#And that rebrand is coming awww shit
soulaanadelrey · 2 months
I'm popping out and showing niggas in August. I'm a Virgo Rising, baby. That's like my second birth month.
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blazinbeautywrites · 1 year
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Note: Due to the rampant uprising of plagiarism on  this site and others I am stating once and once only that this is my  ORIGINAL work. If I find out that you have stolen/taken any part of my work I will handle you and the situation the way I see fit. None of the pics or gifs I use belong to me unless stated otherwise. Full credit goes to the originators of said gifs and pics.
A/N: Be gentle with me yall lol. I'm rusty and this is my first story back after basically rebranding my blog. Hope yall enjoy.
Trigger Warnings: Mentions of miscarriage
Length: 1,133 words
Genre: Angst
Jaela was beyond done. This man had embarrassed her for the last time. She stared at herself in the mirror and couldn't help but be disappointed in herself for how her life turned out. How did she get here? When did she become this woman? After leaving her bathroom she walked out into her living room where 6 large boxes sat, full of her ex's things. Yahya Abdul Manteen II. The man who's responsible for the cold heart that now sat inside of Jaela's body. When she went to see him on set she heard him fucking another woman in his trailer. She was there to surprise him, only for her to be the one getting surprised. She left quietly, making sure none of the other cast and crew or his team saw her. She vowed that this was the last time she'd stand by while he cheats. She was over his constant infidelity and she hated that after each time he'd given himself to another woman, she'd take him back after his broken promises to do better. So she did what she had to do. She ghosted him. It'd been almost 2 weeks of him calling and texting non-stop. He even had his friends and his mother calling her. The only person she communicated with was his mother. She was the one who introduced them and she was disappointed in her son but had hope he and Jaela would work it out..
“So he’s convinced that you’re cheating on him and that’s why you’re not talking to him. Asked me to call and spy on you.” His mom spoke. She chuckled a bit remembering how desperate Yahya sounded.
“Well that’s rich coming from him. He fucks anything with legs and he’s worried that I’m sleeping with other people?” Jaela replied. She knows she's supposed to respect her elders but she was thrown off by his audacity.
“What are you going to do? Don’t you think he deserves to know that you no longer want to be with him?” She asks.
“Are you fucking kidding me? I know that's your son and I'm sorry for all the cussing. But you need to ask his trifling ass did I deserve to know he wanted to fuck other women before he decided to cheat! I would have rather he dumped me first but noooooo he wants to have his cake and eat it too. I’M FUCKING DONE!!!!” Jaela yelled. She hung up on her then resumed her packing. 
She managed to fill a couple more boxes and put them in the living room with the others. She popped open a bottle of Stella Rosa Black and got the largest glass she could find. She filled it a bit over half way and started chugging her wine like it was water. Before she could finish off her glass, she heard a knock at the door. When she peeked through the peephole, she was disgusted. She opened the door without a word and let Yahya walk in.
“Well hello to you too. Mean ass. And here I am thinking you're sick or some shit.” He said.
“Boy, why are you here? I know you’re dumb, but you’re not that dumb.” Jaela snarked. She hated how smug he looked and wanted to wipe that shit right off of his face.
“Awww baby don’t be like that. I entertained this bratty shit for 2 weeks. It’s time for me to come back home.” Yayha teased.
“Home? And what bills do you pay my nigga? Cuz last time I fucking checked, I pay all the bills in this bitch. You need to leave. I told your ass I was done and meant it. So get all of this shit outta my house or I’m donating it to the Good Will.” Jaela yelled. He looked at her like she lost her damn mind. Ain’t no way this bitch just talked to him like that, he thought. He walked up on her and yoked her up, applying pressure to her upper arm.
“See, I know you don’t think I was just gonna let your ass walk away like that. Did you really think you were gonna dump me in a text and I wouldn’t pop up on your ass? What? You mad cuz I fuck other women from time to time? So the fuck what. You knew what you were getting into when you got with me. I love you and I come home to YOU! Yet you trying to leave ME?! Bitch I should have left YOU, especially after you killed our baby. But no, I stayed with you. Just like you stayed with me after all those other times.You wanna break up, fine. But just remember, no one will love you like I do.” Yahya seethed. Jaela promised she was done shedding tears over this man but at the mention of the son they lost, her eyes watered. She remembered that day. The ride to the hospital, hearing the news. She even remembered him blaming her for the loss and she got angry.
“FUCK YOU! I lost our child because of YOU! You stressed me out with your bullshit and our son paid the fucking price. And I’m glad no one will love me the way you did because that shit isn’t love! I fucking HATE you and I wish I never met you. You’ve fucked me up so bad in the head. For 3 years I let you ruin me and break me down. But no more. NO FUCKING MORE!” Jaela fumed. She’d had it with him. The fucking audacity of this piece of shit. He had never seen her this angry and he didn’t know what to do.
“Baby I-”
“Get the fuck out!” She sighed after calming herself down. She was exasperated and beyond exhausted. All she wanted to do was get her living room cleared out and try to enjoy the rest of her night.
“You not giving my shit away, Jaela.” He warned. She looked at him and laughed. He was taken aback but let it go.
“All of that and you’re worried about all this materialistic ass shit? Oh baby don’t worry, I’ll make sure your precious items make it back to you safely. Just leave.” She said, as she watched him walk out the door, she collapsed on the nearest sofa and let out a long shaky breath. In a way she felt relieved. On the other hand she felt heartbroken at the deterioration of her relationship. Yahya was the man she called her forever and he ruined that. She also held herself accountable for all the bare minimum things she accepted out of her fear of loneliness. 
But tomorrow is a new day and it’s time for her to begin her healing.
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feelingofcontent · 3 years
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Date video was published: 05/20/2017 (X)
DNP Main Channel Rewatch: 345
Another joint video! And the first one in the new flat.
0:02 - first Dan appearance after the rebrand. funny that it is on Phil’s channel, instead of his own.
