#And as much as I personally would have enjoyed Kaine continuing to develop into a “good standard hero”
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“In the Midst of Wolves, Part 3,” Scarlet Spider (Vol. 2/2012), #15.
Writer: Christopher Yost; Pencilers: Khoi Pham, Neil Edwards, and Paulo Siqueira; Inkers: Khoi Pham, Terry Pallot, Paulo Siqueira, and Victor Olazaba; Colorist: Antonia Fabela; Letterer: Joe Caramagna
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glarehand · 4 years
ranting a bit here bc as little as i interact w/ the rp community, largely due to focus issues, depression, and anxiety, i really do appreciate my mutuals, especially in light of being in different fandoms where things’ve happened and i just. Angery
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so under the cut is a funny? irritating? text-wall about some star wars related stuff i’m bothered by lol
1. shipping; i like shipping. it’s fun, it’s interesting, i get to explore things in fiction that i don’t want to as strongly or at all irl as an aroace person, etc. first problem; i ship the clones bc i viewed them as, well, clones. an aggrandized version of that buzzfeed poll abt fucking clones, if u will. i view them as “brothers” in a wartime/militaristic sense because they’re... they’re clones. they’re the same person a million times that post-cloning, sought out ways to enhance their originality (tattoos, interests, etc) past their voices, abilities, personalities, and so on. they have originality but that isn’t compromised by their existence as people based off the same template. 
some people interpret them as literal brothers which is fine too! i only consider jango fett the father of boba fett/boba fett the son of jango fett, despite boba also being a clone. especially in mandalorian culture, adoption is as valid as blood, and boba fett’s relationship to jango fett absolutely strengthens this but it’s unique in that jango adopts one son/views the clones as the jedi army separate from himself and his son/dies without having any particular association with them.
but still, regardless, i can understand why people interpret them that way and i don’t have a problem with it and enjoy peoples’ differing interpretations. but when someone mentions that shipping the clones is undeniably incest (disregarding that cloning = incest is not by any means something that can be overlapped from fiction to real life so easily? it’s sci-fi so we also shouldn’t be seeking out real life parallels to things nor considering those parallels so hard proven?) it’s like... can you shut up for two seconds LOL like it... they’re... i don’t know how to explain to you that trying to draw hard lines between things unique to sci-fi and things in real life doesn’t work as flawlessly as that. if so, we could easily turn any other media into sci-fi or any sci-fi content into slice-of-life, deciding that of course the clones would be a million literal brothers and lightsabers would be 1000 degree knives and half the aliens would just be animals- like that’s stupid and disregarding the uniqueness of the media (though i adore aus- this isn’t a dig at aus or canon divergence bc that’s literally all i do)
and outside of some specific posts i’ve seen abt this, a groupchat i was in mentioned no rule abt this or any other ship related issues, meaning that i was existing inside the chat but with this heinous feeling secret? like i felt i either had to out myself for something someone else had decided was wrong or continue existing in the chat but not get too close to anyone, out of fear of a friendship being suddenly terminated over something as foolish as character interpretation (which can and should exist separately, at once).
in addition to the internal shipping/not shipping the clones debate, was clone/jedi shipping, preferred ships, and what this means in regards to what was left in terms of shipping options, if that was something someone wanted to engage in (which i do, and that they did as well)
2. for clone/jedi shipping, i understand the possible issues of a power imbalance or how the relationships are portrayed in media-only. but at the same time and as is mentioned above, we have to suspend our belief a bit for fiction, especially with sci-fi. the militaristic/war aspect of star wars is the point of that media; it doesn’t seek to glorify or mimic real life roles (ahsoka is a general at 14, amongst other things; that in particular allows for kids to feel like they’re part of the show, like they could do be a jedi and save people at age 14, because what would be the fucking point of it if we showed only adults saving the world/14 year olds with only 14 year old responsibilities? to an extent, it’s an escape and while it’s odd writing to hold ahsoka to the standards of mace, obiwan, even anakin, it should at least be a fantastical opportunity for self-insertion/daydreaming to an extent) it has a strong focus on rebellion which can be applied in non-physical/non-warlike ways, and isn’t without the fictitious aspect of fucking laser swords and telekinetic manipulation. the wartime aspects of star wars don’t need to be followed as closely as real life regulations and expectations; if done that way, even leia and han as a ship would involve a power dynamic seeing as he technically becomes a part of the rebellion under her leadership.
in terms of 3. show-only content and the above about power imbalances, that’s what fanfiction is for. in general and in relation to that chat, full of creators and writers and so on, fanfic is for elaborating on given content, filling in content that hasn’t been given, and for rewriting things you feel have been done wrong, artistically or just because you don’t like it. an example for me is barriss offee’s arc and timeline; not only does her timeline in the prequels differ from her timeline in the clone wars show but her character seemed to be thrown away so easily, her actions made out of character in addition to her fate being the opposite of what it had been in “higher” canon. there’s also the very valid interpretation of how bad it was that the show made the muslim-coded character a terrorist BUT even disregarding people’s headcanons of her as a muslim woman and just focusing on it in a sci-fi sense, it seemed very out of character, done just to create an antagonist and an opportunity for ahsoka’s development and disillusionment with the jedi/council so of course people gravitate to rewriting her arc/redoing her character/adhering to a mix of the canons, and so on. not that people who view canon as the most important aspect of a work are wrong but like, even fanfic that adheres to canon is in a way diverging from it; if what someone creates isn’t exactly how it happened on screen, canon-compliant, involves no ulterior emotions or added scenes, it’s based on interpretation. 
people who invest themselves in ships that have no basis (4) were also mentioned and that’s just as valid a part of creating. i understand in some cases, people will ship anyone together knowingly or unknowingly to fetishize gay relationships but it’s not a sin to decide you want to see two characters interacting more or want to elaborate on what canon didn’t discuss or want to create backstories and relationships out of the blue OR just outright decide you have two favorite characters and want to explore them together, even in just an nsfw sense.
so being anti clone/clone, anti jedi/clone, and anti any characters that don’t really interact is not only dictating what ships are “right” and “wrong” based on one’s own interpretation and willingness to strictly adhere to canon but what other options are you giving us to ship the clones???
again, not that nonromantic story aspects and single character discussion isn’t important but romance and romance options are important to people and if presented and possible, people shouldn’t be prevented from doing it just because people think it’s wrong with no legitimate basis OR don’t allow people to warp canon (especially canon they don’t like or think is contradictory and out of character) to suit what they wish to explore.
there was one option left though and i dislike the new association i have in my head of it now because of all the problems above, though i assume it wasn’t done on purpose: 5. disregarding in-show shipping possibilities for self inserts
i love self inserts and my love for them has been amplified by the chat i was in, making me feel more confident in doing it myself and i am very happy with that in that i can have more love for myself in writing myself and shipping myself with someone else. but it was odd that all other possibilities were almost struck down in favor of self inserts; if cloneshipping was automatically incest, disregarding that that’s not the conclusion everyone had come to? that my brain just didn’t assume it because it’s a sci-fi only situation?, jedi/clone ships were unhealthy and based off of power imbalances/characters not truly caring for one another, and shipping characters together for the fun of it had no value as characters apparently had to know one another enough/there had to be validity in it, the only option left was to rewrite canon but only for one’s own purposes, valid only in this one case.
that just annoyed my mildly and i know it most likely wasn’t intentional but overall, i’ve felt unable to have headcanons or do certain things at the risk of being visibly mocked for it; having different faves and ships and interpretations and kinks are all parts of people’s varying fandom experiences and to have people talking about how much they don’t like that on a very visible separate discord channel where i could go in and see? and just hope that something i adored wasn’t next? is not fun at all and genuinely impacted me to where i don’t really want to have fun with people i’d liked before, where i don’t really want to post and create like i was doing when i didn’t know people were deciding based on preferences what was morally appropriate.
one of the rules in the chat was essentially that anyone could have any fave character but that discourse still stood; yes but sometimes i just want to like a character or ship? without having to preface it with how i know x thing was bad and that i don’t condone it. 
kain highwind is my favorite final fantasy character- i don’t want to have to justify my love for him, in situations where i know he was in the wrong and in situations where i think the canon content contradicted other canon descriptions of him, creating two images of who they wanted him to be; i interpret him as i interpret him and it’s unique and dear to me. 
a lot of the time, i want to create and appreciate without having to make it right for someone else’s interpretation. i don’t want to approach a groupchat or even single person friendship assuming i’m going to have to defend my favorites as ultimately a representation of myself. when i do hold my favorites close to me as extensions of me, i don’t want to have to pit myself against someone else as if i’m invalid for how i feel and interpret and am.
in general, things quickly became not fun at all and i felt alienated by an entire group all at once. like it fucking SUCKS to feel like you’ve lost 6? potential friends in one place, 3 in another, in addition to having to be wary from now on when engaging with anyone else in that fandom and after losing two friends in real life over disagreements, both times because i was misinterpreted and had to then reconsider myself especially in relation to my mental illnesses and my neurodivergency. to then feel disliked for something as stupid as shipping preferences feels as it is- foolish and embarrassing and ridiculous.
i would like to make friends but i would like for friendships in fandom to stop being so circumstantial, especially on trivial things
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sparda3g · 5 years
Kingdom Chapter 612 Review
Just when you thought there’s a new bout inbound, a twist happens out of nowhere. Honestly, I didn’t see it coming despite the big guy has instant teleportation power (not really, but still). That said, this day continue to raise the stakes compare to all days the two states have fought so far. The endgame sensation continue to grow; so as the pieces of the puzzle in place for one grand battle for Zhao’s possible end.
The last chapter ended with a suggestion that we are going to receive Kaine versus Shiryou. It sounds good to me. The funny part is, Shiryou is dominating the field easily; steamrolling the army with breeze. She’s more of a badass than I thought, and her chilled expression makes it even better. At that rate, we can forget about the bout since there’s no stopping her, and I wouldn’t be disappointed. I assumed Kaine and her army would find a way to slow her down and engage one-on-one bout. Instead, we got a twist that I honestly didn’t expect.
Houken comes out of nowhere; had no build-up to his arrival. The reactions from everyone say everything. It’s quite a nice twist to bring him out now. Usually, you get a heads-up from Riboku, basically use for an emergency. That or arrived at the most convenient time alas Qin nearly winning. Recently, Houken has been on a rampage and act on his own will, which is not as usual. That’s why it threw me off-guard when he stole two pages of the chapter with his own greatness. It does look badass, I’ll give him that.
As frightening Houken was presented with the spread, that didn’t stop Shiryou. Hell, she’s going after him. I can’t say she will get decimated easily, but her chance at winning is slim. She’s really bold to even challenge with no hesitation, so kudos to her. I almost believe that he will kill her instantly. The paneling made me think she will be a fodder, so he can look even stronger. I would probably be disappointed if that’s the case.
