#And i am sad we r not getting the spinoff
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r1caner · 1 year ago
Annotated soc for a secret santa gift and it has me thinking about kanej so much i literally just started crying. At the thogiht of them
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kafus · 1 year ago
okay well i guess i didn’t need my alarms cause i can’t seem to sleep more lmao. it’s 5 am
soooo pokemon presents in a little less than 4 hrs huh? realistically i’m expecting something either johto or unova related and since they’re apparently lighting up NYC today, which is not usual for pokemon day, i’m kind of leaning unova. i have mixed feelings about this since as much as i actually did enjoy my time with BDSP, i was dually disappointed by them and i’m still sad that sinnoh isn’t going to get the HGSS or ORAS treatment ever - if unova remakes were to be of a similar caliber of bdsp, i’d rather them just not exist at all frankly. nostalgia bias and my immense love for sinnoh aside, i think the unova games, especially bw2, are some of the best games in the entire franchise, and if they are remade, or get bw3 sequels, or whatever, i want them to be GOOD. lets not spit on the legacy of gen 5 now!! but. i remain cautiously optimistic. i’m not a super cynical pokemon fan and like i said i did enjoy bdsp despite everything. also a legends kyurem or whatever would be awesome btw i wanna see the og dragon lol. johto would also be cool but i’m having a lot less thoughts on it for some reason. i’m sure if they announce anything johto ayano will have incredibly passionate thoughts about it
now i’m not really one for predictions, the above talk is maybe the most obvious outcome since they usually do remakes mid-gen. instead i’ll just talk about some things i would WANT even if they’re a pipe dream and i don’t necessarily expect them:
a new PMD. not an explorers remake, a new PMD with a fresh story and everything. we haven’t had a proper new PMD story since 2015 and i MISS IT. i’d also enjoy explorers remakes but frankly i want a new game the most and i wanna play as sprigatito SOBS THE PALDEA STARTERS WOULD BE SO GOOD FOR PMD
gen 3 on NSO with full online capabilities and also connectivity to NSO ports of colosseum and gale of darkness. i 100% do not think this is happening but it would blow me away if it did. the amount of gen 3 that so many people were never able to experience as children, especially me… could finally be done online!!! it’d be cool if they removed all the dumb trading restrictions too but unlikely. (as an aside if they released gen 1/2 VC again with stadium compatibility that’d be epic but i somehow expect that even less)
some sort of new stadium-type game with home compatibility that provides single player trials similar to that of the old gen battle frontiers. i just REALLY really miss old singleplayer battle challenges. i want a new one to spend a bazillion years on making wacky teams and winning w them. i enjoy VGC but sometimes that singleplayer experience hits different
i really am a spinoff enjoyer. surprise me with something new! that isn’t a mobile game with gacha elements! just a whole new standalone pokemon idea. no idea what genre just excite me
MAKE A COMFY FRIENDS SPRIGATITO PLUSH OR SO HELP ME GOD (this is barely related to the presents im just thinking about it i want one soo bad 😭)
and those r all my thoughts i think. these presentations r always a treat because i wake up early and watch them with my friends. i probably won’t be liveposting it on tumblr bc i will be lost in the sauce of discord w the besties. i’ll provide my thoughts later though!
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steddieas-shegoes · 2 years ago
Random questions for the inbox game: If you had any two super powers what would they be? What are your favorite accessories you wear? Silliest or worst gift someone has gotten you? Meal,you don't get to eat often, but you've been craving the most recently? What is something you have bookmarked to possibly buy when it goes on sale (or if not one item what store are you waiting to have a cool sale)? Something you've tried,or watched, recently that you thought you'd hate but ended up liking? I personally think ST will end on a sad note since there has been talk of expanding the universe apparently (sounds like a bad idea to me…unless they were just referring to that play. but I think Ryan R*nolds wanted a crossover of sorts with D*adpool idk) BUT If it ends on a GOOD note and has a finality to it, do you think Stranger Things will have one of those cliche movie credit sequences that says what the characters go on to do? If so what do you vaguely think it'll say for your fave 5 characters?
I would want to be able to fly (never have to pay for airfare again) and to be invisible (never have to pay for ANYTHING again).
I am not much of an accessories person, but I do wear my hat that says absolutely not at least a few times a week (when I'm too lazy to wash my hair).
I don't think I've ever gotten a bad gift, but I did receive an "I love ketchup" shirt for Christmas when I was in middle school because I put that shit in and on everything. Everything. Mac and cheese, eggs, steak, chicken, any form of potato. I still do love ketchup, and will put it on any of those, but I've definitely toned it down.
Anything from Homecomin' at Disney Springs. It's known as a joke to everyone who knows me that if we go out, I am almost always going with a pasta dish. But they don't even have pasta at that restaurant and it's one of my favorite places to eat. Everything I've had on the menu is so good, especially brunch. God, the cheesy potatoes. I'm drooling.
Most of my bookmarked stuff right now is hockey related items for Liam 😂 I also am always happy to spend money at bookstores.
Does writing count? I technically have only been on here for about three months actively posting my own stuff. I think I figured I'd post a few things and then go back to reading fics other people wrote and now I'm writing in all my free time because I love it so much.
This question is making me very emotional because I don't want it to end. I rarely get into shows or movies to the extent of which I have for Stranger Things. I think it will have a bittersweet ending. There's no way everyone is making it out alive and I am very attached to all of these characters. I don't think they will do the cliche thing there, but I just have this weird feeling that there will be some end credit scene that just goes black and says something like "The previous recordings are based on a true story" or something Blair Witchy like that. I have a bad feeling Steve is gonna be a goner. No, I'm not prepared for it and I won't be taking questions. I also think that either Will or El will sacrifice themselves and either end up dead or extremely hurt. I have a small concern Max is not waking up, but I think they will keep her in a coma for most or all of the season whether she wakes up or not. I think Dustin is gonna be so fucking traumatized they should do a spinoff that's just him in therapy.
Thank you so much for these questions you're amazing ❤️
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chososcamgirl · 5 months ago
- 🐺
i started answering ur ask 6 hours ago but forgot to press send so….. hello again😈 work was slow today so i didn’t have to go in which was so amazing but i have to work the next 3 days which is 💔💔 but we ball🔥 also i watched terrifier 3 and let me tell u DO NOT WATCH IT (it is r18 and for good reason holy hell)
NO UR COMPLETELY FINE <3 don’t stress abt it🙂‍↕️ i just consider it more lore. into the ask if u miss a day LOL. YAY FOR MAKING MOVES! that’s totally awesome and sigma😈🫵 also the smash cake PUHLEASE😭 i’m imagining it and im laughing rn in real time.
YES POO POO STUCK my sister is annoyed at me saying it but i just laugh so hard when i call him that😭 AW WHAT BREED IS UR DOG?? hehe im glad u liked the toge fan service😏😏🤞 omg we r kinda #nsync i got my period today and ARGH so bad i hate it #kms
OOOOO okay for makeup hacks i love putting setting powder on my glasses like in the corner bits so it does mess up my makeup 🙂‍↕️ BUT UR HACK IS SO COOL I MUST TRY🔥
AOTD‼️ guilty pleasure i have is plucking my toe hairs… im sorry it just feels so good PLEASE okay i feel the freak allegations already being labelled on me OKAY BYE ILY HAVE A GOOD DAY <33
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arillusionist · 1 year ago
reaction to the last 3 eps of s&b - im doing it all at once bc i wanna get it over with considering im gonna be rlly sad watching these knowing we'll never get a real ending.
also YES i was heartbroken over the cancellation even tho i hadnt finished the show. im emotionally attached to the books okay!! leave me alone
oh this is the hallucination scene i've heard too much about
the fucking BUTTERFLIES
bye not wylan's overly dramatic ass
"a village boy cut in half by a plow blade" isnt that literally what happened to kaz's dad
"hope is an illusion. a lie" hes such a kaz ripoff
oh i didnt think tolya had a hallucination i've never heard anyone talk about it
whos blood is that im gonna guess tamar
why am i so smart like
if they rush jesper's developement with one hallucination im gonna be mad
what happened i cant tell. he better not have rejected her again or whatever ugh theyre so cute tho
WOW i love how they always go from established relationships to some angsty kanej scene.
love how he doesnt stare at her lovingly or shit hes just fucking glaring she knows her man fr
oh never mind the soft voice is crazy
uh ya i didnt want to make assumptions until now but making inej's hallucation about kaz was Not it.
like in a way ik its about how she wants consent but its mainly so she can leave kaz at the end of the show kaz kaz kaz its always about kaz
this is why we needed the spinoff they couldve FIXED it
"erm they shouldnt have done it wrong in the first place" how righteous of you unfortunately im too emotionally attached to the characters so i wish they had another chance
ok bad choice aside her realizing its not real bc she knows kaz could never be like that or even try is kinda heartbreaking!! 🙂
oh hell no did she eat the fucking butterfly i thought it was the petal at first 🤡
"if you have no one left to fight for" and then cutting to inej aaaa
no the way his eyes softened and the way inej stroked his face w her thumb ... and then he realized
okay thank god cuz for a second i thought the crows were gonna js be dead the entire episode
hes the firebird what the fuck?? (sorry chat i havent finished r&r yet)
why does that kinda downplay malina like knowing that they're meant for each other cuz of destiny or some shit
then again they never had to fall in love just find each other they did the romance part on their own
where tf is kaz
oh what the fuck. this scene is so messed up (Talking abt the one where the darkling is holding baghra)
my laptop's screen time is almost up so i must pause unfortunately. i could watch on my phone but thats boring so
uhm so its been 3 days have i been stalling?? maybe 🙂 can you blame me??
is that old guy her husband?? uh
seeing kaz smile for more than a fleeting one second is so unnatural
oh my god oh my god is her whole speech about love not being a weakness gonna make kaz realize something
wow okay they did rush jesper's development with one hallucination
toyla is the #1 wesper shipper fr ‼️‼️💪🏽
"someday someone is going to sweep you of your feet so hard" haha nikolai
"me and my "slab or fur" will be far away, off the map, deep in love" uh babe i hate to tell you this..
not kaz shaking his head at wesper as if hes not the reason theyre together 💀
see here they go butchering inej's character again!!
like. in the books she realizes she needs to let go of kaz because she finds her purpose - hunting slavers. in this she just realizes it because of some fuckass hallucination which was about him Why Is It Always About Him
cant tell if im slightly relieved that they cancelled the spinoff because they might have ruined her more or more mad that they cancelled it because they couldve fixed it
i am eating the malina angst up 🗣️🗣️(not bc i dont like them i do like them thats why i need them to be sad. all my favorite ships need angst)
ooh he knows he knows abt mal
next episode except i have to sleep so im probably gonna watch like 2 minutes of it. but i'll try to finish this and the last one tmrw because the more i delay it the sadder i get about the cancellation though my brain wants me to believe otherwise
she (the tidemaker girl idk her name) looks so ready to punch him like yeah girl me too
help the grin on that one girls face when he says kill the king
ok 2 minutes r over so bye
and im back its only the next day also the deleted footage oh my god im on the floor?? plus the fact that it got "what business" trending on twitter with 33k tweets is so fucking funny to me
bye i jumped when the darkling showed up in mal's room why do the smallest fucking things always scare me
oh ya theyre cousins. alina has a type huh
mal would kinda get along with inej i can feel it!!
wait whos the arm for also david is lwk smooth wow
they keep mentioning the crows but WHERE THE FUCK ARE THEY its been almost 20 minutes 😐
why that is the only tamar and nadia moment all season like not that i was expecting more from netflix but Still
oh thats the last line from the book (i havent finished r&r yet but i skipped to the end as i do with every book so. lol 💀)
omg matthias i kinda thought he wouldnt show up again
oh god i feel like this show has such a lighting problem sometimes
its bad enough that i have no idea whats going on in general
she gotta stop bowing down to alina she is as much of a saint
did they kill off david and genya wtf
i have to pause for a bit bc my laptop needs to charge also i still have no idea whats going on
no theyre (david and genya) alive yay 🙏🏽🙏🏽
what the fuck is he doing
oh OHH now theyre killing him off. how could they do that to genya
the other crows are here FINALLY
when ur entire onscreen developemnt is literally 5 minutes 😍😍👍🏽👍🏽
no i will not stop being salty about jesper. fuck you
"well if you dont die we dont get paid" shdjfk
zoya inej nina the friendship i needed
wow what a beautiful and touching moment. it feels anticlimatic but okay 🙂‼️😐👍🏽‼️💪🏽🤡🗣️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️😭🙏🏽💪🏽🗣️
oh nvm. i keep forgetting this isnt the last episode
is that a giant CROW
lol of course it isnt
okay now its the last episode :')
"yes my man! oh we havent actually put a label on it" bye that is so jesper of him
oh. wow. she actually did it.
at least inej and zoya are being badass MY GIRLS ‼️‼️
"let me be your monster" stop being such a kaz ripoff please
FINALLY. his villain speech was taking too long
did she use merzost :(
tolya's random ass burst of poetry 💀💀
he literally cannot take his eyes off of her
but she would never know what it was like for him to see nina pull her close watch jesper loop his arm through hers, what it was to stand in doorways and against walls AND KNOW HE COULD NEVER DRAW NEARER
im sick. theyre so sick for this and knowing we'll never get a chance to see them even hold hands. i cant 🙂
they way she moved towards him then moved back killing myself thnx
"five of cro-" bro predicted the ending of ck
not the malina angst too is this show trying to kill me?? i think it is
"i'll claw my way to one. if he'll let me" IM TELLING YOU!! TRYING TO KILL ME
did they kill off david or not omg
i love how the crows just started walking away they were so eager to get out (except nina's lingering glance at zoya)
oh. oh hes going to be to be sturmhond
see hes so much like inej they both leave to the seas to find themselves outside of the person they love because they want a life for theselves and freedom
i reached the text limit imma make a new post
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scabopolis · 4 years ago
*chants* E, K, R, Z
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what? 
