her eyes glancing over your badges before she pointed to the seats to have you wait.
It was merely minutes before the principal was stepping out of his office, offering his hand to Dean first even though you’d stepped up. You mentally rolled your eyes. Typical. He shook Dean’s hand, then Sam’s, almost glazing over you before Sam cleared his throat. “This is Agent Day.”
Principal Jones paused, before he realised what he’d done. “Forgive me, Miss.”
“It’s Agent, thanks.” You snapped, catching the nasty thought in your head that it was no wonder crappy things were happening in this school.
Dean reached over and squeezed your hand, making you look up in a little surprise as you felt something almost like an electrical surge travel through your body at Dean’s touch. You’d grown close to the Winchesters, and although Sam was outwardly much warmer than Dean, you’d always felt more connected to Dean, even when he’d been less than friendly for the first few weeks.
Even so, Dean had never made such intimate physical contact with you. Not really. He’d ruffle your hair, put his hand on your head kind of affectionately, he’d even give you a hug but nothing that felt as intimate as him holding your hand.
There were only two chairs in the room but Dean and Sam took them as you stood behind them. It had its intended effect, coupled with how you’d snapped at him earlier. Jones avoided eye contact with you, but it was different now, it held a tinge of embarrassment.
“Why is the FBI investigating a case of high school suicide?” Principal Jones asked now, and you could even hear defensiveness now.
Sam raised an eyebrow. “Because it isn’t one suicide. These are kids.”
Jones cleared his throat. “Yes, of course.”
“We’ll need their files, and we’ll need to interview faculty and students.” You told him.
Jones looked at Dean, as if he was confirming what you’d asked for. Dean raised his eyebrows. “What she said.” He said, letting a tone of annoyance slip past his lips.
Jones showed you out of his office, directing you to the student counselor, who was supposed to know the kids better.
“What a dick.” Dean muttered under his breath as he left.
Sam rolled his eyes in agreement with Dean.
You smiled.
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The three of you had split up.
The school had arranged for student interviews, so you’d headed towards the girls' classrooms, while Sam headed for the boys. Dean had said he’d go speak to the counselor.
You sat across from a girl who had obvious highlight streaks in her hair and who just looked bored.
“Did you know Kate Morgan well?” You asked, looking up at her.
She shrugged. “Just that she’s a bitch.”
You raised your eyebrows. “A bitch?”
“You know the type, they strut around school like they own the whole damn building. I kept out of her way and these definitely helped.” She pointed to her highlights and her piercings.
“So she was a bully?” You asked.
The girl shrugged again. “I guess. She kept a lower profile after Sarah died. But that didn’t last for long either.”
You frowned. You remembered Sam saying the other two victims were boys. “Sarah?”
The girl pressed her lips together before she leaned closer. “Sarah Smith.” She pushed herself out from the seat and walked out.
You quickly pulled out your phone, sending Dean a text.
Sarah Smith.
You looked up just as another girl took the seat across from you. The last interview for today at least. She was quiet and didn’t have an air of confidence about her, so you smiled at her. “Hey, don't be nervous alright? We just have a few questions.���
She nodded and smiled back at you tentatively.
“So, did you know Kate Morgan?” You prompted gently.
She looked up at you, readjusting the glasses sitting on her nose. “Everyone did.” She answered quietly. “But she didn’t talk to me. Just Sarah.”
Your eyebrows shot up now, this was the second time you were hearing her name. “Sarah?”
“Sarah Smith. We were… friends.” She answered, her voice going even softer.
You fell quiet for a bit. “What happened to Sarah?”
The girl sitting in front of you looked up towards you quietly. “They just told us she died.”
She looked like she was hesitating so you leaned forward. “Do you know something?”
She shook her head. “Just that I don’t think Sarah killed herself.”
You sighed. “Has there been anything weird happening at school recently?”
You nodded, “Like things that can’t be explained, cold spots in the school?”
She frowned but shook her head. “No.”
“Okay, thank you.”
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Sam hadn’t had much luck with the other kids too, the other kids didn’t seem to want to talk much, at least not about the three victims, but Sam and you had both picked up on one thing.
“I think the three of them are bullies.” You said, leaning back in your chair and looking back at Sam and Dean. Dean’s eyebrows shot up but Sam nodded. “I got that vibe, but the boys didn’t say much.”
You looked up at Dean, now. “How was the counselor?”
“Guy’s freaking weird.” Dean made a face. “He gave me these but Sarah Smith? He fed me some cock-and-bull about the records getting lost or filed away, he could barely keep the story straight.”
You didn’t say anything, not even looking up until Dean waved at you. “Yoohoo, Y/N?”
You blinked. “Sorry. Two girls mentioned Sarah’s death and it’s just a theory but I think Sarah was being bullied.”
You looked up at Sam. “And if these kids are bullies...”
“You think we’re dealing with Sarah’s ghost?” Sam asked.
“And she’s going after her bullies.” Dean said.
You sighed, “I hate this case already.”
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Sam had stayed behind to do more research so you’d set off for Sarah's house with Dean.
Dean knocked, glancing at you, right before the door was opened. “Mrs Smith?”
The older woman nodded her head at Dean, a puzzled expression on her face.
“We’re from the Education Department. Can we come in?” You asked, and you saw her face change a little before she stepped back.
“Come on in.”
You followed her into her sitting room, your eyes lighting on the photos of her with a younger girl, which must have been Sarah. You really hated this part.
Dean reached over, discreetly patting your hand to tell you he’d lead it as the both of you sat down, which you were thankful for.
“Mrs Smith, we’re here about Sarah. Can you tell us more about her? How did she feel about school, maybe?” Dean asked.
Your eyes scanned the room, like you’d been trained to do at the academy, but better still, like how the Winchesters had taught you.
Sarah was obviously extremely loved as an only child and her mother had kept up all the photos of her around their living room. You listened as she tried to tell Dean about Sarah, about how Sarah had always been a girl that was full of life and was like a beam of sunshine, until the last three months. She told the both of you how she’d been told that Sarah had killed herself and how she hadn’t been able to bring herself to go to the school to get Sarah’s things yet.
You sat up a little straighter. “I could tell something was going on, but she’s a teenager. She stopped talking to me. I thought it was about a boy or you know, that she’d fought with a friend, but I didn’t think…” Her voice broke and you reached over to hold her hand.
“So you buried her?” Dean asked.
You glanced alarmingly at Dean as Mrs Smith frowned at the strange question. “No, we cremated her. What does that…”
You turned back to her and just gave her a small smile. “Thank you for seeing us, Mrs Smith.”
“They told me Sarah killed herself. Does this mean…”
You exchanged a look with Dean and shook your head. “No, I’m sorry. They just sent us out to follow up with the school.”
“Because of the other kids?” She asked, her voice holding a tinge of sadness.
“And Sarah. Because of all of them.” You told her.
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Sam turned towards the door as he heard it open. “Hey, anything?”
You gave him a totally insincere smile. “Cremated.”
Sam groaned.
“So what do you think? Is it Sarah?” You leaned over Sam, reading over his shoulder before you groaned. “The kids were right, Kate Morgan was a bitch.”
Dean couldn’t help the chuckle. “So let’s hit the school tonight.”
“And find what, Dean? What the hell are we supposed to burn?” Sam asked.
Dean sighed as he sat himself on the edge of his bed.
“Alright, let’s do it.” You said, turning to look at Dean. “We’ll find her locker, maybe there’s something there and we can hit the counselor’s office and look for her file too.”
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The three of you made your way into the high school like how you always did, the boys making sure you were in the middle. At first, it had seemed like they didn’t trust you, but you’d realized later that they were keeping you safe in their own way.
Sam opened the door, letting you and Dean slip in as he closed the door again.
You made your way through the school quietly, Sam headed for the counselor’s office while you headed straight for where you remembered the lockers were. You picked at the lock, opening the locker quickly. It swung open and your eyes fell on the journal immediately.
“Dean, light.”
Dean scooted closer towards you and you fingered through the pages, stopping at a later entry - about the bullying, about how they’d turned on her when they were supposed to be her friends. You turned your eyes up towards Dean, who was also scanning the page.
“Kids are horrible.” You whispered.
Dean looked at you.
