#And his kingdom of followers going on a series of completely random misadventures :3
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itmeblog · 14 days ago
Once upon a time there was a jester Who painted his skin the color of sun And his hair he did toy, move and pester ‘til strands lay sleeping o’er where bald begun He did a merry smile wear with teeth bared His silly hat jingled and he skipped with flair O! O! The jester comes! He used funny words and spun funny tales And those who did listen were oft regaled With stories of riches vast and frail That must be won just so, else they’d wail At the loss of what was theirs just by birth But the jewels he spoke of had no true worth O!O! The jester comes! But for all the funny things in his tales People did not laugh. Some found his jokes crass But some forgot they were tales at all, failed To see the jewels were words fragile as glass. They became seekers of treasure they claimed! The Candy people was their chosen name. O! O! The jester comes! The jester’s followers were aptly named As the world they sought was sweet as sugar They’d be rich as kings and none would be blamed When they said silly words. they’d be purer Than gold in body and soul and safer Than coins in a vault. They’d all be favored. O! O! The jester comes! The jester told the candy people tales Of brigands, thieves and monsters in the dark. He said walking to their homes along trails Tried and true would see them dead! Their life’s spark Snuffed by hidden hands only he could see. They grew scared of sun, stone, river, and tree. O! O! The jester comes! “There is just one way to be safe and free The candy people must make me their king!” The jester shouted with the utmost glee “I can protect you all from many things! I can slay dragons! I can pull such strings That you’ll never once want for anything!” O! O! The jester comes! The candy people did do as he said And a crown lay upon his balding head His bells still jangled for they’d been fed And bound to his skin where infection spread Ever the jester even as the king And to this day his silly bells still ring! O! O! The jester comes! So Welcome to the Kingdom of Silly The land of jester and candy people! Where everyone lives adventurously And no one questions anything evil Can the jester bring them the promised Land Or is it all destined to go as planned?
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tumblezwei · 4 years ago
Despite how little time I actually have these days to sit down and read anything, I’ve developed quite the long list of manga. Some of it’s popular stuff like AoT or Berserk, and others are just trashy series that I’ll never talk about because I have some level of shame. I don’t know where Im leading with this except to give some kind of context for the random manga I’m about to list off. I’ll put genre and a small synopsis, not all of these are going to be to everyone’s tastes, if any of them are, but I highly recommend each one of them. 
We’re gonna start with my favorite and go down
1. The Faraway Paladin
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William is a shut-in that dies alone in his apartment and is reincarnated as a baby, surrounded by three undead figures: a mummy, a ghost, and a skeleton. The three raise him as their own son and teach him combat and magic as he tries to figure out the reason he was given a second chance. 
fantasy, adventure, isekai
Please don’t let the isekai description deter you, it’s not a harem, or an ecchi anime, or some power fantasy where Will is the chosen one. It’s focus is mostly on family and Will’s connections with other people and how that strengthens him. It’s only got 28 chapters translated right now, so don’t expect a sweeping saga, but it’s still criminally underrated in a space saturated with mediocre fantasy isekai. But if you do like the story and can’t wait, it’s adapted from a light novel. 
Also just, look at my boy, my beautiful son. 
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2. Ebony
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5 years ago, Ebony Vonieck was convicted for the murder of her fiance and sent to a women-only prison, where the guards abused and mistreated the inamtes on a daily basis. Then one day, Archduke Schneider somehow managed to free her from her imprisonment and brought her to his manor, where she was tgiven a warm reception and care that she was not used to. Schneider sees in Ebony a level of intelligence and potential that’s wasted on the patriarchal society of her kingdom, and gives her the oppurtunites to grow her skill and work alongside him. 
historical, fantasy, romance
Honestly it would probably be better to just paste the descriptions as they’re given, but I don’t think either description fits with what this story is. No, this is not a stroy where a man comes in and saves the poor woman from the evil other men and tells her she ~just doesn’t know how special she is~. This is a story about a woman taking her life back after everything was stolen from her, and taking the oppurtunities given to her to rise above her percieved worth and gain confidence in herself. Ebony is a fantastic character, and the story is majorily focused on her growth as a person, rather than her romance with Schneider (which hasn’t even started yet in the chapters that have been translated). 
