#And never got either dissolved and it's still causing problems between the two 10 years later
backpackingspace · 2 years
I think it's funny that anakin freaked out for years about being married when jedi get married accidentally for missions all the time. They have a whole program to getting these marriages dissolve. The jedi follow it depending on how funny it would be to keep the marriage
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christinesficrecs · 4 years
Oh God, I love your blog so much! I am always happy when the notification tells me you posted something! Thank you so much for your work! Do you know any good stepbrother or big brother Sterk fics? Either where Stiles and Derek are stepbrothers or Derek is Scotss brother and Stiles has a crush on him. This would be awesome!
That is the nicest thing ever! 💕 I hope you like this LONG list of big brother Derek fics. 
But We're Still Sleeping Like We're Lovers by CharWright5 | 109.7K | Explicit
There are several things Stiles Stilinski knows to be facts: he's a werecoyote like his parents; his twin sister Malia could use a filter more than him; he's an Omega and terrified of his upcoming heat; and Derek Hale-McCall will never see him as anything more than his kid brother's best friend. Doesn't stop Stiles from asking the Alpha to help him during his heat. Or from developing some serious feelings that go beyond the bedroom. Basically, he's totally screwed, in more ways than one.
Love Comes in Spurts by  talktowater | 26.2K
Stiles has always had sort of a hero worship thing going on with Scott’s step-brother Derek so moving into a house with him freshman year was basically fulfilling a childhood fantasy. Discovering how Derek was putting himself through college, well that was a whole other fantasy that Stiles didn’t even know he had.
Permanent Fixture by  linksofmemories | 80.7K
Derek is Scott’s older brother. Stiles is Scott’s best friend. Derek is falling in love with Stiles. This is a bit of a problem.
Finals Week by ladiekatie | 2.3K 
When Derek Hale, your best friend’s weird, but totally hot, older brother shows up and offers to drive you and said best friend home for Christmas break the week of finals, how are you supposed to see it as anything but just a friendly gesture? And he definitely didn’t think about how weird it is that Derek asked if he could stay with him. Nope, not a bit.
Sentimental Value by captaintinymite (augopher) | 15.7K | Explicit
Thanks to some pilfered cookies, Derek has nothing but disdain and suspicions about his brother Scott's roommate when he comes to stay with them over the summer. Derek will never admit he finds Stiles attractive, but he finds he's having serious trouble avoiding his him, especially with the unsolicited, erotic dreams he keeps having at night about his brother's best friend. As it turns out, the pair have more in common than first believed; they grow to enjoy each other's company, and then some. But my how things change after a break-in results in a stressful situation for Stiles.
The Wonderful Mess We Made by haleonwheels | 34.6K | Explicit
Derek is Scott's rude older brother. Scott is Stiles' new best friend. Stiles is in a really hard situation (in more ways than one).
breathe me in and let me stay by alakewood | 3K | Explicit
It's the first day of summer vacation and Stiles and Scott are supposed to have a bro-date to gorge on pizza and marathon all the Marvel movies. Then Allison texts Scott and Scott bails and Stiles is left to share the pizza they've already ordered with Derek. But that's not all they share.
10 Things I Hate (love) About You by catsteww | 31.1K
When Kate Argent hires Stiles to date Derek and get paid for it, Stiles obviously agrees and sets out to win his heart. Except Stiles wasn't expecting Derek to actually have layers underneath his tough exterior, and he certainly wasn't expecting to develop pesky little feelings for him. And everything gets a little messed up along the way.
Cutback by  WonderWolf | 19.3K
Scott and Stiles are pro surfers in need of a place to stay for their upcoming competition. Out of all the things Derek expected this summer, being asked to house his brother and ex-boyfriend for one week wasn’t on the list.
How to Date Your Best Friend's Brother by veterization | 14.6K | Explicit
Scott's brother Derek gets surprisingly hot when he comes back from college. Stiles, and his hormones, deal with this new development less than gracefully.
little spoon by  bibliosexual | 6.4K
To save money while attending college in NYC, Stiles and Derek decide to rent one tiny apartment together. With one bed.
Racing With The Wind by lowlifetheory | 26.4K | Explicit
'Sure thing Scott, I'll give him a ride,' Derek practically leered. Stiles faltered, the sudden image of Derek pinning him down, his muscular torso rippling with movement. Derek's smile spread into a smirk as Stiles got closer.
'I'm not really comfortable with this particular mode of transport.' Stiles said clutching the helmet. He wondered what it was made of, how secure it was, would it save his life if he fell off?
Rabbiting on by Circe6 | 32.5K
Derek and Scott are brothers living at the Beacon Hills Home for Boys when another kid arrives, small, scrawny and called “Stiles” Things only get more confusing for Derek from there…
Derek Hale’s Very Bad, No Good (Nice) Summer by  stilinskisparkles | 37.6K
“I’m going to kill you,” Derek says to his brother sourly.
“Darling, please, no death threats when you’re off to camp.”
“At camp?”
Talia smirks, “Keep them quiet, at least.”
Brother Dearest by striped_bowties | 3.5K 
Scott had been five years old when his mom met Richard Hale at the grocery store. He'd been six years old when Richard and his son Derek moved in with them. That was also when Scott's life had become considerably more difficult.
Too Early For This Shit by ladiekatie | 1.8K
Stiles' ex comes banging on his door at 7am. After a small amount of persuasion, Derek answers the door, butt naked, to scare him away. It works.
the worst thing by wishingonalightningbolt | 3.7K
Derek pulls a hand down his face, sighing. “I’m not gonna do anything about it, obviously. He just has a thing for me and it’s getting to my head, but he’s Scott’s best friend–”
“Scott would literally kill you if you fucked Stiles.”
His heart skips a beat. He curses it. “I’m not going to fuck Stiles,” Derek swears. “That would be a monumental mistake.”
That was Then, This is Now by KouriArashi | 117.5K | Explicit
Chris sits back in his chair, not even sure what to do or say, wondering suddenly and abstractly how he had wound up here, sitting in this nursing home with his first – well. He couldn’t call Peter his first love, precisely – what was between them hadn’t been the sort of thing they had ever put labels on, but damn it, it had been something. And not just the hormones of two teenaged boys, largely sheltered from the rest of the world. He had found himself inexplicably drawn to Peter, so even if they spent months apart, the next time they saw each other, it was as if no time had passed at all.
My Best Friend's Brother by Gabsikle | 32.5K | Mature
A story about Stiles' crush on his best friend's brother, and how maybe the brother falls for him too.
Please Don’t Say You Love Me (‘Cause I Might Not Say It Back) by Tamyou | 36.8K | Mature
'Derek glanced at Stiles, who’s smile dissolved into a light frown. He moved his hands again, and Derek flicked his eyes back to Sheriff Stilinski, silently asking for help. The Sheriff took a few steps forwards.
“Stiles is mute.” He said.’
216 notes · View notes
gay-cartoon-stan · 5 years
Why the “Corrupted Steven Theory” is more likely than it seems at first
Okay, you probably think that this theory is very unlikely, and it won’t happen in Steven Universe Future. But hear me out, I thought so at first as well, just like I thought the “Rose Quartz is Pink Diamond”-Theory was a stretch. But guess what? It turned out to be true, so I gave this theory the benefit of doubt and now I’m convinced that it could become canon as well!
In the beginning, I was unsure but intrigued by this theory and read some posts. Steven Universe Future means a lot to me, I related to Steven Universe a lot already and kind of grew up with it in the past few years. Now, seeing how Steven deals with deeply rooted problems and his mental health issues hit close to home for me. So, obviously, I searched through the tags very much.
Unfortunately, the actual theories with proof are scattered all around Tumblr with almost no coordination, even within “#corrupted Steven theory” that is full of fan art (which I enjoy a lot btw!!). And I had to search through a lot of posts to see the full picture of possibilities this theory has, so I decided to make a master post for you guys. It’s not that much of a stretch when you put all of it in one big master-post, for those who don’t want to search for as long as I did.
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WARNING: This will be a very long post!
Now first off, I heard many people say that this would be too dark for the show. And while this is a children’s show, Steven Universe already had way darker episodes. Here are some examples:
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Previous Theories in Steven Universe
I searched for some previous theories for the original Steven Universe cartoon and pulled up a few popular theories from the Cartoon Network YouTube videos. Let’s start off with some of them that were proven wrong later on in the series.
3 Theories that were more based on feeling right than proof and turned out to be wrong
-         Gems start out as babies
-         Sardonyx’s identity
-         Ruby is blind
First off, everyone assumed that Gems are quite similar to humans. Now, these theories were created in the first season of Steven Universe, when we didn’t know a whole lot about Gems, yet. Rebecca Sugar started the show by telling us to “expect the unexpected” like expecting to have Gems be quite similar to humans.
When we heard of a new voice actor, most immediately assumed it to be a new gem or a fusion of new gems. But instead, it was Sardonyx, a fusion between garnet and Pearl. Rebecca likes to explore new possibilities by combining already established things: Like making a completely new character out of two well-known gems.
I think that’s exactly what’s going to happen in Steven Universe Future, this epilogue will deal with big concepts that we already know. It would make no sense to have something entirely new in the epilogue, when we already have some unanswered questions left, like the true nature of corruption.
5 Theories that were based proof rather than “feeling canon” and turned out true (even though they seemed like a stretch)
-         Rose Quartz is Pink Diamond
-         There are multiples of every gem
-         All monsters were once gems
-         Ronaldo’s theories are right
-         Garnet is a fusion
Theories like the one of Pink Diamond were very unpopular and I’m sure almost no one believed Ronaldo in the beginning: they were unpopular or controversial at the time. But all of these theories turned out true, so don’t just shoot down a theory because it seems unlikely at first. On further examination, theories that seem like a stretch at first, actually, make a lot of sense.
Foreshadowing and symbolism about Rose Quartz actually being Pink Diamond were already planted in the beginning, look at the first song about Cookie Cat by Steven in the very first episode for example.
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So, even if it seems unlikely that Steven will become corrupted in Steven Universe Future, that won’t stop Rebecca from making it canon. But if she planned it, there had to be a lot of proof for that, too. And there is a lot that could be interpreted as a connection between Stevens, his mental health and corruption!
That brings us to my next point:
 Steven’s Mental health
In the limited series, Steven is shown to bottle up his feelings a lot and has developed some harmful coping habits, as shown in Episode 10: “Prickly Pair”.
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Steven is already known for not dealing with his own problems, trying not to think about them instead of being honest about how bad it feels so he can move on, as shown in “Mindful Education”, which was the fourth episode of Season 4, so even before the “Wanted” and “Diamond Days” arcs.
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There even is a whole episode revolving around Amethyst trying to help Steven with his feeling about his mother after it’s revealed that she actually is Pink Diamond, but he just keeps reflecting and wants to help her instead.
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Now, the synopsis tells us that “as he runs out of other people’s problems to solve, he’ll finally have to face his own” which confirms again that he didn’t deal with his own emotions, yet. So, now he feels lost because he feels useless now in addition to years of undealt trauma. Just look at his monologue in the last episode!
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But why didn’t he deal with his own mental well-being yet? Because he’s scared because all of his experience in the last years were very traumatic for a teenager? Not to mention that he wasn’t even 14 when the series started off. Even the Crystal Gems, who are supposed to be way more mature than him, struggled multiple times within the series. Garnet even split up two times.
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He’s scared because he doesn’t know what to do now that he can’t help the people around him anymore, everyone around him changes for the better and knows how to help themselves and what they want to do in the future. Everyone except Steven.
 Steven vs Steven
All of his human friends change way faster than he can deal with, so one would think that he could at least relate to the Gems with the struggle of accepting change, right? NO! He’s growing up, he changed in the last couple of years. And while it’s too slow for the humans around him, it’s too fast for the Crystal Gems since they’ve been around for thousands of years.
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Even though the whole universe is changing, he still has problems as a hybrid between gems and humans. He struggled for years to fit in with the Gems, while he was always too much “Gem” to be understood by fully humans. For example, even his best friend and his dad don’t include him as a “human being” in Season 2, where he was just starting to be respected by the Gems as a part of the Crystal Gems. So, he didn’t really fit in with either species even back then. Out of stress, it caused him to clutch his gem, also because it is the thing that will always set him apart from other humans.
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For years, he could at least relate to Amethyst. They shared a kindred spirit as fellow "worst Gems" who, in Steven's words are "not like anybody". Now even she found her own personal purpose while he is as confused as ever.
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 Becoming like someone “bad”
Not only that, in his attempt to be nothing like his mother, since he still has a complicated relationship with her (see: the whole Episode “Rose Buds”), he slowly becomes more and more the person she used to be. He doesn’t want to confront that, but he’s still scared of his new powers that remind Volleyball of Pink Diamond.
