#Ami okay wait hold on I can explain UHM DOE HE'S A LITTLE????
mythvoiced · 2 years
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@astremourante​ | she blows a kiss - not sure to who, whoever catches it first. they're infected now.
The real question here, beyond what he could have thrown at her face, is why he keeps subjecting himself to individuals who make invisible nails scrape up and down his back, almost lovingly, in that eerily adoring way touch usually isn’t welcomed, not if performed by a monster with more than ill intentions.
As far as established, the assassin he’s been forced to work with it, is the exact opposite of everything he tries to be. And yet, at the same time, they’re often so very much alike and exhibit such akin demeanour given the right circumstances that Doe stays awake at night, fantasising scratching his skin off his bones to make himself unrecognisable enough he wouldn’t see himself in her anymore.
Flippant, disrespectful, unpredictable, difficult to pin down. A one woman army, efficient, destructive, dangerous.
When she blows a kiss at him from across his desk - sometimes their desk, considering the power dynamic is so off so often it’s as though they’re both sitting on the commanding side - Doe has sadly already been looking up and away from the dossier in his hand - and old piece of shit thing, from back when cases were registered on paper exclusively, about as easy to manipulate as their digital descendants, but twice as difficult to retrieve.
Unfortunately for himself, he’s forced to witness the exact moment her lips pucker.
A sigh heaves his chest, fills his ribcage for long enough he wonders if he might finally burst, before he slowly folds back into himself, eyes trained on her all the while, lips glued together, jaw clenched, though for what reason, he doesn’t quite now.
He watches her a moment.
It was never in his interest to dig up from what soil exactly she had sprung out of, where her bloodied footprints had started. She did jobs he couldn’t trust common people to handle, and she was talented enough to hint at double digit years on resume in terms of experience, and more he doesn’t certainly care to know.
He’s just curious enough, though.
He leans his head back slightly. His chair is resting sideways, a position to allow him to offer his elbow and his shoulder to her, rather than his entire front, legs crossed along the side of the table, only his knee poking up behind its surface.
He likes to sit her down here because she’s easier to talk to when she’s seated. He doesn’t know if she’s any less deadly, he highly doubts it, but... it’s more... amicable this way, isn’t it? Of course, in here, in a blank office, in a blank building, an amicable exchange of words between blank people. He wonders if she’s registered, there where she came from.
If she even exists anywhere.
A lazy smile cuts itself across the lower half of his features with the fine precision of a surgeon making his riskiest incision. “Don’t flatter me, I’m not the kind of person you want to kiss.”
An audience might have gasped, clutched their pearls. Is that... an admittance? A deep confession, oh the darkness within his soul?
It’s just the self-awareness that he’s the kind of flower you have to prepare yourself to bleed on if you ever want to get close enough to touch it. He bursts at the seams and demands you devour and nothing less. If you want to bite down you’ll have to be prepared for your jaw to rip, for his teeth to cut through your tongue, for your gums to scratch themselves raw on his throat.
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scribbling-stiks · 3 years
AAR - XLIV - Salt Lines
Russia shrieks and falls to the floor. It feels slimy and about 2 kg in weight, and it touching his skin burns, but he refused to let it get into his mouth or nose. It smells like old sewer water. He thrashes on the floor, and chaos engulfs the room. Noise surrounds and sinks his hands into the mass, wrestling it off his nose.
Russia heaves it off his face and launches it at the window. He heaves and coughs. He looks around to see Dixie and Finland standing over the creature, trying to trap it under a large, transparent bin. He shakes his hands, trying to get rid of the dark black stains on his fingers.
Massachusetts runs in, with backward sweatpants and no shirt, holding a large container of salt to his chest. America is by his side in seconds.
"Holy s***! Are you okay?!" America rambles, pulling Russia's hands out and examining his face.
Russia catches movement from behind him and opens his mouth to shout. America spins around at his change in expression and smacks the blob away with the back of his hand. Then, America jumps to his feet and charges at Dixie, snatching the bin wordlessly and trapping the thing with a snarl.