0:10 - Dan looks scared of what Phil might say here
0:30 - Dan is not wrong. yeah, I think that green vase probably was just there in the flat as well
0:45 - god I love the energy they have when filming together
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0:54 - Phil did his future prediction video back in January. In that video, he actually suggested that he could “do it with Dan” so I’m sure people jumped on that in the comments
1:01 - “I think he meant something else” um 😳
1:11 - little pushes from Phil at that
1:20 - Dan looks like he’s heard this from Phil before
1:43 - Dan is trying to mock Phil for what he just said and Phil could not give less of a shit 😂
1:50 - ahahaha at them laughing over the “you can count on it” to that
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2:00 - the 8-ball did not give Phil the answers he wanted in his previous video either
2:08 - “yes, ball bro” and Phil’s reaction is great
2:30 - they are so good at reacting live to things
2:38 - awww at Phil’s “aww” face and pose
2:56 - the dog talk in 2017 is so much
3:01 - if I was Dan I would be pretty interested in this part too, having seen Phil’s previous tarot card stuff 👀
3:32 - between the previous ASMR video and this, there is a lot of “tingling” going on
3:37 - thanks for clarifying there, Dan
3:55 - “tell me when you get to that moment” Phil sure does say words 😳
4:58 - I have no clue what they’re talking about here, and also Phil isn’t singing? I’m confused
4:09 - Phil’s reaction to seeing “death” is great
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4:44 - the joint “ace” with Dan doing the accent kills me 😂
4:54 - again, I have the same tarot book that Phil is using, so we can see the full descriptions of the cards
4:56 - “The Chariot” for 2016. Phil read essentially this entire description. He skipped the intro with the “danger of unreasonable force or pressure” bit, which also seems like it fits. Honestly the key words though - travel, progress, success, determination - if that’s not TATINOF...Dan’s “I hate it when it makes sense” ...yep
5:48 - “let the real you shine” Phil looks so fond
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5:51 - “Death” for 2017. Again, Phil reads most of the meaning. Yet again, the key words - change, moving away, new beginnings 👀
6:03 - both Dan and Phil’s reactions to this one are really something else. Dan cannot believe it and Phil is estatic
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6:15 - there is a jump cut there. would love to know what other discussion went down. Phil is scary with these
6:31 - the “Ace of Wands” for 2018. Phil doesn’t read as much of this one; “...a successful enterprise or trip” hello, Interactive Introverts. I wonder how much they were already thinking about/planning it so that might have been a little too on the nose to talk about. also skipping over the “thinking of starting a family bit” 😂
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7:04 - “Putin, naked on a car” somehow I missed that one before...
7:26 - Dan looks actually a bit disturbed and like he’s thinking too much about this
7:44 - Phil coming up with this and pulling it off...I don’t know how he managed to hold it together at all
8:11 - Dan’s look at the camera here says he is definitely suspicious, but he goes to pull his sleeve up anyway 
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8:24 - he knows something is up but he’ll still do it for Phil
8:35 - where does Phi come up with this stuff?! I love him
8:49 - this is so tailored to be a Dan-specific prank
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9:00 - I love Phil telling us to just wait a second 😂
9:10 - Phil is so proud of himself
9:21 - “babuse!”
9:25 - that is going to require a lot of cleaning up
9:35 - Dan can’t even be mad
9:50 - “the tarot cards were freaky” NO SHIT
10:15 - Phil so fond about that too
This is one of my favorite joint videos. Although I still find Phil with tarot cards slightly terrifying.
In an unprecedented level of pre-planning, DNP must have filmed this at the start of May before leaving for Florida. (They had also filmed several gaming videos that they posted during the holiday.) After Playlist Live! in Orlando, they had been to Miami for a few days (1, 2, 3 - um., 4) and then to the Lester’s usual rental house by May 13 (where they were watching Eurovision and tweeting a lot, of course - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7). 
They spent a lot of time chilling by the pool (1, 2, 3), visited NASA (1, 2) where they got lots of merch, including Dan’s cat nightie shirt, and re-visited the squirrel attack spot. Also Dan amusingly left Phil trapped outside the house (1, 2, 3). I can’t get over how much they shared from this trip. Like the trip to Isle of Man for Phil’s birthday in 2017, it was a big deal at the time that Dan was along on this family holiday.
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i-want-a-bagel · 4 years
these two assholes officially rebranded to Box Boys after I fucking tagged everything as Lockdown Lads (the superior name) so fuck that, it's staying Lockdown Lads for me
soo... Lockdown Lads #2
what a chaotic start already mhm
Dan is 100% right, light mode is trash
specifically because this is about callingnout Phil
Phil, man
why are we being exposed to incognito browsing
from you
literally no one wants that
Baby names uh?
What would we name them?
Dan -> Jacob, Alex, Chris, some fuckboy name
Phil -> Philip, seriously, he reminds me of every single other Philip/Philippe I know 😂
Vincent and Otis????
Monty 😭 I miss him
Someone said Frank and William and yes, I can see that
Dan looks like a Josh and Phil looks like Phil -> 100% agree there
Dan's such a little shit always
As a teacher, I have to say that names do influence how kids are treated by their peers and by adults 🤷🏽‍♀️
so they could definitely have an impact on a person's life
Thursday is PHIL DAY so what are we doing? games! of course 🙄😂
Seven Seconds Challenge
Dan really went for anteater, of course
And Phil can't say the alphabet ffs
Phil has fucking cued up the music omfg this boy is too extra I love him
"Oh, bro, remember that time I totally ruined your quiz??"
yes Dan, we ALL do
what the fuck, how could we forget??
lowercase q vibes, a mood
// I would say Tanooki
Phil is a lowkey raccoon furry
I also saw that Phil 😂
// Too many of course, so 9? it's the stupid Twitter meta tweet
Ask the audience time, because of course the audience knows Phil's tweet
I have a life outside of these two boys unfortunately so Idk
angrydorito you fucked up 😂
and then whoever answered wrong
// Henry definitely
"Henry was my brother's hamster"
*longest fkg silence*
"...cool." 😂
// fuck licorice, liquorice? idk how to spell it but it's pure trash flavour, I'm gonna say red velvet because who would pick pistachios??
what the fuck is this question
shout out to zucc
"stop showing us weird gay crap"
// He did a bachelor and a master's, so probably 5? but Idk British schooling
"the idea of going back for season 2" 😂
that's also how I see schooling post secondary 😂
see, didn't know a master degree is only one year in the UK, it's two years here 🤷🏽‍♀️
Phannies not on your level Dan
The audience probably knows the fucking shirt 😂
// I think Lavender for some reason but 🤷🏽‍♀️
Cinnamon ones DO smell too strong, random audience person! you are right
Dan asking for us to come forth with our saved instagram stories 😂
They're all tagged on here
oh wow, random person, is it milk??
holy shit, nope, you didn't tumblr search efficiently there, rando
Dan like "fuck them all, they can't be phannies if I'm not, they gave wrong answers that I knew!"
Phil telling us he likes hosting games as if we didn't already know
possums chewing bananas?