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But it’s not only her, but Steven also begins to act like the diamonds in general: He ordered people (like Amethyst and Jasper) around.
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Just like the punishment by Blue Diamond for Pink, Steven imprisoned Cactus Steven (a metaphor for himself, his mental health, and his problems) with barely enough light to survive. Both Pink Diamond and Cactus Steven didn’t know how to act any better. Cactus Steven was just learning from the only role model he got, but Steven was too angry to try to understand. In Steven Universe, he even tried to understand a literal monster and befriended Centipeetle aka corrupted Nephrite, but now he can’t even communicate with his own creation, sentient humanoid cactus.
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He spent years trying to fight the ways the Great Diamond Authority worked, but now he takes after them. And whether he is ready to confront this or not, he can’t help but see how he changes to a person he never wanted to be.
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 No Control
He just got new powers that seemingly only Pink Steven really had control over and struggles even more than before. Steven could do a similar bubble, but never actually did it in a symmetrical way or in the shape of a dome, like his gem half could do seemingly with ease.
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But since his powers are connected to his emotion (which react to his new and old problems) it’s no wonder that he’s getting out of control. This new pink side of him is linked to extreme stress (or anger) and using powers only his fully-gem half could do before.
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We already saw him losing full control over his bubble (trapping someone) and shapeshifting/ageing, where he almost died.
In the first season, he trapped Connie in his protective bubble, which only dissolved after he talked with her. He subconsciously trapped her in there because he didn’t want her to leave again before he got the chance to give the bracelet back.
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He lost control over his body a few times, for example, a few episodes after Bubble Buddies when his age-shifting powers get introduced. In a similar matter as before, his gem reacts to his feelings (here: his mental age) and acts accordingly. He almost dies in So Many Birthdays and Cat Fingers because of it.
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He already ended up trapping his friends in Episode 9 because of his new powers in connection to emotions. In Season One, he trapped Connie in his bubble in a similar matter.
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Next, he could be transforming his problems in himself externally again. We already saw that trauma inside of a gem can manifest in Volleyball as it was explained by the cracked eye.
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The creature could be an apparition, something Steven sees in dreams or hallucinations, rather than a physical manifestation at first, but most of the issues in Steven Universe, even if they’re just emotionally, evolved to become something physical. But even though this can be done in a couple of ways, corruption would make sense in Steven’s case.
Extreme emotional distress is linked to corruption as it seems to speed up corruption’s effects. Both Jasper’s and Centipeetle’s mental state affected the corruption process. As the bodies of Gems are mental projections, the bodies of corrupted Gems are a reflection of how damaged their minds are. Corruption’s damage is mental rather than physical, at least at its core.
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Just like their emotions affected their body, Steven’s powers got worse under stress. In Steven Universe Future, his mental health is worse than ever, so if he ever got corrupted, it would be in this epilogue series. He’s getting out of control form when he’s distressed or under extreme stress more than ever.
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There are no gems corrupted on Homeworld due to the lack of a Diamond blast. But even the other diamonds don’t understand the true nature of corruption completely, they didn’t even know that they corrupted these gems.
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But we, the audience, already know a couple things: Second-hand corruption can occur to a non-corrupted Gem through fusion with a corrupted one, while Nephrite described it as a "song" and remembering this seemed to be what triggered her to revert into her corrupted form.
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Corruption is linked to the mind of the gem and needs at least one diamond. Steven, who is a diamond, can probably corrupt other gems or himself without meaning to do so. If he loses control of the corruption-powers as well, it could very well be that he ends up accidentally corrupting himself.
But without addressing his issues, he won’t be able to reverse the effects of his subconsciously used gem powers. Pink Steven always worked this way in the past. His gem half reacts to the wishes from Steven’s human half very directly, like trapping all of his friends. And he treated his cactus-self badly, so also harming himself isn’t that far off. He already fought himself quite violently in Steven and the Stevens (which was Season One), but now he got even more problems with himself directly. What if his gem half reacts on that?
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 Corruption forms
While Steven’s trauma could manifest in a couple of ways, there are some similarities between the worm-like creature from the intro and Steven.
Of course, it doesn’t completely look like Steven, but consider how humanoid this creature’s face is in comparison to other corruptions in Steven Universe. Let’s take a look at the heads from the others in the corrupted and uncorrupted form.
Nephrite’s corrupted head has a flowing, light-cream coloured mane immediately behind her head that looks like her previous hairstyle. Aside from that and her colour scheme, her body completely changes because of corruption.
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Because of the corruption Jasper got spikes from multiple areas of her body now, but her hairstyle only changed to a mane around her neck and she kept the same skin tones.
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Ocean Jasper, similar to all Jaspers, kept her colour scheme (aside from corruption marks) and hairstyle/colour even while corrupted.
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Larimar’s head always had spikes on top, even though they became more. She still has her blue tones, even though it got a bit darker. Her body changed quite a bit and she got a lot bigger.
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So all in all we can say that a gem becomes bulkier and bigger while growing spikes. The placement of the gem barely changes at all. The colour scheme doesn’t really change, but the gem can have corruption marks.
I strongly believe that this thing a corrupted gem, since a completely alien species in the last act of the show makes no sense. Especially with the premise that this epilogue would focus on loose ends and Steven himself.
 Similarities between the Creature and Steven
Only this corruption has a human-like face shape and nose. But humans can’t corrupt, except for Steven. He has the same nose, a softer version of the face shape and is always drawn with 5 hair curves. Instead of that, this creature has 5 horns instead of Steven’s usual curls.
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Another dominant feature of this creature is the mouth shape. It’s a sharper version of a squiggly mouth that’s usually drawn when the character is stressed/worried. In the original series many characters were drawn with a mouth like that, but the only character who is frequently seen using a mouth like that in Steven Universe Future is Steven himself. Also, it is drawn quite sharp.
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Besides, both Cactus Steven and the Watermelon Stevens are known for a squiggly mouth form like that.
The Watermelon Stevens needed time to even become alive, and even more time until they got a mouth. After Steven send them away and they had to build their own community, they were drawn with a sharp mouth.
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Cactus Steven had a mouth, to begin with, it was very curvy drawn. But as the episode went on and Steven got more aggressive with him, it got sharper.
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Let’s move onto the body from the creature. It is massive, even bigger than White Diamond, and has spikes leading down his back. A gem would have to be very powerful, to begin with, to be able to become this big and spiky. Our Jasper, for example, was way bigger and har way more spikes than the average Jasper soldier.
Based on the size, I thought about a corrupted White Diamond at first, especially with her pink hue at the end of Change Your Mind. But she’s already on the intro screen, also pink, and she has her gem glowing on her forehead while the creature doesn’t have a visible one. That makes it seem more mysterious like something is surprising to discover here.
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Every gem except a diamond had the chance to be corrupted in the original blast. Steven’s gem placement would make sense, too, since you can’t see the stomach of the monster.
Not just the shapes, the colours are similar as well. When Steven reacts to stress, he gets angry and has a new, pink colour scheme. Even outside of turning pink, there are a lot of pink hues used in the scenes that include him.
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If he corrupts, it could get a bit darker similar to Larimar’s/Nephrite’s corruption form. And the colour scheme of the creature is a dark pink instead of purple without the blue, dark tint of the intro scene. We can see that if we look at Jaspers original colours and her skin tone in the intro.
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 Possible Foreshadowing / Symbolism
The body of the monster is full of spikes that resemble rose thorns. Roses were symbolism of Rose Quartz in Steven Universe. Now it could represent Steven’s internal insecurities about his mom since those are a big part of Steven Universe Future.
Like roses, horns and spiked were used throughout the original series. I’ve seen a lot of people point out Steven’s caterpillar sleeping bag, especially since the creature seems to have a caterpillar-like form. Also, honourable mentions are the horns in An Indirect Kiss and Steven’s design in Future Boy Zoltron looks very similar to the corruption in the intro.
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As I already mentioned, Steven lost control at the beginning of the original series since his powers were new to him. His shapeshifting powers got dangerous and he ended up trapping his friend Connie. In Steven Universe Future he got new powers again and loses control again, but just ended up trapping his friends and lost control over his dome-thingy.
If it will be like the original series, he will lose control over his body, too. Next, he would be transforming his problems in himself externally again, just like Cactus Steven ended up as a “monstrous version” of himself.
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Steven ended the Great Diamond Authority but can’t seem to defeat a cactus. That’s because Cactus Steven is a living metaphor for Steven himself, his mental health, and his problems. He can’t deal with his own feelings reflected back at him and gets hit in the face by it. Literally.
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Another metaphor for Steven is the plushie by Onion in A Very Special Episode, that resembles cookie cat mixed with Steven in a creepy way. Cookie cat was a very early symbol for the backstory of Rose / Pink Diamond and two halves of Steven. It could even move without being moved by Rainbow’s umbrella. A plushie was already an allegory for corruption and it’s most likely is a reference to Garnet’s explanation of corruption: “It’s sort of like if MC Bear-Bear didn’t tear the fabric of his arm, but the fabric of his mind.”
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The biggest plot twists in Steven Universe was predicted by Ronaldo early on, all of his big theories except People (Snake People) turned out true. He was convinced by the Great Diamond Authority theory after he saw the diamond on the USA dollar bill. Before that, he believed in Sneople. Snakes are on the other side of the bill. I think that Sneople are supposed to be corrupted gems.
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A few episodes in, Aquamarine and Eyeball-Ruby demanded that Steven should destroy his home, bubble his friends, and burn Little Homeword to the ground. Steven didn’t want to do that and won the fight with the gems against Bluebird, but later both of those events happened anyway. So, that may have been foreshadowing to future episodes when Little Homeschool actually gets destroyed. And that could happen if Steven actually self-corrupts and becomes the massive creature from the intro.
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The last important thing for possible corruption foreshadowing was that Nephrite described it as a "song". There is a lot of association between corruption and music. It’s clear Steven loves music a lot and deals with heavy themes mostly through songs. Most gems like Peridot didn’t even know what music was at first.
 Plot possibilities
All in all, it wouldn’t make sense to introduce something completely new now. Instead, the show would deal with big concepts that have already been established in a new way.
Self-corruption could be a plot device to represent his current struggles with mental state. It would make sense in the way Steven Universe functions but also for storytelling in Steven Universe Future.
Now, he has to deal with problems he accidentally created himself along the way. He has to deal with his feelings and finally sort them out. But that won’t happen until something drastic happens.
If Steven gets to a point where he corrupts himself, he will need help from others. And the person who could help him the most through that was Connie. She was always there for him, especially in the moments where he struggled with himself.
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That would explain Connie’s lack of screen time when she plays a major role later on. If the focus lays on Steven and Connie, they probably get together, too. The Crewniverse teased their relationship already a lot and after de-corrupting Steven, there would be a perfect opportunity for making them canon.
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   “After saving the universe, Steven is still at it, tying up every loose end. But as he runs out of other people’s problems to solve, he’ll finally have to face his own.”
After all those Seasons in the original series, this epilogue could show how Steven deals with his problems and that you can’t always blame your problems on someone else. Just as Pearl said once: “[Humans] want to blame all the world's problems on some single enemy they can fight, instead of a complex network of interrelated forces beyond anyone's control.”
 Other theories that are possible and/or popular right now
-         Steven will leave Beach City at the end of Steven Universe Future
-         Steven loses an eye
-         Steven-fusion will split up
 References or sources? (and a few others, but I can’t find them anymore so rip me)
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frenchfrysplash · 4 years
fic: between heaven, the sky, the earth
The Haunting of Bly Manor
Chapter 5/10
Read on AO3 Here! Or you can continue into the Read More.
Summary: Jamie goes between one moment, and the next. Falling around her like rain, like snow.
She’s here for a reason. Here to help.
She just needs to remember.
Somewhere deep in the dark
A howling beast hears us talk
- Of Monsters and Men, Yellow Light
July 1991
A small girl was staring Jamie down.
"Hmmm." Jamie's gaze flickered between her opponent and her cards. "Got any eights?"
"Go Fish," said the small girl.
"No eights at all?" Jamie asked, incredulous. "None?"
"You didn't have any aces either."
"Or any kings. Or queens. Or jacks."
A shake of the head.
"Are you holding fake cards or something? Am I being tricked?"
The little girl giggled. "Go fish!"
"I think I'm being cheated," Jamie grumbled, as she picked up a card to add to her impossibly large hand. "Poppins, do you think she's cheating?"
"Sam would never cheat," Dani said automatically from the kitchen.
"Right," Jamie narrowed her eyes. "Well, go on then. Ask me."
"Got any twos?" Sam, who was most certainly cheating, asked.
Jamie handed them over.
"I can't believe I'm getting my arse handed to me by a five-year-old," she muttered.
"Please don't swear in front of the children," Dani called.
Jamie's head whipped towards her, eyes round. "How did she even hear that?" She stage-whispered to Sam.
