#Anakin without his prosthetics
mamuzzy · 1 year
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Anakin needs therapy.
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Just over here admiring the level of sheer blind trust Echo put into this band of strange-looking clones that he had literally just met, by agreeing to be tossed by a gigantic bear of a man 20 feet (give or take) through the air up to a small ventilation shaft while clinging to the back of the guy who's wearing glasses in an active combat zone.
This, after having just been released from cryofreeze with two prosthetic legs he likely hasn't had any practice actually walking on + a scomp for a hand (meaning if anything goes wrong with this stunt, there's likely very little he can do to save himself).
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(May I just add that THE Anakin Skywalker is apparently just standing back watching all this go down before finally saying he doesn't actually need Wrecker's help to reach the shaft because, you know, the Force?)
Of course, Echo's an ARC trooper who had Fives as a squad mate... But he's basically putting his life in the hands of 4 versions of Fives 2.0 on steroids, immediately after waking up from months of torture/coma.
AND THEN within 10 minutes of this, he has to leap onto the back of a winged creature, and does so without any question apart from raised eyebrows.
Mad respect, Echo. Mad respect!
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darlingdekarios · 1 year
promise not to tell.
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rating: explicit. 18+ only. length: 5,014 content: Anakin Skywalker x f!reader, established relationship, forbidden relationship, secret relationship, nightmares, gaslighting/manipulation, porn with plot, somnophilia, dacryphilia, dubious consent, smut [fingering - receiving, oral - receiving, cockwarming, unprotected p in v, multiple orgasms, orgasm control], kink(s) [choking, biting, breeding, hair pulling, blood, squirting], somewhat "dead dove do not eat" please read the content tags again!, ends in fluff
Anakin needs to occupy his mind with something other than unrelenting nightmares. it's hard for you to tell him no.
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A raging fire. A cloaked figure hidden by smoke and shadow, the presence enough without a face or voice to cause a primal fear - the kind that manifested in one's physicality and tightened your chest until you were certain you couldn't breathe. 
And you - the flames drawing closer as your face stared back at him, unblinking as tears streamed down your face. You were talking - whatever you were saying went unheard, your lips moving in four words repeatedly.
"It will be okay."
Until you stepped backwards, and -
It was as though he had been standing in the fire when he woke, shooting upward in bed with a thin sheen of sweat covering his overheated body, his lungs heavy as if they were full of smoke. Before he'd caught his breath he was on his feet, slipping on a robe to cover his frame before shoving his feet into boots, a destination in mind as he emerged from his door.
He was only going to your room to check on you - to put his own mind at ease of the fears that filled his mind like skeletons in a graveyard. This was the one clarity in his mind as heavy boots fell against the Temple floor, stride increasing with each step as he moved in on your room like a storm. 
From the other side of the door he could focus enough on you to know you were inside, sleeping soundly with heavy, steady breaths. This is where he'd told himself he'd stop, returning to his room to meditate until the Temple rose for the day. 
No matter what he'd intended all along, it was certainly not what he was doing now as he worked open your door as quietly as he could, stepping inside swiftly. He wasn't thinking clearly - not when he slipped his boots from his feet and walked silently to you, his unseen expression softening in the starlight glow of your room as his eyes found your bliss filled face. 
His only focus was finding the only true comfort he could in this moment, and finding it once again in you. 
What could quiet his mind better than the feeling of you responding to him even in sleep? As if it was in your very nature your body shifted backward and closer to his frame the moment he slipped into the space behind you, one of his arms snaking around you like Eden to draw you nearer. 
Had you been dreaming about fires, too? Your skin was warm, the blanket had increased your temperature enough to break you into a sweat despite the fact you wore nothing more than your underwear - a fact he was appreciative for as his hand splayed against your stomach to press you closer. As one of his thighs slipped between yours he licked his lips, the wetness pooling between your thighs now spreading to his bare skin. 
That was all he needed, the promise of your velvet walls already wet too intoxicating a thought to ignore. Pressing his thigh harder against your core he savored the heavy breath that fell from your lips, cautious enough in his movements to ensure you remained asleep. 
His hands first found your breasts, cupping and kneading the soft flesh in his hands as he leaned closer, burying his face in your neck to deeply inhale the familiarity of your natural perfume. Mind hazier than it had been earlier, the reason he was here in the first place long forgotten, one of his hands left your chest to continue downward, toward what he truly sought. 
As his prosthetic continued to gently massage your chest two long fingers ran through your folds, your arousal soaked core offering little restraint. When your walls welcomed in one finger with ease he withdrew to add a second, curling them both against a sensitive spot he often bullied for your reaction. 
From behind you his cock was throbbing in his underwear, the fabric restraining his length to a painful degree - he needed pressure and took it by grinding against you, his fingers pumping into you at a pace indicating he'd forgotten you were asleep. As you stirred awake his mouth connected to your neck, his tongue licking at a spot he often favored near your shoulder.
It was hardly the first time he'd woken you up like this, but you found each time was more dizzying than the last, his efforts and actions increasing each time this occurred. It was becoming a habit, one that had previously been restricted to starships and distant planets. 
Even in your half awake state, the thought of Anakin sneaking into your room in the Temple to defile you only added to your arousal, a quiet moan falling from your lips as your walls clenched around his fingers. You allowed yourself a moment longer before the cloudiness of sleep lifted further, the consequences of what would happen if you were discovered now coming to mind. 
Almost sensing your body's reluctance his prosthetic hand slipped downward to press into your waist, holding you tight against him as he pumped his fingers into you faster.
"Shhhh," he cooed, abandoning his attention on your neck to lean his mouth closer to your ear, whispering delicately in a tone that didn't match the ferocity at which he was now driving his fingers into you. Now that you were awake, there was no point in him holding himself back from playing with you how he wanted. "It's me."
"Shouldn't be in here, what're you..."
"Just shush," it was subtle, but you could hear the hint of annoyance in his voice, why you would question him at this point in your relationship always a baffling thing for him. He had never failed to make you feel good before, and if you would shut up and let him, he'd make sure you got better sleep than you would've before. "It's just me, I've got you."
"But if s-someone...hears," you whimpered, the noise coaxed from your throat by the perfect curl of his fingers, the digits rubbing against the perfect spot that started to unravel your anxieties into forgotten thoughts.
"Then I guess you should be quiet then," he cooed, his voice smug as he nipped at the skin beneath your ear. "I couldn't sleep, I needed your help."
"Shhhh...just let me take care of you...of us."
His prosthetic hand left your chest to cup over your mouth gently, slowing the pace he was pumping his fingers into you to stroke along your walls slowly, his lips trailing heavy kisses along your neck. 
"I'm sorry...I just...couldn't help myself when I saw how beautiful you looked," his breath was hot and heavy against your neck and you noted the subtle shake to his words, a familiar desperation to his movements and tone. He removed his fingers from you, smiling against your skin when it pulled a whine from your chest, his mocking laugh muffled.
Agonizingly slow he ran his fingers through your folds again, spreading the excess of arousal he was creating from your abandoned hole to your swollen clit. His fingers rubbed a slow circle, ego basking in the way your waist bucked toward him. 
"And you were already so wet..." 
Gently, slowly he slipped one finger into you again, giving you enough to feel desperate for more and not nearly enough to push you closer to the release you were now chasing. He was whispering lowly in your ear, his voice caressing your mind into ease and submission, his tone too honey sweet to deny.
To offer your encouragement you pressed back into him, the thick outline of his cock pressed firmly between your bodies as you turned your head in a desperate attempt to ask him for a kiss. Amused by your shameless display of neediness Anakin taunted you by kissing the back of his hand over your lips, eyes gazing deeply into yours with the intensity of twin suns. 
He shushed you against his hand, waiting for you to nod your understanding until he took his hand away, pushing two fingers into you as he happily pressed his lips to yours in a rough kiss. It was always a bit clumsy, desperate when the two of you found yourself clamoring for one another in the night like this, and now was no exception - tongues overly ambitious and territorial, teeth knocking several times before you figured it out. 
Life didn't award the two of you many opportunities to rehearse this dance, but thankfully you had become part of one another's muscle memory, and it never took long to fall into the perfect synchrony. 
He spread his fingers inside you, his tongue exploring your mouth as his hand grasped the back of your head, hoping to alleviate some of the pressure from twisting your neck. You moaned against his lips, perfectly quiet for the situation you were in. He thanked you with his teeth against your bottom lip, a low hum rumbling in his chest. 
"It's been too long...you're so tight."
He encouraged you to return your head forward, pressing a gentle kiss to your cheek before burrowing his face in your neck again, his fingers pumping in and out of you at the perfect pace to draw you nearer to the edge. You took it upon yourself to silence your moans by burying your face into the pillow, your sounds of pleasure only loud enough for his ears.
"Good girl," he was kissing your neck again and maker was it a wonder how he knew the exact pressure with which to press a kiss to each spot, having long since memorized his favorite parts of your skin. "If you come for me we can go back to sleep, I just...need to feel you come."
He felt you tighten around his fingers the moment he mentioned your release, choosing then to connect a metal thumb to your clit and circle slowly, the cold searing against your burning skin in a way that set the nerves ablaze. Your walls fluttered again, your hips squirming as you reached one hand back to grip at his hair, begging him for what you needed without ruining your perfect silence. 
But he held you there, slowly his movements and breathing heavily against your skin until he could hear your breathing turn impatient, your waist pushing back into his as you tugged at his hair to beg. Slipping two fingers into you again he curled them, pressing firmly against the sensitive patch you needed him most as he rolled your clit in his fingers. 
"Go ahead."
He continued fucking his fingers into you as you muffled your moan into the pillow, eyes squeezed shut as you were taken over by euphoria, certain even when you'd been amongst the stars you hadn't felt this high. He continued to lazily pump his digits until your walls unclenched, continuing to stroke gently through your folds. 
In your blissful state your mind shrouded his actions in fog, his movements hardly registering until you felt the leaking head of his cock rubbing between your folds. Though he wanted to, he didn't push into your velvet channel, instead barely teasing the tip just barely into you. Even that was enough to cause your hips to buck forward and away from him, the sensitivity overwhelming your actions. He only pulled you back into him with a firm hand, grinding his length against your core again. 
"I'm sorry..." he breathed out, lips pressing to the back of your neck gently before he nipped his teeth into your skin again. Dragging his length back and forth through your folds filled the room with the audibly lewd reminder of how wet you were. "I know I said just one orgasm but...I just. I just need you, okay...listen to how wet you are..."
"Anakin..." you whimpered, your tone unconvincingly serious as you shifted your waist toward his further. His fingers twitched at your hip, digging into your skin further to hold you tighter, sucking dark evidence of your time together onto your neck. "We can't...not here..."
