#And he's started trying to ambush me in the kitchen
hyacintheros · 2 days
As The World Caves In
|| (Remus Lupin x Fem!Reader)
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Main Masterlist
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: Angst, a little swearing.
P.S: I woke up and craved angst, but is it angsty enough? Let me know!
“Dovey, have you seen the cardigan I bought last month? I’m sure I put it in the wardrobe..” Remus scratches his head, trying to recount his last use of the cardigan.
He ruffles through the wardrobe once more, grabbing at anything that looks remotely similar to the olive yarn. Abandoning his search within the wardrobe, he sets his sights on the dresser, thinking someone may have folded it away.
“I put it in the drawing room yesterday, thought you might’ve gotten cold,” his girlfriend says from the living room, waiting for him to finish up, checking the watch on her wrist. “Darling, we have to hurry! Dumbledore said this meeting’s important,” calling out to Remus, the arms tick closer to a quarter past 8:00 pm. 
Remus grabs his cardigan from the room finally, shrugging it on and meeting her in the living room. “D’you have a tissue? Nose is acting up..” She hands him a tissue from her purse, linking their arms together. “Floo or apparition?” He asks, not sure if she’s up for apparating today. She urges to use the floo, grabbing the green powder. 
Arriving at 12 Grimmauld Place, they’re greeted by Lily and James on the stairs sharing a goblet of pumpkin juice. They’re followed by Peter, coming down the fireplace behind them, Sirius popping out from the kitchen. “We’re getting the band back together!” Sirius jokes about, rarely ever having the gang together due to the circumstances. 
“Will everyone please make their way to the dining room? There are things needing to be discussed.” Dumbledore calls out to them, feeling as if they were all back in Hogwarts again.
As they make their way, the girl falls behind, a portrait of Regulus Black being displayed in the hall. She thinks back to her best friend, a guilty ache in her chest reverberates around. 
“Come on lovey, they’re waiting,” Remus urges her to continue walking, his eyes gazing at the portrait, understanding the grief she felt, pitying the poor boy for his situation. The dining room is filled with a thick, sombre air, no one knowing exactly what would come of this meeting. 
Clearing his throat, Albus starts, “It has come to my attention, through a trusted source, that we are in knowledge of a Death Eater hideout. Multiple, in fact. We must act fast, locations and words always changing. Please arrange yourselves into pairs, each pair will be given a location to ambush.”
Picking partners has always been easy for the group, having done this since potions in first year, the Lupin couple pairs up, while James and Lily take each other, leaving Sirius and Peter together. Albus comes around, giving them a piece of parchment with an address and an estimated number of people within the area.
Looking at theirs, the couple are tasked with going off to the Cambridge countryside, followed by an estimation of 3 of the Dark Lord’s followers within the area.
Thanking Dumbledore, they walk back to the living room preparing for their departure. “I’m just heading up to grab something, give me a moment.” She pecks Remus’ lips and goes up the stairs, her feet dragging her to Regulus’ room. She knocks on the door, knowing there will be no response, yet still doing so in respect for her friend.
Entering the room, she looks at the way he left it, knowing he left something in here for her. Before leaving, he left her a letter, meant for her eyes only. It had stated that she was to keep the necklace he had hidden in his childhood room, destroying it when he gave a signal she would know to look for.
She scours the room, lifting the books and looking behind the shelves, shimmying through the wardrobe, pawing under the bed. She finds the necklace in his potions set that had been tucked away in the dresser.
She hurries back downstairs, hiding the necklace under her shirt. “The brooms are ready, we should head there now if we want to arrive before midnight, love.” Remus grasps her hand, exchanging their goodbyes with their friends and telling each other to stay safe, not knowing the next time they’ll see each other next. 
They mount onto their respective brooms, slowly picking up their pace, flying gently through the night sky. The couple flies side by side, pointing out small things they pass by. “That star looks like you, Rem!” She says, smiling at him. “How could a star look like me??” He asks, confused by her statement. “It just does, don't question it, love,” her eyes look back up to the stars in amazement, never getting enough no matter how many times she’s done this before.
The pair arrive at a cottage 2 hours later, keeping their heads low and their ears open, hiding within the bushes. Lights are on in the small cottage, low chatter emitting from the window. Remus looks at the girl, signalling her to approach with him.
Getting to the back of the home, they enter quietly through a bedroom window, manoeuvring themselves throughout the house. Finally, they bust into the hallway leading to the living room, wands out and at the ready.
“Look who's come to play! Treasure? What are you doing here? You're wasting yourself away with the Order..?” Barty Crouch Jr, her dear friend whom she hasn't seen since graduation stands in front of her, putting down his wand at the sight of her. Evan Rosier, who had been a part of their Slytherin group is positioned next to him, also lowering his own wand.
“Junior.. Evan? What are you two doing here? Don't tell me you're with him…” The girl slowly walks over to them, Remus grabbing her arm to stop her. “Darling, don't go near them!” She rips her arm from him, her chest heavy with confusion at why she feels this way.
“Where's Reggie? Are you both alright, do they treat you well?” She hugs the two boys, terrified at the predicament they were placed in. One boy being forced into this by his family name, the other joining to spite his father.
“We're okay.. Regulus is okay, should be outside scanning the perimeter, we're just stationed here to keep an eye out. You joined the Order- still with the Lupin boy I see,” Evan speaks up, leaning his head to look at Remus briefly. 
“Remus, what are we to do? We can't hurt them..” The girl turns back to her boyfriend, wanting his opinion on the matter, knowing how much she values her friends. Remus sighs, thinking about how terribly complicated things just got. He pinches the bridge of his nose, then inhaling greatly.
“We can’t take them back with us, their mark will haunt them, love. Unless they decide they really want to change, we can't do anything for them.” He tells his girlfriend, trying to work this situation in his head for the best possible outcome.
“I will not leave them, not in his hands. There must be something we can do Rem..” She looks at the two boys. “Do you two truly wish to stay and be a part of the Dark Lord’s mission..? Tell me it isn't true.”
Barty looks at her with guilt in his eyes, “We can't leave, treasure, he'll always find us… we'll be okay, isn't that right Rosie?” Evan assures the girl, not wanting to make her upset.
She grabs onto Evan’s shoulder's, begging him to allow her to take them to a safe house, the thought of her closest friends being a part of something so horrid making her heart squeeze.
Remus looks at his girlfriend, his own heart pouring out for her, still doing his best to think of a way out of this for the boys. At that moment, a green cloud of smoke booms outside, the four of them going out of the cottage in a haste, trying to figure out the source.
A dark mark hangs in the air, meaning only one thing. The appearance of the Dark Lord. In a haste, the girl hands off the necklace to Remus, not giving much time to explain why she has it. She pulls him in for a kiss, one deeper than the couple has ever shared before.
“There isn't much time, Remus. Please understand that whatever I've done, I've done for you, for your own safety. I love you, solely and dearly.. when you look up into the sky, please be reminded of how bright you shine, of how dear you are to those around you. Forgive me for what I have to do. There are letters in my dresser, please deliver them.. I will keep you in my heart, forever and always.”
She doesn't give him any time to respond, kissing him once more and holding him in her arms for the last time. Regulus, hearing the commotion, apperates closer, now seeing the guests they have. There is no time for reunions, instead having to take their sides in the war. 
“My my… How cute, a small little gathering of sorts! So sorry to be a party crasher, but it seems that someone isn't supposed to be here..” Voldemort turns to Remus, eyes full of darkness.
“Come my dear, it's time to go.” The Dark Lord holds his hand out for the girl to take. She walks up, looking back to Remus with regretful eyes, tears spilling from them. Barty, Evan, and Regulus follow behind them, needing to leave with their Lord.
Remus calls out, desperate and terrified. Why would his darling girl, his angel, walk away willingly with the Dark Lord? His heart physically clenches, cheeks covered in shed tears, hands trembling and he falls on his knees, the necklace she gave him still in his hands. 
The group had apperated away long ago, while Remus still sobs on the grass of the Cambridge countryside, shedding away his cardigan due to the pure panic and heat he felt in his body, trying to relieve some part of him. He racks his mind for anything that had happened within the past few months that could have been deemed suspicious, not being able to find anything.
He stays there for hours, running out of tears at some point, staring at the place he last saw her before they apperated. It's almost dawn now, the sun rising and the wind blowing. He can't bear being here, needing to find his way back. 
Grabbing the brooms the two had arrived on, be apperates back to 12 Grimmauld Place, knowing The location like the back of his hand for all the wrong reasons. He collapses onto the couches in the living room, sobbing once more.
“Remus! Remus, what happened? Where is she?” Sirius says, referring to Remus’ girlfriend, noticing she didn't come back with him. Remus sobs even harder into Sirius’ chest, hugging him like a vice.
Remus was the last to come back from the mission, everyone else had finished things hours ago, praying to Merlin for the safety of the Lupin couple. Yet seeing only Remus come back terrified them.
He cries and sobs into Sirius’ chest for a few more minutes, finally calming down enough to say, “She went with them.. with Regulus, Barty, and Evan.. Voldemort took them away.. She walked into his arms!”
Anger overtakes him, how could his girlfriend betray them in such a way, claiming to love him, then walking away with the Dark Lord and his followers. Lily hugs Remus, still not entirely sure what to make out of this. 
“Before leaving, she gave me this.. What the fuck do I do with this!?” He cries out, confused, heartbroken, and fuming. Dumbledore takes the necklace to inspect.
“It seems to be a horcrux.. Terribly dark magic. Did she say anything else, Remus?” Dumbledore asks, needing to know the lore behind said necklace. Remus shakes his head, trying to make sense of everything. James supports his friend, holding him as he processes.
“She left letters in her dresser.. I need to go and retrieve them-” Remus is cut off by Sirius, “I will grab them, dresser you said?" The boy heads to the floo, calling out to the Lupin cottage.
Remus, still distraught by the whole situation, feels the need to throw up, cry until he passes out, and curl into a ball and sleep it all away, praying this is some fucked up nightmare.
Sirius is back, five letters in hand, addressed to Remus, James, Peter, Lily, and himself. He distributes it to their respective owners, terrified to read it.
Remus practically rips his letter open, dying for some form of comfort and explanation. It reads:
“To My Darling Remus,
What I have done has hurt you, and I know that no matter what I say, it will never satisfy your heart, so I will explain everything the best I can. 
Regulus had always confided in me at school, and I couldn't let the poor boy be alone in his situation. We couldn't help him the same way we did with Sirius, so I made the decision to join in hopes to protect Regulus.
The Dark Lord had figured out my relationship with the Order, demanding I make a sacrifice, or else he'd kill you. I couldn't allow that to happen, you deserve to live a life full of happiness, even if that isn't what you believe.
If everything has gone right, I have given you a necklace. Bring it to Dumbledore, Regulus has explained to me that it's a horcrux, holding a part of the Dark Lord’s soul in it. When destroyed, it will weaken him. Tell Albus that the sword must be pulled.
I need you to understand that what we had was real, and I will forever cherish you. Your laugh, your smile, your books, your cardigans, your moon. I love you, Remus. I love you like the sun loves the moon. I love you like a moth to a flame. Please live your life to the fullest, and don't have any regrets.
Forever, your love.”
Remus shakes, his whole body quivering, her tears drenching his cardigan and his sniffles taking over the room. After gripping his tears back, trying to lock them away behind his eyes, he says to Dumbledore, “The sword must be pulled.”
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teaboot · 2 months
Is Ollie doing alright?
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gojonanami · 1 month
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pairing: satoru gojo x reader
summary: you come home after a long day of work unable to find the person you call home anywhere — until you reach the bedroom.
warnings: 18+ suggestive, fluff, comfort, some angst, implications of the shinjuku showdown arc, implied gojo is no longer a sorcerer, gojo is your househusband, taking a bath together, taking care of him, copium really, satoru being a silly man
w/c: 1,184
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“I’m home!”
You call into your home, the clatter of your keys and shoes as you shedded the things that chained you to the outside to submerge yourself in your oasis and into his arms. But as you got no reply, you stepped into your living room, scanning over the kitchen, to find no one.
Now where was your home?
“Satoru?” you called, heart skipping a slight beat, he was always waiting for you when you got home, usually on the couch or maybe in the kitchen the clank of the knife as he chopped away. Or even the many times that he was waiting by the door to only ambush you with kisses. But this time, nothing.
You rounded the corner to the hallway and peeked into your bedroom to find him asleep. You crept closer, careful not to wake him, and yup, he was fast asleep. His pretty snow white lashes resting against his cheeks, his chest slowly rising and falling as the soft sounds of his breaths parted his lovely lips.
You could watch him sleep for hours. You knew he never did enough of it before, and you’d argue he still didn’t do enough of it now. He always said he was fine sleeping 6 hours since it was twice as much as he usually got — and now he was working at home, so he could be ease.
But even so, you know he needed more.
As if he senses your thought, he stirs, starry blue eyes finding yours as he flutters sleep from his gaze, “sweetheart?” He’s murmuring, voice still beautifully raspy from sleep, “when did you get home?” He’s shifting to get up, but you use gentle hands to ease him back, “I haven’t started on dinner yet, sweets—“
“I got it, Toru,” you’re running your fingers through his hair, “just rest, baby,” and a protest is already on his lips, “let me guess what you did today — cleaned the house from roof to floor, stocked us on groceries, cooked lunch for me for the week, and probably a million other things,” you lean down to press a kiss to his forehead, “I think I can handle dinner for one night at least,”
He’s pouting now, “but you just got home from work, Princess, what kind of househusband would I be—“ and you can’t help but laugh, he loved his self appointed title of househusband, especially since it was one he had chosen for himself, and he took any opportunity — even now to call himself that.
“I think even the absolute best househusbands need a break, and should listen to their wives, since I’m the one you want to pamper so much,” and his lips party in protest, but you’re leaning down to kiss them and his pout away, “let me take care of you, Toru,”
He’s sighing, as he leans up to press his forehead to yours, “and does your offer include a bath, sweetheart?”
“Y’know sometimes I feel guilty,” and you pause in your massage of his head, fingers tangled in his hair, suds from the bath you’d drawn for him covering both of your bodies as he leans against you in your tub, back pressed flush to yours.
“Guilty about what?” you ask, holding your tongue on the million reasons why he shouldn’t.
“For so long, I was the strongest,” he gives a small chuckle, “and it was fun, sometimes. But it was mostly lonely,” he leans back to look up at you, a small grin on his lips, “except when I was with you,” your lips curl, “and now I get to be with you, and I get to stay home — and the worst thing I have to do are the dishes,” and you snort.
“I told you I’d do them if you hate them so much,”
But he’s shaking his head, “Sometimes I think trying to deal with our cast iron is worse than fighting Sukuna—“ and you roll your eyes, “but there’s always this urgency that I have to be doing more. Telling me to keep going, moving, fighting—“
“You’ve done enough, Toru, more than enough,” your fingers cup his cheek, “too much, honestly. It’s okay to rest now. You’ve done your part—“
“Didn’t you or someone say jujutsu is like a marathon, a baton pass?” Your fingers run through his white locks, before you shift yourself to sit in his lap instead, “the marathon is over, racers have packed up and gone home, and the finish line has been crossed,” your fingers rest on the back of his neck, tracing his undercut, “and that’s because of you and all you did to fight and raise up the next generation,” you say softly, and he’s pressing his head to your forehead.
“Is it okay for me to rest now?” and you’re pulling him into your arms, hoping your touch conveys what your words can’t.
“Yes, it is, Satoru,” you’re pressing soft kisses to his neck, “you don’t need to be the strongest. You’re Satoru Gojo, and that’s all I want,” and he leans back, “you’re all I want,”
“Is that a proposal?” And you snort.
“We’re already married, weirdo—“ and his lips find yours, as they always did, his arms around your bare waist, as the water shifted and splashed, but you could barely feel anything except his lips against yours and the circle of his thumb against the small of your back.
He finally pulls away, a genuine smile on his lips, “And you married this weirdo,” and you chuckle, tracing his jaw with your finger, “you’re stuck with me for life,”
“Promise?” And he’s kissing you again in an instant, stealing your breath like he did the first time you met him all those years ago at jujutsu tech. And you knew you’d never love anyone else — not like him.
Satoru’s arms wrap around you from behind as the two of you towel off after your bath, “what are we having for dinner?”
“Well someone insisted on me being in here with him, so I had to order out,” and he’s grinning, as he nuzzles your neck.
“Whoopsie, hehe,” and he’s humming, as he tugs your hips against his, the friction drawing a gasp from your lips, “can we have dessert first?”
“It is dessert. We’re having ice cream for dinner—“ and he’s kissing you again, but this time it’s languid and messy — all tongue and teeth, until he’s pulling away with a smirk at your breathless face.
“I want something sweeter, wife,” and you smile.
“Think you can finish before the delivery gets here?” And he’s already picking you up with ease in his arms, pinned under him in a moment, as his ocean blues flash with mischief from between your thighs.
“I can, but I don’t know if you’ll be done by then.” He says cheekily, as you only sigh.
If there was one thing that would always be true is that you would always be weak to Satoru Gojo — but not his abilities, but who he is.
Your husband.
“Let’s see, hm?”
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a/n: I’m real upset about the leaks and this is my coping. I needed this.
taglist: @staryukis, @cloverlilies, @asgoodasdead666, @strawmariee, @chuuyasboots, @forest-fruits-jam, @catsgomurp, @rat-loves, @hanlay, @risuola, @spider-fan72, @sunamatic, @difficultdomains
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hawkinsbnbg · 23 days
Housemates Steddie and their domestic (sex) life.
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Once they became housemate, Eddie would bend Steve over any available surface in their apartment to fuck him or simply eat him out.
And Steve would let him. Every single time.
It all started when Eddie sidled up behind him one evening when he was cooking in the kitchen, grabbing his waist, and griding the hard cock into his ass through his flimsy shorts.
Steve had turned off the stove right there and then and the next thing he knew, he was being bent over the counter, mewling and trembling as Eddie filled him up to the brim.
No one ever had him this way before, and Steve wasn’t sure he’d be able to stop Eddie even if he tried. Because it was too good for him to do so now.
Steve’s eyes rolled back and hands fisted the sheets as Eddie mercilessly pounded into him from behind while chanting ‘mine, mine mine’ the whole time.
An hour ago, Steve had been ambushed right in his bedroom. One second he was changing his clothes, and one second later, Eddie was on him.
His jockstraps were the trigger this time.
And by the look of it, Eddie had been affected more than he expected. The best and the worst thing was that Eddie had played with him until Steve cried and begged for his cock like a bitch in heat.
“The condom–” He choked on his breath when Eddie hammered his prostate relentlessly. It took him a few seconds to remember what he was trying to say.
“Eddie,” he moaned and slapped the other’s forehead weakly.
“Yeah, sweetheart?” A raspy voice sounded in his ear, so rough and full of gravel.
“Take off the condom,” Steve glanced back at his housemate, meeting the dark gaze that gave him chills.
Eddie didn’t even think to ask him to confirm it again. In the blink of an eye, Steve was on his back with Eddie between his legs, fully naked and intimating.
Then Eddie leaned down, hot lips capturing him in a bruising kiss, strong hands holding him tightly, not giving him any chance to escape until bottoming out inside him once more.
Steve curled his toes and arched his back, muscles flexing and clenching as he felt Eddie’s bare cock for the first time.
‘So hot’ was all he could think before Eddie started moving at a brutal pace and he knew no more.
When Eddie finally pulled out, the cum immediately leaked from his gaping hole.
“Think it’d catch this time, baby?” Eddie pressed a hand on his tummy, making his spent cock give a valiant twitch.
“Dunno,” Steve whimpered.
And tried to squirm away when Eddie proceeded to finger fucked all the cum back inside him, but was pinned down with ease.
“We gotta make sure,” Eddie muttered, eyes transfixed on Steve’s puffy pink hole that was sucking his fingers greedily.
“Then you should fuck me again,” Steve mumbled and knew he was in trouble when those wild eyes snapped up to meet his own.
As if fueled by his words, Eddie grabbed his waist in a vice-like grip and slammed inside him in one smooth motion, knocking all of his breath away.
“You’re so good for me, sweetheart,” Eddie whispered heatedly. “No more running, no more denying, you’re mine now.”
“And forever,” Steve wrapped his shaky limbs around Eddie’s neck and hips.
Yeah,” Eddie ground into his prostate, eliciting a breathless moan from him, “forever.” And licked into his parted lips.
Eddie didn't let him go until he blacked out from overstimulation.
From that night onward, Steve learned the hard way that he shouldn’t have provoked his boyfriend in the first place, especially when Eddie could go on and on without breaking a sweat.
Because the only broken thing here was Steve’s ass.
(And yet, he was also the one who would whine loudly if Eddie didn't breed him every day.)
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kmt123whatsthetea · 6 months
The art of having kids
Fred Weasley x reader x George Weasley
Requested by: @jelloangela
Request gist: “Overstimulation and breeding with the Weasley twins”
A/N: Thanks for the request! When it comes to the twins, magic must be real cause I'm under some sort of horny spell lol. I don't know why this one took me so long, writer's block has me in a choke hold.
T/W: Breeding, Overstimulation, Praise, sweet nicknames (I went for one's different than usual), a teeny bit of nipple play (thought I’d add a warning anyway), no aftercare
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The day had been such a drag at the joke shop. Normal customers looking at the same old stock. The twins had been at the till all day just people watching. At around 4pm, a couple came in with a small boy. The boy looked so excited by all the colours and noises that the shop provided. He was giggling and touching everything in his reach. His parents trailed behind him, putting everything back in its designated place.
Normally, customers touching things and putting them down would be one of the worst things a retail worker could come across, but this kid was so adorable. After the small family had left, the twins turned to each other. The shared look only meant one thing, you were in for a rough night.
You had been upstairs in the flat above the shop preparing dinner for when the twins locked up. At first when you hear them running up the stairs, you thought something bad was happening, like a fire or a howler from Mrs Weasley.
The twins practically burst through the door and pulled you out of the kitchen, directing you towards the bedroom before you could even ask questions. Fred was in front of you pulling you by yours hands while George was behind you pushing you with eager hands on your waist. They often got like this, where they’d just ambush you and start tugging at whatever you were wearing.
Fred sat on the edge of the bed, pulling you to stand between his legs while George trapped you there with his slim body. Fred tugged your jeans down along with your underwear, George pulled your blouse up. Both twins worked towards the same thing, getting you as bare as possible, as quick as possible.
When they achieved their goal of getting you naked, they both watched you the same way a hungry owl would watch a lost baby bunny, just waiting to strike with sharp talons. Fred stood up, pushing you onto the bed in his place. The boys stripped off their suits until they both stood before you in their underwear.
“Isn’t our girl so pretty and perfect, Georgie? She’s gonna make an amazing mother”
Fred’s words caught you off guard a little, but didn't put you off. George sat next to you and tutted at his brother.