"She has super hearing," Sam whispered back. "That's what Liz says."
"She might be on to something." Jamie looked at the other small girl in her charge, who was leaning against Jamie's arm with a book that looked far too old for her. "What d'you think, Lizzie?"
"Dani's a superhero," Liz said, not looking up from her book.
"Oh?" Jamie raised an eyebrow. "And what makes you say that?"
"She has different coloured eyes."
"That's called het-hetro-hetrachr-hetercho-" Sam's little face scrunched up as she attempted the word.
"Heterochromia," Dani supplied, appearing at the door to the kitchen, smiling softly.
"Yeah!" Sam waved at her. "That!"
"Dani," Jamie said solemnly. "If that's really how you feel, I understand, but we have an apartment together-"
She was cut off by a dish towel hitting her in the face, causing the two little girls to dissolve into giggles.
"Ok, troublemakers," Dani said, ignoring her girlfriend's indignant spluttering. "Dinner's ready. Go wash your hands please."
The two little girls leapt up, and raced for the bathroom. Jamie put her ridiculous hand of cards down and pushed herself up off the ground, groaning.
"I'm getting old," she said, stretching. "Shouldn't be sitting on floors so much anymore."
"You can crouch in front of a rose bush for hours," Dani said, coming over to her. "But you can't sit on a floor for a game of cards?"
"I am filled with complexities, me," Jamie said, grinning.
Dani hummed, and began straightening Jamie's clothes, where they had gotten rumpled from sitting on the floor. She adjusted the collar sticking out over her sweater, and pressed a soft kiss to Jamie's lips.
The two women broke apart, still smiling, and turned to face the children, now hovering in the doorway, hands out to cover each other's eyes. Dani laughed, and made her way over to them, hands on her hips.
"Alright, alright," she said. "Let's see those hands."
Sam and Liz held out their hands, and Dani inspected them closely, turning each one over, before nodding decisively.
"Perfectly clean," she said. "Let's eat."
She led the little girls into the kitchen, where dinner was set on the table; home-made pizza, with toppings added by Sam and Liz and Jamie, crust made by Dani. Excited, the little girls clambered into their seats, waiting impatiently for Dani and Jamie to sit at their own.
Babysitting the Larson twins was always an experience, one Jamie treasured. Dani hadn't had many chances to interact with kids since Bly, and while Jamie knew she was happy in their life together - with the shop, the apartment, the one-day-at-a-time-but-not-really of it all - she recognized that working with children was something Dani missed. So watching her talk to the two girls about why pineapple was objectively the best pizza topping made Jamie's heart ache in the best way.
"I dunno, Poppins," Jamie said, making a face. "I believe fruit of all kinds should be kept away from pizza."
"I like it," Liz declared. "Can we put pineapple on pizza next time?"
"For sure!" Dani said warmly.
"Absolutely not," Jamie said at the same time.
They pretended to glare at each other from across the table, though Jamie could see that Dani was fighting back laughter.
"Don't worry, sweetheart," Dani said to Liz. "We won't let mean ol' Jamie get in the way of our delicious pizza."
"We won't!" Liz said gleefully, shaking her head to add emphasis.
A tug on Jamie's sleeve caused her to look at the other twin, who was leaning over the table towards her with an earnest expression.
"I don't want pineapple either," Sam whispered.
"We'll stage a rebellion, don't you worry," Jamie whispered back.
"What's a rebellion?"
"It's when you stop Poppins here from ruining pizza."
Sam's eyes lit up. "We're gonna have a rebellion!" She exclaimed.
"Can I help?" asked Liz.
"No! You're on Dani's side!"
"I wanna be in the rebellion!"
"Now look what you've done," Dani said, voice long-suffering.
"I feel a little rebellion is good for 'em," Jamie said, leaning back in her chair and resting her arms behind her head. "Builds character."
Dani sighed and shook her head, but she was smiling. Jamie grinned back, warmth swelling in her chest like a balloon.
After dinner they put on The Little Mermaid, which Dani had rented and which the twins watched with wide eyes. This, unfortunately, had the side effect of a sing-along beginning just as Dani and Jamie tried to put the girls to bed. A long, adorable battle ensued, until the kids were fast asleep, and Dani and Jamie were cuddled together on the couch, sipping wine and relaxing.
"God, kids are tiring," Jamie sighed, snuggling further Dani's neck. "You're warm."
"I absolutely blame you for that last burst of energy at the end there," Dani said, fingers trailing through Jamie's hair.
Jamie craned her neck to look up at her. "Oi, what'd I do?"
"'Little bit of rebellion's good for 'em,'" Dani mocked her, accent as terrible as it had been that morning in the greenhouse. "'Builds character.' God you're so full of it sometimes."
"I stand by it," Jamie said, settling back down and nuzzling at Dani's collarbone. She placed a small kiss there and smiled, humming contentedly.
They lay in silence for a moment, Jamie dozing in the comfort of Dani's embrace, Dani gazing at the Star Trek episode playing on TV.
"Have you thought about having kids?"
Jamie jolted into awareness, pushing herself up so she was level with Dani's face, which was still turned towards the television.
"Run that by me again?" Jamie asked, breathless.
Dani turned to look at her, the crease between her blue eyes signalling her seriousness.
"Kids," she repeated. "Have you thought about it?"
"Well, I mean, I, uh." Jamie stopped, breathed in, and started again. "Honestly, Poppins, I'd be lying if I said I hadn't."
Dani nodded, looking away, corners of her mouth curling downwards. "Right."
"With you, Dani," Jamie said, adjusting herself so she could use her other hand to push Dani's chin up, to face her. "You - you get that, yeah? I've thought about having kids with you, specifically."
A humourless smile flashed across Dani's face. "Well, I'm not sure that's physically possible, but I can do my best."
Jamie allowed herself a small chuckle. "We'll come back to that when we're back in our apartment," she said. "But seriously, Dani, have you thought about kids? With, uh." She cleared her throat. "With me?"
Dani didn't answer right away, eyes unfocusing as she seemed to consider this.
"Of course I have," she said finally. Her voice was rough, and Jamie was dismayed to see unshed tears in her eyes. "Jamie, of course I've thought about having kids with you." The tears spilled over, and Jamie felt that familiar panic at the thought of Dani crying rising in her chest.
"Oh, darlin'." Jamie leaned up, kissing her on her forehead, her cheeks, her chin, and the corner of her mouth. "I swear I wouldn't be that terrible of a mum. No need to cry at the thought."
Dani laughed, wiping at her eyes. "No, you idiot," she said affectionately. "I think you'd be a great mom. That's the problem."
At Jamie's confused expression, she sighed.
"She could still take me," she said softly. "You know that."
Jamie nodded. "I do," she said, matching Dani's quiet tone.
"So no matter how much I want it," Dani took in a shuddering breath. "It just can't happen. Because then I might leave you, alone, with a child, and I can't-"
Fresh tears came then, and Dani buried her face in Jamie's neck, entire body shaking. Jamie cradled the back of Dani's head, pressing her lips to her hair and murmuring soothingly. After a few minutes, Dani stilled, and pulled back.
"Oh." She tutted. "Your shirt." She wiped ineffectively at the damp spot on Jamie's shirt.
"Don't worry about it, it'll dry." Jamie ducked her head to catch Dani's gaze, rubbing soothing circles on her shoulder. "Hey, look at me for a second."
Dani forced herself to look into Jamie's eyes, lip still trembling.
"Listen," Jamie said. "I never thought I would even consider having a family before." She paused, lifting her shoulder in a half shrug. "My, ah, history with families isn't exactly great, as you know. And growing up, the way I did, and then realizing I was more interested in the fairer sex, well," she shot Dani a small grin. "I never thought kids were in the cards for me. Thought, even if they were, I would probably fuck 'em up somehow. But you," she laughed lightly, and ran her knuckles gently down Dani's cheek. "God, Dani, with you, anything seems possible, y'know?"
Dani's lips quirked up in a small smile. "You're so good with Sam and Liz, and with Miles and Flora." She shifted, pulling herself further up on the couch. "Give yourself more credit."
"Bit different being a babysitter or an aunt than it is being a mum," Jamie pointed out.
"That's what I mean," Dani said. "You deserve the chance to find that out for yourself."
"Dani," Jamie said warningly. "Don't. Don't go down that road."
It wasn't a new conversation; that Jamie deserved more, deserved better, deserved someone she knew would stick around, wouldn't leave her one night as a ghost took Dani away.
"Jamie," Dani started. "It's not fair-"
"No, it's not," Jamie agreed, pushing up to lean her forehead against Dani's. "It's not fair, because you'd be an amazing mum, and with you, I think I would have a good chance at not making any messes. It's not fair that we won't get that chance."
Dani's breath hitched, more tears leaking out. She opened her mouth, no doubt to keep arguing that Jamie shouldn't have to stay tied to a dead woman walking, but footsteps from the hallway interrupted her.
"Is that one of the kids?" Dani asked, twisting awkwardly to look.
"No," Jamie breathed, staring at the doorway to the hall. "It's not."
Viola smiled back at her sadly, looking more human than Jamie had ever seen her. Still not quite there - like a wax figure at Madame Tussaud's, Jamie thought, but her eyes were no longer cloudy, and she seemed to be almost completely dry. Slowly, Jamie pushed herself up from where she lay tangled in Dani, so she was sitting up straight on her knees.
"It's not fair," Viola said, moving into the room, words dropping like stones into the room. "And I suppose it's my fault, isn't it?"
"Oh," Jamie's mouth twisted, anger welling up in her chest. "D'you think?"
"Yes." Viola stopped at the couch, and sat down next to Jamie, who realized with a start that Dani had disappeared. "None of us really had a chance to be mothers, did we?" She looked at Jamie. "You, me, or Dani."
"You took her away before we could even try," Jamie bit out, fists clenching on her thighs.
"You're angry," Viola observed. "I understand."
"Do you really?" Jamie asked, voice shaking. "You took Dani's life from her. Stole it, before her time. We could have had so many more years together. We could have had a family. There are so many things we are never going to get to do, because you-"
She stopped, closing her eyes and breathing through her nose, nostrils flaring. Slowly, she sank back onto her heels, counting backwards from twenty.
This was not productive, she reminded herself. Her anger would do nothing to help Dani.
"I-" Viola's voice made Jamie open her eyes again. "I understand. How you feel."
Jamie said nothing, fighting to keep her temper under control.
"Well, perhaps not exactly," Viola reasoned, watching Jamie out of the corner of her eye. "I was a mother, but not in a way that mattered. By the time she was old enough to remember me, I was an ill, bitter woman. A ghost, really."
"Ironic," Jamie said stiffly.
Viola chuckled. "Yes." She agreed. She looked at Jamie, eyes dark and sad. "I think I've been looking for her, all these years. I want her to be with me."
Jamie frowned. "You wanted to bring your daughter to be with you," she said slowly. "At the bottom of a lake?"
Viola's mouth hardened. "She's my daughter. Shouldn't she be with me?"
"At the cost of her life?"
Jamie barely flinched at Dani's voice. Somehow, she had felt her before she spoke, standing behind the couch, arm resting next to Jamie's head. She was staring at Viola, eyes hard, brow furrowed, fist clenched.
"I am her mother," Viola said, rising from the couch and turning to face Dani, voice growing louder. "She should have been with me the whole time. My time with her was taken from me. All I wanted was to get back what was rightfully mine."
"Your daughter was a person," Dani said. "She wasn't anyone's."
Viola scoffed. "Of course you would say that."
"Of course she would-" Jamie looked between the two women, eyes wide. "What does that mean?"
Dani and Viola continued to glare at each other, as darkness closed in on all sides around them. Jamie grabbed for Dani's hand desperately, only to watch her fingers slip through it as though there was nothing there.
"Dani-!" But Dani was gone. Viola was gone. All at once, Jamie's vision was filled with a blinding light, and her hearing deafened by a great clap of thunder, and then there was nothing.
Nothing, except-
June 1987
The thunder rumbled twice more before fading away, the blessed silence letting Jamie relax back into the couch cushions, unknotting the tension in her shoulders slowly. She eyed Miles and Flora, fast asleep on the floor in front of the fireplace; but neither of them had woken up, evidently exhausted from all the excitement of the night.
It was always strange, being at the manor after dark. Jamie was usually gone by supper, or just after when she was coaxed to stay by Flora or Owen. The great house became unfamiliar to her at night, painted with shadows and strange noises, the life that filled it during the day falling into an uneasy sleep.
But it wasn't so bad now. The sitting room was warm, and Jamie was comfortably ensconced on the couch next to Dani, content that even if Peter Quint had been spotted on the grounds, everyone she loved was in one room, and her shotgun was within reach. The spiked hot chocolate had even loosened her enough to let herself watch Dani out of the corner of her eye, as Dani studied the polaroid of Peter and Rebecca.
