#And Maelys is just so bubbly
muddyhandss · 11 months
Even More Tav Doodles...
The One Who Didn't Forget: Finch (Character Created by @everchased)
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The Wanderers Firefly: Maelys (Character Created by @llysaan)
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darkestspring · 1 year
Just thinking of a "Velaryon" reader who may have turned up in Driftmark one morning, Corlys and Rhaenys were taking a walk along the coast a few days after Laenor's wedding and found a small boat washed up on shore. Surely they are used to the tide dragging all kinds of things but they are surprised to see a little girl inside wrapped in a dirty blanket, Rhaenys's maternal instinct makes her immediately take her in her arms with great care and Corlys rushes to take her inside for some masters to review.
The girl may not be more than a year or two old and while they wait for her to wake up, Rhaenys and Corlys take great care of her, Rhaenys stroking her hair constantly and Corlys waits reading a book patiently. They fall in love (platonically) with her as soon as they see her beautiful pastel pink eyes and obviously end up raising her as their own, even naming her Velaryon and giving her a dragon egg (one of Maelys).
Vaemond who has a strong feeling about what is legitimate and does not hear about this and immediately disagrees about the adoption of said girl, all before seeing her of course, because as soon as he sees her the man proclaims himself the girl's uncle and he is totally proud that she is known as the youngest of the Velaryons.
Obviously Laenor and Laena love her at first sight and spoil her in everything, when Laena leaves because she marries a daemon she constantly sends her letters and gifts, Laenor takes her to play with Jace and Luke as soon as they are born (something Rhaenyra loves because he absolutely adores the little girl).
ALICENT AND VISERYS DO THE SAME. Viserys even goes so far as to legitimize the girl as the daughter of Corlys and Rhaenys, Alicent has nothing against her and loves to see what a good friend that little girl is to Helaena.
Years later, Rhaenys and Corlys have to endure as the king's two sons and Rhaenyra's sons are deep in Driftmark following and courting her little girl. Everyone is in love with how beautiful, shy and gentle Lady Velaryon is.
Also, I think Corlys and Rhaenys' overprotectiveness would only get worse once Laena and Laenor are gone. They definitely won't let anyone near their little girl, Vaemond totally agrees with them.
corlys, rhaenys, and vaemond just beating off velaryon reader's suitors with a stick is something so amusing. rhaenyra, alicent and viserys all want her as their daughter in law while reader is just content in her own little bubble.
vaemond absolutely refuses. no boy is good enough for his little niece. not the princes, not rhaenyras half blood brats, no one is good enough for his beloved niece.
rhaenys broke whatever she was holding when marriage between one of the boys and her beloved daughter was proposed. absolutely not. and for what? so they can corrupt and taint her beloved youngest daughter? no.
not even corlys will budge on this.
laenor and laena each want her to be close with their children and she is super close with baela and rhaena, they're a trio of troublemakers but rhaenys refuses to allow jace, aemond or aegon anywhere near her. daeron and luke are on thin ice. joffrey is okay, but only a little bit.
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ofdragonsdeep · 3 years
27: Benthos
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It was not the most conventional venue for a picnic.
(named m!WoLxThancred)
A thin fog had rolled over the Ruby Sea with the cold light of the morning, shrouding the islands dotted about its breadth with a gentle blur. From where he was sat at the front of a draft chocobo’s saddle, Ar’telan squinted through into the morning, eyes narrowed to catch sight of a key landmark beneath the surface of the waves.
“Not exactly what you had in mind, I take it?” Thancred remarked from behind him, his hands looped into the saddle’s hand holds with the easy regard of someone who was confident that if he fell, he would either be caught or make the dive. Ar’telan huffed, unable to reply with his hands on the reins, and nudged the chocobo into a dive. It came to a halt just above the water, understandably not willing to dive all the way in, and Ar’telan guided it over to a flat-topped rock just beneath the water, where it settled down and ruffled its feathers.
“You can steer next time,” he said once Thancred had dismounted with a splash of boots in water. Thancred chuckled at the threat, casting an appraising eye over the horizon.
“Your displeasure has been noted,” he allowed. “As is your choice of venue. We are going swimming, I take it?” Ar’telan nodded.
“You did say you could hold your breath for ten minutes,” he said, and Thancred let out a hard-done-by sigh.