"I won't move, I just want to feel close to you," he promised, his tone too sweet and convincing to resist. "I need to be close to you, angel..."
You could feel his lips curve into a wicked smile the moment you relented, your body relaxing in his arms. He reached between your bodies to grasp his cock, giving the throbbing length several pumps before he inserted only the tip, pulling you down onto inch by inch with a hand on your hip until he was fully sheathed inside you. 
"That's my girl," he breathed out, his free hand finding its way to your chest to grip one of your breasts. "Kriff...s-so tight."
"Missed you," you whimpered quietly, trying to steady yourself as to not spur him forward but well aware of the fresh rush of slick that was leaking from you and soaking his pelvis. He released his bruising hold on your hip to wrap his arm fully across your stomach, holding you to him. 
His hold was crushing - you couldn't move if you wanted to. Right now, you couldn't decide.
"Missed...maker...missed feeling you," he managed out, swallowing hard midway through to gather himself, his forehead now resting against your back. His hips rolled, pulling a delicious moan from you that you barely managed to muffle in the pillow. "I'm sorry, I just...I need more."
"Ani..." you whimpered, one of your hands reaching behind to push at his waist gently. It was a feeble attempt...he couldn't help the quiet laugh that rumbled against your back through his chest because of it. "Y-you said..."
"You just make me feel so good, I'm sorry...s-sorry, I can't help it," he had raised his head again to whisper in your ear, pressing reassuring kisses to the sensitive skin beneath it. "You feel too good...promise we can go to sleep soon I just...just need to come."
He was moving then and maker, there was little to complain about when you were reunited with Anakin like this after months of being denied. A blissful sigh slipped past your lips at the next slow roll of his hips, an appreciative groan falling from his lips at the feeling of his length dragging inside your walls. 
Slowly he withdrew from you, forcing himself to wait a moment before pushing back into you, repeating the motion until he'd set a pace he knew you loved. For what it was worth, he was managing to stay gentle with you, hoping you'd come around to the risk of coming together in the Temple the more tenderly he approached.
"A-Anakin, you... feel so good," you whimpered out when his tip rubbed against the sensitive spot in your walls, hands grasping at the sheets in desperation for something to hold onto. Thankfully, he was more than perceptive when it came to your body's response to him. 
With appallingly little effort he had you on your back, his arms moving to press your knees to your chest. Arrogant - there was no other word for the smile that passed his features as his cock pressed impossibly deeper into you, leaning downward so he could claim your lips in a heavy kiss again, the momentary lull in his movements quickly shattered with a harsh snap of his hips. 
You could already feel the bruises forming under his fingertips on your legs where he held you, pounding into you repeatedly at a pace that would make it hard to cover the discomfort you'd feel in training tomorrow. You knew that for him, seeing you struggle to stand would be just as satisfying as it was to put you in that position in the first place.
Instead of thinking about the future, though, you focused instead on now - on him. He was talking against your lips between kisses, his teeth catching your bottom lip between them so frequently you could feel the swell to them. He was beautiful - you were fortunate to be able to see him this way, almost seeming to glow and sparkle as the moon and stars glistened off of his sweat covered skin. 
You reached for him with one hand, leaving the other to rest on his stomach, fingers pushing back his soaked curls before running down the side of his face. The emotion, the tenderness...the physical manifestation of your love for him in every gentle touch - it only made him want you more, a fact that he proved by angling you into the perfect position, your release approaching suddenly and with ferocity as his cock entered you deep - almost too deep, one of his hands now pressing against your stomach. 
He could feel you clenching him, walls fluttering as your eyes rolled back, biting your bottom lip between your own teeth to stifle your moan. With a particularly hard thrust and squeeze from your cunt he replaced your lips with his, surprised to taste the familiar metal of blood. His tongue apologized for the pain, swiping against your lip before he kissed you again, one hand pressing to your stomach. 
Your second orgasm washed over you violently, legs shaking between your bodies as he continued to take what he needed from you, using your lips to muffle moans of his own as your walls choked his cock, squeezing him so tightly he could hardly bring himself to pull out.
"Gonna fill you up."
The warning was barely audible, only moments later you felt the wet heat of his seed filling you, the excess combining with your own release and leaking out from around his cock. The promise of a sight like that pulled him from you, using one of his hands to hold your legs to your chest still as he leaned back. 
You were lost in a haze, not wholly certain you weren't floating amongst the stars, hardly registering the predatory look on his face and the way his eyes darkened as he gazed upon your leaking hole. "Look how pretty..."
Two of his cold metal fingers pushing the liquid back into you started to bring you back to your body, just enough to take in the sight of him licking his lips - his intentions written plainly on his features.
Taking, with no intention to stop.
"I'm sorry, angel, you just...look so good."
He leaned forward, flattening his tongue against your cunt and licking through your folds slowly, gathering as much of the combined spend on his tongue before swallowing it down greedily, his groan vibrating through you. He sucked your swollen, pulsating clit harshly before returning his tongue to your freshly fucked hole, pushing the muscle into you greedily.
Your fingers tangled into his hair, the only movement you could manage, pulling roughly to hold him closer to your core with all of your strength. He was drinking from you - far too busy to concern himself with how hard you were pulling on him. The noise the two of you were creating was forgotten, Anakin's mouth slurping and smacking against your cunt as he moaned in unison with you. 
"Need you to come again, angel..."
His head would stay between your thighs until you did, you knew that. But after two, you weren't certain how much more you could offer.
"'s too much..."
Disappointed in your response he turned his head to nip at your inner thigh, a bruise forming in the wake of his teeth. He clicked his tongue against his teeth, shaking his head briefly before kissing the mark, eyes flickering up toward your face. Disapproval flooded his eyes.
"Don't say that," he snapped, taking a deep breath into his lungs to steady himself again. When he continued his voice was calmer, much more seductive, his lips pressing to your clit briefly again. "You know it's not, you can take it. Give me one more."
"I can't..."
He growled, his frustration clear as he huffed out a breath, withdrawing from you. You whined at the loss, a contrast to the reluctance of your words, to which he laughed short and harsh, muttering about how he knew what you needed. 
As he moved to his back he grasped you, pulling you to kneel over him and swatting at your ass to encourage you to crawl forward. Your shaking legs nearly failed you as you did as you were instructed - you wouldn't *dare* deny him what he needed - crawling toward his face until you were kneeling over it. 
His eyes said everything - you may have been hovering over him, but he was still in control. They continued to burn into yours as he pulled you downward, connecting his lips to your clit and slipping two waiting fingers into your cunt with ease. It didn't take long for his wants to click in your mind, his end goal becoming more and more obvious as he relentlessly continued to suck and lick your throbbing clit, eventually adding a third finger into your channel.
The pressure was becoming too much, too blinding, all of your senses overwhelmed and your body seemingly on fire, finding it within yourself to grind against his face despite your increasingly weak legs.
"Ani, I...fuck, I..."
He only nodded, perfectly timed with the rush of fluid that squirted from you, your vision blinded and mind free of all thought as this orgasm wracked through you violently. Anakin's mouth was open and waiting, eagerly lapping at the fluid after you'd finished, drinking from you like it sustained him, unwilling to waste a single drop of what he'd earned - of what he'd known you could give him. 
He caught you when you nearly collapsed, helping you lay back against the mattress again, gazing at you lovingly. The overstimulation had brought tears to your eyes, your face a complete wreck now - crocodile tears on your cheeks, a split lip from where you'd bitten yourself, several marks of his covering your neck. 
This is where he found true beauty. 
He leaned forward, licking one of the tears that had reached your lips before smiling and kissing you again, nestling back between your thighs. From between you his cock twitched again, harder than even before now that you'd gushed on him. His hands were bending you back again, forcing your knees back to your chest again, a hand immediately slipping to your throat when you were positioned exactly how he wanted you.
His free hand was waiting to grasp your hip when you jerked at the feeling of his cock teasing at your entrance again, holding you in place as he rutted against you slowly. You could hear his cock as it slipped back and forth through your folds, your body willing to give into him further even if you felt you couldn't.
"Still wet..."
You opened your mouth to argue but it went unheard as he just barely applied more physical pressure to your neck, combining it with additional pressure from the Force to make it feel much tighter. Your eyes stayed on his, wide and glimmering, universes reflected in them as you surrendered yourself to him. 
"Shhh..." he cooed, slipping his free hand between the two of you to grasp his cock, pumping the throbbing length in clumsy, desperate motions as he gazed into your blissful face. "I know you wouldn't want me to wake up in pain..."
You barely managed to shake your head, relenting once again, his hand replaced with your cunt as he drove forward into you again. The noise your cunt welcomed him home with was lewd - responded to with a groan from him. 
"I know," he breathed out, leaning down to capture your lips in a loving kiss again. You winced, lips swollen and bottom one split, something he showed little regard for as he bit at the soft flesh again. "You'd never want to hurt me, angel..."
Your walls squeezed him tighter, the overstimulation completely clouding your mind and rendering you into one purpose - his pleasure. You felt more tears coming on your cheeks as he began to pound into your over sensitive hole, eyes begging for anything he wanted to give. Content with your devotion he released his hold on your throat, a moan bursting from your mouth which he quickly silenced with a hard kiss.
Thankfully, it was obvious from the sloppiness of his thrusts that he wouldn't last long this round with you - his hips sputtering against yours each time his sack hit against your skin. His thumb found your clit again, pinching the bud roughly and swallowing the wail that came from your mouth. 
"You can take it," he whispered against your lips, forehead dripping sweat now with his hair completely slick against it. "I know...y-you've got one more."
How long had the two of you been going? Long enough now to the point where you were so cock drunk all you could manage was to nod up at him, eyes still wide with tears streaming on your cheek. Each time your bodies came together with pornographic noises he hoped would replace the nightmares echoed, joined by moans and sobs of pleasure from you, thanked with grunts and groans from him.
"Gotta...fill you again," he promised, lips now on your neck as he licked at your skin, picking a completely new spot on your shoulder to bite into. He wondered what you might do if he bit hard enough to scar you with a print that was uniquely his own - a thought for another time, perhaps. "Make sure...it works. Want everyone to know who you...who you belong to."
As his thrusts became impossibly harder and he pressed a hand against your stomach again he lowered his head further, suckling one of your breasts into his mouth and swirling his tongue around your nipple. It occurred to him that your chest had gone unfortunately neglected in his actions tonight - something he'd happily remedy in the morning. 
