#And my sister adopted a penguin in my name for me which was cool
emile-hides · 2 years
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Happy December 26th y’all I hope everyone gets to rest well until the new year comes along. I know I will be.
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divetothefandom · 4 years
Being Teased by his Family in front of his Partner (Iwatobi)
I almost left poor Haru out bc he doesn’t have siblings and his parents aren’t around much.
But then I remembered Haru practically grew up in the Tachibana house.
And ship them or not (personally I do UwU but it’s cool if you don’t too OwO) the fact that they know each other like the back of their hands is set on stone.
And you bet your ass Makoto will tease Haru at every chance.
Our sweet orca just knows our beloved dolphin too much.
We know Haru’s not easy to embarrass but Makoto will make an occassional comment to make him flustered.
Mainly flattery because Haru’s the kind who doesn’t take praise well and commenting he used to strip at bird baths would do nothing.
“Oh, Haru used to make this posters for the swim club and even carved Iwatobi-chan figurines!“
“It was nothing special…“
“But it was Haru, you’re really talented.“
“Shut up…” K.O.!
Makoto would absolutely teach them how to embarrass Haru if they just  ✨ask✨
Oh boy, just like he knows which buttons to push for Haru, Haru knows exactly how to make him red faced. And Haru is a bitter baby so revenge is savage…. also it’s not very hard to embarrass Makoto.
But today we’re here to talk about his family.
His parents will probably do the usual parent thing of making commentshere and there, but they seem chill if they’re around and wouldn’t really embarrass Makoto in front of them.
Well, half of the time it’s more like the child innocence and they don’t have a filter so they’ll reveal a thing or two that embarrass Makoto
Half of the time, because they are little brats and will always take chance to embarrass Makoto.
Constantly dropping hints to his crush that he likes them
Makoto had to make the resolve to not let them meet again until he tells them himself.
They will make them play family and make them and Makoto be the parents, and will protest if they guys don’t talk in pet names like “honey, baby”
Makoto can’t say “honey” and just says something like “hon” because he ends up stuttering 
They’re constantly putting Makoto in a checkmate situation.
They will say stuff like asking her if she likes Makoto, asking out loud how how their name sounds with the lastname Tachibana…
They’re already asking Makoto to buy a ring #Savetheorca
We don’t know much about his family and his brother is pretty independent now since he seems older than Akane who seemed to be in High School (both around the time of High Speed), but I bet you whatever you want that if his brother comes to visit it’s all over for Rei
Becuase he’s really easy to embarrass
He’ll tell them all kind of embarrassing stories about his childhood
He’s the best fucking friend you could have if you date Rei
They both can discuss weird shit Rei does and says for hours while Rei is just dying on his seat.
“Can we drop the subject?“
“Honey, are you kidding? I’m having a great time“
Rei will screech at the top of his lungs trying to avoid stories that he wants to forget.
They’ll probably have to reassure him that they like him with all of his quirky treats and all (even if he organizes his food based on color theory, bruh)
And I think his parents would embarrass him as well by doing the cliché of showing baby pictures of him because Rei gives me a in my house there’s a forbidden baby album with all the bathub pictures vibe. 
Googles: Can you put 3 older sister to adoption?
This boy have it the hardest having 3 older sisters that’d dress you up as a girl when you were a toddler should be a good enough clue
They’ll obviously show them an entire album of these.
Nagisa probably avoids taking tem to meet his family because of it.
All 3 girls love them and and will tease him for them being too good looking for him.
They will give them makeovers in ways that will make our little penguin feel things he shouldn’t.
They will probably bring in the dresses he used to wear when he was little.
His parents aren’t much help, they will probably make the usual “I don’t wnat distractions”
But they have no problem winning them over
Nagisa will be looking for the first chance to excuse himself and hide in his room with them.
But as soon as his family notices he’s upset they’ll come and apologize and shift the conversation to how Nagisa is really dedicated and show off medals and photos from competitions.
Which is still embarrassing but it’s nice
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m00nslippers · 5 years
Jason is actually in-character in RHATO Issue #35!?
Wow, we got so much about the All-Caste in this issue. On the one hand, it kind of feels like it was pulled out of Lobdell’s ass, but on the other hand it’s badass and cool and the visuals are beautiful so I don’t even give a shit. Also like, there is just so much of Jason being Jason in the best and most pure way possible in this issue that it’s crazy? Let’s jump into the review and you’ll see what I mean.
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We open on Jason in the midst of some kind of charity fundraiser with Isabel. Jason is looking awesome in his suit. The shoulder pads are toned down in most scenes finally, and he doesn’t look like he’s cosplaying Jafar anymore thank goodness.
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First off, Jason doing a charity gala for Gotham’s poor is freaking canon now and I love that. Despite his new money and his fame, it doesn’t go to his head, he sees himself as separate from the rich people who didn’t have his experiences living poor on the streets. He still remembers that desperation and wants to help people. He’s a truly giving person that cares about others, always has and always will. Second of all, Jason is hanging out on the balcony being broody which is just Classic Jason™. He’s a loner, an introvert, he doesn’t like crowds. Especially crowds of rich kiss-asses. And he dislikes rich people. It’s so great when characters are written in-character, isn’t it?
And third of all, I love Isabel’s dress. It’s so classy, cream lace on black with a bow at the neck? Nice. You got style, girl.
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So Jason opens up to Isabel and is unusually vocal about his thoughts regarding his negative feelings about Gotham and the rich and his father(s). It’s interesting to me because she’s the only person he’s ever really opened up to and spoken about this with. He’s not sharing his plans or involving her with his machinations, but he’s definitely sharing his thoughts, complaining even. This is unusually healthy behavior from Jason, to be honest. He usually bottles it all up and doesn’t say more than a few snide words out loud. Any insight into his feelings are usually given in thoughts, not dialogue. That said, it really shows how much Jason trusts Isabel with his emotions unlike anyone else, maybe even Roy.