I didn’t create this cracky/hilarious thing, but I think I inspired it! And then you took the idea and ran with it, you utter genius. 
I wrote this VERY REAL CONVERSATION Rob Thomas had with his writers while writing Mr. Kiss and Tell. (My tags on this post make sad AND lol at the same time:  #can you tell i just finished mr. kiss and tell #mkat spoilers #book: mr. kiss and tell #rob thomas #i might be done w/ new canon #i don't trust this dude - HOW RIGHT YOU WERE, 2015 SUZANNE).
And then here I processed my reaction to the L/V ATTB scene in the movie via Monsters Inc. gifs, as one does. 
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc? 
I already talked about our boy Logan Echolls here, so let me take this chance to mention our other boy, Chidi Anagonye. 
I think that Mike Schur’s way of doing character arcs/development is so interesting because rarely do the arcs of his characters go from “person never cared about anything!” to “person cares about things!” I guess, perhaps, that’s Eleanor’s character arc but I think hers is actually a little more complicated (though that’s a subject for a different time). 
No, what Mike Schur does really well is move a person from “person cares about things in a way that prevents them from getting the things they want!” to “person cares about things in a way that is more in line with who they are as a person!” And I think that arc is very well done with Chidi. 
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom? 
There are so very many but here are a few with one thing I like about them!
Leslie Knope and Ann Perkins from Parks and Recreation - I love how they’re basically the adult equivalent of two five-year olds sharing snacks out of their lunch boxes and being like “I don’t know anything about you, but we’re best friends now.” Very sweet. Very funny. 10/10. 
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Pam Beesley and Dwight Schrute from The Office - I haven’t rewatched The Office in a hot minute, but I do remember that the first episode that we really see the Dwight/Pam friendship is an utter delight to me, and the little snapshots we get into their dynamic are such a true highlight. 
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Michael Cordero and Rogelio de la Vega from Jane the Virgin - There were many issues I had with the later seasons of JTV (which is in large part why I stopped watching it), but my love for these two knuckleheads is unparalleled. They make me laugh, they make me smile, they make me wish for a Michael/Rogelio spinoff show. (Also, one of the big failures for what they did is that when they brought Michael back, THEY DID NOT HAVE HIM INTERACT MEANINGFULLY WITH ROGELIO. HE NAMED HIS DAUGHTER AFTER MICHAEL. I MEAN....)
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Alexis Rose and David Rose from Schitt’s Creek - This is hands down the best sibling relationship I have ever seen on television. Would watch the reality show where the two of them travel across the country in a Drivers, Diners, and Dives type show. 
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Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go! (Prompts optional but encouraged.)
I am having all sorts of thoughts, opinions, and feelings about what happens to character relationships when they transition from best-buddies with a will they/won’t they dynamic to a romantic couple. Specifically how the show dramatically changes the nature of their relationship, often in a way that is so ... lackluster? unsatisfying? disappointing? 
Couples with this unsatisfying shift, in my opinion, include Nick/Jess (New Girl), Jonah/Amy (Superstore, I presume...I am pretty early into the season but I’ve noticed a shift), Luke/Lorelai (Gilmore Girls, not to mention all of Rory’s relationships and maybe even Sookie/Jackson to a certain degree), Mindy/Danny (The Mindy Project), J.D./Elliott (Scrubs). 
I think what happens is that the elements of a good flirting/pining/will-they-won’t-they dynamic rarely carry over into the romantic relationship. And, if they do, they are immediately given this emotional heft to them that take a lot of the fun out. How many couples in the will-they-won’t-they stage have an episode or multiple episodes where they’re very distracted from their real life commitments goofing off, or hanging out with the person they’re pining for? Once they get together, those episodes somehow no longer exist. As if...once a couple gets together they stop flirting? stop wanting to spend time together? stop wanting to go on stupid dumb adventures and be their utterly dorky selves? 
For example, if in their pre-relationship phase person A routinely made fun of person B’s clothes, and made them go shopping, and person B grumbled about it the whole time but secretly loved the attention - once they start dating if that exact scenario were to happen, it would be much more likely that person B would not love the attention. The show would be much more likely to have person B conclude that person A wants to change them, and won’t accept them for who they are. Basically, even in shows where the couples stay together post will-they-won’t they, fun is ultimately cashed in for commitment. “These two people don’t flirt anymore because they’re together!” these shows say. “Remember in their will-they-won’t they phase how every almost kiss and kiss had this tension and catharsis and passion? Now that they’re together kissing is obligatory and doesn’t matter and is DUMB!” 
What is this? What are these writers relationships like? Why can’t couples keep flirting once they’re committed? Why can couples only see their partner as the one they confide in when they’re not together? MAKE IT MAKE SENSE!
(And then there’s the exceptions, those couples who I believe maintain a key element of their dynamic upon getting together. These couples include Ben/Leslie (Parks and Recreation), April/Andy (again Parks and Recreation), Jake/Amy (Brooklyn Nine-Nine), Jim/Pam (The Office), Janet/Jason (The Good Place) and yes I am demonstrating my huge Mike Schur bias - I AM AWARE!)
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pinkysfaultorbrainsfault · 5 years ago
animaniacs - s5e8: the brain’s apprentice
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this is the last patb short in animaniacs! as far as i know, anyway. if i’ve missed any with plans please let me know! there probably won’t be an update tomorrow because we’re going out with my boyfriend’s parents (in a covid conscious manner of course) but on friday (or thursday if i get time) i’ll get started on the spinoff. for now, enjoy mice. (:
episode summary: brain builds a machine that creates tiny robots programmed to take over the world. pinky helps. there is no dialogue in this short, because it’s supposed to be a parody of a short by some small inconsequential studio somewhere.
the rundown:
we open at acme labs!
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there it is. it’s a very pretty building. i wonder if these shots were computer generated or, like, physically drawn. it’s kind of hard to tell, but they are impressively 3D looking.
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“how to take over the world by building your own neato army. by alexander haig.”
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hmmm. i am not american enough to get this joke, unfortunately, but i’m sure the animators had a good laugh putting it in there, so that’s all that matters!
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as pinky watches a video about buying fish, brain walks past with a bunch of.... weirdly shaped paperclips. the box is taller than he is, at this point, and he was a baby exactly one season ago, so maybe pinky should be helping out? but needs must, i guess. he’s got fish to buy.
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brain deposits whatever those are in a bigger bucket of whatever those are, and climbs down. i have decided that these are not, in fact, paperclips. i don’t know what they are, or how brain found them, and i especially do not know what they were doing in the paperclip box.
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brain grabs his notebook and takes a look at his blueprints for whatever this big old machine is for.
i love how he just. ripped up a bin to make it. where will the employees of acme labs toss out their old crystal pepsi* cans now?
*i don’t know what people drank in 1995.
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brain wiggles some buttons. pinky, meanwhile, gets bored of watching programs about why he should buy a fish, and goes to see what brain is doing.
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he peep.
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and out comes a lil robot. awww.
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pinky is shooketh. he gotta see what’s going on with this!
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in the process of doing so, he falls over. poor baby. :C but that’s definitely not important to the plot, or anything.
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he wants to go say helo to the robot!
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brain is less enthused by that idea, it seems.
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because the robot needs activating before they can play with it! honestly, pinky.
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brain tries turning it off and on again. he is not successful.
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how problematic.
his solution is to take his notebook and go hide in the kitchen out of shame, i guess.
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i don’t know either. never mind. pinky goes back to his fish.
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but oh dear!
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pinky tries to warn brain. brain gives no fucks. just let him go back to his loathing hole, pinky.
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never mind. pinky is here to save the day!
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the robot is on now.
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it does a sassy little hands on hips thing.
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so they end up doing a whole little dance together!
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and it’s really cute.
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bowling pin moments
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until-- oh dear.
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never mind. pinky and his new friend head off to the fridge.
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the robot wiggled all the cheese out of the fridge, so now pinky is fat and satisfied. he likes his new robot friend, who procures cheeses for him.
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but oh, fuck.
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pinky attempts to stop the onslaught by pressing as many buttons as he can.
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it has...probably the opposite of the intended effect.
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the plug won’t come out, either.
maybe this lever will help!
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i.... guess it did? but not in the way pinky intended. oh dear.
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powerless to stop them, pinky watches as the robots wander off to their destiny. (he looks quite happy, there, actually. maybe things are okay after all!)
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the first thing they do is steal a tank. (i’m not sure the cannon leads to the cockpit? i don’t know. i’d have to ask my dad.)
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this guy isn’t very good at his job, apparently.
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(meanwhile, pinky attempts to hit the robot infestation with a fly swatter.)
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mr The American President has recieved the calling card, apparently. honestly, this is a bit fashy, even by brain’s standards, but i guess after last episode he just got hit with a bout of desperation.
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this man is very scared. he doesn’t want his brain poked out by pens.
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pinky is also very scared, because the entire lab is just full of the bloody things. he clings to the chair and considers the direction his life is going in.
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oh dear.
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brain very calmly heads towards the machine in a way that is probably terrifying. i’m put off and i’m just sitting here.
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pinky is banished back to the table for his many crimes. he is Grounded. he has been Put In The Corner.
i don’t. actually think i’ll be comfortable making jokes like that for a good few more episodes, actually, lol.
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pinky trundles sadly off to watch more Fish TV, while brain rolls his eyes and does the sort of little head shake that my nan would do if my grandad gave us the wrong christmas presents or whatever.
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some people may find it difficult to remember the voices of the dead, but my nan mumbling “stupid man” under her breath is eternal. rip nan. also i really, really like the faces in this episode.
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is he wearing eyeliner? it looks good on him. maybe that’s what he was doing while he was moping, yknow. put on a bit of lottie london and listen to the black parade. it’s a good way to vent your emotions, i guess.
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but oh, what’s this?
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something completely unrelated is holding the president hostage!
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obviously, this is something very important that brain needs to know about, so pinky goes off to get him.
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does a cute little pouty face and everything.
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brain doesn’t want to know, it seems. he tells pinky, presumably, to shush. he has a machine to deactivate!
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so obviously this causes the robots to go a bit haywire.
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better sign that contract, mr president!
or not, i suppose.
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and the reddit alien is dead. very sad. no more am i the asshole for anyone.
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the president is upset. he liked posting judgemental things on r/pics whenever he saw a woman.
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meanwhile, pinky is trying very hard to get brain’s attention.
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oh dear. brain is so upset that he can’t even laugh at “wolf spritzer”, which is a silly name for anyone to have.
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he’s gonna go off and cry. ):
good thing pinky knows what’ll make him feel better!
