#And I haven't done a lyric breakdown in awhile so >:)))
I got another lyric breakdown >:)). It’s a kinda happy song but I’m gonna use it in 2 ways. 2 sad ways. One involves Alex not related to my Hades idea,,and one that relates to Hades and my Hades idea that I’ve @’ed(??? is that how you would spell it lol? like atted) you at too many times dnwbdb. The song is “This Town,” by Niall Horan. It’s a good song but I like this cover. It’s so good and uGH EMOTIONS! And before I start, idk how Hades is in Astraeus’s route, but I believe that he is like Hades in his own route sorta?? I basically took that and ran with it. AND THIS IS RLLY LONG BTW SORRY FNFJBIWF.
EDIT: SORRY ONE MORE THING TO ADD! I skipped some lyrics since they repeat themselves. Like the “and I wanna tell you everything...” part repeats itself and such so I decided to skip that :))).
“Waking up to kiss you and nobodies there. The smell of your perfume still stuck in the air...”.
In Alex’s route, MC dies (from literally any dangerous situation she’s in,,,which is a lot) and Alex used to always wake up with MC in their arms. They would look at her for a few moments and then kiss her softly, which always caused her to wake up. She’d smile at them and they’d smile back...but now they can’t do that. They’re alone in the bed, they can’t look at MC, they can’t feel her, nothing. To make it worse, they still smell her perfume in the air. It’s like how in Hydras season 1 pov, he was in his hideout and said he didn’t know why he came back here since wherever he looks...he’s reminded of MC,,,and when he lays on the bed he says its a mistake because it smells just like her. And the same goes for Alex...they smell her everywhere and it hurts.
And then its almost the same for Hades. Whether it be my idea of when she’s gone with Alex, or if she died during the Hera process in Astraeus’s route (ik they didn’t do the Hera ritual, but in this context they did. Mentioned Astraeus since I mean the Hades in Astraeus’ route-), he knew this was going to hurt. He knew giving her up would hurt. He knew it. And now he had to experience it. He’d wake up (not even knowing how he fell asleep in the first place) and in the grogginess of sleep, he’d expect to see MC, and when he doesn’t he panics. He’s pushed back into that state he was in his s1 pov when he LITERALLY RAN UP THE STAIRS TO HER APARTMENT!!
 But the panic subsides when he remembers what happened. MC is gone. She isn’t with him anymore. She’s not with anyone. Only her mother in the Underworld. And he gets emotional, but calms down. “I have to. I’m a God,” he would tell himself. Told himself that he is a shadow, meant to feel nothing and almost be nothing. But when he goes to his closet, he sees her clothes. Well, he smells them first. He opens the door and her perfume is sent straight out. He only just then noticed she had so many dresses. Dresses he has memories of her wearing, memories of where she was always holding his arm or hand. The ones where they’d come home and say “I love you” to each other. 
“Yesterday I thought I saw your shadow running around.”
Whenever Alex entered the apartment, they swear they would see MC...or maybe just a memory of her. Its like in their season 2 when she left and came back and how they said “You’re real, right?” LIKE HNNG ALEX!! But the flash never lasts, she’s always gone and they miss seeing her in the apartment, hearing her welcome them home, or even her coming home with them. It hurt so bad,,but they’ll take the memories since it’s better than never have being with her at all.
With Hades, he has a ton of memories with her on Olympus since he is a Top Tier God. If he wasn’t paying attention and stuck in his head when he’s walking, he’d swear he sees a figure walking in front of him but kinda to the side of him, and when he snaps out of his stare, it’s gone. No one was there. And then sometimes he’d see two people there. One taller than the other figure, the other shorter figure trying to make itself seem taller, and he’d hear laughs. Sometimes, he wouldn’t look over. Even if it was in his peripheral vision, he still wanted to see and hear. But it never lasted long. He wonders if this is his Reaper punishing him for what he’s done. Forcing him to see what he wants most and so ironically making it out of shadows. What he is meant to represent...