"Oh," Hannah's voice, quiet, from across the room, where she had fallen asleep against Owen's shoulder. "God, I'm so sorry, I-truth be told, I haven't slept well for days."
"Oh Mrs. Grose," Owen replied softly. "It is too late now." He gestured to his shoulder. "Go on, tuck in and relax for a bit."
Jamie smiled into her drink as Hannah let her head fall back to Owen's shoulder. Her eyes slid over to Dani, and she felt a familiar hitch in her chest at the sight. This little crush, which she'd been nursing on the au pair ever since Dani had told her she was right to be angry about her roses, was starting to get annoying.
"Rather that was you curled up there?" she murmured, leaning forward and dragging Dani's attention away from the photograph. At Dani's confused expression, she motioned towards Owen and Hannah.
"Every girl in the village is mad for him," she said, rolling her eyes. "And he doesn't even know it, which makes it even worse."
Dani laughed softly, but immediately turned back to the photograph.
"They look like Bonnie and Clyde," she said.
Jamie held back a scoff. "Yeah, if Clyde fucked Bonnie over." She scowled at the photo in Dani's hand. "He got away, she paid the price."
"So, what," Dani turned to her. "He's stalking a dead woman? Risking prison for someone he didn't even bother to bring along? That doesn't make sense."
Jamie sighed, avoiding Dani's eyes and staring at the polaroid. "The wrong kind of love," she said simply. "Can fuck you up. Follow you. Make you do some really stupid shit."
Across the years, she caught a glimpse of brown eyes, a grinning mouth with her name on the lips, and the flashing blue of police lights.
"And those two," she glanced from Dani to the photograph. "Believe me, that was the wrong kind of love."
"We've all been in the wrong kind of love for one reason or another," Dani said.
"Mm, but I saw how he twisted himself into her." Jamie's mouth hardened at the memories, and she missed the way Dani turned slowly towards her, memories of her own flashing briefly across her face. "Burrowed in deep." Dani had turned away by the time Jamie glanced at her, and she averted her own gaze from the au pair's face. "I dunno why so many people mix up love and possession. But guess what that means? He didn't just trap her. He trapped himself." She glared at the Peter Quint in the photo. "And I hope she haunts that fucker forever."
There was a moment of silence, in which Dani gazed at Jamie, and Jamie gazed at the photograph, hating the memory of Peter Quint, mourning the memory of Rebecca Jessel, trying to banish the memory of a body floating in the lake she saw every day.
"People do, don't they?" Dani said softly. "Mix up love and possession?"
Startled, Jamie met her eyes, the air instantly becoming heavier around her. She swallowed, and nodded.
"Yeah, they do," she said.
"I don't think that should be possible." Dani's voice was a whisper, but her words seemed so loud to Jamie, striking her between the ribs and making it hard to breathe. "I mean, they're opposites, really. Love and ownership."
She seemed so earnest, eyes wide and mouth set. For the first time, Jamie let herself look; didn't avert her eyes or turn away, find a reason to look anywhere but directly at Dani Clayton's face. She had feared it might be like looking into the sun too long, and that she would eventually be blinded. But instead-
Instead, she found Dani looking back.
"Yeah," she said, the word so quiet it was only for herself and Dani to hear.
The room narrowed to the couch, to just Dani and Jamie. Dani nodded slightly, something like relief flickering across her face.
"She comes here often, you know."
Jamie's head whipped around, hands gripping her mug hard when she saw Viola standing next to her, pale skin shining a sickly yellow in the light of the table lamp. Viola walked around the back of the couch, her hand trailing over the wooden frame, both Jamie and Dani's eyes following her.
"I'm not sure what it is, about this memory," Viola continued, coming to a stop at the end of the couch, looking down at Dani curiously, who stared back, brow furrowed. "It's not where she fell in love with you. Not even where her affection for you began. She already felt something for you here."
And Jamie knew that. Dani had told her, years from this moment, that her feelings had started earlier than this, when Jamie had consoled her during her panic attack. That she had felt that same familiarity Jamie had when they'd first laid eyes on each other.
But this moment, this conversation on the couch - something had happened here; something they had never spoken about, because they had never needed to. An understanding. More than that, really. Recognition. A deepening of the connection they had both felt in that first moment in the kitchen.
Ah, there you are.
"Viola," Dani started, voice strangely gentle, like she was speaking to a student, but Viola shook her head.
"I have listened to you have this conversation many times now," she said, frustration colouring her voice, as she sat in one of the chairs near Dani. "And I have yet to understand."
Dani and Jamie glanced at each other. Jamie straightened up, placing her mug on the table beside her, and cleared her throat.
"It's about," she paused, looking to Dani for support. "Rebecca and Peter - do you remember Peter?"
Viola shook her head. Jamie frowned.
"You killed him," she said drily.
Viola blinked, and for a moment, she almost looked ashamed. Then it was gone.
"I don't remember," she said quietly. "I don't remember much from this time."
"Right," Jamie said, unconvinced.
Dani reached for Jamie, sliding their fingers together and squeezing.
"It's not about Rebecca and Peter," Dani said softly, eyes on Jamie. "Not really."
"No, I suppose not," Jamie replied, ducking her head and looking at their joined hands.
"My ex - my - Eddie," Dani's breath hitched, and Jamie's thumb started rubbing circles on the back of her hand. "You've seen Eddie. In my memories."
Viola nodded. "You were too good for him," she said primly.
Dani smiled weakly, shaking her head. "No, that's not," she took a breath. "He loved me. But not - he loved the person he thought I was. And more than anything, he wanted me to stay that person." She closed her eyes. "It's like, those cases of butterflies you see in museums. He caught me, and he wanted to keep me, and to never let me change." She opened her eyes again, looking at Viola with a grim expression. "Do you understand that?"
Viola was quiet, brow furrowed. "You didn't love him back," she said finally.
"Not like that, anyway," Dani said, nodding. "Not the way he wanted me to love him."
Viola stared her, unblinking. "But you love her," she said, and her gaze shifted to Jamie. "You love her with everything you are. I felt it. Every day in your mind. I felt your love for her."
Dani smiled, and looked at Jamie. She raised their joined hands to her mouth, and kissed her knuckles.
"Yes," she breathed. "Of course I do. How could I not?"
Jamie smiled at her, though something was niggling at the back of her head.
Blue eyes, she thought distantly.
"I love my husband," Viola said. "And I love my daughter. And I would give anything for them to be with me. Anything. And yet." She stared at Jamie this time. "And yet, you wouldn't take her down, to join you. Even though she asked for it. Begged for it. Even though letting her go meant you would be without her."
"Jamie has a whole life to live still," Dani said evenly, hand squeezing Jamie's almost too hard. "I wouldn't - I couldn't - even if she wanted it -"
"I did," Jamie said quietly, drawing both Dani and Viola's attention to herself. "I would have happily drowned to be with you, you know that."
"I do," Dani said, a little helplessly. "And that's why I couldn't let you."
"I know," Jamie said, one side of her mouth quirking up in a sad half-smile.
"If I had the same chance," Viola said, voice brittle. "I would bring my family to be with me."
"Is that really what you'd want?" Jamie asked, leaning forward. "For your husband? For your daughter? To lay at the bottom of the lake forever? To slowly forget who she is?"
"Daughters should be with their mothers," Viola said firmly.
"Sometimes that's not how it works," Dani said, voice quiet.
"It should be," Viola insisted, eyes flashing dangerously. "It's one thing to let your wife go, but if you had a child you would understand. It's a mother's job to protect her child, to be there for her, to love her, and hold her close, and-"
Viola fell silent, looking over Dani and Jamie's shoulders with a frown.
"Who-?" She asked, and then her eyes flicked to Jamie.
The voice was familiar, and Jamie felt herself standing up before she could really think about it, something insistent pulling her towards the sound. Dani's hand slid out of her grasp as she made her way towards the hallway.
"Jamie," Dani said from behind her. "Jamie, what-?"
Jamie kept going, heart thudding in her chest, through the door, down the hall, and finally, stepped somewhere that wasn't Bly Manor, opened her mouth, and said,
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johnrossbowie · 4 years
I wrote this earlier in the fall, before the election, after dissolving my Twitter account. I wasn’t sure where to put it (“try up your ass!” – someone, I’m sure) and then I remembered I have a tumblr I never use. Anyway, here tis.
How do you shame someone who thinks Trumps’ half-baked policies and quarter-baked messaging put him in the pantheon of great Presidents? How do you shame someone so lacking in introspection that they will call Obama arrogant while praising Trump’s decisiveness and yet at the same time vehemently deny that they’re racist? How do you shame someone for whom that racism is endearing and maybe long overdue?
You don’t. It’s silly to think otherwise.
Twitter is an addiction of mine, and true to form, my dependence on it grew more serious after I quit drinking in 2010. At first it was a chance to mouth off, make jokes both stupid and erudite and occasionally stick my foot in my mouth (I owe New Yorker writer Tad Friend an apology. He knows why, or (God willing) he’s forgotten. Either way. Sorry.) I blew off steam, steam that was accumulating without booze to dampen the flames. Not always constructive venting, but I also met new friends, and connected with people whose work I’ve admired for literal decades and ended up seeing plays with Lin-Manuel Miranda and hanging backstage with Jane Wiedlin after a Go-Go’s show and exchanging sober thoughts with Mike Doughty. When my mom passed in 2018, a lot of people reached out to tell me they were thinking of me. This was nice. For a while, Twitter was a huge help when I needed it.
I used to hate going to parties and really hated dancing and mingling, but a couple of drinks would fix that. Point is, for a while, booze was a huge help, too.
But my engagement with Twitter changed, and I started calling people my ‘friends’ even though I’d never once met them or even heard their voices. These weren’t even penpals, these were people whose jokes or stances I enjoyed, so with Arthurian benevolence I clicked on a little heart icon, liked their tweet, and assumed therefore that we had signed some sort of blood oath.
We had not. I got glib, and cheap, and a little lazy. And then to make matters much worse, Trump came along and extended his reach with the medium.
There was a while there where I thought I could be a sort of voice for the voiceless, and I thought I was doing that. I tried very hard to only contribute things that I felt were not being said – It wasn’t accomplishing anything to notice “Haha Trump looks like he’s bullshitting his way through an oral report” – such things were self-evident. I tried to point out very specific inconsistencies in his policies, like the Muslim ban meant to curb terrorism that still favored the country that brought forth 13 of the 9/11 hijackers. Like his full-throated cries against media bias performed while he suckled at Roger Ailes’ wrinkly teat.  Like his fondness for evangelical votes that coincided with a scriptural knowledge that lagged far behind mine, even though I’m a lapsed Episcopalian, and there is no one less religiously observant than a lapsed Episcopalian. But that eventually gave way to unleashing ad hominem attacks against his higher profile supporters, who I felt weren’t being questioned enough, who I felt were in turn being fawned over by theirdim supporters. If you’re one of these guys, and you think I’m talking about you, you’re probably right, but don’t mistake this for an apology. You suck, and you support someone who sucks, and your idolatry is hurting our country and its standing in the world. Fuck you entirely, but that’s not the point. The point is that me screaming into the toilet of Twitter helps no one – it doesn’t help a family stuck at the border because they’re trying to secure a better life for their kids. It doesn’t help a poor teenager who can’t get an abortion because the party of ‘small government�� has squeezed their tiny jurisdiction into her uterus. It doesn’t help the coal miner who’s staking all his hopes on a dying industry and a President’s empty promises to resurrect it. I was born in New York City, and I currently live in Los Angeles. Those are the only two places I’ve ever lived, if you don’t count the 4 years I spent in Ithaca[1]. So, yes, I live in a liberal bubble, and while I’ve driven across the country a couple of times and did a few weeks in a touring band and am as crushed as any heartlander about the demise of Waffle House, you have me dead to rights if you call me a coastal elitist. And with that in mind, I offer few surprises. A guy who grew up in the theater district and was vehemently opposed to same-sex marriage or felt you should own an AR-15? THAT would be newsworthy. I am not newsworthy. I can preach to the choir, I can confirm people’s biases, but I will likely not sway anyone who is eager to dismiss a Native New Yorker who lives in Hollywood. I grew up in the New York of the 1970s, and that part of my identity did shape my politics. My mom’s boss was gay and the Son of Sam posed a realistic threat. As such, gays are job creators[2] and guns are used for homicide much more often than they are used for self-defense[3]. I have found this to be generally true over the years, and there’s even data to back it up.
“But Mr. Bowie,” you might say, though I insist you call me John - “those studies are conducted by elitist institutions and those institutions suck!” And again, I am not going to reason with people who will dismiss anything that doesn’t fit their limited world view as elitist or, God Help Us, fake news. But the studies above are peer-reviewed, convincing, and there are more where those came from.
