#And fuuta is. Proper in it now i guess
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xenonsense · 19 days ago
its so over ,,,
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good-beanswrites · 8 months ago
I AM HEARING YOU OUT OOOHHH! Thank you, this is so interesting 👀 My brain kept getting tripped up with the worldbuilding, so I stuck with individual character headcanons -- I bet they'd have some really interesting dynamics with one another though... I wasn’t sure if this was based off a specific/preestablished au, so I kept the powers vague, but still had some pretty clear thoughts on how they’d use them! (I also added brief comments on the murders if those were included >:3)
Haruka: Sheltered most of his life. Maybe he wasn’t originally in line for the throne, so even his own family didn’t pay the proper attention to him. Then family situations changed, forcing him into the spotlight. He’s more scared of the damage his powers could do, so he doesn’t use them. This results in a Frozen-style bottling up and refusal to actually learn about them out of fear, and they come out in dangerous, emotional outbursts instead. (Under so much social pressure, those emotions often come out at people close to him.)
Yuno: Inherited power at a young age but is continuously treated like a child. At first she leans into her bubbly, girlish act, getting a lot of popularity with people and other politicians. Unfortunately, the reputation sticks too much and she’s rarely taken seriously when needed. Though she’s pressured to make tough calls, she’s simultaneously babied by her advisors/counsel. (And, her getting pregnant with anyone’s child outside of marriage would cause a massive scandal.) She handles her powers confidently – mostly for silly shows of magic, only rarely using it as a threat or show of force. 
Fuuta: With an older sister, he’s not heir to any real power, nor can he stand the feeling of the public’s eye looking to him, but he’s still involved with politics and official events. It’s interesting for him and Kotoko to have characters so centered on the corruption of higher-ups, now the higher-ups themselves… His brash attitude has forced a PR team to manage all his social media, so he keeps secret accounts/aliases where he posts what he wants without it coming back to bite his public image. (His murder would be from one of these accounts, since they’re a true reflection of him hiding behind anonymity). He’s all bark and no bite when it comes to his powers, always showing off and making threats, but never actually doing much damage with them. 
Muu: Well, I guess we already know she’s suited to being queen. As the only child to two well-loved rulers, she’s automatically adored by the public. This causes tension between her and any other politician children, resulting in cycles of bullying undetected by the public so no party’s reputation is affected. (Eventually, though, Rei threatens to go public with something, or maybe already has, and plunges Muu into worse social backlash than usual.) She’s the type to be extra careful about her powers – learning and practicing and testing nonstop, but hesitant to use them for real-world applications for fear of not being perfect.
Shidou: A confident and well-liked ruler. He's known for his calm presence at speeches, negotiations, and events. Unfortunately, he’s very dedicated to his mindset of the means justifying the ends, and has a few shady methods of keeping his people happy and his enemies out of the way. (His murder could range from very similar to the accident in canon, to amping up the drama with royal assassinations by someone who uncovered some of his lies…) He’s very skilled with his powers, using them for politics and entertaining his kids alike. He’s excited to teach them how to use their own, as they get older. 
Mahiru: A bit sheltered by the time she inherits power, but ready to take on her responsibilities with open arms. She’s well liked, if not always taken seriously because of her cheery attitude. She falls in love with an ordinary man, dragging him into her overwhelming world of royalty and politics. She’s just excited to have someone to share it with. (He knows he’d be harassed by the public for the rest of his life if he broke their ruler’s heart, so he seeks out another way to escape the crazy lifestyle.) She’s excited to use her powers, though she seems the type to be harmlessly clumsy with them sometimes. If powers are a common part of this world, she's studied up on all the helpful ways to use them.
Kazui: A quiet but successful ruler for many years. From the outside, his marriage wasn’t an arranged one, but internally he knew it was driven by politics and advantages. (He avoids telling Hinako until the truth comes out all at once.) He’s easygoing and prefers not to make too many public appearances, but is very good at it when he does – he comes off reassuring and powerful. Although everyone is very satisfied with his rule, he has a lot of insecurities that his age is making him out of touch with his people, and that they don’t have an heir to follow him. He rarely shows off his powers, choosing to use them expertly, only when necessary.
Amane: She feels the weight of responsibility as an only child to two very powerful rulers, trying to learn everything she can about keeping a nation in order. Her parents tell her how she is above everyone else and destined for perfection. Though Amane always retains a good heart towards others, this treatment does isolate her from her peers. She’s still getting a hang of her powers, sometimes overextending herself to make a good impression on her parents/the public. (No one would dare challenge the intimidating rulers about their strict treatment of their daughter, but that also means it’s possible for a fatal “accident” during training with her powers to be kept quiet by the public.) 
