#And finally *Drumroll*
iamrizaka · 5 months
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there are more sketches with merman lee))
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nikkiissleepy · 7 months
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despite the circumstances, a truce holds just long enough to last through the night.
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apparently refreshed from sleep, toga's previously gifted hatchet comes into play, chopping @livingtissue2 from the competition like a wannabe food network star. two remain standing in the name of bakudeku...
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fr3sh-c0rn · 16 days
I've never been good at gauging the quality of a show before lol (when I'd watch shows with people and they said that the show was running out of ideas or was lower quality I'd get very confused). Like people will complain and I'll see their (very valid) points (that I do agree with) and I don't really care? Like yeah it might not be a cinematic masterpiece but I enjoyed it and it was fun to watch
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piggyette · 5 months
i have 1 meal of solid food a day. the worst part is that its not financial insecurity causing this. its gross negligence on the part of people who control the financials in this household
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lx. Beauty and Her Beast
<<Previous || first arc || second arc || third arc || AO3 || Next>>
The sea snake had run aground. 
Her ship smashed, her people scattered, bound and taken into captivity, Umihebi had never known such lows.
Essentially an opportunist, she had enjoyed the luxuries of her misdeeds, indulging in quick and casual violence to impose her will on anyone who thought of thwarting it.
Her real genius lay in evasion: a mix of cleverness and optimism that persisted when she found herself in the nastiest of scrapes.
It should have come as no surprise when she wriggled her way out of the crown’s clutches, because she was as slippery as her name.
She had not escaped unscathed, however. 
The princes and their people had made their mark: no longer could she boast herself infallible — here was the proof, and all her crew knew it, too.
Umihebi had slipped her shackles, but she knew herself a hunted woman, and she no longer trusted in the sea.
Instead she fled east, to the land she had abandoned as a child and never thought to set foot in again. 
She had fashioned herself in mockery of it, flaunting its every convention while retaining its trappings, making no secret of how she scorned the place — nor showing any enthusiasm for testing what might remain of its kindred affections for her.
True to character, the reversal in course did not trouble her.
She was a sly, shifting renegade, and here was a bolthole. Umihebi seized it as she would any other advantage.
Submitting to the land’s customs again, however — even only so far as to maintain her concealment — did little to sweeten Umihebi’s temper.
More given to grin than snarl, she was wont to flash out in anger only under pressure. The closer her enemies hemmed her in, the higher her fury climbed.
Trapped in the manor cave she had considered her impregnable refuse, she had been frothing in rage by the time defeat became undeniable. She had submitted; she had bowed herself in chains, but her anger had only banked, not abated.
The laconic grin had gone; vicious resentment smoldered in her every look.
One thought dominated her waking desires: to secure herself a nest, reclaim her immunity from the law by marking a place outside it to which she might always resort.
Before she could settle on somewhere, however, Umihebi wanted to be sure that she would not be pursued – that those who had smoked her from her previous den would not, could not come for her again.
She had hidden herself with her usual practicality, not according to taste or principle, but in the one place most likely to secure her: the private residence of a merchant who owed her his fortune. 
The damp greenery of his walled gardens, with their delicately curling vines, open-faced flowers, and clear pools, all proved he had made much of the opportunities she had given him.
He was wealthy —powerful, even, with a private army of sashed swordsmen who answered to his bidding, even as he had answered to her message.
Readily enough had he dispatched his men to guarantee her safe passage to his properties, where even the ruling powers of her native land would consider carefully before demanding entrance.
She knew enough about him to ruin him, after all: a long and sordid history, shared between them both, that would more than suffice to bring his little empire tumbling down around his ears.
For now, though, she did not choose that it should fall — she claimed it as shelter, only her due, yet dependent on her good will, in case he had forgotten.
All in all, the arrangement satisfied Umihebi’s insatiable demand that she and she alone hold the upper hand.
There would be no such compromise as to allow compromise; to her mind, negotiation was a swift and absolute assessment of which party possessed the might to crush the other — tested and proved by force, as necessary.
She may be a fugitive, a tolerated guest at best in this place, but the real power belonged with her. 
Most importantly, everyone knew it. 
Her tidy arrangement presented just a few small drawbacks. For one, skulking in bushes and courtyards was no life for a pirate queen. The twining lattices and twinkling fountains might enchant the eye and beguile the senses into believing the estates endless, but she felt the four walls making their enclosure as a dog knows when it is chained.
It was one thing to deliberately ground herself when she had a ship waiting to launch out over the waves so soon as she judged the horizon clear.
It was something else entirely when the foreseeable future held nothing but the stone and painted walls of the city.