“And I wanna tell you everything, the words I never got to say the first time around.”
Alex told her many things. They told her basically everything they wanted to tell her, so this doesn’t truly go for them. But there were a few stories they wish they shared with her...
But it goes perfectly with Hades. He told her “I love you” and he meant it, he told her stories that weren’t so bad, he showed her his love, but he didn’t say the one thing he should’ve. “I’ll fight for you.” He wanted to fight for her, he did, but he didn’t see a way out. “Or what if there was a way out? What if I didn’t see it because I didn’t do enough? Did I not try hard enough?” He asked himself all those questions, even if he knew the answers. “Of course there was a way out.” And then he’d whisper something MC always told him.
“There’s always a way out.”
But he didn’t look for it, he didn’t search hard enough, he didn’t fight for her, and now he was paying the price.
“And I remember everything, from when we were but children playing in this fairground. Wish I was there with you now...”
Now, this obviously only goes for Alex lol. They remembered when they were kids with her, they always do. They remember her being playful, kind, a little shy, and playing with them and being with them. They had so many tales of her being young with them, and how they loved that time just as much as they loved every new day with her...and now they wish they could go back and hold her as tight as their little body would let them (without hurting her-).
“If the whole world was watching, I’d still dance with you. Drive highways and byways to be there with you.”
Ya know that cliche thing in movies where they dance in the kitchen?? Alex and MC definitely did that. And they remember that every time they’re in the kitchen. They remember dancing with her in whatever way they could. If they were waiting for their food, they would dance with her and just have fun with each other. Coming home and being able to touch her with affection was always their favorite part of the day. And if people were in the kitchen with them or if they were anywhere else, they’d still dance with her and have such a fun time. And Alex doesn’t over do the speed limit much anymore. They used to when they were rushing to get to MC or rushing them together to some place, but now they didn’t really rush anywhere. Only to HERA if it was serious, but otherwise, it was slow and the only thing they did the same was tapping their fingers against the steering wheel. But they remember many times where they were driving down many highways just to get to MC...
And imagine Hades taking MC to a dancing place. Just to somewhere fancy (maybe a Gala) so they can enjoy themselves. MC feels anxiety since there’s so many people, its so fancy, and she doesn’t want to embarrass herself. However, Hades isn’t worried. He’s not the best dancer, but he doesn’t mind because MC is here. MC is with him and it didn’t matter how many people were looking at them, he’d love to dance with her and always comforted her. But now,,,he doesn’t really like dancing. Olympus may have parties every now and then (years later) and everyone expects Hades to be a little friendly and wanting to dance with many of the people or kindly decline, but no. He doesn’t do that anymore. He’s ‘fine’ by himself in the corner watching many people drink and dance drunk-like, and he usually would be with MC in the back, drinking their wine, and being together if an Olympus party happened, but now he was alone and wouldn’t dance with anyone anymore. 
And he remembers driving down the highway in his s1 when he was so scared for MC and how he wanted to get there as fast as he could and now he wishes he could drive down a highway and feel the warmth in his heart of being able to see MC. He would drive as long as it took to get back to MC, but now he can’t...he can’t go anywhere. Only in the Underworld and he knows no one would be happy to see him there,,,
“Everything comes back to you.”
All of the happiness in their life came back to her. Their happiness when they were a kid came from MC. They didn’t feel as lonely anymore and they had a special kind of warmth in their heart when she was around them...the warmth that carried through their life until MC was in their arms,,but its still there. Just the memory of her brings a nice feeling to their body and they feel calm, even if the memories cause agony at times...
And Hades pain and happiness comes back to her as well. When he looks at any God or Goddess, he’s reminded of what happened when he first met MC. His family disappeared and was taken away from him...and she helped him. She helped everyone. She solved the multiple puzzles Astraeus sent and comforted him when he didn’t expect it. She gave it to him with no hesitation and loved him,,and that’s how he fell for her. She brought true happiness in his life and the emptiness of that happiness all goes back to her death.... But it truly comes back to him.
