#Analog Archive . WUTAI
consacro · 4 years
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Name // Petilace The Prancing Pokemon Typing // Ghost/Ice Ability // Ice Body (HA) // Snow Cloak // Soul Force* Height // 3′7″ // 1.09m Weight // 30lbs // 14kg Evolution method // High Friendship at Night Gender Ratio // 50/50 Egg Group // Field Leveling Rate // Medium Slow
*Soul Force: Each turn raises accuracy, evasion, or attack by one stage (stat boosted is random)
A small fawn-like pokemon, due to the size and disposition it’s believed to be the souls of deerling who passed away. Petilace are passive by nature, herding together and migrating around snow storms.Since discovery they have been referred to as both “Ghost Head” and “Ghost Track” pokemon, as the white fur covering their head as well as their footprints will glow in the dark. Each herd of Petilace is guarded by three Glacele. If one is captured or passes away, a Petilace will evolve to take their place on the next full moon. If a Petilace is separated or exiled from the herd, it will typically not survive for long on its own.
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Name // Glacele The Warden Pokemon Typing // Ghost/Ice Ability // Ice Body (HA) // Snow Cloak // Soul Force* Height // 7′2″ // 2.18m Weight // 104lbs // 47kg Evolution method // High Friendship at Night Gender Ratio // 50/50 Egg Group // Field Leveling Rate // Medium Slow
*Soul Force: Each turn raises accuracy, evasion, or attack by one stage (stat boosted is random)
While Glacele are typically passive, they are dangerous when enraged. The lead Glacele of a herd will first attempt to discourage predators with loud bellows, though are not above using their sharp horns to protect their Petilace. While it’s not difficult to outmaneuver Glacele, it may prove incredibly difficult in the wild given the three herd leaders will defend one another. Glacele can safely be removed from wild herds, but there should be something new for it to warden available. Though adult Glacele have a harder time warming up and forming a bond with human handlers, this obstacle doesn’t seem to be present if obtained as a Petilace.
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consacro · 4 years
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The sake Rahi crafts, distilled and infused in black bamboo barrels, it doesn’t have an official name, but Homura tends to refer to their sake as [ 花春天 (Huā chūntiān) ]
The flavors of each bottling tastes different based on which flowers the stock sake is corked with, but they all share several features.
The sake sparkles, like suspended glitter
The aroma has a strong, sweet floral scent
There seems to always be a honey-like aftertaste
According to Kyouma, it has a very low alcoholic taste, he said it tastes closer to a sparkling juice than chilled sake
Despite the taste, it has a very high alcohol content and for those unaccustomed, a little goes a long way
Small, round flasks are corked and given away as gifts, typically to friends or in appreciation. The gift bottles are all the same shape, approximately three inches in diameter at the widest part.
Despite looking and feeling like glass, the bottles used to cork the sake are actually molded leaves from the Gloamwood trees found inside Sirocco, the durability seems to be quit similar to common metals and the glass-like clarity is achieved by firing the leaves in a kiln
Some of the flowers used for infusing are common, but many of them are full blooms taken from the spliced hybrids crafted from Rahi
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consacro · 4 years
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Homura’s [ Rau kiseru 羅宇きせる ] pipe isn’t especially of note, it’s well crafted modeled after a [ Joshin 女信 ]. The body is made of black bamboo from Lyre. The mouth piece and bowl are made of gold steel-bark from Sirocco, and the silver piece is carved from a bouffalant horn.
The unique factor comes from the small sachets that he smokes. Rahi and I craft them, no larger than a ball bearing, they’re packed with a variety of plant and herb material taken from plants found in the tunnel world biomes inside Lyre and Sirocco.
The primary component is condensed Skyroot powder, ground down from the stem and roots. Despite being a blue plant inside and out, when dried and ground it becomes a lustrous gold color.
This powder, when lit with a cocktail of dried, plant components, acts in the same fashion as a full incense.
