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dinthoqaf · 13 days ago
Humility for the Humiliated
( A short story for Ammaelin Bloodcrest, Enemy and Brother of Dinthoqaf. For some background, the SotF recently had an event over the weekend where Nezzok (played by @zalilirah) paraded around Ammaelin's once-believed dead and ghoul-turned wife and son. Needless to say, this was a devastating mental blow for Ammaelin as he believed he had put them to rest via the torching of their home. This story is an exchange between Ammaelin and Nezzok as afterward Ammaelin collected the Undead Troll, taking him for capture to get his revenge on the matter while also attempting to gain information on his brothers' movements.) [[ TW: Language, Violence, Sexual Degradation and allusions to descecrating a corpse. Please be aware, however, as the references are just that and nothing was actually written out or played due to the distastefulness of the topic itself. It is a mechanism to show how vile a character is and what depths one will go to mentally abuse another. I would highly encourage that if your senses are offended by this, DO NOT read it.]]
-- Nothing lewd happens to Ammaelins son for any of this either! Ammaelins son was unfortunately caught by the scourge, killed, and brought back as Ghoul. I do not and would never encourage writing of any quantity to incorporate a minor. --
Ammaelin sits in his room with the morning sun pouring in from the window to his left. The golden rays coming through the dark leaves of the Ghostlands forest cast a humble array of golds and reds amongst thrown shadows. Here he sits upon a bedroom bench that had seen better days. How old was it now? Decades? Centuries? Millenia? He did not know as it had weathered the generations of his family but its presence mattered little beyond the comfort of taking the weight off his shoulders. Here he sat, a gold and red towel thrown across his lap as it was all he wore to cover himself. His hair was damp from the recent bath he had taken as he stared into his charred black hands. Burned beyond the point of simple healing, he should have been seeing a healer, a surgeon, someone who could help him to mend but instead, all he cared to see were the glass jars within each. Simple alchemical things that had no decoration or engravings to tell what was which, but Ammaelin knew. Rosalin Bloodcrest and Samael Bloodcrest. His Wife and Son; put to rest for the second time.
He couldn't help but reflect on the first time he did so, well, when he thought he had anyway. He had been fighting the Scourge in Lordaeron and when he'd gotten the news that The Lich King and the Scourge were tearing through his homeland, he abandoned the line and went back as quickly as he could. By the time he'd made it, it was too late. His home was half in ruins, a miracle it was standing really and it was by that miracle he had found them locked within, turned into Ghouls at some point. Had he not seen it with his own eyes, he'd have believed them random undead, but the clothes they wore and the jewelry hanging off their half-rotted frames left no room for ill identifications. Hereupon the bench, he began to weep with tears that had been held back for more time than he cared to recount. His hands ached as he clenched the glass jars and the pain of his blackened hands ignited his entire body in protest. He wracked his head with the both of them, wailed, and called for forgiveness for not having been there when they clearly needed him most. Ammaelin's hand burned with the same pain as when he put the torch to his home the first time, holding the door shut on the both of them as they fought to try to get to him, to devour his body, to add him to the Scourge as well. He remembered those flames, the pain, and for it, he had thought that when the fire collapsed what was left and the noises stopped, it would mark their graves. He was wrong.
"If he will do this to you, his brother, imagine what he will do to those who have no connections to him." His father's words, Krownos' words. He too back from the Scourge Death and his will eventually wrestled free when the Helm of Domination was broken or so he was told. Discovery and investigation on that would come later, if at all, as Krownos Bloodcrest had not come back to try to lay claim to the Bloodcrest Legacy, stating that it was meant for Ammaelin to do all along, the Prodigal Son. Ammaelin's body shudders upon the remembrance of the words as he stands. His legs wanted to give out, his body ached all over, and his hands racked with unimaginable pain. He moved to get dressed, laying the ashen remains of Sophia and Samael upon his pillow as if they were being left to sleep.
"Sir, please, let me tend to your hands, at least put something on them and bandages to keep the pus from running and infection from setting in." Ammaelin said nothing as he let his chamberlain work to make him presentable. No formal regalia today, practicality would suffice as he had things to attend to, before the healer.
Set to the side of the estate was a font, this font being something 'holy' that the Bloodcrests had protected for generations as it was a simple altar composed of Lightforged Iron and Bloodstones. The blessings and branding have been done by the Church some time ago and migrated here to this place upon someone's blessings or bidding. But the building it was put within was made and catered to in such a way that it was meant to be a holy beacon for those who needed rest. It has been desecrated once by Dinthoqaf, nearly destroyed but since purified and remade with Ammaelins' efforts. It was this same place that Ammaelin kept Nezzok, the undead behemoth of a Troll, shackled and locked against the stone walls. It was being used to keep him in a constant state of torment. Ammaelin would be here, 'working' him for Hours, Days, Weeks, however long it would take to get the information he wanted and needed. He wanted to know about his Brother, about this Sanctum. To know about their goals, where they were, and how many of them there were. Anything and everything he could figure out as his father had explained, ending the Sanctum meant putting an end to Dinthoqaf... and that end would finally let their family know peace. It would mean no one else would feel the same pain his fists screamed out with at every light-embued punch that hit this troll in the ribs. No more families torn apart by their name, no shadows to be cast and stains to finally be scrubbed clean. Dinthoqaf was everything Ammaelin saw wrong in the world right now, and Nezzok stood in the way of ending it all.
"Ah've seen moths hit hardah den whacha doin right naw..buh when ya beh a whipp'd dog wha else can one 'xpect eh?" *Krack!*
Another light-infused fist rails into the side of the Trolls face, leaving it to burn with holy embers for a moment before fizzling out. Nezzok his usual state wouldn't bother, but his undead status required something... more.
"Tell me where they're all at! Tell me where he's going next, damn you!"
