#And saying we would be able to do fun things if I wasn't always wasting their money on doctors
aftermathing Β· 3 months
0 notes
bumblebeesfromvenus Β· 11 months
Rocking the Tides 🌊
RE4R!Leon S. Kennedy x Spy!reader
A/N: I'm not dead, yay!! I've been so busy and just couldn't find the time to write. I have an extra long treat for you guys, though! Thank you for the request, dear anon!! Enjoy <3
~Fi πŸͺ»
Prompt: you can find the ask here!
Requested by: anon
Warnings: NSFW CONTENT. proceed with caution. PiV, creampie, nipple play, rough sex, knife kink (kinda?) sexual tension, big feelings, angst, depictions of heavy injuries, near death.
Word count: 4.8k
Please don't copy my work! I put a lot of effort and heart into the things I write.
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You comfortably moved in the shadows, sneaking around in the dark, observing everything you could. And right now, that was him. Leon Kennedy. The Presidents golden boy. Tsk. You wanted to roll your eyes so far back that you could see your brain. There was nothing golden about him. There was only rust. He was the rust eating away at your sanity. Worming its way through your thoughts. There was an angry scowl waiting in the back of your throat every time he crossed your path. And that happened way too often.
Now it was your turn.
You quietly followed him through the rugged roads of this corrupt village. You'd stumbled upon him, having to do a double take. Your eyes didn't deceive you, it was in fact Leon Kennedy you saw moving around in the village. Ever so stoic and organized. Questions plagued your mind. What was he up to? Why was he here? Why was he always in your way? Questions that he'd have to answer sooner or later. And he would need to answer to you. Your favorite part, by far, was fucking with him.
So, you'd occasionally snap a twig or two, throw a small rock against a broken window just to see his head shoot towards the noise. There was an uncertainty in his eyes every time. What was that? After searching around with his iron gaze, he'd decided it was nothing and moved on. Ha. Fool. It wasn't nothing. It was you. And he was in for a.. shall we say warm welcome.
"Boo," you whispered from right behind him after having caught him off guard and sneaking up to him. He was looking at a map of the place, brows scrunched together and his bottom lip caught between his teeth. How careless. And cute. Leon nearly jumped out of his skin, his shoulders tensing. But he remembered his training. Without thinking he immediately turned around and pressed his combat knife to your throat.
A warm welcome indeed. As warm as your breath that fanned over his neck, sending chills down his spine. Like he'd felt that before. He didn't know whether it was good or bad. He shuddered at the thought. Not being able to tell good from bad when it came to you.
The second his eyes fell on you, with your innocent smile as you batted your eyelashes at him, the fear struck and uncertain look on his features was replaced with a frown.
Leon kept the knife pressed to your throat, a stoic expression on his face. "Oooh kinky," you teased, a smirk on your face.Β  "What do you want?" He asked firmly, not acknowledging your comment. "Just seeing the sights, that's all," you replied with a way to enthusiastic smile on your face. At least for Leon's liking. He clenched his jaw and looked away from you before his gaze met yours again. "Cut the bullshit. What are you doing here?" He urged, pushing the blade closer against the delicate skin of your neck. He was getting aggravated. Perfect.
"Can't I check up on my favorite rival?" You pouted innocently. "But if you must now," you began with a sigh, making a shimmer of curiosity appear in Leon's blue eyes, "that's classified."
You smirked. He let out a scoff. It just was so fun to toy with him like this. How his eyes darkened, his jaw muscle tensing, the vein on his neck deliciously popping out. It was sight for Gods. As much as you disliked him.. he looked good. Like really fucking good. Too good.
"You're wasting my time." He scowled angrily, putting his knife back in the sheath. You watched him as he walked away from you and continued his path. "What? No goodbye kiss?" You playfully shot after him, which only earned you his middle finger in return. You had to physically stop yourself from laughing out loud because if you did, he surely would've shot you between the eyes.
Leon fucking despised you. Well, despise is a strong word. But to be fair, his feelings towards you were strong. Were they good strong feelings or bad ones? He didn't even know that. His insides twisted in anger every time he saw your face. You annoyed the shit out of him. Your relentless teasing and mocking which you thought was hilarious, the way you would act all innocent when he knew you weren't. Hell, he wasn't innocent either but at least he had the decency to admit it.
He couldn't stop thinking about you. You just wouldn't leave his brain. All he wanted you to do was fuck off out of his thoughts. And that little stunt you pulled back in the village? He would get you back for this tenfold. And he would win. Because let's be honest, this was a competition at this point.
You were strolling through this huge castle that you'd sneakily followed Leon and Ashley into, along the stretching hallways into grand rooms. You were on a job, but this was way more fun. You weren't a monster either, so you took out a few foes along the way. This Ashley... you liked her. She was young and confident. And she handled this situation like a champ. God knows you wouldn't have been this calm if you were in her place.
You may or may not have snagged a few expensive looking things on the way, too. The person living here obviously didn't need them anymore. Spotting an ornate vase in the corner of a room filled with nothing but marble statues, you walked towards it. It looked like a ballroom, a big open center that would be perfect to dance in. Waltzing through the grandiose room, you imagined what it would be like to attend such a ball. Being twirled and spun around by your handsome lover, your dress moving smoothly. Not that you had such a lover. You let out a huff feeling a little silly. Eh. It's not like anyone was watching you.
You picked it up and examined it, guessing how much you could get for it. It was beautifully crafted. Impressive work. Lost in thought, you ran options through your brain- 'would Tony buy this? Nah, he doesn't appreciate the fine arts as much as he should. I'll get Mary to get me a good price-'
Fucking bastard.
with a blood curdling scream, the vase slipped from your hands and crashed to the ground, shattering to hundreds of pieces. Every muscle in your body tensed and a terrifying feeling settled in your stomach. Spinning around with wide eyes filled with panic and the anticipation of what horrible thing was to come, you let out the breath you held when you saw Leon doubled over with laughter, holding his stomach.
The relief that washed over you quickly turned into rage. "Fucking asshole! I was gonna sell that!" You yelled, your face contorted in anger. "Do you know how hard it is to make a living with mercenary jobs?!" You added, your face turning red. Who the fuck does he think he is? This was going to be this months rent. But of course, Mr. Kennedy doesn't have to worry about that. Leon's fit of laughter came to an end as he wiped tears from his eyes.
"God, how did you not hear me? I wasn't even being quiet," he breathed out, a little breathless from laughing. "Fuck off, Kennedy." You spat, anger visible on your features. You pushed passed him, bumping your shoulder with his on purpose. Rather aggressively at that. Before you could strut away, Leon's large hand wrapped around your wrist, stopping you in your tracks. A smirk was on his face as his grip on you never ceased and he began backing you against the nearest wall.
"Now, now, there's no reason to be so nasty, now is there?" He mused, still having that stupid smirk on his face. You laughed bitterly as your back hit the wall. "You would love if I'd get nasty, Leon," you smirked back. He had your wrist pinned against the cold marble, his other hand dangerously close to your waist. He chuckled deeply, leaning closer to your face. "I bet I would." He whispered teasingly, his warm breath blowing over your cheeks. You leaned in even closer, noses almost touching. Two can play that game. There was no way in hell you'd back down.
"Yeah, you would," you breathed. There was something different in his eyes. Something... new. Something you'd never seen before. A rare sparkle in his eyes.. was that.. longing? But.. why? Longing for what? You must've had an odd expression on your face, Leon's gaze hardened in a mere second and all traces of the seen before softness were hidden away.
"Well, I have to get going. But it was so lovely seeing you here, Agent Kennedy." You smiled, your lips almost ghosting over his. A smirk tugged at his lips, his fingertips grazing your waist. You were teasing the absolute daylights out of him, and well... he let you.
Swiftly, you grabbed a hold of him and turned the two of you around in one quick motion, making him hit the wall with a grunt. You'd snagged his knife while he was distracted and now he was the one with the knife to his throat. "Impressive." He muttered. You let out a small laugh. "I learned from the best, didn't I?" You grinned, gently trailing the knife down his chest for shoving it between his belt and pants.
You did learn from the best. You learned from him. You two had met in the police academy, became good friends, but ultimately went your own way. You'd crossed paths over the years, the friendly glances turning into an annoyed roll of the eyes. And now you were... what were you even? Who knows whatever the fuck you two had going on.
His gaze softened just a smidge at your words. "See ya," you said, turning around and walking away. He watched you walk away and a scoff fell from his lips. But not like the one in the village, no. Unlike this one, the other one was cold and full of spite. This one was..Β  lighthearted. You couldn't contain the smile on your cheeks as you heard him. You shot him a wink over your shoulder and slipped out of the room.
Leon sighed and chewed on his lips. He had no idea what to make of this situation. You made his blood boil but on the other hand, he only wanted to absolutely ruin you. Maybe even treat you right. Not the priority right now. Ashley was. Getting out of here alive was the priority. If a little side effect of said priority was seeing you again, well... Leon wasn't one to complain.
You were bored out of your mind. There was absolutely nothing to do. You were slouched in the driver's seat of the boat, your feet up on the steering wheel. Twirling the key around in your fingers, you stared out at the grey water and sky. This was so fucking dull. You were sure you would die of boredom. Leon's jacket was draped around your shoulders. You'd come across it at some point, wanting to rub your find in his face.
Finders keepers, losers weepers. But you couldn't deny the feeling of wanting to return it to him. To do something... nice. Your face contorted in disgust at the thought. It was probably really expensive, but it's not your fault he was careless enough to lose it. He could probably buy another one. It was very cozy, though, the soft fleece of the collar brushing against your skin ever so lightly. It was way too big on you, but it kept you warm.
Another thing you'd noticed was that it smelled like him. His cologne and natural musk. You had to stop yourself from getting lost in his scent. Jesus, what the fuck is wrong with you? You hate the guy. Can't stand him. Loath him. Yes. That's good. Just focus on the stuff you hate about him.
His stupid smirk on those stupid kissable lips, that you want so badly on every inch of your body and his stupid hands that you want to hold and those stupid, stupid eyes that express so much emotion and you want them to stare through you as he fucks your brains out-
Well that didn't work. You tried busying yourself with whatever just to got those thoughts out your head. You looked around the damp cave, pulling the jacket a little tighter around yourself. The boat gently swayed as the wind moved the water in small ripples and waves.
"Great, looks like I won't have to swim after all," Leon said to myself, the sound of heavy combat boots on wet stone eachoeing through the cave. A smirk crept onto your face as you heard him sigh in defeat and you could practically hear his shoulders slump and head fall forward when he caught sight of you.
"Aw, I thought you'd be happy to see me," you pouted. "So.. where are ya headed?"
"The uh.. the Island," he responded, loosely pointing out on the water. You gasped in fake excitement. "You don't say! That happens to be excatly where I'm going. What a coincidence," you marveled, obviously teasing him. "Need a ride?" You held up the little key, dangling it in his direction. Leon pinched the bridge of his nose, letting out a deep sigh. "You're insufferable.." he grumbled before climbing in next to you. He sat down and looked at you expectantly to start the boat.
"Well? You wanna start the thing?" He urged, slightly annoyed. You laughed at him. "Oh, I don't drive, Leon," you said, dropping the key in his hand. "You gotta be fucking kidding me.." he mumbled, looking at you in disbelief. You moved over, brushing your ass against his crotch as you switched seats. You didn't miss how Leon tensed at the action. Leon cleared his throat and started the engine, finally getting closer to rescueingΒ Ashley.
The salty spray of the sea hit your skin as you sped towards the Island. It was tangy on your tongue when you licked your lips. The ride was quiet, except for the occasional glance. "Why the hell are you wearing my jacket?" Leon asked, breaking the silence. "Found it," you replied dryly, not looking at him. "Where?"
"The village. Looked nice, be a shame to leave it to rot,"
He hummed. He looked like he didn't give another thought to you wearing his jacket, but in reality, it was driving him crazy. It looked way better on you than it did on him. Leon couldn't help the glances he shot you, the way his jacket was way too big on you. You were so much smaller than him. He could overpower you so easily, but he chooses not to.
His fingers were gripping the wheel tightly, knuckles turning white. Leon tried so hard to suppress the way his pants tightened when he saw you nuzzle into the collar of his jacket. Jesus christ, he shouldn't be thinking this. Not about you. But he couldn't help staring at your pretty lips, the way your soft hands fiddled with a strap on your pants, your effortlessly messy hair that framed your face so beautifully. How would the contours of your face look like scrunched together in otherworldly bliss as you lay beneath him, writhing in divine pleasure?-Β 
Fuck, that just made him even harder. He steadied his gaze on the grey hues of the cliffs and the wild, rippling water.
"You ever think about Switzerland?" You asked, not looking at him. "Because I do. Every single fucking day I think about it, Leon." You said bitterly, an angry expression on your face. Leon felt a pang of guilt blossom in his chest. He stopped the boat, the rumble of the engine disappearing, only the soothing crashing of the waves being heard. He thought about it, too. His night terrors recalled the events for him every single night.
The Switzerland incident was a couple of years ago. Both you and Leon had been assigned on a mission, albeit separate ones, you'd decided it was better to team up than to storm in and potentially end up six feet under. Umbrella had a small laboratory hidden deep within the alps, where they were experimenting with a new bio weapons. Nothing unusual. You were sent to eliminate the threat and shut it down for good.
What wasn't usual, however, was the fact that it was all a fucking ruse. There was no bio weapon, no Umbrella scientists, no threats. Just a huge pile of dynamite. It was all staged just to get the two of you here and blow you into space. When you'd learned of this, you sprinted out, reaching our for the light at the exit of the cave. The place came down anyway, rocks and boulders tumbling upon you, walls collapsing. You ran for your life, Leon close on your tail. And then, it happened.
