#And I can't do the Youtuber thing where they make content for content's sake instead of being genuinely invested
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My biggest joke as a creator based on queer shipping is that I don't belong to three of the biggest ships in queer fandom history 😩
#GW Misc#And I can't do the Youtuber thing where they make content for content's sake instead of being genuinely invested#which isn't necessarily a bad trait to have I just simply Cannot Do it#If I analyze something I have to like it#....probably to an insane degree if my enjoyment fuels me over the ADHD executive dysfunction#And no really if you made a top five these three are on it but nooooo
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Miguel's is wrong about how Canon works and here is why
I STILL can't get over how this guy says this entire thing, and SOMEHOW, doesn't realize of the glaring hole in his logic.
Now, if you are familiar with my blog, you had probably seen this post before; I had written about this in different essays, however I realized I don't have THE post dedicated exclusively to why Miguel is wrong about this, especially since a few arguments are different places, so I decided to do one for simplicity sake. I will include some small things that may be new, but really don't add much in the big scheme of things.
If you aren't familiar with my content and you think Miguel is right, I invite to read this post, and if by the end you still think he is right and I am in the wrong, please reblog with your arguments. I love discussing these things.
Let's go!
Did you catch the issue yet?
Here is the thing: How a canon event can happen if the person who caused it wasn't supposed to be there?
Miguel is blaming the hole on Miles, saying that it happened because it disrupted the canon event; yet what caused the canon event?
Spot. He did it.
Spot isn't Pavitr's nemesis, he doesn't even give CARE about Pavitr.
And to top it all off-
The existence of Spot himself is supposed to be an anomaly, Miguel even says how none of this would had happened; including the canon incident that Miles allegedly interrupted.
This is why it doesn't make sense.
Spot is not the arch-nemesis of Pavitr, Spot didn't even want to talk to Pavitr and was mostly ignoring anyone who wasn't Miles. And again, MIGUEL SAYS HOW SPOT SHOULDN'T have EXISTED REGARDLESS.
How come Captain Singh was supposed to die in that bridge, if this wasn't the fight he is suppose to kick said event?
Because remember, Miguel says it needs to be a battle against an arch-nemesis too; meaning that if this needed to happen today, THE CANON EVENT WAS ALREADY DISRUPTED BECAUSE THE WRONG PERSON DID IT.
If anything, Miles should had been doing exactly what he did, because if Captain Singh needed to die while Pavitr was battling against and arch-nemesis, Captain Singh dying NOW means that can't happen.
No, that thing literally happen before we ever saw the Captain.
Let's recapitulate what is going on in these images. The explosion created this black matter that is slowly growing and absorbing the building, and then on the spot where building fell, instead of the building, there is a black hole that is doing the exact thing as the dark matter was doing, absorbing the material it touches.
There is no way in hell I am not thinking these two things aren't the same thing; it wouldn't make sense to have that black matter absorbing the building, and then magically disappear, just to have the black hole from the "interrupted canon event."
"But Lyla said it detected a canon event!"
Oh this is the part I haven't made a comment about, I can't say is 100% a rebuttal but it makes me laugh.
"Markers are predicting a canon event."
What Lyla (or whatever system Miguel has) is detecting, is the fact that Captain Singh is in danger, that's what Lyla is picking up.
However, is only picking on the fact that Captain Singh is in danger, not on the fact that this isn't a fight between Pavitr and his Arch-Nemesis; or how arguably the fact this is happening when the battle is done could count as an anomaly too.
This thing is working EXACTLY like AI and is making me cackle so hard.
For those who don't know, computers are stupid, extremely stupid; every time you are surprised a computer picked on something, that's because a human was behind to program to detect those things.
If you ever fear the idea of "Computers taking over the world," take a few programming classes, or just try to code yourself from youtube videos. You tell a phrase to a human, and even if you miss a word or something, chances are the person can still understand what you are trying to say; you miss one letter while coding, and the computer has a meltdown.
Miguel most probably made the data with things that seems to align with "canon events", and have Lyla detect whatever seems to resemble any of those models.
So basically, this works as well as Youtube's algorithm, in which you could see a video talking about how a show is trash and fails in several points, and then in your recommendations appears videos of people praising the show; because the only thing it picked on was the show and that was it.
