#And I'm so glad he's being done justice
theimaginatrix27 · 1 year
So I've gotten a few of the revamped Discworld audiobooks
I really like what I'm hearing so far!
The ones I currently have are Small Gods(again), Wyrd Sisters (due to the miniseries I watched bits of as a small child, and which was my introduction to the Disc, though I knew it not then), Soul Music (I paid more attention to that miniseries, though I never fully processed "Susan's grandfather is Death" because I didn't know the context/missed the beginning), and Amazing Maurice (which was the first Discworld novel I ever read courtesy of Vision Australia).
I also got a set of BBC audio dramas, but I wasn't satisfied with some of them (the guy who played Death was not a bass and Death can't just be a tenor/baritone with a reverb slapped on I'm sorry I didn't make these rules.)
So, let's start with Small Gods, because I listened to the play version and then the new version read by Andy goddam Serkis.
So Andy did a phenomenal job, but who was expecting any different?
He did give Brutha a deeper voice than I expected from a seventeen-year-old but I got used to that (also I had just listened to the audio drama wherein Brutha was played by another tenor so I was a wee bit biased).
He also turned Om into David Lister from Red Dwarf and I don't know how to feel about that one except I hope Terry was listening in the afterlife and found it just as hilarious.
After consuming three separate versions of this book I can state with confidence that I would absolutely die for Brutha if that would not make him sad. He was such a good boy.
Death shows up just a little in this book but I'll gush about him in a minute.
Apart from the other plays, which I skimmed through, I've only read Soul Music, so let's just move on to that one okay?
Death has his own voice actor. I mentioned this the other night when I made the post wherein I related my discovery of the new set of audiobooks, but guys he is. Killing it. (pun absolutely intended and also completely true.) His voice is deep and dark and rolls like thunder and is the perfect balance of black honey on black velvet and GAH I LOVE IT. There need to be audiobook narrations awards just so Peter Serafinowicz could get seven.
Sian Clifford is also amazing, and captures Susan very well, as well as every other character, and I enjoyed listening to her extremely very much.
Seriously Peter's Death is the best iteration of Death I've ever heard and I watched the miniseries of this book, which had Death played by Christopher goddam Lee!
Peter does not, notably, attempt to speak for the Death of Rats. I do not mind this. Sian's "SQUEAK"s were adorable. (Can you do the Death font on Tumblr? I think I've seen the Death font rendered weirdly by my screen-reader before and I dunno if it was on here or TVTropes.)
I didn't get the Nigel version of this book but I heard the sample and he did what he always does with gloomy characters and made Susan sound cartoon glum and ... I'm glad that's not what I experienced here.
Terry's references are like finding chocolate coins every now and then when you turn a page and I love them.
In short, I believe I've made an excellent investment.
I really hope whoever narrates the Vimes books is as good as the guy who played him in the Night Watch drama. I think he was different from the guy who played him in the Guards! Guards! drama, which is why I'm pointing him out specifically. I'm sure I'll love the choice regardless, but I'm still gonna voice the hope.
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sarah-yyy · 4 months
Jie jie, what is The Double about?
hahahahahaha i was waiting for someone to ask!! mr r has bailed on me at work again and bossman has the man flu so it's just. me at the office today. working my ass off for partners who are trying to Kill Me™.
what: period cdrama // completed // 40 eps, roughly 45 mins each where: youku (standard disclaimer that i don’t watch with subs so i don’t speak to the quality of eng subs) // i think viki is picking this up?
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this is xue fangfei. daughter of a small town magistrate. married a poor scholar for love against the wishes of her dad. this turns out to be a bad, bad, bad decision because he ends up burying her alive in the mountains sometime post-marriage. :)
this all happens in like ep 1, we're just getting started.
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xff ends up being rescued by jiang li, who is the prime minister's kinda-sorta-exiled daughter. jl has been stuck in a kinda-sorta-nunnery in the mountains for the past 10 years because of her evil stepmother.
i'll skip past all the other bits because there is a bit of a backstory about what happened to jl, but long story short!! jl dies (kinda-sorta-because of xff). xff decides to get justice for both herself and jl. her plan is:
1. become jiang li 2. go back to the capital 3. ?????? 4. profit make everyone pay
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this is xiao heng a.k.a. su-guogong (the translation is duke su but it sounds weird to me so i'm going to stick with su-guogong). he chances upon xff while he's trying to catch a criminal.
xff, who is in the process of executing her Escape Plan, decides eh, any way to escape will do and lets s-gg arrest her to take her back to the capital for interrogation.
(yes, this is wang xingyue who played zhang zhe in kunning palace. yes he looks a++++++ in this show. i am obsessed.)
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side bar, counsels, for a bit of very important information -
su-guogong recognises xue fangfei!! he knows 100% that she is not jiang li and that she is going to cause some chaos. he is Committed™ to watching this drama play out.
ANYWAY. this is the loose premise of the show. it's been fun to watch, and i'm enjoying this a lot!! why should you watch the show?
wang xingyue looks so good in this!! the fans? the capes?? i am obsessed!! everyone in the costumes department deserves a raise.
the story moves quickly and doesn't really drag on. so far, it's been nothing complicated and interesting to watch - i wouldn't say this is a plot-heavy show, just a v good 宅斗 for now, but i'm only like 10 eps in.
the torture my ex-husband who murdered me by showing up in front of him and saying all the right things to remind him of me and the fact that he killed me is so good - normally when this happens, the person looks nothing like their former self, but!! xff's looks haven't changed!! so she's just out here going - hi i am jiang li now and oh btw do you know how cold it is in the mountains where you killed me :)
look i'm......intrigued by this whole shen yurong (ex-husband) and the zhang-gongzhu storyline. i want to see how this whole thing plays out!!
eta: quick post-watch thoughts (may contain spoilers)
a v enjoyable drama!! this is a 爽剧 for reals, like all the plot points get wrapped up and we get a few cute snippets into their happily ever after!! i'm a bit :/ about the way the last few scenes were done in ep 40 (the side character deaths??? extremely unnecessary 🙄🤬 actually the whole war scene was unnecessary but i'm not complaining too much because it gave us That Scene), tbh the whole thing looked more OE leaning BE than HE to me, so the 番外 was quite important to me!! glad we got that!!
shen yurong and zhang-gongzhu both turned out to be so much more interesting than i thought!! a+++ villains, v well-written, and both actors played them beautifully 👏🏼
still an 8.5/10 rec tbh, started strong and held my interest the entire way through
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flamingpudding · 7 months
I just got done reading the prompt that I asked you about and it's wonderful thank you so much and if you're okay with it I'm here to help you make a part two but if you don't want to do that that's okay I'm just adding some bonus to it.
I'm just imagining Danny full Ghost King attire showing up with two things to cookies one with kryptonite in them cuz I love the head can of ghosts eating good tonight like candy and the other set a normal batch of chocolate chip cookies. Looking down Young Justice being like in the most Patrick electric entity sounding voice with a country accent "I'm so just the cutest oddiest little berries on the bush" (sorry just speaking in my little country Danny headcannon)
But I can also see Danny being embarrassing for Klarion. Danny sit down the two trains of cookies Evan just start hugging and kissing his son on his head like the embarrassing mom he is talking about how he's so skinny and he should eat more. Also really nice to Young Justice it's like them realizing they just might by the end of the day be adopted by enemies mom.
Justice League is getting to the location ready to fight and do what they can just for a Young Justice member with a cookie in hand to walk up and explain and tell them to play along for free cookies.
RedRobin badly wants to try one of the kryptonite cookies to see what it would do if he ate it. Klarion keeps stopping him because as much as he doesn't like them he doesn't want RedRobin to die.
Who I'm just adding on a couple of things really love your writing though oh yeah what are your pronouns so I can know to refer to you as just asking.
So glad you liked it and no problem i don't mind at all. I was thinking about adding a part two honestly. Well then lets continue the shenanigans. I hope this part two won't disappoint either. And out of courtesy for once added people who asked for tags in the comments. Don't get used to it. I usually don't to tags. This is an exception for this awesome prompt idea.
The moment a Lazarus green portal started to open in the Living Room, Red Robin suffered a small, probably slightly traumatic, flashbacks to all the times he had seen the Lazarus Pits, but before he could even react Klarion tackled him to the ground with a distinctive hiss of "Play alone." His friends, the traitors, had managed to doge Klarion. Impulse had simple used his speed to step aside and Superboy apparently had headed a warning. Wonder Girl hadn't even been in the path of Klarions tackle. So this was why Red Robin was currently the only one getting sort of wrestled and put into a headlock on the ground in a hold he knew he could easily get out of but was to distracted by the ceiling high, eldritch as well as royal looking being stepped out of it.
The portal closed behind that being and Red Robin swallowed seeing six eyes in inky black that mirrored the night sky blink down at them.
"Klarion?" The static voice ringed in their ears and from the corner of his eyes Red Robin saw Superboy flinch visibly.
"Mom! Your early!" Red Robins head hit the floor as Klarion suddenly let him go to greet the being that's apparently his mother. He glared at the witch boy for that as he sat up and rubbed his had.
"Oh my, sorry my dear." Superboy flinched again, and Red robin could hear Impulse whispering to Wonder Girl if he was the only one seeing four mouths talk at the same time. Klarion appeared to have it heard to as he send them a quick glare over his shoulder before turning back to his mother.
"Mom, could you tune down on the eldritch?" Red Robin blinked stunned before seeing the bing apparently blush green in embarrassment and its form changing until there stood a man, about Red Hoods height still with a floating crown and a royal cape, but at least more human like and resembling Klarion but with more blueish skin before them.
"Sorry baby, I thought my royal appearance would make a better first impression." The man pinched the witch boys cheek lovingly, to witch Klarion whined out a drawn out "Mom."
The four young heroes couldn't help but stare, was that seriously their villain Klarion? The one that tried to cause chaos and make their lives difficult on regular basis?
"Klarion. Why is there a magic barrier around your apartment." The man in royal clothing suddenly asked and they blinked seeing Klarion flinch and laugh nervously. "Oh you know mom, keeping the bonding in one place so other mortals won't be bothered." To which the man cooed. He cooed!
"Bonding? What bonding?" The four heroes echoed blinked and exchanged stunned and confused looks. Bonding? What Bonding? What were they talking about? Sure they hadn't gotten a lot of explanations out of Klarion before that portal opened and apparently his entire act about his mother visiting was the true. It was clear that the witch boy's mother was some kind of other worldly being but it looked like there was more to it. Also considering the royal like outfit and the grown.... did that mean that they had been dealing with a prince of some kind as villain the entire time.
Suddenly the man bristled turning to glare at them back in his eldritch form towering over them. "Are you telling me you mortals have been ignoring my sons bonding?! And that is why my son's bonds don't appear to be properly formed?!"
They flinched back staring at that being that was now back to locking eldritch horror like with a crown and royal cape. Their eyes were locked onto the being, only distantly they realised that Klarion was pulling on his mother hissing something that sounded very much just like static to their ears. It to a while longer but finally the being drew back staring what sounded like a static filled discussion with Klarion and Impulse was pretty sure he had been ready to sully himself if it had taken any longer,
Apparently Klarion and his mother finished their exchanged as they both turned to them, his mom now again more human like looking. "Mom these are my friends. The punk looking guy is Superboy the half alien, Red Robin the one in red and black, you know Dinner boy. Impulse from the Flash-Clan and Wonder Girl one of the Amazonian. Guys this is my mom, Ghost King of the Infinite Realms."
Red Robin couldn't help the eye twitch at his introduction, he also noticed that Impulse flinched back as the mans eyes locked onto him and he didn't need Superboy's confirmation of having heard a grumble about 'why did it have to be a speedster'. Great so this eldritch being, apparently King and most likely a danger and possible hostile did not like one of them already. Why did Klarion ask them to play pretend friends again?
"Well I will be, you have quiet the colourful and oddest batch of fleshy mortals here." The man grinned at them, that were sharp teeth the four heroes observed. "Titles are a bit stuffy, feel free to call me Danny kids. Now come here. I brought some cookies with me."
Before they knew it the four of them were seated on the couch with a huge plate of cookies on the coffee table before them. The four of them blinked at the two kinds of cookies. Impulse was already reaching out to them fearlessly but Wonder Girl had the foresight to stop their friend for the moment. Superboy on the other hand appeared to look quiet queasy and was slowly turning green to the worry of Red robin. They noticed Klarion turning towards his Mom when he took note of this. "Mom! I have a Kryptonian friend! Why did you bring cookies with kryptonite chunks! Look! Superboy is turning green just looking at them."
The Ghost King, now known by the name Danny to them, appeared to be waving his son. "Oh he will be fine in a moment its not enough to completely bother his species, he will just be more human like till you ate all of them. These ones are more for you anyway, you are way to thin lately." Danny then turned to them with a smile. "Please feel free to eat the chuckles chip once. I can guarantee they are human friendly. My sister helped me make them. She is a liminal human."
That was all Impulse needed to rip his wrist free and stuff the first of the chocolate chips cookies into his mouth. "They are good!"
Danny smiled at them satisfied, and with that out of the way started to make small talk with them while also embarrassing his son with occasional comments like. "Oh you should have seen when Klarion first got Teekl." Or "He nearly burned down our entire castle when he started actually learning magic." Or "He used to be such a grumpy adult until he deaged and became such a cute grumpy little baby boy. Want to see photos?"
They never got to see photos to Wonder Girls disappointment. Klarion managed to cut in between suffering embarrassment and glaring at them for encouraging his mother to tell more embarrasing stories and forced the portal, his mother was going to reach into for the photos, to close.
By now the teens have become more relaxed around Danny. The man had a friendly charm to him and genuinely showed an interest in them as well as in the well bing of his son. They could understand why Klarion didn't want to disappoint a parent like that. They snacked on the cookies and Red Robin watched with interest whenever Klarion and Danny reached for one of the cookies with green Kryptonite chunks. Danny had mentioned off handedly in one of his stories of Klarion that they both used to be normal humans. Red Robin was very interested in this right now.
Suddenly Superboy elbowed Impulse and Red Robin, having caught the movement turned to them with an arched eyebrow. "Mentors." The other mouthed to them and they sighed, of course their mentors would show up sooner or later. They shared a glance and Red Robin took on the task to subtitle inform Klarion since they were sitting next to each other when Impulse excused himself to a toilet break shortly.
Red Robin used that quick distraction to reach towards the cookie plate.
Meanwhile Impulse came to a stop in front of the front door stopped by his foot from slamming shut behind him again, thankfully Klarion had removed his magic barrier that could have made this difficult. He had one cookie in hand and grinned up at their mentors and the Justice League Dark members.
"Hi everyone!" He greeted them cheerfully, taking a bite of his cookie.
"Impulse? Are you okay? What happened?!" Flash was instantly on the teen checking him over for any sort of injury. They were prepared to fight since Deadman had reported the location where the Ghost King had appeared. They had chosen to halt their search for the missing teens for the moment but had paled when Superman had mentioned he was hearing their voices from the same location.