The thing jumps up, trying to knock the bin off. America scowls and Russia slowly gets up to join him. Massachusetts beats him, shoving a bag of salt into America's hands. America waits for the thing to start to jump. He lifts the bin a little and slams it down, knocking the thing to the floor before quickly tossing it aside and covering it with salt.
The thing screams in an inhuman pitch and Russia ducks, covering his ears on instinct. Dixie bolts. Suddenly, it stops. Russia opens an eye and sees Louisiana standing nearby, and the thing surrounded by a sphere of purple magic.
America scowls and the thing rattles around in the sphere and the sphere begins cracking. Dixie runs in with an aluminum baseball bat.
Louisiana releases the magic and the block blobs hits the ceiling and bounces on the wall. Russia ducks as it soars over his head.
It flees around the room and Dixie nails it with the bat. It shrieks and hits the wall before sliding down the wall. Louisiana resummons his shield and traps it again. The thing continues to hit the edges of the sphere, but doesn't have nearly enough energy to fight against it.
Russia breathes heavily, trying to calm his heartbeat. America stands near Russia huffing before running to the door. He wrenches the door open and shouts in a voice that shakes the floorboards.
Footsteps pound down the stairs and America turns back to the rest of the room.
"Lu, can you contain that?"
"Yeah. I'll be fine. You take care of P-Russia," Louisiana replies, quickly walking out.
Russia doesn't even register the mistake and staggers to his feet. America helps him up and fusses over him.
"Did it get in your mouth? Nose? Are you okay? Come on, we have to get that stuff off of you," America says, leading Russia into the bathroom.
Russia follows him easily and helps wash off his hands. America insists on taking a wet washcloth to scrub it off his face. After they get most of it off and America checks his injuries, America scoops him off the ground. Russia squeaks and his face grows warm, but he doesn't argue. America races down the stairs and then stands in front of the couch until some of the kids move over. America drops Russia into the pillows before taking his place in the front of the room.
'Meri looks pale.'
Louisiana walks in with the sphere, the thing inside bouncing around it as if trying to break it. America looks at her with a questioning look. Louisiana nods and flashes a thumbs up. America sighs before turning to address the rest of the room. Egypt sits up a little, very confused.
"America?" Egypt asks, sounding absolutely baffled.
"Oh. Hi Egypt, glad you're finally with us," America says with a welcoming smile, "the kiddos sitting around you are states and provinces of North America. You are currently in my country. I'll explain everything, I promise, but I have to make a few announcements first."
Egypt nods and rubs his head, wincing.
"I'm glad you are finally awake," Nigeria says happily, "I must tell you about Louis-"
"Now isn't the time, auntie," Louisiana says quietly.
Nigeria nods, and everyone's attention returns to America.
"We were attacked," America says, "something latched onto Russia's face."
"Is he okay?"
"Wait, where is he?"
The states scramble around and try to find Russia and a few of them almost ran upstairs before Texas shouts.
"Y'all, he's right here!"
Russia finds himself at the center of their concern and feels a little flustered.
"Everything is okay," Russia says, trying his best to wave off the concern.
"Lu, let that thing outside please," America says, "and we'll see what it does."
Louisiana nods and walks through to the landing and Georgia opens the door. Louisiana tenses and releases the sphere. The thing shoots out the door and disappears into the dark. America sighs and his shoulders fall in relief. Georgia slams the door.
"How much salt do you have here?" America asks, his tone is exhausted.
"Enough," Dixie answers, "I've got almost 100 lbs. of it in storage. Why?"
"We... we need to line the doors and windows with it," America explains, his head falling.
Russia gets up and helps America stay upright.
"I'll get that started, Amy. You can get back to bed," Dixie says, standing up.
America hums and leans on Russia before his head pops back up and he rubs his eyes.
"Oh. Egypt. Sorry. We got you out of the base," America says with a yawn, "we're staying here because the bases are in America and we needed somewhere to go to. But don't go to the feds, cuz some of them are... umm... they do it too."
Egypt nods and sits up a little more.
"Thank you. When can I go home?"