The sachets are shaped in a similar fashion to [ Wagashi (和菓子, wa-gashi) ] and made with five varieties at Homura’s request, due to the wrapping layers adding a taste and smell to the smoke.
The green ones smell like pine and taste of mango
The white ones flavors the smoke with vanilla and has a strong matching scent.
Red ones have an odor quite uncanny to cinnamon, but he says it tastes like bone marrow
Yellow sachets smell like sunflowers and taste like honey
Purple ones smell like orange and taste like Kisumi
I don’t know what “tastes like  Kisumi” means, but Empress requested that I simply..
record what he says verbatim...
I don’t understand..what does that mean
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consacro · 4 years
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At current it’s more of a public secret within the pantheon as opposed to a closely guarded trump card, but deep within the recesses of the Temple grounds, Empress constructed a room, similar to an echo chamber of sorts. It doesn’t officially have a fancy name, but it’s referred to as the [Hall of Memories].
Crystal sheet panels adorn the walls like mirrors, the only light source being the entrance. The true “trick” of this room seems to be a pedestal in the center of the room where a crystal structure sits.
The structure itself is no larger than the diameter of the stand it sits on, but the shape is odd. While one would believe it to be a chalice of some sort, slatted holes and being immovable says otherwise. Empress said it’s meant to behave similarly to a zoetrope.
This zoetrope has two types of fuel that can be used. The first is a blood crystal, the second is a world crystal. Both appear similar to an enhydro crystal, though the liquid inside varies. The crystal is burned with the holy flames of ho-oh, meaning either Homura or a sovereign is required for it to function properly. The projections from the zoetrope are much more than mere images, refracting light creating 3d models within the room.
Blood crystals are made from encapsulating the blood of one seeking to recall memories. This method of recall is non-invasive, but for better or worse doesn’t carry the organic haze of attempting to recall. It shows memories of the individual from their point of view. Everything they saw, everything they heard. The light models that reflect in the room can be navigated around allowing the viewer to stray from the memory subject, though details become less clear the further away you stray.
World crystals function the same, by all technicalities, but on a much larger scale. Taking soil from the area, the panels have a much stronger connection and the images are much more clear and accurate. Unlike with blood crystals, the history shown here allows viewers to effectively live through the holograms displayed and explore the area created by the type of soil being burned.
I’ve tried asking Empress what type of power is at work in the room, but it simply says it’s a fun feature of the Temple.
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consacro · 4 years
Historia Temporis
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Empress has asked me to compile theirs and Elmine’s catalog into a physical archive, I suppose the place to start would be the Pantheon we now call home. I worry this scroll will become quite long so I’ve taken the liberty to abridge the history and separate the keystone events into separate scrolls at a later date.
[Note 1: Discovery of Mew = The colonization of Pallet Town / Gen1] [Note 2: The years are based on how much time lapsed on their territory, which may or may not reflect the “normal” flow of time]
[3500 years before the discovery of Mew] In the beginning, the [RINGLEADER], a foul, heartless Allfather, created two entities. [NIGHT], and [MARIA]. Aptly its intention was to cause nightmares, hence the..names.
Night and Maria were a Darkrai and Cresselia, though due to the Allfather’s lack of ability, they didn’t have a strong natural ability. Night was able to cause nightmares, but only within a small radius around him. Likewise, Maria calmed terrors, but only within a radius.
They were created with the Allfather’s full exertion. They knew of its machinations, of its intent, what they were made from, for. They knew of the [CHIMERA GENE].
They lived among man, shepherding a young kingdom with leadership who dearly wished for the best.
The two lived and bonded with humans, serving as advisors and guardians.
[3450 years before the discovery of Mew] When the wars came, tensions grew, and the family they once guided were divided. Night and Maria both continued, in a vain attempt to reunite the family. It didn’t work, and through the generations they became closely guarded secrets of the now divided home.