The thing you've been thinking about for years still. A large boulder broke off the ceiling, aiming directly for you. Your eyes went wide when you heard the loud noise, preparing yourself for your end. There was no way you'd get out of the way in time. The impact never came. Instead, you heard a grunt and you were pushed out of the way, your body hitting the rough stone.
Leon had pushed you out of the way. He saved you. He was buried beneath the rock, blood flowing. It was horrific. He almost died. Just because he saved you. You still remembered the weight of his body, having to drag his unconscious and bloody self out of the collapsing cavern. Your forearms were burning, your back felt like it was about to snap in half. The tears that were running down your face as you wept burned your skin like acid. Thankfully, he survived, but... you've had too many dreams where he hadn't.
"Can't believe you would do something so fucking stupid.." you mumbled, the words like venom on your tongue. You never really forgave him for risking his life to save you. You were just a shady mercenary after all, doing shady jobs for shady people, risking innocent lives if it paid enough. Leon was working for the president. Stopping evil and chaos in his tracks, saving lives, instead of risking them. He did good things and wanted to do good things. Ever the hero. You were no hero.
"Stupid?" His brows pulled together. "I did what I had to, you know that."
"You almost died, you fucking idiot!" You yelled, turning to him. His jaw clenched and he gripped the steering wheel impossibly tighter. "Get that through your sick skull! And for what? For your fucking hero complex? So you could say you saved the girl-"
you were interrupted by Leon roughly grabbing your face and smashing his lips to yours. It was rough and messy, more teeth and tongue than lips. The string finally snapped. All the bubbling feelings and tension both of you had stuffed down were now going to spill out in an avalanche, suffocating both of you. You wasted no time climbing into his lap and tugging at his blonde locks. You'd wondered if some of your tugs at his hair were too hard, but he confirmed the opposite, groaning into your mouth every time you firmly yanked at his hair.
His strong and calloused hands were viciously kneading and grabbing at your waist, pulling you as close to him as he could. Leon pushed your shirt up, exposing your bra. There was a deep growl in the back of his throat. Pushing your bra down, your bare tits were now out in the open. The misty breeze of the sea was spraying on your skin, making you shiver. He groped at your chest, kneading the soft flesh in his hands. You moaned and whined, clawing at his shirt.
He pulled away breathless, pupils blown wide and lips puffy. Leon attached his mouth to your neck, sucking and nipping at your skin. His hands never left your tits, fingertips ghosting over your hardened nipples. Meanwhile, you whined and ground your hips against his crotch, feeling his throbbing cock against your clothed pussy. When he bit down on your neck, you squealed, feeling him smirk against your neck at your reaction. You grumbled and hit the back of his head, which just made him chuckle, the vibrations on your skin making a fuzzy feeling crawl up your spine. You raked your fingers down his chest until you reached the hem of his shirt, which you quickly made work of and it landed somewhere near the back of the boat.
Leon trailed sloppy kisses down your neck, all the way to your chest. He littered your skin in red and purple marks. Without warning, he took one of your pebbled nipples into his mouth, sucking and licking at it. You threw your head back in ecstasy, cradling the back of his head, keeping him close to your tit. He tugged and rolled your other nipple in his calloused hand, making you mewl. You fiddled with his belt, which was difficult with one hand, needing to get it off. He used your moment of distraction to take your nipple between his teeth and gently bite down.
You gasped, yanking him back by his hair. "Stop biting, asshole." You gritted through your teeth breathlessly. He looked so good right now, messy hair, blushed cheeks and puffy lips. That shit eating grin on his face really rounded out the whole thing. "You love it, Princess." He smirked, the nickname making you weak in the knees.
"Shut up," you breathed, smashing your lips to his. Leon helped you unbuckle his belt, taking his hard dick out from his boxers. You moaned when you felt the warmth and heavy weight of it in your hand. You couldn't wait anymore, the ache between your thighs and the tension in your lower stomach were driving you insane. Leon must've been as eager as you, he pulled down your pants and your panties in one swift motion before you could. You were absolutely dripping. Leon groaned against your lips, pushing his tongue in your mouth.
Positioning your wet cunt over his cock, you sank down, taking all of him. The stretch was delicious, making you pull him closer. "F-Fuck- Baby," he whined, bucking his hips up into yours. The tip of his dick hit that one spot inside of when he moved his hips, making you moan. You fit like puzzle pieces, made for eachother, slotting together perfectly. "Leon.. " you moaned, hiding your face in the crook of his neck. One of his hand was on your lower back, the other on your waist.
"Move." He demanded breathlessly, digging his nails into your soft skin. You nodded, moving off his cock and letting yourself fall down on it. You let out a broken mewl, biting down on Leon's shoulder. He let his head fall back, chuckling when he felt your teeth sink into his skin. "Look who's biting now, huh?" He teased, that stupid smirk on his face once again.
"I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you..." you cried, emphasizing each phrase with a sharp slam of your hips.
You hated him for being so reckless. You hated him for being so stupid. You hated that he cared. He risked his life. For you. You hated how he made you feel when you were clutching his bleeding body, as he slowly slipped away from you. You hated how he grew distant and cold, leaving you yearning for closure and warmth. Yearning for him. "I hate you.." you croaked out half heartedly, gripping him tightly.Β 
Leon bit his lips, hazily looking up at your blissed out form. You looked like an angel to him, strands of your sticking to your forehead from the damp breeze of the ocean and your sweat. Your face contorted in pleasure with tear streaks on your cheeks, the column of your throat deliciously exposed, your plush tits moving with the rhythm of your hips. Both of you needed this so bad. Needed the closure. After that mission a couple of years ago... you needed to feel him. Hold him close. You needed to know he was still here. That he wouldn't leave you ever again.
He felt like that, too. He wished he could've held you back then and assured you that everything was alright while you sat above his nearly dead form, wailing. His heart ached at the thought of hot tears spilling down your pretty face, letting out helpless scream after helpless scream as he lay dying in your arms. He was panting, the pleasure of your sweet pussy sqeezing him overwhelming him. "Hate me harder.. please.." he moaned, both of his hands now finding their place on your hips, aiding your movements.
"Do you know how fucking cute you looked back at the castle, twirling around like no one was watching? That little giggle you let out when you- fuck- when you tripped over your own feet? I had to try so hard not to take you right there, push you against the wall and fuck you dumb.." he rambled breathlessly. Your hips stuttered and broken moans left your lips at his confession.
"Don't let me go.." you begged, wrapping your arms around his neck. He snaked his hands around your waist and pulled you close to him, your chest pressed to his. His forehead hit your shoulder, you could feel his hot, staggered breaths against your skin.
"I won't.. I promise.." he panted, rubbing circles into the plush skin of your waist. He was hitting that spongy spot inside of you over and over again, making your eyes roll to the back of your head. "S-Shit.. Leon, please kiss me.." you groaned, taking his face in your hands. You looked at him through glassy eyes, lips parted. "Anything for you,"
he pressed his lips to yours, the kiss being desperate and hungry, yet so incredibly soft. You melted against him, still bouncing on his cock. Whines and whimpers left both of you, the pent up tension that's been following you two for years making it hard to last any longer. The boat rocked, swaying in the water.
The cool wind made goosebumps appear on your skin, yet you've never felt hotter. The slams of your hips became harder as you chased your release. "M'so close.. I- Fuck, I need you to come inside of me, please, Leon.." you whimpered against his lips, making a deep groan erupt from his chest. "Me too, sweetheart.. k-keep going.." he sighed, trailing a hand down to your clit, rubbing tight circles on your bundle of nerves.
You gasped at the contact of his calloused fingers on your sensitive clit. You desperately moved your hips faster. Feeling that familiar sensation form in your stomach you grasped onto Leon tighter, afraid he might vanish. A shivering feeling crawled up your spine, every nerve in your body tingling. You came with his name on your lips, the way your cunt tightend around him made him spill inside of you with a slurry cry of your name.
You could feel his hot cum painting your velvety insides, dripping down your thighs onto his, mixing with your own slick. He twitched inside of you, making you let out a little surprised moan. Both of you were panting messes, flushed skin and droplets of sweat dripping down your bodies. "Oh, okay, wow, um.. we actually fucked on the boat.." you said wide-eyed. Leon chuckled, caressing your waist.
"Um, yeah we did. Real glad it didn't tip over.." he muttered. You laughed, your smile lighting up this grey day. You sighed, laying your head on his shoulder. "Can we stay like this for a while?" You mumbled into his shoulder. Leon had a soft smile on his face. "Yeah, we can," he whispered back, draping his jacket over you.
"I need you in my life." He said, rubbing his hand up and down your back. you've been aching to hear those words for years now. "I need you too, blondie,"
He smiled at the nickname you'd given him years prior. "If you almost die on me again, I will kick your ass, got it?" You said sternly. "Yes, Ma'am." He answered with a sigh, closing his eyes and just enjoying the feeling of you in his lap. Truthfully, he never wanted to let you go ever again. He placed sweet kisses on the exposed skin he could reach.
"You should probably come up with an excuse why it took you so long to get Ashley," you mumbled, feeling sleepy. You just felt so safe, you couldn't help but get drowsy.
"Oh shit."
He had completely forgotten about that.
I hope you liked it, anon! Stay tuned for more Leon content~
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kiralena Β· 1 year
Theory: Crowley's snake form was a GIFT from God, not a punishment
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GIF von capinejghafa
We all thought Crowley's snake form was part of his punishment for asking questions.
But: what if it wasn't meant as a punishment?
Imagine: the angels are angry about Crowley asking questions. God is pleased: Crowley is appreciating the creations. He is curious, intelligent, brave, has a pure heart, he cares more about truth than following rules. He truly cares and values the creations, because he is asking questions and thinking about it. The other angels are all kind of: 'oh, yes, God made it, so it has, needless to say, to be beautiful. No questions necessary, because we trust in God's great plan.' They don't waste a single thought to think about why the creations are beautiful.
If you create something, you LOVE it when people poin out why they love your creation. You get excited every time someone notices a hidden detail. Conclusion: God must be so incredibly bored with the angels just praising him without truly recognizing what is praisable.
And then there comes Crowley, our Starmaker, with his joy, excitement and actually being aware of why the universe is beautiful. God must have felt like an artist getting a compliment for a hidden detail.
Pushing Crowley to hell wasn't God's decision, it was the angels - removing someone from the office who doesn't cheer to the rules. All the heavenly buerocrats don't like questions, because they profit from the system and don't want changes. They are very comfy with just cheering to everything God does. Have trust in his plans, always. The heavenly buerocrats don't want Crowley to ask questions, because he is indirectly pointing out none of them cares about anything else than themselfs. (Like in the Job minisode when none of the angels was aware of the value of a human life and the love between humans) Crowley always put himself at risk for helping others, he is a guardian, even as a demon.
So when God saw what the angels did, he decided to make a gift to Crowley, which will always remind him about the fact that God loves his thoughts and questions. God gave Crowley his snake form, and made him give knowledge to the humans. God knew Crowley loves knowledge, so what could be a greater gift than being able to share knowledge? And since God has an weird ineffable sense of humor, nobody will recognize the gift as such, and Crowley's snake form is a disguise to sneak an intelligent, caring, pure hearted guardian into hell's bee hive.
What if God gave Crowley the snake eyes as a symbol of Crowley seeing things differetly? It is God's weird ineffable way to tell Crowley: 'I appreciate your ability and will to look behind the things, question the reasons and to truly care about my creations.'
But because of heaven's buerocracy God had to disguise his gift as a punishment, so the buerocrats won't recognize it. Like, telling hell: 'hey, wouldn't it be fun to see him crawl? You know....some kind of snake? Won't it?' And hell: 'oh yes, sounds like fun. For us, not for Crowley of course. Let's do that.'
God has a weird ineffable sense of humor. Giving someone a gift which isn't recognizeable as a gift would fit perfectly in ineffable humor.
Conclusion: God gifted Crowley the snake form and the ability to bring knowledge to the humans. He is a guardian disguised as demon in hell's bee hive. God knew Crowley would care about humanity, appreciating their curiosity and hunger for knowledge. For someone who cherishes knowledge and the ability to ask questions - wouldn't it be utter joy to share knowledge?
Crowley becoming the serpent of eden was God's GIFT to Crowley, and his snake eyes are a daily reminder for his love of knowledge and care for others.
God knows it is a burden, but he is well aware about Crowley's strength. He knows Crowley is strong enough. And he loves Crowley for all the things, heaven and hell hate about him: his curiosity, his pure heart, his questions, his kindness. (the same things, Aziraphale loves about him, amongst many other things)
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stxrvel Β· 1 year
gym time
summary: you didn't expect to meet someone like Bucky Barnes when you decided to enter the gym, especially since his looks and words were anything but friendly.
pairing: au!bucky barnes x f!reader
words: +1k
warning: uhm, descriptions of bucky working out? some bad words. also i suck at summaries but what i was trying to say is that bucky is very suggestive here, and there will be suggestive conversations iykwim. this chapter doesn't contain too much of that but still minors do not interact!!!!
note: hi guys! um, i dont know what to say. being honest idk why i wrote this when i dont know if i'll ever be able to continue it, i think it was for the joy or fun in it and maybe trying to test new things? i kind of wrote the draft for a second part but i dont think i want this one to be a series, i wanted to see it like a drabble but i got carried away and now there are too many words. but what i do know now is that i will be pleased to write drabbles in a scenario like this, like in this universe or au. if you guys liked this (which i hope so) would you mind sending me what would you like to see next? only time will tell how good i'm doing but i hope i can at least entertain you a little. anyway, looking forward to your opinions and i really hope you like this one! since it's my first time writing in this kind of genre :'(
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You were at the gym. It had been barely a week since you had started with the goal of creating a routine in your life, because work was consuming you from the inside out. Coming home no longer felt like it used to, when you still had the fever of being independent and being able to get yourself everything you wanted. Adult life really was a mud puddle compared to what we always thought as kids.