“This was not the test I had envisioned for that claim, but let us be about it.”
The dive down into the Ruby Sea was not a long one, but the experience of breaking the water and inhaling a lung full of salt water as though it was air was never one that Ar’telan would get used to. He had always been comfortable around water, though it was not a trait that many of Eorzea’s miqo’te seemed to share, so it was a simple matter to cut a path down through the water. Thancred could have outpaced him, he thought, if he had known where they were going, but instead swam alongside him. Unlike Ar’telan with his kojin’s blessing, Thancred had to be feeling the sting of the salty water, but Ar’telan had assumed that if he could make it through the Lochs without crying then a quick jaunt under the sea would be like a child’s game.
The cave itself was small and unassuming. Ar’telan had found it while harvesting pigments for Charlemend and Maelie’s planned art therapy at the clinic in the Firmament, and upon exploration had found that the natural magics of the area had trapped a little pocket of air in the rock formation. It was damp, with water dripping through the little bubble that marked the “entrance”, but perfectly breathable, and so Ar’telan had hatched a plan. Convincing Thancred to do mysterious things with little context was not the hard part, more so the actual finding of him when he had time to do something unexpected, but here they were.
“Well! A quaint little place you’ve found,” Thancred remarked once they’d both got their bearings, shaking his hair out like an itinerant dog. “I suspect Urianger and Y’shtola would have a field day with the unusual aetheric phenomena necessary to create such a thing.” He looked over at Ar’telan, wringing out the bottom of his coat onto the light coating of algae on the floor. “What do you intend to do with it?” Ar’telan felt a sudden wave of self-consciousness.
“I… I had thought we might have a picnic,” he said sheepishly, pulling the little waterproof box that Cid had been kind enough to make for him from his pack. He had snuck out of the Inn in Kugane and teleported back to Mor Dhona the previous night, working in a quiet frenzy in the Rising Stones kitchen. No-one had been awake but himself and F’lhaminn, who had respectfully said nothing as he determinedly made the most compact sandwiches he could manage and squeezed fresh juice into a stoppered bottle. It was not the most impressive meal he had ever made by a long way, but it was transportable, and at the time that had felt important. Thancred had probably noticed as he teleported back to Kugane and tiptoed into their inn room, but he had politely pretended to still be asleep.
“A picnic,” Thancred repeated, looking bemused. “In a tiny air pocket at the bottom of the sea?”
“Well, if you phrase it like that it sounds foolish,” Ar’telan said, fighting the urge to pout. Thancred laughed, an easy smile on his face, and took the box from where Ar’telan had awkwardly balanced it on his arms to reply.
“You’re right. A romantic hideaway, deep beneath the ocean, that none but the fish and the rather distressing number of water elementals know about… It could be a story about the merfolk spiriting a mortal lover deep beneath the sea to hide like a jewel, couldn’t it?” He tilted his head, regarding Ar’telan curiously. “I suppose you make a good fit for the merfolk, although we might need to get you a more fishy tail.” Ar’telan curled his own tail around his leg in embarrassment.
“I can’t tell if you’re mocking me,” he confessed, and Thancred shook his head, squeezing Ar’telan’s shoulder with a damp glove.
“I’m not. I can’t say I was expecting this precise turn of events, but it is perhaps the most unique date I have ever been asked on.” He paused, a thoughtful look on his face. “And the most involved one, given the length of the journey out, but I appreciate it nonetheless.” Ar’telan took a fire crystal from his pocket, striking it over the nearest piece of flat rock to dry the worst of the undersea damp, watching the water elementals endemic to the area shy away from the warmth. Then he laid out the picnic blanket - Tataru had insisted that it needed to be checkered, and Ar’telan had complied more out of fear than anything else, so it had a pleasing red and white pattern on it. Thancred sat on the edge of it, gingerly shrugging his sopping overcoat from his shoulders and setting it just out of the way.
“You have the advantage on me,” he said, and Ar’telan rubbed the back of his neck ruefully.
“I could probably have thought a little more about the specifics,” he allowed, putting the glass jug of juice next to the box that Thancred had set down. “It was more romantic in my head.” He grimaced, pulling his legs in to sit a little more neatly, ears drooping. “I have never been much good at this.” Thancred laughed, reaching over to break the seal on the top of the ironworks-branded picnic box. The sandwiches still smelled good despite their unorthodox journey, which was more of a relief than Ar’telan had expected it to be.
