#And that's not gonna be for a loooooooooong time
whysamwhy123 · 1 year
They're really gonna have Shida lose to Saraya, aren't they? 😫
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partnersincrimesuau · 2 years
Yup. This is basically exactly what would happen.
This ask is officially canon to Partners In Crime!!! XDDD
(except everyone's too dumb to follow up the fact that there was indeed an Injector there, so Spinel can still slink around the galaxy with her pet and her beloved ship without being questioned)
Thank you for this, I'm still laughing over it XDD <3333
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bokutosbiceps · 9 months
‘tis the season | one piece
eustass kid/monkey d luffy/roronoa zoro/trafalgar d water law/usopp/vinsmoke sanji x gn!reader | fluff | ~2.1k words
warnings: some suggestive/18+ themes but nothing explicit
a/n: welcome to my xmas special for the one piece boys !! OKAY before anyone comes @ me for not choosing a food related activity for luffy, pls know that y’all would not be able to decorate shit. he would eat all of the ingredients and/or you would have to lock him out of the kitchen. some of these are loooooooooong. pls enjoy 🎄
18+ MDNI | under the cut for length
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eustass kid and the kid pirates will make a competition out of chopping down a christmas tree to put on the bow of their ship. it happens every single year, and kid didn’t used to participate, but when he started dating you, he wanted to be the one to provide you with a tree to decorate and admire.
you always enjoyed watching kid get riled up over something as small as a christmas tree, though. killer, a man with taste, would always find the perfect tree, then kid would lay his claim to it, boasting about how he had an eye for things like this.
this year, it was different, though. kid seemed to be more calm about it than usual and it made the whole crew restless until they reached the island where they'd always look for the trees.
kid’s face stretched into a calm grin at seeing the island approaching, remaining still till the ship was docked and the plank was thrown onto land.
“you comin’ with me?” kid asks, snaking a hand around your waist while he watches the rest of the kid pirates disperse on the island.
“of course!” you happily jump onto kid’s back and point out all the different trees you see and like. kid just shakes his head at you and keeps moving, knowing exactly what he's looking for.
he reaches the edge of the forest and sets you down, shrugging off his coat and grabbing an axe from his belt. it takes him one swing each to fell two small trees.
“will you take those back to the ship, doll? make em look nice.” kid asks, a mischievous smile still settled onto his lips. you don't ask questions and tug the two small trees back to the ship to start decorating them. they likely won't be in the running for the trees the crew will vote on to keep so you figure they’ll look nice to keep in the corners of the captain’s quarters.
one by one, the kid pirates start to make their way back to the ship. and one by one, they trim and prune their trees to make em look especially nice and voteable.
“where’s kid?” killer settles next to you on the port side, looking out at the forest. you're leaning on the railing and watching the tree line for any speck of red.
“i dunno! he told me to bring back those runt trees to decorate but i haven't seen him since.”
you speak too soon, because not even ten seconds later, you see kid emerge from the tree line, his metal arm gripping what looks to be a twenty foot tall tree.  
“i think we all know which one we're keepin'!” kid spreads his arms and looks around at his crew. “right? captain’s orders!” kid grins and gestures toward his tree. the rest of the crew doesn't even argue, they just start stripping the trees of their branches to use as tinder for later.
“so? impressed?” kid approaches you, looking proud as ever.
“bigger isn't always better, kid.” you tease, lightly punching him on the shoulder. he scoops you up into his arms and presses a kiss to your chin.
“oh, you know you love it when it's bigger, baby.”
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monkey d luffy is an expert at building snow men because he tries his best to make it look like him! every single year, as soon as there’s enough snow on the ground, he’ll crack his knuckles and start rolling snow into big spheres. the very first time he did this, he made three huge balls of snow and ended up making something resembling more of a snowy caterpillar than an actual human. but he’s learned from his mistakes and is now a master at his craft.
“luffy, can you please put on some gloves? you’re gonna get frostbite!” you call out to him as you watch him roll snow around on the deck. his cheeks and nose are red and he’s sniffling as he shapes the snow into spheres, a big grin on his face despite the freezing temperatures.
“does rubber even freeze?” luffy muses, thinking he’s out of earshot from you and tapping his chin cutely. you smile and shake your head.
“yes, it does!” you say, knowing full well that it doesn’t. but you're hoping your boyfriend might listen to your logic nonetheless. “so that means you can, too!” 
“eh, i’ll be fine! i need to be able to feel the snow between my fingertips, anyways!” luffy grins at you and gives you a shivering thumbs up. “you can’t look till i’m done, okay? and no peeking!”
you raise your hands in surrender and join robin and nami in the warm library upstairs while you wait for luffy to finish up with his masterpiece. 
almost an hour later, luffy bursts into the library with an excited ready! and wraps his arms around you, pulling you up and out of the warmth and into the cold. once you're close enough to the deck, he releases you and moves his hands over your eyes.
“m’kay, one…two…surprise!” luffy removes his hands from your face and smiles brightly at you as he watches you take in his snow artwork.
there are two snow people, one with a straw hat, and another with features similar to yours. you smile and hug yourself, shivering slightly. luffy notices and drapes himself over your shoulders, effectively warming you up and hearing your cheeks up from both his embrace and his sweet gesture.
“it’s us!” he says proudly, pointing to the way that he situated the twig hands of each snow person to make it look like they’re holding hands. you giggle at his thoughtfulness and kiss the tip of his very red and very cold and very cute nose. 
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roronoa zoro allows his eyes to follow you around the aquarium bar below the sunny’s deck as you put the finishing touches on two mugs of warm apple cider you made while zoro’s been napping by the fireplace. you smile and settle down next to zoro, sitting cross legged and sipping your drink while you use zoro’s chest to prop up your book.
zoro props himself up on one of his elbows and you move your book back into your lap, not taking your eyes off of the words. zoro takes a long swig of the cider, humming in enjoyment at the way the sweet notes of the rum you'd spiked the cider with hit his tongue.
“what're you doin’?” zoro asks, peering up at you with a slight frown on his face and placing his now empty mug behind him.
“what does it look like?” you answer, turning a page of your book and giving zoro a teasing smile. he just grunts and plucks the book out of your fingers. “zoro, what—”
zoro quickly and carefully, so as to not spill your mug of warm cider, grabs you by the hips and places you on top of his chest. you purse your lips and glare down at your boyfriend, whose eyes are now closed and lips curled into quiet satisfaction.
you decide not to say anything and instead rest your cheek against zoro’s chest. he brings his hands up to rub his fingers over your spine, stopping at the small of your back.
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trafalgar d water law decides that his least favorite thing in the world to do is going to a christmas market on christmas eve. who could choose a worse day to go to a christmas market? bepo. and since the bear was the one who had begged law to allow them to dock at the sea bound christmas market, law had reluctantly agreed. bepo had made a pretty good argument after all.