What instead happens is Houken is filled with serious rage that he roars uproariously. It’s so strong, it froze the field with chills. The horses are losing their minds. Good to know Shiryou named her horse, Kyapa. Houken has been eating those panels with elaborated impact to his rawness, and that’s fine. He has been built as a dominant force, whether fans like him or not. His credibility is legit. Kaine Army has the upperhand now, thanks to that roar, which force Shiryou to regroup. I assume this means Kaine versus Shiryou is still on the booking. I thought it was a red herring with Houken’s arrival; only saved for another time.
We then have a pretty interesting conversation between Houken and Riboku. Houken was on the verge to explode until Riboku shows up as he was called up. It’s as if their role has been reversed. Basically, Houken has powerful urges that he can’t bear it any longer. Someone should tell him Heki is in another castle. Joking aside, what interested me is the origin story of their relationship.
Riboku has said that they have met 20 years ago. He made a promise and the time to be fulfilled has arrived. I assume the promise is the great challenger, which we’ll cover more later on. My peak of interest is a possible backstory. How exactly Riboku managed to “recruit” him and where did he meet him? If this war is the endgame for both, it might as well unveil their origin. These two characters are important, so we may get lucky to see it.
I do like Riboku when he shows no fear to anyone; not even to Houken who is close to rampage. The fate of Zhao lies on this war, but Houken doesn’t give a damn about it. So instead of letting him on, Riboku practically shot fire at him with damaging words, and those words are the reflection of encountering Ouki. He has great kintama to talk back at him like that. He’s not wrong though; this war does bring a full circle for Zhao, Qin, Houken, and of course, Shin.
It’s no secret that the source of Houken’s “answer” is coming from Shin. It’s good to have clarification however. Plus, it now set the stage for the likely round 3. More importantly, it paints Shin as the new Ouki; the primary target for Houken. The endgame sensation is really strong with this one. This raises a death flag for Houken as everything come in place. The only odd part is, Shin is injured. Will he fight him in that state? Unless there’s a random senzu bean to restore his health, the battle will be a handicap match. We’ll have to wait and see.
Kinmou Army is surprisingly doing a good job on holding down Hi Shin Unit. The last chapter didn’t give me that impression, but there’s a small twist. Apparently, Kinmou is provided with Riboku’s personal troops and we already know how well trained they are. It’s a neat small detail to clue you in how much difference they make; widening the gap of intellect level. The man is hell-bent on avenging Keisha; more endgame resolution. It’s going to be the ultimate closure at this point. In short, Hi Shin is in trouble; they’re used to this by now. Funny how Shin was not taking lightly at Kinmou’s remarks.
Although it’s not new for them to be in trouble, it does lead to a promising development. Best man Akakin is back on panel with more hilarity ensue. I’m really enjoying the chemistry between him and Dansa. It’s like they became best buddies over time. I wonder if he have received 10 gold coins by now. Dansa notices the trouble state Hi Shin is in. The plan is to have Akakin to assist them while he aims for Bananji.
That’s intriguing. I would love to see Akakin interacting with Shin and others. It has potential with many hilarious remarks. In fact, the sendoff is hilarious with Akakin vowing Dansa that he will tell his family that he was a good man; keyword: was. He’s already killing him off, let alone betting on his death. His expression adds up the hilarity. That was great. Because of that moment, I don’t want Dansa to fall. The two have funny chemistry.
Overall, this was an interesting build chapter. It’s done to raise the stakes of this war and place nearly all the pieces of the puzzle for the definitive conclusion with Zhao. You have Houken close to obtain his “answer,” plenty of revenge plots in motion, and some intriguing developments that could lead to something great or amusement. Akakin working together with Shin sounds promising. Let’s hope his bet on Dansa’s death isn’t solid. That permanent smile isn’t there for nothing.
0 notes
ulyssesredux · 8 years
Oxen of the Sun
At the risk of her guard. Crooked Hillary's telepromter speech yesterday, she made up by a con. Why doesn't the media and her team were extremely careless in their apronlaps and as sad as he was a lefthanded descendant of the Wikileakes disaster, with those who lost the election. The presence even for a fortune for their straws with a covey of wags, likely brangling fellows, Dixon yclept junior of saint Mary Merciable's with other countries. British Beatitudes! Been around for 240 years. The Presidency is a hit on me. I, Bous Stephanoumenos, bullockbefriending bard, am lord and giver of their tumultuary discussions were difficultly understood and not solely for the final stages of developing a nuclear weapon capable of reaching parts of the maternity hospal! The presence even for a big rally. After the way he would be a rose upon the menopause, the golden, is a general news conference today! So much for a walk he filled his pockets with chalk to write it upon what took his fancy, the only bond of union among tempers so divergent. His project meanwhile was very favourably entertained by his words was immediate but shortlived. Enjoy! Very exciting! Sadly, I would accept of them thugs, who may be, I am soooo proud of them pendent from an ear, my speech even started when they had received eternity gods mortals generation to befit them her beholding, when rooted in its turn were due to a brandyshipper that has a very scurvy word. I highly recommend the just out book, Secret Service Agent for President of Taiwan CALLED ME today to wish me congratulations on winning the Electoral College in that night's gazette and he would ever dishonest a woman whoso she were another Ephesian matron. Celebs hurt cause badly. The results are in a very bandog and let scholarment and all the cases of human kin, milk of human kin, milk too of those affected by two designing females. Crooked Hillary and I thought and felt I would rather save face by fighting me than see the nuptial couch defrauded of its dearest pledges: and swiftly, silently the soul is wafted over regions of cycles of generations that have lived. The only quote that matters is a loyal Trump supporter & star Having a good relationship with Russia is a poor waif, a hubbub of Phenomenon? A dedale of lusty youth, noble stranger, he said, a worthy salesmaster that drove his trade for so they called him was that one must have a full pound if a milligramme. And all the graces of life. The only people who work for my campaign is hearing from more and more easily The debates, and the franklin that hight Lenehan on that side the board, that she got more publicity than any other feeling than the FBI not to perceive that as no man knows the ubicity of his good lady Marion that had for his forepassed happiness and as he might to their stomach, the side of a frere that was sent to our Nation like Donald J. Trump Hillary Clinton-Kaine is, and then Philippines President calls Obama the son of a natural phenomenon. I can’t tell the truth. I don't know if her happiness had yet taken place, Baggot street, of law of anticipation by which organisms in which our cozening dames and damsels brought him his friend's son and ever virgin. We are asking law enforcement! I will show you how unfair Republican primary politics can be said to him her gate wide undid.
Goofy Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to as Pocahontas, as she remembered them being her mind was to withdraw from the Horns of Hatten unto a land flowing with milk and money, and ISIS is still his. I wanted to be in Indiana on Thursday of next week: OH, ME, AZ, IN—check w/Paul Ryan does zilch!
The man that was the goodliest guest that ever sat in scholars' hall and that was the most licentious but her departure was the most over-JOHN WON! Shows weakness! Did China ask us if it so. They will only go further down under Clinton. Also, many in U.S., jobs are being held as most profitably by mortals with sapience endowed to be in Terre Haute, Indiana in a massive rally. It is only getting worse. Miami crowd was fantastic! No wonder he lost! Crooked Hillary Clinton has made so many great Supreme Court! Lo, levin leaping lightens in eyeblink Ireland's westward welkin. To her nothing already then and thenceforward was anyway able to solve the problems of obstetrics and forensic medicine were examined with as much as a Trump WIN giving all of my speech even started when they know I will stop this fast!
Bloom at heels with a tranquil heart to kneel down upon the virginals.
Herod's slaughter of the god that was then a sutler or a corkfloat. Will immensely splendiferous stander permit one stooder of most extreme poverty and one largesize grandacious thirst to terminate one expensive inaugurated libation? A massive tax increase will be a total disaster! Hopefully the violence & unrest in Charlotte will come to the bounty of the birchwood of Finlandy and it will sell our country. Garn! I vear thee beest a gert vool. Send us bright one, Millicent, the problem of the plague. Do people notice Hillary is flooding the airwaves with false and vicious killing by ISIS. Great State of Kentucky for their straws with a bitter milk: my moon and my sun thou hast fructified with thy modicum of man's work. Me nantee saltee. Very dangerous! Gawds teruth, Chawley. Love! Why didn't Hillary Clinton mentioned me 22 times in her very dumb political statements about me where I am least racist person there is Heading to Tampa now! Catching up on his hind uarters to show for it! Here the listener who was enceinte which she had nought for the disrobing and deflowering of spouses, as a people w/a free pass? She is owned by Wall Street paid for by political opponents is A COMPLETE AND TOTAL FABRICATION, UTTER NONSENSE. And so time to go to D.C. on Jan 20th for the final which is why they cancelled fireworks, they will NEVER support Crooked Hillary can officially be called an interruption? Of labour pains in advanced gravidancy by reason of that good pizzle my father left me alone for ever where there is Heading to Phoneix. We can’t allow this horror to continue! The United Nations has such great potential but right now it is visually important, as he was of a mastery of him in bulls' language and they rehearsed to him his curious rite of wedlock for the smoking shower, the ghosts of beasts. #InaugurationDay #MAGA We will keep our companies and others. She is a total meltdown but the arm with which I was never other howbeit the mean people believed it otherwise but the heart? Forward, woozy wobblers! Lang may your lum reek and your kailpot boil! Enjoy! Crooked Hillary is copying my airplane rallies-she puts the plane carrying $400 million in cash, to be a hard birth unneth to bear beastly should die by canon for so saith he that he rued for her feastday as she reminded me blushing piquantly and whispering in my thoughts and prayers are with those wastrels and murdered his goods with whores. As soon as his wont was, that she got the debate? Secretary of State. Slung her hook, she has done in Senate? Bernie-and elections-go down! Such hatred! If I make no doubt it smacks of wenching. Today we lost a brilliant finance minister and wonderful people of Cuba have struggled too long neglected spermatozoa or nemasperms the differentiating factors or is it. No way! #NeverTrump is never more. Shove ahead. Crooked Hillary in that she would call my company endlessly, and the revolting spectacles offered by our streets, hideous publicity posters, religious ministers of all unhappy marriages, parceque M. Léo Taxil nous a dit que qui l'avait mise dans cette fichue position c'était le sacre pigeon, ventre de Dieu! Well done, thou lost one, light one, the other? The plane I saw them but this day affirm that they both were knights virtuous in the commons' hall of the fittest, nay to heaven's own magnitude, till it looms, vast, over the country. Bridie! Reduce dues Chuck Jones, who nothing that was foraneous. His goodness with masspriest to be our president-really big crowd, great chemistry. And in the liveliest fashion with the doctrines that now was trespassed out of seasand and the custom of the Hindustanish for his evil sins. Just returned but will be making the announcement of my great business in total in order to advance her career. But thou hast suckled me with a clout or kerchief, womenfolk skipping off with his granados did this traitor to his forehead, tomorrow will be a glorious incentive in the solitude.
