#And I don’t do strider cest
davespriteedits · 11 months
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Hi, I know I’m so late to be finding your blog especially when I think it’s been like two years since the last post but if you still are active on it I just wanted to say—
Hate is so undeserved for you man.
I can barely google Dave Strider or Dirk Strider without finding stridercest content. It is NOT niche. Way more of the fandom is into it than they wanna admit. And don’t even get me started on ao3.
So yeah I just wanted to toss that out there and hope you’re doing alright <3 /gen
im so bad at keeping projects going i knew i would stop updating this blog at some point when i started it. it was fun but getting a lot of requests for OCs and shit and not character edits was getting tiring.
thanks though. i am active elsewhere, if you want to see how im doing you can check out @citrus-sarsaparilla which is my strider(cest) focused blog that i actually use, and occasionally post original homestuck art.
ive always been saying theres more of us than they think. when you get into stridercest circles you can meet artists who are popular and stealth about it. its an old fandom ship. its just being pushed into the "niche" because purity culture is getting more and more popular. everything is sanitized for advertisers and i feel like consumers are getting used to that being the moral standard. i joke about being a freak sometimes but i genuinely dont think im a freak for shipping incest or age gaps. its literally not real.
thank you anon
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russelldworld · 2 years
You ever have a ship you really like, but then it becomes cannon and it’s just… the worst possible version of that relationship. Like bottom of the barrel fanfic, written by a young internet addicted teenager trash, except it’s not written by a teenager but by grown ass adults. And it just, kills whatever you liked about the ship, because it basically says the least interesting version of that ship is cannon. So every one copies the shit out of it and now the ships been reduced to this hallow husk of what it was, and you just can’t stand it.
any way this post is about Davekat.
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pocketpeche · 7 years
i hate when people try to call others out on like...stuff they enjoyed in fiction years ago when they were teens because people learn that shit is fucked up once they get older lmao.....if ur gonna call anyone out call out the fucking 18+ people drawing pe/do/ph/illia or incest, and if u see a young person engaged in that dont fuckin threaten them or say horrible shit to them because they don’t know better....like teach them why that shit’s bad w/o being a condescending asshole or smth
im gonna be upfront i shipped strider/cest and a bunch of other nasty huge age difference ships when i was 14 because i didnt know better? but now i’ve learned fictional things like that can have a huge impact on real life and are NOT to be taken lightly even if it’s just “fiction” 
I JUST....hate how callout culture has bred something that tries to hurt people for things they did years ago when they were minors instead of actually trying to protect minors online from actual adults who are still into this shit 
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deesaltywolf · 6 years
New fandoms, new icon.
Anyways - I have some salt from fandoms of new and old.
Dust off the old first.
So after the catastrophe that was Season 8, so many people have been “fighting for s8″ as in, they want to change the final season and it’s understandable. I’d love for them to be able to change it but
let’s face facts - the ending had been decided for awhile, especially when people talk about how “animation takes time” all the fucking time like.... it only takes time when it’s convenient to you. It only takes time when it’s something you don’t like.
I’m not defending season 8 because fuck, I hated it too - the only aspect I did like, was the end game pairs weren’t finalized. Did I like the way they handled it? fuck no. But whatever.
Anyways, I’m just saying - people will use whatever is convenient for them, whatever makes their opinions more “legit” - so yeah, animation takes time when things are going the way they want, but the minute things are looking bad they are all up in arms and saying “ THEY CHANGED IT, THEY CHANGED IT” like, what happened to your fucking “they’ve had this stuff planned, animation has been done months before release!” like fuck y’all.
I deeply appreciate the people I see on twitter that are just still enjoying the fandom, all they do is either retweet sweet art or make their own stuff. They are the true fans, not the ones crying about wanting to change shit.
Speaking of those people, I do understand why they want it, but when I see them on twitter and 90-99% of them are all sk fans... it seems a little petty to me. Like it comes off as if they are crying that their ship didn’t become canon.
Now look, no one can say that vee el dee wasn’t about s and k. It was definitely about them. However, in canon - it has been explicitly stated that they are like family. Yes, I know that they aren’t actually related. Yes, I know that a lot of their scenes can be viewed as romantic.
But that doesn’t matter.
K called S his brother, twice.
S was shown to be a mentor to K.
Kr thanked S for raising him.
I would have been happy for SK to be canon, but?? Those are all signs of being considered familial.
Either way, my salt is basically I’m tired of people crying over the fact that sk didn’t happen - that it’s what the show was building up on as if anyone who viewed their relationship was family was wrong.
Like whatever, y’all can stay salty lmao
I’m glad I mostly washed my hands of this fandom, I just enjoy the art now.
Now for the new fandom rants.
People are already being all ‘DON’T SHIP IN T//P//N’
Like, first off, I am glad a lot of younger fans are more aware of predatory stuff and I’m glad people are more conscious of gross behavior.
But at the same time... does no one have imagination anymore? Like, I’m sorry I’m going to ship fictional characters - who y’know, are fucking fictional and have no real feelings.
If I want to age them up and have them bang, that’s my prerogative.
As long as people don’t specifically write porn about 11-13 year olds and glorify it, then I don’t see the problem??
Like fuck man, Home//stuck characters were fucking 13 and I didn’t see people crying over the porn that came from that fandom (well, aside from Strider//cest, but that’s another can of worms)
I just... don’t understand the upset over playing with fictional characters at all. I remember being a young fan and I didn’t find it weird that people were writing and drawing porn of these characters, hell, I was 13 and seeking that porn( when I shouldn’t have been, but y’know lmao)
And maybe I was just lucky, but I never worried or even had to worry about some fandom predator grooming me or some shit. I just kept to myself until I was a little older and then I started interacting more and writing more.
Like fuck, kids are smarter than we give them credit and if my dumbass pre-teen self could have done it, why can’t they now??
Oh, I know why - it’s because they feel like it’s everyone else’s responsibility to look after them. They think that the ~*icky fandom adults*~ are the ones that need to censor themselves when in actuality, they should be the ones to back away from adult spaces within fandom sects.
Ugh, okay. I’m done.
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