“Freddie, you’re gonna scare our pretty girl away. How does it sound, angel? Being a pretty mummy for our babies? We’ll keep you so full of our cum until it takes, until you become so round and swollen. Just think of how perfect you’d look with a swollen tummy all because of us”.
George always had a way of talking you into kinky situations. Fred has always been the one to jump at the chance to try a new kink, whereas George would sit you down and discuss it first. He’d give you those puppy dog eyes that only he could and you’d be nodding, eager to try it. And nothing changed this time around.
You nodded, giving the boys the green light to do whatever they pleased. George's lips connected with your neck while Fred snaked his hands to your thighs, pulling your legs around his hips. Fred moved his tip up and down your slit, bumping it against your clit in an effort to get you wetter. George left marks along the skin of your neck while his hand made its way to rub over your nipples, which were slowly hardening beneath his rough fingers.
When Fred felt you were wet enough, he pushed in. Even when he was balls deep, he didn't stop to let you adjust. Fred had always claimed that you never needed to adjust, because they fucked you on a daily basis.
His thrusts were slow but deep, wanting to keep as much on his cock buried inside of you as he could. His hands gripped your hips, keeping you exactly where he wanted you. George's lips moved along your neck and up to your ear.
“Does he feel good, baby? You like having him deep in that little pussy? I bet you do. We’re gonna take care of you. Can’t have the mother of our children lifting a finger, now can we?”
The thought of the twins getting you pregnant caused a moan to slip past your lips. Both boys knew that they had won you over. They'd keep you bed bound until there was a positive pregnancy test if they had to. Fred’s thrusts slowly got quicker, while his hand moved to rub at your clit. He always did that when he got the chance to fuck you, loving the way your walls squeezed around him.
Fred’s eyes locked onto yours, his breath coming out in groans.
“You wanna cum, pretty baby? Get my cock all nice and wet and I’ll fuck a baby into you”
His fingers got quicker circling your clit, and then it hit you. Your walls squeezed Freds cock as you came. George kept his hand busy with your tits while whispering sweet words in your ear. But Fred didn’t slow down. His thrusts stayed the same rhythm, which eventually led to your moans turning to whines and your legs trying to close around his waist to stop the onslaught of pleasure. Fred held your thighs apart, while George directed your attention onto him with his voice.
“Sweet girl, if you want Freddie to fill you up, you need to stay still. Don't want him to pull out, do you?”
Although the pain was intertwined with the pleasure, you still shook your head at the very thought of him pulling out. Fred kept going, slowly bringing you to the brink again. All it took was another orgasm from you to make his thrusts turn sloppy and his cock pulse. With a low groan, he buried himself deep within your pussy, making sure every last drop of his cum would stay inside of you where it belonged. After catching his breath, he turned to George.
“Get up here, it’s gonna all leak out when I pull out”
George got up from his place next to you to stand beside his brother. As soon as Fred pulled out, George pushed in. Fred sat next to you, trying to gently shush the whimper that threatened to escape your lips. George slowly built up to a quick pace, his eyebrows furrowing at Fred who was rubbing your clit.
“Fred, she can't handle more. I bet in this state, she couldn't even tell us apart”.
George was always the caregiver. While Fred insisted that you could take more, always drawing another orgasm from you, George was the one who would be reluctant to push you. It wasn't that he didn't like seeing you in such a blissed out state or didn't think you could handle an orgasm or two, he didn’t like those little pouts and whimpers when the pleasure morphed with pain.
“Oh come on Georgie, our girl can handle it. She’s not made of glass, she can take it. Can’t you, sweets?”
Even after a couple of orgasms, you weren’t completely in subspace. You nodded at George, hoping to ease his worries.
“Please Georgie, I can take it. I want you to fill me up. Please Georgie?”
How could George ever say no to you?
His thrusts got rougher, desperate to give you what you asked. That building pleasure was quick to release, giving you your third orgasm of the night. George kept thrusting, although somewhat reluctantly. When he felt his own orgasm approaching, his thrusts got more manic. Soon, his cum spurted inside of you, mixing with both your own juices and Fred cum. George slowly pulled out, while Fred picked your underwear up and slipped in back up your legs. He was determined to keep it all inside you.
Even if it didn't take the first time, you could always try again the next night.
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wandanatsthings · 4 months
Hey guys so this post might contradict my last but this is something I struggled with and thought others might be able to relate So I thought i'd share. Hope you enjoy it, feedback is always welcomed. New writer. 
(P.s Im dyslexic i'm trying my best) 
Word count: 2.7k 
Warnings: Mentions of body type/weight (not specific #), not eating, speaks of being ambushed but does not go into detail. Working out, angst and fluff. Missing S/O. Cursing.  Panic attack maybe?/ breaking down sobbing. Stress. I think that’s it. Please let me know if I  miss anything :) 
Summary: Reader stressed out and doesn’t have an appetite while Wanda and Natasha are away on a mission. 
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Y/n Pov
You had just gotten home from a long day at work where nothing had gone your way. It started with the mission reports that you swore you had completed going missing. You had torn almost your whole office apart looking for them. You just could not find them. You had finally accepted the fact that your work day would be spent redoing mission reports. When you got word that you would be sent on a mission to receive some data from Hydra that SHIELD needed. You usually didn’t complain about going on missions but with the mission reports that needed to be redone on top of the report you were going to have to write for this mission to say you were dreading it would be the least, but you packed up, got on your suit and went outside to the landing pad where the quin-jet was right there waiting for you.
When you got there you were able to get the files you needed. The problem only came when you were trying to leave. The heater sensor on your suit detected hydra agents right where you needed to go to get to the jet and by your heat sensor flashing red like crazy you could tell that there were a lot of them. You took a deep breath and started to walk towards them. The closer you got you could count that it was a total of 10 of them. “I can do this,” you said to yourself. The agent closest to you was to the right with his back turned so he couldn’t see you. You decided that now would be a good time to try out your girlfriend's widow bites that she had given you weeks prior. You threw one out towards him and watched it take effect.
That went well you thought but as you went to do the same to the other agents that had their backs to you, You had been spotted. They all came running towards you, some with their weapons drawn, others ready to avenge you with their fist. Luckily after a long gruesome fight, you were able to get back to the jet with all the information Furry needed. You had some scrapes and bruises but honestly, you didn't care. All you wanted to do was get back to Nat and Wanda. After the long shitty day you had, you decided that the mission reports could wait until a later date. When you got back to the Avengers compound furry was already waiting for you at the landing pad with his hand out for the flash drive that contains all the information SHIELD required.
“Do you have the file and what the hell happened to you?” furry said with a curious look on his face. “Yes I have the files and to answer your question I was ambushed.” You said anxiously to get back to your living corridors to shower and finally be with your girlfriends. “Well are you okay?” he asked. Now furry wasn't the type to show his emotions but you had become his daughter much like Natasha so it didn’t surprise you when he voiced his concerns. “Yes I'm fine, just a couple of scrapes and bruises, nothing I can’t handle.” you reassured him. “Okay well, if it becomes anything more go see Dr. Banner and thank you.” With that, he walked away to go wherever furry goes and you headed to your floor where you hoped your lovers would be waiting for you.
When you got there though you were surprised to hear that the house was fully quiet. Are they home? You wondered. To answer your question, you walked farther into the kitchen and you saw a note on the counter. You grab the note, open it and what you read makes your heart sink. “Hi Detka, we're sorry we are not there to welcome you home. We got called on a short mission and should be back by the end of tonight to have dinner with you. Also, I (Wanda) made your favorite for lunch. It's in the fridge, heat it when you're ready. Xoxo Wands & Natty.” You put the note back down on the counter with a sigh. You understood how random missions could be. I mean you just went on an unexpected one yourself but you really wanted your girlfriends to hold you after the crappy day you had and they weren't here. Now you know that's not their fault but you couldn't help but feel just a little disappointed. You walked to the fridge to get the lunch your sweet witch had made for you and when you pulled it out you saw yet another note sitting on top of the cling wrap plate. You took the note off the plate and put it into the microwave so it could heat while you read the note. “Hi Detka, I hope you got our first note again we're sorry but I made your favorite. We love you!” You smiled at that. You love that they took the time to leave you notes. To you, it showed how much of a priority they thought you were.
By the time you finished reading the love-filled note, you heard the microwave beep. You got the food out, stopped by the drawer by the sink to grab yourself a spoon, and made your way to the dining room table to enjoy a meal that your wonderful girlfriend made. It made you chuckle when you thought back to how Wanda specified that it was her who made it. Both of you know that Natasha couldn’t cook to save her life. When You take the cling wrap off of the plate. Your stomach turned. It wasn’t the food. No, the food looked amazing. It was you. For some reason, you couldn’t bring yourself to eat it. Now this wasn’t new to you. Anytime you had a bad day or things felt out of your control you just wouldn’t have an appetite. It had gotten better when you met your girlfriends. They would always listen to your venting and be there when you needed them. You hadn’t had this problem in a while when they were around. But you were a 24 y/o woman. You were sure you could handle a little stress without your girlfriends coming to your rescue. So you put up the food to come back to it later. While you were waiting for your appetite to come back around you decided to go take a shower and start on all the mission reports you had to get done.
A few hours had passed and it was almost dinner time. You had gotten so caught up in doing your mission reports that you hadn’t even realized that your loves were not back yet. With that, you got up to go ask Tony where they were to see if he had any updates. On your way to Tony’s lab, you stopped at the kitchen to get a water bottle, When you opened the fridge you saw your lunch still sitting there untouched “I'm gonna eat it later.” You said to yourself. When you got to Tony's lab you saw him hunched over looking at what looked like to be floor plans, for what you had no idea but you learned early on in your time here to never ask.
“Hey Tony,” you said approaching him. He looks up from what he’s doing and acknowledges you. “Hey kid, whatcha up too?” “Nothing much, um I was wondering if you had any update on Nat and Wanda? They were supposed to be back by now.” You replied. “No, why do you guys have a hot date planned or something?” He said winking at you. “No, Tony was just wondering where they were.” You say annoyed. He laughs and says “Okay okay um maybe ask Steve? He should know.” “Okay, thank you asshole.” You say with a slight smile on your face as you walk away. “Your welcome ass-hat.” You hear him yell. Although he was a pain in your ass 90% of the time you love the red tin man. You got on the elevator to go find Steve only to realize you had no idea where he was so you asked Friday. “Hey Friday, where’s Steve?” “Steve Rogers is in the gym agent y/l/n.” they reply. “Thanks, Friday.” You say back as you push the gym floor button on the elevator. When you arrive you walk in to see him punching a punching bag. He immediately notices you. “Hey, y/l/n what can I do for you?” He says “Hey cap I was wondering if you had any update on Wanda and Natasha. They said they were going to be back by dinner time. Any idea on where they are?” He looks at you with a sad look on his face. “Yeah, I'm sorry y/n their mission turned out to be not as easy as we thought and they're gonna have to go undercover for a week. Maybe more.” When you hear this your heart drops for a second time this day. “Okay, thanks, Steve.” You say sadly. “You welcome y/n.” He says with a frown on his face knowing how hard it is for you when the 2 red heads are away. When you get back to your floor you decide to call it a night exhausted from the day you've had. As soon as your head hits the pillow you're asleep dreaming that your girlfriends are in the bed with you. While the meal in the fridge sat there waiting to be eaten.
2 weeks. 2 weeks had passed since you saw your girlfriends and since you had a full proper meal. With the stress of work and missing your lovers, you had barely eaten anything more than an apple here and there with some water. Along with that, you had been working out to try and keep your mind off of the fact you hadn’t even talked to them in 2 weeks since it was an undercover no-contact mission. So it was no surprise that that's where you were when they came home.
Wanda’s Pov
When we finally got home after 2 weeks of being undercover all we both wanted was you, food, and a shower. You being the main goal though but when we came into the house it was quiet. We called out to you but no one answered. It was rare that when we returned from the mission you didn’t come running into our arms so excited that we were home so we then decided to ask Friday where you were. “Hey Friday, where's y/n?” “Welcome home Ms. Maximoff and Ms. Romanov. Agent y/l/n is in the gym currently.” They said, “Okay thanks Friday.” I said looking towards Natasha “Let's shower and stuff and then we can go get her and have dinner together.” I say. She nods towards me and says. “Sounds like a plan.” We then make our way to our bathroom to shower.
Nats Pov
After Wands and I shower I headed into the kitchen to get some water while she put on lotion. When I went into the fridge I was surprised to see that the meal Wanda made you still sat in the fridge untouched beside the note being gone. I then looked around more in the fridge to find that nothing else had been touched either. Everything was in the same place as how we left it 2 weeks ago. I then looked around the entire kitchen to come up with the same results. So I called Wanda out here to tell her what I had found and with one look we both raced to the gym to find you. When we got there we could see you through glass, running on the treadmill but when we walked fully inside the sight we saw broke our hearts. You were thin. Like unhealthily thin. Now you weren't even overweight to begin with so with all the working out and barely eating it was enough that within 2 weeks you looked sickly. At the sound of Wanda's gasp when she saw you. You finally noticed them standing there.
Y/n Pov
I was running on the treadmill with my headphones on when I looked up and saw the women I had been longing for for the past 2 weeks. I quickly shut off the treadmill and ran towards them. When I finally reached them I just hugged them, they immediately both hugged me back but something felt off. When I looked up at their faces both of them had tears in their eyes. I let go a little and asked them “What's wrong, Is everything okay? Are you guys hurt?” I say checking over them frantically. When I'm satisfied with my check I look up to them and what comes out of Wanda’s mouth makes my stomach turn."Have you been eating?” she says shakily “What do you mean? Of course, I've been eating.” I say getting a little defensive. “No you haven't’ the meal Wanda left for you before we left is still there and nothing has been moved in the kitchen or the refrigerator. Is everything okay? Are you sick?” Natasha asks. As soon as she asks that You break down in tears. All of the stress of the weeks prior catching up with you all at once. “I'm sorry, I'm so sorry,” You say sobbing and falling to the floor. Wanda and Nat both catch you before you can reach the floor and bring you into their laps just holding you and whispering sweet nothings. When you've finally calmed down Natasha is the first one to speak. “Do you wanna tell us what's going on or would you like to talk about it later?” “No, we can talk about it now,” You say, your scratchy voice from crying.
While you're preparing yourself to tell them everything from the past weeks you feel both of them kiss your forehead and that's what gives you the strength to start talking. “Um before you guys left I had been having a rough day. My mission reports had gone missing and they were due soon and I had got sent on a mission that was supposed to be easy but then I got ambushed.” As you say that Wanda interrupts you and asks “Are you okay, did you need to go to medical?” while checking over you just like you had done minutes ago to the both of them.“I'm fine don’t worry,” You say kissing her hands you then continue. “As I was saying I was ambushed and all I wanted was you guys when I got home and you weren’t there. And don't apologize I can feel you both getting ready too. I understand unexpected missions happen and that is not your fault. When I realized you were not there I saw your first note on the counter which I love. When you leave me notes by the way but then I made my way to the fridge to get lunch. I had all intentions of eating it but when I sat down to eat it I just couldn’t.” You then go on to explain to them that when you're stressed out and when things get out of your control you lose your appetite.
After you're finished talking, Wanda begins to speak. “We are so sorry you had to go through that alone, but as long as we're your girlfriends you won’t ever again have to. Maybe we can talk to Bruce and find you some new coping skills to cope with the stress.” She says “Yeah, what do you think about that sweet girl?” Natasha asks you. You look up at them with so much love in your eyes. “I think that’s a great idea, thank you guys,” You said, giving each of them a kiss. “No problem zolotse,” Natasha says with a smile on her face. “How about we get some lunch?” says Wanda. You look up at them with a small bit of fear on your face having not eaten in 2 weeks you were scared of how your stomach would react. “Don't worry love, we’ll be right here with you.” You hear Wanda say. With that, you all start to make your way to your floor to enjoy lunch. With you thinking that no matter how stressed you got you will always have your girlfriends to make it better.
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1800jjbarnes · 1 year
𝐈 𝐍𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐘𝐨𝐮 | 𝐁𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬
【Synopsis】 : Turns out being snowed in with your crush was a blessing in disguise.
『Word count』 :  788
Paring: Avengers!Bucky x Avengers!Reader
[Warnings] : The reader gets hurt, Bucky is hopelessly in love, some angsty in your feels but overall just one big sob fest.
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It was just one hit after another. Everything that could go wrong went wrong. It was supposed to be a great Christmas. You had planned on making it back to the compound just before any festive things happened. A simple mission, in and out, with Bucky.
But the snow set in too fast, leaving you and Bucky racing for a cabin. a safe house of Tony's, in order to wait out the storm. For a moment you thought that the heavy powder would let up but the fifth hour. Little did you both know, the weather wasn’t going to be kind to you, leaving snow to build upon all the exists and roads for miles.
“Well Guess it’s just you and me Doll.” James smiled while staring out the window at all the built up snow. That was only two days ago now… You’ve been stuck with him, and everything that could go wrong went wrong. Power out for a couple hours, the water system running cold for a day and to top it off, you fell over from melted snow seeping out one of the kitchen windows that was left opened, leaving you with a sprained shoulder and bruised leg, open top of your already formed injuries from the ambush you had in the mission. Bucky lit a fire in the fireplace to keep the house alight —thank god the heating was still working—. He went around lighting all the candles he could find, making the cabin glow in a light orange hue.
He told you to go for a shower to help your sprain but when you tried taking off your clothes you couldn't get your shirt over your head. Everything was so wrong, and all you wanted was a perfect Christmas but all you got was being stuck with a guy you had a huge crush on since you were a trainee and sore limbs. You contemplated for a while, leaning against the sink, in your underwear and shirt hooked off one arm. Tears breaking from your eyes, you hiccupped before calling out.
“Bucky….Jammeeesss!!!!” You called louder the second time in hopes you can get his attention. He came immediately stopping right outside the bathroom door.
“Doll…You okay.” He held out the door handle, calling out the nickname he gave when since you first met. He could hear your sniffles, and feel the vibrations of your heartbeat on his ears, wanting nothing more than to help you. But you had to give him permission to come inside first.
“Buck…I need you—” You didn’t even finish your sentence before Bucky stepped inside. Concern filled in his eyes. You look up at him with glossy tears, making him wipe your cheeks with a soft smile. He could immediately tell you were in need of help, running his thumb over your puffy cheek.
“I’m going to take this off now okay, try and not tense.” His voice was soft and reassuring. His hands graze over your skin as he pulls the fabric slowly off your body. Your cheeks redden with blush, feeling embarrassed that this was how Bucky was going to see you naked for the first time. But his eyes never left yours, keeping a serious yet comforting expression the whole time. His fingers hook on your panties non-verbally asking if you were okay. You nod as he finished undressing you. Your arm wrapped over your chest, as he turns to put the water on making sure it’s warm enough for you to enter without hassles.
“Thank you.” You whisper, going to step into the shower but you step on your sore leg, sending a sharp pain through your thigh. You hiss you, falling slightly before Bucky caught you, gripping tight on your waist.
“Hey, it’s okay…” He begins to speak but stops as he starts stripping himself, leaving on only his boxers. He steps into the shower, holding you close with him. The water hit your bareback, making you let out a sigh. Your good hand gripped his shoulder, while the other sits on his chest, holding yourself up. He begins to wash you, pouring your vanilla soap on your body. He took his time, being careful not to hurt you. Your tears made your eyes puffy and cheeks red, but all Bucky could see was beauty. Every curve, every blemish, every stretch mark and bruise. You were perfect to him. He loved you so much, and his ego was boosted at the fact you were letting him help you. This moment was sensual, something only two people that deeply in love with one another would do. Yet you were comfortable enough to allow him to see it.
“Doll listen I’m not just saying this cause, ah…I’m currently standing in the shower with you…” He blabbered, a tint of red fanning over his cheeks. “I-I’ve kinda had a crush on you and I think this was the most…uh best time than ever…I guess what I…I just—Bucky stop.” You cut him off, chuckling lightly as the soap washes off your body.
“I like you to idiot, but you seriously have the worst timing…” You laughed, leaning your face against his chest. His hands snaked around your waist, pulling you closer, leaving a light kiss on your forehead feeling butterflies erupt in his stomach.
“I guess being stuck together wasn’t so bad after all.”
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chvoswxtch · 2 years
return the favor
pairing: matt murdock x fem!reader x frank castle
summary: you're always there when matt and frank need you, no matter what it is, or what time of day. they decide it's time to return the favor, and show some gratitude.
warnings: all of them. every single one of them. swearing, mentions of blood, explicit sexual content (minors dni, seriously this is like x rated), little bits of fluff sprinkled in
word count: 12.6k
a/n: i'm not even going to apologize. y'all know me by now. y'all know who I am as a person. y'all know I cannot be normal about either one of them, and i've stopped trying to be. my inner slut took over when I wrote this, and it is filthy. it had me sweating like a whore in church. I don't even go to church. i'm not even religious, and I feel like I need to pray for forgiveness after this. this baby is over 30 pages, and it is a ride. ;)
this is my holiday gift to each and every one of you precious angel babies. as always, feedback is welcomed/appreciated! ❤️
also again, i'm still not sure if the glitch with dark mode has been fixed or not but if you're on dark mode, you may have trouble viewing this. I apologize for any inconvenience reading in advance!
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At this point you weren’t sure who started it this time. Honestly, you weren’t even sure if one of them had started it, or if it was just another argument carrying over from earlier. You’d given up keeping score in their little competition of who could be more ornery. It used to amuse you. The Devil of Hell’s Kitchen and the big bad Punisher constantly bickering back and forth like an old married couple, muttering under their breath in exasperation at the others' antics, yet still fighting through all that annoyance to come to the other’s defense if need be. If it had been any other night, you might have been entertained. You might have even laughed at how ridiculous they were being. But it was nearly midnight, you were beyond exhausted, and to top it all off, it was absolutely fucking freezing on top of this roof. 
Why were you even here again? Oh yeah, Frank. He had sustained a pretty nasty cut to his arm after what was supposed to be an easy takedown had turned into a confounded ambush. You’d received a simple text from Matt’s burner phone a little over an hour earlier that had just consisted of the words “roof” and “kit”. Using your context clues, you assumed he meant his roof. You didn’t even give it much thought before you were bracing yourself against the November chill for seven blocks, letting yourself in with your emergency spare key and grabbing the medical kit from his bathroom on the way up. Patching up Matt was something you were used to by now, but you were incredibly anxious as to why he wanted you to meet him on the roof of his building. Was he hurt that bad? Could he not even make it inside? Should you call Claire?
Your thumb hovered over her number as you ascended the stairs, however as soon as you heard the familiar mix of combative voices, you rolled your eyes and shoved your phone in your pocket. Pushing open the door, you were met with a sight you had become all too accustomed to in the past few months; Matt and Frank at each other’s throats. When they could agree on something and both be level headed, they worked well together. Great, even. But when they disagreed, and were fueled by rage and their own devastating egos, it was like a front row seat to world war three. There were times you’d had to enlist Jessica or Luke just to pry them apart, needing an indestructible wedge between them until they could be civil.