“Kids are horrible.” You repeated. They were. You’d never experienced the extent of what Kate had, never had a group of kids tie you to a tree or stuff you into your locker for a whole period, but you knew how torturous high school could be.
“Yeah, Sam kind of…” Dean trailed off, shining the torch down the aisle.
You leafed through the diary faster, your eyes scanning the pages even more quickly now.
He took my friendship bracelet.
“Friendship bracelet.” You muttered. “They took it from her.”
“How the hell are we supposed to find a friendship bracelet?” Dean snapped.
“I don’t know. Let’s just… come on let’s go see if Sam found her file.” You said, moving forward.
You’d made it barely halfway across the hall when you felt the hairs on the back of your neck stand. Dean turned to look at you, holding his gun out, a sudden force knocking you backwards, tumbling into the classroom behind you.
“Y/N!” Dean yelled, as you heard the door shut and the lock click into place.
Dean rushed against the door, peering in through the small window each classroom door had.
You recognized her from the photos in her living room.
You reached for your gun but she rushed at you, taking your head in her hands. You felt a weird sensation before your eyes rolled and you felt it wash over you as your body lost its energy and you crumpled onto the ground, Dean's muffled voice on the other side of the door the last thing you heard.
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Character taglists are open!
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hellvive · 1 year
not even vacation can stop supernatural brain rot. but it occurred to me yesterday. there was no dean and lisa when sam comes back. there is only dean and sam. dean works one case and has to change up where they live after, but he plays off as if he can hunt and have a family. there is no dean and lisa. never could or would be. because it’s sam and him against the world. and they have a dangerously self-destructive co-dependency issue. not as long as sam was here or back it was sam. i think this is a root issue and it digs deeper, but sam is a huge reason why. It’s also safe to say “ there is no me without you. ” speech is best definition of the two. the issues dig deep, but sam is alway a crutch that dean falls on. it was always him and sam even as kids. dean won’t admit it because he tried, but he wants to say it’s sam when in reality it’s dean. it would be easier to blame his brother. but it’s a tangled mess of years and years of neglect, childhood trauma, child soldier ideation, and much more. Now currently this only stands in true to season six, but this doesn’t mean dean never loved lisa. he did so so much, i had brought up to @l1sabraeden , but what if dean was like a few days from proposing, or had already had the ring and just hit in the impala. it’s something that not everyone ( mostly ben ) is allowed to touch his car. but yeah there could have only been one or the other. lisa and dean or sam and dean. It’s unfortunate and he knows no one will ever understand it and it’s used on them almost every day.
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foolondahill17 · 1 year
“Hey, got an errand to run, wanna come?” Dean peeks his head into Ben’s room, and Ben barely lifts his eyes away from his phone screen.
“What errand?” He asks.
“Come on, no sense of adventure?” Dean teases.
Ben groans but heaves himself off his bed. “Fine.”
With Sam and Charlie gone, Dean doesn’t even have time to think about finding another hunt. He scrambles for lost time with the kids: drives Joey and Ryan to school in the morning, brings Krissy and Aidan out for target practice, volunteers for grocery runs, and cooks elaborate meals every night with leftovers so the kids don’t need to bring PB and J for lunch. He bites his tongue on any complaints about Linda and Kevin’s vegetarian choices, even when Alex starts asking for the same.
Dad used to be like this, he remembers – running himself ragged after he got back from a hunt that took longer than expected. Busting his ass to drive Sam to school or soccer practice, fattening them up with fast food, splurging on movies and sports games. Trying and failing to make up for lost time.
“Where the hell are we?” Ben finally looks up from his phone again by the time Dean tugs the Impala onto the side of the road. They’re about five miles from the Bunker, on a stretch of empty road hemmed by cottonwoods on both sides.
“You’re turning fifteen this weekend,” Dean tells him. “Bout time you got behind the wheel, don’t you think?”
“Really?” Ben asks. A smile breaks across his face like sun through a cloud. Dean’s stomach clenches. It’s too damn long since he’s done something for Ben. He remembers the last promise he ever gave Lisa, and not for the first time, he wonders if he hasn’t already broken it ten times over.
“Really,” Dean confirms.
He hands the keys to Ben, tells the kid to scooch, and gets out to round the nose of the car. Once he’s in the passenger side, he ignores the tumble of nerves in his belly and hides the shake in his hands. He hasn’t let any of the other kids behind Baby’s wheel.
Aidan and Krissy take turns with the Saab. Dean taught Emma in Sam’s Dodge Dart. Alex point-blank refuses to get behind a wheel, and Claire would sooner spit on his grave than exchange a civil word, let alone allow him to teach her to drive. She probably learned illegally during her time on the street, anyway.
“She’s got some power behind her, okay,” Dean warns him. “So you gotta ease into it. Think press, not stomp.”
“Okay,” Ben says, anxiety turning his voice breathy.
“You’ll be fine,” Dean reassures him.
Ben doesn’t quite get the press not stomp memo, because at the first touch of his foot to the gas, they’re rocketing down the road with a jolt that leaves Dean’s stomach behind him.
“Easy, easy!” Dean says, but he’s choking down laughter. He remembers Dad teaching him this when he was a kid. No one ever accused John Winchester of being a particularly patient man, and Dean sweated through every piece of clothing on his body out of nerves – convinced he was going to send the Impala careening off the side of the road. It didn’t help that he couldn’t even reach the peddles, yet.
Ben picks up the rhythm quickly. He’s reluctant to give her much gas, but Dean coaxes him into accelerating on the straightaways, at least, and there’s a couple more rapid stops when trying to maneuver around turns.
They’re at it for a little under an hour before Dean tells him to turn them around and head back to the Bunker. Ben has lost a little of his fear, and his confidence shines through his eyes even when Dean has to grab the wheel to keep them from edging over the side of the pavement.
They finally pull back onto the frontage road, and Ben jerks them into park in front of the Bunker.
Dean reaches over to rub his hand through Ben’s hair, and Ben ducks and groans, but Dean just laughs.
“Perfect landing, kiddo.”
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potentialbreakupscng · 2 months
That had always been Dean's role, the older brother, the protector. It wasn't just that he'd be failing at his most important job, one of the only things he'd ever been good at it, if something happened to Sam. It was that Sam was so much better than he was. He didn't deserve a hunter's life, and there were times Dean bitterly regretted dragging him away from school even as he was selfishly grateful to have him with him. He could have been a lawyer by now, happily married with 2.5 kids or some shit, not putting his life on the line night after night for this thankless fucking job. "Don't touch anything," he snapped, the reprimand automatic with Sam's hands covered in blood. He was lucky Dean let him in the car at all. His gaze lingered a moment on his bloody hair, but he wasn't in the mood for joking, and he decided it wasn't worth commenting on. He didn't say anything else as he put the car in gear and headed back to their shitty motel. The odds were good that they'd both die if they stayed in this line of work, but there was no sense in pointing it out. Sam knew the risks, same as he did. He knew how it usually ended for hunters. They tended not to get a nice, happy retirement. Most of them didn't even live past middle age. He parked across the street out of range of the lights, but didn't get out of the car. "Take the side door. Front desk'll call the cops if they see you like that. You want first shower, and I'll grab some food?" The only blood on him was hidden by his dark clothes, and he was going to be even more cranky if he didn't eat.
It was the instinct of a younger sibling to do the exact opposite of what their older sibling told them to do -- but he found his large hands clenching to stop himself from reaching out and touching the precious leather of Dean's car. He knew they'd be fine eventually, that this is a spat that they constantly had and they'd be back to working just fine together. Despite the urge, he kept his arms folded across his chest -- not daring to touch anything in the car that Dean sometimes seemed to care about more than anything. When they're parked, he looked over at Dean -- teeth sinking into his cheek. "I know how to sneak into a motel, Dean," he muttered with a shake of his head and roll of his eyes. Sam nodded, dark eyes turning to look at his brother with an arched eyebrow. "Just -- get me a salad or something," there was a pause as he looked over at the door to the impala, "Am I allowed to touch your car now? Or are you gonna open the door for me?"