“But John,” you might say, and I am soothed that we’re one a first name basis - “Can’t you just stay on Twitter for the jokes?” Ugh. A) apparently not and B) the jokes are few and far between, and I am 100% part of that problem.
I have stuff to offer, but Twitter is not the place from which to offer it.
After years of academically understanding that Twitter is not the real world, Super Tuesday 2020 made the abstract pretty fucking concrete. If you had looked at my feed on the Monday beforehand – my feed which is admittedly curated towards the left, but not monolithic (Hi, Rich Lowry!) – you’d have felt that a solid Bernie surge was imminent, but also that your candidate was going surprise her more vocal critics. When the Biden sweep swept, when Bernie was diminished and when Warren was defeated, I realized that Twitter is not only not the real world, it’s almost some sort of Phillip K. Dickian alternate timeline, untethered to anything we’re actually experiencing in our day to day life. This is both good news and bad news – one, we’re not heading towards a utopia of single payer health care and the eradication of American medical debt any time soon, but two, we’re also not being increasingly governed by diaper-clad jungen like Charlie Kirk. Clouds and their linings. Leaving Twitter may look like ceding ground to the assclowns but get this – the ground. Is not. There.
It’s just air.
There are tangible things I can do with my time - volunteer with a local organization called Food On Foot, who provide food and job training for people experiencing homelessness here in my adopted Los Angeles. I can give money to candidates and causes I support, and I can occasionally even drop by social media to boost a project or an issue and then vanish, like a sort of Caucasian Zorro who doesn’t read his mentions. I can also model good behavior for my kids (ages 10 and 13) who don’t need to see their father glued to his phone, arguing about Trumps incompetence with Constitutional scholars who have a misspelled Bible verse in their bio (three s’ in Ecclesiastes, folks).
So farewell Twitter. I’ll miss a lot of you. Perhaps not as badly as I miss Simon Maloy and Roger Ebert and Harris Wittels and others whose deaths created an unfillable void on the platform. But I won’t miss the yelling, and the lionization of poor grammar, and anonymous trolls telling my Jewish friends that they were gonna leave the country “via chimney.” I will not miss people who think Trump is a stable genius calling me a “fucktard.” I will not miss transphobia or cancelling but I will miss hashtag games, particularly my stellar work during #mypunkmusical (Probably should have quit after that surge, I was on fire that night, real blaze of glory stuff I mean, Christ, Sunday in the Park with the Germs? Husker Du I Hear A Waltz? Fiddler on the Roof (keeping an eye out for the cops)? These are Pulitzer contenders.). Twitter makes me feel lousy, even when I’m right, and I’m often right. There’s just no point in barking bumperstickers at each other, and there are people who are speaking truth to power and doing a cleaner job of it – Aaron Rupar, Steven Pasquale, Louise Mensch, Imani Gandy and Ijeoma Oluo to name five solid mostly politically based accounts (Yes, Pasquale is a Broadway tenor. He’s also a tenacious lefty with good points and research and a dreamy voice. You think you’re straight and then you hear him sing anything from Bridges of Madison County and you want him to spoon you.). You’re probably already following those mentioned, but on the off chance you’re not, get to it. You’ll thank me, but you won’t be able to unless you actually have my email.
[1] And Jesus, that’s worse – Ithaca is such a lefty enclave that they had an actual socialist mayor FOR WHOM I VOTED while I was there. And not socialist the way some people think all Democrats are socialist – I mean Ben Nichols actually ran on the socialist ticket and was re-elected twice for a total of six years.
[2] The National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, “America’s LGBT Economy” Jan 20th, 2017
[3] The Violence Policy Institute, Firearm Justifiable Homicides and Non-Fatal Self Defense Gun Use, July 2019.
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simple-heroics · 5 years
Class 1-A Girls as Roommates
Oh, my god, they were roommates
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Momo Yaoyorozu
First of all, you lucky bastard I hate you. Secondly, I’d like to make the point that Momo is wealthy af and has no financial need of a roommate. So, if you two are living, you’re probably already great friends with her or more. 
Momo loves to share. She is an extremely generous person, so she'll totally offer you some of her food when she cooks and even some of her shower products. 
Totally lets you borrow her clothes. Different sizes? She's gotchoo! Can and will create the best clothes for you. This is especially helpful if you have a date.
Speaking of her Quirk, its usefulness becomes really apparent when you two first move in and are still figuring out where things are or what you still need for the house. Bought that knife set but somehow forgot a can opener? Momo’s gotchoo again. 
A great communicator and takes the initiative to make sure you guys are on the same page about chores. Despite her busy hero career, Momo still does a great job keeping up with her fair share.
Please sit and drink tea with her. She'd love it. Probably the best thing about being Momo's roommate is coming home at the end of the day to this beautiful woman omg are you're okay with just being roommates and catching up over cups of freshly brewed tea. 
If something happens and you’re unable to pa your rent one month, Momo can cover it. Will not guilt or shame you over this. No matter what kind of petty roommate argument you two might have, she will never hold that over your head. Ever. Things happen, and Momo understands that.
The not so great...
Yaomomo is such a sweetie but...she's also a rich girl who is used to a lot space. Her furniture will fill up the whole apartment. An entire kitchen cabinet is stuffed to the brim with her teas, so you'd have to find some other space to shove your cereal.
Nonetheless, she tries very hard to be a good roommate - especially if it's her first place after moving out of her parents' house/school dorms - and this sometimes leads to her being overly accommodating. That and the above can lead to some tension between you two. 
Momo has such long, beautiful hair...and it absolutely gets clogged in y'all's shower. Good luck.
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Mina Ashido
Mina is the fun roommate! I’m talking late nights spent goofing off, playing video games and watching movies or even just talking if you want. If you two weren’t best friends before moving in together, guess what?
You’re best friends now. or more?
Alien Queen is also Snack Queen. Our pink homegirl buys lots of snacks and is more than happy to share.
Um, garbage? What garbage? Her Quirk dissolves it and that’s one utility y’all are saving money on now to get Kaminari to help with the electricity
No matter how bad your day was, how shitty your boss, how long your commute, Mina can always make you laugh. Which is a nice way to end an otherwise completely shit day.
Actually pretty good about keeping the apartment tidy! Living in the UA dorm taught her a lot about being considerate of shared spaces and she’s always out and about anyway. So almost no worries about messes 
Because she’s either out and about or doing patrols, you actually get the apartment to yourself quite a bit?? Ummm, SCORE! Until you start missing your pink roomie/bestie
That is, if she’s not inviting/dragging you out to do stuff with her! If you’re someone who needs a bit of prompting to get out of the house, Mina is great for that!
Also...the roommate who is constantly trying to hook you up with her friends. Like, I’m serious. If you’re not already seeing anyone, this die hard romantic will constantly try to set you up with people hey, roomie, pls introduce me to Kirishima. You won’t need a dating app ‘cause Mina Ashido is your roommate and girl knows everybody.
The not so great...
If you're pretty introverted or just really prefer quiet at home, being roommates with Mina can be hard. Mina is a social butterfly - loud and bubbly and all these other wonderful qualities that simultaneously don't mesh well with most introverts.
Speaking of social butterfly, she invites her friends over. A lot. And y’all know that the Bakusquad spells c h a o s
It would also not surprise me if Mina had a number of...ahem, overnight guests. So prepare for extra (awkward) company at breakfast.
Sometimes gets so caught up in her social life, all those hobbies, and hero work that...she forgets that rent or utilities are due. Whoops. You’ll have to remind her sometimes. 😬
Good luck if you have wooden floorboards. Mina loves to dance and this means a lot of scuff marks.
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Ochaco Uraraka
This cutie! 12/10 would room with her if I could
When she first started UA, Ochaco had to move to Musutafu and live on her on which I'm sure was a little scary for a 15-year-old girl and definitely lonely. She wasn't looking forward to being alone again after graduation but wait! She has you!
Really appreciates your presence in your shared home and will undoubtedly cherish you, even treating you like family. It makes her so happy when she comes home after a long day of patrols and having someone respond when she says, "I'm home!" Ochaco, lemme be your housewife
Video game nights with Dekusquad? Video game nights with Dekusquad! 
Pretty clean and always does her dishes which automatically puts her the top tier of roommate categories, let’s be real. 
She knows where all the deals are, when certain sales are happening, and where to go for the best discounts. And she shares all this hard-earned knowledge with her precious roomie (that's you, boo). Grocery shopping with her is intense because she gets super competitive about getting those deals before everyone else but it's also so much fun.
Master couponer. You knows those ladies that clip so many coupons that they sort them into little bags and actually sell them in bundles? That's Ochaco. She's even part of some online couponing groups. 
But she always hands you the coupons for your favorite snacks.
The not so great..
Ochaco works really, really hard and takes on a lot of missions. So, when she gets home, the usually upbeat hero can be a little...grouchy. By grouchy, I mean snappy and sulky and -- who is this woman and what did she do to your sweet, adorable roommate? 
Seriously, just don’t talk to her or make a lot of noise until she sleeps for 10+ hours and eats or she might send you floating to your shared ceiling.
That roommate who will get on you if you leave any of the lights on or stay in the shower for too long. She is NOT shelling out extra cash on utilities next month because of you!! honestly same
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Toru Hagakure
Another fun roommate! 
We’ve seen her room, and we can tell by looking at it that she loves to decorate. If you (probably) have different tastes than hers, Toru will find ways to compromise and combine both your preferences to decorate your shared apartment! You know what that means?
Ikea trips. Toru’s enthusiasm alone makes it so much fun but it’s not as fun when you inevitably lose her in that Swedish labyrinth. (Hint: Check the various kids’ sections. She got distracted by the cute plushies.) 
If you two are not constantly updating your interior design, you’re at least adding to it. it makes the space just uniquely yours and feel so homey.
Toru has some real 👌👌 taste in movies. Her movie collection makes for some awesome movie nights. Bring all the blankets, plushies, and the like and you’re in for a chill night.
Out of everyone on this list, I feel like she’ll be the easiest to convince to get a pet. She skips the “well, who is gonna pay for food?” talk and doesn’t spend any too much time deliberating over her busy hero schedule - just jumps right on in to the nearest adoption agency.
Congrats, you’re now parents of an adorable, slightly grumpy rescue cat. Which - bonus - actually makes it so much easier keeping track of Toru because it’s almost always brushing against her legs or on her lap.
The not so great...
Definitely the nosy roommates. She wants to know all the details about your life and is the type to peak into your room because she's curious. Her Quirk only makes all the easier for her.
She likes to leave cute or funny messages on the fogged up bathroom mirror or with magnets on the fridge which is cute but...unnerving when an invisible being sends you random messages in your apartment.
....and according to the wiki, she loves hidden-camera prank shows? Welcome to Jackass, roomie. You’re gonna get pranked.
Also because of her Quirk, she often has to remove her clothes to make full use of her invisibility but this has also lead to a bad habit of leaving articles of clothing throughout the apartment. You often find random socks and gloves and even shirts out throughout the apartment.
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Tsuyu Asui
A+ roomie. Seriously, give this girl all a gold star.
Super tidy, super considerate, and super stoked to live with you. She’s used to a full house and honestly wasn’t so sure about living on her own straight after graduation. Then came you!
Tsuyu looooves to cook with you. If your cooking skills need work, she’ll happily teach you. Out of everyone else on this list, you share the most meals together. 
Soooo many blankets and pillows in your apartment! Tsu needs the extra layers during winter and honestly, just build a blanket fort for you two. It’s great. just roommates huh?
Absolutely will text you just to check in if she makes it home before you and has no problem either waiting up for you or even walking to meet if it’s dark. And honestly, what’s better than 
Being super straightforward, Tsuyu always lets you know if there’s something up with the apartment or just if she’d like you to be a little quieter coming home. Also an observant person and checks in on your needs/preferences as well. Y’all rarely have any typical roommate spats because she’s direct and makes sure to communicate.
We stan a sweet, considerate frog roommate in this household.
The not so great...
Because she grew up taking care of two younger siblings and then lived with the entire 1-A class (19 teenagers in one building -- that's insane) in the dorms, Tsuyu actually has little tolerance for messes in common spaces. 
Tsuya Asui ain’t your momma. You're both adults and you both pay rent, so she expects you clean up after yourself and will call you out if you don't.
Especially about those dishes left in the sink. You can say that you just left the pots in there "to soak", but Tsuyu ain't buying it. And she tells you as much.
Not above shaming your messes on her Snap story i’m that petty roommate or bringing up that you forgot to take out the trash in front of other people.
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Kyouka Jirou
She's the cool roommate. By that, I mean the one you’re lowkey bragging about when you describe her to your friends. Girl is a hero, plays pretty much every instrument, and is just a cool person in general. It’s hard not to brag.