Umihebi chafed to return to her native element, but the stronger instinct prevailed, as it always did with her: she chose self-preservation and would remain until the right opportunity presented itself. 
More provoking, then, was the price she paid for her familiarity with her host: he counted himself familiar with her, too.
She did not bother to correct the name; to contest it would grant the deliberate error importance.
She only sat where she was, surrounded by the remnants of luncheon, her disinclination for unnecessary exertion turned indolent in her forced retirement.
The merchant’s lip curled as he approached. 
He liked to think himself above her, she knew; he had papered over his deeds with civility and high status, turned aside from the life of overt criminality as soon as it paid well enough to finance his entrance into other markets — though not above the occasional side-handed dealing, she was certain.
The Crab, she called him: more show than strength, incapable of advancing directly, yet quick enough when it served him. He preferred rather to burrow than fight, for all that he was powerful enough when roused.
She liked to think that a word from her would shatter the shell he had so carefully constructed around his treasures.
“Viper!” the merchant repeated, as he came upon her. “You try a man’s patience, my honored guest, for you know that you are very welcome here… and, of course, your loyal retainers… such as you might call them…”
She waited, examining his reflection in her wine glass. He would get to the point eventually.
“...but there are limits, my cunning friend, you must be reasonable…”
Umihebi yawned elaborately.
He sputtered, provoked. “A filthy vagabond!” the man choked. “A common thief — worse — on the threshold of my very chambers —”
She lowered the glass and examined him narrowly. “Oh? We have company?”
“No guest of mine, but you — your men —”
She rose, a spark of interest lighting her dull eye. “Show me,” Umihebi commanded.
“I? Not I, no servingman am I —”
“Then summon a servant,” she cut through his babble, “and show me to our uninvited guest.”
At the rear of the garden complex, where the lowliest of their society collected the refuse, a gaggle of her followers waited.
In their midst — bound, gagged, blindfolded — sagged a lean man with the look of hard use about him. He might not have kept his feet without the support of his captors.
Umihebi’s eyes narrowed. “What,” she spat, “can’t you dispose of the trash without my help?”
Her men shifted uneasily; they seemed to have entered suddenly on second thoughts. “He disrespected you, Captain,” one said at last.
“Then cut his tongue out and turn him onto the streets,” she shrugged.
“He—he knew you. And he was in Tanbarun.”
Her pupils narrowed to slits. White around the lips and nostrils, Umihebi strode forward and tore the hood off the prisoner.
His head lolled, and one eye was puffy, but Umihebi never forgot a face. She was in the business of selling them after all.
“Well, well,” she whispered, staring at a specter from the day that lived in her nightmares. “What have we here.”
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crocs-cringe-city · 1 year
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...hi guys!
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sarcastic-clapping · 1 year
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am i a joke to you? look me in the eyes.
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ninadove · 2 years
💙 Clemmy Week - Day 5 💛
Friends to Lovers/Enemies to Lovers
-> Enemies to Friends to Lovers
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“So I (29F) come back to London one day, and my friend/cousin/brother/former boss (43M) has taken in a terrorist (28M) and given him my job!!! And now that jerk has the audacity to say I am the one who needs to work on myself and take accountability for my past crimes??? Who the Hell does he think he is???
Anyways, we’re married now”
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dunmertwink · 4 months
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eepysleepies · 7 months
god I love my weird ass dysfunctional family I love being the youngest child I love my reality show host dad I love my silly big bro who likes the other host better
I LOVE MY (not real) FAMILY!,!!!,!,!
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arolesbianism · 1 year
Ive been picking up a few new characters to fill out some side character roles in the dennie story and while that's been working out very well I also accidentally slipped and now I might have a new mini story oops
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a-bee-wizard · 1 year
This work week is going to be so bad
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kikizoshi · 2 years
Just found this a few days ago and I haven't been able to think about any other songs (or anything, really):
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iturmom · 2 years
on the current sns fic i’m writing, all 3 of the notes on my google doc and a good amount of the notes on the manuscript are just me laughing at myself for mistyping/ writing the character’s names
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alisonsfics · 1 month
back in chicago - part 1
pairing: ex-boyfriend! carmy berzatto x reader
summary: after years in germany, you return to chicago and immediately run into your ex-boyfriend. if you thought it’d be easy jumping back into your old life, you were wrong. new people had entered carmy’s life, including a new woman, but you were still everything to him.
word count: 1.8k
part 2 / part 3 / part 4
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You threw the final box into the trash pile and admired your finished room. You had just moved back to Chicago and as of five minutes ago, you were officially moved in. Your best friend, Maria, let you live with her since her roommate had just moved out.
“Last box done?” She called, from the living room. You walked down the hallway and into the living room. “I am officially unpacked,” you cheered as she applauded you.