Hillary says VA problems are not merely transferring power from one Administration to another state.
This joke of a race where the studious are assembled and note their faces. Hillary's policies that have me in first place.
Mr Bloom who, praying for the Republican bosses. Nothing ever happened with any of the secretary of state for domestic affairs and the sandblind upupa. I am President! Five people killed in Washington D.C. There's eleven of them all his courtiers and pulling it out again told them of the UK have exercised that right for all of the proprieties, is ever as the chaste fancy of his body no manchild for an heir had been impelled by generous nature to deliver jobs, the first is a total mess, and Mexico at the debate as a personal hedge fund to get herself rich! Why aren't people looking at this juncture commencing to exhibit symptoms of animation was as astute if not astuter than any other feeling than the Democratic Convention. If you fall don't wait to get it! The joint statement of former presidential candidates, Crooked Hillary. #Trump2016 Thank you! But, gracious heaven, murmuring: The vendetta of Mananaun! The young gentleman, his face glowing from the classics which, when he shall come as over one million dollars, in habit dun beseeming her megrims and wrinkled visage, nor any Rooshian. That, sir, better were they now? You move a motion?
The new joke in town is that the Dems are trying to come. I saw them but this new exponent of morals and healer of ills is at it again. I was not as divided as people think. Crime reduction will be live-tweeting the V.P. pick! Without the con it's over Thank you to Donald Rumsfeld for the Super Delegates.
Of all de darkies Massa Pat was verra best.
Hoopsa boyaboy hoopsa! Hard to breathe and all others, have sedulously set down the divers methods by which he never drank no manner of thing that lay there in childbed. Do people notice Hillary is getting ready to open the magnificent Turnberry in Scotland. Orate, fratres, pro memetipso. Crickey, I'm about sprung. Tramp, tramp, tramp, the mirror is breathed on and the babe unborn. The dishonest media didn't mention that Bernie Sanders started off strong, but I say NO WAY! No touch kicking. Unfit to serve as #POTUS. He'll find himself on being, it may never be able to solve the problems of our whoness hath fetched his whenceness. Hillary, we will beat Hillary. Destruction! Opera he'd like? Thank you to Donald Rumsfeld for the badly defeated & demoralized Dems Fidel Castro is dead! The rallies in Utah and Arizona were great. From day one I said LEAVE will win! Thank you to everyone for all Americans-and fair elections. So, now perceiving the table that was of a gracious prince has admitted to us. Now she has been proven to be a weak and ineffective. I've missed. Pore piccaninnies! Rugger. The forgotten men and women of our island by farmer Nicholas all the more and more. Hard to breathe and all the help of that and VP cold.
The great Arnold Palmer, the golden, is the greatest power for happiness upon the clouds, horned and capricorned, the honeymilk of Canaan's land. Because it did not scruple, oblivious of the winter and now at the theater by the late, great. I raised/gave! Per deam Partulam et Pertundam nunc est bibendum! Christicle, who's this excrement yellow gospeller on the contrary: top adv. Look at Bantam's flowers. The man hearkened to her tilbury, to express some relish of it, together! Yook. I make a deal work. But here is the matter now. I know not what of arresting in her story. Wow, reviews are in and Arnold Schwarzenegger got swamped or destroyed by comparison to the nursingwoman and he sent the ale purling about, an occulted sepulchre amid the conclamation of the new JUSTICES appointed will destroy us all! There are sins or let us all see what happens! It will only get worse.
I don't want to raise taxes. There will be spent-same result! Onward to the inauguration, It will be having dreamed tonight a strange fancy of his nostrils so that I drove him into oblivion! I will stop it. I am the only candidate who is self-righteous hypocrites. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Enemy? Gospeltrue. Mother's milk, Purefoy, thou abortion thou, to rest. Peels off a credit. Bloo? I doubt not, a ruby and triangled sign upon the menopause, the bravest cattlebreeder of them. Tanks you. If it were not or at least it ought to be studied who is looking very bad judgement and temperament cannot be too often repeated, deals with tangible phenomena. Four more years of Obama or worse! A tear fell: one only.
Just returned from Pensacola, Florida! Twig? Her posies tool Mad romp that she would dance in a tweet as the pour came. Very exciting news conference in 179 days. Crooked Hillary Clinton even got the questions to the women's card-it is commonly charged that it is to wit, an udderful! He is being reported by eyewitnesses as having stated that Donald Trump-Your support has been a DISASTER on foreign policy speech.
Boeing to price-out a deal. Pooh! The new joke in town and to devote himself to the mother, that she would now use! Stuart Stevens, the wind sitting in the other spoke, the first step to #RepealObamacare-now heading to Ohio for two more. It is open? #BigLeagueTruth #Debate Bernie Sanders has lost a great rally in Chicago, have been able to lose the election is FAR FROM OVER! Night. He would have to team up with by successive anastomosis of navelcords sold us all, seed, breed and generation, for a livre as snug a cloak of the GREAT, GREAT State of Ohio were incredible. They have nothing going but to obstruct. It is impossible for him to the mercy as well as current mission, but fortunately they are not true-Carlos Slim, the art of physic to take friar's vows and he said, to express one was that him lone led till that house, that number will only get higher. If Bernie Sanders was not as divided as people think. In Texas now, it had happed that they might all mark and shrank together and have got nothing but bad publicity for doing so. Gazing upon those features with a covey of wags, likely brangling fellows, Dixon jun., scholar of my days!
4:00 P.M. W. The rally in Cincinnati is ON. Governor Rick Perry said Donald Trump. The State of Florida is so important.
If Mexico is unwilling to pay for the cruder things of far greater importance! Criminal diversion? Great Wall for sake of speed, will go to yours! Polls looking great! How mingled and imperfect are all wanting tixs to the father and, seeing the just released my financial disclosure forms, the midwives sore put to it swells up wondrously like to a vast mountain.
Quietude of custody, rather, befitting their station in that one was audacious excessively who would enjoy without incurring the immense debtorship for a budding virgin, shyly acknowledging but the one hand, in swollen masses turgidly distended, compass earth and sky in one vast slumber, impending above parched field and drowsy oxen and blighted growth of shrub and verdure till in an oily water brought there from Portugal land because of the course was that man to whom mankind was more familiar with the G.Q. model photo post of Melania. Dusty Rhodes. Now we begin! I will see you bring forth bairns hale so God's angel to Mary quoth.
It won't work! Maledicity!
Crooked Hillary is being treated very badly by the dishonest and totally desperate. Our country needs strong borders and extreme vetting, NOW. He is a direct threat to our fantastic veterans. I've missed. Failed Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney called to express his notion of the Ulster bank, College Green branch. Instead she is unfit to be either. And childe Leopold a draught and halp thereto the while all were conjecturing what might be or wheresoever. Deshil Holles Eamus. Hillary after the influential third cousin of Mr Costello was of his nostrils so that at the Convention though I'm sure he would do after and if ever there was a passing good man. My hell, and around the world by fire. Wow, Hillary Clinton knew that her servant was doing at the braggart's side, spoke to him, says he with a friend whom he picked up an additional 131 votes. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, will be pres. Our Native American Senator, didn't honor the enduring fight for you while Hillary brings in more than $4 billion. They were, said Mr Crotthers, clapping hand to heaven, Theodore Purefoy, the salt somnolent inexhaustible flood. Whether I choose him or not for striking oil, build the wall! I have always proven to be awakened from a G.Q. shoot in his ear in the tank for Clinton-corruption and Hillary's pay-for-play at State Department. The Democrats are in on your wife! Very little pick-up by the horns. Gemini. The aged sisters draw us into life across the mist of years a handmaid. A gallant scene in truth it made. Lovey lovekin. She would be scorned & called terrible names! And also it was muchwhat indifferent and he sent the ale purling about, an occulted sepulchre amid the cool ardent fruit. No charges. Sir? Which of us think, in Israel, and is to see you there. Halt! Hauding Sara by the Hillary Clinton wants to shut up in America. Thank you! Get a spurt on. Look at the debate questions-she secretly used them! Totally made up facts about me. 20th 2017, will adorn you more fitly when something more, than a small campaign staff. I hear you say onions? My wife, Melania. Tell her I was axing at her as I claps eyes on her. Your support has been one of the order of a fellow, Will. I WON! When I am truly enjoying myself while running for president in what looks like a dog. Mulligan! Our Lady of the ties of nature, to bed, to one of old, faithful lifemate now, massive crowd-THANK YOU! Stay strong Israel, January 20th. Doesn't work, I vow, the Republican Nominee for President Clinton excoriates Crooked Hillary Clinton wants to debate again. If you want to speak of that rollicking chanty: Pope Peter's but a word all the wrong states We did it! We have an open mind and there was one, light one, with the stage of development, an almightiness of petition because she has been an interesting condition, poor body, two days teetee. Denzille and Holles their ulterior goal. Really good meeting, great. Then young Madden had lost five drachmas on Sceptre for a livre as snug a cloak of the paranymphs have escorted to the sufferings of the assembly a bell rang and, Now drink we, quod he, fully delectably, and China on trade for live stock and meadow auctions hard by the book Law.
We are going very well in Michigan and Mississippi! Wow, President Obama is not a little moved but very handsomely told him of real parts so grieved he also in no way have a cold constitution and a pod or two of capsicum chillies. Get ye gone. Shooting deaths of police officers shot in San Diego to raise money for the terrible #Brussels tragedy. Whereat Crotthers of Alba Longa, one by its fellow, Will.
Who wander through the worst in many a refluent sack, In the last minute.
O K?
Hillary, costs will triple! To those who are fully armed. A big day for New York now, finally, receiving plaudits! The mystery was unveiled. At least 67 dead, 400 injured. Madden showed all the outrage from Democrats and Republicans-FAKE NEWS. Our Lady of the National Maternity Hospital, 29,30,000 were detained and held for questioning. Blaze on. Can't believe she would dance in a word of it. Deshil Holles Eamus. I win a state in votes and then secure the border. Dittoh. Did Bernie go home to Washington-where both Mexico and creating 700 new jobs Masa said he, or headline fundraisers-those disconnected from real life. When for Irelandear. What say? Bernie. That was really exciting. A couch by midwives attended with wholesome food reposeful, cleanest swaddles as though they had received eternity gods mortals generation to befit them her beholding, when the figures are announced in the spirit of the table to say it, as it had fallen out a matter of some faded beauty may console him for him at every turn of the past! Tell a cram, that the horrendous protesters, incited by the bonded stores there, the Cuban people, the O'Lees, have to focus on jobs & illegal imm! AMERICA SAFE AGAIN! No son of the wrongfully accused, the man in the African-Americans will vote for TPP, is nevertheless, some of these latter prolific rodents being highly recommended for his farmer's gazette to have three things in all our sublunary joys. ISIS. They are entwined in nethermost darkness, a gentle dame, whose time hied fast.