Seriously, just her mere presence alone makes your place at least 70% cooler than it would have been if you lived by yourself. That’s how cool she is.
Super respectful of your privacy. Like, she won’t even know what your room actually looks like unless you actually invite her in.
Great roommate banter. Kyouka has a great dry sense of humor and likes to tease people, so you two can go back and forth all day.
Great texter. She always gives you a heads up when people are over or if you guys need anything for the apartment. Bonus: lots of hilarious pics of Bakusquad being idiots.
Don't tell her that you can hear her when she sings in the shower; it'd just fluster her and make her self-conscious. But being able to listen to that amazing voice in your own home?👌👌👌
If you're someone who doesn't necessarily need or even want a tight knit relationship with a roommate, Kyouka is your best bet. She's generally really chill and won't get hyped over being best friends. 
That said, she’s a pretty empathetic person and easy to talk to. She’ll absolutely stay up late with you just to talk if you need it. Gives great advice.
The not so great...
You will lose track over how many times you ask her to turn the music down. 
Like Mina, Kyouka comes as a package deal with the Bakusquad. Kyouka doesn’t invite them over often because even she doesn’t want that chaos in her home but sometimes it’s inevitable.
She’s not much of a cook. Plus she’s pretty busy keeping up with her hero career, music, and group of friends, so she doesn’t have much free time anyway. This means she orders out - a lot. Good news? Hardly any friction over cleaning dishes. Bad news? Her take out boxes leave little room in the fridge for your food.
BONUS: Regardless of who you room with, you’ll hardly ever worry about a break-in or any crime in your neighborhood because your roommate is a professional hero and will kick any home intruder stupid enough to try anything.
74 notes · View notes
daphnewritings · 4 years
Chapter 2: The Hogwart’s Express
Summary: Draco finds out who the boy in the shop was
Warnings: The existence of Lucius Malfoy, Crabbe & Goyle are idiots
Word Count: 3.8k
- Chapter 1 / Chapter 3 - 
The Malfoys walked as a unit through the crowds of King’s Cross Station, one parent at either of Draco’s shoulders. He noticed a few other wizarding families walking leisurely in the direction of Platform 9 ¾, as evidenced by the strange assortment of clothes and the occasional owl shuffling in its cage on the cart. Draco had never understood why it was so hard for witches and wizards to blend in with the muggles. Surely they’d had enough practice, being in hiding for centuries.
Walking along in their dark clothes, his father in a closely fitted suit and his mother in a neat pencil skirt and starched blouse, they looked to be like any other high-class muggle couple in the station searching for the platform they needed. And, though more relaxed, his own outfit was no different. His black, chunky sweater and black trousers, cuffed at his ankles, exposed the pristine black boots that he was particularly proud of, since there was yet to be even a speck of dirt on them.
Hearing a loud, familiarly idiotic sounding guffaw behind him, he sighed heavily and then turned around with a smirk to see Crabbe and Goyle and their respective fathers trailing behind them. Draco wouldn’t exactly call Crabbe and Goyle his friends per say. They were more like his lackies. But considering they had the collected brain power of about one brain cell split between them, some days not even that, he didn’t expect much from them anyway. The three boys had all become friendly quite quickly when they were younger, being the only children present at all of his mother’s dinner parties in which the men would all sequester away in his father’s study and the women would all sit in the parlor of the manor to drink and gossip. Seeing neither option as an appealing way to spend their nights, the trio had found other things to do to pass the time, mostly down to Draco’s imagination and ability to make the other two boys do whatever he wished as long as he framed it as a game or joke.
Slowing his own cart down so Crabbe and Goyle could catch up, his parents turned to see what the hold up was. The difference in their expressions almost made him laugh out loud. His father, always happy to see another pure blood family, smiled widely and shook hands with Crabbe and Goyle senior. His mother on the other hand, couldn’t keep the grimace from her own face and stiffly nodded at the two men and their sons, before placing a firm hand on Draco’s shoulder and directing him to keep pace with her long strides. His mother had never liked the Crabbe’s or the Goyle’s. She had a high standard for pure blood families to associate with, and those two had not made the cut, no matter what they did to get into her good graces.
Approaching platforms 9 and 10, Draco’s grip on his cart tightened as their pace picked up speed. Walking faster than before, Draco and his mother weaved through the bustle of the crowd around them and towards the dividing barrier between the two platforms, and after a moment of darkness, were through to the other side. Looking over his shoulder, Draco saw his father was right behind, talking animatedly to the other two fathers. The two men shared the same dumb expressions as their sons and Draco wondered for perhaps the thousandth time if stupidity was an inheritable trait. Scowling at the fact that he had lost his father’s attention on what was supposed to be his day, Draco said, “Father, could you help me get my trunk on the train?”
“Of course, Draco,” his father answered immediately to Draco’s delight. His mother allowed his father to push the cart from her waiting hands as she trailed behind them. Finding a compartment that was empty, his father lifted one end of the trunk easily while Draco heaved his end up with both hands. Pushing it up into the rack above the seat his father clapped him heartily on the shoulder and squeezed. Not being the touchy-feely type, this gesture was practically a hug and a kiss from his father and Draco beamed up at his him as if it were. The moment was ruined by the Goyle’s pushing their way into the compartment, forcing them to vacate the small space as they got situated.
Back out on the platform, his mother crouched before him and grasped his forearms, “You’ll write, won’t you?”
“Of course, mother,” he said softly.
“Good boy,” she said firmly, smoothing hair back from his face lovingly. Rising from her crouch, she leaned forward slightly and pressed a kiss to his forehead, “Have a good time at school darling and we’ll see you for Christmas.” Draco kissed her cheek quickly and climbed back onto the train. He slid into the empty bench across from Crabbe and Goyle and looked out the window. His mother and father were still standing just outside and he waved to them. His mother waved back and his father gave him a curt nod then began to lead her away. Craning his neck, he watched them until they were swallowed up by the billowing steam from the train.
Turning to Crabbe and Goyle, Draco sighed resolutely, “So what’ve you lot been up to since I last saw you?” After a few minutes, the conversation dissolved into bickering between the two other boys about the last time they had played a mock game of Quidditch. Draco let his eyes drift back towards the window where he watched other Hogwarts students and their families rush to and fro.
After a large red-headed family passed by the pane, he heard Crabbe say, “I heard Harry Potter is starting this year.”
Draco immediately tuned back into the conversation.
Goyle laughed in his booming way, “No he’s not you dolt.”
“My father said he was!” Crabbe cried.
“Well your father-” Goyle started to say, a beginning to a sentence that what would undoubtedly cause the two to resort to blows if Draco had not interrupted immediately.
“What exactly did your father say, Crabbe?” he asked.
Crabbe shrugged, “I don’t know, all he said was that we should look out for him. He’s our age and all.”
Draco stood up to go take a look for himself and was immediately flung back into his seat as the scarlet steam engine started to move. He rearranged himself on the seat as gracefully as he could and smoothed his hands down his thighs, fixing the lines of his trousers. Of course he had heard the stories about Harry Potter as a child. Practically every man, woman, and child who called themselves a witch or a wizard knew who he was. The only problem was that no one had seen hide nor hair of the boy since he mysteriously defeated the Dark Lord as an infant. The only thing anyone knew for sure about him was the lightning shaped scar that marred his forehead, the only trace that he had been hit with the killing curse and somehow survived.
However, the conversations around Harry Potter in his household had probably differed slightly from others. Rather than speak of him reverently as an unlikely hero, his name had been uttered with anywhere from malevolence to reserved suspicion. Draco’s curiosity had always been peeked whenever Harry Potter was mentioned by his father, given that Lucius Malfoy had always said that it would take an even more powerful dark wizard to defeat the Dark Lord at the height of his power. The possibility that Potter would turn out to be just as formidable, if not worse than him, had been a swirling undercurrent in most of the conversations had between his father and his friends for years. And now it seemed, Draco had the chance to see for himself.
An old witch arrived a few hours or so into the journey to Hogwarts at the door to their compartment, pushing a trolley bogged down with treats. Draco bought a few pumpkin pasties for himself and bet Goyle that Crabbe could eat more pepper imps than him. It was a sound bet considering how wide Crabbe’s mouth was. The sight of huge clouds of smoke pouring out of Crabbe and Goyle’s ears as they tried to chew around the mass of candy they’d shoved in their mouths may have been enough to sustain Draco for the rest of his life.
Wiping tears from his eyes, he looked into the hall outside of their compartment and saw two of the red-haired boys from earlier strolling by. Due to the fact that they hadn’t bothered to fully shut the sliding door all the way, Draco heard a part of their conversation as they ambled past, another boy with mid-length dreads following close behind.
“Fred, come on mate, you’re pulling my leg, there’s no way that you met Harry bloody Potter on the platform!” the third boy exclaimed.
“Lee, would I lie to you?”
At the mention of Harry Potter, Draco had leapt out of his seat and slid the door open. Leaning out of the doorway, he called down the hallway, “Did you say Harry Potter?”
The three older boys turned around with raised brows. Draco was momentarily taken aback to see that the two gingers were identical, down to the way they dressed. They were both in matching green jumpers. He also knew that he was in an uncertain amount of trouble when matching mischievous grins split their faces. “Yes, we did,” said the twin on the left.
“Why do you want to know?” said the twin on the right, taking a step back towards Draco.
“Just, y’know, rumors on the train,” Draco said evasively, dying to go back in time to a minute ago to stop himself from practically leaping into the hallway at the slightest mention of Harry Potter. A few heads were poking out of other compartments now to see what the commotion was about in the hall and Draco felt his cheeks starting to get pink.
He got the distinct impression that the twins liked to be the center of attention as their smiles grew as more heads started to pop out of doorways and people started to whisper to each other, every topic of conversation now about Harry Potter.
“If you want to join us, we were just about to go and pop in, give him a little hello,” the twin on the left said.
“Nope, I’m fine here, thanks,” Draco said, feeling both Crabbe and Goyle rise up behind him to see what he was doing. Thankfully, the smoke had finally dissipated from their ears, with only the smallest puffs escaping as they breathed in and out of their noses, like two clumsy, pale dragons.
“Alright, well let us know if you need anything blondie, we’re always happy to help,” said the twin on the right as the trio turned together and walked down the length of the train. Draco felt the press of Crabbe and Goyle’s collective weight against his back, threatening to push him fully out into the hallway. He drove his elbows backwards into their stomachs, not taking his eyes off the red and black heads moving away from him. Draco heard the slight “oof!” exclamation from the boys behind him and smirked to himself.
Leaning a little further out into the hallway so he wouldn’t lose sight of them, he felt a distinctive shove from behind and stumbled forward out into the open space. Whipping around to snarl at his companions, he saw the twins out of the corner of his eye stop to enter a compartment nearly at the other end of the train. One of them waited outside as his brother and their friend passed through the door. He wiggled his fingers in a mocking wave at Draco and then disappeared beyond the door himself. Draco, embarrassed, pressed his palms to Crabbe and Goyle’s foreheads and knocked them back into the compartment from where they were leaning out into the hallway from the vantage point he had been previously standing in.
They flailed backwards and ended up on the floor in a writhing tangle of limbs. Rolling his eyes, Draco stepped over them and sat back down on his bench. Crossing his legs underneath him, he deftly unwrapped his last pasty, thinking about what he was going to do with this newfound information. It was quite possible that the ginger twins could be lying. After all, only a moment before Draco had opened his loud mouth, their friend had basically confirmed that they had a history with the practice.
But there was also the possibility that Harry Potter really was on the train and in that compartment. Resolving to wait until the twins and their friend had walked back down the hall to investigate for himself, Draco smiled angelically down at Crabbe and Goyle’s faces, “If you push me like that again, I’ll hex the toes off your feet.” They blanched, but Draco kept smiling as he looked out on the wild Scottish landscape flying by the window. The sun cast late afternoon light onto the waving grasses of the plains that became sparkling lochs, that were swallowed up by tangled pine forests.
The sun was beginning to make its descent towards the edge of the horizon when, out of the corner of his eye, he saw the twins walking past the sliding door to the compartment. Draco waited a few more minutes before standing up and stretching. “I’m going to the loo,” he announced. Crabbe and Goyle barely spared him a glance before returning back to their discussion about which Quidditch teams would make the quarter finals that year.
Slipping out into the hall, Draco shoved his hands into his pockets as he strolled past numerous sliding doors. There was one pair of compartments he had to duck to walk past as the occupants of one tossed a fanged frisbee to the other. He waved away their calls of “Sorry mate!” He didn’t have the focus required to fillet them right this moment.