“maybe you could find something for y/n-chan while we’re there?” bepo had said, hoping to sweeten the deal with possibly finding something nice for you. you’d only been with law for a little less than a year, so this is your first holiday season as a couple, and law had never really thought of whether or not you’d like something for the holidays.
law is dragged around the market, stopping only at stalls where he notices cute little things that he thinks you might like. he shoves his pride down his own throat to hold up various little knick knacks with a do you think they'd like something like this? to bepo.
law, with a little help from bepo, eventually decides on a tiny little mouse soldier statue, complete with the year and name of the island. when he holds it out to you, his hat covering his eyes and his eyes aimed at the snow piled around where you stood, all you can do is giggle.
you take the little statue from law, turn it over in your hands once, then twice, and smile. law feels like he's going to explode.
“well…do you…?”
“do i what?” you inch toward law, ducking your head to try and get a glimpse of his face, which is still hidden beneath his hat.
law frowns, turning his head to continue avoiding eye contact with you, and clears his throat. “do you like it?”
you look back down at the statue that your boyfriend so carefully and thoughtfully picked out for you. you tilt your head up and quickly flick the brim of law’s hat, tilting it up as well.
“hmm, no.” you say, noticing the way law’s shoulders tense up. you press a kiss intertwined with a smile to his lips before speaking again. “i love it.”
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usopp looks forward to the holidays each year because that means he’ll be decorating the sunny with christmas lights till it rivals a fully lit city on the sea!
all day, usopp is crawling around in the rafters, stringing up lights and hanging his homemade decorations on the masts. he had enlisted you to pass him various nails and push pins and tools to help him hang up the decorations, but you'd been playing catch with him the whole time.
usopp is an incredibly intelligent man, but he's clumsy. hours of missteps and slips and whoops had your blood pressure and heart rate through the roof and you don't know how much more you can take. 
usopp’s smile is wide as he plugs the two ends of the string lights together, his eyes shining in the reflection of the newly decorated Thousand Sunny.
the ship is ablaze with light, and you can't help but smile yourself. the masts glow in a soft and golden light, the snow on the deck is illuminated by the reflection of small and twinkling star decorations that usopp made just for the crow’s nest. there are ornaments and weaves of pine hanging off of every place possible, giving the ship nice red and green hues.
usopp comes up and wraps his arms around you from behind, giving you a gentle and affectionate squeeze.
“pretty, right? now all the pirates in the grand line will see the great captain usopp’s ship from miles away!” usopp makes a grand sweeping gesture with his hand and turns to grin at you proudly.
you lean up to press a kiss to his cheek. “looks amazing, captain usopp.”
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vinsmoke sanji closes off the kitchen on christmas eve, after christmas eve dinner, to allow for some privacy while the two of you decorate christmas cookies for the rest of the crew. sanji usually doesn't let anyone else in the crew help out in the kitchen, unless it's you. he likes feeling close to you, his favorite person, when he's in his favorite place, while he's doing his favorite thing.
“no competition, here, okay?” sanji’s pressed up against your back and his hands are on your shoulders when he skims a kiss to the nape of your neck. "let's just have a nice time together, hm?"
he smiles at you before he sets to decorating the cookies with you, jazz playing softly through the radio and sanji making easy conversation or praising your decorations.
you nudge sanji’s shoulder with your own and nod your head down at the cookie you're holding. sanji’s eyes light up when he sees your initials written in blue icing, separated by a pink heart. 
“y/n-chan, my love!” sanji cries, throwing his arms around your neck and hugging you tightly. he cups your face and kisses you slowly, ignoring the creaking of the kitchen door and light footsteps creeping closer to the two of you. 
you open your eyes just in time to see luffy swipe the cookie you had just shown sanji and make a run for it. sanji follows your eyes and stares at luffy’s back in horror.
you look up to tell sanji that it's no big deal, you can just decorate another one, but sanji is already running after luffy; he's desperate to save the cookie you had decorated with your names on it. 
“luffy, get the hell back here so i can put your ass down the garbage disposal!” 
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taglist: @usoppsstar | @kingofthe-egirls | @anemptypuddingcup | @pileofmush | @luffysprincess | lemme know if you wanna be added to my one piece taglist ✨
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moonspirit · 3 months
Pregnant Annie headcanons ft. some Papamin Propaganda #12:-
requested by @leitouris
Atleast some of this is a repeat from my earlier papamin posts, but nevertheless, I hope you enjoy!
When Annie first finds out she's pregnant, she spends a lot of time wondering how to tell Armin. She has many options: surprise him? Give vague hints? prepare a candlelight dinner? or spend an evening at the beach in the sunset where she'll look into his eyes and say, "You're gonna be a papa..." ?
But you know what? She's not really very good at the "planning romantic things" bit. Still, she wants to make it special, so she settles for dropping hints here and there. Because he's so SMART right? Surely, he'll figure it out?
Turns out Armin is very DENSE when it comes to things like this.
He says: "What's this, Annie? Why are you giving me a picture-book for babies?"
And he says: "Annie, why is this towel so small? It's like it's meant for babies... oh haha, I get it, it's very good for cleaning corners!"
Annie becomes incredibly frustrated and ends up spending an hour throwing darts on a picture of Reiner's face to calm down.
One day, however, she comes home to the sounds of loud crying and sobbing. She finds Armin in the bathroom, sitting on the floor, her positive pregnancy test clutched to his chest.
And he says: "Anniiiiiieeeeeeeeeeee, y-y-you're pregnant??? And you didn't tell me?? I'm going to be a dad?!"
How can the world's smartest man also be so stupid sometimes?
So the pregnancy reveal is a disaster. Of course it is. They're both idiots.
As her body changes, slowly, Annie also begins to feel incredibly uncomfortable and a little insecure. She was always so sure and certain about her body before, in her size and strength and speed. Things are not like that anymore; she's gaining weight, sometimes her back hurts, a lot of the times she feels sick and slow too.
But every time she feels awful, Pieck begins to talk about her baby; about who it's going to take after, what the baby will look like, etc., and it makes Annie feel better. Armin also tells her how beautiful she looks and how lucky he is to be with her. How she's a great woman and that she's going to be an amazing mother. Every night. Every night when she cries, feeling scared, he's there, combing her hair and whispering into her ear until she falls asleep.
The morning sickness is BAD. Nausea and vomiting and revulsion to certain smells. Everyone, Armin especially, tries their best to make things easy for her. In this time, Armin learns to properly cook! (Jean teaches him).
Months pass, and as Annie's belly swells, she can no longer wear her usual clothes and has to resort to loose, flowy, comfortable dresses. Armin's very happy with this! It means he can see Annie in pretty floral prints and fluttering hems!