Mikoto: He takes his duties seriously, but to the point of overwork. Though he could pass some responsibilities on to his younger sister, he chooses to take on all lawmaking, meetings, correspondence, travel, negotiations, speeches, events, etc himself and let her live free from the royal pressures. Unfortunately, with modern standards, the discovery of his DID would probably be treated as a scandal and kept hidden from the public. Thinking Mikoto wouldn’t want to hide it, his advisors decide to keep the knowledge from him as well. (In his frustration with Mikoto’s overwork and everyone’s treatment of him, John needs to find an outlet for his anger.) Mikoto struggles a lot with his magic, but doesn’t find much need for them in his day-to-day affairs. The most telling sign that John is fronting is the shift in raw power that he displays, not having the training or desire to repress it.
Kotoko: Not originally an heir, but inherited power indirectly – there was no foul play, but she did play an active role in gaining her new title. The previous rulers were very corrupt, so she wastes no time taking over their policies and systems to improve things. For better and worse, she usually sticks with a hands-on approach to all of her nation’s problems. She’s very open about her powers, citing them as something stable and strong that her people can rely on for protection. (Despite her training, though, they can still get out of control when her emotions are running too high.)
Es: Takes their responsibilities extremely seriously. Despite their people's doubts about them due to their age, Es becomes well loved for their complete dedication to their duty and attention toward everyone under their care. They do worry sometimes that they've built up too big of a royal court, having too many voices/opinions in their ear all the time. They use their powers sparingly, though they aren't afraid to give a show of force when deemed necessary.
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maiyuyuns · 1 year ago
@mulberriesandtea vs @burstvoid
propagandas under the cut!!
Do you want to see somrjing beautiful? Do you want to rest your eyes a bit after scrolling throufh this dull tumblr dash filled with all sorts of unhinged things. Or mayhaps you jsut opened your tumvlr app after a long day of seeing enough in the real world. I got you.
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Look at this pretty blog. Warm, welcoming, soothing color palette. They have a very aeathetically pleasant tagging system on top of that. Okay but this is only the mobile version.
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Look at this SICK desktop version. It can be warm and tender but it can be absolutely FUNKY. The decoration of this blog perfectly captures the personality of this multifaceted individual. As you see their blog is also surrounded with muu which may influence your decision in different ways however it's undoubted that their dedication is truly impressive and inspiring for the whole fandom. Stare at it for long enough snd you can feel the growing urge to decorate your entire blog around your fsvorite character.
They also have CAT(!) and can send us cat pixtures. A splendid example that will render you speechless:
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their other talents include, but are not limited to:
📍 MAKING THE PHONEGRAM DRAWING THAT LED TO THE MILGRAM SMART FRIDGE MEME. Can you imagine? If not for Kris' art achievements we might jave never had that ezxtrmeely impoetant part of the milgramblr daily life. Their input to our culture is inseparable and incomparable.
Takr this all in mind and vote for kris mulberriesandtea 04dissection ONLY TOMORROW! (or today i guess depending on when this will be posyed)
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+ https://youtu.be/WhtpH3BciDY?si=7y1m7EZxt0s4Vxqw
Now you might see the moots battle and feel torn on how to vote. there are so many options, so many marvelous talents to consider. Puzzled, you nevertheless want to commit your voting duty as a proper eslover followers citizen.
May I perhaps interest you in this limited edition PATHETIC CREATURE?
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they're a jirai kei patheticgirl. they're an ouji loserboy. They once cried in my dms brcause they didnt want to accepr they relate to fuuta even though they had fuuta pfp the first time we met. They're the jackalope pfp star on milgramblr christmas tree. they're a cat with four (!) beauitufl strong women cats living in their house and one gay ass male cat coming to their house unprompted. They might be kind enough to show you photos of all of these beautiful strong women (!!!).
their size is PERFECT to be put in a blender (80x60 cm). Their texture is suitable to get soaked in milk and only becomes better with it if applied in moderste amoubts (recommended to soak rhem 1 liter of milk per day). they make a splendid thump sound once thrown at a wall.
Their other hideen talents include DRAWING, WRITING, OC CREATION, SINGING and INFODUMPING PEOPLE ON POLITICS. An astonishingly versatile individial.
this is what they look like ↓
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don't these big wet eyes captivate you?
this LIMITED EDITION PATHETIC CREATURE can bring a lot of coziness and fun to your house. Be sure to be online and vote for them available only TOMORROW!
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and that is all, enjoy your voting for round 1.
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amugoffandoms · 1 year ago
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"Okay, wait, I have a pumpkin!"
"Let's try it! We probably can't split it, but Kazu can probably gut it!"
"Eh?... if you want me to, I can take the guts out."
"I cut the top! You just have to take it off and get the insides out!"
Sounds of disgust dissolving into excitement rattles through the dining room.
"Oi... What are you all doing so early?" Fuuta walks into the room, rubbing his eyes. "I can hear you while I'm trying to sleep."