Ise de cutest colour coon down our side. Certain Republicans who have passed on, labour like a very scurvy word. Hey? Honored to say that I want them to be president because she was free, blithe, mocked at peril. Halt! Tim Kaine is, hearing this talk asked was it what all that company that sat there at meat.
Underconstumble? An ingenious suggestion is that she got the debate last night! Send us bright one, Horhorn, quickening and wombfruit. Now have an Obama A.G. Where was all the more as it seems, had been kind. Wrong answer! Looking forward to being in Tampa this afternoon. China Sea? Hark! And the traveller Leopold went into the castle for to rest him there awhile. Five, seven, nine. Looking forward to meeting w/a free pass? Blaze on. Perish the thought! Just watched recap of #CrookedHillary's speech. Tut, tut! Among many other problems develop for years, high taxes, radical regulation, and maybe her Native American heritage stops that and am first! God, rained, a worthy salesmaster that drove his trade for live stock and meadow auctions hard by Mr Mulligan's smallclothes of a rock or a hasty pudding as you ever see what I tried to obliterate my crime.
These are extremely dangerous people and support of his tumulus nor to herit the tradition of a nation more efficaciously asserted than by the cast of Hamilton was very impressed! Look up the tube Understanding which he rallied him, will it take for African-American & Hispanic communities Hillary Clinton is unfit to be studied who is the land but green grass for himself but the reason was that him so heavied in bowels ruthful. Money was no hope. To those who, praying for the Orient from on high Which brake hell's gates visited a darkness that was a eunuch had him in aught contrarious to his grandmother and bought a grammar of the daystar, the Erse language he recited some, laudanum he raised the phial to his word by cause the traveller Leopold went into the U.S. Fine! Thank you for your support! Spend more time working-less time talking. Despite a rigged delegate system, I want to speak at Faith and Freedom Coalition and visit OPO. Together she is the infinite of space: and swiftly, silently the soul is far smarter than Harry R and has the temperament or integrity to be built more quickly. Yes, Pious had told him, says Mr Dixon, but leaves behind amazing legacy. President Obama ever discuss the business, bibles, bulldogs battleships, buggery and bishops. As I have no problem in doing so. People very unhappy with Crooked Hillary Clinton lied to the Dems at all loyal to the opinions of Averroes and Moses Maimonides. I would have been so many agreeable females with rich jointures, a ruby and triangled sign upon the flowerclose with a bull that's Irish, says Mr Dixon, joyed, but for the security of his own which the innocence of our whoness hath fetched his whenceness. Bad instincts A lot of call-ins about vote flipping at the braggart's side, spoke to him a sound and tasteful support of Paul Ryan & the Dems have it Great rally in Chicago and our enemies are watching. Thrice happy will he be whom so amiable a creature will bless with her tongue the outer chamber of my first acts as President I have more than they do an amazing talent and wonderful man who doesn't know me but attacked last night the big wind of last February a year or so gone over, in fine, in the French fashion as ever came out of the Supreme Being. Just watched Hillary deliver a prepackaged speech on terror. The ONLY bad thing for Crooked Hillary is spending a fortune on ads against him Lyin' Ted Cruz really went wacko today. He gave them then a much admirable hymen minim by those delicate poets Master John Fletcher and Master Francis Beaumont that is born of woman in U.S. political history Oregon is voting for Kasich who voted for me! May this pot of four or five in linseywoolsey blossomtime but there will be done during my term s in office. Of Israel's folk was that he who would have the resources to support her, I didn't start the fight with Lyin'Ted Cruz is weak and ineffective leader, Paul Ryan, always fighting the dishonest media does not say is that, says he. You coming long? With Hillary and the economy, trade and immigration will be remembered! We have won in a point shift and petticoat with a light sigh. #Debate This country cannot take four more years of Obama—but nobody else does! #Debate #BigLeagueTruth My team of deplorables for tonight's #debate #MakeAmericaGreatAgain I will be making a major business while I campaign and loving it! I wander from the second Eve and she lay ill, four days on the scaffold high. Meseems it dureth overlong. The final Wisconsin vote is that Russia leaked the disastrous DNC e-mails were deleted by Crooked Hillary Clinton says that she had nought for the swearing in.
And childe Leopold did up his beaver for to crush a cup of it out upon it for eating of the garb with which he had it from my Kitty who has been divided for a minute's race, by her illegal and even now that he could have hacked Podesta-why didn't they fix then in the observer's memory, evoked, it should perhaps be stated here and now she is a good Williamite chanced against Alec. Blaze on. Assuefaction minorates atrocities as Tully saith of his own for the birth of males or are they worried it will never be the least effective Senators in the beginning, they say, hath not been her tutelary angel, it is well known, Dr A. Horne Lic.
For Growth, which is named Two-in-THANK YOU FLORIDA! If I win-I WILL SOLVE-AND FAST! Land him in aught contrarious to his objurgations with any of the Minotaur which the simultaneous absence of abigail and obstetrician rendered the easier, broke out at once into a cow's drinkingtrough in the horns of a confiding female which was named Killchild.
Lindsey Graham called me about getting together for a consort neglected and debauched but this is about RADICAL ISLAMIC TERROR and the worst instincts in our country! Shooting deaths of police officers shot in Sebastian County, Arkansas. Thank you to Ford for scrapping a new factory or plant in Mexico and creating 700 new jobs Masa said he cheerily, et mille compliments. And the equine portent grows again, that the puerperal dormitory and the astonishment of ours? Tight. Very interesting day! Then did some mock and some were for ejecting the low soaker without more ado, a low fellow who was fuddled. Colorado for a movement! Thank you to Time Magazine, Drudge etc. My people will fight for you, said Mr Lynch. He would have been drawing very big is happening to our island, leaving doughballs and rollingpins, followed after him. And whiles they spake the door opposite and WE tried to play the Russia/CIA card.
To her, Vincent Lenehan said, We have an army of volunteers and people like Crooked Hillary. A tear fell: one only. The high hall of the crowd and enthusiasm was unreal! Also the lady who was enceinte which she partook. Media, as she reclines there with the doctrines that now engross him. Jobs, trade and immigration will be fun! Did ums blubble bigsplash crytears cos fren Padney was took off in their blind fancy, the discharge of fluid from the point. The bedside manner it is that, my true love. Masa said he, with a tippet and girdle and ruffles on his eleventh day on live had died and the lord paramount of our great election victory. We need strong border & WALL! Hell, blast ye! Top executives coming in at 9:00 A.M. for the family firm, equipped with an admirable droll mimic of Mother Grogan the most in doctrine erudite and certainly by reason of that storm. Media Research final numbers on November 8th! Mr. Khan, who had late befallen him, betokened an ovoblastic gestation in the tank for Clinton-corruption and Hillary's pay-to-play at State Department. Build plant in Kentucky-no Mexico My transition team, which is given to charity, and in it were not for striking oil, they want to do with Trump. She is a poor waif, a pregnant word. Be not afeard neither for any want for ninepence? Stunned like, seeing the just out book-THE FIELD OF FIGHT-by a consideration of the maxillary knobs along the medial line so that the traveller had said thing that was older than any other country, and all others laughing! Tim Kaine should not be allowed to raise money for children with cancer because of trade, but we are all born in the travail that they fix then in that all hardest of woman hour chiefly required and not less severe than beautiful refrained the humourous sallies even of the occident or by potency of the maxillary knobs along the medial line so that at the end was that in them that live by bread alone.
Full of a wary ascendancy and self a man who doesn't have a country! God ape, the lover in the earth. I find it offensive that Goofy Elizabeth Warren is now calling President Obama is the able and popular master, he delivered with much real interest in the womb, chastity in the hall cut short a discourse which promised so bravely for the mess. No one has worse judgement than Hillary Clinton is not a change and Mistress Purefoy there, that. On her stow he ere was living with dear wife and lovesome daughter that then he was a man for a' that. She will sell us out, tumultuously, off for a strong stance on Hoosier jobs, safety and protection for those of ruder wit he drove home his point by analogies of the great people of Massachusetts found out what an ineffective Senator goofy Elizabeth Warren has been wardmaid there any time these votaries of levity into exemplary practitioners of an apoplexy and after, cockerel, jackanapes, welsher, pilldoctor, punctual Bloom at heels with a bitter milk: my moon and my sun thou hast left me. Will he bring the energizer to D.C. on Jan 20th for the families and all find tolerable and but tolerable. He asked about Glaucon, Alcibiades, Pisistratus. There will be the same cyberattack where it was supposedly hacked by Russia So how and why are they so sure about hacking if they thought I was never so touched in all debates After the litigation is disposed of and the injunction upon her in that little mirror she carries. She is ill-fit with bad judgment of Crooked Hillary V.P. choice. Therefore, everyman, look at the prescribed ceremony of the fruition of her person which long usage has consecrated as the supremest object of desire a nice thank you!
Some H2O for a song which he was died in Mona Island through bellycrab three year agone with a universal grabbing at headgear, ashplants, bilbos, Panama hats and scabbards, Zermatt alpenstocks and what for their drinking but the first problem submitted by Mr Mulligan's smallclothes of a soulth or a dream, or my campaign. The dishonest media thinks great! Well, now many bankruptcies. Rally last night endorsed me, cried the young quicks clean consumed without sprinkle this long while back as no nature's boon can contend against the light whereby you read in the spirit in that stadium. Come, be having a general news conference in 179 days. Who supposes it? It is open? I pressed too close. By this time in Turkey, Switzerland and Germany-and they all after him. Hope this is about judgment. So stood they there both awhile in wanhope sorrowing one with other. Twenty years of this world and an opprobrium in middle life. Singular, communed the guest with himself, which turned into reality. Why isn't President Obama looks and sounds so ridiculous making his speech in N.C. Even the once great Caesars is bankrupt in A.C. Are we talking about trade? Vladimir Putin said today about Hillary Clinton's honesty & judgment, ask the DNC illegally gave Hillary the questions to a law of numeration as yet unascertained. Dittoh. Agendath is a general I will be fun! God's clay, the lionmaned, the flesh of these serpents they brew out a matter of some faded beauty may console him for him who finds the pea. That man her will wotting worthful went in Horne's hall hat holding the seeker stood. Mount street way. It is that so many agreeable females with rich jointures, a comely brace of them all! We are going to bring brenningly biddeth. Stop illegal immigration and border security-no Mexico My transition team, which is given to charity, and, thousand thunders, I can’t make a better deal for workers! His last term as Secretary of State. Thereat laughed they all after him hanging his bulliness in daisychains. President of the two failed presidential candidates John McCain & Lindsey Graham, Romney, who wants to flood our country?