The more I read with Isabel, the less I think she’s going to turn on Jason. I never believed that idea to begin with and I still don’t see it. She seems genuinely kind and loving. The only problem is that Jason isn’t as out of the game as he pretends to be and she’s going to be pretty upset with him when she finds out he lied, so I can’t see them lasting. I also still have a bet on that she’s going to die. I’m less confident in that prediction as I was before, but we’ll just have to see what happens.
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So Isabel leaves the party because she has to work the next morning and we catch back up with Jason after the gala, getting into his fancy car with James/Wingman as his driver. We get the slightest little bit more of James identity reveal--more like clarification really. Wingman’s name isn’t James, or probably isn’t James, and Jason doesn’t know or care who he really is. Jason tells James that it doesn’t matter, that if he betrays him Jason will just kill him. And again this is just so reflective of Jason’s kind of apathetic view about how others think of him. He really just assumes people are thinking the worst of him, are going to betray him, so there’s no point getting worked up about it--if Wingman turns on him, Jason will be ready, it’s as simple as that. Jason has had too many people betray his trust for him to even care about trust at this point.
Now when it comes to Wingman, I am more and more convinced that James is Jason’s dad in a different body. I am like eighty percent certain now. James knows who Jason is and is loyal to him out of nowhere. James is concealing his true identity. James talks with a rougher accent and calls himself ‘a dope’, suggesting he’s just an average Gotham street thug. He hedges on his belief that Jason should have returned to Gotham, as if sympathetic to how much it bothers Jason to stay there. It just fits, in my opinion. I believe that in the experiments that Jason's dad was a part of when he was in prison, the same ones that created Solitary and mixed up his consciousness and memories with other inmates, Willis's mind was either fully or partially transferred to a different body as well and that is James. Wingman is either Willis’s mind in a different body, or a different person who got Jason’s dad’s memories. I also feel Jason’s Dad’s bat tattoo is going to come into play again somehow. We can only wait and see though.
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So James drops Jason off at the docks where he has a freaking yacht ready too take him to the Iceburg Lounge. Suzie meets him there because she heard the Euro-Bloc 'coincidentally' got hit when Jason was in Paris, last issue. Remember that these guys were investors in Penguin’s criminal empire and the casino. Suzie seems to be on to Jason and expresses her concern once again about Jason getting her family involved in something shady that's going to screw them over when this whole thing was supposed to be them going straight. Jason promises her family is going to be okay, which is just inviting trouble. She says for some reason she trusts him, which just goes to show how much Jason inspires trust in people, even his former enemies. He gets on the yacht, and speeds off.
Okay, I know that Suzie had done some really messed up stuff in the past but like...I really like her and I hope her family doesn't get screwed by what is obviously going to happen with Penguin? I didn't like her character’s actions in the New 52 version of RHATO but I've really warmed to her and her sisters here. I really hope her relationship with Jason doesn't become soured after everything goes down, but it seems inevitable.
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On the yacht, Jay does some reflection. I love how in-character Jason’s internal monologue is. I know that is an odd thing to be happy about, but sometimes I honestly wonder if the Jason I love is something I made up in my head and the canon doesn't actually support how I and many fans envision him--but it does! It does so much! This is all just so very right, how Jason understands himself but when an issue is painful, when it hurts to think about and he doesn't want to consider it, he just puts it out of his mind. He focuses on action and denies his his pain. Also, Jason acknowledging his growing friendships with his new teammates shows Jason's caring nature as well as his introverted and anxious side. He never means to adopt these people he finds himself with, but he just cannot help empathizing with them and coming to see them as 'his' people, no matter how much he tries to be distant. And yet he's afraid of them being hurt, or them hurting him. I love when Jason's personality is shown off like this!
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On the way to the casino Jason is confronted by Essence, who wants to stop Jason from committing ‘petty revenge’ and falling to the dark side...or something. It's very vague what the hell her problem is. I guess she thinks Jason is just running around playing crime boss and that is inherently against the All-Caste code or something and she wants him to give it up but of course Jason doesn’t do what people want him to.
As they are talking, we get a little bit of a flashback showing their relationship, just a scene of them under a tree in All-Caste outfits when Jason was young and they kiss. It seems to me that she was the one who was into him for the most part and it’s both cute and sad that young Jason seemed so surprised by her affections. She still seems into him now, saying she doesn’t know whether she should kiss or kill him but Jason makes it clear he doesn’t have feelings for her anymore, not least of all because of the events in New 52 RHATO when Essence lied to and used Jason to instigate a confrontation with the Untitled which broke their truce so they could be destroyed. Remember that?
Basically they gear up to fight and Essence draws her freaking badass red swords and Jason draws his crowbar and katana and they face off in THE FUCKING ASTRAL DIMENSION, WHAT?! 
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We get just...so much about the All-Caste here.
Essence was the heir to the All-Caste but she didn't want the job, she wanted to be a warrior, not a peaceful leader.
'All' refers to the ability to see the past, present and future. Ducra, it’s leader, is omniscient.
Jason is the only human to have ever learned their techniques and not gone insane.
When Jason met Ducra, she saw his past, present and future and hoped he could overcome his destiny.
Jason and Essence seem pretty evenly matched, despite her being an immortal empowered by the Well of Sins. So yeah, Jason is a badass.
In the Astral Plane at least, Essence’s sword can make a three-eyed demon oni-looking construct thing and they can both do crazy energy blasts and flames.
So...if omniscience is part of the All-Caste arts/abilities, does this mean Jason can see the future/past if he wants?! I mean maybe he doesn’t use it because he doesn’t want to go crazy, but still that’s freaking cool. Also, this could be another explanation to hand-wave various points when Jason was acting crazy and out of character in certain preboot issues. Previously the explanation was ‘Lazarus Pit madness’, but now we have yet another thing that could make Jason go mad. Like...Jason is really just doomed to be crazy from all sides, isn’t he?
And since when the hell can Jason go into the Astral Plane?! That's it, Jason needs to do more magic stuff! I need a team up with Constantine and Zatanna, stat! No, that terrible arc in Trinity when Jason got possessed by a demon doesn't count. It doesn't even make sense with this new information, and Bizzaro still had backwards-speak like before the reboot and was really irritating, instead his of cute baby-talk. Like clearly the writer of that issue never even read RHATO.