"Oh i am fine! Great even. Did you know that there are other dimensions that have melon flavoured chips?" Impulse easily answered grinning. "Also you might wanna dile back on the battle ready aura you guys radiate. Klarions mom is visiting, pretty awesome guy."
"Klarion? The witch boy?" Wonder Woman asked stunned to which Impulse nodded. "Yea, pretty nice guy. Ghost King of a dimension that holds everything together like glue. Kinda badass."
"Bloody fucking..." Batman glared at Constantine who swallowed the rest of his curse. "The hell you mean the Ghost King is badass? That a fucking tyrannical blood hungry war maniac!"
Impulse blinked at them. "Really? I mean he does have scary form that made me nearly piss myself but he is pretty chill. Awesome parent, we get why Klarion loves his mom so much now."
The blond Brite pinched the bridge of his nose letting out a suffering sigh. "Just let us in mate, we will deal with this before our dimension can kiss its arse goodbye."
Impulse appeared to be thinking for a moment before shaking his head. "Uh nope. We are having a good time actually. A nice break. Sooooo no!" Before Flash or anyone else could react impulse stepped back closing the door into their faces. They blinked stunned, Batman was the first to recover stepped towards the door to attempt to open it only for his lockpick to be deflected by a red barrier suddenly appearing. The man growled turning to glare at the Justice League Dark members with a silent comment.
Inside the apartment a little bit earlier....
Klarion snatched another green glowing cookie from Red Robins hands with a glare at the other teen, who only glared back. Danny was watching them amused feeling reminded of himself and Tucker by their interaction. But then his attention turned to Wonder Girl as she asked for another story about Klarions childhood.
A moment later Klarion felt a nudge and looked at Superboy who nudged him across a pouting Red Robin who got another green glowing cookie snatched from him. The witch boy arched an eyebrow when Superboy asked to recreated the barrier to keep their mentors out but did so the moment Impulse was back with them with already three new chocolate cookies in hand as he joined Wonder Girl in fishing for more stories.
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g1rld1ary · 1 month
I feel like you’d eat up this idea so much but Camp Counselor James Potter!!
Where its semi frenemies to lovers after James unexpectedly becomes head camp counselor alongside reader, thus forcing them closer as they have to work together. I’d imagine James as a sports/swim instructor who the campers adore and reader as an arts and crafts teacher who James has liked for years since they met at camp (even before they became counselors.)
summer friends - camp counselor!james potter x camp counselor!reader
wc: 2816
cw: swearing, implied fem!r but i don't think any pronouns, alcohol, throwing up (once)
first of all thank u so much for the compliment anon i hope i am doing it justice!! i actually love this idea and so there's gonna be more parts because i have so many fun lil camp ideas already HOWEVER we don't rlly have summer camps where I'm from so if u wanna see anything specific (activity/trope etc) please request!!! love u xoxo
It was stinking hot already. The clock in your car was broken so you weren't sure exactly what time it was, but you were sure it was too early to have sweat dripping from your brow. Nine, maybe. Still, nothing could bring down your present mood, not the sweat, not the early morning on a weekend, not even that your Fleetwood Mac CD kept skipping during The Chain. No, you were in the best mood you'd been in in a while and nothing could ruin it.
You were headed back to camp. Your camp. It was your first year as head counselor at the camp you'd grown up in and you were filled to the brim with excitement and drive to make this summer as magical as the ones you had growing up. Pulling into the dirt parking space you sighed contently, glad to be back where you belonged.
It was weird to see the camp almost empty. You'd been a general counselor before so you'd seen the camp without kids, but being one of the first there in the morning was peaceful. You waved cheerfully at one of the cooks who'd been working since you were a kid, laughing as he tried to return the gesture over the boxes he was hustling into the kitchen.
You broke into a jog to catch up with the camp director who you needed to meet with, smiling widely when he greeted you. You made small talk as he led you around the camp, giving directions to some of the staff setting up in between his extended spiel explaining your duties. You really were trying to listen but you couldn't help your eyes darting to each movement in the corner of your vision. The other head counselor should have been here already, and it wasn't like him to be late. Michael was one of the many kids you'd grown up with through summers, and he was just as devoted to camp as you were, so it wasn't surprising he also made head counselor, but it was surprising that he was now late.
"Where's Michael?" You asked when the director took a breath. He turned to look at you, one eyebrow raised slightly.
"Didn't we tell you? Michael had a health scare, he can't work this summer." You could feel your mouth hanging open. The two of you had been talking about this for years, dreaming of becoming the head counselors.
"So who's—"
"Nothing like the fresh air, is there?" Your shoulders tensed just by the timbre of it, you could recognise that voice anywhere.
"Potter," You turned to greet him, ponytail swinging behind you.
"No need for last names, love, I saw your braces phase," James retorts and you huff, rolling your eyes dramatically.
"Yeah, yeah, and I've got pictures of your acne. So you're really my partner this summer?" James didn't bother replying, his cocky grin saying it all. You felt the director's eyes on both of you and refrained from another snip in fear of it undermining your leadership, but still shot James a dead-eyed smile to let him know you weren't done.
You were dismissed to settle in until the other counselors arrived for briefing after a few other business matters (for which both you and James stayed civil and responsible) and all but ran to your car, eager to get the moving in part over with as quick as possible.
After so many years of making camp your home away from home, you'd pretty much nailed the routine of packing and unpacking, and your part of the four-girl cabin was taking shape very nicely if you did say so yourself. You even had time to stick up the photos you'd printed out, which usually took at least a week to happen. You were just wiping the sweat off your face with the hem of your t-shirt when someone cleared their throat. You didn't need to guess who it was.
James was leaning against the doorframe, looking unfairly unperturbed by the heat.
"Sorry your dream boy couldn't be here," He said and you couldn't quite tell if he was joking.
"Michael and I—"
"Relax, I was talking about your real boyfriend, remember?" You paused at his statement, studying your painted fingers intently.
"We broke up," You said quietly, not daring to look at James in fear of him teasing you about it. You consequently missed the flash of curiosity (and maybe relief) that passed across his features.
"Sorry," He said awkwardly, still under the doorframe.
"It's fine. He's a dickhead."
"I could have told you that last summer!" He laughed, then slapped a hand over his mouth as he realised it might have been too far. You managed a small laugh yourself, if only to make him feel better about his misstep.
"Yeah, yeah. Last summer you also thought swallowing gum would fuse your insides together."
"And I stand by that! You should just learn to listen to me," He crowed, eyes sparkling with mischief. You rolled your eyes again, pushing yourself off the bed to reapply your deodorant.
"If I ever start listening to you, take it as a sign I'm losing my marbles," You said, ducking under the arm James had stretched across the doorframe, "Now come on, everyone'll be arriving." You don't stop to see if he's following, marching out of your cabin and toward the dining hall where the counselors would convene. James watched you go for a moment with a soft grin before jogging to catch up and bother you some more.
The dining hall was already buzzing with energy and noise and the campers hadn’t even arrived yet. You smiled as you watched the counselors meet and mingle, some of them being kids you’d grown up with almost your whole life.
“Everything the light touches is our kingdom,” James’ whisper appeared from behind you.
“You are so lame.” You don’t bother looking at him, convinced you knew exactly what face he’d be pulling. “Now make yourself useful and greet everyone.” You might have been a little rude, but it was clear to you that this job wasn’t nearly as important to James as it was to you. Head counselor was something you’d been working towards since you’d started at camp, and you would like to keep the gig through college if James didn’t ruin it for you.
A booming noise silenced the room, and you were surprised to know it came from James. He started off the address for you outlining all the boring housekeeping notices you could recite in your sleep. They were almost exactly the same every year, except for James’ insistence on being the funniest in the room and making jokes after every other statement.
“As you know if you find any contraband in the camper’s belongings report it to the camp director, especially if it’s an illicit substance, as there may be serious discipline. However, if it’s alcohol, slip into into my cabin ‘coz god knows I’ll need a drink after dealing with the kids and this one.” He gestured over to you, receiving a ripple of laughter throughout the room. You grit your teeth, trying not to react and be the bad cop of camp.
“Just so we’re all clear,” You faked a laugh, “None of the campers or counselors will be ingesting or posessing alcohol while at camp. Right guys?” You locked eyes with the camp director, trying to bring him down from the conniption he was on the verge of. It worked, mostly, and you took over from James, shooting him a warning glare as you rushed to finish listing off the timetable for the coming evening and next day as campers arrived.
In his defence though, James wasn’t exactly wrong. Although the camp director could never ever find out for the sake of all your jobs, there was definitely a stash of alcohol that all the counselors contributed to and had access to, though strictly when there was no risk of campers or higher ups finding out. Like tonight. Every year before the campers arrived the counselors held a campfire right out in the forest; far enough away that there was almost no risk of the adult-adults finding them, but close enough that drunk walks back to the cabin weren’t quite impossible.
That brought you to the campfire. You’d been stuck in meetings and doing last minute admin all night and you really needed the break. You could only look at schedules and spreadsheets for so long anyway, add James to the mix and you were going absolutely crazy.
You’d snagged a spot next to Lily, hugging her tight as you reunited.
“I can’t believe you’re stuck with Potter,” She said, taking a sip from some ungodly drink one of the counselors had mixed. You laughed as you pulled away and greeted Remus quickly, taking the can of cider he offered.
“I’m just thanking my lucky stars it wasn’t him three years ago.” You shook your head resolutely, “At least now I’m sure he’s human. I just hate that he’s gonna make me bad cop all summer.” Remus cocked his head in confusion and Lily asked for clarification so you continued.
“You know, James is always the funny one, James is always the chill one. I’m the one who’s gonna have to spoil the fun and enforce the rules.”
“That’s not true though, you might be the one sticking to the rules but you’ve been here just as long. Everyone knows and loves you, and you’ll have just as much fun even if you aren’t quite as go-with-the-flow,” Lily said, a comforting hand resting on your arm.
“Prongs might surprise you,” Remus said, clearly taking a different approach, “I think when it matters he’ll step up to the plate.” You looked at him for a moment, considering his philosophy. You chanced a glance over at James to see him halfway through a game of beer pong — losing badly in fact, and sighed. If he, the head sport and swim counselor, was losing at a game consisting of throwing then he must’ve already been smashed.
He caught your eye at just the wrong (or right) moment and waved you over with such excitement that you excused yourself from the conversation to see what he wanted.
“Sirius needs a teammate,” He said simply, gesturing for you to go over and play. You shook you head furiously.
“So you’re asking the arts and crafts leader? I have zero coordination.”
“Yeah, and? You’re competitive and that’s all that matters. Consider it our head counselor bonding time.” You looked at James for a moment, weighing out the pros and cons in your head. You figured it couldn’t be that bad even if you embarrassed yourself, and you really didn’t want the other counselors to think you had a stick up your arse after getting the position. So, you reciprocated the high five Sirius had offered and got in position.
The game went shit, as could have been assumed. You really didn’t have an ounce of coordination, your throws missing most of the cups. Sirius was better, making your team at least not totally hopeless, but the two of you were no match for the machines that were James and Marlene — though both significantly worsened by their inebriated states. You were providing the trash talk though, which seemed to keep everyone entertained
“Ok new game!” James clapped after you’d downed the last drink, “Sirius, switch with me.”
“What! But I like my partner!” You high-fived Sirius again at his declaration, now sufficiently buzzed from the shitty beer you’d been using.
“Yeah, we’re doing just fine, Potter. Worry about yourself.” It came out a bit louder and more aggressive than you intended, but James didn’t seem to mind — none of you were sober enough to be picking up on the intricacies of human communication. James mimed a stab to his heart dramatically.
“You kill me,” He groaned, leaning on the folding table in despair. You laughed loudly, holding up your hand in the shape of an L to rub it in. After rubbing it in for a moment you conceded, stomping your way to his side of the table, patting Marlene on the shoulder as you swapped places.
“Alright, Potter, let’s get this round over with so I can kick your arse again.” James’ grin was practically blinding as he brightened up, getting ready to play another match. You might’ve been getting a little too competitive, but it was camp and you were drunk, so everyone around the table was matching your energy tenfold.
“Are you actually capable of getting a ball in a cup? You’re genuinely so terrible at this,” James laughed as he said it but you took it personally, shoving him aside.
“Piss off, dickhead. Just because you’re a big shot athlete or whatever.” You must have finally struck a nerve in James as he was quiet for the rest of the game, still much more skilled than you but his energy significantly dampened. Even when you won, he only offered you a weak smile and a pathetic high five. You felt bad for a moment and opened your mouth to apologise, but your inebriated brain was distracted by music playing, running over to Lily to ask her to dance.
You were at the stage of being drunk where everything was perfect. The day’s heat had mellowed out into a dreamy summer night, a soft breeze rustling the leaves above you all as you danced and drank, reuniting after a long year apart.
You might’ve overdone it slightly though, which found you a little ways away from the rest of the party, emptying your stomach into a bush where hopefully none of the campers would stumble across it. Looking past your unfortunate accident you caught a glimpse of a dark shape on the bank of the river. Narrowing your eyes you tried to make out who it was, but settled on getting closer instead. You hesitated when you made it out to be James.
“Hey, Potter. You alright?” You called awkwardly, a little unwilling to get too close.
“Hm?” He looked back at you, voice uncharacteristically quiet. “Yeah, fine.” You sighed. He was clearly upset about something and you couldn’t just end the conversation there, no matter how much you didn’t want to have a DnM with James Potter on night one of camp.
Reluctantly you got closer, taking a seat next to him. You watched the lake for a few minutes, black except for the silver from the moon. It was peaceful when there weren’t so many people around, it was one of your favourite things about camp, just being outside and disconnected from the rest of your life.
James broke the silence first.
“Do you… Are you mad that I’m co-head counselor?” You chanced a glance at him, surprised at the vulnerability in his voice. James wasn’t usually one to get sappy or personal like that, especially not with you.
“No?” You replied, “It wasn’t what I imagined, obviously, but it’s not like I hate you. You’re just mildly infuriating like 80% of the time.” James snorted, and you got the feeling he’d intended to wallow a bit longer. But James was James and he couldn’t stay moody for too long, it wasn’t in his nature.
“I can work with that.” He smiled his blinding grin, and you could have sworn you could see it reflecting off the water.
“We have to be a team though,” You affirmed; now was as good a time as any for you to address it. “I know that your whole bright and lively class clown thing is effortless for you, but I don’t wanna be the bad cop all the time, okay?” James was deep in thought for a second, then a cheeky grin crept onto his features.
“You think I’m bright and lively?”
“Shut up.” You rolled your eyes, but you weren’t sure you weren’t returning his smile. “Come on, let’s get to bed. Neither of us can afford to be hungover when the kids get here.”
You and James wandered back towards the cabins, both hazy and giggly from the lasting drunkenness and the (at least temporary) smoothing over of your tenuous relationship.
