#And Barley is so sweet!! He doesnt deserve that!!
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nugatorysheep · 1 month ago
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help I mashed them together
just a silly little unicorn... I liked the idea of a very feminine fusion for these two, because Leo is usually only intimate with Barley when he's femme presenting and Leo is pretty masc with his other fusions (even with Sonny who is the biggest Girly Girl outside of Barley) and doesnt really get in touch with his own feminine side that much
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sukioyakio · 1 year ago
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Me and my pookie talking about things and then one thing leads to another😏
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WARNING:May have smut content,but will be mostly FLUFF
SUMMARY: LoserBOYFRIEND!Miguel headcannons 💓
LOSERBOYFRIEND!miguel who works at an lego store because it was the only job his gym rat looking ass found,but he enjoy the job non the less,and plus he's the cashier meaning the front view of everything:)) (of course he love it,since he can get free Lego sets for him and for you)
LOSERBOYFRIEND!Miguel Who is Hardly more then happy to see you,come by his work job to say hi.Just your smile would make him down bad for you like you have no idea.But what makes him happy even more is That you come to give him some home made lunch.And then there he just got hard the tightness in his pants was unbearable,it felt like at any moment he was going to release his steman in his pants. He was lose in the thought of you being his wife and how he'll be abke to have that smile to wake up too.
LOSERBOYFRIEND!Miguel Who is hella nervous when you went over his house,especially in holiday days.My guy would sweat the most before you even arrive,he'll clean his house not once not twice but four times just to be prepare,he know he an absolute Loser,but he just want you to know that his trying and that even if he doesn't have the best of relationship advice (which is none 😅😢) HE WILL BE THERE!!!
LOSERBOYFREIND!Miguel who know after dating you for like 5 mouth,he will and know that he is gonna go inside your pretty little apartment,and knowing that makes him nervous.One because your smell it addicting to sent, and two it because he really never been at an girl apartment or stuff so he reallly doesnt know how to act.And so his cute loser ass search up "how to act when your in your girlfriend"s house" (HE IS SUCH AN TOTAL DORK AND dont tell me he would be all night researching about these things) and so when he finally got inside your house.
THis man is hard already,it like you put an drug on the air in your house.He was for sure that you could see his dick bulge through his pants.Already he has his flush out face and he barley inside your place.
"are you ok babe?" you asks sweetly,with your big doe eyes looking that him.The same eyes he has dreams about in dark hours of the night.
loserboyfreind!miguel nodded to your sweet question,As he hide his stuipd (big) little boner from you.He would get embrassed if you saw,and or so overthinks that you would leave him because of him thinking of you in an sexual way (My guy overthinks an lot but cant bring himself to tell you how he feels and really want to make himself feel like an good boyfreind even if he an total loser about it )
Walking around your place was like an new terrioty for him,he would particauly look and study each object in your room through the living room.
But when you took him to your room his dick got more stiffen in his pants and so he quickly ask where is the restroom to "use the bathroom",
WHERE HE IS AN TOTAL GREEK FOR VIDEO GAMES AND SCIENCE, but when you come into his life,he had no idea how to be a boyfriend.BRO WOULD HAVE AN NERD LOOK BUT would tried so hard to look presentable for you. 
CUZ YOU DESERVE IT,but he’s broke and work in an Lego store and so GET AN SET OF THE FLOWER AND Chocolate BOX LEGOS SET AND WOULD BUILT IT FOR YOU,and would be embarrassed TO SHOW HIS FACE when his shoving his gift to you,HAVING A BLUSHING FACE. 
“I-ii- I know is not the b-best gift,but please accept it”he says while looking down with a shy expression and shoving it to you.
you wonder how an built gaint is an such an adorable loser.boyfriend You had an smile on your face. 
“Thank you for your gift” As you crane your neck and you were on tipped toes and gave him a kiss on the cheek. 
HE LOOKED SO HAPPY SO APPRECIATIVE,the second later he would have a nose bleed from your kiss.THIS MEN NEVER HAD PHYSICAL TOUCH. 
(That all I have 😭😭😭)
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packet-of-staples · 11 months ago
It absolutely fits Shane better!!! As a Harvey stan I have to agree with you.
I mean one of the lyrics that really gets me is "But, who wants to live forever Babe?" This line for Shane? Yep, he mentions in his 4 heart event? I think? That he hopes things end soon (oof, please get therapy), even after getting help this feels like a line he'd say. But Harvey? This doesnt fit Harvey at all!! He wants everyone to live forever! His biggest fear is someone dying in his care! One of his lines in his 14 heart event is that he wants you to eat healthy so that you live forever!