But anyway, the two continue their fight, Jason with his kickass glowing swords and Essence with her red ones in the crystalline Astral Plane. There are crystal looking formations everywhere and asian-style clouds and they float on nothing, it’s pretty cool. The colorist does an amazing job as always, and the art is awesome in this issue, much better than it has been in my opinion. Essence seems to have the upper hand when she suddenly stabs Jason through the chest! 
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Is this the end for our hero?! Yeah naw.
It's revealed that Essence's sword is called the 'Blood Blade' and works kind of like Katana's cursed sword, it absorbs the soul of evil people it stabs--but if you stab someone innocent (or just not evil) your soul gets sucked in instead. And that is exactly what happens.
I don't think any of us were fooled into thinking Jason was actually going to die for even a moment. As it turned out Jason was playing her, pretending to be rusty at swordplay and the All-Caste magic and mad with revenge on Penguin (that last he didn't do the best job of being convincing, but she already thought the worst of him so it didn't really need much selling I guess.) He just wanted her to stab him with the blade so she would get sucked into it. I like that Jason's strategic ability is being shown off here, but I feel like stabbing him was her plan to begin with so I don't get why Jason needed to fight back at all? Eh, maybe she would have been suspicious if he just stood there and let her stab him.
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So Essence is sucked into the sword because Jason isn't evil--surprise! Or not, I think it was pretty obvious Jason isn’t evil. He organized a charity in the first page of the issue for godssake!
Jason explains to Essence as she gets sucked into her sword that he isn't good or bad, he's “just practical as hell.” Which is just so freaking validating. Jason isn't evil, he isn't a bad person, in fact he is a good person with good intentions but you can't make the world a better place on good intentions alone. Sometimes you have to walk the line to get results and Jason draws that line further out than most, further out than Bruce, but his methods are necessary and they work and that's more than most can say.
I still don't know what the heck Essence's problem with Jason was, I guess she shares Bruce's terrible viewpoint, always believing the worst of our Jay, maybe she just had a grudge over Jason leaving the All-Caste, but at least this means my feelings from the beginning were probably intentional and not bad writing--those feelings being confusion as to what reason anyone could have to object to Jason's actions, because he wasn't doing anything wrong! All he did was lock up Penguin, when if he had been arrested for his crimes and not wiggled out of them with all his money, he would have been locked up anyway! His safe room was probably way nicer than a jail cell, to be honest.
So Jason takes Essence's sword and locks it up in his safe back at the Iceberg Lounge when who should appear but Penguin, back in black after having been released by Miguel last issue! It seems like Cobblpot has won Miguel to his side, probably by spinning some sob story that conveniently leaves out that he is a crime lord that uses his money to stay out of jail and oh, also he framed Jason's dad and tried to have Jason murdered and sent goons after him and was trafficking illegal weapons. Yeah, I bet he didn’t mention that part. Miguel is getting played, the poor kid. He’s too innocent.
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Oh man, I really enjoyed this issue, there were so many parts when I was just like, "Yes! That is exactly what Jason would do!" and I'm not sure why I am so surprised when he acts in character, but I just am and pleasantly so. The art was also really great, I love with All-Caste stuff shows up because their aesthetic is just cool, and Pete Woods, the artist stepped it up. The fights were great, Jason’s faces looked a lot better than they have, he actually looks like a good looking twenty-something adult and not a snakey thug in most of the panels. Hopefully that trend continues. Also the colorist, I love this colorist, he does such a good job, kudos to Rex Lokus who really brought out Dexter Soy’s art too. I think his consistently really does help tie the run together even with the artist change.
Well, that’s it I'm excited to see the confrontation with Penguin and Miguel next issue and see where it goes! I think we get the Annual later this month? Or next month, that will also be awesome, and I’ll be here for it.
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suckitsurveys · 6 years
What is your favorite type of cat? Ramona, Saké, and Friday.
If you could delete any word from existence, which word would it be and why? Tr*mp. It makes my blood curdle when I hear that name.
What is your favorite swearword? Fuck.
What celebrity do you wish you looked more like? I’m okay.
If you had your way, what color(s) would you dye your hair? I do have my way and it’s currently blue and purple.
Do you support the LGBTQ community? If not, state your reasons. You are entitled to your opinions. It’s not an opinion if it’s diminishing an entire group of people--you’re just an asshole.
Do you like seafood? If so, what is your favorite? If not, what is your favorite type of food? I LOVE seafood. Crab is my favorite.
Have you ever gone vegan/vegetarian? Nope and I never will. I’m trying to cut back on my red meat intake though and stick to fish and poultry only.
Have you ever eaten a veggie burger? I have.
If you could master any sport, which one would you choose? Swimming.
If you could meet any major political figure, who would it be? What would you say to him/her? I’d like to line up every republican and punch each one in the face.
Do you play any unique instruments? No.
In school, did you take any classes to learn how to play any instruments? No.
Do you like applesauce? Sure.
Do you know any German words? Sure.
How about any Portuguese words? No.
Did you actually pay attention in Spanish class? Yeah.
If you drink Monster, what is your favorite flavor? If you don’t drink Monster, why not? I don’t like energy drinks. Do you think any of your family members voted for Mitt Romney? Did you/would you? I don’t know.
Do you have a reason to hate anyone at the moment? Yes.
Is it easier for you to forgive or to pretend it never happened? Depends.
Are you one of those people who remembers EVERYTHING? I remember a lot of really weird details about things.
Do you sometimes pretend you don’t remember something about someone? No? I can’t think of a reason I’d need to do this?
Do you own any Webkinz stuffed animals? If so, do you have a Webkinz online account? Do you still go on it? No.
If you had/have a Club Penguin account, how old were you when you got it? I never had one.
Do you own any Nintendo video game consoles/handhelds? I have a GBC and a DS laying around somewhere.
Do/did you ever own a Blackberry? Nope.
Do you know the band Noah & the Whale? Yes.
Do you listen to Ingrid Michaelson? I don’t not listen to her.
If you have a song stuck in your head, what’s the name of it & the artist? Imagine by Ariana Grande.