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gguk-n · 2 months
Racing smiles (Lewis Hamilton x Dentist!Reader SMAU)
@lh44girl suggested a dentist!reader with Lewis Hamilton. Hope I was able to do it some justice.
lewishamilton followed purepearldentalclinic & theteethwhisperer pureperaldentalclinic followed lewishamilton
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Liked by purepealdentalclinic and 12,567,876 others tagged purepealdentalclinic
lewishamilton I'm a huge advocate of taking care of yourself including your teeth. Got my dental problems fixed by the sweetest dentist. Do check purepealdentalclinic out. It's a new establishment, show it some of your love.
purepealdentalclinic It was delight having you. You are one of the best patients I’ve had. user 1 That million dollar smile gotta cost a pretty penny😍😍 user 2 Totally checking the dentist out if I need dental help👍 user 3 They must have great service if Lewis is recommending it himself🤔🤔 theteethwhisperer I heard the dentist there is super pretty🙈🙈 lewishamilton theteethwhisperer it seems the dentist is also quite vain😔
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Liked by theteethwhisperer and 426 others
purepearldentalclinic Glad to announce the grand inauguration of Pure Pearl Dental Clinic. We are going to be helping fix one smile at a time. Do stop by if you need any work done or just a regular check ups. The first month all the fees are discounted. The dentist incharge is Dr Y/N Y/L/N, board certified Orthodontist.
user 4 Came here bc of Lewis, looks okay I guess lewishamilton Congratulations!! wishing you all the luck for your business Liked by Author bff/user 10/10 would recommend. Kind doctor and staff.
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Liked by bff/user, lewishamilton and 235 others
theteethwhisperer It's race weekend and we had an F1 watch party!! I may or may not have closed the clinic early to watch it!!
bff/user Atleast we had fun and that's all the matter lewishamilton Next time you wanna watch a race let me know, I can get you tickets theteethwhisperer lewishamilton OMG!! PADDOCK PASSES YESSS!! friend/user We should do this again!! user 5 Lewis I want paddock passes too🥺🥺
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Liked by lewishamilton and bff/user and 578 others
theteethwhisperer I work hard and play hard #paristrip #girlstrip #dentistlife
bff/user I knew becoming friends with you in grade school was a great idea🥹🤧 lewishamilton You went to Paris without me?😒😔 theteethwhisperer lewishamilton Guess I missed the memo😳 user 6 Is it just me or does Lewis never miss a single post of hers?🤔🤔 user 7 She is pretty but like she ain't Nicole😒😒
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Liked by theteethwhisperer and 11,257,976 others
lewishamilton On the rocks Almave
theteethwhisperer I've never barked for a man, but I guess there's a first time for everything🙂‍↕️ lewishamilton theteethwhisperer Well, there's a first time for everything. Let's see where this first time takes us😏😏 user 8 I didn't know Sir Lewis had rizz🤨🤨 user 1 Eww that girl so desperate😤😤 user 2 Why is she acting like a horny teenager? Isn't she an adult with an adult job?🙄🙄
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Liked by theteethwhisperer and 13,568,987 others
lewishamilton The past few days have been all love. Thank you all, the energy and support means everything. Can't wait to start this season. 2024 is all us 🎯
theteethwhisperer Good luck for the season!! 8th WDC!!👊👊 Liked by the Author user 3 Good luck Lewis!! ❤️❤️always rooting for you user 4 That girl is starting to get on my nerve tbh😡😡 user 5 Can she shut the fuck up and stop being so thirsty for Lewis, we get it, he's hot. Find another man🙃🙃 user 6 Damn, shirtless Lewis does things to me🥵🥵
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Liked by theteethwhisperer and 3,632,993 others
lewishamilton YES🍾🍾🍾 945 days since the last win and it's finally come home. SILVERSTONE I LOVE YOU. There's no crowd that deserves this more. This is love, this is family. Thank you all for the love and support. Massive shout to the team as well. Everyone in the garage and back at the factory have given long hard hours for this result. It's not been easy but it's brought us back to back wins for the team. Most importantly we didn't lose hope. We didn't give up. THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU KEEP GOING. STILL WE RISE 🇬🇧🏆❤️!!!
landonorris Congrats mate👊 georgerussel63 You deserve it, mate👏 valterribottas Well done champ! theteethwhisperer Can't believe I have the most talented and hardworking boyfriend who deserves the world and this home win!! ❤️❤️So proud of babe!! 😘😘💋💋Let's celebrate once you're back😏😉 lewishamilton theteethwhisperer Can't believe I have the smartest, kindest, most soft spoken girlfriend. 😍😍Can't wait to be back in your arms❤️❤️ user 7 when did they start dating?? 🙂🙂also CONGRATULATIONS LEWIS!! 👏👏LOVE YOU❤️ user 8 can't believe this, neither the win nor the relationship announcement😭😭🤯 user 1 at least she's super smart, so like it balances out. So proud of you Lewis!! 9th home win🥵🥵❤️❤️ user 2 I didn't see this coming. I did tbh. Power couple. Dentist and GOAT of F1😘😘😭😭
353 notes · View notes
whoreforharlow · 1 year
Glad It's You
Author's Note: a little smutty Jack x virgin!reader fic requested by @jackharlowsbaby00 to @jackharloww . Hope I did it justice!
The original ask: "Omg! Okay so I have one of like an 18+ but the reader being a virgin and like really really nervous for her first time and jack comforts her through it and they have a good time!"
Warnings: p in v intercourse
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"You alright?" Jack whispered into your ear. The two of you were settled on the cozy sectional at his house, a movie you weren't paying attention to playing on the flat screen mounted on the wall. He seemed engrossed in it, but you couldn't bring yourself to focus on the storyline. Your attention was on his arm around your shoulder, fingers gently brushing the skin your tank top left exposed; your attention was on his hand that laid innocently on your exposed thigh, your tiny pajama shorts riding up a bit; your attention was on the feel of his body under yours as you were pressed against him, each rise and fall of his strong chest alluding to the muscles that were hidden beneath his shirt.
"Mhm," you hummed, meeting his gaze with a tight lipped smile before turning back to the movie. You couldn't help yourself, your mind these last few days wandering further and further away from what could be considered decent thoughts about your boyfriend.
You two had been together for the last four months, and it didn't take long for you to blurt out that you were a virgin when he first attempted to initiate any intimacy. You hadn't meant for the words to tumble out so abruptly, but you had panicked a little bit, never having done much more than some innocent kissing. He was quick to reassure you that he didn't mind and that he wasn't going to pressure you into anything you weren't comfortable with. Jack kept to his word, going at your own pace and making sure you were comfortable with him.
"You sure? You seem distracted." You blushed a bit at his observations. He was right. You were distracted by him, his body, his scent, his presence. His tight gray tank and basketball shorts didn't help your cause either.
"I-" your mouth went dry as you caught the smirk on his beautiful face, his blue eyes shining under the bright lights from the screen in the dark room. He looked truly angelic, his curls framing his face like a halo, the little freckles peppering along his nose and cheeks giving him a youthful boyish look, his perfect teeth exposed through his plump pink lips as he smiled at you.
"I'm sure." You squeaked out, looking away from him once again. You felt your heart hammering in your chest; for the first time in a while Jack made you feel really shy under his gaze. He didn't respond much, just humming along as he settled back to watch the movie, his body shifting and readjusting under your weight before once again pulling you into his side. This time it was his hand on your thigh that drew light circles on your skin which made you jump up immediately from the couch. You stood there awkwardly, a humorous look on Jack's face as he looked at you with a raised brow.
"I, uh, I'm gonna go to sleep." You announce, faking the best fake yawn you could muster, turning around on your heel and all but sprinting to Jack's room. You face palmed yourself, thinking about how stupid you must've looked. You felt flushed, your brain pushing forward every desire you had, playing small clips of what you wished you had the courage to ask Jack to do to you. You plopped down on his bed, burying your face into the pillow and wishing the night would end.
Of course wishes never come true.
You heard the door open behind you, and you held your breath in hopes to convince him you actually fell asleep in the last seven seconds.
"I know you're not asleep, babe." Jack chuckled. You felt the bed dip as he crawled over to you.
"Go finish your movie." You spoke into the pillow, burying your face even deeper.
"Why don't you come finish it with me? Or better yet, why don't you tell me what else you'd rather do?" You wanted to question what he meant by that last part, but you didn't need an explanation once you felt him run a finger from the back of your knee up the back of your thigh to where your shorts ended just under your ass. You whirled around, pulling your legs away from his touch like it was fire, your eyes wide as you looked at him in disbelief of how this man could have known what you've been thinking all night.
His face held a goofy smile as he tried to hold back a laugh at your bewildered look. He knew how shy you were regarding intimacy, and his favorite thing was to tease you a bit to bring you out of your shell. The two of you had had plenty of make out sessions where you both had gotten a bit handsy, so he was surprised by how jumpy you had gotten from his touch.
"I-I-I don't know what you're talking about." Your claim was weak and you knew it. Jack could see right through you, you knew that. If Jack was anything, it was observant. He had caught every lustful glance you took of him, noticed every time you shuddered from his touch, or preened under his gaze. He could practically see the pornos your brain was playing out in your mind every time he caught you staring at him. He noticed how you were needier lately and more sensitive to his touches, hell even just a glance from him had your knees ready to buckle.
"Hmm." He just hummed along, crawling closer to you as you scooted back, you were so close to the edge of the bed he was sure one more scoot and you'd fall right off it. He wanted to keep teasing you, but he was also careful because he knew how your nerves could cause you to shut down if it got to be too much. Instead he settled himself against the headboard in the middle of the bed, keeping a short distance between you two, wanting to make sure you didn't feel cornered.
He just held out a hand to you, giving you the choice to come to him instead, and you were more than eager to. You jumped right into his lap, letting his arms hold you tight as you try to calm your racing heart.
You've always been a shy person, a little quirky and dorky growing up, and though you hoped that you would grow out of that, it seemed to stick with you into adulthood. It was what intrigued Jack the most about you, yet you couldn't see how anyone could like that, especially being in your mid 20s. The more you got to know Jack, the more you got to see that he also had his quirky and dorky ways about him, but unlike you, he could turn them off and become this sexy and smooth person. You were envious of that, feeling like maybe Jack would prefer someone more sexy and less... well, not sexy.
"What's going on in that beautiful head of yours?" He spoke the words against your forehead as he held you tightly to him. You shook your head, cuddling closer into his chest as your brain played out another explicit scene.
"Well, do you want to know what's going on in my head?" You shook your head again, not knowing where he was going with this. "Too bad, I'm gonna tell you anyway," he chuckled.
"I'm thinking about how sexy you looked tonight at dinner. I'm thinking about how that dress hugged your body so good, hugging all your curves," his hands ran along your body slowly, accentuating his words, your breathing picking up as you shut your eyes.
"I'm thinking about how this ass looked so good in that fucking dress," his voice was deeper, his hands reaching down to the fleshy mounds, shifting you so you now straddled his lap, immediately hiding your face in his neck again.
"I'm thinking about how badly I wanted to fuck you. I wanted to fuck you against the front door before we left, in the car on our way there, hell I wanted to fuck you right at that dinner table in the restaurant." He spoke the words so casually, his lips close to your ear, his breath making you shiver, "I've wanted to fuck you this entire night, baby," he confessed, "and then we come back and you're running around my house in this sad excuse for pajamas," you know exactly what he's talking about. Your silk tank top and shorts barely covered anything, but it was all you had clean and you were in a rush to pack a bag to spend the weekend with Jack.
"You've been teasing me all night, really testing my self control. But you wanna know what's really been testing me?" You shook your head again, making him chuckle. "Your eyes." His voice dangerously low in your ear. "You've been giving me those pretty little "fuck me" eyes the whole damn night." You felt your mouth dry at his words, you hadn't realized you were being so obvious.
"Is that what you want, baby? You want me to fuck you?" His head nudged the side of yours, his hands still rubbing against your ass and thighs. You took a deep breath, nodding your head slowly, not having the courage to look up at him.
"Too bad I'm not gonna fuck you." He sighed dramatically, making you pull back and look at him in disbelief. There was no way he was going to work you up like this and then pull the rug out from under you.
"Wh-why not?" You were disappointed at his admission.
"Because... I'm going to make love to you instead." He said with a smile on his face, making you roll your eyes at his silliness, pushing his shoulder as you let out a giggle.
"That wasn't funny, Harlow." Replacing your smile with a faux pout.
"I just wanted to get you out of your head, babe. It's just me and you here, there's nothing to be shy about." His hand came up to cup your cheek, you nuzzled into his warm palm as you gazed at him lovingly. He was honestly the sweetest and most patient person you'd ever met. Ever since you two had gotten together, he was always so attentive to you, making sure that you always felt comfortable and secure.
"I'm glad it's you, Jack." You whisper to him.
"I'm glad you chose me, baby," he whispered back, pulling your face to his for a sweet kiss. You sighed against his lips, your hands resting comfortably on his shoulders as you just took a moment to think about what was about to happen. You smiled against his lips, his own lips pulling into a smile as you two pulled away to look at each other. You blushed a bit and he quickly pecked your nose, before pulling away to grab his phone. His thumb quickly moved across the screen for a moment before you heard music playing softly through the speakers, then the lights dimming as he swiped the screen slowly. He placed the phone on the nightstand, his full attention back on you now.
"Sorry about that. Had to set the mood for my girl. Do you want anything? Anything to make you feel more comfortable?" He was so sincere as he asked, but you shook your head unsure of what else to do. You honestly weren't sure what one would need to feel comfortable. You, of course, weren't dense and you knew about the ins and outs of sex, but you didn't have any personal experience.
"Don't worry, we'll take it slow, okay?" You nodded again, feeling too nervous to speak. "Let's get you back out of that pretty little head of yours. I know just what to do." He smiled at you, pulling you back in for a kiss, his skillful lips effectively relaxing you. He pushed you down on your back, laying your head down on the plush pillows. He used one arm to keep himself hovering above you, his other hand slowly caressing your waist. Your hands were in his curls, pulling and tugging on the soft ringlets, making him groan.
He pulled away, his lips leaving wet kisses down your exposed neck and collarbones before pulling away to lift his shirt up over his head, tossing it elsewhere. You took a few shy glances at him, but kept looking away.
"It's okay, you can look. Hell, you can touch too if you want." He winked, making you giggle. You worked up the courage to really take in his torso, reaching out your hands to trace along the contours of his upper body: his arms, his shoulders, his chest, down to his stomach and the waistband of his shorts. You take a glance up at his face, a smirk on his lips as he watched you, making you blush and look away, pulling your hands away from him and covering your face with your arm
"Hey, nothing to be shy about. I'm all yours, baby." He says, pulling your arm down. "All yours tonight." He places a kiss on your cheek. "Tomorrow." A kiss on your other cheek. "The day after that." A kiss to your nose. "And the day after that." He now peppers kisses all over your face, once again pulling you out of your shell, his facial hair tickling your skin and making you giggle. He pulled away to let you both breathe, the two of you lightly out of breath.
