#And the N64 he got like 5 and we had the hacked wii but we had like 4 physical games
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localgardenweed · 10 months ago
Last night i finally found out what was up with my Gamecube and that it kept turning off cause it was fucking overheating so i was freaking out for no reason it was just having a fit cause there was too much dust around the vents so now i have to go in and dust it and when i told my dad he said to grab the vaccum and just stick it to a open vent and suck up all the dust and i dont know if that will like destroy the inner compartments i dont wanna test it but maybe if i find like a weaker vacuum and not the big shot one maybe ill try it but for now imma have to either dust it everyday cause it lives in the basement that fucker will not escape or i just play all my Gamecube games on my wii which i did last night cause i wanted to play SA2 in peace and i gotta say peak game.
Im playing Hero Story first and I suck at Sonic’s levels idk if its me or my controller probably me but whatever, Knuckles’ levels is pretty chill i hate the camera though i dont know if i can move it up and down or not but it would be very helpful if i could, i can go side to side but not up and down??? Come on man. Tails’ levels are my favorite so far though cause I can shoot things and run around in his giant little mech and its silly and fun
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theultimateegghead-blog · 6 years ago
50 Follower Special!                          The Grand Finale!
Well guys, gals and all others, we made it. The finale of this lovely 50 follower special! This is the last 10, my top 10 favorite games of ALL TIME. Every game here I have beaten multiple times and have poured countless hours into. They bring me such joy, they all are special to me, allow me to share them!
10 – Dragonball Xenoverse 2
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What can I say? I love this game, Dragonball was a big part of my childhood, and this game lets you create your own characters and relive the story of Dragonball. I initially did not find the first Xenoverse that great, I liked it but thought it was very flawed, this game corrects some of the major gripes I had and has a huge roster of characters. I got this game the day it came out and I have been playing it ever since. I primarily play as a member of Freeza’s race, I call them Icejins. His name is Mintice and he is a precious cinnamon roll.
Will I review this game? – Yes
9 – Ocarina of Time
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I know some people think its overrated, but I love Ocarina of Time. This game is what sparked my love for the Zelda series. I found it amazing, I had no internet, strategy guide or friends who played the game, so it was all a new experience and I loved it. I still have my original N64 cart and the 3DS remake, both versions are fantastic. If you love Zelda, then please give this game a try, it got great dungeons, great music and is overall fantastic. That water temple though…
Will I review this game – Yes
8 - Kingdom Hearts 2
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I loved the original Kingdom Hearts, and I LOVED the sequel. I got it shortly after it came out and played it for so long. Then the 2.5 remix came out and I enjoyed it all over again. I got the ultimate weapons, I beat some of the super bosses and I got to level 100. This is one of the best action RPGs ever and is possibly Disney’s greatest gaming masterpiece. There is so much to love about this game and im excited for the sequel.
Will I review this game? – Yes
7 - Metal Gear Rising Revengence
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Metal Gear Rising is an awesome hack and slash video game that takes place in the Metal Gear universe. You play as a cyborg Ninja that can cut down buildings and throw 60-foot-tall robots. While not a relatively long game, it can be fun to sink hours into to beat the various challenges and so on. A huge focus of this game is the boss fights and the music, the music is absolutely amazing. This is a great game, its got great moments and is worth the time, be ready though, this game can get tough!
Will I review this game? – Yes
6 - Sonic 3
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My first game, Sonic 3 was the first game I ever recall playing back when I was just about 4 years old. This game was great, and it came in two different parts. It is not much different from the previous sonic games, but it introduces some cool new things. Knuckles is introduced along with the shield power ups. It is in my opinion the best Sonic game…so spoilers for the sonic series extravaganza. This game is colorful, fun, its one of the longest sonic games and it can be challenging. This is a game I often revisit.
Will I review this game? – Yes
5 - Halo Reach
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The best Halo game in my opinion. Halo Reach has everything that makes Halo 3 great and more. Custom characters, rewards for playing, easter eggs…and a VERY good somber story. This is a game I got attached to and have sunk many hours into. This is a game I have played full playthroughs with multiple friends. My Xbox is fried with the red ring, when I get new one, I am totally playing through this game again. Ill be honest with you, Halo 4 was a disappointment and I do not care for the direction the story has gone in the sequels, they aren’t bad games but at the same time... So, this was my last favorable Halo game, and I think it’s the best first person shooter in my collection of games, and I have a large collection.
Will I review this game? – Yes
4 - Bloodborne
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Bloodborne is an utterly amazing game that is extremely action packed and difficult. I love the art style of this game, I love the way it plays. It is an aggressive game that punishes the timid, not for the feint of heart. This game was the reason I bought a Ps4. I have played through it 3 times and got all the trophies including the DLC trophies as well. This game is a masterpiece and I cannot get enough of it. If you want a more in-depth reason behind my love for this game refer to my review.
Will I review this game? – Already did, it got a perfect 10/10.
3 - Dark Souls
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From Bloodborne to Dark Souls. Dark Souls is very nostalgic for me. I played it during a time of my life were my motivation was at an all time low. I just endured a month of Bronchitis, I was in between college terms and just lacked the motivation to play anything. I told myself to beat this game, and after a month I did. It resparked my love for beating games. Then years later I got the full version and I beat that one as well, I platinumed it and got everything the game had to offer. This is a great and very challenging game that I simply adore.
Will I review this game? – Already did, it got a 9/10.
2 - Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess
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My favorite Zelda game, this game is amazing. It was one of my first Wii games and it is the Wii game I have played the most. I loved the characters, Midna and Zant in particular, I loved the dungeons, the combat, the story. I loved everything this game had to offer, and I will play it again once I get the Wii U version, I will play it all over again. This game is beautiful and a completely amazing experience. Give it a try if you haven’t, If you’re a Zelda fan I can almost guarantee you will love it.
Will I review this game? – Yes
1 - Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
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What a thrill… There could be no other, when creating this list, I knew this would take the first place. This game is my favorite of all time. Its an amazing video game and is in my opinion the best game on the Ps2. It has a great story, excellent gameplay and music and it has a certain unique quirkiness to it that makes it memorable. What other games can let you beat a boss by letting him die of old age by waiting a week? Or scare people away by wearing an alligator hat? This is Metal Gear at its best, and it is my favorite game of all time.
Will I review this game? – OH YEAH!
Thank you all for reading! Thank you to all my followers! I appreciate all of you, and I appreciate the followers to come. Special shout out to my brother, he may not be a gamer but he is a very cool dude and a great friend! Next special is at 100 followers, and be ready, it’s a 10 parter. Thanks again!
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