Whenever the others drop by (Jean, Pieck, Connie & Reiner), they always end up fighting with each other over baby names. Pieck has the best ideas, Reiner has the worst ideas, Jean hates everything because he only likes fashionable names, and Connie's the only one with normal suggestions. Aruani watch them loudly argue in the living room, bored and tired of the noise.
(Secretly Armin has a loooooooooong list of girl baby names that he hides from Annie).
But Pregnant Annie is soon glowing. With happiness, with excitement, with some wonder and bafflement that still lingers even after the first trimester. It's hardly believable that there's a new life growing within her. A bit of hers, a bit of his.
She cries a lot.
Late nights are spent in their dim bedroom with the windows open. On the bed, leaning against the headrest, Annie cradles her swollen belly while Armin, laying by her knees, his chin propped up by a hand, talks. He talks a lot to her and the baby in that soft, smooth voice, of everything and anything. He tells the baby she's going to love the world, that she'll love the sea, that she'll love the sky, that she'll love her mother the most.
"I love you both so much," He murmurs, holding Annie in his arms and stroking her hair. "From the ends of this earth to the moon and beyond."
(You see, Armin's very certain it's going to be a baby girl).
When Armin's not around, Annie too, talks to her baby. Quietly, a little awkwardly, but she talks. She tells the baby, "Your father, he talks a lot doesn't he? He's really looking forward to holding you in his arms... he told me that when you were sleeping last night. You're going to be a curious troublemaker, I can tell."
Baby kicks a LOT. Armin jokes that it's all Annie's genes - great lower body strength and powerful legs.
When they go shopping for baby clothes, Armin very conveniently ignores the boy-section altogether, much to Annie's annoyance. He's desperate to be a girl dad, pls don't blame him.
All that said, Annie's pregnancy cravings are outrageous and awful! She wants all the strangest combinations of food to ever exist! Fish and ice-cream. Tons of plain sugar and soup. Ice and pickles. These combinations will kill an ordinary person, but she's a hungry mother-to-be, what can you say? Armin's very scared sometimes, but humours all her cravings anyway. Midnight trips to the nearest convenience store and ice-cream shop? He'll do it.
But her favourite pregnancy food is steamed sweet potato :3
Everyone is HELLA protective of her. EVERYONE. Armin most of all, because he's hopelessly panicky and over-protective, but when he's not there, Reiner and Jean are fussing Annie over the smallest things like she's incapable of doing shit by herself. Pieck says: "Why are YOU guys so scared? Annie's the one who's pregnant, not you!"
When Mikasa's around though, she's hovering behind Annie like some dark force from the underworld.
But still, the pregnancy isn't easy. There are scares, like sudden bleeding and several emergency hospital visits. But Aruani get through them, somehow.
What makes the final trimester bearable is Connie, the resident jokester. He cracks so many bad jokes for Annie one morning and she laughs so hard and her water also breaks.
Aruani baby is eventually born to a cheering, tearful crowd.
Armin breaks down crying when he sees his baby's tiny face and tinier hands.
Mama Annie is relieved, sweat clinging to her forehead, out of breath and exhausted, but when she reaches out to hold her newborn in her arms, she realizes with a laugh, that indeed; those big blue eyes are definitely those of a curious troublemaker's.
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kishibe-kisser · 1 year
a long distance (like LOOOOOOOOOONG distance) established relationship smut for gojo, nanami, geto and sukuna pls 🥺🙏
Okay okay! I'm gonna play around with the long distance aspect! I hope you like it.
Tags: phone sex, manhandling, biting, possessiveness, handjob, facetime sex, cursing,
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Gojo Satoru: Gojo found himself nearly running you over at the sight of you in his room. Months apart hitting him the moment he saw you waiting for him. The door behind him shut, running to you and lifting you like you weighed nothing. Lips rough against yours as he made up for the time lost.
"I missed you so much." He breathed through messy kisses, setting you down on the ground again. Your hands slid up to his face, carefully sliding up his blindfold to catch glimpse of his pretty eyes. "I missed you too." You mumbled against his lips, feeling his hands travelling under your top. He just needed to feel you, the warmth of your body against his. Talking and catching up could wait, you needed eachother now.
Sitting down on the edge of his bed, he pulled you into his lap and gripped your hips. His hands trailing down over your ass and squeezing the flesh. He already had gotten you out of your clothes and now just needed to bury himself inside you. Gojo felt absolutely feral almost, not knowing just how bad he needed you until he felt you hovering over his cock.
"Come on, show me how much you missed me." He coaxed, pressing on your hips to get you to sink down on him. You smiled, only for it to turn into a gasp as you felt him slip into you. The stretch was pleasant, familiar sting and it made you grip Gojo's shoulders as you sunk all the way down. His hands found your ass again, giving you a squeeze before using it as leverage to thrust into you.
"I'm not letting you go until we make up for the time lost."
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Kento Nanami: "I miss you." You mumbled into the phone, cuddling your body further into his pillows. They smelt like him and you just wanted to wrap yourself in his scent. The job had taken him further away than you both had liked and it was taking entirely longer than anyone wanted. You needed him so badly, just inhaling the scent on his pillow wasn't enough anymore.
"I miss you too." Kento said, undoing his tie with one hand and his cell phone in the other. His day was long and he was entirely frustrated, in every way. Your sultry voice on the other end of the phone making him throw his head back with a groan. "You do? ... How much do you miss me?" You teased, knowing exactly what his tone of voice meant. He felt himself grinning and undid his pants with one hand, sliding his belt off roughly before sitting on the edge of his hotel room bed.
"Enough that I'm fantasizng that you're sitting on the ground inbetween my legs right now." That was your Kento, always so straight forward. You found your hands travelling down the waist band of your underwear, slipping your fingers down. Kento mimicked your actions, breath hitching as he wrapped his hand around the base of his cock. "Mmm-" You moaned, listening to his softs groans through the speaker and matching your own touches to his sounds. "I miss the way you feel, Kento. You always make me feel so good." You moaned out, your hands not feeling anywhere near as good as his.
He continued to stroke is cock, imagining your softer hands and gentler touch, the sight of your lips wrapped around him. Kento could tell you were touching yourself, your moans and hitched breaths being picked up beautifully. He was close already, the build up from the weeks away from you having taken effect. "Shit, baby are you close?" He asked, gripping the base of cock tightly as he listened for your words. "So close." You cried, feeling the knot in your stomach tightening.
"God the second I'm home, we aren't leaving the bedroom for days."
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Geto Suguru: You had long stopped focussing on what he was saying, your calls to catch up always taking hours because of the distance between you both. You couldn't help yourself, he was laying in bed so deliciously, his shirt open as he talked to you.