“I saw that you moved on to someone new. In the park that we met they’ve got their arms around you.”
Lets say Alex finds her reincarnation and they feel pain in their heart. They’re friends with her (which is a blessing in itself) and when they find out she has a partner, it hurts them a little bit, even if they’re happy for her. They see her one day and they stare for a second. It reminds them of when MC was with them and they went to the park. They would have a picnic or go on a walk. Now,, they couldn’t do that with her-
And Hades... Let’s say he finds her one day. Alex and MC left, fear in their hearts, caused by him. He finds them in the park in some different state, having a picnic together. Hades isn’t too surprised. To make my AU worse, MC sent him her engagement ring that Cyclops had made. Hades never took his off. He didn’t see their engagement as over since he was looking for her and wanted to apologize, but now he knows its over. But he doesn’t stop looking. Even if she calls it quits, he just wants to apologize. She doesn’t have to take him back, he just needs to say he’s sorry,,,and maybe ask for them to forgive him...And he does find Alex and MC. He’s at the other end of the park and they haven’t notice him, thankfully. He just stares. They’re laughing and looking out into the distance. “They’re happy...they’re both okay...” he thought to himself. His heart shattered even more, but he knows MC’s was more shattered, but now it was slowly being put back together, and how could he not be happy for someone he loves so much? He thinks about walking up to them for awhile, but he decides to write it instead. 
I think of just him writing a letter of how sorry he is,,how he loves her,,and how he hopes maybe they can forgive him and see him and Aphrodite again, but tells them it’s okay if not. He can see why they wouldn’t. He writes it quickly, signs his name, tells them that he’s at Olympus, and gives it to someone. He tells them to go give it ‘to the couple over there’. He would watch as they get it and thank the person and open it. They read it together and fold it up and Alex puts it in their pocket. Instead of ignoring it, they both look around. Not wanting them to panic and notice him, he begins to walk away and hope that maybe they’ll come to Olympus to see him and Aphrodite...But he still didn’t take off his engagement ring,,just wanted to remind himself of better times, times he ruined.
“You still make me nervous when you walk in the room. Them butterflies they come alive when I’m next to you.”
Alex always felt warmth when they were with her and whenever she looked at them, they got anxious but in the good way. They wanted her to look at them with love and pride, and she did, but she still gave them butterflies whenever they saw her and felt nervous when seeing her come in the office (before they dated and maybe after they dated). But now the butterflies were gone and they didn’t feel real nervous anymore,,,
Hades didn’t feel nervous, not until MC came into his life. He was a God. He never truly wanted to impress someone, he just wanted to be himself. His kind self towards everyone, but MC made him nervous. A nervousness he wasn’t used to, a nervousness he realized was named Love. He felt anxious around her and wanted to please her. He got knots and butterflies in his stomach when he thought of her when they started dating. He loved her and he got a nice kind of anxious when he was going to meet her wherever. He loved that feeling and it never really went away. Well, until she was gone. When she was going to become Hera, his stomach hurt all the time. The knots and butterflies were now painful and made him scared, but he didn’t show it. No. Now, the knot returns when he thinks of her. Not the good kind anymore,,just pain for what he’s done and how he didn’t stop it at all.
“And I know that it’s wrong, that I can’t move on. But there’s something ‘bout you.”
That part isn’t in the cover but I just remembered it and UGH ITS SUCH A GOOD LINE!!
Alex doesn’t know how to move on. They can’t. Their heart was under lock and key. MC held the key in her hand everyday, always managing to make them love her even more everyday. Now, the key was missing, and they’d wait for as long as it took for her to come back. And some people see this as ‘wrong’ or ‘weird’. Many Gods say that they’ll get over it (not to their face) and how they live forever, they’ll be fine. But they won’t. Not until she’s back in their arms again or even just in their life again.