"Just so you know, I'm nervous too." He says shyly, making you look at him in disbelief. Jack? Nervous? Impossible.
"I know what you're thinking, but yeah, I am nervous. I've never been with someone I love this much before, and I really want to make this the best possible experience for you." He confesses. "I'm nervous about fucking it up somehow." He chuckles, a blush creeping across his cheeks.
"Like you said, it's just me and you tonight, J." You reassure him, lacing your hand in his and giving it a squeeze. He smiles at you, leaning down to capture your lips again. Your actions were slow, really taking your time to taste one another and unwind.
"I think it's unfair that I'm the only one topless here." He teases once you two pull apart, his fingers playing with the strap of your tank top before pulling it down a bit. He wasn't in a hurry, but he wanted to test the waters with you. He trailed kisses across your chest and shoulder, his lips brushing against the top of your sensitive breast. Jack brought a hand to your waist, above the silk of your top, and slowly crept it up to under your breast, not going further until he felt your hand in his hair tight and your back arch. He took the cue and cupped your breast and gave it a squeeze, making you moan. He brought his tongue across the exposed flesh that bulged out of the tank top before leaning down to capture your pebbled nipple through the fabric.
"Jack," you gasped, squeezing the hand that was still intertwined with yours on the bed. You'd never felt anything like that before, the warm wetness of his mouth, even over the fabric, was enough to have you moaning. Jack couldn't get enough of the noises coming from your mouth, each sound egging him on more and more.
"More Jack, please," you begged. You pulled your hand out of his hair, pulling down the top of your tank, revealing yourself to him and he took no time to capture the puckered nub into his mouth. The previous sensations with a silk barrier were nothing compared to the texture of his tongue as it lapped at your chest, the sharp tugs of his teeth and sucking of his lump lips had you dazed. You couldn't think, your head cloudy with the new experience and you just wanted more of it, pushing his head against your chest, making him chuckle against you.
"Did my pretty girl like that?" He hummed as he pulled away, earning a sound of protest from your lips. You were left exposed as he pushed away from you slightly, observing your disheveled state—hair messy, eyes wild, skin flushed, one breast out of your now twisted tank top. He was in awe of you. You, on the other hand, felt shy; your hand moving to adjust your tanktop and preserve your modesty, but his free hand captured yours and pulled it to rest on the bed near your head.
"There's no need to hide, baby. It's just me. I already love you clothed, now I just want to love you naked too." His words made your heart skip. The two of you had exchanged "I love yous" about a week or so ago, and you weren't sure if you'd ever get used to hearing those three words coming from his lips. Every time you did, it felt like a dream that you never wanted to wake up from.
"I love you too." You said, looking up at him prettily, making Jack groan.
"Say that again while looking at me like that, and I'll cum right here in my pants." He joked, making you giggle, puckering your lips to let him know you wanted another kiss, which he happily obliged. You let go of both of your hands that were intertwined with his, cupping his face and running your hands through his beard, loving the feel of it under your fingertips.
After a moment, you pulled away from his lips breathless, resting your head on his as you kept your eyes closed for a moment. You took a deep breath before pushing against his shoulders as you followed him to a sitting up position. You grabbed the hem of your tank top, peeling it away from your body with the intention of tossing it elsewhere, but you pulled it back to cover yourself once more. You looked up at Jack with wide eyes, your nerves shooting back up at the thought of being topless in front of a man for the first time. You opened your mouth but closed it again, unsure of what you even wanted to say in that moment.
"It's okay, baby. It's just me, just Jack." He reassured you. "You don't have to take it off if you don't want to, you can put it back on. Whatever you're comfortable with." His hand came to rub your arm that was held tightly against your chest. You shook your head. You really wanted to do this, you wanted to be vulnerable with him.
"C-can I have another kiss?" You asked shyly, your eyes almost teary, making him pout at your nervousness.
"You can have whatever you want, baby." He promised, cupping your cheeks and delivering a kiss worthy of an Oscar in hopes of comforting you. It was a kiss that had you forgetting all of your insecurities, your arms abandoning their post against your chest, dropping the silk as you leaned up and climbed into Jack's lap, your arms wrapping around his neck, your chest pressed right to his. A deep groan left his throat, exciting you as you continued to kiss him like your life depended on it. You enjoyed the feeling of skin against skin, finally feeling his warmth without any barriers, his soft chest hair tickling you as you pressed yourself harder against him, distinctly aware of the bulge you felt against your inner thigh.
You felt his hands leave your face, slowly making their way down your neck and shoulders, feeling their way across your back and waist, coming over to your sides to brush your hips and stomach, before creeping up to cup your breasts again. You pull away, enjoying his nimble ministrations, your head falling back as you ignore every insecure thought and just enjoyed the feeling of his touch. He watched you pull away from his body, your hands steady on his shoulders as you bared your torso to him, his eyes feasting on what no other man has ever.
"You're so beautiful baby, beyond beautiful." His words were quiet, as if he was in disbelief that someone could be so beautiful. You blushed, but resisted the urge to cover yourself again. You squeezed your eyes tight as you felt his fingers begin tracing the outline of your upper body, leaving no part of you untouched. His lips met yours quickly, before placing another kiss on your chin, then across your jaw, down the column of your neck to the front of your throat, and down your sternum. You felt him stop between your breasts, the two mounds cupped in each hand as he brought them together, his face nuzzled between the flesh as he blew raspberries, making you giggle and push him away.
"You did not just do that!"
"I've been wanting to motorboat these titties since I saw them in that top you wore on our first date." You recalled the black velvet corset top you wore, the stiff underwire basically had your boobs pushed up to your chin. You were adamant that it was inappropriate, but your friends vetoed your request to wear something else.
"Happy now?" You laughed, looking down at him from your perch on his lap.
"Very! But, I think I'm gonna be an even happier man by the end of the night." He winked, a finger tugging at the waistband of your pajama shorts before letting it snap back against you. You blushed, looking away from him, feeling nervous all over again.
"Lay back for me baby." He gently commanded. His hand on the small of your back guiding you back down to the bed, your heart racing at the thought of what was about to happen.
"Are we gonna... now?" You ask nervously, feeling embarrassed about even asking.
"No, baby, not yet. I gotta make sure you're ready for me, just relax." You released a sigh, not necessarily of relief, but a sigh nonetheless.
"Just trust me, okay. Can you do that?" You nodded.
"Uh-uh, I need to hear it." He insisted.
"I trust you, J."
"Good." He hadn't realized how much of an affect hearing you say you trusted him would have on him. He smiled, warmth blooming in his chest. He took this very seriously, wanting to make sure your first time was perfect.
He leaned down, pressing a few kisses to your chest before moving down to capture your nipple in his mouth again, his other hand giving attention to the other, massaging, pinching and tugging. He wanted you to get lost in the sensations like you did the first time, and he could tell by your body language and moans that he had accomplished just that. He pulled his mouth away, moving slowly down your stomach and navel, placing open mouth kisses on the exposed skin. His fingers gently played with the band of your shorts, his eyes looking up to try and meet yours but your eyes were closed and head turned away.
He made the executive decision to continue, slowly peeling down the silk fabric, noticing the soaked patch along the inner seam, the fabric darkened with your desire for him. His actions were slow, giving you the chance to stop him at any time, but instead you lifted your hips up to assist him in his task. You allowed him to pull the fabric away, your thighs pressed together as you attempted to hide yourself from him. He discarded the fabric, coming to lay beside you, two of his fingers coming to rest under your chin and guide your face back to his. Your eyes remain closed, and he took a moment to look at your face, pouting at the thought that you were uncomfortable with him seeing you.
"Open your eyes, pretty girl." He whispered to you, his hand caressing your cheek. You shook your head.
"C'mon, let me see those pretty eyes." He asked again, placing a kiss on each eyelid, your lashes tickling his lips. Your eyes fluttered open, a little teary because of your nerves. He grabbed your hand, holding it in his as he brought it up to his chest, over his heart which was beating fast.
"I'm nervous too. It's perfectly normal." You were still baffled that Jack could feel nervous, he was always so confident in everything he did, it was something you admired about him. You just nodded in response before pulling your intertwined hands away from his chest, putting them on your navel and guiding it lower. You unclamped your thighs, relaxing a bit as you both watched your hand guide his between your legs. You widened your legs a bit, allowing him more space as you let his hand go, your hand now simply resting on his forearm as you allowed him to explore your most sacred space.
You scooted closer to him, resting your head on his arm that he used to keep himself up, your free hand pulling him down to kiss him again. You felt two fingers slide between your folds, slipping through with the ease of your slick. You both moaned at the feeling: you at his fingers rubbing against your sensitive flesh and him at the warm wetness that he was excited to feel wrapped around him. His fingers were slow and gentle, just rubbing your mound, his ring and middle between your folds with his forefinger and pink on the outside. He paid attention to every sound you made as you two kissed, adjusting his speed or pressure to see what reactions he could elicit from you.
He was cautious as he dipped his middle finger inside you, slowly pressing the digit inside you, your wet walls welcoming it with ease. His motions were slow and you didn't have much of a reaction, so he decided to add a second, his ring finger pressing in as well. This time you gasped at the sensation, the two fingers filling you in a way you hadn't felt before. It was different than your own fingers, two of his feeling like 3 of yours. You moaned at the feeling, his fingers curling against the spongy ceiling of your core repeatedly
"Oh, Jack," you moaned, your head pressing into his bicep as you pulled away from his lips to breathe. You nodded, biting your lip to stop another moan as he used his thumb to apply pressure to your clit.
"Jack, please," you felt that familiar knot in your stomach, stronger than you had ever felt it when it was just you alone. You gripped his forearm, scared he'd pull away. You widen your legs, shifting your hips to the rhythm of his fingers.
"I've got you, angel." He applied just a bit more pressure, keeping the same steady pace as he listened to every one of your moans get louder until you let out a breathless cry, your back arching as your thighs clamped around his hand. He kept his fingers moving inside you, his fingers feeling the gush of wetness your orgasm released.
Your breathing was heavy, your body buzzing from your orgasm. It wasn't your first orgasm, not at all, but it was your first given to you by someone else and it felt better than anything you'd ever felt before. You opened your eyes to see Jack watching you in adoration, making you blush and look away with a shy smile. He chuckled a bit, pulling his hand from between your legs.
"Have you ever tasted yourself?" You shook your head. You never thought about it before. He brought his now soaked fingers to your lips and you hesitantly took just the tips between your lips, tasting the bland fluid before pulling away with a scrunched face. It didn't taste like much, a bit salty in your opinion. He chuckled and took the digits fully between his lips, moaning at the taste.
"I can't wait to taste you properly." He stated, pulling away to move down your body, but you reached out to stop him, slightly uncomfortable with the thought of having him eat you out.
"Jack... not this time?" Your statement came out more like a shy question.
"Sure, angel. Whatever you want." He was quick to reassure you that you were in charge. "Next time." He promised with a wink, making your face burn at the thought.
"You know," you cleared your throat, "It's unfair that I'm the only one naked." You pointed out, snapping the waistband of Jack's basketball shorts against his hip as he had done to you earlier.
"I couldn't agree more! Where are my manners, princess," he was eager to get naked, jumping up from the bed to take off the final barrier. He jumped back into bed, making you bounce and giggle at his theatrics.
"Better?" He wiggled his eyebrows at you, completely exposed without a single care in the world. You lowered your gaze to your hands in your lap, bashful to take a peek of what the fabric had held covered all this time.
"You can look, you know. I don't mind. I'm all yours." He reassured you. You looked up at his face for a moment, his smile was kind and reassuring. You slowly allowed your eyes to trail down his body, gasping once you saw his hard dick, both long and wide. You glanced back at him with wide eyes, nervous of how that was meant to fit inside you. You had obviously seen a dick, granted not in person, but you've seen them nonetheless. Your girlfriends always reassured you that the size of dicks in real life were significantly smaller than the intimidating ones in porn. But here laid Jack, with a dick big enough to have its own category in porn.
"I..., is that...,will it...," you couldn't form a sentence as you tried to look away from it, but couldn't. It was pretty, almost mesmerizing as you watched it bob under its own heavy weight. You looked back up at Jack, a proud smirk on his face.
"Don't worry, it'll fit." He winked, reading your mind and answering your most pressing question. He got up on his knees, coming to sit in front of you so you could get a closer look. You took a moment to gaze upon the naked male figure in all its glory; Jack truly looked sculpted, carved from the finest marble. You'd never seen a naked man in person, but you were glad that Jack was the first.
"Can I...?" You glanced down at his length and back up at his eyes. He nodded and smiled encouragingly. You started your descent from his shoulders, getting up on your knees in front of him for better leverage. Your hands working their way down the contours of his body, tracing the veins and muscular outlines until you reached his happy trail. You skipped touching his dick, opting to massage both of his thighs, feeling the powerful muscles under your hands. You finally found the courage to trace a finger from the base to the tip, swirling your finger around the bulbous head making Jack hiss at the sensitivity.
"I'm sorry!" You pulled your hand away, but he brought it back, encouraging you to hold the base of him.
"It's okay, it's just sensitive. Just be gentle." He informed you. You held him in your palm, handling him gently as instructed. You didn't do much, afraid of hurting him in some way, but you stroked him a bit, enjoying the way eyes closed and he groaned. You pulled your hand away from him, gently laying it on his thigh as his eyes reopened.
"You're really pretty, Jack." You shyly complement, referring to the face he made when you were pleasuring him just moments ago.
"Not as pretty as you, my love." He smiled and pulled you in for a short kiss. He pushed you back against the bed, reaching over to his night stand to grab a small foil packet. You lifted yourself on your elbows and watched him with curiosity as he opened the wrapper, positioning it on the head of his dick. You reached out your hand, placing it on the latex and attempting to roll it down, but you were unsuccessful alone, looking at an amused Jack for assistance as he helped guide your fingers to lower the rubber down his length.
"Thank you, my little assistant." He teases as he came to hover over you again. "Hmm, maybe we can role play that some day." He mused, making you giggle and roll your eyes. By now you knew that he was just trying to keep you out of your head with a few jokes.
"You ready, angel?" He asked you with soft eyes. You nodded to him, but you knew that he would want to hear you say it.
"I trust you." You reminded him again, ready to take this next step with him. Jack lowered himself between your legs, you found a comfortable position with them on either side of his waist. You felt him rub himself between your folds, the abundance of slick coating him to aid in his insertion. You felt the bulbous head press at your entrance, pressing and pulling back a few times before finally pressing in at a slow pace. You closed your eyes as you felt Jack's forehead rest against yours.
"You're doing so well, baby. So good." He whispered, his lips grazing yours as he spoke the words. You tried to keep your breathing steady, focusing on his words as he spoke to you. There was a stinging as he stretched you open, your body tensing at the foreign intrusion, causing Jack to pause.