[3000 years before the discovery of Mew] Humans are strange creatures. They recall what they want, forget what they want. There were many rumors. For the house of Night, he became a myth, a phantom that “only the king” could see.He retreated from the public eye. A wise decision on his part, if I must say.
Unfortunately Maria, in her overflowing love of man, remained public. Every few years her public image changed, but the name remained as a rumor mill. The king’s advisor, the king’s consort, the king’s concubine, a variety of titles followed her like a miasma. The king at the time was enamored with her, daring to keep her with him at all times, to bed her, to ask for her hand - but her heart belonged to another.
When this came to light, the king went mad, only knowing that her heart belonged to someone from the rivaling kingdom. That he was someone of the royal court.
War was waged, Maria was executed upon the two kings discovering she and Night were far from human. I believe this broke him, Night...Valentin. He mourned and in her dying breath, Maria begged him to carry on with her heart, she didn’t know what the Allfather had planned, just that they had to stop their creator.
Night fell into stasis this year.
[2000 years before the discovery of Mew] Night awoke from stasis. From first hand account, he didn’t know why. He didn’t know what compelled him to wake, but he did. He found out the reason why, though.
This was the year the Allfather began building the foundation for its demise. Ho-oh and Lugia were the earliest specimen it could replicate, so  it settled for them. Poor creatures. Shion and Souma oh, I apologize I believe their names now are [ARCHEL] and [EPOCH] - they retrieved a record from the Allfather after its demise, presented to the [EMPIRE OF SKIES] to safeguard.
When he awoke, Night altered his name, [VALENTIN].
He saw the notions the Allfather was performing, and began his own scheming. He offered the Allfather an out, to raise the children it crafted.
[100 years before the discovery of Mew] This seems to be the point at which [HOMURA] and [SIREN]’s eggs were crafted and set loose among man. They were discovered and cared for by priests in the region that would become Johto. It wasn’t until they hatched that Valentin was set in motion. The two Young Blood children were taken to a floating island hidden away from man, a heretical claim that would later become known as the Godless Lands.
[50 years before the discovery of Mew] The cruel Allfather learned of Valentin’s scheming, to teach them to live among man and abandon the Allfather. Furious, he was banished from the Godless Lands. Unfortunately for both him and Homura, this was also the turning point when Siren began to show signs of the Allfather’s influence.
After this year..Valentin was never seen in the Pantheon again..
[45 years after the discovery of Mew] Siren crafted the egg that would divide and become Archel and Epoch. She willed the creation, another subtle flag that she was beginning to fall. She abhorred fire types, by this point there were already signs that she hated Homura. It was only a matter of time.
[47 years after the discovery of Mew] [REIKA] and [HIBIKI] were crafted in the same years, though Homura’s method of creating his beasts was quite varied from Siren’s from my understanding.
Hibiki’s core component for being reborn was [TENACITY]
[50 years after the discovery of Mew] [AGEHA] was crafted this year, their core component from what Empress’ Room of Memories is suggested to be [FORTITUDE]
This is also the year the Allfather shackled the [REAPER] that would become known as Libra. The arbiters that acted as a safety valve and second family to an individual [REAPER] are incredibly important to maintain balance, and Libra only had one remaining after those events.
[52 years after the discovery of Mew] [KYOUMA] was crafted. There seems to be mixed feelings, as he wasn’t the first choice, but according to Homura, after seeing such a small, young soul, still latched onto life tooth and nail, he couldn’t ignore that [DRIVE] and made his decision.
[70 years after the discovery of Mew] This was the year that the [PATRAT DAY] occurred. It was a cold spring the day the Ilex forest burned down by Homura’s hand and brute forced Celebi into reverting the day. A terrible event, truthfully. Hibiki was the only survivor of the event, and Homura determined that it was time to separate interaction from humans.Up until this point the little ones were watched by the priests who found Homura and Siren when needed, often when the two traveled to the Whirl Islands.