And Hades knows its wrong. He shouldn’t be the one struggling. She’s gone, he didn’t stop it, heck he enabled it, and he’s the one that’s struggling? He is, and he feels like its wrong. But he can’t help it. No smile comes to his face, he finds himself drinking coffee (like Persephone said in his s1, he rarely ever drank coffee), and not really using his phone. Mainly because when he opens it the memories rush back and it hurts. He sees his lock screen which is a picture of him and MC in a restaurant not rarely known and it only had hamburgers and greasy food there. It was one of the best dates he remembers because she made him step out of line, even his own rules!! He showed her her mother because he loved her!! There were many things about her that he loved, and one thing was how she made him break the rules and he felt like that was right, but now he feels like his life is just wrong. 
HMM!! IM SAD!! Literally been thinking of the Hades Astraeus route AU AND IM SAD MEGGG!! I love this and usually saw it as an Alex song, but now I see it as my Hades AU song and iT HURTS!! It could go for Apollo as well but today’s not about Apollo right now its about another Top Tier God :(((.
 And a side note (sorry to make this longer) in my universe and the AFK universe with Rose and Apollo (since Yh they’re canon there too), the MC isn’t Rose but Apollo is still Apollo and I had to say that he would never vote for that. He would never send someone to their death. Mainly because he was taught that humans don’t deserve this. Well, he just learned when he started to go to the surface more often. Heck, the only reason he would be present for the judging is because he was dragged to Olympus by the Gods. He stayed on the surface, loves to help people, and live life like the humans did. Other Gods and Goddesses felt complete on Olympus, but Apollo never felt complete. Not without Rose. But being on Earth and helping people and seeing them smile,,gave him a sort of completeness he wanted to keep feeling, and he never really went back to Olympus. Only when he wanted to see his friends or some Gods dragged�� him back. 
Anyways,,thats all today >:)))). Didn’t mean to bring Apollo in this bUT I ALWAYS FIND A WAY FDJJIEFB. But yeah Im sad and hope you’re sad like I am and I’m sorry to keep bringing this same idea up, I’m just so sad at the idea😭. Love youuu💙. There’s some proof reading but I still make mistakes, so sorry if there’s mistakes-
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spencers-dria · 4 years
Slaying Dragons
Someone To Stay Ch. 18
Spencer x fem reader
I start to gather my things as I finish up the last bit of paperwork piled on the corner of my desk. With a wave and a quick round of goodbyes, I make my way to the elevator.
Thirty minutes later I am standing outside of Y/N's door. I know we are dating now, but she still makes me nervous. I figured I would surprise her by stopping by after work.
After three swift knocks I hear a muffled reply. "It's open."
I step in to see Y/N curled up on the couch in a blanket, her eyes are bloodshot and her face is red and tear-stained. I quickly drop my bag and rush to kneel in front of her.
I reach up to move her hair out of her face as she looks up, her eyes finally meeting mine. "What's wrong?  What happened? Are you okay?"
I feel a slight panic as my mind runs through every possible scenario. She just manages to motion towards the television screen in front of her. I turn glance over my shoulder to see one of her favorite medical dramas is playing.
"Y/N, it's okay. It's just a show remember? It will be alright."
I rub my hand across her knee in an attempt to sooth her. I am settled by the fact that nothing is seriously wrong, but I know she still needs comfort.
She shakes her head and looks at me again. I have seen her cry during some of our movie nights. This is different. I can see it in her eyes. She's truly hurting. I move up onto the couch, sitting next to her and completely enveloping her in my embrace, leaving a kiss on top of her head.
I whisper softly "What's wrong sweet girl?"
"It's not just a show. Their patient who was dying, they couldn't do anything to stop it. Sometimes neither can we...Sometimes I feel so helpless. I watch family members breakdown. I see patients who don't even understand what's happening to them. There is so much hurt and pain and death."