"You just gotta relax f'me, okay?" His words were strained as he fought the urge to bury himself in your wet heat. He'd waited months for this, willingly and happily of course, but nonetheless waited months to experience this. He placed kisses around your face, kissing away the lone tear from the corner of your eye.
"So... you come here often?" He joked, making you choke out a giggle at his silliness. Only Jack could make the most intimate and vulnerable moment of your life light and easy. Once your fit of giggles died down, Jack decided to test the waters and press in further, pressing in to about the halfway point before he heard a pained cry escape your lips.
"I know, baby, I'm sorry. If I could take the pain away, I would." He promised, you nodded your head against his, knowing that he meant every word of it. You kept your eyes closed, your face scrunched as you felt the girth of him stretch you open.
"Just keep going, J. It's okay." You told him.
"We can wait, there's no rush."
"No, Jack. Just do it, please. I want to get this part over with." You weren't sure what was worse, the burn of the stretch or sitting in anticipation. You'd rather just rip the bandaid and get it over with.
"Please, Jack. I want to feel you." You looked up at him with pleading eyes. You knew he was hesitant about hurting you, he hated that he's already hurt you and hated the fact that he was about to do it again. He nodded, leaning down to kiss you as he slid the rest of the way in, making you cry out. He was swift with his movements, pressing in fully and groaning at the feeling, his thighs shaking as he ducked to nuzzle into your neck. He felt guilty that what brought him intense pleasure also brought you pain. He pulled away from your neck, pressing a kiss to your cheek and asking if you were okay, you just nodded and looked away from him.
He rested his head on your cheek, the two of you panting in each other's embrace before he moved to capture your lips with his. His arms came to cradle you to his body, kissing you passionately. As your body relaxed you began moving against the pressure inside you, rocking your hips gently. Jack pulled his head away from you, watching your face as you continued to move your hips; your eyes were shut, brows furrowed, mouth in an O shape as you took in the foreign sensations between your legs. You felt Jack nudge his nose against yours, getting your attention, your eyes fluttering open to meet his.
"You okay, princess?" His eyes searched yours. You nodded and smiled at him, your hips finding a rhythm that felt good as you continued to rock against him.
"I wanna feel you, Jack." You shyly whispered, not knowing how to ask him to move. He took your hint, pulling back his hips just a bit before pushing back into you, the two of you moaning. He continued like that, each thrust pulling out a little further, pushing in a little harder, testing the waters, carefully analyzing your reactions.
"Oh God, Jack," you couldn't help but moan in his ear. You had never felt something like this, the fullness of him inside you reaching a place you truly didn't know existed. You had heard about sex, read about sex, watched it, but nothing could compare to the actual feeling of it. The connection, physical, emotional, spiritual, was indescribable. You held on to Jack as he expertly worked your body, angling your hips as he continued thrusting and grinding a place so deep inside you. Each thrust wound the coil in your abdomen up tighter and tighter, his lips attacking any exposed skin that he could kiss, his hands caressing your body in a way no man had ever done before. It was all enough to have you crashing over the edge, a fire licking its way from your core to the tips of your fingers and toes, waves crashing over you again and again, your body drowning yet your spirit being brought to life all at the same time.
You held on to him, your legs wrapping around his waist, arms around his neck as you tried to catch your breath. You were sensitive all over, your body shaking and twitching with what felt truly like electricity. As you regained your awareness, you let your muscles relax, slowly releasing him and letting your limbs collapse onto the bed. You felt Jack pull out of you, falling over to your side as he pulled you close to his sweaty body, a kiss delicately placed to your forehead as he caught his breath.
You looked at his beautiful face, his skin completely flushed as he laid there with closed eyes. You watched him for a bit before having a curious thought.
"Jack?" You called to him. He just hummed in acknowledgment. "Did..., did you, um..., uh-," you weren't sure how to ask him.
"I did," he chuckled, opening his eyes to look at your curious face.
"You did?" Even though you felt embarrassed, you still wanted to make sure he was satisfied.
"Yeah, baby. You were probably too into your own orgasm to realize I came too." He teased, making you blush.
"Sorry," you apologized, feeling a little selfish for not paying more attention to him.
"No need to apologize, baby. Just means we've gotta do it again." He wiggled his eyebrows as he came to lay over you. You giggled, brushing his sweaty curls out of his face to kiss him.
"You did so good, angel. So proud of you." He whispered, his tone soft but serious. You blushed and thanked him, if it weren't for his patience, this experience could have gone in a completely different direction.
"So... what was that idea about you being my assistant, hm?" He teased, going back to his silly self and making you giggle.
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gghostwriter · 2 months
I feel terrible for asking when your requests are closed bur Holy shit this is my real life and I need some loving.
I have a court case soon about putting a p*do in jail that I dobbed in, I'd live to have the team with me in court. I don't have to talk on the stand since he's already pled guilty but if we don't have a hang judge he'll most likely get home detention and on the Registry. My friends and I are hoping for jail bur yeah, I'd love to have the team soothing my anxieties as he doesn't know it was me that dobbed him in (I met him once) I need some loving and reassurance. Like I'm glad I got him done in but still seeing it go down I'm just messed up
Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader Trope: Established Relationship; Fluff and comfort Word Count: 0.9k A/N: Anon, I hope this brings you comfort! I also want to personally say that you did the right thing and I know it took a lot of courage to report that sick sick man to the authorities and I’m so proud of you. Do let me know the outcome of the trial and I’m hoping the case was assigned to a hang judge for harsh punishment. Main masterlist
Sentencing. // Spencer Reid
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You dreaded to be here. Here being standing outside the judiciary building as the reason why burdened your chest like a twenty tonne weight making it hard to breathe. The anxiety was wafting out of you in waves—you wanted to vomit or pass out or both from the idea that there’s a fifty percent chance of justice not being serve. The numbers were wrong, you knew, but you were not your genius boyfriend who can chatter off the correct statistics based on government reports. You were just you—a regular civilian who took the courage to report a crime and do stand up for the victim. Spencer was proud of you and the grit it took to stand up for another specially for the young but here, right now, you felt anything but brave. 
A hand slid into yours, making you jump in fright.
“Spence?” You questioned your sanity then. It was a weekend and although that meant no work for him, his phone had rang and the both of you parted ways at the subway, him going to Quantico and you going to the court trial. So the idea that he was here, standing beside you seemed too ludicrous. A figment of your strained imagination possibly before his cedar wood perfume registered in your mind. “Are you real—I mean, what are you doing here?” 
He squeezed your hand. “I called back Hotch and he convinced Strauss to give the case to the other team. You’ve been nervous for the past few days, picking on your nails—” bringing up your hand to see the nail beds dry and pink “—biting on your lips—” touching them as he observed the faint teeth marks “—and not being able to focus—” pushing away a stray lock of hair that escaped your haphazardly tied bun. “—I want to be here for you and remind you that you did the right thing.”
“I know that. It’s just—what if the judge assigned to the case doesn’t give a harsh sentence? What if he just gets registered as a sex offender and walks?” 
“According to the statistics, 87% of convicted rapists are incarcerated while 13% receive a probation sentence. Pedophilia is also widely considered as one of the most egregious crimes by the system and the fact that he has already pled guilty gives a higher chance of imprisonment,” he rattled off as his own way of comfort. 
For some, the daunting two digit number minority seemed big, and it is, but you trusted his insight especially knowing his own experiences in the field of protecting the weak and capturing the sick.
The numbers had it’s desired effect, lifting a bit off the weight dragging you down. You pressed your lips together and took a deep breath. “Okay, let’s go.” 
He squeezed your hand three more times—a silent communication between you two that meant I love you as he pulled you in the assigned court room. 
You occupied the last few rows, noting the family members of the victim also in attendance and although Spencer had calmed a bit of your nerves, each tick of the clock mixed with the palpable tension in the confined space had you shaking your knee in agitation. All of this combined made you unaware of the multiple presences that slid behind your bench. It took Spencer letting go of your hand and turning his head to bring you back to the present.
You swiveled, curious as to what had caught his attention, and breathed a sigh of relief.
It was the rest of the team.
Hotch reached out to squeeze your shoulder while Dave did the same on the other. Derek and Emily gave you a nod of encouragement and sweet smiles from JJ and Penelope.  It made you want to tear up to feel such love, support, and reassurance from Spencer’s chosen family. 
Unsure on how to put your gratitude into words, you gave a brief smile before turning back to the front as the judge entered the bench.
The gavel echoed, effectively silencing any chatter of the audience.
Court was officially in session. 
The twenty tonne weight that sat on your chest lifted as the judge sentenced the accused to fourteen years in prison with no chance of parole. The scene of each family members of the victim crying and hugging each other in elation and relief made the steps you took worth it. Children deserved to hold on to their innocence for as long as they could and they warrant the protection from any concerned adult and the system.
Stray tears escaped the confines of your eyes as Spencer placed a kiss on your forehead before leading you out of the building, all decorated agents in tow.
“Hey Rossi, we should have dinner at your house to celebrate,” Emily cheekily suggested once everyone was out on the steps. The same steps you were hyperventilating on a few hours ago.
Dave scoffed. “Fist of all, it’s a mansion and second of all, what is it with this team inviting themselves over?” 
Derek laughed. “Aw c’mon man, we know you’d love to host us. JJ can bring Will and the kids and Hotch can bring Jack. It’ll be fun plus Y/N—” nodding in your direction “—deserves a good Italian dinner after all of this, don’t you think?”
Dave took note off all the members nodding their heads in agreement before sighing. “Fine, I’ll whip us up some Bolognese pasta, our Bambina’s favorite over here. Come by at 7pm sharp or else I’m locking the gates.” 
Everyone cheered and soon parted ways, promising to see each other later on, leaving you and Spencer leisurely walking to the subway station.
He squeezed your hand again three times and smiled. “You make me so proud of you. So so proud.” 
“Thank you for being there with me Spencer,” you squeeze in return. “I really appreciate it.”
“Anything for you, love. Anything at all.”
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Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
I'm so glad you like it! Honestly, I'm pretty jealous as well. Though, I don't doubt he has the white noise generator and uses it on more than just those trips. Could you imagine Bruce and the other Bats going to the Supers, Clark, Kon, Kara, and Jon (who if I remember correctly has the best ears out of all of them) and when asked to track him down by sound, all of them are just like, "Red Robin? Oh no we can't do that." and when asked why, Clark gets nervous and says, "well. None of us have ever been able to hear his heart beat. We don't know what tech or magic he uses but *none* of us have ever been able to hear his heart. Not since he was 15. I asked you one time why I couldn't hear him and you just hummed at me!"
Meanwhile panic is rising in not just the hero community, but also the villain one. Red Robin has a *lot* of connections and if someone took or heaven forbid killed him? The Gothem Rouges remember what happened when the second Robin died, they know how bad Batman got. Now the Robin who saved them from him is gone? And now Nightwing and Red Hood and Spoiler and all the rest are on a Hunt, getting more violent like Batman did? Oh no, they are all going into hiding until this blows over.
Then there's also the villains connected to members of Young Justice. The Flash's Rouges Gallery hears that one of the Mini Speedsters is in a grief spiral and could end up seriously hurting them because one of his best friends has gone missing and is presumed dead? Fuck No. They are keeping their noses clean until it's done. So are the people who tend to antagonize Metropolis because Kon is *not* holding back. He grabbed Matallo and used his TTK to make him fall into thousands of pieces and then just stared down at him with a cold look of anger before leaving. Dr Light when to the ER when he tried to mess with the Teen Titans while both Dick and Damian were still on call and Tim was missing.
On day four of Tim being missing, Damian's head suddenly snaps up and he says, "I need to check a tracker." and the rest of the Bats follow him to the bat computer. When asked what he is doing, Damian admits, "a few years ago when I still hated Timothy, I put a tracker inside of his favorite camera, which he just so happened to bring with him on his trip. It may still be there and if he has his camera-" a few moments later, there is a ping on the screen showing the tracker is o the move, currently crossing the boarder from Kentucky into West Virginia. Tim has no idea what hell is coming for him, mostly because he figured that the Bats knew he did this every other month to unwind and relax. Traveling on a train for 4 to 6 days is his version of a vacation.
Glad for the add on. However, I think the angst reason for Tim "not having a heartbeat" would be because Kon died.
After Kon died, Tim created the machine to make sure no one else could hear his heartbeat (especially because Kon wasn't around for that anymore). When Kon came back, it was still a rough time for Tim. He was practically a feral and distrustful raccoon. Since he's still working on trusting people again, his heartbeat is still hidden (plus Kon hasn't brought it up, so Tim kind of forgot).
The stuff about the rogues is so true! That's why a few fanworks call Tim the "heart" of the batfam. I think all members play important roles and will similarly be missed. The heart comment is a cute nod to his role as a bridge and leash (he helped B obtain a larger support group and prevented him from killing people).
I like that this has Damian being the one to find out. Though Tim is grateful there's was a way for his family to find him while they were freaked out (he thought they knew about it), he's also exasperated at the tracker's existence. He probably pulls a prank on Damian for it.
Also, Tim 100% brings this incident back up with Bruce whenever the man complains about Tim's habit of overworking. He looks his father in the eyes and says, "The last time I took a vacation, you freaked out and mobilized the entire hero community to find me." They both know that's not what happened, but Tim is also not wrong.
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itsjustrosee · 5 months
hiii love, not sure if you’re taking requests for Minho (maze runner) but if you are, could you write one where shy fem reader gets caught in a situation where her shirt accidentally rips up in front of everyone in the glade (you can choose the interesting situation of how that occurs lol) and she is bare, then feels vulnerable cause the gladers start whistling and stuff but Minho immediately takes his shirt off and covers her to protect her.
She feels safe with him and he is protective of her even though they haven’t talk much as she hardly sees him cause he’s a runner- mutual pining ig 🥰. And maybe it could end in some spice hehehe
stop it this is literally such a cute prompt I squealed when I read this. And spice is my specialty so I'm glad you asked me to include that😜. I hope I've done your idea justice!! And yes I am always taking requests and looking for new things to write so honestly ask away!!
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PROTECTIVE (Minho x fem!reader (one-shot))
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Context: Pre Thomas, look for summary above ^
Warnings: Cursing and spice
Word count: 2.8k (sorry this one was a bit short)
! I proof read but there might still be spelling mistakes !
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Being the only girl in the glade was definitely a struggle at times. Obviously Alby had set up rules and regulations for all of the other gladers to follow to try and make you feel as comfortable and welcomed in the glade as possible, but there was only so much he could do. Though no one had tried anything physical with you, you always found a way to overhear hushed conversations regarding you and your body.
However, during your time in the glade you were able to become close with Chuck, Newt, and a few other boys. You could always find yourself laughing and hanging out with them the way they did with everyone else. They never treated you differently just because you were a girl, which is what you had grown to greatly appreciate.