Phil rated hedgehogs as 5/5
Dan's fucking "awww" killed my ears and killed me simultaneously
Dan and Phil's little jingles are just so lovely? like, it's so cute and happy??
Coincidences are awesome because 🤯 what were the chances??? and it happened!! wow how cool!
so I agree with Dan there
we love some toll boys in striped shirts ☺️
Phil's fucking French sentences 😂
It's always the same ones and they're useless
"is there a play room?" "I'm 11 years old" 😂😂😂
Of course, OF COURSE Dan spoke French at 5 yo
Daniel with two Ls means it's a woman (in French), Phil...
Cotton Eye Joe 😂
how did astrology lead to
"If you like being a witchy lesbian" Dan is so supportive 😂
"pour all the water on top of me, cause that's what I am"
*Dan laughs*
"i think that's enough"
We really are fucked up, aren't we?
"You could win a cube" and we're all excited
That was so lovely, less chaotic gay™ vibes than Tuesday imho, but that's okay 🤔😂
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A Review (29.01.22)
I really be having nothing to do besides writing journal every week. I should get my ass of and do something more actually. I don’t know but the past week I feel like I haven’t been myself. Like I’m not in control and I’ve been acting weird and make decisions that I wouldn’t normally do.  I think it started since the party with the architecture department. It was a staycation that I was so drunk and wasted. It was a fun night of course with a lot of cute boys. I got to hug 2 of them. Awww! Anyway stop! It was me drinking since the start of the year. Probably 3 weeks sober. 
Since then I feel like the alcohol triggered something inside. I feel like I’m not myself. I feel like people secretly hate me. I feel like what I do ain’t enough. I feel like I failed the YSEALI again and every piece inside me is crumbling.
On Monday, out of nowhere b KTYA dragged me out to her birthday party. I got wasted again. It was fun of course but I hate I have to spend 40$+ every time I hang out with her. There were b Kimling and b Meylee too. PC who was my sudden crush would come too then he didn’t. Great... I didn’t need him to have fun anyway.
I also hooked up with a cute guy this Thursday. He’s so cute and now I can’t get him out of my mind. How long until he will ghost me?
I deactivated fb and ig again. I thought it could help me but it didn’t. Does anyone how it feels like to feel the highest high for one moment then the lowest low another moment. I’m tired of feeling this shit. I really suspect I either have Bipolar Disorder or Borderline Personality Disorder. I feel like shit at work. 
I woke up and feel a bit better today. I feel like the Manic phase begins to fade or something. I don’t know what to feel. I’m sorry to myself for doing what I promised myself too.
On another note let’s review what I have done in January. I went to hospital for checkup and on meds for 3 weeks for my digestive system. I think this is one think I’m really proud of at the start of this year.
Workwise, I prepared the 3 months contents for KPDG already. It has its obstacles and it’s going quite well. I just need another discussion. We also restart back KPDG Tik Tok and sharing session as well.
We just shot a vox-pop video for Valentine’s day yesterday. I think January was going quite well of as planned. But I feel there would be so much going on in February. 
The KPDG Tik Tok will restart. We need to prepare for Women’s Rights Day. On 5th-6th will be PPUB first physical popup store in almost 2 years! I also need to start my Tik Tok plan I promised myself. And what should I do for Valentine’s Day for PPUB? And also company’s credential, website, rebranding, Reddish... it begins to look so hectic again.
I don’t know. I don’t want to burn myself out this February. It’s all fun and game about planning until the sudden urge and voice telling me I’m not doing enough or I’m so behind. 
First thing first, how do I get out this loophole of feeling like shit?
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venominyourcoffee · 4 years
Levi And His Robot Cat Girl Girlfriend
It was late at night, at least 3 in the morning. Ami was alone in her hotel room. The tv buzzes and plays advertisements in the background. With a screwdriver in hand, Ami was trying to do some maintenance on the gun on her leg. Ami’s eyes dart from her exposed leg wires and to a small tablet that hums and shows some instructions for maintenance. Ami speaks to herself with a focused tone as she tries not to get distracted.
“Let’s see, tight this bolt- secure this wire…” Ami let’s out a frustrated sigh as a though creeps in her mind. “Man, it’s late… where is he? If I have to bail his ass out again I swear.”
Ami hears a knock at the door and jumps slightly. Ami flips a mental switch and the gun retracts and the metal and synthetic plates cover the gun and resemble a normal leg. Ami gets up and looks through the peephole before opening the door. The sight that greets Ami is Levi with a satisfied smirk as he holds his side under a blood stained shirt. He lets out a huff and a snarky chuckle through the pain as he says “hey brat.”
Ami goes to help him walk but he quickly puts up his hand to stop her.
“Don’t touch me.” Levi said in a slightly annoyed tone. “I’m fine, went to some back ally doc. Bullet just grazed me. I just need to sit done.”
Levi limped his way to the big old couch in the main living room. He sits down with a groan and a sigh, as Ami stares with not a look of concern but annoyed. Ami speaks as she folds her arms and practically hisses at Levi. “Let me guess, Erwin again? Why get rich quick scam did you get mixed up in?” Levi’s brows frowned as he springs to his feat and uses his finger and thumb to grab Ami’s chin. He speaks in a low and clearly tired tone. “Listen to me! It was a decent score and we might get an even bigger paycheck. If this works I can actually get us what we deserve. Understand brat?”
Ami nodded and her ears slowly sank, she knew Levi wasn’t angry and just needed rest. Levi sat back down with a loud groan. He began rummaging through his pocket and pulled out a blood stained bullet.
“This is what shot me… it’s no ordinary round. When the Bastard shot it, it looked like it curved mid air. Do those little pretty brown optics of yours say anything?”
Ami focused as her optics scanned the bullet. After a few seconds Ami spoke as the data appeared in her vision. “Let’s see… came from a semi-auto pistol… low caliber… the manufacturer is the Armored Heart corporation? The only smart pistol they make is the MK 7 Mono. There was a huge factory recall of those.” Ami’s ears perk up as her tone changes to joy. “If the Heart Corporation is still allowing those to be sold, that’s against state code! Other companies would love to have kind of dirt! They’d pay through the nose!” Levi puts the bullet on a uneven table and flashes a devilish grin. “Exactly doll, Erwin set up a buyer and everything. For now I just lay low and wait. In fact doll how about some sleep? It’s past curfew.”
Ami nods and helps Levi lay down and the two fall asleep cuddling.