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i don’t know why he’s hitting pinky, quite frankly. yet again, if brain had listened to him from the beginning, their plan would have been a success. pinky figured out what was wrong with the machine, and activated it, and solved the problem. even as accidental as that was, brain could have like... yknow. taken a moment to assess the situation.
but this is the last episode of animaniacs (that they appear in, anyway) so i guess that proves that he’ll never learn.
brain: 4 ½ pinky: 5 ½ outside influence: 10
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i have nothing more to say about this episode, but the guys from the preceding short look like the dover boys, which is funny, i guess.
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darksaiyangoku · 5 years ago
Spinoff or sequal to noodel boy get date weiss want jaune to break upp with blake because she worry *coute jealous coute*
Jealous Weiss always makes for good stories. I’m in!
The Jealous Ice Queen (sequel to Noodle Boy gets a date)
It was lunchtime in the cantina and Team RWBY and JNPR sat together, though something was different this time. Blake and Jaune were now officially dating, and they would frequently make it known to everyone. They were rarely apart from each other, with them either holding hands, hugging each other’s sides or with Blake resting her head on Jaune’s shoulders. Teams RWBY and JNPR didn’t complain though, it was kind of sweet watching those two together. It made them very happy. Well, except one.
Weiss Schnee glared at Jaune and Blake, squinting her eyes very tight. The blonde huntsman was feeding her strawberries and Blake munched on them, closing her eyes with glee as she chewed.
Jaune: *giggles*
Blake: *mouth full* Whaisith?
Jaune: You’re so cute.
Blake: *swallowing and blushjng* You’re just saying that.
Jaune: *kisses her cheek* You’re the cutest girlfriend ever.
Blake: *giggles* You’re silly! *rubs her head into his chest*
RYPRN: Awww!
Weiss: Hmph! *frantically leaves table*
Blake: *looks up* Is she okay?
Jaune: I’m not sure.
Ruby: *looks on as Weiss leaves*
Weiss headed to the combat arena, drawing Myrtenaster. She started with a few basic slashes, before continually thrusting. Time passed, and her form became more aggressive. Now, she was frantically slashing in air before losing balance and falling face first onto the floor.
Weiss: SHIT! *slams her fists into the ground*
???: Weiss, is everything okay?
Weiss turned around to find Ruby had also entered the combat classroom.
Weiss: Ruby, what are you doing here?
Ruby: Well, you pretty much ran out of the cantina and you were pretty upset, so I came to check up on you.
Weiss: *looking away* I’m not upset. I just remembered that I needed to get some extra training done.
Ruby: *sighing and sitting next to Weiss* Weiss, I may be socially awkward, but I know when something’s bothering my friends. It’s about Jaune and Blake, isn’t it?
Weiss: *blushing* No it’s not!
Ruby: Weiss-
Weiss: This has nothing to do with Jaune! He can go out with whoever the hell he wants! Not like I care or anything! *folds arms*
Ruby: *sighs* Weiss, are you jealous?
Weiss: *looks down at the floor* maybe.
Ruby: You like Jaune?
Weiss: *nods head*
Ruby: *surprised* Oh.
Weiss: *sighs* I messed up, Ruby. I thought Jaune was an idiot who was only ever interested in me for my name and money. But over time, he’s really grown and it appears that I was wrong about him. He’s kind, sweet, determined and an all around good person. He’s the first boy I really liked. But by the time I realised it, he’s dating Blake. *turns to Ruby* I missed my chance.
Ruby: *places hand on shoulder* Weiss, I’ve never had a crush on anyone before, but I can kind understand where you’re coming from.
Weiss: Am I bad person?
Ruby: No, of course not. You’re just upset. But I’m sure it’ll go away eventually. After all, my dad found new love with my mom after Yang’s mom left. I’m sure the same can happen to you.
Weiss: Really?
Ruby: Yep. But I’ll say this. *standing up* You have to find a way to deal with how you’re feeling. Because if you don’t, you’ll just become bitter and angry, and I don’t want you to end up hating Blake. I don’t want our team to suffer like it did back when you discovered Blake was a Faunus.
Weiss: *looking down*
Ruby: I’ll be in our room. Feel free to join us when you’re feeling better, okay?
Weiss: *looks at Ruby and nods her head*
[15 minutes later]
Weiss made her way back to her dorm. As she opened the door, she discovered Jaune and Blake cuddling togther, startling them.
Jaune: Gah! Weiss!
Blake: Uh! We were just-!
Weiss: *puts her hand up* It’s okay. Also, *fidgeting* I’m sorry about storming off like that earlier.
Jaune: Yeah, what was that about? Is everything okay.
Weiss: *smiling* Yeah. I just needed to get some training done.
Jaune: Oh. Well hopefully you didn’t overdo it.
Weiss: Don’t worry about me, I was fine. *turning to face Blake* Blake?
Blake: Hm?
Weiss: *smiling* I never got to congratulate you two. I’ll be honest, the fact that two are dating is very...... odd so to speak. But if you’re both happy, then I’m happy for you. So, here it is; *bowing her head* I hereby congratulate Blake Belladonna on getting her first boyfriend.
Blake: *smiling* Thanks Weiss. You’re a good friend.
Jaune: *smiling* I second that.
Weiss: Well, I don’t wanna be a third wheel, so I’ll leave you two alone.
Blake: Oh don’t worry about it. We’re done here anyway and we’re about to watch a movie.
Jaune: Yeah, feel free to join us.
Weiss: *rubs arm nervously* I dunno.
Blake: *chuckles* Come on, it’ll be fun. We want you here.
Jaune: Plus, we’re watching Captain Vale! You can’t say no to that!
Weiss: I-
Jaune/Blake: Pleeeeeeeease?
Weiss: *sighing* Fine, if it’ll make you feel better.
Jaune: Yes!
Blake: I’ll get the movie.
The three of them sat down, huddled together. As the movie was playing, Weiss looked at the couple and smiled. Any trace of jealousy and sadness was completely washed away. She truly was happy for them.
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thesaltofcarthage · 6 years ago
Avengers: Endgame: Did Marvel Pull It Off?
This is a followup to my (surprisingly popular!) post “The Stakes Are Too High.” (at least, it surprised the hell out of me that it got so popular; I wasn’t expecting it to resonate as widely as it did.)
FULL ENDGAME SPOILERS AHEAD. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. I’m putting it under a cut just in case.
Also, above the cut in case you’re still dodging spoilers, tagging @kryptaria @iamanartichoke @taurileonis @hjbender @chey-tips22 @wu-the-stoic @englishontheinside  @rennemichaels @alwida10 @ladylowkeyed @saltoftheearths @mizkit @thelightofthingshopedfor @essesnceofhappiness @theravenofwynter @pinetreeparadoxx @ironhammermagicshieldedgreenbow @philosopherking1887 @waywardkansasflower @lokeanrampant @maneth985 @ilovethemallsoimconfused @bengalaas @icyxmischief @yuuki-fandoms @snailchick  @fictions-stranger  @adhdasianaroace @artherra @missmaladicta @queerfictionwriter because you specifically commented/reblogged.
So having seen Endgame, the question becomes: Did Marvel pull it off? 
My answer is: yes and no.
Did we get an emotionally satisfying ending? Did Marvel understand that closure doesn’t have to come with corpses?
There were a lot of things I loved about Endgame. There were many, many of the “small character moments” we were begging for. Marvel didn’t forget that we fell in love with people and we need to see people and their choices and how they live with the consequences of those choices... mostly.
I loved how Marvel rewarded the audience for watching 11 years of movies. It was practically wall-to-wall Easter eggs and callbacks. I loved how the time travel allowed us to loop back through some of our favorite scenes and see them from other points of view, and the additional information. (Sitwell and Brumlow taking the scepter immediately after Loki’s capture: oh, so that’s how HYDRA got the Mind Stone!) I loved the cameos upon cameos (despite how silly it is for someone like Natalie Portman to show up for literally 15 seconds and not get any lines). I appreciated that Captain Marvel was used exactly the right amount: she saved Tony and Nebula, she was established as part of the post-Snap team, she came in at the end to lend some firepower, but she did not have any part in solving the problem nor was she the person who ultimately handed Thanos his raisin ass. I LOVED THE FINAL BATTLE, HOLY FUCK. (With the exception of Loki not being present, but I’ll get to that.) There were real laughs, and real tears. I cheered when Steve summoned Mjolnir (and laughed my head off at the Cap-on-Cap fight). I loved Morgan and Cassie, and the echoes of fathers and daughters throughout.
There were things I did not love, even before we got to the final or semi-final fates of some characters. I was genuinely offended with Thor’s treatment. I was not happy with Loki. I was confused about Vision, Gamora, and Black Widow, because they are due to return for future TV shows and movies, so leaving their statuses open or cloudy (or “dead,” which I put in quotes for a reason) was just disconcerting. The time travel opened up a lot of problems.
My original post was about endings, so let’s talk about those. In approximately descending order of Satisfying to WTF:
Stan Lee: Got his last cameo in the end of the arc so he didn’t miss any, driving along, clearly having the time of his life. Excelsior, Stan, and thank you for everything.
Clint: Got his happy ending. He was deeply bitter about losing his family, but got them restored to him. He did lose Nat, but I’ll cover her in her own section.
Steve: He did get his soft epilogue, albeit with Peggy Carter, and I can’t fault that. Marvel was never going to give us the Steve/Bucky romance no matter how obvious it was, and Steve/Peggy also works. (And really, I love Peggy, so for her to get a happy ending too is a bonus.) Steve gave so much of himself over the years. I can’t object to allowing him to be selfish and re-live his life quietly, to finally put down his shield and go home from the war. He got his reward.
It basically works with the existing timeline if you squint and assume that Peggy’s Alzheimer’s was messing with her at the beginning of Civil War, or if there’s another timeline altogether. I’m slightly annoyed that whatever he got to have with Bucky all happened offscreen between the stinger of Black Panther and the beginning of Infinity War, but apparently they did spend time together. And Steve clearly told Bucky was he was planning; that’s what “I’m gonna miss you” was foreshadowing.
Bruce: I was okay with the “Professor Hulk” storyline (which I was told by a sharp-eyed nephew is from the comics), although I wouldn’t have minded seeing that internal struggle onscreen, but I understand it’s an IP rights issue and there isn’t going to be another Marvel standalone Hulk film.
Tony: Augh. AUGH! I get it. I know why he died, on a meta level. But still.
This, at least, we can say is mostly “heartbreaking” and not “burn.” Tony got the five-year interval to make some kind of peace with his losses. He and Pepper got married and had Morgan. He got some kind of Happy For Now. He got some kind of reward, which RDJ brilliantly conveyed even in the few minutes we saw.  
@hjbender linked @starkysnarks’s excellent post about Tony’s arc. One important part:
That’s why I think that giving a better, more positive message is so important. While other characters have flaws, it’s only Tony who has this consistent, this carefully streamlined storyline of improvement, of redemption, of self-realization and self-betterment. It’s Tony who is most often referred to (by the aforementioned mainstream outlets AND within the fandom) as the most human of the characters, and his story – as the most humane. His happy ending with a new house and young family will not feel like an opt-out, it will not feel complacent, at least not to me. It will feel like hope. It will feel like achieving, at least partially, the goal of that endless internal struggle that we all go through daily. It will feel like it’s possible to be good and be happy and be content, to know that you have done you best and your best is good enough for you to live, and go forward, and be.
He ultimately got some of this, for a while. Tony’s fatal flaw is his fear about Thanos, or the threat that Thanos represents. Prior to Avengers, Tony was happy-go-lucky because he could, eventually, beat whatever the world threw at him. But Thanos was not of this world, and would have wiped everyone out if Tony hadn’t managed to get that nuke through the portal. That trauma, that guilt, that fear, is what drives him for the rest of the Infinity Stones storyline. He is desperate to protect everyone. It’s what makes him want to put “a suit of armor around the world” in Age of Ultron, and of course the way Ultron backfires compounds Tony’s PTSD and guilt, which is what leads to his position in Civil War and the fight he picks with Steve at the beginning of Endgame.
And the worst happens in Infinity War, and the Avengers lose. Everything Tony feared ultimately happened.
Five years later, he’s managed to move forward. He has his happy ending — as happy as he can be, given their losses. He’s accepted his failure, more or less. He wants to rest, which is why he rejects Steve and the others at first.
