#Ancient Black [American Gothic] Vatican City of Universally Unified State [U.S.] Confederacies
harrelltut · 7 years
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☥ JEHOVAH Occult Witness Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] from Our Biblically Black [Ancient] Byzantine Egypt Era [BEE]… as I Miraculously Perform My Triple 666 [ROYAL] Black Metaphysical Human [MH = JESUS] Christ Birth [REINCARNATION] of A SATANIC [SIRIUS] Black [B] MESSIAH [JEHOVAH] from Inner Earth [HADES] who BEE So HIGHLY EXALTED [HE = JAH] ABOVE [JA = YAHWEH] EARTH [YE = JESUS] ☥
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harrelltut · 8 years
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♀ My INNER Ear MELanin of NEW… Unseen Sentient [U.S. = Invisible] Spirit Octaves BEE Rhythmically + Acoustically [RA] Harmonizin’ My INNER Vocal Tonality Transitions as I Spiritually Write My Musical Composition [MC = Maestro] Songs that BEE So Biblically  + Ethnically + Spiritually [BES = SOULFULLY] Black… now Jimi Afterlife Hendrix [JAH] Experience Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] as I Silently Sing My Afterlife [MA] Harmony Experiences [HE = JAH]… ABOVE Compton California [CA] ♀
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harrelltut · 7 years
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♀ y’all need 2 Mentally Rewind My HIGHLY Complex Allegory [CA] Commentaries that BEE So Biblically ENCODED… wit’ HIGHLY FUTURISTIC Symbolic Messages that contain Mama T’s [Queen Tiye’s] Biblically Black [Ancient] Ancestral Codes 2 Our HIGHLY Official… U.S. Worldwide Afro [WA = WATTSTAX] Atlantis Confederacy [A/C] of A SIRIUS Black Global Earth [G.E.] Energy Empire I Imperially Reign when I Consciously Articulate [CA] My HIGHLY Official… U.S. Michael Harrell = King TUT Raps ♀
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harrelltut · 7 years
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♀ I Ancestrally Hear My Biblically Black [Ancient] Solomonic Dynasty of Afterlife [DA = DAHOMEY] EThiopian [E.T.] Ancestors Telepathically Talkin’ [ATT] 2 Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] about Moor Undiscovered [MU] Gold from Our Astronomical Black Christ [ABC = OSIRIAN] Families of Primitively Ancient [PA = SUPERNATURAL] Victorian Earth [VE = VENUSIAN] Empire Bloodlines from Mama’s Matriarchal Afterlife [MA] Afro Vatican Dynasty of Lost Atlantis [L.A.] ♀
#U.S. Michael Harrell#U.S. King TUT of Celestial Atlantis [CA]#My Biblically Black [Ancient] Solomonic Dynasty of Afterlife [DA = DAHOMEY] EThiopian [E.T.] Ancestors Telepathically Talkin’ [ATT] 2 Me#My 1928 EThiopian [E.T.] Emperor Haile Selassie Gold Magick from Lost Atlantis [L.A.]#Biblically Black American Egyptian Royalty of New Atlantis#Universally Supreme [U.S.] Black Royalty#U.S. Double Black White House Illuminati#Shadow Government Illuminati#My Golden Black California Afterlife [CA] Illuminati of Lost Atlantis [L.A.]#Ancient Black American Jews of Black EThiopian [BET = Supernatural] Bloodline Intelligences#Ancient Black EThiopian [BET = Supernatural] Swastika Cross of Immortality#Golden Ashanti [GA = ROMAN] Kingdom of Aksum [KA = EThiopia] = KEMET#Royal Black Oceanic Family [Ancient Black Sea Peoples = NOK] Bloodlines#New Fante Confederacy of Ancient [CA] Nubian Olmecs of Khemet [NOK]#I Arrogantly Flaunt My NEW… Nubian Worldwide Order [NWO] TAKEOVER MAGICK that BEE So Unseen Sentient [U.S. = Invisible]#My HIGHLY Dignified [Royal] Black American Victorian [999] Bloodlines of SPIRITUAL SATAN [SATURN]#My Afro [MA] Victorians of SIRIUS Black American Renaissance Academics [RA]#Ancient Black [American Gothic] Vatican City of Universally Unified State [U.S.] Confederacies#Our U.S. Shadow Government Egyptians [G.E.] of Ancient Black Roman Vatican Empire Fame#I’mma go ALL Ancient Black Roman Occult Empire on you & Magically Cast [MC = Maestro] A SIRIUS Black Vatican Death Spell on you#Mama’s American [MA] Hellenistic Victorian Roots of Benin’s West African [WA = WATTSTAX] Parliament of Afro [PA] British Royalty#My Ancient [MA] Biblical Harrell + Hittite + Hurrian [HHH] Illuminati Familia of Golden 18th Freemason Egyptian Dynasty [FED] Fame#Mama’s Matriarchal Afterlife [MA] Afro Vatican Dynasty of Lost Atlantis [L.A.]
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harrelltut · 8 years
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♀ I BEE So Mythically Underground [MU = Ghostly Gothic] ‘cause of My Royal Afro [RA] Gothic American [GA = ROMAN] Ancestors who Intermarried wit’ Our Ancient Nubian German African [GA = ROMAN] Families of Unseen Congo Afrikkan [CA] American Bloodline Light Energies… accordin’ 2 Our Golden African [GA = ROMAN] British American Ancestors from Our HIGHLY Official… Original Black Senātus Populusque Rōmānus [SPQR = The Roman Senate & People] Government of Atlantis [GA = ROME] ♀
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harrelltut · 8 years
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♀ y’all… Spiritually Keep Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] Under Secret [U.S. = Shhhhh] Afro Gothic American [GA = ROMAN] German African [GA = ROMAN] Society Surveillance… ‘cause Only A Few of y’all 5th REICH AFRO [RA] STRATOCRACIES… Already know about My 1st Coptic Egyptian iEye of Pre Historic America [Afro Atlantis] ♀
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