So… yeah, you decided to join the gym closest to your apartment to try to change your bad procrastination habits a bit. Maybe now that you were paying for it with your own money you'd feel more like going, just for the sake of not making the money go to waste. But, hey, it was something.
During that week everything had been relatively fine. You hadn't had any problems with anyone, no awkward comments and you had gotten some workout partners to take turns lifting weights or running on the treadmills with at the same time.
It was honestly becoming your favorite place to be after work.
And, well, of course, there was him.
The man you shared end-to-end glances with at the gym. He never came close, always kept his space, unless he had to use some machine near where you were.
He looked like a decent man… and definitely sexy. But you didn't dare get close even though it seemed to be the only thing the two of you wanted to do. The furtive glances weren't even accidental anymore, you both sought each other out through the masses of air as if it was second nature to you. And that upset you too much because it hadn't been too many days, how could you feel so passionate and heated just sharing glances with a stranger? Within what you didn't know there might be something you didn't like, even.
Anyway, you had to avert your gaze each time before it became too much, but it always seemed like it wasn't enough for the people around you not to notice.
β€œWhy don't you just go talk to him?” Veronica spoke in front of you, waiting for Erika to leave the press to start her series.
You were on the treadmill finishing your routine that day and that man was on the other side of the gym, lifting weights like they were nothing. You had watched him for so long without embarrassment that you had almost memorized every line of his massive arms. And your partners that day had definitely noticed.
β€œI don't think it's appropriate,” was all you could think of.
Erika snorted, lowering her legs as she put down the weights. β€œShe's afraid the sexual tension surrounding them will suffocate her.”
β€œErika!” you scowled at her. β€œStop talking nonsense.”
β€œI'm of the same opinion as Veronica, you should just go talk to him. If it turns out his personality isn't as sexy as his body, you're not going to lose anything and you're going to gain a lot.”
Veronica, who had already settled into the press after Erika cleaned the chair, nodded animatedly at her partner's words.
You turned your head to look at him again, just as his strong hands released the weight that bounced to the floor. You saw him shake his arms slightly and move his shoulders in circles, releasing the tension a little at a time. Even in the distance you could make out as if he were right beside you the line of his veins running around his arms and the-
β€œLook at her, she's drooling already.”
You clicked your tongue and Erika only shared a chuckle with Veronica. You decided to focus solely on getting the treadmill over with quickly so you could get through that day.
You came out of the shower with an incredible freshness dancing in your body. In the bathrooms the atmosphere was always a little cooler than in the center of the gym, so the time after the bath was one of your favorites. Veronica and Erika had already left, they had said goodbye before you entered the shower. They always left at seven o'clock at night, but you preferred to stay a little longer and enjoy the showers you paid for because you didn't have much to do at home when you got there.
With the towel over your right shoulder you walked towards the lockers to get your training bag and other belongings. You thought for a moment about leaving a few things from your bag since there would be a zumba class early tomorrow morning and maybe you were getting a little interested in going, when you heard some footsteps close to where you were.
There shouldn't have been too many people left in the gym at that time because closing time was at 8:00 p.m., so someone else must have gotten out of the shower to get their belongings just like you.
You decided to leave a few things in the locker for the next day's class, encouraging you a little more to leave the house a little earlier. Anyway, you knew Veronica would be there so you wouldn't be alone.
You pulled out the bag with the things you were going to take with you and closed the locker. You turned around to leave, when you finally realized who else had come in after you.
It was him. It was that man.
You had never met him in the evenings. He always left before seven o'clock so you never had the chance to meet him alone until that moment, when you stopped dead in front of him, your sneakers grinding against the floor as if you had braked violently at fifty kilometers per hour.
Your locker was all the way in the left corner of that room and it looked like his was a few spaces away from yours in the same direction, closer to the door.
His gaze lifted in your direction at the sound of your shoes and you had to squeeze your bag strap tightly over your shoulder, eating your embarrassment fiercely.
β€œHey,” he spoke first and his voice was nothing like you had imagined.
It was incredibly better. His baritone tone, somewhat raspy and light, sounded like he didn't have a care in the world. The way he slightly curved his lips sent an electric sensation throughout your body. He had given you that smile before, but at that proximity it was a whole new experience. It seemed like your body began to vibrate on another frequency.
β€œHow did you like the gym?”
The man turned back to you, closing his locker almost at the same time and leaning his shoulder against it in the most smooth way you'd ever seen, handling his body with a confidence that almost made you feel intimidated.
β€œYou're new here, aren't you?”
β€œAh, yes,” you nodded slightly, again feeling that embarrassment make its way from your throat. β€œI've really liked the gym, I've felt very comfortable thankfully. And the monthly plans are very good, affordable.”
The man nodded attentively at your words, as you tried to keep your composure under his sharp gaze.
β€œI'm Bucky,” he suddenly introduced himself, stepping a little closer to where you stood.
β€œI'm Y/N,” you kept your voice steady as you raised your hand to meet his that had just extended in front of you at a safe distance. β€œA pleasure.”
β€œThe pleasure's all mine,” Bucky gave your hand a good shake, causing things in your body that you were too embarrassed to admit. You didn't know if your cheeks could get flushed, but at that moment you felt like they looked cartoonish, vibrant red and hot. β€œAnd I'm glad to hear you're comfortable. I do my best to make my clients happy.”
Even though you felt spellbound under the piercing fierceness of those blue eyes, your ears were still working enough to allow your head to process what you'd heard.
β€œYou're the owner?”
Bucky nodded and you wanted to hide your head in a hole for a moment.
So you'd been eye-fucking the owner of the gym? Hell, now that you thought about it more clearly, it could even be that this man was older than you, much older.
Oh no, the things you had to go through for not being a little more prudent. Good thing that embarrassing moment would only be in your head.
β€œAnd now that you know, you can drop any complaints or recommendations directly to me, if you want.”
You let out a short laugh, trying to cut through the awkwardness you felt inside as you realized the situation you were in.
β€œSure, yeah, anything I need to tell you I'll do it personally.”
β€œAlso if you want me to change something… give you something or do something, you can tell me.”
β€œSure,” you nodded quickly, starting to move around him to get closer to the exit. Bucky wouldn't take his eyes off you. β€œNow I know I'm counting on you for anything…. From the gym, that is.”
Your awkward laugh died under his intense but amused gaze. Was he enjoying it?
β€œAnd you can talk to me, if you want too,” Bucky continued speaking as you completely surrounded him and now found yourself in the position he had been before, β€œnot just watching me from afar.”
You were sure the blood had left your face by this time. Your level of embarrassment had gone over the edge and in that instant you didn't know how to do anything but look at him as if he had caught you in the middle of a crime. You tightened the strap of your bag while holding your breath as you noticed him moving a little closer towards you.
β€œIt's not that it bothers me, don't go thinking that. It's just that… I'd like to get to know you a little more if that's possible.”
β€œUhm…” you mumbled with a dry mouth, the reflection of the light in his blue eyes much clearer against the short distance between the two of you. You passed saliva with difficulty, shaking your head to answer him, β€œYeah, sure. I'd like to know you too.”
You watched out of the corner of your eye as he nodded at your words, not making a move to get any closer. If that five-foot distance alone already felt like you were suffocating, you didn't want to imagine what it would be like to have him standing to the side or behind you explaining how to do some exercise even though you already knew how to do them all…
β€œSee you then, doll.”
He walked around you, walking away from that conversation and that tension like it was nothing, like a bomb hadn't just exploded in front of you. You couldn't even say anything goodbye to him, you didn't know in that instant how to move your mouth.
For a moment you felt so foolish for allowing yourself to show yourself in such a vulnerable way in front of a man… but, at the same time, so much had happened since the last time you had actively flirted with one of them (even though what you had done at that moment had been spitting words). You'd barely had a taste to remember what the adrenaline, excitement and anticipation of having a truly fun night was like… that you didn't plan on letting go.
Bucky had thrown you that rope and you were sure you were going to take it.
a/n: thank you for reading!! <3
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thefanficmonster Β· 6 months
please please please write something for Mickey altieri I love him sm
You know I love Mr. Altieri and I'm always happy to write for him πŸ˜‰ Hope you enjoy this set of headcanons darling πŸ’•
~ Lots of love, Vy πŸ’Œ
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Mickey Altieri having a crush on you in college would include:
You told yourself you wouldn't date in college - for many reasons
Obviously, piles of schoolwork and many hours of studying awaited you and you couldn't imagine yourself forfeiting your future and neglecting all that work for a significant other
But also the upcoming four years are exactly the years meant for being wild and you couldn't afford missing out on any of that due to a commitment to another person
But at this point life had rudely taught you that things rarely go as you hope and plan them to
One of the variables you didn't factor into your planning was Mickey fucking Altieri
The sleek bastard
You'd caught his eye from day one - orientation day, to be exact
He was very fond to see you in his film class and with a bit of asking around he found out you too are a film major
He wasted no time pulling out every flirting trick he can ever remember working on you
All to be dismissed and rejected each and every time
But he's a persistent man, well aware of his charm and charisma
"I'm not your type, I get it. How about we start over? Friends?"
"In your dreams, Altieri." You roll your eyes at his poorly disguised attempt at poking through your guard
"How come you know my last name?"
Your eyes widen before you can stop them
You've just exposed your own snooping agenda
You'd be lying if you said you didn't conduct your own research on this man
Sure, he's attractive, fun to be around, charismatic - magnetic, almost
And, contrary to his claim, just your type
But you refuse to give in
That is until you realize that giving him a chance doesn't automatically mean establishing a relationship
Rather a dynamic
One with the potential to be quite fun and exciting at best
Interesting and eventful at worst
So, when he tries one more time, offering you nothing more than his company to a sorority party
You shock him by agreeing, retorting with a time at which you required him to pick you up from your dorm building
And pick you up he does
You roll your eyes at the corny gesture of a bouquet - or the sorry excuse for one he'd picked up on his way across campus
Still, you can't help but find it endearing
"I knew you'd like me eventually" he is getting cocky, reaching even, but as long as he's able to get a laugh out of you he's satisfied
"Don't hold your breath. I just wanted to go to a party."
"Yeah but you could've gone with anyone else. Just admit you like me, hell won't freeze over."
You narrow your eyes at him a part of you regretting the decision to accept his offer while another corner of your brain is looking forward to the evening the two of you are about to have
"Over my dead body"
Little do you know, he could easily get that arranged
But he'd never do that, not to you anyway
"Ten bucks says they disappear to make out an hour into the party." Hallie says, peering over at Sidney as the two observe their friend meet up for something they adamantly claimed wasn't a date
"You're on." Sid agrees, both girls giggling as they get back to getting ready for the party
A party you and Mickey disappear from about forty-five minutes in, earning Hallie ten dollars
The rest is history - history filled with Mickey poking fun at how quickly your resolve crumbled
Because now, four months later, you're celebrating three months of officially dating
This is one of those rare occasions when life works out a lot better than you'd originally planned it
Some things are better off unplanned
The best things in life come as a surprise, after all
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silencedvoices Β· 4 months
June of Doom Day 3
"Well, well, well..." | Hiding | Ambushed | Stalking |
Content: implied stalking, implied torture, drugging, recapture
Whumpee had a sinking feeling that someone had been watching them. Everyone, even themself, tried to brush it off as just the result of being held captive by Whumper for so long. It was just them being paranoid. Or so they thought.
One night after Whumpee had come home from a somewhat normal day at work, they swore they heard footsteps from upstairs. They listened closely and stopped in their tracks as they heard someone making their way down the stairs. Nope, definitely not their imagination. They grabbed a kitchen knife and scrambled into the back of the nearest closet.
Whoever was there was taking their dang time. This made the situation all the more real, and Whumpee hardly noticed they were holding their breath.
As the intruder got closer, Whumpee could make out the all too familiar click of shoes across the tile floor. When the closet door was pulled open, the knife was rendered useless as Whumpee completely froze in terror, dropping the knife as menacing eyes looked down on them.
"Well, well, well," Whumper grinned, "What do we have here?"
Whumpee merely looked up at Whumper dumbfounded. After all the effort in running and rebuilding their life, Whumper had still found them.
"I'm honestly disappointed you thought you could hide from me Whumpee."
"How'd you-?"
"It was quite easy honestly. After you escaped I just asked around. It wasn't hard to notice a traumatized little person like you wandering around begging for help. Gosh, almost everyone I asked had heard about you. I just followed the trails and here I am."
I mean Whumpee couldn't really be surprised at that. They had learned in their time with Whumper that Whumper had ties everywhere. They were overall a kind person to those who knew them under different circumstances and therefore a lot of people trusted them. Whumpee internally cursed themself for thinking they ever had a chance. Whumper would always have the upper ground.
"How long ago did you find me?"
"Oh, months ago. It's been fun watching you try to undo all the work I've done. No matter what you do, I'm still there. Heck, the evidence of me is all over your body."
Whumpee shivered as the scars littered under their sweater became all the more noticable. It was like someone had stuck a match to them and everywhere Whumper had ever hurt them was on fire, burning so hot they couldn't scrub away the pain.
"I'm surprised you could even hold this knife without being reminded of me," Whumper easily picked up the knife, Whumpee too scared to try anything. "We both know that deep down, you'd never be able to hurt me anyways, not after all I've done to you."
Whumpee didn't know what to do anymore. They were corned and Whumper was right, they'd never be able to hurt Whumper no matter how much they wanted to. They could at least waste some time by talking, maybe get some of the answers they'd been hoping for.
"So it was you all along. Everyone thought I was crazy. Even I thought I was."