I feel my heart sink in my chest. I am all too familiar with the feeling. She knows all too well the feeling of what I go through at work. I'm not sure if I ever stopped to consider that before. We both see death and loss. Neither of us have complete control, both of us do out best to save lives, to make a difference. Sometimes there's nothing we can do. Knowing all this to be true, I know there is nothing I can say to convince her she is wrong, because she isn't. So instead I continue to comfort her the best I can.
I rub her back as I rock her back and forth, in attempt to slow her breathing and calm her down. After awhile of being held, she takes a deep breath before leaning back to wipe her eyes.
"Thank you, so much Spencer. I don't deserve you. I'm sorry you had to see me like this. It's just been a rough week at work."
I reach out to hold her face, bringing her gaze back to me.
"Don't ever apologize for your feelings. You've already helped me through several breakdowns. And with my job I can guarantee there will plenty more. We may never be able to completely take away the pain of others, but we have to appreciate the people that we can help and the things we can do to make a difference. I know how much you care about your patients. They are so lucky to have you caring for them."
As I try to comfort her with my words I wipe away the last few tears. I'm rewarded with her warm smile shining back at me.
"What do you say tonight we watch a movie, your choice, and then tomorrow we can go shop for those Halloween costumes you talked about?"
Her eyes lit up as she quickly nodded. We spend the rest of the evening cuddled up on the couch watching our way through several cheesy Halloween movies.
I return the next morning, sending a quick text to let her know I am on my way. Before I can get out of the car to head to her apartment, she's bolting down the stairs, ready to go. She plops down in the passenger seat, a huge grin spread across her face.
"Someone's excited for today?" I chuckle at her enthusiasm.
I look over to the passenger seat to see her in an oversized Halloween sweatshirt and denim shorts. She has mismatched socks on under her converse. One is purple with dogs in costumes, the other grey with black cats and pumpkins. Her hair is hung in loose messy waves, my favorite.
She leans over to kiss my cheek before answering. "Considering you and Halloween are my two favorite things, can you really be surprised?"
I feel my face warming at the compliment. I'm not used to such open comments about her affection towards me, and I don't think I will ever grow tired of it.
I reach her phone and plug it in as she gives me a questioning look. It only takes 2 second of the song before she recognizes it. She gives me shoulder a playful shove.
"You actually went and listened to them?"
"Yeah of course! I like learning more about what you like. This song was my favorite of their's, by the way."
She brings her hand over her heart and wipes away an imaginary tear with the other. "I'm so proud."
I shake my head letting out a small laugh before shifting the car into drive. For a few moments I almost forget how completely tone deaf I am, singing along with the lyrics.
When you were younnnggg
I quickly remember how awful I sound when I try to sing, glancing over to Y/N to see if she happened to hear me over the music. She's staring at me, but she's not laughing. She is looking at me as though I'm her favorite person in the entire world. Filled with a confidence I have rarely ever felt, I continue singing as she joins in and we belt it at the top of our lungs.
We pull up to the thrift store make our way to the formal section to look for what we need. During our movie selections we had finally settled on which of her ideas would be best. I finally found some pinstriped suit pants and a suit jacket a bit older fashioned than anything I already owned.
I glance up to see Y/N coming out of the dressing room in a beautiful wedding gown. From her waves falling onto her bare shoulders, to the way the corset top fit her, and the lace that trailed down the dress, she was beautiful. She does a quick twirl, allowing the skirt to flow around her like waves.
"You like it?"
All I can manage was a nervous nod. Can she see the effect it has on me? How nervous she makes me? I sure hope not.
"Look at us, wedding dress shopping and you haven't even gotten down on one knee." She jabs me in the side as she laughs.
Surprisingly this makes me relax a bit, although I'm not sure if it's the joke or the musical sound of her laughter.