He could feel your body begging for release, his cock railing into you repeatedly, the tip slamming into your most sensitive spot with each thrust, his hand pressing hard against your stomach while cool metal fingers played with your clit. As he pulled away from suckling your breast he bit your nipple, the wicked grin you love flashing on his features before he made his way to your face again.
"Again," he instructed simply, leaving no room for disagreement. To accentuate his point he ground his waist into yours agonizingly slowly, pressing a kiss to the corner of your mouth that contrasted how rough he was being. His breath was heavy, hot against your skin - you thought you might burst into flames any moment. "You know what I want."
You did, but you weren't certain you could give it to him - until he picked up the pace between his hips and fingers more, using the Force to replace the pressure on your stomach when he removed his hand from it. Grabbing your jaw he forced you to roll your head forward from the pillow again, demanding eye contact. 
Taking advantage of your open mouth he spit into it, watching as you swallowed it down gratefully. The moment he kissed you again both of your dams burst - you gushed around him again, clear fluid reaching his abdomen and creating even more noise as he groaned out, spilling another load in your womb. 
He continued to thrust through both of your orgasms, lazily pressing kisses to your lips, cheek, nose and forehead...anywhere he could reach until he was certain your cunt had taken in every drop he offered. 
It was serenity in moments like this, his mood effortlessly shifting from greed and selfishness and into something much softer, much more in control of himself. When he pulled himself free of you with a groan he leaned downward to press a silent kiss to your forehead, withdrawing to the attached bathroom to retrieve a towel, wetting it in the sink with warm water before returning to your side. 
As he gently cleaned your core he pressed his forehead into yours, eyes closed as he muttered quiet apologies and words of appreciation. When he left again it was brief, movements spurred along by the quiet whine that left your throat. 
Tenderly shushing you now as he slipped into the bed beside you, arms wrapping around your middle to anchor you to him. Happily, with no shred of hesitance your head found its favorite resting place against his chest, your frame melding into his much as it had earlier. 
This time, however, he only held you, his cheek pressed to the top of your head.
"Y'had another nightmare, didn't you?"
It was the most words you'd said in a single sentence since he'd stolen his way into your room, and he was appreciative for your delicate tone - for the way you knew how to approach him in ways others were too intimidated to. He savored the way your arms wrapped around him, hands resting on his lower back to offer him some comfort. 
"The same one," he knew that you'd understand from just that, thankful much more needn't be said, his preference on keeping the images locked in his mind showing strong. "I'm sorry, I didn't...I couldn't help myself, I just..."
"Needed me."
The apology he offered went responded to no further, a verbal confirmation of your forgiveness unnecessary. Instead, you focused what little energy remained in your body to brush your fingertips lightly on his back, your affections reciprocated as one of his hands raised to hold the back of your head, silently asking you to stay closer. 
"I love you, angel."
The words he said so little that you craved to hear more than any other, welcoming you back into sleep.
masterlist. star wars masterlist.
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sunderwight · 3 months
Time travel fic where Vader gets the chance to go back in time, any time, and change his history.
So he goes back to when he was still a slave boy living on Tatooine with his mother.
He avoids the Jedi. Qui-Gon doesn't get the money for the parts they need, so the Queen doesn't reach Coruscant in a timely fashion, and the ousting of the Trade Federation is delayed. Which sucks ass for Naboo. But, on the other hand, the confrontation with Maul happens smack dab in the middle of the desert, so Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan actually overpower him together and neither of them dies.
After the Jedi leave, Anakin uses his future knowledge and expertise in cybernetic implants to remove his and his mother's slave chips. A tragic accident befalls Watto, and a fire in the junk shop destroys most of his records, so no one who inherits the remainder has any knowledge of slaves (or anything else) missing from the inventory.
Shmi knows that something has changed. But Ani's always been a miracle, strange and unknowable in many ways, and yet still her son regardless. She goes along with it, even though she's apprehensive about affording water, shelter, and food as they are.
She needn't have worried.
At every turn, Anakin miraculously seems to uncover things they need, or opportunities for them to explore. Shmi finds decent work in various establishments -- cleaning garages and hangers, and cantinas after closing, mostly. There always seems to be someone willing to hire her on for a while, even if they already seem to have staff. Ani works his magic with scrap parts and whatever better pieces they can afford, when they have enough to spare (which is surprisingly often), and sells contraptions to the Jawas, junk dealers, or other interested parties. If he makes and sells some weapons to some enterprising bounty hunters or mercenaries, Shmi doesn't discern it, and Anakin doesn't volunteer the information.
But mostly, he works in prosthetics.
There's a pretty big demand for such in the Outer Rim, especially Tatooine, where the idea of anyone hopping into a Bacta tank is even less realistic than the idea of public swimming pools. People are losing limbs all the time, and good prosthetics are hard to come by.
Anakin makes good prosthetics. Even with limited parts and visible frustration, by the time he's thirteen, most of the planet knows where you go if you need an "extra hand", so to speak.
It's not long before the Hutts take an interest in monopolizing the resource, and seeing what else this talented young mechanic can build. Even if most Hutts rarely need prosthetics themselves, they like to be in charge of a hot commodity, after all. And it's hardly unheard of for them to lose an arm or two either.
Shmi worries. Anakin doesn't. Somehow, all of the local crime lords start to be met with unfortunate accidents. Their relatives and allies investigate, of course, and no one really believes in coincidences in the Outer Rim. But nothing turns up either. Falling cargo, suicides, misfiring weapons, heart attacks, choking on food, slipping and falling into sarlacc pits, it's all stuff that does happen. It just usually doesn't happen so often, to such a specific group of people, within such a short amount of time.
When Anakin is fifteen, Sidious sends people to fetch him. They approach him with sweet offers and seemingly-generous gifts, at first, as if it's not the most suspicious way they could go about it. His mother too, but it's such a stupid effort that Shmi finds them suspect even without prompting, and senses something off about them. Anakin's mother might not be nearly as Force sensitive as he is, but she is, and she doesn't like Palpatine's people even if she doesn't know who they are.
The next ones just try and abduct him. It's at least less insulting in its directness. They find themselves falling afoul of the many dangers of Tatooine instead. Such a risky place, people disappear out here all the time. Mind the womp rats and the krayt dragons.
Finally, Sidious goes himself.
His ship suffers a terrible malfunction upon its descent towards a planetside dock. A true tragedy. The Chancellor will be missed.
History remembers Anakin Skywalker as a footnote in the development of several innovative prosthetic enhancements, and a semi-obscure abolitionist who also advocated for the rights of clones.
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ddejavvu · 1 year
asking anakin to pin you to the wall or choke you using the force 🥵
mei i would BEG him on my hands and knees
so this covers inappropriate uses of the force that go far beyond choking because i have far too many thoughts on the concept and couldn't stop myself there, oops!
obvious cw for choking/restraint, don't read if it will bother you.
this post is 18+, minors dni.
well we definitely know he doesn't have an aversion to force-choking !! he's very tactile, and he most likely already has asked, or you've asked him, to choke you during sex. he loves it. he loves feeling the rush of your blood under his hand, he loves feeling your life sitting completely bare beneath his fingers like that, his hand against your skin. with his flesh hand, which soaks up the heat of your neck as he slowly wraps his fingers around you, squeezing until he can feel your heart thumping wildly through your pulse and smothering his skin into your warmth. with his prosthetic hand, which is chilly and unrelenting without its leather glove, and darkly sexy with it. It doesn't matter which hand he uses, he gets remarkably turned on by the way that you lean into it, the way that you bare your neck- your life for him to use like a plaything.
you'd watched him crumple a can of booze with the Force the other day; something cheap he'd wasted his credits on for the thrill of it. his gloved hand had formed the shape of the can, then squeezed inward gracefully, and the metal had crumpled formlessly into a mangled wreck that Anakin had slipped through a rather narrow trash compactor opening. He'd only done it to avoid getting caught with the liquor, but your throat stings when you think about the way that his black glove had tightened slowly, deliberately, mercilessly around nothingness as the can crumpled.
you have to ask him.
you had meant to have a discussion with him about it, a structured, clear conversation about whether he was comfortable with it, not only the act but the blatant disrespect of the code by a rather improper use of the Force. but he'd gotten handsy after returning from a day of sparring, and when his hand reaches for your throat, hips pumping steadily against your own and driving his cock into you forcefully with each thrust, you reach up to stop it.
You clutch at his hand and pull it away from your neck, eyes pleading as he stares worriedly down at you. He lets you deter him from your neck, thrusts petering out into a slow rhythm when you whine after he stops them altogether.
"What's wrong?" He asks bluntly, because anakin has never beaten around the bush, "Why can't I choke you?"
"I want you to," You clear your suddenly dry throat, ready to explain but yanking his hand back down when he tries resuming his original endeavor, "Wait- Anakin, I want you to use the Force!"
that stops him. your core aches and begs for him to resume his steady thrusting, but he's sheathed himself completely in your cunt, so you're stuffed to the brim while he contemplates your words. You feel bad for putting him on the spot, but his eyes darken a shade as some of the light leaves them, and his brow twitches.
"I want you to choke me with the Force," You repeat, craning your neck down to kiss at the black leather pads of his gloved fingers, "Please, Anakin, I- I just want- just like you do normally, but with the Force. I know it's- improper, and- and disrespectful to the Force, but-"
All of a sudden, your lungs freeze in their pursuit of oxygen, and words fail you. Your chest is still, no air entering or escaping, and Anakin's fingers twitch slightly where he loosens his disembodied grip on your windpipe just enough for you to take in a proper breath.
"I am the Force," He speaks through gritted teeth, and his words flood your core with heat just as much as the relentless grip on your throat does, "Holding back would be disrespectful." He leans over you, his hand maintaining both pressure and distance as he fits his body around it. He remains fully immersed in your cunt, his dick stuffed inside of you as you clench around him desperately, and his breath is hot on your face as he towers above you.
"Not telling me what you want, would be disrespectful." He lectures, eyes only growing darker as you feel your lungs burning in your chest. You gasp for air, only able to drag in a miniscule amount as he continues closing his fingers around your windpipe, "I never feel closer to the Force than when I am inside of you. I am the Force, we are the Force, and hiding anything that would strengthen that force would be disrespectful."
You take in another rattling breath, but his fingers cut you off completely, sending a bolt of overwhelming pleasure to your core as the leather of his glove creaks slightly with the twitch of his fingers.
"Understand?" He asks, and you nod vigorously.
"Speak." He commands, loosening his grip so that you can gush, 'Yes! Yes, Anakin, I understand!"