"Yeah. That's the other thing that was fun. Watching you always on edge trying not to lash out at everyone that tried to help you, but you still ended up pushing them all away. That's why no one is here to save you Whumpee. I'm the only one you have whether you like it or not."
Whumpee shivered at that thought. It was the truth no matter how much they tried to wipe it from their mind. Whumper knew them all too well.
Whumper couldn't help but love how careful Whumpee was being. Trying to stall time, barely saying a word, not even fighting back. That was a big improvement from when they'd first taken Whumpee.
"Ready to go?" Whumper asked, even though they both knew Whumper would drag Whumpee kicking and screaming out the door.
Whumpee's heart dropped, "Wait... what?"
Whumper laughed, "Come on Whumpee, you really thought I just came here to scare you? No, I'm taking you with me."
"You- you can't! This is my home now. I- did so much to get here and... and you can't just take it all away again!"
"Oh, just watch me," Whumper's grin was something Whumpee was all too used to, but this time it was filled with a coldness Whumpee had never seen before and it scared them so, so much.
Before Whumpee could even blink, Whumper injected something into their neck.
"Nonono. You did not," Whumpee's world began to spin and nausea crept up their throat.
"Oh yes I did."
The last thing Whumpee remembered before their world went dark was Whumper scooping them up and their cold voice in their ear.
"Time to go home Whumpee."
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lloydfrontera Β· 11 months
do you know how fucking mad i am at the fact that the webcomic gave us lloyd giving javier his own mana in an attempt to save his life and javier overcoming literal dimensional differences in order to be able to accept it into his body effectively foreshadowing how far he's willing to go just to be able to protect lloyd,,,, but they did it all with a fucking 'haha lloyd is ugly' joke. do you.
this could've been one of the best scenes in the entire thing. it could've been such a pivotal point for their character development. it could've been one of the most earnest moments in the story. but it's made into a joke because they just need to draw the ugliest faces possible to make a cheap joke that has been made a hundred times already. i'm not being funny i'm genuinely mad at the wasted potential lmao
the tone of the scene was changed from the webnovel so much it's almost unrecognizable. and not in a good way. like. why would you cheapen the emotional core of your own story like this. do you trust your own plot and characters so little to keep your readers engaged with the story that you feel the need to make everything in a joke. is that it. was the original story not funny enough to keep your attention so you think no one will care if you turn what's meant to be an earnest and heartwarming scene into a joke you've made hundreds of time before.
i'm not. mad. about the changes themselves (mostly). like i said this particular scene had so much potential to compliment the original story and foreshadow the ending that i'm actually upset that the tone and art made it so i can't in good faith say i like it.
they just. shot themselves in the foot by trying to make the scene funny. all the tension and emotional built up is wasted when the webcomic makes fun of itself. it cannot take itself seriously so i can't either.
like. it was going so well. i loved the built up with the scene where they talk about javier's parents and you see that they're still emotionally guarded with each other, they don't quite feel close enough to the other to call themselves friends even when we know that they care deeply for each other. i liked that they changed it so lloyd had the opportunity to save javier the way he wasn't able to in the novel. i even liked the development with lloyd's mana being so different from javier's that he struggles with accepting it, cause it was a chance to call forward to a very important event in the future.
the scene where they're reaching for each other as they realize that yes, they're friends and god help them they will save their friend no matter what?? gorgeous i loved it so much, it wasn't 'We'll be together forever, just like we've always been. Casually. As natural as breathing air.' yeah but it was perfectly okay on it's own too.
and then they do this.
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like. what.
all that emotional built up, all that tension, all of it,,, for this?? this????
what's the point of making your audience feel emotionally engaged with the story if you're just gonna make the art equivalent of a fart noise. a well executed yet still completely out of place fart noise lmao
it doesn't feel funny, it just makes me feel like i wasted my time being emotionally invested in something that isn't interested in delivering. it's like watching someone setting up dominoes to topple them in a gorgeous pattern only for them to put on clown shoes and start kicking them all over the place without rhyme or reason. like yeah they're in their right but then what was the point of all that work in the first place.
and yeah maybe it's my fault for expecting something earnest and heartfelt from a webcomic that has shown multiples times that it's not interested on that but like. is it really too much to expect for an adaptation to, well, adapt the original source in a way that doesn't feel like it's making fun of it??
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mosspace Β· 5 months
Dear PTJ, please develope your female characters
Someone complaining abt the way PTJ writes his female characters (truly, a never seen before concept); 1st Afilliate Arc and Cheongliang Arc spoilers (at this point, I think most people are up to date w/ the story, but I'm still gonna put this warning just in case)
Look, I don't take Lookism super seriously. In fact, I think I never did that, mainly thanks to the outlandish concepts it had since the beginning. I'm just here to have fun at this point, and to finally learn the truth about Daniel's 2nd body (omg, it's been 400+ chapters-).
I definitely wasn't expecting to find super well written female characters (even though I definitely should, it's 2024, for God's sake-), something a good number of fighting-related webtoons seem to struggle with. But damn, does Lookism waste its female characters in a way not many have done before.
Since the focus of the story has shifted primarly towards fighting and taking down the Four Crews and Charles Choi, I'm gonna focus on two of the characters most connected to these aspects: Mary Kim and Crystal Choi (ik Lua and Sally are also connected in this way, but I don't really have a lot to say about them and, besides, they've already been covered by another user here on Tumblr)
Mary Kim
The perfect opportunity to get her more involved came up not so long ago, in the ep just before the Allied vs 1st Afilliate fight properly started. We see Mary's reaction upon hearing Vin Jin tell her that Taejin Cheon is alive; we can see her anger asclear as day both in her expression and her words. She literally expresses how much she wants to kill this guy.
And yet, PTJ doesn't make her go and get her revenge. Instead, we have Vin Jin basically saying that he will do it for her because 'his hands are already dirty" (i heavily paraphrased his words, but you get it), which to me, at least, doesn't make sense.
Time and time again we see how close the two of them are in spite of the many jabs they throw at each other. Even without knowing the details of their shared past in Cheongliang (which comes up a couple episodes later), it's very strange that she would let Vin jin go to face him just like that.
By this point, it's already stablished that he murdered somebody, an act that even if deserved by the deceased person, takes a mental toll on the one who does it. Taking this into account, I don't see why Mary would just let who's basically her best friend go through the same thing again, alone. And I especially don't see why she would obey him and stay behind. Her, Mary, the person who never takes Vin Jin's bullshit and always calls him out.
Why not have them both go together? It would be a great opportunity to 1) deal with the last negative reminder of their past, and gain a little bit of closure once and for all, and 2) have Mary finally fight seriously and be able to demonstrate why she's called 'The Empress of Two Seconds' and why she's considered so strong.
We've only seen her take down minor opponents a very, very small number of times, all of which are altercations that don't ever last too long (i guess this last thing is to back up her nickname but, eh)
TLDR: Let Mary dirty her hands as much as Vin. Let them take down together one of the people who has brought them so much pain as the pair of strong besties they are. Stop telling us how strong she is and actually commit to showing it.
Crystal Choi
Oh boy, this character-
Like, you mean to tell me that the sole offspring/child of the Big Bad Guy tm the protagonist and his friends are meant to take down, who also happens to be friends with said protagonist, doesn't play a major role on the story? Absolutely insane
And that isn't even taking into account that she also has 2 bodies, which is something only one other character (Daniel, the PROTAGONIST), has and is a major plot point
I'd like to see her be more aware of her privilege as a rich person. Yeah, she was relentlesstly bullied and undermined for her appeareance (which is a horrible thing for anybody to go through) but at least she wasn't poor, too. Does she actually use her money or her status as the daughter of one of the richest men in Korea to change things or solve problems?
Jay literally bought an ambulance of the same type used by the 1st Afilliate so that Allied could sneak in, so why can't Crystal do something similar to help them, too? She helped them during the Gambling Arc by bringing Kouji
I'd like to see her realize and come to terms with the fact that her father's a horrible person. I don't think she knows everything that's going on behind closed doors, but she's definitely smart enough to have noticed that there's something shady going on with his bussiness.
Let her discover the truth. Let her pick either her father's or Daniel's side (the latter which I believe is the most plausible, since she doesn't seem the type to excuse murder, extorsion, etc.). She could act as an informant, helping Allied from the inside.
Heck, you could have her fight, too, if you wanted to. She trained with Gun, after all. And yeah, maybe she's not as strong as the other characters, but we know that she can hold her own against most people. We've seen it.
TLDR: how the hell do you set up a character with so much potential and don't do anything with it. Also, think abt the angst potential!
Final thoughts, I guess:
I think that Crystal siding with Allied has a higher chance of happening than PTJ letting Mary fight. There's still a good chunk of the story yet to be told, so anything could happen.
I'm actually considering believing that the reason we rarely see the female characters is that they, also, are working secretly to take down the Four Crews and it's gonna get revealed in the last arc for the sake of my sanity
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yril-writes Β· 1 year
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synopsis ; have you ever hated love? Who knew that the man you loved so deeply, hated the fact that he ever loved you. How would you feel?
scenario ; this is a "pinagtagpo pero hindi tinadhana" setting translation: you met but not destined. Even if Sukuna stopped visiting in the flower shop, having to encounter each other every time in different places only says it's a small world.
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"I hate that I love you this much, when you can't even love me the way that I do. I hate myself for holding onto you, my love..."
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type ; drabble
include/s ; ryoumen sukuna
pairing/s ; yakuza character x fl! reader
genre ; romance, angst and a hint of sad depressed corn
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I still remember my memories from my past life, I still remember her in that life. "Sukuna, promise me that you'll find me in our next life." she said those words like the sweetest thing I could ever taste. I love her. More than anything in this world. So I promised to find her, in the process I get to meet her grandparents. They would always tell stories about her, just by listening to them it seemed to me that she has the best times of her life despite that she is alone living in their hometown. And I reflected on it, how much of a life we had back in our last life.
And it wasn't much, we met at a very weird scenario we weren't that perfect at all, but I remembered how I took for granted your feelings before without knowing that she would only have so little time to spare living, I felt like an idiot pushing her away back then. I wasted my time arguing, hating, ignoring her when I could've just stayed by her side and spent more time. I didn't want to see her die in front of me, so I broke our promise. I didn't look for her specifically but just knowing about her was enough until one day I saw her. The old lady who was managing the flower shop is in the hospital she said, I never actually imagined myself being able to hear her voice, to see her up close and to even catch a scent of her. (I missed her so much...) looking into her eyes, it seemed to be that her memories of the past didn't actually come to her, she is just a mere granddaughter who manages her grandmother's shop.
That is why I decided to stay away from her, to avoid getting myself in a deep hole again, I didn't want to see her suffering slowly dying again in my arms. But faith and destiny wouldn't leave me be, wherever I go I see her. At town and even random streets. But I didn't mind it at all. "Mr. Yakuza, I've been seeing you a lot from here now! I'm kinda getting used to it!" she cheerfully says it out loud without being embarrassed. But you felt happy despite all of it. "Well, you should stop stalking me. Who's the Yakuza now?" I can't stop myself when I am with her, I just can't ignore her, I crave for her. Even though this is wrong, he just couldn't stop this spilling feeling of euphoria, time flies when you're having fun they say and it's true, it didn't take long enough when she finally confessed to him.
"Sukuna, I like you. Spending time like this with you feels natural, it's as if I already know you from the very beginning...why is that?" hearing those words knocked him back to reality, history repeats itself as they say. Sukuna realizes that getting close to you only puts you in danger, having to repeat losing you the second time Sukuna cannot take that risk at all. Now his only option is to push you away, to keep things in control, to take it all back. "No, I'm sorry but I don't feel the same way as you do..." words like this left a sour taste on Sukuna's tongue, even though he didn't mean to say any of those things he still did for her sake. "I hate being with you like this, I am sorry that I don't feel the same way as you do. I hope that...you'd find someone...good enough..." Sukuna feels lost right now, just the sight of her face slowly coming into tears breaks him. It breaks him to see you like this.
But if it's for your sake, he would do anything even if he has to push you away from him. He would do anything, if history repeats itself. That is why he chose to make you hate him so that it would be easy for you to leave him, without any regrets. "I hate you...Sukuna, is my love for you not enough? Am I not enough?" tears soon shed and chests aching. "I hate that I love you this much, when you can't even love me the way that I do. I hate myself for holding onto you, my love..." but of course he can't say that now, can't he. Now, Sukuna is standing alone watching the woman he once loved disappear right from his very eyes, again.
"I would never want to see you slowly die in my arms again, I'll hate love until the very end for not letting us to be together in this life...maybe in another life..."
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a/n ; I was frowning typing these pieces. I hate it I think I am not gonna sleep well for tonight. 11:41 pm.
taglist ; @sammushy @ryuuudesuwa @gcj-doesart @jasugoi
if you want to be tagged/mentioned leave a comment down below!
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content/s ; part one | part two
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icravebooks Β· 2 years
City of love
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Taehyung x reader
Ot7 x reader
Genre: ot7 x reader, taehyung x reader, a bit of fluff and crack relationship establishing, smut smut smut, it's basically porn on words.
Summary: taehyung seems to love getting under the boys skin, when a sudden idea pops in his mind, you have no other option than to submit to those puppy eyes.
Warning: smut??, Like really horny stuff, there's some play with camera( I won't tell you the actual use of it), dom taehyung, sub reader, kind of manipulation, a bit insecurities but taehyung's cuddles are always on the rescue, lot's of bickering and playing around, praising kink, dirty talking and taehyung has a smart mouth.
Sidenote: this was more like a random thought, I was not sure what exactly to expect but hey here are we go.
Word count: 3.6k
Paris was named the city of love for some reason and it would have been a waste to travel to such a city without your loved one, that was what taehyung had said to convince you into coming along with him to Paris, where he had some work to be done.