But his tinkerer’s brain won’t let him put their proposal aside. He needs to know intellectually that there’s no chance, that he can’t fix what he screwed up. Because that’s the other part of what drives him: they lost. He lost. “I lost the kid,” he tells Steve (meaning Peter). That fear of loss, of losing people, of failing people, of disappointing people, is what keeps pushing him. If he knows that there’s no possible way he can undo his mistake, he’ll figure out a way to cope, especially since he still has Pepper and then his daughter. But now there is a way, or there might be, and he can’t let that lie, he can’t rest, until he knows one way or the other. And when the way to fix things becomes possible, there is no other outcome for Tony to choose. He wouldn’t be a hero otherwise.
It is a terrible loss, but in the end I could accept it. Tony got a Happy For Now. He was able to enjoy his life for a little while. He got the genuine closure with his father which he couldn’t in the BARF hologram at the beginning of Civil War thanks to the time travel, and he got to see Peter restored and give him the hug which they weren’t at yet in Homecoming. Tony was triumphant. He defeated his greatest, most terrible adversary. He defeated his fear. Thanos is gone, and his minions with him. The echo of “I. Am. Iron Man.” was exquisite. (even more so knowing that line in the first movie was ad-libbed! it wasn’t in the script! It was RDJ’s idea!) So his death is sad, but it’s earned.
Natasha: Meh. Just meh. The scene where she and Clint fight over who is going to die was blackly hilarious. It made narrative sense for Nat to be the one who died — she has found family, but not children; she spent the interval trying to run the Avengers and SHIELD and trying to fix things, and this allowed her to contribute in a material way; she still has a lot of red in her moral ledger — but on a meta level, we know there’s a Black Widow movie in the works. It doesn’t make sense to have a spinoff series set before Endgame when you know how the character dies. It’s not a bad ending, all things considered, but the actress herself can’t get younger. Is it supposed to be her origin/backstory movie after the character has died? Is it Multiverse Branching Timelines? Was she restored when Steve returned all the Stones to their place in the timeline? Was she restored with Tony’s Snap, or Bruce’s? Not knowing how that’s going to work with the rest of the MCU timeline blunted the emotional effect of her death for me.
Although he’s not an original Avenger, I had similar issues with Vision. There will be a Scarlet Witch and Vision TV series. Vision is still dead, according to Wanda at Tony’s funeral. So was he restored with either Bruce’s Snap or Tony’s? Was 2018 Gamora? 
And the two which completely did not work for me, the ones where I think Marvel really missed:
Thor: Of the original Avengers, he was the one I was most upset about.
I really, really did not like how Thor’s very legitimate grief, depression, PTSD, and alcoholism were played for laughs. Thor is down to a “kingdom” of a few hundred people at best (we don’t know what Asgard’s population was to start with, but Hela killed quite a few, and then Thanos killed half of them on the Statesman, and it’s entirely possible that the Snappening dusted half of whomever remained). He’s living with the murders of Loki, Heimdall, and the Warriors Three (I can’t remember if Sif was supposed to have survived the Snappening, but she doesn’t appear in Endgame). He didn’t “go for the head” in Infinity War, which clearly haunts him despite the fact that Peter Quill is just as much to blame for interrupting Strange, Tony, Peter, and Mantis, or Wanda is just as much to blame for not getting the Stone out of Vision’s head faster, etc. etc. He cut off Thanos’s head after the fact and is clinging to that — “Who else here killed Thanos?” — as some kind of cold comfort. “Look, at least I did that in the end. At least I got revenge.”
Thor is a mess. His family is dead. His dearest friends are dead. He’s in a depressive spiral, self-medicating with food and alcohol, lost in video games because they are a consequence-free way to “win.” He’s holed up with Miek and Korg because they didn’t know him before Ragnarok and they have no real expectations of King Thor, God of Thunder, Avenger, Hero. He feels he has failed at everything which has ever been expected of him.
And the script... plays this... for laughs.
We are meant to laugh at his pot belly and flabby physique. We are meant to laugh at his unkempt matted hair and wild unbraided beard. We are meant to laugh at his drunkenness, at how he passes out, at how he blearily begs and whimpers to be the one to unSnap everyone ( “Please let me do something good, something right,” he pleads), at how he returns to Asgard on the day of Frigga’s murder and tries to frat-boy off to the cellars for some of Odin’s best ale because he cannot face his failure on this day too.
None of this is funny. It’s not funny at. all. It’s horrifying.
I do understand that this is likely more Hemsworth than Marvel. The actor vocally complained that he was bored with formal, upright Thor and would have been done with the character without Taika Waititi’s more comedic take in Ragnarok. He has said in interviews that Thor in Endgame is the closest to Hemsworth himself that the character has ever been, and clearly the actor loves doing comedy. He’s good at it — I enjoyed Kevin in Ghostbusters 2016.
I don’t object to loosening up Thor. I don’t object to showing Thor spiraling into alcoholism and depression and hiding from the world in food and games. I object to using depression and alcoholism for comedy.
Thor faces Frigga, reluctantly, and she counsels her son whom she loves, telling him not to worry about living up to expectations but to be his best true self. This is consistent with both characters; Thor has accepted how hard it is to be king. Then as Thor is quantumming out she adds “And eat a salad.” Really? You had to throw that in there? She sees the wreck her son has become and she nags? She gives him some kind and loving advice, she knows there’s some weirdness going on, but she has to cap it with fat-shaming?
We are meant to mock formerly ripped Thor for being “fat and ugly,” but let’s be clear: Thor’s appearance is an outward manifestation of deep emotional issues. Thor has not been able to cope with his failure. He and Tony faced similar terrible losses. Both characters originally had sunny dispositions. Tony, who still had Pepper at least, has managed to crawl out of his hole and build something with his wife and daughter. Thor lost his brother, his other half, and has mentally, emotionally, and physically collapsed. There really is no Thor without Loki.
And speaking of, I’m going to scream for a moment:
Loki: I am well aware that Loki started as an antagonist, and that my perspective is skewed from the fandoms I choose to participate in. I know that he’s not an Avenger.
But purely from a narrative point of view, Marvel, ya done fucked up. You dropped the ball.
From my previous post:
Loki’s death in Infinity War was so stupid and narratively pointless that a lot of fans, myself included, believe that there’s a plan behind the scenes (since we know Endgame involves time travel) which somehow explains it and gives it meaning. Because if not, then one of the most popular MCU characters — the only antagonist to keep returning, film after film, and primarily because audiences love him — died for nothing.
And there you have it. Explaining it after the fact in Loki’s TV show doesn’t count (and we don’t know that they will). Yes, Loki grabs the Tesseract in 2012 and disappears, so you can argue that “he doesn’t die,” but all that really does is screw up the timeline. It creates another timeline branch which isn’t resolved.
Is everything now a branched universe? If Loki took off with the Tesseract, does that mean The Dark World and Ragnarok never happened? If Loki didn’t go back to Asgard in chains at the end of Avengers, that means TDW couldn’t have happened the way it did. It means that Loki didn’t sacrifice himself, but does that also mean that Malekith would have gotten the Aether/Reality Stone from Jane and killed her? (It was Loki’s plan which saved Jane, let’s recall. And killed Kurse.) Does that mean Odin is still alive and on Asgard? And Hela was never unleashed? And therefore Loki and Thor never ended up on Sakaar and Hulk and Valkyrie Brunnhilde are still there? Or worse, that Odin died and Hela was unleashed but Thor wasn’t able to stop her because he didn’t have Hulk, Valkyrie, and Loki to help him? So she’s now loose and rampaging across the realms murdering at will?
It was appropriate for the larger arc for Carol to be part of the cavalry swooping in during the final battle to pummel Thanos for a while, but I kept waiting for Loki to show up. Loki was tortured by Thanos and Ebony Maw, which is what kicked off the plot of Avengers. If 2014 Thor was willing to break Loki out of prison to get revenge for Frigga’s death, why wouldn’t either 2014 Thor or 2023 Thor be willing to tell 2012 Loki “We have an opportunity for you to get back at Thanos. Wanna help?” Because as strung out and as still cocky as he was, jauntily waving in the elevator at the beast who just beat the shit out of him, I bet Loki would have been delighted to take a few swings at Giant Purple Nutsack Face. Yes, he probably would have escaped at some point during the final battle, because that’s who he was at the time, and still is — he’s “very comfortable with chaos,” as Hiddleston notes. And that would have been consistent. Help others if it also helps him, he’s not really a hero at that point in his arc, check out after Thanos is dead because he doesn’t want to go back to prison. That all would have worked. Even if he had no more to do than Shuri or Okoye, just to show him shooting a few blasts of seidr and showing that he is in fact just as powerful a sorcerer as Doctor “I’ve only been doing this for a year” Strange.
But Loki’s death in Infinity War is for nothing. Even if I wasn’t as invested in the character as I am, from a storytelling standpoint, it was pointless. The entire heavy foreshadowing of that line was utterly whiffed. You can’t even argue that “Loki sacrificed himself for Thor” because Thanos disappeared with the Space Stone, leaving Thor behind, and Thor crawled over to his brother’s dead, broken body and crumpled there to die. Thor gave up and never recovered. The last word he expected he would ever say was “Loki....” 
Thor didn’t choose in that moment to use Loki’s sacrifice to stand up and claim revenge. Even Clint did more than that after Natasha’s death. Thor only continued on to forge Stormbreaker because the Guardians happened to pick him up in the vacuum of space after the Statesman exploded. That wasn’t a choice by the character, which is what moves a character arc forward. It was happenstance. Thor’s heart was destroyed with Loki’s death. It’s a shell of a man who eventually beheads Thanos.
Loki got an “Avenge the Fallen” poster, but he wasn’t avenged. The 2012 version of him escaped and branched off a new timeline, according to the Ancient One’s explanation of how time travel works in the MCU.
We don’t know if either Tony’s or Bruce’s Snap restored 2018 Loki. Endgame is the end of this arc. Marvel can’t patch stuff up later and claim a do-over. 
So: did Marvel hurt us?
Not as badly as I feared. There was a ton of fanservice and moments which were so go-for-broke that I felt like we were watching wish-fulfillment fanfic. (So many jokes about Steve’s ass. Steve joking about Steve’s ass.) The script didn’t stop to explain who people were or give context; it assumed the audience knew everything and was keeping up. And that last battle, have mercy, Helm’s Deep and Pelennor Fields look like playground skirmishes in comparison.
BUT: The loose ends are deeply frustrating, and I think the Loki fandom is going to blow a collective gasket. Grotty Drunk Thor having constant My Dick Is Bigger fights with Peter Quill is not going to make me want to watch Guardians 3. (Although if Loki comes back and sneers at Quill, and Thor follows his brother off into the wild yonder with stars in his eyes, okay, call me.)  
I will watch the Marvel TV shows because I’m a masochist, but I don’t know how much I’m going to allow myself to get emotionally involved. My expectations are far lower than before IW/EG. I don’t know how the shows and movies involving “dead” characters are going to explain things. Wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey handwaving is kind of a cheat, and it doesn’t excuse the shit storytelling which was allowed to happen in the first place.
Do I regret the journey? I don’t. It’s been a hell of a ride, and I’m so glad to have met these characters. I could wish for some things to be better, and hoo boy is there going to be a lot of corrective fanfic, but I’m not sorry I came along. 
(and P.S.: Loki lives. :P)
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liquidmetalslime · 8 years ago
Dragon Quest: Where to Start
The “where do i start” question is asked quite frequently on /r/dragonquest and the main FB fangroup, so i assumed i’d make my own list.
I’m gonna compile each game that has been released outside of Japan into this post and give their most important features of each version available -at least- in English so anyone can see the differences and choose according to their needs or preferences. 
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Note 1: To mark in which languages is available each release, i’m gonna put these next to its platform: (E) = English; (F) = French; (G) = German; (I) = Italian; (S) = Spanish. “EFIGS” may only apply to the EU version, though.
Note 2: Some things might not be 100% accurate, I’m just a slime, sluurp 🙇🏻🙏. 
Note 3: Games with only one version available in English (or Multi-5) will get this message in the recommendation: “There’s only a version.”. Games in which you can choose the gender of the main characters will include this sentence in its info: “In this game, you can choose the gender of the main character.”.