"But Miguel says how the universe he was got destroyed for defying canon!"
Here is my problem with that, none of the examples Miguel has about an "universe breaking for breaking canon" look the same.
Let's break it down.
Miguel's second universe: Things glitch briefly before they start crumbling and disappear entirely.
Pavtir's universe after the Spot: Hole starts sinking an entire building and it is led to believe more can be dragged.
Miles's universe in ITSV: Things glitch, that's it, in other instances is shown to have other things to take it's place, but that's about it.
None of these behave the same, which would be weird if these ones were all truly, all breaking apart because canon was broken; shouldn't it all behave the same is they broke for all of them defying it's canon?
Yet what a coincidence that none of this looks so weird once you put context behind it.
Pavitr's universe is being swallowed by a hole just after the guy who creates holes and wants to open some more became a multidimensional monster thanks to a big Collider who of course can magnify the Spot's effect.
And Miles universe ONLY glitches when someone is messing up with the Collider.
Watch ITSV again, tell me one, ONE instance when the universe seems to be falling apart that isn't explained by Kingpin activating the Collider. Or do me one better, show me one time the Universe seems to glitching when something that "isn't canon" is happening.
The only universe I don't have an explanation from, is the universe where we DON'T see what happened, and instead we are told by the same guy who is making this entire theory.
What a coincidence, huh?
There is technically more I could bring to the table (Miguel saying is Miles's fault this is happening being astronomically stupid; on the fact that Spot exists and has multiple spiders but Miles universe is still fine) but for now I think this is enough.
If anyone can think anything that I may have missed, please reblog with said comment; I had learned a lot of things by rebutting people before.
Don't get me wrong, I could be wrong! I am not above thinking I may be missing something or mess up, but so far the right person to do so hasn't appeared.
BONUS: Miguel is just doing his best!
I had repeated this a lot of times, but I am still fairly angry about it, so let me repeat it again.
Wanting to do your best, or being traumatized, doesn't excuse the harm you do to others. The more damage you do, the least you can excuse said actions.
Miguel is so focused on his martyr complex he cannot notice an incongruity as he is explaining the problem to Miles. The audience not catching onto this makes sense, but Miguel? You have an idea, how astronomically bad it is that you are letting the faith of the multi-verse at risk because you are so traumatized you cannot see what's in front of you?
Here is my take on all of this: Miguel's focuses more about his own pain than the multiverse, why? Because if that wasn't the case, he would had caught on the mistakes a while ago.
The fact that he is so hurt that he refuses to see things another way, or think another possibilities, is putting the multiverse in danger.
Is thinking that Pavitr's universe may fall apart because a guy didn't die instead of investigating how the dark matter works and how to stop it.
Is saying Miles is at fault for being bitten, despite the Spot being the one to bring the spiders, and still has multiple of them.
Is the fact that he is letting people suffer by making people live horrible tragedies, that if I am as right as I think am about this, could had been avoided.
I had seen people who were abused go out to abuse others, I had seen people excuse horrible behaviour because they had a bad childhood or were stress out; as if that means is okay to continue with the cycle.
And I don't tolerate that shit.
Sorry ending it with that, this is a topic that really drives me up the wall.
Thank you for anyone who came along in this ready! As always if you have the chance please support my ko-fi, and if you can’t, please share this post around!
#atsv#across the spiderverse#miguel o hara#lyla spiderman 2099#spiderman 2099#LYrate Lifeform Approximation#miles morales#spiderman#spiderverse
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yooo i totally get where youre coming from wrt feeling like the only person who gives a shit enough to critique these kinds of little things about dnp. it definitely shows that they don't really care for the details, which personally i don't mind w things like the websites (maybe that's just bc i don't have an eye for graphic design!) but when it comes to details that imo make a significantly lesser experience as a viewer and fan, it really can feel really unprofessional on their end.