“You’ve never been on a picnic?” Thancred asked, surprised. Ar’telan stared at his knees.
“No. Not really. I’ve never - I haven’t really… been in many relationships before.” He closed his eyes. “Sorry.”
“Hey, now, none of that,” Thancred said, though there was no judgement in his voice. Ar’telan flinched at the first soft touch of fingers on his cheek, but opened his eyes as sense took hold again. “This is sweet of you. And I’m grateful for the break.” He withdrew his hand to pull a sandwich from the pile, biting into it with a look of appreciation. “And- mm - the food is as good as it always is.” Ar’telan laughed softly, letting himself relax into a less stiff sitting posture, nervously taking one of his own sandwiches as well.
“Thank you,” he said around the sandwich. The rhythmic drip of seawater was calming, at least, and he gently shooed away the knot of nerves in his stomach as he started to eat. He had no need to be anxious, and the rational part of his brain had told him this the entire time - Thancred was a hard man to disappoint, even if his imagination left Ar’telan feeling very second-rate in comparison. The food alone would have done the job even if Ar’telan had suggested taking a picnic on the side of the active Hell’s Lid volcano. But that little voice would always be there, he supposed, claiming that he was not quite enough, remembering what the ascian had said with Thancred’s voice.
“Did you bring any vodka for this juice?” Thancred asked, and Ar’telan sighed wearily.
“No, Thancred,” he said. Perhaps the only key to his heart that Ar’telan never had the heart to turn. “If you can catch one of the elementals it might have a similar kick.” Thancred eyed the water elementals dubiously, but it was a good half a minute before he definitively gave up on the idea and took a drink straight from the jug. The idea had been well-received, the journey there had been a few calming days together. When it was over, they would go back on the same ship, and all would be well.
Just for a few days, all would be well.
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crimsintea · 5 years
WS: Heartstrings II.
   Chanyeol After lunch, Chanyeol had expected Suho to tell them who was on duty like he always did. But instead Suho's exact words were, 'You all know the usual schedule'. Then he walked off to the infirmary. And as they say, curiosity killed the cat; or in Chanyeol's case, wolf.
"Really?!" Suho's voice echoed out of the infirmary as Chanyeol stepped closer. "Mhm.. I've never been outside of my house. My father always told me that there were bad people who would come after me to get to him." Her voice was quiet but as smooth as honey.
"Well your father is right, you can't just trust anyone." Luhan's voice echoed. It was when Chanyeol stood in front of the door looking into the infirmary; that was when he noticed almost all of them except four were inside just lounging around. They were all in their own world but still focused on the girl.
"Oh, Chanyeol!" Chen shouted from the back of the room as he looked up from his phone and waved Chanyeol over. Chanyeol stayed quiet as he glared at his friend and shook his head.
"I can't get past this level, the car keeps skidding and flipping over. I die every single time I make the fifth turn!" Chen tells him while he stayed out of sight from her.
"Help me out?" Chen asked and and Chanyeol sighed and nodded, which made him grin and jump up from his seat. "I call shotgun!!" Kai shouted as they all seemed to be focused on the single couch Chen once sat on.
And before Chen could mutter 'don't you dare' the said kid bolted to his spot and grinned. "I wanted to sit there!" Baekhyun growled as he tried to shove Kai off.
"Too late, Baek!" Kai tells him as he fought Baekhyun off with his feet. "Hey, put that down! It smells weird!" Kyungsoo hissed as he swatted at his friend's own feet.
   Hyeri They're funny. And each had their own characteristics. Hyeri thought to herself while she enjoyed their company. "Have you seen the video I sent you earlier?" Chen asked Chanyeol.
"I saw it this morning." Chanyeol had a deep voice. But for an odd reason, it made Hyeri get a strange feeling that she wasn't familiar with.
"What do you think? Maybe we can convince Sehun to try and make that flavor? We haven't been out and he hasn't used any of the new mixes we bought for him.!" Chen said as he held his hand out and took the phone back.
"The kid gave us food poisoning the last time he even attempted to make boba tea. I wouldn't put my stomach or life in his palms again when it comes to that." Chanyeol said and laughter broke out through the room.
"Right! I forgot about that incident! Tao and Baek thought they were going to die!" Kai joked and Baekhyun punched his arm.
