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queersatanic · 6 months ago
(A Case Against) Identifying with Satanism in the Modern World
First, let’s make sure there’s no misunderstanding.
Most Satanists do not worship or even believe in a literal, supernatural devil. It is absolutely not the norm for Satanists to abuse or ritually harm children or animals; if anything, less than the general population, even. Satanists do not have much institutional power or influence in the world; most of what you hear along those lines eventually ends up being thinly-veiled antisemitism, frankly.
So who are Satanists, really? Mostly we’re just regular folk with some religious trauma.
If you’ve been raised by Christian reactionaries and particularly if told that you personally are evil because you have typical intrusive thoughts and human feelings, it’s going to mess you up. Or maybe you have an understanding of your own body, gender identity, and/or sexuality that your Christian family and church disapprove of. It can be quite natural to abandon trying to live up the expectations of those who will always hate you. When you notice that family members can justify abuse, rooting for genocide, and calling rank cruelty the way of heaven, it’s not surprising if you are one of so many who echo Huck Finn in saying, “All right then. I’ll go to hell.”
When you have watched those who say they are of-God make for years a convincing case that Satan is the logical and compassionate choice, why would a thinking, caring person not say, “Yes, I am of the devil. Be Gay, Do Crime, Hail Satan”?
Yet you should resist this temptation.
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flyin-shark · 1 year ago
What kind of satanism do you practice? What do you believe in?
I’m somewhere between the satanic temple (TST) and romantic satanism. I’m not a member of TST but I like their tenets.
I’m an atheist and I don��t believe satan is real. He’s not a literal figure but a literary one. I admire the story of him rallying a third of the angels to fight against this tyrannical dictator (god). Even though he loses and gets demonized, literally, for opposing this “king of kings” I think that kind of revolutionary spirit is something we should all to aspire to embody. No gods no masters.
I know I’m conflating Satan and Lucifer here. They’re basically the same to me.
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alephskoteinos · 13 hours ago
Somehow I have a new article, in which I explore the concept of anarchist Satanism as a reversal of moral polarity between God and Satan and the question of Romantic Satanism.
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blackmetalvampire · 5 months ago
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An anarcho-satanic reversal: the polarity of moral signifiers in biblical mythology.
From the book Bastard Chronicles 2017: Evil.
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stephenjaymorrisblog · 2 years ago
Is Satan Woke?
Stephen Jay Morris
©Scientific Morality
Just a refresher course into some American history: The Conservative conspiracy group, “The John Birch Society,” was the laughing stock of the USA during the early-to-mid sixties. I remember, as a child, how my uncle and my dad made jokes about them. In 1963, Bob Dylan wrote a song about them called, "John Birch Society Pananoid Blues. Then came the expressions, “There is a communist under every bed,” “Only Communists have beards,” and my favorite one, “Fluoride in the water supply is a communist plot!” The 1964 movie, “Dr.Strangelove, touches on this subject. Anti-Communist fever was high among those of the conservative and liberal camps back then.
Fast forward to the 21st Century, and one wimpy kid with a message board started to compile all of the conspiracy cliches he could find, put them into a blender, and out came the Qanon smoothie. He thought of these outlandish conspiracy scenarios, which if he’d written as fiction, no publisher would have touched them! They were fucking absurd! Like: Hillary Clinton ran a pedophile ring in the basement of a pizza shop. (Truth be told, this particular shop didn’t even have a basement.) So-called “Truth supporters” were so gullible that they bordered on Down’s Syndrome. They believed all the garbage that Qanon spewed! Well, as P.T. Barnum once said, “There’s a sucker born every minute!” W.C. Fields said, in a 1940s flick, “Never give a sucker an even break!” These Evangelical suckers are easy prey to exploit; i.e.: If you believe that Jesus literally walked on water, then you will believe anything.