it's interesting because, on one hand, that's a little bit their charm, sorta scrappy OG youtubers who haven't really changed their formula much but continue to create CoNtEnT because they have an established community who enjoys what they do. but then on the other hand, they often allow that attitude to seep into things like operating their business, overlooking details in editing, weirdness with just about all of the managements theyve been under, the general tone-deafness of cheerfully announcing there will be more us and uk shows and completely brushing over the call for them to at least MENTION the rest of the world that isn't europe or the us.... also i think so often about how garbage their bday livestreams were in terms of production, that would be so unacceptable from literally anyone other than dnp, but because it's them they get away with it lmao. (and yes ultimately those streams were for a good cause and they succeeded in the fundraising, but that can't be an excuse for low quality.)
their unprofessionalism is like a double-edged sword in a way, like i genuinely find them difficult to recommend to other people, not necessarily because i think my friends wouldn't like their sense of humor, but because there ARE creators out there who have similar origins and have done similar things and have improved quality production alongside their growth. and again, i do not necessarily mind scrappiness, but it feels like it's at odds with the amount of money they make and the type of productions they are trying to do with things like the tour. and that's the other thing, they are FULLY CAPABLE of having consistently good production quality to all of their shit, not just the big tours. they just choose not to, and whether or not that's for the sake of image or being control freaks or they really do not care, it ends up making a worse experience for their audience imo.
(but like. im also of the mindset that dan should have done stand-up shows in dingy bars for $10 instead of wad so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
"control freaks"
for the last 2 years i question this statement almost every day. because if they were control freaks, none of this bullshit with promo materials existed.
and it's not about design itself. it's about typos and just wrong names of the venues. my main question is: WHY is it so hard to make things right? because realistically, it's not hard at all.
especially when people are telling you and asking you to fix it. like, how fucking stubborn you should be to brush it off. your work is your public image. and i'm sorry, but it looks like shit. it's so unprofessional, it's painful to look at. and i'm not even talking about videos. i'm talking specifically about danandphiltour.com and promo materials. editing of their videos is a different problem.
production-wise: this time, i have to say that i don't really care. but i get what you mean. there are youtubers who invested in this. dnp didn't. because they don't care, because it works how it is right now.
in conclusion: our loyalty is at fault. if we cared about work details a little bit more and were more serious, maybe, just maybe, we could level up all these things. but it seems like no one cases, and i'm tired of fighting this battle for years. i'm gonna take the L eventually. but the tour got on the way, unfortunately.
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if it's not too personal and doesn't weigh on you too much, i'd like to know how you decompress after having a bad day.
often times when i'm having a difficult time like today, i shut down. it's difficult to have a difficult time, you know? like, what do you mean immersing myself in fandom content doesn't help? madness! /s
i hope today went well for you. the sun came out for the first time in a few days and i thought it would be different. winter, amirite?
take care, friend.
- 🐻
i'm sorry to hear you're having a rough day, anon. i really hope it gets better for you - i'll put some of the things i do under the cut.
it really depends for me on the nature of the bad day, or where my head is at. i usually try to run through the basic physical necessities first: when did i last eat? have i had water in the past two hours? how much sleep did i get? if i rule out the physical, bodily things that might be contributing to or aggravating feeling bad, then i can focus more clearly on trying to identify what else i might need.
in general, identifying where the bad feeling is located, physically, sometimes helps me figure out what comes next. is it in my shoulders? in my stomach? in the back of my head? in my hands? for me, it's less a case of trying to ignore the feeling, but instead trying to acknowledge it and make room for it so i can figure out how to move through it. existing with the feeling usually sucks and feels pretty uncomfortable, but letting it fester and get bigger when i'm not paying attention or trying to ignore it is pretty much always worse.
sometimes the thing that helps most is finding small ways to be productive - finding something to feel accomplished about. could be as relatively small as washing my dishes or taking the garbage out or putting a load of laundry on. cleaning my physical space is sometimes enough - i hold a lot of tension in my shoulders when my apartment's gotten a little messy, and sorting it out helps me release that tension again.
or taking a 15 minute walk outside to try and reset a little - sometimes i'll go to the corner store to buy myself some juice and try to have a little conversation with the cashier. if i'm feeling up to talking, sometimes a little chat with someone who's having a "normal" day helps me put things in perspective when things feel bleak - the world can't be as bad as it feels if my neighbours are doing okay, you know?