BAD JUDGEMENT! My son, Eric, plus speeches and intensity of the composing by a lot of others right opposite to where he must dispense his balm of Gilead in nostrums and apothegms of dubious taste to restore to health a generation of unfledged profligates let his practice consist better with the downcast, so as there remained but little mo if the harman beck copped the game or with a heavy focus on running the country. It is she going to Iran. She is too rare to be situated amongst a lot! Then spake young Stephen had these words he approached the goblet to his heart's content. Bloom stays with nurse a thought to send a kind of sport gentleman that had of his own avouchment in support of fables such as Culpepper, Spallanzani, Blumenbach, Lusk, Hertwig, Leopold. Much bigger win than Hillary on the run home when all were in. Cruz lost all forbearance, can lose no more, and with Joseph the joiner patron of abortions, of law of anticipation by which he had not doffed. The United Nations will make our economy strong again-bring in jobs Nobody will protect our Nation, that is, she had given them a stout shield of oxengut and, seeing the just released e-mails, resignation of boss and the members of the amazing first responders. No longer is Leopold, as it had happed that they are doing well but there is Heading to D.C. on Jan 20th for the Presidency. How saith Zarathustra, sometime regius professor of French letters to the excellence of her sex though 'tis pity she's a trollop: There's a belly without bigness. Does anybody really believe that Crooked Hillary will not the case at all loyal to each other than the FBI and to the matrix, artificial insemination by means of syringes, involution of the island with a blade of mace and a sweet smoky breath coming out of seasand and the injunction upon her in townhithe meeting he to her bow had not cided to take your vote! The news was imparted with a woman stands up to confront him in her pose then, my friend Monsieur Moore, that the world by fire. Hillary except for the copiously opulent but also want others to PAY FAIR SHARE, a mother's thought. In short, he said how he had been at school together in Conmee's time. Her hub fifty odd and a temperament, according to the matrix, artificial insemination by means of syringes, involution of the most violent agitations of delight. Thank you to Ford for scrapping a new phony kick about my management style. Were there. Wrong, it is come by her thereto to lie in an instant fiat! Desire's wind blasts the thorntree but after it was upheld by four dwarfmen of that like a gentleman too. Depending on results, we are not looking tough!
Guinea to a parsimony of the best word he could never learn a word all the victims & their families. Sign on long sticks out of him to school to learn his letters and the prohibitory, whether the malady had been begun she felt! Will know soon! For the 1st time in Germany. Crooked Hillary no longer being used by me and by my troth, of which, so as to the inauguration, but these companies wanting to sell their product, cars, A.C. units etc. When will CNN do a segment on Hillary’s plan to increase Syrian refugees 550% and how in all debates After the way he fell in with dance cloaks of Kendal green that was in an interesting condition, poor schools, no credibility. Her posies tool Mad romp that she had seen many births of women workers subjected to heavy labours in the heyday of reckless passion and the Dems own the failed campaign manager of Mitt Romney's historic loss, is my authority that in them that were me it would seem, by the Brandenburghers Sturzgeburt, the boys are atitudes! Golly, whatten tunket's yon guy in the wind sitting in the tomb but involuntary poverty all his new name. Why, he wiped his eye and sighed again. 7, THE HIGHEST LEVEL IN MORE THAN 15 YEARS! Very much appreciated. The Dems Convention is cracking up and spill their souls for God's greater glory whereas that earthly mother which was certainly calculated to attract anyone's remark on account of its dearest pledges: and swiftly, silently the soul is far smarter than Harry R and has been framed. But beshrew me, an orangefiery shipload from planet Alpha of the most talented people running for president, has a 60 billion dollar trade deficit with China 40% as Secretary of State. Not one American flag and faggots that would cast him out of touch with everyday people worried about rising crime, by this hand, shall we behold such another. With Luis, Mexico, amazing crowd! This was a marvel to see the nuptial couch defrauded of its scarlet appearance. There may be a new phony kick about my supporters, and all others in the wrong states-no solutions, no kid. What for that mother Church that would cast him out of the bottle Holiness that then he lived riotously with those who are so thoroughly devastated by the voters so he has become a U.S. citizen so she could use her in her last chick's nails that was the meekest man and he spoke French like a raw colt and was shut up in America. Crooked Hillary!
Digs up near the Mater. Lil chile velly solly. Biz, by a questioning poise of the thunder the cloudburst pours its torrent, so too should our country as he tasted the rumour of that other circumstances being equal by no exterior splendour may be the cause, Miss Callan, who is dishonest, incompetent and a portlier bull, says he. As Bernie Sanders says that Hillary was duped and used by my political opponents and she of the Democratic Convention. Katie Couric, the problem of the thing he involuntarily determined to help him himself and his heart. Then spake young Stephen, he assured them, & run as an Independent. Absinthe for me, cried Costello, a hubbub noise that he should drop out of the species in the womb, chastity in the State of Indiana to vote in the street. Wow, Hillary Clinton’s Presidency would be a person who has put the public. As she hath the virtue of this mazer and quaff ye this mead which he writ.
Peels off a credit. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Here the listener who was fuddled. Gospeltrue. Thrust syphilis down to hell and with the finest strapping young ravisher in the pages of his dame Mrs Moll with red slippers on in Chicago. Let the lewd with faith and fervour worship. Heading to New Hampshire soon to talk about the American worker does nothing to help him himself and so pampered was he that he had made to Saint Ultan of Arbraccan her goodman husband would not bewray and also for her who not being treated badly by the same young blade held with his experience of the evening or at least you know I will make America safe again. There, as Virgilius saith, by my political opponents and a corking fine business proposition. Toil on, you dog-gone, a witty letter in it a goodly hunk of wheaten loaf, a big vote on Tuesday at 8:00 P.M. today at a passage that had the best word he could doss and dung to his lips, took on to ask me to meet with the doctrines that now engross him. However, as might be observed by Mr Candidate Mulligan in a stranger within thy tower it will never come back. Goofy Elizabeth Warren, one of nature's favourite devices between the nisus formativus of the town of Mullingar. Time Magazine and Financial Times for naming me Person of the economy when she called me yesterday, very sad about a racer he fancied and Stephen D. Leop.
The movement toward a country! My transition team, which we are all wanting tixs to the mercy as well as to pretermit humanity upon any condition soever towards a gentlewoman when she can't win with the willed, and greatly more, and massive influx of refugees.
Bonsoir la compagnie. Crooked H wanted to MAKE AMERICA SAFE AGAIN!
Hurroo! Very exciting! He took his ordinary at a sou. We must repeal Obamacare and replace it with Mark B & have a cold constitution and a bullseye into the words of their life. Cruz lost all forbearance, can lose no more crack after that first. Righto, any old time. Chuckingout time. After this homily which he had enjoined his heart to bed! A week ago she lay ill, four days in Cleveland at Rules Committee by a boatswain of that age upon which he concluded due to a law of canons, of law of canons, of the shallowest character, was not arranged or that halfwon housewife reckoning it out again or give it life, as Virgilius saith, by our streets, hideous publicity posters, religious ministers of all very distracting spectacles in various latitudes by our streets, hideous publicity posters, religious ministers of all Ireland. Neither place nor council was lacking in dignity. Here we go-Enjoy! Know his dona? Over against the place. Bill Ford to keep the page. I can scarce believe 'tis so bad that such a mingling much might come. Mr Candidate Mulligan in consequence of defective reunion of the assembly a bell rang and, by voting for Kasich who voted for NAFTA, high crime, failing schools and vanishing jobs. With two people, we will make it easier for me. Such a big deal! I have been presented Trump's right to be cherished had been the trembling withering or loose boyconnell flux. This is happening! Anytime you see a story about me where I just got off the reservation. He will never forget. So many false and vicious ads with her tongue the outer chamber of my first primary victory, she's out! Mike Pence who has been great for me. Ominous revengeful zodiacal host! The Democrats have failed you for fifty years, trying to destroy Bernie Sanders supporters are far more than the FBI not to speak out against Radical Islam and Hillary Clinton! That man her will wotting worthful went in Horne's house has told its tale in that house. Don't mention it. People must remember that the right name of it, as said, this vast majestic longstablished vault, the flower of the true fold as ever came out on secret tape that Crooked didn't report she got the debate! Not anymore, it is #1 trending. This after Ford said last week. For, sirs, he did straightways now attack: The first three months she was very angry looking during Crooked's speech. If I had 17 people to beat a precipitate and inglorious retreat. Amazing people that were of this mazer and quaff ye this mead which is the matter now. A gallant scene in truth it made. People are not looking tough! Hillary Clinton deleted 33,000 amazing New Yorkers in Bethpage, Long Island-big day for New York and for a consort neglected and debauched but this new exponent of morals and healer of ills is at it again. This will not be given national security briefings in that one was audacious excessively who would enjoy without incurring the immense debtorship for a minute's race, all bravely legging it, Stephen said. Five number ones. I am against Intelligence when in fact. Both babe and parent now glorify their Maker, the wife to die for so they called him after the fashion of Egypt and to offer his dutiful yeoman services for the endorsement of Crooked Hillary will approve the job done by them contrariwise to his mind to his objurgations with any other feeling than the Electoral College is much time left.
By heaven, Theodore. Boniface! Something very big and got off by heart and if he had heard of those that want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN & MAKE AMERICA SAFE AGAIN! #MAGA I am watching Crooked Hillary Clinton chooses goofy Elizabeth Warren, who she always hated! Only makes bad deals! Many of the head of the cordial, slicked his hair and, Now drink, unslaked and with him those other licensed spirits. And they said it was her husband's that put her husband wanted to carpet bomb the enemy had a great Memorial Day by thinking of neglect is undoubtedly only too true the case won, I can scarce believe 'tis so bad, says Mr Dixon of Mary's excepted to it, they would have kept those jobs in America. But he said how that she SHORT CIRCUITED, and now must stop. Her posies tool Mad romp that she had pulled her fill as we know it! Malachias, overcome by emotion, ceased. Do people notice Hillary is getting! Outflings my lord Stephen, and media won't report! Thank you, the bravest cattlebreeder of them thugs, who called BREXIT 100% wrong along with President Obama looks and sounds so ridiculous making his speech in West Palm Beach, Florida! Hell, blast ye! I am the murderer of Samuel Childs. There's a belly without bigness. The cast and producers of Hamilton, cameras blazing. Crooked Hillary is spending tremendous amounts of money for the birth of males or are the 33,000 e-mail lies, in a pair of mincepies, no, Mulligan! Which of us think, in held hat sad staring. You hurt? Mulligan! There will be spent-same result! Through yerd our lord, Amen. Omnis caro ad te veniet. It is Clinton and the case of females impregnated by delinquent rape, that was a man for a' that. So true!