Do you know who Sue Lyons is? How about Dominique Swain? Nope.
Unpopular opinion time. Be honest. The Beatles - overrated or not? Both.
What religion were you raised in? Are you still that religion, if you had one? I wasn’t raised in any religion. We weren’t baptized. My mom was a very spiritual person and I am pretty sure she believed in God in one way or another, but she didn’t follow a religion. She had her own version of faith. My dad just didn’t care about that stuff at all, haha. They were both respectful of people who did follow religion and I felt like they would have been/would be cool with whatever paths my sister and I decided to lead.
What religion/spiritual path intrigues you the most, if any? I like the idea that people live on in spirit in nature, and that there are spirits that control nature and shit, whatever that would be called.
What ancient culture intrigues you the most, if any? Greek.
What was/is your favorite subject in school? Sociology.
What was the last name of your second grade teacher? Mrs. Yamanaka.
Who was your favorite teacher of all time? My Kindergarten teacher Mrs. Furuta. She taught us so much; not just basic kindergarten stuff. We learned about different cultures and she set up these “trips” where we’d pretend we were in an airplane and “fly” to the country we were learning about. She would set up these “shops” where we could “buy” food and trinkets from the country with fake money. We had an EPIC fort we build out of boxes. We celebrated the Chinese New Year and did a ton of origami. I remember her class vividly and fondly. She recently reached out to my sister (who also had her) and I which was a really nice surprise and showed how much she loved her students.
Were/are you a teacher’s pet? In that class ^ yes. I could already read by the time I started Kindergarten and she’d ask me to read to the class every once in a while, which I LOVED.
Do you like pink lemonade? I don’t mind it but it’s not my first choice.
Do you have a Spotify account? I do.
Firefox or Chrome? Firefox for work, Chrome for everything else.
Safari or Internet Explorer? Neither, thanks.
Windows or Mac? Windows.
Desktop or laptop? Either is fine. I’m on a desktop currently at work.
What’s your favorite U2 song, if you have one? Eh.
What’s your favorite song that’s playing on the radio, if you have one? Anything Ariana right now.
What’s a song that you remember from your childhood? Graceland by Paul Simon.
Are/were your parents hippies? Yup.
Would you ever consider getting dreadlocks? No because I am white.
If you had a baby girl right now, what would her middle name(s) be? I am never ever ever having kids, but if hell froze over and we did have a daughter, her middle name would be Kay because it’s my mom’s middle name and also Mark’s mom’s middle name.
What heritage does your last name imply? German/Czech.
How about your middle name? I just looked it up because I never knew but apparently it’s Roman?
And first? My first name is Hebrew.
What is your heritage, anyway? German, Czech, Jewish, Finnish, Swedish, some other shit.
Were your parents born in the United States? Most importantly, were you? If not, what country? Yes.
Name an American stereotype? Lol.
Name a stereotype from your country/culture? Nah.
Do you have any paint in your house? Is it wall paint, art paint, or something else? I have art paint.
Do you ever swing at the playground & listen to music? No.
What was your favorite age so far? I don’t know.
What was your least favorite age so far? I don’t know.
Were you/are you in a rush to grow up? Nah.
What’s your opinion on tattoos in the workforce? How about piercings? I see no issue with either.
Do women breastfeeding in public make you feel uncomfortable? Why or why not? Nope. Why should it?
Do you know the band The Last Place You Look? No.
If not, you should check them out. Do you like A Day To Remember? If not, they’re a lot like The Last Place You Look. Cool story.
What is the most annoying commercial you’ve seen/heard this past week? I saw this ad on a YouTube video the other day that was selling some menstrual cup thing and it kept saying how you can’t have sex on your period?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
What is your favorite holiday? Halloween and Christmas.
What holidays do you choose not to participate in, but others celebrate? I’m sure there are a few.
“Happy Holidays,” “Merry Christmas,” or “Merry X-Mas?’ Whatever.
Does it even matter to you which one people say? No.
Why is that every major Christian holiday adopts Pagan traditions in its celebrations? Uh.
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scriptflorist · 6 years
Hi! Hope I submitted this correctly. Thanks for this and I appreciate your help!
Name: Harana “Ynaguinid” Amosin, Jericho “Barangao” Amosin (as a boy)
Nickname: Hara, Jeri (when she’s a guy)
Alternate identity: She have various identities, though the ones that she uses the most often is “Hikari Sensogami” or “Hikaru Sensogami” (when they go undercover in Japan) and “Haliya Ramos” or “Agwe Ramos” elsewhere.
Birthday: June 21st 
Zodiac: Cancer
Birthplace: The Philippines (known as Kapatiran in her dimension)
Dwelling place: A small mansion hidden within an enchanted forest, miles away from the city.
How do they live: Due to being renowned, honorable warriors for centuries, Harana’s family is wealthy, though not super wealthy (think middle-upper class). Hangs out with friends at school and hops between two families (their blood-related family and their guardians/godparents, who look after her training while they’re on their missions). 
Appearance: Medium-dark olive skin, short-medium length black hair (sometimes wears their hair in a waterfall braid when they’re a girl, and when in battle, has her hair tied in a ponytail; and as a boy, will sometimes tie his hair in a half-up); dark brown eyes, wears a few magic bracelets that are enchanted and can transform into weapons at her will, and a necklace with her deceased parents’ wedding rings and a key in between them. Also has another necklace that holds her mp3 player. Sometimes wears headphones around her neck. Has a magical tribal tattoo as well that signifies her Filipino-Polynesian heritage.
What’s in their bag/pockets: Swiss Army knife, some small daggers, a small first aid kit, a small flashlight, a magic tablet and charger, a journal, a pencil and pen, an eraser, her cell phone, some extra earphones, rope, a small book of contacts, a makeup kit (just in case), a wallet, a book on Caelistian religion (which she is required to carry around with her anyways), and her lunchbox.
Species: Caelistian. Caelistians are from an alternate universe in which history went wild and took a completely different turn (aliens invaded during the American Revolutionary War). They descend from humans and are incredibly technologically and spiritually advanced, using a mix of technology and magic. They worship the universe itself as a deity, and they protect and watch over the dimensions and keep it in balance.