America doesn't answer, just staring off into space. Dixie sighs.
"We don't know yet," Dixie says, "sorry about him. We'll send you home as soon as possible."
Russia nudges America's shoulder and America grumbles, but his eye remains unfocused.
Russia sighs and begins leading America to the stairs. America shakes his head and mutters soft apologies. Russia brings America up to the bed and America sits back on it, staring up at the ceiling.
Russia sits down next to him and Connecticut wanders in and puts down a thick line of rock salt around the edges of the room and the windowsill.
"Just don't break the line," Connecticut says before walking out.
Russia sighs. He looks back at America, who stares blankly at the window.
"America, are you okay?"
"Huh? Oh. Sorry," America says softly, looking away.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothin'. Just spacing out."
Russia hums. America lays his head on Russia's shoulder.
"'m so tired," America mumbles.
"I am too," Russia agrees.
"...hey, wanna hear a joke?" America asks a sparkle of laughter in his tone.
"Why can't you hear a Pterodactyl go to the bathroom?"
"Uhm. Is this a spelling question?"
"Nooooo," America giggles.
"This is a spelling question. I don't know."
"Because they're all DEAD," America exclaims, throwing his hands.
Russia snorts and America falls back into hysterical giggling. Russia grins with him, finding America's joy contagious.
"That was not funny," Russia says bluntly.
"But you're smiling~" America teases, poking Russsia's cheek.
"I'm smiling at you. The joke doesn't make any sense."
"But if you read it, the p is silent!"
"Okay," Russia says in an accepting tone.
Really, Russia doesn't understand why America finds it so funny or even how the 'P' made it a joke. But America is having a good time, so he isn't going to interrupt him. Russia looks over and America looks up at him with a dopey smile.
Russia feels his heart skip a beat and his face heats up. He covers his face and his smile gets wide enough to hurt his cheeks. His stomach flips upsidedown. America pulls Russia's hands down and giggles. Then America pulls up and kisses his eyebrows.
Russia pulls away and the butterflies in his stomach flutter about more intensely. Laughter bubbles up and he chuckles.
"HEY! Don't laugh at me," America says, crossing his arms, "I'm trying my best."
"I know! I know," Russia says in between his giggling.
America smiles brightly before his expression falls to a small smile. America leans his head back on Russia's shoulder. Russia smiles, and Russia leans his head on America's.
"I'm so tired," America mumbles, "but I don't wanna sleep."
"You should."
"No! I don't wanna sleep if I'm gonna wake up and you're gonna be attacked on the ground."
Russia hums.
"I don't want to see you hurt," America whines.
America hiccups. Russia reaches around his back and rubs America's arm.
"Like I know you can handle yourself. But..." America trails off.
"I know," Russia says quietly.
"God, I hope Dixie and Canada can handle the kids."
"Because I don't think I can. I love them so much. I love them all. But I can't do it right now. Just not right now. Is that wrong?"
Russia takes a moment to process it before responding.
"No. It's not wrong. Everyone needs a break," Russia says quietly.
America nods. Then America tucks his face into Russia's side. America leans his entire weight onto Russia. Russia adjusts to support him and America starts humming. The tune repeats, but Russia doesn't mind.
Russia tiredly watches out the window, waiting for the sun to rise.
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baseballbitch116 · 5 years
Pairing: Shane Walsh x Rick’s younger sister
Request: “Can you do a Shane Walsh x reader, where the reader is Ricks sister and she’s pregnant with Shane’s child?”
Word Count: 1416
Warnings: none - angst and fluff
Prompt List | Submit A Request
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Rick was anything but stupid. He knew his long-time friend well enough, and he knew his sister well. He knew that they were hooking up behind his back, and that they thought they were being oh so slick about it. But he knew. He certainly was not happy, but he also respected that Y/N is an adult and can sleep with whoever she pleases. It isn’t his place.
So he carried on pretending as if he didn’t know. And it didn’t come to light how seriously involved you and Shane were until the dead suddenly arose. When Rick stumbled into camp, unbeknownst that his family was here, was when he discovered just how much he had missed in his time in a coma. 