"I was sweating like a pig and looked like I had come out of the shower!" Baekhyun said as he pulled his shoe right off his foot and swung it at Jongin's head.
"Baek!?" Yixing shouted with his mouth hanging open but then a shoe flew to Baekhyun's back and he swung to face the door, and so did everyone in the room.
"He did it!" Chen tattled while pointing to Chanyeol. "Stop being brats, you're teaching our guest bad things." He hissed and Chen snickered along with someone behind him.
"Chanyeol! What's going on?" Tao, whom Hyeri first called Color Pencil guy, bounced in from outside the room. "They we're fighting over Chen's spot but now on a debate about Sehun's bubble tea from hell." Suho, who was sitting beside Hyeri, spoke as he got up and signaled Yixing for another ivy bag.
"That wasn't bubble tea from hell, it was our own personal made poison! He's trying to kill us all!" Tao hissed and then looked over at Hyeri. "Is Chanyeol here to finally visit you?" He asked Hyeri and she shrugged.
"Save it, Tao.. Chanyeol is probably only here to be a creeper, and if so, then he is terrible at it." Kai teased and growl echoed the halls and room.
"I'm going to pound you into the ground later! Then send you into a grave and bury you and after that, I'm going to stomp on your grave smiling knowing you're losing air supply." The deep voice growled out as it got deeper and deeper each sentence.
His words were mean but Hyeri still felt drawn to the person. "Hey, kid, stop messing with him and go grab extra ivy bags in the storage fridge." Suho commanded Kai as he was hooking the new and last ivy bag onto the hook against the wall.
"Why me? Shouldn't Chanyeol be the one? All he's been doing is sleeping and creeping around like some kind of fake ninja!" Kai whined while slouching off the couch.
"He's right, Suho." Yixing said then looked towards the door. "Chanyeol, can you get the ivy bags and a few extra bandages?" He asked then smiled as grumbling and almost silent whining was heard going down the halls.
"That guy... Who does he think we are? He should be taking care of Hyeri.." Baekhyun muttered out loud then suddenly went wide eyed at his sentence.
"Not that we don't enjoy taking care of you! But Chanyeol should be your nurse- I mean- I meant to say- Ah shit never mind. I'll just leave now." He quickly covered it up then scurried out of the room.
"It's okay, I get what you mean. I'm leaving soon anyways." Hyeri reminds the others in the room as she looked down at the book that she had borrowed from Kris earlier in the morning. "But I thought you changed your mind?" Suho asked as he sat back in his seat.
'Chanyeol was the one who brought you here after we found you.. But because he had a bad breakup in the past.. He doesn't know what he really wants now and days.' Suho's words rung in my mind.
Hyeri don't really understand what he meant or why that would matter on who is taking care of her. Hyeri shrugged then spoke again.
"I'm not wanted here, and my father is probably looking for me." Hyeri explain as she glanced back up at him. "You can call him, let him know what happen." Baekhyun said as he sat back into his seat.
But then he would never let me out again. Hyeri thought to herself then sighed and shook her head. "My father would never let me out of his sight again if I did that." She tells them then went back to reading.
"Hyung, guess who I saw today!" Chanyeol heard Sehun as he walked up the stairs to the storage room. "Your old girlfriend?" Luhan teased and got a growl in return. "She wasn't my girlfriend and I hated her!" Sehun growled back.
"Whatever you say Sehun." Luhan teased again as Chanyeol got to the top of the stairs and saw the two walking his way. "I saw Maeli." Sehun said and Luhan froze.
"I told you never to mention that name to me!" He hissed to Sehun, who was grinning. "And I said to everyone not to say Hae was my girlfriend." Sehun teased then sprinted back down the hall.
"Avoiding fate again, Lu?" Chanyeol asked as he walked towards Luhan. "No. I just don't like the girl, period." Luhan scoffed as he nodded to the ivy bags that Chanyeol was holding.
"Finally helping out?" He asked but then held up a finger. "Technically, we're the ones helping YOU out." He smirked at Chanyeol, who growled at him.
"I was told to fetch these. You know how Yixing can get if we don't do as told when it comes to medical business." Chanyeol reminded him and Luhan chuckled.
"He would have your head if you hadn't retrieved those. Come on, I'll follow you back. I also have a new book for Hyeri to read since she is almost done with Kris's own." Luhan says and Chanyeol nodded.