This Syncretism of Qanon is really hilarious. Its followers are all in a “Satanic Panic.” First of all, every evil they profess contradicts all other nouns on the list. For example, “The People in Hollywood are Communist cannibals that eat children in the name of Satan!” What is wrong with that statement? Everything! This is just plain, idiotic name calling without any thought. If you think that common sense is the only path to wisdom, then you need more education! Nowadays, usage of the epitaph, “Communist,” is really lame. First of all, Communism does not believe in private companies. Matter of fact, Communist leaders from around the world were never fans of Hollywood movies. They thought that movies were capitalist propaganda. Second of all, Communists are mostly atheists and don’t believe in Satan, or even Santa Claus. Cannibals?! The majority of actors are either Vegan or Vegetarian. Leave it to the MAGA Republicans to not know the differences between Socialism and Communism, they don’t even know how Veganism and Vegetarianism differ. Did it ever occur to you that God gave you a brain for a reason? Studies show that most human beings use just 10% of theirs! You think that God is happy with that?!
Now on to this Satan thing; also known as The Devil, or Lucifer. Satanism was created by Anton LaVey in his work, “The Satanic Bible,” in 1969. Satanism is at the extreme end of philosopher, Ayn Rand’s, “Objectivism.” Ayn Rand believed in rational selfishness. Anton LaVey believed in Irrational Selfishness, i.e.: if someone violates your individualism, than kill them where they stand. Satanists don’t worship the Christian biblical Devil. They believe in the worship of one’s self as a god, which has nothing to do with religion. Theirs is more like Egotistical philosophy. If you possess an intense comprehension of the King James Bible, then you know that you must be a slave to God, or receive eternal damnation. As the story goes, the biblical devil, Lucifer, was an archangel in Heaven that wanted to be God, to which God said, ‘fuck that shit!’ He then kicked him out of Heaven and condemned him to Hell. Thus, Lucifer has been trying to corrupt human kind ever since.
Do you want to live in a theocratic regime with people who believe in superstitious crap like that? I don’t. The reason they spew all of these evil fairy tales is to scare you into accepting these Christo-Fascists to run your life. It’s done to make you feel that you are being inundated by the forces of evil! “The White Nationalist Christo-fascists are here to save the day!” No, they are not.
The Anti-Authoritarian Left is your ticket to freedom. Book your trip on Trans-love Airlines today!
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thelilithian · 9 days ago
Hello everyone! My previous blog @anarcho-satanism has been deactivated. Now I'm starting this new blog. I hope you enjoy it! Misogynists, racists, heteronormativists, and pedophiles are not welcome here!
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sonofsatansworld · 4 months ago
Satan is My Higher Power!
“Satan doesn’t actually exist outside the human imagination- just like God, Satan is not a conscious external, independent being, but is the internal personification of a moral code- a construct of our minds to provide character and narrative to a common morality.
Christianity, Judaism and Islam are institutions which find power in dictating human morality, regardless of the real-life consequences and without purpose other than increased power and influence. Anarcho-Satanism promotes empowering the individual through the individual’s creative practice of moral judgment, and examining the evident consequences in detail for the purpose of gradual improvements to the overall quality of life. Anarcho-Satanists seek to reclaim the right of moral judgment from God, and entitle the communities and individuals with the self-confidence to decide for themselves what is right and what is wrong. The God of the monotheistic western religions is evil disguised as good, while Satan is good disguised as evil. As times change and human life evolves, this historic inversion of morality is slowly being corrected.
For hundreds and thousands of years, crusades, inquisitions, witch hunts, jihads, imperial colonization, slavery, and all other manner of organized cruelties have been carried out in the name of God. The cover of God provides the justification for the weak-minded and weak-willed to commit the worst atrocities, thinking that they will be forgiven by God rewarded in an afterlife for their mindless devotion.
When Christians Jews and Muslims are no longer able to create an illusion of eternal suffering for those who deny their God, they are no longer able to justify worship of their God as a path to salvation, as there is then nothing to be saved from, except the world which the influence of God has warped and twisted from an ancient paradise into a modern hell on earth.