[73 years after the discovery of Mew] Reika had found a recently passed child in the mountains she explored in. At her request, Homura breathed life back into the small Vulpix, a small price to pay to make a child happy. [CHALTIER] became linked to Homura’s vitality, though he quickly discovered he could alleviate the fatigue that Homura bore if he consumed the vitality of an outside source.
[85 years after the discovery of Mew] Oh dear..The Allfather’s tyranny through Siren began to sprout here. This is the year that Siren began performing unspeakable, cruel actions to Homura. Luck was on the ho-oh’s side, and he was able to escape death many, many times, but still had the unfortunate circumstance of being created into a heartless Pantheon. He did his best during this time to deflect attention away from the Young Blood Gods, and...well, for a long time it worked.
This was the same year that Siren banished Reika to an isolated mountain after months of shaming her. A tragedy, really. She was shamed for things that Siren herself had created her with.
The Pantheon, unlike many, is unable to alter their human veil. They were created as they were.
Archel and Epoch abandoned the Godless Lands at this time. They had fled to make a deal with the Allfather and escape Siren.
[90 years after the discovery of Mew] To my knowledge, this is the year Siren killed Ageha and was finally ended by Homura’s hand. Hibiki’s eye was lost in the dog fight, and Ageha’s death was the precursor to the brawl.
Kyouma was unharmed physically, but ..something...something in him changed that day. The drastic change from the quick-witted, untamed beast into a sedate shell...seeing it was jarring. I can’t imagine how it must have felt for Hibiki and Homura to experience it in person.
Not forgotten, Reika was retrieved from the mountain with the news of Siren’s fall, but..she wasn’t the same after. She wasn’t the same for a long time...
This was the year that Reika determined she no longer wished to be seen as [MALE]
[91 years after the discovery of Mew] The Allfather’s fury was immature and excessive. Homura hadn’t done as it wanted. Hadn’t devoured Siren’s heart to trigger the [CHIMERA GENE]. In a tantrum, it banished Homura to a limbo, sealed his power, his memories. He knew only the land and the constructed building was referred to as the [TOWER OF HEAVEN]
Chaltier survived with Reika, preying on humans at the base of the mountain they had to call home for several years. They had to survive. They had to survive. For their own sake. For Homura’s sake.
Hibiki and Kyouma took to the seas, barred from being near Homura, the risk of extinction for going against the Allfather’s wishes. Hibiki was convinced they weren’t strong enough, that they had to heed its words.
[150 years after the discovery of Mew] An Entei from an unknown Pantheon discovered the [TOWER OF HEAVEN]. For better or worse this began the gear of its demise..in another way. The Entei’s appearance triggered Homura’s memory to return and break the Allfeathers’ glamour on him and the island. This also allowed the Young Blood Gods to return to their guardian, slowly but surely.
I feel this was arguably the most eventful single year of the Pantheon. After the Entei broke the glamour, Hibiki and Kyouma, though remaining at sea, began to regularly return again.
In the same notion, Reika and Chaltier were spirited away to the [TOWER OF HEAVEN] and remained there, avoiding much of the outside world.
At the end of the year, Libra, along with Archel and Epoch were released from the Allfather’s hold and granted passage to enter the [TOWER OF HEAVEN]
[277 years after the discovery of Mew] The Allfather’s machinations have caused time to become out of joint. Visitors from another parallel became trapped here. [WILD] and [FULMINE] they were called. They were - and are, most certainly Great Old Ones with much knowledge. Goodness. I can’t wait to introduce myself and find out more about their lives.
The end of the year is when Hibiki and Kyouma discovered a floating shell that would become [TAPU YULA] as well.
[278 years after the discovery of Mew] I believe the pressure came to a head this year. This was the year that  Homura began the downfall of the Allfather. With the assistance of a Staraptor, he gained the Godkiller’s Spear.