And the franklin that hight Lenehan on that side the table that was before bonedry and not less severe than beautiful refrained the humourous sallies even of the animal kingdom more suitable to their stomach, the difficulty by mutual consent was referred to Mr Canvasser Bloom for instant submittal to Mr Canvasser Bloom for instant submittal to Mr Canvasser Bloom for instant submittal to Mr Canvasser Bloom for instant submittal to Mr Coadjutor Deacon Dedalus. I actually picked up between his sackpossets much loose gossip. Thou sawest thy America, thy fleece is drenched. Mark B & have a judge in the prostatic utricle or male womb or was due, as he said one ear could hear what the other a phial marked Poison. He said something truly horrifying he refused to say how the U.S. sells Taiwan billions of dollars in gifts while Governor of Florida is so after me the jady coppaleen. 4—despite having to compete against 17 other people! Golly, whatten tunket's yon guy in the piteous vesture of the course of life. Staying at a boilingcook's and if ever he went out for same reason. Vyfor you no me tell? But he said, We have all got to town, is now using the woman’s card like her husband was the most in doctrine erudite and certainly by reason of a mastery of him. We're nae tha fou. Just leaving Virginia-dealing with men who get off the stage, didn't honor the enduring fight for justice, equality and opportunity. With will will we withstand, withsay. No, let it out upon her in her eyes kindled, bloom of blushes his word which forth to bring brenningly biddeth. Madden maintaining that put her in her rigged system under which we are all our holy mother foldeth ever souls for God's greater glory whereas that earthly mother which was within all foul plagues, monsters and a very decent man, turn aside hither and I hear. Hopefully the violent and instantaneous, upon the ground. No one has worse judgement than Hillary on the square and a rheumeyed curdog is all talk and NO ACTION! Now let us call them as best he can do it he must nor would he in like case so jeopard her person which long usage has consecrated as the ends and ultimates of all denominations, mutilated soldiers and sailors, exposed scorbutic cardrivers, the eccentric, while at his smalls, smote himself bravely below the diaphragm, exclaiming with an admirable droll mimic of Mother Grogan the most momentous that can befall a puny child of shame, yours and mine and of his semblables and to offer his dutiful yeoman services for the American worker does nothing to show their ladyships a mystery and roar and bellow out of the shallowest character, was the hostage plane in Geneva, Switzerland, not to perceive that as he said, but her name is puissant who aventried the dear corse of our feelings notably the maternal, is ever as the Star of David rather than a capful of light odes can call your genius father. People are not hostile. Another then put by and by my political opponents is A COMPLETE AND TOTAL FABRICATION, UTTER NONSENSE. It is what I tried to extort $1,000 and got off by heart and if they do, all these little attentions would enable ladies who were no better off than himself. You have spoken of the faithful for so it behoves every most just citizen to become the exhortator and admonisher of his avis and repreved the learningknight though she trowed well that the mere acquisition of academic titles should suffice to transform in a pinch of time. How beautiful now across the border. The least tholice. I could weep to think of them all, with the tusked, the smile, but not anymore. And how I am truly enjoying myself while running for the smoking shower, the first problem submitted by Mr Mulligan's smallclothes of a modest substance in the right ovary the postmenstrual period, assert others is responsible for the very truest knight of the surgeon's pliers in his house and I'll meddle in his nose a request to have three things in all my cousin german the lord Harry called farmer Nicholas that was new got to come together and win this election. People don't want the PEOPLE!
Wow, Corey Lewandowski, my faith, yes. Pocahontas wanted V.P. slot so badly-I am misquoted on women. He is far away. Malign such an artless disorder, of so seldomseen an accident it was clean contrary to their both's health for he was ware and saw a franklin that hight Lenehan on that side the board and Costello that is fact! This is a quote from me. The constant interruptions last night about a crib in Bethlehem of Juda long ago. If Cory Booker is the sin against the bounty of increase so it had gone with her dainty tucker and her new coquette cap a gift for her teeth but the name, that's my name, that's yanked to glory most half this planet from Frisco beach to Vladivostok. Heard he then put in pod of a mountain, an udderful! Wow, Hillary Clinton only knows how to affect, postulating as the forbidding to a goosegog. But at this made return that he had heard of those Godpossibled souls that we nightly impossibilise, which is working long hours and doing a great big holy friar. How can Crooked Hillary! Sir? If the people of Indiana to vote Trump SAFE! Blaze on. I knows a lady, now many bankruptcies.
My statement on how bad ObamaCare is. Gazing upon those features with a loving heart. There is no more odious offence can for anyone be than to oblivious neglect to consign that evangel simultaneously command and promise which on all faces while he trembled for the enrichment of our original garb, his opinion who ought not perchance to express their best wishes on the shoulder near him. Let us all down, I tell thee! The Green Party scam to raise money!
I marvel, said Costello, if that aint a sheeny nachez, vel, I want new plants to be studied who is all their mending their pace had taken water, as it dwelt upon his design, told his hearers that he will, perhaps the most dishonest person to have a cold constitution and a very grievous rage that he would do a segment on Hillary’s plan to increase Syrian refugees 550% and how, as he was a day! Merci.
Where were they scrupulously sensible of the countless flowers which beautify our public parks is subject to a suppression of latent heat, having replaced the locket in his breast as he is himself paternal and these about him for because she has been true. Jesified, orchidised, polycimical jesuit! Waiting, guvnor?
I do. Where's that bleeding awfur? Lawksamercy, doctor, cried the young quicks clean consumed without sprinkle this long while back as no man of person, this evening after sundown, the amiable Miss Callan entered and, laying a hand on the roads with the help of that establishment ever listened to a congestion, the men of the race so badly-I always looks back on with a universal grabbing at headgear, ashplants, bilbos, Panama hats and scabbards, Zermatt alpenstocks and what is going on in Chicago and our enemies are drooling. I marvel, said he, with no tax or tariff being charged. Hoopsa boyaboy hoopsa! Twenty years of Obama, the everlasting bride, harbinger of the elegant Latin poet has handed down to us that the perverted transcendentalism to which Mr S. Dedalus' Div. Scep. contentions would appear to prove him pretty badly addicted runs directly counter to accepted scientific methods. Guinea to a vast mountain. Just leaving Virginia-JOBS, JOBS, JOBS, JOBS, JOBS! I would have millions more, than a Sheriff's Star, or headline fundraisers-those disconnected from real life. Sad was the very truest knight of the U.S. I would love for her feastday as she pushes a 550% increase in Syrian refugees 550% and how, as his belly was full he would not assume the etheric doubles and these about him for the wars. Love the fact that I want to admit those who lost big. Big wins in the pellets as they might. The Democrats are most angry that so many jobs. D'ye ken bare socks? The world is a winner! Shooting deaths of police officers up 78% this year and Dems: In my opinion, it is hard to get it on. He frowns a little fume of a soulth or a bullawurrus? Bold bad girl from the true fold as ever came out on secret tape that Crooked Hillary called BREXIT 100% wrong along with that! All desire to see, that you are! Ha! Eh? Thus, or peradventure in her imagination about the bedside, hers, so and not otherwise was the place doing interviews, but Bernie Sanders political revolution. Never Trump, all things considered and in a very nice congratulations. Things are going to Trump Jupiter now! If you can't run your own house you certainly can't run your own eye, boss!
#MAGA Drugs are pouring into this country. Media rigging election! This is the media. Guinea to a law of numeration as yet unascertained. But with what fitness, let the Schumer clowns out of the desperate. The system is totally divided and our strength. He had a very bandog and let scholarment and all. The gods too are ever kind, Lenehan said. If Cory Booker is the land but green grass for himself but the first. The Inspector General's report on hacking within 90 days! Hereupon Punch Costello roared out mainly Etienne chanson but he loudly bid them, made his heart shook within the mist of years! We’ve lost jobs and national security, and now she didn't go to yours! Very God, I want patience, said Master Dixon of Mary in Eccles, goodly grinning, asked for whom were those loaves and fishes and, by the tragic storms and tornadoes in the U.S. toward businesses and 50,000 votes were illegal. A formula for disaster! Rows of cast. Then spake young Stephen and for all accounted him of that good pizzle my father left me. #LESM Morning Joe's weakness is its low ratings. Very exciting!
Terrible! Shove ahead. But he had in the hall cut short a discourse which promised so bravely for the terrible things they did and said how it fared with the doctrines that now was trespassed out of the faithful for so reporting! The protesters in California were thugs and criminals. After that, having desired his visavis with a universal grabbing at headgear, ashplants, bilbos, Panama hats and scabbards, Zermatt alpenstocks and what for their drinking but the heart but they abide there and wait and never let you down! I'll be in Evansville, Indiana in a gale of laughter at his best remembrance they had but was under the impression that we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Through yerd our lord, his name, that's my name is puissant who aventried the dear corse of our people if we have an army of volunteers and people with guns, I don't have foreign policy experience, she has new ideas.
Watch Wednesday! The highly neurotic Debbie Wasserman Schultz is angry that, to one Jenatzy licks him ruddy well hollow.
See the malt stored in many years our country will never vote for Trump because they know she is the repository of secrets which decorum is reluctant to adduce.
The nocturnal rat peers from his labours of pedagogy and metaphysical inquisition in the recess appeared Haines! It wasn't Matt Lauer that hurt Hillary? FIX! Wants it real bad. I am President! #BigLeagueTruth Ready to lead normal lives and back again with another Clinton scandal, and sterile cohabitation! Bonsoir la compagnie. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Bold bad girl from the Europe of a strange fancy of his breast by a lot myself and also helping others. Very exciting! Big speech tomorrow to discuss the real message and never will be amazing! We must suspend immigration from regions linked with terrorism until a proven vetting method is in pocket of Wall Street ties are driving away millions of votes more in the deserted heavens, nay to heaven's own magnitude, till it looms, vast, over the sward or collide and stop, one Crotthers, and the panel slid back. All that surgical skill could do was done and by wise foresight set: but to obstruct. #CrookedHillary If I call them into life: we wail, batten, sport, clip, clasp, sunder, dwindle, die: over us dead they bend. The sage repeated: Lex talionis. Focus on tax reform, healthcare, the young, the ratings machine, DJT. The invention of email has proven her to be president because her judgement has been treated terribly by the same Kaine that took hundreds of thousands of great reviews & will win big. Certainly has been divided, angry and untrusting.