"If'n ya tink it beh dat easeh ya gotta nuddah ting comin. Ya ain' gonna get shit. Naht dat Ah wouldn' enjoy seein ya getcha shit rock'd but b'cause ya dun scare meh. Ya dun scare meh an ain' nuttin ya could da could turn meh 'gainst mah Bruddah. " He laughs, the burnt skin of his face crackling. "See dere beh a reason he keeps meh. Mah loyalteh beh worth mah weight…can't say da same fer ya wife dough eh? Sa easeh fer her ta beh given a new bodeh and beh -sa- grateful ta meh dat she mewled all undah meh an ovah meh even tankin me fer carin fer her unlike ya…but Ah s'ppose dat beh why Ahm a bettah man den ya eh?"
Ammaelin's jaw set and every muscle in his body fired off. The Light burned hard and bright as it drew from the small font and the impact of his hand caused a crack of a different nature. Nezzok's jaw would become unhinged and Ammaelins bones splintered as holy sparks flew. The mention of his wife had set him off and pain erupted further with his unattended burns. Things would have to stop here, he had no choice.
"Bring in the priest, let them 'cleanse his soul', if they can." Ammaelin knew the next day or two would be excruciating for the Undead, even if his loyalty wasn't in question yet. Ammaelin had put off his medical tending for far too long and if he wanted to keep his scars, it better to see to it all now while he had agency to maintain.
Golden eyes look upon the shackled troll again. "Let us see the weight of your soul then if you've yet to keep one."
[[ This will be a continuing to evolve and grow story, so if you made it here and want more, please stay tuned as the above-mentioned TW's will remain. ]]
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frostahesmegabite · 2 years ago
Fel’ling on Hard Times
Mina’jari and Megahes were spending the evening in the Engineering Bay and had been for several days past now. Their work being one of personal desire for Mina and it being on Mega wanted to make sure worked appropriately as opposed to the ‘Junk-tech’ that her original design was based off of. The design in question was a Hover Disc, one created out of Anti-Grav units that had been salvaged from gold-knows-where. Mega was impressed to say the least, but the materials used were, well, certainly not up to his standards and that precisely was why the two of them were in the Bay working on it together. How could he call himself a proper step parent if he didn’t help show her how to construct a proper Hover Disc?! It was with that parental concern and craftsman-like desire to make a better, safer, product for his kid that drove him to bringing her into the shop for days until it was completed proper and when the time came. Mina and Mega took the Disc out to the Deck that looked out over the eastern shore of Bilgewater Harbor, the various Seals and Makura Crabs that were all over the sand, as well as some of the Sea Mines that bobbed this way and that on the surface of the water as well. The moment of truth came and Mina climbs up onto the Disc and flipped the ignition switch with her toes, causing the Anti-Grab units to thrum to life with a bright blue light which bolted her about a foot and a half off the ground, nearly costing her balance before she recovers and grins wide. With some twists and turns of her feet and ankles, checking to make sure the units responded to her twists and turns she looked up and was gone! Inches turned to feet and feet into meters and so forth. Up and up she went until she turned and raced off to swing around the massive Harbor Cannon that was always pointed at Stormwind but never once used. The winds lashed at her face, forcing her to pull down her goggles to protect her eyes so she could actually see at the velocity’s she was travelling. Homes, shops, piers and docks, boats, yards and sand whirred below and behind her as she went, closing in down just over a few roofs before blasting past. How much time had passed by the time she realized she should have come back? An hour perhaps? More or Less? The sun had started to fall, she knew that, but where was it at before she jumped on? No idea to know now, excitement dictated her forgetting that notion entirely. She turned her way back, heading for the FBC Machine Shop where she had left Mega behind to take her joy ride. It was her return that made time slow as she got closer to the deck she’d launched from earlier. Fel-fire burned on the launch pad and several other Goblins could be seen fighting the flames. “Baba…”                                                           ***** Megahes smiled, hand raised to watch Mina take off on her Hover Disc. He’d have warned her to take it easy, but what can you say to a kid that’s been raised by people like Naturasu and Megahes that managed to make her own Hover Disc as a teenager? Not a whole hell of a lot really. There was no need to waste the words, he knew her excitement. The excitement for the moment though was cut short as a slow clap suddenly begins behind him, causing him to exhale out before turning around to see who was there. Was it the sight of the Illidari that fell upon him first or was it the scent of Fel on the wind that greeted his nostrils that told him what this person was first? A combination maybe? But this Elf standing before him wasn’t one he’d seen in years. “Sanelastus. Didn’t expect to see you around again after your Brother and Us squashed the less stable of you three. What brings you back around these parts? The Illidari in need of some help with some kind of Demonic Tech or something?” The massive Illidari towered even above his Paladin Brother, Ammaelin, in stature thanks in part to the fel energies that surely coursed through his body… surely the demonic manifestations and mutations did their bits to help that in kind. The golden howling mask blocking his facial features as mana-eater like tendrils hung from his head in place of what had once been hair gave off a wonderfully ‘eerie’ vibe, as Mega figured was probably intended. “No, no.” His voice rang deep and rough, almost like sand paper up the back of his neck. “I’ve come in regards to a prisoner that escaped the Violet Hold some time ago. I know the Kirin Tor dispatched warnings across the world in an effort to keep an eye out and unfortunately, nothing has come of it, so I’ve been reduced to playing detective due to the prisoners innate magical prowess.” His tendrils quivered like a rattle snake in agitation to this announcement. “Okay, so, then ya here wonderin if my folks’ve seen him then or if we’ve had any run ins or…?” In the blink of an eye, Mega was charged and hoisted into the air. Arms jerked straight out to his sides with his hands being squeezed to the point of being crushed. “Hey you fucker, get off’a me!” The goblin screamed out but before he could usher much more, a tendril of Sanelastus’ hair snapped forward, exposing a small mouth like opening that clamped onto his throat before another snapped to his head and into his ear. The two of them immediately began to syphon off the Goblins magic, starting to drain him as he struggled for air. “No, nothing like that I’m afraid… I am sorry about this. Believe me, but this is