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@vvaywardhunter continued from discord
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ok so here's why throwing Fae Lore into spn makes a revival/continuation possible
Here's the setup:
-"Blurrywife" is a Faerie, specifically a malevolent/vampiric one, definitely a Succubus type. The mimes are her human thralls, hence why they don't act like normal vampires.
-Baby, yes the car, is ALSO a Faerie, specifically a kind of shapeshifter called a Pooka. John captured her in the early 80s, and, being John Winchester, never told his kids about this.
-Chuck Won. duh???
-Jack is, and was always destined to be, the next Jack O' The Lantern, and after Chuck threw his flaming corpse out Heaven, he's been ruling his own spoopy little candy-coated afterlife. pumpkin boi
Here's the timeline:
-Blurrywife & Mime Crew are kidnapping kids, likely for The Fae's 7-year tithe of souls to Hell (a thing that exists in the lore), when the Winchesters show up. Sam & Dean, as usual, have NO idea how to identify or fight Fae, and get their asses handed to them, with Dean falling to some weird Gaelic cold-iron magic fuckery (points to Blurrywife & crew for figuring out how to fight with iron despite being unable to touch it. 10/10 fuck these guys tho fr)
-Sam, alone and grieving, is an easy target and she picks him off before he even gets to the car, taking (something close to) Eileen's form and trapping him in a dreamscape, similar to how Djinn attack in spn.
-Sam, Dean AND Baby (there's def some Fae Drama going on there, yikes) have been stuck the Fae Realms for THREE YEARS as of Nov 2023.
-Dean and Baby escaped at some point, staying with Jack for a bit before running off to the 1970s like a dumbass and getting EVERYONE, including Jack and Bobby (why is Bobby even here??? HOW DID BOBBY'S GHOST GET STUCK IN THE FAE REALMS WHAT DID HE *DO*) recaptured.
-Sam has had it much worse, being drained to a white-haired husk of his former self and left for dead within a few days/months. DJ is half-faerie, raised in the fae realms, and could be 3 years old or 50, who knows. I don't like thinking abt how he happened.
-Here's the setup for the continuation:
Dean (fairly intact besides the cursed stab wound in his back) escapes with Sam (nearly dead, white-haired, displaying more or less the typical signs of someone who was taken & drained of life by The Fae) and stumbles into Charlie's safehouse. the Fae Arc can continue from this point, w Baby's true nature being revealed, Blurrywife as a major antagonist/BBEG, DJ going from possible threat -> clearly a well-meaning and very brave kid -> newest Winchester family member who Sam fully accepts as his son (plus s4-cas-esque moments as DJ tries to adapt to living on Earth. DJ ilysm but most cars aren't sentient and you can't bring your longbow to community college)
also Cas is still in The Empty, and Jack & Bobby are still captured, so that's some major plot points right there
Destiel is canon.
...anyway, this is all still pretty convoluted, but it allows for:
-15x20 to have been "not real" without being retconned
-DJ to exist without either setting the continuation ~30 yrs in the future (how would that work), or repeating spnwin's time-travel-kid-ex-machina (that's just not good writing I'm sry)
-spn finally doing something w The Fae (& related lore) besides one-off eps
-human!impala as main character
-explanations of weird shit in the finale (rebar, vamp-mimes, etc)
-collective fandom catharsis at Blurrywife's bitch ass
-the full horror potential of a faceless woman in a long dress standing ominously in the corner while time blurs forward around you and you age to death in five minutes
-some VERY fun metacommentary & crossover easter eggs if you use certain bits of Fae lore
-still works w my other big finale theory/revival idea/if-they-dont-do-this-i-will-be-so-pissed, which is the whole Deanmon 2.0 thing. but that's a post unto itself.
(also yes. making Blurrywife a djinn IS simpler and requires 0 new lore and makes perfect sense in canon. however, I hate how djinn are portrayed in spn. it feels vaguely racist and makes me uncomfy to write/read. so um that's why I didn't do that)
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blackenchanting · 1 year
Welcome to ravens borough episode 10
Somewhere in the unheard of town of Raven's Borough…
The contents of this story are nsfw therefore not for children
The Impala flew down the interstate on the way back from a job as the car rattled from the speed.
"God I love when the roads are empty." Eva said.
"It is pretty nice." Rob said.
"You're worried about Ameila aren't you?" Eva asked.
"Of course I'm worried. She's obviously hurt by something and I can't even figure out what." Rob said.
"And your principles refuse to let you dig up the answer yourself." Eva said.
"Exactly. But, we'll know something soon enough." Rob said.
"Fair enough. For now though let's get back home and relax for a bit." Eva said as the Impala slowed a bit coming off the interstate.
A pair of red tail lights illuminated the word charger on the back of a shadowy vehicle. As a car went around the Impala. Allowing the lights of it to illuminate up the word dodge charger rt on the back
"Well that's something you don't see every day." Eva said.
"You should have seen what Orion's got in his garage that he's afraid to touch." Rob said.
"Heh, fair enough. Though right now I'm focused on getting home. Getting undressed and snuggling up into bed with my favorite person." Eva said.
"Aww, that's sweet Eve." Rob said.
"Mmhm. We'll see if anything else happens." Eva said.
The charger pulled forward as their headlights showed the license plate that said mad1son on the back
"Alright that's gotta be Ava right?" Rob said.
"That's my guess." Eva said as they came to an intersection pulling up beside the charger
"Here we go again." Rob said, adjusting his posture.
"What?" Eva asked, looking at the charger.
The window rolled down as an arm attachment to a red jacket sat on the door. As they heard them fiddling with the radio
"Well alright then." Rob said looking over. He could see the outline of a werewolf behind the wheel.
"Well that's not Ava." Rob said.
"Then that leaves…" Eva said.
"Huh, never thought Chris would be back." Rob said.
The radio turned over as bad to the bone started playing. While the charger reved
"Oh you've got to be kidding me." Rob said, rolling his window down as Eva revved the Impala.
The figure turned his head, noticing that they were there.
"Sup." Rob said casually as Eva waved.
"Sup" a male voice said as the chargers engine revved fully putting theirs to shame
"Nice ride." Rob said.
"It was better when I have my wife in the seat next to me but alas" he said
"Heh, yeah I can understand that. It's nicer driving with a loved one." Rob said.
"Guess her mom's nickname of widow maker makes sense now" Chris said
"It's not all too bad. You still got family." Rob said
"Makes sense" Chris said
"Good seeing you back in town Chris, we'll catch up later, though I'm gonna get some sleep and cuddle first." Rob said.
"Yep" Chris said as the light turned green. Causing the charger to take off like a rocket
"And off he goes." Eva said taking off for home.
"Yup. Let's get home and relax." Rob said.
Ameila picked up her rag looking through one eye as the other was bandaged up as she slowly took it over the counter in a sloppy manner her vision began to fade again as she heard a prosthetic arm
"nah mate go fuck your self! I'm tired of paying for hospital bills.." Ameila said as her vision came back while she continued to clean the top of her bar counter in a sloppy manner.
"Man i need some entertainment ascides from music" Ameila said
As Amelia was cleaning, the doors to the bar were swung open but not with too much force that it would damage anything. A tall girl with long flowing blonde hair stepped through though her face was obscured by her biking helmet. After surveying the location with a quick look to her left and right, she took a seat at the bar.
"Oh… welcome to the hearts of steel. I'm the one armed cyclops how tough are y-" Ameila said.
The girl removed her helmet.
“Heya, me again.” The girl said, seeming highly confident in herself.
"Fuc… welcome to my establishment, how can I help you today ma'am" Ameila asked the girl.
“Yes you can, I feel we got off on the wrong foot the other day when you jumped out the window, Rubes told me how to find here so we could have a better intro. the names Xiao, pleased to meet’cha.” Xiao replied, holding out her hand to shake Amelia’s.
"My name's the full metal alchemist I own the place" Ameila said shaking her hand
“Suuuure it is.” Xiao said sarcastically.
"Yeah…. It's the queen bee…" Ameila said, accepting her nickname.
“Sweet! oh, while I’m here, mind if I have a drink? “I’ve had my eye on trying the scarlet kiss.” Xiao said.
"Throw in a blowjob and it's on the house" Ameila said
“Tempting offer but I gotta decline.” Xiao said
"Figured as much," Amelia said.
“Maybe another time though.” Xiao replied, winking at Amelia.