Wildflowers and Barley is a better Hozier song for Harvey with those still emptiness in the city and countryside vibes 💖.
I appreciate Too Sweet for giving Harvey the love I think he deserves but if you want a true Harvey song listen to Keep you safe by The Cranewives.
I know the Harvey stans have claimed Too Sweet by Hozier and the art coming out of it is beautiful, but my non Stardew playing partner brought up that the song fits my alcoholic husband way better.
And they’re fuckin right.
Shane sees his flaws, he knows the farmer is too good for him, too sweet.
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I love Harvey and I love this trend but I think it fits Shane better. Maybe it’s just the alcohol, idk.
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robynlilyblack · 3 years ago
Congratulations on the 1k followers. Love your writing and your updates make my day.
This is an ask for cant believe she is gone. Can you write a sirius x shy reader where she's very quiet one. She thinks she doesnt deserve him and then sees him with another girl although the girl might've surprised Sirius out of nowhere or someone in polyjuice pretending to be him.
She backs away from him and you can decide what happens but please a fluffy and happy end.
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Sirius Black x fem! shy! reader
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Summary: Y/n is the polar opposite of her boyfriend but after seeing a girl flirt with him all through class, she doesn’t feel good enough
Warnings: swearing, hurt/comfort, established relationship, James being the best, mentions of sex and kissing
A/n: 1.9k words, thank you x that’s so sweet of you to say! I hope you like it 💛
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Navigation | Sirius Black Masterlist | Celebration
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Clutching your books to your chest, you entered Herbology, about to walk over to your normal spot but it was already taken by someone else. You couldn't see their face, just that they had brown hair and from their cloak was a Ravenclaw. You stood there for longer than you should of, debating whether to go up and ask for your normal seat, next to your prefect boyfriend…or to just find the next available one
Your decision was made for you when the girls fingers run up and down your boyfriends’ arm. Turning away, you spot James trying to make something out of paper in the back so you head over 
He doesn’t react when you sit down, just continues making what you think is a flower as he follows steps written on his arm “This look like a…” he holds it up to you, but from his confused look he was clearly expecting his usual partner
Sirius and James used to sit together, but when Sirius took an interest in you he switched seats so he could be close. James didn’t mind at all, he knew Sirius would do the same for him if it meant he could sit next to a certain Miss Evans
James looks over towards Sirius but you keep your eyes trained on the weirdly shaped flower he was still half holding up “What'd he do?” he asks and your eyes snap towards him “I swear whatever it was he’s probably not even realised” he continues, his words more than genuine but it didn’t make you feel better
You weren’t much of a talker, sure you had gotten comfier with Sirius’ friends but your words were still barley a whisper “Nothing” 
He tilts his head “Then why you sitting here? Not that I don’t enjoy the lovely company…the Ravenclaw I’m usually with talks all the bloody time” he chuckles to himself and you smile shyly
“My seats taken” you say simply, not sure if James can pick up the sadness in your voice
He did, and his heart ached for you. Sirius had confessed to him that he was scared he was too much for you, of course he didn’t know you felt too little for him. Ironic that in reality you were the perfect balance
“Well” James smiles at you, deciding, as future best man at your wedding, he should cheer you up “Does this look like a flower?” he holds the paper towards you, twirling it around
James was a goofy person…not as cute a goof as your guy but still it was endearing. You shake your head, nose crunching
He lets out a laugh, one attracting the rooms attention “Fuck” he shakes his head, tone light-hearted “It’s supposed to be a cherry blossom” he explains and then goes on to show how sweet James Potter could really be “You see once in like 2nd year, Lily said that she hates flowers because they die. So I was out with your Sirius this summer and saw this book for making origami flowers...and now I want to make her a bouquet of them because they’ll last forever” he smiles as he talks, Lily was a very lucky girl
“If she doesn’t love you for that then she’s silly” you tell him in probably the longest sentence he’d ever heard from you
He smiles “Thanks futures Mrs Pads” he winks and your eyes widen
James chuckled to himself at how worked up you got over being called Sirius’ future misses as class began. While you just focused on the passage of your book, he caught the eye of Sirius who gave him a small smile mouthing
‘She okay?’