Ami wakes the next morning and doesn’t see Levi in bed, however she can hear the shower in the very close bathroom. Ami stands up and stretches. The sound of the close highway blares distant horns and sunlight filters through the tall buildings. As Ami stretched she can faintly hear the clicking of her joints and legs. Ami is lost in her morning yoga like routine, she doesn’t hear the shower stop or see Levi enter the room. Ami bends down to stretch and touch her toes until she jolts when she hears Levi’s voice. He whistles as he stand behind Ami, admiring his view. “My my, you may be an airhead Ami but damn your beautiful.” Ami blushes and she turns around to thank Levi. “Awww thanks babe I-“ as Ami turns she sees Levi is still naked and wet from his shower.
Ami’s eyes widen and she feels her face heat up, Levi looks unfazed as usual. Levi smirks as he walks past as Ami seems speechless by her man strutting his stuff. Ami can’t help but stare at Levi’s abs and of course what’s between his legs. Ami is so focused and flustered she slightly jumps when she feels Levi’s hand on her cheek. Levi smiles a little before he speaks in a teasing tone. “Like what you see? Well sadly I think I’m out of commission until the wound is healed fully. But maybe when we get back we can have a little fun.” Ami’s ears perk up as she composes herself and stutters as she speaks. “Yeah… wha- wait where are we going?”
Levi puts on underwear and pants and reaches for the bedside table and picked up a small chip like device. Levi says with a confidence filled laugh. “Forgot to tell you, Erwin dropped this off this morning. Not a lot but a good chunk of credits. Enough for us to have a good dinner and maybe I get you that dress you like.” Ami seems confused as she tilts her head and asks a question with complete innocence. “The pink and red one or the one that makes my ass look big?” Levi responds without missing a beat. “Doll every dress makes your ass look big, that’s why I buy them. To show the world your perfection and remind the world it’s mine.” Levi let’s a small devilish smile flash as Ami gets flustered again.
The two get dressed. Levi throwing on old jeans, a tight t-shirt and a leather jacket. Ami throwing on cut off jeans and a sweater. The two started their walk to the close by shopping district. As the two walked the sound of the urban city blare in the background. The sound of older car models hum on the street. Couples talk and fight in higher apartments as the higher end building skyline shines in the distance. Everywhere Levi looks he is reminded of one thing. This isn’t luxury, this is the world where you have to work and fight to survive. He knows he has to take chance but he knows not risk everything for nothing. But to him none of the fame or money means anything. What matters is every day he sees Ami smile. That one smile shows there’s still good in this world. That one smile is Levi’s one true joy he would fight tooth and nail for it. Ami knows she means a lot to him. However it’s hard for Levi to truly convey how much he cares, how much he loves her.
The two end up at the market place. Venders peddle second hand robotic tech and clothes. The occasional gang member collects protection money. exposed wires spark and bootleg transmissions talk in the background. It’s not the fancy kind of farmers market, but it’s a place where people make a living and you can buy decent stuff at cheep prices. Levi gently places his hand on Ami’s lower back to help guide her through the crowed and keep her close. Ami obliviously is just starting around and enjoying the day out. The two come across a small food stand that seems to be making breakfast food. The smell of fresh vegetables and synthetic condiments fill the air. The two sit down and ask the chef for two small breakfast melas and some coffee. The man nods and his robotic prosthetic beings preparing the meal.
Then man brings two cups of coffee and places two plates of bacon, eggs and hash browns. Levi starts eating but realizes how hungry he actually was and started eating faster. Ami smiles and laughs to herself as she eats more slowly. “Someone is hungry. Oh by the way you said Erwin dropped by, how is he? If you got grazed by a bullet I can’t imagine how he got out.” Levi slows down as he speaks with little to no emotion. “I got off easy, Erwin got really fucked up. When we got the info a security android ran up to him and broke his arm. When he came by our apartment his arm was in a cast. He looked high on pain killers too.” Levi went back to eating and Ami shrugged her shoulders. “Yeah I can’t say I blame him. Is he still using that hazard of a modded shotgun he made?” Levi chuckles to himself and he responds with a smirk. “Yeah, I swear that thing will blow his arm off one day. I half expect him to just throw it like a grenade one day.”
The happy couple continue eating until eventually Levi notices the chef slowly backing away. Suddenly a loud voice shouts from behind the two. “ACKERMAN!” Ami instantly flinches but Levi seems more annoyed since he knows who it is. The two turn around to see a group of three men in what can only be described as Apocalypse Clown attire. Messed up makeup, bats in barbed wire, leather jackets with big top color schemes and spiked Clown shoes. These guys would look so threatening… if there was actually an apocalyptic plot to this story. Now they just look like idiots in really bad cosplay with a clown fetish. Levi and Ami relax and Levi let’s out a deep sigh and has a tone laced with sarcasm and zero respect.
“Well if isn’t Max and the Big Top Bruisers. No wait you guys rebranded to The Quinn’s Gang right? I see your still rocking the clown aesthetic.”
The clown known as Max snaps back with clear anger. “You know damn well we are The Wild Cards right now! That- that doesn’t matter now. Long time no see Ackerman!” Ami speaks with complete innocence and dead pan delivery. “Didn’t I stab you with a fork at a bar a few days ago? And didn’t Levi kick you in the dick”
Levi quickly chimes in. “And he cried.” Ami responds with a blank expression and didn’t miss a beat. “Cried like a bitch.”
Max seems furious and snaps back like a child. “I didn’t cry! I am a clown of death and I spread fear wherever I go!” Ami and Levi exchange judgmental glares before both speaking in unison. “Really man?” Levi quickly ads with a mocking tone. “What, you gonna use your acid spraying flower on us? Oh maybe you’ll make a ballon animal and sick it on us?” Ami starts laughing and adds to the insult. “Oh maybe he’ll slip on a banana peel and make us laugh to death?” Levi let’s out a small chuckle and smiles at Ami before they high five. Max seem like steam is coming out his ears, figuratively speaking.
Max let’s out an angry grunt as he practically shouts. “Listen her you little shit! We heard you got dirt on a corporation, hand it over!” Neither Ami or Levi seem fazed by the yelling and Levi speaks with a slightly agitated tone. “Max, if a low life like you knows about my golden goose, don’t you think other higher gangs know?” Max looks a little confused but nods. Levi continues. “Then don’t you wonder why I didn’t just wake up with a bullet in my head this morning? If I have some easy money, why do you think other gangs weren’t waiting at my appointment?” Max let’s off a cocky laugh and smiles with a smug look. “Cause other gangs don’t know what a punk you are, or what easy pickings you are!” Levi sighed and let out a low tone. “Yup, your a moron.”