You would have said no, knowing just how much the guys would bicker if you decided to go but then taehyung had gave you those lethal weapons of his also known as his puppy eyes which could even rival yeotan and you were left no option but to say yes and yes it had really lead to the guys bickering a lot saying that how this wasn't fair and they weren't going to be able to survive even a day without you and honestly you knew that was kinda true because once you had decided to go on a trip with your friend, not even a day of you gone and the guys had all booked an early flight to where you were.
Inshort the guys were extremely petty when it came to something that had to do with you but that also was a proof of just how much they loved you hence you using your ultimate puppy eyes to make them let you go with taehyung, which happened only after you having to spend a whole week with almost three makeout everyday, the guys were wild when it came to sex so that was expected.
And the moment you landed in Paris the immediate calls and the guys whinning about how much they missed you was also common, it wasn't helping that taehyung had made it his personal mission to send them pictures of you from moments he knew they would be jealous they weren't there to see with you.
"If you keep that up tae, I doubted they would miss the next flight here." You warned taehyung who was currently laying on your lap pouting at you while he sent snap to the guys and you could hear the constant dinging of your phone placed on the night stand, a sigh escaped you knowing how haywire the guys might be going right now.
"Come on honeybuns, it's fun to see them be that way at times." Taehyung tried to manipulate you too, his hands coming to give your shoulder a quick squeeze while he tucked a strand of your stray hair behind your ear, "you know how they are tae. I don't want you guys having any unnecessary fight." You tried to reason with him, fearing the fact that you could break them apart but you knew that was something the boys knew you feared that was the reason why namjoon had to come up with a whole aggreement of how this things between you all was going to work out.
Taehyung knew it, he knew it well that you feared this, he saw how your eyes fell everytime they started to get a little more than aggressive fighting over something concerning you and it made him feel sad too but he knew it in his heart that you were the thing that was holding them together, you had made them come close to each other on a level they never had even as friends, now no matter which part they went, there was a point where they all would always be connected and it was you.
Seeing you worry was one of the thing taehyung hated the most so he did what he was best at, he moved forward engulfing you in a hug. "Don't worry honeybuns, I promise nothing will happen." He tried to assure you and you were more than sure that he meant his words so you didn't had much to worry about, you knew that they were not going to break apart anyday soon and that was the only thing that kept you going, so you let the tension go and hugged taehyung back snuggling your face closer against his bare chest, the warmth rolling of him in waves comforting you even further.
You both stayed that way for a while you both reluctantly pulled away, a smile present on your face on seeing th body grin of taehyung's, he stole a quick kiss from your lips making you fall back on your pillow in the process of it erupting a giggle from you.
Your eyes fixed on taehyung who giggled along side you before he loomed on top of you, "I love you." Taehyung punctuated his each word with a bump of your nose and a stolen kiss making your stomach flip with butterfly making home in there, you pushed him away slightly laughing when his finger brushed against your abdomen, "tae! Stop!" You exclaimed between laughter trying to get him to let your abdomen go, suddenly taehyung stopped like too abruptly and your eyes shoot up to his in confusion, trying to make sense of what happened to him all of a sudden for him to act the way he did. Your found his gaze fixed on a exact spot, so you followed his gaze to find that he was looking at the lamb that was situated on your nightstand, your brows furrowed in confusion as you turned back to taehyung to question him.
"...What are you doing?" You had to change your question when taehyung suddenly shoot forward and started to place his phone leaning against the lamp on your bedside, you watched silently to try find an answer as taehyung set his camera up setting the angle correctly, "are you planning to take pictures?" You questioned him trying to make sense of his behaviour but what you got in response was the usual mischievous grin that had you entirely stiffening, that grin was not safe and you had learnt it through years of experience.
"Taehyung..." Your started in a warning tone when he finally clapped looking satisfied with the setting before his eyes turned to you, "you are gonna be a sweetheart, aren't you?" There were Moments when taehyung felt like the safest person to be around but there were also moments when he made your mouth turn dry, your body shudder, you arms lit up with goosebumps and this was one of those moments, if you feared something the most it was taehyung's duality, it wasn't that taehyung harmed you, you knew he would never do that but there were Moments when his domination had made you feel so small that you had no other option other than to obey.
"Tae I swear if you are planning something stupid again..i am gon.m" he didn't let you finish your threat, his lips coming back on yours to silence yours, "relax love i am not gonna eat you..well if that's what you don't want me to do." Taehyung's voice changed from the regular chirpy child you knew to the slurty tone that you knew from only one place, bedroom. Yup the only place where he would use that tone on you.
And it didn't take a genius to understand what he was planning, "now I am not gonna help you with anything that you are going to use to mess up with the guys." You warned pushing taehyung away to make some distance between you both, his closeness made you dizzy, it was hard to see him so up close and say no to that sexy face but you had to.
Taehyung's best weapon was a pout and when in other mood or rather when in v mode his best weapon was that killer gaze and sexy smile, it unerved you. "You don't have to do anything babygirl just lay back and be a good pillow princess, i will take care of the rest." Taehyung assured you, coming in closer to you and again trying to seduce you with that intoxicating aura of his, you had fallen victim to this act of his a lot of times before so you knew this was all just a trick.
"I said no tae." You glared back at him trying to keep your stand as firm as you could with the man infront of you looking like a total Greek god, and as well as you knew him, taehyung knew you too, so he knew what it took to get you to forget even basic things.his hands had there way of making you lose your mind and how naive it was of you that you didn't pay attention to them when he sneaked his way up to your thighs and inside his shirt which you were wearing.
"I wonder honeybuns if it's really that you don't want me or is it just that you love to play hard to get." Taehyung's voice stopped only for yours to ignite the room when taehyung fingers played around your inner thigh, closing in on your entrance and when he found you distracted by his words he went in for his real target, you wet core, yup and the moment taehyung found out just how wet you were, a twisted grin appeared on his lips. "Perhaps it's the later one just look how wet you are for me." Taehyung drawled pulling out his fingers and showing it to you before his eyes turned towards the camera, you watched with laboured breathe and clenched teeth as he put his wet fingers in his mouth sucking on it with an appreciative hum.
You could feel your face heat up with embarrassment, he was literally making a porn video and you were what? his muse?, You wanted to choke hum and at the same time wanted him to ravage you. It was frustrating that you wanted him to actually do it and you weren't going to lie to yourself atleast the fact that you knew this was going to the other guys and you could already think of their reaction it made your toes curl.
"So babygirl are you ready?" Taehyung's question drew you out from your train of thoughts, you narrowed your eyes at him ready to fight him that was until his large hand got splayed on your thigh again, your mouth clamped shut knowing what would happen the moment a word leaves your mouth, "you are an asshole." You hissed at him trying to act angry when taehyung laughed closing in on you, his hands came on either side of you as started to lean away from him. "Your asshole baby." He whispered against your lips, his lips bumping against yours while his fingers slowly undid your shirt buttons, he took his sweet time and you knew why, because this was going to be more of a torture for the guys than it is for him.
"I didn't agree on this. I hope I don't get caught in this cross fire of you guys." You said the words intentionally so that the guys would know that it wasn't your plan, because lord help you if they did think you had something in this, woah the punishment would be surely not something you would personally wanna sign up for, afterall why would you want to be tied up to one of their beds while they all edged you but never let you get your release no matter how bad you begged, they never did let you do that. It had only happened once and you never want that ever again.
"Ofcourse baby." Taehyung's sing song voice against your ear was making you go crazy the way he kept humming a familiar tune as he placed kissed on the shell of your ear then bit on the earlobe followed by him tugging it to hear you mewl as your hands fisted in his hairs. "Fuck taehyung." You moaned when taehyung's lips connected to the skin where your neck joined your jaw, taehyung hummed approvingly unintentionally sending vibrations straight to your core making you stifle out a moan.
"That's it baby, be loud for me." Taehyung's encouragement were paired by his hand traveling down and giving your breast a quick squeeze meanwhile he nudged your legs apart using his knee, a moan escaped you when he pinched your nipple using his thumb and index finger. "Such a good girl." He praised nuzzling his nose against your throat while his hand moved down in between your thighs, a finger of his coming to circle around the lips of your core, your back arched when taehyung's mouth closed around your right breast.
Your mouth falling agape in a silent scream, meanwhile his fingers rubbed circle on your clit, "taehyung please." You whined knowing exactly well that he was torturing you intentionally, you need his fingers inside you not on your wall but he was playing around, your pleading only got you a tug of your nipple in between his teeth that made you gasp while your hand tangled in his hair pulling on it to keep your from gravitating. "Please what love?" You could hear the mocking in his tone, his movement on your clit only becoming even more tortures as he went in to busy his mouth with your other breast.
Tears of frustration were starting to prick at the corner of your eyes while you tried to piece your thoughts together and make out a proper sentence, "i need you inside me tae please." You whimpered when your words ended only for taehyung's finger to finally sink in deep inside you making you elicit a moan, your entire body arching at the filling. His thrusts were slow and deliberate like he was trying to just keep you on the edge but not give you what you want.
Taehyung's fingers kept up there work meanwhile his thumb rubbed circle on your clit, you could feel the tension building, the knot forming and just when you clenched on his fingers taehyung pulled away all too sudden making you cry out in frustration, "you didn't ask for permission babygirl, that's not very good girl like." The words did nothing other than making you feel enraged, your eyes shoot open and you looked at taehyung with fire burning in your eyes, all you got in response was a series of sarcastic laughter.
"Fuck you." You spat venomously glaring daggers at the man as he removed his trousers before coming to hover on top of you again only for you to push him but he didn't even bulged because of your push, "come on honeybuns I can't fuck you if you push me away." You honestly hated that smart mouth of his so much, not wanting to hear even another word leaving that extremely chatty mouth of his, you pulled him in for a kiss as you felt his length pressed against your folds in that process your legs automatically going to lock around his hips, a groan leaving his lips when you grinded against his length.
"I will let you come this time." Taehyung's sass was so hard to handle when having sex that you sometimes considered taping his mouth but whatever you said you loved him and maybe a little too much to let him not run that mouth of his.
"If you don't i will do it." You retort back earning a happy laugh from him as he pulled away to situate his cock against your entrance again teasing you by running the head of his cock against your folds making you grip onto the bed sheet while your back arched, you gritted your teeth to hold back yourself from retorting and that might have impressed taehyung because he finally gave in to your request, pushing in the tip of his cock, the stretch was welcoming but you knew how thick he was and no matter how regularly you had sex it was always hard to fit him inside you.
"Your ready?" Taehyung whispered to you as he came in face level with you again, your heart jumped knowing this was him making sure that you were okay, taehyung knew parts of you even you tried to hide from yourself and it was what always came in handy now wasn't any different.
You nodded your head keeping your gaze locked with his and he slowly pushed inside of you, both of you moaning as he filled you, "That's like my good girl." Taehyung whispered praises against your lips, his forehead pressed against yours, his one hand entangled with yours meanwhile the other was holding him up.
"Is it okay now babygirl?" The question he asks in such a low voice and soothing tone that for a moment you forget what you both were even talking about but then you remember what he was talking about you nod out a yes and he starts to move, his motion starts out slow but that's something you don't like so you wrap your legs once again over his hips pulling him closer and the new position Letting him hit more perfect places inside you, "faster." That single words is enough for taehyung to change his slow loving thrust into hard and fast jamming as you squeak out moan and screams with him. Both of you racing to reach your own finish line as you concentrate on each other's faces.
It doesn't take long before the frustration taehyung caused you earlier is washed over by your release as black spots dance in your vision and soon after you taehyung thrusts a few more high jams and then he release his hot seed inside you, coating your walls with his sperms.
"Imagine how fantastic it would be if you ended up conceiving." Taehyung jokes as he lied down beside you thoroughly spent just like you as you both laugh at his jokes and talk about endless things before sleep consumes you.
The next morning you are rudely awoken by the constant dinging of your phone and you are about to curse whoever it is except you see the chats that line up your notification. All from one particular group of yours and there are about hundreds of miss call from each of them as the only thought that fills your mind is that shit is gonna get really shitty.
With trembling hands you finally dare to open the chats to find that taehyung sent them the video and you somehow find the next chats quite conflicting, you didn't knew if you should be laughing at the chats or should be worried.
Jin: yah! what are you thinking you are doing??
Jk: hyung i never expected you would go to such extents
Yoongi: taehyung you bring her back by tomorrow or you would not like the consequences of it.
Joon: guys calm down
Jimin: you want us to calm down hyung?! Did you not see the video?! I got a boner the very moment I opened that video. My soulmate is such a bitch, fuck you tae!
Hoseok: do you even know how embarassing it was for me to hide a boner in a fucking meeting???
Jin: and Joon is asking us to calm down, how funny!
Joon: hey! i just don't want to worry sweetbeans, beside I had it worse than you all.
Jk: :- | hyung this ain't a competition, but if we are counting what does getting caught while trying to get off on that would count as?
Jimin: and he says it's not a competition.
Yoongi: i walked in on jungkook beating his meat to that video.
Jin: ohhhh now I know why there were so much noise downstairs.
Hoseok: pictures or it never happened yoongi hyung ; )
Joon: I didn't know what that video was and played it in the middle of a meeting, full sound no headphone. Now who wants to say anything?
Jimin: oh my god hyung hahaha that's so typical you.
Yoongi: don't worry Joon there's always been rumours about you watching porn, you just confirmed that.
Jin: how fun it would have been to have a recording of that.
Jimin: speaking of recordings, what are doing about traitor?
Jk: simple we wait and plan.
Hoseok: I have a better plan guys.
Yoongi: not again
Jimin: preach
Jin: if I get to see taehyung suffer just the way he made us, i am in.
Your blood ran dry seeing the way they all ended the chats, great now you were fucked up and in the middle of a crossfire, you needed to do something before you became the ultimate victim of their civil, bangtan civil war now that sounds weird.