"We're carving pumpkins!" Yuno explains with a grin.
"This better not be like the watermelon splitting..." Fuuta grumbles. "I still can't believe Kazui used his fists..."
"We were planning on getting some carving knives, but it was denied." Kazui shrugs.
"It's a weapon, of course, it would be rejected!" Fuuta huffs.
"...But, we still have regular knives, so we just dealt with that instead." Kazui presents the pumpkin, not yet carved, but its guts removed. He quickly wipes his hands.
"Why are you even doing this?" Fuuta stares before immediately responding to himself. "Oh, right. You guys have that Halloween thing. I guess that makes sense."
"Yep!" Yuno says, popping the p. "It's been really fun preparing for the Halloween party! I'm glad we got to carve these pumpkins!"
"Hey, it's been pretty fun doing this. Even this old man is having fun." Kazui grins. "You should try your hand at this, Fuuta."
"Eh?? Me?" Fuuta stares, extremely baffled. "If you don't get it, I don't really think I should be making Jack-O-Lanterns. That kind of stuff is for kids, isn't it?"
No one gives Fuuta a proper response, so he sighs and finally nods. "I did want to try it a little, so I guess I'll give it a shot." Fuuta walks over to the table as Yuno places another pumpkin down.
Mikoto looks at the two pumpkins and at Fuuta and Kazui. "Hmmm, you two should totally compete to see who can make a cooler pumpkn!"
"Pfft, well, if Kazui really wants to do that..." Fuuta says, crossing his arms with a slight smirk on his face.
"Eh..." Kazui looks around and sighs. "Alright, alright... I can give it a shot."
"Yes!" Mikoto pumps his fist. "Okay, I bet Kazui wins!"
"EH??" Fuuta blinks. "Come on!"
"For the sake of being fair, I'll bet on Fuuta," Kotoko adds.
"Sake of being fair– Does no one believe in me?" Fuuta looks around at the prisoners, who only give awkward laughs and shrugs. "Alright! Then, I'll show you all!"
Fuuta "rolls up his sleeves" (He honestly couldn't really due to the uniform's restraints being just tight enough to avoid it).
"Ah... if you're really going all out, then I guess I should, too." Kazui looks at the pumpkin and nods to himself.
Yuno looks around at both Kazui and Fuuta. "Okay, I guess I'll just be the referee here. Uh... on your marks... get set... go!"
Kazui and Fuuta immediately get into gutting the pumpkin. Kazui doesn't have that much of a reaction to taking the guts out, but Fuuta has a look of disgust on his face as he takes it out, looking like he's trying to not yell something out.
The guts are all taken out now, so Kazui wipes his hands on a towel and hands it to Fuuta. Fuuta takes it with a quiet thankful grumble and cleans his hands.
Both of them look up at Yuno, who blinks at the sudden attention. She grabs some knives from another table and places them in front of the pair.
They pick up their knives and start carving into their pumpkins. Fuuta licks his lips as he's carving, trying to make the pumpkin look scary. Kazui is silent, staring intensely at the pumpkin.
After a couple of minutes, the two of them look up again.
"Looks like two competitors are done!" Yuno yells with a small grin on her face.
Kazui and Fuuta nod as Yuno hands them some lights to place inside the pumpkins. They quickly do so.
The other prisoners wait with bated breath to see the pumpkins.
Kazui turns his pumpkin around. It looks like a standard Jack-O-Lantern with triangle eyes and nose and creepy grin.
Nothing too out of the ordinary, but still, everyone cheers.
Fuuta sighs, guessing he's lost, but still turns the pumpkin around. Despite the clear spots where Fuuta tried cutting in but decided against it, the Jack-O-Lantern definitely looks more creepy, with sharper edges to the mouth and teeth and eyes much more creepy with an carved out eye that everyone has no idea came from.
There's silence.
Then, everyone cheers.
Fuuta blinks, completely expecting no cheers.
Kazui claps and Fuuta can only grin.
Yuno nods, looking at the two pumpkins. "I actually... can't really tell if we have a winner, guessing by the cheers." She laughs. "I guess... everyone wins...? Sorry for the boring answer." She shrugs.
Even so, everyone cheers and pats Fuuta on the back or congratulates Kazui. They both seem really proud of themselves.
The prisoners all leave the two Jack-O-Lanterns in the dining room as they decide to go hang out somewhere else, talking about the Halloween party and their plans.
When Es walks into the dining room to eat, they see the two Jack-O-Lanterns on the table...
...and they're seconds from running out of the room, until they realized they weren't heads and were just pumpkins.
"...I hope no one saw that."