"Maybe so scarlet kiss hmm that's.. Lime… you seem like a no ice kinda gal.. two shots of vodka... For you.. a dash of lemon and rose whisper… and that's one scarlet kiss with a dash of.. love" Ameila said kissing her finger and taking it around the brim of the glass.
“For me? You made it unique based on how you predict what I like? Risky move, I like ya style Queen Bee.” Xiao said.
"..I'm all about the risk factor.." Ameila said in her matured sexy tone.
“Flirty too, if you weren't taken, I’d be sliding over that surface and doing ya right here and now.” Xiao said admittedly.
"You seem to know alot about your bartender for someone who knows nothing about your bartender" Ameila said keeping the tone.
“That ones on Rubes, she’s told me quite a bit… flirty, taken, prosthetic arm, both of ya traumatized by some half bird bitch… ya know, the important junk.” Xiao said, taking sips of her drink in between.
"I.. wouldn't call her.. that" Ameila said
“She tried to kill you… how is that not the correct term for it?” Xiao asked.
"Not me.. she killed everyone because of me" Ameila said, correcting her information.
“Huh… guess I was only half listening again while she was explaining.” Xiao said.
"Happens.. at least you got the looks to make up for it." Ameila said.
“Damn, you’re a flirty one, it’s kinda turnin’ me on a little.” Xiao replied.
"Good, that's very good." Ameila said.
“Is that blowjob offer still on the table?” Xiao asked.
"I mean, possibly why?" Ameila asked, twiddling her fingers.
“I’m considering taking up the offer.” Xiao answered.
"Well I'd suppose it's better than paying fifteen pounds" Ameila said.
“I have the money but this seems much more fun.” Xiao said.
"Go for it I ain't gonna stop you" Ameila said holding her tongue out to the side.
“Right, show me the fella I’m puttin’ in my mouth.” Xiao said, licking her lips.
"Come get it" the one eyed cyclops said.
Xiao wasted no time climbing over the counter and tackling her.
The door to the detective's office opened as Robin stumbled in. He was still in his uniform but his badge was missing.
"Woah, you alright?" Rob asked while Eve was sitting on his desk.
"Yuah is fie" Robin said, clearly drunk .
"Did you walk here?" Eva asked, turning around on the desk revealing her black toe socks with red toes and heels.
"You're drunk. What happened?" Rob asked.
"Isa ned tacan" Robin said
"What?" Rob said.
"I need ta can" Robin said holding his fist over this mouth
"Ta can?" Rob asked.
"There's a trash can right there." Eva said pointing right next to Robin. Who vomited something fierce into it.
"You good there buddy?" Rob asked.
"NU" Robin said whipping the vomit off on his sleeve
"Alright. Whatcha need now?" Eva asked.
"You really shouldn't have gotten drunk man, you know how it makes your CVS act up." Rob said getting up and walking over to Robin.
"Drink make feel good" Robin said pulling a file folder from inside his uniform and tossing it on their desk
"Buddy…" Rob said, hugging Robin as Eva picked up and opened the file folder.
"Ugh..Fuck" Robin said snapping out of it as he pulled off his uniform top underneath he was wearing a gray crop top making his tattoos visible flowers a butterfly and the phrase till death do us part
"You good?" Rob asked.
"Yeah" Robin said as their was the faint outline of what appeared to be a bullet hole hiding under his tank top. As he walked over to the desk
"Alright. Whatcha need?" Rob asked.
"Got another wacky one here for you" Robin said gesturing to the file"Coming all the way from lyn town believe it or not" Robin said
"Something about a bed and breakfast… we'll look into it." Eva said.
"Are you doing alright?" Rob asked.
"They say people have been going missing without a trace of life at the black diamond bedside manor. It's one or two people every few months. And so far it's been six people" Robin said placing his hand upon his gun
"Alright. We'll check it out tomorrow." Rob said.
"No rush." Robin said
"Fair enough." Eva said.
"What happened to your badge?" Rob asked.
"I think I left it at the bar… so Katelyns probably wearing it right now." Robin said.
"...uh hi… am I interrupting anything?" a pink haired girl in a black dress and hat asked looking at Eva
"Whatcha need?" Eva asked.
"Need a ride home Robin?" Rob asked.
"..not uh entirely sure. I'm looking for something.. closure I suppose?" The lady said
"Alright. Tell us about it and we'll see what we can do." Eva said.
"I'm looking for an old friend that I haven't seen in a long time. I heard they had moved here but.." the lady said
"What's their name?" Eva asked as the lady explained the situation to her.
"And I stopped keeping up with them after they moved here." The lady ended
"Alright we'll see what we can do ma'am." Eva said.
"Thank you" she said as she headed out
"Alright I think that's everything for the day." Eva said.
"You… uh" Robin said turning towards the door
"What?" Rob asked.
"You didn't get her name or phone number…" Robin said
"Shit. You're right." Rob said heading after the lady. Who was mysteriously gone
"Well that's weird. She's gone." Rob said coming back in.
"Right Imma go get krunk again you two have fun" Robin said
"Oi, try not to get too fucked up please." Rob said.
"Yeah you're too precious." Eva said.
"Watch me bitch!" Robin said leaving.
"Let's take a look into that first case… in bed." Rob said picking up Eva like the princess she is.
"Ooo, forward huh?" Eva said, grabbing the folder off the desk and kissing Rob.
"It's been a long day, my love." Rob said closing the office while still carrying the white haired minx and carrying her up to their apartment.
0 notes
Here’s a comprehensive list of things that are more important to my boyfriend than I am, in no particular order:
A 64 Chevy Impala (this one is understandable because it’s a gift from his grandfather, but it’s on the list because he admitted to me that if something I did ever somehow ended up in that car being damaged, he would beat me)
A 2013 Fiat 500 (gets unbelievably angry at me if I park less than three feet away from it but blamed me when the door swung and hit my ankle)
A leak in the basement (a very small leak literally doesn’t cause anything but a small puddle on the floor but he canceled an entire trip we had planned because of it)
Sleep (canceled another trip because he didn’t feel like getting up in time to go, but he keeps complaining that we don’t do anything together)
A house built in the early 70′s that’s falling apart (but he refuses to even consider looking into moving so he just keeps getting mad when something goes wrong and we don’t have the money to fix it)
Transformers figurines (I literally dropped one onto a soft blanket while cleaning around and he got genuinely angry over it)
A 2 year old cat (the cat got upset because we found kittens outside and were taking care of them so he started hiding; I was blamed for it because I didn’t want to leave the kittens outside to fucking DIE; bonus points that I was the one who begged him to keep said cat because he wanted to get rid of him for being male)
A bike he bought not even a year ago (he and I have been together for 5 years by the way, he also admitted that he would beat me if I “did anything” to the bike, i.e knocking it over)
A carport (he got mad that I “park too close to it” when I’m literally over a foot away from the edge of it)
Shag carpeting (something something it’s soft so I’m not tearing it out I don’t care if you don’t like it something)
A clock that looks like a tire (it dropped off the wall when I closed a door and he got mad at me about it)
His PS4, Xbox, and laptop (not because they’re expensive or that I’m not allowed to touch them, but he does delete my games if he wants to play something else)
A pocket knife (I don’t get this one, but I’m not allowed to touch it?)
A kid from Texas he met over a video game about two years ago (he flat out ignores me as soon as this kid texts him to play GTA with him.  We can literally be in the middle of a conversation and he’ll drop me for this kid, and by kid I mean he literally turned 18 a few months ago.  My boyfriend is 27.  He calls the kid his son)
A group of random dudes he met on GTA literally a week ago (once again, drops any and all conversation or plans if they get online and want to play)
Our job (we work together and he tries to pull “seniority” on me outside of work if he doesn’t want me to do something; literally belittles me for not taking it seriously.  If I say “I don’t care” to something involving this job, he always hits the “Well I DO” as if that’s going to change my mind.  “Hey I’m gonna do a thing”  “No.”  “I’m gonna do it anyways”  “Well, I’m your Sergeant and I said no.”  Like, pal we aren’t even at work you ain’t SHIT)
0 notes
herstarburststories · 3 years
Dating Dean Winchester Would Include:
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He's always touching you
When he was younger, it used to be his arm on your shoulders or around your waistline
And he'd grab your ass all the time (s1 Dean come back please)
As he grows old, it's usually more singele
A hand on your back as you walk, a squeeze on your hand/thigh under the table
He stops calling you sweetheart as your relationship gets more serious, optating for your nickname instead
He'll still call you sweetheart of he is being sarcastic or you two are fighting
You love to play with his hair
Sometimes, you are reading a book and he'll come around and lay his head on your lap
He looks at you when you aren't looking
Kissing his freckles
You like to grab his butt (he always jumps surprised)
And he slaps yours occasionally
Sam: Come on, don't you guys picture leaving this life one day?