Hyeri "Rock, paper, scissors!" Baekhyun said as the four swung their fist around. "Four to one.. Baek, just give up!" Kai teased as he held the scissor symbol up and Baekhyun held up paper.
"You cheated! Again!" Baekhyun hissed and Kai just chuckled and nodded. "Call it, Tao!" Baekhyun commanded. "Ready?" Tao asked and from the corner of her eyes, Hyeri saw Luhan walk in with someone. "Go!" Tao shouted and the two were at it again.
"What are you two idiots doing again?" The familiar deep voice echoed the room and caught Hyeri's attention and turned her head to the new person in the room. She looked up at the guy and then looked to the three chanting.
"Baekhyun doesn't want to help Kyungsoo in the kitchen, so he is attempting to challenge Kai. Again." Kris lazily explained then went back to playing a game on his phone.
"Ah! Hyeri-ah, this is Chanyeol!" Luhan said as he pointed his thumb behind him as he walked to sit beside Xiumin, who was playing on his phone as well.
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Maelys B-Tight Reviews: Instantly Firm + Lift Your Booty with B-Tight
95% of ladies that utilized this item would suggest this to a friend. The reason is that cellulite in the legs as well as butt is a problem almost all females face. So, this might be the best product for you to show off your body without sensation insecure due to cellulite.
Besides, this Mask claims to Lift, firm, tighten, smoothen and also lower cellulite from your booty.
This Maelys B-Tight review will check into the ins and also outs of this item as well as evaluate its efficiency. The write-up likewise offers a last decision on if it's worth its $49 price tag.
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That Requirements This Booty Mask?
Any type of females heading to the beach or aiming to look their best should have a Firm and also tight booty.
This can be achieved by a regimen of booty boosting exercises like squats and lunges. However, most of us recognize just how tough these can be as well as exactly how little they assist in offering quick results.
Worst still, we all have actually seen weeks of hard work at the health club disappeared after one night of binge eating.
This booty cream declares to make your booty pop as well as enhance its appearance as well as appearance. So, if you have a too-thick or droopy butt, you might need this Mask.
And also naturally, this product makes certain to increase your allure too. After all, all of us recognize just how much males enjoy a bubble butt.
What Is Maelys B-Tight?
As the name suggests, this is a booty tightening up mask (get it, the 'B' in B-Tight is for 'Booty').
This item is called a mask, yet it works much more like cream. That indicates that the item is taken in into the skin and doesn't require you to peel it off.
So, I'm unsure why it's called a mask anyway. Yet in any case, it's a product that appears to work and also tightening up, smoothing, as well as firming your butt.
It makes use of a bunch of potent (however safe) ingredients to make this favorable adjustment to your butt. These active ingredients consist of Pink pepperslim, Ecoslim, Red grapefruit oil, as well as Guarana.
These active ingredients are unique because they are not your ordinary components. For example, the Guarana made use of has 4-6 times the amount of caffeine as compared to the coffee bean. Ecoslim additionally contains 46% even more focused caffeine as compared to normal high levels of caffeine removes utilized in similar products.
On the whole, this product might assist eliminate butt cellulite while firming and also tighten your booty for a sexier behind.
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What Have Actual Ladies Claimed Regarding This Booty Enhancer?
The producers of this booty Mask carried out a survey in September 2018. This survey consisted of 150 genuine users of this booty mask.
Here's what individuals thought of Maelys B-Tight:
95% admitted that they would certainly advise this product to a good friend
91% revealed that their cellulite had reduced
90% agreed that their skin really felt as well as looked tighter
All this details is supplied on the main website including individual evaluations and also reviews by the customers. I have actually additionally included a few others I located online for this item (see real customer reviews).
How Does It Function?
Cellulite is the bane of all ladies as a result of its persistence and also trouble to get rid of.
Nevertheless, this product claims to help eliminate and also avoid cellulite development by using a set of natural anti-cellulite components.
They include components like Guarana that contains four to six times the caffeine in coffee beans. The caffeine is a metabolism booster that helps turn on fat burn and thermogenesis.
This aids melt the excess fat in the butt. Ultimately, this results in the removal of cellulite and also boosting the level of smoothness of the skin.