Note 4: Reminder about the Roman numerals (just in case): I = 1, II = 2, III = 3, IV = 4, V = 5 , VI = 6, VII = 7, VIII = 8, IX = 9, X=10 and XI = 11.
Note 5: The post-2006 releases use lots of puns, jokes, and accents. It’s a characteristic of the series, as are the title alliterations (ie: Chapters of the Chosen, Luminaries of the Legendary Line, etc), the black and white menus, or the classic main theme, etc. Most of the post-2010 releases use visible encounters as well. As for now, there seems to be no turning back.
I’ll be skipping games that require fan-translation (I only mention them, but I highly prefer officially released titles). 
↳ Aside from this, i am aware US Gamer made a similar list (click here). 
⚠️ BEWARE: This post is HUGE. ⚠️
What is Dragon Quest? 
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Dragon Quest is a JRPG franchise developed by Enix (now Square Enix). The series is very traditional, in various aspects, the most notorious being the turn-based encounters and the encouragement to explore every corner. The main staff behind the series is: Yuji Horii (Scenario), Akira Toriyama (Art) and Koichi Sugiyama (Music). DQ first started 31 years ago in Japan, in May of 1986. A few years later, in 1989, it was first released in North America, but due to copyright issues with “Dungeons & Dragons”, Enix had to change the name to “Dragon Warrior”. After the Square Enix merger in 2003, they could finally solve the naming issue and, starting with the eighth entry in the main series, in 2005, DQ was finally getting called “Dragon Quest” in North America. One year later, in 2006, the series was introduced in Europe with that same game, Dragon Quest VIII (prior to that, only one spinoff had came to Europe). Since then, many remakes, re-releases, and spinoffs came to the West, even with some years of silence between 2011 and 2014. In 2017 we’re getting Dragon Quest VIII for 3DS (in January) and Dragon Quest Heroes II for PS4 and Steam (in April). ---
It should be noted DQ is a very special JRPG series, and most of its narrative comes from NPCs or books. This series really encourages the player to explore everything and to talk to everyone. That might be the only way to get clues of what to do next. Aside from that, in the games that it’s available, the Party Chat feature is also one of the most reliable features you’ll find in these games. Party chat lets your party members give you their opinions and comment on lots of different things that happen in the game -from the reaction they get after talking to a NPC, to their reaction after an important cutscene-, and they might also give you tips and remind you of what you have to do next. Aside from that, it’s a great tool to see the personalities of your characters.  That said, do not come to this series expecting lots of pre-rendered cutscenes and lots of flashy action, this series is not about that (there is some, of course, but not as many as in other JRPGs). As i said a bit earlier, DQ is very special for other things too. The combat is always turn-based in the main series (except in the MMO) and the dialogue is usually full of puns and jokes. Unlike many other series, almost all the games have the same quality and its a highly consistent series, due to the main creators always being the same (Mr Yuji Horii, Mr Koichi Sugiyama and Mr Akira Toriyama). What you need to know about the other works of these three gentlemen: Horii created one of the games that inspired Hideo Kojima that videogames could offer interesting stories (”The Portopia Serial Murder Incident”); Sugiyama has been composed many classic music and worked on various 70s Japanese tv shows such as “The Return for Ultraman”; and AKira Toriyama is a worldwide known manga artist, mainly for his two masterpieces: Dr. Slump and Dragon Ball.
↳ For more information about the series, check its Wikipedia article.
Where to start? @liquidmetalslime’s choices
NOTE: Okay, let me be clear, in this block i’ll talk about what are the best entry points IN MY OPINION, as the title clearly say.
To start playing the series, the best three entry points in the main series are IV (4) , VIII (8) and XI (11). The first one can be played in English on NES and Mobile and in Multi-5/EFIGS on DS. The second one can be played in English and French on Mobile and EFIGS on PS2 and 3DS. The third one will be available on PS4 and PC in Multi-5 later this year; sometime in the future also on Switch.
- IV is divided in chapters and features a highly likeable cast -specifically a certain Tsarevna. Each chapter is unique and follows a specific set of characters, who will later meet in the fifth and longest chapter. This story is quite tragic and is best enjoyed on the remakes of the game, since these remakes include a sixth chapter that gives an insight in the motives that drove the villain to do what he did. If you want to play in English and get its best version to date, the mobile (iOS/Android) version is the one. If you want to play using physical buttons or in French, German, Spanish or Italian, the (EU) DS release is for you. The DS/Mobile remakes use lots of puns and accents (the NES version doesn’t), and that can be bothersome until you get used to it, but it’s worth it (and I personally love it, except in the first chapter while playing in English. I didn’t have any issue while playing in Spanish). This is the one that gave me an obsession made me a DQ fan.
- VIII on the other hand, focuses a lot more on a major plot and its characters. Due to that, it is the easiest DQ to jump in if you already like other JRPG series. Given its artstyle and big scale of its world, it gives a great sense of adventure (its actually not that big, but it feels huge). As IV, VIII’s characters are regarded as some of the best in the whole series, specially Yangus and Trode. As in IV, the remake gives us some more information about the villain and his motives. If you value content and quality of life improvements over looks, the 3DS version is the definitive version. Otherwise, if you prefer prettier graphics, go for the PS2 version. The 3DS version is what i consider its best version to date, and its the easiest to find nowadays, besides the Mobile port. 
- XI is an interesting title because despite being full of throwbacks and -maybe- connections to the older games,  it introduces many quality-of-life improvements into the usual mechanics of the series. On top of that, has a killer soundtrack, composed with brand new songs (which some will say that are weaker) and a whole lot of classic songs from all the main games. And to round up the package, it also has gorgeous graphics. The cast is likeable, the story is interesting, the gag moments are nice, the sad moments are touching (i personally thought Horii couldn’t outdo himself after V, but boy i was wrong). It has a lot to like, and little to dislike. The real shame about this game is that we -apparently- won’t be getting the 3DS version.
Aside from these three games, the other main titles might be a good point to start too, but some might have give some trouble, for example:
I and II: (Terribly) Outdated. II is also the hardest game in the whole series, and its NES version is quite unbalanced at the final parts of the game.The devs even admitted in an interview that they couldn’t balance it properly because they couldn’t delay the game.
III and VII: These are better enjoyed if you have played some of the previous games, for example III is better enjoyed with knowledge of I and II (of their story, i mean), and VII with knowledge of what to expect from the game (how DQ’s narrative usually works, how the battles work, etc) as well as knowing a bit about VI’s mechanics.
V: Probably the top of the series, but I feel it’s not as DQ-newbie-friendly as IV and VIII. Still a solid game.
VI: Love it or hate it experience. 
IX: It’s quite different from the other games since it focuses a lot more on character customization (there are no pre-made characters, besides some that are acquired in some postgame DLC quests), so it might give a wrong idea of what the series is like. It is a lovely game, though. 
Other notes:
III, VI, VII and IX (and X, but that’s Japan-only for now) use class systems.
Outside the main series, in my opinion, the best entry points might also be:
- Dragon Quest Monsters 1 and 2 (better known as Dragon Warrior Monsters 1 and 2). Charming monster collecting games. The first one features Terry, originally from DQVI, on his quest to win the Starry Night Tournament, while the second one features two original characters (Tara & Coby) on a quest to save their new island. DQM2/DWM2 comes in two versions. In one you play as Tara and in the other as Coby. Might be a bit outdated, but they’re quite fun games. I feel like they’re better than the other monster-catching games of that era, at least technically.
- Dragon Quest Monsters Joker 2. The most recent Monsters game we got. Has a quite deep synthesis system and it’s quite intuitive. Also has a large amount of beasts. Could feel a bit clunky and slow to play nowadays, though.
- Dragon Quest Builders. Easy to play and with really charming aspects. Has a long story and huge replay value, as each time the player can build their base differently. It has been called “the Minecraft for those who don’t like Minecraft”, due to it being more guided that the mentioned game. It has some connections to the first three games in the series, but can be enjoyed without previous knowledge of the series. If you had to choose a DQ spinoff, choose this one. Don’t think of it as a “Minecraft with DQ skins”. There’s a Minecraft mod for that, this is quite different.
Games & Releases: Versions that have been released in the West
In this huge block, we’re gonna look at each game, its western releases (trying to cover both NA-only and NA/EU/AUS releases), the features each re-release (if any) has in comparison to the first English/Western version, and my recommendations for each game.
Dragon Quest I
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Info: Old JRPG with very simple mechanics. It is the first console JRPG out there (almost a year and a half earlier than Final Fantasy 1!). The story is quite simple (save the princess and defeat the bad guy) and the gameplay is very bare bones, but still an enjoyable game. It’s also really short, can be beaten in about 6 hours if you’re fast.
Versions and features:
- Japan-only releases: Dragon Quest I · II (SFC), 1993; Dragon Quest 25th Anniversary Collection (Wii), 2011. [There is a fantranslation for the SFC remake.]
- Dragon Warrior for NES (E)
Old DW translation. (Besides DW glossary, it uses a lot of Old English.)
The graphics might be too outdated for some.
Quite grindy.
- Dragon Warrior 1 · 2 for GBC (E)
Remade DW translation.
Enhanced (yet simpler) graphics.
Better balancing.
There is a prologue scene.
- Dragon Quest I for iOS and Android (E)
New DQ translation (still uses Old English, but with the newer DQ glossary).
Brighter, more colorful world, but poorly upscaled graphics. (Because its a port of an old mobile port they did in the mid 2000s, but fitted into a way higher screen)
Even better balancing.
No prologue scene.
My recommendation: “Dragon Quest I” for iOS and Android (E).  Why?: It’s simply the best version: better graphics, music, translation and balancing (meaning less grinding). 
The Mobile port is the only version available in Europe, btw.
Dragon Quest II
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Info: Second game in the series. Adds extra two party members there can be various monsters on battle, there’s also a ship and a waaaay bigger world (the world of DQ1 is just a small part of the one in DQ2). That said, it is worth noting the original version of this game was quite rushed and the end-game areas are quite unbalanced. The story is quite simple too: An evil mage named Hargon plans on destroying the world and starts by attacking the kingdom of Moonbrooke. The princes of Midenhall and Cannock reunite with their lost cousin from Moonbrooke to stop Hargon.
Versions and features:
- Japan-only releases: Dragon Quest I · II (SFC), 1993; Dragon Quest 25th Anniversary Collection (Wii), 2011.  [There is a fantranslation for the SFC remake.]
- Dragon Warrior II for NES (E)
Old DW translation. (Besides DW glossary, it uses a lot of Old English.)
The graphics might be too outdated for some.
Quite grindy, specially in end-game areas. (Enix admitted they couldn’t balance the last areas of the game due to time constrains.)
- Dragon Warrior 1 · 2 for GBC (E)
Remade DW translation.
Enhanced (yet simpler) graphics.
Better balancing.
New intro scene.
- Dragon Quest II Luminaries of the Legendary Line for iOS and Android (E)
New DQ translation.
Brighter, more colorful world, but poorly upscaled graphics. (Same reason as DQ1-Mobile).
Even better balancing.
Prologue scene.
Limitations to avoid players venture into the most dangerous dungeon unprepared.
My recommendation: “Dragon Quest II Luminaries of the Legendary Line” for iOS and Android (E). Why?: It is the best version: better looks, sound, translation and balancing.
The Mobile port is the only version available in Europe, btw.
Dragon Quest III
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Info: First DQ game to feature a class system, which was supported by a personality system thus making almost every character unique. This game also features some big plot twists and even larger areas to explore. DQ3 also ends the Erdrick/Loto trilogy. The story follows the offspring of a great hero (Ortega) and their quest to finish what their disappeared father started: to defeat the evil Baramos. In this game, you can choose the gender of the main character. (Note: And the gender of any character you create.)
Versions and features:
- Japan-only releases: Dragon Quest III (SFC), 1996; Dragon Quest 25th Anniversary Collection (Wii), 2011.  [There is a fantranslation for the SFC remake.]
- Dragon Warrior III for NES (E)
Old DW translation. (Besides DW glossary, it uses a bit of old english.)
The graphics might be too outdated for some.
- Dragon Warrior 3 for GBC (E)
Remade DW translation.
Enhanced (yet simpler) graphics.