"Good." He seals off your airway once more, that delicious burning feeling transferring straight from your chest to your cunt, your thighs trembling slightly as you feel his cock twitch inside of you.
the two of you share intense orgasms that night, both now enamored by this concept. it's a complete power trip for anakin, the fact that he doesn't even have to touch you to have your life in his hands? his hand doesn't need to contact your skin for it to get you hot and bothered, he can turn you on from a mile away.
this might be a problem for you, though. because anakin is nothing if not creative and inventive, which means that you feel invisible fingers gently nudging themselves against your cunt one day. you're at home, anakin's reading through a report while you're curled up watching something, but you startle at the touch nonetheless, eyes peeled for whatever had touched you.
you notice anakin's hand poised with two fingers outstretched, that dark glint in his eyes once more as he leans back in his chair. he nudges his fingers forwards again, and you feel that prodding at your core, an embarrassingly intense gush of raw lust aching below your stomach.
"Anakin..." You warn, but you're not sure if the apprehension is leveled at him, or yourself. warning him to be careful, warning yourself to maintain composure, neither work.
He strokes his fingers slightly back and forth, rubbing down the length of your slit, then ending at your clit. it's such a familiar sensation but unnervingly new at the same time, and you can't withhold your gasp as he pushes ever so slightly to breach the tension of your lips. with a twitch of his finger he rubs against your clit and though you're woefully underlubricated, all he has to do is continue running those tantalizingly invisible fingers over your core and soon enough you're clenching around emptiness that's quickly filled with his nonexistent fingers.
it's a strange sensation, but anakin's eyes are glued predatorily to the way that your cunt widens and narrows with every pump of his fingers, and his hand twitches in mid-air as he brings you towards your climax. he's mesmerized, he's never been able to see such an unobstructed view of your convulsing cunt before, and you'll be lucky to escape from his relentless fingers before you're nearly passed out in exhaustion from cumming so many times in a row. he studies you, gets down on his knees in front of the couch to peer transfixed into your cunt as he finger-fucks you with a hand that isn't there. he's now addicted to force-fucking you, so expect it to happen at rather inopportune times.
another favorite tactic of his is to force your mouth open with just a wave of his hand. he loves to see you choking yourself on his cock but you've both discovered there's something deeply sexy about being restrained, and instead of just kneeling above your face and throat-fucking you, he decides to take your mouth with the Force. he holds it ajar, the perfect circumference for his cock, and fucks your mouth, using that invisible appendage to keep your lips parted as you gag and sob on him. your hands fly up to grab at his hips but you're not trying to push him off, no, you're yanking him forwards, dragging him down, begging him to stuff his leaking, twitching cock even further down your throat. even when he cums down your throat and releases his hold on your mouth you leave it hanging open, panting with the effort of simply breathing, and trying to wrap your head around just how fucking hot what he just did was.
if/when you ask him to pin you to the wall, he's so fucking cocky about it. these insufferable smirks as he pushes you up against it, pinning your limbs in place and leaning in to talk with his nose brushed against yours.
'Yeah? You want me to hold you down, baby? You want me to take whatever I want from you, don't you?'
you nod, the only part of your body still at your free will being your head, and it bumps against the wall in your vigor but you don't care. all you care about is letting him take control of you, is being splayed out on the wall like a trophy for him, and letting him do whatever he pleases.
'Good,' he leans in to kiss you, hot and wet and careless and sloppy, 'Good, angel. Maker, I'm obsessed with you. You're so good, so pretty-" as he trails his hand across your still torso, his thumb dipping between your legs to nudge fondly over your clit, 'you're mine.'
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cripplecharacters · 3 months
with regards to the recent post about different types of disabilities to represent, and how amputees tend to be an over-represented* type of character, would you say the same would apply to characters with congenital limb differences? specifically those that do not use prosthetics, if that's a factor as well
*not quite the word i'm looking for, but i'm struggling to think of a more suitable one to use. i understand disabilities in general are pretty sorely lacking in representation
I think the word you may be looking for is misrepresented. Amputees are represented in a very specific way- they lost their limb, usually their arm though upper-limb amputees are rarer than lower-limb amputees, usually in some deeply traumatic accident, such as falling off a cliff and being experimented on, and then they're given some magical prosthetic or cybernetic that basically replaces their old arm or functions even better, even though a lot of upper-limb amputees either don't get prosthetics, barely use their prosthetic as anything other than something to make it look like they have an arm or a cool arm, or get a prosthetic arm that maybe does something like fingers clenching or unclenching based on the activity of a certain nerve, which in no way completely substitutes their flesh arm. The type of amputees in media, the ones who lost their arm due to trauma and who wear a prosthetic (and usually sleep wearing it, Bucky and Anakin) that entire replaces the limb they lost, are basically nonexistent in real life and those who come close, amputees who lost their arm in an accident and who do have a cooler prosthetic that does certain things like grab stuff, are a very small portion of real-life amputees.
As for people with a congenital limb difference, I don't think I've ever really seen those in media. I know of one character ever with a congenital limb difference, a Lego Friends character born without the lower portion of her left arm, and that's all. Though people with congenital limb differences make up a good portion, half if not most, of the limb difference community, they're sorely underrepresented in media.
As for people with congenital limb differences who wear or don't wear prosthetics being represented, I don't have room to speak on that because I only know of one character ever with a congenital limb difference and she uses no prosthetic. However, based on the people I know in real life who have congenital limb differences, their use of prosthetics depends on which limb (and, of course, the condition they have. Some limb differences don't have the ability or need to use prosthesis at all.) Upper-limb limb differences usually don't get a prosthetic, unless it's some form of adaptive technology to help them do something such as write with their dominant arm when they may be missing part of their hand or arm, because they've lived their entire life with this condition and they're very used to working around it. Lower-limb limb differences may have a prosthetic leg depending on their disability, or they may just use a wheelchair or other mobility aid because those may have been easier for their family to keep up with (prosthetics for growing children can get very expensive and they aren't a catchall solution.) Based on how amputees are represented, I get the feeling that characters with congenital limb differences would be represented mostly the same. They would mostly have upper-limb differences that do not impact them at all because they wear some cool cybernetic that entirely substitutes a limb they've never even had, ignoring how that would probably be a major learning curve for them because they've lived their entire life using their body in a certain way but now they have an entirely new limb to learn to deal with.
Mod Aaron
I agree with Aaron (especially on how amputees are misrepresented - just because there's more rep than usual doesn't mean it's good), but I want to add one some context for non-amputee limb difference representation that was... pretty big for all the wrong reasons in the visible difference community. That remake of the Witches. In the original, the main villain is, well, a witch. [a witch with a facial difference, but that's irrelevant here I suppose]
In the remake, she has a limb difference. Ectrodactyly, if you want to be specific. It's the villain who has it. The Grand High Witch is supposed to be the Big Bad, and during the making of the movie, I guess they decided that giving her Disabled Hands would make her more visibly evil. S i g h. There was a whole social media movement going on with the #NotAWitch hashtag. Also some videos, like this one.
My point is that limb differences that aren't just amputation are still treated quite horribly in the media (the video linked describes the portrayal I mentioned as "heartbreaking", "disappointing", and every other synonym). It's still seen as a "freakshow" thing. In that particular movie they even hide it for the "grand reveal of scary disability"... I guess what I want to say is that non-amputation limb differences are treated very similarly to facial differences. If we get anything, it's to be Scary and Villainous and Bad.
Here's an ancient post about this topic. To quote it here, "maybe your oc with a bionic arm, doesn't have a bionic arm and instead of pretending to have representation, actually do some research. maybe they have a club foot, maybe symbrachydactyly, maybe they are missing a finger and they don't wear a prosthetic pinkie."
It's kinda the whole "magic robot arms are so cool!! everything else is ugly so I won't show that unless I need the shock value tho" thing again.
I'd love to see actual positive representation of congenital limb differences because it's simply not there. Especially the ones that only get the once-in-a-blue-moon "representation" like I mentioned above - a hero with ectrodactyly would be awesome, or any other limb difference that doesn't get even a crumb of thoughtful representation (I mentioned a few of them in this post), or amputee representation that is actually good and not just the same "perfect prosthetic that's basically a magic cure" thing again.
I hope this helps!
mod Sasza
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enbycupcake · 6 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media
[ID, copied from ALT text: an illustration of anakin skywalker from the star wars: revenge of the sith in an art nouveau style. his eyes are closed, brows furrowed. his prosthetic hand is against his bleeding chest, and his lightsaber dangles from his left hand. in the background are rising flames. graphic circles halo around anakin's head; the text "hero without fear" rests on top of the halo. the second image is the same but with a sephia filter on top. end ID]
a recolor from 2021 from a piece that i did in......2017. do not go looking for the original it was bad
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magnusbae · 6 months
"Quit struggling, you will only make it worse."
Obikin, pretty please /ᐠ - ⩊ -マ Ⳋ
Thank you 🥰 Now imagine if Anakin fell a few years earlier than in canon, still has his limbs and pretty hair, and is currently serving Darth Sidious while fighting on the Separatist side. Something like that 😊 1,137w - vaderwan
“Quit struggling, you will only make it worse.”
Vader bares his teeth and snarls. He snarls like an animal, like he’s a Tusken Raider and it’s the only way he knows how to communicate in. The thought fills him with an even deeper rage, makes his stomach turn in fury and sickness. He is better than that, he is better than them. He is Lord Vader, not some animal to growl and bark— he does not give a kark. 
He spits at Kenobi’s feet and glares up with as much hatred as his eyes would permit without burning white blind from it. 
“Kriff yourself.” Vader grits out when all he receives for his efforts is an infuriatingly smug smirk. (it’s sad, it’s sad, it’s sad)(he ignores it).
“I think I shall pass.” Kenobi says in that sarcastic manner of his that he reserves for Darksiders only. It should not sting Vader as it does, to be spoken to as if he was one of many.
He should be more than that, he is more than that. He’d make him, he’d—
“Please do stop thinking so loudly, you are ruining an otherwise lovely force weather.” Kenobi cuts this line of thought with some sort of Bantha Poodoo that wouldn’t make sense even on the best of days, least of all when he is busy tying Vader up like he was a Life Day’s gift. 
“Force Weather? Have you lost it entirely old m— argh-” Vader sucks in a breath when he feels the durasteel wire cut deep within his skin, so tight he can feel the instant numbing, indicating that the blood had effectively stopped flowing into that limb.
Concern spikes within Vader, he already has one prosthetic, and he is not very fond of the idea of more, Obi-Wan wouldn’t…. Would he….? 
There is a moment in which he thinks that he would. Thinks that Kenobi had lost any sentiment toward his old apprentice, even the guilt that had kept him from killing him in all the previous times he had managed to get the upper hand. (Through luck)(It’s luck, nothing else.)