your fault in the end. If you had taken me up on my offer years ago to cleanse what my brother had done to you, you wouldn’t need to concern yourself with who’s coming for you.” Mega’s eyes perhaps said everything he needed to say. “Krownos…” Mega’s leg comes up and his foot catches the Illidari firmly in the jaw, making his head jerk as the mask flew free and to the ground. Bone and empty eye sockets burning with fel-flame, no lips, teeth meant to tear flesh from bone adorned the one time elf. “Krownos Bloodcrest, Patriarch of the Bloodcrest Family Blood line. Power hungry father to us all.” Mega’s eyes go wide as the mana being drained continued to wear him thin. Exhaustion was beginning to hit and his ability to stay conscious was dwindling. Was this man, the one who came to his home and had been visiting him in his dreams, going to come after him as some sort of act of revenge? He wasn’t going to get his answers, at least not now. “The only thing that’s going to save you at this point, is hoping this does the trick.” The elf’s empty sockets flicker and dim as if sympathy somehow comes to bare. “I am sorry it’s come to this.” Before Mega could do a thing, the Illidari’s eyes erupt with a beam of pure fel energy and bore straight into the Light-Forged metal engraved into his chest. The metal flared with the power of the Light, fighting back as the skin around it began to blister and boil. Despite his earlier exhaustion, Megahes screamed out in pain to the point his voice gave. The metal gave and began to melt, dribbling down his body to create even worse burns. Its breaking caused an inner black ichor to try to wrench itself free only to get met with Fel flame as well. Its ooze-like form quivering and writhing as it tried to get away. It sizzled and popped and one might swear that it even screamed and squealed in pain as it too was burned out of Megahes. By the time Sanelastus was done, Megahes had passed out from the strain and pain, going limp in the Illidari’s hands. Sanelastus turned his head causing the Rays of fel to burn into the steel flooring before he dropped the goblin to the ground and used his hand to cover his sockets, ending the onslaught. His body had swollen and pulsed, fed and full from the Goblins mana. An Illidari portal opens, fel-fire erupting across the deck as Sanelastus makes for it while a crew of Goblins begin shooting and cursing as an alarm klaxon blares. He had spent to much time here and someone had seen. But he’d accomplished what he needed to have done. “I am sorry Frostbite, but at least now when Krownos comes for you, this makes sure that he stays dead.”
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frostbitecontingent · 2 years ago
An Estate Cleared
Another Session cleared for the personnel of the Frostbite Contingent and Bloodcrest Family; catching up on two events separated by large server events and time. The Bloodcrest Family, lead by Ammaelin Bloodcrest seeking to redeem their name politically and ethically due to the evil doings of his now disowned brother, Dinthoqaf the Defiler, has been attacked by the Sanctum of the Forbidden due to its associations with the Frostbite Contingent. In an effort to destabilize the House further and to make sure support was pulled, a plethora of SotF Cultists lead by Lattimer the Devourer assaulted the compound and nearly wiped the House off the slate if it had not been for the timely arrival of the Contingent.  Initially leading the charge, Attzi ( @attzi-gearburst ), Kappi, ( @advancedscoutkappi ), Zokkine ( @piximae​ ), and Naturasu, came to the rescue of the estate and inhabitants as Ammaelin found himself going Head to Head against Lattimer. With quick work and precision, most of the estate was cleared but during the FBC’s confrontation and reinforcement of Ammaelin the cultists managed to secure one of the support structures that houses a particular treasure for the family, a font of power believed capable of healing miracles. Lattimer was defeated and forced to retreat, going to the captured structure where Elementium was magically summoned to taint the building and reinforce it, causing the FBC and Bloodcrests to call it here as they sought out solutions to the problem at hand. Time given way, the FBC and Ammaelin settled on the use of explosives to open the tower. With the decision made, a second gathering occurs with Ammaelin, Attzi, Zokkine, Kappi, Naturasu, Makosubi, and Dave ( @x-amanita-virosa-x ) where the building was blown open just to discover that the cultists within had already been killed and the Font within was being tainted by a Totem placed by them before their death. The team, in an effort to cleanse the place, enters only to discover Lattimer lying in wait amongst the dead, ambushing them! After a lengthy and dangerous melee with the The Devourer, he was defeated and the totem destroyed. Ammaelin now sets to discover the purpose of the act and everything the totem was doing while trying to make sure the Font is cleansed and can provide its healing waters for any pilgrims who come seeking it. The FBC now awaits anxiously to see if this news brings them any closer in rescuing their boss. [ Image taken of the team hiding behind Ammaelin Bloodcrest just before the explosives go off to get them into the Font’s Sanctuary! ]
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attzi-gearburst · 2 years ago
Day 4: Impress/Exhaustion (Attzi)
Word Count: 500 Summary: Attzi discovers some… side-effects that come with using the watch.
It’s starting to become normal for Attzi to remember things that didn’t actually happen by the end of a fight. The first time they were called to Ammaelin’s estate to stop the invasion there, she remembered tripping into a circle of cultists. Heavy blows from clubs and other weaponry had pelted her entire body��
She was standing in front of them, unharmed, hand outstretched to fire ice into their midst. That’s what really happened. The Attzi on the ground, curling to protect herself from being bludgeoned as she reached for her watch, didn’t exist.
That was only the first example of that night. By the time she’d gotten home, she wasn’t sure if she should write down what she remembered, or what she knew was the reality. She went with the former out of habit, but quickly realized that might not be the best idea. The memories were bloody, and painful, and if they hadn’t come to pass, why should she have to keep them in her head?
Then tonight: Zokkine, recovering from Lattimer attempting to suck him dry like a mosquito, miscasts a fire spell and has it blast back into his face–
The fireball hits Lattimer instead, and Zokk’s face remains unharmed. Attzi still remembers the aftermath of the failed spell, but he doesn’t seem to.
And what about the moments that repeated? The corpses bursting behind Attzi, a wave of flesh-eating worms and congealed blood coming out and slamming into her back, sending her into a paroxysm of pain as they bit into her flesh and pumped her full of rage–
Attzi knows what is coming, but can’t get out of range in time. She rewound too late. So instead of evading, she feels the pain of the hit for a second time.