Your eyes roamed around the hotel room looking for taehyung but when you found no traces of him, you decided to get off the bed and go check for him. Not even a single step forward and you found yourself hissing mentally cursing taehyung for that extra round. The cold air hitting your body made a chill run down your spine, the thought of how that video was gonna remain forever making you shudder. A blush coating your face at the idea that it could actually be used more than once.
You pushed the embarrassment down along with yours hands dipping down to pick up the discarded shirt from last night, and slipping it on your body, your hands trembled when you started to button it up, the memory of taehyung's ghosting fingers again igniting a chill in your body, you didn't had much time to think about them when you heard the door opening signalling you that taehyung had came back.
You didn't look back a little mad at taehyung for the whole stunt he pulled last night, focusing on buttoning up the shirt. "Hi darling." Your fingers halted when those melodious words entered your ear, you quickly turned around to come in face to face with the other six of your boyfriend, a sudden itching rising in your throat.
"Guys I can explain."
They all raised an eyebrow at you words giving you the most Cheshire devilish grin you had ever seen on there faces. "You think you can love?"
Well no oh shit.
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ladythornofrivia Β· 11 months
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Pair: Geto x Reader
Warnings: just plain smut, dirty talk, fingering, tattoo kink, breeding kink, reader and Geto being horny, one night stand to lovers, club, alcohol, Geto being dirty-minded pretty boy. Reader thirsty for Geto. Cunnilingus, Cockwarming. Breathing kink. Sex in Tattoo shop. Birthday Sex. Love at first sight.
a/n: for kinktober! There will be three parts! Hooray!
(Listen to this song)
Night time was the best time to get away from annoying people. More so, your β€œboyfriend”, who constantly asked you where you're going. Despite your intentions on not telling him, you ignore his insults and back-handed compliments to you.
"You should ignore them, (y/n)," your friend, Angeline, said, touring in Japan. No matter what you do, or say, everyone are just as stubborn. Stupid, even, to not realize their hypocrisy on you.
People who are called as β€œboyfriend”.
"I can't believe this. But if he goes out, he’s fine with it. He can go whereever and whoever he wants. He doesn't have to notify me. He can be shirtless, and nobody wouldn't insult him. He kept saying things like how he's respectable and shit. But if I make my own plans, he won't let me go anywhere without him or his cousin to take with. They practically volunteer themselves them in and then says they don't remember about them going with me. And it happened last week when I wanted to go to a fancy restaurant by myself, and he didn't want me to go alone and then they volunteer on taking his cousin with me. When I confronted them, they said they weren't there at my birthday, they said that her cousin wasn't there on my birthday, that she's working. They betrayed my wishes, and always lie to me, and always defend then at their wrong choices in life. Why the fuck did I move out so soon?”
"Your soon-to-be family fucking sucks. Losers can't even appreciate you. Well, once you break up with him, I'll take you in with no problem. We can be sisters!"
"Aren't we already sisters?" you teased.
"True. Anyway, just forget about them, we're going at the club! Besides, you look gorgeous in that dress, so don’t waste the effort!”
Looking down on your dress, you felt different. A good kind of different.
(This is the dress)
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Eyes widened at your friend's statement.
"Aw come, on, you're good at dancing," she complimented. "If you show off your skills, boys will go to you. Even cute ones--you know the ones that look innocent, but is good in bed."
"You read too much smut," I told her.
"And sometimes, a guy that you'll find, will be able to do anything for you!”
"Not in the club, for starters! We came to have fun, not a marriage ceremony. Besides, I haven’t broke up with him yet."
Angeline pushed you back lightly. "Don't make it sound so bad. Of course we're going to have fun--tons and tons of fun! It's time for a change!"
You nodded. "Enough negativity! I can change my life around!"
Angeline cheered. "Good! That's how an independent woman should think! Damned if you do, damned if you don't. You heart will be set free! Starting tonight!"
Drinking another liquor, Gojo said, rested his arm on the couch frame, surrounded by ladies, fawning. "Geto, aren't you satisfied you're taking a break from your work?"
Geto, on the other hand, had a shot, uninterested. "I'm glad."
"You don't sound glad," Gojo notified, smirking. "You haven't gotten someone's pussy lately."
Geto choked. "I just want to rest."
"Yeah, rest on someone's pussy."
"Would you stop that? The girls will get the wrong idea."
Gojo shrugged. "I don't think the girls hate it, based on what I've been seeing."
The girls giggled at Geto's reaction.
"Knock it off, Gojo."
"Come on, lighten up. If I was a girl, I'd flirt with you with my blue eyes."
Geto rolled his eyes. "I have to rest for tomorrow. Another client is requesting for a large tattoo on her back."
"What was it?'
"A photo of her husband. Ex husband."
Gojo spat out his drink. "Are you fucking kidding me?"
"I wish." Geto shook his head. "Though she paid me a hefty amount of cash, so I can't say shit to her."
"Damn, that's dedication for your tattoo shop. Guess I don't have to worry about it anymore. You need to relax. Who knows it'll be fun at the end of the night."
Geto shrugged. "Maybe." Then ate his appetizer, ignoring the girls who try to gain his attention, never minding Gojo, who seems to be doing well with socializing.
"I'm telling you that this is for your own good. If your stay with your pussy of a β€œboyfriend”, you're not getting a new dick for tonight."
My eyes paused at Angeline with shock.
"Yeah, if you say it out loud, everyone's going to think I'm desperate."
"(y/n), you have to do this. Staying indoors with him acting as a housewife won’t do you good! Meeting new people is when going outside, sometimes online. Unless if you date someone on virtual mode, then it's weird."
Angeline shoved you slowly, yet gently against your back. "Don't be shy. Show them what you're made of, and someone will notice you. That way, you can move on from your life with your stupid family and relatives who doesn't give a shit about you or remembers a single thing about you."
"Okay, but--"
"No, buts, you have to do this. You have to be more like those Disney princesses who wanted new adventures."
"This isn't Disney, though."
"Still, you get what I mean." Angeline patted your upper arms. "You got this! I'll be here, watching."
You sighed. "Okay, but I want this song to be played in order for me to get started. I know you have to pay the DJ to play the song that people personally like."
"Okay, we'll do that." You friend dragged you and went up to the DJ, requesting the song to play from the Iphone.
"How much?"
"Β₯14,977," the DJ confirmed.
You took out the wallet to pay, but Angeline already paid.
"Angeline," you began.
"No, I want you to live your life. This is my treat."
"What if I don't get a date?'
"Even if you don't get a date, it's fine."
"But you told me earlier to find someone and fuck them at the end of the night."
"Yeah, I know, but, it doesn't matter now. Whatever the outcome is, all that matters is you being happy away from your β€œboyfriend”. Even just for tonight. I want you to be happy, far and wide, so that they'll forget about you. I know you're better than them, and I know you can do better than themβ€”even your pussy of a β€œboyfriend”. Believe in yourself, and never lose sight of your goal, even if it means of cutting them off."
You smiled. "Thanks, Angeline."
"Anytime. Now go have fun," she encouraged.
The DJ played the tune you wanted. All the people on the dance floor stopped, but you we're just getting started.
Super Shy by Newjeans is your favorite song, and you've been practicing dancing the choreography. And that's how you gained confidence, though little by little. At first, you're frightened of making a single mistake, that everyone would laugh, so you pretend that you're inside your room, dancing like no one's watching. In the end, you were giggling, still moving your body.
"Oh, I never heard that song before," Gojo commented, "Very cheery."
Geto stopped and listened to the beat. "Defintely not from here in Japan."
"Ah, I can probably give you a few reasons why," Gojo said, pointed at you. "She stands out. In fact, too much from the crowd. Can't say it's a bad thing, though. Don't you think so, Suguru?"
Smoking, Suguru said nothing and kept an eye on the dance floor. A girl's movements swiftly clean and sharp with every turn and step. He had never seen a girl who's energetic to do dancing. He has seen girls who dance, but not in a way that you did. The song's rhythm is filled with cheery beat. None of the crowd seemed as cheery as you, but everyone kept watching, your feet insync with music. And by the time it ends, you ended with a smile and a few claps and cheers, but other than that, you left the dance floor and try to search for your friend.
But then another song came on, Jungkook's song, 3D, and you find yourself dancing again. This time, people are jamming in, because everyone knows BTS.
With a finger flicked the cigarette, Suguru stood up, stretching his legs with a groan huffing from his chest.
"Ooh, where you going, Sugee-Woogee?"
Suguru cringed. "I'm heading to the restroom."
Suguru walked ahead and carefully approached the crowd.
"Suguru, that's not where the restroom is," Gojo pointed out.
When you danced along Jungkook's song, your friend tapped you on the shoulder, rather rapidly.
"Dude," Angeline said. "Dude!"
"I think someone's coming this way!" your friend said with glee.
"Who? I don't see anyone." The crowd is too thick for you to see.
"Have fun," Angeline said in a sing-song voice, waving a farewell. "I'll be at the bar if you need me."
"Dude!" you said in English, whining.
Continue on dancing to a different tune, The Weeknd's song, you felt a large hand slithering around your waist. Then a large bulge grinding against your backside.
When you staggered back, to face who was grasping you, your nealy collapsed on your back; another hand hooked on your back to break your fall, and there you see a man with dark, longish hair with narrowed eyes glinting at you, his lips curved into a small smirk.
"Careful, there, no one wants to see a beautiful princess fall now, don't we?"
A young man gave another subtlety of his smirk.
"Thank you," you uttered, not confident, face covered in blush.
He pulled you right back up. "Don't mention it, princess." Then he did a little waltz with you on the dance floor, treating you with care. "So what does the princess doing here in the club?'
You frowned at that. "Am I not allowed to go to club?"
"You're allowed," he said. "But you look too ravishing compare to the girls I stumbled onto tonight."
Is he serious? you thought to yourself. For all you know, he might have a girlfriend waiting for him. You didn't want to get to a certain point of involving wasted drama.
"You might mind, but I don't."
He hummed. 'Why's that, sweet lady?'
"Your girlfriend might get upset with you if you associate with someone like me. I hate to say this, but it'd be great if you back off. I don't want to get involve with drama.'
He looked at you intently before giving a good laugh. "Oh, you sweet princess. Here's the thing," his lips leaned closer to your ear. "I don't have anyone in my life at the moment."
That doesn't sound convincing enough.
"Ooh, is the little lady doubtful of me?" his voice laced like honey. "You shouldn't be."
'Oh, but I wouldn't count on it.'
'Why's that?'
Your head nudged towards the girls behind Geto, who are sitting at their seats furiously, glaring daggers at you.
'Gojo set me up for a date I didn't like.'
"Date?" You never heard of a guy being set up to a date with numerous girls at the same time.
He nodded. "I was supposed to rest for tonight. My back was hurting for my work. Bending my back down and then stretch it."
'Well, you can go to a chiropractor to adjust your spine. It usually works.'
He hummed. 'I'll keep that mind, princess.' His other hand clung onto your waist and spun your back around for him to grind against you.
'Bet you never have a guy who does it good as me, princess."
You found yourself blushing. 'No one has actually. In fact, I don't even know your name.'
He leaned his face against your locks, inhaling a fainted rose water scent. 'Let's enjoy ourselves for now.'
Despite his claims, you can't help but to look back at the girls the guy used to hang out, are entirely pissed at you. But the guy with white locks and blue eyes gave a toast to you with a smirk.
"Let's go somewhere private," he said into your ear, getting your attention back to a raven-haired man. "What do you say?'
Pondering your gazing look into his eyes before a chance of bestowing him an answer.
He slammed you against the wall against the bathroom stall in a ladies restroom, kissing and ravishing your neck and collarbone with few licks and nibbles mingling his lips with languid and passionate kisses.
You sighed, clutching his hardened body. "Mhmmm~'
"You like it, princess?” He made sure the restroom's lock so no one can go in. Kisses more on the shoulders, then your neckline until it reaches to your earlobes, tugging it gently with his teeth.
His eyes glinted, examining your flushed skin as you breathed hard, eyes filled with plea.
His hand slid underneath your dress, pressing his fingertips against the nub of your cunt, circling it as it sends a thousand waves crushing against you, soaring with pleasure. Undoing your straps, his tongue and teeth delved and ravished the hardened nipple on your breast with a low moan, fondling the other.
'I'm guessing you have never been touched or have been pleasure by a man.'
Blushing furisouly, you turned your head away, which it lead to him taking your chin and rotated your head, facing him.
'Tell me, princess, and I'll make your dreams come true,' he said into your ear with intent eyes daggered to your sheepish ones.
You gulped. "Fuck me, please." With your hands hung around behind his neck, indicating it gently for him to get closer to you.
Smirking, he lunged his lips and crashed to yours. His slick tongue gained acess to your tongue, his hands clutched the fabric of your underwear, pulling it downward bit by bit. His lips pulled away, looking into the haziness in your eyes.
"Shall I go further, little lady?' his eyes twinkled in anticipation.
Gasping, you held onto his hair. indicating for your thirst to be quenched.
Geto took the initiation of bringing your legs up to his shoulders as he flicks and consumed the taste of you on his tongue, humming in pleasure.
"Ah~" Your head threw back, clutching him tight without fall.
Bucking your hips against his face, your lower body gyrated against him. Large hands steadied you, but with a flick and slurp on his mouth driven you crazy. Your legs enveloped around his head.
He moaned, hands now gripping on your ass and pushed it toward his face closer to a point he wanted to suffocated from your delicious thighs.
"Ah~" your breath ragged, body coldly shivering, shoulders and neck became intensely hot, finding your ragged breath became loudly desperate. "I'm getting close," you said.
His biceps locked your thighs in tighter, his tongue lapped a few more rounds until your walls clenched and drenched his mouth with cum.