After we stop at a couple more stores to pick up more items for our costumes along with makeup and temporary hair color, we make our way to her apartment. She was used to doing crafty things, so she has plenty of supplies ready to go. We took out the dress and I help her to effectively ruin it in just the way we needed. I have to admit, it was a bit fun to mess something up for once. Keeping things so put together all the time can be...exhausting.
The evening couldn't last long enough as eventually we say our goodbyes and I headed home. As I lie in bed and try to fall asleep, snap shots of the day play through my mind. Every day with her feels like a fairy tale romance. I usually fall asleep after hours of insomnia just from exhaustion alone, but tonight I drift off into a deep sleep, full of happy, warm feelings.
We had agreed to spend all of Halloween together. We planned to get ready at her apartment, which has the perfect spooky atmosphere. I love that she decorates so much. It makes me feel so at home in her apartment. After lunch, we start on our costumes, hers requiring several hours to come together. I wait, reading on her couch, until she's done with her shower. Eventually she comes out and asks for help. We cover as much of her face, neck, and arms as we can in a dusty blue color. She begins spraying blue throughout her hair, requiring my assistance in reaching some parts in the back. I try to tell her I don't know what I'm doing, but she insists it doesn't matter as long as it's all blue.
I decide to sit on the side of the tub and watch her finish her makeup. It's fascinating to me. I don't know how she transforms her face so easily. She helps me with mine as well as I sit on a stool in front of the mirror, adding some makeup to make my eyes look sunken and my cheekbones even more prominent. She finishes off with some gel in my hair, using a come to slick it back in the right directions.
"You know I used to gel my hair back for work?"
She looks up to make eye contact in the mirror, still fixing my hair. "Oh really? I always wonder what you used to look like. You don't have any photos with you in them, just your friends and family."
I clear my throat before answering. I'm not quite ready to speak on this topic.
"Yeah I don't...I mean I never really...you know people just always said I look..."
Before I can bring myself to finish, she walks around to face me, lifting my face to look at her.
"I wish you could see yourself the way I see you."
"You are..." she bends down, kissing my right cheek,
"the most handsome..." again on my left cheek,
"man I know" and finally on my lips. The last one lingering for a moment more before she pulls back. I can see in her eyes that she means every word. I don't doubt it for a moment.
"What did I ever do to deserve you?" I whisper, feeling as though all the air has left my lungs.
She returns to her spot behind me, wrapper her arms around me before placing one last kiss on my cheek. "I might ask you the same question." This time she leaves me blushing.
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Once we have made our way into our costumes, we grab a skeleton costume Y/N found for her dog Juneau. It just so happens to work perfectly with out couple's costume. We make our way to her car and she drives us to JJ's house. We had made plan's to take Henry trick-or-treating so that Will and JJ could attend Will's work party.
After a few knocks, the door opens and JJ greets us in a costume I don't recognize.
"Victor and the Corpse Bride! I love it! You guys look amazing. You even have Scraps!" She leans down to pet Juneau.
Y/N does a quick twirl, showing off all of her costume. The lace has been ripped and distressed in all the right places. I have to hand it to her, it looks exactly like the one one in the movie.
"JJ, why are you holding a frying pan?" I ask.
Y/N and JJ share knowing looks before busting into a fit of giggles.
"I'm Rapunzel, and Will is going as Flynn."
"If you're referring to the fairy tale by the Grimm Brothers, I don't recall there being any mention of cookware. And who is Flynn?"
"From the Disney movie Mr. smarty pants." JJ quips.
We all take a moment to laugh before interrupted by Will chasing Henry, trying to get him in the rest of his costume. He eventually makes his way to the door with Henry donned in a orange and green dinosaur costume.
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"Woooaahhh, what a scary dinosaur!"
He lets out a loud giggle, my favorite sound in the world.
"It's me Uncle Spence! It's Henry!"
"Oh my gosh! Henry, you look amazing!" I sweep him up off the ground to bring him in for a hug.