You had been in the glade for a little while. In fact, today had been the 4th month since your arrival, and you knew this because a new greenie ascended from the box this morning.
His reaction getting out of the box was to be expected. He gave the normal theatrics, looking like he was about to have a panic attack, asking question after question, and then actually having a panic attack. But unfortunately he was harder to calm down then most. And being keeper of the medjacks, and baring the title of, 'the caring one' around the glade, it was up to you to calm him down. You didn't mind it though, he was a really sweet kid and he didn't even look to be much older then Chuck.
"I feel bad for the poor greenie." Newt sighed before continuing. "I mean, I feel bad for everyone who has to come down here and deal with the whole 'trapped in a maze' bit, but he's just really young." Newt explained while he plucked a blade of grass from the ground and held it in his hand. You and Newt always tended to come and hang out by the garden whenever neither of you were out working. And because you were finally able to get the new guy to calm down, he was taking a nap on one of the beds in the medhut, and since the medhut had been particularly slow otherwise, you and Newt were able to talk a bit before dinner and the bonfire.
"Yeah, I get what you're saying." You say with an exhale. "It's still difficult to come to terms with this whole thing, even after being here for a few months." Newt gave you a silent nod after you said that and neither of you said anything afterwards.
Newt was always good company. Neither of you had to talk and fill the air with conversation because being silent around each other was almost comforting in a way.
The silence between the both of you had been broken though, when you both saw Minho and the rest of the runners run out of the maze and begin jogging towards you both, probably heading to the maze room. The maze doors began to close, incasing you in glade for yet another night.
As Minho passed you and Newt, he greeted both of you with a wave and continued to jog past you.
Though you have been in the glade for a bit, you and Minho had never really spoken to each other before. Your schedules definitely didn't allow for you guys to talk to each other, considering he was always in the maze and you were always in the medhut. However, there was something about him that totally drew you in, you just didn't know what it was.
"Someone has a crush, huh?" Newt said with a smirk as he turned his head to look at yours. Immediately you turned your attention back to Newt.
Shit you were totally staring at Minho just then.
"A crush? Your talking like a child right now Newt." You say with a bit of an attitude.
"Well it's not like you're denying it." Newt says with a chuckle as he begins to stand up from his sitting position on the ground.
"Oh slim it." You say while rolling your eyes and taking Newts hand as he helped you up so you can both start heading to dinner.
Both you and Newt woke up the greenie and took him to dinner, and the evening continued like any other. Everyone was welcoming of him and it was good to see him laughing and actually talking to people.
Eventually, Gally and a couple others began to set up for the bonfire, so you took the quick opportunity to freshen up in your hut. It was honestly really nice of Alby to force Gally and the other builders to make you one just so you felt like you had enough privacy.
You changed into a pair of shorts and changed out of your tank top. You put on one of your favorite/ only shirts, which was the perfect balance of baggy yet tight on you. It was going to get colder throughout the night so you wanted to have a bit more clothing on, and you also couldn't stand the idea of being in your tank top for another second. Definitely not after sweating your ass off in it the entire day.
You joined up with everyone else and soon the festivities began. Everyone, including yourself, was drinking Gally's very shity brew and of course the greenie almost puked after one sip. Needless to say, the drink was a bit of an acquired taste, but he would get used to it. Gally was playing that stupid wrestling game with the rest of the gladers and everything was going as per usual.
You had found yourself a seat on a bench next to Newt, and you allowed your back to rest on the bench, letting out a sigh as you began to relax. You sat closer to everyone else than where you would normally sit, because you were still trying to keep your eye on the greenie. Minho, Chuck, and a group of about 10 others were sat down with you on surrounding benches. Voices and jokes filled the air and your stomach began to hurt from laughing so much.
It was times like these that mattered most when you were in the glade. It reminded you that though you were all trapped here, at least you were making the best of it. Without this type of structure, you'd bet that even Alby would've gone mad by now.
"Hey I'm going to get another drink, do you mind coming with?" Newt asked me, already up out of his seat and in front of me.
"Yeah sure, I could use another glass anyways." You explained while taking his hand.
All of this would've been fine if your shirt hadn't snagged on a loose nail from the bench.
As newt pulled you up from your seat neither of you had realized what had happened until way too late, the damage was already done by that point. Your shirt wasn't made out of the best material, so the entire thing had completely ripped off of you.
So there you were. Stood in front of an enormous group of boys wearing nothing but your bra, which only provided the bare minimum amount of coverage.
Apparently the rip from your shirt was loud enough to earn the attention of everyone, even Gally's group who was stood further away from you. It took you, along with everyone else, a moment to fully comprehend the situation. And in that moment you would've been more then happy if a griever showed up and swallowed you whole. Nothing compared to the amount of embarrassment you were feeling in that moment. Especially not when you began to hear whistles and laughs from some of the boys.
By this point you had both of your hands covering your chest, and your mind was completely blank. What the hell were you even supposed to do in a situation like this? It would take you ages to live this down, and of course something like this had to happen right when you thought everyone was getting over the fact you were a girl.
Newt stood there staring at you along with everyone else in the group of people who were sitting with you. You could see a couple guys in front of you let out laugh a laugh, which only caused your eyes to well up with tears.
You had never cried in the glade. Not once. You couldn't let yourself.
You didn't cry when you arrived from the box, or even when you were ostracized for being the only girl. But still you couldn't help but feel so utterly humiliated.
Even though it had felt like you stood there on display for hours, it had only been at least five seconds since your shirt had ripped off. Before anyone else could turn their heads to look at you, Minho got up suddenly.
He took his shirt off quickly while walking over to you, and you took your arms away from your chest, allowing him to pull his shirt onto you so you were no longer stood half naked in front of anyone. You were shocked by his gesture. Out of all the people in the glade, you had never thought he would be the one to protect you like this, but you were thanking god he did.
As he stood towering over you for a couple more seconds you couldn't help but take in what he looked like shirtless. And jeez, lets just say all this running he does pays off. He looked like he had been carved out of stone by the gods. His abs looked chiseled on, and you were going absolutely feral for it. In the most respectful way possible though of course.
Half of the glade looked just as shocked as you, and the rest looked disappointed. You heard groans and curses from Gally's group, as if they were annoyed with Minho.
"Oh come on Minho, you really had to ruin it for everyone, huh?" Gally said, and it was obvious that he was already through multiple glasses of his moonshine. His snarky comment was warranted by a couple of snickers and laughs from the other boys sitting with him. Minho turned around to face him and at this point they were stood with a bit of distance between each other, but still not much. And it was safe to say that Minho looked like he was about to maul Gally.
"What did you just say?" Minho questioned, his voice dark and menacing as he began taking steps towards Gally.
"Oh what, you going to defend your girlfriend?" Gally contested while slurring and hiccupping between words, getting in Minho's face as he said it.
"She doesn't have to be my girlfriend for me to treat her like a normal shucking person, Gally." Minho said while firmly standing his ground.
It was quiet for a moment before any other response was made. You and the rest of the glade were just staring at them, and honestly you were thankful that the attention was finally off of you.
If it wasn't for Alby pulling the two boys apart, the night would've ended with someone bloody and bruised, and someone, or both of them, ending up in the pit.
Alby pushed Gally away and grabbed onto Minho's shoulder as he led Minho back over to me. "Minho take (Y/N) back to her hut and get her situated. I'll deal with Gally." Alby says, clearly annoyed with what the night had turned into.
You and Minho both silently began walking back to your hut. You wanted to thank him, you needed to thank him, but you just didn't know how you were going to. As he opened the door to your hut and both of you stepped in, he closed the door and you just stood looking at him. You were still flustered from him being, you know, without a shirt, but you had to compose yourself.
"Thank you Minho. For um- you know, giving me your shirt and stuff." You say while looking at the ground, your cheeks red from embarrassment as you painfully recall the whole situation.
"It was no problem really." Minho said as you looked back up at him.
"Yeah it's just- I don't know what I would've done without you-" And although it sounded cliché, you meant it. Your voice began to break after trying to continue, your words getting caught in your throat. Before you could compose yourself enough to say anything else, Minho brought you into his arms gently, and hugged you. His warm embrace made you feel safe and secure, and immediately your worries washed away as you hugged him harder. You buried your head into his chest and wrapped your arms around his waist and he wrapped his around yours.
You could've stayed like that for hours, but you forced your head away from his chest and looked up at him, staring deep into his eyes and he did the same. There was a thick tension in the air as you felt the temperature in your hut increase.
Minho tucked a piece of your hair back behind your ear, "I'll always be here to protect you." Minho says while giving you a genuine smile, your stomach doing somersaults as you completely folded under his gaze. As your eyes followed his for a moment longer, you noticed them glance at your lips and before you could even process it, he kissed you.
You stood there shocked and bewildered, this night had been an absolute rollercoaster of fucking emotions and you were not prepared for it once so ever.
After not reciprocating the kiss Minho pulled away, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to- I don't want it to seem like I'm taking advantage of you or something- I-" But before he could finish his sentence you kissed him back, your lips merging into his completely, as if you were two magnets that were completely drawn together naturally.
The kiss was passionate yet gentle, and you practically melted into him. You let his tongue explore the inside of your mouth and your lips worked against his in unison. For all you knew, Minho was the first boy you had ever kissed, and you were totally fine with that. You didn't even need to kiss any other boy to know that Minho did it best.
You took one of your hands and kept it on his back, caressing his muscles on his upper back. While your other hand found it's way to his nape and you began to take his hair between your fingers, tugging at them more whenever he kissed you harder.
He kept one of his hands by your waist and the other at your back, trying to bring you as close to him as he possibly could. He held you as if you were the only thing worth holding onto, and he was never willing to let you go.
You could feel the heat radiating off of Minho as he pinned you against one of the walls in your hut next to the door. You were left completely breathless once Minho pulled away, biting at your bottom lip as he then continued to kiss you down your jaw. You could feel him begin to suck at the sensitive part part of skin between your neck and collar bone, causing a small whimper to escape your mouth.
Minho continued to kiss down your collar bone and as low as your shirt's neck line would let him. You could feel his kisses become more sloppy and desperate. It was as if he couldn't wait to get his hands on more of you, and you couldn't wait to give yourself in to him.
You pushed him off and quickly took off your shirt, tossing it to the ground as Minho stared at you. He put his arms around you again and smirked as he began to kiss you, more hungrily this time.
"I'll never let anyone else in the glade see you like this again. I promise." He said between kisses. The sincerity in his voice was prominent.
You could tell that all of what Minho had said was true. If any other boy tried to touch you, or even look at you in the wrong way, he would be there to protect you.
In that moment you had realized that no one would be able to make you feel the way Minho made you feel. He satisfied all of your desires and he fulfilled you in ways you didn't even know were possible. You were everything he wanted, and he was everything you wanted. But more importantly, he made you feel safe, like as long as you were in his arms he would never let anything bad happen to you.
Then suddenly, there was a nock on the door. Then it swung open abruptly.
"Hey um (Y/N), I really wanted to apologize for earlier-" But before Gally could say anything else, he turned his head and saw you and Minho, half naked and pressed against each other.
"Oh shuck- I didn't mean to- I'll leave now." And with that, he was out of the door as quickly as he entered it.
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ok guys heres another!! I really hoped that yall liked it. I had quite the fun time writing this and I think it turned out pretty well!
btw I'm going to start working on pt.2 to stranded, and I should have it finished relatively soon, but I've never written smut before so that's going to be quite interesting. But seriously thank you to everyone who wrote nice things under that post you have no idea how much it means to me ❤️❤️
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strawhbrrries · 1 year
pairing: tattoo artist!frank castle x afab!reader
summary: frank castle was praised for his work constantly, leading you to get a thigh piece. which then leads you into a problem because your artist is so fucking attractive
warnings: cussing, masturbation (m and f), fingering, frank with no shirt, tattooed frank!!!, no use of y/n or description of reader, not proofread 
word count: 2732 words
author’s note: this has been a looooong time coming so i'm excited to finally be able to share it with you guys!! i hope it does the drabble that started it some justice. dedicated to the sweet anon that requested it be turned into a full fic! please enjoy! mwah!
tags: @kloofspeaks
inspired by this drabble!
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Your wallet was burning a hole in your pocket, a big gaping tattoo shaped hole. To match the tattoo shaped hole in your wallet was a perfect spot on your thigh just begging to be decorated, but your current artist was booked so far out and you needed it now. 
“Just go to this guy.” Your friend mentioned, giving you the contact information for one of the artists at the studio they frequented. His work was insane, you spent an entire week looking and relooking at all the pictures he posted before ever working up the courage to email him, he was faceless and you assumed he was some old man who’d been in the game a long time.
You couldn’t be more wrong.
“Can I help you?” A deep voice snapped you back to reality, you had gotten side tracked looking at all the art on the wall from all the artists in the studio. The guy you were seeing, Mr. Castle, had the best work though and you were glad your friend had mentioned him. 
You turned around and immediately wanted to hide, a very handsome man with a tall stature was the source of the voice. It made your panties wet and made you want to rub your thighs together to relieve the building tension, not that it would help but you sure could try. He was rugged, in a gorgeous way, his hair was fluffy and fell over his ears but his jaw was sharp and complimented the style. His face was serious, not that he was trying to be but it made you nervous. Made you want to confess every bad thing you’d ever done out of sheer anxiousness, to fill the silence as he waited for your answer. You hoped he wasn’t your artist just for your sake, and maybe for your underwear.
“Yeah, uhm. I have a consultation with Mr. Castle.” Your voice was much softer than his, you looked down to avoid eye contact with him. To avoid spilling your guts to some handsome stranger who was probably married because how could he not be? 
“That’d be me.” For the first time since you saw him a smile appeared on his face, it complimented him more than the stoic look he carried. The blush that arose was almost embarrassing, he thought it was cute. “Just Frank though.”
“Huh?” You stopped listening after he mentioned he was your artist, the blood pumping in your ears being the only sound you heard. Of course you would end up with the world's most attractive man as your artist and of course he was going to be touching all over your legs, this was a cruel dream. You’d practically broken a finger from how hard you were squeezing your hands.
“Just call me Frank, Mr. Castle is my dad and I hate the formality.” He chuckled, writing something on the clipboard he’d been holding. You hadn’t noticed anything below his neck and now you were actively, and very obviously, checking him out.
His arms were veiny and filled with tattoos that disappeared under the sleeves of his shirt and poked back out at the neck before disappearing down his back, it seemed he had one big connecting tattoo but you couldn’t exactly ask him to strip in public. You couldn’t see his legs or his chest but you assumed they were also covered in tattoos, you wanted nothing more to learn about them all. 
“You can just follow me this way, the consultation won’t take long.” He cleared his throat, clearing the awkward air that hung between you. 
He walked to a booth all the way in the back and to the left, pulled the curtain closed after you walked in. Motioning to the chair that sat in the middle of the space you sat down and placed your purse on your lap, mentally cursing yourself for being so fucking awkward. This wasn’t your first tattoo so what was your problem? He was and you knew it. 