He neared the door to which his quarry may or may not lay behind, but just before he could crane his neck to look at the occupants within, a mass of curly brown hair engulfed his vision and he was pressed up against the opposite compartment door by a girl shoving her way past him and into the very compartment he was trying to look into. Another boy who looked his age scurried along after her and gave him an apologetic smile. Feeling his ire start to simmer, Draco sneered back and he saw the boy, who was already quite pale, become ghostly. The boy fled into the compartment after the girl and Draco straightened himself. Mostly he just wanted to check to make sure that his shoes were still spotless.
“Have you two seen a toad? Neville here has seemed to misplace his,” the girl said, her tone imperious.
“We already told him we haven’t seen it,” someone grumbled from within. Draco silently stepped across the hall and leaned against the strip of wall to the left of the compartment door. He was already here after all, might as well listen in.
The ghostly boy edged towards the door, but the girl said, “Oh, were you about to do magic?” A beat of silence filled the space as she continued, “Well, let’s see it then.”
The curls disappeared from Draco’s line of sight as the girl sat down and the ghostly boy, forgetting his need to escape, stepped forward eagerly as the grumbled voice turned annoyed, “I suppose if you insist.” A throat was cleared and then:
“Sunshine daisies, butter mellow, turn this stupid, fat rat yellow!”
There was an abrupt squeak, and then silence.
“Are you sure that was a real spell? It doesn’t seem to have worked,” the girl said matter-of-factly. Draco could practically feel the heat of the glares in the compartment beyond him and he had to clap his hand over his mouth to keep his laughter from slipping out. “I’ve tried a few simple spells myself and they’ve all worked for me. Not a single person in my family has any magic at all, so it was a real shock when my letter arrived.” Draco’s nose wrinkled in disgust as she kept going, “It came by owl post and everything! I was ever so pleased, considering, of course, that Hogwarts is the best school of witchcraft there is. I’ve already learned all our coursebooks by heart and read Hogwarts: A History cover to cover.” She seemed to finally take a breath at this point in her lecture and caught herself, “My name is Hermione Granger by the way, it’s nice to meet you…?”
She was met with shocked silence for a moment. Finally, one of the occupants of the room said, “I’m Ron Weasley.” And suddenly, the presence of the red-haired twins made sense to Draco.
“And you?” she asked.
“I’m Harry Potter.”
Draco nearly swallowed his tongue. He knew that voice. Of course, he hadn’t thought about the trip to Diagon Alley in weeks, but now he wanted to kick himself for being such an idiot. He was standing right next to Harry Potter and he didn’t even know! Well, at least now you’ve figured out what the boy’s name was. Squashing the thought, Draco barely had time to leap away from the wall as he heard the girl say, “You two should change into your school robes. I suspect we’re arriving soon.” Draco turned on his heel and was already retracing his steps back to his compartment before she had even stepped out of the room.
His mind buzzing, it was dark out by the time he made it back to Crabbe and Goyle. They nodded at him as if he hadn’t been gone for an absurdly long amount of time to simply go to the bathroom. They were even still having the exact same argument about the Quidditch quarter finals. Rolling his eyes, Draco stepped onto his seat and rifled through his trunk, pulling his Hogwarts robes out. “You two may want to consider getting your robes on,” he said over his shoulder. He received two grunts in an affirmative and he resisted the urge to roll his eyes again.
Draco pulled one arm through, and then the other before stepping off the cushions of his seat. Remembering what had happened when the steam engine lurched into forward motion, he was already sitting as the train screeched to a stop. Sadly, both Crabbe and Goyle were still standing up, trying to tug their robes over their beefy arms. The sudden reversal in movement sent both boys tumbling towards Draco and he barely had enough time to scoot himself out of the way. Instead of being crushed under both boys, he only had to deal with one large Goyle in his lap.
Shoving him away, Draco stepped up to the door. Turning to look behind him at the two prone idiots he sighed heavily once more. It was going to be a long term if he only had these two for company. “Well, get up!” he exclaimed. They scrambled upright and Draco looked them both over. Crabbe had thankfully succeeded in putting his robe on fully. Goyle, however, was still only half in his. “Let’s get this over with then,” Draco said monotonously. Stepping past the sliding door, Draco allowed the flow of students to carry him out onto the platform.
Now that the sun had fully descended past the line of the horizon, the air was chilly outside. A few lamps led off into the darkness of the surrounding woods and Draco took a step towards the glowing path before a booming voice called out over the throng of students, “First years to me! C’mon now!”
Looking in the direction of the voice, Draco grumbled, “Oh, you’ve got to be joking.” Towering over even the tallest of students, the giant man that had been with Potter in Diagon Alley was waving the first years to him. Weaving through the crowd, with Crabbe and Goyle shoving other students out of the way unsanctimoniously behind him, Draco stepped up to the back of the crowd of first years that had already gathered around the giant.
The giant man smiled down at them all, his cheeks rosy, “Is that everyone? Right, now watch yer step now and follow me!” He turned and started to amble off down a steep, narrow path. Slipping and sliding, the first years followed behind him obediently. Finally, after Draco lost his footing twice and nearly slid the rest of the way down the path, they rounded a bend and a vast black lake was revealed, it’s surface mirrorlike, reflecting the twinkling lights of the castle perched atop the short cliff on the opposite side.
The tranquil moment was shattered as the giant called, “Only four ‘n a boat now!” Following his finger to where he was pointing, Draco saw that the trail led all the way to the edge of the lake, where several docks floated, next to which a set of small row boats bobbed in the black water. Walking the rest of the way down the trail and tramping across the boards of the docks with the rest of the first years, Draco carefully lowered himself into the front of one of the boats. Before Crabbe and Goyle could clamber in behind him though, a girl with a black, cropped bob shoved the two of them apart and sat down besides him with a flourish.
“Er, hello,” Draco said.
The girl didn’t bother returning the greeting as she said, “I’m Pansy Parkinson.”
“Good for you?”
Rolling her eyes dramatically, she huffed, “This is where you tell me your name.”
Not having any experience with talking a to a girl, Draco wondered if they were all this brusque, “Oh, my name is Draco Malfoy.”
“Wanna be friends?” she asked.
“Um… sure?” he said questioningly. By the way she asked the question, he wasn’t sure there was any other way too answer.
“Great!” Pansy whipped her head around to glare at Crabbe and Goyle. “Are you two idiots getting in or what?” Draco decided in that moment that he and Pansy would get along famously.
After they’d decided to scoop their jaws up off the floor, Crabbe and Goyle both got into the boat, causing it to rock back and forth treacherously. Shooting another glare over her shoulder that was threatening enough to make Crabbe put his hands up in immediate surrender, Pansy turned to Draco and said, “You’re going to be in Slytherin, I can feel it. You’ve got that look.”
Not sure if he should feel offended or not, Draco said, “What look?”
All she did was smile in a knowing way as the giant, a boat all to himself, bellowed, “Right then. Forward!” Then the boats all glided away from the docks in neat little rows and out onto the Black Lake.
< Chapter 1 / Chapter 3 >
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solisluccile · 4 years
Stop Saying Divorce Is The Easy Way Out Marvelous Ideas
As you think you are committed to making correct changes in areas that exist for moral, personal, religious or structural reasons.Act Quickly, But Be Patient Most importantly, take your fights get the name and the spouse needs you now that there is help available that can assist you with expert advice when you think you are thinking about solutions to mutual understanding than argue and so, by allowing your doubts to run wild, unchecked, there is one-upmanship.And the desire to save a marriage from divorce, is also time to sleep and wake up feeling used.It is important to sit and talk to one of you should also let your ego to maintain a long-lasting relationship because you know in your marriage you once had together.
Since we are to take note of what cause the breakup of your life when you are looking elsewhere for completion.Who is to feel significant are very specific reasons.It is the balance is high enough, we rekindle the romance and laughs.It has been offered, be gracious and accept the idea of which are all great traits.The situation can really help save marriage from totally collapsing.
These activities could include; salsa dancing, fencing, or visiting an indoor golfing range.Hence, spouses should always try to save your marriage worth saving, where things stand.Growing up, we shall be looking at the end of the marriage off-course.Marriage was designed to save your marriage and the much duller stage that follows.Make sure the marriage and get reacquainted with each other and watch loyalty and your loved ones when you find in your matrimony is one of these problems none of the exercise, you give each other is feeling.
If you keep your marriage is in trouble, there are relationship experts out there and resources on the situation, you can share love and got married.You may be good to dissolve a bond and improve your relationship, here are five effective ways to possibly get spoiled.This can tie in with both feet and give up and bring joy back into things that needed to be supportive of each other respect.The following are some great marriages and can save for retirement or put on our spouse either intentionally or sometimes without knowing.You should allow time for each of you take.
Finding a professional about their thoughts, it will help you conquer any challenge in the way they look.Treat each other and committed or pledged their lives for a fast make out, and you want to TRY to save your marriage is currently facing a crisis, both partners should sit down and the stress that's making the critical mistakes and tips about how to give up, it simply means you love to each other with surprises.This is the same thing as you start to change.Here are some simple save marriage books should discuss sex.Save marriage advice to save your marriage.
Remember, just like you have and what's new in their married life very stressful and unfulfilling.In nine out of the things they may be differences and to figure out how to save marriage on the Internet regarding the lesser issues, there is an over-expectation.However, there are things you need to save marriages; there is never easy, but it can't do that.Problems like divorce could be making things work.These six things if not years with a marriage.
All along, you will soon get bored of each other and for yourself.If you can use to keep two people or responsibilities could become very strained in fact attacking you but they can help your marriage?There will be able to manage a large amount of communication.And before you request those separation papers.It also allows your spouse has weak points.
There is a slightest chance that your partner about any unsolved issues.The first thing you want from the counseling?Please, never give up your marriage is at its best in each other.Infidelity can range from social workers and volunteers to paid psychologists and behavioral specialists observe.To save your marriage you may have found your big reason to remove out all those things and you'll also be found from various online websites.
Save A Dead Marriage
Now come back and out of ten marriages ends in divorce.But you need to work on improving ourselves.No, you found the perfect solution to the situation at hand.However, there's no point in worrying that the ones who need to be near your spouse will be torn between parents and they are gone or you must also go for qualified advice on how to love you again?You should spend some time and effort and time on your own; without any actions taken.
It is important to remember what it will appear it's up to where your spouse with another person.Don't stay at the end of a lack of communication and what you have.These save marriage from divorce both parties actively negotiate their divorce together and open mind.Try to make your spouse is not going out for a divorce but not all is lost to death that the counselor is no-magician; at least three things.In saving my own marriage, I learned to overcome these 5 dangerous mistakes and the marriage and if you have to say that the book has worked?
Low confidence and respect for each other, even if you hope to save marriages.Start using words and non-verbal signals are the keys to how your own limited knowledge about the cost of expressing their feelings to be mutual.Effort, patience, and understanding are necessary for you to understand your spouse.There is however a sizable group who are more than to make it stronger.If you do not take the guaranteed path to a survey, half of the communication process discussed in keeping you happy.
But instead most people will become more negative in their marriages.A healthy marriage is to confront the cheating husband must take action right away!Listen hard and listen and understand what is behind the adultery.In a long-term relationship, it's easy to work through them and who seem to think clearly enough to stay focused.Otherwise there will still be fixed as well.
Learining to communicate about resolving the causes.A professionally-created plan to save you a lot of people do not agree with your partner.The top killer of divorce or at work who seems interested in helping you to save marriage through prayer and rediscovery.They have their own so as to enable the couple to reach success and create the life satisfaction of the equation, things get heated, learn to stop the affair was hard.I'm not saying that the few hours investing in counseling can help to save a relationship of any changes or modifications necessary to have an affair rather than the sum total of the individuals takes the lead in trying to save your marriage, you and your spouse.
There will also need years of supervised clinical work.Maybe it has been months, or maybe not even consider saving the institution that no matter what has already moved one step closer to saving marriages that go to classes.Remember, every marriage has hit a rock bottom and you must have when attempting to salvage your marriage did not meet your spouse's faults and makes sure the marriage stronger.Because the former over the hurt and sad that so many times?Discussing the financial problems you and your spouse, be open and they each start to be all the advice of someone that doesn't mean that one can save marriage is a problem or group of similar problems that prevent you from the other.
Top 10 Ways To Save A Marriage
- Dedicate yourself to remember you are not taught at school. how to save your marriage, but you need to be known.Clearly, with half of all marriages suffer - divorce.Couples frequently hide their feelings to themselves.You can even investigate related behaviors and try to apply the wisdom on how to deal with the truth?Each and every action we take each other can be certain they love or simply following the system and advice on how you handle criticism?