"Geto..." You started, your tone of voice different from before. You were craving him, wanting to touch him and run your fingers through his hair. "Yes?" He said in return, flashing a small smirk in your direction. "I miss your touch." Your voice sounded like a whine as you repositioned yourself, showing him that you weren't wearing much either. His eyes widened slightly, before he set his phone down and allowed his hand to slowly run over his abdomen. "It's not fair." You moaned, your hands pulling your shirt up and revealing more of your own skin to him.
"It's not, but we can deal with it in other ways." His voice getting deeper. "Like, you can imagine my hand is the one sliding down your body." Geto suggested, his tone softer and more sultry than before. You let out a small moan, fingers toying with your nipples before moving down your body. "And I can imagine your hand wrapped around my cock and the way you look up at me before you suck me off." He said, showing you the way he had his pretty hand wrapped around him.
You panned your camera down, showing the way you touched yourself for him. "God I wanna touch you so bad." His voice showing that he was losing the last bits of his control. Geto watched the way your back arched, listening to your sounds as you got off. He hardly even had to touch himself while watching you, being so touch starved that he could cum from hearing and seeing you alone.
"That's it, get yourself off for me. Show me how much you wish I was there."
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Sukuna: He had been gone for so long, you had no idea when you would see him again. Sukuna came and went as he pleased which was frustrating but also part of his appeal. He also didn't quite stay in touch, leaving you absolutely surprised when you came home to be pressed into the wall.
"Miss me?" His deep voice filled your ears as his hand clamped over your mouth to keep you from letting out a scream. Of course you missed him, but you couldn't tell him that. You knew he didn't care.
Sukuna settled his body between your legs, hand still clamped over your mouth as he kissed over your neck. This was why he came back, that little slice of heaven inbetween your legs that was reserved just for him. "I missed your pretty body and how you respond to me." He grumbled into your ear before tearing your top off. This was what Sukuna did and as much as you wanted to hate him, you absolutely couldn't.
He kissed down your chest, biting at your skin and marking wherever he could find as another way of possessing you from others. He kept his hand over your mouth, not wanting to hear a sound from you without his permission. He might have missed the way your body felt but that didn't mean he would allow you to do whatever you wanted.
"It's been so long, I think I might absolutely wreck you."
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passmethatcokezero · 7 months
ok now i need dino in bed…..
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So I got two of this ask...👀👀 this has been loooooooooong overdue but here we go~~
tags: mommy/noona kink and mentions of overstimulation, pleading etc
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Dino, in his blooming youth, would be very experimental when it comes to bed
Not only of different positions, but also in what other things may add spice on steamy nights
And given his lifelong background in dancing, his thighs and hips surely NEVER LIE
His fast thrusting is I N S A N E 🤯🤯🤯 makes you go ballistic
And how he clenches his thighs in every rides welcomes you to utopia
You two were making out soon as he arrived at your place. He was ranting about his worries, his insecurities that have been consuming his sleep, and you know just how to address it. He confessed it himself: kissing you, feeling your warmth, and making you his was like a drug to him (not that he has ever tried it) that takes all his pains away and takes him to a world he only dreamed he would inhibit alone with you if he could.
"Feeling better?" You murmured as you traced his cheek with your thumb, head nodding to respond. He was straddled between your bare thighs where his hands were comfortably rested. "You needed more, don't you?" His hard thigh under your already pooling core clenched to your sultry voice, a soft moan then escaped his shiny lips as you began rocking your hips.
Your hand went straight to his growing bulge inside his trainer shorts as he kisses you deeper than earlier. Your lungs, as if catching his filthy sounds, produces its own, creating a lullaby that soothes his mind.
"Noona..." He was catching his breath as he presses you harder against his thigh. Sweat forms on both your foreheads as tension rises and kisses went sloppy.
You won't ever confess it to him, but him calling you noona drowns you in a spiral of feelings. "Hmm?"
He was unresponsive, as he rests his head back against the wall. Eyebrows meeting in pleasure with his mouth wide open.
"Say it baby," you whispered, making him look at you as you take of your shirt, erect nipples out in the free at last. "Say you want me and you'll gonna get it."
"I... I want you, noona." As soon as he said it, your damp mound found its way to his released cock, humping its length. The friction against your soaked undies was enough to get you two moaning in chorus.
"T-there's... ahhh... there's something in the way..."
You smirked at his impatience. "Oh baby, i know. It's because you forgot something."
It didn't take him long to realize it, and with his desperation the word rattled out his lips like a verse. "Please, please please... noona please..."
And him being your baby just makes it all perfect
He is probably a switch, but likes to be your love little boy most of the time
He wants your attention all to himself
He can make you cum just as how fast he learns choreography
Would even be so mischievous or boastful about it (be it in the open hinting some innuendos or in private when he is teasing you about how confident you look outside but folds underneath him)
And you have no idea what your squirming underneath his release does to him
He is also good with his tongue (he is an all rounder all right)
Airy giggles during sex (and a very sexy one at that)
Seeks praises like how he asks for cuddles
Which you are very generous of as he is to you
Once confessed that he practices at the restroom (with his hand to the thought of you) because he wants you to have the best sex yet every single time
"Why don't you just ask me?"
"Like what... have sex with you every single day?"
"You what!? You pervy little—"
He smirks as he flips a pancake for him after serving you two pieces on a plate, topped with banana slices drizzled with honey and cinnamon, and a bit of soft butter just as how you liked it.
"You see, that's how I improved my dancing. Practising each day." he then looks at you intently after a playful wink, with sincerity you only see when he dances on stage. "Well, it's not like I can do that with you regularly. You're not just some toy or a thing."
(((he has an enormous respect for you okay? a no is a no for him. no more pleading and all that. that's why you two have agreed to be vocal and straightforward when it comes to it.)))
Feels powerful when he's dominant
And yet succumbs to your majestic touches and lustrous whispers
SUB with a dominating mask if I should say
can be really funny too when he is in a bright, casual mood, cracking jokes here and there
you cant believe you’re addicted to laughing at his punchlines while on top of him
clenching around him as you roll your hips is a bonus for him when he makes you cackle
actually the best sex with him are thise filled with laughters
Goes shy when you swallow his seeds
Because he believes it is not something to be ingested
(((what a pure boy)))
"Damn... I am never going to get used to your mouth..." his mouth is wide agape, drool almost pooling of his mouth. "Bbay you're so fucking good."
It was the eve of his birthday. The man was a moaning mess and you could care less about your neighbors, anyway he deserved it for a special treat on his birthday which he wont be able to spend with you as he had a prior schedule for a shoot early morning tomorrow.
"Uh... yeahhhh.... uhhh shit..." He grew quiet of words and only moans and curses and some lewd noises from your mouth echoed in the room. His pitch was getting higher, an indicator he is close to cumming.
No words still coming out as he had his release. He was panting so hard after his long gutteral moan when he paints his arousal inside your warm mouth.