[279 years after the discovery of Mew] It was also through this Staraptor that he obtained what Elmine has cataloged as [FAIRWEATHER ARMOR], a suit of armor designed to withstand the Allfather’s fury.
The end of the 279th year marked the beginning of the end for the Allfather. Homura was out of time, as the [CHIMERA GENE] would end him soon enough if he held off much longer.
[280 years after the discovery of Mew] They weren’t ready yet, but it was now or never. Even without being present, watching the memories of the earth, the fury and rage that erupted from Homura when the Allfather encountered [TAPU YULA] and struck their eye. He took the war to it, there were no two ways about it.
While Homura and the other Young Blood Gods entered the [DOMAIN OF KINGS] - I believe they refer to it as the “Void Zone” but the truth of the matter is, it’s an isolated veil where only Allfathers are meant to exist. As the [DISTORTION WORLD] belongs to [GIRATINA], [DOMAIN OF KINGS] belongs to [ARCEUS].
It didn’t stop them though. When they entered the Domain to dare the Allfather - it was a gamble. It was absolutely a winner take all gamble.
Impressively, Homura even deigned to enter the fight handicapped. His vitality was able to keep [TAPU YULA] alive through the eye implanted as a replacement. They fell into a long sleep though. The poor thing entered stasis without knowing if they - or their family..would ever come back.
[285 years after the discovery of Mew] It was only hours for the Young Blood, I believe. Five years passed in the mortal plane.
They were returned to the mortal plane victorious, though. The corpse of the Allfather offered a great deal of power, but they chose to let the rotten rot.
The [DOMAIN OF KINGS] had taken its toll on them though. Wild and Fulmine were nowhere to be seen, jettisoned back to their own parallel. Libra and Mu were absent as well, the [REAPER] finally freed from the chain and returning to his [HIVEMIND]. The poison of being there for so long caused the Young Blood to fall into a catatonic state.
This is the year the [SOVEREIGNS] came into sentience. The blood and bone of the Allfather gave sentience of the [EMPRESS OF STONE], the body of the Allfather raising the [EMPEROR OF THE SEAS], with the most..dangerous aspect of it...the soul and spirit of the Allfather, became [EMPIRE OF SKIES].
All of the Young Blood were taken. [EMPRESS OF STONE] crafted a safe haven, a [TEMPLE], though fundamentally akin to the now-destroyed [TOWER OF HEAVEN], it was deemed a sanctuary rather than a stockade.
The Young Blood would remain in recovery for a very long time following this.
[669 years after the discovery of Mew] [TAPU YULA] awoke from stasis, choosing the name [RAHI] for themselves.
In the following two years they were cared for by the [SOVEREIGNS], though they also had to cope with the sudden absence of any semblance of family they knew.
Preceding Rahi’s awakening, [EMPRESS OF STONE] unearthed the meteorite that would become [IMPERIAL ELMINE],  and following that it discovered the remains of a [CELESTEELA] - repaired and breathed life into. She would become an extension, a steel doll that channeled Elmine and [EMPRESS OF STONE]’s power, [SASA].
[671 years after the discovery of Mew] [Beginning of this blog activity] The Young Blood now awaken, Though the mortal plane only saw their absence for 3 years, the [DISTORTION WORLD] found their absence for 12. The time elapsed at the [TEMPLE] is a total of 386 years.
[673 years after the discovery of Mew] Wild and Fulmine have returned? It seems they’re able to control the [WHEN] and [WHERE] for their being to be, rather than suffering at the mercy of an Allfather this time.
Libra and Mu have returned to their duties as a [REAPER], though he seems to have a much better relationship with [EMPRESS OF STONE] than he did with [RINGLEADER].
[EMPRESS OF STONE] found me as well...it found me..and gave me a purpose, gave me a second chance. It was gracious enough to grant my little ones a second chance as well...I can’t thank it enough for not leaving me to rot in the ruins...
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