James bobs his head, holding up his hand and teetering it, watching as Sirius’ eyebrows knitted
‘why is talk-y girl sitting there’ James gestures with his hand
Sirius rolls his eyes 'She needed help with something’ he answers shrugging
The girl had come to ask him a question and he obliged, of course by the time she had stop talking enough for him to actually answer said question class had started and he could not longer ask her to politely fuck off.
He tries to catch your eye but you won’t look at him so he turns his gaze to James ‘Don’t let her leave’ he asks
James nods giving him a little salute before holding up a flower for judgement, poking his cheek smiling as Sirius mouths ‘pish mate’ before turning around to face the front
You couldn’t pay attention during class, your were supposed to be cutting samples and then identifying them, but really it was spent trying to ignore the girls giggles at your boyfriend and watching James make his the little flowers. You offered to help but he said it wouldn’t mean as much if he didn’t make them himself, and you thought that was so sweet
You wondered if Sirius would want someone to do that for him, so you started making him a little flower, following one of the more complex guides since James decided to just plop the book on the desk, since his written instructs were all smudged and he now had the words ‘fold three times’ written backwards on his cheek
Near the end of class, you saw Sirius smiling and talking with the girl, watching her fill in the conversation and him nodding along. Looking down at your little flower you shoved it in your cloaks pocket, realising that it was a silly thing to make him amd really everything you could offer was kind of silly. You barely talked in public, got flustered easliy, not to mention you couldn't even go up and ask someone for your own seat...it was no wonder people questioned whether you two were actually together.
When class ended you pretty much bolted out of the class room, so fast that James only turned away to pick up his bag then you were gone
“Where is she?” Sirius comes up to the desk, watching as James comedically looks around 
James cringes “I had one job” he admits nodding
Sirius nods too “You had one job” he repeats beginning to walk out before stopping “Yes…yes…no… definitely no…yes” he points to the assortment of flowers “I’m still mad at you though...but these are pretty and that one matches your eyes” he points at James before walking out leaving the boy chuckling
As Sirius gets out of the class he sees you quickly making your way around the large courtyard, since after a prank last week there were now hedges in the way of the regular path to the castle entrance
“This is gonna hurt” he prepares himself running towards the hedges and jumping over them, thank merlin of his padfoot side or there was no way he could jump high enough
You were still in your rush when someone landed, quite literally in front of you…and you soon realised that someone was your boyfriend
“Siri?” you say mostly to yourself, hearing giggles and laughs from other passing near by
He groans turning onto his side, leaning on his elbow “Hello darling” he winks, clearly out of breath and in immense pain but still his smooth flirty self
“Are you okay?” you crouch in front of him, looking a little worried
He nods, shifting to sit up on the ground “I am now” he reaches his hand out, thumb flicking over your cheek
Your smiles tug up but your insecurities come back as the girl from earlier passes
“Thanks Siri” she says in flirty tone
He smiles at her giving an awkward kind of wave before turning to look at you, heart aching as he sees your saddened look, chewing your gum bellow your lips, a habit he noticed you did when you were upset
“Darlin” he gets your attention but his sudden movement closer spooks you and you fall onto your arse, skirt flipping up, not so much you were exposed but from his angle he couldn’t help admiring just a little
He leans forward “You okay?” he asks
You nod your head, shying away as people pass
“Hey!” you let out a squeak at your boyfriends’ tone but then realise he’s talking to some Hufflepuff walking by “Only I get to look at her like that!” he warns him, looking slightly menacing before he turns to you, face softening “Sorry” he kisses your nose, fixing your skirt for you
“Thank you” you give him a tiny smile
His hands rest on your knees, chin leaning on them like he wasn’t in the middle of the courtyard or the path leading around it but in your dorm instead
“Missed you in class”
“You did?” you wonder tilting your head, he didn’t seem like he missed me, you think but feel guilty for it
“Course I did” he kisses your bare knee, thumbs rubbing gently into the skin
You bite your lip, looking around to see no one around, most now at their next class. You return back to him, thinking for a moment before you speak
“Why…” you hesitate “Why are you with me?” 