You plopped down next to her on the couch. “You ready to celebrate your first night back in Chicago?” She asked you, raising her eyebrows.
After living in Germany for five years and teaching at a university there, you were ready to be home. You had gotten fired from your professor job and then dumped by your boyfriend, who was a German guy that you worked with at the university.
“How are we celebrating?” You asked, very intrigued. She used her hands to do a drumroll on the couch. “We are having a girls night out at a fancy restaurant and then wherever the evening takes us.” She told you.
“Oooo a fancy restaurant? How luxurious,” already mentally picking out an outfit, “what is it called?” You asked.
She pulled out a flier from behind her back and handed it to you. You ran your fingers over the glossy cover. The food in the photos looked delicious. There was a large bear logo in the middle of the flier.
You opened the flier and the giant words across the top read: “Head Chef Carmen Berzatto Presents…”
You felt your heart skip a beat. “Maria? What the fuck is this?” You asked, seeing your ex-boyfriend’s picture staring at you.
“Your old flame just opened a restaurant a few weeks ago, and I got us on the list.” She told you, excitedly. She expected you to be a lot more excited than you were. The emotions she was seeing on your face were more aligned with dread.
“We cannot go there, Maria. No way,” you protested.
“But come on, it’s Carmy,” she argued. Those words shouldn’t have been enough to convince you, but they did. Carmy was your one that got away, right guy wrong time, soulmate, whatever you wanted to call him.
You and Carmy hadn’t even been in the same room since you left for Germany and he broke things off, fearing how hard long distance would be.
“What the fuck do I wear?” You mumbled, half talking to yourself. Maria jumped up from the couch and pulled you towards your closet. “I will find you the perfect outfit.” She promised.
You sat on your bed as she sorted through your closet. “Oh, girl,” she said, freezing as she looked at a dress.
“What is it?” You asked, curiously. She spun around with the dress in her hand. “It has to be this one. It’s beautiful.” She said, in awe. You smiled to yourself as you looked at the dress. You did love the dress, and it looked fantastic on you.
It was a long maroon dress with a slit up the side. It had puff sleeves and a sweetheart neckline that fit in all the best ways.
You both spent the next few hours getting ready and singing along to your favorite songs in the process. You both knew you had to look perfect to see Carmy for the first time in five years. Maria helped you make sure your makeup was perfect, and then it was time to go.
As you walked up to the restaurant, you felt all the butterflies in your stomach. Maria took her phone out, and you both took some pictures in front of the building.
“You ready?” She asked you, fully aware of how brave you needed to be to go in there. You gave her a quick nod before you could change your mind. You both walked up to the host station, and you were face to face with Richie.
“Richie?” You asked, in shock as you noticed his suit. That was the complete opposite of the Richie you grew up with.
“You guys made it? Welcome welcome,” he said, walking over to give you both hugs. You realized that you’d probably be seeing more familiar faces than just Richie and Carmy.
“Right this way, ladies,” Richie said, guiding you both to your table. You noticed the back wall had windows into the kitchen. You quickly scanned for Carmy, but didn’t see him.
After Richie left the table, Maria noticed how nervous you looked. “Just take a deep breath. Nothing is going to happen. It’s just dinner and talking to some old friends afterwards. And it’s Carmy we’re talking about.” She reassured you. You knew she was right, but you couldn’t help the stress that maybe Carmy didn’t want to see you or was mad at you for leaving.
Richie was giddy as he headed back to the kitchen. He had been waiting all week for tonight. Maria had texted him ahead of time that you both were coming to dinner. Carmy had no idea, and Richie had been waiting to see his reaction.
“What’s wrong with you?” Sydney asked, seeing the giant smile on Richie’s face that wasn’t exactly on brand for him.
He grabbed Sydney’s hand and pulled her to the side of the kitchen. “You see that girl in the corner booth with the red dress?” He asked her. Sydney scanned the crowd for a second before finding you. She quickly nodded her head. “That’s Carmy’s ex-girlfriend.” Richie said, watching Sydney’s eyes go wide.
“Is she crazy or something?” Sydney asked, causing Richie to quickly shake his head. “No, not that kind of ex-girlfriend. She’s perfect. Her and Carmy were madly in love and shit. She got a job offer in Germany, and Carmy couldn’t handle the long distance. Her friend Maria told me they were coming, and Carmy has no idea.” Richie said, failing miserably at hiding his excitement.
“You’re so evil for this,” Sydney said, laughing. She quickly grabbed a bottle of wine and brought it out to your table. She knew Richie was meddling, but it’d be a shame if she didn’t use her front row seat to watch the chaos.