Pachisi/T’n’T minigame.
Monster animations.
2 bonus dungeons: the one added in the SFC remake and a brand new one.
Monster medals.
- Dragon Quest III Seeds of Salvation for iOS and Android (E)
New DQ translation. (There are some areas that still use Old English).
No Pachisi/T’n’T minigame, nor Monster Animations nor Monster Medals.
Brighter, more colorful world, but (somewhat) poorly upscaled graphics.  (Same reason as DQ1-Mobile).
1 bonus dungeon: the one added in the SFC remake.
My recommendation: This is a hard choice, but it is between “Dragon Warrior 3” for GBC (E) and “Dragon Quest III Seeds of Salvation” for iOS and Android (E).  Why?: The GBC version has a lot more content, but the Smartphone version has a newer DQ-style translation and better graphics. Many will say the SFC remake is better, but i love monster medals and the official translations 🤷‍♀️
The Mobile port is the only version available in Europe, btw.
Note about the Erdrick Trilogy (I - III): This trilogy is better enjoyed when played in order (DQ -> DQII -> DQIII).
Dragon Quest IV
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Info: First game of the Zenithian trilogy (which is loosely connected). First -and only- DQ game to be told in chapters so far. Each one follows different people, and in the fifth, they all meet to fulfill their roles al the chosen ones. Here, instead of having generic characters with classes, we have set (and very charismatic) characters who learn a specific sets of spells and skills. In this game, you can choose the gender of the main character.
The overall story focuses on a demon who loves a lovely elf and hates human for how they treat elves, monsters and dwarves. The party must stop this demon, Psaro, from awakening the demon lord and destroying the world.
Versions and features:
- Japan-only releases: Dragon Quest IV (PS1), 2001.
- Dragon Warrior IV for NES (E)
Old DW translation.
Completely 2D.
- Dragon Quest IV: (The) Chapters of the Chosen for DS (EFIGS)
New DQ translation.
Prologue chapter.
No party-chat. (It was added in the Japanese remake, and was mostly translated by the release date, but SQEX decided to not put it for some reason)
2.5D, since it uses DQVII’s PS1 style.
- Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen for iOS and Android (E)
DQ translation.
Prologue chapter.
Has party chat.
My recommendation: Depends, but choose one from the latter two.  Why?: If you want to play in French, Spanish, Italian or German, go for the DS release. If you want to enjoy the party chat feature, for for the Smartphone release. The party chat seems pointless but it actually gives a lot of characterization to the party members.
Dragon Quest V
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Info: Second game of the Zenithian trilogy. In this particular game, the story follows a young man through his (painful) life: from his childhood to his adulthood. DQ5 was one of the first games ever to let players recruit monsters to join their team (which, some years after its release, and after the success of Pokémon, inspired the birth of “Dragon Quest Monsters”). It also allows choosing a wife (well, it forces the player to choose one, since it is related to the plot): Bianca, the childhood friend; Nera, the sweetheart from a good family; or Debora, the passionate sister of Nera. This game has probably the best story in the whole series.
Versions and features:
- Japan-only releases: Dragon Quest V (SFC), 1992; Dragon Quest V (PS2), 2004. [There are fantranslations for these two titles.]
- Dragon Quest V: (The) Hand of the Heavenly Bride for DS (EFIGS)
- Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride for iOS and Android (E)
Some slight tweaks.
The two versions of this game we got are quite similar, except some small balancing and changes of MP cost. Both feature DQ-style localization (it’s the same for both versions), a new bride not present in the original SFC release nor PS2 remake (Debora), a few more monsters of newer games (like DQVIII’s Jailcat) and some other tweaks.
My recommendation: Doesn’t matter. Why?: Both are pretty much the same, choose according to your wallet or control preferences. I’d choose DS though, since the mobile port can be buggy in some phones (and due to multi-5 too).
The NES version only released in North America, btw.
Dragon Quest VI
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Info: Third and last game of the Zenithian trilogy (First, chronologically). In this game the party travels between two worlds: reality and dream world. There are two extra “worlds”: underwater and the dread realm. In this game, there’s a class system quite different from III, since the classes of VI aren’t tied to the character’s level but to the number of battles won, with 8 levels of mastery (8 stars = mastered the class).
The story is about a group of young people who are off to fight the evil demon who rules the dreams and treats the land (Murdaw). But there’s more, the game is about traveling between worlds and solving problems and fighting the Dreadfiends.
Versions and features:
- Japan-only releases: Dragon Quest VI (SFC), 1995. [There is a fantranslation for this title.]
- Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation / Reverie for DS (EFIGS)
- Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation for iOS and Android (E)
Better balanced and a few tweaks.
The two versions of the game we got are pretty similar, so there’s only these two differences: controls and enhanced balancing (for example, Terry joins with a few more classes mastered). Both feature the same graphic style, the same DQ-style translation and the same music.
My recommendation: Doesn’t matter. Why?: Both are pretty much the same, choose according to your wallet or control preferences. I’d choose DS though, since the mobile port can be buggy in some phones (and due to multi-5 too). The SFC version is objectively better (better atmosphere, much prettier graphics, can recruit monsters like in V), but it doesn’t have an official translation and the fan-translation covers 95% of it (but you can beat the main story, though).
Note about the Zenithian Trilogy (IV - VI): This trilogy, unlike Erdrick’s trilogy, is loosely connected. Only a few elements connect the games, so they can be played as individual experiences. A few details in VI imply the cronological order is different from the release order.
Dragon Quest VII
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Info: Longest entry in the series. It is also the only DQ game with time-travel so far. The story is divided in islands, each of which is unlocked after completing a small puzzle made of shards/fragments. This game features the class system from VI, but extended.
The story starts in the only island in the world, but with the help of Prince Kiefer and Maribel, the player unravels the mysteries of an eerie abandoned shrine, which transports them into another island in the past. The party must solve the problems of the islands in the past to save the islands in the present, and learn what happened with the world and how can they fix it. 
Versions and features:
- Japan-only releases: Dragon Quest VII (iOS/Android), 2015.
- Dragon Warrior VII: Warriors of Eden for PS1 (E)
Old DW translation.
Only an NPC can help you find shards/fragments.
Better puzzles at the beginning.
- Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past for 3DS (EFIGS)
New DQ translation.
Fully 3D.
There are many ways to find fragments: a radar, a fairy npc, a menu option... 
Dumbed down puzzles at the beginning.
Faster class mastering and better balanced class system (making the monster classes relevant).
Traveller tablets / free DLC tablets.
The JP version of the 3DS remake uses orchestral soundtrack, but the Western version doesn’t. It can be restored with a hacked 3DS, apparently. The Western release also added some lag in the menus. 
My recommendation: “Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past” for 3DS (EFIGS). Why?: Firstly because of the multi-5 text, but also for the QoL improvements, specifically the faster class mastering and fragment radar.
Btw, the 3DS version is the only one in Europe.
Note: There is a patch for the 3DS that adds the orchestral soundtrack. (You need a CFW on your 3DS.)
Dragon Quest VIII
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Info: First fully-3D (non-remake) game of the series. It had various changes: firstly, the story focused on a main plot. Secondly, each character had a few learning paths, which could be followed by allocating Skill Points, earned by leveling up, and that at certain milestones would teach them new skills, spells and passive bonuses. Other changes include the Monster Arena (which plays a bit like the Dragon Quest Monsters arenas), having orchestral music ingame and voice acting (these two things were only present in the western PS2 version), having the alchemy pot and some more innovations. 
The story follows a young guard and a bandit, who are helping a cursed king and his daughter to catch the culprit of their curse. They follow him around the world, finding some interesting partners along the way.
Versions and features:
- Dragon Quest VIII: (The) Journey of the Cursed King for PS2 (EFIGS)
Voice acting.
Orchestrated music.
“Beautiful” but slow menus.
Pink super saiyan. (This was introduced in the western releases to get the attention of DBZ fans.)
Pretty graphics.
- Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King for iOS and Android (EF)
Instant alchemy.
Portrait mode only.
No voice acting nor orchestrated music.
- Dragon Quest VIII: (The) Journey of the Cursed King for 3DS (EFIGS)
New playable characters, scenarios (& optional endings), items, and dungeons (one is post-game, the other is optional before ending the game).
Instant alchemy.
Voice acting.
No orchestral soundtrack. (It’s present in the JP version, and afaik it can be restored with a CFW 3DS.)
Classic DQ menus.
Alternative outfits for everyone, not just 2 characters.
New camera mode & quests.
There are some small changes made by SQEX Japan so the game would keep the same rating it got on the PS2 years ago (For All Ages). Nothing game changing.
Free DLC items.
Some re-balancing.
Speed-up option for battles.
On New 3DS, the C-stick can be used to rotate the camera. (There is no performance improvement on N3DS.)
My recommendation: “Dragon Quest VIII: (The) Journey of the Cursed King” for 3DS (EFIGS). Why?: The improvements, QoL enhancements and new features make it worth it despite it being inferior graphically to its PS2 original release. The music change doesn’t affect you a lot if you do not play using headphones. Also, the “censorship” is irrelevant since Jessica is 17 and the two other scenes don’t change that much anyway. If that’s your main concern, I may suggest you check your priorities, my dude. 🤷‍♂️
Note: There are patches for the 3DS version that give Jessica her PS2 outfits and put the orchestral soundtrack in. (You need a CFW on your 3DS.)
Dragon Quest IX
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Info: In some aspects this game is a throwback to Dragon Quest III. The player can customize the party, their aspect and their equipment. It mixes DQIII’s classes and VIII’s skill trees. As VIII, it also has (instant) alchemy. This is the first main DQ game that allows playing with friends (up to 4, in local multiplayer). Unlike almost all the other games (except I and III), there aren’t set characters in this game*.  In this game, you can choose the gender of the main character. (Note: And the gender of any character you create). IX has tons of throwbacks and cameos from the other heroes (as Inn Guests and costumes) and villains (as Bosses) from the main series and a character from DQ Swords.
*There ARE some set characters, but to be able to get them you need to have access to the DLC quests (the DS and Wii servers are dead right now, so you need to edit your file or connect with someone who has them unlocked) and have beaten the main story.
The story in this game follows a young celestrian (a guardian angel, basically) in their quest to find out what happened to their realm. They must travel around the world, helping as many people as possible while getting clues of what or who is responsable for the fall of their land.
Versions and features:
- Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies for DS (EFIGS)
My recommendation: There is only the one version of this title. Its best enjoyed with friends, and/or if you like roleplaying/creating your own characters.
Dragon Quest XI
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Info: Return to the classic formula after the multiplayer-focused IX and X. 
The story focuses on a boy, who is the reincarnation of a Hero, who is acused of being “the demon’s child”. He has to escape and unravel the mysteries regarding this “demon’s child / hero’s child” controversy with a cast of great characters.
The most interesting part about this title was how it was made in three different styles: 2D, “chibi” 3D and full-scale 3d. The first one, tries to emulate the graphics of the original DQ6 and the SFC remake of DQ3; the second one tries to go for the aesthetic of DQ9 and the remake of DQ7; and the third one gives us the logical step after DQ8. The first two modes are only present on the Japan-only 3DS version, while the later is present in all the UE4 versions (PS4, PC and probably Switch). As each of them tries to emulate a different era of the series, there are gameplay mechanics that change. For instance, when playing in 2D mode (3DS), the items won’t have an image when looking at the inventory. Meanwhile, they will while playing in 3D (3DS). Or the way boomerang works: in the 3DS version, they hit from left to right, like in previous titles; while on the UE4 versions the player can choose which enemy it should hit first. (Since the 3DS version is staying Japan-only i’ll avoid making more comparisons to it.)
Official site
Versions and features: - Japan-only releases: Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age (3DS, 2017)
- Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age for PS4
- Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age for PC / Steam
Same version as on PS4
Probably more resolution and fps
Probably mods
- Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age for Switch 
Nobody knows anything about it so far, except it’s confirmed for all regions.
My recommendation: Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age for PS4 or PC. Why?: So far, we’re only getting “one version” on two platforms, so it’s up to the player to decide their platform of choice. I’d personally choose PS4 because the game was designed with a PS4 in mind.  If you can read japanese, the 3DS version is also a great option. I personally prefer it to the UE4 version.
And that’s all for the main series.