Christianity, Judaism and Islam would have us believe that God is omnipotent; the source of existence and a benevolent entity, but to be all-powerful and to still allow atrocities to occur could only demonstrate the unjust cruelty of the source of these atrocities. If God had not wanted humans to suffer from rape, murder, disease, starvation, poverty, natural disasters, war, terrorism, torture and genocide, why would God create these conditions? Why would an all-powerful, omnipotent God allow such catastrophes to continually plague humanity? If it is part of God’s plan, then we as individuals must find the inner strength of our ability to reason and rightfully judge the plan as horribly flawed, or as the lack of any plan.
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queersatanic · 1 year ago
(genuine question) why do people identify as satanists if they don't believe nor worship satan? and do you mind being confused with "actual" satanists who do worship the devil?
In the mid-19th century, it was not really with reference to the devil when when anarchists and socialists like Felix Pignal said:
Give me any epithets you wish; I accept them all in advance. I have only one thought, and envision only one glory: it is to strike everywhere and always, as much as I can, at the principle of domination. Satan, in his revolt, is my father, and, in his courage, Cain is my brother! ... … A tooth for a tooth! The law of the jungle. Such is the combat that we must still make against the divinity… First, why do we tremble at this audacity? Isn’t humanity, under the weight of its sorrows, at bay, at the last extremities? So it no longer has anything to lose… Courage in the attack! Courage! Our servility offers us a glorious pretext which would, by itself, justify our rebellion. And since we honor a people when they know how to overthrow a tyrant, what would be the grandeur of our triumph, if we succeeded in destroying the principle of tyranny!
You might also save and print this out:
Theistic Satanists (also Demonolaters and some Luciferians) are the minority of Satanists, and the people who believe in the literal, supernatural devil or a material sort of Satan are always going to be Christians.
Those Christians project a lot, and to some degree you just have to accept that it can't be helped.
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colorful-cryptid · 6 months ago
Our government is intentionally, unapologetically, and systematically an agent of evil (harm done to others for selfish gain). It is doing Satan’s work in the world and using the banner we thought united us as a people to mask itself. Christ’s calling is for us to abandon (transcend) nationalism for a True union in Him. When God lifts us out of our nationalism, we find the state that exploits it to be entirely antithetical to our greatest Love.
A system that does evil and forces or coerces your participation in it must be peacefully resisted by Christians. We must overcome evil by good. To the extent that we are to operate according to ideology, we should be at the forefront of culture waving a radically anarcho-pacifist sentiment.
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satanicallypanicky · 2 years ago
intro post, like if read
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The Basics:
this is a side blog of @theonewhocounts
I'm 33 years old, white, transmasc genderqueer (they/he pronouns), and autistic.
this blog is for my spirituality. theistic Satanism, Anglo-Saxon heathenry, and eclectic paganism mostly, but I'm going to reblog all sorts of religious stuff that strikes my fancy or educates me about other faiths.
I am an anarcho-syndicalist and hold no frith with fascists. Radical inclusion or bust.
I do divination with tarot and oracle cards, dice, runes, and obsidian mirrors. Open for requests.
if you're interested in joining a small diverse discord server for theistic satanists of all sorts, hit me up for the invite link.
i tag answered asks with #ask
DNI, I guess?
Nazis, TERFs, antisemites, folkists, and any other such motherfuckers can fuck directly off into the sun.
Proselytizers of any stripe, including Christians who would like to convince me to "return to the Lord" or whathaveyou. No thanks.
I block porn blogs and fetish Satanists. Not because I don't like porn (I assure you, that's not the case) but because I don't want my devil-worshipping to be sexualized. Follow me from your non-porn accounts or don't follow me.
I block Lilith worshippers. I respect Judaism and Jewish culture as closed. Lilith is Not For Us. For full reasoning, see this ask.
The Somewhat Less Basics:
I'm white. My ancestry is predominately from Germanic and "British Isles", but I was raised entirely "privileged American WASP". Despite being exiled from that family and experiencing poverty and homeless as a teen and adult, my background shapes my worldview.
Given my settler-colonialist heritage, I make a conscious attempt to stay out of closed practices and appropriately honor the land upon which I live.
I was raised Anglican/Episcopalian, Lutheran, and Catholic (it's complicated).