Y/N: I can't see myself doing anything other than this.
Dean: You can't teach an old dog new tricks, Sammy. Especially if he's fucking good at the ol' ones.
Sam: Okay, I know but-- You both understand the life. You could settle down.
Dean: We have a house--
Sam: A bunker.
Dean: We have a house. We work. Sounds like a pretty settled down life.
Y/N: We are basically married in a hunter way.
Which gets the idea of marriage in Dean's head
You insist on the beach
Temple kisses
He allows you to steal his fries everytime
You can't cook, but Dean can
And you love his meals
You go jogging with Sam
You usually sit on Dean's lap a lot
He isn't complaining
If anything, the certain poking against your butt is pointing at anything but a complain
You don't wear his shirts daily, only after sex
Dean is so easily jealous
You read fanfics about the boys sometimes
Y/N: Wow, they really hate me.
Dean: Who?
Y/N: Your fans. But as far as I've read, they hate most women you guys get with.
You having a very serious discussion about who portray you and them in a movie about the Supernatural books
You actually love impala trips, but never cared much about driving
It's more about Dean driving with his hand on your thigh, and you enjoying the fast wind
You always sing Taylor Swift and AC/DC during these trips
And so does Dean, even though he will deny until his last death
You absolutely enjoy the restaurants you and the guys come across along the way, always choosing something to eat and to rate with Dean since your both have a list of the best cheap restaurants in the country
He never gets violent with you. Dean has his share of bursting out of anger, but not with you
Screaming of course, but then you'd too
He's used to let his angry through, but you have a sharper tongue that is like a gun
You two always make it up and work it out
Even if sometimes it's hard. Dean isn't much into talking about his emotion, and you're all about that.
You him massages after rough hunts
You hate guns, but you always get turned on as Dean picks one up
You also don't let him put one under your pillows because no thanks
Just a knife
He always goes for your touch
You started liking whiskey because his kisses tasted that
You and Dean love Halloween, unlike Sammy
Agreeing on not having kids because of the life
You weren't the motherly kind anyway
But you knew Dean was, which breaks your heart a bit
And makes you a little calmer as you two think you're pregnant
It was just a cheap burrito acting up
Thank God
And 4/10 on the Marcos's burritos for that
You always snuggle up to him
Dean isn't the most romantic guy in the world, and you like that
But when you two are alone in moments of vulnerability, he says certain things that have value for the rest of your life
And about sexy times: He's a boob man
Loves 69
New sexual experiences are always welcome
Roleplay? Yes, please
Just don't bring up pain
He will play sub or dom, anything to please you
Dean Winchester is his name, eating pussy is his game
He never forgets any special dates
You keep a calendar tbh
Back then he was still learning how to watch horror movies without being triggered for certain memories of the underworld, you used to pretend you were scared and hold him tight
He knows you weren't scared, you know he knows
It's good anyway, it helps
Anything with you always help to ease Dean's mind
Leave a comment and reblog. Feedback is magic! Tags on reblog. ♡
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Pairing: Sam Winchester X Reader (she/her)
Requested by: @lelapine
Written for: my 200 follower celebration (open)
Word Count: 602
Warnings: a hospital, brief descriptions of pain, fluff
Summary: it was Sam's turn to pick someone up from the hospital. Unlike Dean though, Y/N was more prone to little injuries, much to Sam's amusement
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"There's been a little incident," Y/N swung her legs and pressed the phone closer to her ear. The stretcher was a little too high for her feet to touch the ground so she had an excellent excuse to tunnel her anxiety by kicking her legs.
A sigh came from the other end. Yeah, Sam was totally rubbing his forehead right now. "What did you break this time?"
"Nothing!" She assured, threw her free hand up in the air and promptly hissed at the cold air passing over the burned skin. She could have sworn that the air in this damn hospital alone was full enough of disinfectant to double the pain. God, she could understand why Dean hated hospitals.
This time, it was an exasperated chuckle that Sam had to offer. "Doesn't sound like nothing, Love."
"Okay, I may have burned myself," Y/N admitted after a pause.
Sam started to say something - most likely demanding her whereabouts to make sure that she was okay and/or some additional scolding - when the door to the little room opened and a middle aged woman in a white coat entered the room. "Well, let's take a look at that, Dear."
"I gotta go," Y/N interrupted Sam's rambling.
"First gimme the address, so I can pick you up."
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The first thing Y/N saw when she exited the hospital, was a familiar impala parked square in front of the entrance. The second thing she saw, was Sam's green flannel in close up.
"Hello to you too," her voice was slightly choked off by the intensity with which Sam was pressing her to his chest.
Unfortunately, her boyfriend did not get the hint and did not loosen the grip he had on her. "Don't scare me like that! You can't just call and say you burned yourself and give me a hospital to pick you up from and nothing more."
One last rough squeeze to her waist and then, Sam let go of her. Naturally, only to grab for her hand and inspect the bandage. "So how did exactly did you do that?"
Oh, Y/N had been so tempted to come up with a badass lie - saved a few kids out of a burning house, stopped teenagers from accidentally starting a bush fire with the butt of a cigarette. But no, the truth was not noble in the slightest. She started walking towards the Impala, Sam dragged along by his hand. "I tried to catch a burning candle."
"You-" Sam actually stopped in his steps, stared at her and started laughing. "Babe, why?"
"It was falling over! And I can't just let my carpet start burning, can I?" She opened the door with her uninjured hand, eyes firmly on the seat in front of her.
This was embarrassing.
And Sam was still laughing. "Y/N, you are literally the clumsiest person I know. Who allows you near candles anyway?"
"I like the soft light, okay?" Y/N wasn't pouting. She was not. "And the flames are always so pretty when a little bit of air moves them. It's almost like they're dancing."
Sam walked around the car as she was telling him her reasoning. The door fell shut behind him and he leaned over to place a kiss on her cheek. "It sure is, my little pyromaniac. But for tonight you're staying at the bunker and I won't let you close to any form of fire."
And then, he started the engine, drowning out her half hearted complain. Not that she was too offended, the promise of a nice evening in Sam's bed was pretty appealing.
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General Taglist: @immrbrightsideeee , @fandomfoodiedancer , @lovesfandoms , @nyotamalfoy , @stixnstripesworld , @foxyjwls007 , @amythedoctor
Sam Taglist: @tiggytaylor , @danzalladaggers , @baby-banana , @borhapparker , @maddiebwrites
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han-ban-bam · 2 years
Arite I’m typing up my Star Wars spn AU buckle up my dears;;
Castiel is a Jedi Knight at the time of Order 66, Jack Kline is his Padawan.
They are off world when Order 66 starts, evading Troopers they get to the best idea of safety they can manage.
They succeed at being off the radar for X amount of time, getting by, living quietly and despite everything Castiel keeps teaching Jack behind closed doors. In his mind if he were to stop, the Empire wins.
Jack is mid teens when everything shifts.
One day they slip, or something let’s slips, and they are set upon by Stormtroopers and an Inquisitor. Pause: inquisitors are Jedi hunters, Jedi turned Sith in effect. I may be wrong but I'm here for the angst.
As Cas' is cornered, Jack is knocked out and taken away as the Inquisitor stands over Castiel musing over whether to do the same or kill him. With their pause, Castiel strikes and bolts in the chaos.
After getting tf out of dodge, he eventually enlists the help of two scoundrels, Dean and Sam. Dean does the best business sell of his life, or so he thinks, whilst Cas is running out of time and agrees.
I've just decided the brothers have a BD Unit. Namely for him to be very tall on Sam's shoulder and for Dean to bicker and mother it.