Levi throws his coffee cup in Max’s face, which shatters and spills hot coffee all over him as he falls to the ground crying in pain. In the confusion Levi springs up and in three punches to the stomach and face and one fantastic kick, he takes out of the other clowns. Ami quickly summersaults and wraps her legs around the third clowns head as she restrains his arms. With one quick motion the third clown is on the ground and in the tightest scissor hold he’s ever been in. Levi walks towards Max and grabs him by his glued on wig. Levi speaks calmly and in monotone. “Quick heads up, if you have dirt on a corporation don’t share it. The Corpo’s already know who’s involved and with each new party introduced, the payment gets smaller and more shared. Gangs wouldn’t even bother sharing the info cause it’s a lose lose for everyone. So fuck off. Amy let the man go.”
Ami let’s her legs go of the mans neck and he gasps for air. Ami stands up and brushes the dust off her outfit and walks to Levi’s side. Ami and Levi don’t even sound out of breath as they pay the chef and walk off. Levi’s hand rested on Ami’s hip as he pulled her close as they walk. Ami can’t help but blush as she says “there’s the man I love. I can’t help but love watching you fight.” Levi smiled and whispered into Ami’s ear in a teasing tone. “And I love watching those leg of yours go to work. Maybe we can buy a healing stem and you can work those legs for me at home doll.” Ami’s breath hitches as she shyly nods and squeaks out a response through blushed cheeks. “Y-yes sir.” Levi raises and eyebrow and smirks to himself when he hears the title.
The happy and slightly horny couple continued walking and window shopping as the day went on. Eventually a clothing store catches Levi’s eye. Levi talks with a warm smile, well as warm as he can be. “Hey Ami, how about a new dress? My treat.” Ami’s eyes sparkle and her ears perk up as she eagerly nods. The two head in as Ami looks for a new dress. Ami can’t help but hop up and down from excitement. Oblivious to her actions her chest moves as she jumps, which slowly eats away at Levi. Eventually Ami finds a dress she really likes. A short cocktail dress made from a latex material. Ami gets into a dressing room while Levi waits on a chair nearby. Levi notices practically no one is in the store. The only other soul in the store is the store clerk who seems very distracted by a magazine and loudly talking to a friend on her coms link.
Levi can’t get Ami out of his head. Seeing her jump and more importantly seeing her fight really got to him. Levi can’t help but let his hands slowly rest on his growing bulge as he tries to control himself. Eventually Ami opens the dressing room door wearing the dress. However she picked the right size, it seems the dress wasn’t meant for an Android with such assets. The dress barley covers Ami’s nipples let alone her actual chest. Ami doesn’t seem to even notice and smiles with pure innocence. “Well? Looks good? I love the color.”
This, seeing the woman he loves in such a fashion, this is what broke Levi’s resistance. Levi gets up and leads Ami back into the changing room and locks the door behind him. He manages to push Ami against the wall and rests his hand next to her head. With barely any effort, Levi slips the dress down and Ami’s chest falls out completely. Ami can’t help but pant and blush as Levi’s free hand massages her chest, as his fingers feel the softness and gets lost in her beautiful skin. Levi let’s out a small chuckle as he flashes a smile like a devil. “Damn babygirl, you have such an effect on me. You don’t know what you do to me. Maybe I have the strength to have you right here and now.” Ami stares deep into his eyes and almost gets lost in the feeling before letting shaky but eager words slip out. “I would love that darling.”
Levi acted on instinct as he attacked Ami’s neck with kisses and bites. Ami let out a moan before Levi used his free hand to cover her mouth. Levi’s breath was already speeding up, as he spoke with lust filled eyes and a smile. “Shhhh, be quiet brat. Don’t want anyone hearing you, do we?” Levi can feel Ami smile in his palm as she nods. Levi quickly helps Ami out of her dress as he steps back and smiles, admiring every curve. “Now we don’t want the dress to get dirty do- fucking hell… I forgot how beautiful you. And how lucky I am to have you to myself.”
Ami’s eyes widen as her checks burn and a flame in her core ignites. Ami can practically feel Levi’s eyes on her, as if his hands were caressing her voluptuous body. Levi has a hunger in his eyes as he can’t stop smiling. Levi’s hands find their way to Ami’s breasts as they message her. Levi forces his tongue into Ami’s mouth as it makes Ami start to lose focus. The two make out as if they haven’t met in months.
Levi pulls back and pinches both of Ami’s nipples hard, which earns a sharp moan from her. Levi speaks already with heavy deep breaths. “Oh Fuck brat, these pants are getting tight. How about you help me sweetie?” Ami nods as her tongue hangs slightly out of her mouth, her eyes seem glazed over with pleasure. Ami drops to her knees and fiddles with Levi’s zipper before dropping his pants and freeing his dick. As soon as the underwear comes off, Levi’s huge and hard cock springs out almost slapping Ami in the face. Ami’s mouth hangs open as she pants, as Levi’s hand rests on her head. Levi’s hand slowly massages her ears which perk and become sensitive. Levi speaks and Ami whines from the stimulation. His voice practically growling with animalistic lust. “Theres my beautiful brat. I saw you eyeing me up this morning. Well now you get what you wanted. Go ahead brat, eat up.”
Ami’s eyes widen and without hesitation, she slides Levi’s throbbing cock into her mouth. Ami’s wet and hot mouth extracts a loud moan from Levi, as his hand fists into her long hair. Levi speaks through fasting breath and his tone lowers. “Fuck! That’s so… good brat!” Ami bobs her head back and forth at a slow but decent pace. As Levi’s eyes squint at the pleasure, Ami’s hand slithers it’s way down her body and between her thighs. As Ami beings to rub between her folds, it causes her to moan and send vibrations through Levi’s twitching cock. Levi hears a knock and holds Ami’s head still, as he hears an annoyed voice. “Hey if y’all are gonna fuck in there, lock up for me. Keys are by the door. I’m going on a lunch break.” Levi smiles as he starts guiding Ami’s head back and forth as he snickers to himself. “Oh no baby, we were caught.” All Ami does is moan and blush.