“Did you get the email I sent? I know my description of the idea was bad so I can explain it better.” You rambled, watching him sit on the swivel chair next to you and pick up an ipad from the counter that sat in the back. 
“Yeah, let me show you what I drew up and we can go from there.” He looked at you through his hair as he leaned his elbows against his knees, pulling up the drawing. He turned around and the ipad and handed it to you, chuckling when your eyes lit up at the design.
“It’s like you read my mind, holy shit. This is exactly what I envisioned.” For the first time since you saw him your voice was confident and loud, your eyes bright and your mouth a bright smile. He slowly took the ipad back and let out a laugh, god he was attractive.
“It’s what I do. Do you like it, does it need any change? If so I can fix those right now and then I can print it out and we can play with sizes.” He watched your face, he could almost see the gears turning in your head as you processed his words.
“It’s perfect, no changes.” You nodded, smiling big.
He printed out a few sizes and tested each of them against your thigh, he pretended not to notice the blush that only darkened in shade every time he touched you. You appreciated it, trying your best to regulate your breathing and the pounding your heart was doing. You worried if you’d be able to control yourself when it came to the actual tattoo, he would be touching you nonstop for an unknown amount of time. He settled on the middle size, taking up a big chunk of the free space you had but not so much it looked awkwardly big and not too little so it looked too small.
You had trusted him and set the date for your actual tattoo, two weeks from the day you went in. You spent every day and every night for the next two weeks thinking about him. If you were making breakfast you thought about how he liked his bacon cooked, his coffee, or if he even ate it at all. If you were showering you thought about the products he used and if he used a loofah or a rag, if he had separate conditioner and shampoo. When you laid awake at night, hands stuffed in your panties wanting to cry his name, you thought if he was doing the same. Came to the image of his smile and fell asleep to the sound of his voice playing in your mind.
He’d seen thousands of clients, tattooed plenty of attractive women, but nobody had been so stuck in his head like you. After he walked you to the door he went back to his booth, closed the curtain and fucked his hand like a teenage boy. Washed his hands in the bathroom and went to greet his next client like he wasn’t thinking about bending you over the counter. Having you ride him in the tattoo chair. Making you be quiet so no one else heard you. Shit, he was hard again. He didn’t know if his self control was strong enough to avoid hitting on you and being unprofessional the next time you came in. 
The day finally came, you had counted down the days and the minutes until you could see him again. There was this incessant need to see him and try to figure out the mysteries that stood behind Frank Castle. You asked him what kind of coffee he preferred, black, and picked it up on your way to the studio. The nerves were hitting you, not only would you be getting a decent sized tattoo but it’d be done by the most attractive man you’d ever seen. The man you’d spent two weeks masturbating to, this was going to be fun.
“God, this is just what I need this morning.” He groaned, taking the paper cup of coffee out of your hand and taking a long sip. “Typically I try not to drink caffeine on days I’m actually tattooing, makes the hand shake sometimes. I was up late last night so this is a must.”
“And I’m using it to get rid of the shakes.” You joked, taking a sip of your coffee and following him back to the booth. 
You’d opted to wear a yellow sundress, not by choice as it was one of the only clean articles of clothing you had that left your thigh relatively exposed. It was a choice you were now regretting, in the days leading up to the appointment you apparently did everything but laundry. Frank was trying his hardest to ignore it, he was insanely glad he’d walked in front of you. Had he been behind you he’d for sure stared at your ass the entire walk to his booth. He can’t deny that he hadn’t when he made you enter the booth before him, it was a glorious sight. He adjusted his pants before he did anything else, this was going to be a grueling few hours.
He carefully placed the stencil on your thigh, being careful to move the dress up just enough that it wasn’t in the way but not too much so your pussy was on display. He wished it was. He wanted to eat you out like it was his last meal. But he refrained. He’d been on his best behavior so far and he was determined to stay that way, no matter how much he wanted to hike your dress up and pull your panties down to your ankles. Once he finally was satisfied with the stencil placement he asked for your opinion, as it was going on your body forever and not his. You had him adjust the angle once before deciding it was perfect, he had to ask three times before you admitted you didn’t like the original placement.
The tattoo took three hours, three long hours of his hands touching you in the most non-sexual way but yet turning you on ridiculously. You were sure that by the time he’d wrapped your tattoo there was a large stain on the fabric of your panties, a part of you wanted him to see it and know he caused it. The other part was embarrassed. They were fighting to see which part would take over.
“Can I see your tattoos?” You asked softly, an attempt to stay with him longer and avoid going home. You knew you could just book another appointment but what fun would waiting be? You could just stall for as long as you could.
“Oh? Yeah, sure.” His face was shocked, like nobody in the entire world had ever asked to see the intricate tattoo that was drawn across his body. You refused to believe it.
You watched intently as he removed his shirt, your eyes following the lines that were revealed by the lack of fabric. He watched silently as you raked your eyes over his skin, a small hint of a blush covered his cheeks. He’d never had someone so curious about his tattoos and want to see them, it was odd to be the one in the spotlight. 
“Can I touch them?” You looked up at him, moving a bit closer as you waited for his response.
“Yeah…” He breathed out, quiet and waiting for the feeling of your hand on his skin. His breath hitched in his throat the second he felt it, the warmth of your hand felt incredible on his skin. 
You trailed your fingers over every line, starting from the bottom of his left arm and down his chest. Goosebumps followed closely behind your fingers, the contact was something unusual to him. Welcomed, but unusual. He watched you the entire time you marveled at the ink, answering every question you had. He’d had people be interested in the ink before but never to the extent you were, he appreciated it and would think about it forever. He’d think about you forever. 
“Frank…” You whispered, looking up at him as you placed a hand on his chest. 
He looked down at you and groaned, the self control he had was no longer a thing. The pink staining your cheeks and the way your eyes were glazed over and he hadn’t even touched you made him want to do bad things. He wanted to corrupt you, bend you to his will for only him to have. His head dipped down, softly placing his lips against yours. A small whimper escaped your lips as he brought a hand to cup the side of your face, switching positions with you on the counter. Now he had you pressed against it and was able to do whatever he desired.
He nipped at your bottom lip, swiping his tongue across it to soothe any pain. He’d slipped his other hand under your dress at the same time, rubbing the skin just above your panties. You leaned your hip into his touch, bringing the hand that was on his chest to his hair. Using it to ground yourself just a bit, the fact that you were making out with the man you lusted after for two weeks was insane. It felt like a dream.
“Can I touch you?” He mumbled against your lips, playing with the band of your panties. 
You shook your head yes and helped him slide your panties down, stepping out of them and scooting them to the side to be discovered later. He slid his middle finger between your lips, gliding it up and down a minute as he continued kissing you.
“You’re so wet, who did this?” He mocked, circling your clit a few times.
“You did.” You whimpered, trying to grind down against his hand for just a bit more friction.
“That right? Been thinking about me this whole time? Wanted me to help fix your problem?” He slid his middle finger inside of you, curling it against that wonderful spongy spot.
You couldn’t muster up a response no matter how badly you wanted to, his singular finger felt better than any of your fingers had for two weeks. This was everything you wanted and more. He chuckled at you, flattered that him barely doing anything set you off like it had. 
He pumped his finger in and out slowly, watching as your juices coated his finger. Enjoying the moans he was pulling out of you, even if they were trying to entice him into adding another finger. He gave in, the pretty noises you were making he just couldn’t resist. He would do anything in this moment to please you, if you had this effect on him for everything he’d be screwed. He added another finger, kissing along your jawline as he did so. You could’ve seen stars right then and there, if this was how full you felt from just his fingers you could only imagine the fullness from his cock.
He curled his fingers rhythmically with the pumping, using his thumb to circle your clit as best he could. The knot in your stomach that had formed the day you stepped into the studio was bubbling, you could feel it twisting and tightening. Your orgasm was on the tip of your tongue and it felt explosive, three more pumps of his fingers and your vision went white. His name falling off your lips like a mantra, like it was the only name you knew and you didn’t care if the rest of the studio could hear. He was making you feel so fucking good, you could scream it from the rooftops. 
Nearing the end of your orgasm he slowed his fingers down, placing one last kiss to your lips before completely removing them. You whined at the loss, feeling so empty now that they were gone. He smiled softly at the whine, washing his hands in the sink next to the counter before bringing a towel over to help clean up any mess.
“Do you do this with all your clients?” You joked, fixing the sweaty hairs sticking to your forehead.
“No, only you. Step in here in a sundress again and we’ll see what happens.”
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bartyssimp-riley-16 · 3 months
Punches and donuts - Jason Todd x Wilson!reader
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So much for dinner.
Bruce had hosted this year's holiday party at Wayne Manor and invited his entire extended found family, plus several members of the Justice League and their extended families in turn. Jason had been invited too, of course. He hadn't really wanted to go, but his brothers had convinced him. Loosen up, they'd said. It'll be fun, they'd said.
Well, it hadn't been. People had spent the night whispering about his presence. Bruce had made a halfhearted and ineffective attempt at shutting down the gossip. His brothers had all shot him apologetic looks. The air had grown heavy. Jason had stood up mid-meal, grabbed his coat, and left without a word. He'd probably made things awkward at the party, he knew, but right now, he didn't care. They should be glad he didn't blow up in their sanctimonious faces.
"Stupid dinner. Shouldn't have gone." He wasn't surprised that the streets were nearly empty. Everyone was home with their families, celebrating—even the criminals. The snow was coming down heavily now, and a fierce wind had picked up, blowing a flurry of white into his eyes. He blinked the snowflakes away and pulled his jacket closer around himself.
"F*ck me," he cursed, furious. The night kept getting worse. He didn't have a ride. Everyone was at that stupid party. He'd have to walk back. Just his goddamn luck.
A soft rustling behind him was the only warning he got. Jason spun around and his instincts kicked in, the adrenaline from his earlier anger propelling his fist forward, sending it flying toward the figure behind him. His knuckles collided with the figure's face, sending his attacker staggering backward.
Wait. That wasn't an attacker. "Oh, sh*t. Uh." God, tell him he didn't just break someone's nose. "F*ck. I'm sorry."
i hiss holding my nose, "fuck, Todd!"
"Oh, sh*t. You're bleeding."
Jason's annoyance with the fact that he'd just assaulted a bystander vanished in an instant, replaced by guilt and panic. He stepped forward to get a better look at the person in the dim streetlights. His brain had registered that it was a woman. Her hood was pulled up, making it difficult to see her face.
He gently took her wrist and pulled her hand away from her face. "Lemme see."
"Jason", i hiss softly, "careful"
It took a few seconds to register that he knew that voice, but when it clicked, Jason's eyes widened in horror.
"YN? F*ck."
He'd punched her. The realization hit him like a ton of bricks. It could have been worse, but it didn't change the fact that he'd hurt one of the very few friends he had.
Jason held her chin in his hands, tilting her head up to inspect the damage. "I didn't see you," he started, trying to rationalize, his eyes filled with remorse.
"yeah, figured", i chuckle
Jason let out a heavy exhale, relieved that she seemed calm and not, say, homicidal. She was making light of the situation, which probably meant she was okay, but he still felt awful all the same. "I didn't mean to, I thought you were—well, you know what I thought."
There was no point in trying to explain himself. He'd f*cked up. He just hoped he hadn't done any lasting damage and winced when he saw the blood dripping from her nose.
i smile, "its fine Todd"
"It's not fine."
If anything, her being so casual about it made him feel worse. She was being so nice, and he'd hit her. Punched her in the face. If she was anyone else, they'd probably be furious right now.
"I hurt you, Yn. I should've—I should've been more aware."
He released her chin and ran a frustrated hand through his hair. "Here." He pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket and offered it to her.
"thanks" i place the handkerchief against my nose," yah alright?" i huff softly.
He nodded, albeit reluctantly. "I'm fine. I'm worried about you more than me right now."
He watched as she pressed the handkerchief to her nose, feeling the guilt gnaw at him. He'd always had a short temper, but this incident was downright unacceptable.
"Is your nose broken?" he asked in a low voice, still watching her with a worried frown.
"nah, itll be fine, aint my first rodeo"
There was something about the casual, lighthearted way she talked about getting punched in the face that concerned him more than anything else.
"Yn," he said, his voice taking on a tone that was half-exasperated, half-serious. "This ain't funny, y'know. You just walked into a right hook. A heavy one, at that. It's probably not good that you're laughing right now."
i try holding back a smile, "aww are u concerned about me Todd?"
He rolled his eyes, his cheeks feeling a little warmer. "Don't make me regret worrying about you, Wilson," he shot back in a gruff voice, but there was no real annoyance behind the words.
"I punched you. This isn't fun and games. You—"
He stopped himself just in time before the word "deserve" spilled from his lips. He was grateful she was being so casual, but the fact remained that he'd hurt her.
""you" what?"
He froze for a moment, mentally kicking himself for letting the word almost slip out. He clenched his jaw, trying to find the right words.
"You...deserve better than this," he said finally, his voice low and quiet. "You deserve better than someone who can't tell the difference between you and a..."
An attacker. He swallowed the word down, feeling the weight of it on his tongue. He didn't want to explain why he'd been on edge, not that it would justify punching her in the face.
"can u stop? u sound like some sappy teenager, im fine, really - i am, okay?"
His shoulders slumped a bit, the tension leaving him as he realized that she wasn't going to let him beat himself up over this. He sighed, a hint of irritation in the sound. "Fine," he begrudgingly agreed. "I'll stop, but can you please stop acting like getting punched in the face is just another Tuesday?"
"-but it is, being a vigilante isnt easy, u should know"
He gave her a deadpan look. "I know that, Yn" he said with a roll of his eyes. "I'm not some newbie vigilante who hasn't taken a punch or two."
His expression softened a bit. "But just because we're used to getting hurt, that doesn't mean it's okay to brush it off when we do get hurt."
i smile," im okay, but are u? u left the dinner very...abruptly"
He averted his gaze, trying to act casual. "What's there to be okay about?" he quipped, shrugging. "Dinner was dull, the people were dull, and I had a damn headache. Had to get out of there."
"cmon, lets go be gloomy on a rooftop", i say in a mock deep voice
He couldn't help but snort at her silly imitation of his usual demeanor. "You're so damn annoying, you know that?" he said, but there was no genuine annoyance in his words.
"Alright, let's go be all brooding and edgy on a rooftop," he agreed with a light chuckle. i watch him amused.
He noticed her amused expression and shot her a reproachful look. "Stop looking at me like that," he grumbled, folding his arms over his chest. "like what?" i poke his arm
He sighed at her playful poke, resisting the urge to roll his eyes again. "Like you're enjoying this, like you find it amusing that I'm bothered,” he said. “I accidentally punch you, and you just laugh it off. Anyone else would be angry. But not you. You just find it funny."