He tilts his head in surprise “Why am I with you?” he repeats the question, making sure he heard it right
You nod
“Because I love you” he says with ease “And you make me happy, and on top of that you’re the most adorable person on the planet” he smiles at you, his heart aching you had to ask but he understood why you did
Your heart flutters but your insecurities remain
“I don’t talk a lot” you admit as if you’re trying to talk him out of his sweet confession
“And I talk too much” he tells you, shifting to sit next to you, his heart warming as you absentmindedly pick out a leaf from his hair
“Darling” he wraps his arm around you “Do you love me?” he asks, slight insecurity in his voice seeping through
You nod right away, shuffling closer into him and he kisses your temple
“Good, because I love you more than anything. More than stealing Remus’ chocolate, or James’ mums cooking, way more than pranking Slytherins and you know how excited I get about that...especially after” he says nudging his nose into your cheek and you giggle shyly “You’re the perfect girl for me, siriusly" you both giggle at that one before he cups your cheek "You’re more than enough y/n” he says firmly, looking in your eyes
“But I didn’t…”
“You didn’t need to say it because I have the same...yet opposite fear. I feel like I’m too much…that…” he takes a breath “That I’m just annoying you” 
You pout at him “You aren’t annoying, I love listening to you talk…you have a nice voice” you confess taking your hand out of his hand reaching into your pocket, pulling out the flower “I made you this in class” you give it to him
His mouth parts looking at you then the flower, smiling brightly as he takes it “No one’s ever gave me a flower before” he takes it from you, pressing a lingering kiss to your cheek
“You’re my flower” you say quietly 
He nuzzles into your hair “And you’re mine” he whispers
You turn your head to face him, noses brushing before he leans in, lips meeting softly. His hand comes up to cup your cheek, fingers hooking gently at your jawline to pull you just that little bit closer
"Why are you on the ground?" the two of you break away to see James with an amused smile, around 20 little paper flowers cradled in his arms
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Thank you for reading 💛
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wishingforadventure · 7 years ago
So we all know that Neil Josten hasn't been to the dentist in YEARS 
So imagine 19 year old Neil starting to fell some jaw pain or something 
and being who he is he probably doesnt say anything for a few days because he doesnt want to worry andrew he is who he is (and "he's fine") 
so he can probably make it like, hmm id say 5 days, before he cannot bear the pain anymore
so one day he decides to tell Kevin, cause he thought Kevin wouldnt care enough to tell anyone else and hed rather people not know his buisness
Kevin to Neil’s suprise is like “you idiot, you dont play your best when youre in pain” “you better get it fixed cause like exy, exy, exy” “go see the fucking dentist”
issue is, Neil has never actually made himself an appointment anywhere, he has always just you know sucked it up or dealt with it
this leads to him going to the internet and seaches ‘how to make a dentist appointment’
that is of no help because Neil Josten barley knows how the internet works
after a good amount of time he somehow still cant figure it out
so he goes to Matt to ask for his help
after explaining the situation to Matt  is *shook,* resonably may i add cause Neil is 19 and he doesnt know anything about how to make a doctors appointment (lets not get started on this boys cluelessness about the internet)
so Matt goes ahead and makes the appointment for the day after and says he will go with him 
and Matt is EXCITED  he cannot wait to spend some bro time with Neil
so he tells Dan about how he is going to spend his day with his true love Neil
obviously once Dan knows she shares the info with Renee and Allison, gossip is a form of life support
Renee then accidentally shares the info with Andrew assuming he already knew
when Andrew confronts Neil about it and Neil says he only wanted Matt and Kevin to know because he was embarrassed Andrew is extremely jealous he wasn't told relieved that Neil is at least learning to ask for help, even if it isn't him he's asking
The next day all the foxes insist on coming to the appointment
 when Neil asks why the foxes why they're coming they all have their own answers
Matt because he was always supposed to go (and he's honestly quite disappointed his bro date with Neil has been interrupted by 7 other people)
Andrew cause the obvious
Kevin is their just to make sure that nothing is bad enough for Neil not to be able to play Exy
Dan is there to support Matt (even though he literally has nothing to be supported through)
Allison is there to be the first to find out if she won the bet made against Nicky about what the issue is going to be (Nicky is betting on an Exy related jaw injury and Allison is betting on it being wisdom teeth)
Aaron is going just to make sure the dentist scolds Neil enough about the health concerns of not going to the dentist
Renee is there cause she didn't feel like staying back at the Tower alone
they all show up at this dentist office
and they're literally taking up 98% of the waiting room
they have taken up all but two chairs
Neil goes up to the desk to check in and then goes to sit down in between Andrew and Matt
about 13 minutes later Neil's name is called
all at once all the foxes stand up intending to go into the appointment with Neil
the dental assistant informs Neil that he can only bring one person in to the room
instantly Matt insists that he deserves the right to go since IT IS supposed to be his day with Neil
Andrew doesn't even put up and argument and simply side steps Matt and follows the dental assistant inside motioning for Neil to follow him
Neil does
the cleaning process is done quickly and Neil's tension is pushed away with the constant contact that Andrew keeps with his hand on Neil's thigh probably knowing how little trust Neil had for doctors of any types
after the cleaning process the assistant takes Neil to go get his x-rays
Neil begrudgingly leaves Andrew in his seat next to the cleaning station to go get x-ray
few minutes later Neil comes back and tells Andrew they have to wait for the dentist so he sits down and gets lost in thought
he doesn't know how long he was out of it but he is brought back to reality with Andrew accusing him of staring (which he definitely was)
few moments later the dentist walks in with Neil's x-rays, he is short and sweet and lets Neil know that he will be needing to get his wisdom teeth removed and that they have an opening for tomorrow with the oral surgeon on property
Neil is about to insist that he doesn't need the surgery and that he is fine when Andrew tells the dentist that will work and quickly gathers his stuff and starts out the door
once back in the waiting room Neil was bombarded with million questions "what is wrong with you?" "was I? wisdom teeth" "can you play Exy still?" "are you okay Neil?" "are you sure it wouldn't have been better if I had gone with you?" "was the dentist hot?"