Controlling time so that her allies can attack faster than her enemies is more difficult on her physically, but much simpler on her mentally. They all have memories of when she does it, after all, instead of only being left with a vague sense of deja vu. 
After this latest round of time management during their return to Ammaelin’s estate, she sits down at her notebook, pen in hand, and just stares at the page. If she writes about reality only, how will she improve her skills with the watch? She won’t remember using it if she only records what it caused, instead of also adding what it prevented.
But if she writes down everything she’s changed… how much hurt is she going to have to remember even though it didn’t actually come to pass?
Attzi sets the pen down and runs her fingers through her hair, sighing heavily. She already felt hollow after using the watch so much in a day. What was this all going to do to her if she kept making it more powerful, as she intended?
...It didn’t matter. She had her goals. Attzi set her jaw, put pen to paper, and began to write. In her pocket, she could feel the watch steadily winding, slowly drawing her mana into itself to prepare for the next click.
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dinthoqaf · 4 days ago
(Not so) Dearly Departed
Journal Entry - 5471; Ammaelin's Arrival
The Operation had started off well enough. Skormosh, Nepenth, Varethuun, Ryo, Nezzok, and Runeva. Squad didn't fit given their strengths and abilities. These people stood up and over the common rank and file, not just by a head's height either. Each of them was a mountain amongst molehills, capable of downing dozens of people on their own if not far more. So the decimation of my Brothers forces was meant to be a cake walk, putting it into simplistic terms. What we expected and what we got was anything but. A trap, the best I can put it. I had assumed we were the one setting the ambush, but looking back at the accounts, I can only assume Ammaelin knew we would move and put his forces out as bait. He sacrificed them and it paid off. The Sanctum showed up and began to summarily dispose of those who'd gathered and amongst the fighting, a priest managed to send off a signal and in his usual gallant fashion, came riding in on his proto-drake, and slammed into my people like some sort of holy meteor, immediately putting their actions to rest.
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I watched them through the Sanguine, curious to see if they could handle his machismo only to discover that every effort, aside from the few lucky strikes that managed to get past his defenses, did absolutely nothing. Magical in nature, surely. I need to find out -why- his fortitude has grown so strong over the years. When he interfered on behest of that god damned goblin and his half-breed wife, he didn't boast this sort of strength... Something has changed. I grow distracted though with my thoughts, as this entry is meant to be one to categorize events over hypothesization. When it became apparent those within the Sanctum weren't going to be able to handle them, I decided to insert myself into the ordeal, only to be summarily removed from play before I could even properly assimilate from my transference. Ammaelin's hammer, a relic similar to my Scythe I feel, was crafted with Holy Blessings during its creation and imbued with magical crystals containing the Light. A fearsome tool made to take people like me and mine off the board and it did its job well. As the goblins like to put it, he 'knocked me into next week'. Before I could hit another surface a portal opened behind him, taking me off to some remote part of the Arathi Highlands.
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A trap within a trap and we'd all walked right into it. Another failure on my part, starting to mount and it grows so very tiring, especially when the Sanctum looks to me for answers. Still, this was unexpected as my Father waited for me on the other side and it became all the clearer. He had orchestrated all of this. Ammaelin's rise to and of power, the ambush of my people, and inevitably the bait I took that put me to stand before him. The old man was near as I remembered him. Well, save for the parlor of his grey, undead skin, and the crimson color of his eyes. He was no longer living, that much I could divine, and before words could be set, he was upon me. He moved with a speed I could scarcely reconcile. I'd never seen Undead move in such a fashion, especially magical ones. It was as if he'd taken on teachings of Pandaren Monks and Demon Hunters to mix with his own magical acquirements over the years. If this did not worry me, I would be eager with curiosity, ravenous with it like Varethuun, if I did not know what it could spell for me. It took everything I had to keep him back and worse still, as I felt Nezzok's connection across the Sanguine fade as he was captured, I faltered, distracted. Krownos made his move, set upon me in a grapple, declaring how easy it'd be for him to take Ammaelin once I had been consumed. I could see it in his eyes. We were all but tools to fuel his fire, a hunger I could relate to well, but... fate has a way of taking things into control when one least expects it. By all accounts, I should not be here to write this, I should have been absorbed but Krownos' arm burst into fel flame and moved of its own accord. It turned on him, grabbed at his face and neck, throttling him to the point it burned his undead flesh. His body revolted and it's in this instant I could feel Sanelastus within him. His spirit, soul, whatever remained, was fighting to keep him from obtaining me, condemning me to the same fate he had suffered.
Sanelastus saved me, but to what end, I do not know for the conflict was enough that Krownos howled with an unkempt rage and retreated, feuding with himself. Sanelastus bought me time...
I will not, cannot, let it go to waste. Ammaelin's boost in power must be discovered and finding out what happened with my Father and why may prove critical to my and my Sanctum's very survival. Nezzok has been captured, held prisoner at my brother's estate, kept under lock, key, and holy power to contain his undead form. Ryo gathers a scouting party to discern more information and soon Zalilirah and I will put to task a two-pronged effort to at least try to handicap my Brother, to bring him to a more manageable level. I feel that if we can navigate properly and remove him from the board before my father decides to simply absorb him instead of using him like a pawn, we may find a way to actually take Krownos down as well.
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( The above events are an IC recollection, a journal entry by Dinthoqaf, to help relate a portion of what occurred when he'd been removed from the event to keep him from aiding his own people. )
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dinthoqaf · 2 months ago
For someone who is new to your blog and character, what do you feel is important to know about them? What are some pivotal plot points you would like to share? Preferred RP hooks?
{ Oh, I love this question cause I always feel like w/ Din's comprehensive (and incredibly long) RP History, folks are always left in the dark on some of these things. So, please indulge me in a bit of long-windedness. :D -- For someone who is new to your blog and character, what do you feel is important to know about them?