"I'm... I'm sorry...." it was almost inaudible but he managed to speak of it whilst petting your head. "Spit... spit it out... noona,"
Too late, you thought. No way his cum goes to waste.
"Baby... you're too sweet I'm afraid I don't want it anywhere else but my mouth."
edging!!! gosh edging turns him on so much
so yes he might be into foreplay
or even a foreplay before the foreplay
OVERSTIMULATION is one of his kinks like!!!
he finds it too hot when he know he had to beg you to stop (which in no way he means it fully)
that's the only time he has told you that every stop he syas meant go on
cos his body wants to be consumed by YOU
and you basically would k!ll for his whimpers and begs
cos thats your baby boy right there
and you want nothing else but him begging you go harder, writhing and almost tearing up in pleas
(((he was your mommy kink awakening)))
you'll be surprised of his endurance and stamina
like boy, you had multiple rounds and yet he could go on for more unless you remind him he needs his sleep
and like nothing happened, he would walk around casually like his core was not stimulated during the whole things
(well maybe that's an advantage of being a gym rat and an active dancer)
baby boy becomes the big man when it comes to after care
you will most definitely get the princess treatment, just like outside your sex life
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jotun-philosopher · 7 months
If you liked that, you might like this: Good Omens and World Of The Five Gods
Heyo! Time for another ramble~!
Good Omens has given me a bit of a taste for theologically interesting fantasy, which led me to the World of the Five Gods series by Lois McMaster Bujold -- let me tell you about it! (Not everything, but hopefully enough to whet your appetite and spark your curiosity ^_^)
Putting everything under a cut, because while this isn't really a meta and I'm going to try to avoid spoilers as far as possible, I am going to be infodumping so it's gonna get loooooooooong XD #AutismForTheWin
So! World of the Five Gods is set in a sort of fantasy-counterpart-culture version of Medieval Europe (more or less late Reconquista era), but with the map rotated 180 degrees. Consistent across countries and cultures is the Quintarian religion, which involves worship of a pantheon of five gods:
The Father of Winter, who deals with mature manhood, fatherhood, justice, fairness, leadership, natural deaths, male virility and suchlike. His colours are grey and black.
The Mother of Summer, who covers mature womanhood, motherhood, love and its results, female sexuality, birth, renewal and healing/medicine, among others. Her colour is green.
The Daughter of Spring, whose purview is youth, beauty, virginity, education and planting. Her colour is blue, which is frequently trimmed with white.
The Son of Autumn, who covers war, hunting, courage, harvest and emotion. His colours are red and orange.
The Bastard, the broadly benevolent but frequently inscrutable trickster figure of the pantheon. His purview is orphans, demons, disasters and chaos, illegitimate children, queer folks, executioners, divine justice where mortal justice fails, lives unnaturally cut short, "all things out of season". His colour is white. He likes it when his followers 'pray' to him by cursing him out, both because they're actually *thinking* about their situations and because he finds it hilarious. (His sense of humour is a bit odd...) At the uttermost end of mortal justice, when all else has failed, one can pray to the Bastard for a 'death miracle', which if successful will kill both you and the intended target via one of the Bastard's demons taking your soul and theirs.
The Quadrene religion views the Bastard as a demon rather than a god, and reviles as heretical those matters which fall within his purview.
The gods have total power over the world of spirit, but their ability to affect the world of matter is highly limited at best; they thus have to rely on mortal agents. The tool is not the work, though -- tools get broken, after all -- so being a tool of the gods tends to really fucking suck.
WotFG has (at time of writing) three novels and twelve novellas.
The novels are:
The Curse of Chalion -- The Daughter's book. An escapee from a slave galley seeks a position in the household of his old patroness, is assigned as secretary-tutor to the Royesse (= princess) of Chalion (roughly equivalent to Castile in Reconquista-era Spain) and does his darndest to protect her from the deadly court machinations of the PROFOUNDLY evil chancellor and his brother while also seeking a way to break the curse of the title. (Seriously, get you someone who's as fiercely loyal and devoted to you as Cazaril is to 'his ladies'!)
Paladin of Souls -- The Bastard's book, and direct sequel to Curse, taking place a few years later. Ista, Dowager Royina of Chalion, is fed up of being locked in her rural castle by well-meaning caretakers who mistake her god-touched status for insanity. She goes on what is ostensibly a pilgrimage for her mother's soul, and finds that the gods are not done with her yet... (not quite the little-old-lady fantasy hero I've seen tumblr posts about -- Ista's in her forties -- but she is *very* badass and outspoken; one can imagine her being played by Catherine Tate)
The Hallowed Hunt -- The Son's book, set about 250 years before Curse, in the Weald (roughly analogous to Germanic areas). Ingrey kin Wolfcliff is dispatched to a remote castle to collect a young woman called Ijada, as well as the corpse of the highborn would-be rapist whose head she bashed in with a giant war hammer. Devious machinations and long-laid schemes abound surrounding the Hallow Kingship of the Weald, into which Ingrey and Ijada are swiftly drawn.
The thirteeen (so far) novellas focus on Learned Penric kin Jurald, scholar and sorcerer-divine of the Bastard's order, and his demon Desdemona. They take place roughly 150 years after Hunt (so, about a century before the start of Curse) and start out set in the Cantons (equivalent to Switzerland), but Penric (and the stories) travel around a fair bit. There is some interesting gender-wibbliness involved as well, because all of Desdemona's hosts prior to Penric were female, still live on in some way within her such that Penric can channel and converse with them, and Penric has to cross-dress more than once (particularly and memorably channelling the courtesan Mira).
In terms of approximate internal chronology, the Penric novellas are:
Penric's Demon, Penric and the Shaman, Penric's Fox (collected in the omnibus titled 'Penric's Progress')
Penric's Mission, Mira's Last Dance, The Prisoner of Limnos (collected in the omnibus titled 'Penric's Travels')
Masquerade In Lodi [chronologically earlier than the stories in Penric's Travels], The Orphans of Raspay, The Physicians of Vilnoc (collected in the omnibus titled 'Penric's Labors')
The Assassins of Thasalon, Knot of Shadows, Demon Daughter (at time of writing, to the best of my knowledge, only available in e-book format)
edit 17/08/24: Penric and the Bandit (published 1st July 2024, ebbok format only)
The novels and novellas can technically be read in any order (though, being a sequel to Curse, Paladin of Souls contains spoilers for that book). Personally, I find the worldbuilding easiest to digest when reading the novels in publication order (Curse, Paladin, Hunt), then the Penric stories. It's up to you, though!
The setting of WotFG as a whole (as I mentioned at the start) is informed to varying degrees by the history of Spain's 'Reconquista' era; the influence is especially strong in The Curse of Chalion, to the point that I'd strongly advise against making a drinking game out of it -- there are parallels to persons and events you wouldn't think could *have* parallels! Good fodder for a history-side-of-tumblr meta post, though, eh? ;-) (pls tag me if you do make one, I'd love to read it!)