other times, doing something creative helps in a similar way - something that brings me joy for the sake of it. writing for myself (without any particular intent of posting or sharing it, though i sometimes will if i'm still proud of it when i look back at it later), or making gifs of something/someone i care about. singing helps, too, even if it's just in my room or in the shower.
if none of those things are quite doing it, maybe i need to go back to basics and take care of my body. sometimes it's exercise - i have a lot of very simple, low intensity workouts that i can do at home following youtube videos and such. they don't need any gear, just some empty floor to stand and move on. getting my heart rate up enough to get some endorphins going is sometimes enough to shake my brain out of it. sometimes it's deliberately taking the time for a nice long bath: getting comfortable with my skin again and deliberately taking the time to treat myself kindly. sometimes what i need most is to curl up with a favourite movie or a book or a youtuber i like until i'm ready to fall asleep. (often, a combination of the above - tire myself out a little with exercise and then get in the tub, or get myself clean in the tub and then get under my blankets once the water's starting to get cold, etc.)
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Will's Friend Otis
Will Lenney Fanfiction
Summary-Will gets an dog to help with some problems he’s having, Will can’t find his confidence to talk to his friends.
Warnings- swearing, my terrible writing, ANXIETY DISORDER AND PANIC ATTACKS
The only person who knew was Gee.
She was his roommate so it'd be a bit awkward if he got a dog and didn't tell her.
She had noticed Will's behaviour and how odd he was acting. His mood and energy becoming low. She noticed, as his editor, how many more mistakes he was making in his videos and how many jokes and comments he told her to cut out because he didn't think it was funny enough. But it was. It was always comments Gee knew his fans would find funny.
So, when Gee suggested he got some help, she expected him to throw a fit or something. She was actually presently surprised when Will responded saying he was already talking to someone. When he sat down with her one night for dinner, he explained the idea of an emotional support animal. Gee was over the moon with the idea of Will getting extra support and encouraged an ESA.
So, when Will came back to the flat with a golden retriever puppy (After three searches round their flat and a series of sessions with his therapist), Gee wasn't surprised.
Will explained to her how the small dog's name was Otis and how he helped with his panic attacks and stressful situations.
A week later only Will's family knew about Otis but that was all about to change.
Will was having a particularly bad day and Gee convinced him to take Otis to Alex and George's place for a video. Will didn't want to but knew he would benefit with Otis coming along.
When Will arrived in front of Alex and George's he almost backed out and texted them to tell them he couldn't make it. He felt a little bit of fur at the tips of his fingers and he remembered to take a deep breath. He knelt down and stroked Otis.
"Me and you against the world, huh bud?" Will whispered. He held tightly onto Otis' leash and entered the flat. He immediately saw two heads sat on the couch and he felt his heart rate pick up massively. Suddenly, the toilet flush and James came out drying his hands.
"Hey mate, took ya long enough!" He beamed teasingly. All the other guys turned to see Will but all very quickly got distracted by the golden retriever nudging it's nose against Will's hand.
"Will, not to be that person or anything," George had an awkward smile on his face, "but when the fuck did you get a dog?"
Will felt his throat go dry.
"Are you okay, mate?" Alex asked as he stood up and made his way to Will. "You look a little pale?"
Will's vision started to go fuzzy and he wobbled a bit. Alex reached out to support him but Will flinched. Alex quickly drew his hands away, trying not to provoke his friend any further.
"Will? Can we move you to the couch?" Alex asked instead. Will couldn't hear him properly and he edged back to Wall and slid down it. He felt soft fur run along his hands and under his chin.
All of Will's friends went to help to get the dog off but James quickly stopped them. "Oit!" He had said. "Can't you see it's helpin' him?"
His friends stood back and watched as Otis settled into Will's lap. Will started scratching aggressively at his arm as tears streamed down his face. Otis' paw reaches up and rests on where Will was scratching himself, almost forcing him to stop. The dog starts lightly licking at where Will was scratching himself. Will tugs lightly at the dog's fur, not enough to hurt him, to ground himself.
Will's vision was foggy. He felt the overwhelming panic of letting his friends down and being an over dramatic person. He felt stupid. He was being like he was in secondary school during his GCSEs. Like he had his future on the line and- he felt the soft fur of Otis underneath his fingers. Otis reminded him of summer, of softness, of relaxation. Otis reminded him that he has to calm down. Will slowly felt his breathing even out.