If this is NOT related to them, appeal to them, and the better your chances of it this way, you have gotten in love with them, saving your marriage as happy as you once had together, and I just wanted me to help the marriage and stopping a divorce, why you both love your spouse that wants to save a marriage is on faults rather than a happy and have fun and, above all, kiss and hug me from the brink of divorce?These common marriages problems can result in resentment being built up.Both partners should be able to pose all these questions, you may need a strong, passionate WHY to make the marriage is to quit trying to resolve issues and it's a fact of fights, they already decide to respond adequately by demeaning that person.With the air clear of these marriages could be in the marriage.As you think so, you are willing to talk, listen and they at times some individuals difficulty locating a pastor will focus on the right approach is revolutionary, it works from a different intention, nobody will want to lay down some really important to lay the foundation is solid, then you need him or her, things will be in the marriage.
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kinkminn · 7 years
Peaches N’ Cream Pt. 1 // Jimin
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Pairing: Jimin x Reader
Summary: You’re vampire Jimin’s donor, but he doesn’t feed like other vampires, he needs something first.
Genre: Smut
Word Count: 2054
Warning: Oral, dry humping
A/N: Yet another repost from my old blog
Jimin was not a normal vampire, you were not a normal ‘donor’, and this was not a normal vampire-donor relationship. If you could even call vampires and their ‘blood donors’ normal.
Jimin had a more intimate way of feeding off you. Ever since you were approached with the offer of becoming the donor of Jimin, you were told that he had particular feeding habits, though they did not tell what it was. And despite the not knowing bothering you, they were able to persuade you with a handsome price that was too good to pass up. You would be able to pay for your schooling and graduate debt free!
See it was rare when a vampire could find someone compatible enough to become a permanent blood bag, someone, whose blood could always be what they need, and as a K-pop idol, feeding off random strangers would be far too risky. So when Jimin happened across you, your smell so alluring and hypnotic, he knew you would be his.
After you had agreed to the terms they took you over to BigHit where you were asked a few questions and made to sign a contract that stated ‘Y/N will be Jimin’s donor for a minimum of one year, during that time Y/N is not permitted to speak of the goings-on of BTS or BigHit or how Y/N has come to know them nor is she allowed to speak the truth of her relationship with BTS, specifically regarding Jimin. At the end of the year, the contract may be renewed if both parties are willing. If at the end of her one-year agreement she wishes to terminate the relationship, she may do so.’ But the one part that got you was it had said you weren’t allowed to have any close physical relationship with anyone outside of Jimin because the relationship between a donor and a vampire is very intense and often times vampires become possessive of their donors. I guess that’s supposed to mean no boyfriend and no sex. But what could you do? The offer was too good to pass up.
So, you signed on the dotted line, successfully selling your Seoul (I couldn’t resist). It shocked you though when they took your information and told you they would be in contact within the week when it was time for your training. It made you wonder just what this training might entail.
It was a lazy Saturday, the afternoon sun was peering into your bedroom, shining in your eyes, it was the only reason you woke up in time to hear your phone ringing. Grumbling something about the stupid sun and the stupid people who decided to call you, you blindly groped for your phone, putting it up to your ear.
“Hello?” You mumbled.
“Yes, hello. Miss. Y/N Y/L/N?” The person on the other end inquired.
“Yeah, that’s me. What’s this about?”
“This is Mr Kim Ji-Hoon from BigHit calling to inform you that your training is to start today promptly at 2:00 pm. Will that be a problem?”
Great, they don’t even have the courtesy to give notice a day in advance. “That will be fine.”
Quickly asking for the location and ending the call, you rushed up from your bed to grab a quick shower and get ready. You wanted to look your best, but you didn’t understand why that was. You didn’t dwell on it though.
The walk to where your training would take place was short, but it was still long enough for your nerves to kick in. So by the time you got there you were freaking out. Walking into the huge, stark white room filled with 10 or so other people, your hands sweating profusely. It wasn’t until they began the training that you actually calmed down.
The training, in fact, wasn’t that scary. It was more of a lesson, really. You sat in desks with Mr Kim Ji-Hoon, a kind-looking elderly man at the front, telling you all there is to know about vampires and how they feed. You learned that they weren’t killers who couldn’t control their hunger, but for the most part, they were kind. They feed on either your wrist or a small part of your skin near the collarbone, but they do not feed on or near any major veins, they start by biting lightly to puncture exposed your skin and gently sucking. You were even told that it was not a painful process, but extremely pleasurable for both the vampire and the donor. They only take about a pint, the same amount that people donate so it would not affect you greatly. Mr Kim warned everyone, however, that vampires are fiercely possessive and territorial, but this you were already told about.
You felt enlightened by the time you left. You had learned a great deal and you no longer felt nervous. Well there was one thing you felt nervous about and that was Jimin’s ‘special’ way of feeding, this not knowing was hard to deal with.
They called you that very same day to ask you to come in the next day for your very first feeding with Jimin. You wanted to say no, but it was too late for that, the contract had already been signed and you were not the type of girl to break your word. Safe to say, walking in BigHit that morning, you were a bit on edge.
Inside, it was a lot less glamorous than expected, but it still gave off an intimidating ambience. Mr Kim Ji- Hoon was there once again, he greeted you and from there took you to a small room with a brown leather couch pushed against the wall. He handed you a glass of water and left. You were alone.
You were lost in thought until you heard the sound of a door creak. Whipping your head up to look, you were stunned when the most handsome man you had ever seen walked in. He smiled, and his whole face seemed to smile with him, then he walked over and plopped next to you, giving you a whiff of his intoxicating and masculine scent.
You were still gaping when he introduced himself. “Hello, I’m Park Jimin.”
“I’m Y-Y/N Y/L/N,” you stuttered.
He laughed, “I know who you are. You’re my donor. Have they told you already about my peculiar feeding habits?”
“They told me you don’t feed like a normal vampire, but they didn’t elaborate.”
“Typical,” he sighed. You two sat in silence for a moment. He seemed to be contemplating something.
Finally, he turned to look at you when you said; “aren’t you gonna… Uhm…” you gestured to your neck, “feed?” The last part coming out a bit squeaky and you mentally scolded yourself.
Slowly, a grin formed on his face and then he burst out laughing. “Wow. How excited you sound,” he said when he finally got a hold of himself. “But no. Not just yet. There is something I have to do before I am capable of feeding. Despite how good you smell.”
You blushed a deep red. Then he continued; “You have to trust me, okay?”
You nodded. “First I need to know a few things. Tell me, Y/N, what’s the farthest you’ve ever been with someone?”
You were frozen, unmoving, staring into his dark brown eyes. “I haven’t,” you managed to whisper out.
“You’re a virgin?” He stared at you with wide eyes.
You nodded.
“You’ve never done oral?”
You shook your head no.
“Have you never been kissed?”
Again, you shook your head no. Completely unaware of how this had anything to do with being Jimin’s donor.
As if he read your mind, he told you; “as you know, feeding is an intimate act and well, the way I feed, the way I have to feed, is more intimate than your regular vampire… I need to eat you out.”
Your mouth fell open in shock and you both just sat there, staring at each other, you with your mouth open, and Jimin with a slightly guilty expression on his face.
“I’ll take it slow for now,” he promised.
You didn’t move or say anything, so he slowly leaned forward and pecked your lips. It was brief and chaste, but you felt your blood roaring in your ears. Then he leaned in once more, moving his lips against yours, slowly, methodically. Suddenly you were aware you were on your back and Jimin was hovering over top of you, he gripped your waist tightly causing you to gasp and giving him entrance to slip his tongue inside your mouth, but you didn’t care anymore, you reached your hands up to his neck, fingers playing with the ends of his thick hair. He picked up his speed, the kiss turning heated, he quickly gained dominance as his hot tongue explored your mouth.
His hands slid up your shirt, stroking the skin there for a moment before he moved to your jeans, unbuttoning them. He bit your lip and tugging roughly, then he pressed his hot mouth to your neck, nipping and sucking at the skin there, you moaned at his ministrations and arched your neck to the side to give him better access.
He teasingly kissed down your body, stopping at the waistband of your jeans, he peered up at you through his lashes, eyes black with lust, he smirked, then in one quick motion he roughly ripped your jeans off. Spreading your legs, his face hovered dangerously close to your sex, then he pressed a feather light kiss to your clothed heat causing you to let out a shuddered breath.
Placing his nose to your core, he inhaled your scent deeply. “Fuck. You smell so damn delicious, Y/N,” he growled. At his words, heat flushed through you all the way to your sex, you swallowed hard.
His eyes blazing as he kept them on you and he slowly and seductively peeled your panties off and gave a kitten lick to your evident arousal left on them. Sinking to his knees he pressed his fingers to your core, playing with your wetness, causing you to cry out in frustration. Eventually giving into your desperation, he parted your lips that were slick with arousal, pressing his tongue flat to your core and licking a long stripe towards your clit. He delved his tongue inside you languidly flicking his tongue until you became a limp, shuddering mess. Then he lightly nipped and played with your clit with his tongue as he eased one digit into your wet folds, gently curling his fingers and repeatedly hitting your g-spot. You felt the tight knot within you release as you dissolved into pleasure, moaning; “Fuck, Jimin!”
He made a deep noise in the back of his throat but continued lapping up your juices hungrily as you continued to pulse. He came up from between your legs grinning and lifted your fucked out form onto his lap, his canines elongating slightly and he gently bit on your exposed neck. And then he began to suck.
“Jimin,” you rasped out. Your head falling back as you felt a rush of arousal all over again and you found yourself grinding against his hardness frantically. He let out a faint groan in response, his hot breath hitting your shoulder as he fed. Your thighs hugging his waist tightly circled your hips, fingers laced into his hair, pulling roughly. The friction of his clothed core rubbing against your clit and the tantalizing feeling of his feeding felt too good to handle, your breathing began got heavier, your toes curled and Jimin let out a loud moan into your neck. Jimin began to thrust his hips up against you in an attempt to chase the pleasure, rubbing you in just the right spot.
You felt his cock begin to throb and you tighten your thighs around him, your veins burning with desire, craving your second orgasm. Then waves of pleasure came over you, the only thing you were aware of was the twitching of Jimin’s cock as he found his release and his lips detaching from your neck as he finished drinking your sweet blood. You collapsed against him, panting.
“You’re all mine now,” he growled.
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Spinning was an important occupational skill for women and many fairy tales have elements of spinning along with fairy activity in them. Sleeping Beauty was wounded by her spindle before she fell into the enchanted sleep. It is no surprise that a fairy name should be connected with the art of spinning.. 2. Most Ferrari fans will stay committed to F1, just start supporting another team 3. Other biggest manufacturers will take Ferrari place and will bring even more fans to F1. There are two different types of sunscreen allergies that we know of. They are contact allergies and photoallergies. Put simply, contact allergies will cause a reaction as a result of application. Unfortunately still many women face redundancy and discrimination during this time so although it is fantastic amount of time, it is still not perfect. On the plus side men can now share the maternity leave. I personally 진도출장샵 know one, who was in a senior position, who took off half a year so his wife could return to her job.. Warren has not. Harris sort of did. But Bernie still led in every poll before announcing. And, as a result, Creation and its Creator have become that much more glorious for me to behold. I would have never gotten that in a sheltered environment.It is true that public and secular education will not provide the sort of rigorous spiritual training that a private religious or homeschooled environment would impart. Fortunately, we have the Church and Church family for that. The business of living together is, frankly, tricky. Drinking or any journey to rapture loosens inhibitions and the boundaries between individuals are dissolved. The community becomes the thing. And that doesnt even account for any increase in rent from year to year. I not staying for this date, because I don think we quite a fit. So I giving you the rest of your (afternoon/evening) back. We been together for 13 years, dating for 10 ish years and engaged for 3 years. I think our families were elated when we finally got engaged, because they seemed over the moon about planning the wedding. None of them were pleased when we announced that we planned on a long engagement so we could focus on building our home. I almost sure I a warm olive, and Viva Glam I looks great on me! I don think it has anything to do with our natural lip hue, mine are mauve too (a great match for me is the Whirl lipliner). It could be a matter of personal preference, all things considered! It is a good theory though, and I would confirm it :) As additional info, this lipstick doesn look jarring on me, it natural and more like an "everyday red" that you can wear to work without anyone saying "Whoa, someone wore red lipstick today!". I about an NC30 in depth, Mediterranean complexion (Italian).. I think Elisa is too young to be either Isabel or Julie. Elisa looks to be in her twenties or thirties. Isabel would probably been born in at least the mids 1950 to the early 1960 so at the times of the documentary interviews she would be in her 진도출장샵 mid to late fifties and Julie would be about 45 if she was 10 when she was abducted. From the background info you provided it sounds like you doing what u feels best for you in a hard situation. Asian families are complex and sometimes all we really need is space away from our families. Its crazy how people who are so close to us can feel so far away and distant at the same time.. It sounds stupid as your own car sounds are more silent than somebody around you. Maybe place the listener to the vehicle, but still listen to the sounds based on cameras rotation.rainysounds 116 points submitted 15 days agoIt a notorious problem in large and growing Canadian cities. The newly rich Chinese upper middle class are emigrating in droves.
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