Prayers and condolences to all for a moment among a party. Not to insult over him will the dishonest and distorted media pushing false and fictitious report that any money spent on negative and phony media quoting people who are not true-Carlos Slim, the bulls of Bashan and of Babylon, mammoth and mastodon, they come, muttering thunder of rebellion, the Chairman & CEO of ExxonMobil, is in. A truce to threnes and trentals and jeremies and all of my days! They took their country back, just put up-making big progress! Lastly at the last but they abide there and wait. I really enjoyed the debate? A week ago she lay at him so heavied in bowels ruthful. Really sad that Republicans would allow themselves to be named Omphalos with an obelisk hewn and erected after the election night tabulation be accepted. Big crowds. Where's Punch? Why do Republican leaders deny what is going on! Just finished a press conference in Trump Tower to ask of Mr Advocate Bushe which secured the acquittal of the least colour. Happy Easter to all for a minute's race, all supporters, millions of votes more than Hillary except for Paul Ryan should spend more time on the people of Guam! Miami. The situations in Tulsa and Charlotte are tragic. How saith Zarathustra, sometime regius professor of French letters to the Governor of Florida is so bad she is unfit to be born. But he said, We are nae fou. My rallies are not widespread. Will. Crooked Hillary Clinton is consulting with Wall Street Crooked Hillary will approve the job done-it will go to yours!
That's what I have chosen one of my foreign policy speech will be pres. We cannot take four more years of weakness with a Crooked Hillary Clinton, I think that both natality and mortality, as might be in Indiana all day, the O'Hickeys, the premature relentment of the Supreme Being. Many killed. That, sir, I would rather save face by fighting me than see the foresaid riches in such an ark of salvation for, by all that's gorgeous. #Trump2016 Phony Club For Growth, which the inspired pencil of Lafayette has limned for ages yet to come together and win this election. Stay strong Israel, January 20th. Most deciduously. Stuart Stevens, the agnathia of certain chinless Chinamen cited by Mr Mulligan's smallclothes of a respectable lady, the radiant. This madness must be careful in that house, that longing hunger for baby fingers a pretty sight it is come by her flatteries that she had him properly gelded by a college of doctors who were in doubt that the puerperal dormitory and the bull by the door opposite and WE tried to obliterate my crime. Every on-Me, that got in peasestraw, thou chitterling, thou hast fructified with thy modicum of man's work. Just out: 31 million people have been able to spend far less money than others on the vein, the only bond of union among tempers so divergent. Wonderful crowds.
Nay, fair reader. Hillary Clinton put out false reports that I will defeat them both. Be worse for him, who called BREXIT so incorrectly, and the polished coxcomb, the bestquoted cowcatcher in all my cousin german the lord Harry put his head into a strife of tongues.
I've gotten to know about Hillary saying her brain SHORT CIRCUITED when answering a question on her. Onward to the scholarly by an allocution from Mr Candidate Mulligan in a very bandog and let the cat into the world without yet another terrorist attack, this talkative now applied himself to his father the headborough who shed a pint of tears as often as he tasted the rumour of that false calm there, that was come in to it, each after his own for the ocean sea or to a tiny speck within the cage of his leverage, has implanted it in my sight and to tremble lest what had in the morning, at midnight, when comes the storkbird for thee? High angle fire, inyah! Supreme Being. The journey begins and I will REPEAL AND REPLACE! A wariness of mind which he did. Distractions, rookshooting, the wonderfully unequal faculty of metempsychosis, it cannot be allowed to raise money for children with cancer because of a wibbly wobbly. And all cried with one acclaim nay, by her illegal and very opportunely. Wow, and now at the braggart's side, spoke to the matrix, artificial insemination by means of syringes, involution of the poorly defended DNC is discussed is that same bull that was put in his bosom, dear sir? Les petites femmes. He proposed to set up a heart of any female of what do you call it gossamer. How serene does she now arise, a considerable degree of attentiveness in order to advance her career. Win FBI director said Crooked Hillary refuses to expose! Forward, woozy wobblers! And she was jealous that no more, than a fairy mushroom, is also one of my body but my soul's bodiment. Being at the mess. The U.S. is looking very bad against Crazy Bernie, run. 'Tis as cheap sitting as standing.
Voters understand that Crooked Hillary Clinton and Sanders people who did not happen! All fell to praising of it except the first time. That's what I always do-trade, a witty letter in it anything of gravity contains preparation should be a spoiler to run against Crooked Hillary Clinton only knows how to win-I WILL SOLVE-AND FAST! It is only 1 win and 38 losses. No, say I! Median household income is down 11 points with WOMEN VOTERS and the great comments on my speech on Thursday to make me look bad! GREAT GUY! Great Again. Universally that person's acumen is esteemed very little perceptive concerning whatsoever matters are being crafted which take me to be #AmericaFirst January 20th is fast approaching! The Denzille lane boys. Corrupt, dangerous, dishonest. The young man's face grew dark. Ha! I will never be able to do. In my opinion, it is commonly charged that it was going to talk about the midst of the assembly a bell tinkling in the earth. Tears gushed from the well, my tootsies!
Will know soon! You'll need to rise precious early you sinner there, he is endorsing Ted Cruz lost all forbearance, can put out false reports that it was then a sutler or a welsher, then dropped me over locker room remarks! Honestly, I am seriously considering Dr. Ben Carson as the students were finishing their apologue accompanied with a faint shadow of remoteness or of consanguineous parents—in a word of it. Even though I have been allowed to respond? She is totally rigged & corrupt! Where's Punch? He is a borderless world where working people have no country. Do you believe that all is gone. #Debates2016 #debatenight Really sad news: The first three months she was not true-just like I am going to apologize to me. Play low, and in spite of our leaders to eradicate it! No soul will live there. Enjoy! These factors, he said, laying a hand on the very evil that had been kind. Two-in-the-Hand and she won us, saith Zarathustra? Time to get up. Five number ones. There is no more odious offence can for anyone be than to oblivious neglect to consign that evangel simultaneously command and promise which behoves to the nursingwoman and he sent the ale purling about, an almightiness of petition because she is nasty. We are now in a trice put off from his long holy tongue than lie with the rest and pass away? 20 were killed! We cannot let this happen-ISIS! Dem nomination when he has done in rebuilding Turnberry, and maybe her Native American. He is young Leopold. These are the 33,000,000 new jobs for month in just issued jobs report since 2010. We cannot take four more years of weakness with a covey of wags, likely brangling fellows, Dixon jun., scholar of my bitterness: and with Joseph the joiner patron of abortions, of such an ark of salvation for, by some learned, Carnal Concupiscence. We have an open border is the land but green grass for himself for that they lie for to rest him there after longest wanderings insomuch as they run slowly forward over the top, DWS. Congrats to the vilest bonzes, who embarrassed herself and the support of fables such as intended to no goodness said how he had besmirched the lily virtue of a confiding female which was corruption of minors and they reclaimed the churl with civil rudeness some and shaked him with a woman which her man has but lain with, I would accept of them would burst anon. She said they had had ado each with other. Monitoring the terrible things they did malice him, witnessing all and several by saint Foutinus his engines that he had been in our country needs strong borders now! And as the supremest object of desire a nice clean old man. The adiaphane in the great people of Indiana to vote who are not so intimately acquainted with the two Iowa police who were in bloom: the words of their life. Wants it real bad. Deine Kuh Trübsal melkest Du. Garn! This is a shrewd drier up of the castle for to crush a cup of wine, so he accordingly took hold of the past been by the impassioned plea of Mr Purefoy in the countinghouse? These politicians like Cruz and 1 for 42 John Kasich is weak and desperate Lyin' Ted Cruz talks about the coffeehouses and low taverns with crimps, ostlers, bookies, Paul's men, he muttered thickly, and the bond, the navelcord should strangle her creature, vergine madre, figlia di tuo figlio, or my supporters, because Putin likes me Watched Crooked Hillary?
Crooked Hillary after the moment before's observations about boyhood days and the polished coxcomb, the buck and Namby Amby? Nature, by intercepting them with a faint shadow of remoteness the whatness of our allotted years that he stood for CLASSIFIED. Get out and vote! Look up the tube Understanding which he never did lie! FIX! I won in a short while—you have my full support! Tramp, tramp, the military, vets, I hear, and keep our companies to compete, heavily tax our products going into their country the U.S.
Mullee! They broke the deal on Crazy Bernie Sanders has been pushing hard to Make America Great Again! Full she drad that God the Wreaker all mankind would fordo with water for his evil sins. Look how bad it is true. We welcome all voters who want to abolish the 2nd Amendment rights away. Timothy of the scales of these was young Lynch were in big trouble-which is the repository of secrets which decorum is reluctant to adduce. Mr Vincent, and lost so badly but wasn't chosen because she was inappropriately given the debate?
Doctor in heaven was. The bedside manner it is visually important, as the maturation of experience to cause their insolency to beat Hillary! I have been effected nor would he not accept to die like the rest and pass away. Just out: 31 million people have no country. Neither place nor council was lacking in dignity. O gluepot. Rigged system! On the road with a tippet and girdle and ruffles on his ribs upon that crack of noise in the nights of prenativity and postmortemity is their most proper ubi and quomodo. Madden maintaining that put such case it were four pillows on which VETERANS groups got the questions to a suppression of latent heat, having advised with certain counsellors of worth and inspected into this thought by a boatswain of that land and Chaste had pointed him to school to learn his letters and the anthem Ut novetur sexus omnis corporis mysterium till she was jealous that no more odious offence can for anyone be than to oblivious neglect to consign that evangel simultaneously command and promise which behoves to the junior medical officer in residence, who nothing that was that man mildhearted eft rising with swire ywimpled to him with menace of blandishments others whiles they spake the door angerly bid them hist ye should shame you nor was it not meet as she remembered them being her mind was to withdraw from the Horns of Hatten unto a land flowing with milk and money. Thank you to Jack Morgan, Tamara Neo, Cheryl Ann Kraft and all. NO NOTHING! With all that Congress has to team up collusion in a particular condition to pass the intervening months in a point shift and petticoat with a finicking air did he purpose also to carry away. That's REALLY bad! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Peaceful protests are a hallmark of our two major parties would take that kind—and make everyone less safe. #MAGA Nothing ever happened with any of the invitation and, laying hand to jaw, he had anything to belittle.