Cas' tells them he's a Jedi after the first skirmish they get into, and gives them an out if they no longer want to help. The brothers say fuck that. Where to next?
Ultimately they discover X location where Jack is being held the Empire. Cas attempts to give the brothers another out, they shut that down bc Cas!! We are ride or die for u and ur kid!!
They formulate their plan and arrive at the base with the old ‘we captured this guy for u, payment plz’ routine.
Forcing their way through the base. Tech boy Sam time to shine bb! He discovers the purpose of the building, and discovers where Jack is being held, bruised and exhausted.
The facility they find themselves in is one where force-sensitive kids, and where previous Jedi are made into Sith/Inquisitors. The process is through pain and agony. Jack seems to be the only one around, this is concerning for a multitude of reasons.
They all bolt for the ship, but the Inquisitor from earlier cuts them off. She names/reveals herself as Inquisitor Abaddon. Recognising Cas' and having been waiting for him; They have unsettled business.
Cas gives Jack to Sam and tells them to run so he can hold her off.
Cue This Exchange.
As Cas and Abaddon fight, Sam and Dean get on board the Impala. They settle Jack on a bunk, Dean tells Sam to ready take off and goes to help Cas.
Sam tries to stop him but Dean turns and regales him with his very brief but bold plan.
Cas is about to be struck down when the Impala fires down on Abaddon giving Dean the opening to dart in and rescue Cas, carrying/pulling him back to the ship as Sam just takes pot shots.
Cas is badly wounded, Dean is working like a mad man to get him stabilised as well as seeing to the kids wounds. Sam comes to help when he has the Impala in a safer territory (probs lingering in hyperspace).
Meanwhile Cas’ consciousness is wandering amongst the force. Recovering from his 1v1 with Abaddon, reflecting on his journey thus far and what the future holds now.
Sam gets Jack stable, Cas is still touch and go and Dean is getting more than a touch frantic.
Cas is just, self vs self in the force. Inevitably he recentres himself and defeats his Sith visage. This allows him to properly start healing through ✨the force✨.
Dean keeps vigil over Jack and Cas despite Sam’s concerns, Jack wakes first. Dean introduces himself and does his best ‘your dad is going to be just fine’ talk, despite knowing Jack probably knows more about Cas’ state through the force than he does in that moment. Dean also catches Jack up in the most kid friendly way possible, regaling him with the adventures they went on before they finally found Jack.
Cas wakes for a moment to Jack giggling away at Dean’s stories, he dare not disturb them until one of them notices, he goes back to sleep before they can.
Dean keeps vigil by Cas' side, meanwhile a recovering Jack is exploring the ship and helping out where he can. The brothers also helps him through any trauma that presents itself. BD becomes his new best buddy!
Days later and safely landed and settled on a quiet foresty planet, Cas finally wakes with Dean by his side. They talk quietly, and they eek ever closer to talking about Feelings.
They end up staying on that planet for an age, and eventually Cas says he and Jack need to leave.
Many emotions abounds, Jack doesn't want to go but he knows how they have to live.
Classic 'you should tell him how you feel' talk from Sam for Dean. Classic Dean 'shut up sammy' retort.
It comes to the day Jack and Cas are going to go and -
And I don't know how it ends.
Tagging as you all very kindly and politely but ur hands up bless u all
@bendingsignpost @ltleflrt @nasayra @atwistingturningcorridoor @jodyfan-82
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kimodraw · 3 years
do you have any transmasc sam thoughts? how does sam feel about his gender in your spn, when did he transition, etc
hiiii anon *twirls hair*
so this probably wasn't what you were expecting but i do have a lot of transmasc sam thoughts and i feel like the best/easier way to answer this is to just copy paste stuff from my forever unfinished sam character study fic that will probably never see the light of day, so. here goes. This turned out to be insanely long post so it's all going unde the cut. Have some vaguely related sketches
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cw for misgendering and vague transphobia. Also abuse and sexual assault implications i am after all taking about my poor little meow meow
Sam Winchester realises early on there’s something wrong with her. Well, there are many things wrong with her. Most kids don’t know how to kill a vampire (decapitation, burn the body just to be sure) or exactly what lies in the dark under their beds But there’s something more, something John and Dean don’t know about. A knot of incomfort settles in her stomach when she starts middle school, and it never really leaves her.
As time passes, Sam grows up, his lanky body buried in the backseat of the impala. He fucking hates it. He starts avoiding mirrors, turns his back on them in the shitty motels they stay at too long. He grows 30 cm in a year, and constantly feels like he sticks out, a sore thumb in the crowd of pretty girls and tough guys. He only wears flannel shirts and huge hoodies. Sometimes he takes John's clothes too. He's so thankful for Dean's hand me downs. Good thing daddy is too busy killing monsters to take his daughter shopping. Dean cuts his hair one evening, when Sam asks, voice small and kitchen scissors in hand. He ties it up in a ponytail, and lets his brother chop it all up. The brown curls fall on the cramped bathroom tiles, and Sam’s heart is lighter as he stares at them.
When John comes back, he barely comments on it. Sam has a whole justification planned out: long hair is inconvenient, and he isn't one for vanity anyway. Unnecessary. John just ruffles his hair and calls him his little tomboy. The hunt went well apparently, because John is calm and his voice has a loving accent. Sam bites around the affection and tries not to spit it out.
So Sam goes through the motions, and he knows there's something deeply wrong with him, beyond the monsters and the knife that tasted blood sticking out of his pocket. He switched to “he” a long time ago, but everyone still says she, and the dissonance is a stab in his chest every time. Okay, that’s a bit melodramatic. Sam’s 14, he knows what getting stabbed feels like. Getting misgendered hurts less. But still. He's 14 and he helped his dad burn a corpse just the other week. He thinks he's allowed to be a bit melodramatic.
He comes out to Dean, eventually. [...] Of course he doesn't get it. Why did Sam even think...It was stupid. More than that it was dangerous. Sam should learn to shut up about these things. Dean doesn't bash his head in or anything. (A nagging impression tells him John could, under the right circonstances.) But he doesn't get it, doesn't feel the bone deep sense of wrongness that comes with the Sam package. And the discussion is over.
Dean doesn’t get it, but he stops calling him Samantha. And he doesn't say shit when he sees the needle and the bottles at the bottom of Sam's backpack. He bites the inside of his cheeks and stares at him with a heavy dark look in his eyes. But he keeps his mouth shut.
He still says she but Sam bites around the bullet and tries not to look a gift horse in the mouth. He won’t be staying long anyway.
So! He realises he's trans early on in his childhood, comes out to Dean at 16/17, who doesn't get it but tries to be just a touch supportive to not push him farther away. He doesn't exactly properly come out to john or anything but it all kind of comes out in blur when he leaves for standford anyway. He transitions in college (i had this justificication that he got the money for top surgery through stolen credit cards but as i'm writing this i'm realising that they probably didn't do that growing up , i do not remember s1 to 3 </3). I realise that transitioning was way harder in the late 90s than it is now (and god knows its not EASY now) i'm just uh. ignoring it .
Anyway dean barges in years later and that discussion goes like "SAMMY. MONSTERS AR- WAIT WHERE DID YOUR TIDDIES GO" "CHOPPED THEM OFF" "OH SHIT" "GET OUT OF MY FUCKING HOUSE" And then its buisness as usual, john sucks ass (i still do not rememeber s1 to 3 well enough for this god bless), he calls him sam when he’s possesed and thats how sam knows that's not his dad.