"it is funny". His expression darkened at her nonchalant response. "Funny? It's funny that I hurt you? What's so funny about that, Yn?" he demanded, his voice rising with frustration and disbelief.
"u were so caught off guard" i chuckle softly, i nudge him playfully, "im okay"
He grumbled, letting out a long sigh. "Yeah, I was caught off guard, but that doesn't make it amusing." He looked at her, his expression still showing traces of irritation.
"I just...I don't like the fact that you're so casual about it. You didn't even get mad at me. Any other person would've been furious."
"want me to yell?" i ask jokingly
He couldn't help but roll his eyes at her offer. "No, don't be ridiculous," he retorted. "I just...I don't get why you're not angrier about this. You're just so...calm."
"if u wanna make it up to me, u can buy me donuts"
He raised an eyebrow at her request, surprise mixing with irritation. "Donuts? You want me to make it up to you by buying you donuts?" He shook his head incredulously. "Seriously, Wilson? Donuts? That's all it takes to make you not mad at me?"
"jelly filled, raspberry" He rolled his eyes, a scoff escaping his lips. "Jelly filled, raspberry, fine. Any other requests? Want me to tie a bow on the box too, while I'm at it?"
"sure", i muse
He could have strangled her with how blasé she was being, and now she had the audacity to demand a bow too. "You're insufferable, you know that?" he growled, a hint of a smirk on his face. i smile, "of course"
He shook his head, fighting back a sigh. "You're lucky you're cute," he muttered under his breath, realizing he was begrudgingly enjoying their banter. I grin at him, "think im cute?"
He tried to keep his expression neutral, but a hint of a flush crept across his cheeks. "Don't fish for compliments, Wilson," he grumbled, looking away from her gaze. "You know damn well you're cute."
i smile "damn right"
He rolled his eyes but couldn't suppress the hint of a smirk that tugged at his lips. "Arrogant, aren't you?" he retorted, but there was no genuine annoyance behind it.
"arrogant? me? yes" i joke.
"...can u buy me my donuts...tomorrow morning?"
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suugarbabe · 2 months
hi! can i request a one shot of you and theo but it’s a detective au where he’s your bf and he tries to seduce you by saying ‘there’s a clue in your panties. i need to inspect it😎 ends in smut. thanks xx
omgomgomg yes babe for suuuuure, i hope i do it justice!
a/n: possible sarcasm, possible old school wattpad smut
It had been a long day of waiting for you. waiting for your shift to be over, waiting for the dishwasher to get done, and now waiting for Theo to get home.
You knew his job could take a toll on his time, him being a detective and all, but it didn't stop you from missing him when he was gone. You were currently waiting on the couch, your favorite trash tv playing on the screen in front of you when you heard the familiar sound of Theo struggling with keys in the lock.
When he finally finally managed to open the door to your shared apartment you could help but tease, "The case of the locked door nearly stump you again detective?" Theo let out a soft laugh as he walked toward on the couch. He leaned down, a hand resting on ether side of your head on the back of the couch.
Theo was generously taller than you, but in this position he nearly encompassed you whole. His ocean eyes were entrancing as a smirk adorned his blush lips, "I think I might still be having some trouble, cara Mia, I might need to interrogate you."
You bit your lip to hold back a smile, "Oh? I'm willing to answer any questions, detective. scouts honor." You held up three fingers like you were swearing in. Theo didn't hide his growing grin, "I think you'll be a very helpful suspect." You raised your eyebrows at this, "Suspect huh? What kind of clues do you think you can get from me, sir?"
Theo couldn't help the low groan that left his throat, "You know I love it when you call me sir, tesoro...but i think there's a clue in your panties, and i need to inspect it." Without control a giggle left your lips, turning into a full on belly laugh, "Oh, Teddy...that was quite awful."
Quite quickly and unexpectedly Theo laid you down on the couch, him now hovering over you with both of your arms pinned above your head in one of his large hands. Theo ground his hips down, you feeling how incredibly hard he was from just the little bit of teasing. You let out a soft moan, getting immediately wet.
Theo placed his hand between your thighs, feeling the wet patch in your panties, "Is all this for me, amore? Did Detective Nott do this to you?" You nodded, "Please Theo, check my panties for the clue, I-I need you."
He let out a low moan, "I'll take that as a confession." Theo ripped your panties off your body, eliciting a gasp from you. He quickly undid his trousers with one hand, his large, long, hard cock sprinting free, tip leaking with precum. "Are you ready for me?" He asked, lips ghosting over the skin of your neck. You nodded vigorously, a small yes leaving your lips.
Theo spread your wetness over his member before sheathing himself inside your sopping wet core. His hips snapped against yours with desperate speed, the lewdness of the sound filling the room. Theo could feel your walls tightening around his hard cock, "Go ahead, princepesa, let go for him, cum around my big cock deep inside you." His permission is all your body needed to let go, summing hard around his member before you felt his hips stutter, his seed coating your walls full and deep.
Theo collapsed to his elbows in top of you, kissing your forehead sweetly, "I'm so glad you were a cooperative suspect, amore." You smiled up at him, batting your lashes, "Me too, detective."
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cross-my-heartt · 7 months
I just want to say I am SO glad they did Crosshair justice in these episodes. I was so afraid they'd do this thing Disney's become famous for of stripping great characters of their personality and making them these washed up, moody and incompetent dead weights that need a plucky protagonist to function and scold them into shape (there's a way to portray depression and recovery in media and it's not that).
But they pulled through!! They let Crosshair keep his resilience, his bite, his hard fought experience, his snark, those little cynical defense mechanisms of his (pushing people away for their own sake), the protectiveness and the fact that this man soldiers on until the mission is done. The way he took control of the situation and told Omega they'd keep going was just brilliant, I couldn't be happier with it.
Even more so because it would be so interesting to see immovable, cool headed Crosshair next to Hunter who's, understandably, become a reckless mess after all that worrying and impatience.
Overall I'm just so happy with what we have so far and I can't wait to see more, especially if they keep Crosshair in the foreground and don't relegate him to being 'side character number three', which doesn't seem to be the case for now. Fingers crossed!
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gojoidyll · 9 months
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I love Wrio too!! And thanks for requesting!! I didn't know that someone wanted a part 2 to this little angst oneshot XD
I hope you enjoy! <33
Just Being Nice Pt. 2
Pt. 1 can be found here.
Wriothesley x Reader / Neuvillette x Reader
Warnings | angst with comfort, use of "y/n"
Wriothesley knew, deep down, that what he had with Lumine wouldn't last. Especially once she got done with her business in Fontaine. The breakup between them was quick, to say the least. Though, Lumine did offer to let him join her. To have Wriothesley travel with her and help her find her brother. The offer, at first, was tempting, but he knew his place was in Fontaine. He knew his place was with the Fortress of Meropide.
Not to mention that the thought of leaving ... hurt for some reason. He couldn't quite place the feeling.
Whatever that feeling was.
So he tried to ignore the ache in his heart by delving more into his work. Everyone seemed to take notice how he took less and less breaks throughout the days that passed. Though, most did seem to see how he would relax just a little when you would come by with reports.
Everyone knew who you were. You worked as Neuvillette's second in command and were always tasked with giving and receiving reports to and from Wriothesley. It was how the the chief justice and the duke kept in touch with each other.
And Sigewinne took an immediate notice how Wriothesley started to count the days that you would show up over the next few months ever since the traveler left. It was cute.
"Has y/n ... shown up yet?"
It was a question that he found himself frequently asking, and at first he didn't know why. Well, until he went up to the surface one day for a 'personal day' as Sigewinne liked to call it.
The sun was bright, it made his eyes squint and try to adjust. The air felt too fresh, the breeze too cool. He started to miss the darkness the Fortress provided.
And as he was walking around, people avoiding him and him avoiding people, he came across a small patch of rainbow roses. They were pretty. And instead of thinking of Lumine. He thought of someone else. He thought of you.
His heart clenched at the mere thought of you. Made his breathing hitch and his eyes to sting.
Oh, archons. He knew what this feeling was. Over these past few months, he fell for you. Despite rejecting you all that time ago, you never once brought your personal life to work. You were professional, independent, and you never let your weakness show. Wriothesley liked that about you, and as you would visit him for work, it was only a matter of time before he felt the same way about you as you had about him.
But .. did you even feel that way- do you still love him?
"Your Grace?"
He heard your voice immediately, and he couldn't deny the pain he felt when you didn't call him by his name as he had asked you to when he first met you all that time ago.
Not to mention that it surprised him slightly to hear your voice here of all places. Out in the open, with bystanders walking past.
"Oh, y/n. I didn't know you would be here," he said as he turned to look at you, and he couldn't stop his the way his breath caught in his throat. You were all dolled up. You looked so pretty. The clothes you were wearing were way different from the usual work attire he saw you in.
You smiled, "the same can be said for you. It's unusual to see the great duke of the Fortress to be out and about like this."
He noted how your smile seemed happier. He was glad that you were starting to be your usual self again even if he wasn't the one to make you feel this way.
"Well, what can I say, Sigewinne has been continuously telling me to take a personal day, so here I am. And how about you? Are you also taking a personal day?"
You could immediately feel the way your face grew hot, the tips of your ears feeling as if they are on fire, "you could say that... I'm actually spending my off day with someone..."
"Yeah... I'm-," you seemed to gather any courage you had within yourself and took a breath, "I'm on a date."
He felt his ears start to ring as if someone had punched his lights out in boxing cage. His heart seeming to thump loud in his chest.
He opened his mouth to ask who you were on a date with, but his unanswered question was soon answered.
"Ah, there you are y/n."
A gentle hand patted your arm before sliding into your palm, your fingers intertwining with his own.
"Neuvillette, you're right on time."
"As always, y/n."
As always, Wriothesley thought, that means they went on more than one date.
"Wriothesley. It's odd to see you here."
He chuckled a bit and decided to hide his pain, "it seems it's odd to see any of us here since we three are usually known for being at our desks and hard at work. Anyway, I hope you two will enjoy your date, so if you'll excuse me."
He gave them a nod before turning to leave.
"See you at work tomorrow, Wriothesley!"
He smiled as he turned to wave at you, at least you called him by his name this time.
And even though he regrets not reciprocating your feelings all those months ago and foolishly being with someone who he knew was going to leave him one day to look for her brother ... he was also happy to see that bright smile on your face.
"Are you alright, y/n?"
You leaned your head against Neuvillette's shoulder, eyes trained on Wriothesley's retreating figure, "yeah, I saw him standing here all alone, so I was just being nice and decided to talk to him was all. Besides, I promise I'm ok. I'm with you now, remember?"
You stood on your tippy-toes and placed a gentle kiss to Neuvillette's jawline since you weren't quite able to reach his cheek.
Neuvillette was at a loss for words by your declaration, but seeing as how it didn't rain for the coming weeks - it was safe to say you had a positive impact on his life.
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eefkakis · 2 months
.𝐄𝐫𝐞𝐭 𝐩.𝟐 :𝔼𝕝𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕣𝕚𝕔 𝔹𝕠𝕠𝕘𝕒𝕝𝕠𝕠.
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Finally, I can upload the colored still image from the comic! I'm, really proud of how everything came out and hopefully, I've done Eret the justice he deserves.
I think our mans here has a very well-built physic, I mean hell even the movie agrees. (I relate to Ruffnut on a whole new level, that girl knows how to pick 'em).
When discussing muscular structure a lot of times I tend to default to a triangular, leaner silhouette and with Eret I wanted to avoid that completely. I wanted to try to draw a "sturdier" body for him since we've witnessed the heavy lifting he does.
Additionally, he dealt with wild dragons constantly in his dragon trapper days so excessive scarring is something that movie Eret lacks, in my opinion.
༺.𝔦𝔪𝔭𝔬𝔯𝔱𝔞𝔫𝔱 𝔰𝔱𝔲𝔣𝔣 𝔟𝔢𝔩𝔬𝔴.༻
Anyway, with all that being said, this is my very first piece of fan-art ever. I have never referenced a pre-existing character to make this type of art before and I'm so glad the fandom enjoyed what I put out. I highlight this because there was a lot of doubt in myself and my skills while illustrating this.
I want to encourage others to make more fan-art or fan-fiction or any fan-related thing. To please indulge yourselfs in the things that you enjoy without doubts or fear. We all start from somewhere, so just upload the damn post!
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erinwantstowrite · 3 months
hihiiiihiiii just finished the new chapter and it was amazing!!!! so sorry to hear about the reason for your delay and wishing you all the best <3 i'm glad writing was something you enjoyed during this time but if you ever struggle with it i will definitely be happy to wait as long as it takes for a new chapter!
i wanted to ask for clarification on the whole bludhaven/tarantula thing you mentioned in your end of chapter notes?? it seems really interesting and i'm really curious! (ps the future friendsgiving chapter is going to HAUNT my thoughts i just know peters going to do the most chaotic shit ever)
thank you so much <33 it means a lot to see everyone say this :)
Now, as for Tarantula, I'm gonna put that under the cut. For everyone's safety, please be aware that I'm going to be talking about SA and what comes with it.
For anyone unaware, Tarantula is an anti-hero that is in Bludhaven. There are multiple Tarantulas, but the one I'm talking about specifically is in one of the Nightwing runs. She takes advantage of him on a rooftop when he is clearly out of it and can not consent. This is also directly after a huge event in Bludhaven where Dick's apartment building that had so many people he knew and cared about, was blown up by another villain. Later on, Bludhaven is bombed and completely destroyed.
I don't want to write any of that.
I hate Devin Grayson. I don't like her writing, I don't like her. I genuinely can not stand her. And so writing about Tarantula or giving her any sort of hold on LoF... I can't do it. So I'm not going to write it. History is being rewritten. Neither Tarantula happened, nor the bombings.
However. This is not the only time that Nightwing/Dick Grayson has been assaulted. And it's a touchy subject, but I think the impact of these instances was not once addressed in an appropriate manner for the seriousness of these instances. Sexual assault is not something that can be brushed past. And Dick has been let down by so many people. Him being a male victim of SA has a lot to do with his story, I think, and the type of character he is. If the writers had any brains in their heads, they could have made these instances into a powerful statement on the impact of SA. They could have done anything to make it known that tis wasn't for a joke, etc. But they didn't.
I don't plan on writing flashbacks to these instances. I just can not bring myself to do it. But Dick is a SA survivor, and I care a lot about treating that with the respect it deserves. So no, no flashbacks, but I hope that when the topic comes up, it's clear that I care. There will always be a trigger warning mentioned when it comes up.
And it will. I haven't explicitly stated it yet in LoF, but Westcott is a part of Peter's story, and yes, it's based on the shit he did in the comics. Because in the comics, that impacted Peter heavily. It comes up when he's helping people. Peter is always trying to help people the way that he hadn't been able to be helped.
So because of Dick's past, when Peter's is brought up, it's going to have an impact on the story. And I really hope I do it justice without hurting any of you in the process.
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