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Dragon Quest X is a MMO for Wii, Wii U, PC, 3DS and Mobile, which will be soon available for PS4 and Switch in Japan. There are no plans for a Western release of this game for now. (There is a western localization campaign, started on October 2016. @imutone recently started a complementary campaign to send physical letters to SQEX. Here’s the latest update on the campaign. Make sure to join it!)
Now, lets move to the Spinoffs:
Dragon Quest Monsters: Terry’s Wonderland
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Info: Inspired by DQV’s monster recruitment feature and Pokémon’s success, this was the first attempt to make a Monster-Catching DQ game. It features Terry and Milly (called Milayou in the old DWM translation) from DQVI as the protagonists (Note: Only Terry is playable, Milly is a secondary character). 
In this game, you have to travel worlds to get stronger monsters to be able to win in the Starry Night tournament, which grants a wish to its winner, and save your kidnapped sister.
Versions and features:
- Japan-only releases: Dragon Quest Monsters 1 · 2 (PS1), 2002; Dragon Quest Monsters: Terry’s Wonderland 3D (3DS), 2012. [There is fantranslation for this remake.]
- Dragon Warrior Monsters for GBC (E)
Randomly generated dungeons.
All monsters can follow you, up to 3 at a time.
3 vs 3 battles.
Hundreds of DQ monsters, either from DQI-VI or new.
My recommendation: There is only the one version available for us.
Dragon Quest Monsters 2: Tara’s Adventure / Coby’s Journey
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Info: In this sequel, they went the monster catching Pokémon way: two versions with exclusive monsters. Each version offers a protagonist: The young Tara, or her older brother Coby. This game offered monster trade.
In these games, you have to travel between worlds to save your new home, an island, while becoming a better monster master.
Versions and features:
- Japan-only releases: Dragon Quest Monsters 1 · 2 (PS1), 2002; Dragon Quest Monsters 2 (3DS), 2014.
- Dragon Warrior Monsters 2 for GBC (E)
Comes in two packages: Tara’s Adventure and Coby’s Journey. In the first one you play as a girl (Tara) and in the other as a boy (Coby). They’re sibilings.
Set worlds. (Not randomly-generated as in DQM1.)
All monsters can follow you (all have sprites), up to 3 at a time.
3 vs 3 battles.
Hundreds of DQ monsters, either from DQI-VII or new.
Local multiplayer.
My recommendation: There is only the one version available for us.
There was DQM game for GBA, Caravan Heart, which was Japan-only. Quite different from the first two DQM/DWM games, but as DQM1/DWM1, it has a child version of a character of the main series as the protagonist: Kiefer from VII. [There is a fantranslation for this game.]
Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker
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Info: This is a reboot of the DQM formula. Coming after the Japan-only DQM Caravan Heart that mixed DQVII’s monster hearts with the DQM formula, Joker tried something new, but in a similar direction of the GBC classics. In this game, the young monster scout must get stronger to become a master monster scout and also unfold the mystery of the Incarnus, a singular monster.
Versions and features:
Dragon Quest Monsters Joker for DS (EFIGS)
Monster from DQI-VIII, or new.
3 vs 3 battles.
New and updated mechanics (the skill system is inspired by VIII’s).
Local and Wifi multiplayer (Note: As of 2014, Nintendo shut down the DS and Wii servers).
My recommendation: There is only the one version of this game.
Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2
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Info: Carries over many mechanics from Joker, but improves them. The biggest improvement is in the UI, which later became the base for all the 3DS DQM games and remakes. The story follows a young monster scout whose airship crushes into a mysterious island and how he and his team of monsters unfolds the mystery of the island to get back to civilization.
Versions and features:
- Japan-only releases: Dragon Quest Joker 2 Professional (DS), 2011. [There is a fantranslation for this title.]
- Dragon Quest Monsters Joker 2 for DS (EFIGS)
Over 300 monster, mostly from DQI-IX, or new.
3 vs 3 battles.
DQMJ’s mechanics and UI updated and vastly improved.
Local and Wifi multiplayer (Note: As of 2014, Nintendo shut down the DS and Wii servers).
(Local) Connectivity with DQVI and IX for DS for special monsters from those games.
My recommendation: There is only the one version available for us.
There’s a third Joker game for 3DS, called “Dragon Quest Monsters Joker 3” in Japan, released in April 2016. Said game got a “Professional” version with various enhancements and new monsters in early February 2017. As of March 2017, none of the 3DS DQM games has been announced for the West. 
Dragon Quest: Torneko no Daibouken 2
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Info: Second DQ Mystery Dungeon game, and as the first one (which only released in Japan), it follows the famous merchant from DQIV: Torneko Taloon. 
In this title, players must outthink enemies who are often faster or stronger than them, efficiently using weapons and magic when the odds are against them. What's more, in order to succeed they will also test the limits of Torneko's insatiable appetite.
Versions and features:
- Japan-only releases: Dragon Quest: Torneko no Daibouken 2 (GBA), 2001.
- World of Dragon Warrior: Torneko: The Last Hope for PS1 (E)
Play as Torneko.
It is the only Mystery Dungeon game set in the DQ universe we got.
This game uses randomly-generated dungeons.
My recommendation: There is only the one version available for us.
There were two other games of this series available in Japan: one for SFC (which was the first DQ spinoff and the first Mystery Dungeon game ever created) and another for PS2 and GBA. There is a fourth DQ Mystery Dungeon game, which doesn’t focus on Torneko anymore, but on the childhood of DQVIII’s Yangus and Red. This is Japan-only too.
Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime
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Info: This is the second entry of the “Slime MoriMori” series. It got its American release in 2005. There are tank battles aside from the regular “slime vs the world” fights. This was the last DQ game to get released in America but not in Europe.
It is an action game in which we control a Slime called Rocket, who has to fight the Plattypunks to save the slime town of Boingburg. 
Versions and features:
- Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime for DS (E) [Trailer]
Play as a slime (named Rocket)!
Tank Battles.
Lots of puns.
My recommendation: There is only the one version.
The other games in this subseries are Japan-only, as well as its manga. The first game (GBA) doesn’t have tank battles, and the third one (3DS) replaces them with ship battles.
Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors 
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Info: First person on-rails action game. The Wii’s nunchuck works as your shield and the Wiimote acts as your Sword. All the major characters are named after swords, like Claymore or Fleurette. In this game, you have to save the kingdom of Avalonia from an evil demon named Xiphos.
Versions and features:
- Dragon Quest Swords for Wii (EFIGS) [Trailer]
On rails.
Use the Wiimote as your sword and the Nunchuk as your shield.
Likeable support cast.
My recommendation: There is only a version of this game.
Dragon Quest Wars
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Info: A small turn-based strategy game for DSi. Think of it as a light mix of chess and Fire Emblem (not really, but its not 100% chess either).
Versions and features:
- Dragon Quest Wars for DSi (EFIGS) [Trailer]
Multiplayer: Up to 4 players.
Use some DQ monsters as your units.
My recommendation: There is only one version of this game. As the DS servers got shut down in 2014, so the only way to get it nowadays is using a 3DS.
Honestly? I wouldn’t recommend spending a cent on this. 
Fortune Street / Boom Street
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Info: First “Itadaki Street” game to release outside Japan. This is the second game in the Itadaki Street series to mix Dragon Quest with Super Mario Bros. The gameplay is a bit of a mix of Mario Party, DQ’s Treasures n' Trapdoors (T’n’T) and the classic boardgame Monopoly.
Versions and features:
- Fortune Street / Boom Street for Wii (EFIGS) [Trailer]
Play as characters from the main series like Slime, Dragonlord, Alena or Patty; and characters from the Super Mario Bros universe such as Peach, Luigi, Donkey Kong or Waluigi.
Multiplayer up to 4 players.
Wifi modes. (Note: As of 2014, Nintendo shut down the DS and Wii servers).
My recommendation: There is only the one version.
Dragon Quest Heroes: The World Tree's Woe and the Blight Below
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Info: First entry in the action-based Heroes subseries. It is a collaboration with Dynasty Warriors creator Tecmo Koei. This was also the first DQ for a gaming device to come West between 2011 and 2015, quite an honor!  In this game, you can choose the gender of the main character. (Note: You can choose between Luceus and Aurora, but the one you don’t choose is still playable, the one you choose will be always in your party).
It a mix of Dragon Quest mechanics with Dynasty Warrior mechanics: parties of 4 characters, MP, tension, tons of enemies, just a handful of attacks per character... Story-wise is a quite simple light vs darkness story. 
Monsters who were peaceful have started attacking humans. The player, the captain of the kingdom’s army have to find out why, battling hordes of monsters in the way.
Versions and features:
- Japan-only releases: Dragon Quest Heroes (PS3), 2015.
- Dragon Quest Heroes for PS4 (EFIGS) [Trailer]
Stable framerate.
Can’t get all the preorder bonuses.
- Dragon Quest Heroes for PC (EFIGS) [Trailer]
Better settings.
Unstable framerate.
My recommendation: The PS4 version. Why?: It was made with the PS4 in mind and has stable framerate. Also, Tecmo Koei’s PC ports are rather infamous...
Dragon Quest Heroes II
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Info: Second entry in the action-based Heroes subseries. Doesn’t have any connection with the first one, and fixes or adds what the people wanted in the first game, like a worldmap, (online) multiplayer, or less tower-defense missions.
- Japan-only releases: Dragon Quest Heroes II: Twin Kings and the Prophecy's End (PS3, PSV), 2016.
Confirmed versions for the West:
- Dragon Quest Heroes II for PS4 and Steam (EFIGS) [Trailer] (Note: Western release dates: PS4: April 25th in NA and April 28th in EU; Steam: April 22nd in both.)
My recommendation: Still not out in the West, but the PS4 version. Why?: Firstly, Tecmo Koei PC ports are infamous for a reason; secondly, the PS4 version was the main version in Japan (and the one i have already played and enjoyed); and thirdly, because its the only one that has a physical release and that reversible cover is rather cool.
In May 2016, Square Enix released a sequel in Japan called “Dragon Quest Heroes II: Twins Kings and Ending of the Prophecy” for PS3, PS4 and PSV. It includes some upgrades from the feedback they got from the first game, including: having a world map, having multiplayer and being able to have more than four skills per character. On the 1st December 2016, Best Buy leaked its localization. On the 8th of the same month, Square Enix announced the western release dates for the PS4 version: April 25th (NA), and April 28th (EU). A Steam version is also releasing on April 25h (both NA & EU) Square Enix announced on February 22nd 2017. [The Vita version isn’t profitable for SQEX, so they will skip localizing it.] (x). The games’s director hinted to a third game on the PlayStation Awards 2016. (x)
Dragon Quest Builders
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Info: “What if you mixed Dragon Quest and Minecraft and got a legit good game?”. In this game, you can choose the gender of the main character. (Note: you can change it and any character customization option anytime you want from the setting accessed from the main menu)
At the last part of DQ1 the player is given a choice. One option lets you continue and the other gives you a game over. DQB explores that option, the story in which the Dragonlord won. You, a builder chosen by the goddess Rubiss, must rebuild the land of Alefgard. 
Versions available and features:
- Japan-only releases: Dragon Quest Builders: Revive Alefgard (PS3), 2016.
- Dragon Quest Builders for PS4 (EFIGS) [Trailer]
High quality graphics.
Better draw distance.
Better share options (can make videos and up to 4 image in tweets).
- Dragon Quest Builders for PSV (EFIGS) [Trailer]
Digital only (it is only about 270mb, though. The Asian physical release includes English.).
Poor sharing options (screenshots with Start + PS Button. If you share it with the twitter app, you can only choose 1 image. If you want to share more than 1 at a time, you have to transfer your screenshots to your computer).
- Dragon Quest Builders for Switch (EFIGS) (*Releases in Spring 2018)
Its more akin to the PS4 version than the PSV version.
Has some exclusive content, like the DQ1 cartdrige work table and the Sabercub mount.
My recommendation: Depends on your tastes. Why?: One is great for its portability (Vita) and the other looks way better and has better sharing methods (PS4).