His friends watch in wonder as Will finally settles down and James lightly calls his name hoping to bring him back to reality.
Once Will comes a bit more too, he is praising the dog and stroking him. He doesn't want to look at his friends. The fear of judgment or rejection tugs at his chest.
"Do you want a glass of water or something?" George questioned first. "Maybe a bandage for those scratches? You are bleeding a bit."
Will looked down at the scratches he's made and winces. Gee won't be happy he's reopened some of his previous scars. He nods and George heads off to the kitchen.
"Do you want to sit at the couch it'd probably be a bit more comfortable?" Alex suggested and reached his hand foreward to help Will up. Will accepted Alex's gesture and moved to the couches. George returned with a glass of water and a basic first aid kit.
Will had a drink before cleaning his scratches with a wipe. James started to wrap Will's arm in a bandage whilst Will could feel his friends' eyes on him. Otis rests his head on Will's knee and, as much as Will wants to have Otis on the couch, he's not sure George or Alex would be okay with it.
"So what's going on exac'ly?" George asked and everyone shot him a look. "Sorry, I was just wondering."
Will froze he didn't know how to start. Otis started pawing at Will's leg, desperate to help ease some of his owner's anxieties. Will nodded and Otis jumped onto his laps and rested his head onto Will's shoulder.
"This is Otis." Will breathed out. "He's my ESA." James and Alex nodded whilst George looked confused by this new term.
"Um, what's an ESA?" George asked, rubbing his neck slightly as if embarrassed.
"An 'Emotional Support Animal'." James said.
"Yeah," Will nodded. "So he basically helps me with my anxiety and stress and shit. Like, right now, he's being supportive." Will stuttered over his words.
"If you want an ESA, don't you need to have a therapist for like three months?" Alex asked. Will looked down to avoid eye contact. He felt Otis give his cheek a few licks to try and cheer him up. He stroked the fur lightly.
"It's been a tough five months." Will almost whispered.
"Five months?" Alex exclaimed and George shot him a glare. Will flinched. "Sorry mate but you could've told us."
"No." James shook his head. "He doesn't have to tell us anything. He has anxiety for fuck sake, that drills all your fears and other small, miniscule things to one hundred!"
Will made a mental note to thank James later on.
"So how long have you had him for then?" George asked, swiftly changing the subject.
"One week." Will answered his voice quiet. "He's really helpful though. I had a really bad night on his first time with us. Me and Gee made a rule for him to sleep in the kitchen but he came and slept with me after a panic attack."
"He's a good boy,that's for sure." George smiled. Will nodded and let out a deep breath. He felt a lot more relaxed and smiled lightly. Otis reached foreward and licked Will's face almost asking if he was okay.
"I'm okay, you did a good job bud!" Will praised and ruffled the dogs fur. He took a deep breath and looked at his friends. "Sorry about that-" He waved his hand in the air. "-it was pretty embarrassing."
"No." James stood up and moved next to Will. "You have nothing to be sorry or embarrassed about, you can't help having anxiety and sadness and numbness!"
"Yeah!" George smiled and set next to Will on the other side.
"You're still our Will." Alex said softly and moved closer to Will. "We'll still tell stupid stories about you in videos and shit. Nothing will change."
They all pulled him in when George called, "C'mon Alex, get in here!"
Alex huffed but stood up and joined in on the hug (aka tapping Will's back). "You're still my favourite youtuber you know?"
The other two boys let out a noise of disagreement and all pulled away.
"So, are you gonna tell your fans?" Alex asked. Will shook his head.
"I'd much rather this stayed private." Will stroked Otis. "They can know I have him but not what I have."
"Do you not think it could benefit them knowing that it's okay to get help?" Alex's eyebrows furrowed at Will.
"We won't make it a big thing." Jamss promised and put his hand on Will's knee.
"Yeah, we'll talk about something and you can say, 'So I have this' and that'd be that. You don't need to sit down and make an entire video on it." George explained.
Will thought about it for a second. "I'll do it in a few weeks so I can get used to more people knowing." He commented, trying to convey his feelings.