You were standing back, no longer paying attention once you saw that Andrea and Glenn had returned safely. Your attention was occupied by your nephew Carl who was becoming distraught about Andrea and Amy reuniting - clearly he is missing his father, your brother. You stand beside Lori, a comforting hand on your young nephew’s shoulder, listening along to your sister-in-law trying to assure him that his father is at peace and he will see him again one day. You looked up, locking eyes with your Shane, exchanging a knowing look. He runs a hand through his hair and starts to head over, until his eyes land on something. You follow his eyes and feel your heart drop. Standing just a few yards away, with an expression as if he had just seen a ghost, was Rick. 
You stare at him, unable to move, feeling your eyes tearing up and your vision go blurry as Carl screams “Dad!” and takes off toward his father - suddenly back from the dead. Your gaze returns to Shane, taking slow steps toward Rick as he hugs his wife and son, the three of them crying.
“Y/N,” He mutters when you get close enough, opening his full arms to group hug you as well, which you gladly accept.
Fortunately, Rick did not notice right away - which gave you a few hours to think of how the hell you were gonna tell him. You didn’t think that he had any idea that you and Shane had been hooking up before the world had gone to shit. So to suddenly tell him that you are pregnant with his best friend’s child, during this shit storm with no government or hospitals or anything... Is not going to be fun.
If you had to guess, you were probably about three or four months in - so not too noticeable, but also not unnoticeable. You avoided wearing tank tops or anything remotely tight or short, despite how hot it has been. Shane was the only one that knew your little secret, so you were hiding it from the entire group. He seemed to keep his distance from you for the next few hours after Rick arrived, obviously not ready to explain the situation to him.
At the end of the night, the group set up a small fire. You sat on a log, Glenn to your left, and an empty spot to your right. Typically, Shane sat beside you, but tonight he stood off to the side with his shotgun, looking out for any walkers.
You glance over to him a few times, missing his company, but knowing that it probably isn’t a great idea to tell Rick yet. You haven’t even fully discussed what the two of you were. You were friends with benefits before the world basically ended, and he did come to get you when it all went to shit, but you hadn’t discussed if you were his girlfriend or just the girl who knocked up. You had been acting like a couple, and the group sort of assumed that you were his girl, but you were a little unsure - especially now that your brother was here.
You snapped out of your thoughts when you saw Shane make eye contact with you. He cocked a brow, seemingly asking if you were alright without actually speaking. You sit up a little and nod, returning your gaze to the fire and vaguely listening to the story Dale was telling. You look over at your brother, holding Carl and Lori in his arms as he listens intently. He looks happier than you had seen him in a while, and it brought you peace. You were so happy that he was alive.
You heard a noise and are taken aback when you see Shane sit down beside you, placing a hand on your knee and giving you a small half smile. You smile at him and feel a wave of contentment wash over you. You’ve got everything you need now, you felt like everything was going to be okay.
You looked up and saw Rick looking between you and Shane - but he didn’t look angry. He actually had a weird look, almost a smile. “So, when were you guys going to tell me?” He speaks out of nowhere, his gaze on Shane. You gulp, not expecting him to say that in front of the group. He still doesn’t look angry, and you are fairly surprised. You look to Shane, who doesn’t look all that shocked, and he shrugs.
“Didn’t know how t’.” He responds, and you see your brother nod.
“I knew from the beginning.” Rick says, and your eyes widen. You thought you had been so good about hiding it! You put your face in your hands and groan and you hear a few laughs around you.
“What even are you guys?” You hear Andrea ask, and you feel your heart speed up a little. She asked the question you were too scared to ask him yourself.
You lift your head and nervously look at Shane for an answer. All he does is smile a little at you, his thumb rubbing your knee. “You’re my girl. Right?” He says confidently, waiting for your confirmation. You feel your face heat up and nod, leaning your head into his shoulder and smiling at your brother. He returns the smile and ruffles Carl’s hair.
“Looks like Uncle Shane is actually your uncle now.” He mutters to his son, who laughs.