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3. A Stepmother's Märchen
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At a young age, Shuli was sold off to marry the windowed Marquis of Neuschwanstein and take care of his four children. But suddenly, the Marguis died, leaving Shuli alone in a high society world she knew nothing about. She lived her life under harsh criticism and scorn, even from her own adopted children, until one day she’s pushed down a flight of stairs and dies. But instead of dying, she’s brought back to the day of her husband’s funeral, and begins living her life as the  Marchioness Shuli Von Neuschwanstein, but this time she’s going to do it differently. 
fantasy, romance, drama
At this point you can probably tell my preferences, and guess what this one is going to be about. And you’d be right, it’s about family, rectifying past mistakes, and romance that’s pratically nonexistant because finding out who you are and what you stand for is more important at the moment. Admittedly this one is more on the power fantasy side of Shuli getting to stick it to people who were assholes in previous life, but I still think it’s a good read with some unique and beautiful art. 
4. Mieruko-chan
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All of a sudden, Miko is able to see grotesque monsters all around her; but no one else can. Rather than trying to run away or face them, she instead musters all of her courage and... ignores them. Join in on her day-to-day life as she keeps up her best poker face despite the supernatural goings-on.
comedy, supernatural, horror
This one’s mainly just for fun, and to break up the list so you don;t think all of my faves are the exact same lol. You’ve defintely seen at least a few images from this one, even if you don’t remember where they’re from. It’s mostly a gag/slife of life manga about a girl who can suddenly see ghosts everywhere, and tries to keep them from noticing that she can see them as she goes about her daily life. But what you might not know is that it has...a plot? Kind of? There’s defintely an overarching story going on that’s been taking priorty for the most recent chapters, and it’s defintely what kept the story from going stale on me. Overall it’s a fun read with more depth to it than you’d initially expect. 
5. Yeon Lok Heun
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Yeon grew up disguised as a boy, living in a monk sancuray learning marital arts as her father went on a journey to get revenge on the people who murdered her mother when she was a baby. When her father gets arrested and is about to be excecuted for his crimes, Yeon begs the young Emperor Garyun to take her life instead. The emperor sees potential in this boy and agrees to spare the father in exchange for the boy’s life-long servitude. The manga follows Yeon solving supernatural problems for the Emperor while trying to keep her identity hidden, even as she falls in love. 
historical, fantasy, romance, action
In contrast to the others, however, this one actually isn’t about found family or personal demons, it’s mostly just about Yeon and her supernatural misadventures. And also the romance kind hits you like a freight train. There is no slowburn here, it’s just nonexistant and than WHAM, you’re making frustrated groans at your phone at 2 a.m. because you dorks, you’re in love. It’s fun, a little angsty, and trust me don’t even go into this expecting a breadcrumb trail to the romance just enjoy the story and wait to get hit. 
6. The Emperor and the Female Knight
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Paulina is a bastard daughter of a count that was sold off at a young age and trained as a soldier to fight in the ongoing war between Cukda and Acrea. After 6 years fighting in this war, she’s captured by Acrean soldiers as a prisoner. After seeing her potential and dedication, Lucius, Emporer of Acrea, offers her a chance to work under him in his army. 
historical, fantasy, romance
shut up shut up shut up shut up
I’ll only say one think: twink king supreme and his ginormous, stupidly obvious crush on his butch right hand woman. If you want a romance centering around a masculine woman who’s never given that “Cinderella moment” where she realizes she was “beatiful all along,” and instead stays the entire story as a gruff, buff, battle-hardened badass, then this is the story for you. Incredibly funny, good characters, and a poor man that just wants to smooch Paulina so bad but she’s such a musclehead and doesn’t get it. 
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7. July as Found by Chance
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It starts with Danoh realizing that she has severe gaps in her memory. One minute she’s in class, and the next it’s three days later and she’s in a hospital bed for a check-up on her heart condition. The, she gets flashs of the future, jumbled up images and words that later come true right in front of her eyes. And then she finds the book, with her name inside it. But she’s not the main character, she’s a side character that exists to die. 
romance, drama
Unlike every other manga/manhwa on this list, this one is actually completed. It’s a pretty somber story, about two people that find out they’re characters in a story with a set storyline and no chance of happiness together. It’s mostly about their struggle to find some agency in their situation, no matter how much they’re pulled apart. It’s cute, and sometimes sad, with an incredibly unique take on “characters trapped in a story” that I’ve never seen before and haven’t since. 
And that’s it for now! Each one of these has something unique to offer, in my mind, and deserve a lot more attention than they have. And now you have a glance at what my tastes are lol, if I’m not reading something like this, then it’s something more action oriented or at least more well-known. If you’ve managed to make it to the end, thanks, maybe I’ll do another one of these if people like this one. 
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