#And 7th grade math is no fun in germany
Reached the Divine tree arc of my rewatch, and I'm still laughing about Mob asking for support to move the broccoli and Reigen is like "well Serizawa is in school, gotta need someone else".
The whole town is getting brainwashed and that man is doing like 7th grade math or something.
You gotta have priorities.
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lady-of-innisfree · 7 years
Coffee, winged eyeliner, matte
coffee: what’s your starbucks order, and who would you trust to order for you, if anyone?
I mean it's a grande chai latte, and I sometimes add extra nutmeg on top, so I'm not too worried about messing that up. Honestly I'd trust most people with it, but I'm at Starbucks with Ana most often and she's had to order for me before because I'm the #illest
matte: if you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living?
Oh jesus yes! I'd probably finish my degree, because I might as well at this point 😂 but then I'd use all my savings to take the bae and I on a trip for the summer. He wants to do the English Lake country or the castle tour™ of France/Germany including Carcassonne, Because he's a god damn nerd. I'd then do some serious Christmas shopping for everyone I care about, and spend all my time volunteering at animal shelters and reading. I'd consider spending a day bitching at anyone who I think is making mistakes because you don't argue with a dying girl, but maybe that's just petty. And I'd probably end by road tripping the US with the fam and the friends. And maybe hire someone to make a cheesy documentary about it. a year is a lot of fuckin time
winged eyeliner: write a hundred word letter to your twelve year old self.
Ugh ok this is going under a cut.
If my math is right, this is 7th grade. Not the worst of times. No fun either.
1- he's gay. He won't come out until high school. Literally he doesn't come out until someone catches him giving a hand job to his secret boyfriend. The sooner you can stop blushing the better. you’ll have things with two other guys with the same name. one of them will be worth it.
2- please for the love of god brush your hair ends first, not full length. Stop blow drying, the blow-dry flat-brush combo is why your hair is triangular. Get mom to take you to a salon and have something done with it.
3- also make sure that "something" isn't dye. You learn later that your hair doesn't play nice with dye. Or bleach.
4- guess what, babes. You are bi. You knew that, you just didn't want to admit it. Riley made your hormones hell, but it gets easier. (Also in high school you can drool over her and her equally hot girlfriend so get hype)
5- high school will be fine. College will be better. the date pool goes up exponentially, so don't get too bummed. also the chicks are hotter
Umm, do your HW, avoid McClain, and stop drooling over gay boys. That's basically it. You'll be ok.
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askthatchbae · 8 years
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Good time to answer this ‘cause Thatch is still puking his soul out of his body...
1. Yeah, my hair is died green. I just freshed it up the day before yesterday ^^ Before that they were died black with a blonde pony.. and before that they were died bright red. And beofre that... oh god.. before that they were as long as the hair I draw Thatch... oO’
2. My favourite food.. oh god, can we skip this? x,D I don’t really know to be exact.. but I like ramen very much and I nearly never eat meat because I was raised as a vegetarian. ;)
3. I’m from Germany ^^
4. I started drawing in 7th grade.. about... 6½ years ago? oO Yeah I suppose..
Puh.. well... let’s see if I can find some more facts... about 10 extra... I think..
1. I know Thatch’s hair has to be that long because I tried his hairdo (once!) when I still had long hair ^^’
2. I am wearing these clothes right now.
3. I love listening to german folk rock <3
4. I have glasses since I was 3-4.. and now have -16 dioptres ¬__¬ Let’s say I am blind without glasses ^^’
5. I somehow grew up with Harry Potter. The audio books were playing all day long xDDD And I am still a big fan of HP ^^
6. I like yaoi. Especially BDSM-yaoi. >:D
7. I once shocked my maths teacher because I was writing and drawing porn in her lessons xD (She also was a religion teacher xD oops xD) But she liked me and so it was okay xD
8. I only got better in English because of watching the first 4 seasons of Pokèmon with english dub ^^’
9. One Piece was my very first manga to read and still is one of my favourites! <333
10. Thatch is not my favourite OP-Character. No. 1 will always be Usopp! xDDD
I hope that answer is okay and.. not too long? xD Well I’m back at my drawing desk and you will have Thatch back in the next post ^^ But this here was fun ^^
(Btw.. you could comment on this and tell me if you like my digital or traditional drawing style more :3 I’d love to know that ^^)
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mbhill612 · 7 years
Oye With the Poodles Already!
This week has been quite an interesting week for me. While this phrase perfectly sums up a number of events previous to this trip, “Oye, with the poodles already” has come out so many times it seemed a fitting title for this weeks blog!
This week started out as a holiday, so we did not have school. My family took me to Cologne to spend the day, and I had so much fun exploring the city with them. We went to the Dom of Köln (Cathedral of Cologne) and I walked up 533 steps to the top of the towers. The view was absolutely breathtaking! We spent the rest of the day touring around the city (unfortunately we got there too late in the day to visit the chocolate museum) and it was a fantastic day spent getting to know my family better.
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Tuesday was back to school and Delilah and I had to prep for our 6th grade math lesson. The class was learning about finding area of complex figures, and the next topic was howto find the area of a figure without straight edges. We decided it would be fun to have the find the area of Kentucky. It was a challenge for both them and us, as they are used to having all classes in German and we are not fluent in German, so they had an English and math lesson in one. I was happily surprised at how well the lesson went. There were a few times that we wanted to teacher to stress directions or important information in German to ensure that all students understood what to do, but overall the class was all English and all the students that were present completed the task correctly.
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There are so many differences between the German and American cultures. It was a little difficult to know what to do at first, but now that I am a little used to living here, I think I might have a problem readjusting to life in Kentucky. One of the topics in the 7th grade English class I was assisting was the cultural differences in different area of life in America and Germany. The children there were shocked to know that generally speaking, teachers are not allowed to wear jeans or dress down for work. They are expected to dress professionally or they may get sent home. Another difference at school is the appropriate dress for students. In Germany, it is ok for students to wear tight jeans/pants and shirts as long as they don’t wear what they define as “sport pants”, which I linked to sweat pants or jogging pants. I told them that in the States, students are allowed to wear sweat pants, but they cant wear tight pants without having a long shirt or pants that have holes in them that are above the knee. I have noticed that most students take the city bus to school or ride their bikes. Students in America take a school bus and very few ride bikes. Actually, bike riding in Germany is a major way of transportation. Public transportation in general is widely used and riding bikes is a means of getting to public transportation. There aren’t many paring spots at the school, but there is a garage for people to park their bikes. I was amazed at how many people utilize what many Americans consider a child’s pass time.
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