#Ammolite History
palomaanisa · 1 month
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Ammolite History, Meaning, Healing Properties, Facts, Benefits, and Uses
Ammolite is one of the most rare gemstones found on earth. This unique gemstone is famous worldwide for the vibrant colors it shows. The ammolite gemstone is formed out of the fossilized remnants of ammonites (which are nothing but extinct marine mollusks). These ammonites lived on this planet during the Cretaceous period, and to be specific, about 65 to 240 million years ago. Although you can find these fossils around different parts of the world, the ones found in the Rocky Mountains of North America are the most fit for making ammolite jewelry such as ammolite rings, ammolite earrings, ammolite pendants, and ammolite bracelets. Ammolite stone is used by various jewelers to make some of the finest gemstone jewelry.
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amnhnyc · 4 months
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Behold the dazzling colors of an iridescent ammonite (Placenticeras intercalare)! A relative of today’s squids, this ammonite lived some 80 million years ago near what is now Alberta, Canada. This fossil’s spectacular coloration is the result of millions of years of high temperatures and pressures. As these forces acted on nacre in this ammonite’s shell, it was transformed into a gemstone known as an ammolite. Along with amber and pearl, ammolite is one of only a handful of gems made by living organisms. You can spot this rare specimen in the Louis V. Gerstner, Jr. Collections Core in the Museum’s Richard Gilder Center for Science, Education, and Innovation!
Photo: © AMNH
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moonlight-stalker · 10 months
# Dcu x Dp 142
In the center of Gotham there stood two unique and strange statues.
One of the statues was of a humanoid man that stood up straight at 5 feet 8 inches both of his hands resting on the top of a sword that was in front of him. He wears a cape that was sculpted to look like there is fur on the edges a chain holds the cape in place, where the chain meets the cape there is a human-looking skull on both sides. His head is slightly tilted down so if you stood a couple of feet away he would be looking at you, he has a soft open smile on his face if you look closely enough you can see he has fangs. His hair looked as though it was floating, on top of his head sat a crown, he had pointy ears the hands that rested on top of the sword had nails that looked like claws. He wears a bodysuit baggy pants and what looks like combat boots, on the center of his bodysuit there is a D with a P inside symbol.
At his feet lays the other statue, a big Rottweiler. The dog came up to his hip while lying down and was at least 7 feet long, his head was by the man's hip and his body was curled behind the man's legs. The dog had his mouth open partially with his tongue hanging out you could see his teeth when looking at him the dog's head was looking at the same spot that the man's head was looking at. The dog wore a collar with spikes at the front there was a tag that had the name Cujo and on the back of the tag the same symbol that was on the man's bodysuit. One of the dog's paws was resting on top of an actual dog toy made of rubber.
They both are on a stone pedestal that is about 3 feet tall and 6 feet wide the pedestal is decorated with symbols of death and protection. You can find other humanoids sculpted into the pedestal and over time people have noticed that you can also find the Bats and Birds symbols on the front of the pedestal and in the corners you can find symbols that represent the rogues.
The statue had both precious gemstones and metals decorating it. The statue of the dog had the least, the dog's eyes are made of rubies the claws are made of obsidian. The spikes on the collar seemed to be an actual metal, in between each spike a star sapphire sits. Under each spike, a small chain is attached and connects to the next spike.
The man had much more, his eyes were made of Alexandrite stones but changed from Emerald to Sapphire and they changed at random. His freckles are a combination of Opal stone and Moonstone that are spread across his cheeks and nose, and his claws and sword are made of obsidian. The cape outside of the cape has small silver spots, and on the inside, there are many different gemstones that are decorated to look like stars in the sky. Crown is made of a combination of Amazonite and Malachite and is decorated with Ammolite, papagoite, shattuckite, and star sapphire. Bracelets are made of Azurite with grandidierite, he has Paraiba tourmaline earrings with one star sapphire earrings hanging from his right ear. He has three rings one made of Garnet, the second one is made of Grandidierite, and the last one is made of Jeremejevite. On his left hand, there are some cracks that disappear underneath the sleeves of his bodysuit and appear again on his left cheek the cracks seem to be filled with emerald ( the bats know it's not emerald it's crystallized LaArus water ) it is like a kintsugi.