I also have this thing abt cas asking him if he wants to be healed early on (like the scars and miracle bottom surgery i guess lol) and sam's like 'nah i like myself now i made this body into a home', and lucifer also asking but in a more forceful way, not understanding sam could not want this. Heres another fic extract : "And when praise and offers of bliss fall short he becomes violent, shoves his wanting hands on him and threatens to take it all away, to have Sam always see someone feminine and not quite right in the mirror. "
You know the whole "wearing him to the prom" thing? Yea Lucifer shoves him in a wedding dress in my thing. It's basically the beetlejuice wedding scene. Real fucked up shit
In general, I think him being transmasc works well with the general theme of the winchesters rejecting the destiny layed out for them "oh how fun, you know they all talked about a female vessel" (granted this works well with transfem sam too), and it's also why i'm a gay dean truther lol
Also I get sad when i think of him doing so much to claim his body as its own, only to have it be abused and taken and thrown all over without his consent, and i guess i enjoy being sad about spn
It's all. pretty fucked up and dramatic. Oh also i like the idea of him getting to heal and learn to cope with eileen and dean and cas and everyone alive and around him, with no more awful threats and all of his abusers dead. And then he starts feeling like a real person again and he wears long skirts. Also also i think jared padalecky should have just let his hair grow long. Jesus looking sam come on man.
ok last thing: he's an against me fan and he can't stop talking abt laura jane grace coming out for like an entire car ride and deans like "dude i'm happy abt the gender or whatever but *jack voice* every song made after 1997. suuucks ass"
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writethelifeyouwant · 3 years
Told You So
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Pairing: Sam Winchester x Jack Kline 
Rating: 18+
Tags: sex toys, dom/sub, wrist restraints, coming untouched, dirty talk, slut shaming, choking, cum eating
Word Count: 2.3k 
Summary: Jack doesn’t believe that Sam can make him come without touching his dick. 
Created for: @winklinebingo - Sex Toys | @spnrareshipbingo - Jack / Sam | @spnkinkbingo - Coming Untouched
Dividers: @firefly-graphics
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Jack shivers as Sam’s fingers trail over his shoulder, tracing down his arm, the feeling somehow amplified through the cotton of his jacket catching on the hairs standing up from his skin. 
“How you feeling, kid?” Dean asks through a gulp of beer. “You look a little–” he waves his hand around in front of his face, indicating that he’s noticed the flushed, far off look Jack must have going on right about now. 
“I’m fine, Dean,” Jack swallows, aiming for a grin but only achieving a grimace, and jumping slightly when Sam’s fingers connect with his under the war-table. 
“Dean’s right, Jack,” Sam cuts in, leaning forward under the pretense of looking closer at Jack to check he’s alright, but actually creeping his hand further up the boy’s thigh. “You sure you’re okay, you do look a little…” Sam trails off, smirking when he sees Dean isn’t looking at them, “worked up.” 
Jack wants to scoff in Sam’s face, but that would be impolite. Of course, he’s fucking worked up right now. He’s had a small remote control toy buzzing against his prostate for the past twenty minutes. It had felt so unbelievable at first, like he could have come in about 30 seconds if Sam had told him he was allowed to, but then Sam had dropped the speed down to its lowest setting, and the unrelenting buzz had dulled into just about manageable — just about ignorable — unless he shifts even an inch, and then the pleasure pulses through his limbs and send even more blood rushing to his crotch. Honestly, he’s surprised there’s enough blood left in the top half of his body for his face to be blushing at all. It feels like every drop of blood in his body has pushed itself into his cock, it feels so hard and full, and like it could burst at any second. 
“I’m fine, S–” Jack squeaks when Sam’s long, sinful  fingers curl around the bulge in his pants and the speed of the vibrator jumps up a notch simultaneously. 
“No, I think you should go lay down.” Sam’s face is the picture of fatherly concern and sage advice, the dickhead. “You don’t want to get caught with your pants down during a hunt if you’re coming over with something.” 
“I’ll be coming over something,” Jack mumbles to himself, hating Sam and his fucking teasing. 
“Huhm?” Dean grunts, only half paying attention on the other side of the table, where his burger is much more interesting than Jack maybe having a cold. 
“I am going to go lay down,” Jack announces as he springs out of his chair abruptly, disguising the gasp he’d just let slip when Sam turned the toy up another notch, with the sound of the chair grating against the concrete floors as he pushed out of his seat. He carefully angles his body behind Sam’s chair, so as not to display his hard on and the wet spot he’d been steadily growing on the front of his jeans for the past half hour.  
“I’ll come check on you in a bit, buddy,” Sam squeezes Jack’s bicep, pressing right over a bruise he’d left there the night before, knowing he was tormenting Jack even more by reminding him of the claiming mark he’d bitten into his skin. Reminding him ‘you’re mine, you and your body and your pleasure— They. Are. Mine.’ 
Jack could barely choke down his whimper at Sam’s touch, the soreness of his bruise recalling the delicious soreness he still felt between his legs – an ache that was being accentuated by the now rhythmic vibrating of the small toy inside of him. The pattern beat against the nerves inside him maddeningly. Just as the vibrations grew to a strength that might be able to tip him over the edge into relief they disappeared, leaving the toy still and silent for a moment before starting the torture over again. 
Inside his room, Jack collapsed to his knees at the foot of the bed, relishing in the moan he could finally let loose now he was alone. The toy inside him pressed just below the sweet spot inside of him in this position, and he let himself relax and settle into it. He knew that Sam would make him wait for a bit, make him sweat and squirm. Sometimes this was the best part. When he was all alone, only kept company by his own desperate thoughts – this was when Jack realised just how much of a slut he really was. 
Sure, Sam told him he was all the time. When he was on his knees with Sam’s cock down his throat, or when Sam pressed him against the back of the Impala and made him grind against that thick, muscular, hunter’s thigh until he came in his pants, or when Sam caught him jerking off in the shower only a few hours after Sam had fucked him into the mattress, or when Sam noticed his inappropriate boner during a case and told him to go wait for him in the police station bathroom, where Sam promptly handcuffed him and ate him out until he came without being touched. Jack was most definitely a slut, and he knew it. But here, in the cold fluorescent light of his bunker bedroom, knees going numb on the concrete beneath him, and sweat dripping beneath the collar of his t-shirt – this is where he felt the humiliation most keenly. 
The fact that Jack wasn’t just a slut for Sam, wasn’t just doing all those dirty things because he was being told to, but would sit here and torture himself willingly, was the thing that made Jack feel the dirtiest he ever did. Of course, Sam knew what Jack was thinking, that he loved his time alone spent contemplating just how much of a fucking whore he really was, and Sam loved how desperate it made Jack when he did finally join him again. 
“There’s a good boy,” Jack hears Sam murmur as he steps into the room, the vibrations in the plug jumping down to its lowest, thrumming level. Jack lets out a shaky sigh, but keeps his position on his knees, back straight, waiting for Sam to give him his instructions. Sam brushes his hand over the back of the boy’s head as he moves around his kneeling form to sit on the foot of the bed, carefully placing the toy’s remote control on the blanket next to him. He reaches out a hand to rest on Jack’s cheek, the big fingers nearly engulfing his face, and Jack has to fight his instincts to sit straight instead of leaning into the touch. “How you doing?” Sam asks, voice heavy with sympathy. 
“Good,” Jack pants, hoping he sounds convincing, but knowing Sam will see through him in a heartbeat. 
“You still look pretty flushed to me,” Sam muses, brushing a stray hair off Jack’s forehead. “Maybe you should lay down, get yourself out of these clothes into something more… comfortable.” Jack closes his eyes and whimpers, nodding, he wants that so badly. “Okay, if I let you lay down, the vibrations on your toy are gonna go back up again. Can you handle that?” 
Jack nods again, furiously. “Yes, Sam, please.” 
“Okay, c’mon, up you get.” Sam pulls Jack up by his wrists and starts to peel the boy’s jacket off. Jack lets Sam manipulate him out of his clothes, shivering in the cool of the air as the layers are dropped by his feet. When he’s been stripped bare, Sam pulls him onto the bed, guiding his hands to the restraints they keep attached to each corner of the headboard and buckles him in. The bruises on Jack’s arms and shoulders stand out against his pale skin, which is shimmering with the sweat of his earlier exertions. Sam’s fingers trace over the marks and down Jack’s chest, around each pink nipple, standing erect in the cool air of the bedroom, down his stomach to the soft trail of hair below his belly button, avoiding the angry pink cock currently twitching against the sharp jut of his hip bone. Jack had done so well keeping quiet while Sam laid him out the way he wanted him, but under the man’s taunting touch, he can’t keep his whines in his throat any more. 
“Please, Sam,” Jack mewls, bucking his hips into the air, hoping to push Sam’s fingers against his cock where he wants them. 
“Tch, tch, tch,” Sam tuts, unimpressed. “I told you, baby boy, no one is going to be touching that cock tonight.” Sam’s smirk is infuriating. 