Features of the species: Due to the alien invaders often experimenting on humans and creating new species, many centuries later, there is a wide variety of Caelistians in all shapes and sizes (even the ones that worship the Void look inherently different because of differing ancestry). However, they mostly look human or take on human form. 
Name of parents: Rafael and Mayumi Amosin
Name of siblings: Kidlat Amosin, Tala Amosin, Luntian Amosin (half-brother), Maria Dizon (half-sister), Orion and Sirius Callahan (adopted)
Others next of kin: Her guardians, who see her as their adopted child, and many of her godparents and godsiblings
Not-in-blood-but-in-bond-family: Orion and Sirius, whom they see as brothers, their fellow brigade members (too many to list here)
Family history: Harana has a large, but loving (though a bit quarrelsome) family; she has her grandfather, Losi, and her grandmother, Somilge. On her mother’s side, she has five aunts and three uncles, and on her father’s side, she has two aunts and six uncles. They have around eighteen cousins. Half of them are deceased, however, as a result of the war.
Favourite colour: Blue, indigo, silver
Favourite animal: Dragons, mermaids, birds, sharks, penguins
Favourite book: The entire Harry Potter series, the entire Lord of the Rings series, Jules Verne books (especially Journey to the Center of the Earth), A Wrinkle in Time, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Discworld, and a lot more
Favourite film/show/series: Zathura, Underworld, Doctor Who, and a lot more (too many to list)
Favourite genre: Action, fantasy, sci-fi, romance
Favourite food: Lumpia (Filipino egg rolls), pepperoni pizza, flan cake, cheesecake (any kind), chocolate chip cookies
Favourite place to be: The forest where she lives; she can sing as loud as she wants to while taking walks. She also enjoys being outside on the large balcony of the mansion, where she goes to watch the stars at night and relax while listening to some oldies or playing songs on her guitar.
Personality: Harana is a cool, level-headed individual. She has a sarcastic sense of humor and has a funny but kind demeanor. While she may seem calm, as a result of having been kidnapped and dealing with horrible foster parents before the war, her horrific childhood of being forced to enter a war as a child soldier a week after her birthday, and the death of many of her loved ones by the time the war ended, she has terrible anxiety and panic attacks (though they don’t occur as often as they used to). After many centuries of recovering, Harana has come out of her shell and has improved a lot since then, however, the scars still remain. She has a ‘fake it ‘til you make it’ sort of thinking when it comes to hiding her pain and insecurities (since she’s afraid that if she voices them, she’ll become a burden) and she’s become a master at it, to the point where only her closest friends and family can tell her true emotions at times. Harana was thrown into the army at a young age due to her incredible observation and logic skills (something which she got from her father and her grandfather, respectively), as well as her ability to lead and strategize. She is very experienced in the world and how the universe works due to having apprenticed under a great dimensional traveler who taught Harana the skills she has now, though unfortunately, he and his family died at the end of the war. While she does care deeply for others and is overall a good person, she can be very guile and sometimes manipulates and tricks people into doing things (though they aren’t terrible, necessarily). Harana overall acts obedient and follows the rules, but when the rules are too cruel and unjust or when the rules no longer fit the situation, she either bends the rules, finds a loophole, or throws them out the window.
Misc: Harana’s sixteen years old (in human years); she’s pansexual and genderfluid. She uses male and female pronouns, switching between them depending on what gender she feels like being for the day, though most of the time, she prefers to be a girl. Harana enjoys singing, dancing, and various other creative outlets as a way for her to calm herself and her emotions. Her main guardians are her father’s close friends, who are all happily married to each other and live in a rich neighborhood closer to the city. She used to be mute, though eventually, halfway through the war, she gets her voice back. She’s adept at various kinds of weapons and magic.
Hey there,
don't worry you did everything right!
Birthplace: The Philippines
The national flower of the Philippines is the Arabian jasmine, it doesn't have any meaning though.
Dwelling place: A small mansion hidden within an enchanted forest, miles away from the city
angelica – magic, inspiration
circaea – spell
enchanter's nightshade – spell, sorcery, witchcraft, fascination
fern – magic, sincerity, fascination, confidence, shelter
holly herb – enchantment
magnolia – love of nature, dignity, perseverance, nobility
persimon – bury me amid nature's beauties
rose (lavender) – enchantment
rose (purple) – enchantment
sycamore – woodland beauty, curiosity, reserve
vervain – enchantment, superstition
violet (blue) – enchantment, faithfulness, watchfulness, love
witch hazel – a spell
based on how they live
acacia – friendship, platonic love, secret love
acacia (rose) – friendship, elegance
apple blossom – fame speaks you/him great and good, preference, better things to come, good fortune
ash tree – grandeur
austurtium – splendour
bay tree – glory
bellflower (chimney)  – aspiring
chrysanthemum – wealth, abundance, cheerfulness, loveliness, truth, you're a wonderful friend
copihue – there is no unalloyed good
corn (cockle) – gentility
daphne – glory, immortality
freesia – lasting friendship, innocence, trust
geranium – true friend, stupidity, folly, envy, gentility
geranium (oak-leaved) – (true) friendship, lady deign to smile
gillyflower – bonds of affection, lasting beauty, enduring beauty
imbricata – uprightness, sentiments of honour
indian cress – resignation, warlike trophy
laurel – glory, treachery, virtue is beauty, success
laurel (mountain) – ambition
lily (tiger) – wealth, pride, prosperity
palm – victory
poppy (yellow) – wealth, success
based on species
cedar – spiritual strength, strength, I live for thee, think of me
cereus (creeping) – modest genius
cherry blossom – spiritual beauty, insincerity, impermanence