The other ingredients additionally focus on tightening up and firming the booty. This improves the general feel and look of the butt while likewise boosting your sexual magnetism and also confidence.
Is This Item Clinically Proven?
I did not find any clinical research study studies on this details item.
What I did locate, nonetheless, is a study done on a slendering cream with water-soluble high levels of caffeine on cellulite.
The 2015 study released in Record of Dermatology was carried out with 15 participants over a period of 6 weeks. The study examined the efficiency of caffeine (and xanthenes) in the product in promoting fat shed to eliminate cellulite.
The individuals applied the cream on their upper legs and upper arms (inner side) on a daily basis. According to the set of questions, a 19.8% aesthetic renovation was observed. The circumference of the upper legs also lowered by approximately 1.7% (0.7 cm).
Likewise noteworthy was that no severe damaging responses were observed. There were only a small itchiness as well as skin flushing feeling which is credited to the lipolysis in the facial layers.
Overall, the medically research study concludes that the sliming Mask was effective at treating cellulite without any adverse effects.
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What Are The Active Ingredients In B-Tight?
The energetic ingredients used in Maelys B-Tight:
Pink Pepperslim
This ingredient has actually shown to improve microcirculation of blood by 11% within 5 mins of use. It also boosts lipolysis by making fat breakdown easier.
This active ingredient consists of 46% even more high levels of caffeine as compared to typical essences. It boosts metabolic rate and thermogenesis in the dermal layer of the butt. It enhances fat shed as well as aids toxin removal too. Anti-cellulite items with caffeine have been medically proven to improve lipolysis, lipogenesis, and microcirculation.
Red Grapefruit Oil
This active ingredient consists of bromelain, an anti-inflammatory enzyme. This promotes cellulite malfunction while advertising toxic substance elimination. It likewise gives a firmer, tighter, as well as fuller booty for its users.
This active ingredient consists of 4-6 times extra high levels of caffeine than in coffee beans. It is a thermogenic part as well as is shown to enhance lipolysis as well as blood flow. It makes skin look smoother as well as healthier while safeguarding it from cost-free extreme damage as an antioxidant.
What Are The Conveniences To Anticipate From This Item?
The whole emphasis of this short article is to see if this product can give you a tighter and also sexier butt.
The checklist of benefits with Maelys B-Tight:
Decline cellulite exposure
Enhanced metabolic rate and fat shed
Tighter and also firmer skin
Boosted booty elasticity as well as suppleness
All these advantages need to cause a sexier butt and also boosted self-confidence. So, no need to be self-conscious concerning the cellulite at the coastline any longer.
Maelys B-Tight Advantages
What Regarding Real Customer Testimonials And Also Endorsements For Maelys B-Tight?
Here are some real user examines concerning Maelys B-Tight:
Michel, 29
I dislike doing squats and lunges, yet I have tried them to obtain a stronger butt. Nevertheless, up until this Mask, they seem to not help me.
After utilizing this cream, I saw a distinction in just one week of usage. Even better, also my guy saw (also prior to me) and also appreciated the 'masterpiece' as he calls it.
Gloria, 35
Weight gain is never ever a pleasurable thing to need to go through. However pregnancy is something that causes weight gain. As well as I had a lot of weight in my reduced area.
I started this cream to see if it functioned as well as I saw a difference almost right away. While I wasn't slimmer, my legs did look much more toned. As for cellulite, there was a noticeable reduction too.
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What Is The Online Rate For Maelys B-Tight?
Maelys B-Tight is an on-line booty tightening up mask. This means that it isn't offered in shops yet.
The main site offers 3 on the internet bargains for getting Maelys B-Tight:
One container costs USD 49
Two containers cost USD 80 (USD 40 per container).
3 containers set you back USD 105 (USD 35 per container).
Note: All three offers included totally free delivery to addresses in the US. If you aren't ordering from the US, there is an additional cost for delivery which differs on the destination country.
These rates are just for when purchasing directly from the suppliers via their official site.
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What's The Final Verdict To B-Tight?
This booty boosting product functions well if the individual reviews are reliable. As well as it is undoubtedly able to firm up and also tighten the skin around the buttocks.
So, for the last decision, it's clear that B-Tight by Maelys is worth acquiring, particularly at only $35 a container.
Visit Here For More Information: https://crazytalker.com/b-tight-lift-firm-booty-mask/
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