I am an eclectic pagan and polytheist. I got started in paganism through genealogical research and an ancestral connection to Englisc/Anglo-Saxon heathenry (folkists GTFO) so most of my worship is conducted through that framework of practice.
I think most/all gods are real and powerful, but I am somewhat choosy about the ones I choose to honor and worship for myself. I suppose that makes me henotheist.
I am a theistic Satanist- I worship Satan as a god of rebellion and opposition, rejection of authoritarianism, justice, and forbidden knowledge (amongst other things). I worship several other gods and/or demons as aspects or very close counterparts of Satan. Further information can be found in this ask.
I venerate my ancestors and honor the spirits and wights of the land and the home.
I have no ill will towards Christians as individuals. Satan is the Adversary of the Christian god, however, and so there are things upon which Christians and myself will fundamentally disagree. And that's okay.
I hold some Buddhist practices & philosophy very close to my heart.
The Gods I Honor
Satanic “Pantheon”
Fyrnsidu (Englisc/Anglo-Saxon Heathen) Pantheon
I am more than happy to answer questions about my spirituality and what sorts of weird religious shit I get up to. Hit me up.
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“Around us, life bursts with miracles--a glass of water, a ray of sunshine, a leaf, a caterpillar, a flower, laughter, raindrops. If you live in awareness, it is easy to see miracles everywhere. Each human being is a multiplicity of miracles. Eyes that see thousands of colors, shapes, and forms; ears that hear a bee flying or a thunderclap; a brain that ponders a speck of dust as easily as the entire cosmos; a heart that beats in rhythm with the heartbeat of all beings. When we are tired and feel discouraged by life's daily struggles, we may not notice these miracles, but they are always there.” -Thích Nhất Hạnh
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maepersonal · 8 months ago
What up, I'm Mae, I'm 19, and I never fucking learned how to read
main blog: @lockyle-and-skull
*all likes and follows will appear to come from there, even if we interact here*
about me: name: Mae or Ames age: 19 pronouns: ae/aer, it/its, she/her queer?: aroace + agender :3 why am I like this™?: autism, ocpd, bpd, ocd, adhd, anxiety, depression, alexithymia, aphantasia, dyspraxia, sometimes nonverbal & semiverbal, pots, tic disorder, sometimes agere (9-13ish) MBTI: ISTP :) aesthetic: here! :D element: water (duh) hogwarts house: slytherin ;) (I actually hate hp but I'm proud of my house) favorite colors: blue, green, purple nationality: american (canadian + german parents) shit I like: kpop: Lunarsolar, Xdinary Heroes, Ateez, Yena, Bibi, others more casually music: hardcore punk, punk, hard rock, symphonic metal, alt rock, nu metal, power metal, glam rock, hyperpop, Elliot Lee, Andrew Polec, Meat Loaf, Sick Puppies, In This Moment, Black Market Kidney Surgeons, Anti Flag (fuck justin sane), Iggy Pop, Car Seat Headrest musicals: Sweeney Todd (1982), Newsies, Ride the Cyclone, Bat Out of Hell, The Lightning Thief, Bonnie & Clyde, everything Starkid (but especially Starship, Black Friday, and Trail to Oregon) movies: The Human Centipede II: Full Sequence, Velvet Goldmine, Star Wars prequels, The Sorcerer's Apprentice, Narnia, Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets tv shows: Lockwood and Co, Julie and the Phantoms, Haikyuu, The 100 games: Palworld, The Enchanted Cave 2, BATIM, YTTD, Children of Silentown, The Mortuary Assistant, Little Witch in the Woods, Until Dawn, The Quarry, SCP Foundation, Project Kat, definitely more stuff I'm forgetting other stuff: wet specimen taxidermy, punk diy, collecting weird shit, tornadoes, alchemy, statistics, photography, The Council <3, insects, being a non-theistic satanist (inspired by LaVeyan satanism), being punk, being an anarcho-communist tech support: op tag: #oh mae oh my pfp: Bronté Barbé as Katherine in Newsies UK header: MUU (ex-LUNARSOLAR) - Shooting Star MV not safe for littles tag: #nsfl - BLOCK IF NEEDED
let me know if you want anything tagged differently!!
why are u reblogging/interacting with therian/DID content? because I am very close with a system that has therians and non-human alters :)
what do you use this blog for? this blog is mostly for irl, kpop, bpd, other mental disorders, anarchy, aroace, agere, vents, and anything else I feel like doesn't fit on my main :)
no DNI, just don't be a dick.