All of this, her moans, his pleasure and building tension of release. It’s all of these factors that flips a switch in Levi’s head. Without ever saying a word, Levi pulls Ami off his dick and picks her up. He spins her around and pushes her on her hands and elbows. Levi quickly feels up Ami’s gorgeous skin and pulls Ami’s panties down. Ami pants and she shakes her ass in teasing fashion as she talks through shallow breaths. “W-what about your injury?” Levi digs his hands into Ami’s hips and smiles as he slides his dick against her dripping folds. Levi talks in a low tone and almost growls as he catches his breath. “Fuck my injury, I need you!” Without warning, Levi takes his dick away from Ami’s dripping heat and rams his dick hard deep into Ami’s asshole. Ami let’s out a sharp whine that evolves into a loud moan as Ami’s hands almost break the table she’s supported on with her grip. In a split second what feels like a deep pain melts into pleasure as Ami’s face makes an erotic expression as her mind shuts off. Levi gives a quick and hard slap to Ami’s ass, eliciting another loud moan. Levi digs his fingers into Ami’s hips and begins thrusting fast and hard.
Each thrust sends the echo of flesh hitting flesh. Each thrust brings a pleasured grunt from Levi, and a high pitched shriek of pleasure from Ami. Levi can’t keep but help talk during this moment. “Fuck, yes brat. We’re alone now, I want to hear you scream!” Ami’s eyes start rolling back as her free hand slips between her thick thighs and plays with herself. Ami let’s out broken words and moans as she sways with each thrust. “Oh fuck! Yes! More! Destroy my ass with your massive cock! Rearrange my guts! RUIN ME PLEASE!” These words of encouragement put Levi in a trance and his thrusts become fast. Like inhuman fast. Ami feels a growing fire in her core as she quickly finds true bliss and relief. However she may have climaxed, Levi doesn’t stop his thrusts. Ami can’t keep up and eventually regresses into a whimpering and moaning mess that begs for more and more. Ami’s voice cracks and reaches a high pitch as her words sound like broken prayers. “Please… more… please… fuck!”
Levi smiles as he hears his brat let out such pathetic begging whimpers. Yes he respects and loves Ami dearly. However knowing it’s so easy for him to make her scream, that’s something he takes great joy in. Levi thrusts as hard as he can, as Ami’s tight ass sucks him in deeper. With every thrust Ami’s ass flexes and becomes looser as Ami reaches a second orgasm with not a loud scream, but with a low whimper and a quiet curse under her breath. After a few minutes of Ami feeling like she’s going to pass out from pleasure and overstimulation, Levi grabs a fist of Ami’s hair and yanks back as he curses. “Fuck! Brat, take this!”
Ami feels hot and thick cum shoot deep into her, as Levi cums more then Ami expected. Levi’s cock twitches as he empty’s himself into his personal doll. There’s so much cum that it starts to leak out and drip down Ami’s thigh. Ami’s eyes roll back and all she can muster are small whimpers and broken yeses. Levi let’s go of Ami’s hair as he pulls out and takes a step back to admire his brat. Ami’s thigh shake as her legs feel weak. Her ass gapes and tries to re-clench at the sudden missing massive dick. As much as she clenches, her ass is wide open as it tries to wink at Levi. After a few seconds, Levi’s cum starts to drip, more like flow out of Ami’s gaping hole. Levi raises his hand high and gives a hard slap to Ami’s ass, which was the last bit of her strength gone as her legs give out and she falls to her knees. Ami sits in a puddle of hers and Levi’s cum that pools and stains her inner thighs.
Ami tries to catch her breath as she feels a rough grip on her throat, reach around and pull her sitting up. Ami was pushed against Levi’s thigh as his slowly softening cock twitches slightly in her peripheral vision.
Levi let’s out a low laugh as he talks to Ami while catching his breath. “Fuck… babygirl you did so good. My little brat really deserved that dress. Did you have fun darling?” Ami’s mouth hangs open for a few seconds as her head clears while she responds with a nod and a joyful tone. “Yeah… yes. That was amazing! But fuck my ass is sore… but I don’t mind.” Levi helps Ami to her feet and gives her a tight hug and a kiss to the forehead. The two mop up their mess and Ami gets dressed. As the two leave the dressing room, the find a note next to a key. The note reads. “When your done fucking in my store, lock up. The dress is on the house. That was the most interesting thing all day.”
The two laugh to themselves and lock up the store and head out, with the now partially dirty dress in a bag. Levi checks his phone which was blowing up with missed calls, which were blocked out by Ami’s moans. All of the calls were from Erwin, now voice mail. Levi calls back Erwins number and the phone barley rings before Erwin picks up. “Jeez man I’ve been trying to call you! Where were you?” Levi with a completely dead pan tone responds. “Busy. What do you want?” Erwin sighs before responding. “Well we found a buyer for the intel. I need you as a witness. Come to dock 4 now.” Erwin hangs up and Levi gives an annoyed sigh as he turns to Ami. “Can we make a pitstop and head to the docks? Erwin found a buyer.” Ami nods and the two make their way to the docks district.
The day passes as the afternoon light shimmers on the waterfront. Large ships pass in the distance branding corporation logos on the side of the ships. Erwin stands I front of his classic restored muscle car. His blond hair sways in the breeze. His left arm is covered in a cast that is lightly covered by his large leather rain coat. Levi and Ami walk to to him. Levi speaks before his attention is grabbed. “Hey Erwin good to- oh no. Your growing that stupid beard back?” Ami snickers to herself as she speaks with a smile, trying to hide her laughter. “Hey Erwin, good to see you. You like a teenager in high school bro.” Erwin uses his free and and feels his chin stubble. He sighs and texts something on his phone. “Look, just- it’s hard to shave and- that’s not important. The buyers will be here soon. I did most of the work, I just need you to back me up. The buyers are the Rose Gold corporation. You might have heard of them, big time weapon manufacturer.” Levi nods and shoots a smug grin and speaks with a chuckle. “And their about to drop their new line of smart rifles right? No wonder they’d be pissed about this.” Erwin nodded with a similar confident smirk.
The two chitchat for a bit before four armored SUV’s with tinted windows pull up in a circle formation. Several armed and masked figures with trench-coats step out of the cars and stand still. A woman in a high end suit steps it and looks directly at the group. Ami let’s out a small gulp as she’s not used to corporate meetings. Levi notices and pulls Ami to his side and wraps one arm around her waist. He whispers to a Ami in a reassuring voice. “Just keep calm, don’t flinch. Don’t show these idiots that their all talk is working.” The woman walks up to Erwin and speaks with both sass and a little respect. “Your Erwin right? You said you have proof the Armored Heart Corporation is in violation of a weapon recall?” Erwin nodded and silently hands the woman a chip with a stern look. The woman saps the chip into her phone and reads the report. The woman stays silent for a few seconds before she turns her eyes to Levi, completely ignoring Ami.