Losing a limb due to Kenobi’s poor tying techniques would not be technically Kenobi deciding on killing him but— “Ngh.” He hisses out, teeth scraping together as Kenobi lessens the punishing grip of the wire.
Relief  flood Vader, scorching in its intensity.
“A little too tight there.” Obi-Wan chirps, all amusement and good nature. (He sounds old.)(He sounds broken.) “Apologies, Sweet.” he says with his characteristic charm, his typical ease. (He sounds as if he’d like to retch.)(he sounds sick.)
Vader hates it. Hates. Hates. Hates. He wants the anger, the hurt, the words of disappointment and fury and passion. (Love, love, of love.) He wants Kenobi to be honest, to be direct, to be him. The him that only he knows, that only he saw. He wants Kenobi to, (his chest fills and hurts, his lungs collapse with an inhale he doesn’t manage to keep, his eyes close and he cannot, he cannot lie—) care. Care, he wants him to karkin care. Even a little, even sometimes. Care enough to hurt, care enough to scream, care enough to hurt him. 
“Up and about now.” Obi-Wan says and hauls Vader to his feet. Even in this Kenobi is careful to not hurt him unnecessarily. Do not hurt prisoners, a Jedi would say. The Codes. It’s all he sees in him. The Codes he must follow in order to fulfill his duties. No, no. No, no and no. Anakin— Vader is more, he is more, he was, he is more. 
Twisting about to face Kenobi without being stopped is hard enough, his balance off with the way his arms are bound painfully behind his back. He manages it. He’s quick enough, skilled enough— determined enough.
Without a single thought, without a moment of consideration, Vader’s eyes lock onto his target. The neck.
It’s exposed just enough, with the layers of robes covering the curve of it an the beard reaching just the top of it, there’s just enough space.
Vader strikes as he always does, without warning, without hesitation. One moment he is standing there, wide eyes alight with orange-yellow, the next his lips are closing around soft flesh, teeth sinking.
It’s all over in but moments, and yet the way Obi-Wan groans, the way his throat tenses and he swallows, the way he shudders when he pushes Vader off hard enough to make him stumble and fall back onto the ground— the way there’s blood on that neck, on Vader’s tongue— it’s all worth it.
Vader will do it again, no matter the consequences, no matter how it might look to someone who didn’t understand. 
He will make absolute sure that Kenobi never forgets, never.
Vader makes a point of licking at his lips as he smirks at Kenobi, tilting his head from side to side in a way he saw his Master do while in a good mood and flirting. On him it looks mocking and he knows it.
He takes pleasure in Kenobi having no smart retort to it, no easygoing banter to masquerade with. Vader got him, he had won. 
He is almost angry when the sound of engines breaks through, hundreds of them, all belonging to Sidious. Or the Separatists, as the Republic still foolishly believes. He will never know what words had died on Kenobi’s tongue as he looked up and then down at Vader, calculating his chances of outrunning a fleet of battle ships while carrying an unwilling Sith on his back. 
“Not in your favor, huh?” Vader asks, laughing, not even bothering to get up, instead he just flops to lie on his back. It pains his arms terribly, but he does not care. He looks at the sky as if it was a starry sky you’d gaze upon, wish upon.
“Run now, Kenobi. You’re so good at it, after all.” He does not look at him, does not want to see that back turned on him. (Again. Again. Again that.)
The silence from Kenobi’s side is a heavy one, a painful one. Then he forces out amusedly (Chokes on it.) “We’ll have to rain check our little date, my Dear.” (He does actually choke on it.) (Vader hears, he always does.)
“So long.” The man who raised him cheers, all good spirits and not a care in the world. Then there’s the sound of Obi-Wan’s light feet as he force-runs towards his own ship. Leaves him. 
Anakin closes his eyes and all the world falls down. 
There’s only the sound of shooting and the flavor of Obi-Wan’s life on his tongue. For now, it’ll do. For now, it’s enough. (It is not.)(It never is.)
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Clone wars headcanons that I'm posting just in time for May 4th
Anakin can’t finish a movie or tv show by himself to save his fucking life like something in his brain prevents him from finishing it without someone there to talk about it 
But he’ll try over and over and over again to a point where he will have the first half of the show memorized but still not know how it ends
He needs someone to keep him there and actually pay attention and there’s very few people that actually have the time or determination to do it (Aka Ahsoka) 
Ahsoka and Anakin watching a movie or show together is very different than watching it with the group cause Obi-Wan and Rex need total silence to enjoy a show (they’ve snapped at the duo a couple of times cause they kept asking “Okay so what the kriff does that mean”)
Padme doesn’t mind the talking as much as Rex and Obi-Wan but after a while the constant talking and theorizing and rewinding gets to her as well 
Unfortunately Ahsoka and Anakin need to talk to process media so half the time they just send emotions or questions through their bond to keep everyone happy 
I once saw a post say “do you think Ahsoka remembers how Anakin’s laugh sounded” and that question knocked the wind out of my lungs and made me cry for longer than I’d like to admit  
But it also made me realize that I can’t remember what their laughs sound like cause I don’t think they do so very often which means I get to create new laughs for them 
Anakin’s laugh is a strange and awkward little thing and sometimes people comment that it sounds like it hurts him (because he’s an emo little weirdo who doesn’t like to show he laughs) 
It’s very clunky and sometimes sounds like ill-fitted gears shifting but it’s also weirdly infectious and fills a lot of people with warmth
Ahsoka’s is equally as weird and infectious it’s very animalistic kind of like a fox’s laugh (aka very high-pitched and fucking adorable) she’s very giggly around the people she’s comfortable with 
Anakin would say that Padme’s laugh sounds like a wind chime and that's true for her fake ass senator laugh that’s controlled and most of the time forced 
But her real laugh that she lets out with family is a snorty hiccupy little thing that puts a stupid smile on Anakin’s face 
Obi-Wan’s laugh is breathy sounding sometimes wheezy but otherwise quiet sometimes people will catch him off guard and they get a kinda loud “HA” out of it but that’s the loudest it’ll get 
I know we technically heard Rex’s laugh in the clone wars movie but you can’t tell me this man wouldn’t cackle 
Like fully body doubled over laughter that shakes a damn room Anakin has joked once or twice that Rex has blown out his eardrum which just makes him laugh louder 
There is one person in the whole galaxy that Anakin trusts to fix his prosthetic and that’s Ahsoka 
He didn’t even trust the arm at first which made him take it apart entirely no one asked him questions about how he got the parts to fix it they all just let him fiddle with it because they thought it was his way of coping 
He normally gets pretty twitchy and cagey when people hold his prosthetic (besides Ahsoka obvi) Padme usually gets the best reception and by best reception I mean he doesn’t snatch it out of her hands 
Obi-Wan swears to this day the first time he picked up Anakin’s prosthetic the boy almost dislocated both their shoulders trying to get it back 
The first time Ahsoka fixed his arm was also when Anakin physically couldn’t because he was in too much pain
He talked her through the repair process tho and thanked the universe that he was hyped up on pain meds because he was sure that’s the only reason he was so calm 
Even after he recovered he showed her the proper way to fix the arm and let her take it apart and put it back together a couple of times 
He would never admit it but it is kind of a relief to have someone who can fix it the same way that he does
And everyone else is grateful that it’s kind of given the young togruta something to do when her master is injured because otherwise she’d be restless 
Sometimes when Anakin and Ahsoka want to confuse Obi-Wan they’ll act like he’s their biological father and blame stuff on him and those conversations will go something like this:
“Honestly Soka it’s not your fault you have ADHD” “You’re so right Skyguy the same could be said about you being autistic we both inherited from Obi-Wan”
The first couple of times he didn’t know how to react (because how tf do you react to that) but after a while he would start telling them “You do know we’re not actually related right?”
To which the duo whips out the most overdramatic reactions that entail Ahsoka covering Anakin’s ears and him doing the same to her montrals and they usually take turns to respond with “Master there are younglings present!”
I’m fully convinced that if Tiktok existed in the Star Wars universe Ahsoka would have one and it would be 1. Strangely popular and 2. The weirdest amalgamation of stuff
You’ve got her prank videos (mostly aimed at Anakin), story times (mostly about Anakin Rex and Obi-Wan), get ready with me’s (mostly to hang out with Padme), and her favorite: forcing the boys to dance with her 
The only videos that she has of Obi-Wan dancing are the ones of them dancing at formal events (mostly cause ballroom dancing is the one kind he knows)
Anakin, Rex and the boys are her most frequent victims and my sweet baby angel’s bless their hearts are stiff as goddamn boards
They’ve got a decent rhythm down and they can all pick up routines pretty fast but Ahsoka has had to train them to let loose a little bit 
It obviously took Anakin the longest to loosen up and that process mostly took place in their shared quarters but it also made me think of a hilarious scenario that goes something like this:
Cody was woken up at 3 am by an unexpected message from Obi-Wan well to be specific it was two messages one video and a text titled “Why are they like this”
When he plays the video he sees Anakin and Ahsoka doing some silly little (obviously choreographed) dance in the kitchen as something is baking in the oven (knowing the duo probably cookies)
Cody’s laughter could be heard throughout the barracks that night
When Ahsoka finally gets her hands on that video (because she does get her hands on that video) she edits the clips of her dancing with Obi-Wan and her dancing with Anakin 
With the caption being something cute and lowkey cheezy like “How I dance with my Dad vs how I dance with my brother” which people eat up because it’s fucking adorable 
There are also a couple of videos that she couldn’t post because it’s Rex her and the boys dancing and goofing off as mission lights and alarms go off in the background
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fanfic-obsessed · 9 months
This one I came up with as I walked to work, and so we will all explore it. It is a Post Empire AU. I know, I do not usually go for post-empire, but the horror and humor of this idea spoke to me.  
Let’s take a look, yeah?
The AU part is that both Obi Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker survived through the end of the Empire. So we don’t have to deal with too many changes too early, Obi Wan was severely injured and in Bacta for the entire time of the OT (or he got injured again just before the events of each movie, whichever works better). 
After Vader comes back to the light, he is fitted with prosthetics that actually fit (including being the correct height). He is still required to wear a mask ,but it is more like Plo Koons than Vader (covering his mouth and nose but not his entire face). The burns he got from Mufastar meant that he had no hair, and the suit he wore for those years meant that he was unnaturally pale. As a consequence he no longer looks like Vader (not just because he lost 5 inches in height with the correct legs).  
Most of the galaxy does not know that Vader and Anakin Skywalker are the same person. Anakin was also largely forgotten, and the few who did remember him (without knowing the Vader connection) would quietly muse about how much Vader seemed to hate Anakin Skywalker, the Hero without Fear (there is no doubt in my head that the person Vader hated the most was Anakin). 