clematis – artifice, mental beauty, poverty, filial love,
eucalyptus – protection
flax (dried) – utility
geranium (pencilled) – ingenuity
heather (white) – protection, good luck, wishes will come true
hemp – fate
honeysuckle (coral) – the colour of my fate
juniper – protection, asylum, succour
julienne (white) – despair not, god is everywhere
leadwort – holy wishes
magnolia (laurel-leaved) – high souled, dignity
penstemon azureus – high-bred
pine (pitch) – time, philosophy
reed (flowering) – confidence in heaven
schinus – religious enthusiasm
favourite colour: blue
agapanthus – no meaning
cornflower – delicacy, refinement
forget-me-not – forget me not, true love, memories
gentian – virgin pride, intrinsic worth
gentian (closed) – sweet be thy dreams
gentian (fringed) – intrinsic worth, I look to heaven, autumn
geranium (silver-leaf) – recall
hydrangea – (a) boaster, heartlessness, you are cold, dispassion, frigidity, thank you for understanding
larkspur (delphinium) – big-hearted, fun
larkspur – lightness, ardent attachment, inconstancy, levity, flights of fancy, swiftness, an open heart
nigella – perplexity, you puzzle me
morning glory – affectation, coquetry
silver weed – simplicity
based on personality
abantia – fickleness
achillea millefolia – war
aconite (christmas) – wit
adonis (flos) – sad memories, painful recollections, sorrowful remembrance
agnus castus – coldness, indifference
allspice – compassion
almond (laurel) – perfidy
anemone – forsaken
apocynum – deceit
balsam (red) – touch me not, impatient resolve
basil – hate, hatred
berberry – sourness/sharpness of temper, petulance, sharpness, sourness
bird cherry – perfidy, hope
borage – bluntness, rudeness
box – stoicism, constancy
broom (prickly) – misanthropy
buckbean – quiet, repose, calmness, calm repose
bur – rudeness, you weary me
butterfly weed – let me go
camellia (red) – unpretending excellence, you're a flame in my heart
canary grass – perseverance
cardamine – paternal error
chamomile – energy in adversity
chestnut – justice, do me justice
cistus (gum) – I shall die tomorrow
clotbur – rudeness, pertinacity
columbine (purple) – resolved to win
columbine (red) – anxious and trembling
convolvulus (blue, minor) – repose, night
convolvulus (major) – extinguished hopes
cress – stability, power
cypress – despair, mourning, death
darnel – vice
date plum – resistance
euphorbia – persistence
evergreen thorn – solace in adversity
everlasting – never-ceasing remembrance, always remembered, never ceasing memory
fig marigold – coldness of heart, idleness
frog ophrys – disgust
goosefoot (grass-leaved) – I declare war against you
greek valerian – rupture
hand flower tree – warning
harebell – submission, grief
hazel – peace, reconciliation
helenium – tears
kennedia – intellectual beauty, mental beauty
lantana – rigour, sharpness
larch – audacity, boldness
laurel (mountain) – ambition
lint – I feel my obligations
liverwort – confidence
machineel – betrayal, falsehood, duplicity
marigold – grief, contempt, trouble, inquietude, chagrin, pain, cruelty, pretty love, sacred affection, caress, sorrow
marigold (garden) – uneasiness
meadow lychnis – wit
meadow sweet – uselessness
mignonette – moral an intellectual beauty, your qualities surpass your charms, “without pretension to beauty possesses qualities which command profound respect and affection”
milfoil – war
milk vetch – your presence softens my pain
mushroom – suspicion, I can't entirely trust you
nasturtium – a warlike trophy, patriotism, resignation, conquest, victory in battle
nettle – slander, cruelty, you are spiteful
ophrys (spider) – dexterity, skill
parsley – useful knowledge, festivity, feast
persicaria – restoration
petunia – your presence softens me, thou art less proud than they deem thee
pheasant's eye – painful/sorrowful remembrance, remembrance, sorrowful memories
pride of china – dissension
raspberry – remorse
rhododendron – danger, beware, I am dangerous
serpentine cactus – horror
snakesfoot – horror
straw (single, broken) – rupture of a contract, dissension, broken agreement
sultan (yellow) – contempt
sumach (venice) – splendour, intellectual excellence
tansy – resistance, I declare war against you
thistle – misanthropy, surliness, harshness, austerity, sternness, never forget,
thistle (scotch) – retaliation
tiger flower – cruelty, for once may pride befriend me
walnut – intellect, stratagem
weeping willow – mourning, forsaken, sadness, melancholy
wood anemone – sickness, forlornness
xanthium – rudeness, pertinacity
yarrow – war, to cure, a cure for the heartache, cure for a broken heart, cure for heartache
zinnia – absence, thoughts of absent friends, I mourn your absence
acanthus – the (fine) arts, artifice
geranium (ivy) – your hand for the next dance, your hand for the next quadrille?, bridal favour
viscaria – will you dance with me?
- Mod Jana
This blog is intended as writing advice only. This blog and its mods are not responsible for accidents, injuries or other consequences of using this advice for real world situations or in any way that said advice was not intended.
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Cold Storms Ch. 3
Chapter - 3 (1) (2)
Word count - 2304
TW - mentions of child abuse
Summary - First assignment it partners! Virgil ends up getting paired with someone who is overly excitedly trying to be his friend. ALSO, THOMAS IS BEST TEACHER I LOVE THIS
Fun Facts - This is the “3rd Grader Angst Fic” if it has a nickname, decided by me and approved by my boyfriend. Also, the facts about Giant Squids are from an assignment I did myself when I was in like 4th grade and I had nothing to do.
AN - Sorry this took so long I’ve been struggling a lot lately and this isn't the best…..
Tag List - @minamishipist @theprotectedpuff @preyed-llama @theawesomemaple @migraine-marathon @sombraplayslazertag @nightmarejasmine @missa-fawn 
Virgil was sitting in the classroom as soon as Mr. Sanders opened the room, an hour before school even started. He sat in silence with the teacher, who was typing out things on his school-issued laptop. Mr. Sanders had been concerned when he saw Virgil outside of the room as early as he was, but he was content with the shy boy’s company. Virgil was reading a book he had picked up about cats called Warriors. Mr. Sanders looked up at the student, wearing the same hoodie as yesterday.
“Virgil? May I ask you about your family? The only thing that the records say about it is that you live with your father.”