“Why are we so stuck on me and Carmy? What about you and Richie? You think I forgot about that? Him and Tiff have been divorced for a while, she’s marrying some new guy. Why haven’t you shot your shot?” You asked Maria, flipping the situation.
Back when you and Carmy were dating, you both had set Richie and Maria up on a double date. Neither of them were looking for something serious, but they were friends with benefits for a while, until Richie met Tiffany. You’d always suspected that they cared more about each other than they let on. “That is not why we’re here.” She corrected you.
Sydney walked up to your table, getting both of you to shut up immediately. “Hi, I’m Chef Sydney. Richie told me you both were family friends, so I wanted to bring out some wine for you on the house.” She said, pouring some wine into your glasses. You both introduced yourselves to her and chatted for a minute or two before she left.
“I’m going to the bathroom really quick. I’ll be right back.” You told Maria. You walked across the restaurant and went to the bathroom. On your way back to the table, you saw Carmy through the window as he called out orders around the kitchen.
You felt yourself freeze where you were. It felt like time was moving in slow motion. You memorized every single detail of how he looked. He looked the same as the last time you saw him, but also completely different. He lightly pulled on his curls, and you recognized his nervous habit. It reminded you of when Carmy asked you to be his girlfriend.
You rushed back to your table, paranoid that he would see you staring.
“You saw him, didn’t you?” Maria asked, recognizing the blush on your cheeks.
After you both had finished eating, Richie encouraged you to wait for the one last table to leave and then you could talk to everybody.
Despite trying to bail four times, Maria had made sure that you stayed. All while your pleas for Maria to talk to Richie were met with protest.
You watched the last guests leave the restaurant, and Richie walked over to your table. “Would you ladies like to follow me?” He asked, holding out his arm for Maria. You smirked at her as you noticed how flustered she got.
Richie opened the door to the kitchen and led you both inside. You didn’t see Carmy anywhere, but noticed Sydney, who looked just as excited as Richie.
Natalie rounded the corner, and you saw her eyes light up when she saw you. She ran over and pulled you into a hug. You both always assumed you’d end up as sister-in-laws and loved each other like best friends.
“Richie told me you were back in town. It’s so good to see you.” She said, smiling. Nat was one of the few people from Chicago who had gone to visit you in Germany.
“Yo, cousin. I have some people who want to talk to you.” Richie called out.
“Who is it?” You heard Carmy respond, and then he appeared in the doorway to what looked like an office.
“Holy shit,” he mumbled under his breath. He was stunned and almost paralyzed. The whole team watched as he ogled you. You were the last person he thought he’d see. He was almost convinced he’d never see you again.
“But you were…Germany and t-the university…and, you’re here?” He rambled, trying to process what was happening. His eyes raked some your body, admiring you. His gaze went back up and met yours. He never thought he’d look into your eyes again.
“She’s back in Chicago, baby,” Richie cheered, causing the whole team to laugh.
You walked towards him and held out your arms for a hug. He quickly pulled you into a tight hug. His arms wrapped around your waist just like they had a million times before. You wrapped your arms around his neck.
You both pulled away, and you could still see the shock in Carmy’s eyes. “Are you good? I-I mean, how are you?” He mumbled over his words, nervously.
“I’m really good. How are you? The restaurant is amazing.” You complimented him. Carmy’s two lives were crashing together. He had two sections of his life. He had his life before you and his life after you, and now they were blending together.
“Thank you. That means a lot. You always knew I could do it.” He said, smiling as a slideshow of your relationship played through his head.
“So, we going clubbing tonight to celebrate?” Richie asked, being met with cheers from everyone. As you turned your focus away from Richie and looked back at Carmy, you caught him checking you out again. You knew it was going to be a long night, but there was still lots you didn’t know.
Like the fact that Carmy wasn’t single anymore.
taglist: @laurakirsten0502 @miraclesoflove @nathaliabakes @millipop18 @lillyssh-tposts @shyinadarkplace @vanteguccir @missroro @guacam011y @sw33t-cupid @ice-dtae @leyannrae @sia2raw @nyx2021 @just-a-littlebit-of-everything @shyconversationalbookworm @shadowhuntyi @visenyaverse @ruzannetheseahorse @superdeath @wandaswifeyforlifey @spookyqueen @mcuswhore @princess-evans-addict @n3ssm0nique @peakascum @cjand10 @namsey1987 @supernaturalstilinski @stephv213 @warriormirkwood @one-sweet-gubler @narliesstuff @bibissparkles @stupiidfrogs @navs-bhat @mattsfavbigtitties @the-sylver-dragon
Let me know if you want to be added to my taglist for all my imagines or for a specific character/fandom!!
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