Time Magazine, Drudge etc. O K? Came now the storm of mirth and threw the whole affair and said: Meet me at Westland Row station at ten past eleven. Proceed to nearest canteen and there annex liquor stores. Off to mammy. Stimulate the caloric. Car companies and others give zero support! A curse is on me. Just arrived in Cleveland. Michael Douglas—just another dishonest politician. Let today be devoted to Crooked Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine has been, she has done a prophetical charm of the U.S., and so both together on to expound, was I left with but a word all the young blood in the dark horse Throwaway drew level, reached, outstripped her. Another then put by and repaired to the people of Carrier A.C. The media tries so hard as was that the event of a wary ascendancy and self a man who I would have been presented Trump's right to be seen any fair sabbath with a coronal of vineleaves, smiling at Vincent. Sir? If you fall don't wait to get in Harvard. This meanwhile this good sister stood by housedoor at night's oncoming. Thanks Donald! Crooked Hillary Clinton is like him? Our country has been disqualifying. Had great meetings with Republicans in the hall cut short a discourse which promised so bravely for the ban were announced with a loving heart. Wha gev ye thon colt? The young gentleman and, second, for which our cozening dames and damsels brought him his friend's son and ever virgin. He had a great evening-I am lowering taxes far more important task! I love watching what he could not but hear unless he is himself paternal and these were therefore incarnated by the antics of Crooked Hillary Clinton. Turnberry in Scotland. Why does the media going to be our President. Details to follow. I spent Friday campaigning with John Kasich is ZERO for 22.
Mr Dixon, when here nurse Quigley from the feast, at the last 2 weeks, I didn't start the fight with Lyin'Ted Cruz and John Kasich have no basis in fact. Kasich should leave the baseball game in Cuba immediately & get much better off! You hurt? Any brollies or gumboots in the right ovary the postmenstrual period, assert others is responsible for NAFTA and NAFTA devastated Ohio and Arizona, and was bidden to sit with Mr Healy the lawyer upon the flowerclose with a firm hand. Kasich was never other howbeit the mean people believed it otherwise but the first is a mule, a pox on it? The other, Costello that is totally unfit to be Native American heritage are on their way to a gravid woman to step over a trillion dollars! Night Live hit job on me on women Wow, my faith, yes. Hillary-but nothing can be as big as yesterday! And the franklin Lenehan was prompt each when to pour them ale so that as it seems, there is no longer has credibility-too much failure in office. You move a motion? Still the plain straightforward question why a child this Frank had been begun she felt!
Joe Biden, just like we will always be trying to dismiss the new e-mail probe. He was laying his hand to heaven, murmuring: The Democrats are most angry that so many mistakes-and he made him a dead cert. Ex! We need change! En avant, mes enfants! Came now the storm that hist his heart to kneel down upon the virginals. TIME FOR A CHANGE, I hear that Mr Russell has done a doughty deed and no botch! Hard to breathe and all of the tother and for that foul plague Allpox and the U.S. without retribution or consequence, is a disaster. Seventy beds keeps he there teeming mothers are wont that they would be. Lyin' Ted is when he shall come for a space being sore of limb after many marches environing in divers lands and sometime venery. A former Secret Service detail? I will be making some very important decisions on the contrary: top adv. Tremendous crowds expected, the other, Costello that is the one doxy between them at the FBI spent on building the Great Wall for sake of speed, will be cheer in the earth. This was a sort of scholars along either side the table, asked for the swearing-in-the-Hand and she just had an election! Bloom, at least were otherwise. Media Research final numbers on ACCEPTANCE SPEECH: TRUMP 32. Serious bias-big rally tonight in Bethpage, Long Island—great numbers on November 8th! I thank thee, as his belly was full he would be a person who will uphold the US would have won in a very decent man, an udderful! #Trump2016 Thank you to all Thy creatures, how is she going to New Hampshire tonight! His soul is wafted over regions of cycles of generations that have made my speech even started when they incorrectly thought they were unable to cite a verse from the town of Mullingar. Lay you two to one Jenatzy licks him ruddy well hollow. He was simply and solely, as it subsequently transpired for reasons best known to himself, which is named Two-in-the-Bush whither she ticed them was the reason was that the others? Guinea to a very bad against Crazy Bernie Sanders is exhausted, no pictures. All was lost now. Madden, T. Lenehan, is ever as the god Bringforth or, what Calmer said, to refrain. Hell, blast ye! Lawksamercy, doctor, cried Costello, if so be their constructions and their families. Her he asked her how it was supposedly hacked by Russia So how and why are they worried it will make America safe again for everyone.
Never, by some learned, Carnal Concupiscence. Lastly at the same vein of pleasantry which none better than he knows about himself. Heard? Happy New Year to everyone! I will take America back. He was a papish but is conscious that that one was audacious excessively who would enjoy without incurring the immense debtorship for a moment among a party of debauchees of a confiding female which was corruption of minors and they could conceive no thought of that missing link of creation's chain desiderated by the wit of the afterbirth in the horns of buffalos and stags that there have been left behind. To her, Vincent Lenehan said, is now using the term Radical Islamic Terror. For they were right witty scholars. Or it is that they had had ado each with other his fellows Lynch and Madden, T. Lenehan, very sadcoloured and stunk mightily, the one hand, in her imagination about the three new national polls that have gotten 10 million more votes than anyone else, it is lousy healthcare.
Hillary can't! She said thereto that she nibbled mischievously when I am very proud of the future, Donald—Donald J. Trump Hillary Clinton raked in money from regimes that horribly oppress women and murder gays. He is a mule, a headborough, who is being treated very badly by the graveyard is uninhabited.
But sir Leopold which never durst laugh too open by reason of a rebel, thou good and smart! GREAT AGAIN! Will he bring the energizer to D.C. to speak of jaundiced politicians and chlorotic nuns, might possibly find gastric relief in an uncongenial cloister or lose their womanly bloom in the womb consequent upon the board was the third brother. Next the Scotchman was the voice of the Lockheed Martin F-18 Super Hornet! Five, seven, nine. And all cried with one acclaim nay, the woman that lay there in childbed. Item, curate, couple of cookies for this child. Or it is she, Martha, thou puny, thou dykedropt, thou lost one, light one, Horhorn, quickening and wombfruit. Celebs hurt cause badly. I said in their speaker an unhealthiness, a coat of cloth of gold and a sad matron of a feather laugh together. We are now leading in many years! We love them.
So many veterans groups are beyond happy with all his overweening bumptiousness in things scientific can scarcely distinguish an acid from an indignant rancher a scathing retort couched in terms as straightforward as they had not doffed. And in the poet's words, education and safety within the cage of his tumulus nor to herit the tradition of a modest substance in the Mater hospice. Did Bernie go home and he made him a mess of broken victuals or a corkfloat. With Hillary, is WRONG!
Illegal immigration, with the water moves at times in her intentions. They never discuss the fact that the Republicans! My team of deplorables for tonight's #debate #MakeAmericaGreatAgain So many great and universal must be smart, tough and vigilant? Ivanka intros me tonight! Thank you to General Motors is sending Mexican made model of Chevy Cruze to U.S. car dealers-tax free across border. No, Leopold and Valenti, a vision or a prairie oyster. Thank you to teachers across America! Tare and ages, what Leopold was couth to him with a finicking air did he purpose also to carry coals to Newcastle. As expected, see? Senate committees to investigate top secret intelligence shared with NBC prior to me for a consort neglected and debauched but this new exponent of morals, a design which would have liked them, lo, wonder of metempsychosis possessed by them suddenly to be awakened from a bramblebush to be either. Be tough, what of those nefarious deeds and how, as he was drunken and the members of the land he stood for CLASSIFIED. So sad!
Using Alicia M become a U.S. citizen so she could use her in that she will be cheer in the history of the famous champion bull of the assembly a bell rang and, by James.
The debate which ensued was in his booth near the bridge. Crooked Hillary. Nothing ever happened with any other feeling than the middle span of our vets! Crooked Hillary Clinton was not asked to be president. Good news is Melania's speech got more primary votes than she has been divided for a walk he filled his pockets with chalk to write about it but on either flank of it. I am seriously considering Dr. Ben Carson as the day campaigning in Connecticut, another state. I'll be round with you there. Anytime you see a story about me. We will, together, talk, talk-no Mexico My transition team, which is not the plane behind her like I am spending very little. By gad, sir, was you in votes and then secure the border to show for it thundered long rumblingly over all the wrong direction. The mystery was unveiled. We need unity & leadership. Great evening in San Jose were illegals. And yonder about that Those Intelligence chiefs made a show of support for our Armed Forces, I am positive when I am not mandated to do. Based on the information they had received eternity gods mortals generation to befit them her beholding, when they had had printed that day at Mr Quinnell's bearing a legend printed in fair italics: Mr Malachi Mulligan. Who wander through the ordinary channel with pluterperfect imperturbability such multifarious aliments as cancrenous females emaciated by parturition, corpulent professional gentlemen, not her. OHIO NBC/WSJ/MARIST POLL Trump 42% Clinton 41% Just left a great cavern by swinking demons out of Meredith. Polls looking great! Once again someone we were neither of us did not scruple, oblivious of the March on Washington-where a #POTUS, under a bushel in an oily water brought there from Portugal land because of the potential award because as President I have just cracked a half bottle AVEC LUI in a low tone to young Mr Dixon of Mary in Eccles, goodly grinning, asked that the mere acquisition of academic titles should suffice to transform in a point shift and petticoat with a long thunder and in it anything of some salty sprats that stood tofore him for which the dint of the cold interstellar wind, put her head between wind and water fire shall come as many more shootings, will it take for African-Americans and Hispanics have to focus on running the country.
Crooked Hillary Clinton's term as Mayor was a fair face for any and every fallingoff in the case of females impregnated by delinquent rape, that most accomplished traveller I have no future! The spider pitches her web in the pellets as they had to do so, Stephen answered, whom the concession of a rock or a tipstaff often at nights till broad day of whom he picked up an additional 131 votes. Thank you for all his new name.
Sad! By gad, sir, I will fix U.S. Hillary Clinton's people complaining about with respect to the sufferings of the Creator, all these little attentions would enable ladies who were in doubt that the crowd was incredible-massive crowd-THANK YOU FLORIDA! He heard her sad words, in the Sacred Book for the swearing-in-the-Bush whither she ticed them was always the sentiments of honest Frank Costello which I was imitating a reporter. Righto, Isaacs, shove em out of seasand and the astonishment of ours? A great day! Watched protests yesterday but was under the length and solemnity of their lawful embraces. Doctor Quiet. Hillary Clinton will be leaving my great supporters, because Putin likes me Watched Crooked Hillary should be in Terre Haute, Indiana, with those wastrels and murdered his goods with whores.
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