It didn’t take you long to figure out that Frank was the one in need of aid. There was a large tear in his shirt that was normally snug around his bicep, showcasing a jagged view of torn flesh that was dripping violently with crimson. You could make out a few other cuts and bruises that littered his face from the light coming off the obnoxious billboard across the street. It was harder to tell when Matt was hurt, not only because his suit was deep red, but also because he hid it very well. Not that Frank didn’t hide it just as well. They could both be standing in front of you absolutely covered head to toe in blood with visible gashes and holes and still insist that they were fine. There were streaks of blood around Matt’s mouth and nose, but he otherwise appeared to be in good shape. Loudly clearing your throat, you dropped the kit onto the floor by your feet and placed your hands on your hips as both men’s heads whipped around in your direction.
“Can you two pretend to get along for fifteen minutes so I can do what you called me here for, or would you both rather bleed to death on this roof?”
Seven minutes. They made it seven minutes. You had just finished the final stitch on Frank’s arm when a snide comment from Matt had him unraveling in anger all over again. Tonight seemed to be worse than usual. You couldn’t tell if it was due to the pain from their injuries, the exhaustion from the recent sleepless nights, frustration from lead after lead that kept turning into dead ends, a combination of all of the above, or what. They were in each other’s faces, noses barely a centimeter apart, trading insults like verbal punches in an invisible ring. You were shocked Matt had even called you to help patch up Frank with the way his mouth was curled into a glowering snarl towards him, fists bunched tightly at his sides ready to strike at any moment. 
“If you had just fucking listened to me-”
“Because you got it all figured out, don’t ya Red? Huh? You think them fancy fuckin’ senses of yours make you better than me? I was takin’ terrorist organizations down overseas while you were gettin’ shitfaced off cheap booze in your dorm, but heaven forbid I walk into a fuckin’ building without your goddamn say so.”
“Goddammit Frank, I can hear things you can’t. Like when there’s twenty fucking men armed with guns in a building that’s supposed to be-”
“Your priest know you use such colorful language? You tell him that when you’re confessin’ on Sundays? You even tell him ‘bout all the people you beat the shit out of for fun? Or you leave all that out, altar boy?”
“This isn’t a joke, Frank. They were armed with way more ammunition than we planned for, and there were more of them than there should’ve been. They fucking knew we were coming. If you would have just-”
“Nah, nah. If you had fuckin’ listened to me, we would’ve been fine. If you weren’t such a goddamn pussy, and let me do what the fuck I need to do-”
As much as you tried to drown them out, their voices only got louder and louder. Rubbing your temples with your index and middle fingers did absolutely nothing to soothe the dull ache that had begun to throb in your head. God, they were exhausting sometimes. It amazed you how much they changed when they were together. Matt was usually more calm and collected, and Frank was usually quieter. As much as they brought out the best in each other when they did get along, they brought out even more of the worst when they didn’t. It was like they both had a perfect blueprint of where the other’s buttons were, and always knew exactly where to press. That dull ache in your head was beginning to glow like tiny embers waiting to spark. Your fingers had gone numb from the cold through the thin latex gloves. Your patience had run out half an hour ago, or long before that if you were being honest with yourself. You were pissed they had the audacity to drag you out of your warm bed in the middle of the night just to act like you weren’t there, waiting for them to finish their childish bullshit. The irritation had been wearing you down from the second you stepped onto the roof and you couldn’t take it anymore.
“Would you both just shut the fuck up already? Seriously? I am so sick of listening to the two of you bitch and bicker about every little fucking thing. I have fucking had it with both of you. If you two can’t get your shit together, I swear to God, I’m going to-”
“What? What are you gonna do, sweetheart?”
If you weren’t pissed off already, the arrogant smirk tugging at the corner of Frank’s lips certainly pushed you over the edge. He cocked his head to the side, staring at you with his dark eyes squinted in levity. One of his thick brows rose in challenge, daring you to continue your rant. 
“Aw c’mon, darlin’. Thirty seconds ago you were all big and bad, runnin’ that bratty little mouth of yours. Now you got nothin’ to say?”
“Get your shit together, or I will beat your ass.”
“I think she means that, Frank.”
“No shit? She ain’t lyin’?”
“Nope. Heartbeat’s steady.”
“Well ain’t that cute.”
The teasing tone of Matt’s voice hitting your ears felt like gasoline being thrown on the fire that was already raging within you. A devilish grin stretched over his mouth, showcasing the dimples in his cheeks that you loved so much. Normally the sight of that smile would make you weak in the knees, but right now it infuriated the fuck out of you. Both men were staring at you in complete amusement, smug grins plastered on their faces, and you wanted nothing more than to walk over and slap them off. 
“Fuck you both.”
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
Matt’s response knocked the breath right out of your lungs, and all your anger with it. Your eyes widened in disbelief as you stared at him, jaw dropping slightly. He had never spoken to you like that. Matt was a natural flirt, that was just his personality. He had definitely said a few things that made you question how he really felt about you, and there were a few “accidental” touches that lingered a little too long, but never anything like that. And certainly never in the voice he typically reserved for interrogating criminals. You were completely stunned in place, brain failing to come up with any kind of response. Even though Matt’s words were phrased as an inquisition, it came out more like a confident statement, like a rhetorical question he already knew the answer to.
Frank’s voice seemed to break the trance Matt had you under, your eyes darting over towards his large figure. Somehow he was now only standing about a foot away from you. When did he get so close? How had you missed that? You were used to Matt sneaking up on you constantly since the man was practically a fucking ninja, but Frank wasn’t as stealthy. He was a lot bigger, moved with more force than precision, and commanded every space he stepped into. 
“You gonna answer him?”
Frank’s eyes bore into yours as he motioned his head towards Matt, the intensity of his gaze making you feel as if you had shrunk several sizes in his presence. Sometimes you forgot just how big he was, and how menacing he could be when he wanted to. There was something gleaming in the darkness of his eyes that you couldn’t place. His features were set in their usual broody state apart from his mouth that was still slightly curved in a wicked smirk. A sudden shiver descended your spine, but it wasn’t from the cold. Instinctively you took a step back, blinking a few times before staring down at your trembling hands as you removed the bloody gloves.
“I don’t…look just…clean yourselves up. Try not to kill each other, or piss off Matt’s neighbors any more than you already have.”
“Your hands are shaking.”
“It’s cold, Matthew.”
“But that’s not why your hands are shaking. Is it?”
Glancing up, a slight gasp flew from your mouth noticing that Matt was now standing right next to Frank. His head was cocked towards the right, chin jutted out in your direction, studying you intently. You couldn’t see the beautiful honey brown of his eyes that were hidden behind the obsidian lenses of his mask. His voice had dropped even lower, and your stomach dropped down into a pit of nerves along with it. A sobering thought washed over you that your beloved captivating lawyer was not the one standing in front of you; the Devil was. This wasn’t exactly new to you. Sometimes Matt had trouble shifting back into a level-headed state after particularly bad nights, or when patrols left his adrenaline pumping through his veins like rocket fluid. You had witnessed the battle on several occasions between Matthew Murdock and the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen for control. But this was…different. He was eerily calm and still, and it made you nervous.
“This ain’t like you, sweetheart. Bein’ all mouthy, actin’ like a damn brat, not answerin’ questions when asked. Where’s our good girl, hm?”
The mega-watt grin that immediately took over Matt’s mouth could have put that blinding billboard behind him to fucking shame.
“Oh, she liked that Frank.”
“Did she?”
“Should’ve heard the way her heart jumped. You are our good girl, aren’t you angel?”
The connection between your brain and your mouth had been severed. You couldn’t speak. You couldn’t hardly breathe. Your wide eyes flickered back and forth in dumbfoundment between the two men standing in front of you. Surely, you were hearing them wrong. Were they messing with you? Where was all this coming from? What the fuck was happening?
“C’mon darlin’, use that pretty little head of yours and talk to us. Red asked you a question, yeah?”
There was a hint of teasing that laced Frank’s gravelly voice as his eyes remained fixated on you. Your head was spinning like a rogue carousel and your heart was thrashing to break through your ribcage.
“I…I don’t understand-”
“I think you do, angel. You’re a smart girl, but you’re not subtle. We know what you want, and we’re more than happy to give it to you. Isn’t that right, Frank?”
“S’right, Red. We think you’ve earned it, sweetheart. Takin’ such good care of us, puttin’ up with all our shit, always there when we need ya. We’d like to return the favor, darlin’.”
“See angel, the one thing Frank and I absolutely agree on, is how pretty you’re gonna sound when we ruin you.”
Matt’s confession struck your core like lightning and tore a startled moan of desperation from your throat. His grin stretched even further across his sinful lips, a dark chuckle emitting from low within his chest. Frank’s eyebrows rose a hair in surprise, only for a moment, before that crooked, teeth baring smile of his was back on full display. He joined Matt in sinister snickering, like there was some kind of inside joke you weren’t a part of.
“Do me a favor, Red. Put them damn senses of yours to good use and tell me how wet she is right now.”
There was never a battle with Frank. There was never anyone else fighting for control. With Frank, what you saw was exactly what you got. There was no slipping back and forth, no struggle, there was just…him. Unabashed, unapologetic, shameless Frank. He didn’t hide it when he flirted with you. He didn’t mince words, or speak in riddles. He always said exactly what he meant so there was never any confusing his words or motives. He never pushed it any further than playful banter and flirty remarks, but he also didn’t hide behind the guise of friendly teasing. The order he gave Matt caused your brain to short circuit and you were honestly surprised it hadn’t knocked you onto your knees. Matt’s lips parted slightly, just enough for his tongue to meet the air as he inhaled deeply. A satisfied hum sounded in the back of his throat.
“Not nearly as wet as she’s going to be. But she smells fucking divine.”
“Bet she tastes even better.”
“I can’t wait to find out.”
The next few minutes passed by in a bit of a blur. Frank had thrown you over his shoulder like you weighed nothing more than the duffel bag he hauled around, carrying you down the steps into Matt’s living room with haste. Matt trailed closely behind the two of you, quickly removing his gloves and helmet somewhere along the way. Before you could even register being put back down on wobbly legs, two large hands grabbed your face and a strong pair of lips met your own. Frank.
The kiss was full of passion but surprisingly tender, a sigh of relief echoing in your mouth from him. Frank kissed you deeply, but slowly, wanting to savor the feeling and the taste of you. Matt managed to sneak his hand between your bodies, tugging at the zipper of your jacket and pulling it off your shoulders with ease. He pulled down the left sleeve of your thin sweater, trailing his lips along the exposed skin before nipping and sucking at the junction above your collarbone. The scruff of his facial hair contrasted roughly with the softness of his lips and it made your mind even hazier, a moan tumbling into Frank’s mouth. Matt growled lowly, gripping onto your hips and pulling your ass against his front abruptly so you could feel how hard he was through his suit, earning another whine from you. His hand was nearly halfway into your jeans when Frank reached out to grab his wrist, halting his movements.
“Quit bein’ fuckin’ impatient. We got all damn night.”
“You hear the sounds she’s making Frank?”
“Yeah, and I’d like to hear a lot more of ‘em you selfish little shit.”
You couldn’t help but giggle. Here you were, trapped between two of the most feared men in Hell’s Kitchen, with both of their mouths and hands all over you, and they were still arguing. Your giggles were immediately cut off however when Matt’s teeth sunk down into the flesh of your neck, a surprised moan taking their place. Frank lightly grasped your chin between his thumb and index finger, tilting your head back against Matt’s chest as he caught your gaze. His tongue darted out to wet his lips quickly, motioning his head towards you.
“You want this, sweetheart?”
All you could do was stare up at Frank with half moon eyes. Your brain seemed incapable of manufacturing a single coherent thought. You were too wrapped up in how good it felt to be caged between them. How good it felt to kiss Frank, to be touched by Matt, to be desired by them both. All you could do was feebly nod.
“Need to hear it, pretty girl. Need you to tell us you want us too.”
Matt’s grip on your waist loosened slightly, his nose nuzzling against your cheek as he softly kissed the underside of your jaw and whispered delicately in your ear.
“You can say no, angel. We can all walk away right now, pretend this never happened. We won’t be upset.”
“We never wanna make you uncomfortable, honey. Just wanna make you feel good.”
“Would you like us to make you feel good, sweetheart? Take care of you for all the times you’ve taken care of us? Whatever you want, we’ll give you. Just tell us what you want.”
Frank’s large hand loosely wrapped around your neck, brushing his thumb along your bottom lip slowly as he stared down at you with a timid smile.
“Please what, sweet girl? Hm? Use your words. You want us? You got us. We’re yours. Just say the words.”
Matt slipped his hand underneath the hem of your sweater, tracing slow delicate circles along your hip as he nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck. He placed a featherlight kiss to your burning skin, the edge in his voice from earlier now gone as he whispered sweetly.
“We’re all yours, angel. Always have been. Just tell us you want us too.”
Matt and Frank both put an inch of space between their bodies and yours, as if they could sense how difficult their presence was making it hard for you to think clearly. They were giving you an out if you wanted it. You knew this would completely change everything between the three of you. There would be no going back to how things were before. This decision was permanent, and couldn’t be undone. But God, did you want it. You wanted them. You were momentarily suspended in disbelief that they wanted you too, but you were having an arduous time focusing on why they wanted you, when they had come to this agreement regarding you, and what the morning would look like. The only thing your brain could process was the pure, irrevocable yearning you felt.
You trusted Matt and Frank with your life. You knew you could trust them with your body. The safest you ever felt was in their presence. The safest place you could ever be was confined between them. You wanted them. You loved them. You needed to be consumed by them. 
“I need both of you, please.”
If either of them heard the aching in your divulgence, neither of them acknowledged it. Matt’s fingertips brushed lightly along your sides as he pulled your sweater over your head, eliciting a domino of shivers throughout your body. Your own trembling fingers gingerly pushed Frank’s torn and bloodied shirt up, careful to avoid his fresh injuries along the way. As you sought out his lips, his large hands maneuvered your hips until you were face to face with Matt, his nose brushing against the column of your throat.
“Help Red outta that damn thing, would ya? Otherwise we’ll be here all fuckin’ night.”
A furrow formed between Matt’s brows and his lips parted to protest, but his words were quickly cut off when you grabbed his face to crash your lips together. His hands gripped onto your waist just above where Frank’s had settled, a satisfied groan echoing on your tongue. Matt’s kiss was hungrier, more possessive and needy than Frank’s, and it made your head spin. As your fingers worked at the zipper on Matt’s suit, Frank’s were swiftly popping the button on your jeans and tugging your own zipper down. He left a searing trail of open mouthed kisses from right beneath your ear to down along your shoulder as his large hand slipped beneath the waistband of your panties. Greedily peeling the material of Matt’s suit off his broad shoulders, you instinctively bit down on his bottom lip when Frank’s index finger made contact with your clit. Matt moaned at the feeling of your teeth holding his lip captive, shoving the rest of his suit off with impressive speed leaving him only clad in black briefs with a noticeable tent.
“Goddamn, sweetheart. You’ve got these completely soaked through. I guess Red was right.”
You could feel Matt’s prideful smile against your own mouth at Frank’s words as you threaded your fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck, pulling him even more flush against your own body. He groaned again in satisfaction at the gentle tug, and you were suddenly curious what other delicious sounds you could pull out of him. Before you could experiment, Frank slipped one of his thick fingers inside of you and a loud moan filled the empty space.
“Fuck she’s tight. Gonna have to get you nice and ready for us, yeah? Think two oughta do it, Red?”
“She’s been such a good girl, Frank. Let’s give her three.”
“Hm, she has, hasn’t she? S’pose that way we both get a taste then.”
Your head fell back against Frank’s chest as he pumped his finger slowly, already rendering you a whiny incoherent mess. You could just briefly register Matt kneeling before you, grabbing the waistband of your jeans and tugging them down your legs. His touch was lighter when his fingers slipped underneath the sides of your panties, trailing them along your skin with more precise teasing. Matt rubbed his nose along your inner thigh, humming softly as he ever so languidly pulled the fabric down your legs, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. He gently brushed his fingertips over your ankles, along the sides of your calves, up the backs of your knees, until he had a firm grip on your thighs.
“Looks awful pretty down there on his knees for ya, don’t he?”
Frank was right. Matt did look good on his knees before you, head tipped back and eyes closed in content, lips parted slightly as he inhaled your scent from the source. Suddenly you wanted both of them on their knees for you. Or maybe you wanted to be on your knees for both of them. You reached out with a trembling hand to grab a small fistful of Matt’s hair, moaning softly as Frank slipped a second finger inside you.
“Look so pretty, Matty.”
Matt’s eyes fluttered open, staring blankly up in your direction as a toothy grin took over his entire face showcasing your beloved dimples.
“Not as pretty as you, angel.”
“I think Red deserves a little treat for bein’ so patient, don’t you sweetheart?”
“Yes, Frankie.”
“How ‘bout that, Red? You want a little taste?”
“God, yes.”
“On your feet. You take over.”
If you hadn’t been so wrapped up in your own pleasure, you would’ve been amazed at how quickly Matt followed Frank’s command without an ounce of hesitation or complaint. You whined momentarily as Frank’s fingers slipped out of you, only to quickly be replaced with Matt’s index finger and his thumb pressed firmly against your clit earning another loud moan from you. 
“Open your mouth.”
Once again, Matt quickly complied, parting his plump kiss bitten lips. Your walls clenched around Matt’s finger and a pathetic moan slipped out as you watched Frank shove his two fingers drenched in your slick straight into Matt’s mouth. Matt’s eyes nearly rolled into the back of his head when your taste met his tongue, eagerly sucking every single drop off of Frank’s fingers. Frank grunted quietly near your ear as Matt moaned softly around his digits. It was the hottest fucking sight you had ever seen.
“Attaboy, Red. Tell me how she tastes.”
Frank retracted his fingers from Matt’s mouth slowly, leaving his lips shining with a coat of spit. His hand quickly found its place once again between your thighs and there seemed to be some kind of unspoken understanding between the two as Matt twisted his wrist to make room for Frank’s hand, allowing Frank to take over stretching you apart as his own fingers worked over your clit to help bring you to your release.
“So fucking good, Frank. Sweetest fucking thing I’ve ever had. You’re not gonna be able to get enough.”
“Like I said, we got all night.”
You could die like this, trapped between two walls of soft skin and hard muscle, their skilled hands working together to bring you absolute bliss. You were thankful they had you completely trapped between their chests because otherwise, you wouldn’t have been able to stand. The pleasure was absolutely overwhelming. It was everywhere, all at once, and you weren’t sure if you could survive the fall. You had never felt anything like this. You didn’t even know you could feel like this. That little bubble that normally built up inside you was now simmering like a giant pit of lava inside a volcano dangerously close to erupting. You couldn’t even form the words to warn them, but with the undivided attention of Matt’s senses, you didn’t have to. 
“She’s close, Frank. Keep doing that, right there. That’s it…hold her steady. It’s alright, angel. Just let go for us. We’ve got you, sweetheart.”
“Go ahead, darlin’. C’mon, let us hear those pretty sounds. Don’t hold back, honey. Let us have it all, yeah?”
The edge was painfully far away, just within reach. You were so goddamn close. It just felt too fucking good. You didn’t know if your body was holding out because you just couldn’t handle it, or because it wanted more. Just when it felt like you couldn’t make it, suddenly you were exploding into a million little pieces of gratification and being hurled into the free falling space of absolute bliss. Two pairs of strong hands supported you as you spasmed from the force of the pleasure. Two voices echoed praises and sweet nothings into your ears as you floated outside your own body. Two hearts thudded against your back and chest in sync as they adorned you in their affection. 
Rough calloused fingertips trailed along your cheekbone tenderly, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear as soft lips traced the shell of your ear. 
“Shh. We got ya, sweetheart. We’re right here, yeah? Easy now, breathe.”
Matt wrapped his arm around your lower back, hooking his other underneath your knees as he pried you from Frank’s embrace and lifted you up bridal style, holding you against his chest. 
“You’re wearing too many clothes, Frank. Get undressed. I’ll take her to bed.”
You weakly brought your hand up to Matt’s neck, wrapping your fingers around the cross necklace that settled between his collarbones. The metal felt surprisingly cool against his heated skin, and the deep inhale you took to control your breathing filled your senses with his intoxicating cologne. You carefully traced one of the scars on the left side of his chest with your fingertip as you crossed the threshold into his bedroom.
“Yes angel?”
“I like it when you and Frankie get along.”
“Tell him to quit bein’ such a shithead all the time, and you’ll get more of it.”
“And here I was about to be nice and let you have the first taste, Castle. Why don’t you get on your knees and put that fucking mouth of yours to good use. Don’t keep her waiting.”
Matt carefully set you down on the edge of the bed, moving to sit right behind you with his chest pressed flush against your back. You noticed the commanding tone he used with Frank was the exact same one he used in the courtroom when he wasn’t in the mood for bullshit or rebuttal. For the millionth time that night, you were shocked when Frank simply grunted in response instead of verbally retaliating, lowering himself down onto his knees in front of you. Your eyes widened slightly at the sight of Frank nearly naked before you. You had seen him shirtless a few times when he needed fixing up, but never only in briefs before. The fabric clung to his muscular thighs like a second skin, and it made your mouth water the exact same way it did whenever you saw Matt only in his underwear. Your brows furrowed slightly at the sudden realization that Frank had done exactly what Matt instructed in the living room. Since when did they ever follow each other’s orders? And so easily?
“Spread those legs, angel. Let him see you.”
Frank moved in closer towards you as you obeyed Matt’s order, his broad shoulders pushing your thighs even further apart. His large hands slowly made their way from your knees to your inner thighs, his thumbs tracing the softest circles along your skin. You had always wondered about Frank and what he would be like intimately. For a guy who could take down thirty men with his bare hands without batting an eye, he was incredibly gentle. His touch was delicate and reassuring, like he was afraid he might break you, but wanted you to know he was there. Matt wrapped his arm around your waist to hold you tightly against his chest, his other brushing your hair off your shoulder as he kissed your neck softly. He was more like what you had expected. Dominant and possessive, like he had something to prove. Whether that was to you or himself, you weren’t sure. Maybe it was both. He wanted you to know you were at his mercy, and that you belonged to him. Well, him and Frank. 