The Rebels do know that Anakin and Vader are the same person. Even as they are working to build the New Republic, no one is quite sure what, if anything, Anakin Skywalker should be charged with (War crimes. So many war crimes, they would need to invent new war crimes specifically for Vader-Though to be fair he is not the only living member of the Empire’s ruling body for this to be true). If he does need to be charged, and they could figure out what with, does his fall to the dark side constitute a mitigating factor (some kind of diminished capacity) or an enhancement (like a hate crime)? Where does killing the Emperor fit into any sentence he would have to serve? Is there even a way to enforce any sentence that a court could impose?
All of these questions and more would have to be answered before any trials could commence (including: how far does “following orders” mitigate actions, and how far up the chain of command can that excuse be used?). In the meanwhile Anakin hangs awkwardly around with his son when he is able. 
Luke wants, deeply, to help his father become comfortable around people again. He also does not quite…understand is probably the best term…understand the depth of the horrors that Vader/Anakin created in his 20 years in the suit.  In his mind he knows, and has been told, most of what Vader has done, but to a certain extent he separated Anakin and Vader in his mind so there is a bit of disconnect (Some understandable cognitive dissonance). 
He is at least aware enough that he is not looking to find Anakin friends among the rebels, who would naturally think of Vader first (and thus it would be uncomfortable for all involved). He understands that asking someone like Leia to try and befriend the being that tortured her then blew up her planet is not a good idea. 
But there is one person he knows thinks of Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader as two different people. Obi Wan Kenobi.  Who is decidedly avoiding Anakin (in this Anakin can not blame him, the return to the light means that he does actually need to face everything he has done), but is also low key avoiding most people. Mostly Obi Wan is staying around the clones that still live (both to help those clones with their own guilt over their actions while chipped, the fact that their aging has finally been brought to human normal,  and frankly because he likes them more than most people these days-I imagine at least Cody-CodyWan for the win-, Rex, Gregor, Appo, and Wolffe but there are a good crowd), and the few Force users that survived the Purge. Also spending time with Leia.
Now a few things need to be made abundantly clear at this point. Luke does not know of the horrors Anakin perpetrated, as opposed to Vader (For all that Palpatine labeled him Vader before the march on the temple, I always headcanon that his last act as purely Anakin was the slaughter of the children in the council chamber but even then he did not truly become Vader until after he finds out that Padme died), not really. Few enough who live remember the march on the temple, what it meant that the temple (the home of the Jedi) was pillaged and burned. Fewer still ever knew that it was Anakin that led the march and slaughtered the children.  
Oddly enough, Anakin Skywalker is the only person in the galaxy who knows the true horrific extent of his own crimes. 
So Luke, with all the best of intentions, notices that Obi Wan is avoiding Anakin, and decides he will help his father and his teacher/mentor/uncle/that weird dude that lived in the desert makeup. Luke is attributing the awkwardness to Anakin’s 20 years as Vader (which, if we are being completely honest, is the least of the issues between Anakin and Obi Wan).
Luke decides he is going to hold something like a mediation to bridge those 20 years. Anakin is, at this point, incapable of denying Luke anything and agrees (in spite of the fact that even he can tell this will go poorly). Obi Wan does not actually agree as Luke does not tell him what they are meeting for, but once he arrives is semi blackmailed by Luke (leveraging the whole ‘you told me my father was dead thing/you lied to me my whole life’) which really only works because Obi Wan is also fairly vulnerable to young Skywalker children who remind him of the people who Obi Wan has lost (Satine would have done something similar, Obi Wan think nostalgically). Thinking that an audience would help create a more neutral location, Luke makes sure that Obi Wan is accompanied by a few of the clones (Appo in particular), and that Leia, Han, and Mon Mothma (as one of the few people who remember Padme and Anakin) are in the room. There are others. 
Now Luke has all the best intentions with this, but he is, at best, missing some very critical information. At worst he is taking after one of his father’s worst traits (so sure he can fix a relationship that is not his, and is probably better left broken). 
Both Anakin and Obi Wan silently agree to humor the sunshine boy.  At first they try to keep it to lighter disagreements and misunderstandings  (who saved who and who made the situation worse kind of thing). Anakin brings up at one point being unhappy that Obi Wan hid his children from him for almost 20 years, Obi Wan corrects that he hid them for almost 10 years from Vader, since he believed Anakin actually dead for the first 10, during which Vader maintained that Anakin was dead. Anakin withdraws his objection.
Then Anakin brings up the limb removal on Mustafar (which causes most of the room to go still, no one but the clones-whom Obi Wan had told- knew about the Mustafar fight). Obi Wan shoots back with an slightly irate rejoinder that it was a really measured response considering that Anakin had just: led a group of brainwashed soldiers into their home and slaughtered as many men, women, and children that he could; choked his very pregnant wife; ignored repeated attempts Obi Wan made to end the fight without further violence. 
It was at this point that Appo started to have a panic attack (being one of the few surviving Clones who was actually there in the temple).  Obi Wan looked over at Luke, apologized and said this was not a good idea.  Then left with the clones, all trying to calm Appo back down. 
The entire room is just…dead silence. Like Luke everyone, barring Anakin who did know this was going to go so badly, had sort of forgotten that Obi Wan was more than the weird desert guy who hung around with the clones, and sometimes Leia.  Luke is sitting there, really pale (He did have good intentions).
Like the people who realized the Jedi suffered a genocide when the Empire came into power had mostly died, the few that had survived all these years had buried that knowledge under the subsequent horrors of the Empire (They also largely forgot, or didn’t understand the horror of the chips both in the context of Order 66 and following orders in the Empire). It was not done out of maliciousness, or even ignorance, because the Jedi and the Clones (in that they lost everything of themselves and their culture in a moment) may have been the first genocide of the Empire but it was not the last. 
I’m not sure where it would go from there, other than Anakin is charged with so many war crimes and accepts whatever punishment is determined.
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godmybackhurts · 4 months
The Star Wars time travel AU I'll never get around to writing
Anakin had just thrown Palpatine down the shaft, and this time, had avoided most of the lightning. Just as he is about to collapse, there is a flash, as if he had been struck once more. When it clears, he is on Naboo, right as Maul is about to stab Qui-Gon. Without thinking, he calls his lightsaber to him (it had managed to come with him) and blocks the strike. Despite being bulky and slow and unable to even dodge, he's a master swordsman, leagues better than Maul, and more powerful in the Force. So he "kills" Maul, by slicing him in half, right as Obi-Wan gets in (Maul still survives on the trash planet, but now his anger is not directed at Obi-Wan, it is directed at the man in the black mask, the rival apprentice; he never gets his revenge, never gets to make the man hurt, because he has no connections in this life)
Qui-Gon survives, and once he's gotten through the shock, he and Obi-Wan pull their blades on Anakin. They do not know he isn't there to kill them. After all, he's dressed similarly enough to the Sith apprentice who just tried exactly that. And infighting is the way of the Sith, after all, maybe this one wanted a leg up. He does not attack, only defends (he cannot use Soresu as effectively as Master Kenobi ever could, but he can still use it well enough, in conjunction with the force). It takes Padmé arriving to stop the Jedi. Eventually, he is asked his name. He knows that he can never go by Anakin again, so he continues to use Vader. He does not get any improvements to his suit (only to his prosthetics, which he does himself) except for one thing. He has it remade in more traditional Jedi colors. He does not stop his reliance on it, nor the overall design, and with very little explanation, only "So I do not become again what I once was."
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knightotoc · 11 months
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"Survivor Anakin"
I love Anakin's redemption at the ending of Return of the Jedi, but I've often wondered what would have happened if Luke had been able to save his father's life as well as his soul.
Without the financial support of the Emperor, Anakin couldn't continue to use the failing Vader suit even if he wanted to. I doubt the New Republic would pay for any accommodations beyond the bare minimum he'd need to survive.
As we see with Cliegg Lars, most people even in this sci-fi galaxy can't afford prosthetics. His right arm and both legs were amputated above the joint, but his left arm still has an elbow, so this prosthetic would be the most affordable. I based the design on real-world body-powered hooks.
His new mask is loosely based on oni masks from Japan (the big-toothed demon emoji 👹). Oni are evil creatures who nonetheless protect people from bad luck. While his old ventilator must have been somehow contained in his Vader suit, in real life these take up a lot more space. I imagined R2 would loyally volunteer to hold the oxygen tank and help with transportation.
I originally drew him in a more Jedi-like outfit, but I think he would feel too ashamed to wear that. This blue jacket is inspired by "Naboo herder" concept art by Dermot Power that I found in the Attack of the Clones art book.
Do you guys have thoughts about what would happen next? I think Luke and Leia would profoundly disagree about what to do with him, and this conflict might even tear them apart. The fledgling New Republic justice system would use his trial as a means to establish itself, either as an avenging power or a more merciful standard. Anakin's own incredible grasp of the Force would be humbled, even eroded, by his guilt and status. But perhaps over many years, he would finally find real peace and freedom.
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hannibalzero · 8 months
Obi-Wan watching Anakin work on his droid projects with grease smeared all over his arms, which makes Obi-Wan look at Anakin's arms and then Anakin's hands.........
Anakin’s hands were handsome, large and strong. Ten fingers too, a rare sight in the Galaxy. Only four humanoid species had ten fingers.
Even though Anakin lose an arm, his durasteel hand. A ugly practical prosthetic at first, slowly became a work of fine art and engineering. The steel shined as beautifully as onyx with inlays of gold.
Very Anakin.
Obi-Wan might enjoy protocol droids more if they were as well crafted and perfected as Anakin’s arm. 
Anakin’s hands were deep in some rare droid that he found who knows where. The droid had oil of some type in it. The dark crude oil had a strange effect, it almost brought attention to the clean parts of Anakin’s hands and arms more.
Blinking in surprise, when did Anakin’s hands start to look so elegant and confident? Not clumsy but skilled chubby hands? When did Anakin’s once string like arms become large and strong?
“Master?” Anakin called out looking up from his work. “You okay?” He questioned.
Catching himself from jumping in surprise, Obi-wan took a good breath. “Yes, just fine. Simply was caught up watching you work. It never ceases to amaze.” Obi-wan walked over with the chilled tea that Anakin enjoyed when he was tinkering. “Just wanted to let you know I am home, did you enjoy your day?”
Anakin gave a nod. “Yeah I did, but the apartment is too quiet without you and Snipps around.” He gave a grin. “Thanks for the tea.” He took a long drink from the glass.
Obi-wan nodded his head. “Your welcome, I’m glad you enjoyed you’re leisure tine” turning to leave, Anakin playful as ever. Reached over to place a big oil hand print on Obi-wan’s robe right where his ass was. without alerting the Jedi master.