The woman speaks with a very bored tone. “And you have the proof?” Ami subtly clung to Levi as he pulled out the smart pulley from his pocket. He tossed it in the air and the girl in the suit caught it and snapped her fingers. One of them masked men in trench-coats slowly walked up and held the bullet in front of his mask. The mask lit up as it scanned the bullet. The masked figure nods and the woman gives a smirk. She pulls out her phone and speed dials someone and starts speaking. “Yes- Yes it’s confirmed. Send the payment.” The woman hangs up and smiles as she extends her hand for a handshake. “Thank you mister Levi, mister Erwin and… whoever the cat girl is. The money will be in your accounts by tomorrow. Pleasure doing corporate espionage with you.” The woman keeps her hand extended to Levi, who keeps and iron stare and stays still. All Levi does is hug Ami closer to him and doesn’t budge one bit. The woman slowly closes her hand and nods as her and her masked figures get back into the SUVs and start to drive off.
Once the cars drive out of sight, Erwin let’s out a deep sigh as if he was holding s breath the whole meeting. “Fuck I hate meeting with Corpos. But that went better then I expected. You good Ami?” Levi turns to Ami and gives her a kiss on the forehead and a tight hug. Levi speaks in a loving tone that surprises Erwin a little. “Are you ok sweetie? You did very well, I’m proud of you.” Ami’s eyes go doe eyed as her ears perk up and a warm smile shines on her face. Ami knew she was safe with her man, and Levi would protect her with all he had. Ami nods and kisses Levi’s cheek and smiles as she talks. “Yup! I think you had that woman shaking in fake ass leather boots!” Levi laughs before he notices Erwin’s face of disbelief. Levi quickly let’s out a shout like an attack dog but with a very straight face. “The fuck you looking at Erwin?” Erwin snaps back and coughs as he awkwardly responds. “Oh! Nothing. Umm… I can drive you guys back home if you want?”
Levi and Ami nod as they hop in the back of Erwin’s car. He turns the key and hears the rwar of an older engine and the car speeds off. As the car drives along the highway near the docks, the setting sun shines on the coast and gently illuminate Levi and Ami cuddling in the backseat. As Ami relaxes in Levi’s arms, he gently rubs her head and shoulders as he whispers in her ear. “It’s days like these that remind me all over why I love you darling.” Ami smiles warmly and kisses Levi’s check as she whispers back. “And I love you too baby.”
0 notes
artificialqueens · 7 years
Second Chances (Adore-centric drabble) - Wednesday Angeline
A/N: Eating disorder tw (well more like disordered eating but it’s really up to which you determine it as I guess, it’s quite light), read with caution. Written from personal experience/for stress relief, plotless drabble, mostly angsty mumbling. Please excuse my rusty writing skills. Threw in the fic challenge words (hipbone, beads, blonde) because why not :)
Is it still called an eating disorder when it doesn’t feel like a disorder? Adore thought as she switched her laptop on. It never felt like a disorder to her. Of course, she would never admit she had one. She doesn’t think she has one. Adore knows that she engages in disordered eating, but she doesn’t have an eating disorder. Bit odd, isn’t it?
When she was at her fattest, it practically made the school newspaper, rumors spreading in the hallways that Adore Delano broke a limb and couldn’t exercise in the hospital, or that she suffered a breakup and binge-ate her heart whole again. She’s heard all of it- Laganja’s big mouth made sure word got around- but the truth was just that she liked eating and she just didn’t stop when she should have. As simple as that.
That’s probably when it all started, she mused. It was always underlying, the constant weighing on the scales and calculations of her diet underneath her mother’s watchful eye, met with her rebellious overeating to sabotage her mother’s efforts, because Adore was nothing if not rebellious.
But senior year, she took matters in her own hands. Made her own charts to document her progress, weighed herself without a hint of reluctance - eight or nine times a day, even. She knew she looked disgusting at her weight, that people tsk and titter at her flabby thighs that protrude from her shorts, especially when she stood next to Bianca’s long legs and Courtney’s flat stomach. Odd as it sounds, she would often rub the silhouette of her hipbone or wrap her fingers around her wrist, hoping one day she’d notice them becoming more apparent.
Tossing her shirt and sweatpants on her bed, she stepped on the scale, sighing to herself as she watched the numbers rise and fall before coming to a standstill. 160.4, a BMI of 21.8, exactly the same as yesterday. Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck. Adore hated maintaining, this meant that she was absolutely useless at losing weight, it means she wasted another day doing nothing that contributed to making her life any better than the mess it is now.
She logged the number into an excel chart, just fucking murder me I don’t deserve to be alive, and shut her laptop again, picking up her phone instead. Another text from Courtney, asking her if she wanted to check out that new vegan diner with her. She bit her lip, typing a reply.
Adore: Sorry, I’ve got a ton of work lately. Ask B?
Courtney: Again? :(
Adore: Yeah. Sorry bby
Courtney: awww it’s okay. See you at lunch <3
Anytime she ate with Courtney, she would always lose control. She swore sometimes that the blonde was trying to sabotage her, always ordering the most enticing meals and encouraging her to have more than her usual portions. Double, even, sometimes. It’s so unfair, Courtney eats tons and hardly gains weight.
Bianca, on the other hand, teases her about her weight mercilessly, unaware of the damage she causes. “You’d think you would be skin and bones by now with how little you’re eating”. “I can’t imagine how much junk you eat to maintain your weight, with how little you eat at lunch. It’s a wonder you don’t break out all the time.” Every one of B’s little comments are a dagger to her heart, but she couldn’t tell the other girl that. It’s just how B functions. Just like how Adore functions by focusing on weight loss. She wouldn’t dare hurt Bianca’s feelings just because she was a sensitive little shit.
I’ve spent the last school putting weight loss before academic achievement, she realized. Her heart dropped, realizing how absolutely disgusting and shameful that was. What the fuck, Adore Delano. Your mother works tirelessly to provide you with a good education and you throw it all away. She tried to reason with herself. Mum always wanted me to lose weight though. She prides herself on her reputation, and that’s what I’m spoiling with my looks. She doesn’t really care about my grades that much.
Adore grimaced at the reflection in the mirror. I look a mess, but that’s fitting because I’m a messy bitch. She pulled the beads from her hair that her little cousin Farrah strung in last night, giving her hair a half-hearted brush before pulling it into a bun. She tugged a top from her closet this will give a better illusion that I have less fat and pulled on a pair of jeans. Fuck, these are so tight. I thought I lost weight from last week, I hope I’m just bloated. I wish I could pull off skinny jeans like Willam or Alaska.