I don't keep his attention for long as he squeals "Puppy!" wriggling to get down and pet Juneau.
He pulls the two of us inside to show us each of his toys while his parents finish getting ready. After everything is set, the four of us set off to make our way around the neighborhood. After we finish, we fix his car seat in Y/N's vehicle before taking Henry to a surprise we had planned.
We pull up to Rossi's house, which he immediately recognizes. After quick greetings with Rossi, we start to make our way around the new neighborhood. Henry's eyes wide with amazement at the large candy bars given to him at every door.
It doesn't take long before Henry wears out, but he is insistent that we all continue.
"Come here little dinosaur" Y/N coos before sweeping him up in her arms. She talks to him about his school, his friends, and whatever else pops into his fast paced toddler mind.
I can't help but admire how great she is with him. I have heard her mention how much she wants to work with children before, but this was my first time witnessing it. It really does to come natural to her, and she seems so happy. She catches me staring a few times and shoots me a sweet smile before returning her attention to Henry, who has not stopped to take a breath for at least five minutes.
Once we get the message that Will and JJ have returned home, we bring Henry back and work to get him from the car seat to his parent's arms without waking him. He passed out about halfway home. We share quick hugs and goodbyes before driving back to Y/N's apartment. I walk back up with her, waiting for her to get Juneau settled.
"If it's not too late, I have a surprise planned."
She bounces on her feet, already eager with anticipation. "Oooo what is it? What is it?"
I pull out a couple tickets for a haunted house and she squeals before embracing me in a hug.
"Yes! Thank you! I love haunted houses! I can't wait!"
I can't help but smile and laugh a bit at her excitement. She has  a child-like wonder at times, in the best of ways.
She does some quick touch ups to her costume and we make our way downstairs, where I offer to drive us. We eventually find ourselves driving down a long dirt road, surrounded by woods and darkness. It certainly sets the tone.
Once we have parked and made our way through the line, I feel her wrap her arm around mine,  pulling me close.
"I thought you loved haunted houses?" I tease.
"I do! That doesn't make them any less scary!"
I chuckle before removing her arm from mine so that I can wrap my arm around her shoulders, pulling her as close to me as possible.
"Don't worry sweet girl, I'll protect you." I lean down to give her a reassuring squeeze and a kiss on top of her head.
This seems to calm her a bit as she smiles, snuggling in to my side as we creep down a long dark hallway.
With the things I have seen and done as an FBI agent and member of the BAU, I don't scare too easily. One thing that does scare me, however, is the dark. And right now we are completely enveloped by it, with no flashlights, no guns, and a certainty that things will be jumping out at us. I get by on reminding myself that nothing here will actually hurt us. Unlike so many of the cases I have been on, I know I will walk out of here in one piece.
I find myself less scared and more focused on making sure Y/N feels safe, rubbing her arm and talking to her after I feel her wince with each jump scare. After awhile, she surprises me by choosing to take the lead. She leaves me side but reaches back to hold my hand. Before I know it, she's making witty remarks back to the characters who try to scare her or follow us for awhile. She doesn't even jump when a girl springs out from the darkness, letting out a blood-curdling scream. Y/N decides to combat this by walking straight up to her and letting out a scream of equal proportions. She turns back to face me and we both end up in a fit of giggles at how ridiculous it was. She never ceases to amaze me.
We eventually make it out the end, and I can feel her heart racing. Now illuminated by the moonlight, I can see the huge grin on her face.
"So you're okay huh?"
Still grinning she answers, "That was perfect! I loved it! Thank you, Spencer. You're my real life knight in shining armor."
I feel silly blushing at such a cheesy comment, but I can't help myself. I know in that moment that I would slay dragons for her.
A/N: sorry this took so long to get out! I hope you still enjoyed it. Comments and questions welcome as always. Thanks for reading!
🖤💀🎃 FairyTales1896
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