Several things make these two statues very unique
1. No known history there is nothing about who made the status or why they were placed there
2. Destroy or steal no matter how many times people try to blow up the statues or smash them no damage can be done, and no one can remove any of the gemstones that are on them. The person would also become sick or be injured after trying
3. Can't be Recorded or take pictures it's difficult to get clear pictures and videos unless they're from an older model
4. No one can buy or take them many wealthy people have tried to buy the statues and take them but every time that's happened the machines and cars that were there to move them were shut down and the person who tried to buy them would get extremely sick and be haunted by nightmares, night terrors and paralysis.
5. Crused and blessed as mentioned before people would get sick be injured get nightmares, night terrors, and/or paralysis. People that stand in a 15 feet radius of the status can't get infected by any of the gass that are release and people that are already infected by them are inside the radius will get cured, and has also protected people from getting attacked inside the circle .
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novamartin9680 · 10 days
The Enchanting History of Ammolite: A Rare Gemstone
Discover the unique beauty and rich history of Ammolite, a rare gemstone formed from ancient marine fossils. Learn about its geological origins and cultural significance throughout time.
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bellaallen9090 · 1 month
Ammolite History, Meaning, Healing Properties, Facts, Benefits, and Uses
Ammolite is one of the most rare gemstones found on earth. This unique gemstone is famous worldwide for the vibrant colors it shows. The ammolite gemstone is formed out of the fossilized remnants of ammonites (which are nothing but extinct marine mollusks). These ammonites lived on this planet during the Cretaceous period, and to be specific, about 65 to 240 million years ago. Although you can find these fossils around different parts of the world, the ones found in the Rocky Mountains of North America are the most fit for making ammolite jewelry such as ammolite rings, ammolite earrings, ammolite pendants.
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VISIT NOW- Ammolite History
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avafaina500 · 1 month
Ammolite History, Meaning, Healing Properties, Facts, Benefits, and Uses
In recent years, crystal healers and the spiritual community have been obsessed with this stone because they see it as a symbol of good luck, energy, and transformation. Crystal healers believe that this gemstone enhances vitality, overall well-being, and the creativity of an individual. While, on the other hand, the spiritual community associates this stone with the Chinese philosophy of feng shui, which says that ammolite jewelry brings positive energy, wealth, and abundance to its wearer.
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ava869522 · 1 month
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Ammolite History, Meaning, Healing Properties, Facts, Benefits, and Uses
In recent years, crystal healers and the spiritual community have been obsessed with this stone because they see it as a symbol of good luck, energy, and transformation. Crystal healers believe that this gemstone enhances vitality, overall well-being, and the creativity of an individual. While, on the other hand, the spiritual community associates this stone with the Chinese philosophy of feng shui, which says that ammolite jewelry brings positive energy, wealth, and abundance to its wearer.
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meganfox5588 · 1 month
Ammolite History, Meaning, Healing Properties, Facts, Benefits, and Uses
Ammolite is one of the most rare gemstones found on earth. This unique gemstone is famous worldwide for the vibrant colors it shows. The ammolite gemstone is formed out of the fossilized remnants of ammonites (which are nothing but extinct marine mollusks). These ammonites lived on this planet during the Cretaceous period, and to be specific, about 65 to 240 million years ago. Although you can find these fossils around different parts of the world, the ones found in the Rocky Mountains of North America are the most fit for making ammolite jewelry such as ammolite rings, ammolite earrings, ammolite pendants, and ammolite bracelets. Ammolite stone is used by various jewelers to make some of the finest gemstone jewelry.
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leilanislavin · 1 month
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Ammolite History, Meaning, Healing Properties, Facts, Benefits, and Uses
Ammolite is one of the most rare gemstones found on earth. This unique gemstone is famous worldwide for the vibrant colors it shows. The ammolite gemstone is formed out of the fossilized remnants of ammonites (which are nothing but extinct marine mollusks)."Ammolite History" These ammonites lived on this planet during the Cretaceous period, and to be specific, about 65 to 240 million years ago. Although you can find these fossils around different parts of the world, the ones found in the Rocky Mountains of North America are the most fit for making ammolite jewelry such as ammolite rings, ammolite earrings, ammolite pendants, and ammolite bracelets. Ammolite stone is used by various jewelers to make some of the finest gemstone jewelry.