The only exception to all of Matt’s rules seemed to be Frank now that you thought about it. He was willing to ignore his own moral compass and religious teachings in certain situations involving Frank. He came to Frank’s defense constantly, even if he knew he was in the wrong and would personally give him shit about his choices later. He relinquished control earlier in the living room and followed every single one of Frank’s commands, something he would never do with anyone else. Frank seemed to be the only person Matt willingly submitted to. And despite his overprotective nature, he was sharing you with Frank. Matt seemed to be Frank’s own personal outlier as well. Frank always worked alone. He hated involving other people in what he did, not wanting to deal with the risks and consequences, and just another person in general. It was easier when all he had to worry about was himself. But he had no trouble dragging Matt into the flames at a moment's notice, and never hesitated to reach out to him for help or backup. No matter how much they fought, Frank always purposefully put himself between Matt and whatever threat was coming their way, even if it was just some drunk asshole in a bar trying to pick a fight he knew Matt could easily win. As much as they argued, Frank did actually listen to Matt most of the time, and Matt secretly took Frank’s advice when he knew he was right. They were both just too fucking stubborn to admit that to one another.
“Now who looks pretty on their knees, hm?”
“Frankie does.”
“Tell him, angel. Tell him how pretty he looks on his knees for you.”
You reached your shaky hand out to cup Frank’s cheek, sighing softly at the way he nuzzled his face into your palm. His deep brown eyes were hooded with lust as he stared up at you lovingly, causing your heart to constrict in your chest. He really was beautiful, especially when he smiled. It had taken so long for Frank to open up to you, for you to get to see the happier and more carefree side of him, hear him crack jokes and his amazing laugh. It was always like witnessing some cosmic phenomena, and it made you feel incredibly lucky he wanted to share those parts of himself with you.
“Look so pretty, Frankie. So pretty.”
A lazy grin captured Frank’s lips as he looked at you, turning his head slightly to press a gentle kiss to your palm.
“Thank ya, sweetheart. But I gotta agree with Red here. Ain’t nothin’ as pretty as you.”
“Tell me what you see, Frank. Describe her for me.”
Even though it was a demand, there was an echo of desperation in Matt’s voice. Frank’s eyes softened a little more as they flickered behind you to Matt’s face, the smile faltering on his lips, lingering only for a moment before he let his eyes trail over the expanse of your body. The look was so quick, you would’ve missed it if you hadn’t been paying attention. 
“She looks beautiful, Red. So goddamn beautiful. Let me show you.”
Frank spent the next few minutes describing you from head to toe in explicit detail like you were a piece of art on display in Matt’s lap. He gingerly wrapped his hand around Matt’s wrist, directing his fingers along every inch of your body in sync with his own words. Your heart swelled at how gentle Frank was being with Matt, and how much Matt trusted Frank with his own concealed vulnerability to guide him. You weren’t sure if it was your own shuddering breaths or Matt’s that were echoing in your ears at the mix of both men’s hands tracing your skin. Frank’s gruff voice nestled between your thighs as he spoke, as if he was reciting poetry to create a clear picture in Matt’s head. You grabbed onto both of their wrists and squeezed gently, nearly on the verge of tears from how overwhelmed you felt by their shared affection for you and for each other. Matt’s voice was almost hoarse as he spoke quietly.
“Thank you, Frank. Now show her how beautiful she is.” 
For the next hour and a half, Frank and Matt took turns on their knees with their heads buried in your needy cunt. They alternated spots, one pressed up against your back teasing your nipples and fondling your breasts with their mouth latched on your neck as they praised you while the other held your hips hostage against their face with your legs over their shoulders, using their skilled tongue to bring you to euphoria. 
Frank took his time with you, slowly delving his tongue inside you over and over as his large nose continuously bumped against your clit. His grip was firm, but tender, letting you rock your hips against his face as much as you wanted as you tugged him impossibly closer by his dark tresses. He grunted every time you pulled at his grown out hair and the vibrations had your thighs quivering and sent your mind into a frenzy. He drew your orgasm out as long as he could, groaning against your core as he collected every single drop of the ambrosia that he wrung from you. 
Matt tried so hard to take his time with you, but he was so overwhelmed by your scent and his own carnal desire that he couldn’t help himself. He had Frank restrain your hands as he edged you, his grip on your hips almost bruising as he dug his fingertips into your skin. He sucked fervently on your clit, filling the bedroom with obscene slurping sounds as he devoured your pussy. Frank helped hold you in place so Matt could get what he wanted. Every time he could feel you about to come, Matt would slow down and give himself a moment to breathe before diving right back in. He didn’t want it to be over so fast, but he also wasn’t fully able to contain his own selfish need. He would’ve stayed buried between your thighs all night if you let him. 
Eventually Frank couldn’t take your pleading cries of his and Matt’s names anymore and lightly slapped at the back of Matt’s head. When he went to pull away again, Frank grabbed a fistful of Matt’s hair and shoved his face right back into your cunt.
“C’mon Red, listen to her. Let her come. You’ve had your fill, you can come back for more later. She ain’t goin’ nowhere. Let her have it.”
As you descended from your third orgasm of the night, your body felt completely spent. Your eyes felt heavy as you struggled to keep them open, not wanting to miss a second of this spectacle. If this was a one time thing, you wanted every part of it burned into your memory for later, because nothing would ever be as good as this. Frank shifted slightly behind you, and you felt the hardness of his cock brushing against your lower back. A slight gasp left your lips once you realized just how long both of them had been patiently waiting for their own attention. Matt had already been completely hard when he removed his suit, and you had felt the bulge in Frank’s jeans against your ass. A spark of energy jolted you awake as you were suddenly filled with the urge to have your own turn on your knees. 
Frank’s grip tightened on your waist when he felt you move at the exact same time as Matt’s hands clamped down even harder on your thighs.
“Where you goin’, sweetheart?”
“I…what about you and Matty?”
“What about us, angel?”
“I wanna make you feel good too.”
“Don’t worry ‘bout us, honey. Red here is finally gonna make it to heaven when you let him inside that pretty little pussy of yours.”
“And Frank is gonna be so fucking satisfied when he comes inside you, he might not be a complete asshole for an entire week.”
You tried your hardest to wiggle out of their grasps but it was no use. They were a lot stronger than you, and they weren’t budging. You whined as they both chuckled at your pathetic attempt to escape them, seeking out the erect tent in their briefs with your needy hands.
“But I wanna touch…I wanna taste you both, too. Please?”
“This is s’posed to be about you, honey.”
“No, that’s not fair. This is for all of us, not just me. It’s just as much for you and Matty. Isn’t it? Don’t you want my mouth, Frank?”
“Fuckin’ hell sweetheart, course I do.”
“Don’t you Matty?”
“I’d love nothing more than to fuck your mouth, angel. But I’m afraid right now, I’m way too fucking hard, and I wouldn’t be able to last. I don’t want to come unless it’s inside you.”
“I gotta side with Red on this one, darlin’.”
Matt’s hand quickly wrapped around the base of your throat as he leaned in to capture your lips, cutting off your protest entirely. He applied just enough pressure to make your head spin, nipping lightly at your bottom lip before soothing the sting with his tongue.
“Next time.”
Your eyes flew open, grabbing onto Matt’s wrist tightly as he loosened his grip on your neck. He was sitting up on his knees now so that you were face to face, a tender smile tugging lightly at the corners of his mouth. Blinking a few times, you turned your head so that you could look up at Frank.
“Next time?”
Frank glanced down at Matt before looking back at you, a shy smile taking over the left side of his mouth. He leaned in to press a soft kiss to your lips, placing his hand at the base of your neck right below where Matt’s was.
“Next time.”
You immediately gave up on your protest and allowed Frank to pull your body up the bed as he moved backwards. You felt giddy with anticipation, your brain going completely haywire as both of their promises rang deafeningly in your ears.
Next time. There was going to be a next time. 
“How you feelin’ honey? Think you can give us one more?”
“Yes…yes anything.”
Matt chuckled lowly at the desperation in your voice as he climbed onto the bed in front of you.
“Such a good girl. Still taking care of us when it’s our turn to care for you. Tell you what, if you help me out of these, you can touch me. But you have to help Frank too. Can you do that for us, angel?”
“Yes, God yes. Please Matty…let me help.”
“Alright sweetheart, go ahead.”
Your nimble fingers dragged Matt’s briefs down his thighs as soon as he finished his sentence, causing you to gasp when his cock finally sprang free and slapped against his stomach. A quiet sigh of relief left his lips. The head was nearly as deep in maroon as his suit and leaking with desire. As you wrapped your hand delicately around the base of his impressive length, a louder declaration of appeasement slipped past Matt’s lips, jaw going slack and hips jolting forward when you swiped your thumb across the sensitive tip. 
“Easy darlin’, Red’s sensitive. He’s been waitin’ patiently this whole time like a good boy. Ain’t he? Be good to him.”
Matt let out a quiet whimper, and you weren’t sure if it was from Frank’s words or the way you were gently pumping your hand around his cock but it had your walls fluttering either way. You could tell Matt was doing everything he could to not fuck your hand, bottom lip caught between his teeth so hard blood pooled beneath the skin, hips stuttering ever so slightly in time with your movements. His face was a mix of lingering agony and pure pleasure and it piqued your curiosity about just how sensitive he was.
“Are you okay Matty? Do you want me to stop?”
“I…just-shit…fuck that feels good. I-”
“Make him come, sweetheart.”
“Don’t be stubborn. You’ll be ready to go again in five minutes and you know it. Stop fuckin’ torturin’ yourself. Go ahead and give him your mouth, darlin’.”
“But that’s not-”
“Would you just shut the hell up? You ever stop talkin’? Consider it a goddamn peace offerin’. I can wait. I’m not as sensitive and overwhelmed as you. Just fuckin’ take what you’re given, shit. You’re gonna come in two minutes anyway.”
“God-fuck…fine. You get to fuck her first, then.”
“Pleasure doin’ business with ya. Sweetheart, be a good girl and do as you’re told. Let Red have your mouth.”
You didn’t need to be told twice. As soon as you parted your lips to take the head of Matt’s cock into your mouth, he was shoving himself down your throat. His hands frantically gripped onto your neck and the back of your head, holding your face in place as he fucked your mouth relentlessly. You opened your mouth as wide as you could and hollowed out your cheeks, wanting to provide him as much pleasure and satisfaction as he had given you. The moans and whines of appreciation that tumbled from his mouth were fucking music to your ears. He looked so beautiful above you, head thrown back in ecstasy and eyes squeezed shut in absolute content. A loud slap cut through Matt’s symphony of fulfillment and his eyes snapped open, slowing the pace of his hips considerably as his brows furrowed in confusion. It took a moment for you to realize that Frank had slapped one of Matt’s hands away from your face.
“Slow down, Matthew. I said use her mouth, not suffocate her. Ease up.”
Your stomach clenched at the hardened warning tone of Frank’s voice. It was also the first time you had ever heard him call Matt by anything other than his nickname for him. Something about it seemed so intimate, and it set your insides ablaze. Matt tipped his head down in your direction, clenching his jaw as he struggled to gain control of himself.
“Fuck…sorry angel, I’m-shit…God just feels so fucking good. Your mouth is so warm…soft. Shit- if this is what your mouth feels like…God-”
You hummed in response, giving his thigh a gentle squeeze and beginning to bob your head to signal for him to keep going. It only took a few more thrusts before warmth coated the back of your throat with a vengeance over and over as Matt finally climaxed. You thanked whatever God was listening that you got to witness the exquisite sight above you of Matt Murdock having an orgasm. It made butterflies erupt in your belly thinking about how soon you’d get to witness the exact same phenomena with Frank Castle.
Matt fell back onto his heels as his chest heaved, panting like he had just ran a fucking marathon. A swell of pride filled your chest as you swallowed every single drop he had offered you, a newfound wave of confidence settling in your veins at the sight of him disheveled before you knowing that you had done that to him. You had brought the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen to his knees and rendered him breathless. And you had no intention of stopping there. 
All night, both of them had been trading control with each other, taking turns in making demands. You weren’t in the mood to trade or take turns. You were in the mood to take. 
As you turned around to face Frank who had a cocky smirk on his lips, you channeled all the power surging through you and shoved roughly at his chest until his back hit the mattress. His body bounced slightly from the impact, the arrogance long gone as his mouth fell open in surprise.
“Take those off.”
“I said take them off, Frank. Be a good soldier and follow your orders.”
Frank’s jaw hung suspended in disbelief. His eyes widened at your command and his pupils dilated slightly. Shock was written clearly across his features, but he obeyed anyway. The second his briefs were down his thighs, your hand was wrapped firmly around his massive cock and he grunted lowly in response.
“You both asked me what I wanted, didn’t you?”
“Yes but-”
“And I said I wanted to touch, didn't I? That I wanted a taste of my own?”
“But we agreed-”
“I changed my mind. You both got to play. It’s my turn. You’d never deny me, would you, Frankie?”
“Angel, we all agreed-”
“Shut up, Matthew. I wasn’t speaking to you. I asked Frank. Frankie, baby?”
“Fuck, course not.”
A cheshire grin split your lips as you slowly worked Frank over in your hand, reveling in the feeling of his velvet heaviness in your palm. His eyes were trained directly on you, watching your every movement. Besides his lust blown pupils and parted lips, he wasn’t giving anything away. The man had been trained to withstand all kinds of torture with an impeccable poker face, but you weren’t having any of that.
“Good. You’re always so good to me, Frankie. You’ve treated me so well tonight, and I know you wanna keep doing that. Don’t you? You wanna fuck me, don’t you?”
“Yes, sweetheart.”
“Then you’re gonna let me play. I can’t have one of my boys taken care of, and not the other. Matthew gets a pass tonight. He was so worked up for so long, and we know it’s hard for him to keep control sometimes. But you’re very good at control, aren’t you Frankie? You’re gonna let me have what he wouldn’t?”
“Yeah…whatever the hell you want.”
“Good boy. Matthew, sit next to Frank. No touching, just listen. You better be ready to go by the time Frank comes in my mouth. Do you understand?”
“Yes…I understand.”
“That’s my good boy. You’ve both made me so proud tonight. Getting along, taking turns, being so good to me, being so good to each other. When I get done with Frankie, we’re all going to get what we want. I can’t wait to have you both. I’ve wanted both of you for so long. Just be patient a little longer, Matty. Let me take care of Frank. He hasn’t gotten to come yet tonight, and that’s not fair to him. Is it?”
Matt crawled around you towards the headboard, settling back against the pillows next to Frank as he stretched his legs out. His chest was still rising and falling rapidly, tongue darting out to wet his lips as his eyes darted back and forth blankly. His cock was already half hard as he shook his head slowly, lightly fisting at the sheets beside him.
“No…no it isn’t. Let him. He deserves it.”
If you could take a picture with your eyes, you would frame the magnificent sight before you above your fucking bed. Frank and Matt, in all their nude glory, shoulder to shoulder beneath you, mouthwatering cocks standing at full alert waiting for your attention. It was impossible not to be filled with condescension when the two most powerful men in all of New York that could easily tear you apart with their bare hands were willingly submitting to your dictation.
Frank stared you down as you lowered yourself between his massive thighs, wrapping your lips around the swollen head of his cock to take into your mouth. He sucked in a deep breath, thighs tensing beside your head as you took him deeper. He was bigger than Matt, which was to be expected due to his stature, but you were determined to fit as much of him into your mouth as you could. You took your time at first, swirling your tongue around the tip slowly before sliding him back down against your tongue. You marveled at the shuddering breaths released from his mouth, but you wanted more.
“Don’t be shy, Frankie. I wanna hear your pretty sounds too.”
It hadn’t taken much to figure out Matt was the more vocal of the two, but you were adamant about breaking Frank’s composure. A quiet grunt sounded from him as you squeezed your hand around the section of him that wouldn’t quite fit in your mouth.
“Tell her how it feels, Frank.”
Matt sounded almost breathless as he spoke, and his eyes were wild with hunger as you glanced over at him.
“Feels good, sweetheart. Feels real damn good.”
“C’mon Frank, you can do better than that. It’s just us. Let it out like I know you can.”
Matt’s words had a fresh wave of arousal slicking your inner thighs. You had so many fucking questions for them. There was clearly something here you were missing. Something they were keeping from you, and you desperately wanted to know everything. Frank’s eyes never left yours, and they were growing darker by the second as if something was brewing behind them. It made your stomach twist with anticipation. You flattened your tongue against the slit on his tip, sucking fervently on the head as your hand twisted around the rest of him. Frank groaned loudly as he weaved his fingers through your hair, giving it a gentle tug.
“There you go. You can pull harder, she likes that. Don’t you angel?”
You moaned in response around Frank’s cock, causing him to let out a heavy grunt as he pulled roughly at your roots. His hips had started to shift upwards in rhythm with your movements, and you’d let him do whatever he wanted as long as he kept making sounds like that.
“Goddamn. You know how to use that mouth, yeah? Shit-no wonder he came so fast.”
“Just think about how good the rest of her is gonna feel. How pretty does she look right now?”
“So fuckin’ pretty. Fuck…wish you could see her. Looks so goddamn good with those pretty lips wrapped ‘round our cocks. Wish we could trade eyes for a minute.”
Only Frank Castle and Matt Murdock were capable of saying such filthy words that also simultaneously warmed your heart. Matt’s lips curved upwards in a delicate smile composed of pure admiration, and it made you melt. You reached your hand out that wasn’t working on Frank to grab onto one of Matt’s, lacing your fingers together and squeezing gently. Frank choked out a moan of surprise when you suddenly took him as deep as you could, feeling his tip brush against the back of your throat and holding him there for a minute until you had to come up for air.
“Fuckin’-shit…do that again. Fuck please…please sweetheart.”
Bracing your palm against Frank’s thigh, you took him once again as deep into your throat as you could, forcing yourself to breathe through your nose. A cry of your name tore through Frank’s chest as he gripped roughly onto your hair, and all at once a steady stream of heat coated the back of your throat. Frank bucked his hips slightly as you swallowed around him, squeezing Matt’s hand tightly as Frank released himself from your mouth.
“Fuck, I want next.”
“Jesus Christ you insatiable bastard, you already had your goddamn turn.”
Matt threw his head back against one of the pillows as he burst into a howl of laughter, bracing his palm against his chest.
“That was before I knew she could do that.”
“Well if you hadn’t been so fuckin’-”
“Boys, please. We’re not finished here.”
“I need a minute, darlin’. Think you just sucked the fuckin’ soul outta me, Jesus.”
Matt absolutely lost it, doubling over in a fit of laughter as your cheeks flamed with heat at Frank’s words. You couldn’t help but giggle, trying to cover your mouth as Frank shot you an insincere glare coupled with a coveted smirk. You hadn’t even noticed Matt had moved behind you until you felt his hands on your waist and the warmth of his breath on your neck.
“Alright, sweet girl. How about you and I start, hm? I bet Frank will be ready to go once he hears those pretty noises of yours. Besides, he likes to watch.”
A sudden gasp flew from your mouth as Matt guided you to straddle Frank’s hips, wondering how the hell he possibly knew that about Frank. God you were reeling with questions.
“I thought he was fucking me first?”
“That was before he got to come. He’s not left out anymore, is he?”
“Go ahead. Be with ya in a minute, sweetheart.”
Frank shot you a wink that would’ve made you fall to your knees had you not already been on them. Matt placed his palm on your lower back, pushing gently so that you were bent over Frank slightly. Frank grabbed onto your hip with one hand, his other coming up to brush his thumb along your cheekbone slowly as he stared up into your eyes. The tenderness and desire in them was so dizzying, it was almost overwhelming. You gripped onto Frank’s shoulders as Matt carefully pushed the blunt head of his cock past your folds, gasping sharply at the slight burn of the stretch.
“Shh…I’ve got you. Just relax for me, sweetheart.”
Matt’s lips brushed delicately along the shell of your ear, and you took a deep breath to steady yourself. A slow moan cascaded from your mouth as he sank his entire length into you, his hand gripping tightly onto your other hip. Matt rested his forehead against your back for a moment once his hips were flush against your ass, an incredulous moan emitting from him.
“Breathe, honey. He’s gonna take care of you, yeah? Ain’t gonna hurt you.”
Frank grunted quietly as you dug your nails into his shoulders, leaving crescent shaped indentations as Matt fucked you slowly from behind. Matt had brought his other hand up to loosely wrap around your throat, pressing his front firmly to your back so there wasn’t even a centimeter of space between you. Matt growled in your ear and it had you clenching around him tightly. 
“Fuck sweetheart…feels even fucking better than I ever imagined. So warm…so tight. Take me so fucking well, angel. So fucking well.”
“You can take Frank too, can’t you?”
Your eyes flew open and you stared down at Frank almost in panic. Matt made you feel so deliciously full. You could feel every ridge and vein as his cock dragged along your walls. You stared down into Frank’s eyes anxiously, all your confidence from earlier seemingly evaporating from your pores. Frank smiled softly up at you, leaning in to brush his lips against yours.
“S’okay if you can’t honey. If it’s too much, s’alright.”
Could you handle them both? The thought seemed ridiculous. Your body was designed to push out a small human, of course you could. But you were nervous. Your cunt had a vice grip on Matt, and Frank was bigger. It would burn, but God it would feel so good once that sting went away. You couldn’t imagine having one without the other. Not anymore. You wanted them both.
“Please Frank…I-I can. I can.”
Matt pressed his cheek against yours as his hand tightened slightly around your neck, digging his fingers a little harder into your hip.
“That’s our girl.”
Frank searched your eyes for any hesitation. He pushed your legs further apart with one of his knees, grabbing the base of his cock and rubbing the head against your clit a few times. Your body jolted forward at the sensation and Matt groaned loudly in your ear. 
“Gonna have to move her a bit.”
Matt pressed his hand against your back until you were laying flat against Frank’s chest, putting his knees on either side of Frank’s. He grabbed onto your hips firmly, raising them a bit so that your back was arched slightly and your ass was pressed against his lower abdomen. Frank gripped onto your waist, pressing his forehead against yours as he positioned himself beneath you.
“Deep breath, sweetheart.”
As Frank pushed the head of his cock through your folds to join Matt, your mouth dropped completely open. Matt stilled behind you as Frank eased his entire length into you inch by spectacular inch. Your mouth still hung open, but you couldn’t make a sound. Your eyes nearly rolled into the back of your head, and you had to squeeze them shut as you tried to remember how to breathe. A burning sensation seared between your thighs as they both stretched you apart from the inside. It felt like they were fucking splitting you in half. It was almost too much. Matt’s fingers loosened around your throat and his deep voice echoed in your ears.
“Breathe, angel. Let us know when we can move. Take your time.”
You sucked in a gasp of oxygen like you had just emerged from the pits of the ocean. They were everywhere. You could hardly tell where one of you ended and the other began. Frank leaned in to kiss you softly, cradling your face in his large hand. Matt once again slipped his hand between you and Frank, carefully tracing circles over your clit to combat the pain with pleasure. You had never felt so full. So content. So loved.
One of your hands reached behind you to grab onto Matt’s neck as your other gripped onto Frank’s shoulder. You experimentally tried rocking your hips, crying out from the sting of the stretch and the jolts of pleasure that followed.
Matt and Frank started to move their hips in tandem slowly, keeping an intricate pace as you adjusted to having both of them inside you. It was unlike anything you had ever felt before. You slowly felt your muscles begin to relax as the tension dissipated, your body feeling looser as pleasure began to overtake the pain. 