“We’ve actually got some news...” Shane says, catching you off guard. You sit up and look at him. “It’s fine. Rick?” He asks, standing, offering your his hand and nodding off away from the group. Rick looks confused but stands and follows you and Shane away from the others.
“What is it?” Rick asks, his face confused and uneasy.
“Uhm... So, I know it isn’t exactly good timing. And certainly not planned... But, I, uh...” You ramble, attempting to get it out. You see Rick’s face drop and realization hit him.
“You’re... pregnant.” He says, not really asking. You feel your eyes tear up and nod. He rubs the back of his neck and sort of glares at Shane, and you feel your nerves growing.
“It’s not like we didn’t try to avoid it. It’s done... I can’t do anything about it..” You mutter, standing a little closer to Shane, who puts his hand on your arm comfortingly. 
“She’s gonna be fine.” Shane says, certain of himself. Rick doesn’t speak for a moment, but nods a little.
“I’m gonna be an uncle.” He finally mutters, a tiny smile forming on his sad face, and you nod through your tears.
“Uncle Rick.” You say, taking a step toward your brother and wrapping your arms around him in a tight hug. He hugs you back and you feel the fear replaced by his comfort.
“It’s a damn good thing you didn’t knock up my sister if you were just messing around.” Rick said to Shane when you pulled away. Shane chuckles and looks down for a moment before his gaze falls on you, making a face you don’t recognize. 
“Nah, I love her.” He smirks, looking at you sideways, laughing when he sees your jaw drop.
“Oh my God!” You squeal, throwing your arms around Shane, kissing him sweetly. “I love you too, Shane.” You whisper, hugging him tightly, overjoyed that he said that. It was the first time, you had no idea that he felt that way for you!
“Good, you better.” Rick jokes when you pull away from Shane, and the three of you laugh, heading back over to the fire to rejoin the others, your fingers interlocked with your boyfriend and father of your child...
Let me know if you would like to be tagged in future work for TWD/Rick/Shane
@sourwolf-sterek32 @fangirl-juchan @twdeadfanfic@loudlydarkcollective @rhyatt-deauxtreve @icantstopreblogging @wintersoldiercalypso @fangirl-juchan @twdsunshine @twdfanfics @walkingdeadfan25@twdeadfanfic @multiefandamn @fandomtrash99 @twd4lifee@fandomscalling @dangerousgreene @fangirl-juchan @sourwolf-sterek32 @tv-show-shit @itsmysticalmystery @lokilover2000-blog@humongousttreecookiehoagie @trash-heep-queen@fictionboysruleprimary @harry-titss @littlemissconfused123@negansviolentdelights @lightblindingme @twilight-brunnhildc @writtensecretswithin
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ecofinisher · 4 years
The Adventures of Super Nathan 3 - Chap 8
Chapter 8
In the afternoon, Adrien rode along with his College friend Jin by bus on their way back home standing in the middle of the bus holding themselves on the bar over their heads.
“Our parents live in the same building as us and are there to lean us a hand, mostly to help my wife out in the cases I’m at school, work or need to study” The raven-haired man explained. “When we’re both home and I’m not busy with studying I always choose to take care of the baby to at least help her there. I’ve been handling all this without any problem and it helps me turn off my head from all the studies you know”
“You know I think having a child during the space of time, where we’re doing a further education or a basic education is way harder to manage. At least I’ve heard this from Alya and Kagami”
“Yeah but it’s easier for us guys to handle it, cause we’re not the ones carrying the baby for the next nine months. You know at the seventh or eighth month you get the maternity leave and after the birth, you’re still on maternity leave and you would miss a lot of important stuff at the school,”
“Well, that makes sense” Adrien agreed.
“Porte de France”
“At the start, it’s a little strange to get to know everything around a baby, but with the time you’ll get it and improve with the days that pass”
“Cool,” Adrien answered. “Are you going to work tomorrow?”
“Yeah and what about you?” Jin asked. “I’ve heard about your job at the…..”