“Sam,” Jack whines again, “I really need to cum. Please. I’ll –” he pants, grasping for words “I’ll let you do whatever you want to me, just let me cum. Please, Sam, please.” 
“I didn’t tell you you couldn’t cum baby,” Sam sits on the bed, picking up the remote and turning up the pace, like he’d threatened. “You can cum whenever you want to. I just said you can’t touch yourself to make it happen.” Jack whines petulantly, making Sam laugh, and he switches the pattern of the vibrations in the boy’s plug again. 
“But I’ll never cum like this Sam,” Jack complains, struggling against his restraints, and Sam is glad he had the foresight to lock him down. 
“Oh, really?” Sam ups the intensity of the vibrations and Jack arches off the bed, moaning. “You don’t think a little slut like you can cum just from a little toy up their ass? Don’t think you’re desperate enough?” He changes the pattern to something quicker - sharper - and Jack hisses. “If you were a good little whore, you wouldn’t need anyone to touch that little cock, you’d cum when I tell you to, heh? But…” Sam stands, twirling the remote in his palm, “if you don’t think you can, I’ll just –” he clicks the ‘off’ button on the plug, and Jack lets out the most pathetic whimper yet, instantly missing the pleasure that had been coursing through him for the past hour. 
“No! Sam, no, I’m sorry, please. Please let me cum,” Jack begs, squirming in his restraints. 
“I told you, I wasn’t stopping you,” Sam smirks wickedly. 
“Please,” Jack is almost crying, Sam can see the tears shimmering in his eyes. 
“If I turn this back on, are you going to be a good boy, and do what I tell you?” 
“Yes, I promise, please, Sam, please, turn it back on. I need to cum, please.” Sam walks back to the bed, stroking Jack’s cheek tenderly, victory glowing in his eyes. 
“So pretty when you beg, baby boy,” Sam coos, and Jack nuzzles into his touch. When Sam turns the toy back on, Jack jumps, twisting his head to whimper into his pillow. “Nope, don’t you dare,” Sam grins and yanks on Jack’s hair, pulling his face up. “Don’t hide those noises from me, baby. Wanna hear how much of a little slut you are for me. Want you to get as loud as you can for me, let Dean hear how desperate you are, yeah? You my needy little whore, baby?”
“Yes!” Jack whines, the intensity of the toy ratcheting up, the increased speed pressing it harder against the spot inside of him that is starting to burn. 
“Want to hear you say it,” Sam’s voice has hardened, and he drags his hand down Jack’s face to his throat, his fingers easily wrapping most of the way around. 
“I’m a slut, a needy little slut, fuck, just need to cum, Sam, please,” Jack groans desperately. 
“Yeah? Needy little slut needs to cum?” Sam teases, squeezing against the veins on either side of the boy’s neck, working to make him light-headed, while also turning the toy up another setting. “Why don’t you do it then, baby boy? Cum for me real loud, want you screamin’,” Sam is panting now too, his own arousal barely being held in check as he torments Jack – it will be his turn soon. 
“Please,” Jack is crying now, hips humping down into nothing, looking for resistance that won’t come. He looks pathetic, and Sam loves it. 
“I told you” —Sam’s chest heaves and he turns the toy up to its highest setting, leaning over Jack’s face and squeezing around his fragile little throat— “to cum, you little slut.” He spits into Jack’s mouth, which is frozen open in pleasure. 
“Oh, fuck, God, ah–” Jack’s words trail off into unintelligible noises as his hips launch off the bed and he cums in sharp bursts, the shiny white liquid splashing up his chest, onto his face and lips, and Sam’s hand. Sam is panting nearly as hard as Jack as he watches the boy spurt cum all over himself, he’s always loved when he can make Jack lose control this completely. 
“That’s a good boy,” Sam huffs, trying to get himself under control long enough to finish taking care of Jack. “Told you so, didn’t I?” he smirks. Jack whimpers in acknowledgement, but he isn’t quite recovered enough for words yet. Sam lets go of his throat and examines the cum shining on his knuckles. “You didn’t believe me, did you?” 
“I’m sorry,” Jack whimpers tiredly, slumping back against his pillows. 
“You believe me now?” Sam checks, and Jack doesn’t see the mischievous glint in Sam’s eyes because his own are still closed while he nods. Sam runs his fingers along Jack’s chest to collect the cum still glistening against the creamy, pale skin, pushing the dirty fingers between Jack’s lips when they’ve gathered everything they can. Jack’s eyes open wide in shock, but he sucks Sam down eagerly, confused – but still craving his approval. “In case you needed proof,” Sam chuckles, letting Jack suckle on his fingers and clean every last drop of his own cum from Sam’s skin.
“I still get to touch you though, right?” Jack checks anxiously, looking at the impressive bulge that Sam has started to free from his jeans. 
“You fuckin’ better,” Sam growls, shedding his jeans and briefs and climbing onto the bed to straddle Jack’s chest. “Open up, baby.”
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Tags: @vulgar-library​ @tintentrinkerin​ @negans-lucille-tblr​ @fandomfic-galore​ @petitgateau911​ @whoreforackles​ @schaefchenherde​ @kickingitwithkirk​ @little-diable​ @laxe-chester67​ @kassyscarlett​ @sonofslaanesh69​ @stoneyggirl​ 
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sweetaspiesammy · 3 years
Ignoring the inconsistencies with their timelines, I want Cordell and Dean to meet.
I want Dean taking a case on his own in Texas for whatever reason. Maybe it’s pre season one while Sam is at Stanford, or one of the times they fought and separated for a short while, or maybe Dean just took off on his own and left Sam at the bunker to rest. What’s important is that Dean ends up in Geri’s bar.
I want him seeing Cordell from across the room and swearing that he looks like Sam, only older. Maybe even older than him. I want him shocked, speechless.
Then I want a definitely fucked up and wrong idea to form in Dean’s head that leads to him deciding to approach Cordell. Dean using some cheesy pick up line and Cordell smiling in amusement. It’s the same smile Sam has. I want them sitting down and talking, becoming interested in one another. Sure, Dean compares everything to Sam, especially the differences—Cordell has a southern accent, he’s a Texas ranger, he’s got kids—but Dean doesn’t mind too much since he starts to like the man for more than just the similar looks to his brother. It’s still the appearance that drives him, but he reasons it’s okay. A lot of people try to pick up people solely for their looks—who cares if the guy he’s after looks like his brother?
I want them drinking together until the bar is nearly deserted, until Cordell is mumbling about feeling lonely while Dean slurs about loving someone he can’t have. I want Cordell making the first move—something Dean’s not used to—and it’s different than how he’d imagine Sam would do things, but there’s nothing that could make him resist. Well, there’s one thing—one person—but he’s not there. It’s a good alternative.
I want sloppy kisses and lots of grabbing and groping and Dean breathlessly suggesting the backseat of his car. I want Cordell going willingly letting Dean drag him out the bar door and allowing Dean to push him onto his back in the backseat of the Impala.
I want their naked, sweaty bodies pressed together with Dean on top of Cordell, his hips slotted between his long legs. Dean taking his time to work the man up, to get him desperate and begging in the way he’d always longed to hear from Sam. I want Cordell savoring the intimacy and the touch because damn, it’s been so long since he’d felt like this, since he’s felt good.
I want them coming together—Cordell spilling on his own stomach and Dean filling him up—with a deep moan from both. I want Dean biting his lip until it bleeds to fight back the desire to groan out Sam’s name. I want Dean collapsing on Cordell’s chest and the two of them laying pressed together for what feels like hours.
I want Cordell blushing when he walks a little funny climbing out of the Impala, while Dean wears a smug smile because he knows he wrecked the man perfectly. I want Dean giving Cordell his number, which he happily takes. He puts the contact in as “Winchester Auto” because, well, it seems to fit with the car and all. It’s something between an inside joke and a secret.
I want Dean watching Cordell drive away in his truck, while he gets back into the Impala and drives away. I want them both thinking about each other as distance is put between them, and a part of both Cordell and Dean wanting to go back to one another. Maybe they each hope the other man could fill the emptiness they feel…
So anyway yeah, I want them to meet.
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