“How’s that feel, sweetheart?”
“So fucking good, Frankie.”
Frank’s lips stretched into a proud grin as he brushed his nose against yours, holding your face in his large hand.
“Knew you could, honey. Didn’t we?”
“We knew you’d take us so well, angel.”
Matt pulled back slightly as he felt you getting more comfortable, and your body accommodating them both more easily. He situated himself on his knees behind you, gripping onto your waist tightly.
“Now, ride him while I fuck you.”
Without warning, Matt started snapping his hips against your ass as he drilled into you from behind. A strangled moan of surprise bellowed from your chest, and Frank reached out to grip your waist to hold you steady. You braced your palms flat against his broad chest, whining loudly as Matt pistoned relentlessly inside you. His hand came down hard against your ass and he growled in your ear.
“I said ride him.”
“You heard him. C’mon sweetheart, take what’s yours. Make yourself come on my cock. Show us what a good girl you can be.”
You had half expected Frank to come to your defense like he had throughout the night, but it was like you were back on the roof. Frank was backing Matt, and you had an overwhelming desire to please them both. Gripping onto his shoulders, you began to rock your hips back and forth against his quickly, struggling to find your rhythm with the way Matt was fucking you roughly.
“Move with me, angel. You can do it. Come on, make us proud.”
Frank held onto your waist with one hand and folded his other arm behind his head, staring up at you with the biggest grin on his lips. He was barely moving his hips, letting you do whatever you wanted above him. Matt was right. He did like to watch. He had been letting you and Matt take control for the most part, and right now all you wanted him to do was lose it.
“Please Frankie…please fuck me. Please fuck me like Matty…please…I need your help. Can you fuck me like him?”
Frank’s eyes darkened considerably at your words, and you could hear Matt snickering darkly behind you. Maybe you were wrong about Matt and Frank. Maybe Matt was the one that didn’t hide what he was. Maybe Frank was. Matt hadn’t held back once this entire night, but Frank certainly had. Maybe you didn’t know Frank as well as you thought you did. Maybe there was a part of himself he was concealing. Whatever it was, Matt clearly knew what you were in for better than you did.
“Come on, Frank. She wants to play with the Devil and the Punisher. Let her have it. She’s a big girl, she can handle it. We said we’d ruin her, so help me ruin her.”
Your heart pounded so quickly in your chest you thought it was gonna give out. Frank wasn’t smiling, he was smirking. But it wasn’t the crooked mischievous one you had come to love. No…this one was sinister, and it sent a shiver down your spine.
“Alright, sweetheart. You asked for it. And whatever you want, you get.”
Frank gripped roughly onto your waist to lift your hips before he began to snap his own upwards against yours at an almost inhuman pace. A scream flew from your mouth as he fucked up into you roughly in perfect harmony with Matt who was repeatedly railing into your from behind. You couldn’t form words. The sounds coming from you were downright pornographic and salacious and barely coherent. You grabbed onto his forearms for support and dug your nails so deep into his skin you were shocked you hadn't drawn blood. All you could do was hang on as Frank and Matt did exactly what they promised; they absolutely fucking wrecked you.
The grunts and moans coming from both of them were feral and almost animalistic, tearing from the most primal depths of their chests. They were both gripping and kneading at your flesh with such ferocity, like they couldn’t feel enough of you. You were eager to see the marks they had left tomorrow morning. Frank repeated over and over how good you were, showering you in praise that starkly contrasted with the way he was fucking you. Matt’s fingers never once left your throat, occasionally applying just enough pressure to make you lightheaded. He poured indecent and filthy words into your ear about how perfect you fit around his cock and how badly he wanted you to come so he could fuck you all over again.
It was beginning to be too much. You couldn’t even hold yourself up on your knees anymore. The only reason you hadn’t collapsed was because Frank still had you suspended above him. 
“You gonna come for us, sweetheart?”
“Yeah she is. Any minute now…right angel?”
You couldn’t speak. Couldn’t even nod. All you could do was hang on and fall further and further into Matt Murdock and Frank Castle. Matt chuckled lowly as he pulled your head back against his chest by your neck, brushing his nose along your cheekbone as he inhaled your scent.
“Think we’re fucking her too good, Frank. She can’t even talk.”
“Goddamn if you could see how she looks right now, Red. S’alright pretty girl, we got ya. Go on and make a fuckin’ mess on us. Don’t you dare hold back, yeah?”
“Hold her steady like that Frank. I got her.”
The second Matt’s finger made contact with your clit, you combusted. Your pussy clenched so hard around both of them that it almost hurt. A blinding supernova exploded behind your eyelids and your body suddenly became a live wire, convulsing with every tiny spark of touch. Your lungs burned as you struggled to breathe and all at once you felt like you were floating and made of lead. The distant echo of Matt loudly moaning out your name and Frank howling deeply for you rang in your ears. Your heart fluttered at the thought of your insides being turned into a breathtaking mosaic as the two men you loved most in this world painted you with the most intimate parts of themselves. 
There was an irrefutable peace that settled in your bones once your body stopped shuddering. It felt like you were floating in the middle of the ocean. All the noises around you were jumbled, like your head was underwater. You could just barely make out two voices calling your name. The midnight sky above you was suddenly flashing neon purple and blue, and the twinkling constellations drifting around in front of you morphed into two sets of eyes swirling with deep hazel and dark cocoa. 
“There she is. Had us worried there for a bit, sweetheart.”
Frank’s voice was clear in your ears now. As you blinked the haziness away, both him and Matt finally came back into view. The light from the billboard outside Matt’s apartment was projecting a kaleidoscope of violet and cobalt on the ceiling. You had no idea how long you had been incoherent, but the expression on both of their faces and Frank’s words had you blushing profusely. 
Your voice was hoarse as you spoke. It didn’t even sound like it belonged to you. Both of them exchanged a knowing glance, Matt’s mouth splitting into a wide dimple showcasing grin as he chuckled.
“Hi pretty girl.”
“You alright? Was that too much?”
“I’m amazing. That was…perfect.”
”Hell, I think we can all agree on that. We were worried you weren’t comin’ back to us for a minute there though.”
“I’d never leave you two. I’ll always come back. Promise.”
“Frank, could you grab her a glass of water?”
“Sure thing, Red.”
A tender smile spread across your lips at the way Frank squeezed Matt’s shoulder before making his way out of the bedroom. Matt tilted his head in your direction, eyes fixated almost on yours as he smiled in response. His hand came out to gently cup your face, brushing his thumb lightly along your cheekbone. 
“Where did you go?”
“We did lose you there for a few minutes. We kept saying your name, but you were somewhere else. Where did you go?”
“The stars. Another universe, I think.”
Matt laughed out loud as his grin stretched even further over his mouth, moving to lay beside you as he propped his head up on his other hand.
“We missed you.”
“I found my way back as soon as I could.”
This was the most at peace you thought you had ever seen Matt Murdock look. His hair was disheveled and out of place and his cheeks were lightly twinged pink, but the smile that graced his mouth was absolutely blinding. He looked…happy. Genuinely happy. You couldn’t help but surge forward and capture his lips in a deep kiss. You could feel his smile against your mouth and the warmth of his skin as his hand settled on your waist. 
“Round 2 already? Shouldn’t we wait for Frank?”
“I love you, Matty.”
Matt’s smile faltered only for a second, his eyes widening at your confession. His lips parted as if to speak, but nothing came out. The bed dipped behind you, and you turned your head to see Frank’s gaze shifting between you and Matt. 
“I think you broke him. What’d I miss?”
“I love you, Frankie.”
Frank stilled momentarily, swallowing thickly as he brought the glass of water to your lips and placed his hand on the back of your neck as you gulped generously. 
“Wait…just, let me speak. I mean it. I love both of you. I think I always have I just…if this is a one time thing, that’s okay. I just wanted you both to know. Tonight meant the world to me. I’ve never felt so…happy. No one’s ever treated me so well as you two have and…I really do love when you two get along. I hope that’s not part of this “one time deal” thing. So, Matt Murdock…Frank Castle…I love you. Both of you. If tomorrow morning you both decide you want to act like this never happened-“
“The hell you talkin’ about? Didn’t we say there’d be a next time?”
“Well…yeah but that was-“
“Angel, this isn’t a one time thing. I don’t know about Frank, but I can’t go back to before. Not after I’ve finally had you. It's not a one time thing for me.”
“It ain’t for me either.”
Silence hung heavy in the air after the weight of your confession settled. You suddenly felt self conscious about what you had just admitted, and the urge to run away had your fingers twitching at your sides. Matt tenderly wrapped his hand around your wrist, a gentle smile tugging at the corner of his mouth as he stared in your direction.
“I love you, angel.”
Frank slipped into bed beside you, draping his arm lazily over your waist as he brushed his nose along your jawline and pressed a soft kiss to the edge of your mouth. 
“And I love you, sweetheart.”
Your eyes darted frantically between the two of them, still trying to wrap your head around all of the events that had transpired tonight. 
“So…what now?”
“I don’t know ‘bout you two, but I’m fuckin’ exhausted. I say we get some sleep.”
“Frank’s right. It’s been a long night. Let’s get some rest. We can talk in the morning.”
“I’m sorry…did you just…say Frank was right?”
“Don’t start. I’m too tired to put you in your place, and I don’t think you can handle any more than what we’ve already given you.” 
Matt’s tone submissed you into complete silence. Frank chuckled lowly beside you, and you caught his smirk as you met his gaze. He gave a light shrug of his shoulders as he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.
“He may be tired but he ain’t bluffin’. If there’s anything he can do better than take a beatin’ it’s give one. I suggest you behave, sweetheart.”
You closed your eyes for a second as you pressed your thighs together, and Matt groaned loudly beside you. Frank laughed as he pulled the covers over the three of you, snuggling close into your backside as Matt pulled your leg over his waist to get you as close as possible to his chest. For several minutes, you all laid there in comfortable silence, enjoying the feeling of Matt and Frank’s warmth against your skin and the sound of their steady breathing with a promise of more bliss tomorrow. 
“Goddamn, you weren’t kiddin’ about that fuckin’ billboard. You ain’t ever thought to get some curtains?”
“Why would I have a use for curtains, Frank?”
A loud laugh escaped your mouth at Matt’s deadpan before you had a chance to stop it, and Frank’s hand suddenly clamped over your mouth.
“Obviously they ain’t for you, shithead. What about us?”
“Fine. We’ll look at curtains tomorrow. Happy?”
“Fuckin’ peachy.”
Thirty seconds. You had thirty seconds of more comfortable silence before they were back at it.
“You’re fucking joking, right? I mean you can sleep through bullets and explosions and the desert sun, but a billboard is where you draw the line?” 
“It’s right there in the goddamn window, Matthew. For fucks sake, you got a fuckin’ rave goin’ on right now. It might not bother you-“
“Well obviously it can’t bother me Frank-“
“Boys, please. Frankie, you’ve literally slept in far worse conditions. Matty…it is a bit much. We can deal with it tomorrow. Can we please go back to you two being nice to each other and cuddling?” Both of them grunted halfheartedly in response, but it made you smile nonetheless. Because they were your boys. Yours. And no matter how much they drove you, and each other, absolutely crazy, it was all out of love. You loved them. They loved you. Nothing else really mattered.
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beesspacedotorg · 6 months
thinking about tinky winky (purple lino) and begging cute boyfriend minho to dye his hair purple again and because bunny loves loves loves compliments it turns into a “so you think i’m pretty huh☺️” fest of him fishing for praise from his partner -🌸
cherry blossom anon, I may have accidentally forgot to put in compliments and instead it turned into a 750 word fic about dyeing his hair. I hope that's okay. Mayhap I'll revisit this featuring the compliments and ... other thing.
You aren’t above begging. You aren’t above a lot of things, actually, as proven by the way you’re currently on your knees in front of your boyfriend, hands clasped together like you’re praying.
“Minho, please. I’ll do anything. Literally anything. I’ll unclog the tub drain myself next time, I’ll give you earth-shattering head, pleasepleaseplease.” He looks at you, mildly confused from where you’ve ambushed him at your front door before the realization dawns and his eyes narrow.
“You’re kidding me right now.” He toes his shoes off.
“I’m not. Please, you looked so hot I don’t see why you won’t let me.” He’s walking towards the kitchen and you follow after him, still on your knees.
“Are you saying that I don’t look hot now?”
“Don’t put words in my mouth. You just looked so good with the hair, please. Stay will literally thank me.”
“They’ll think it was skzigi.”
“I’ll roleplay as JYP Entertainment staff if that’s what it takes, Lee Minho.” He sighs, throwing his head back towards the ceiling while mumbling. Your boyfriend isn’t religious, he’s one of the few members of his group who has never had any particular faith, but you think he might be praying for something right now.
“If you don’t want to, you don’t have to. I’m mostly just doing all of this for the bit.” You’re standing now, hand on his shoulder as you peer at him, worried that you might have taken it a step too far.
“Shh. I’m trying to think of how I’ll explain this to our manager and Chan without getting my head lobbed off.” You smile, wide and beaming as you clap your hands excitedly, rushing off to the bathroom and reappearing next to him with a bag in your hands.
“Great! When you come up with a good excuse meet me in the bathroom.”
“How did you- Why- You didn’t even know I was going to say yes!”
“You’re right, I didn’t. I was going to save it for a rainy day, or use it on myself.” And with that, you’re gone, leaving Minho alone in the kitchen as he imagines how hot you would look with purple hair.
“Wait,” he calls after you, setting his half-opened ramen packet on the counter and turning, “did you buy enough for two people?”
“Are you sure you don’t want me to shower?” He asks, sitting backwards on the toilet lid as you mix the bleach.
“I didn’t go to hair school, so I’m not an expert, but I did dye my friends’ hair all throughout highschool and we had better results with less damage when their hair was gross so, yes. I’m sure.”
“That smells awful.”
“It’s almost like its chemicals.”
“I’ll leave.”
“There’s already bleach in your hair, if you leave now you’ll have awful streaks that even the most diehard LeeKnower wouldn’t be able to justify.” He huffs at that, mumbling something about how Stays aren’t that shallow and you reply with a comment about Hyunjin’s Maxident hair that shuts him up.
“He looked good,” he starts and you sigh, head dropping forward. “I don’t see what they were so upset about.”
“I know, dear.”
“He suits short hair!”
“He does.”
“It fit the concept!”
“It did.”
“Yah!” He turns, hitting your arm lightly and almost knocking the bleach bowl out of your hands. “You aren’t listening.”
“My apologies for not wanting to hear my boyfriend wax poetic about another man’s hair.”
“How long does this have to sit for?”
“Ask me that again and I’ll leave it in until you go bald.”
The bleach is washed out and his head’s half purple before he looks at his phone and his eyes go wide.
“What’s up?” You’re busy drawing shapes on his head with the dye.
“Hannie is calling.”
“So answer it.”
“It’s video.”
“Say that you’re naked.”
“Like that’s stopped me before.”
“Say that I’m naked.” The call promptly drops.
“How long does this have to sit for?”
“Do you give the hairstylists at the company this much trouble?”
“I’m shaving you bald.”
His hair has been rinsed and blow dried and you’ve been making eyes at him for the past ten minutes while he shoves ramen noodles in his mouth.
“Can you stop staring so hard? My head’s about to catch fire.” His mouth is full.
“No. No I cannot.” His eyes roll and he sets his now empty bowl down.
“So… about that ‘earth-shattering head’ you mentioned?”
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twstfanblog · 9 months
*~Period Drama~* Sunday
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A/N: SCREAMS. Ok, sorry. It's been a hard time getting this out and for no reason. I literally had it like 80% done this whole time and the last 20% got lost in the damn mail I guess. But now it's done and out for the masses to enjoy! A thank you to @bun-lapin for allowing me to use their lovely OC for this fic! Word Count: 7.5K (God Damn...) Warnings: Period Talk (Like most of this is just various period facts and it lowkey gets pretty horrifying near the end), She/They Pronouns OC Pairings: AzulxOC (Poly), JamilxOC (Poly), Paternal Crewel &OC, Alluded to Riddle/Floyd Now with a tag-list! @twistedcece, @deltrea, @krenenbaker Start, Part 2 (Octavinelle), Part 3 (Here). Part 4 (Savanaclaw), Part 4.5 (Diasomnia pt.1), Part 5 (Diasomnia pt.2), Part 6 (Pomefiore)
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"Sorry again for bleeding on your pants."
Yuu stood in their dorm’s entrance hallway, Azul at the door with his ruined slacks in hand and wearing a pair of sweats borrowed from Yuu.
Azul had spent the night after Crewel’s brief lecture. The fur-wearing teacher had given Yuu another pain relief potion before leaving, stating he was going to get something longer-lasting for them by tomorrow. Azul had elected to stay, acting as emotional support and bringing Yuu whatever they needed from elsewhere in the house.
"No issue, my pearl. The twins have ruined more than one outfit for me, a little blood isn't the end of the world." He mutters under his breath, looking at the sweatpants with a pinched expression. But he turns to smile at them, “I’m only sorry that I can’t stay with you longer. But, I’ve already missed one productive day at the lounge, and I fear what will happen if I miss another. Let alone leave Jade and Floyd to their own devices any longer…”
"So what do I owe you for the emotional turmoil then?" Yuu smiles lazily, eyes lidded as they watch Azul place a hand over his chest.
"Why I could never ask for anything in return. You're in such a delicate position, it'd be cruel to give you a payment plan now for all the distress you've caused me this past week…"
So, she was going to be ambushed with a 'payment plan' once her period was over. 
Smirking, they tilt their head, a finger poking into their cheek, "So, can I start making those payments before the interest gets too high?"
Azul sighs, pouting and shaking his head with his eyes closed, "Honestly. I try to be benevolent and you throw it back in my face. Such cruelty…" he opens an eye, a smile almost leaning into a smirk, "But payment in kisses is always accepted with you."
"Suave" Yuu leans closer, peppering kisses against Azul’s reddening cheeks before going for the kill on his lips. The two sets molded together, Yuu holding him by his jaw as her tongue slid into his mouth, tasting his moans as his hands shakingly reached toward her hips. Pulling away, they giggle at seeing Azul catch his balance on the wall, "Have fun at the lounge. Call me when you can squeeze in a break."
Still dizzy from the kiss, Azul nodded, free hand fumbling for the doorknob behind him, "W-will do. Please don't overdo it when no one is here. Love you." He barely escaped, losing his composer and stumbling away just as he closed the door behind him. Yuu was always physically affectionate, but she was downright merciless if he ever blushed in front of her.
Yuu sighs, deciding to finally check their phone in bed…maybe they’ll just grab more towels from the hallway closet. Laying on the couch closer to the kitchen would be the smarter idea. They huff, pulling out more towels and piling them in their arms. They really needed to find something to act comfortably enough like a pad or tampon, free bleeding was too messy in the long run.
Once the couch was prepped with towels, they laid down to rest under their cozy throw blanket until Crewel appeared to check on them. They clicked their phone on and almost choked at the number of notifications.  At least 300 texts, 47 missed calls, and various social media @'s in an effort to reach them. They had to fight back the tears, emotions swelling at the idea of just how cared for they were in this world. Once their nerves were settled, they went to ground zero.
Their group chat with the 'Firstie Squad' was where most of the texts were. Ace first stated that someone had assaulted them. From there chaos descended. Jack demanded to know if Ace was joking, because if so it wasn't funny in the slightest. Epel chimed in that there was no way anyone overpowered them and got away alive. Ace snapped at both of them what he saw, pointing out how odd they'd been behaving the week prior. Sebek finally chimed in, only typing to ask whether Ace was sure.
Once Ace rementioned the bloody vagina mess the whole chat might as well as caught on fire. Jack seemed to disappear, Epel followed quickly after dropping several swears and threats into the chat about the would-be aggressor. Sebek stuck around the longest, talking with Ace to get information and make a game plan. Ortho sent a single link on helping a loved one who had been assaulted. But, knowing the living droid, he had probably combed every camera at his disposal to try and catch whoever did such a crime.
Nearly an hour later Deuce had finally entered the chat, full caps stating that they were okay and then yelling at Ace. He scolded him for blabbing when Crewel just told them to keep quiet. From there new, familiar chaos took over, a normal back and forth whenever Ace and Deuce started fighting over text.
The other stray texts were from the housewardens, mainly asking why their respective firsties were acting so odd. A few more texts asking if they were okay, noting how angry they've been the past few days. Surprisingly, only two texts were from Jamil. One was a photo of a teary-eyed Grim being held like a baby by Kalim in the background, crumbs on his over-stuffed cheeks and Kalim flashing a peace sign. Mildly blurry in the corner of the photo was the side of Jamil’s face, a half-in-frame peace sign hiding his mouth. The simple message attached, ‘Grim is fed and being held. Love you’
Yuu smiles, sending him a quick message before replying to the other texts, making sure to send Ace several middle finger and a single heart emoji. She groans, seeing a few texts from Vil. But looking closer, she sees most of the missed calls were from Vil, maybe she should call him…
Listening through a few of the voicemails, Yuu notes how calm Vil sounded in the first recording. The blonde only asked how their day was and if they were still on for their movie night. The next few voicemails slowly increased in panic, the last one being a chaotic audio of Epel wailing in the background. Rook trying to either comfort or hold the country boy back while Vil yelled into the phone, “You better be dead when I find you, or so help me you’re going to be for making me worry like this!”
Yuu personally made sure to save that voicemail. It was rare to hear such emotion from Vil Shoenheit without having paid him an insane amount of money and hours of makeup and hair styling. Should Crowley try to withhold their allowance, they had a nice little nest egg to sell.
Soon, Yuu heard the front door swing open, the wood slamming against the wall and no doubt deepening the dent that was already there. Crewel really needed to announce himself at all times when he was annoyed. Yuu doesn’t rise from the couch, instead letting out a high-pitched yip to let him know where in the house they were. Hearing the click of the adult's shoes, Yuu waves over the side of the couch, “Sup, papa dog.”
“Hello, puppy.” Crewel leans over the back of the couch, his gloved hand petting her head and pressing a kiss to her hair, “How are you feeling?”
“Like bloody dirt.”
“Hmm.” Crewel drops a bag onto their stomach, the warmth and smell of it giving away that it was a take-out box of food, “Breakfast from your eels. You’ll need to eat it before you take this pain potion.”
Yuu smiles, pulling the food out and digging in. Mid chew, they raise an eyebrow, “Why’s this potion different? I normally take them without food all the time.” They watch Crewel pull out a flask, but instead of the normal green-colored syrup, it was a bright cyan. The bottle itself had a warning tag on the glass, “What the fuck is that?”
“This, puppy, is a medical-grade pain potion. While I am able to brew anything, it’d be illegal for me to brew something of this strength without proper licensing. So, I tasked Ms.Oster with making a few for you.”