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harukapologist · 1 year ago
Something I've noticed about Haruka and Muu's relationship is that while it's co dependent, Muu seems more of the 'co dependent' one. They're both attached to each other, but at least Haruka makes an effort to get along with the other prisoners and even form friendships with them (like Fuuta and Mikoto). He's even the one to initiate conversations with others, not just Muu. iirc, Muu doesn't really seem close to anyone else other than Haruka. She says in her interrogation that no one is like her cause 'everyone has a screw loose', is apathetic to the victims of Kotoko's attacks, disliking Yuno cause she became cold to Muu, even insults(?) (not really ig, but still) calls Mikoto a 'poser/playboy' in the headphone collab (though ig the character's personalities are still canon in that respect)
It could just show more of how Muu views herself as above everyone else and doesn't really care about them (or at least, doesn't have a proper way to show it) and she knows that Haruka is easily eating out of the palm of her hand, therefore she's glued to his hip cause it's basically like having a personal servant/assistant around. She just thinks that a 'queen and slave relationship' (as Jackalope said himself) is actually a 'friend and friend' relationship
I just found it always weird that Haruka actually tries to have more friends other than Muu, but Muu seems more attached to him than he is to her. Again, I really think it's just to show that Haruka is easy to 'use' and Muu takes advantage of that, therefore she'll have him around to do anything necessary for her (she even feeds him food, she was suspicious about first, in one of the minigram comics, where she even gets called out for using Haruka as a guinea pig)
Not saying that Muu isn't capable of genuinely caring for Haruka nor that she's an abusive monster, but it really just makes me think people are giving her, and HaruMuu in general, too much slack
You have a point, and I agree that people are giving Muu's role in the codependency too much slack (can the fandom please talk about Muu for once without watering her down to either abusive bitch or harmless little girl?) but I think they're both equally codependent on each other, just in different ways. Even though Haruka interacts with the other prisoners more (in fact I think he interacted the most with all the other prisoners and gave the most birthday wishes, but I didnt count so that's just a guess based on my 21773729 rereads of the timelines LMAO) you can really see how Muu's influence seeps into his attitude and mindset; copying Muu's answer almost identically about Kotoko's attacks in his interro, copying her confident "I did nothing wrong" attitude with Es, being so proud of his "new self" etc etc. my boy is isolating himself for her sake even though like you said he has other friendships, but to him only she matters; he's willing to damage and throw away everything he has for her. If Haruka was gone, there'd be no one to listen to Muu, no one she can feel truly superior to (not that she has malicious intent—I think this is a coping mechanism more than anything but I won't talk about that now), unlike the other prisoners whom she feels are superior to her imo—that's why she doesn't approach them but evidently from her occasional convos with them, latest being her birthday TL, she is able to step out of the codependency bubble and talk to them. Granted it's not truly friendships unlike Haruka's bonds with some of the others, but you can't really call Harumuu a healthy friendship either... Muu just has a shallow view of friendships in general. So she would spiral, but so would Haruka, because if Muu was gone he'd have no one who'd love him the way he wants to be loved, no one to dedicate his entire world to, since he sees himself as so so worthless, his only good trait is to be Useful and receive praise and attention for it, so what would he matter if there's no one willing to love him like that? (In his mindset)
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oboetemasuka · 1 year ago
Getting my friend into Milgram (part 2)
September 8, 2023
First thing's first, go watch Bring It On at the correct speed. It's such a banger that it warrants another listen. A proper one. "Is that cancel culture?" Yeah. "Man was so into cancel culture that he got cancelled himself." Ehehe. About that... "Wait, no, don't add that to the record!" Too late. (Okay, she didn't really say that last part.) She maintains that she doesn't forgive Fuuta.
She changed her mind about Muu because she feels bad. She forgives her. In fact, when I showed her the vote progression, she asked why people were so mean.
Sorry, not much to say about Shidou. We did look through some theories, and she liked the one about this being general doctor burnout. She forgives him.
She didn't like Mahiru. She kept saying Mahiru belongs on TikTok. She doesn't forgive her.
We both agree that Kazui's voice is really smooth. On the lyric "this love is out of bounds", she asked, "Is it because of age, or is she taken." *snicker* You'll find out in the next trial. Maybe. She forgives Kazui.
September 15, 2023
Shortly into Amane's voice drama, my friend already loves her. What can I say? Amane is precious. "If anything happens to her, I will throw hands." Needless to say, my friend forgives Amane.
As soon as Mikoto makes the first kill, my friend shouts "Guilty!"
She doesn't trust Kotoko. And as Kotoko makes her kill, my friend once again shouts "Guilty!"
In summary: Haruka: Forgive Yuno: Forgive Fuuta: Don't forgive Muu: Forgive (changed) Shidou: Forgive Mahiru: Don't forgive Kazui: Forgive Amane: Forgive Mikoto: Don't forgive Kotoko: Don't forgive
I was going to let her wait a week, but maaaaybe I got impatient. So we watched the second trial commencement notice. Now look how badly injured Mahiru is. Are you going to forgive her now? "I guess I have to." Now hold that thought.
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