On August 2016, Square Enix stated there were possibilities of this game getting a Nintendo Switch version. (x). (They announced it officially on the 14th of September of 2017. Will release next spring in all regions.) On September of the same year, they said a sequel was being considered. (x). Later, in the PlayStation Awards, they hinted to a sequel again. (x) 
Dragon Quest Builders 2 was announced for Switch and PS4 on the 6th of August of 2017, with no release window announced so far.
Definitive version of each game (TL;DR)
Summarizing, this is the list of definitive versions of each DQ game -that got official western releases- again, in my opinions:
Main series:
Dragon Quest I: Mobile
Dragon Quest II: Mobile
Dragon Quest III: GBC OR Mobile (more content vs newer translation)
Dragon Quest IV: DS OR Mobile (more languages vs english party chat)
Dragon Quest V: DS OR Mobile (they have different prices and buttons)
Dragon Quest VI: DS OR Mobile (they have different prices and buttons)
Dragon Quest VII: 3DS
Dragon Quest VIII: 3DS
Dragon Quest IX: DS
Dragon Warrior Monsters: GBC
Dragon Warrior Monsters 2: GBC (Any version)
Dragon Quest Monsters Joker: DS
Dragon Quest Monsters Joker 2: DS
Torneko: The Last Hope: PS1
Rocket Slime: DS (This one didn’t release in EU)
Dragon Quest Swords: Wii
Fortune Street / Boom Street: Wii
Dragon Quest Wars: 3DS (DSi can’t access the internet any more)
Dragon Quest Heroes: PS4
Dragon Quest Builders: PS4 or PSV (higher resolution vs portability)
Dragon Quest Heroes 2: PS4 or Steam (unless the PC port is a bad port)
Soooooo, where should i start? (TL;DR 2)
Choose one of these, but i highly recommend VIII on 3DS.
Dragon Quest IV: DS OR Mobile (more languages vs english party chat)
Dragon Quest VIII: 3DS
Dragon Quest Monsters Joker 2: DS
Dragon Quest Builders: PS4 or PSV (higher resolution vs portability)
Special thanks
Thanks to my SO (♥︎), @imperial-scrolls-of-honor, @hawelo92, @imutone and @moguel for their help / corrections / suggestions.
Thanks to Yuji Horii, Koichi Sugiyama, Akira Toriyama, Koichi Nakamura, Noriyoshi Fujimoto, and all the staff that has worked or works in this marvelous series. And also thanks to Nintendo and Square Enix, who worked hard to bring these games to the West.
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carolightpenvenys · 8 years ago
i am updating this post as i watch! enjoy!!
ah the previously on poldark i remember now how shit the situation is
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why do i always scour the credits just to make sure luke norris and gabriella wilde are present
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meeeeEEEW MEW MEW MEW MEW MEW MEW MEWMEW MEW (how i sing the theme song)
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why is george the worst
my socialist heart is bleeding for these ppl
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demelza is gonna give birth alone bc she trusts noone but dwight girl SAME
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how do you sleep at night? ask elizabeth fUCK ME
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i’m just gonna say it now captain henshawe needs more screentime
clowance tho what a name she gon be bullied at school
dr choke can choke
ah george and elizabeth reminding me why this show is letting me down where’s my dwight content
is it physically possible for me to care less about elizabeth
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nervous drake this is the content i signed up for
i know y’all saying drake x morwenna is rushed but i totally get it morwenna is 100/10
uncle george hates toads shame bc he is one
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my child caroline getting screentime YES
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unwin trevaunance?????????????????????????? my actual fav tho
is unwin trump bc this shit sounds like alternative facts
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omg he’s dying inside caroline would dread to see him like this oh my god he’s so selfless an exceptional human
ew the ot3 are breaking up for truro :///
me: why isn’t poldark giving me meaningful content? also me: shirtless sam is the content i deserve
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when bae damns his soul for you
i’m throwing hands at tom harry how DARE HE
there is no content i needed more than this christening
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awks demelza does not ship drake x morwenna like i get what she’s saying about the patriarchy but surely she understands love look i’m confusing myself now she’s annoyingly right
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morwenna deserves alot, not everything but alot
gwan drake
GWAN DRAKE shalalalalalala don’t be scared u gotta kiss da girl
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the best possible treatment caroline sweetie
more dwight content??? i am being fed?????
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who is lt armitage i feel like he will haunt me in years to come
ahh ross knows it’s bs but doesn’t wanna upset caroline this is tragic
ross/caroline going to see aunt agatha the content i signed up for
elizabeth being a bitch to morwenna i hate this song
ross/agatha is the best family relationship fight me
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that brat ahaha george little do u know i stan that brat
let’s hope they’re less careless with this one any emotions i had for george are null and void
mr whitworth good lord i want to vomit
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oh his wife’s dead did he kill her??? he looks as if he did
i think i used to have that haircut
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elizabeth is supposed to be the most beautiful in the family but M O R W E N N A
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whitworth you’re now banned from saying the word pleasure
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caroline’s sad/jealous expression is actually devastating i stan gabriella wilde
oh my god dwight
i am so upset this is pure angst
is that it
will we see him again
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are they giving pasties to the starving? yes to this content
why is sam dressed like a PURITAN I AM CRYING I STAN THIS MAN ALONE
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holy lord is this the beginning of the dream team™
more ??? dwight???
dwight scenes but everytime it’s sad it gets faster
listen ok i only love dwight enys i want a spinoff
i am so upset for caroline i bet she knows it’s bs too she’s just trying to keep herself going
sam/ross is an enemies to lovers concept
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what is drake wearing on his head
caroline misses dwight so much end me
but my GIRLS
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ugh from the sublime to the ridiculous hello whitworth
the shell bracelet is ugly af kudos to morwenna for being loyal to bae
caroline is honestly so beautiful it’s breathtaking
can this soundtrack win awards
drake came to truro?????? what was the point tho
they put a price on morwenna? and a cheap one too?
marry? mr whitworth? same
elizabeth you’re vile
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caroline x demelza x prudy an iconic trio
sam’s holier than thou attitude is kinda hot don’t @/me
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oh my god whitworth stop speaking
ok whitworth’s concept of consent is so freaking dodgy if he tries anything with morwenna sexually i
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there’s a difference between being coy and saying no
so you’re telling me this shit they did was.. LEGAL? boRING
my wife has a scene to herself this is my content
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oh my god she’s thinking about dwight
he’s so freaking ill help him someone please
even when pushed to his very limits he is so selfless i love dwight i forever stan dwight
going back to caroline and she has no idea omg heart broken
ok so like i said drake x morwenna x geoffrey charles were ot3 but i change that it’s capt henshawe x ross x zachy martin
ross and demelza are so worried about caroline i have never related more
oh god ross knows something has to be done do i smell a JAIL BREAK
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go on williams i have been rooting for you since day 1
stop with that next to die bullshit armitage
oh my god they broke dwight
luke norris just shook me to the core can confirm i am crying
imma have a 10 minute break
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ok i am back
ross you legend karl marx would be proud of u
aww the carne siblings i
miss morwenna sam is me
i am pissing sam is literally like the poldark version of grumpy cat
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if they think morwenna is coming back of free will they are WRONG
ok ok ok demelza ur starting to piss me off
like i get what she’s saying about drake morwenna but there’s no need to be so smug bc ur happy and they’re doomed to sadness forever
eh if only the drake x morwenna scene was dwight x caroline the only content i want
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look i love we are getting fed caroline but like can she not have a plot outside romelza
pls tell me what u think in my ask!!!!!!!
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ramblings-of-a-mad-cat · 4 years ago
Gail is a very interesting character. I read the entirety of Remembrance in one sitting and I felt like I was in a dream (a good one). Maybe I'll read it again to understand it better. Care to tell us some random facts about Gail, such as their hobbies, favorites, views on magic and the wizarding world, stuff like that?
Oh my dear anon, before I say anything else, thank you for your kind words! Looking back, I am proud of how the story turned out, though there are definitely some parts where not everything was fully planned out and I kind of think it shows. Still! Hearing people ask after Gail makes me happy, and I don’t get to talk about her Remembrance incarnation quite as often, so this should be fun for me!
I’ve always pictured Gail having a violin and occasionally playing it, but not really for any kind of audience except maybe when she was very little and still in muggle primary school with Ben. I imagine her going off to her room and magically soundproofing it to just vent her feelings by playing. Thankfully it’s not shiny, or Sickleworth would have made off with it a long time ago. Speaking of, I love to imagine the two of them having a love-hate relationship. I don’t know if Ilvermorny has a Quidditch league or anything similar. They might play Quadpot for all we know. That said, I could imagine Gail playing a sport or otherwise trying to stay active. She gives me the vibes of being a Beater or a Seeker. Were she a muggle, I could see her taking ballet. Or kickboxing. Just depends on her mental state at the time.
Gail was sorted into Thunderbird at Ilvermorny, having been given a choice between that or Wampus. She became popular almost immediately, walking with the confidence of one who had cowered under Rakepick. Nothing at this school could phase her. Yet she also carried a kindness that she had developed from having always watched out for Ben, who she missed terribly. That said, I don’t personally believe Gail made too many strong connections while she was at school. It’s sad, but not everyone does, and I feel like most of her bonds during this time were superficial, even though plenty of people wanted to be her friend or even date her. She would have graduated with top grades, because she eventually learned how to work the system and rise to the top, though Gail herself would admit she’s probably not the smartest kid in her graduating class.
You know, I don’t recall if I actually mentioned this or not in the story, and maybe you’ve seen it in screenshots, but she wears glasses. As to the reason? I have a couple of potential things in mind. One thing I know is that Gail is very dyslexic and this makes schooling harder for her. Now, an idea I’ve had in mind is that maybe her particular spectacles are enchanted with a magical “prescription” that rearranges the letters for her, basically counterbalancing the dyslexia. I don’t know if that’s something magic could do, or if that might have problematic implications to include it as a headcanon. If any dyslexic tumblr users out there have thoughts on this, don’t hesitate to let me know. Otherwise, we could additionally say that Gail is far-sighted.
Here’s a fun anecdote. And by fun I mean not so fun. Gail mentions that she once had to talk Nina down from the top of a building. In my head, this was the day that Gail found out about Jacob’s murder. Seeking to perform damage control, Nina seized control of the narrative and made it all about her own guilt. Which to be fair, was genuine. Her self-loathing for what she did to Jacob was always real, but she also wasn’t above using it to manipulate her daughter, and playing it up to turn the tables. Much like Luca, Gail discovering the truth about Jacob’s death is what broke her loyalty to Nina, and it was after she talked Nina down from a suicide attempt that she began to plan with Rakepick. However, she always believed, or wanted to in her heart, that Nina was not truly a bad person, just the wrong choice for Director. That is, until Nina thoughtlessly mentioned sending Gail away during The Challenge. I think that really broke Gail’s heart.
Her views on the Wizarding World and on life in general are a tricky subject. Gail has something in common with Hermione in the sense that one of their shared flaws is faith in what they believe to be right, and a stubborn instinct when it comes to opening their mind. Gail winds up governing R by the end of the story despite being, (in my opinion) a good person who wants to make the world a better place. She refuses to concede the idea that her Red Cloaked friends might be perpetuating something evil, that her views are misguided. This tendency of hers is one that resulted in her relationship with Luca remaining as strained as it did, though whether or not she sticks with R or steps down is something that is not entirely certain moving forward.
Something I potentially want to develop more in future stories or spinoffs is the idea of a villain not wanting to destroy muggles, but assimilate them. That’s what I was going for with my interpretation of R back then, but I kind of wish I had given that more attention. Because to me, that plan is still racist, even if Gail and The Inner Circle would hotly deny this. They genuinely believe they’re doing the right thing and attempting to end all strife. Using Invigorium to turn muggles into witches and wizards. Setting aside that they were doing this to children who could never give informed consent, and doing so with an untested potion...setting aside the strain they were putting on the doorway between the two realms….just, like, compare this to real life.
Imagine if a white person proposed a gambit to release magical chemicals into the air that would turn all people of color white, without their permission or with any way to reverse it. Of course, said white person's motivation was to prevent people of color from facing racism and inequality. That’s the muggle equivalent. Yes, R’s intentions are arguably noble...but their idea of a solution is total and literal erasure. In the future, I really want to adapt or expand on this, because I love the idea of the Remembrance Cult actually being would-be allies who wind up causing more damage than some of the more blatant foes.
Thanks so much for the ask, anon!
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