“At a Paintball arena” Adrien responded. “But only in the evenings”
“That sounds cool”
“Yeah kinda, it’s a little boring cause we’re doing the same thing the whole time,”
“Okay, but at least you got something” Jin mentioned earning a nod from the blonde.
Besides the two a few passengers passed to leave the bus and three persons entered into the bus and one of them was an Asian man wearing a purple shirt with dark Grey jeans and he looked at Adrien, smirking and approached him.
“Hey if that isn’t the new number one?” The Asian asked earning a dazzled look from the two friends. “Wasn’t expecting to see you here”
“Uhm…..”Jin mumbled confused, then looked at Adrien, which rolled his eyes as he recognized, that the man was Raiden from the fencing tournament.
“Hey Raiden…..” Adrien greeted the guy with an unamused face. “I didn’t know, you still were in Paris”
“Why shouldn’t I be? I’ve been living here for several months,” The Japanese man mentioned. “I’m on a language stay to learn the French language”
“Oh really?” Adrien asked not really convinced about the response.
“At the Rue Rougemont, if you don’t believe me” Raiden added. “Search it up on the internet….”
“Okay, I get it. You’re really on a language stay, but why exactly are you coming to Paris?” Aren’t there other languages you could learn?” “You know for the commercial department at the Insurances of Tokyo they needed me to learn French and offered me to pay for a language stay and I could choose between Paris and Quebéc,”
“And you choose Paris, because….”
“Because the schools were better according to a few workpals there and I wouldn’t feel more or less lonely since you and Kagami live here”
“Sure, that explains the many times you visited us,” Adrien said sarcastically making Jin raise his eyebrow in confusion at experiencing Adrien being sarcastic.
“I would if I knew where you live, but I believe I won’t ever know it”
“No, you won’t”
“I really have no idea, what you two are talking about, but you two need to work on this tension here between you. What about a normal talk under four eyes?” Jin suggested. Raiden widened his eyes at Jin’s suggestion and placed his hand on the raven-haired his shoulder.
“Good idea, my brother,” Raiden stated making Adrien roll his eyes. “You know your friend here is still pissed with our last match from a few years ago, where I fairly defeated him in the finals” “You still claiming, that you deserved it, even after these years” Adrien mentioned crossing his arms annoyed.
“I’m not claiming anything, just saying the truth” Raiden added making Adrien growl.
“Hey you two, close your mouths, people are looking at us” Jin warned the two, making Raiden smirk.
“Yeah, aren’t you supposed to be an idol to other people, since you’re a famous model?”
“I’m not a model anymore for your information. I quit,”
“Oh did you just think, if you would quit the model branch it would make you less weak or what?”
“And you think you’re better if you treat me like that?” Adrien asked glaring at the man, which just grinned in amusement at Adrien’s self-defense. “The only reason I quit modeling, was because I couldn’t stand, that my fangirls would come between me and Kagami, every time we were together. I did this for her, not for me!”
“Boohoo how sweet,” Raiden said, then Jin pushed Adrien back against the window of the bus.
“Hey come on leave him alone. Discuss this another day and in another place” Jin warned the two. “Please, just do it”
“Pont de l’Alma”
Raiden and Adrien stared at each other, then Adrien nodded and pressed on the stop button to warn the bus driver about his stop.
“Hey you know, I would be really interested to know, where you live, so we can one day discuss our issues and try to start again as nothing had ever happened to us”
“You’re kidding, aren’t you?” The blonde asked making the raven-haired Japanese shake his head.
“Come on, wouldn’t it be a great idea, if we two could at least get along with each other?” The fencing rival asked, seeing Adrien just glare at him. “Think about it, Adrian”
“Adrien with an e,”
“Oh excuse moi, mon Amie. I know many Adrian’s and you’re the only one to be different” Raiden asserted making Adrien frown unimpressed. “Merci beaucoup, Adrien,“
“De rien,” Adrien replied walking at the exit of the bus waiting for it to open the doors. Raiden walked behind Adrien and whispered into his ear.
“If I were you I would go with this idea, you don’t want me to make your life a hell don’t you?” Raiden asked, then got elbowed by the blonde and watched him leave.