First and foremost, Dinthoqaf is insane. Not the sort of Insane where you find him giggling and chattering away in the corner, or trying to shank people in the street to call it 'playing' or anything like that. No, Dinthoqaf is insane in the fact that he believes he's on the path to Godhood and that to become one, the world (Azeroth since he's a WoW-based OC) should be remade. The factions of the Horde and Alliance should be effectively destroyed down to their foundations. He views those establishments as complicit in the strife currently going on.
To be fair though, Dinthoqaf's upbringing was one specifically tailored by a (just as insane) Father who purposely treated him terribly, created an atmosphere where Din felt hated and reviled by everyone who was supposed to care for him, and ultimately cursed him via corruption (Specifically Old God) him at birth. Din is sadly, very much a product of his upbringing and instead of healing from it, is leaning into it fully while becoming the 'Father' figure he so desperately needed by leading his Sanctum of the Forbidden (Our Guild) to destroy everything and start it all over again.
-- What are some pivotal plot points you would like to share? Preferred RP hooks?
Oh jeez, these two are a bit tougher cause Din's story has been going on for -12- years. Wish I was exaggerating but I'm not. (I got a 13 yr old kid IRL and that's how I keep track. lol) His story is an amazing one full of twists, turns, bumps, high-rise fires, and slow burns. That being said, I think some of the pivotal plot points might be best done as just a little list but keep in mind, not all of this is IC public info due to the cultish/apocalyptic nature that Din is aiming to bring about. - Childhood/adolescence as a whole was just a bag of shit. Those involved in Elven Nobility may have known his father, Krownos Bloodcrest as an eccentric man who 'died' to the Scourge. - Ended up being found by an Old God Worshipping Troll who only hastened Dinthoqaf's decent into madness and lit a fire of Leadership in him that eventually resulted in the creation of his Sanctum. - Dinthoqaf's Brother, Ammaelin, is now Patriarch of House Bloodcrest (who has officially disowned Dinthoqaf for various reasons), and they are now at War with one another. - Dinthoqaf is married to an equally crazy lady who supports him emphatically ( @zalilirah ). - He was once fighting a 2 front war against his brother and a goblin group (which was ran by another of my OC's, @frostahesmegabite ) which is now laid to rest and that aspect of the story is essentially done with.). - He's been killed before! Usually in very gruesome fashions but the Sanctum or his wife and troll friend find ways to bring him back after extended periods (only aiding in the delusion that he'll become a god). - He's led an attack on Orgrimmar back during the Seige to rescue his wife who'd been captured by Kor'kron when it was discovered she was a Cultist. RP Hooks?! A much shorter list, probably thankfully if you've made it this far. - Wanting to learn dark magics? Din's your guy! - Playing an awful character that's down and out? Din's your guy. - Need a totally fucked up/screwed up Mentor/Father Figure? Din's your guy. (But don't make it weird.) - Character wounded and usual medical/healing spells won't work due to the nature of your character? Ooh, Din has some nice blood healing for you! - Corruption, Decent-like Stories? Hooked! - Din's also the sort to enjoy academics and simple polite conversation while drinking tea. (He won't drink anything anyone else offers though, only what he brings/conjures. He doesn't trust others to not taint or poison it.) What won't hook? - No Romance, No ERP, and I'm not looking for former lovers, family members, Servants, or Slaves. Not interested in any of those aspects. That's cool for other folks, but that's not Din's jam or my own depending on the topic. If it wasn't for Zalilirah, Din wouldn't even have a romantic relationship either. THANK YOU FOR ASKING THESE REALLY GOOD QUESTIONS AND I'M SO SORRY THIS WAS SO LONG-WINDED! D: )
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dinthoqaf · 2 months ago
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An Unholy Precedent.
The town... City? A bumbling city perhaps, bigger than your standard town, but certainly not 'city' either, burned further down the mountain side. Dinthoqaf stood, hands at rest behind him at the small of his box as flames flickered in his glasses. His Sanctum was down there, ripping into the town and those who dared to amass to join with his Brother, to stand against him and his.
They decided their fate.
There was no remorse upon his features nor would there ever be. Those below, 'innocent' or not, had chosen to stay and had chosen to gather here to aid or join those aiming to fight against him. This would be an example made to him and others like him. A smile begins to creep as victory was assured. The towns guards and unequipped military were caught unprepared in the middle of the night as portals opened, flooding in The Nameless. Hundreds of faceless people adorned in robes, masks, armor, weapons makeshift and crafted, poured in to outnumber anyone and anything that dared try to stand up or rally.
The Sanctum though, people like Varethuun, Thorn, Anlethal, Nezzok, Skormosh and oh yes, even @vyvienne stood below helping to gut out key points of command or leadership to keep any proper assembly from forming and oh how wonderfully they all did their jobs.
A sensation many knew, especially of themselves but Din felt this for those who toiled on his behalf or at least in his name. A smile forms before a small portal opens and one of his Nameless comes through smelling of Ash, Flame, and Blood.
"My Lord. Varethuun and Nezzok send this ahead as they mop up the remaining leadership. Nezzok also sends word he will have any of our own that died be collected while enemy corpses are left behind."
Dinthoqaf hummed, turning to this Nameless individual just to find what appeared to be a time of sorts in tow. He wondered what Nezzok would do with some of these bodies, but, sometimes it was best simply not to ask. No, there were more pressing matters in hand as the tome was scooped up.
"Be on your way." A flip of Dins free hand comes, dismissing the individual so he can start flipping through the pages. An eye scanning each side individually for details as to what it was he held... Someone's personal journal it appears.
Dinthoqaf frees mid-step and a small smile soon creeps into a larger one that threatens to tear at his features if it grows any larger. It was his brothers.
Dinthoqaf wheels back and outstretched an arm over the battlefield and his connection across the Sanguine spreads to all, a feeling of absolute joy.
'Nezzok. I have work for you that I think you'll enjoy over all else.'
The body of Ammaelin's arm had been cut off... Now comes the battle of the mind.