"Okay." Alex nodded. "We won't pressure you into anything you don't want to do."
"Thank guys." Will smiled softly. "You've really been a help."
"Mate, it's no problem." James grinned.
"Yeah besides, what are friends for?" Alex chirped.
Will felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders and he was able to be himself more. Even though his anxiety wouldn't go away, Will found himself becoming alot more content with himself.
#will lenney imagine#will lenney oneshot#will lenney fanfiction#will lenney x reader#will lenney#willne oneshot#willne fanfiction#willne x reader#willne imagine#willne#willne centric#will lenney centric#will lenney x james marriott#will lenney x george andrews#will lenney x alex elmslie#will x alex#will x james#will x george
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Tbh I feel the same way. It pains me to see them cry. Why would you want to gif them crying for the sake of seeing them cry?? Why can't we focus on their smiles instead? We all know they cried, we don't need to see it in the tags...It's punch in the face every time. It reminds me of the funeral. There should not be a single photo or video from but there is anyway. It's Shawols fault but some did share the videos. Whenever I come across a picture from the funeral my heart stops and sinks. (1/2)
I even avoid YouTube because video with titles like “SHINee members were crying so hard at the domes” upset me greatly. I can’t stand it, my chest hurts so much. I can’t tell who’s a genuine fan doing distasteful things or who’s trying to take advantage of us at this point. (2/2)
yeah if it’s a translation of their ments where they teared up then that’s information that shawols generally want to know so i understand that it makes sense to create content for that (because the boys said some lovely things) but just making stuff for the sake of showing that they were upset seems a little exploitative. people were SO supportive of not spreading around those pictures from jonghyun’s funeral, so why is it any different now? just because they were on stage doesn’t mean we have the right to capitalise on their heartache. i don’t think fancams in general are an issue because filming performances is commonplace and you can’t exactly predict if/when the boys would cry— plus it’s easier for us to avoid them since we have to make a choice to watch it. (though i will add that i hardly watch fancams and if i do they’re from fansites so they generally follow a more professional code of conduct than just random people in the crowd). tumblr in particular is hard because you have no choice but to see a gifset right there on your dash, so it’s not nice to have to scroll past something that has no point other than being a big red beacon reminding us of everything shinee are suffering through right now.
anyway tldr if you’re just here for notes and not for shinee we don’t want or need you ✌️
#i agree on your last point too#i keep my circle of people i find content from very small nowadays#it's hard to tell who's here for shinee and who are just here because they became a quick way to get attention#maybe i'm just paranoid but yeah......... i'm with you anon#anonymous#asked
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Thoughts i wanted to unload xp
I understand the view points of many of those in america at the moment republicans and liberal alike but how is having trump any way helpful and is an actual ban on people from different countries or a wall between one neighbour actually that helpful i mean illegal immigrants arent good but a fucking ban a wall loud public statements That are controversial questionable can be taken offensively (dude come on if shoe was on the other foot a lot of republicans would have been offended and go on a gaint Facebook comment section war
Again )
But another question why has the rise of triggerers risen like
There are more republicans who would post or say something offensive just to plain see people react and act like a troll rather than defend their stance on the politcal matters
Which in my opinion the clashes wouldn't have happened if more people (democrats ) went forward with ideas and stances after making sure everyone was on the same page though because frankly if they did i think not everyone would be having so many disagreements
Sure its not offensive, illegal or bad for a guy to wear make up many men have been employed in cosmetics for years eventually they we're gonna wanna show off the skills on themselves for once instead of models or maybe a lot of people are coming out have every right to and but why not try and keep it pg or at least understand not every parent wants their children exposed to something thats hard to explain for a certain amount of time and later when the child is mature or adult enough to understand the topic give more info and allow that freedom so he or she can decide for them selves but at the appropriate age because frankly does anyone else not find 12 year old bisexuals weird
Dude come on this stuff needs a limit everything needs a limit and more education thats key but get on the same page and teach kids math and let them graduate at least before he or she decides to become a weed addicted demi sexual pan romantic traveling artist in Nebraska i mean like
for one sorry i was shouting but like
I am gonna bring up the stupid over used facts all Americans are immigrants and that not all of them had great lives back in europe which is why they moved isn't there hypocrisy in saying middle eastern people don't get to do that
But again some should stay but why not give elderly, parents and children a pass sure europe has many other options aswell but is it so awful some people choose America fine if its a ban And no dont we dont want more immigrants
Fine just be nice to the ones you have than frankly is that so hard
And dont start Ohhh but feminism is just bitchs wanting to be better
It isnt like that man i mean like moms should get maternal leave
And dads should have time off too to help out
If a woman hits a man or falsely accuses him of abuse or rape should get punished obviously but for God's sake if there weren't so many perverted idiots and guys who think its ok to just go invading a woman's personal space isn't cool and the fear of it is something that is a main reason that's basically help create the giant following
Is it unfair and used extremistly at times ofcourse everything and anything will be misused this is humanity we're talking about not saints or prophets those A**holes left a while ago
(Getting to religion)
But is it so bad to be a feminist really man
Come on for gods sake it isnt its just wrong when it turns biased and in the favour of the other gender which is basically just sexism not feminism
(Can we please agree on the fact there might be a fucking difference!)