Not everyday Anakin could mark what was his!
A few minutes later…
Leaning back into his chair, Anakin smirked.
Well…he lived a good life.
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weixuldo · 1 year
Enigma// ch 20
anakin x reader
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a/n: i’m not a medical professional so don’t mind in accurate info lmfaooo- there is barf in this chapter only because i’m trying to make it realistic to what actually occurs after these procedures ( plus i kinda like writing whump lol)
The extent of Anakin’s condition is revealed and you wait for him to stabilize
warnings: cursing, alcohol abuse, emtephobia (barf and stuff…), hospitals, alcohol poisoning
“Ben!” you called when you spotted the bearded man sitting in the waiting room. 
“Y/n, Ahsoka- You two didn’t have to come, I could hav-”
“No, I want to be here” you interrupted. 
“Where is he?” Ahsoka asked.
“He’s still being treated, but they said a room should be ready for him soon”.
“Did they tell you his evaluation? What’s happening to him?” you asked.
“Yes, they concluded it was severe alcohol poisoning, enough to trigger a seizure and enough that he went into an alcoholic coma… I’m not sure for how long, but he definitely could have died.”
“How much did he have to drink to be in a fucking coma?!” Ahsoka exclaimed. 
“I’m not sure, but this is the most he’s ever drank,” Ben answered sadly, “but in addition he must have hit his head when he fell because he also sustained a mild concussion. “
Ahsoka seemed more frustrated than sad at the moment, “Un-fucking-believable!” she huffed. 
“Of course he was fucking drinking. I tell him he needs to go back to rehab or he at least needs some help, but does he listen to me...? No! And now here he is- going into a coma over it”.
You felt awful about Anakin’s admittance to the hospital, but you also understood the frustration Ash was feeling. She crossed her arms aggressively and tilted her face away, but you couldn’t help but hear her sniffles. 
“Ash?” you called, gently turning her towards you. Tears streamed down her face as her bottom lip quivered. 
“Ash…” you sighed, pulling her into your chest. 
“I-I try s-so hard to help him- but h-he…. I ju-just don’t want him to d-ie” she cried into your shoulder. 
Her outburst of emotion hit you in the feels and in turn made you teary as well; Ben came up and rubbed Ahsoka’s arm in comfort.
“I know Ahsoka. I know”.
Days passed and Anakin was finally released from the ICU to a normal hospital room; it had a nice view of the city and good natural lighting. The room was equipped with a sofa and armchair as well as Anakin’s bed (of course). 
For the past few days you had taken residence in his room; sleeping on the couch and keeping spare clothes in a duffle bag, just to keep an eye on him.
You were the one to stay with him everyday because Ben and Satine had work and Ash had training camp.
Honestly, you only offered since they were all busy and you really had nothing else to do. 
The sofa was definitely an inconvenience for you, it was hard, didn’t have much space, and your back already hurt from the extra weight of your belly. 
You yawned and stretched your arms as you sat up from the couch beside Anakin’s bed.  
Taking Anakin’s reduced body size into account, the effects of the alcohol he consumed were amplified. His coma had lasted for 5 days and they continually pumped his stomach as well as gave him plenty of IV fluids.
Since they had gotten his vitals back to normal (relatively), he was predicted to wake up any day. 
Anakin looked so weak wrapped in the white sheets, a breathing tube sticking out of his mouth, wires connected to him, and tubes coming from every which way.
You had seen him without his prosthetics before, but the harsh hospital atmosphere made it all the more noticeable, you knew he would hate that he was disassembled when he woke. 
You heard a noise coming from Anakin and you saw his eyes weakly opening and closing as he choked on the tube down his throat. Immediately you jumped up and called nurses into the room. 
You weren't sure how conscious he was but you did know he was definitely scared. After a while you were let back into the room and told that he may be vomiting for the next few hours from all of the stomach pumps, concussion, and other shit that had happened. The head nurse told you that it was normal but to notify them if there was blood in the throw up. 
You thanked each nurse for watching over him and entered the room, fully prepared to take care of him.
He was lying in the same position he was earlier, but now he just had an oxygen tube running under his nose instead of the breathing tube.
You approached him and found his eyes were closed- he was probably resting. 
He threw up on and off for the next few hours, but it was the last time that was the worst. 
You grabbed one of the bins they gave you as you wondered if he was even cognizant enough to comprehend what was happening.
The dull room was on the chilly side but you could see the sheen of sweat forming on his brow, he was fighting so hard. 
You grabbed a cloth and went to dab at his forehead when he coughed, your eyes widened as you used your arms to sit him up so he wouldn’t choke. He coughed some more and began to drool, you grabbed a can and held it in front of him as you helped hold him up. His eyes were still closed and his head rested on your shoulder until you leaned him over the bin when he started to retch. 
You really had never been able to be around throw up without feeling sick to your stomach, but this was different: all you could think about was how you wanted it to be over so he could finally rest. 
His head was in the can and you rubbed his back as his body shook with the violent rolls of nausea. 
After a few minutes he finally finished and you put the bin on the ground so you could help him lie back down.
The metal can was definitely heavier than when you had originally given it to him, but you would have to take care of that bag later, now you need to focus on Anakin. 
He was almost about to fall over when you got back from setting the can down so you rushed to his side and grabbed one of the many washcloths the nurses had left in the room for this very occasion. 
His eyes were unfocused and barely open: that answered your question, he was not cognizant.
He groaned as you wiped his mouth and brushed his soft curls back; slick with his sweat. 
“Shh, shh, it’s going to be ok, Ani” you comforted, helping him lie back down. 
You rolled him onto his side just in case he started again and brushed your fingers through his hair. His brows were kneaded together and he was shaking; this was bad. 
A frown found its way onto your face as you watched him suffer, you never wanted him to have to go through this. 
After a few more minutes you removed your warm hand from him and went to assess the bin- there was no blood, so at least that was a good sign.
You stepped into the hall to call a nurse but there was already one there who had a custodian on the way. You thanked her and the custodian for being so patient with Anakin and you. 
After everything was sanitized you went back to sitting beside Anakin, you scanned his face for any signs of coherency but he was still really out of it.
The only sign of emotion was the small tears that fell from the corners of his closed eyes. 
Anakin tried to open his eyes but there was a blinding light shining down; he tried to speak but no words were forming. 
You noticed his rasping from the chair beside his bed and quickly jumped up and went to his side. He was attempting to pull off his oxygen tube but you stopped him and gently placed your hands on his face. With you blocking the overhead light, he could finally open his eyes. 
“Anakin?” you asked, trying to make sure he was actually up. 
He hummed and glanced around until he saw the IV pole and realized he was in the hospital quicker than you could have imagined his vitals went crazy. You backed up in shock as he tussled around in the bed, attempting to get out. You knew he had PTSD from being in the hospital during his recovery, but you didn’t expect it to be as bad as it clearly was. 
“Anakin it’s alright!” you tried to calm him, but he was too scared. 
Soon a team of nurses rushed in and took over before he could hurt himself; they ushered you out in the process. You texted Ben and Ahsoka to let them know that he was awake.
Once he was settled, you were allowed back in; his bed was propped up so that he was sitting and he had his head turned away from the door. 
Gingerly, you walked towards him as you tried to think of what to say. 
You sighed.
“Look, I know I'm the last person you want to see right now but putting that aside, I needed to know that you were going to be alright…”
Finally, he met your eyes.
“Did you put me in here?” he asked, more sadly than accusatory.
“No, Ben found you and called 911” 
He nodded, “I don’t remember- I don’t know what happened. I just woke up and you were there with lights shining from behind you”. 
Your face formed a sad smile, “you had severe alcohol poisoning. You were non-responsive…a-and your pulse was gone.”
His brows furrowed as he tried to comprehend what you were saying. 
“They had to pump your stomach and when they finally got your vitals back up, you had already slipped into a coma” you explained.
“People don't just go into a coma from alcohol, surely it had to be something else” he protested.
“Anakin, you had a blood alcohol concentration of .57…. Your average is .15” 
He looked up to the ceiling and laid his head back onto the pillow. 
“Fuck” he exclaimed. 
“Anakin, you can’t keep doing this-”
“I know,” he interjected with a frustrated tone. 
He took a breath and began to cough; he continued and you stepped closer, “Anakin, do you need your inhaler, I can go get-”
“I'm -” he coughed once more, “fine”.
You took another step closed and laid a gentle hand on the end of his arm stump but he quickly retracted his limb from your reach. You flinched and looked at him with wide eyes, you only meant to comfort him. 
His blue eyes looked more fearful than angry, what was going on?
His gaze traveled from your perplexed face down towards your growing stomach; his pupils dilated slightly before he took a deep breath and closed his eyes.
“Please leave”
“But Anak-”
“Please” he pleaded, refusing to look at you. 
Your teeth gently bit down on your lower lip and you nodded, slowly heading for the door.
At the entrance, you rested a hand on the door frame and caught one last look at the man in the bed; tubes and medical tape all over his body, the hospital grade blue gown, even his sandy curls looked sad.
You had never seen him look so helpless, so dejected; surely he was lost in thought- to him this was probably torture. 
He already hated hospitals, but now he couldn’t even entertain himself with his phone. In addition, the doctors weren’t allowing him to put on his prosthetics yet.
He wanted nothing more than to just go home and sleep. 