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frostahesmegabite · 3 years ago
A Call to Arms
[ A new exerpt for the coming Campaign for the FBC! A small lead up story because I can't exactly duel box and rp with myself, so, I made a little story/scene out of it! Hope you enjoy! ]
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frostahesmegabite · 3 years ago
The Righteous Cometh
The Righteous Cometh The Sanctum of Light. The Order Hall for Paladins during the return of the Burning Legion and their assault across all of Azeroth and the near destruction of it. It’s here that Ammaelin finds himself kneeling in front of the Altar of Ancient Kings. Today’s visit was not one of righteous piety or humble practice. Ammaelin never was one for that truth to be told and there were many around him who prayed for answers, and sought guidance on a spiritual level as if the Light spoke to them. He hated them for it.
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Just the notion of it all made bile climb to the back of his throat from the disgust. Lowly things. Sure, they had their uses just as all people did and some of them were quite efficient in their use of the Light, dolling out what they believed was its will. He missed the naivety of such notions but ages coming taught him better, Politics and Bureaucrats taught him better than that. No, he was here today not to seek guidance but to heal and recharge that which had been taken from him just the night before and the days before that. His physician had no answer to what pain he was feeling in his chest; somewhere, in the back of his mind, he knew where it came from. Somehow, someway, Megahes and Dinthoqaf were at the center of it. His forearms lacked their bracers and his gauntlets were gone. Instead, bandages bloody and soiled were wrapped about them. His ‘present’ from his brother, given by his Troll Lackey and a reminder to stay out of the way. Megahes must have been under attack or fighting someone or some things to cause this sort of pain. His hands had erupted in flames and the Light, he could feel energy burning through them despite his own inaction. He’d woken from a sound sleep to come into such pain. Megahes had to be the link to that pain and what he’d felt in his chest just days before. The sudden hit it’d caused came during a meeting with architects to work on expanding and rebuilding his family home and it’d hit him so hard he could have sworn an Orc had drop-kicked him square in the sternum. The unseen assault drew that day to a close and several days later as no medical scrutiny came up with answers… But Ammaelin knew. The time now passed on being doted on by physicians and priests. He was here, in this Holy Place, looking for evidence to reinforce his belief on the who’s and why’s but no one here could provide that. No one here even had an idea as to what he was talking about. What he explained should have been impossible, especially from such a difference. All they could offer up was that it must have been some form of Dark Power at work. The look on their faces in shock and awe as he quite literally barked a ‘No Shit’ at them would be enough to keep him smiling for the next decade. Exposed fingers now reach for and run across the length of Blessed Steel and Lightforged Iron, his sword, basking in the radiance warmth of this place as the Light came pouring through windows that did not lead to a beautiful sky above. No, this was a work of the Light, meant to invigorate and reinforce the soul, mind, and body. It worked wonderfully and this was one of the few places he could sit in and forget the world while it burned around him. Righteous Purpose, however, would not allow him to do that now. Blade took up, heavenly radiance burning along its length, now placed upon his back. He had a world to cross and time was of the essence. “Get me Archivist Perren. I need a Portal to Orgrimmar and a missive delivered to my estate directly after.” His words, directed to one of the Blood Knights he’d brought with him, now moved with haste to do just as she’d been ordered. Ammaelin was on the move and he intended on finding someone from the FBC as soon as he was able. He needed answers and he was going to get them.
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attzi-gearburst · 3 years ago
Not Schematics: Time Management
Attzi, due to chronic memory issues, writes in her notebook in an indecipherable shorthand. This is a translation of today’s page.
Weird day. For a lotta reasons. Not all bad. Honestly not sure where to start, because I didn’t get a chance to write this morning, or before work happened. Right now, we're on my roof, because  got called in to deal with more Mr. Defiler problems. He decided to attack his brother's estate. This time, nobody got taken, so it felt better to invite people over. Nat, Kappi, and Zokk are here. And Big Elf came, too. (Note to self: elf names are harder to remember, yes, but DO IT ALREADY. p.30) Been running around making drinks and doing other hostess stuff, but everyone’s involved in conversation now so can sip my drink and write for a bit. Good, because absolutely exhausted. And bleeding.
All of us had to deal with a mass of cultists and death knights today thanks to Mr. Defiler's minions. Tony helped make the watch stronger, so was testing it out a lot while fighting. Was working really well. Kept others from getting hit more than once. Even saved me from falling flat on my face in front of a cultist cluster. But was also using my pickaxe, and must be getting the hang of fighting, because I’m covered in blood right now and not all of it’s mine. There was this group of cultists after Zokk, and… Think I swung a little too hard.
Now to reason for drinking. Not exactly used to killing people. Making their lives hard, sure, but haven't had to kill someone before taking this job. First one I ever did was that goblin who made unwanted comments, shot me, then called me a bitch when I tossed ice at him (prev notebook– falls open directly to page. Also has Big Elf’s name. LEARN IT.) Then I saw Mr. Defiler melt the goblin in the tavern, and all the ones he killed the day Mega was taken… but at least I didn't kill them.
Then today. Most of what I hit bled. Got no idea how many I ended up killing, but by the time I got to the point with the ones menacing Zokk, I started giggling. Really hard.
[There is a stain of some sort of sticky pink drink, which smells like strawberries.]
Wasn’t because it was funny. Was full of adrenaline, trying to keep track of where everyone was around me with one working ear, and just kept sinking my pickaxe into flesh and bone because if I stopped, I’d die. Kappi and Zokk and Nat wouldn’t have backup to help out Big E– AMMAELIN. And then whatever horrible thing was happening with Mega would be harder to fix, and whatever Mr. Defiler was planning overall would…
Brain took all that and spat laughter back out. Must not have sounded too unhinged, at least, because Zokk and Kappi came to get drinks after with everyone else, and they'd seen it happen.
At some point gotta fix up my arm, but am waiting until friends get tired. Most of it was healed already, anyway, thanks to Ammaelin. Shirt's a loss, tho. 
Never wearing white on a job again. 
…Kappi keeps wincing when he breathes. Looks like it's time for him to have another date with my first aid kit.