The distrust Yuu had instantly faded, reaching out for the flask with a smile, “Oh, I love Ms.Oster.”
Crewel pulls the bottle from their reach, playfully sneering down at them, “Yeah, I know.”
Ingrid Oster was one of the science professors under Crewel’s direction in the school. She mainly taught practical magic and magical first aid. Even though Yuu had no reason to even know the woman as a first year, they had managed to meet and we’re now teacher/student ‘besties’, something that deeply annoyed Crewel. The number of times the bi-colored man had walked into the staff room only to see the two of them having a luncheon and gossiping about other students. Not to mention Ingrid only upped her teasing, telling Crewel that he wears the ‘dad look’ very well.
Crewel demanded they finish their food before letting them even touch the bottle. The teacher explained how a medical-grade pain potion had a  much stronger effect than the standard potion. It lasted for nearly a whole day instead of 4-6 hours, not to mention how it worked. Instead of simply numbing the nerves to give pain relief, a medical-grade pain potion targeted the muscle system, physically relieving tension and letting the fibers relax. As such, they were very rarely used outside of hospitals, but Crewel didn’t feel comfortable having Yuu drink possibly more than two potions a day.
Once Yuu was done eating, Crewel held up a finger, making sure he had their attention, “Don’t drink all of this like a normal potion. This is much stronger than that so I want you to sip. Understand? Sip.”
Yuu sighed, making a grabby hand motion until Crewel handed the flask over, noting how it still felt a bit warm through the glass under their fingers. Uncorking the bottle they make sure to sip the liquid as loudly as possible. Pulling it away and smiling at Crewel’s annoyed look, “Sip.”
“Enough of the sass or I won’t be sending you lunch.” Crewel collected the trash, throwing it away for them in the kitchen before walking back into the lounge, “Ortho hasn’t answered me yet about any of his findings. But, then again I think you actually managed to traumatize the poor boy. Until then, you’re sadly on house arrest, puppy. Invite who you wish, but you shouldn't roam campus how you like.”
“Fine…” Yuu slumped back onto the couch, pouting but feeling better as the potion started to take a mild effect. They do send a smile as Crewel ruffles their hair.
Crewel reminds them once more to not drink the whole bottle, Sip, giving their head another kiss before he left. As much as he’d want to stick around to make sure his favorite pup was taken care of, he was a very busy teacher and he had lesson plans to prepare for tomorrow.
The second Crewel had slammed their front door closed, they uncorked the flask again and drank the whole potion. They’d rather just deal with the full effect of the potion in one sitting instead of having to sip for hours on end or wake up from a surprise nap in pain. Crewel would understand if he came back and Yuu was in some type of medically induced coma.
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Lunch rolled around, and along with it came three steady, loud knocks on the front door. Yuu blearily blinked their eyes open, yep, they passed out on the couch. Luckily they didn’t roll onto their phone, checking the time and messages before another three knocks rang out. As before, Yuu lets out a loud —bird-adjacent— call, their universal sign of approval. She giggles lightly, hearing Ace and Deuce return the call when they open the door, the sound of Riddle scolding them for making 'nonsense noises' without permission.
The Heartslabyul crew all walked into the lounge, each in casual clothing and a different level of uneasiness but smiling all the same. Cater was in the back, phone held nervously with both hands as he gave a wary eye at their prone form. Trey was calm as normal, holding a picnic basket in hand. Ace and Deuce were already in front of them, leaning down and annoying her mildly. Mainly Ace, the redhead poking at her stomach asking if she was still bleeding. Deuce hissed at him to stop, ‘What if you poke them so hard they bleed more?’
Riddle stood with an extra type of rigidity in his stance, the only give that he was uncomfortable. Even with his medical knowledge, he always found blood to be a deeply uncomfortable topic. But, he was willing to face his apprehension if it was for his younger classmate's benefit. Walking closer, Riddle clears his throat before speaking, “Apologies, Yuu. We’ve visited without a prior invite or call, but due to recent events I believe we can have a pass on that rule for now…”
Cater nods his head, but still refusing to get closer, “We were totes worried about you, sweetie. Plus the ADeuce duo over here wasn’t making things better by vague ranting in the dorm…”
The two freshmen glare over their shoulder’s at Cater. They had returned to the dorm yelling at each other the day prior, a common occurrence. What peaked the upperclassmen’s worry was the dubious context of their argument and their silence when Riddle demanded to know what had happened. 
Yuu smiles, blinky slowly, still half asleep from their nap, “Sorry. In fairness I wasn’t expecting it to happen, so I was really unprepared.” Cater actually had a more familiar reaction, something Yuu wasn’t aware that she missed. The mild fear from boys the second periods were mentioned, skirting around but still ready to help out because they knew they were in danger.
Trey chuckles, looking at Cater’s nervous self from the corner of his eye. Holding up the basket he taps it lightly, “We brought you some croissants, freshly baked this morning. I can even make you a sandwich with fixings of your choice.” He wouldn’t mention the hastily compiled ‘survival guide’ Jade had sent him last night. The main point being that favored food seemed to be the only thing to keep Yuu in a relatively calm state.
“I just woke up, don’t give me choices…” Yuu whined lightly, curling into the couch but still muttered out, “You know I like croissants savory or sweet, surprise me. And thanks for bringing me lunch.”
“No problem, Yuu. I heard from Crewel you were on house arrest. So to ease his workload we’ll be watching you for the day.” He starts to walk away, calling over his shoulder, “I’ll get to making you something to eat.”
“And I’ll help him! Bye, sweetie!” Cater hurried after Trey, seeing an opportunity to run and taking it.
Ace sighed, standing up straight, “Jeeze, you’re such trouble…You can’t even be bothered to sit up while you talk to us?”
“Don’t bully them, Ace! They’re in pain!” Deuce sputters, turning to Yuu with a worried, “Wait are you still in pain, should we have brought you a potion?”
Yuu waves him off lightly, slowly patting him on the face until the worried pout loosens, “Don’t worry. Crewel brought me breakfast and a pain potion. I’m as…chill as a…cold thing…Yeah…”
“You’re still half asleep is what you are…” Ace mutters quietly, rubbing the back of his head before he looks up. He looks back down, a smirk on his face, “But, since I’m such a good friend, I’ll help around since you’re too useless to do it right now.” Waving he starts to walk toward the stairs, “I’ll go clean your room.”
Deuce jumps up, growling under his breath before he follows Ace, “You’re not slick! I know you’re just gonna nap up there! Just because Yuu isn’t using their bed, doesn’t mean you get to laze around in it!” He had run out of the room after the fleeing redhead, only to rush back in. Kneeling down he gathers Yuu into his arms in a quick hug, “Glad you’re ok, Yuu.”
“Aw…Thanks, buddy.”
Deuce releases them, running back to the stairs and his yelling fading the farther he gets.
In the silence, Yuu drifted between half asleep and simply staring into the air. They probably shouldn’t have taken the whole potion, but they’d never admit to Crewel being right. Not after they deliberately disobeyed him. While studying their hand in the open air, they notice Riddle had stayed in the room, looking more and more conflicted, “...You ok?”
“...” Riddle shifted nervously, looking to the side before he walked closer. Crouching down, he whispered, almost in fear of anyone else hearing him, “Are you really bleeding from your…vagina?”
“...” She wasn’t going to laugh, she refused to laugh. Not when Riddle was looking at them so concerned. He didn’t deserve that. She didn’t know if her face stayed straight or betrayed just how hard she was trying to not laugh, but she reached out to pat Riddle on the head, “I am…but it’s fine. Other than cramps, this doesn’t actually hurt me. No need to be all worried…”
That seemed to be enough for Riddle, the 2nd year letting out a sigh of relief before he stood back to his full height, “In that case, would you allow me to interview you?”
With a wave of his pen, a notebook appeared in his hands, “You are a biological alien to us, though we seem to forget that at times… Such functions don’t happen to the people of Twisted Wonderland, it’d be any researcher's dream to study it.” Coughing into his fist he calms himself, “But, I understand if you are uncomfortable with such a thing. I only thought it’d be good to get the facts documented should something similar happen again.”
Yuu chuckles, seeing how eager Riddle was. One thing Yuu knew about Riddle, was that he loved puzzles. Researching a new topic with little information was a blind puzzle to him and he dived into research like it was a water slide. Sure he was trying to curb his enthusiasm since they were affected by an ‘alien illness’, but he just couldn’t stop how excited he was.
“I don’t mind, Riddle.”
Riddle’s nervous energy instantly passes, smiling at them before he flips the notebook open. Sitting in front of their legs on the couch, he clicked his wand to uncap the pen, “Perfect! Now, what is happening in broad terms?”
“Pussy peeling.”
Riddle sighed so hard that Yuu was worried he’d fall over dead from lack of air, “Yuu...You know I dislike that word, I’m begging you.”
Yuu giggles, a leg moving to lightly push against Riddle’s back before calming down, “I’m sorry…My Vagina is peeling, liquifying the scraps and then forcing it out of my body.”
Riddle looked ill, but I kept writing, “That sounds horrific…”
“Oh, it is.”
“What function does this process serve?”
“Baby room reno.”
Yuu groaned, head falling back against the armrest, trying to figure out an easier way to explain. Snapping their fingers, they point toward Riddle, “My pussy is replacing the wallpaper.”
“In no way…does that help me.”
“Aaaaaokay. Imagine your hormones, like, spend the whole month decorating a nursery. But, turns out there’s no baby. So the hormones throw a fit and decided to redo the nursery for next month. Hence…” Yuu smiles, gesturing to their stomach, “Replacing the wallpaper.”
Riddle wrote down the long-winded analogy, making sure to circle ‘Wallpaper replacement’ with a question mark beside it, “And this is normal in your world?”
“Sadly. Girls get their first period sometimes at like… 8 years old or younger.”
“Why!? That just…What is the purpose of it? I assumed this was a feature from birth, not something you just…wake up to.”
“Oh, it’s a sign that your body can make babies. It’s a hormonal change that comes packaged with puberty.”
Riddle stops writing, “You said some girls get this at 8 years old?”
“Yeah…though it’s more common around like 12 or 13. My friend got her’s when she was like 9 and she said she freaked out so hard. Her mom hadn’t had the, like, talk with her yet. So she just bled everywhere and tried to hide it.” Yuu kept rambling, recounting the stories her old friend group had shared about their first period horror stories, missing Riddle’s own dawning horror.
Yuu normally talked fondly of their old world. Funny stories with friends, and pleasant memories with their grandparents (Yuu never claimed to be an orphan. Had stated that both her parents were alive as far as she knew. She never shared a happy memory about them though). But sometimes the things they said worried them. The violence, the discrimination, the constant fear some people had to live in. The fact the people in charge would rather let their workforces starve than simply give them the rightful money earned (That bit of knowledge had even made Azul uncomfortable for a time). And now he hears that girls were ready to carry and birth children biologically? Girls, children. He’s praying that it wasn’t okay for girls so young to be engaging in such…activities, but the fact their bodies went through such a change at that age horrified him.
And a selfish part whispered that he was glad Yuu had managed to escape such a place.
Riddle manages to shake himself free of his spiraling thoughts, catching the end of Yuu's rambles.
"-And then my friend Tracy got her's in the middle of a ballet recital and she, like, bled all over the stage. Apparently, one girl was staring the whole time and tripped because of it." Yuu laughs, the sound coming out mildly choked, “Lisa…Lisa has like 3 older sisters, okay? They all got their period on the same day, so their house was super tense. Then poor lil Lisa comes out of her room crying holding her bloody bedsheet and everyone starts crying.”
Riddle looks at Yuu in worry from the corner of his eye, writing down more questions to review with Jade, “All of them at once? Would that be considered rare?” Was a period something like an overblot? The symptoms seemed to match…
“Naw, it’s common pussy ping, happens to the best of us.”
“One, stop saying that word. Two, a common what?”
Yuu nodded their head in a sage manner, eyes already drifting around the room again, “Yeah, pussy ping. It’s when you, like, sync up with other vaginas.”
“...” Riddle turns to Yuu, eyes wide in horror, “Sync up? As in…if someone’s period has started…”
“Yep.” Yuu smiles, making vague hand gestures, “If you spend enough time with another vagina, they send wifi signals to each other and sync up the calendars so that their hosts start on the same day.”
“I-Their hosts?” So a period was like an overblot. An extremely dangerous one at that if they were able to induce overblots in others simply by being around them long enough. The very thought of his own overblot resulting in the others…
“Oh yeah. The pussy is a dangerous thing. It’s acidic and can influence other vaginas to rebel.” “Wait, it’s acidic!?”
“Oh, yeah.” Yuu stretched, back popping as they sat up to look at Riddle directly, “I guess some stuff doesn’t carry over then. Yeah, my pussy is mildly acidic.”
Riddle looks down to Yuu’s covered lap, eyes panicked, “Is that healthy?” “Yeah. If your pussy juice can bleach your underwear over time, your pussy bacteria is healthy.”
Acidic was healthy. Riddle cared about Yuu, he truly did. She was like a sibling his younger self would have desperately needed to be a reason to think of how his actions affect those around him and to physically slap him for going too far. But every time he spoke to them about their natural state, he just felt intense concern. Things Yuu would joke about only made him realize that depression wore many faces, and that fact only made his worry expand to others in his dorm. Clearing his throat, Riddle edged just slightly away from Yuu’s lower anatomy, “Do you need to clean it out with soap or-”
Yuu was leaned against the back of the couch in a daze, cheek pressed into the fabric before shooting up and cutting Riddle off, “No. Nothing but clean water can go into the pussy. If you put any kinda cleaner up there it will anger the blood goddess and she will curse you and your pussy with dryness and wheat…yeast infections.”
“I- The blood goddess? You said your world didn’t have magic, who is this blood goddess!?”
“The Moon.”
“The…The Moon?”
“The moon controls the blood tides and demands her daughters pay for the sins of old…”
Riddle wrote down the new information, eyes wide, “Ok, let’s change the subject.”
Yuu nods, head lulling back to rest against the couch, “Periods are like…insane. Girls only like talking about them because it makes everyone else terrified.”
“I can see why…But with this affecting possibly 50% of the population, you must have had a class about it? Do you remember anything you could tell me?”
“I don’t remember.”
Riddle sighs, looking at Yuu with a stern frown, “Yuu this would be much easier if you would cooperate with me-”
“No, really I don’t remember. We had the ‘puberty talk’ when I was, like, in 5th grade. We don’t review that shit until we get to Sex-Ed and I didn’t have that class yet.”
“...That sounds incredibly negligent and poorly thought out.”
“You could also opt your kid out because you don’t want them learning about sex.”
“Those were the kids who normally end up pregnant, funny enough.”
“Childhood pregnancy isn’t funny, Yuu.”
Yuu giggled, nudging at Riddle’s back with her knee, only stopping when the 2nd year forcibly shoved her knee away from him, “It’s kinda funny. At least to laugh at the parent's stupidity, you know?”
“You’re laughing at a child getting pregnant…” Please don’t let that be a common occurrence in Yuu's world, “But, You are sexually active, aren’t you? How is that so if you’ve never had Sex-Ed?”
“The fuck kind of question is that? You’re the ghost of a sickly Victorian child who never lived to take The Dangers of Spices 101, how are you fucking Floyd?”
“It’s mandatory of Twisted Wonderland home school curriculum to teach a basic Sex-Ed course at the middle school level and you don’t need to know the details of my personal life.”
“Oh god, you had Sex-Ed with your mom.”
She waves his tone off, not at all bothered by his reddening face, “I learned from my friends. Honestly, I didn’t even know how a tampon worked until we had to make a midnight run at a sleepover one night.”
“Tampons…” Riddle writes it down, ensuring the page had plenty of space, “That’s a new term. What is it?” Jade’s notes hadn’t mentioned a ‘tampon’.
“Cotton you shove up your pussy to soak up the blood. Most of my friends used those but me and another gal named Rue liked pads better.”
Riddle nods, writing down the second word. He had heard of pads from Jade’s shared notes, and also from being manhandled by Sam’s shadows in his search for information. “I'm guessing a pad is also like a tampon, but less…invasive?”
“Yeah.” Yuu yawns, seeming to realize just how full of cotton her head was even when awake, “Though that’s mainly because I heard about what the fuck Toxic Shock was and it scared me enough to not want to use them.”
“I’m sorry, Toxic Shock? You couldn’t lead with that!?”
“Oh, right. This is like common knowledge for me so I don’t really care about it. But, Toxic Shock Syndrome is like…something that could happen if you use tampons. But it’s like super rare, to the point if you got it from a tampon? You left that thing in there for days and you deserve it because that’s just gross.”
Ok, that…that was calming at least. He wrote the new information under the Tampon page. As far as he was concerned Yuu had made a good decision, ‘Tampons’ sounded nothing but dangerous. Though Yuu had stated most of their friends preferred to use them. Maybe there was a proper method to using them that Yuu didn’t care to learn (Which honestly fit them). He reviews his notes briefly, frowning at how most of the information was concerning, “Your reproductive health is surprisingly delicate.”
“Oh, you have no idea. I could have cancer honestly.”
“The female anatomy is a hellscape. I could be dying right now but the cramps basically overshadow everything.” Yuu laughs, picking at her nails absent-mindedly, “There’s plenty of people who’ve, like, died from actual internal damage but they just thought it was their periods- W-whoa, Riddle are you crying?”
“No, I’m panicking!”  Riddle scrambled off the couch, lifting the blanket to check Yuu directly. Or he would have if the sight of blood smeared across their inner thighs didn’t make his head swirl. The blanket drops from his hands, turning away and managing to catch himself onto his hands and knees as he dry heaved, “By the Seven, is there supposed to be that much blood!?”
“...” Yuu watches him in mild concern. But seeing how the 2nd year didn’t actually start vomiting they answered, “I think so? I might be flowing heavy since I haven’t had one in a while…”
Riddle wiped at his forehead, taking slow breaths as he stood back up, eyes roaming the floor for his dropped pen and notebook, “Heavy flow? As in the flow can change pressure? Consistency?”
“Yeah, those are words to describe it, I guess.” Yuu shrugs, head turning in the direction of the kitchen. Were Trey and Cater making the jam from scratch? What was taking the two of them so long? Looking back at Riddle, Yuu shrugs again, “To be honest I have… no idea what normal is. Honestly, no one in my world really did.” “How?”
“Dude, people were fucking terrified of periods. Before I got here? They were just now actually, like, testing pads and tampons with shit that wasn't water. Aka, not the right cunt-sistency of periods.”
Riddle gripped at his chest. The lack of common sense was baffling. These were the people in charge of that world, half the population was suffering from this illness and they couldn’t even test their sanitation products correctly, “Oh my Seven…”
“Some places were trying to ban talking about them in school, so fuck what shitty health class we had in the first place. Plus, periods can get weird, you know. Sometimes, you can like…bleed from other places.”
“Yeah, like, from your butt or your eyes,” Yuu’s head rolls along the back of the couch, laughing as a memory resurfaces, “My friend, Chel, told us her cousin’s all came out in one piece once.”
Riddle dry heaved, stumbling back and coughing as the mental image started to form, “Trey…” He called out weakly. He was going to pass out, or vomit. Either one was wildly unwelcome at that moment.
“Apparently, it was like wet tissue just slid out of her.”
Another gag, Riddle fully turning away. The horror clear on his face unable to stop his mind.
“Yeah, her cousin sent a picture too. It looked like a bloody piece of chewed-up gum-”
“TREY!” Riddle doubled over, just barely getting his yell out, coughing as he fought against his urge to vomit. Hearing the sounds of footsteps thundering down the hall, he felt relief flood him. He couldn’t handle another minute of this, he was never good with blood. Blood was always the sign of something being deeply wrong, blood outside the body besides the need for a transfusion was never healthy. Now one of his friends was basically hemorrhaging and he had to deal with the fact it was “healthy”.
Cater and Trey rush into the room, Trey dressed in Yuu’s black ‘Shut Up and Eat’ apron with a plate of croissants gripped in his hands, “What!? Who’s dying!?”
Phone pointed in front of him, Cater films a video. If Yuu managed to kill all of them, someone would be able to find the video and know what happened to them, “Is Yuu still bleeding?”
At Riddle’s loud retch, Trey handed the plate of food to Cater. The 3rd year quickly walked over to Riddle, rubbing at his back and trying to guide him out of the lounge, “Okay, let’s get you outside. Some fresh air will help. Cater, keep Yuu company.”
Cater watches mildly stunned, Trey walking past him with his hands firmly on Riddle’s shoulders. With a plate of toasted croissant sandwiches in one hand and his still recording phone in the other Cater looked at Yuu on the couch. Their head was leaned back against the armrest, watching him with what he could only describe as a predator’s stare. Putting his phone in his pocket, Cater grabs one of the sandwiches and slowly approaches Yuu, arm outstretched as he wiggled it, “Pspspspspspspssps.”
“I can not begin to tell you what I will do to you if you don’t stop that shit right now.” The threat was empty and they both knew it. Yuu struggled to not laugh as Cater finally walked over to them normally, gently placing the plate in their waiting hands, “How fucking dare you…? I’m laying here in pain and ruining the nice towels Kalim gifted me and you’re treating me like a cat.”
“A feral cat.” Cater had eased, if only a little bit. He still wasn’t standing at an angle to let Yuu get a quick hit in, but his shoulders had finally relaxed. It helped that he knew Yuu had food now, Trey was just as confused as he was when Jade kept sending texts reflecting the importance of giving Yuu food lest they attack them in a mood swing. And now with said feral cat feeding on the still-warm sandwiches, Cater could feel a bit safer, “You’re totes a cute cat, but still feral. #Hot-Mess, #Hit-By-A-Bus, #Don’t-Bite-Me-Pwease.”
Yuu frowned, though a smile was clearly winning the fight over their expression, “Shut up…” Taking a big bite, the buttery sweet sandwich filled them with a sense of comfort. Trey’s cooking always had an odd effect Yuu found. No matter what he made it would make others feel content and full. They and the ADeuce duo would joke that Trey was using his Unique Magic to make his food replace negative emotions somehow. 
Trey hadn’t answered their joke, only smiling at them and offering another pie for their hangout.
Now with a plate of warm food, Yuu was more content, almost melting into the couch and snoozing into the armrest as she hummed. In their hazy mind, Yuu could hear Cater’s chuckle. The redhead sat carefully on the armrest above their head.
“Aw, my poor rag-a-muffin froshie is having such a hard time. It really makes me wanna be a good senpai and look after you.” He sighed dramatically, tapping at his cheek as he playfully pouted, “Is this how Trey feels looking at Ace and Deuce?”
“Only if you feel a deep sense of disappointment and contempt for everything I do.”
Ace and Deuce had just entered the room, Both of them with messy hair and disheveled clothing, clearly having gotten into a scuffle before coming back downstairs. The redhead first-year scowls, clicking his tongue, “Shut up. I’ve never done a single thing wrong in my life.”