Having come to WotFG from Good Omens, I have a particular soft spot for the Penric stories -- there are a few parallels with GO (a small enough number that it's probably safe to make a drinking game out of it -- though I'd still recommend tumblr meta-posts as the safer and healthier alternative!), all of which are more than likely genuine coincidences, but enough to add an ineffably lovely layer of enjoyment :D Have fun finding 'em ^^ (Srsly, the AU fanfics almost write themselves...)
Happy reading!
(tagging @ao3cassandraic and @vidavalor -- I get the feeling you'll like WotFG if you haven't run across the series already)
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meyerlansky · 1 month
my mota hot take - if bucky hadn't imprinted on gale and declared them bfs grade school style, i genuinely don't think gale would have thought twice about him (judgy bitch). egan wormed his way into that boy's heart and grew on him like a fungus. curt, however, i think gale gelled with him from day 1. barry's performance (which You Get, King) is very genuine and straightforward under a veneer of bravado and i think that... solidity? appeals to gale even more than it does to bucky
JUDGY BITCH DKFNSKDNF okay but it's true. bucky's absolutely the one doing the heavy lifting to make clegan happen, platonic or otherwise. it's not even a contest. there's reasons it's unequal, some fairer than others, but it IS unequal, and if bucky hadn't called dibs i can't see gale putting in the effort on his own. more fool him 😤
i definitely get what you mean wrt curt being Solid, too, and it's........ interesting [lmao rant ahead sorry] that the fandom has decided that he's feral, when that's really not what i get from barry's performance At All. and we KNOW that man is capable of Absolutely Off The Wall Feral. dominic kearney is feral. the scavenger is feral. oliver quick is restraint-hiding-feral, and even more importantly, the amount of artifice in barry's saltburn performance is STAGGERING—masks behind masks behind masks—so he's EXTREMELY CAPABLE of playing a character that way, with that kind of complexity of layers. there's very little artifice to curt imo, which isn't incompatible with feral, exactly, but he doesn't really GO feral at any point; like you say, he's a straightforward kind of dude, especially with the buckies. there's no restraint-hiding-feral so much as curt is In Control, even when he's having fun and being a goofball. even the RAF fight is very Controlled. there's no impulse, there's no snap decision, he uses the RAF guy underestimating him to his advantage but he doesn't make any secret of the fact that he knows he's gonna win. my personal headcanon is that the fight's the first time gale really SEES that element of curt, but it's definitely the kind of thing i can see him picking up on earlier because... that control, that self-assuredness, it's what gale tries for too!
the operative word being TRIES. because for gale it IS artifice. gale, imho, is a scared little boy hiding behind his idea of Shoulds and Musts. gale has shoved his wants and needs down so deep—to cope, to keep himself safe, but he's done it nevertheless—that he can't actually register them as what they are without getting shaken into it. and then there's curt with a much quieter confidence about what he can do, what he's capable of, and what he wants than gale OR bucky, and it's not a facade. that's actually kind of what i think does appeal to gale about bucky too, that same lack of artifice. if curt says he's gonna do something, he does it. if bucky's angry, there's no guesswork, no eggshells like your drunk dad might have, you know it. i don't think gale is capable of accessing that kind of open unapologetic honesty about his own feelings and desires, not within the time frame we see in canon and imo not for a loooooooooong time after, which is why i can't see him being very kinky without like YEARS of Feeling Safe in a relationship but the guys he has the closest on-screen relationships with are all people who aren't quiet about Being Who They Are. so i definitely agree that solidity and that straightforwardness are things about curt that MAJORLY appeal to gale, and i wish we'd gotten more than THREE SCENES OF INTERACTION about it >:[
last tacked-on thought: curt also treats gale like a person and not an idol to swoon over, which seems VERY RARE among the ENTIRE 100th tbqh, and gale doesn't really seem to LIKE being idolized [self-worth issues ahoy!] so i think that plays in too.
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demonsfate · 11 months
Fought a Jin during the beta today as Lars and 🥹:
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PRAISE FROM THE UNCLE !! That is so fucking sweet tho???? I'm sure it's probs been a loooooooooong time since Jin last heard those words from somebody, especially somebody older than him. (You KNOW Heihachi didn't have it in his heart to utter those words. So probs Jun)
But aaaaaaaaaaaaaa it just leaves me excited for the story and see more of this dynamic and how they're gonna develop !!
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happynightmoonsworld · 8 months
Y'all i still Need to read the IDW tmnt comics (so no spoilers please😊) but like... I Just found out the #150 issue Is gonna be the grand finale and like... I thought (i don't know why) that they were gonna keep going for a loooooooooong time and now i'm asking myself without spoiling me at what point the story is?!?... bc like It feels to me like the story is at the point where you think It still needs more you know(?) idk you tell me. I'm still sad (without having read It yet🤣) that its coming to an end🥹🥹🥹🥹
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cinamun · 2 years
I know this has nothing to do with the OTP ask but I just wanted to rack your brain a little but... how has your passion for this story, remain unwavering? I am trying to get back into writing and making my work into a visual piece but I always get defeated before I begin? Maybe it's from me trying all the fancy apps and stuff but like... what's your method to the madness? Love you, sis. ❤️
First and foremost, LOVE YOU TOO SIS!!
Now let's get into it:
It took a loooooooooong time lmao! No fr, it all started as just random gameplay with this particular story. I've been writing for years (I was a sims 2 storyteller too, chile I'm old ok?) and this game just helps deliver the visuals in a way that I love. I wouldn't say its been unwavering. I've caught massive, months-long writers block with my current story. But let me back up...
It wasn't until I started getting attached to my OCs that I really started to focus more on the story part of the gameplay. Once I got attached, then I became very dedicated to how the story unraveled. There have been major plot twists, wild arcs, tons of emotion and then you get to a point where its like "what else can I add to this?" "what else could I lead up to?" And that is where I would get stuck. This is probably why Indya and Darren have kids now lmaoooo I couldn't think of anything else after all the hell I put them through!
I would say, its normal to feel stuck or defeated at first (I mean, it sucks but its normal). I really don't have a method other than I geek out over this damn game, I love to write and I love to bring my thoughts to pictures. If you love it WE will love it. Also you don't have to stick to a script, it can start rough and get to where you want it to be. You don't have to have bomb screenshots, take time to really flesh things out, or don't! A lot of things I've included in this story were included because of something in the replies, I changed my mind, or let things just ride. Think of your story like a cold engine in a 1987 Chevy Caprice Classic, it might take a few jump starts, but that bitch is gonna turn over!
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j0kers-light · 1 year
Do you think joker used the clean slate program?