Neil quickly let them know that it was his wisdom teeth and that he had to come back tomorrow morning
Nicky quickly passed some cash over to Allison
they all left the dentist's office and headed back to the Tower
Neil was not looking forward to tomorrow
I'm gonna end up writing the next day but I wanted to see how this did before I did. I've never really posted anything like this before. So this is sorta a shot in the dark.
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anarchoromantic · 7 years ago
OMG you have ocs ?? Would you mind sharing a lil bit abt all of em?? Just some basic things I'm interested now :0
hewwo!!!!! always comin to the rescue huh hcjdbc 💙💙
okayokay i have A LOT of ocs but the main characters for my most favourite universes are
1) aix (pron. eye) is a dude who i love, hes part of an anti-police detective agency who have become the protectors of a city in the south-eastern united states bc the police department are corrupt and violent (lmao). theyre all humanoids (not human): ‘monsters’ are very common but are oppressed and discriminated against in society. (there are two categories: humanoid and creatural. creatural are more like wild animals but some small species have been accepted as household pets. humanoids are intelligent and sentient beings who have always lived alongside, but not among, humans.) aix has a mouth where his eyes should be and no eyes anywhere and hes got fangs and hes punk rock and he uses sign language to communicate to others, especially his best friend whos head became disattached from her body one day and thats how she found out she had humanoid blood bc shes still livin and breathin and she sometimes loses her head. theyre both in the field division and act as bodyguards a lot hehe. aix is trans and gay and he has a boyfriend named alexavier whos got eyes on his arms who is also trans n hes bi and theyre in love. alexavier works in the computer divison and he specializes in technological security bc hes a Smart Boy. they have a creatural pet named november who is sweet but cant control her claws very well and sometimes scratches people all over but she doesnt mean it \: aix used to live by himself secluded bc he was scared of humans but now he has a big happy family of anti-cop anti-capitalist anti-fascist gays and i think thats fuckin beautiful
2) jamie!! he can see ghosts and there are some ghosts who have moved on but were assigned by The Boss to come back to earth and collect recently dead ghosts and guide them to the afterlife n these ones are the reapers (obviously not original but i wuv coming up with this shit). theres a reaper named green who jamie sees everywhere who doesnt meet his quota every month bc the town he and jamie live in is very small so not a lot of people are dying and he has to stay until his quota is filled (that sounds bad but its how they keep the death to birth ratio balanced and also if theres too high a concentration of ghosts in one area it can mess with living human affairs) so hes stuck on earth and jamie thinks hes just some homeless guy and he feels bad for him so hes like “yo heres some food” and greens like “huh. what. how do u see me. also i cant eat solids” and jamie is like “what the fuck are you talking abt” but they keep talkin n they become friends and jamies house becomes greens home base and then they fall in love. jamie has some friends named steph, arrow, and nim and they only see green when he wants them to.