As it was over, he settled your legs down carefully. Inclining his head upward, your eyes gazed at the glazed cum you implanted on him. With a smirk, he licked his lips and hummed in satisfaction.
"Taste just as exquisite as you are, princess," he said, getting up on his two feet in haste, and approached you, zipping his pants down, revealing his long and thick cock. Before you could react, he lifted you up, placing your legs on his waist as he pinned you against the wall.
"Hold onto me, princess," he moaned, tugging your earlobe with teeth before he pounded his cock into your hole.
You never had sex before, but you're pretty sure how it works in movies and books compare to real life feels different. Sudden without warning.
But it didn't mean awful in your case. In fact, it felt good and full in your cunt.
Noticing your gasps, his lips curved into a smirk and pounded his cock all the way to your g-spot with a loud grunt, tossing his head back, his moans echoed loudly towards the restroom's ceiling. His hips picked up the pace and pounded twice as rough and rapidly brute. Little by little, your arms weighted with exhaustion, still wrapped behind his neck, as your sloppily kissed with him, tasting yourself from his greedy lips.
"Almost there, princess," he said, breathing onto your mouth, thrusting sloppily yet callously.
"Coming~" you moaned aloud, and his semen spilled onto your hole, filling with hot seed, draining to your inner thighs.
Both of your leaned your foreheads towards each other, pressing with heaving breaths lingering.
His eyes lingered to yours, pressing his lips against yours, almost lax and carefree. He chuckled when saw your flushed expression.
What a cutie, he said.
"That was fun," you said, chuckling.
His long hair swished as he found himself chuckling.
"Tell me something, my princess," he leaned closer. "What is it that you want? From what I can tell, based on you, I can tell you want more than a simple life. What is it that you want, that you truly want?"
Your breath staggered. "Tell me, and I'll give it to you."
Heaving, you contemplated; your legs are shaking and leaden, almost as if it was pinned to the ground.
He kept you steady. "Woah, we can't get a break, huh? You're so beautiful, my darling princess, even in this state."
Nuzzling against his chest, you breathed as your cheeks.
You never knew this man, but somehow he made you feel like you're in heaven with him--a solace from your hell.
"You okay, princess?'
"I'm okay. My legs are sore."
"First time sex always get sore," he said, smirking.
"Clearly," you said, giggling.
He kissed you again, caressing your waist with both of his hands. "I want to see you again soon, baby~"
"I want to see you, too, but--"
Your eyes saddened. "My boyfriend. They won't let me be as myself around him, and always supervised me everywhere I go; I can't go alone without him, and my friend brought me here. I just want some peaceβ€”I was planning on breaking up with him.”
His eyes looked onto you intently. "What do you truly want, princess?'
You said nothing.
"I'll give you anything you want. Just say the word, and you'll have it."
You sighed, looking away for a second. "I don't know..."
"Look at me, my good princess..."
You looked at him, eyes locked with fear.
"Tell me what you wish for, and I'll make all of your dreams come true," he guaranteed. β€œPut your trust in me.”
"Well, it might sound silly, but I want to have a couple of tattoos. I just want something for myself."
"Ah, a sign of rebellion," he mused, still holding onto your waist, gripping it tight and proud.
Your gaze lowered. "Yeah.."
His finger tucked under your chin for your gaze to be lock onto his in an extension of time. "That's not silly, at all." He fished in his pockets and gave you something, but before he could touch your hand, the restroom doors banged.
"What the fuck?! The door's jammed!"
"I need to pee!"
"We have to get the security to pry this open!"
Then the silence came.
He chuckled. "Guess we better go." He took your hand and unlocked the door.
Quickly, both you and him snuck out of the restroom, but only to be caught by your friend.
"(y/n), where the hell have you been? I've been dying to tell you about this guy I saw, tall and gorgeous with blue eyes, I--"
Suddenly, she both saw you and him together outside of the restroom, put two and two clues together.
Instead of talking, Angeline gave you a subtle smirk. "I'll leave you guys to it..."
She walked away as he placed his arm behind his head, chuckling awkwardly.
"Sorry about her, she wanted me to--"
"I know," he said, then his hand outstretched. laying the paper material onto your hand. "Call me, princess." He gave a soft, loving peck on your cheek. His suppled lips lingered a little longer than you expected.
"Keep in touch. I'll be waiting." He gave a smile before he went back.
But you seized him.
"We don't know each other's names," you said, frantic.
He chortled. β€œYou’re right.” He looked back and leaned his tall height close to your level, his face nearing against yours. β€œTell me your name, princess.”
"(y/n)," you said proudly.
Watching his lips curved upward, he said. "Beautiful."
"I don't even know your name," you pointed out.
"It's on the back of the card," he purred into your ear.
"I want to hear it from you," you said, pleading. β€œYour voice.”
He chuckled. "Since you're a good girl, I'll tell you. My name is Geto Suguru."
Your said boyfriend texted you in a total of 138 messages and phone calls and angry voicemails.
"Your boyfriend is a piece of work," he commented.
"Yeah, he is. I just want to take a break." You shut the phone off. You rushed off to your friend---him following you--and showed her the missed calls and messages from your said boyfriend.
"They're that persistent," Angeline said, rolling her eyes.
"We should go back. My soon-to-be annoying in laws is going to think I got drugged or something," you said.
He took the card from you and tucked it in. And took your phone and dialed the number instead.
"What if my boyfriend discovers you on my phone?"
"There's a landline," he suggested. Call me by this number."
Fear overtook you for a second, numerous scenarios running in your head.
His callous palm lingered onto your skin as he placed it. "Don't be afraid, princess. I'll be waiting for you," he said with a smile before he gave you one last kiss.
But then you said, tugging his sleeve. "May I see your phone?"
Without hesitation, he gave you his phone, and dialed your phone number and added into his contacts, then looking at him back, watching his smile at your sudden move on entering your phone number.
"That's my girl. I'll keep in touch," he said, and walked away back to his seat with his friend, music blasting away as you and Geneva.
Your eardrums banged even after heading outside. Angeline couldn't help you but smirk.
"Where did you go, missy?' she teased.
"I was chatting with him," you said.
"Does banging the restroom stalls count as chatting?''
Your face instantly blushed.
"So, how good is he?'
Hands shielded over your face. "Angeline!"
"I'm just kidding! See, I know you'll meet someone. He's been eyeing on you since the dance floor," she cheered and embraced you by the side while ruffling your hair with her fist. "You're becoming a woman, (y/n)," she said, cackling.
Your phone rang again.
"Don't answer it. I'll do the explaining for you," Angeline said.
"No, don't. They're going to suspect we're doing drugs."
"We'll just tell them there's traffic. Japan is a very busy country, after all. Oh yeah," she took out the napkin. "Might want to use this. His cum is spilling out on your legs and heels."
"Don't say stuff like that in public." As you wiped the cum, the wind breezed against your skin and dress. It felt nice and cold, and yet...naked.
"Oh no," you muttered in horror.
"What? What's wrong?"
"I'm not wearing any underwear," you uttered quietly, blushing at the thought of your knight in shining armor, Geto, taking your panties with him.
Β© kinggetou - all rights reserved.
Taglist: @galactict3a
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Ominis Gaunt x platonic!Sebastian Sallow
Summary -Β Request for β€œhello! if your still taking requests i’d kill for a little hurt/comfort ominis/sebastian fixπŸ₯Ίmaybe after the whole crucio deal?? he deserved better”
Word Count -Β 1,525
Warnings - angst, mentions of violence
Ominis took time for himself after what had happened in the Scriptorium. He couldn't grasp how you and Sebastian didn't seem bothered at all by what went on. You just let him cast Crucio on you like it was nothing then you were up and exploring the secrets of the room.
Sebastian didn't even blink and Ominis wished he was more surprised about that. Someone had to mean it to cast that curse. Ominis had meant it when he was a child purely because he was trying to save himself and even then he never stopped feeling guilty. Why would Sebastian be able to mean it to cast it on you? Of course it was the only way out, but Ominis wasn't sure that was a good enough reason.
Sebastian was just carrying on as if nothing out of the ordinary happened. He had taken the spell book and began studying it to piece together everything he knew. He sat in the Undercroft not thinking anything was out of the ordinary while Ominis sat in the dorms feeling pitiful.
His sorrowful feelings of how it felt to hear your screams of agony subsided to ones full of anger. You were the one who convinced him that it couldn't be too dangerous. Sebastian very well knew what he could be getting into and yet he charmed the both of you into his mischief. It wasn't just mischief anymore. Sebastian didn't understand any of what he was getting himself into, not like Ominis did.
The blonde boy took his wand out aggressively. He was disheveled; he had shed his robes because he found them suffocating. His hair was a mess from him running his hands through it and nearly pulling out. The sensitive skin around his eyes were tinted pink with the anguish he'd forced upon himself.
He pushed up the sleeves of his shirt and wasted no time taking the path to the Undercroft. He knew he would find Sebastian there even though it had been hours.
"Ominis!" Sebastian's voice was excited and Ominis heard him shift to stand and come towards him.
He put his hand up before Sebastian could come any closer.
"How could you?" His voice was full of hurt when he spat the question at Sebastian.
"You know what I've been through. You know more than anybody. But you're β€” you're so obsessed you can't see what you're doing."
"What are you talking about Ominis, we just got the spellbook. I β€”"
"Don't play stupid with me!" Ominis was feeling livid listening to even the smallest bit more Sebastian trying to spin things in his favor. He was using his hands now to gesture as he spoke, his face flushed red.
"I care about Anne every bit as much as you do. The pieces of a family you have left mean as much to me as they do to you. That's why I'm not going to stand by and let you destroy and start fitting in with my family more than I ever have." Sebastian closed the book and set it aside, angry and confused. He walked towards Ominis and got near to his face.
"How dare you say that to me. I'm trying to save the flesh and blood I have left. I'm sorry you wouldn't understand that because β€”"
Ominis outright slapped Sebastian, cutting him off before he could speak. Both of the boys were fuming and Ominis couldn't see the embarrassment on the other boys face. He couldn't see the mirrored tears being held back.
"The dark arts always have a price, Sebastian. They aren't full of whimsy and used just for fun. And did you even stop to think how I felt after you used me to get into the Scriptorium? You made me use what little of those disgusting abilities I have, took my to where my aunt died, and forced me to watch you re-enact one of the most awful moments of my life. Something I replay enough in my head you made me listen to right in front of me."
Ominis was breathing heavily at the end of his rant, inevitable wet streaks ran down his cheeks.
"You don't understand. You don't care about me or Y/N or Anne. You know she wouldn't want to be cured like this anyhow."
Ominis felt he had said his piece so he stormed out of the room as quickly as he had come in, shaking and using his sleeves to wipe his face. He left Sebastian standing dumbfounded and going through an array of emotions processing what he'd just heard.
He thought Ominis wanted to help his sister as much as he did. You and Ominis both possessed powers he couldn't ever imagine having and he thought you were both more than grateful along the way. You took the Crucio curse so well he had thought there was no way it could be as bad as others have said, at least not for someone like you.
He was conflicted about whether he had been wrong to make Ominis witness such a thing, but he hadn't said much at the time other than assuring you were alright after the fact.
Sebastian sighed deeply, rubbing his fingers into his eyes trying to make sense of this mess he apparently made. He felt exhausted with all of the thoughts swirling around his head and ended up falling asleep in the Undercroft.
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Sebastian woke up feeling like he'd been hit by a broom. On top of the uncomfortable floor of the Undercroft, everything Ominis said came back to him the second he was conscious.
"Fuck..." he muttered, leaning his head up against the wall. He knew he screwed up and said things he shouldn't have. It's what he did best and he had done it his whole life. Ominis was right that he hadn't at all stopped to think about how his best friend would feel about the situation. All he had thought was it was the way forward to more information and the way out, so they had to do it.
He had hardly stopped to check on you and surely hadn't thought to check on Ominis at all.
Sebastian unfolded himself from the floor to go and look for Ominis. He hoped to catch him outside the great hall to have a private moment, if he would have him at all. When Sebastian didn't find him there he traced their usual path back to the dorms and was surprised to find the other boy alone in the common room.
Ominis didn't turn to acknowledge that anyone had come in, he sat by the fire with an emotionless stare. Sebastian didn't want to test his luck too much so he sat across from his friend, sighing and putting his head in his hands.
"Would you be willing to talk?" Ominis didn't flinch at all as Sebastian had taken his seat, but he tilted his head towards him.
"You can talk."
Sebastian looked up and decided spilling his guts was better than doing nothing to try and fix this.
"I made the wrong choice. I've made a lot of wrong choices and it feels like I just can't stop," he laughed softly, " if I didn't know otherwise I would think maybe this is my curse, but I know it's not. It's my own fault."
Ominis nodded as he listened, his grip visibly tightening on the couch. Sebastian scratched his neck out of nervousness. He really didn't know how to talk about feelings and he was uncomfortable.
"I was selfish. I convinced myself that I was thinking about Anne, but you're right that my judgement might have been misguided. I'm sorry I put you in that situation. I'm sorry I didn't even think to talk to you about it afterwards. As obsessed as I've been with following Salazar Slytherin's trail...you might be right about it.
"I mean, of course you know more about it. You grew up hearing about it so much more than I ever did."
Sebastian sat back against his couch, trying desperately to decipher what Ominis was thinking.
"I fucked up and I'm sorry. I can't take anything back, but I can listen to you more and I can listen to you now. So if you have more of last night then lay it on me."
The two of them sat in silence for a few moments, which was torturous for Sebastian. He felt like he couldn't breathe, knowing that Ominis had every right to tell him off more and tell him he didn't want to speak ever again.
"I forgive you, but only if you stop all of this nonsense for good. You can look for cures wherever you want, but not in the dark arts, Sebastian." His voice was soft and Sebastian could tell he was holding himself back.