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spann-stann · 9 months ago
Setting Blurb: Hoppe City
Nestled snugly in the Hanami Planum, Hoppe City is the largest human settlement on the dwarf planet Ceres, and the de facto capital of free market civilization. Everywhere you go, after stepping off the Rags to Riches interplanetary spaceport (and casino resort) the planet's rich mineral wealth rewards those that were the first to claim it. From the many facilities for mining and refining what lies below Ceres' crust to the luxury estates and skyscrapers of those that made it big (never mind the slums in Refoogietown), Hoppe City and Ceres as a whole would reward those that would work for it.
As the inner solar system was being colonized by the three human powers in the late 2300s, ambitious eyes turned towards the asteroid belt and saw only opportunity. It was only a matter of time before the many construction projects in the inner system created a demand for resources that only the Belt could supply. The first ones to seize the Belt would reap the rewards. CorpEmp and the W.C.O.F. would dispatch a few expeditions to the Belt, and a swarm of independent miners would stake their claim in the untapped riches floating between Mars and Jupiter. The largest contributor to the Belt Rush would be the United Markets, and the largest of the U.M. settlers came from the Hoppean subculture.
The U.M. back on Earth was growing too corpocratic and libertine for the more socially conservative Hoppeans, and what available real estate there was was either too crowded for their tastes or would become so at an uncomfortable taste. Several thousand Hoppeans began to pool resources and capital together in the 2350s to settle, mine, and develop a plot of the Cerean surface, with the first families given stewardship over plots purchased by a secondary wave of Hoppeans staying behind to continue financing the colony back on Earth. Each family would be responsible for either mining their plot, providing a service for the other settlers, or develop for future use. Everyone also had to pitch in to buy military equipment for security. No freeloaders, no market failures, and definitely no Imps or Commies. Reserves could join the settlement proper, or pay triple to hitch a ride and disappear into the icy crevices to stead all their lonesome. C.P.C. gangsters were shot on sight.
The 2,500 families of the first and second waves (also known as the First Steaders) ratified the Covenant Charter on September 2nd 2355 in a rented Las Vegas convention center, affirming all families' adherence to the Non-Aggression Principle and describing in great detail what is and isn't Aggression. To help retain a united sense of identity, the founding families would model their colony's culture and memetics after the New England Puritans and the Scottish Covenanters of the 16th and 17th centuries, mixed with the stylings of their own brand of anarcho-capitalism. Three years later the first transport craft would land on the site of what would become Hoppe City.
For the next 500 years, the denizens of Hoppe City laid low mining and developing their part of Ceres and keeping an eye on newcomers to their neck of the Belt. The Hoppeans' large volunteer militia kept their colony and the rest of Ceres out of the Belt Wars in the 2600s. Likeminded groups from the U.M. would arrive and establish communities of their own, eventually adopting the Covenanter model of anarchist society. The rest of the U.M.'s subfactions would arrive to stake their own claims of the dwarf planet, with the Hoppeans giving them a wide berth, and wildly divergent Marketeers (NEVER bring up the incident with the Church of Randian Satanism) were treated like they didn't exist. Most individual miners would try their luck in the mines of Hoppe City, tripling the population just in time for the Human-Crystalline War (2801-2885).