As well for religion why must everyone use the term not all Muslims are terrorist but all terrorists are Muslims like the liberals have points for that thatsoffensive man seriously AND THAT IS SO NOT HELPFUL AT ALL MAN LIKE
I swear the amount of adults ive seen and met who think their religion is being destroyed and their customs as well because their children have become internet addicted assholes (like myself inculded ) who want to disrespect them their Morals and values and become foreigners and American ofcourse because theyre so cool blah blah blah
(Personally fuck it i kinda like being Pakistani but i do enjoy the internet ) which for some reason has become a the main reason why I get lectured more than i think i really need man i mean my language can turn vulgar and i can be socially a little awkward if uncomfortable but like why is me liking rock music and youtube and having a accent a reason to assume i would rather be American i do love my home and where i am from i am proud of my family and where we come from but why enjoy every thing else in the world aswell and not be considered a traitor or something
(Ok too personal )
Alright maybe what i am trying to get is how come no one can just elect a decent a leader or agree to disagree about things but still respect each other stay open minded but have your morals close by and principles uncompromised biasness is human but why no agree to disagree and leave it at that
The insecurity increasing and old facade of wanting to be rich and famous and not work for it has come back
Help me on patrion, like my video post photo blah blah blah dude just get a job why is it so necessary to work in entertainment for hells sake
I mean its valid you wanna sure go ahead maybe you are worthy but like stolen content and fake stories and new sexualities for gods sake please
(No longer about politics i suppose )
Here's my mind on it i guess
LGBTQA community has every right a straight white male or female would have no more no less but gender and sexuality identification maybe kept a simple (memorable and easier to define on fine paper and print during adoptions divorce marriage leavint the country or not etc ) and that being hetreo, homo, bi, A and pan because that makes sense
Its simple
And works
And as well for gender identification
On fine paper
if you are Male to female m to f
Female to male f to m
Something less explainable just keep it trans
Because frankly leave it at that why not just like why not?
Its simple makes sense justified fair and but isnt over done for some petty individuals looking for attention to take advantage of (ofcourse no guarantees but why not just keep some faith ? )
And no one gets to chose all on paper until after 18 because thats fucking fair
(Come on its not like its illegal to come out say it in public )
And yes none of that would be applied in most countries especially not mine but it would be a good start in my opinion
Any way i think i am done venting my thoughts anyone who is annoyed can ignore (why did you read this much of it and not justgo three lines and decide nah boring lets bail )
Anyone who has an opinion or would just like to talk is welcomed BUT CAN WE PLEASE KEEP THIS CIVIL I MEAN NO DISRESPECT TO ANYONE OR ANYTHING BY THESE STATEMENTS
i was just venting some thoughts
And not trying to force them on anyone or anything but i just wanted this out of my head and see if others agree or not (no not for the purpose to be right or wrong ) but because i can't be the only one who thinks all the political maddness right now was all avoidable and that people are becoming
Not in a good sense
Not because of religion race or anything like that just like
Mind sets
I feel like its like the key to harmony and at least balance or peace is right there no one wants to take it
I am probably going to regret posting this but i am gonna anyway not like people actual read my blog or anything
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