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frostahesmegabite · 3 years ago
DWC Day 1 - Reunion - Daily Writing Challenge Entry - Mega Goes Home
[ This scene takes place after a two year storyline between the FBC Guild that I’m the GM of and a personal storyline between Megahes and his Fiance, Naturasu. During this time, Megahes was cursed by a Cultist to slowly die from an agonizingly painful hex that was slowly killing him and all hope of its curing/removal was stripped away when this Cultist was killed during the conflicts. Ammaelin came to save Megahes (and acquired some ‘favors’ along the way) by using fractured shards of a Naa'ru to force Megahes into becoming Light Forged in a sense. This process took several years thanks to the manipulation of time via magic and while Mega felt the strain of three-four years of work, for everyone else it was roughly eight to ten weeks before his return. ] The Zeppelin ride to Orgrimmar was agonizingly slow, probably more than any other ride Mega had ever had on one before in his entire life. It was enough to drive him mad and the longer it took in combination with the closer it got to taking him home to Naturasu the worse it became. The goblin fidgeted, tugging at his clothes and making sure all the buttons on his shirt were done properly. His sleeves still crisp and the ironed lined still present. Hell, he even fought with the rolled up sleeves and their buttons that kept them pulled up to his biceps. The wait on returning home was killing him. What was Nat going to say when he walked in the door? This reunion between her and him played in his head a thousand times just today alone, he couldn’t even count the amount of times that he played out similar scenarios while he was away. “Nervousness does not become you Mister Frostbite.” The voice was formal and flat, its source coming from a blinding armor clad Blood Elf that stood several feet higher than himself. Crimson red hair blowing in the breeze thanks to their mode of transportation. Ammaelin, the Blood Knight who was responsible for the absence that proved to be a miraculous, and most likely a very heretical, healing process. If one could butter their bread with his smugness, one’d choke on it just from looking at him. “I’m aware, but that doesn’t make it any less. I been gone for three years now.” He quickly brings up a hand to stop the Elf, they’ve had this conversation several times before already. “And I know, I know. Months for her, for everyone else. Years only for You, Me and the others. But still years for me…” “We did what needed to be done, especially in regards to our agreement. You would have surely died otherwise.” Ammaelin’s head turns if but barely, just enough to cast a glance down upon the golden metal that was imprisoned into Mega’s flesh near his wrists. “You are lucky that you had those shards hidden away. Had any other Paladin known you held those, my brother's curse would have been the least of your concerns. I have no doubt the Church or the Draenei would have come marching on your doorstep…” Megahes’ face contorts as draws upon sarcasm to mock the Elf. “I have no doubt…” Mega blows a massive raspberry in the Paladins direction, which causes him to turn and look back upon the horizon, not giving in to Mega’s provocations. “Look. I know how risky tha thing was and I appreciate what you did and I get that I owe ya. But… all’a that aside. I’m just nervous man. What if…” He just stops and breathes, voice quivering a bit as his eyes begin to moisten, forcing him to stop and look back over the side of the Zeppelin once again. “If she doesn’t approve or she’s moved on due to thinking you dead or not coming back?” “I mean, I could have put that in better words, but yeah.” “I think perhaps you worry too much.” Megahes grumbles and sighs, running his hands up and down his face several times before they slide into his hair, where he just grabs hold of himself and pulls out of frustration only to realize he’d fucked it all up. His head shakes and he sets out to fix his hair as best he can, a nervous tick, to be sure. Mega was about to open his mouth to retort, but the Paladin stopped him by pointing to the horizon. Pandaria’s Jade
Forest. Pillars of tall stone began to rise and fall down into gorgeous forests, rolling hillsides and lily and reed filled rivers. The air was crisp and something about it just filled one's body with a rejuvenating sense of purpose and peace. “We’ll be at your domancile shortly, Mister Frostbite. I suggest you gather your things and we’ll drop you off directly.” If Mega wasn’t nervous before this, he sure as hell is now! His nearly trips… Well, he does actually, right over his own two feet and in a fluster, he looks about for something that wasn’t there before he speedily heads towards the cabins to gather his bag. He’d had this ready hours ago. It wasn’t much, he had no time to prepare for this little ‘retreat’ of his, which he was thankful for now as he threw it over his shoulder. He pauses and looks over at Ammaelin. “For as big of a pain in tha ass ya have been these past couple of years, thank ya. Truly. If it wasn’t for you and them Priests, I wouldn’t be makin’ this trip back.” Ammaelins’ face during this brief statement was a rollercoaster! Disdain and irritation appearing quickly was soon replaced with an oddly peaceful smile by the end of it. “Our time has taught us much, Mister Frostbite, about a great many topics. It has been… enlightening.” His choice of words being an intended pun and irony placed upon Mega. There were no hugs, no great exchanges of physical emotion. The two just look at one another before Mega turns and descends into the bowels of the Zeppelin so he can board the loading platform and get lowered down to his home. Their home. Gold, this was excruciating. The platform lowers slowly, painfully so, at least to him. Each inch makes Mega’s ears pound so hard that he can hear them in his ears and if it got any higher in his throat, he’d choke. “I’m gettin all nervous for nothin’, she probably ain’t even home. Probably in Orgrimmar havin’ some drinks or workin’ at the Knot.” He blows through his lips with enough strength to cause a slight whistle. Stress and worry, all self-induced of course, at how this was going to go. He was happy, no doubt, but worry came natural. The lift jerks as the ground makes contact, nearly sending him sprawling down to the floor of it just for him to look up in utter irritation, sending up a solid middle finger at the crew whether they could see it or not. “Ain’t no wonder these things fall out of tha fuckin sky so much…” He grumbles, straightening himself and clambering off before they end up actually managing to kill him somehow. Once off, the Zeppelin began to hoist the platform once more as it turned to head off towards its next stop. Mega’s red eyes watch it drift off for a moment, offering an overhead wave in case Ammaelin was on deck and looking down upon him. Given time, Mega turns away from it, looking at his pandaren styled home. The smell of the Arboretum orchids wafting through the air hit his senses and caused him to smile and for a moment, peace was welcome until he began to pick up his feet, swearing they are encased in lead the closer to home he became. Much like a scene from one of those cheesy romance books he kept hearing people go on about, he freezes at the door, hand up and ready to knock but nothing comes. No, instead he pats himself down and takes the key out of his shirt pocket and uses that instead. Quietly, creeping open the door slowly as if he expected to walk in and find his place full of cobwebs and everything cold and abandoned. The sight he gets is quite the opposite. Everything was nearly just as he left it. Albeit, more golden now. Naturasu loved her gold and it was a miracle that everything they owned wasn’t gold or khorium at this point in some facet or another. The sight brings a small smile to his face, sucking him into the house where he quietly closes the door behind him, fingers tracing over chairs and couch arms before he lets his pack slide down into the floor where it was quickly abandoned. Quietly, he walks through the house, almost scared to break the silence just to realize that that’s all there’d be