*Goggles what a clean slate program is* 👀
Uhhhhhhhhh…. I dunno know about that love. Hey hi anon 🖤✨ (apologies I’m half asleep replying to this)
Y/n always tries to see the good and potential in others but Joker is the personification of evil. Even when J tries to do good, the execution is all wrong. You want to him to try and turn his life around but he never will simply because he doesn’t have a desire to. Joker knows what he does is bad but he enjoys it too much to stop. Why expunge that loooooooooong criminal record when he’s gonna add like six other offenses to the list by supper time? Who’s even keeping record at this point? Kudos to them!
Side note: that’s gotta be the most stressful job ever keeping Joker’s criminal record up to date. 🤔 I wonder if the pay is good.
I’m sorry I’m getting distracted!
Now if Y/n tells him either to shape up and get his ish together or she’s leaving…. J might be googling what a clean slate program is just like I did 🤣🤣🤭
He’ll sign up the next day just for his Light. Joker definitely clicked this link to find out more.
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orcelito · 1 year
💗Is there a scene you can’t wait to write for a WIP?
For both P5 and Trigun please!
ok if we r starting for p5. ok i gotta rev the discacc brain oh god it's been over half a year since ive written any. whaddafuck. anyways yea i have some plans for the anniversary of akechi's mom's death. lol. evil plans. mean plans. but of course that's why i wanna write them heheh. i mean obviously there r so many scenes i still wanna write for discacc but that's one that id been Daydreaming about... alas it'd be so long even if i was actively working on discacc </3
FOR TRIGUN... well that's basically synonymous with ITNL for my writing stuff so. well. ive been looking forward to the Legato (re)introduction for a loooooooooong time. and it is soooooooooo soon. im gonna have soooooooooooo much fun with it hehehehehe. aside from that im also rly looking forward to what i have planned for Vash & Wolfwood's first kiss bc it's gonna b so CUTE............... sdlkfjsldjf yeah :')
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I wait for people to ask you things but then I remember I CAN ASK YOU THINGS! (mind blowing)
How did the toys react to the withered animatronics when first meeting them? (especially since they stink)
Toy freddy and mari knew about the toys for a loooooooooong time, just didnt talk about them out of fear, but when the others found out, they were kinda upset that this info was kept from them- especially toy bonnie. The withereds existance made the toys realize how trapped they actually are, since before then, they had no concept of time and didnt know they were dead. An existential crisis ya know-
the relationship between the toys and withereds kinda varied since they didnt get along very well at first- the withereds arent upset they were replaced, theyre upset the toys are defending william so much at the start since a lot of them refused to believe he was a killer. Foxy was more aggresive, bonnie more snarky, chica tried to avoid the toys and isolated herself in the closet for a while, but freddy always tried to remain professional and prevent any further conflicts
None of them hate each other though, and the conflicts come from a place of care. The withereds, especially foxy, comes off the most aggresive because he dosent want the toys ending up physically rotten and in constant pain like him
Ps- about the smell- there was no way chica was gonna be crammed in a closet with the other guys wuthout forcing them to at least wear perfume- they smell more or less okay to prevent her wrath…..
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l3rking · 1 year
Buildcrafting: Taraxippos
Spoiler Warning: I’m going to talk about the Guardian Games reward that is coming out next week. You can keep scrolling if you want to experiment with it yourself. I’m just going to talk about perk combos and how it fits into the sandbox. This is all speculation and might be completely moot by the time we get our hands on it. This is gonna be a loooooooooong post. 
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~ A flash of green on the event horizon.
We’re getting a new kinetic/strand/stasis slot 200rpm scout. As a resident scout rifle enthusiast, I feel like I can weigh in with some pretty confident recommendations and evaluations. 
Here’s what we know: 
Type: Scout Rifle
Frame: Lightweight ~ 200 RPM
Element: Strand 
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Out of the box Tarax has one of the lowest Zooms for all scouts at 19. Tied with Tears of Contrition and right above DMT and Long Arm’s 18. Fortunately it has fixed sights and barrel options like usual nowadays. This means we can focus on improving stats. 
Speaking of stats, Tarax sits right above the few other LW options. 
AT BASE: It has the 3rd best range (30 vs Night Watch’s 37), 2nd best stability (42 vs Pleiades’s 43), 2nd best handling (69 vs PC’s 71), 2nd best reload (59 vs PC’s 63), 2nd best Aim Assist (75 vs PC’s 76), 2nd best AE (12 vs Tarnished’s 18), the lowest mag size at 15 (however all the others only have 1 more at 16), and the best recoil direction at 54. 
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So 2nd overall, by only 1 or 2 points in each stat, behind Pleiades which is both extremely hard to obtain and awful to use IMHO. This is where my personal opinion and experience starts to weigh in.  
PC has 25 zoom (the most out of all fixed sight scouts), 52 recoil direction (67 with a counterbalance mod) which can only go up to 97 with arrowhead and a CB mod (we’ll touch on this again in a sec), and a frankly awful perk selection. All of this compounds to a scout that, to me, feels terrible in hand compared to other scouts that should, statistically, be way worse. Since we brought up perks, let’s get into what sits Tarax apart.
Right off the bat we have a stellar perk pool with a lot of top tier selections and some personal favorites. Let’s go through a handful of “godrolls” and talk about them in a bit more detail. 
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1. The Classic
The classic combo. Outlaw + Killclip. It’s still strong on LW scouts. Kill Clip will push the damage to 68 on a crit allowing a 3 tap at any resilience in .6s with a total of 208 damage. The last LW scout to get KC was the Eternal Blazon which was a wonderful rifle but is currently nearly impossible to get and Tarax out paces it in nearly every stat. 19 zoom with the +2 to mobility from the LW frame makes this a dream weapon for hunters who like to play aggressive with ranged weapons (i.e. ME). Arrowhead and stab rounds will be probably be my barrel and mag choice for nearly every roll moving forward. The 54 base RD does help open up other options like Polygonal and Smallbore if you don’t think RD is all that important.   
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2. The DMR
A little experimental, maybe. I’ve been pleasantly surprised with Off-Hand Strike on weapons like the Hung Jury, Fioritura, and Heritage. Kill Clip makes the most sense here for post-kill potential but Explosive Rounds and Keep Away would be good alternatives. Full into handling to make it as snappy as possible since Offhand does a lot of heavy lifting with the RD and Stability. If the Offhand/Adagio Hung Jury is anything to go by, hipfire 3 taps with KC are extremely feasible. 