“O-Oh well, Mom disappeared when we were in New Mexico,” Virgil said, trying to cover up the fact that she had been killed. By you, Virgil. You killed your mother. That gunshot in her head is your fault. The voice in his head was almost screaming. He watched Mr. Sanders, who nodded and watched the small boy, thoughts that he didn’t say flying through his mind.
Thomas had thought it weird that Virgil wore a sweatshirt so early into the school year. But the nerves of losing his mother, whether it be death or abandonment, was stressful enough to give anxiety. Thomas knew, from experience around others and own personal experience that a sweatshirt was nice to wear with anxiety, hoodies especially. Although, Virgil’s current one needed some fixing up.
“If you ever want to talk, I’m always here for you Virgil. I know how hard it can be to move somewhere new, and it must be difficult to not have your mother with you.” Thomas walked over to Virgil's seat. “Your sweatshirt is horribly tattered, I understand that it could be a comfort item for you with losing your mother, but if you would like, would you mind if I borrowed it so I could ask my friends to sew it back up for you?”
Virgil thought for a moment. Most of the newest marks from his father were coerced by the shirt and pants he worse, but he still wouldn't feel comfortable, being able to accidentally touch someone and perhaps ruin them.
“If you would like to borrow another sweatshirt, I’m sure I can find one for you in the nurse’s office until this one is fixed,” Thomas said, seeing the flicker of emotions and thoughts in the child's eyes. Virgil nodded at that and Thomas left the classroom to the nurse’s office.
Virgil looked down at his desk and smiled. It was small but genuine, thankful for the teacher who seemed to actually care about his students. A few moments later, Thomas returned with a plain black hoodie and Virgil took off the purple and black one he worse. Hi accepted the sweatshirt from the teacher and slipped it on. It was a bit large, but Virgil liked it.
“T-thank you, Mr. Sanders” Virgil said, smiling up at the teacher. Thomas felt his heart melt and smiled back at the boy. “Of course, Virgil. You’re one of my students, meaning I will do about anything for you.”
“Mr. Sanders, do you have any children?”
“I’m afraid not, my husband and I have not sent back word if we can adopt or not. I hope we get it by the end of the school year.”
Virgil nodded and pulled the new hoodie closer, opening his book once more.
About ten minutes before class, Amber and Rosanna entered the room. They both went to their seats, greeting Virgil and Mr. Sanders. It was a minute after they entered that Andy walked in. Virgil looked up and gasped at the other child’s appearance. His eye was black, a faint outline of dried blood seeping from his nose. He was in another hurt too big for him, looking down. Virgil got up and walked over, along with Rosanna and Amber.
“Andy, are you okay?” Virgil asked softly, looking at the other child. He nodded, it the way he pressed his lips together and kept darting his eyes about made it seem as if he really wasn’t okay. Rosanna went to her bag and came back with some baby wipes.
“Sometimes they can be useful,” she said, wiping away the dried blood. She was careful but was able to make the bruise be covered mostly, making sure that Mr. Sanders was out of the classroom every few minutes. When Andy looked better, most of the class was inside, waiting for the bell. Virgil moved back to his seat, Roman Logan, and Patton all already sitting in their seats.
“I still don’t understand why you’re planning Halloween this early, Logan” Roman said as Virgil silently slid into his seat. Patton looked over at him as Logan spoke. “Well, Roman, this was we can be able to come up with the best costumes and get them prepared in time. We increase the levels of items that will produce serotonin for the adults, cute items mainly, and we get more candy. That’s why I’m thinking the idea of wild animals, you being a lion, Patton being a wolf and myself as a penguin. Those are the most popular wild animals for cuteness, you now”
Logan’s rant was cut off by the bell. Mr. Sanders walked in, looking up at his students.
“Hello class, today we will be starting with reviewing over math. I have placed a math workbook in all of your desks, so could you each take them out and open to page 3 to practice addition and subtraction?” Virgil opened up the book and began to do the math. He watched as Logan finished first, then himself. Logan was still reading the book on Roman history as Roman himself was third at the table to finish. Patton took the longest but was faster than some students like the Blond who sat next to Andy, whose name was Chris. Andy seemed to like Chris a lot and tried to help the other child. Virgil felt a small smile form as he watched Andy laugh at a joke Chris made. At least he's trying to make others happy was working, even if he was hurt.
Mr. Sanders wrote the problems on the board and solved them with the class, most students getting stuff right.
“Okay Class, now today we are going to need partners for a special project. We are all going to read out of the biology textbook on an animal of your choosing and then write a paper about it. You will be working with partners, with the person sitting next to you. Virgil looked at Patton, who was smiling at him with teeth so white it was like looking at recently-fallen snow illuminated by an LED flashlight. He doesn't want to be your friend the voice said. You’ve already rejected him once.  Virgil shook his head and looked at the biology textbooks that Mr. Sanders handed out. He opened it and filled to a random page, landing on Giant Squids.
“Oh, this is cool!” Patton said, looking at the images comparing the Squid to other things, including its eye to a child’s head. Virgil shivered. He didn’t think it natural, that something like that existed.
“Okay let’s just read,” Virgil said quietly. Somehow Patton had heard him over the noise and the two began to read about the Giant Squid. Patton then asked Virgil important notes that they think they should have and Virgil writing the paper. The two had worked quite well together, handling the task with an almost unspoken agreement of Patton organizing while Virgil, whom ad better handwriting, would write the paper.
Soon, it was lunch once more. Once again, Virgil sat alone with a warm sandwich and juice. He sat in the same spot as the day before, looking at other children laughed with friends. Andy, Rosanna, Amber, and Alex all came up and sat at his table. Virgil smiles softly as they all greeted him and started talking.
“So Virgil, where’s the sweatshirt you were wearing yesterday?” Andy asked, looking at the black cloth. His black eye was still covered, and he seemed to jump when any loud noise was made.
“Oh, Mr. Sanders said that he could have some of his friends sew it back together. He got me this one from the nurse” Virgil said.
“That’s good, I mean at least you won’t be dealing with the thought of your sweatshirt falling apart,” Andy said, trying to have an optimistic outlook on the situation. It was refreshing to Virgil.