but a sudden clattering coming from the kitchen broke what he hadn’t dared. “Oh gold… what is she remodelling in there now?” It was a good question to ask! Not one that he had malice towards however, as the modifications they’d made thus far were phenomenal. His feet take him into the doorway where Nat can be seen in her usual home attire of thigh-high socks and underwear along with a set of tools, some powered and some not, as she was working on some of their retractable steps that allowed the two of them to cook shoulder to shoulder despite their obvious size differences. And it was this image that made him choke in silence and just stare at her. She was still here and all of his fears, irrational or not, just vanished and all he’s left being able to do is croak out a cough and throat clear. Nat’s voice calls out in irritation as the work clearly wasn’t going as planned. “Just leave tha rollers and frames there on the floor Sugah, thanks.” She must have thought he was someone from the Contingents Engineering or Supply Staff. Had this been any other time, Mega probably would have played into this mistake and taken up the chance to pretend to be said person and elicit some lewd scene, but, no, not today… Well, at least not right -now-. “Sorry, I uhh… must have forgotten them back at tha office. I can go back and get them if ya like.” Mega’s voice quivered in a nervousness that refused to leave his bones that were joining with both excitement and happiness. Naturasu on the other hand, froze entirely just to drop the wrench that was in her hand to the floor. Slowly, she wheeled about, perhaps not sure if she heard the voice correctly or if it was just her senses fucking with her. Whatever her reasoning, the moment her copper colored eyes hit Mega’s own crimson hues, time stood still for them both. No words came, they didn’t need them. Naturasu hit her knees and before she could even get her arms outstretched entirely, Mega was across the room, pinning himself to her and locking his own behind her in an embrace so strong that Titan Steel couldn’t have broken it if it tried. The two remained conjoined and just wept. [ Thank you again for reading my entry to the @daily-writing-challenge ! This is Day One (09/19/2021) and today's words were #Reunion and #Afterlife. I had the choice of using one or both, but decided to run with only Reunion today just in case I decide to pull out some deathly stuff later in the month. ] [ Edit Addition: I apologize if there's some formatting issues. I tried to implant a couple of images to help convey things but Tumblr just wasn't having it, so I had to remove them. I've tried to correct the errors I did find, but I may not have gotten them all. ]
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frostbitecontingent · 3 years ago
Defilement Spread, Corrupted Prophecies.
What do you get when you have a Cult Leader who believes himself a god in the making set (and a cult who believes the same) on a personal mission to fuck up everything you’ve ever worked on while trying to traumatize your friends and colleagues along the way? Well, Megahes Frostbite and the FBC Crew are finding this out right now! Dinthoqaf the Defiler returns for another chapter in the FBC Chronicles and his march towards some unknown end goal has already began! If you read the primary Daily Writing Challenges that was issued for @frostahesmegabite several months ago during the 30 day challenge, some of you may be caught up on the events but here’s a reminder just in case. “Megahes and the FBC along with a now disassembled organization went into the ruins of Ahn’qiraj for lost treasure only to discover the place was the home to some off-shoot of a believed to be Twilight Cult. Time and effort came to discover that the leader of this organization, Dinthoqaf the Defiler, saw it as a personal trespass and began to tear the group apart no matter which corner of Azeroth they went to. In a believed effort to kill off the group and scatter it, Megahes was stabbed and cursed with an enchanted Athame. Some time researching his condition, the valued Zimble (Our resident Tech’lin), discovered that the key to the curse would have to be the Defiler himself, using his blood voluntarily to remove it. No simple task to accomplish to be sure, so the FBC set out to try to save Megahes and to force the Defiler to do as needed, only, in their efforts to do so, he was killed, leaving them with no avenue to pursue. Thankfully, an alternative came up in the form of two brothers, Ammaelin Bloodcrest, former Bloodknight and now formal leader of the fallen House Bloodcrest or the once disowned and removed Sanelastus Bloodcrest, Demon Hunter. Both of them offered possibilities and after a fatal accident and explosion, the choice was made to have Ammaelin step up to aid him. Much time spent and some literal body modifications made with Light forged iron. This process came with strings of course, those of which Megahes has held so close to his chest that he hasn’t even shared them with his crew out of concern on how he’d be perceived.  Nevertheless, a time of peace came and the team came to believe Dinthoqaf was truly dead and gone with contracts returning to normal. Months went by up to nearly a year and a half. The Defiler was a thing of the past, being forgotten, until Megahes found himself on a job solo only to be teleported back to Ahn’qiraj where he sat face to face with a regrowing Dinthoqaf. Horror came flooding back to our beaten Goblin as the veil was pulled from his eyes. Dinthoqaf was back and he had his sights set on Megahes once again, determined to see some prophecy set into place known only to himself. The FBC now sits, watching as their members, one at a time, come to be visited by the horrific visionary with whatever plans he has in place. Are they part of this prophecy and plan? Does he aim to spare them and let them be or will he try to drag them down or into whatever it is he has plans for for Megahes and the FBC itself? Where the crew goes is unclear but what is known is that terror and pain, mental, physical, and spiritual, will be part of the journey. Follow us for more details as they unfold!
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