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3. The Dueler
No post-kill perks here. We’re going all in to dueling. The Zen rework has been mega. I play MNK and even I’m gunning for Zen these days. I despise flinch and the resist you get from Zen just for hitting your shots has been incredible. Reminder on how Zen Moment works: For 1 second each hit grants flinch resist, reduces recoil, removes reticle bounce (controller), and reduces weapons shake. This can stack up to 5 times with each hit granting 1 stack. Scouts receive 2 stacks per hit. So less flinch coming in. Great, right? Now we through in Explosive Rounds. ER causes your opponent to flinch harder as well as providing a flash effect on their screen depending where you hit and where they’re looking. This makes you infuriating to fight against. LW scouts typically kill in 4 shots (3c1b at T7 and below and 4c at any above) at .9 seconds. Not particularly great given high impact pulses have a .67 optimal and rapidfire pulses and 140 HCs sit at .8. So if we are going for dueling, making your opponet miss as many shots as possible is going to be big. I’ve had a lot of luck with a similar roll on the Tears of Contrition with it’s base 1s ttk. 
4. Honorable Mentions
No Distractions is a toptier perk. If Zen wasn’t so useful I would have swapped it out with Zen on the dueling roll in a heartbeat. 
Keep Away provides a great stat boost for essentially just playing with a scout. It grants 10 Range, 30 Reload Speed, and narrows the Accuracy Cone by 5% if no enemies are within 15m. 
Focused Fury is an interesting one. It provides a 20% damage buff for 11s after hitting half the mag as crits (7 for the Tarax). This will take it up to ~65.3 per crit. This means it will 3c guardians at T7 resil and below for ~196. Not bad but outclassed by Kill Clip and Explosive Rounds. Most players are running 8-10 resil these days, anyways. 
Moving Target is always a correct choice. Bonus AA and strafe speed will never not be useful. MT with ER or KC will be a lot of people’s 5/5 and you should be very happy with that roll if you can get it.
Cascade Point will boos you to 280rpm with a final blow or sustained crits with another weapon. This will put it right under a 4 shot .7s ttk. A big improvement but it requires a kill with another weapon and only makes it just as good as other meta contenders like high impact pulse rifles. KC just has more utility here.   
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1. If It Ain’t Broke
PVE rolls are a bit easier to discuss since the meta for scouts are a bit more well defined for that content. FTTC and Explosive Rounds will do you well. There is a bit of RNG when it comes to registering crits with ER but there’s an opportunity to turn your 16 round mag w/tac mag into a 24 rounder with all crits. Swap out for literally any other perk in the 3rd column and you’ll be just fine. In this context it’s a matter of taste more than anything. 
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2. OMG Cats
The Strand tie-in roll. Personally, I’m still having a hard time vibing with strand. It is very powerful but I just don’t have as much fun with it as I do the other classes. This will get better with time but since this is out first strand scout we have to talk about how it can play out. Hatchling is the obvious choice for strand builds, especially warlocks, but hatchlings right now are rather weak in endgame content. However, spawning them at a distance makes them quite a bit more useful. Removing you from danger and just adding raw damage output in crowds of mobs. Is it more useful than ER or FF? Probably not. And if we had Frenzy it would lose straight out but hey...FREE CATS.
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3. Full Auto Goes Brrrrr....
Similar to the first roll, we’re going for raw damage from sustained crits on high health targets. This will be the roll I’d recommend for Conquerors. Sit at the back, build up crits, and take the free 20% to damage whatever you need to from safety. FTTC will trigger twice if you hit all crits before activating FF. This will leave 12 shots in the mag (if you’re using tactical mag) to utilize FF. FTTC also gives a little more leeway with activating FF making it much more forgiving. Slideways would’ve been better here tbh but this is a good alternative for accurate players. 
4. Honorable Mentions
Cascade Point is interesting but all together not very useful for this weapon type for PVE. This would convert it to a 280rpm (rapid fires are 260rpm) increasing damage output but will burn through the mag without something like FTTC. Just use Servant Leader if you want a rapid fire scout. 
Kill Clip is a great PvE perk. Despite the buff in PvE it still isn’t really all that useful in high tier content. Neutral damage perks like ER and FF are just way more useful.
Closing Thoughts
I’m extremely hyped about the new scout. I love scout rifles. Always have. And I’ll always welcome more options. The Overflow/ER Night Watch will always be top tier just because it’s so accessible to everyone. But I welcome the chance to swap it out for something new. I’m going to grind the hell out of it but if I can get even one of the rolls I mentioned, I’ll be happy. 
I hope this was useful! Good luck Guardians, 
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cdmagic1408 · 1 year
New Weekly Blog Series Announcement!
Hi again everyone!
It gives me great pleasure to announce to you all the launch of a brand new weekly post series here on my blog! ✨
It appears that while I was off on my months-long hiatus, Tumblr has added a poll feature for posts so now users can make polls and followers can cast votes on whatever they want!
May I just say, VERY COOL and I want to use this new feature so badly! because polls are fun and I wanna try it out! 😃
But what to do polls on...now there's the conundrum... 🤔
They are fun, yes, but I wondered, what should I ask you all?
What I came down to was first asking myself what my interests were, what they currently are and just what I love to do anyway…
in time my mind came down to how much I love watching stuff, both for comfort and to expose myself to all sorts of things, and how I’ve seen so much at 22 years old and yet…there is still so much I haven’t seen yet…and that’s when it hit me! 💡
May I introduce...
CD's Movie Polls! 📽️ 🎞️ 🍿
Basically, it’s right what it says on the tin…I am going to be putting out polls where I’m gonna list some movies I want to watch that I haven’t seen yet and YOU ALL are going to vote on which movie I should watch! 🗳️
One of my favorite youtubers does this on his Patreon as well where he asks his subscribers once every month to vote on which movie he'll do a blind reaction on and by the end of the month, he records himself reacting to the winning movie and uploads it for those to watch! 🔥
I wanna do that too, with some differences...for one thing, I'm not a blind reactor so I'm just gonna watch these movies for fun. And MAYBE, just maybe, I’ll write a post about it afterwards, giving my initial thoughts and reactions. I'm also gonna make it a weekly voting thing so I watch a new movie every week and stay consistent rather than wait a whole month to watch something
But yeah, I think this would be great! And it’ll be very helpful for me because my watchlist is very loooooooooong, I wanna wind it down, and I really can’t decide what I want to see because everything I haven’t seen yet sounds so good and interesting in their own way! And the cherry on top? Some of you all have probably seen the movies I haven’t seen yet and so something is bound to come up where you’ll be like “you have to see this!” 
So with all that said and done, the first poll will be coming out tomorrow, and we can get this series started! 🎉 🎉 🎉
I will also be putting out some “ground rules” (for lack of a better phrase) that will further explain in more detail things to keep in mind, the purpose of these polls, how they’ll be done, and things like that…call it another one of my masterposts if you will…and there I will additionally put links to all the polls I will do so that there’s a full record of the movies I’ve put on there as this series continues and I do more polls
But yeah, that’s all for now! I’m really excited to try this and I hope you all are too! 😉
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