As the Crystalline Aliens had a nasty habit of attacking any significant human presence, Ceres' population evacuated to the many underground mining complexes and rode out the war. Hoppe City's private militias remained on-planet in the event of an attack, but a few volunteered to join the rest of U.M. security forces to drive the aliens out of the Solar System. The aliens never touched Ceres, and because of that refugees would flock to the dwarf planet, tripling the population yet again. Most of the refugee population would be moved to the aforementioned mining complexes, they could either wait until it was safe to be relocated (especially CorpEmp and W.C.O.F. populations, and especially after fighting between the two groups), or try their hand at joining the planet's population. This refugee problem, and the threat of alien invasion, would lead to the expansion of the private security industry on Ceres. Many famous firms today had their beginnings in many volunteers that fought the Human-Crystalline War (against alien or refugee gang). The one group the Hoppeans were really wary of were the execs of the megacorps (MicroBucks, Morgan Industries, etc.) from the U.M. core.
Although they were sequestered in their own territories on Ceres, the Hoppeans didn't want the megacorps to start thinking they could run the dwarf planet like the rest of their assets. The descendants of the Founding Steaders (and a few Founding Steaders themselves who used life extension technologies) met with the megacorp execs, and stated that on no certain terms would Ceres be run like the old FVMEs on Earth. Pre-emptive strikes against acts of aggression were perfectly legal according to Covenant Charter, and it would be a shame if the execs did anything that would be considered aggressive. A few execs got the memo and drank the Hoppean kool-aid, or quickly relocated. Sympathetic megacorp employees would also subvert their employers' memetics with that of the Covenanters, bringing them more in line ideologically with the Hoppeans. By the beginning of the 2900s, Ceres and especially Hoppe City, would become the industrial and economic capital of the United Markets.
With the alien threat removed and their competition suborned, the Hoppeans and Ceres did what they did best: minding their own business and mining. As human settlement expanded into the outer solar system, a few expert miners from Hoppe City went to try their hand at establishing daughter colonies in the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn. An even smaller few went out to stake their claims in the Extrasolar Territories. The Transhuman Wars were the only conflicts of the 31st century that the Hoppeans would get involved due to --DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES BRING UP THE TRANSHUMAN WARS OR THE ACTIONS OF HOPPE HEDONICS IN HOPPE CITY - NEVER BRING UP THE TRANSHUMAN WARS - THERE WERE NO CATGIRLS - HOPPE HEDONICS NEVER PRODUCED CATGIRLS - UNDER THE REVISED COVENANT CHARTER OF 3106 ANY MENTION OF CATGIRLS CONSTITUTES AN ACT OF AGGRESSION-- in what would become know as Refoogie Town in the first layer of exhausted mining complexes below the city proper.
By the rise of CorpEmp's 5th ruling Dynasty, Hoppe City is an icy jewel that seems to only shine brighter. Most of Ceres by this point is "governed" (a dirty word in the U.M.) in covenants similar to Hoppe City, and Hoppean Scots has become the lingua franca of the myriad communites in the Asteroid Belt. Ceres has also emerged as the Mecca for developments in brine mining technology. Thousands of fortunes are made, lost, and won back daily in Hoppe City. In spite of all their history and achievements, however, there is one thing. One little frustrating thing that comes to most non-Cereans' minds first when asked to think about Hoppe City...
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alephskoteinos · 7 months ago
I've been made aware that one of my blog posts from about five years was cited in a book by Spencer Sunshine, "Neo-Nazi Terrorism and Countercultural Fascism", which was published in Routledge of all places. To be honest this catches me by surprise, and admittedly with a sense of trepidation, if not embarassment, but that's only because it's still a blog post. I definitely remember having a disclaimer regarding academic citations (although tbf that was pretty much just to stop university students from putting it in their dissertations or essays; I suppose it doesn't matter that much in this context).
If you're wondering, that post was a review of Carl Abrahamsson's documentary "Into the Devil's Den", which, to be fair, was a thoroughly obsequious tribute to the life of Anton LaVey. I think the basic throughline of what I said at the time holds up and I would defend the premise that Abrahamsson did not adequately investigate the legacy of the Church of Satan, and could not because he is a CoS member and clearly an avowed fan of LaVey himself. But that said I remember that 2019 was still in what I now call a "baby leftist" leftist era, and I came at it from that standpoint, a lot of which I would probably tear apart now (including the misadventures with Marxism that would come) because of the way I've come full circle to a kind of insurrectionary individualist anarchism/anarcho-nihilism in the years since. However, it was in this time also that I was certainly re-examining groups like the Church of Satan, and I owe that to anti-fascist researchers like Trident Antifascists, from whom I learned about the endemic Nazism of groups like the Church of Satan years ago. I don't know if they're around and I've tried to find their receipts again years later (I think some have disappeared), but if they're around I'd like to use this opportunity to say thank you to the Trident Antifascists.