She thought of Alaska a lot, too. Alaska went through a dramatic change in sophomore year, “rebranding” herself by abandoning the ripped jeans, leather jackets and her almost backward unique way of makeup, trading them for sinful bodycon dresses, dark lipstick and soft contouring. She could pull off anything, with her model-esque body, her sharp angles and lithe limbs. Maybe if Adore worked hard enough one day, she could look like Alaska, or at the very least a poor imitation of her…with your lack of motivation? Maybe in a few decades, bitch.
“Adore Delano!” She heard her mother yell from downstairs. “You’re going to be late for school if you don’t get your ass downstairs in two minutes!”
“Coming!” She snapped out of her thoughts, blinking as she came back to reality.
Adore sighed to herself again, and opened the door to another day full of second chances.
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my3amletterstoher · 6 years
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Real life bad bitch , super model glow and flow , my coldie 😍😍😍😍🤤**🤤🤤🖤, keep it coming 😍😍😍😍, you shinning , you glowing , you are popping af , I love the way you tease me and please me , you are the best baby , you make me so happy , and I make you so happy , I'm MFing God , you MFing God , we so raw , solid as a rock ,
are those termites messing with you??!! Let's see.... that ugly looking troll bitch was telling you /me to shut up yesterday lmaooo she tried to probably make it seem like she was talking about something else. HA HA HA we laugh at her. Eric tried to help her out, tried to taunt you by being in your city lmfaooo , and with his usual infest shit. If you had someone if your family that was with the shits you could have his ass killed for that shit, taunting you who tf he think he is? He's a nobody , just like Kristina , weak ass peasants, I know you're disgusted af at them, you hate them so much. lol Kristina tried to post some ugly ass trying to compete with you? Oh hell naw lmfaoooo
Don't NOBODY living or dead look better than my girl , bitches (male and female) be trying so hard , my girl look beautiful and sexy effortlessly , don't nobody got shit on my baby , off rip everything bitches try to do /be my girl IS naturally, no GMO 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 HA HA HAAAAA
Tumblr messing up , gives you a big kiss 😘😘😘😘😘😘🖤, I love you so much 😭😍😘😘😘😘😘🖤, picks you and twirls you around 😘😘😘😘😘🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
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No words can describe how you make me feel , you're an angel 🖤😍, getting ready to get in the shower , 🖤🖤🖤🖤
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Tumblr messing up , kissing your lips 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘🤗🤗🤗🖤🖤🖤,🖤😍😍😘😘🤗😘😘😘, Tumblr messing up, kissing your neck 😘😘😘😍😍😘🤗🤗🤗😘🖤🖤, 😘😍😍😍😍🖤, caressing your thighs 😘😘😘😘🖤, 😍😘😘😍😍😍😍🤗😘😘😘😘, caressing your hips 😍😍😍😍😍😘😘😘🖤🖤🖤,😘😍😍😍😍🐱💦😘💦🖤🖤💦💦, caressing your booty 😘😍😍😍🤗🖤💦,💦😍😍😍😍😍🖤, gripping your waist 😘😘😘😘😘😘🤗🖤, caressing your back 😍😍😘😘😘🤗💦💦💦💦, 😘😍😍😍😍🤗🖤💦💦💦, caressing your back 😘😍😍😍🤗🐱💦😘😘😘, 😘😍😍😍😍😍😍🤗🐱💦💦💦,caressing your thighs 😍😘😍😍😍🤗💦💦😘😘, 😘😍😍😍🤗😘💦😘💦😘, tumblr messing up ,
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🐱💦💦💦💦💦💦, kissing your hips 😘😍😍😍😍🐱💦💦💦😍😍, Tumblr messing up , caressing your thighs 😘😍😍😍😍💦💦💦💦,😘😍😍😍🐱💦💦💦💦, caressing your back 😍😍😍😘🤗💦💦💦💦,😍😍😍😘😘😘😘, 😍😍😍😍🐱💦💦💦💦, squeezing your cheeks 😍😍😍😘😘🖤💦💦💦😍, 😘😍😍😍🤤💦😍😍🐱💦💦💦💦, caressing your breasts 😍😍😍😍🤤🐱💦💦💦, 😘😍😍😍🐱💦💦💦💦, sucking your breasts 😍😍😍😘😘🐱💦💦💦,😘😍😍😍😍🐱💦💦💦💦, Tumblr messing up , caressing your booty 😘😍😍😍😍🖤😍💦💦😍, Tumblr messing up , getting out the shower
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Tumblr messing up , 🖤💋, let's check on our radio station , I can't wait for us to get it together 😍, I gotta get another computer an inexpensive one cause the other computer crashed some months ago , then some more music can be added to it but first it has to be rebranded 😍😍😍, its gonna be so fun doing that with you 😍, and adding content to it
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I have it on a few radio directories
When we rebrand it and everything I'm going to submit it to iheartradio and submit all the show segments to podcast directories , how that sound baby? Tumblr messing up , gives you a big hug 😘😘😘😘😘, I'm getting underneath the blankie again , makes you some cider 😘😘😘🤗🖤, awww baby there's a dog on this vet show that's dying and they created a bucket list for it 😭😭😭😭, they have it in hospice , tumblr messing up , wraps my arms around you😘😘😘🤗🤗🤗, how's school baby? Was that y'all lockers ?
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In this picture? Tumblr messing up , or gym lockers 😯😯😯🔥, gives you a big hug 😘😘😘😘, we should have a little locker in our room , a vintage looking one pAint it black , have it right near the door next to the closet , Tumblr messing up , what should we have in them ? Taps chin some dungeon toys lol perhaps 🤷🏾‍♀️, Tumblr messing up ,
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So sexy 😍😍😍😍🤤🤤🤤🐱💦💦💦💦💦, that picture on the right with the Royal pose baby 😍😍😍😍😍🤤🤤🤤🤤👑, Tumblr messing up , all your poses Royal 😍, a Queen 👑🤤😍, keep it coming baby 😍😍😍, wraps my arms around you 😘😘😘😘🤗🤗🖤, yesterday we pretty much astralled all day 😯 I wasn't expecting that but the images keep showing up in my ****mind's eye so I kept going , it was interesting 😍Tumblr messing up , showers you with love 😘😘😘😘🖤🖤🖤🖤you graceful like a dove , heart of gold and everything else is too, heart eyes everytime I see you, painting perfect pictures of me , making real of all my prayers, dreams, & fantasies , perfect af that is what you are , Tumblr messing up , shining brighter than the stars , heaven every sec with you , in love with you and everything you do , everything about you ,
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Tumblr messing up , 😍😍😍😍, I gotta make another post for the images
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