As for you, you just wanted the father of your child to be able to recover and hopefully reign in his deadly addiction. 
a/n: sorry for all the throw up in the chapters lately (i just wanna try and make it as realistic as possible :( ) buuuttt next chapter will heat up emotionally and we’ll start seeing more y/n x ani moments :)) i have so many plot points i wanna do, so i’m not sure how long this fic is gonna end up being…. i hope you stick around though!! thanks for reading :)
taglist: @dnamht @sxoulohvn @angeelcoree @wtf-andys @httpeachesblog @katsukiswrld @jetiikote @poisonedsultana @imarimone12 @fallinlovewithevil
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ddejavvu · 1 year
U want him to spank you because you’ve been so bad!!! teasing him all day!!! but he can’t hurt you too much because he loves you too much??? so after every spank he’s just absolutely tumbling out praises and saying how much he loves you and how you take him so well all the time that you’re confused as to whether this is a punishment or a reward because you’re about to cum just from him speaking to you thank you goodbye it’s late and I definitely have better ideas to present to you my monarch 🧎
send me dirty anakin thoughts <33
my monarch... stop no way i'm on my knees <33 i loved this and i'll definitely enjoy any other ideas you might have to giggle with me about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this post is 18+, minors dni.
no bc i'm all for absolutely depraved insane anakin but also there is something so special to me about anakin who's so tender and sweet and loving that he just can't fathom hurting you!!! but you've begged him, you tell him that if he doesn't want to he doesn't have to, but you're not going to be upset with him either way and you'd really like for him to spank you a little bit <33 after all that's why you've been so cheeky today? did he not notice? and he starts to flash back to all of the times you'd bent over in front of him or squeezed a little too far up his thigh and it clicks in his head he's like oh. that was you trying to get on my nerves.
but the thing is nothing you do could ever get on his nerves. he's not annoyed that he's half-hard in the middle of a council meeting, his robes cover it anyways and he's just so happy you had your hands on him in the first place. he's not upset that you flashed your cleavage at him and then left without letting him touch you, he's thrilled to have seen your tits at all <3 anakin is so desperate for you that literally no amount of teasing is ever gonna frustrate him it's all gonna be purely satisfactory, bless him <3
but he's willing to at least try spanking you because obviously you want it and he wants nothing more than to make you happy and make you feel good so he's ushering you into his lap so that you can perch on his thighs. he balances you kind of precariously where your ass is hanging off of his knees but you're leaning against his chest, and you're like ani wait i'll lay over your lap- and he wraps his arms around you and goes 'no. i want to hold you, angel, i want to kiss you. i want you near me.' and boy does that work wonders for the butterflies in your stomach!!! so you let him press his mouth to your own and kiss you so so soft and sweet and tender and loving while his free hand rubs gently over the skin of your ass that's hung off of his knees just enough to give him a big enough target. his first slap is honestly pathetic, more of a pat than anything, but he murmurs a sweet 'iloveyou' into your mouth and you grip at his tunic and beg him to do it harder
once he actually gets going, he's good at it. he sets a good rhythm, and always makes sure to rub your sore ass all nice and soft to soothe the stinging sensation of his palm later. but all the while he's spilling praises and compliments onto your tongue, speaking into your mouth and assuring you that 'you're perfect' and that 'you're the most beautiful thing he's ever seen' and that 'you're so good for me' and that 'i love you more than life itself''
it's so hard to stay perched on his lap like that!!!!!! you want him to be able to smack your ass more but your cunt is literally drooling onto his knees and they're offering you such firm, delicious friction when you grind against them that you want to lunge forwards and bounce yourself on his dick until you're both seeing stars <3 he definitely fucks you well after that, if you beg for him with big teary eyes he'll kiss away the moisture on your face and pacify you with his cock while telling you that you're perfect and he loves you <333
in future you always request that he uses his prosthetic hand to do it, because whether he's got his glove on or not it's so thrilling to feel either cool metal or cool leather against your ass <3333 butttt of course he uses his other hand too sometimes, because there's something undeniably filthy about the sound of his skin cracking against yours that he can't refuse.
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blondie20000 · 2 years
Reunion - Anakin Skywalker x Reader
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After weeks of being apart Anakin is finally reunited with the Reader.
Anakin was coming home.
After weeks of waiting he finally contacted You and told You he was coming home and soon You will be back in his arms.
The last few weeks have been torture. Anakin went off a mission and You had no idea how long the mission was going to last or if he would even survive the mission. You couldn't reach out to anyone as it would put your relationship with Anakin at risk. The Jedis were not allowed to have attachments so You and Anakin had to keep your relationship a secret. It was frustrating being kept a secret You always dreamed of going out arm and arm with your husband showing your relationship to the world showing the love you and him had towards each other but You knew deep down that couldn't happen Anakin loved You but he also loved being a Jedi and You were not going to risk destroying one of the things that meant so much to him.
He told You to meet him at their usual location, their secret location where they can be a couple and are away from prying eyes. You immediately picked out your best dress and got your lady in waiting to fix up your hair. You wanted to look nice for him You wanted to remind him what he has missed while he has been away. Once everything was done You went and waited for him.
As You examined the plants You heard a voice call out your name.
A wave of warmth goes through You as that familiar voice calls out. You turn round and a smile spreads across your face as You see him step outside.
He looked as handsome as ever. His sky blue eyes sparkled and his hair looked like it has grown slightly but You didn't mind You loved his hair You loved running your fingers through his hair it was soft just like him he was always soft around You.
As soon as he saw You his face immediately lit up. He calls out your name with pure joy as he runs towards You and scoops You up in his arms. You let out a squeal as he spun You around.
"Aww Y/N." He kisses your lips and presses his head against yours. "I missed you so much."
"Oh Ani!' You sighed. "I missed you too."
He lowered You down to the ground but still kept You in his arms. He breathed in your scent and sighs heavily.
"I missed this." He kisses You. "I missed us I couldn't stop thinking about you every night you were there in my mind your face there in front of me it pained me that I couldn't touch you I could only watch and hope that one day I will be reunited with you...My love." He holds your hand against his chest. "My everything. I am so happy to be back here with you."
"Ani." You felt the tears form in your eyes. "I was so worried about you not knowing what was happening to you out there not knowing if you were..."
You couldn't bring yourself to say the words the thought of something happening to your beloved horrified You. Anakin brought You out of your thoughts by kissing your hand. He then smirks at You.
"You can't get rid of me that easily."
"Ha ha." You laughed.
He then cups your cheeks with his hands. The coldness from his prosthetic hand didn't bother You anymore. He then looks You in the eye.
"Y/N. I love you."
"And I love you Anakin Skywalker."
His hands go to the back of your dress. You stopped him when You realized what he was planning to do.
"I just got this dress."
"And it suits you." He grins. "But I think you will look much better without it."
"Really huh?"
"Hmm." His grin widens. "Allow me to assist you my darling."
Moments later the couple stripped each other's clothes off. Anakin locks his lips with yours. He wraps his arm around your waist and pulls You in as he deepens the kiss. You respond and push your tongue inside his mouth. He moans as his tongue rolls alongside yours.
Once he pulled away he then gently eases You on to the bed. He rubs your arm in an affectionate manner and his eyes seek permission from You permission to continue this. You nodded and allowed him to consume your mind, body and soul. He kisses You, licks You, sucks You he even left a love bite on your neck as a reminder to say You were his You are Anakin Skywalker's wife.
"So beautiful." He mumbled. "You are so beautiful."
You beamed at his words.
Eventually he reached between your legs. You opened your legs before he could ask You are eager for him to get inside you. Anakin sensed your eagerness and smirked. He wasn't going to give You what You want that quickly he is going to make You wait.
"No need to rush my love." He said smoothly. He raises an amused eyebrow at You. "Patience."
You responded with a groan.
He goes down until he is facing your cunt. He then blows into it. You tensed up as his hot breath hits your pussy. The throbbing ache below You increased.
"Hmm?" He replied .
His hand runs along your thigh. That smirk remains on his face. You shake your head.
"It has been so long please."
He looks up at You. His eyes had that hint of mischief in them. He then returns his attention to your cunt.
Suddenly a gasp escapes your lips as he rolls his tongue along your folds. The cool wet salvia against your hot sweaty skin made You slightly tremble. Each stroke sent a jolt of electricity through You. When his tongue then pushed past your folds You immediately reach out and grip on to his hair. You tug hard at it as he hungrily licked You up and down.
You wrap your legs around his head causing him to moan. You push yourself against his face which earned another moan from him.
His tongue flicks rapidly over your clit while he did that he pushes his index finger into your heat.
You cursed out loud. Your grip on his hair tightens. Eventually he removes his tongue but continued to fuck You with his fingers. He pumped You harshly and enjoyed the sweet sounds that came spilling from your lips.
Moments later he removes his fingers and licks them clean. He closes his eyes and hums with content it has been so long since he tasted You he missed it greatly. Anakin knew once he got a taste of You he couldn't stop he wanted more he needed more but that wouldn't be fair he made You wait so it is only fair You made him wait as well. With a sigh Anakin got back on to bed. He cups your chin with his hand and smiles at You.
"Your turn."
Your eyes darken with lust. It wasn't long before the couple switched positions and You found yourself on top of him. Your eyes roam over his body. You examine all his muscles and abs.
He is so gorgeous. You thought with a sigh.
You then reach down and claim his mouth with your own. You kissed him passionately. While You did that one of your hands travels between his legs. You cup his balls with your hand and You begin to squeeze them. He straightened up with shock his arms around You tightened. You smirked into the kiss and continued to play with him down there. He pulls away and gasps.
"Patience." You repeated his words back at him. He slumps his head against the pillow and sighs heavily.
You then return your attention to his body. You suck on to his nipples You bit down hard on them You enjoyed the shudder that coursed through his body as You took in every part of him. Once You reached his legs You position yourself in front of his entrance.
A low moan escapes your lips as You pushed Anakin deeper and deeper inside of You. You lean forward and lift your hips slightly before getting your husband deep inside You again. Anakin lifts his hips to allow him to meet You for each thrust.
"Stars!" He again gasped.
You plant your hands on the wall and continue to ride him. He grasps on to your ass causing You to increase the pace.
"Y/N!" His nails dig deep into your skin. He curses as You moan to him.
"Ani...Oh Ani...ANAKIN!"
You cursed in Huttese as You felt the heat forming at the bottom of your belly. The need to release started to consume You. You look down at him your eyes wide. You didn't need to tell him he knew he can sense that You needed to let go.
"To...Together." He said between pants.
You nod and press your head against his.
"Together." You repeated.
Anakin growled and the growl made your legs shake and your mind started to go into overdrive. You then buried your head against his collarbone.
Eventually You did let go. You muffled a cry as You spilled yourself all over him. His eyes widen as he saw You fall apart in front of him. This quickly made him let go. He lets out a cry as he releases himself.
Once that was done You remove yourself from him and You collapse by his side. Anakin grabs the covers and wraps it around your trembling body. You grasp the covers and let out a shaky sigh.
"Come." He opens his arms out.
You go into his arms. You rest your head against his chest. You let out another sigh this time feeling content the warmth from his body relaxed You it made You feel safe.
He kisses the top of your head.
"Perfect this is perfect you are perfect. "
"And so are you." You replied.
You twirl a strand of his hair in your fingers.
"I don't want this to end." You whispered.
He felt the same he didn't want this to end either part of him wished he could stay here with You but with his life as a Jedi it was impossible he can only see You when he is available and the couple knew eventually Anakin will be sent off on another mission and they both have to go through the suffering of not seeing each other again. The thought of that pained them both.
Not wanting to ruin this moment Anakin pushed those negative thoughts away and replied.
"Let's focus on the present lets enjoy the time we have together."
You nod and agree with him.
He holds your hands. His eyes shone with love. He then smiles at You.
You smile back at him.
My love. My everything.
The End
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