Cater snorts, trying to hide just how hard he was fighting back his laughter.
Yuu raised an eyebrow, “Did you get fucking concussed up there? You’ve done nothing right since the day you were born, and you know it.”
“Shut up, you’re lucky you’re injured! Plus, where’s Riddle and Trey?”
Deuce looked around, walking closer to Yuu to once again give them a check, “We heard Rosehearts-Senpai yelling upstairs…”
“And you just now decided to show up?” Yuu tries to shove the whole of a croissant into her mouth, seeming to not realize the issue of it not being able to fit.
Ace scoffs from the doorway, “Like we’re coming down here if he was actually mad.” He watches Yuu with a raised brow. She was just…holding the sandwich now, as though she was trying to figure out how to properly eat it.
Deuce watches in silence too, only to gently grab the sandwich from Yuu, tearing it in half before giving it back, “Yuu did you…eat anything else before we got here?”
“Yeah, papa dog brought me food…” Yuu stared at the new, smaller sandwich in hand. Half shoving it into their mouth they continued, their voice muffled, “Why do you ask?”
“...Did you have one of those gummies Sam legally doesn’t sell you?”
“Are you high!?” Cater perked up, leaning over and tilting Yuu’s head back to look into their eyes. He lets out a laugh, noticing how heavily their pupils were dilated. Well, that would also explain why Yuu seemed so calm. Cater did the same when he had lingering body aches from tending the garden. If a pain potion wasn’t available, a nice ‘chill pill’ was plenty to ease the mind and body, “Let me have one.”
Yuu huffs, nearly choking on their massive bite, “I didn’t take a gummy. I took some medicine Crewel gave me.”
Deuce leaned closer, also checking their pupils before muttering under his breath, “Was it a tranquilizer dart?”
“Naw, it was a pain potion…Like a fancy one, with a tag on it.”
Ace looked around the floor near the couch, eyes catching the empty bottle half hidden under the skirt of the seating. Pulling it out, he read the tag and shouted in surprise, “Dude, this like a ‘The pain is so bad I’m dying’ pain potion! Is it really that bad!?”
Deuce grabs the bottle from Ace, reading it over before handing it to Cater, “Yuu! Do you want us to take you to the hospital!? Wait, no, you don’t want to-”
“How is this empty already?”
“Huh!?” Yuu clicks back into the conversation, looking up at Cater’s concerned glance, “What do you mean how? I drunk it.”
“Sweetie, these potions are like…You can take them orally, but they’re strong enough they normally are supposed to be given via drip for a safe, lasting effect…So why is it empty already?”
“...” Yuu started to cackle, the plate of sandwiches being saved from the floor as Deuce dived to catch it as they jostled off her lap, “I fucking chugged morphine!”
“You chugged this!?”
Ace slapped his forehead, “By the Seven, you’re fucking hopeless. This period thing makes you bleed out the brain, too? You’re gonna lose what little brain cells you had to begin with.”
Yuu still chuckled, hand reaching back to bat at Cater’s fingers combing through their hair, “Fuck you, Ace. Even if I got a brain bleed, I’d still have more brain cells than you.”
“Doubtful. You’re so useless right now, you couldn’t fight your way out of a paper bag.”
Yuu’s laughter instantly stopped, smiling falling into a neutral line as their gaze snapped to Ace. The redhead’s eyes widen, fear suddenly gripping his chest at Yuu’s stare, “...Uh…”
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Riddle's breathing had calmed, but now he was sitting on the steps of Ramshackle, head in his hands as he felt a headache crowning. Lifting his head he stared at his palms, as though they held the answers to his questions, “This is bad, Trey. I don’t have any other way to describe it, this is bad.”
“Riddle, calm down. We can trust Yuu to handle themselves-”
“Except, we can’t! Yuu doesn’t even have all the facts and what facts they do have may not even be right since it’s all second-hand knowledge from other uninformed minors! Not to mention they haven’t even had a proper class on the subject…By the Seven, would it even be informative? They would have dealt with this for years at that point, They probably just went on the internet and read some uncertified drivel, lord knows they won’t open a book-”
“Riddle. Breathe.” Trey grasps Riddle by one of his shoulders, shaking him lightly and thumping the 2nd year on the chest with his other hand. Something to make Riddle take more than a shallow breath in his rambles, “Like you said, Yuu’s been dealing with this for years. They know what they need and we can help by giving them access to whatever it may be.”
Now that he was taking deep gulps of air, Riddle’s anxious energy had finally died down, his stomach finally resting. He turned to Trey, worry clear in his expression, “But it’s concerning. It’s so simple, yet the difference is so obviously alien I can’t help but want to…fix it. But it’s not my place to fix it, because there’s nothing to fix and this is completely natural for them…”
“...That’s right…Riddle did something other than…the blood upset you?”
“...” He sighs, “Yuu says they have no idea about their overall reproductive health. Since they refuse to see a real medical professional and Idia isn’t going to give Ortho the permission to do intrusive body scans, we have no way of checking. They could have cancer and we’d have no way of knowing until they got sick or they died! They said this ‘period’ isn’t always a standard thing either! They could bleed out of their eyes one day and we won’t know if they were actually about to expire or if they were simply on their ‘period’!”
“...” Trey sighs, rubbing the back of his neck at the new information, “Ok, yeah, that…that is very worrying…But,” Trey turns to Riddle with a smile, trying to find the bright side, “Yuu knows their body. If something was really wrong, you know they’d at least tell Crewel about it. And…” He trails off, letting Riddle’s mind come to the conclusion itself.
“...” Yuu’s relationship with Crewel was, to most other students, blindingly trusting. The prefect would tell the teacher anything and everything if they truly felt concerned about the information. Yuu continued to trust Crewel so much since he responded to such faith with the same intensity and care. “And Crewel would physically drag them to a hospital if he truly felt their life was in danger…” He took one last deep breath, nodding at the ‘fact’.
Trey watches with a smile as Riddle gathers himself up. What was once a too-small teen curled in on himself in anxiety and physical illness stood his good friend Riddle Rosehearts, a calm and collected figure of authority.
“Ok, I feel much better now, thank you, Trey.” Riddle looks to the door, “I should finish interviewing Yuu. There was so much information Jade wasn’t able to collect regarding the physical aspect of this…”
Trey hums, opening the door for them as they walk back inside, “He did say Yuu was very hormonal during their visit. Eels noses are really sensitive so he might have been distracted in his own interview by that and the smell of blood.”
The sound of Ace yelling and a loud crash coming from the lounge sends them both sprinting. Riddle reached the archway first, nearly being rammed into the side by Trey sliding to a stop beside him, “What’s happening?” “Is anyone hurt!?” Cater chuckles from the back of the couch, phone poised in his hands to film the fight between Ace and Yuu on the ground, “Poor Ace is gonna be.”
Ace and Yuu were spread out on the ground, Yuu quickly making progress to reach at Ace’s face to slap and tug on his cheeks, “Say uncle!” He kept pushing at Yuu’s hands, face pulled into a scowl as a stray drop of blood eased down from his nose, “You bitch! You punched me!”
“You’re the one saying I couldn’t fight my way out of a paper bag! Are you weaker than a paper bag, Ace!?”
“Senpais!” Ace flips onto his stomach, reaching out to Riddle while his other arm braced against Yuu’s chest to keep them away from his face, “Help me! Cater and Yuu are bullying me and Deuce isn’t being useful!”
Deuce calls out from the other side of the fight, holding his thumb up, “I’m helping, Yuu! The hair, prefect! Pull him by the hair and slam his face into the carpet!”
“Senpai! Help!”
“...” Riddle turned away, holding his hand over his mouth, “Don’t bleed on Yuu’s rug…”
Yuu cackles, finally managing to tangle their fingers into Ace’s wild hair, “Yeah, Ace! Don’t bleed on my rug!”
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6rookie-writer0110 · 8 months
Strange Hold
Peter Parker x Male Reader
Request - Both of them come back from patrol, Peter is injured due to being ambushed so reader takes care of him by getting him out of his suit, washing him up then patching him up but during the patching up the process reader kisses Peter all over. Peter enjoys all of the kisses and tries to apologize for getting hurt but his bf says it's okay it comes with the job they do.
•Peter ends up falling asleep first so the reader decides to turn off the tv and carries Peter to their bed and falls asleep with peter nuzzling him.
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Peter went patrolling the city alone. At first, it was going slow and he was about to go home, but he sees Mysterio and a group of guys breaking into the bank. You found his location and you rushed to the bank, you got mad that he didn't wait for you.
“Spiderman, I said-” You said.
Peter is busy fighting the bad guys and he got attacked from behind. You joined the fight and you start to help your boyfriend.
“I told you to wait for me,” You said.
You punched the guy in the face and he fell. Peter used his web to tie up a guy, you see that Peter is hurt. His suit is semi-ruined then you used your lighting blots to attack Mysterio. But he managed to escape because he managed to use an illusion that you and Peter fell for.
“Damn, he got away!” You yelled.
“I was so close. But are you okay?” Peter said.
“A little sore. But you don't look good” You said
“I’m not good. Let's go before the cops think we stole the money” Peter said.
“Good idea,” You said.
You and Peter left before the cops arrived.
You take off your mask and you help Peter take off his suit. He has some cuts on his body and he helped you take off your suit. You and Peter started helping clean each other, and you start to kiss his body and he starts to smile. Then he kissed you on the lips
“I’m sorry, Y/n,” Peter said.
“Sorry for what?” You asked.
“I got hurt and let Mysterio escape,” Peter said.
“It’s not your fault, Peter. It comes with the job, sometimes we don't catch the bad guys. But I don't blame you at all” You said.
He smiled and he kissed you again. You start to clean the wounds and put bandages on him.
You and Peter are now wearing pajamas, he is sitting on the couch. You are reheating the take-out food then you bring it to him. You and Peter watch the new show while eating dinner, he starts to ask who you ship together. You lie down on the couch and he lies in front of you. You have your arm around him
“Comfortable?” You asked.
“Yeah. What about you?” Peter said.
“I’m fine, I don't mind being the big spoon,” You said.
You hold his hand.
“One more episode, babe,” Peter said.
“Sure. I need to see what will happen to Wally” You said.
You and Peter started to watch every episode and it's getting late. You started to fall asleep but you opened your eyes and try to focus on the episode. Then you noticed Peter fell asleep and you started to yawn. You turned off the tv and slowly get out of bed, you gently picked him up and carry him to the bedroom. Then you get in the bed and cover yourself and Peter with the blanket. Peter doesn't open his eyes, he just moved closer to you and snuggles onto you.
✫ ✬ ✯ ✫
The next day... You wake up and Peter isn't in bed. But you hear nosies from the living room, you get out of the bed and see Peter cooking.
“I was about to wake you up, babe” Peter smiled.
He gave you a peck on the lips.
“What is going on?” You asked.
“I want to surprise my boyfriend with breakfast” Peter smiled.
You sit down and he starts to put the food on the table. Peter did make a mess but he would clean it later, then you take a bite out of the pancakes.
“Did it come out okay? I think I'm getting better at making pancakes” Peter said.
“It tastes better than last time, the chocolate chips are a plus,” You said.
You and Peter smiled at each other then he starts to eat.
After breakfast, you helped him clean the kitchen. You and Peter got dressed and went out and walk around central park.
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we play with fire because we like the way it burns
a mob boss!Nico x nurse!fem!reader au
You’ve got some explaining to do
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Warnings: mob business, guns and gunshots, Luke getting injured, fuzzy memory, I think that’s it. Please tell me if I missed something
A/n: here is the second installment! Basically a continuation of movie night, ruined. Enjoy!
1.06k words
You were so grateful that you had today off. You don’t think you would have been able to leave Luke alone in your apartment after last night.
After a pretty restless night spent worrying about Luke, you finally gave up on falling back asleep and got out of bed.
You made your way to the kitchen to make some much needed coffee, for both you and Luke.
Trying to make as little noise as possible, you quietly went through the motions of making coffee. You were grateful that you had coffee grounds handy and didn’t need to grind beans. The less noise you made, the better.
After the coffee had brewed and you grabbed two mugs from the cupboard, you heard some shuffling and grumbling from the living room.
Moments later, a tired Luke made his way into the kitchen.
“What the hell happened last night?” He asked, making his way to you and his mug of coffee.
You gave him an incredulous look, “I was going to ask you that.”
Luke took his first sip of coffee, savoring the flavor and warmth.
“There was a meeting between Nico and some business owner or something like that,” he started. “Jack usually goes along to those types of meetings. For some reason, I was there. But I think it was some sort of setup. Next thing I knew, we were ambushed.”
“And you or Jack mentioned that I was a nurse?” You asked, mentally filling in the blanks because you knew your best friend well.
“Yeah,” Luke replied. “And we were not too far. The rest is just hazy. But I do remember you patching me up.”
“Some things never change,” you said, referencing your time in college spent taking care of him.
“Did you really offer your nursing skills to my boss next time someone gets hurt? Or did I imagine that?” Luke asked, genuinely confused.
“Oh, ummm…” you trailed off, hiding behind your coffee mug and taking a sip.
“Don’t avoid the question,” Luke sassed you.
You rolled your eyes. “Fine. Yes I did.”
“My best friend becoming a mob nurse was not on my bingo card for the year, but here we are,” Luke cracked a joke.
You gently shoved him. “Nothing’s official. I just told Jack to reach out to me if you or someone else gets hurt. It’s not like I’m quitting my job or anything. You know I love the rush of the ER when it gets crazy.”
“Yeah but fishing bullets out of bodies can be a rush,” Luke said.
“I’m not a surgeon,” you corrected. “And I better not be fishing out bullets out of you. I will kill you. And tell your mother.”
Luke’s eyes went wide at the mention of Ellen. “Did you really threaten to tell my mom about Atlantic City?”
You giggled lightly. “Yup. And I will gladly use that card again until you give up and tell her yourself.”
“You, me, and Jack all promised to never speak of it again,” Luke groaned.
“Yeah, to each other,” you sassed. “You know me. You should have seen this coming.”
“Fair enough,” Luke shrugged, dropping the subject.
After a few moments of silence, you spoke up again.
“So I’ve heard the stories, but Nico doesn’t seem that scary,” you said.
Luke nearly choked on his coffee.
You went into nurse mode and grabbed water from the fridge for him.
“Thank you,” he said after he took a few sips and you went back to your mug to get a refill.
“So what I’m hearing, is that you like my boss,” Luke said, shit-eating grin on his face.
It was your turn to choke as your eyes grew wide and you started stuttering while you tried to explain yourself.
“I, uh, I, uhhh…” you trailed off before collecting yourself. “I just wasn’t intimidated by him. I was too focused on helping you.”
“Uh huh, sure,” Luke agreed apprehensively.
“Besides,” you started, “I definitely bossed him around last night since I was in trauma mode, so he probably doesn’t want to see me again.”
“Wait,” Luke said, gears turning in his head. “You gave my boss orders?”
You nodded, a nervous smile on your face.
“Now I wish I was more alert for that,” Luke said honestly. “No one ever bosses him around and gets away with it. You must be special if he didn’t snap at you.”
Your cheeks flushed. “I’m sure it’s nothing. I’m just your best friend. Nothing special.”
“You also became our official nurse,” he pointed out.
“For the last time, it’s not official,” you said, exasperatedly.
“I might have joined within the past year, but if Nico let you boss him around, you are definitely special,” Luke explained.
You rolled your eyes yet again. “I’m so sick of being told I’m special then have my heart broken. So I’ll pass. I’ll just patch you and your brothers up when needed and stay as far away from Nico’s attention as necessary.”
“I was right,” Luke said triumphantly. “You do like him.”
“I said no such thing,” you fought back.
“I know you and you’re not denying it,” Luke egged you on.
You set your mug down in a huff. “Fine. Maybe, kinda, yeah, sorta. But he probably doesn’t see me that way.”
“You never know unless you shoot your shot,” Luke gave you encouragement.
“As long as you keep your mouth shut and don’t tell Jack. I’ll tell him I like him if I still like him once I get to know him. And don’t rush me into saying anything. I only met him last night.”
“Still, you interacted with him enough to know you like him,” Luke kept pushing your buttons.
“Yeah, tell me something I don’t know,” you mumbled.
Luke moved to get a refill of his coffee after taking too much time to annoy you.
“Should we tell Jack that you’re fine and up and moving?” You asked.
“Nah,” Luke said. “We have more important matters to discuss.”
“I am not discussing how hot I think your boss is with you!” You tell him.
“Ha!” Luke exclaimed. “I knew you thought he’s hot.”
“Let me just dig myself into a deeper hole,” you mumbled with your cheeks flushed.
It was going to be a long morning if Luke didn’t stop harassing you about your crush on Nico.
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writerslittlelibrary · 9 months
How about a Wanda x blachill daughter!reader.
We are about on a mission and when we come back we see that the team is acting as if they don’t know us, even Wanda, Nat and Maria. We try to talk to them but they act rude and try to kick us out. We investigate and ee that there was an attack on the compound (maybe a gas or something that made them forget about us) so we have to fight for them to remember us.
Also I hope you are having a great day!
Please remember me
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masterlist requests masterlist
pairing: Blackhill x daughter reader, Wanda x reader
warnings: pain (happy ending)
genre: angst, fluff
words: 1576
a/n: thank you my lovely 🦈anon. I have to admit I really like the Wanda x Blackhill!daughter so you can definitely expect more fics with that dynamic🤭
You do not have my permission to repost, copy or translate my work 
You’d been on this mission for days, and while you were proud Fury finally entrusted you with a solo mission (and your moms finally let you go) you were desperate to get back to the compound and curl up on the couch with your girlfriend and a steaming mug of hot chocolate. 
The mission had been successful overall, almost suspiciously easy, you thought. There weren’t a lot of reasons the mission would be a setup though. Even though it was easy, you weren’t ambushed or anything. 
After the mission finally ended, and the Hydra base was successfully taken down, you returned to the compound. You couldn’t wait to hug your moms, and kiss Wanda. 
When you walked into the compound, you got some weird looks from the security guards, but they didn’t bother you as you knew the elevator code so you didn’t mind them. When you reached your floor, you walked into the living area, expecting at least Wanda to be there. 
“Who let the kid in?” you suddenly heard Tony ask from beside you. 
You turned around and looked at him funny. “I let myself in?” you told him questioningly. “This isn’t a daycare,” Tony told you, walking past you without taking his eyes off you. 
“I know,” you told him, walking to the kitchen to grab some water. “Have you been here before?” you suddenly heard Wanda ask. You turned around a little startled. “What do you mean?” you asked her confused. “All the cupboards look the same, yet you know where the glasses are.” 
“Is this some kind of joke?” you asked Tony unamused, and he just looked at you weirdly. 
“You should leave,” he told you. “I live here!” you replied annoyed, but Tony didn’t budge. 
“We got a new member?” you heard a familiar voice ask. You turned around and saw Natasha. “Mama? What the hell is going on?” you asked her confused. She looked at you confused, and took a step back with her arms up. 
“I don’t know who the hell you are, but I’m not your mother,” she told you. “What are you talking about? If this is a joke I really don’t find it funny,” you told her, but she just shook her head. 
“Where’s mom?” you asked her, but she just shook her head again. 
“You really have to leave now, or I’ll call security,” Tony stated, fishing his phone from his pocket to emphasize his point. 
You look at your mom with tears in your eyes, turning to Wanda next. She just looked at you, just as confused as your mom was. Hesitantly you turned around, leaving the common area and walking to the elevator. 
That same night, you returned to the compound, slipping through the windows of your room and going through it. How could they not know you when your entire room was still intact?
You went through your stuff, finding your laptop and starting it up. 
You activated your personal AI, asking it what happened to the compound while you were gone. There appeared to have been a gas leak. The gas was toxic, and especially designed to erase you from the memories of the Avengers. It was synthesized by Hydra, which explained why the mission was so easy. The mission was indeed a setup to ensure you’d be out of the compound so Hydra could erase you from your family’s mind. 
You spend the rest of the night researching for a possible cure. When you found it, you realized you would have to return to the Hydra base again.
You were quick to suit up, never having changed out of your mission tactical suit in the first place, and headed to the Hydra base. 
Once you got there it was cold. The Hydra base looked abandoned, just like how you left it. You went inside quietly anyway, not wanting to take any unnecessary risks. You quickly found the computer room, using it to search for any documents on the gas and the antidote. 
When you found it, you went to the laboratory, going through all the cabinets. Once you found the odd looking, green gas, you stuffed all of it in your bag, taking it with you.
When you exited the lab, however, there were a bunch of Hydra agents, waiting to attack you. 
They jumped you and took you completely by surprise. You managed to fight them off, mostly without injury. You had a few scratches and bruises littering your face and arms, but you couldn’t care less. All you cared about was getting back to the Avengers tower as quickly as possible. You were desperate for a hug from your mothers.
Once you snuck back into the tower, Jarvis immediately alerted the Avengers of your presence. How Jarvis could possibly be affected by the gas was beyond you. 
The Avengers jumped into action, ready to fight you if you made any unsuspected moves. 
“She’s Hydra,” you suddenly heard Steve say. You looked at your bag carrying the antidote gas and cursed yourself for using it when it had such an obvious Hydra logo on it.
You closed your eyes and sighed, before turning to look at the Avengers standing in front of you. You raised your hands, wanting to prove you weren’t a threat. “I’m not Hydra, I swear,” you told them. “That’s exactly what a Hydra agent would say,” Natasha replied, raising her gun at you.
You took a step back in surprise, not knowing what they were capable of when they didn’t remember you. “I can prove it!” you said quickly, keeping your hands up.
“Start talking,” Natasha replied, loading her gun. 
“There’s a photo album on your phone filled with pictures of me,” you told her, and the grip on her gun faltered slightly. “Why would there be?” she asked you. “Because you are my mother, Hydra just made you forget,” you told her, silently praying she believed you. 
She slowly lowered her gun, making eye contact with Wanda to silently tell her to watch you. Natasha pulled her phone from her pocket, unlocking it and quickly opening her gallery app. 
She took a bit taken back, her eyes alternating between looking at her phone screen and looking at you. “It’s impossible. I can’t have children,” she told you slowly, and you lowered your hands. “You adopted me when I was 5. My parents had abandoned me on the side of the road like garbage. I went from foster home to foster home until you took me in…” you explained to her, taking a step closer. 
“I can make you remember. Please let me help you remember,” you begged her, reaching for your bag. Tony raised his hand in your direction, a silent threat to not try anything stupid.
Natasha slowly nodded, and you showed her the green gas. 
“You were poisoned with some weird gas while I was out on a mission. I went back to the Hydra base to find the antidote, hence the bag,” you explained to her, watching as she carefully took the vial. “How do I know you’re not trying to kill me?” she asked you.
“Spray it on me first.”
Natasha was hesitant as she raised her hand holding the vial, and she carefully pressed the button. You were sprayed with the green gas, and it stung in your eyes. You blinked a few times, but that was it.