Sebastian reached across the gap between them and put a had on his friends knee.
"If you don't mind doing some extra assignments tomorrow, I want to hear about how you're feeling. Well, maybe I could do without being struck again, but if it's what you need I'll allow it."
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bengiyo Β· 1 year
I Told Sunset About You Rewatch Ep 1 Stray Thoughts
We're doing a retrospective for @the-conversation-pod soon, so I want to get a rewatch in (I think this is my sixth) before we record. Figured it might be fun to jot ideas down.
Let me just say that the quality of the opening song still hits like a ton of bricks right as this starts. I had not experienced something like that before.
Telling us from the first scene that it's always been about Oh-aew.
RIP LINE TV. Pour one out.
Thinking about Teh's relationship with his mom this time, she was praising Teh for making it into this school with high marks.
Oh we finally know what MoRaoYuLok means! (We look so funny)
Skyline is just such an affecting song.
I often forget that the first float we saw was with the young actors.
Really like the camera zooming in on Teh after Oh agrees to play Yongjian. We've seen them in frame together for about four minutes of the friendship montage, and now Teh suddenly feels alone.
The tragedy of their breakup hits every time. You can see it coming immediately as soon as Oh is selected and Teh tries his best to support him through the play.
I often think about how Teh wasn't even selected to play a tree in the play.
Oh, Teh, he was always in the wrong when it came to Oh. Oh hoped they could share a passion together and Teh only saw someone stepping on his dream.
Hello again, Tuty the Homophobic Dog.
Oh, Teh, why do you have to get salty about your mom praising your brother for being able to help you afford school?
Tarn, you will regret telling Teh to go after someone else because you don't want him to waste his time waiting for you.
I love the bass beats at the mention of Oh-aew.
Sometimes you briefly forget how beautiful PP Krit is, and then you see him again and you're like, "Right, I didn't imagine that."
Gosh, Teh was always petty.
Very sad foreshadowing about Teh later waking up early to study with Oh.
This whole scene of The deciding to mess with his hair is almost Japanese in styling. It's rare in Thai shows where they hold a shot and let the actors enter and exit the frame, trusting the audience to remember where things are.
Lol, Teh is so embarrassing sometimes. Even the teacher had to call him out about the hair.
I'm still fond of Khunpol's acting as Bas after all this time. He was new to Nadao at the time and was very nervous to work so closely with PP.
He's always good at saying things to hurt Oh, but then instantly regrets it.
Oh, Bas. If it could have been you it would have been you so easily.
I sometimes wish we'd dug more into Oh's family relationship, because it feels like Teh often said things that reminded Oh of his dad.
Truly this is a beautiful shot of all of MoRaoYuLok together. Teh positioned between Bas and Oh is exquisite.
The score for this show really is just so fantastic. Underlines every moment beautifully.
Billkin is really beautiful when he has to show sympathy for PP's character crying.
PP's legs? Undefeated. Closest challenger was Todd Techit.
Goddamn these two make each other ugly cry so easily. Even on this gorgeous beach!
Poor Bas. He noticed so early.
Oh always cuts to the emotional core of their problems.
Billkin's eyebrows are doing so much work.
Ending on what Teh might say to Oh from the interview and having him not exactly say those things to Oh? Crushing.
Ke Yi Ma? Ke Yi.
Billkin singing Skyline just blasts you at the end. My goodness.
Something that still surprises me each time I come back to this is how much these boys cry at each other about each other. Normally you'd expect some kind of machismo or gender dynamic where one of them is maybe stoic, but no, these two know each other too well for that. Their relationship just feels so huge. Really the only other two characters that have close to this feeling are Pat and Pran, and Our Song explicitly asks if it's okay if they're not as huge as something like this.
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thegeminisage Β· 3 months
star trek update time. last night we did ds9's "hard time" and "shattered mirror," which, WOW
hard time:
so i knew going in this was going to be an obrien suffering episode but i did NOT expect it to escalate to an ONSCREEN SUICIDE ATTEMPT. JESUS CHRIST
first of all, even real prison would have been less evil than fake prison. argrathans are VILE
kira was so niceys to him when he woke up :( even though you could tell she was super uncomfortable
i read that this episode was originally supposed to be about that lower decks bajoran girl...i'm kind of glad it didn't happen to her, tbh, but also, what did happen to her was still so fucking horrible
episodes that make a great case for why julian bashir can and should join the obriens marriage. he can still see garak on the side!!
i mean was this not julian and miles: the episode?
it was just SO good. everyone trying really hard to help and no one being able to help because obrien is LYING ABOUT IT AND GOD. THEY WASTED THIS GUY ON TNG! FIVE YEARS ON TNG AND THEY GAVE HIM ONE GOOD EPISODE! ONE!!!!!!! HE STOOD AROUND AT THE TRANSPORTER DOING JACK SHIT AND FOR WHAT
i actually thought for a second at the end when they were starving in prison he was gonna eat that guys. tarsus iv blinders. actually what happened was kind of worse
suicide scene. what can i even say except bashir is the most gentle man and good person. and god obrien fucking CARRIED it. five years on tng and i didn't know he could do that except for one fucking scene which was also about the cardassian war
bashir assuring keiko obrien always bounces back and then he almost KILLS HIMSELF.
AND THE THING IS YOU GET IT! he was really scary when he killed his cellmate! he was scary when he hurt quark and almost hit molly! you can see why he would be frightened of himself! it's that moment of absolute rage and then it's over and that guy is dead on the ground and you can't undo it. even though he wasn't REAL and then julian talks him down ANYWAY god i'm actually not even making any coherent sense bc it was just That good. god. GOD.
shattered mirror:
mixed feelings about this one, but mostly positive
i really Don't like how easy it is for characters to hop back and forth between our verse and the mirrorverse. ds9's mirrorverse already takes SO much mystery out of the original, which i could except, but having jake's not-mom and sisko's not-wife pop over for a visit for nooo reason is like. too much really. it should be harder. seeing her should be a bigger deal
about five second after the words "this should be a bigger deal" left my mouth it started being a bigger deal and i immediately took it back lol bc im weak but ultimately thats the kind of writing i'd wanna see for mirror jennifer
i think her using her knowledge of their grief against them WAS fun and evil actually even if it was also evil to me. and jake was already lonely because nog was gone too GOD. hey, also, speaking of nog, why was quark all "oh jake comes down here and pines for nog like every day" like are they boyfriends?? young love? whats going on ds9
speaking of gay people, um. worf and garak. the. the bondage collar. the way we both at the exact same moment had the exact same thought, which was: slave bikini leia. whatever they had going on in this episode was so homoerotic there was even penetration (with a knife).
one thing mirrorverse will do is kill people. odo, quark, rom, and now nog and jennifer. i called both their deaths before it happened but jennifer dying was still SOOOOO. god. at least this time they got to say goodbye?
SO thrilled to see mirror kira again, ik nana visitor was against the evil lesbian stereotype but what if i did wanna see her just lez out now and again? it's pride month i have rights
theme of the evening: mood whiplash. we went from obriens suicide attempt to fun edgy horny mirrorverse worf and garak bondage to sisko and jake's shared grief over jenifer to mirror kira doing βœŒπŸ‘… at the camera every chance she got. my head was spinning by the end of the night. good for them though
TONIGHT: ds9's "the muse" and voy's "the thaw"
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risu5waffles Β· 1 month
movie night
spent the day stumbling around Akiba, don't know that i got any pictures worth a tinker's damn, but who knows. it also means i don't need to go back to Akiba for a good while, and that's always worth it.
treated myself to Perfect Blue, and that was nice. and, come to think of it, probably an appropriate bookend to the day. i was surprised at how much of the spoken dialogue i was able to follow, disappointed at how much i missed, so a mixed bag there. still, it was cool to see on the big(-ish, the theatre isn't a big, big screen, but still a lot bigger than watching on a telly) screen; it's still, even just visually and in direction, a fantastic movie. also, it was kind of neat to hear motifs in the score that would show up in Paranoia Agent later.
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i've never been in an operating public bath, not in The Before, and certainly not now. i'm not entirely sure that i'd want to go, but i can't exactly say if that's because of the obvious, or that the idea of bathing in front of other people just isn't something that appeals to me. i'm not even sure there's a meaningful distinction between the two, at least not on a functional level.
i did have the opportunity to demolish a few when we were tearing down that waste treatment plant. i don't know why they had shared baths; there didn't seem to be dormitory facilities. a lot had been torn out already before they called in our two person crew tho', so it's hard to say. at any rate, they weren't as nice as any i've seen in media, but that's usually how it goes. i remember them being a pain in the arse to rip everything out of, tho'.
that whole job was just a giant pain in the arse top to bottom tho'.
i tell you, there are less fun things to do than pulling light fixtures out of office ceilings, and you've got to strip the nuts out wiv your bare fingers, in the middle of February, and there ain't any gods-be-damned windows, and sweet crippled christ but your fingers are cold and cut up and raw. anyways, there're less fun things than that, but that's still not exactly funtimes at the beach.
anyway, got away from myself a bit. the picture turned out nice enough, so i can't complain. i think i might have had the fog settings cranked a bit too much, which worked fine using the set for reviews, but has the picture looking a bit more washed out than i'd have otherwise wanted. that's something to keep in mind for future pictures.
there won't be any backstage video for this one. i put the set together... gosh, last year, the year before? so the setup for the picture here wouldn't really be much to watch. mostly just putting in the characters and getting the camera right. i guess there was figuring out how to get the soap suds for the two washing their hair in the back, but that wasn't really much of a much.
anyhoot, i'm deadtired. 's been a long day on top of a bunch of long days, and i'm going to sleep like corpses do. full of worms and rot.
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science-lings Β· 1 year
Prompt idea! One of the Links birthday! (Could be Time or Wild, both of them got confusing ages)
None of the Links were known for doing things halfway. In fights, they worked like a well-oiled machine, with impeccable skill and attention. None of them ever had to worry about their backs being exposed because there was always someone there to protect them.
Even when setting up camp, they all had their jobs that tended to change enough to keep everyone happy. Except for cooking, Wild was the only one trusted to do that. Though he usually employed the use of another hero's help to assist him with preparations. Perhaps someday a few of them would learn enough to cook something on their own.
This is all to say that the moment whispers of Time's birthday reached them all, it was destined to be quite the event. Behind the old man's back, plans were concocted. Though, they could only convince Time to go patrol with one of them so many times before getting suspicious and they ran out of paper from Warriors' diary after a few days of passing notes.
Still, they managed. Warriors and Wind were in charge of the whole affair, seeing as they were the ones who knew the date of Time's birthday in the first place. They took the job incredibly seriously, making sure that everyone was involved in some way.
Finally, the day had come and the plan spurred into motion. First, Four faked being sick, ensuring that they'd have a late start to the day, giving Wild enough time to make them a hearty breakfast. Full on pancakes, eggs, bacon, and hashbrowns, Wild even made a fresh wildberry syrup and whipped cream made of Lon Lon milk that he saved special from their last visit to the ranch.
Most of the day passed normally, all the monsters they ran into were easily disposed of, then the fun really started.
After a rivetingly pathetic performance by Four, they decided to set up camp nice and early, they were too far to make it to the closest town anyway.
Warriors went with Legend and Hyrule to distract Time for long enough that preparations could be completed, and several 'accidents' were planned to waste plenty of time. Wild started on the cake while Sky frantically finished his wood carving present that he'd only been able to work on at night.
Four and Wind furiously cut up little pieces of ribbon to stuff into both the smithies and Sky's gust bellows, hoping to create an explosion of confetti when the time came. They were also figuring out how to rig some deku nuts into decorative smoke bombs.
Until it was time to make the frosting, Twilight was sent to watch the other group from the shadows, to make sure they didn't come back too soon.
When Wolfie caught a whiff of warm vanilla, he headed back to the campsite quietly, satisfied that the other Links would be occupied with Hyrule stuck high up in a tree.
Twilight, being the perfect equilibrium of strength and stamina, was the perfect person to whip up the frosting. He wasn't bothered by the vigorous whisking for minutes at a time or by the powdered sugar dusting his tunic and wolf pelt.
They all helped decorate the cake, Wild with the swirling frosting and the rest covering it in berries, intermittently popping one in their mouths as there seemed to be more than enough to do so.
When it came to the final touches, Wild paused.
"Have we ever figured out how old he is?" Piping tip pointing at the top left of the cake, getting ready to frost the message.
"No..." Twilight muttered after a moment of thought, "You could probably just go with 'Happy Birthday', his age doesn't matter."
"I have a better idea, but you guys can't look until he gets here." Wild smiled mischievously. It made Twilight and Sky share a nervous look but ultimately figured what Wild had in mind wouldn't be too bad. At worst it would be a joke that wouldn't land.
"Get ready to bring them back, I think we're ready," Wild announced after a couple minutes of focused silence.
After a long few minutes of waiting for Wolfie to return with the other half of the group, the whole time being spent keeping Wind away from reading what had been written on the cake, the only thing that managed the feat was letting the kid hold one of the gust bellows turned confetti poppers.
Finally, the time had come, the sound of footsteps neared and the anticipation for the moment heightened considerably. All their planning and scheming had come to this. Their passive conversation had stopped as they prepared for the rest of the group to exit the treeline.
With a pop and a melodic whoosh, the air was suddenly filled with shimmering flecks and sparkling smoke as well as the congratulatory voices of eight heroes.
Time only recovered from the shock for a moment before he read the writing on his meticulously decorated cake, and he laughed. The same loud dad-laugh that he did when pranked one of the others, mostly Warriors. He had to lean over for a moment to catch his breath after the fit, prompting the others to see what the cook had written on it.
'Happy 69th Birthday Gramps'
Well, at least Time seemed to like it.
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