“I don’t know exactly what’s going on between you and Adrien, but if you two need a third person to help you two out, I’m here”
“Thanks for your offer,” Raiden said observing Adrien cross the crosswalk heading to the Eiffel tower.
Nathaniel stood in the Dupain-Cheng bakery in the kitchen watching Luka glaze over a rectangle formed cake.
“Every time I’m here at the bakery I have the need to eat something. If I would work here I would be obese”
“You eat a lot of fast food and you don’t even take on weight” Luka mentioned glancing at the redhead. “To avoid getting fat here I skip the lunch”
“Okay, but do you once in a while grab yourself something, during the work?”
“Sure, without lunch you can practically not work good, but as long as I calm my stomach down with something, it’s fine”
“Good” Nathaniel answered watching Luka place the bowl with the white liquid down and grabbed a box he had nearby and took out marzipan carrots to put some over the cake.
“Luka one question…..how do you feel for your role as a father in the future when your child is born?” The redhead asked watching Luka close the box and pay attention to his friend. “I just wanted to talk to you about my insecurity about the fatherhood” Nathaniel began. “I already chatted with Lila about it, but I wanted to talk with you too since you spent half of your life taking care of Juleka,”
“I don’t really break my head about it. It’s just your mind, that’s overthinking. When your child is here your paternal instinct will get awake and you will know how to handle things. Maybe it will take a little while at the begin when you don’t know when does your baby want to eat if he’s lonely anything, but with the time you’ll know it and manage it without any problem”
“Okay, so if I fail at the start it’s not bad, cause I'm going to be doing for the next months the same things and I will get over it”
“Yeah, sort of…..hey you could get at the library a book about pregnancy and parenthood. There are a lot of information for you to know. It’s good to read it through”
“I’m not really a fan of reading, but I’ll do it for me and Lila,” “Of course, eventually there could be videos too if you don’t want to read the whole book” The raven-haired baker mentioned earning a nod from Nathaniel.
“Thank you, Luka”
“Don’t mention it” Luka replied, then behind him passed Marinette walking to the over, afterward opened the door and took out a muffin tray with beige muffins with melted cranberries and walked across the kitchen placing it on a table, then looked at the two friends and pointed at the muffins.
“Are you interested in trying one out Nath?” Marinette offered the redhead, which shrugged his shoulder making Luka chuckle.
“Don’t worry, they’re not poisoned,” Luka claimed jokingly making Nathaniel shake his head in amusement, then he looked behind him across the room to the reception of the bakery, where he saw a gray car being pursued by a police car.
“There’s a police pursuit” Nathaniel mentioned walking out of the bakery.
“I wonder, what happened,” Luka asked and at the entrance a woman entered and ran towards the reception.
“I was on my way to the bank and I witnessed on the way a car pursuing a money transporter being assaulted and they managed to take money from there”
“How?” Nathaniel asked shocked.
“I don’t know, they threw a sticky bomb I think at the door and it got blown away”
“Okay wait here, I’m going to call the police. Just stay here” Nathaniel warned the woman and disappeared on the door of the backside of the bakery, then Luka looked at Marinette, which nodded and the raven-haired followed after the redhead.
Nathaniel opened his jacket for his kwami to fly out and the two watched Luka close the door behind them after he met Nathaniel at the stairwell, followed by passing his hands over his polo removing the flour of him, followed by Karaa pass through the dust and sneezed.
“Bless you” Sass wished the kwami, which grinned embarrassedly.
“Thank you”
"Calling the police?" Luka asked making Nathaniel shrug.
"It was too late when I said it"
“Okay look, we better go out there, it’s going to be a little dangerous” Luka mentioned earning a nod from the three.
“Sass, Scales Slither!”
“Karaa, Stripes on!”
Luka and Nathaniel turned into Viperion and Super Nathan, then ran out together at the streets following the street, where the police car was miles in front of them.
Into the bakery from the stairwell appeared Marinette’s father dressed with the bakery clothing, then came across his daughter.