“See? I’m fine. Now please let me help you remember,” you begged her, and she nodded.
You took another vial from the bag, spraying it in her face once she gave you the ‘okay’. She blinked a few times, rubbing her eyes and shaking her head in confusion.
Once she opened her eyes again, they immediately landed on you. “Y/n,” she gasped as she pulled you into a hug quickly. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” she cried, holding you tightly. 
“It’s okay,” you gasped out, your own eyes welling up with tears as well. She pulled back from the hug and cupped your face, looking into your eyes and using her tumb to wipe away the tears that rolled down your cheek. You smiled at her, and she let out a sigh as she pulled you into a hug again. 
It didn’t take long before your whole family remembered who you were, and you got hugs and apologies from everywhere. 
Once you freed Wanda, you finally got your kiss, after a handful of apologies from her. When you freed Maria she had a similar reaction as Natasha. You hadn’t ran into her while she didn’t remember you, but she knew she forgot who you were for a few days, and that hurt her more than words could ever describe. 
After dinner, your favorite take-out, courtesy of Tony Stark, and a whole lot more hugs you finally made it to your room, cuddling with Wanda while she caressed your back.
“I’m really sorry I didn’t remember you,” she told you softly, and you shook your head. “It wasn’t your fault. It was Hydra,” you told her, lifting your head off her chest so you could look at her. Her eyes were stinging with tears, and you knew she still felt guilty. You leaned down and kissed her, and she was eager to return the kiss. “I love you,” you told her. She smiled and kissed you one more time, before pulling you back into her chest. 
“I love you more.”
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petersbaby · 1 year
Somebody else - Eddie’s girl x reader and stepbro!eddie x reader
Warnings: stepcest, oral (f x f receiving), smut, very light angst, it’s a lot and a little confusing
Inspired by this ask:
This isn’t exactly what you wanted, I put my own twist on it. I hope you still like it. <3
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Your step brother Eddie had been seeing this new girl. You had mixed feelings, mostly grappling with the idea that you almost don’t want him to have anyone but you. You decided that if he can have a girl, so can you. It’ll just so happen to be the same one. You’re bi, but nobody in your family knows, including Eddie.
You’d been picking up on the feeling that she may be too. You hadn’t missed the way she’d look at you just as much as she did him, the soft smiles traded, and the subtle but present flirtatious vibes you gave each other often. It all leads up to to this.
A Saturday morning, a morning after she spent the night with Eddie at your house. She comes downstairs to the kitchen, the house is quiet. So quiet that you scared her when she sees you standing there, leaning against the counter.
“Jesus, you scared me.”
“Sorry. Eds isn’t up?”
You knew he wasn’t, it was too early in the morning.
“No, I thought I would come down and make some coffee, is that okay?”
“Already made some. Here.”
You grab a mug from the cabinet and pour her a cup, adding milk and creamer until it was a nice light brown color.
“How’d you know the way I like my coffee?” She half-laughs, taking the cup from you appreciatively.
“Dunno. You’re a sweet girl, I can’t imagine you like anything less than that.”
She clearly blushes as your flirting caught her totally off guard.
“Thank you.”
“You need it after staying up late fucking my brother, quite loudly, may I add.” You shrug, nonchalantly. Her face beats up even more.
“Oh, I- um… I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be loud, I feel a little embarrassed now.” She says, tucking hair behind her ear.
“Thin walls. Don’t be, it’s not like I don’t know it’s happening. I was wondering something, though.”
“Okay… what is it?”
“I’m just gonna ask you, do you like girls? Because personally, I think I could make you feel a lot better than he can.”
She shifts awkwardly, clutching the cup in her hands.
“I don’t… wow, that’s a lot,” she starts, overwhelmed with the ambush she got from you upon coming to the kitchen. “I don’t know. I’ve never, uh, done anything like that before. So I’m not sure if I do.”
“I’ll ask you this. Do you think I’m pretty?”
“Of course.”
“Do you think I’m attractive?”
“So why not try, with me?”
“I mean, I have a boyfriend.” She states as if you’d forgotten.
“I know, but he doesn’t have to find out. No pressure, just, if you’re curious. You know where I’ll be.” You wink at her.
You head back up to your room and leave her standing there in awe of everything that was just said. She thinks, really thinks, and knows it’s not smart but finds her legs carrying her body up the stairs to your bedroom door. It opens softly.
“Hi.” You smile at her from your bed.
She enters, shutting the door behind her. She stands there for a few moments.
“So… what do I… what do we do?”
“Well first off, you need to come here. You look scared, I promise I don’t bite. Unless that’s something you like.”
She walks towards you, and you take her hands, pulling them down and pulling her down all together onto the mattress in front of you.
“You wanna start with a kiss?”
“Mhm.” She nods.
You bring your hand to the side of her face, holding it gently before leaning in to press your lips against hers. They’re soft and they taste sweet and you instantly decide you can’t get enough. You deepen it, letting the kiss grow more intense and start to move your hands.
They glide down her shoulders and snake around her waist, grabbing and holding onto it, and you swipe your tongue against her bottom lip to request permission. She grants you access to her mouth, letting your tongue enter and explore, and letting hers dance against it. Your hands fall once more, now down to her hips.
Your fingers creep beneath the fabric of her shirt and you run them up her body til you reach her tits, cupping them roughly in your hands. At this point, she’s breathing hard and fast, panting against your lips.
You decide to give her a break by separating and you take that as a chance to get her shirt off. Underneath was a plain black bra, a push-up, but her tits were still really nice. You return your hands to her sides and go in to kiss on her neck.
“Shit,” she breathes, and you silently take note of that. She likes that. She likes it so you continue, spending lots of time licking and gently suckling on the most sensitive skin at the bend of her neck and shoulder.
You made sure not to leave a mark on her, though. You try to be gentle, having to periodically remind yourself she’s never had an experience like this and is exploring.
“So pretty,” you say quietly, admiring her torso. “Can I see ‘em?”
She nods, reaching behind herself expertly unclasping her bra. You tug the straps down and pull it off her body. Now, you push her back onto your plush comforter, sort of hovering over her body.
You take one of her nipples into your mouth, already perfect and pebbles for you, and suck on it. Her chest noticeably rises and falls with each breath. You give the other one attention as well before pausing.
“Do you like this? Do you still want this?” You searched for updated consent.
“Yes. Fuck, yes, please. Can I see you too?”
“Of course.” You oblige.
You pull your t shirt off over your head, and that was that, no bra underneath, and she sits up a little. She stares at your chest, definitely intrigued and interested. This time, she touches you, reaching out and gently grasping your waist.
They can’t help but keep moving, and they reach your tits. They stay there, unmoving. You look at her and nod, giving reassurance that it’s okay, and she kneads your breasts in her hands. You smile as she looks at you with wonder.
“We kissed,” she whispers, “what now?”
“I can eat you out. Would you like that?”
“Yes, please. Very much, yes.”
“Your manners are so cute. Such a good girl.”
She blushes at this and tries to hold it back.
You start to trail kisses down her stomach until you got to the waistband of her sweatpants. You kiss each of her hip bones before hooking your fingers in the band, tugging them off.
Little black panties too. Matching set. She kicks her pants off her ankles and lets her legs fall open as you situate yourself in front of her heat. You lean in to place a kiss to her clothed clit, and she wiggles in place. She’s antsy, desperate to get down to it, and you show her mercy.
“These off, too.” You state, and she helps remove the barrier between your mouth and her cunt. The panties fall somewhere to the side, maybe in the floor. Didn’t matter.
“I’m gonna do this, but if you don’t like it, tell me and I’ll stop. Okay?”
“Okay.” She looks down at you with blown out eyes, nodding dumbly.
You lick a stripe from her wet hole all the way up to her clit, and she gasps loudly. You repeat that a few times, then focus completely on her clit. You tease it with your tongue, switching between licking and sucking on it. When you suck on her clit for the first time, she becomes vocal.
“Oh, my god. Oh god, holy shit.” She moans.
Sounds straight out of a porno. She had thrown her head back and shut her eyes tight, thoroughly enjoying your talented mouth.
You’re focused in, but can’t help but hear when your door creaks. You momentarily look, and see your sleepy step brother in the doorway, rubbing his eyes and trying to wake himself up more.
When he focused in on you two, he was in complete shock and awe. He wanted to be angry with you, knowing you were absolutely the one that was behind this, but he also really, really liked seeing it.
You make eye contact with him, smiling slyly, then returning to what you were doing. She didn’t notice, not one bit, blissfully unaware that her boyfriend and your brother was watching you. You knew, and you let him.
He watched as you gave his girlfriend the best head she’s gotten in her life, as you made her cum all over your face til her legs were shaking. When you slide a finger in, she opens her eyes, only staring down at you first.
Then she sees him in her peripheral vision. She gasps and jumps, squeezing her legs shut, and you back away, wiping your mouth off on the back of your hand.
“How long have you been standing there, Eddie…?” She asks, eyes wide.
“Yeah, how long, you pervert?” You join in, knowing damn well you knew he was watching you for a hot minute. Shit eating grin on your face.
“You… you’re fucking my step sister.” He says plainly, looking at her now.
“I’m so sorry, Eddie, I don’t know what got into me.” She scrambles to get the words out and to find all of her clothing.
“I can explain.” She offers once fully clothed again.
“I think it’s best you go home. Okay?” He tells her.
“What the fuck happened? I woke up and she was gone, then I found her in here…”
“Well,” you start, but are cut off.
“You’re not gay. I know that, because we’ve fucked a million times.” He tries rationalizing.
“You’re correct, I’m not. I like both. She was pretty, and I wanted her.”
“You did this for attention. You wanted me to catch you, didn’t you? You wanted to steal my girlfriend?”
You shrug.
“You’re such a fucking whore. You ruined my relationship, and I’m really mad, but I need to be mad later.”
“It was hardly a relationship. A month is nothing.” You remark, not really listening to him.
“I can’t look at her again without seeing you. You knew that. Now I can’t be with her.”
He shuts your door behind him and locks it this time. Now you’re listening, now it’s intense.
He lifts up his shirt to show you the massive hard-on he has tucked up into his waistband.
“You’re evil. You’re evil, but god, that was so hot.”
You just smile, knowingly.
He climbs into your bed, roughly flipping you over onto your stomach. He grabs your shorts at the waistband and tugs them off, leaving you fully undressed and you sit your bottom half up on your knees. You excitedly arch your back, ass high up in the air, spreading your legs.
“Fucking hell.” He comments under his breath at your eagerness. In just a moment, he’s pushing his pants and boxers both down his thighs and letting his erection spring free. You feel it slap against your ass when he does, practically drooling and needing him so bad.
He spits down into his hand, coating his cock with it and pumping himself up and down a few times. He grabs both sides of your ass hard, fingernails digging in deep to the flesh.
He brings you closer, he’s right up against your entrance, but isn’t doing much more. You push back, trying to get him inside you, but you only get the tip before he realizes.
“Stop.” He warns. “I’ll give it to you when I want, you’re in no place to be demanding right now.”
“Sorry.” You say quietly.
You sit and wait, only for a few seconds, until he sinks down into you almost all at once. You moan out loud and long from the feeling of being completely empty and then completely and totally full.
“Mmh, fuck,” you moan, partially trying to keep yourself quiet by burying your face in your arms as your elbows prop you up.
You were getting what you wanted. You turned him on so bad that he had to fuck you senseless before he could even think straight. Once he came, he’d process that he’d kicked out his new girlfriend in favor of his stepsister, proceeding to fuck her when the other girl left.
Any time, any place, any situation, if it was you or someone else he would pick you. Every. Single. Time. You knew he’d pick you. The truth is that you didn’t want her as much as you just wanted her gone. You wanted Eddie to remember that you’re his #1 girl and he only really loved you.
You don’t mind the sting of his nails digging into your skin, or the rough way he was handling you. He fucked you hard and fast, leaving you crying softly and mewling, without words.
Every thrust, you swear, knocked the wind out of you. It was animalistic, passionate. You can hear him grunting behind you. He was focused. Chasing his release. Pounding into you.
“This ass, this pussy, so fucking perfect. God, so perfect.”
You don’t mind the sting of his nails digging into your skin, or the rough way he was handling you. He fucked you hard and fast, leaving you crying softly and mewling, without words.
“Mmm, oh fuck,” you whimper, his ferocity at an all-time high and his cock hitting your spongey spot over and over and over until…
“God, Eddie, please.” You whimper again, barely audible, shortly before feeling your lower stomach tighten up and then spasm, the walls of your pussy squeezing hard around him.
Your white, sticky fluid coats Eddie’s cock, you can both feel it. Even after you rode out the orgasm, he didn’t let up. It was so much, so good.
“Goddamn it, I’m gonna fill you up.” He mumbles, still concentrated and thrusting at a steady pace.
“Please, please.” You beg. Of course you want that, you want nothing more than that.
“Fuck, shit.” He groans, thrusting one last time before spilling as deep inside you as he could go. You feel his cum inside you, warm and comfortable as it always is, making you feel whole again.
He waits a little while until he pulls out, but finally does. You let your body fall limp on the bed, not keeping your ass up any more. You roll over onto your back, just to see him. He was sweating, flushed, pink cheeks.
“Evil.” He breathes.
“Who, me?” You ask, with big blown out eyes.
“You.” He grabs his sweatpants, pulling them on, then plops down next you you in your bed.
“I love you lots.”
“I love you too. You know that.”
“Then why try to replace me?”
He is silent for a minute.
“Good question, baby. I won’t, never again. I’d love to see you fucking another girl again, though.”
“Hell yeah. Just not one you took from me.”
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buggybambi · 5 months
mae girl! i’ve been living for your carmy stuff. k know you’re just getting back but i’ve been thinking about this idea for a while and i believe the last writer i shared with had gotten deactivated. this might be two ideas instead of one so feel free to do whatever you desire. idk why but would you be down to write some fluff and angst with maybe like married!carmy? maybe something where nat and pete legit ambush carmy and his wife to start talking again? but it like a lighthearted fluffy kinda way at the same time ? utilizing the scene carmy yells at syd as a base- i hate to use that scene as an example but it’s one that comes to mind when writing this atm. anyway, like the reader doesn’t work at the bear but’ll come in on her days off and mornings before her shift to help them open. and carm is already on edge about something going on in the resto and he yells at his wife out of overwhelming frustration. evidently, he’s mad at himself for it after he does it he apologized but she’s all like “no.” and she’s literally giving him the silent treatment. ofc her and nat are besties and loves her sil, so i totally see nat roping pete into getting carmy to come over whilst the reader is already on her way since they haven’t spoken in a while. both nat and pete are literally doing whatever they can to keep these two in separate spaces of the house because neither carm or his wife have any clue they’re there. maybe like y/n is inside with nat and pete meets carmy outside on arrival? the reader is walking towards to the door to out and nat’s still stalling like “so are things with you and my brother?” and the reader scoffs and nat’s just like “still not talking to him huh?” and while the reader grabs the handle slowly opening the door open she’s all like “look, sugar- you know i love your brother, but carmy sometimes can be a piece of shit” and then all you hear is carmy being like “oh, i’m a piece of shit- even after i apologized to you?” and i can just see carmy and the reader being like wth is going on here. idk but nat and pete will sillily have to do the most to get these two the civilly sit down inside of their house to even have anything of a talk. and then nat team tagging with pete to get to the bottom of things and then she lets it slip that y/n had mentioned that they were trying to get pregnant and camry’s just like “wait. what? and carmy already up and ready to talk to her alone. this man would be so loving the first time all like “y/nn can i talk to you in the kitchen for a second?” and then she’s tryna explain and carm out here using her FULL name “in the kitchen now.” just hearing how he’d say it makes me squirm and squeak 😂😩. and she’s just speeding over because she knows he means it when he pulls out the first name. and think with that he’s all just hurt that she told his sister and he hadn’t really said anything- since it was their thing they they were still figuring out. seriously feel free to do whatever you desire. just sharing the same idea i’ll dream about in a few moments. tysm in advance 😭.
- 🥣.
i'm so sorry this took me so long to write, my love! this has nothing to do with you i just got a bit concerned and got lost so many times lmfao, im just dumb like that
naturally, carmen wants to try to keep his anger away from you. you’re his love, his angel, his everything. the idea that he blew up at you makes him wanna cry but you won’t talk to him, you refuse to in fact until you process what he said.
“why the fuck are you here?! i don’t need you messing shit up and crowding me!” he yelled at you. the memory fresh in your mind. it should be since it’s the only thing you’ve thought about for the past few days.
nat and pete, in their own ways, notice this and take charge. pete thinks you two can handle it but nat chimes in with the, “i know my brother. he can’t handle shit. If this is left up to him to resolve, nothing will happen. i love him but still.”
so they form their plan. pete invites carmy over to set up furniture, catch up, whatever and nat invites you over to talk about the baby and ask for your help with meal prepping. “so, have you and my brother talked about what happened at the restaraunt?” she asks.
you walk over to the couch, putting on your jacket and scarf. you let out a scoff as your answer. “taking that as a no.” nat answers. you put your hand on the doorknob, your back to the front lawn where carmen and pete, unknowing to you, stand.
"look, you know I love Carmen. and you know i want-" you sigh. "i want a family with him, Nat. i want a child, or children, with the guy. but your brother can be a real piece of shit sometimes." You open the door fully at that point, where carmen's now staring at you.
"i'm a piece of shit, after i apologized to you?" carmen asks. you stare at him before looking at pete, then at natalie whose got a guilty smile on her face. "okay. what the hell is this?" You question.
"oh! carmy, hi! i had no idea you were gonna be here. come on in, we'll all have some coffee and we can talk about what's happening." natalie says as she pulls you inside, motioning for carmen to come inside.
he reluctantly agrees, stepping inside as he sits at the dining room table. you stand in the kitchen, far enough away from them.
i think once nat reveals that you told her you want kids his reaction changes. maybe you two talked about it or maybe he doesnt know but either way, he wants to talk to you. that changes things in his mind. because you still want kids with him.
while you and carm work out your own issues, of course nat and pete take credit for it, even though you and carmy are both mad at her. also the idea of carmen using your full name as a way to call you stop oh my gosh
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Comforting Chad through his PTSD after he hears about Ghostface’s return
Warnings: mention of stabbing/injuries (past), ptsd,
my taglists are here (I added one for SCREAM) + you can requests here at any time
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Despite moving across the country, the masked killer had followed the four survivors to New York. This time, the killer — or killers, since they rarely came alone — had for goal to frame Sam for their murders.
It started with Jason and Greg, two students from Film Studies, who got killed in their apartment. When the police got there, a ghostface mask — likely worn by the killer — had been left behind in their apartment along with Sam’s driver's license.
Then, Sam got a special call from six feet under from her ex-boyfriend, Richie. That call led her and Tara getting ambushed from an alley and attacked at the bodega where multiple customers were murdered.
Another mask was left behind the scene — the one of past ghostfaces Jill Roberts and Charlie Walker.
After the attack at the bodega, everyone — except Ethan — was forcely gathered at the apartment you shared with the Carpenter sisters because safety is better in numbers. Sam made sure everyone was in and triple locked the apartment door and shut and locked all windows for ultimate safety. No one could come in.
Anika and Mindy were talking on the couch while you, Chad, Sam and Tara were in the kitchen cleaning up the mess dinner left behind. Tara shared her worries as she was drying a glass, and Sam was quick to reassure her that whoever was behind the mast wont hurt her this time. She was talking through her ass, but as a big sister, she'd do and say anything to make Tara feel safe.
Her words seemed to have triggered old memories for Chad, who excused himself to the bathroom after putting down the plates.
Last year’s attack had landed him in the hospital and left him with PTSD.
When you got together, Chad didn’t want to unpack the Woodsboro baggage to you. He didn’t want you to burden you with the horrors he went through that night. But after you had woken him from occasional nightmares and coached him out of a few panic attacks, he felt like you needed to know about the real-life nightmare that plagued him.
You waited a minute or two, but when Chad didn’t return from the bathroom, you went to check on him. Maybe he was still peeing…or maybe he was sitting on the edge of your bed with his head in his hands. He took in a shaky breath, trying to chase away the flashing images in his head.
It pained you to see him suffer. All because two lunatic Stab fans wanted to shoot their own remake. People are nuts.
‘’Hey,’’ you muttered when you walked in, not wanting to scare him.
Chad didn’t look up. He knew it was you before you opened your mouth. Mindy only had eyes for Anika, and Tara was going through her own trauma. Sam cared about him, but not the way you did.
‘’I don’t want to go through this shit again.’’
You didn’t know what to say to that. Due to being related to one of the originals, Chad will always be a target.
You sat on the bed beside him and kissed his shoulder over his Blackmore University hoodie.
‘’We came all the way here to leave that night behind, but it served nothing. Someone managed to find us.’’ Chad’s shoulder began to shake and he started struggling to breathe.
Recognizing the signs, you got down on your knees before him and attempted to look in his eyes, but he had his head bowed firmly. ‘’Chad? Hey, look at me,’’ you said in a gentle but clear voice.
He couldn’t hear you, his thoughts clouded with flashes of running in Amber’s backyard with ghostface behind him and the feeling of the knife stabbing him seven times. He could still feel the excruciating pain of the knife, each stab marked on his body forever.
‘’That night is over. You’re not in Woodsboro anymore,’’ you continued telling him, placing your hands on his arms, trying to use physical contact.
Unfortunately, it wasn’t working. His breathing was getting worse and your brain was running out of ideas.
The last time Chad had a nightmare, he mentioned something his old therapist had taught him. Since his nightmares were about the attack, he was advised to place his hand over his heart to hear his own heartbeat. Hearing the thumping of his heart would remind him that he's alive and not bleeding out to death in a backyard.
‘’Come back to me, baby. Chad,’’ you pleaded, attempting to take his hands in yours and place one of them on his chest.
A breath of relief left your lips when his shaking shoulders began to calm and Chad’s head lifted, veiled with fear.
You placed your hands on either side of his face. ‘’You’re gonna get through this, okay? You’ve survived once, you can do it twice.’’
Chad shook his head. ‘’I barely made it—’’
‘’But you’re here, right in front of me — alive,’’ you reminded him. ‘’We can get through this again, okay?’’
It took a few seconds before Chad moved his head into a nod. He pulled you up from the floor and onto his lap, then leaned his forehead against yours. ‘’We’ll get through this,’’ he whispered.
Your hands moved up and you wrapped your arms around his broad shoulders, pulling him against your chest as he held you back. ‘’We’ll get through this.’’ 
Scream taglist: @misfityanii @beautybyfire @iluvscream191 @mariposa555 @bella7866 @o638 @lulubelle14 @luvvtxinityy @frasersgf
All and more taglist: @spiokybirdstarfish @kenqki @liidiaaag @hawkegfs  @gillybear17  @areaderinlove @acornacreacure @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @rosie-cameron @Caxddce @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade  @hi-bored-as-fcuk-rn
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