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lorawilsone · 1 month
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Ammolite History is one of the most rare gemstones found on earth. This unique gemstone is famous worldwide for the vibrant colors it shows. The ammolite gemstone is formed out of the fossilized remnants of ammonites (which are nothing but extinct marine mollusks). These ammonites lived on this planet during the Cretaceous period, and to be specific, about 65 to 240 million years ago. Although you can find these fossils around different parts of the world, the ones found in the Rocky Mountains of North America are the most fit for making ammolite jewelry such as ammolite rings, ammolite earrings, ammolite pendants, and ammolite bracelets. Ammolite stone is used by various jewelers to make some of the finest gemstone jewelry.
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eramcerry · 1 month
Ammolite History, Meaning, Healing Properties, Facts, Benefits, and Uses
Considered a semi-precious gemstone, ammolite meaning is a biogenic gemstone like coral and pearl. The remarkable play of colors this gemstone showcases is what sets ammolite apart. And because of this rare trait, ammolite is highly valued. In case you are thinking that only gem collectors and jewelry enthusiasts are the ones who purchase this gemstone for its beauty, you are wrong. This gemstone is also used by paleontologists who desire to study Earth’s history through fossils.
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mariarussi · 1 month
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Ammolite History, Meaning, Benefits, and Uses
The Ammolite History has been discovered recently. During the late 18th century, ammolite-bearing rocks were discovered in the Bearpaw Formation in the southern Alberta region of Canada. In the initial days, this gemstone was valued for its fossil content, and it was not recognized as a gemstone. However, things took an interesting turn when in the 1960s, a Canadian miner named Mike Evernden recognized the gemological potential of ammolite and started promoting it as a gemstone.
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shroofjulia · 1 month
Ammolite History, Meaning, Healing Properties, Facts, Benefits, and Uses
In recent years, crystal healers and the spiritual community have been obsessed with this stone because they see it as a symbol of good luck, energy, and transformation. Crystal healers believe that this gemstone enhances vitality, overall well-being, and the creativity of an individual. While, on the other hand, the spiritual community associates this stone with the Chinese philosophy of feng shui, which says that ammolite jewelry brings positive energy, wealth, and abundance to its wearer.
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mairadube · 1 month
Ammolite History, Meaning, Healing Properties, Facts, Benefits, and Uses
Ammolite is one of the most rare gemstones found on earth. This unique gemstone is famous worldwide for the vibrant colors it shows. The ammolite gemstone is formed out of the fossilized remnants of ammonites (which are nothing but extinct marine mollusks). These ammonites lived on this planet during the Cretaceous period, and to be specific, about 65 to 240 million years ago. Although you can find these fossils around different parts of the world, the ones found in the Rocky Mountains of North America are the most fit for making ammolite jewelry such as ammolite rings, ammolite earrings, ammolite pendants, and ammolite bracelets. Ammolite stone is used by various jewelers to make some of the finest gemstone jewelry. Considered a semi-precious gemstone, ammolite is a biogenic gemstone like coral and pearl. The remarkable play of colors this gemstone showcases is what sets ammolite apart. And because of this rare trait, ammolite is highly valued. In case you are thinking that only gem collectors and jewelry enthusiasts are the ones who purchase this gemstone for its beauty, you are wrong. This gemstone is also used by paleontologists who desire to study Earth’s history through fossils.
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zemostal · 1 month
Ammolite History, Meaning, Healing Properties, Facts, Benefits, and Uses
Ammolite is one of the most rare gemstones found on earth. This unique gemstone is famous worldwide for the vibrant colors it shows. The ammolite History is formed out of the fossilized remnants of ammonites (which are nothing but extinct marine mollusks). These ammonites lived on this planet during the Cretaceous period, and to be specific, about 65 to 240 million years ago. Although you can find these fossils around different parts of the world, the ones found in the Rocky Mountains of North America are the most fit for making ammolite jewelry such as ammolite rings, ammolite earrings, ammolite pendants, and ammolite bracelets. Ammolite stone is used by various jewelers to make some of the finest gemstone jewelry.
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novamartin9680 · 1 month
Ammolite History, Meaning, Healing Properties, Facts, Benefits, and Uses
The ammolite gemstone has been discovered recently. During the late 18th century, Ammolite History rocks were discovered in the Bearpaw Formation in the southern Alberta region of Canada.
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