3) barley is one of my older ocs n hes a dragon shifter and he used to live among dragons but his herd was killed by hunters and he alone was rescued by some hired adventurers and he tagged along w them and their leader was really shitty and manipulative and barley eventually left after a few years and met some better people and now hes adventuring with them and makin money like he deserves. one of them is named siire and hes a trans merman and he gets carted around in a wheelbarrow bc hes stubborn and likes to come with barley who he has a huge crush on. the other is arsenic who is a bard with skeletal hands so he cant play string instruments very well jvjdhcd
4) anik is very new!!!!!! shes a hijabi gnc bi girl who can control fire and shes dating a butch lesbian named eri whos very tall and likes art and anik supports them so much theyre in love (: i dont have a lot of story abt them so far but i want to hcjdbcksjc
5) hermes is a messenger but instead of some greek nerd who wears a winged helmet and robes hes got booty shorts and a crop top and dyed blue hair and he delivers across universes !! this is more of a comedic conscept that i thought was cute hcjsjcksc but he owns a delivery service and he travels the galaxies with his coworkers/underlings, hawk and carneval. hawk is a lesbian and carneval is a twink who i made in like… 2014 and just repurposed hcjdbckshf they work very hard to deliver mail to all the planets and its kind of just an exploration of what i could do with interplanetary travel and different cultures, aliens, etc etc bc im gay
thank u for asking gfjshckjsjc these are long and not explained well and im sorry if any of what i said might be offensive i know the whole humanoid monster thing might come off as a less-than-savory metaphor but really im just a monster fucker ackk ily!!!
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starryeyedbellamy · 8 years ago
The 100 4x12 spoilers and review// that's some good sh*t right there
- WE'RE JUST STARTING THIS EPISODE AND A PARENT HAS ALREADY LOST THEIR KID DONT PLAY ME LIKE THE T100 - okay it's a little better but I know that father is about to pull some shit and start some drama so here we gooo - oo that opening shot of the island its great - i aM HERE FOR ALL THESE RAVEN COMPLIMENTS THANK YOU - Jaha you killed 300 of your own people already, I see that he had reasons and he probably doesn't want another 300 people on that list but bro - also bellamy is still a lil mad at his wifey - also abby is adopting bellamy as her son in law already, following in Kane's footsteps - I know we saw this scene but still bellamy babe looks so freaking good I am hereeeee for it - "Take care of each other" "yes ma'am" OKAY BUT IM A LIL TURNED ON RIGHT NOW - it's not just bell and clarke but that's okay I like them too - where's out murphamy friendship I miss it already and it's just barley left - that lil boy is so cute I'm glad we know he'll survive - hmmmmmm my only thought to octavia's comment is hmmmm bitch, I hate her less than I did but still bitch - Niylah is such a voice of reason she's very sweet - Murphy and Empri look so fake under those lights, they look so edited - "your home is with me now" do you hear me screaming - "bellamy I never meant to hurt you" - "whatever choice I make someone dies" the epitome of clarke and why she deserves so much - who you????? IS IT ECHOE - now we know we they had so much grounder blood - aw the millers, please break my heart, break it 1000 times, it was only ever yours to break anyway(+bellarke babes) @ the red queen - ABBY WHAT ARE YOU DOING - did I tell you that he would start something, also jaha stop ALSO JAHA STOP PLEASE - where's wells jaha went you need him - CLARKE WHAT ARE YOU DOING - BELLAMY BEING WORRIED AVOUT HIS WIFE - "monty drive fast" monty hits the gas with everything he has, love of my life - intelligent thinking bellamy and planning everything bellamy is my favorite and he's like that all the time so no wonder he's my favorite - bellamy is so worried i'm living - NATE AND JACKSON OH MY GOSH GUYS THEY HAVE A LIL HANDSHAKE THING - how many people will they kill 364!??? I can't remember they haven't said it enough - they always let children lead them what the hell - JAHA WHAT THE HECK YOU KILL 1000 OF THEM BUT IT DOESNT MATTER I DONT UNDERSTAND YOU - so octavia can push all of her people's death on them and she won't get shit for it but clarke and bellamy do it and they get so much hate I fail to understand - kane looks very hurt about the fact that indra has guns - I mean he's hurt about other things and Kane crying is breaking my heart awe - the music makes this 10000172910x more sad please stop - if kane leaves so abby can stay I will literally be so hurt - them pulling away the father from his son broke my heart, put tears in my eyes, I can't even imagine - whoop and the delinquents go to space okay - MURPHY AND EMORI AWWWWEEE - the bellarke nod + a good raven quote yes - I KNOW IS BAITING BUT SHIT GUYS WE HAVE A NEW BELLARKE HUG NEXT EPISODE GUYS OH MY GOD - good episode good episode your girl approves
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