“Yeah, plus you could keep it,” The twins said together. They both only had an apple, which annoyed Virgil. He looked in his brown bag and found a bag of chips that he had grabbed before quietly leaving his house. He tossed it to the twins, who looked at him with appreciation and he shrugged.
“I have a sandwich” The explanation didn’t stop them from both getting up and hugging him. Virgil hugged the girls back and they finished their food they all walked back to Mr. Sanders classroom to spend recess reading. Mr. Sanders looked at them as they walked in and gave them a soft smile.
Mr. Sanders knew that they didn’t have good home lives, Virgil’s mother being gone, the twins living with only their older brother, Andy with his mother, and Alex with an older sister and father. They were all from broken families. Thomas just wanted to make sure they had friends, and with the way that Andy and Virgil laughed, Amber and Rosanna hung around Virgil, and Alex was almost clinging to Andy, it seemed he had done something good. He smiled as he texted his friends, Talyn and Joan, to see if the couple could go to his house and help him sew up the jacket he had carefully put in his tote bag.
Virgil looked up at Mr. Sanders to see the teacher softly smiling. Virgil knew, deep down, that Mr. Sanders was one of the best teachers that he could have ever asked for. He turned back to his friends to see that Andy had grabbed a book about spiders.
“This is so cool,” He said, opening up to some tarantulas. His eyes shined bright with interest in the arachnids and Virgil looked at the pictures. Shimmering blue tarantulas next to a large orange one. Virgil had always associated tarantulas with the color black so to say that he was surprised about the colorful spiders was an understatement.
“That’s not cool, it’s creepy,�� Alex said as she looked over Andy’s shoulders. The boy laughed as he closed the book. The bell rang and the group sat in their individual seats as the rest of the class made their way into the room. After Mr. Sanders confirmed all the students were back, he passed out little notepads. “These are going to be your multiplication books, on each page we are going to start multiplying numbers that have already been written on the pages.”
Virgil opened the book and saw a large 0 on the first page. Mr. Sanders walked up the board and wrote out numbers from 1 to 15. He then made equations with each number being multiplied by 0 and went through the lesson, showing how each number multiplied by 0 was 0 because it was as if there were none of the numbers. Virgil understood and the lesson finished after everyone filled out the paper in the notebook.
“Okay, well now I think it is time for us to start reading a book for class. I will be reading the first Harry Potter book, and this is for a grade. After each chapter, we will have a test.” Mr. Sanders began to read the book, walking around the class and doing different voices for each character. Virgil felt his eyelids grow heavy and felt his head fall onto the desk
Alone. He was alone. Darkness surrounded him. He was cold and he tried to tighten the jacket around him. He started to walk to try and find someone, something, anything that wasn’t this darkness. His legs grew tired after a while, but he continued. He saw something in the distance that was blue and began to jog to try and catch up with it, however, the chill felt as if ice water was being poured down his back. He shook it off and continued on running, trying to catch up with the blue item that was becoming smaller the faster he ran. The jacket flew off of him and the cold seeped into him and chilled him to the bone. He stopped  He was shaking-why was he shaking?
Virgil woke up to Patton and Mr. Sanders looking at him concerned. Patton had a hand on his shoulder and he sat up, he saw Andy looking at him concerned.
“Wha- what happened?” He said, looking around at his classmates. Even Roman seemed to be concerned.
“You fell asleep and I think you had a nightmare. Do you want to go get some water to calm down?” Mr. Sanders said, rubbing small circles into Virgil’ back. He nodded and got up, shaking. He walked down the hallway and got a drink of water before returning to class. Patton looked at him and smiled, handing him a drawing.
“I made this when I saw you were sleeping!” He said. Virgil looked weirdly at Patton but opened it up to see Virgil in a bed with a stuffed cat with “Hope you have wet dreams” written in Patton’s semi-messy scrawl.
“Th-thanks Patton,” Virgil said. He had never gotten a gift from someone other than his mother and was surprised. Smiling, he put it in his desk and continued with the lesson that Mr. Sanders had started when he was out.
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My dearest Captain,
Don’t worry about not being able to get on tumblr, life happens to everyone.
(This next part is pretty long but I tried to avoid as many spoilers as I could in case you wind up watching it sometime)
Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency is a show based off a Book that I’ve been meaning to read but haven’t yet. There’s this guy named Todd who’s been having a truly awful day. He was just fired because there was a murder at the hotel he worked at and the murder stole his key and used it. Then he meets Dirk Gently (I say meets. Dirk climbed through his apartment window). Dirk is a decidedly not-psychic detective who was hired by Patrick Spring to solve the murder of... Patrick Spring. Dirk was a member of a government experiment called Project Blackwing (by member I mean he was one of the ones experimented on) and we get to meet some other escaped members like Bart, a holistic assassin who wants to kill Dirk and the Rowdy Three, a gang of four psychic vampires (kind of) who eventually kind of adopt Todd’s sister Amanda. Anyway, on to your questions!
1. I’m not sure. Maybe haunt my sibling
2. Yes! I recently finished The Martian
3. Probably an army of bats, because I almost never see penguins and bats would make me look cool and mysterious.
4. I do celebrate christmas, but I’m not sure what I’m going to ask for yet.
Again, don’t worry about not being able to get on! I look forward to your reply, no matter how long it takes!
Dearest Loooiiee,
Thanks for being so understanding in regards to my inability to get online.
Dirk’s Detective Agency sounds really interesting, I’ll have to look into it!
1. I would probably haunt bad people and scare them into being good.
2. I’m in the middle of reading A Tale of Two Cities for school right now, which is pretty good.
3. I can’t decide. An army of bats would make me look cool and mysterious, but they would probably poo a lot and I’m not sure I’d want to clean that up. But if I could talk to penguins, I’d probably go to the zoo a lot more for that sole reason. I might even become a zookeeper who specializes in penguins and talk to them to make sure they’re happy and comfortable.
4. I asked for a sword
Thanks again for being understanding!
Now for some new questions:
1. Do you have a favorite type of cookie?
2. Are you the oldest or youngest child, and what is that like?
3. How would you describe your style?
4. Would you rather swim with sharks or go skydiving?
Yours Truly,
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