“Where can I help you?” Tom asked. “I just saw Luka along with your friend leaving”
“The carrot cake needs to be finished at the moment” Marinette answered earning a nod from his father, which walked to the cake of the son-in-law.
“Don’t worry ma’am, my wife will soon attend you” Mr. Dupain assured earning a nod from the customer.
Viperion and Super Nathan were still running behind the police car, then Super Nathan had an idea and stopped, then used his tablet to draw something on it and on the ground appeared a flat trolley and the two jumped on it, then both used their foot to move faster to the vehicle.
“Nice idea,” Viperion complimented while moving forward with the cart getting closer to the police car. Super Nathan jumped at the car grabbing himself of the noisy sirens, then observed the car in front of him. Viperion landed beside the art-themed superhero and looked at the criminals and noticed the co-driver put out his gun aiming Super Nathan.
“Watch out Nathaniel” Viperion warned moving the snakehead from his miraculous. “Second chance”
Super Nathan drew on his tablet a shield, which appeared in front of him and he placed it in front of himself and Luka, then the bullets ricochets on the shield.
“Hold the shield, I will try to erase his gun” Super Nathan said moving his tablet next to the shield with his camera out to catch the image on the display, then he used his stylon to erase the gun, which disappeared in real life making the gunner angry.
“One gun is down” Super Nathan mentioned looking over the shield thinking of a way to stop the car. “If we could find a way to have the sight to the side of the car I could erase their wheels”
“Can you draw something, that could stop the car like a heavy anvil?”
“It’s a little hard, since the car is moving, unless I would be there on the car” Super Nathan explained making Viperion think on a solution.
“I’ve got an idea, jump at their car and try it out” The snake-themed superhero suggested the redhead, who nodded at the idea of the friend.
“It’s worth trying” Super Nathan answered, then he jumped at the back of the gray vehicle and held himself on the small ski rack on the roof, then tried to draw on his tablet, but it got harder for him as the criminals started to move their vehicle from side to side, trying to shake him off.
“Whoa….Whoa…..stop….shaking off…..” Super Nathan complained drawing an unpleasant looking anvil, then beside him from the co-driver seat the hand of the criminal came out pointing a gun at Super Nathan, but before he could harm Super Nathan, Viperion hit the gunner with his lyre and the gunner had lost his gun on the road.
“Well done bro” Super Nathan said, then heard his miraculous beep warning him he was going to transform back into his civilian self. “NO!” Super Nathan shouted, flying out of the roof, landing on the ground and the police car passed beside him and Viperion jumped down on the floor to watch Super Nathan transform back into Nathaniel Kurtzberg.
“Not again!” Nathaniel complained, then Karaa sank her head in disappointing her owner.
“I’m sowwy,” Karaa apologized to the redhead.
“It’s alright Karaa, we will see with Marinette why this happened again, “ Viperion comforted the white kwami, which nodded and embraced Nathaniel on his arm.
“You okay?” The kwami asked earning a nod from the adult.
“Go behind them Luka, they need your help,” Nathaniel told the friend, then heard a car brake hard and the two looked down on the street a garbage truck blocking the street to prevent the criminals to move on.
“Good guys” Viperion mentioned, then he widened his eyes as he saw on the top of the truck Cat Noir appearing waving down at the criminals, therefore the police behind them ran at the vehicle with their guns pointing at the criminals, ordering the two to get out.
“Good, Adrien must have heard about it and rolled out too,” Viperion
“At least they got stopped now”
“Yeah and now uhm….let’s hide in that impasse. It’s better for us two to walk home as our normal us’ instead of me carrying you because people could find out about your identity”
“I think people might know it, because they know Lila’s…..or they’re too blind to get it”
“If no one has spoken to you about your identity then yes or they don’t really care about it”
“I wouldn’t be surprised though. I’m not a famous model or anything”
“Yes, but you’re a superhero”
“Yes, but I believe they won’t say anything, because they could get in danger or we could”
“You’re right Nathaniel, let’s head back home” Viperion ordered running into the next alley to destransform back into his civilian self.
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