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lockyle-and-skull · 8 months ago
What up, I'm Mae, I'm 19, and I never fucking learned how to read
personal/kpop blog: @maepersonal
*all likes and follows will come from this account, even if we interact there*
about me: name: Mae or Ames age: 19 pronouns: ae/aer, it/its, she/her queer?: aroace + agender :3 why am I like this™?: autism, ocpd, bpd, ocd, bipolar disorder, adhd, anxiety, depression, alexithymia, aphantasia, dyspraxia, occasionally nonverbal & semiverbal, pots, tic disorder, sometimes agere (9-13ish) MBTI: ISTP :) aesthetic: here! :D element: water (duh) hogwarts house: slytherin ;) favorite colors: blue, green, purple nationality: american (canadian + german parents) shit I like: tv shows: Lockwood and Co, Julie and the Phantoms, Haikyuu, The 100 games: Palworld, The Enchanted Cave 2, BATIM, YTTD, Children of Silentown, The Mortuary Assistant, Little Witch in the Woods, Until Dawn, The Quarry, H:SR, Genshin, definitely more stuff I'm forgetting movies: Star Wars prequels, The Human Centipede II: Full Sequence, Velvet Goldmine, The Sorcerer's Apprentice, Narnia, Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets musicals: Sweeney Todd (1982), Newsies, Ride the Cyclone, Six, Bat out of Hell, everything Starkid (but especially Starship, Black Friday, and Trail to Oregon) music: hardcore punk, punk, hard rock, symphonic metal, alt rock, nu metal, power metal, glam rock, hyperpop, Elliot Lee, Andrew Polec, Meat Loaf, Sick Puppies, In This Moment, Black Market Kidney Surgeons, Anti Flag (fuck justin sane), Iggy Pop, Car Seat Headrest kpop: Lunarsolar, Xdinary Heroes, Ateez, Yena, Bibi, others more casually other stuff: wet specimen taxidermy, punk diy, collecting weird shit, tornadoes, alchemy, statistics, photography, The Council <3, insects, being a non-theistic satanist (inspired by LaVeyan satanism), being punk, being an anarcho-communist tech support: op tag: #lockyle and skull op pfp: by @boyteal (used to be kkatsudon) header: by Philipp Grote not safe for littles tag: #nsfl - BLOCK IF NEEDED
no DNI, just don't be a dick
*all agere, bpd, bipolar, irl, and kpop content is on my other blog!!*
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grandhotelabyss · 2 months ago
Y no lecture or essay on paradise lost? r u afraid to join the devils party w milton & blake?
There is an essay—it's here. (No lecture because I didn't go much before the 19th century in the IC this year.) My take on the devil's party question:
For the republican and regicide Milton, the trappings of authority—including, apparently, a transcendent and monarchical Father God and his regal Prince—are temporary expedients until we all become capable of enjoying the anarcho-communism at the end of history. From this perspective, to riff on one of Empson’s startling analogies, Milton’s God really is like “Uncle Joe Stalin,” though Satan isn’t much better, a kind of Lenin whose revolt, however we might comprehend it, leads to tyranny, as Satan becomes monarch of Hell. Milton, though, if we can belabor this fanciful analogy, is Trotsky, a visionary of the permanent revolution. At the end of time, God will dissolve into humanity, and humanity will therefore be God, free and equal at long last.
Basically, it's a short step from Milton to Goethe, where the devil is a dialectical principle necessary to produce the good. I accept this in the abstract, but, like anyone, would quarrel with the details of what evils we can accept in the name of dialectics. (My idea of necessary evil is writing amoral books, not killing a lot of people; other dialecticians have thought otherwise.)
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